The rich inner world of famous people of our time. Poor man with a rich inner world

"I think that respect for the heroes, in various epochs manifested in a different way, is a soul of public relations between people and that the method of expression of this respect serves as a true scale to assess the degree of normalness or abnormality of dominant relations in the world."
Thomas Carlel

Opinions and facts

Sociologists asked Russians who, in their opinion, is idols of modern Russian youth. The leaders with a large margin began to be pop and rock stars, representatives of gold youth: they are ready to worship 52% \u200b\u200bamong 18-24-year-olds. The third place was athletes (37%), on the fourth - heroes of television serials (28%), and on the fifth - V. Putin (14%). The last place (with a rating of 1%) went to "revolutionaries" like the mouth of Korchagin and Ernesto Che Guevara.
But the second place unexpectedly occupied "successful businessmen and oligarchs", which are idols of 42% of young Russians. "Success, and preferably quick, became the main value," explains Vladimir Petukhov research director. - Who, from the point of view of society, fits into this model? Young businessmen and pop culture figures. "
Today, in focus of attention, other interests are primarily aimed at material success and personal self-realization, and, accordingly, other characters. Yes, and the very concept of "idol" moves from a plane of a certain ideal sample to follow (where the moral side played a considerable role) to understand the idol as a person who personifies quick success in life, as a rule - without assessing how this success was achieved. Also attract the attention of young people characters with a powerful energy promise, a kind of drive. Naturally, pop and rock stars (47%) and successful businessmen (38%) occupy the leading position in this quality.
Modern Russian youth most often respondents attribute such qualities as aggressiveness (50%), cynicism (40%), activity and initiative (38%), education (30%). And it is extremely rare to our youth attributes (1%), sincerity (3%) and honesty (3%).
Typical qualities of older people are hard work (62%), patriotism (46%), souvency (21%). And very rarely include aggressiveness and cynicism (4%).
And at the beginning it was, a riotrist without a reason, tragically deceived at the age of 24 James Dean. Yes, and before him were on the screen heroes. But what? The hero was always dressed in immaculately smooth pants, clean shirts and strict coats. Moreover, this outfit accompanied them (heroes) in any everyday situations.
Dean appeared on the screen in Levi "S (often drains) and a white T-shirt (what we call T-shirt now). Sometimes he picked up a red windbreaker on a zipper, raising the collar, touching, as if closing the shrill wind. His visiting The card in the "reasant driver" was a holey sweater, a leather jacket. He wore dark glasses, a three-day bristle, his hair seemed to not know such an object like a comb, he signed "Chesterfield" from the chrome lighter "Zippo". Tell me honestly, This description is something like you? Of course, this is the eternal hero of all Hollywood (and not only Hollywood) militants, melodram, fantastic films. This is just a modern hero.
Poorly drawn, talking on an obscene youth slang, manicly giggling and prone to drinking, drugs and sex, Masyany has a large number of fans among Russian representatives of the ICS generation, twenty-thirty-year-old people known for their unlimited cynicism and absolute disinterest in politics.
- The first thing that comes to mind: our kinogery is some kind of ... not heroic.
- This is because in our blockbusters it is often unclear the meaning of the fight itself. Another factor: Just recently, in our society, the stage of cynicism ("Chernukha" in cinema and on TV) ended in our society and only we go into the step of expediency. Although movies continue to remain hard, their hero is usually somewhat confused. He is not yet sure to end in his right.
"But the hero already has a mission, does he gain harmony in the new world?"
- On the contrary: the worldview of the hero was complicated. If he has already figured out himself, he still has to deal with the outside world. Previously, the society decided for him, what to do, and he solved only - as; Now he is forced to decide and what, and how. Therefore, the hero has no past - to create the world again, you need to shock what was.
Creating a hero
The Homer Hero characterizes a personal desire for perfection, and he, praise his feats, is guided by a certain goal. In the case of Odyssey, this goal is to return home safely and as soon as possible. If the Homer Hero eventually is waiting for deification and direct relationship with the gods, then the situation is different with the modern hero. He also strives for personal perfection - but for the sake of the public good; His name also becomes immortal - but thanks to actions inherent in a simple mortal. Modern heroes generally extremely rarely like the gods or demons; However, it would be noticeable to consider the concept of deification in categories applicable to this time ...
The pursuit of the ideal plays a crucial role in the spiritual appearance of the modern hero, and for him, as well as for the Homeric hero, there is no barriers to the goal. In an effort to your ideal, the hero is forced to sacrifice what is expensive for him, and even his own life. Such a sacrifice makes it even more attractive for society, and its status increases with each goal achieved. "A modern hero interacts in society with simple mortals, and his heroic situation depends on whether the usual people recognize his ideals and actions."
From an interview with Sergey Jurassic
- Is it possible today to determine exactly who he is our modern hero?
- This is still a man of criminal action. It can be a bandit, and maybe a policeman. But in any case, this is the one who has a strong muscle or such a weapon to instantly answer, kill the offender. This, apparently, responds with today's sensations of a person who is frightened, who hid a lot of small and a few large offended, who worries one question: "Who will calculate for me?" For it, this newer hero is calculated on the screen.
- It turns out that there are no bright people in Russia at all, with a rich inner world, which could make the heroes of films or performances?
"I don't know ... I have little new acquaintances ... Although groups of like-minded people now appear ... it is difficult for me to give them a precise definition. I see a timid attempt to create new fraternities, which includes people united by some nobility of goals and readiness to endure for this purpose. I am watching this personally, and it gives rise to me a feeling of hope.
"Arguments and Facts"
From an interview with Konstantin Khabensky

- We doubted for a long time with Timur Bekmambetov, which should be a modern hero. The winner predicting events for five moves forward, or drove into an angle humiliated and an offended person, who becomes a hero due to the circumstances? Stopped in the last option. Such a hero is clearerred to the Russian viewer.
From an interview with Eldar Ryazanov
- What should a modern hero be?
- For me, the hero is Yuri Delubkin, and I made a movie all my life about such a hero. Honest, noble, he must help the poor, stand guard of oppressed.
- You described the "brother".
- "Brother" I am alien to me, although the "war" Alexei Balabanova seems very interesting. But I do not understand when charming Sergey Bodrov walks and kills. I can not justify the murder without a reason. However, it is difficult to talk about it, as we lost a talented person. His debut "sisters" was wonderful. However, I have other heroes.
"Mountain Muscle, in each hand on a whealing blade (preferably enchanted), wolf ruffled, the defeated monsters and stacks of naked beauties are praying at the legs ...

We have the main character of most works in the genre of "Fantasy" - in other words, the hero in all its "glory" ... Of course, the word "hero" (in the meaning "The Kverwe, Performing Feats") is not yet completely discredited. By the Tom of the undoubted talent of many and many science fiction writers. It is enough to remember the gender of Atrides from the "Dune" F. Herbert or nine princes from the Amber Chronicles. But why are such living, human characters among the heroes after all? "
Veronika man "Hero with a thousand people"

"Now it will be much easier to answer the question of the question in the name of the lecture:" Hero of Greek tragedies: a person or superman? ". In an ancient Greek tragedy, there is no "superman" or among women, nor among men. The characters of these works often act at the limit of human capabilities, but they are limited from all sides in their actions.< … > But the strongest impression left by the genre of ancient Greek tragedy - what different and complex ways all these people are struggling with restrictions imposed on them. "

Let's summarize. Another opinion.

Attracts people successful, people famous, people who have achieved a high social and economic situation. But not always what attracts our attention and interest, really causes our desire to follow this. Unlike Lorentz, a person has consciousness and certain freedom. A young man can state that one or another singer, an actor or actress he likes, but at the same time, to understand that this is not his way, not his fate. Mixing this is more characteristic, probably for adolescent and even earlier age.

The second question is more complicated. What attracts? Attract their achievements, i.e. The fact that specifically they achieved: status, welfare, fame, etc. Attract their professional qualities as musicians, merchants, etc. Attract with their human qualities: kindness, compassion, justice, courage ... We see that these things lie in different planes. And from here we go to the third question.

Obviously, they respond to the specified things various dimensions of our inner world. We can talk about different levels of values \u200b\u200bfor which a person is focused. Attracts what is bright and issued from the general range. It raises the desire to follow this, to imitate this just what reflects our own values. In a word - "Tell me who your idol, and I will tell you who you are."

The scale of these values \u200b\u200bcan be extended from more external (achievement specific) to more internal (existential human values).

Accordingly, our efforts will be aimed at different things - from achieving the goal in the world, for example, fame or fame, to work on themselves to awaken and develop similar to our character hero. Moreover, in the latter case, the specific achievements of the hero themselves are not so important. It is important for what and how he sought them.

Modern Art. Heroes or idols?

Confucius advised to listen to the songs who sing in the people to understand what people live to what they hope. Where and look for a hero, how not in art? Cinema, literature gives a huge material for research, for reflection. They are a kind of collective dream, reflecting what is happening in a little conscious depth of our souls. If you analyze many films from the "matrix" and "the lord of the rings" to the "red heat", you can create an approximate list of qualities that their heroes possess:

  • The loneliness of the hero, external or internal. The final solution is always accepted by the hero.
  • Individuality of the hero. The hero is always different from "simple mortals." Or its external data - force, beauty, unusual abilities. Either internal qualities - will, compassion, wisdom. But even if it possesses any extraordinary qualities, we are not interested in it, but another is its moral choice, throwing, mistakes and suffering. We are not interested in what makes us unlike, namely, what we are like.
  • The action of the hero is the response to the situation. Ability to punish the offender, as well as the ability to save and protect against the resent of the one who is more weak.

  • Relative independence from the circumstances. The hero has limitations, but he tries to overcome them and overcomes. He knows how to solve problems.

  • The hero has a goal, he was internally decided and knows where he goes, although he may not know how to go there.
  • In each of these items, a certain duality can be seen. In this case, its reason seems to be in the peculiarities of our expectations and our values. For a child, it is natural to choose your hero of "Batman" or the hero of a beloved cartoon. For a teenager, it is also natural to dwell on "brother", on your favorite film actor or singer. For an adult young man ... This is a difficult question that is hard to even decide to answer.

    Summing up this very brief review, you can only say that the attraction of heroes is something very natural to humans and inherent in us at all times. And in the past, and in the present. Heroes themselves change, their names and adventures change. But the desire for more, to something superior to our opportunities, and therefore a guidance point. In the heroes we see ourselves, our hidden dreams are reflected in them, our fears and hopes, sometimes our fatigue. Sometimes they reflect the one who we wanted to become, but for various reasons did not become. In short, our heroes live by our values, in some sense, they are - this is.

    On the magazine "Man Without Borders"

    Each thoughtful person has its own inner world. Someone he has a bright and rich, rich, as psychologists say, "man with a subtle spiritual organization." In some, on the contrary, a small room filled with phobias and imposed stereotypes. All different, unique, and therefore, the world inside is different. How to understand this manifold, who is who?

    What is the inner world of man?

    Some call it to the soul, but it is not quite like this: the soul is unchanged, and attitude to the world, the leading person in life, can change.

    A set of internal qualities of character, image of thinking, moral principles and life position in aggregate with stereotypes, fears - that's what is the inner world. It is multifaceted. This is a worldview, a mental component of a person who is the fruit of his spiritual work.

    The structure of the inner world

    The subtle mental organization of a person consists of several segments:

    Based on the listed, it can be concluded that the inner world is such a clear page, an information matrix as the basis of a human being. In aggregate with the soul and physical body, they form a person as an individual.

    Some people have a very developed emotional sphere: they thinly feel what is happening and notice the smallest changes in emotions from others. Others have extremely developed thinking: they are under the power of the most complicated mathematical equations and logical tasks, but if they are poor on sensory plan, they cannot love from all his hearts.

    Therefore, it is important if a person wants to reveal the potential laid in each, and expand its inner world to unprecedented horizons, in parallel to develop all segments of its being.

    What does rich inner world mean?

    Under this term, it is meant that a person lives in harmony with himself and the outside world: people, nature. He lives consciously, and does not swim by the flow, artificially created by society.

    This person knows how to create a happy space around him, changing the outside world. The feeling of satisfaction with life, despite all the peripetics, does not leave him. Such a person is trying daily to become better than yesterday, consciously developing in all spheres of his inner world.

    The principle and worldview is the same thing?

    Principles are template subjective minds of the mind on the situation, people and the world, which often manage man. They are individual for everyone, add up in the process of education and are laid deep into the subconscious of life experience.

    The worldview has no templates - it is flexible, but at the same time sustainable, like a bamboo: it can be severely bend, but to break it, you will have to try to very much. These are moral values, priorities in choosing a life path and ideas about what life should be.

    What is the difference between the external and inner world of man?

    What is the outside world? This is a human surrounding space: houses, nature, people and cars, sun and wind. This also includes social relations and interaction with nature. Organs of knowledge - vision, tactile sensations and smell - also belong to the outside world. And how we react to them, experiencing various emotions, feelings are already the manifestation of the inner world.

    At the same time, the inner world of the individual is able to influence the external: if a person is satisfied with life, then he is going to go, work - in pleasure and people surround positive. If, inside a person annoyed or in anger, he condemns everyone and everything, he does not work in everyday life, failures pursue him. Destructuring affects the inner world of phobias and complexes: they distort the perception of peace and people.

    Everything with a person occurs in life is the reflection of his inner state, and if there is a desire to change the world around, then you need to start with yourself - with the transformation of the internal space.

    How to develop your inner world?

    What is so unusual to commit so that the spiritual world began to change? Actually make quite ordinary things:

    1. Proper nutrition. Often the food that people eat, poisons not only their body, but also consciousness. A person with a subtle mental organization will never allow himself to eat another creature, so vegetarianism is the first step.
    2. Walk outdoors. This also includes traveling to other cities or countries, tourist campaigns and just trips outside the city or to the sea. Only with one difference is not gastronomic tours: eat kebabs, drink beer with friends, try all pizza in a new city. Communication with nature is important: to lie down on the grass, admire sunset or dawn, watch animals.
    3. Meditation is one of the most powerful development tools. Just do not confuse this process with closed eyes and crossed legs waiting when the lesson will already end. Meditation is self-analysis, the path inside: a person is immersed in watching his emotions, thoughts or just breathing (in the first stages of mastering his mind).
    4. Reading spiritual books. This does not mean that you need to read the "Bible" or "Bhagavad-Gita", each book is your time, and "Pollyanna" or "Little Prince" are the same highly oral creations.
    5. The ability to be grateful everything surrounds, everything that happens. Even if it goes against the plans. The universe knows what way to send a person to development.

    The development of the inner world implies a bright desire, desire and subsequent actions with a complete awareness of what is happening. One "I want" here is little here: "I do" and "regularly" should follow.

    Not everyone can call himself a spiritually rich man. Sometimes such controversial definition criteria are mixed or replaced by knowingly incorrect. What signs are the most accurate and what is a spiritually rich man telling the article.

    1. Criterion of humanity. What does it mean to be a spiritually rich man in terms of other people? Often here include such qualities as humanity, understanding, empathy, the ability to listen. Is it possible to consider a spiritually rich man who do not have these qualities? Most likely the answer is negative. But the concept of spiritual wealth is not limited to these signs.
    2. Education criteria. Its essence is that the more educated the person, the richest. And yes, and no, because there are many examples when a person has several formations, he is smart, but his inner world is completely poor and empty. At the same time, the stories are known for individuals who did not have the formation, but their inner world was similar to the flowering garden, the flowers from which they were shared with others. Such an example may be nanny A. S. Pushkin. A simple woman from a small village had no opportunity to get an education, but Arina Rodionovna was so rich in his knowledge of folklore, stories that, perhaps, her spiritual wealth was sparking, lit the flame of creativity in the poet's soul.
    3. Criterion of the history of the genus and homeland. Its essence is that it is impossible to call a spiritually rich man who does not carry knowledge about the historical past of his family and the Motherland.
    4. Criterion faith. The word "spiritual" occurred from the word "spirit." Christianity defines a spiritually rich man as a believer living on the commandments and the laws of God.

    Signs of spiritual wealth in people

    What does it mean to be a spiritually rich man, it is difficult to say in one sentence. For each main feature is something your own. But here is the list of damn, without which it is impossible to imagine such a person.

    • humanity;
    • empathy;
    • sensitivity;
    • flexible, live mind;
    • love for the motherland and knowledge of her historical past;
    • life according to the laws of morality;
    • knowledge in various spheres.

    What does spiritual poverty behave

    In contrast to the spiritual wealth of a person there is a disease of our society - spiritual poverty.

    Understanding what it means to be a spiritually rich whole person, it is impossible to reveal without negative qualities that should not be present in life:

    • ignorance;
    • worn;
    • life for their pleasure and outside the moral laws of society;
    • ignorance and inosphection of the spiritual and historical heritage of their people.

    This is not the entire list, but the presence of several traits can define a person as spiritually poor.

    What does the spiritual depletion of the people behave? Often, such a phenomenon pushes to a significant decline in society, and sometimes to his death. So the man works, that if it does not develop, does not enriches his inner world, it degrads. The principle "Do not go up - roll down" here is very fair.

    How to deal with spiritual poverty? Someone from scientists said that spiritual wealth is the only kind of wealth, which is impossible to deprive a person. If you fill your inner world with light, knowledge, good and wisdom, then it will remain with you for life.

    Methods of spiritual enrichment quite a few. The most effective of them is reading worthy books. This is a classic, although, many modern authors also write good works. Read the books, respect your story, be a man with a capital letter - and then the spirit of the Spirit will not touch you.

    What does it mean to be spiritually rich man

    Now we can clearly outline a person with a rich inner world. Spiritually rich man, what is he? Most likely, a good interlocutor, knows how not only to say, so that he was listening to, but also listen to with him I wanted to talk. He lives on the moral law of society, honest and sincerely with his surroundings, he knows what empathy is, and will never pass by someone else's trouble. Such a person is smart, and not necessarily due to the resulting education. Self-education, constant food for mind and dynamic development make it one. A spiritually rich man is obliged to know the history of his people, the elements of his folklore, be versatile formed.

    Instead of imprisonment

    Nowadays, it may seem that material wealth is valued above the spiritual. To some extent it is so, but another question, who? Only spiritually depledy man will not appreciate the inner world of his interlocutor. Material benefits will never replace the latitude of the soul, wisdom, moral purity. Sympathy, love, respect is not bought. Only spiritually rich man is capable of manifestation of such feelings. Material things are stranded, tomorrow they can no longer be. But spiritual wealth will remain with a person for his whole life, and will cover the path not only to him, but also to those who are next to him. Ask yourself a question that means being a spiritually rich man, put yourself a goal and go to her. Believe me, your efforts will be justified.


    Give examples of the actions of a spiritual and rich man. Not from the Internet.


    Spiritually rich is a person who may not have material wealth, but with a rich spiritual world. Such a person puts above all the moral values, for example, it can be divided by the latter with poor, to be open not only to friends, but also to unfamiliar people.

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    Personality - a person who has consciousness, i.e. As a result of development in society abilities:

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    - Will force to send and control their activities, based on the system of personal and social values.

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    We solve the problem, open new knowledge

    Man is a spiritual being.

    Read the text and answer questions:

    On the basis of which a person is formed as a spiritual being?

    For the need for knowledge and recognition.

    What value is a spiritual life for a person?

    In the process of spiritual life, the worldview of a person is being formed, which becomes a foundation for the development of relationships with loved ones, with society, with the surrounding world.

    What spiritual needs determine human activity?

    Knowledge and be meaningful in society

    What elements the human worldview develops?

    Painting of the world, system of values, personal goals.

    Try to explain the meaning of the name of this scheme.

    The spirituality of a person is a knowledge of good and evil, about our society, their fate and about everything that concerns the interaction of a person with himself and the outside world.

    Apply new knowledge

    We carry out training tasks.

    1. Give a few examples (situations) from the life of a spiritually rich man.

    Leonardo da Vinci is a genius, the inventions of which were in many ways ahead of his time and are relevant now. Works of art, published from the hands of the Great Italian, still remain generally accepted masterpieces.

    2. Describe than the worldview of an ancient person differs from the worldview of a modern person.

    Knowledge of an ancient person about the world was imperfect. And he explained the occurrence of phenomena due to its capabilities. The worldview of modern man is based on scientific knowledge.

    3. Choose one of the statements and answer questions.

    What did the thinker mean by these words? Do you agree with him? Give 2-3 arguments to protect your positions.

    A. "Do not leave the debt and honor roads - this is the only thing we draw happiness." (French scientist Georges Buffon (1707-1788) live with a clean conscience, to act on conscience.

    B. "The chilute is the one who lives without ideal." (Russian writer Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev (1818-1883) In the process of individual education and self-education of the personality, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe ideal of moral can play a decisive role. Young people often take themselves for a sample of any genuine or literary hero, follow the example of a person who is for her moral authority.

    B. "Human activity is empty and insignificant when not an imagined is a high idea." (Russian thinker and writer Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky (1828-1889) to achieve certain results in activities, a person needs to put a target. Otherwise it will be received: I do something, but I don't know what happens. And the high idea, the high goals leave a person in Memory of manyPoles. Kagda man left his mark on Earth, so much to say that life lives not in vain.

    "The ideal is a guiding star. Without her there is no direction, but no on the board - there is no life. " (Russian writer Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy (1828-1910) Ideal is a star pointing a person to his achievements. The ideal is not only a figure, ledge and other material values. You can try to be the same good and responsible as parents, the same wise Like grandparents.

    D. "Life without a certain worldview is not life, but a horror." (Russian writer and playwright Anton Pavich Czechs (1860-1904) When the worldview is formed, then they enjoy them, but do not notice and do not pay special attention to him. It exists as an invisible cognitive context of a person's practical existence. The need to have some holistic picture of the world or worldview Initially inherent in each person.

    We solve life tasks.

    Difficult question kid

    Situation. The younger sister heard the expression "spiritual food" and asks adults to give her this food to try.

    Role. Senior brother or sister.

    Result. An explanation is clear to the baby with words than spiritual food differs from the usual.

    Spiritual food is not a specific food. These are reflections on a person about what he lives. What is good and evil. This is a visit to museums, reading books. This is what the man's soul eats.

    We carry out projects.

    1. Spend an exhibition of drawings and photos on the topic "The Worldview of Ancient Peoples".

    For example. All photos are taken from the Internet.

    2. Invite to the class hour of an outstanding person of your city, sat down.

    What does it mean to be spiritually rich man? Definitely, on this issue, everyone has its own opinion. Spiritual wealth is something ephemeral, it is impossible to calculate according to the formulas, it is unthinkable to decompose on the molecules. It is not amenable to structuring and other computing methods. Spiritual wealth is an internal content of a person consisting of noble thoughts, humanity and thirst for knowledge.


    For someone to write an essay "What does it mean to be a spiritually rich man" just, and someone faces difficulties in the first stage. Basically, this is due to the misunderstanding of terminology. Subconsciously, the student knows that a spiritually rich man is the one who comes correctly and never harms anyone. That's just can not explain it.

    To reveal the question, which means being a spiritually rich man, you first need to understand what spirituality means. In journalism, under the spirituality, the set of traditions and values, which are concentrated in religious teachings and art images.

    Who is he, spiritually rich man?

    And yet the concept of spiritual wealth is complex and multifaceted. It can be associated with different philosophical and religious currents, the level of intelligence or the presence of principles, but this is not enough to answer the question of what it means to be a spiritually rich man. First of all, it is a full and harmonious personality with a complete set of universal qualities.

    So what person can be called spiritually rich? First, it is a person who has deep, comprehensive knowledge, successfully applying them in practice. Like Leonardo da Vinci. The inventions of this genius were much ahead of his epoch and are relevant even now. But knowledge is not all. It must be understood that any inventions should be used for the benefit of humanity. Take, for example, the creators of the atomic bomb. Indeed, such work is worthy of respect, but what guided scientists, creating weapons of mass destruction? Obviously not the ideas of humanism. And about them, by the way, for a minute does not forget the spiritually rich man.

    Secondly, a spiritually rich man comes wisely and takes balanced decisions. And thirdly, such people are distinguished by high morality, acting under the laws of conscience.

    Is it all?

    To be spiritually rich - it means to have a worthy luggage of knowledge, to flow humane and guided by the norms of morality. But does it really all? Of course, such a response is counted and put an assessment, but a truly spiritually rich man will have a sense of dissatisfaction with his work caused by obviousness.

    Therefore, starting to write an essay "What does it mean to be a spiritually rich man", first of all, it is worth thinking about yourself. Am I satisfied with my actions? What do I feel, looking at people and nature? What do I like and why? It would seem that banal questions, but it is behind them that the necessary answer is hidden.

    In knowledge strength but not humanity

    It is said that a spiritually rich man is the one who is constantly striving for knowledge. And this is true. It fills his inner spiritual vessel with a variety of knowledge from the world of culture, religion, art. Such a person can support any conversation, shine with the mind even among intellectuals. But here you can find a controversial moment. A person can turn himself into the encyclopedia, know the answers to hundreds of questions, but it will not get closer to the origins of spiritual wealth. Of course, in knowledge strength, but what is the point of them, if the personality thoughtlessly quotes what is written in the books.

    Sometime S. Sukhomlinsky said: "The spiritually rich man is the one who is available to the whole range of human feelings and relationships."

    Behind the rays of the spectrum

    Everyone can become a spiritually rich man if it will fill itself not only with information, but also with emotions. After reading the next scientific article, first of all, you need to ask yourself, I agree with this or not. And it's not scary if some doubts are being told - only a person forms his inner spiritual space. If some thought next to him, which does not correspond to his moral principles and values, he must take it. To understand why he disagrees, and to form his attitude towards one or another question. This is how spiritual food is created and absorbed.

    To expand its spiritual heritage, a person must understand that other people can feel. Do not look for excuses to their actions, but to realize that there was a motive for a particular action. Everyone wants to be happy. In pursuit of their desires, people can do randomly, risky and wrong. But what's wrong with want to snatch at least a little happy moments of fate? And as soon as a person is aware of this simple axiom, his spiritual vessel will be filled with half. He will understand that for any actions there is always a frequency desire for simple human happiness and then he will look at the world with other eyes. Will find the truth between the pathoral lines, see hidden messages in the paintings and stretch your hand to help everyone who will need it.

    I am the Universe

    Spiritually rich man is a person within which the whole universe is located. Seeing such a person in the company immediately it becomes clear that it is made from another test. He is friendly, responsive, attentive and loves to smile. He will always find the words of support and consolation, will help solve a complex problem and will certainly be able to tell not one hundred of employee stories. Such people will never be neglected to neglected, tactfully express their disagreement and every minute, they will fill their spiritual vessel on the grains.

    Spiritually rich people always remain, do not wear masks, do not play roles. They feel and understand others, with them, no matter how others do not want to part. After all, the uncharted galaxies are hidden behind their outer shell, their thoughts are clean and noble, and the view will always sparkle from happiness. They are pleased simply that they exist, and in the world as much unexplored. They understand and take their shortcomings, but they wish to fix them. They do not seek to become perfect, but just want to show others that the world in which we live is really beautiful. This is an example of what it means to be a spiritually rich man.

    The question of spirituality is currently being considered very widely. Everyone in his own way understands what it means to be a spiritually rich man. For some, this concept is inextricably linked with faith in God, someone expands the boundaries of their soul and is improving with the help of Eastern practices, and someone simply acts, as the interests of others puts above their own, for example, as Mother Teresa did.

    What does it mean to be a spiritually rich man?

    Spiritually rich because it is rich that the first plan puts the needs of the soul, not the body. For it, the importance is not material values, but those that contribute to the improvement of the soul. Showing interest in religion, painting, music, other types of art, a person will know the environment and public phenomena. As a result, his inner world is filled, a person develops from different sides, becomes an interesting interlocutor who thinks with all his point of view.

    A spiritually rich man is committed to self-improvement. He knows a new, using the works and discoveries of famous artists, writers, poets. Actions and actions of such a person are responsible and meaningful. Thoughts and motives always have a positive color, because he understands that the real store is not material values, but the inner world, the strength of the spirit and spiritual values. But those who are interested in which there should be a spiritually rich man, it is worth saying that the soul's fullness is achieved not only by knowledge. Most often to this come through suffering. Tests change the worldview, as they say, turn over the world from the legs.

    Those who wondered what means to be spiritually rich, it is worth answering that the luggage of knowledge man can collect all his life and not to achieve improvement, and sufferings do it in a shorter period. It happens that one-sole event turns all the mentality, crosses the last life, dividing it on "to" and "after". Often, people after that come to God, considering spiritual well-being as a relationship with a single Creator.

    Distinctive features of a person with a rich inland spiritual world
    1. Such people emit some inner light that leaks through a good smile, a look of wise eyes and a desire to share their wealth with others.
    2. Highly morality is what is characteristic of such people. They are endowed with honesty and responsibility, they feel the dignity, which is expressed in a respectful attitude to other, goodwill and devotion.
    3. Such people do everything not from the mind, but from the heart. They understand the true meaning of the commandments of God "Love your neighbor, like yourself" and follow it.
    4. Modesty and all-things - that's what distinguishes them. At the same time, it is not only about the forgiveness of other people, but also himself. They realize the depth of their mistakes and first turn in front of them.
    5. In their heart lives peace and harmony. There is no place for low-lying passions and emotions. They understand all the meaninglessness of the feeling of guilt, aggression or anger and carry only good into the world.

    Of course, to become a man with a rich soul is not easy. Here the collection of all factors - upbringing, and piousness plays. You can be a pious person, but do not understand what is the meaning of faith, and you can read a lot and develop, increase your intellectual level, but remain worn in the soul and hate everyone. In general, spiritual wealth is inseparable from condescension, wisdom, patience and readiness at any moment to stretch their neighbor hand help. Only giving, not requiring anything in return, you can get rich.