Paganini biography interesting. Phaganini posthumous journey

In 1837. Niccolo Paganini He also gave concerts in Turin, but next year his health deteriorated sharply. CHAKHOTE, Beach XIX century. In 1839, on the prescription, Paganini doctors settled in Marseille. The problems associated with litigation were added to the suffering from the disease, as a result of which the violinist had to pay 50 thousand francs - a very significant amount of the amount at that time.

The last months of the life of Paganini spent in Nice. In letters to friends, he complained: "The chest cough, who torments me, is very sad, but I hold more than I can, and it's good that I am preparing" a magnificent cook "... I'm sorry for pieces, and I'm sorry infinitely that I can't see Jordan's good friend again with our kind friend ... "It is precisely the last letter of Paganini from May 12:" My dear friend, and it is possible not to answer the heart letters of a friend. Blasting stubborn and endless diseases ... the reason for all this is fate, which is pleased that I am unhappy ...

Dr. Bina is considered in Nice the best physician, and only he treats me now. He says that if I manage to reduce Qatar, I can stretch a little more; And if you succeed in two thirds, I can eat, but from the medicines that I began to take four days ago, there is no benefit. "

And yet before dying, he once again played the violin ... Once in the evening, at sunset, he sat at the window in his bedroom. The setting sun illuminated the clouds with gold and purple reflections; Easy gentle breeze born intoxicating flowers fragrances; Many birds twitter on the trees. Elegant young people and women walked around the boulevard. Observing for some time behind the busy public, Paganini looked at the beautiful portrait of Lord Byrona Hanging his bed. He ignored and, thinking about the great poet, his genius, glory and misfortunes, began to compose the most beautiful musical poem, which ever was created by his imagination.

"He seemed to follow all the events of the stormy life of Bairon. At first it was doubts, irony, despair - they are visible on every page" Manfreda "," Lara "," Gayura ", then the great poet threw the cry of freedom, calling Greece to reset the shackles, calling Greece, And finally the death of the poet among Ellinov. " The musician barely finished the last melodic phrase of this amazing drama, as suddenly the bow suddenly froze in his candy fingers ... This last surge of inspiration destroyed his brain ...

It is difficult to say how reliably this is a testimony, but the story of Count Chessole, who claims that the Bayron's improvisation of Paganini on the threshold of death was amazing.

The prophecy of the poet, unfortunately, was justified: Paganini, like Bayron, knew all the depths of suffering, and before the end of his life appeared in his entire brutal reality. Glory, wealth, love - he had all this, and he was fed to all this to disgust. Now his soul was completely empty, it remained only endless loneliness and great fatigue. Success left him to give bitterness. And his dying body convulsively shuddered before frozen in the ice motionlessness of death.

Indescribable torments survived Paganini in the last days of life - from May 15 to 27. For a long hour, he stubbornly tried to swallow at least the tiny pieces of food, and, already completely lost his voice, he could not even explain with her son and wrote his requests on paper sheets ... Julius KAPP in his book gave faxic reproduction of the last leaf on which Paganini wrote : "Red roses ... Red roses ... They are dark red and seem to be a Damascus ... 18, Monday."

Starting from this day, he no longer took more in the hands of the feather. The last hour of the Great Musician is written quite a few fantastic. One poetic story draws such a picture: Paganini dies on the lunar night, stretching his hand to his violin. In fact, everything was not so poetic. One of the friends of the violinist who did not leave him in the last days, Tito Rubudo, told that he himself nor anyone else from those who had been around these days, did not think, "that's so close to his end, how suddenly Paganini , agreed to have dinner, began to cough. This attack and cut the moment of his life. "

This confirms other eyewitnesses - Esquid. According to his testimony, when Paganini sat for a dining table, he suddenly began a strong cough attack. He Zakharkal Blood and immediately choked her. It happened on May 27, 1840, at 5 o'clock in the afternoon.

In the will of Paganini, it was written: "I forbid any lush funeral. I do not wish for the artists to perform the requiem for me. Let a hundred Messes be performed. I give my violin Genoa, so that it is always stored there. I give my soul a great grace of my Creator ".

Chronicles of Charon

Niccolo Paganini (1782─1840) is an outstanding Italian composer, violinist, guitarist, who has an extraordinary musical gift. He masterfully owned musical instruments, hitting the audience with the highest skill and cleanliness of performance. Paganini recognized classic of musical variations. Many are familiar with his writings on the topic of Moses operas, Cinderella, Tancred. The vertex of the creativity of the maestro is considered "24 Caprics", "Venetian carnival", "Eternal movements".

Childhood and youth

Niccolo Paganini was born on October 27, 1782 in the small quarter of Italian Genoa called the "Black Cat" in the family of Antonio Paganini and his wife Teresa. He turned out to be a second child and from early childhood was very painful.

Once in a dream, Niccolo's mother, who was a very sentimental woman, saw an angel in a dream, who predicted her son the future of the Great Musician. Since childhood, parents made him play on the violin, especially since the elder brother Carlo did not differ in this particular gift. Therefore, Niccolo had to be abandoned for two. All his early years were given to monotonous learning to the art of the game on this musical instrument.

Nature awarded the Italian with a huge gift - the finest hearing capable of catching the slightest details in sound. Every day, the boy opened the world around the world with the help of numerous musical tones, which he perceived with a special sharpness. He tried to reproduce them in Magdalene, guitar or on his beloved little violin, which eventually turned into part of the musician's soul.

Father early found the gifting of his son, counting on the conquest of glory and wealth. Therefore, Little Niccolo forced to play Chulana, continuously improving their skills. For the slightest flaws of a child deprived meal. All this negatively influenced the fragile health of the boy. Already at 8 years old Paganini wrote a violin sonata and several pipe variations. Over time, the talented musician forced attention, and he noted the first violinist of the local chapel D. Kosto, who began to engage with young tissue. During six months, he handed his student an invaluable experience, which allowed for the first time to go on stage.

First concerts

The first public speech of the musician took place in May 1795 at the local theater of Sant-Agostino, the funds from which were to travel to the Parma to study at the famous violinist A. Rollah. Here were filled with "Variations on the topic of Karmañol", which had success among the public. Soon, a similar concert was given in Florence, who added the missing money. So the father and son of Paganini were in Parma in A. Rollah, but he was sick and did not want to accept anyone.

In anticipation of Matra, the boy took the violin lying in the next room and played a recently written work of the roll on it, to admiration for the latter. He said that he would not teach a teenager anything else and advised to turn to F. Paryra, but the one engaged in musical productions, he introduced Paganini with a talented cellist Girliti, who became his new mentor. He forced his student to create works without a tool, relying only on the inner hearing.

In 1797, Niccolo, together with his father, went to the first concert tour of Europe. Their route ran through Milan, Florence, Pisa, Bologna and Livorno. His performances who had huge success in every city, inspired the musician to new accomplishments. It was at this time that he writes most of his famous 24 coprirs, in which he demonstrated the greatness of his artistic fantasy. Unusual interweaving of the striking virtuosity consciousness with grotesque images and powerful dynamics made his musical works inimitable.

Independent life

The glory that fell on the young man began to be influenced by the Father, and at the first convenient case, Niccolo left the parent house, becoming the first violinist in Lucca. He passionately gives up his job, heading the city orchestra and in parallel with this concerting. At this time, the musician begins to enjoy many joys of life, playing cards and indulging in love joy. Personated by some kind of "Senorye Did", he even leaves touring for several years, only "gladly leaving the strings of the guitar."

In 1804, Paganini returns to creativity, but the next year began to serve the court violinist in Lucca. Here the rules F. Batchki, whose wife was Sister Napoleon Princess Eliza, with which the musician arises passionate relations. Since 1808, he renews touring activities.

In 1814, Niccolo gives concerts at home. Here it is met with a huge warmth, calling no other than the genius. The public struck the extraordinary ease of possession of the violin and the virtuoso performance of complex parties. It is no coincidence that the musician was repeatedly invited to perform in the famous La Scala Theater.

In 1821, Paganini again leaves concert activities due to the large bouquet of the exacerbated diseases - rheumatism, tuberculosis, intestinal and gastric pain. This forces him to move to Pavia closer to the famous doctor of S. Borda. Blooding, rigid diet and rubbing ointments did not help immediately. From the surgery weakness, the musician did not risk a violin for a long time to take a violin in his hands, and his only inching remained private lessons with the son of the Genoese merchant, young K. Sivori.

After defeating the sores, except for the "unbearable cough", Paganini in 1824 performs in Milan, Pavia and Genoa. A little later, the musician creates new works - "Military Sonata", "Polish Variations", and together with them and three concerts for the violin, the most famous of which became the second with the famous Robe "Campanella".

In the zenith of glory

In the period from 1828 to 1834, Paganini gives many concerts in the largest halls of the old world. He applies both the general public and a big pleiad of artists, including F. Shopin, R. Schuman, F. Schubert, Gaine, I. Guete. Austrian composer F. Sheet generally called the game Niccolo "Supernatural Miracle." In later concerts on the joy of viewers, he is increasingly playing with guitar accompaniment.

During his stay in Vienna, Paganini compresses "Variations to the Austrian Anthem" and thinks to create its own masterpiece "Venetian carnival". In 1830, thinking about the future of the Son, the musician acquires the title of Baron, who will be inherited by his offspring.

In 1829-1831, Paganini tours in Germany. For a year and a half, he gave more than a hundred concerts in 30 cities. It also completes the work on the 4th and 5th concerts, and also writes the work of "Love Galant Sonata". Then there was France, and again a huge success. Here Niccolo composes again, devoting to his friend Jermi 60 variations of the People's Song "Barucuba", sister Dominica Serenad for guitar, violin and cello, and her daughter of his patron de Negro Sonatu.

Secrets and puzzles Paganini

The musician often stated about certain secrets of his execution, which he will reveal only at the end of the career. With this, his unwillingness is connected to publish its own writings, which allegedly be able to declassify his secret. Some particularly zero spectators saw on the shoulder of the musician during Satan's speech, other people were walking on the sky in a carriage with a retinue.

He became the first one who used the game on the violin at concerts, and not on notes. Permanent playing by the game on musical instruments made it possible to develop the phenomenal strength of the cruise muscles, so Paganini could easily break the porcelain plate with two fingers.

Niccolo was a virtuoso performer. Once upon a dispute, he brilliantly conducted opera, playing a violin of two strings. And at the next birthday of Napoleon, he performed the sonatoo with him only on the fourth string. According to D. F. Justraha, Phaganini phenomenon is an extraordinary combination of talent, temperament and hardworking, which allowed the maximum to apply psychophysiological qualities.

After death, the church was opposed to the burial of the remains of the musician in the Christian cemetery, as he refused to pass. The reason for the act of Paganini was clear - he claimed that he would not die and would live forever.

Personal life

Relations with female floors are one of the mysterious pages of his biography. About his first novel knows not much. A certain lady, enthusiastic guitar, fascinated young Paganini to her Tuscan castle, where he lived for several years. Then his fate brought himself with an older sister was filled with Elise, formerly at the beginning of the XIX century Princess Lucci and Pjombino. The musician was very keen in touch with a ugly, but noble woman, thanks to the protection of which he began to regularly appear at the court.

Having spent three years next to Elise, Paganini received permission to leave her, and soon his fate was brought with another sister of the emperor - Polina Bonaparte. Their novel was very stormy, passionate and short. Having indulged in love comforts in the Turin castle of Stupynji, they quickly quickly walked each other, and the windy Polina quickly found a replacement to the musician.

And then in the life of Paganini, a young Angelina Cavannah appeared, because of which he almost sat down in prison. The father of the girl pregnant from Niccolo accused him of the abduction and rape of his daughter. The court who took place commanded the musician to pay a fine, but it could not change the fate of the child, who died over a year and a half before the end of the process.

The new Passion of Maestro became the singer Anthony Bianca, which Paganini decided to teach singing at the beginning of dating. In 1825, she gives him the heir to Akille, but the relationship with Anthony will only worsen. In his letters, Niccolo more than once mentioned the frenzy of his girlfriend, which could easily throw a violin case. When dealing with many women, a great musician managed to preserve his independence, fully justified by the phrase once said: "Freedom - the highest benefit for a man".

Last chord

The contemporaries of Paganini wrote that after concerts, the musician had convulsions, similar to the epileptic seizure - he drove the muscles, the body temperature fell, a pulse fell. Niccolo himself called such a state of "electricity", which appeared in it and which "painfully torments, but comes out of me at a concert with Divine Harmony." The first signs of severe illness began to actively manifest itself in 1834, because of what Maestro interrupts performances. Two years later, he plays a few concerts in Nice, after which he becomes very bad.

Shortly before the death of Paganini in a very serious condition visits his native genome.

For the past six months of life, he was extremely exhausted, so I could not hold the bow in my hands. His favorite violin remained without a magic wand, and the musician moved her strings with weakened fingers. A great composer died and a musician on May 27, 1840 in Nice. At first, the church prevented his burial in Italy. The permission was obtained only in 1876, after which the dust Paganini was reburied in Parma.

On October 27, 1782, Niccol Paganini, Italian violinist and composer was born.

Italian violinist virtuoso and composer Niccolo Paganini (Niccolo Paganini) was born on October 27, 1782 in the city of Genoa (Italy) in the family of a small merchant.

Young musician performed with great success in Italian cities - Florence, Pisa, Livorno, Bologna and Milan.c. 1801 to 1804 Paganini lived in Tuscany. It is by this period that the creation of famous capricches for Solo violin is.

In 1805, in the heyday of the executive glory, the musician replaced concert activities for the court service in Lucca by chamber pianist and the conductor of the orchestra, but in 1808 he returned to concerting.

In 1811, he composed the first concert of D Major for a violin with the orchestra, in 1826 - the second concert of the SI Minor for a violin with the orchestra.

Uniqueness of the game manners, ease of ownership tool soon brought him fame across Italy. Paganini has repeatedly performed in the theater "La Scala".

From 1828 to 1834, he gave hundreds of concerts in the largest cities of Europe, which caused an enthusiastic assessment of the composers of Franz Schubert, Robert Shuman, Frederick Chopin, Joakkino Rossini, the poet of Heinrich Heine, Writers, Johann Goethe, Onor Balzaca, Teodor Gofman. Phaganini's phenomenon had a strongest impact on the work of the composer of Ferenz Leaf, called the game of the Italian maestro "Supernatural Miracle."

The creative path of Paganini was suddenly interrupted in 1834, the reasons for which the musician's secrecy and a number of public scandals arising around his figure became the reasons. He returned to his homeland in 1837 a seriously ill person.

In the last days of Paganini's life, Paganini was tormented by the attacks of a strong cough, because of which the musician could not take food and say - wrote his requests on paper sheets. Paganini died in Nice on May 27, 1840. After the death of Paganini, Papal Kuria did not give a permission for his burial in Italy for a long time. Only many years later, in 1876, the dust of the musician was transported to the Parma and buried there.

Paganini had a precious collection of violins of the work of Antonio Stradivari, the families Guvarnery and Amati, from which Giuseppe Gwarnery, who had their most beloved and famous violin kept the city Genoa.

Niccolo Paganini's name became a symbol of the highest virtuosity in the musical execution, he laid the foundations of modern violin technology, influenced the development of pianism and art tools. Paganini was both the largest composer, one of the founders of musical romanticism. It is especially popular with 24 capricches for the violin Solo, two concerts for violin with the orchestra. It also owns various plays and variations for violin, instrumental ensembles, numerous plays for the guitar. Many treble works of the greatest violinist are processed by Ferenc Sheet, Robert Shuman, Johannes Brahms, Sergey Rakhmaninov. The image of Niccolo Paganini was captured by Henry Heine in the story of "Florentine Nights".

Material prepared on the basis of open sources information

The son of the port loader not only managed to become famous for the whole world - his violin's game was such a virtuoso that it gave rise to incredible rumors: the violinist concluded a contract with the devil, and instead of a string on his violin, the intestines were tightened to the wives to them. Paganini really played so that it would seem, it goes beyond human opportunities, his success in women was stunning, and his person was surrounded by a halo of mystery.

The path to glory from Paganini was not unhindered. Since childhood, he had to endure the tyrant of his father, who forced him to make music for all day, not allowing to go outside. From lack of oxygen, movement and excessive loads, the boy fell into cataleptic to whom. Parents counted him dead and barely buried. After the disease, he did not leave classes, and soon glory about the talented violinum came far beyond the limits of Genoa.

At the 8th age, Paganini wrote a violin sonata and several difficult variations. At a young age, he created most of his famous capricchio, which still remain a unique phenomenon of musical culture. In the game on the violin Paganini was a real virtuoso. Quickly having mastered the traditional technique, he began to experiment: imitated the singing of birds and human laugh, the sound of the flute, pipes, horn, a cow washed, applied a variety of sound effects.

At 19, he survived the first and only true love for a woman whose name he never called. Their novel lasted for a short time, but left the imprint on his life. Since then, he felt permanent loneliness, despite the many love ties.

Once Paganini was betraying that he could conduct an orchestra with the help of a violin on which only two strings would be. He managed not only to win a bet, but also impress the sister of Napoleon Eliza Bonaparte - the impressionable Corsican from the delight lost consciousness. So began their novel. The game on two strings did not become the height of Paganini: on the birthday of Napoleon, he surpassed himself, playing on one string. To the Elise, the violinist quickly lost interest and became interested in another sister of Bonaparta Polina Borghese. Their connection was as short.

Just as easy as women, Paganini conquered cities and countries. He was applauded in Italy, Austria, Germany, France, England, Ireland. Wherever he appeared, there were funny stories that generated rumors. Heinrich Heine wrote about this in the "Florentine nights": "Yes, my friend, it is true that everything about him is spoken - that when Paganini was a dropletaster in Lucca, he fell in love with one theatrical attachment, he fired her to some insignificant Abbot, perhaps, became a cuckold, and then, for the good Italian custom, broke his wrong beloved, got into Genoa to the catguard and sold himself, finally, in order to become the best violinist in the world. "

After the concert in Vienna, one of the listeners argued that he saw the devil behind his back and drove his hand with a bow. Journalists picked up this news and reported it quite seriously. On numerous caricatures, he was depicted ugly, in the newspapers they were characterized as a greedy, stingy and petty man, envious and enemies dismissed ridiculous rumors about it. The bad glory accompanied him everywhere and always.

who was the addressee of "Lunar Sonata", or why Beethoven was accused of being his music too gloomy and sullen

PERSONALITY NICKLO PAGANINA has always faced the attention of the public, some seen in him a real genius, the other fraudster, refusing to believe in such an extraordinary talent. Even today, no one can deny the fact that he was a real maestro and even a virtuoso violinist went into eternity, but his works, as well as memories of his phenomenal talent remained. The whole life of the Great Musician is shrouded in secrets and underwent, accompanied him everywhere.

A brief biography and many interesting facts about the composer read on our page.

Brief biography Paganini

A future musician in Genoa was born on October 27, 1782. His father was a small merchant, but at the same time, Antonio Paganini was very fond of music and dreamed that his son became a great musician. Almost all Childhood Niccolo dedicated classes on the instrument. From nature, he got unusually acute hearing, and every day his father realized that Niccolo is waiting for the fame of this virtuoso, so it was decided to hire him a professional teacher.

So his first mentor, not counting his father, became Francesca Nyekko, who was a composer and violinist. These classes helped to even more reveal the talent of a small musician and already at the age of eight years he creates his first sonata.

Rumor about a small genius gradually scattered throughout the small town and drew close attention to the violinist Jacomo Costa, which now began to engage with a boy. These lessons brought great benefit to the novice musician and he, thanks to this, was able to start concert activity. Thus, the first concert of the future virtuoso took place in 12 years, in 1794.

After that, many influential people paid attention to Nikcolo. For example, Giancarlo Di Negro, the famous aristocrat, became a patron and a real friend of a talented musician, who helps him with further training. Thanks to his support, Gasparo Garetti became a new teacher Paganini, who trained his composition. In particular, he killed a musician to use inner hearing during the essay of melodies. Under the guidance of the teacher, in a few months Paganini was able to compose 24 fugues, plays and even concerts for violin .

Inspired by the success of his talented son, Antonio Paganini hurried to take over the duties of impresario and began to prepare a tour of the country. Speech of such a gifted child produced a real extension. It was during this period that the famous Capriccio, which committed the most real revolution in the world of violin music.

Soon Niccolo decides to start an independent life and career from his parents, the more he receives a tempting offer - the place of the first violin in Lucca. It becomes not only the management of the city orchestra, but also continues to successfully perform across the country. Musician concerts still pass brilliantly and cause a stormy delight among the public.

It is known that Paganini was very in love and precisely during this period of time, the virtuoso violinist meets the first love. He even stopped touring for three years and is seriously enjoys the composition. Its works, composed during this period of time, Niccolo dedicates "Signore Did". It is no secret that Paganini attribute many novels, even with the August specialists. We are talking about the sister of Napoleon Elise, which was married to Felice tanks (ruler in Lucca). The composer even dedicated to her "Love Scene", which was written only for two strings. This work was very liked by the public, and the princess herself suggested a maestro to compose a play for one string. In the biography of Pagania, there is such a fact that after some time the maestro presented Sonata "Napoleon" for the "Salt" string. It is also known that in a few years the violinist himself decided to stop communicating with Elise.

After a while, returning to his native city, Niccolo was already carried away by the daughter of the tailor - Angelina Cvanted, which even took with him to Parma. However, it turned out that the girl was in a position, and therefore she was forced to go back to the genome. The information was preserved that the father of Angelina filed a musician to the Tribunal and the court, which lasted two years, which decided to pay the victim a significant amount of money.

In 1821, Paganini's health was very shaken, because he paid a lot of time music and did not care at all. The musician tried to alleviate cough attacks and pain with various ointments, traveling to sea resorts, but nothing helped. Because of this, Nikolo was forced to stop concert activities for a while.

In the spring of 1824, the violinist suddenly visits Milan, where it is immediately taken to organize his concert. After that, he is already successfully acting in Pavia and his native genome. It is at this time that he again meets his former love by Anthony Bianke, a famous singer. After a while, they are born the son of Achilles.

At this time, Paganini devotes a lot of time on the composition, constantly writing the next masterpieces: "Military Sonata", a concert for violin №2 - these works are becoming a real culmination of his creative path. In 1830, after a successful performance in Westphalia, he is honored by Baron's title.

In 1839, Niccolo goes to Nice, where he removes himself a small house and a few months literally did not go anywhere because of poor well-being. His condition was so weakened that he could not take his favorite tool into his hands. The famous violinist and composer died in 1840.

Interesting Facts

  • It is still unknown whether the famous musician ever visited the famous musician. Researchers note that in his manuscripts there are a lot of gross mistakes, and even in those written in adulthood.
  • It's no secret that Paganini was born in the family of a small merchant, although initially his father worked even by a loader. However, as it became known later, at the census of the population, Napoleon ordered to indicate in the documents that Paganini's father was "Mandolin holder."
  • The story has been preserved that the mother of the future virtuoso somehow in a dream saw an angel, who told her that their son Niccolo waits for a career of the Great Musician. Father Paganini, having heard it really inspired and was delighted, because he dreamed of this.
  • Already from 5 years of age, the little Niccolo began to engage in mandoline , and a year later violin . Father often locked it in the attic so that he spent more time for the instrument, which later affected the health of the musician.
  • For the first time on stage, Paganini spoke on July 31, 1795 at the Sant-Agostino Theater, the native city. The funds reversed from the concert, 12-year-old Niccolo was able to go to the Parma to continue their studies from Alessandro Roll.
  • When Antonio Paganini, along with her son, came to Alessandro Roll, could not accept them because of bad well-being. Next to the room of the musician lay his tool and notes of the works of the same work. Little Niccolo took this violin and executed what was recorded on tank paper. Having heard his game, Alessandro Roll came out to the guests and said that he could not teach this performer than this performer anything else, since he already knows everything.
  • Paganini concerts always produced a real extension, and especially impressionable ladies even lost consciousness. He thought over everything to the smallest trifles, even "suddenly bursting strings" or upset tool, everything was part of his ingenious program.
  • Due to the ability of Paganini to imitate on the violin singing birds, human conversation, game guitar. And other tools, he was called "southern sorcerer."
  • The musician flatly refused to compose Psalms for Catholics, brings out these worship of church-believers with which he subsequently conflicted.
  • It is known that Paganini was a massone and even composed Masonic anthem.
  • Among all the rumors who went around the person's person, there is a legend that he specially addressed a surgeon for a secret operation that allowed him to significantly increase the flexibility of the hands.
  • Niccolo was very scattered, he hardly could remember even the date of his birth. Often, in the documents, he pointed out the wrong year, and each time it was different dates.

  • In the biography of Paganini there is a story about how Maestro once, refused to the English king. Having received an invitation from him to perform at the courtyard for a rather modest fee, Paganini invited the king to his concert in the theater so that he could still save on it.
  • Paganini had a very strong passion for gambling, because of this, a famous musician remained very often without funds. He even had to lay his instrument several times and ask for money in a comrades. Only after the birth of the heir, he tied with maps.
  • He was a very popular performer, and for the speeches of Niccolo received huge fees to the standards. After his death, he left the inheritance of several million francs.
  • Surprisingly, the musician did not really like to record his writings on paper, as I wanted to be the only performer. However, one violinist was able to surprise him very much, it's about the composer Henry Herns, who performed the variations of Paganini at his concert.

  • Later, there were many rumors around the maestro, even his parents' well-wishers "sent letters in which the name of the musician was trying to stain. What is just a legend that he honed his skilled game in prison. Even in the Roman Standal, this strange fiction is mentioned.
  • Press Quite often in recent years of the musician's life reported mistaken about his death, he later had to write a refutation, and Paganini's popularity was only increased due to this. When the composer died in Nice, the printed editions again published a necrologist and even made a small note that they hope that a refutation would be printed soon.
  • In the collection of Maestro there were several violins, among them the work of Stradivari, Amati, but their most beloved - Guardari, he bequeathed in the town in which he was born. One of his tools is now stored in Russia. We are talking about the violin of the work of Carlo Bargon, which Maxim Viktor acquired in 2005 for 1.1 million dollars.

History of violin Paganini

The composer himself gave a very unusual name to his beloved tool - "Cannon". It was connected with the events that took place in his country in the first half of the XIX century. Made a violin Bartolomeo Giuseppe Gwarnery in 1743. Researchers point out that one Paris merchant presented a 17-year-old musician tool. The violin immediately attracted the attention of Niccolo by the power of sound and became his beloved. He treated her very reverently and once even turned to a violin master, because the tool lost his voice. Having arrived in a few days to him, the maestro with relief heard the familiar sound of the violin and gave the master to the master with Willoma, the valuable box was covered with gems. He explained his generous gift by the fact that in his time he had two such cupcasters. He presented one of them to his doctor, for the fact that he cured his body. Now he gave the second master, since he was healed by his "gun".

In his testament, Paganini pointed out his entire collection of instruments to be transferred to Genoa, where he was born and did not leave the city. It concerned the "guns", which was subsequently received the name of the "Paganini widow". This was due to the fact that no one else could remove such a sound from it, which made the maestro.

Paganini's violin is currently under close observation in the Palazzo Doria Tourcy Museum, there are some other musician personal things. Despite the fact that the tool is kept constantly in the museum, sometimes it can still be heard in the concert hall. True, playing it is allowed only to the winner of the Music Competition named after Paganini.

The secret of the extraordinary talent of Paganini

There were always legends around the extraordinary talent of Paganini, and what stories did not make up contemporaries to try to explain his brilliant game on the violin. Credit with otherworldly forces, special operation, fraud - all these rumors, only a small part of many other surrounding musicians. The American doctor Mairon Schenfeld tried to explain the secret of the treble technique of Maestro. In his opinion, the whole thing in the hereditary disease, from which Paganini suffered.

On the biography of Paganini, many interesting films were filmed, it would be particularly to highlight the work of Leonid Menacher Nikcolo Paganini (1982). It was removed on the work of A. K. Vinogradov "Condemnation of Paganini" and is specifically dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the birth of the maestro. This is a four-ranhinery film that tells about the life of the legendary violinist, his feelings, experiences, creativity, helping to understand its mystical and multifaceted nature. A lot of violin performed Leonid Kogan. It is known that the director originally wanted to invite to the main role of the famous conductor Yuri Temirkanova, but he did not agree.

Another noticeable work is the film "Paganini" (1989) Claus Kinski. It is noteworthy that this is his only experience as a director. He played a major role, fulfilling a great musician. Claus Kinsky showed an amazing Paganini, the life of which was balanced on the edge of the abyss. No one has seen such a violinist.

Drama Bernard Rose "Paganini: Diavol violinist", conquered the world in 2013. The main role was performed by the famous artist David Garrett. The director took the rumors as the basis of the time spent on Italian violinist. After all, many of his contemporaries were confident that he sold his soul to the devil and got an extraordinary gift. In his path, Paganini meets a beautiful girl, but can he know happiness? This film opens some mysteries from the life of the maestro.

Unusually virtuoso and beautiful game Paganini on violin Spent many legends and mystical stories of contemporaries. And in a different way, it could not be, because Maestro played so that those present in the hall of the ladies fell into fainting, and especially meticulous listeners were closed around, trying to see the second musician who helps him. But naturally, they did not see anything, because there was no one there, and they did not have anything, how to write off this ingenious game on the mistress of the Lord of the Underworld. Paganini left 24 Caprice, 6 concerts for violin, a large number of variations, sonatas and other works for violin and guitar. In addition, he left a lot of legends about himself, about life and his extraordinary talent, which to this day excleant the imagination of the admirers of his work.

Video: Watch the film about Niccolo Paganini