Why hangover helps. How to hang out right? Folk remedies and drugs

Thumbs are accepted the next morning after the feast, especially if the person drank a lot of alcohol in the previous evening. However, if the head hurts and turns the head, sick, bad well-being, then it is best to weigh a solution to silenced several times, since doctors do not advise such a means. Perhaps it will be better to just clean the stomach and take sorbents. Also, the doctors advise drinking non-alcoholic drinks, such as tea or decoction of herbs to lead themselves.

Correctly hang up with bays - this is a whole art, especially if it lasted more than two or three weeks. It is important to keep the dosage to not leave again. However, in any case, measure ten times before going to such a step. Doctors are extremely recommended such a way to combat hanging syndrome. In this article, we will tell you how the so-called "professionals" are struggling with a headache on the morning after the binge. The article is not a recommendation for action!

According to some reviews, vodka can lead to normal. What makes the weight of man important here. So, for weight from 60 kg to 85 kg, 50 g of alcohol will be required, and to someone who weighs more than 85 kg - 100 g.

If a stiff drink is not suitable, then some advise to hang out a light beer. It is necessary to do it very carefully, as in the case of vodka, the desired amount is from 0.5 to 1 liter. After you need to quickly go to bed. If the in the morning alcohol causes disgust, then this method helped you.

After such an event, it is unlikely possible to die after such an event, but it is worth treating the signs of intoxication, which can cause death if measures are not taken in a timely manner.

After a break, you can not allow mistakes. To make it right, you need to know what you can not do:

  1. For breakfast to eat oily or fried food. Such food is hard for assimilation and gives an increased liver load.
  2. To drink kvass, quenching them thirst. This drink contains many preservatives, which only aggravate the situation and symptoms can become even stronger. Correctly do - drink simple water or kefir.
  1. Attend business meetings or go to work, because In such a state, the productivity of the employee will decrease. And the smell of the fume can negatively affect the further career. The toothpaste in this case will not save, because the source of the smell is alcohol in the blood, and, it means that the effect will be short.
  2. Take aspirin acting badly on the gastric mucosa. From headache is better to take cititamon.
  3. The same applies to Corvalol, many mistakenly believe that this means will help to cope with the hangover. The truth is that this drug, on the contrary, can harm if all ethanol came out of the blood. Corvalol contributes to an increase in metabolic processes and hitting hepatic enzymes into blood. What leads to an excess of acetatalydehyde, which has been thrown into re-intoxication.
  1. Attend the beach or bath. The temperature difference will negatively affect pressure and heart. You should not swim either, frequent cases of convulsions are noted. It is better to wash in cool water at home the contrast shower quickly leads to feelings.

Conclusion: to quickly come to normal, you need to sleep more, drink water and gather with the forces.

Cocktails from a winding hangover

There are also tips to hang out when walking out cocktails on alcohol. Recipes helping with a fiber hangover, which can be cooked at home:

  • It will take 100 ml of beef broth, survive lemon juice and add 50 g of vodka to this mixture. Drink should be cooled using several pieces of ice. To drink volley and go to bed.
  • With alcoholic poisoning, a drink will help for which one tablespoon of vegetable oil is needed with the addition of yolk and 20 g of vodka. Received cocktail drink.
  • Pour 100 ml of light beer and tomato juice into the container. Separating the yolk from the protein, add it to the total mass. Cocktail can not be mixed, drinks in this form.
  • Well with a hangover syndrome, fermented milk products are struggling: kefir, Ayran. And also heated milk with the addition of castor oil, a good helper at drunkenness.
  • If the temples remained after the celebration, then you can make a good hangover, for this, it is necessary to add half of the squeezed lemon in the alcohol and some sugar. The main thing to observe the proportion is not necessary to take a lot of strong drink, 1/7 of the glass will be enough. Mix the mixture and drink salvo.
  • For this cocktail, it is necessary to get the Venezuelan tincture "Angostura" by taking about 50 ml and mix with two tablespoons of brandy or gin, pouring the survived lemon juice. Drink a tool that will give the desired result.
  • Another unusual piping recipe contains ingredients: Tvorchester sauce, salt, one egg, 3 tablespoons brandy. A person who wants to dream after the feast should drink this tool immediately, trying not to mix a cocktail so that the yolk remained integer when used.
  • This method, according to reviews, quickly copes with morning malaise and leads to feelings. For a cocktail, you will need a small glass, in which one yolk is broken and pepper and salt is added. Then, 25 ml of brandy is poured into the container, the main thing is that alcohol was good quality.
  • Egg is a common ingredient when creating a cocktail fighting with a hangover. For this drink, you will need one yolk, salt with pepper and 10 ml of vinegar, drink in a few sips. You can feel the relief after it can be quite soon.

  • To improve the work of the body and removal of morning symptoms, orange juice with honey and crushed lemon will help. Mix everything and immediately drink.
  • This drink is considered one of the common means that helps after rapid parties. The composition includes ice and 6 tablespoons of cream (not very fat), and a small amount of honey. Everything is mixed in a blender and immediately drinks.
  • Not the most pleasant to taste a cocktail, however, no one doubts his effectiveness. To prepare, mix 250 ml of cabbage brine and 1/3 glasses of olive oil, add a pinch of salt and pepper. Everything is well mixed and a volley is drinking.

If such funds do not like this, drugs are sold in pharmacies, helping to fight the morning ailment. In the case when the symptoms do not disappear for a long time, it is necessary to contact the medical institution where they will put a dropper to clean the body from toxins.

Do I need to hang out a malfunction?

A person who resorts to the separation of alcoholic beverages in rare cases: a holiday, an important celebration, facing a hangover syndrome. In such a situation, the body was poisoned by alcohol, but it is not dangerous. It is only necessary to get rid of the consequences and for this it is not necessary to dwell with alcohol. Since during the booze, a large amount of alcohol was discouraged, even a small dose in the morning can harm the body, especially liver. Most often, the malfunction in the morning from one type of alcohol will become bad. Therefore, whether it is necessary to dreamed by a person who uses not often alcoholic beverages, you can answer that there is no, for him it is poison.

You can cope with the hangover in other ways to help bring toxins from the blood and lead to feelings. For example:

  1. Drink activated coal, it is better to do an empty stomach. The dosage is simple, by 10 kg - 1 tablet.
  2. Drink a lot of fluid, better water is simple or with the addition of lemon juice.
  3. And you should not fuss, it is better to rest and sleep more. Less movements: abandon walks, sexual relationships.

Do I need to hang out a drinking person?

Abused spirits suffer from alcohol addiction. Therefore, even a small dose of alcohol becomes necessary for such people. With alcoholism, all vital processes are adjusted under alcohol, and without its use they can be broken.

Is it possible to hang out a drinking person, the question is ambiguous. After all, with the dependence of such people there are no restrictions and they are unable to stop drinking. They can ask to drink or threaten that without alcohol dying, do not need to go about.

In this case, the close must be traced that the amount of drinking does not exceed 50-100 ml. If an alcoholic is not stopped at the right moment to stop it in the next long-lasting stuff. But it is not necessary to limit it in the use of the morning dose. Since with an abstineent syndrome without the receipt of ethanol, mental violations may occur, there are deaths in advanced cases. The alcoholic should be output from the metering state gradually, and better consulting with a specialist and with the help of medicines.

Opinion of specialists

There are many ways from intoxication or hangover from the state of intoxication or hangover. Specialists at the same time recommends not to forget that even a minor dose of ethanol causes significant damage to health. And the simultaneous use of a large amount threatens death. Doctors advise at all to abandon the alcohol, but if this is not avoided, then you must adhere to the rules, so as not to suffer on the morning of the hangover:

  • Do not drink on an empty stomach and include a large amount of carbohydrates in the diet. Prefer preference is better: potatoes, rigs and macarons, they are also sorbents.
  • Drink activated carbon in front of the feast.
  • Abandon fatty food, it gives an additional liver load.
  • Not sweet for holidays: desserts, fruits.
  • Skip toasts, thus reducing the dosage.
  • Move more, dance or take part in contests.

Experts argue that hanging syndrome suffer from those who drink alcoholic beverages with a large content of extraneous impurities. These substances negatively affect the work of the brain and the liver. But not always poor-quality alcohol leads to morning malaise. Noble drinks can also affect the state, they include:

  1. Brandy and Cognac, because Frying passes in wooden barrels, harmful substances are distinguished - the congeners.
  2. Whiskey, is made from barley and wheat and also stored in barrels;
  3. Red wine - contains two types of alcohol ethanol and methanol, which form acetaldehyde and formaldehyde, toxic substances for the body.
  4. Champagne is similar to wine, but yeast is added, as a result of which carbon dioxide produces.

In addition to the list presented, you should know that it is not necessary to mix various alcoholic beverages, it means if you started drinking beer, then they should finish the festival. Otherwise, alcohol mixing can lead to ailment and heavy hangover.

What is hangover? Surely the answer to this question knows anyone who loves to drink and sometimes allows themselves more than usual.

The human body reacts in different ways to the amount of drinking alcohol. Those are prone to those who are extremely poorly tolerating the state of "returning to a sober life."

What caused a similar process?

The hangover is poor human well-being. The cause of this is the disintegration of products drunk on the eve of alcohol. The body, as a rule, responds to such stress headaches, weakness and ailments. In some cases, an increase in body temperature is observed.

In general, the situation is not of the most pleasant, so one who collided with it wants to find all sorts of solutions.

As a rule, from poor well-being, people hurry to get rid of pharmaceutical medicines and tablets, invented specifically to help the body recover. This is especially true if the next day is to go to work or some kind of event awaits ... In general, there is no particular time for recovery.

Medical tools and truth help to get rid of so crying state. In addition, all these medicines and tablets also have a fitting effect.

On the other hand, those who have a certain time already have the experience of oral hammers, prefers not to drugs, but by the usual alcohol, the same vodka or even beer. But how much is it right? Is it possible to listen to the "wedge wedge to beat" in this or better to suffer?

What happens when hangover?

When adopting alcohol immediately improves the mood and it seems that life is being established. But is it really? Payback for fleeting joy is too high.

Alcoholics and healthy people - what's the difference?

In the case of those who no longer represent their lives without alcohol, the adoption of alcohol and the truth facilitates the situation. The violated metabolic processes are partially restored after the oral hammers, which leads to improved well-being.

Otherwise, the situation with healthy people who have taken superfluous on the eve. For them, drinking the next day can bring a negative result. The degree of intoxication will increase somewhat, and after the time of the next syndrome will come.

However, how to be, if another opportunity to correct the situation is simply not? Then you can turn to alcohol, but drink quite a little. Moreover, it is best to give preference not to a strong beverage, such as vodka, and something weaker, for example, beer or cocktail.

What is abstineent syndrome?

The abstinence syndrome occurs in the case when a person used alcohol for several days in a row and clearly exaggerated with quantities.

For alcoholics, this is a typical situation, but for a healthy person, but a long festival can contribute to this for a weak force.

As a rule, it is most often encountered on Christmas days. When they pass, and labor weekdays are near, people have a fully conscious desire to return themselves and their own body to the working condition. And in this case, folk remedies will help achieve the result, but alcohol, on the contrary, can harm.

Thus, summing up, it is worth emphasizing that the orally can hire a danger in itself. As for a healthy person, and for someone who already depends on the next stack. The chain turns out to be infinite and leads to long-term rope, it is extremely difficult to exit, especially if there is no willpower.

Exception is allowed only in some cases, but the amount of alcohol should be minimal, and, in order basis, it must be something impossible, such as beer or a cocktail.

Basic treaties

How to be if you wake up and feel that you are bad. In this case, you can act in one of the following images:

Call specialist at home. In his arsenal, everything will be necessary to bring you back to healthy life, and it is absolutely safe, without negative consequences.

Reception of preparations against hangover. As an option, too, may well be. And the one who faces such a situation is not the first time, probably knows, then he best helps. If not - you can contact the pharmacist, and it will help you choose the necessary tool.

Throwing headaches and overall making after a large amount of drunk. Such a method is also there, but not everyone can tolerate the hangover syndromes, but it is still worth trying. Suddenly it will be a good lesson for the future?

Turning to doctors, we note that they say about how often people are confused by a hangover and an abstineent syndrome. The latter is the result of a long-term fusion and the body's reaction to the cessation of alcohol. The hangover is the reaction of the body that is not accustomed to such a volume of drinking.

Symptoms are similar, but the approach is required to be different, and it should be considered.

The question is whether to hang out in the morning very popular, especially in our country, where such a way to combat a hangover is considered a real panacea. Under the hangover is understood by an unpleasant condition, expressed:

  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • thirst;
  • chills.

Often, people face a common deterioration of a state, with high pressure. At the same time, the question is whether it is possible to hang out how to get sick and how to make it quickly, interests mostly those who are not strong in the use of alcohol and does not make it often. It is important to understand that you can not sleep alcohol, there are other options.

In the question, whether there is a lot of subtleties. In a national understanding, for the most part this process with alcohol is connected. At the same time, it is necessary to separate the hangover and the abstineent syndrome. These states are different on a fundamental basis, but recently the level of alcoholism in the country is increased, so it is not all understands. Abstineent syndrome is accompanied by a hangover, and not the opposite.

If we are talking about the usual hangover, then the poisoning of alcohol decomposition is understood. For treatment, it uses the same principles as for any food poisoning. Under the abstinence it is understood as the reaction of the body suffering from the dependence of the person in the absence of alcohol in it for some time. As a result of the formation of the dependence, the feeding is embedded in the physiological processes of the body, as a result, a person requires any alcoholic beverage for a normal continuing operation.

If an alcoholic party with alcohol is not repeated on a daily basis, the insufficient amount of dopamine, which is considered a hormone of happiness, is synthesized. These substances maintain a good mood of man, motivate it into mental and physical activity.

In addition, the alcohol components penetrate the brain tissues where endogenous opiates are released, which can be considered a kind of morphine analogues. Normally, they are used as a method of getting rid of pain syndrome, however, the increased allocation of them when using alcohol leads to the formation of dependence.

In general, it can be noted that they can sing with a clear falcon of ooo alcohol, maybe a person is only in an abstineent state, which means that the addiction has already formed to alcohol. From the usual hangover, this method will not help.

Normal hangover and abstinence

If an alcoholic drink uses a man with an ordinary hangover, you can count on the next intoxication, which may help not pay attention to unpleasant symptoms, but will not cure you.

The similarity of the abstinence syndrome is sometimes developing in people who drink alcohol for several consecutive days. For example, this is relevant when making large-scale holidays. In the morning in such a state, you can feel unmotivated alarm. It is formed against the background of the absence in the proper amount of dopamine, which is produced by drinking alcohol.

Once again, you seriously increase the risk of the formation of alcohol dependence or the formation of the feed. Usually, digestion into alcoholism turns into alcoholism at the moment when the abstineent syndrome is formed. As a result, any amount of alcohol enhances the risk of addiction. That is why it is impossible to solve the problem of another dose of alcohol.

In addition, a healthy person who went through yesterday with alcohol, usually the next morning a sense of disgust for alcohol is formed, a vomiting reflex is triggered. If you feel his manifestation in a very weak form or not at all, it is worth thinking about the likelihood of alcoholism.

In general, a new dose of alcohol can be considered a short-term "medicine" to eliminate symptoms. However, first of all, before standing again at the bar, it is worthwhile to address intoxication. It will be necessary to clean the body from the former doses of alcohol and the products that he already collapsed.

How to get rid of hangover

Ka quickly eliminate hangover? This question is asked everyone who has ever encountered this unpleasant state. The body that fell like a hangmelist syndrome is required. To achieve a noticeable result, it is necessary to understand how alcohol affects the body.

The main cause of the hangover is intoxication. Therefore, the methods of treatment of hangover are associated with methods for treating intoxication. Cleansing the stomach can be considered as the main method of elimination of symptoms of intoxication. For this suit sorbents. The most popular option is the activated carbon. Usually this drug is in every home first aid kit. If it was not, then in the pharmacy you can bring any means acting in the substance of which is Lignin.

For the output of poisons from the body, it is recommended to use lemon juice. It is a little diluted with water, it is worth adding a spoonful of honey into the mixture. How to quickly eliminate hangover? To seek help to succinic acid. It is recommended to stock kvaas, kefir to the morning or other fermented milk products. Such liquids are able to restore the water-salt ratio in the body, which is disturbed by alcohol. If there are no drinks at hand, it is worth checking the fridge for the presence of cucumber brine. It is important to understand that brines that help to cope with a hangover are only those made on the basis of the process of chairs. Use brine with vinegar can not.

What else needs to be restored

To get rid of the dehydration inherent on the hangover, it will be necessary to drink a lot of water. It is better not to combine it with diuretic drugs, especially if you are not confident in the performance of your urinary system. It is forbidden to use beer as a son.

An important moment in the fight against a hangover is the restoration of the nervous system. It is best for this to give preference to glycine. After serious alcohol poisoning, it is worth using every hour on one tablet. However, per day do not exceed the dosage of five units.

It is important to take into account that glycine is present in the products, which contains gelatin. Therefore, if you chose a jelly or cold yesterday, it is better to abandon such a number of glycine as the next morning.

Drugs can be used to remove the hangmest syndrome in the morning. In the morning, Panangin, Citramon, Panthogam helps. This is a natural product like milk. Preferably in the first hours smaller move, sleep in addition for a couple of hours. If you still need to go to work, stock mineral water without gas use it in more than usual, quantity. To focus on work, take advantage of an anesthetic drug that will eliminate the headache.

Regardless of the availability of nausea, breakfast is required. It is best to "hang out" abundant, but not fatty food. It is important to choose a combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Give preference to a light omelet with greens and vegetables. Such a light dish helps get energy charge for the whole day and replenish the reserves of vitamins.

Before going to breakfast, it is advisable to wash the stomach to remove from it all toxins. It is important to remember the following. If there is bloody impurities in vomit, you need to immediately call a doctor.

Ovochel for a malfunction and alcoholic

Doctors, if the patient is observed only by a hanging syndrome, they say the presence of alcoholic intoxication in him. It has long, but not acute character. Therefore, to use alcohol as a son - meaningless occupation. To eliminate headaches, you will need to drink almost as much as yesterday, but this is generally deprived of the point of work.

Doctors in general oppose such ways to remove the hangover syndrome. And this has a number of reasons. First, in the framework of yesterday's feast, when severe intoxication came, the body has already suffered from a large number of toxic metabolites, primarily from acetaldehyde. As a result, new doses of alcohol lead to a narcotic effect, disguising negative manifestations of poisoning.

Secondly, it is important to understand that the fresh portion of alcohol is another number of new toxins that have to do so already exhausted liver. The internal organs seriously undermines the process of splitting and neutoculating ethyl alcohol, so they can no longer counteract poison.

When it comes to alcoholism - this is a completely different situation. It has already been written above that the consequence of the long-term use of alcohol is the formation of dependence at the physiological level. As a result, alcohol is a full-fledged exchange rate. With a lack of it in the body, an abstineent syndrome occurs.

However, it is not necessary to respond sharply to the oral alcoholic requests. Cases of death in the absence of alcohol during the abstineent syndrome are minimal, only at the most recent stage, when the person save is not possible at all. To facilitate torment, it is necessary to apply other ways, ideally - sending to a drug clinic.

It is not necessary to give alcohol. Alcoholic is not able to control the amount of drunk, therefore, most likely, on the dose that seems to be vital, it will not stop. As a result, the cutting circle will not be broken.

As a son, it is better to call a doctor who will bring with them all the solutions to rapidly detoxify the organism. Thiefs are very effective, and most importantly, safe, not only in comparison with the next dose of alcohol, but also with various folk recipes and independent medication treatment. In addition, such intoxication therapy allows you to deal with the formation of alcoholism.

Prevention of status

As you know, the best way to protect against anything is prevention. It concerns this and hangover. To avoid all these painful sensations, they just prevent them enough.

The only reliable way in this case is a complete rejection of alcohol, but not everyone is ready to go on this. For this segment of people, prophylactic measures are built on minimizing the probability of alcohol poisoning.

There are a number of rules that help prevent hangover. All of them are simple and reduced to normal behavior. Refuse to eat alcohol on an empty stomach. Before the feast, you always eat. You can combine food with multiple activated carbon tablets.

To prevent hangover, it is worth including dishes rich in protein and carbohydrates. These products will play the role of a kind of sorbents, absorbing surplus alcohol. Therefore, rice, potatoes, meat and fish are your faithful friends at a party. Exchange processes in the use of such dishes are not slow, and the absorption of alcohol is reduced.

It is important to abandon fatty food that additionally loads the liver. She will have to work, so it is better to free it from additional duties. During the feast, it is better not to lean on sweets and fruits with a high content of fructose. Champagne with grapes is not the best idea, as this will increase the absorption of alcohol.

Do not run during the party to alcohol, take breaks for a conversation, dancing, active entertainment. Between each dose of alcohol should be a break at least half an hour. Thus, you will prevent the hangover, and the question of the ooo will be irrelevant.

The hangover is the unpleasant sensations caused by the splitting of ethanol in the body. The final result of the decomposition of alcohol is acetaldehyde and acetic acid - toxic poices, poisoning a system of life. Elimination of toxins takes time, liquid, and therefore it is so acute the question: the better to hang out the next morning after the holiday and how to do it right?

Unknown morning or how to overcome the abstineent syndrome

Should health be corrected in the morning by means of a low dose of alcohol or better do non-alcoholic? In this matter, people are divided into 2 camps: some believe that the ritual of drinking in the morning - the drill of alcoholics, others assure in the utility of a small dose to overcome nausea and other unpleasant symptoms of acidosis.

It should be noted that the hangover at all rapidly occurs in people who drink in moderation, eat well and have the necessary amount of enzyme to split ethanol in the body. The abstinence syndrome is a phenomenon occurring in multiple people. And the huge difference lies in the morning: an ordinary person after the celebration of the next morning cannot even look at the alcohol, but being an alcoholic, the patient is looking for something to dreamed, it needs a dose to improve well-being.

Important! Alcohol abstinence and pimmer syndrome are two absolutely different states. In the first case, alcohol has already fit into the biological process of the patient's life and without reception of the dose of alcohol, a person may die - such cases were. In the case of a standard hangover, the patient will survive all negative symptoms, hopping non-alcoholic recovery methods

The differences in the state dictate their own rules of octophela:

  1. Alcohol abstinence. Here, it will take beer, vodka, but exclusively in small doses, so as not to cause the next stuff. Too often dependent patients, starting to hang out vodka, continue drunkenness "on the second side".

Important! Alcoholic Cannot not give to drink! If the situation is burdened with a multi-day vapor and a person has already reached the last point of self-esteem, quick measures should be taken to remove the patient after the feed: an ambulance with droppers and blood purification

  1. Thumping syndrome. The condition at which to turn to non-alcohol drinks: fermented milk, brine, milk. Helvaric hot soups, cocktails, herbal fees, frosts help well.

Important! In small doses you can hang beer, but you should choose non-alcoholic beverage varieties, so as not to provoke further poisoning of the body with products of ethanol decomposition

Ward in the morning: opinion doctors

If you say short, then the morning portion of alcohol will facilitate the state of the winding patients who need alcohol for metabolism, but with the usual hangover to drink in the morning it is useless and even dangerous. If the patient has a wish to shaken in the morning through an alcoholic beverage - this is an alarming sign!

Important! Experts argue that in alcoholics, the morning symptom of an unmotivated alarm is associated with a decrease in the total amount of intracerebral dopamine, requiring an alcohol. This method of improving well-being carries a potential danger, as it provokes a transition to pie, but the absence of a small amount of drinking is no less scary: the patient experiences painful ailments due to the lack of a basic element of the biological process of life, which can lead to white hot, coma and death

Tip! In any case, drinking from a hangover is a short-term symptomatic tool that requires the follow-up actions to disintellation of the body, that is, the adoption of measures to derive from the life support systems of ethanol decay products, alcohol residues and toxins

What is better to sleep and how to do it right?

The saying "Wedge Wedge is embroodble" - is not always true, but most often used for the states of acidosis. There is an extremely wrong opinion: "What they drank, the fact and restored." Why? Because a malfunctioning person has nothing about anything, besides disgust, and an alcoholic is only necessary: \u200b\u200bto take a stack, therefore, and one more and leave in the next binge. Options for restoring the body's forces A huge amount, and in addition to drinking non-alcoholic beverages, it includes a walk, exercise, shower, breakfast. But if you still decided to drink a little alcohol, you should know how to dwell.

Fact! Beer with a zero percentage of alcohol perfectly helps from the hangover. A huge amount of vitamins, natural malt, a small amount of gases, trace elements - drink quickly "put on his feet" and remove all negative symptoms. And if you add a good subsequent sleep, the acidosis will take place without a trace. That is why the doctors recommend drinking 0.5 liters of non-alcohol beer after the evening feast. But it is not necessary to abuse this tool if you do not hide the smell of drink, and the state will not be favorable for driving a car, serious mental activity

So, if you still decided to hang out alcohol, you should know several rules:

  1. Moderation. Taking alcohol, do not get carried away with quantity: 0.5 liters of non-alcoholic or 0.3 l alcoholic light beer, 50 gr. Strong drink - this will be enough.
  2. Snack. We will have to eat, especially if these are strong drinks. Only a hot bold snack, no cold salads and sandwiches, more liquid and sonar - the choice in favor of soup will be perfect.
  3. Diversity. It is much more correct to drink not just vodka, but make a cocktail from tomato juice, vodka, pepper and yolk eggs (raw). A pair of drops of acute tomato sauce added in drink, the taste will not improve much, but it turns out a rattling mixture to enrich the organism with the necessary substances and the speedy output of toxins.

And, of course, you should know how to hang an alcoholic:

  • Dose of drink no more than 50-100 gr.;
  • Bold dense breakfast or snack;
  • Mandatory sleep as long as possible;
  • The challenge of a narcologist is in cases of long-term feed and the impossibility of returning a person to a normal state.

Of course, an option with a fatal outcome from the lack of alcohol, extreme rarity, however, to relate to the severe symptoms of intoxication without attention, not quite humane. Total control over drinking, observation, in order to dying, the patient did not continue to drink, all the help is what needs to be done.

It is possible to dare - everyone decides for himself. For an ordinary person, an alcohol for oohmine doesn't matter, as alcohol will only aggravate a state, the drunkard will feel temporary relief. Therefore, before stretching your hand to a glass, think: is it worth doing this? And at the same time, look at the good replacement with alcoholic drinks to return normal well-being after the celebration:

  1. Brine, fermented milk products - these are excellent options to cope with the unpleasant symptoms of a hangover, while helping to derive toxins.
  2. Soup or broth. Chicken broth, hot borsch, Solyanka, soup - Soup Plate will put all negative signs from memory from memory.
  3. Medication tools And non-alcoholic cocktails. The effervescence of alka-yeltzer type tablets well help, but you need to carefully read the instructions so that there are no contraindications to use, otherwise the process will be aggravated by the problems with the liver, kidneys.
  4. Alcohol. Treat the same, from which it fell ill is a reception of a small amount of alcohol.
  5. Physical exercises, Walk, shower and strong sleep with pre-relaxation with your loved one - these ways are fully approved by doctors and are recognized as harmless to health.

The best way is not to hurt with a hangover - not to drink, but such a elimination of the joys of life is not available for everyone. Therefore, the problem of acidosis worries 98% of the population of the entire globe. But how to solve it, choose ourselves: Knowing why it's badly drinking an alcoholic runner and what it threatens, you can always choose the appropriate option to restore health and well-being.

  • The state of the person the next day after the feast range depends on the amount of drank and the concentration of ethanol in the beverage. Without calculating the dosage of alcohol, you can face all manifestations of alcoholic poisoning.

    There are many ways that helps to normalize the condition after drunk. Most choose folk methods and receiving sorbents, and some prefer to dreamed. How does alcohol act with intoxication and is it worth drinking alcohol when hangover?

    What is hangover?

    To understand whether it is necessary to sleep in the future, you should figure out how the drinking to the body is affected. The severity of the firmy syndrome is connected not only with the volume of consumed alcohol and its fortress, but also with age, the weight of man, as well as the characteristics of its body.

    A hangover is an ailment who does not bear the threat of a person's life, however, his symptoms are able to deliver a lot of discomfort. Alcoholic poisoning causes headaches, blood pressure drops, a violation of heart rhythm, nausea and vomiting.

    Great drinks negatively affect all organs and systems. The first under the blow is the liver and kidneys, the load on which is doubled during intoxication. During hangover, chronic diseases of these organs can occur.

    Differences hanging from abstinence

    Alcoholism is a fairly common disease. Usually, in a collision with morning symptoms, drinking addresses eliminate unpleasant manifestations using the next portion.

    What is the difference between the abstinence syndrome and hangover? Abstinence is a consequence of a refusal of alcoholic beverage. The alcoholic is faced with the symptoms of this pathological process, when after a long binge ceases to silence.

    Abstineent syndrome manifests itself in:

    • Tremera limbs. In more severe cases, trembling applies to the whole body.
    • Strong excitation or state of apathy.
    • Problems with sleep. The disease is often accompanied by nightmares that interfere with the patient relax.
    • Worsening concentration of attention.
    • Visual and auditory hallucinations. Symptoms arise with prolonged filings. In this case, the treatment of anomaly is recommended to begin in the hospital.

    A hangover is the result of intoxicating the body with products of ethyl alcohol decomposition. To eliminate the pimmer syndrome, the same drugs are used that are used with simple food poisoning.

    Alcohol with abstinence

    The organism of the alcoholic gets used to the regular flow of ethanol. In the case when a person does not take another portion of the alcohol and sober, the brain receives a signal about the absence of doping. To extend the state of the euphoria, the alcoholic drinks again.

    When taking alcohol, brain cells die, which leads to endorphins (hormones of happiness).

    If a person does not use alcohol, the hormone of joy is produced only with some bright events and achievements. Endorphins are also produced in emergency situations to stop pain.

    Regular mining of hormones of happiness against the background of taking alcohol beverages is the main factor in the development of drinking dependence. Vodka with hangover, as well as any other alcoholic beverages bring a state of relief in the therapy of the abstinence syndrome.

    Alcoholic with hangover

    If you dare with ordinary bodunas, the symptoms of intoxication not only persist, but can also increase. To get rid of unpleasant manifestations, it will be necessary to take a large portion of alcohol, which still will not solve the problem.

    The body and so poisoned with ethyl alcohol, so the new dose will only suspend the process of removing poisonous substances. Another significant portion of alcohol will adversely affect the liver function.

    People who are rarely drinking, drinking will only cause a deterioration in the overall condition and weightlifting symptoms. It should also be understood that careless octopmel leads a person to a long-standing pin.

    Effective alcoholic beverages with hangover

    With a hangover syndrome, the right decision will refuse to treat alcoholic beverages. During this period it is better to stay on sorbents and fluid intake. Fill the water supply will help purified water, mineral water and herbal teas.

    If still a person gets used to silenced and he feels easier after drinking, in choosing alcohol, it should be based on the previous experience. Someone helps a bottle of beer, and some more suits a glass of vodka.

    We will assist in restoring after the feast of such recipes:

    • Several ice cubes are added to 50 ml of vodka, a little lemon juice and 100 ml of low-fat broth. It is necessary to drink a tool at a time and go to bed.
    • 20 ml of vodka need to be combined with a tablespoon of vegetable oil and a yolk. The recipe will improve the condition of the patient both with a light course of poisoning and in case of strong intoxication.
    • It is necessary to take 100 ml of beer, tomato juice and mix them. An egg yolk is added from above to the container, after which the agent is drunk by a volley.

    Taking in the morning the solution in favor of treating alcohol, you should choose high-quality and proven brands. Doubtful and cheap products can only exacerbate the patient's condition. To avoid complications, you also need to know how the next thro is well chopped.

    Opochelal rules

    The main rule of droophel is compliance with the dosage. If you drink a lot, the next morning the condition may be even hard than the day before. It is allowed to take from 50 (for people weighing 60-85 kg) to 100 ml (for persons whose weight exceeds 85 kg) vodka. Those who use beer for such purposes is allowed to use 1-2 amber bottles.

    Activated coal will also help recover during a hangover syndrome. It promptly removes poisonous substances from the body. Accepting a medication should be taken at the rate of 1 tablet for every 10 kg of human weight.

    If the patient drank another medicine, with the use of the sorbent, it is recommended to postpone. With simultaneous reception of two or more drugs, medicines can deactivate and loosen each other's action.

    It should also be remembered that the best way to avoid commercially - to warn it: