The effect of batteries on the environment. Why can not throw batteries in the trash - truth or lies

Harm from the batteries for the environment is so large that many people really have aware of it. And this is despite the fact that they have become an integral part of our life today. It will not be possible to imagine without them our usual average day. But due to the fact that the batteries include various metals, they are extremely harmful. But at the same time, only due to the interaction of these metals, the work of most instruments that we now use are ensured.

When the battery was sat

Harm from batteries have long been trying to evaluate various scientists. Thus, the researchers have already established that only one-only finger-powered battery used, which was thrown into the forest or park, can contaminate with heavy metals of about 20 square meters of the territory.

To make it even more clearer, how harm from the battery is applied to the environment, even special calculations, having achieved specific digital expressions. For example, two-tree-contaminated twenty-square meters will not grow two trees, several thousand rainwoods will not be able to live and develop, thanks to which the Earth becomes fertile, there will not be able to exist several krotts and hen families. And all this is the harm that only one small finger battery will apply.

Influence on man

Immediately it is worth saying that the harm of the batteries for a person also tangle. This occurs when the salts of heavy metals, which are formed after the decomposition of its housing, are underground groundwater. It is likely that they may be at the filter station. Then the direct harm to human health will come.

In Western countries, harm to batteries have long been appreciated. Therefore, they are forbidden to throw away after use in ordinary garbage tanks. For this there are special containers. Of these, the batteries are sent to disposal, without bringing anyone any harm. In Russia, this practice appears only in recent years. Containers for the collection of seven batteries are installed in shopping centers, universities, places of mass accumulation of people, but so far they are clearly not enough.

Children suffer

Many are trying to objectively assess the harm and benefits of batteries. Of course, they made a person's life much more convenient and more comfortable, but the consequences of them with improper disposal may be catastrophic. Therefore, it is not necessary to completely abandon the batteries, it is easy to dispose of them correctly. In addition, it should be borne in mind that our children feel harm from the batteries.

The kids seek to know the world and often stick all the items in a row. When a child does it with a battery, even if I have long been not working, chemical reactions will immediately begin in contact with the saliva. Heavy metals are activated, it will not end it.

Therefore, it is so important in no case to leave the batteries in an easily accessible places in the presence of a house of small children. After all, the used batteries often begin to flow. Of these, chemicals come out that can bring serious harm to the skin even adult.

How to solve this problem in Europe

In Europe, it has long been appreciated and the benefits of batteries. Therefore, now develop large-scale programs for their disposal.

It is worth noting that every year about 160 thousand batteries are sold in the European Union. Most of them are intended for domestic use. At the same time, almost half of them, as a result, turns out to be at urban dumps.

At the same time, in Europe, only two plants are currently functioning, which are engaged in their safe processing. All this is due to the high cost of the process itself and the long period of payback, which is unprofitable for entrepreneurs. As a result, most of those who served their batteries are sent to safe burial, since it simply does not exist such a number of enterprises capable of recycling them.

So this problem remains relevant not only for Russia, but also for Europe.

How to reduce damage to batteries

To reduce the harm of the environment from the used batteries, several rules must be followed.

First, think about the likely consequences in advance and give preference to the technique that can do without batteries. If, of course, it is possible. Try to apply alternative energy sources or use mechanisms that are manually moving, as in the case of a clock.

Thirdly, pay attention to the store to ensure that the batteries indicate that they do not contain mercury and cadmium. These are the most dangerous heavy metals that can be included in their composition.

Fourthly, it is strictly forbidden to throw away the used and served your batteries into a common trash. Just be stored separately, but if you throw it into a specialized container. If there is no such possibility, for example, in your city there is no reception point of the serving batteries, then keep them in a tightly closed plastic package to better times.

What harm do batteries apply?

Let's try to figure out, because of what is really so bad batteries. American scientists calculated that they currently account for about half of pollution from the total share of all household waste.

Only in one Moscow annually throw out about two or three thousand tons of batteries. In the US, residents buy about three billion batteries each year, and almost 180 thousand tons as a result turns out to be at urban dumps. On a global scale, it causes catastrophic harm to ecology.

Battery composition

The battery includes many hazardous metals that are direct harm to human health. For example, it is lead, which is able to accumulate over time in the body, hitting the nervous system, kidney and bone tissue. Also this is cadmium that is harmful to kidneys and lungs, mercury, capable of imparting irreparable damage to the nervous system and the brain. Zinc and Nickel cause dermatitis from a person, and alkalis, which always have in all batteries, burn the skin and mucous membranes. All this can lead to serious illnesses.

Now you know why the batteries need to take.

Impact of metals per person

For clarity, we will describe in more detail about how heavy metals contained in the served batteries affect the human body.

Let's start with lead. This is one of the key components of any battery. Over time, lead is imperceptible to humans can accumulate in the bones, leading to their inevitable destruction. At the same time, parallel is deposited in the kidneys and liver, important organs of the human body. Fatal may be the impact of lead on children. With prolonged contact with this metal, chronic brain disease develops, mental retardation provokes.

In most batteries there are mercury - one of the most toxic and hazardous metals known to man. It can also accumulate in the human body. First of all, in the tissues, and can also penetrate the body directly from the water, through food, which prepared from poisoned animals or plants.

Accumulates in the body and another metal, which is part of modern batteries. This is cadmium. Chronic poisoning them leads to the destruction of human bones and such a disease as anemia. Cadmium is able to violate the work of almost every organ in the human body, block the work of enzymes, even provoke lung cancer. And all this can occur due to one incorrectly recycled battery.

Nickel is a key reason for the development of allergies in many people. This is called contact dermatitis. With long and continuous admission to the human body, poisoning may occur due to high toxicity.

Therefore, it is so important to throw batteries only in specially designated place.

December 29, 2017.

People who worry about "health" of our planet pay special attention to the disposal of garbage disposal. Moreover, it may be different: for example, food, recyclable, renewable. There are also extremely hazardous waste. These include the most common batteries! The harm from them is just huge, and therefore they are not a place among other trash. We suggest to talk about how damage these small helpers may apply to nature. We give and useful tips on recycling and minimizing the damage applied by batteries!

What are batteries

Batteries - an integral part of the life of almost every person. It is on them that the work of cell phones, laptops, various children's toys is founded. In addition, they provide the operation of the network devices, when the electricity is disconnected.

Batteries are dry, lithium, alkaline. Despite the seemingly ease of simplicity, these small autonomous power supplies are quite difficult. Under the metal case, a paste-shaped electrolyte is hidden, depolarizing mixture, graphite rod. It is extremely difficult to imagine what harm from the batteries for the environment, especially the substances contained in the spent batteries.

Chemical composition

What is part of the spent batteries? They contain lead, tin, magnesium, mercury, nickel, zinc and cadmium. All these toxic elements apply irreparable harm - both human health and the environment!


Scientists from different countries calculated: one finger battery, which was thrown into the forest or park zone, can contaminate twenty square meters of the Earth or 400 liters of water! But this is not all the consequences. Separately, it is worth saying that when burning the batteries, dioxins that poison air are distinguished. These dioxins can navigate for kilometers!

Scientists call these items of mass lesions. Ecologists managed to calculate what exactly the habit could turn around, throw out power supplies. There is even a specific digital expression of harm caused by finger batteries: one such device can cause that two trees will not grow, there will not survive several thousand rainworms that make the soil fertile, several families of hedgehogs and mole will die! Although the batteries are only 0.25% of all waste, their share accounts for at least 50% of toxic metals in the garbage.

Research results Chart: For one year, the Russian family uses 18.8 batteries. That is, on average, a person accounts for 6.96 batteries. And in the landfills of Moscow alone, more than 15 million autonomous power sources are annually! Throwing batteries along with other waste, people do not even suspect which damage they cause the environment! Destroyed batteries allocate heavy metals that penetrate into groundwater.

Polluted water is used when watering plants, animals drink it, fish live in this water. Together with all this, toxins fall on our table!

Harm for man

It's not worth afraid of new batteries. But used sources of food makes a lot of dangers! What harm bring batteries to a person? Alkali, which is part of this device, can burn mucous membranes and skin, cadmium causes significant damage to the kidneys and light. In general, the "record holder" in the battery packs contained in the number of troubles that he can deliver: blood cells die from it, it strikes the liver and kidneys, causes irreparable harm to the nervous system and bone tissues! Mercury has a negative impact on respiratory organs, and zinc and nickel damage the brain!

All these poisonous elements are spilled in the human body, leading even to reproductive and oncological diseases.

Harm for children

Special damage used batteries are applied to children. After all, the children actively know the world, and most often they do it, sticking items in the mouth.

And now imagine what can happen if the baby will break in the mouth of a non-working battery. Of course, a chemical reaction will begin, which can lead to irreparable consequences. In addition, spent batteries eventually begin to "flow", that is, dangerous contents flows out, causing chemical burns of the skin.

How to reduce the harm of the batteries for the environment?

There are ways to prevent an ecological catastrophe. For example, researchers say, you can acquire batteries that can be charged. In the same, there are batteries that are not included in mercury and cadmium, which means that the harm of the batteries for the environment is significantly reduced.

But it is better to abandon that technique for which such power supplies are needed. It is worth making a choice in favor of the instruments running from the network, at a manual factory or from alternative sources.

How are they?

Every year, residents of the European Union consume 160 thousand batteries for domestic use. In all countries of the European Union, as well as in the United States of America and in Canada there is a huge number of receiving items of waste batteries. In New York there is a law that prohibits removing spent batteries in trash.

Since the harm of the batteries is scientifically confirmed, manufacturers and large stores in the EU selling batteries must necessarily take exhaust devices. Otherwise, the authorities oblige organizations to pay a fine, whose size is 5 thousand dollars. By the way, the percentage of recycling is initially included in the cost of the battery, and the buyer, who passed it, receives a discount on a new one!

Knowing what harm from the batteries for the environment, the Japanese simply collect these power sources and store them until the optimal technology of their processing appears!

Disposal in Russia

In our country, while everything is not so rosy. If a person who knows about the dangers of batteries, decides to dispose of them, he will have to spend a lot of time to search for a reception point. Even in the capital, they are not so much that talking about small cities.

Despite the fact that the state control in this area is absent, the batch points of the used batteries are based on volunteers. Attracted to disposal and schoolchildren. Teachers and children work on projects about the dangers of batteries.

How to dispose of?

Once again, changing the batteries in the player, the remote or toy, do not rush to the trash can. Call the batteries into paper and be sure to place them in the package. Do not copy a large number of batteries, find the reception point and immediately drive them there.

There is another interesting opportunity to dispose of harmful batteries: show the initiative and organize their collection right in your home! Prepare a box, place a number of announcement - perhaps the neighbors will follow your example. Then you need to call the control company - it is they who must export the spent batteries into the reception items.

What happens to batteries further?

After the batteries were collected, the processing process begins. It usually consists of several stages. For example, processing of lead removal products consists of 4 stages.

Batteries are loaded into a large container, from where in conveyor belt get into a concrete well. Above this well is a large electromagnet attracting an extra scrap metal. The bottom of the well is a mesh, this is so electrolyte can be drained into a special container. After the separation of materials begins. This is done with the help of water dust, which is supplied at a pressure of several dozen atmospheres. Small elements and plastic are settled in a separate tank, and large parts of the batteries mechanical bucket places into the caustic soda, turning them into a lead paste.

The third stage is a swine smelting to a liquid state. The final part of the processing process is refining. The result is two components - lead alloys and refined lead. Alloys are usually immediately sent to the factories, and from refined metal, experts pour ingots equal in their quality by the fact that they were produced from the extracted ore.

We live in a world that is no longer possible to imagine without all sorts of batteries and batteries. On batteries there are cell phones, laptops, children's toys and cars. They are also used to maintain the operation of the network devices. When the accident occurs and electricity turns off, then uninterruptible power sources support the operation of the equipment. We are working everywhere with batteries and batteries, but practically do not think about what they have not only useful properties for us. It is also necessary to know that with the wrong and they carry a potential threat to health and the environment.

Prior to the invention of batteries, electricity generation required direct connection to the source of electricity, since it was not possible to store electricity. Batteries work by converting chemical energy into electrical energy. The opposite ends of the battery anode and the cathode create an electrical circuit due to chemicals, called electrolytes that skip the electric current to the device when it is connected to the battery.

In general, the batteries are safe, but to handle them is accurate, especially with lead acid batteries, which have access to lead and sulfuric acid. Also need to be very gently handled with damaged batteries. In some countries, lead acid batteries are marked as a device with hazardous materials, and it is correct. Let's look at what could be the harm of batteries and health batteries if you do not appreciate with them.

Child-acid batteries

Lead is a toxic metal that can get into the body when inhaling lead dust or when touched into his mouth with his hands, which lead touched. Finding into the ground, the lead particles pollute the soil and when she enhances, enter the air. Children, because their bodies are developing, most vulnerable to lead. Excessive lead content can affect the growth of the child, cause damage to the brain, damage the kidneys, worsen hearing and lead to behavioral problems. Lead is also dangerous for children who are still in the womb. In adults, lead can lead to loss of memory and to reduce the ability of the concentration of attention, as well as harm the reproductive system. It is known that lead causes elevated blood pressure, neurological disorders and muscle and articular pain. Researchers believe that Ludwig Van Beethoven fell ill and died due to lead poisoning.

Sulfuric acid in lead-acid batteries is extremely aggressive and potentially more harmful than the acids used in other battery systems. If it is in mind, it can lead to constant blindness; When swallowing, it damages internal organs, which can lead to death. First aid in case of sulfuric acid, it is washing with plenty of water for 10-15 minutes, the water somewhat cools the affected fabrics and prevents secondary damage. If you get on clothes, it is necessary to immediately remove and rinse the skin thoroughly under it. When working with sulfuric acid, it is always necessary to wear protective clothing.

Nickel Cadmium Batteries

Cadmium, which is used in nickel-cadmium batteries, is considered more harmful when he gets inside than lead. Workers at factories in Japan, who work with nickel-cadmium batteries, have serious health problems associated with long-term impact of metal. Disposal at the landfill of such batteries is prohibited in many countries. Soft, whitish metal, which occurs in nature, can lead to damage to the kidneys. When touching the battery, the cadmium can be absorbed through the skin. Since most NICD batteries are sealed, then when handling them, there is practically no risk for health. But very carefully you need to handle open batteries.

Nickel-metal hydride and lithium-ion batteries

Nickel-metal hydride batteries are considered non-toxic and the only thing that should be feared is an electrolyte. Toxic for plants, nickel nevertheless does not represent danger to humans. Lithium-ion batteries are also fairly safe, they contain little toxic materials. However, with damaged batteries it is necessary to handle care. When working with the running battery, do not touch your mouth, nose and eyes and care thoroughly.

Batteries and danger for young children

Keep batteries in an inaccessible place for children. Children under the age of four can very easily swallow the battery. Most often they swallow push-button elements. The battery is often stuck in the esophagus in the child and at the same time the electric current can burn the surrounding tissues. Doctors often incorrectly diagnose symptoms that can be such as fever, vomiting, no appetite and fatigue. Batteries that freely pass through the digestive tract are practically not caused long damage to health. Parents should choose not only safe toys, but also keep batteries away from small children.

Battery charging safety

Charging batteries in residential, well-ventilated rooms, when it is performed correctly, is quite safe. When charging, lead acid batteries isolated a certain amount of hydrogen, which, however, is not so large. Hydrogen becomes explosive at a concentration of 4%. Such a number of hydrogen can be isolated only when charging very large batteries in a hermetically closed room.

Recharge lead-acid batteries can also lead to hydrogen sulfide. This is a colorless, very poisonous flammable gas that smells like rotten eggs. Hydrogen sulfide is also found in nature, although not very often, it is formed as a result of the decay of organic substances in swamps and sewage; Posted in volcanic gases, in the composition of natural gas, passing oil gases, sometimes occurs in a dissolved form in water. Being heavier than air, the gas accumulates downstairs in poorly ventilated spaces. The hydrogen sulfide is also dangerous by the fact that although the smell of gas can be felt, then the smell is dulled and stop noticing it. Therefore, the potential victim may not be aware of the presence of gas. It should be noted that when the smell of hydrogen sulfide becomes noticeable, then the gas concentration is dangerous for human life. In this case, you need to turn off the charger and spark the room well until the whole smell disappears.

Charging lithium-ion batteries outside safe restrictions is conjugate with the danger of explosion and ignition. Most manufacturers provide Li-Ion elements with protection device, but this is not always done because it is associated with an increase in cost. No need to charge batteries failed. This can lead to an explosion and inflammation of the device.

To protect sealed lead-acid batteries (SLA) when charging with overvoltage, current limiters should be applied. Always set the current limit to the minimum value and follow the voltage and the battery temperature during charging.
In the event of an electrolyte leakage or in any other case, the impact of electrolyte on the skin immediately rinse the damaged area with plenty of water. If you get into the eyes, it is also necessary to rinse them with plenty of water and immediately consult a doctor.
Wear protective gloves when working with electrolyte, lead and cadmium.

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Ecologist Fania Usmanova tells why the used batteries can be dangerous to life, health and the environment.

Why are worked, that is, used batteries and batteries are dangerous? Do you know the answer to this question?

And we know and tell you ...

Batteries contain many different chemicals: these are different metals - iron, manganese, zinc, lithium, sodium, aluminum, including those dangerous and poisonous as mercury, nickel, cadmium; Alkali or acids, salt solutions playing the role of electrolytes and consisting of those coolers.

What is alkali and acid, probably know everything. If you do not know what kind of "chemistry", then it is worth saying that these are chemically active, caustic substances, contact with which leads to the destruction, corrosion of materials and items, and for a person they are dangerous in that they are caused by skin burns.

The composition of the batteries can be different, depending on their type. For example, alkaline contain alkaline electrolyte, mercury power elements - mercury oxide and alkali (cathode is made of a zinc and mercury powder mixture, anode and cathode separated by a separator and a diaphragm, impregnated with 40% alkali solution), lithium batteries - lithium cathode, organic electrolyte and anode from various materials.

From the type and composition of the batteries, of course, the area of \u200b\u200btheir application depends. Thus, lithium batteries have a very long storage period, high energy density and retain performance in a large temperature range, since they do not contain water. The main scope of their application is batteries for cell phones, laptops, bicycles and cars operating on electricity and other mobile devices. If we talk about other types of batteries, then salt and alkaline are mostly those batteries that we used to call "finger" and "mizinechik". And it is them most often used. Flat batteries ("Tablets") are quite widely used, for example, for hours, in computers, devices and children's toys.

Why are batteries dangerous?

When we use batteries, they do not pose a danger to us or for the environment. But as soon as they exhausted their resource, then enter the environment where they become hazardous waste. And that is why they are inflicted on them, which you see in the picture, meaning "not throwing out, must be passed to a special recycling point" (if there is no such sign on the battery, this indicates its low quality and absence of a certificate, and not about its safety) .

This is due to the fact that the battery outdoors, with high humidity or other conditions in the environment, will certainly be destroyed, its tightness is disturbed, and with decomposition, all chemicals contained in it fall into the soil, air, water and are transmitted by food chains in living organisms.

We already know that the batteries contain many different metals - mercury, nickel, cadmium, lead, lithium, manganese and zinc. All these metals have the property of accumulating in living organisms, including in the human body, and apply significant harm to health. For example, lead accumulates in the kidneys and causes brain diseases, nervous disorders, cadmium accumulates in the liver, kidneys, bones and thyroid gland, leads to violations of calcium metabolism in the body and is a carcinogen, that is, provokes cancer. Mercury affects the brain, the nervous system, kidney and the liver, accumulates in the kidneys. Causes nerve disorders, impairment of vision, hearing, impaired motor apparatus, diseases of the respiratory system.

By the way, it is worth noting that, according to the results of environmental monitoring, held in the long-standing time in the USSR, it was found that in the cities there was a high level of mercury content, in rural areas, this type of pollution was practically absent. So a person living in the city is exposed to much greater environmental risks. The most vulnerable to the action of heavy metals children. According to the degree of impact on the human body, all three metal belongs to the 1st hazard class - "extremely hazardous substances."

It is estimated that one finger battery, thrown into the garbage bin, contams heavy metals of about 20 square meters of the Earth, and two woods in the forest on this square are growing and growing, two croutons, one hedgehog and several thousand rainworms!

Dear citizens, let's take care of your health and cleanliness of our beloved city!

Bring used batteries to Darmarka (Fair Free Gifts), which will take place on April 19 in the Plaza TRK. Perhaps there will be a permanent point of receiving spent batteries, negotiations are being underway with the administration of this complex.

In everyday life we \u200b\u200bconstantly use the items with batteries. We live at the time and in the world where without them anywhere else. They are in the clock, and in the camera, and in the calculator, and in the flashlight, and in toys. Usually they are difficult to arrange.

Thanks to them there are many devices. From them, it would seem so much benefit, we do not harm the batteries for the environment. But, alas, it is not. Consider the disadvantages of this power source.

The use of batteries for children is zero. They must be left away, in an inaccessible place. At the age of 4 years, they still do not really understand anything and can swallow the battery. Parents should carefully pick up toys for their children. Harm batteries for children scares the most. It is not known what will happen when the battery will be in the abdomen of a child or, God forbid, somewhere stuck.

Nature deserves respect

Looking at the most ordinary battery, you can see the crossed urn on it - such a sign that says that we should not throw them out, but to dilute.

According to calculations, each battery thrown into the trash is capable of polluting about 20 square meters. m earth. This is not a lot and not enough.

The harm of the batteries on nature was and will be, while people will not take care of her. It is their environment, the environment in which they live.

Heavy metals kill us

Heavy metals include mercury, lead and cadmium. With their help harm batteries for a person more than guaranteed. Mercury worsens vision, hearing, causes a disease of the nervous system. Mercury is poison. Lead affects the kidneys and sometimes on the brain. Cadmium is the most dangerous - he causes cancer. Harm batteries on the environment, as you see, obvious.

Danger near

Though the batteries themselves are safe, you need to take carelessly with them, especially with damaged. A lead-acid battery has a lot of harm to the ground. Lead - toxic metal. If it gets into the ground, the soil is contaminated and it enters the air when it dries. Hence the harm from the batteries on the environment.

Reduce harm

Studies harm to the batteries for the environment prove that for ecology, the batteries are harmful. We have compiled such a lifehak to preserve the purity of the ecology at least the area in which you live:

  • buy and use the technique, for which the batteries do not need;
  • Buy batteries that can be charged more than once;
  • Pay attention to the inscriptions "without mercury", "without cadmium" and the like;
  • Do not throw out the batteries just in the usual tank with garbage, give them to recycling.

Little, and the problems are great

Harm from the batteries on the environment is manifested everywhere. So you have thrown a battery, I suspected anything and forgetting about her, and at this time it is gradually spoil, complicates your life and the life of others.

Why am I doing it all. I propose to talk about batteries used.

According to scientists from the United States, it became known that the share of batteries - 50% of toxic waste. All harmful substances act negatively in nature as soon as the battery falls into the trash can. When they are penetrating their penetration into the human body, and this will happen for any, they accumulate, accumulate, and eventually makes a threat to life. For example, cadmium can provoke lung cancer. And who wants to die or suffer just from the usual battery?

It is impossible to neutralize the battery with the method of disposal as ordinary trash. It needs special processing. In the EU countries, it is very serious about this global threat. So let's and we will take care of your health and the state of the surrounding nature. Will you do this - no one will do.