Why Hitler began a war from the USSR. Why Germany attacked the USSR wanted Hitler first to attack the USSR

It is believed that the agreement with Hitler helped to avoid the Hitler's attack in the fall of 1939, to drag the war as far as possible and better to prepare. In reality, refusal to sign an agreement with Germany in August 1939 would not have damaged the security of the Soviet Union.

Many to this day are confident in the wisdom and the insightness of Stalin. It is believed that the agreement with Hitler helped to avoid the Hitler's attack in the fall of 1939, to drag the war as far as possible and better to prepare. In reality, refusal to sign an agreement with Germany in August 1939 would not have damaged the security of the Soviet Union.

Of course, Hitler always hated our country and intended to destroy it. But in 1939, as evidenced by the documents of the Third Reich, nor with the military, nor from the economic, nor from the foreign policy point of view, Germany was not ready for war with the Soviet Union! The collision from the USSR would end with the victory of the Red Army. Yes, and Hitler would not be solved for a big war with in the east, having hostile France in the rear. But by the summer of 1941, the opponents of Hitler in Europe will not remain, and the Wehrmacht will become different ...

Stalin helped Hitler eliminate Poland, which was a buffer between the two countries, and then allowed to destroy the French army distracting the Wehrmacht in the West. Stalin's inability to evaluate the foreign policy situation by Russia in tens of millions of lives.

On the side of Germany

Rapprochement with Nazi Germany was not a situational dictated to the then political necessity, and was based on the fundamental ideas of the Soviet military and political establishment, which Poland despised and hated the West, but saw a suitable partner in Hitler.

On September 1, 1939, Hitler attacked Poland. By fulfilling their obligations, France and England declared war in Germany. The second world began. The Secretary General of the Executive Committee of Comintern Georgy Dimitrov asked Stalin about the meeting to find out what the position of the Communist Parties should be. On September 7, Stalin took it.

- The war goes between two groups of capitalist countries for the redistribution of peace, for domination over the world! - explained Stalin. - We are not off, so that they grow up well and weakened each other.

Poland Stalin called the fascist:

- The destruction of this state in the present conditions would mean one bourgeois fascist state less! What would be bad if as a result of the defeat of Poland we spread the socialist system to new territories and the population?

Stalin's indication was made in the form of the Directive of the Secretariat of the Comintern's executive committee to all Communities: "The international proletariat cannot protect the fascist Poland ..." Communists who gathered to Poland to, as in Spain, fight against the fascists, forbade it.

On September 9, the headquarters of the Voroshilov and the head of the General Staff of Shaposhnikov signed a directive that prescribed the troops of the Belarusian and Kiev special military districts on the night of September 12-13 to go to the offensive and defeat the Polish army. But it turned out that Warsaw still keeps. The offensive of the Red Army was postponed. Poles desperately defended their capital. Warshowen, men and women, sworn trenches and built barricades. Moscow persistence of Poles annoyed.

On September 10, the People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs of Molotov invited the German ambassador of Schulenburg and warned: Moscow intends to declare that Poland falls apart for pieces and the Soviet Union is forced to help Ukrainians and Belarusians:

"This will give the Soviet Union a faithful pretext and the opportunity not to look aggressor. The Soviet government, unfortunately, does not see another preposition, since so far the Soviet Union has not worried about national minorities in Poland and must somehow justify its intervention in the eyes of the abroad.

"My forces anti-fascists"

There was no Nazi Germany at that time a better friend and defender than the head of the Soviet government and the People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov. His irritated words about the "minor anti-fascists" shook the Soviet people who were accustomed to consider fascists with enemies. And the Molotov from the Tribunes of the Supreme Council broke out compatriots who did not have time to reoriented in time:

- In our country there were some short-sighted people who, carried away simplified anti-fascist agitation, forgot about the provocative role of our enemies.

Speaking of enemies, he meant England and France, which were considered aggressors.

Moscow and Berlin made a joint statement regarding World War. Stalin dictated such a text: "England and France are responsible for the continuation of the war, and in case of continuing the war, Germany and the USSR will support contact and consult with each other about the necessary measures to achieve peace."

The German military command received the consent of Moscow to refuel the submarines and the combat ships of the German Navy in the Soviet bases.

The Stalinist vision of events formulated his devoted assistant - the head of the political enforcement of the Red Army Army Commissioner of the 1st Rang Lev Zakharovich Mehlis, speaking on November 10, 1939 to Soviet writers:

- The main enemy is, of course, England. And Germany does, in general, a useful case, overwhelming the British Empire. Destruction will behave to the general collapse of imperialism ...

Communist parties received an order from Moscow to stop anti-fascist propaganda. The Secretariat of the Comintern Executive Committee stated: "England and France became aggressors - they untied the war against Germany and try to expand the military front in order to turn the war in anti-Soviet War started."

The European Communist Party was ordered to cooperate with the German occupying authorities. The magazine of the Dutch Communist Party "Politics and Culture" published the editorial article with a call to the population "correctly belong to the German troops". And it was said about the Nazi occupiers! .. When the German troops entered Paris, some of the Soviet police officers were welcoming them with their hands. The French Communists appealed to the Germans with a request to allow the release of the newspaper "Semite". But from the shame of the French communists they saved the Germans themselves who refused to have a business with them ...

Stalin and Molotov broke diplomatic relations with the governments of the occupied European countries in exile. And they recognized the puppet governments that were created by the Germans in the occupied countries. It was the recognition and actual approval of all the conquests of Hitler.

Why did it need to Hitler?

The German military economy existed due to imported supplies. Germany itself in excess had only coal. But in 1939, the Third Reich actually went bankrupt. The balance of payments shortage was covered with a printing machine. The volume of paper money before the war increased twice. The leadership of the Imperial Bank informed Hitler that Reich's gold reserves no longer exist. No currency - no purchases that Wehrmacht requires.

On April 15, 1939, the Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces General Walter von Browukhich presented the report to Hitler:

"Today's lack of high-quality steel resembles the situation of the First World War ... The army is deprived of steel, which is necessary for equipping the armed forces with modern offensive weapons."

A few months later, Browukhich again turned to Hitler for help - copper disappeared, and there was no own copper in Germany, she was bought abroad. Due to the lack of copper, the release of mines ceased and the release of artillery shells fell. The release of 105-millimeter Gaubits, who made up the basis of the German artillery, was halfway. The production of army carbines was stopped - the main weapons of infantry.

On May 24, 1939, Major General Georg Thomas, Head of the Economic Department of the Wehrmacht, submitted his calculations to the command: Germany allocates 23 percent of national income to the needs of the Armed Forces, France - 17 percent, England - 12, USA - only two. In other words: Western powers have large reserves to build up military efforts, and Germany has almost reached the limits of their capabilities. But the economic potential of the enemies of the Nazi state is already exceeding the possibilities of Germany.

In the autumn of 1939, the martial possibilities of the Wehrmacht and the state of the German military economy allowed to lead only a short war with a weaker opponent - Poland. New tanks and automatic weapons entered the Wehrmacht with great delay. Ammunition could have been enough for just a few weeks. The generals were perplexed: how to act, if France immediately strikes the West? The entry into the war of Western powers and the USSR threatened Germany with disasters.

That is why Hitler decided to attack Poland, just having received the consent of Stalin to divide the country and support Germany. How would Hitler fought without the Soviet deliveries of strategically important raw materials and food?

The Polish campaign revealed serious disadvantages of the Wehrmacht and the military industry, which few people knew about. Aviation has exhausted the stock of the bombs and was not ready for the continuation of hostilities. Insufficient passage of infantry units revealed. Problems arose with tank parts. In less than a month, a quarter of combat vehicles were either damaged in battle, or failed. The light tanks T-1 and T-11 were generally not suitable for the modern war, demanded a replacement. But it is in this critical for Germany that period between October 1939 and October 1940, the release of tanks half fell. Most of all Hitler, who remembered the first world, was disturbed by the lack of ammunition.

In 1939, the mass transfer of troops first to the east (to the Polish border), then the west was unbearable for the transport system. Railways did not cope with the needs of the Wehrmacht. Imperial railways did not receive half the amount of steel demanded to maintain the paths in working condition. The termination of passenger traffic has not saved from the fact that tens of thousands of cars and platforms are stuck in traffic jams.

The German economy completely depended on the coal. But his departments were in Western and eastern border areas - in Riere and Silesia. Coal transportation to industrial areas has eaten a third of the possibilities of German railways. Since December 1939, miners could not send mined coal to consumers.

Commander Verner von Brahich and Head of the General Staff Franz Galder demanded a serious respite to prepare war in the West: you need to replenish the technical park and arsenals, prepare another millionist conscripts. Hitler did not want to wait, but was forced to agree. The operation against France was transferred to May 1940. So to fight with the Red Army in the fall of thirty-ninth Wehrmachut was not under power.

Salvation comes from Moscow

Germany was in economic isolation. Entry into the war of France and England cut it from deliveries from abroad. Importing the most important types of raw materials -neft, iron ore, copper - fell to a crisis low level. The economy that fully depends on imported supplies was on the verge of full collapse. The German military car saved only an economic agreement with Moscow.

In September 1939, the British government informed the USSR on the introduction of the Marine Blockade of Germany and the intention to inspect and delay the courts that would transport goods that enhance the German military potential. The British did not believed without reason that the sea block will be for the Nazis sensitive blow. But Hitler reassured his generals:

- We have nothing to fear the British blockade. East will supply us grain, cattle, coal, lead, zinc.

Fuhrer was right.

The article "War of the Sea" appeared in the newspaper "Izvestia", which contained a promise to supply the Nazi Germany with raw materials. The response of the Soviet government at the British note was drawn up in extremely hard expressions. The Germans were satisfied. Minister of Propaganda Joseph Gabbels ordered to report on the Soviet position on the first lanes of all newspapers.

In mid-November 1939, at the negotiations in Berlin, the head of the Great Soviet Economic Delegation of the Narc of the Shipbuilding Industry Ivan Fedorovich Tevosyan noted with meaning:

- The Soviet government would not agree to be released in such large quantities and such types of raw materials that it will deliver Germany.

Stalin, in turn, explained by the German economic delegation, which does not consider trade with Germany purely commercial affairs:

- This is the help of Germany. This is easy to make sure. The Soviet side, selling Germany's bread, certainly assisted, since that bread could have been selling someone else for gold ... Nowhere Germany will not receive for the brand of oil, grain, cotton, ore, color materials. Rate this and recognize economic help. The Soviet Union has acquired a lot of enemies because of this. But I want you to understand - neither England, nor France will be able to push the Soviet Union with the path of friendship with Germany.

- We give Germany with raw materials, which is not unnecessary for us, and do it by cutting the needs of the defense and economic plan.

In 1940, more than half of Soviet exports went to Germany. In total, Hitler received from Stalin eight hundred and more than thousands of tons of oil, one and a half million tons of grain, and copper, nickel, tin, molybdenum, tungsten and cobalt - strategically important materials, without which the military industry in Germany stopped. Nor in one other country, the Nazis would not bought it.

Some types of raw materials, the necessary German military industry, the Soviet Union specifically bought in other countries and supplied Germany. This is primarily rare metals and rubber, without which the motorized parts of the Wehrmacht would stop in a few weeks.

On March 6, 1941, Ambassador Schlenurg handed over the Molotov Request Berlin to speed up the supply of rubber and a number of non-ferrous metals. Molotov promised to help. And on March 10, he told the ambassador that the promise would be executed. Before the attack on the Soviet Union, two and a half months remained ...

Such vitally important was for Germany's supply to Soviet food. Almost a third of the population worked in agriculture, but the country could not feed himself. Germany began the second world war, having less than nine million tons of grain. A year later, a million remained in the year of war. The military victories of 1940 did not reduce the dependence of Germany from deliveries from the Soviet Union. The Germans raised the question of doubling the supply of grain, which have already reached a million tons per year. And they received consent - Stalin and Molotov conducted a policy of pacifying Hitler and walked for serious concessions in trade and economic affairs. They expressed their willingness to print strategic grain reserves to satisfy the request of Germany.

In the spring of 1941, the Germans complained that the price of wheat and rye for them is exormably high. Moscow threw the price of a quarter.

On June 3, 1941, a particularly secret solution of the Politburo allowed "from special reserves" to additionally put thousands of tons of strategic raw materials in Germany: copper, nickel, tin, molybdenum and tungsten.

Why did Hitler decided to attack?

Germany's military-economic potential did not allow her to fight with the whole world.

Herman Geering said to his subordinates in the Ministry of Aviation, which he needs a air fleet for victory - 21 thousand aircraft. In reality, the maximum that had a Luftwaffe, is five thousand aircraft (in December 1944).

In 1940, the United States released six thousand aircraft, of which, two thousand received England. In the 41st, the Americans released 19 more than thousands of aircraft, of which five thousand were sent to England. In the 42nd they produced 48 thousand cars, of which England received seven more than thousands. The Red Army in April 1945 had 17 thousand aircraft ...

For such a country, like Germany, the release of 21 thousand aircraft was an unattainable goal. Germany did not have such tools and such a quantity of fuel. The same problem limited the possibility of the German fleet. Aviation factories received less aluminum by a third than it was required, and only half the copper demanded to them. To continue the release of Junkers-88 bombers, I had to sacrifice the older model - the "Junkers-87" bomber ("thing"), although the car showed himself well in Spain. Meanwhile, "Junkers-88" turned out to be unsuccessful: low speed and weak weapons. During the battle for England, the authorities said in one of the reports: "The crews are not afraid of the enemy, they are afraid to fly on Yu-88."

In 1940-1941, in Germany, the stagnation of military production and a catastrophic drop in labor productivity were observed. In 1940, when Germany spent six billion dollars on weapons, the United Kingdom is only three and a half billion, the British industry released twelve times more armored cars, more warships, tanks and artillery guns.

The problem with fuel was aggravated. Germany imported oil - mainly from Romania. In addition, German plants produced synthetic gasoline: four million tons in the 40th year, six and a half million tons (it was a maximum) in the 43rd. These volumes did not provide the needs of the Wehrmacht.

At the end of May 1941, General Adolf von Shell reported to the command that the Wehrmachut would have to abandon the motors due to the lack of fuel. He suffered to prepare military pilots. Drivers in the Wehrmacht were driving behind the wheel after they would pass only fifteen kilometers, that is, inexperienced newbies. In November 41, work was stopped at Opel Plant, where weed vehicles were produced: there was no gasoline droplet remained so that the trucks could leave the assembly shop.

Germany occupied most of Western Europe, but it did not solve her problems. The United States helped England to survive and continue the struggle. Hitler decided that if he would not capture the resources of the Soviet Union, then the World War did not win. The reputation of the Red Army after the Stalinist repression and unsuccessful Finnish war was such that Hitler did not doubt the fast and easy victory.


The full adventurism of Hitler, his unparalleled arrogance and self-confidence prevented him to understand that the war could not win the war with the Soviet Union of Germany.

The extensive territory, economic potential and human resources of the Soviet Union were incompatible with German. The population of the USSR in two and a half times the population of Germany exceeded. Although tens of millions remained in the occupied territory, there still remained enough men to create a new army. Evacuation of industry to the East and almost complete rejection of civil production (plus assistance received from the United States on Land Lases) allowed the Red Army to be provided with everything necessary. But Germany could not stand the long war.

The Wehrmacht called on all young men who did not reject the doctors. From young people aged from twenty to thirty years in 1941, eighty-five percent have already wore a military uniform. In other words, in the summer of the 41st mobilized almost everyone who could. Human reserves of Germany were exhausted.

Germany prepared a more powerful fist for the invasion of the Soviet Union than to strike in France. But German planners proceeded from the fact that the victory over the Red Army will be achieved in the shortest possible time. The deviation from this plan was excluded. But from the very beginning it was clear: if the Red Army escapes the defeat on the Dnipro line - Dvina, then the Wehrmachut will have to stop and regroup to continue the fighting. And the long war for the depletion of Germany can not withstand.

It is mistaken to think that the German generals opened a miraculous victory recipe. In the summer of the 40th on the West Front, as in the attack on the Soviet Union, the Wehrmacht did not have the necessary reserves. Fuel was only for five months of war. If it were not possible to succeed immediately, the Wehrmacht would have lost the offensive potential and the situation was not changed in favor of Germany (as this happens in the war with the Soviet Union). And in the 40th, and in the 41st German generals made a bet on the first decisive battle, on the concentration of armored vehicles in the main direction.

The French in the 40th could not stand. The Soviet Union, a much more powerful state, having an incomparably large potential and the space for maneuver, has survived. If it were not for a series of mistakes and crimes of the Stalinist leadership, Hitler or did not even dare to attack our country, or the Wehrmacht would be crushed far from Moscow.

After graduating from World War II, until the end of the fifties, it was generally recognized that Hitler's decision to attack the Soviet Union was the result of its ideological program aimed at conquering living space in the East. The basis of this output was the materials of the Nuremberg Process, in the indictment of which the special section "Destruction of Slavic and other peoples" was included.

Motivation of Hitler's aggression did not cause doubts and leading historians of that time. For example, the famous English historian and Military theorist John Fuller in his monograph "World War II 1939-1945", published in London in 1948 completely definitely calls the conquest of living space as the main reason for the attack of fascists in the USSR:

"Why then Hitler did not see in alliance with Russia, which could be concluded a few years before that, much more reliable guarantee against the war on two fronts? The answer is given in the 14th chapter of the second volume "Mein Kampf". Here, Hitler sets out his theory of living space so clearly and in detail that truly surprisingly, why so often asked: why did Hitler invaded Russia? ".

However, the presentation of Hitler as the main perpetrator hundreds of millions of victims of World War II clearly did not suit the anti-Soviet forces of the West, under the influence of which in the sixties began a creeping audit of the fundamental provisions of the Nuremberg sentence, associated with a change in motivation, which explained the reason for the fascist attack on our country. At the same time, no software installations of the Nazi concept were exhibited on the fore, and the military-strategic situation, which established by June 1941, and allegedly fraught with a potential aggression external policy of the Soviet Union of the pre-war period.

The next step of revisionists made in the conditions of the Cold War was attempted to issue Hitler's aggression against the USSR for the protection of Europe from the threat of Bolshevism. At the same time, the fascist aggression in the Scriptures of Neonazists turned almost into a fair, national and defensive war. In extreme cases, the Second World War was considered as the battle of two equally bad dictators.

A peculiar crown of the Austrian "Philosopher" of Topic, who in his book "War Stalin" came to statements, which in his book "War Stalin" came to statements, as if the political meaning of World War II comes down to the USSR aggression against Western democracies, and the role of Germany and Japan consisted only that they served as puppets of the Kremlin. Thus, the Soviet leadership allegedly specifically provoked Hitler to attack the USSR, and exclusively in order to submit to the whole world as a victim of aggression, after which, under the favorable pretext, to seize the whole Europe.

In the same number of historical jokes there are also the works of the self-stocked "Suvorov", stubbornly trying to portray Stalin as an icebreaker of the world revolution. Arguing that as if Stalin not only led Hitler to power, but also constantly pushed him to war in the West, and in July 1941 he himself prepared an attack on Germany, but the Führer allegedly only a couple of weeks ahead of the tips.

Was the Hitler enough already conquered living space?

Especially violently modern revisionists denies the possibility that Hitler attacked Soviet Russia to conquer the living space. At the same time, the thesis is often used as the main argument that the Germans captured the beginning of the attack on the USSR and subjugate so many European countries that the need for further wars for living space they simply had already disappeared. This is what the resuna writes about this:

"In early 1941, Hitler had so much land that he did not know what to do with it. In his submission were: Austria, Czechoslovakia, most Poland, Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg, Half France, Norman Islands of Great Britain, Yugoslavia and Greece. Under the influence of Germany was Finland, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria. In addition, German troops led the fighting in North Africa. He has little land ...

Casting so much for a year and a half, you need to think not about new lands, but about holding the captured. "

However, it is reasonable to ask Vladimir Bogdanovich, and unless he occupied almost half of Europe, the Hitler was also measured to join Germany most of the territory conquered by his troops?

Yes, he was needed, say, France, of course, with the exception of Alsace and Lorraine, who Führer considered the original German territory. What, besides headaches, would give Hitler joining Germany all of France. It would have been a multinational state, but this completely contradicted the Nazi ideology. Would increase the living space of the Germans, so where do the French ever need to give to Siberia to deport? But they do not let them go there.

After all, in understanding Hitler, the conquest of the living space was reduced to the process of germanization of annexed territories, i.e. To the violent substitution of a significant part of the racially defective indigenous population at the genetically strong representatives of the Aryan race.

Thus, in accordance with the ideas of Hitler, the defective part of the aborigines either had to be destroyed, as it was gradually done with the Jews, or was pre-subjected to measures aimed at an artificial decrease in their population, and the surviving part of the indigenous population is resettled after the genocide for these purposes. Reservation.

The implementation of such a program for the development of living space and was launched by the fascists in Poland in 1939. For this, the Polish territory occupied by the Germans was divided into two parts. All the best Western and central countries of the country were included in the Raich, and in the east of the occupied territory a reservation was formed, the so-called Governor-General, which was to relocate the Jews and not subject to the onbound of Polish Neochoralov.

In the future, Polish experience was planned to be distributed in the Russian, Maloros, Belarusians, Chekhov and Baltov. And only the most severe resistance of the German aggression on the part of the Soviet peoples threw these narrow-naochemical plans.

However, it should be noted that Hitler was not at all the discoverer of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe conquest of living space. These ideas were deeply born in the "humanistic" traditions of the West and existed long before coming to the authorities of the Nazis.

The first attempts to conquer the living space were undertaken by Europeans still under the flag of Catholic expansion in the form of crusaders' trips to Palestine and total destruction there all kinds of incorrect.

However, in full scale, the thoughts of Europeans about the conquest of living space found their incarnation during the occupation of them by the American continent. At the time of the arrival of Columbus to America, up to 10 million Indians lived at the current territory of the United States, and by the beginning of the 20th century there were only about 300 thousand banknotes in the reservation of postership of aborigines. Although in the normal development of events by this time there would be no less than 100 million people. The crucial genocide of the indigenous population of America was such a bloody fee for the modern American "democracy".

Due to the Aboriginal Genocide, the British, Spaniards, the French ... And it was "released" from all kinds of unfeasured avenues a huge living space, in which many generations now began to flourish. Moreover, at the time of the development of America, the ideological thesis on the underdeveloped peoples and mental superiority of the White man played not the last role in all of these most disgusting crimes against humanity. Therefore, in the West, Zheno and denies the presence of Hitler's intentions to conquer living space in Russia.

Was the relationship between the ideology of Nazism and aggression against the USSR?

Interesting is the fact that among the zealous opponents recognizing the connection of the ideology of Nazism with the aggression of Germany against the USSR are not only obvious neo-Nazists, but also, say, Israeli historian Gabriel Gorodetsky.

The essence of the argument of Gorodetsky, stated by him in the book "Rocky Self-Beman: Stalin and the German attack on the Soviet Union", comes down to the statement that allegedly there is no direct connection between the ideas of Hitler, set forth in Main Campf and the actions of the Führer after Victory over France:

"In fact, it is doubtful that the Hitler's decision to naturally flow out of his triumphal victory over France, being predetermined by the ideological plants" Main Campf ".

To prove its position, Gorodetsky uses three main theses:

"It is too obvious that the war with England in the West and the subsequent turn to Southeast Europe and the Mediterranean Sea contradicted the ideological aspirations of Hitler. He could not ignore the new needs of Germany, determined by the course of events, even if it pulled a lot from the master plan sketched in "Main Campf" ".

Hitler after the victory over France, indeed, was forced to significantly move away from the plan, drawn by him in the "Main Camf", missed the war with England. However, he did it in spite of his will. In addition, the Führer made a lot of effort to conclude peace with the UK and, thus, to ensure the continuation of its original plans to conquer the living space. So it is completely incomprehensible why the forced waste of the Fuhrer from his initial plans can be considered as evidence that its further actions were also not due to the ideas of "Main Campf".

The second thesis of Gorodetsky comes from the fact of the lack of ideological motivation of operational planning Barbarossa:

"It is indicative of any ideological motivation of operational invasion planning. Only in a single directive for the political preparation of the Wehrmacht, published by General Brauchich ".

Indeed, the mention of the ideological objectives of the war in German operational documents is rather an exception than the rule. After all, in front of the Wehrmacht there was a completely concrete military task: to defeat the Red Army and occupy the Soviet territory along the Volga - Arkhangelsk, which was recorded in the Barbarossa Plan directive.

But one thing is to occupy a part of the country's territory, and it is completely different to determine what to do with this territory and its population after the occupation. To solve this problem, directives were drawn up and plans that did not touch the armies, which is why they were not included in the operational guidelines of the Wehrmacht.

Such documents include the so-called green goering folder, where the principles of economic exploitation were developed by the natural wealth of Russia. As well as the general plan "OST", which was to identify racial principles, technology and the pace of germanization of the occupied territories.

In this regard, it is indicative that ideological motivation in the operational plans of the Wehrmacht was absent not only in the directives of Barbarossa, but also when planning German attack on Poland, although it is unlikely that anyone may doubt that the purpose of the German-Polish war was the conquest of living space and His Germanization. This is completely frankly Hitler said at a meeting with his generals on May 23, 1939:

"Danzig is not the object, due to which everything is expelled. We are talking about the expansion of living space in the East and food security, as well as about solving the Baltic problem. "

Everything else: the education of the Governor's general, the selection of racially defective Aboriginal, their relocation to the east, executions, concentration camps, the Genocide of Poles and Jews - was then, after completing the occupation. All these actions of the Nazis in Poland were not spelled out in the Weiss Plan, but they were carried out in strict accordance with the Nazi ideology. A similar situation arose after the Nazis attack on the USSR.

It must be said that the Nazis quite consciously avoided any possible leakage of information regarding the end targets pursued by them. It is this circumstance that explains the lack of ideological preamble in Hitler's directives, which even specifically stated this issue at the meeting on July 16, 1941:

"The most important thing is that we do not give our goal to the whole world. There is no need for this. The main thing is that we yourself know what we want. "

According to the third thesis of Gorodetsky, the destruction of the Bolsheviks, Jews and other revolutionary (?!) Manifestations of the ideological addictions of the Nazis came to the fore Wheel only after Hitler decided to attack the USSR. And all this was a departure from its rational (?!) Politicians and a kind of collective obstruction:

"The fact that the crusade for the Bolshevism and the destruction of the Jews gave a revolutionary sense of war in 1941 in itself is not enough to prove the resistant commitment to Dogma.

Idea beliefs went to the fore after the Barbarossa decision was made, and he was largely disgraced Hitler from a more rational strategic policy, which until then has characterized his military leadership. "

However, in Poland, the ideological considerations of the Nazis also reached the fore after the occupation of its territory. At the same time, it would seem that it is strange that the Israeli historian has to remind:

That anti-communism and anti-Semitism have always been a steady ideological dogma of the Nazis, and the Genocide of Jews since the times of the Crystal Night, by and large, never stopped;

That on October 7, 1939, Hitler appointed Himmler to the head of the Imperial Commissioner to strengthen the German nation, and the Commissioner's task included the violent deportation of Poles and Jews from the Polish regions announced by the territory of Germany;

That on the same day the Führer also signed a decree on the start of the beginning of the population of the protectory of Bohemia and Moravia and appointed Karl Frank the imperial protector;

That only the efforts of the Imperial Commissariat with new territories of the Reich deported 1 million 200 thousand Poles and 300 thousand Jews, and 497 thousand Volksdoych was resettled into their place;

That the imperial protector of Bohemia and Moravia soon developed and transferred to Hitler the draft Germanization plan of the Czech Republic, where, in particular, suggested:

"The complete inclusion of the protectorate in the Great German Empire and the filling of this space of the Germans", indicating that "the most radical and theoretically, the problem of the problem would consist in total eviction of all Czechs."

Of course, a legitimate question arises, why was it necessary to the Israeli historian so zealously collapse of the Nazis. However, this Larkor opens quite simply. After all, the Zionists themselves actively used the Hitler's ideas for the conquest of living space when creating their Jewish state, having evicted on the territory of Palestine Arabs and settling it with Jewish migrants.

So was the idea of \u200b\u200bconquering the living space of a sustainable dogma of Nazi politics?

Hitler was already initially obsessed with the idea of \u200b\u200bconquering living space. In this regard, the Fuhrer still in the "Main Campf" formulated the highest principle of Nazi foreign policy:

"We must choose the highest principle (Highlighting me. - Yu.Zh.) our Foreign Policy: Establishment of the proper proportion between the number of population and the size of our territories! The lessons of the past also teach us once again only one: the purpose of all our foreign policy should be the acquisition of new lands. "

"At the same time, we need such lands that are directly adjacent to the indigenous lands of our Motherland. Only in this case, our immigrants will be able to maintain close relationship with the indigenous population of Germany. Only such an increase in land provides us with the increase in forces, which is determined by a large solid territory. "

However, at the same time, Hitler was not going to turn the captured lands to the German colonies and, therefore, focus on using indigenous people as cheap labor. Its main goal is the settlement of the occupied land by the Germans:

"Our task is not in colonial conquest. We see the resolution of facing problems only and exclusively in the conquest of new lands that we could settle the Germans. "

And such land, according to the Fuhrer, were only in the East and, above all, in Russia: "When we talk about the conquest of new lands in Europe, we, of course, can keep in mind first of all only Russia(allocated by me.- Yu.Zh.) and those outriented states who are subordinated to».

But there are no free marching to Germany in Germany, the indigenous population lives on these lands, and after all, the Nazis as the anti-senior eye guard the purity of their Aryan race:

"We, National Socialists, are the keepers of the highest Aryan values \u200b\u200bon Earth. That is why the highest commitments are on us. To be able to fulfill these obligations, we must be able to convince our people to do everything you need to protect the purity of the race. We must ensure that the Germans engaged not only by improving the breeds of dogs, horses and cats, but they will finally regret themselves. "

However, according to Hitler, Slavs, and, in particular, the Russians belonged to people of a lower race:

"It is not state dating of Slavs gave the strength and fortress to the Russian state. All of these, Russia was obliged to be the German elements - an excellent example of the enormous state role that the German elements are able to play, acting inside the lower race ... For centuries, Russia lived at the expense of the German nucleus in its highest segments of the population. Now it is the kernel in full and to the end. "

To populate the Germans conquered and maintain the racial purity of the Aryan immigrants, it was necessary to pre-deport the most indigenous population, but for this further required another fairly large territory on which it could be deported to all these harmful Germans to Germany's racial health.

Otherwise, there would be inevitable cases of copulation of true Aryans with the indigenous population, which could lead to very sad consequences for Reich. As far as Hitler was concerned about this sexual problem, you can judge, say, from the recording of his packaging conversations of April 5, 1942:

"We should never forget that this war will be won only when the world and Reich reigns the racial purity ... In particular, the Chef warned from the holding of the onbirth of Chekhov and Poles ...

But, first of all, it is necessary to ensure that there are no cases of copulation between the Germans and the Poles, because, otherwise, fresh German blood will constantly influence the residentials of the Polish ruling layer. "

However, Hitler and after coming to power in his public speeches, repeatedly returns to the question of the conquest of living space in the East and its Germanization. So, on February 3, 1933, the Führer spur in the generals of the Reichsver, in which he stated : "The main task of the future army will be the conquest of a new living space in the east and its merciless Germanization".

"The German future is determined by the decision on the insufficiency of the current living space, and such a decision could only be found only to foreseeable, covering approximately one three generations.

If the Furera is destined to live until that time, it is not subject to no change (allocated by me. Yu.Zh.) takovo: no later than 1943-45 decide the question of the German living space. "

"The living space corresponding to the magnitude of the state is the basis of any strength ... After 15 or 20 years, the decision will become necessary for us ...

If fate pushes us to a collision with the West, it is good to have a great living space in the East " .

On August 11, 1939, Hitler in a conversation with the Commissioner of the League of Nations in Danzig, Karl Burkhardt, said: "All I am undertaking is directed against the Russians. If the West is too stupid and blind to understand this, then I will be forced to go to the agreement with the Russians, beat the West and then, after His defeat, turn again against the Soviet Union with all my forces. "

And even after the conclusion of the Soviet-German Covenant on non-fire and defeat Poland, Hitler on November 23, 1939 at the meeting of the commander of the Wehrmacht returned to the question of the inevitability of war against Russia:

"The growth of population requires greater life space. My goal was to achieve a reasonable relationship between the population and the magnitude of this space. There is no wrestling ...

We will be able to oppose Russia only when our hands will be released in the West. "

No fundamental change in the position of Hitler in the question of the conquest of living space in the East did not happen after Germany defeated France and occupied most of the European countries. Already at the earliest stages of planning an attack on the USSR, at a meeting held on July 31, 1940, Hitler directly states German generals about his intentions to annex significant territories of Soviet Russia:

"Later: Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltic countries - we. Finland to the White Sea. "

At the meeting on March 30, 1941, the Führer again fully confirmed the previously formulated intentions: "We are talking about the struggle on the destruction ... The future picture of the states: Northern Russia belongs to Finland. Protectors: Baltic countries, Ukraine, Belarus ".

Well, who else doubts that, attacking the USSR, Berlin planned the seizure and annexation of the Soviet territory, I advise you to get acquainted with the revelations of the Fuhrer made by him at the meeting on July 16, 1941, when Hitler had completely believed in his ambulance and final victory and allowed himself to say a little more than he did earlier:

"In principle, the case is about how to divide the giant pie to divide the giant, so that we, first, dominated, secondly, managed, thirdly, could operate ...

From newly acquired eastern regions, we must make a paradise garden for themselves. They are vital for us, colonies, on the contrary, play a completely minor role ...

So, we will emphasize again that they were forced to capture one or another area to bring order there and ensure our security ... in no case should it be shown that it is done forever. Nevertheless, all necessary measures - execution, relocation, etc. - We can still be able to exercise further ...

Crimea must be cleared of all strangers and populated by the Germans. In the same way, the Reich territory and Staroavustian Galicia will become ... The Führer stresses that the entire Baltic region should be the territory of Germany. "

The dreams of the seizure of living space did not leave Hitler, at least as long as he still experienced the coming victory. On the eve of the Kursk battle on July 1, 1943, Field Marshal Manstein recorded in his diary of the word Fuhrer, spoken by him during a meeting with the leadership of Wehrmacht:

"Hitler said that no promises could not have any speech about any promises, as it would have badly affected our own soldiers who need to know that they were fighting for living space for their children and grandchildren." .

Later in his memoirs, Manstein wrote: "Hitler's politician was obsessed with the idea of \u200b\u200bliving space, which he considered himself obliged to provide the German people. It could look only in the east living space. "

On the purpose of capturing the living space in the east Hitler regularly broadcast and during the so-called feast conversations:

"The purpose of Eastern Policy in the future should be the creation on the eastern space of the territory for the settlement of approximately one hundred million representatives of the German race ... It is necessary to make all the forces to make a million millionist in the East with Iron Persery Persery ... no later than ten years. I expect a report on the colonization of the already included by the time of Germany or the eastern regions occupied by our troops at least twenty million Germans.

Why does Hitler begins the war from the USSR in 1941?

As follows from the preserved documents, Hitler already during the preparation of aggression against the USSR actively built plans for the seizure of living space in Russia and his subsequent germanization, but this was certainly a long-term goal of the Nazis, the implementation of which was designed for many decades. Therefore, they did not have an acute need for its implementation until the end of the war with England. Indeed, in these conditions, the attack on the USSR would automatically mean the beginning of the war on two fronts, which the Führer, having remembered the history of the defeat of the Germans in the First World War, tried in every way to avoid.

But the fact is that at the time of the end of the war with France, Germany had a powerful land army, but there was no fleet capable of breaking English domination at the sea. In order to defeat the UK, the Germans needed to sharply reduce the army and throw all the material and human reserves for the construction of the fleet and an increase in aviation.

However, with this version of the development of events, an indefinite time did the main foreign policy goal of Hitler - the conquest of living space in the East. After all, it was possible to demobilize most of the Wehrmacht, and it was relatively simple, but to restore the army after a while, and the main thing is to achieve its former combat capability - the task is very difficult. Yes, and Stalin during this time could achieve a significant strengthening of his armed forces.

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Not everyone knows, but the Great Patriotic War could not be, or, at least, she could start much later. It is known that by the spring of 1941 Europe Hitler has already been conquered. There was a small and not very complex "Delz" - conquer England. In 1940, on this issue, the German government was published. Airplanes "Luftwaffe" have already begun work. But very unexpectedly everything has changed. Hitler decided to go to the east. Why?

Muscovites are listening to a message inforbury about the beginning of the war. 1941 year

Historians converge in opinion: England would not have surrendered against the German troops. And if Hitler won an island state, he would receive additional resources and could close the rear in the war from the USSR. But the Führer did not do that. In 1941, as you know, the troops "Wehrmacht" crossed the border of the Soviet Union, and began the Great Patriotic War.

Historian Nikolai Starikov to explain the reasons for such a "strange" behavior of Germany, suggests returning to 1938, when Munich collusion occurred. Hitler and Chamberlain, who held the post of Prime Minister of England, agreed that the states that they represent would not attack each other. In 1939, however, about something like the Germans agreed with the USSR. But, apparently, England Hitler did not consider how a serious enemy, but I didn't want to endure the Empire under the leadership of Stalin.

London after air plaque in December 1940

Experts argue that from the 20s of the last century and England, and the United States, the German and Hitler were actively helped. The goal was simple: it was necessary to "fade" such a "pet", which could "overlook the throat" of the Union. Partly it turned out: Germany, in fact, became a superpower, Hitler felt power for the war from the USSR. But for no hope: the Führer no longer considered the British as his "owners." At a minimum, he considered himself equal to them. And if more precisely, above them. After all, during the time of Bismarck, they said that "Germany is above all."

There was a very curious situation. And here you need to make out the position of each side - England and Germany.

What did the Führer wanted?

With England he did not want to fight. After an easy occupation of almost all of Europe, Hitler decided to fight with, a truly serious opponent. However, from "Blitzkrig" also buys some frivolous. But this is a bit different story.

What to do with the British? Drink, press, incline to the world and, maybe submission, not imposing in a serious confrontation. That is why German aircraft on the islands and Bombat London. Not much, but noticeable.

Position of the British

Fire after a German laid on London docks. 1940 year

In England, they understand that Hitler came out of control, but they also understand that it is already difficult to "calm". True, in 1940 the British are the first to apply an aviation blow to Freiburg, according to civilians. It is not even a hint: "We are very unhappy". Hitler, as it was indicated, responds. And that is all. Spectacle. Or, if you want "Armed Diplomacy". The British do not want to lose their soldiers and civilians. And Hitler decides not to start serious fighting in the west of Europe, without seeing some real threat.

This confrontation begins with the opening of the second front. However, by this time it is already seen that the Union has survived, and Germany loses its strength and power. Therefore, the British again "on horseback" and confidently go to victory.

- When was it in Germany, it was decided to attack the USSR?

This decision was made during a campaign in France successful for Germany. In the summer of 1940, it became increasingly obvious that war will be planned against the Soviet Union. The fact is that by this time it became clear that Germany would not be able to win the war with the United Kingdom with existing technical means.

That is, in the autumn of 1939, when the Second World War began, there were no plans for the attack on the USSR yet?

The idea may, and was, but there were no specific plans. There were also doubts about such plans, which later, however, were discarded.

- What were these doubts?

The head of the General Staff of the Ground Forces Franz Halder was not against war, but in one strategic question he dispersed in views with Hitler. Hitler wanted to capture Leningrad from ideological considerations and Ukraine, where there were large industrial centers. Galder, taking into account the limited capabilities of the German army, considered it important to take Moscow. This conflict remained unresolved.

Another question is the supply of German troops ammunition, ammunition, food. On this occasion they sounded the loudest warnings. Military attache Germany in Moscow warned that the USSR is a huge country with huge distances. But when the boss wants war, warnings about the dangers are undesirable. Recently, in the Pentagon, they did not really want to listen to people who doubted that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.

- Is Hitler really the main driving force of this war?

Yes. The Ambassador of Germany in the USSR hoped for the fact that the relationship would be good. However, the ambassador did not play a big role when it was about the definition of German politics.

Strategic supply of raw materials from the Soviet Union was very important for the German Military Campaign. In addition, the USSR passed the delivery transit from Southeast Asia. For example, rubber for tire production. That is, there were important strategic reasons for not starting the war against the Soviet Union, but the military who joined the Hitler and competed between themselves, tried to shake each other, offering plans for the attack on the USSR.

- Why did Hitler so wanted this war?

First, it was ideological reasons set forth in his book "Main Campf" - the living space for the Germans and gain access to commodity resources. But from these considerations, the war could start at any time. Therefore, additional reasons were to be, and the main one at that moment was the impossibility of winning the war with the UK.

What do you explain what Soviet leader Joseph Stalin ignored the preparation of Germany to war, because the exploration reports were about it?

This passivity was based on the conviction that Hitler would not be so stupid. Stalin until the evening of June 22, 1941 thought that this was the operation of the German general without the knowledge of Hitler, aimed at putting it. Only then the decisive orders of the Red Army were given to the defeat and persecution of the enemy everywhere. Up to this point, Stalin, obviously refused to believe in what really happened.

Hitler and German generals were convinced that the war with Russia can be won in three months. These views were divided in the West, against the background of the success of the Germans in Europe, especially the fast victory over France.

If you judge the secret documents, in particular, exploration reports, it seems that the SSR special services knew about the upcoming attack of Germany, but the army was not informed about it. Is it so?

Yes, at least, the army was not declared anxiety. Stalin was convinced that any provocation could force Hitler to attack the USSR. He thought that if demonstrated unaware of war, Hitler focuses on the West Front. It was a big mistake for which the Soviet Union had to pay a high price. As for these intelligence, reports about the timing of the attack constantly changed. The Germans themselves engaged in disinformation. Nevertheless, all information about the upcoming attack went to Stalin. He knew everything.

It was associated with the completion of the preparation of the Wehrmacht to this war. But, after all, he was still not ready. Technical superiority was fic. The supply of German troops by half was carried out with the help of carts harvested by horses.

The beginning of the summer was chosen and because then the danger of off-road increased every day. The Germans knew that, firstly, there were no good roads in Russia, and secondly, they rains in the off-season they were blocked. By the autumn, Germans actually stopped not the forces of the enemy, but nature. Only with the arrival of winter, German troops were able to continue the offensive again.

Hitler explained the war from the USSR by the fact that he allegedly ahead of Stalin. In Russia, you can also hear this version. What do you think?

There is still no confirmation. But no one knows what Stalin really wanted. It is known that there was a plan of Zhukov on applying a preventive strike. He was transferred to Stalin in mid-May 1941. It happened after Stalin spoke with a speech before graduates of the Military Academy and said that the Red Army is an offensive army. Zhukov saw a greater danger in the German military plans than Stalin. He then headed the General Headquarters and took advantage of Stalin's performance as a reason to develop a proactive impact plan in order to prevent German offensive in the East. As far as we know, Stalin rejected this plan.

- Could Germany win the war against the USSR?

If we consider that Stalin and his system did not want to give up, without stopping in anything, and Soviet people literally drove into this war, then Germany could not win it.

But there were two points. The first - at the beginning of the war, and the second - in October 1941, when German troops were already exhausted, but they began an offensive to Moscow. The Russians had no reserve, and Zhukov wrote in his memoirs that the gate to Moscow was standing wide open. Advanced detachments of German tanks came out at the outskirts of today's Moscow. But then they could not go. Stalin, obviously, was ready to try to negotiate with Hitler again. According to Zhukov, he entered the office to Stalin at the moment when he said with Beria with the words about finding the possibility of the separath world with the Germans. The USSR was allegedly ready for great concessions in Germany. But nothing happened.

- What are the plans for Germany regarding the occupied lands?

Hitler did not want to occupy the entire Soviet Union. The border was to pass from the White Sea in the north along the Volga to the south of Russia. Germany did not have sufficient resources for the occupation of the entire USSR. It was planned to displace the Red Army to the East and restrain with the help of aviation strikes. It was a big illusion. In the occupied territories, national-socialist representations were to be implemented. The exact plan was not. It was assumed that the Germans would rule, and the local population is to carry out slave work. They proceeded from the fact that millions of people would die from hunger, it was part of the plan. At the same time, Russia was supposed to become a resident of the European Occupied Germany.

When, in your opinion, the turning point came in the war, after which it was already impossible to win her for Germany?

Provided that the Soviet Union was not going to give up, and so it was, except for one moment in October, to win the war was impossible in principle. I would even say that even without the help of the West Moscow, Germany could not win this war. Especially since Soviet tanks, both the T-34 and the heavy tank "Joseph Stalin" exceeded German models. It is known that after the first tank battles in 1941, the Ferdinand Porsche designer (Ferdinand Porsche) was sent to the front as part of the Commission to study Soviet tanks. The Germans were very surprised. They were confident that their technique is much better. Germany could not win this war. There was only an opportunity for agreements under certain conditions. But Hitler was Hitler, and at the end of the war he led himself more and more as Stalin at the beginning - that is, the order was given to the enemy. But the price was too high. The Germans could not afford it, unlike the USSR at the beginning of the war. The Soviet Union lost millions of people, but the reserves remained, and the system continued to work.

Professor Bernd Bon very (Bernd Bonwetsch)- German historian, founder and first director of the German Historic Institute in Moscow, author of publications in German-Russian history

Insurance materials contain estimates of exclusively foreign media and do not reflect the position of the EOSMI's editorial office.

To begin with - what the Germans themselves talked about this

The opposite of worldviews that separated both states from each other, did not decrease as a result of the conclusion of the contract in 1939. The Soviet Union remained in the eyes of Hitler an ideological enemy of Germany. But Hitler and on the political arena considered him a potential enemy, which, sooner or later, will go to the politics of blackmail. Hitler believed that it would start, already in 1940. The longer the war lasted, the more Germany depended on raw materials, which could have been in a significant part - and so far did it really supplied on the basis of concluded contracts - only one Soviet Union. If the war against England decreases to infinity and, as Hitler believed, since 1943, the military power of the United States will fully appear, Germany will finally fall dependent on the Soviet Union. Such a prospect seemed to Hitler unbearable. In his opinion, it was this that England wanted: she sought to withstand until the United States were ready for war and the Soviet Union would turn against Germany. Hitler did not want to let such a danger. In January 1941, he told Rerger that Germany, if she eliminates the threat to the East, will be able to continue the war against England with quite a great terms. The defeat of the Soviet Union, in his opinion, would greatly facilitate the position of Japan and would have made a very dangerous for the United States to enter the war against Germany. (Map 4, p.228) Hitler installed solid timing to implement these plans. In 1941, the Soviet Union as a powerful power should have ceased to exist. Then, according to Hitler's calculations, he will not only be an enemy behind his back, but he will receive a large amount of raw materials and agricultural products, without making himself dependence on the grace of the Soviet Union: wheat - from Ukraine, coal and ore - from the Donetsk Basin, Nickel - from the Kola Peninsula, oil from the Caucasus and Forest - from Belarus. In political circles, Germany was very hoping for the fact that after major military failures, the Soviet state will crumble. The fact that the Soviet Union in the near future will be asked to armed conflict with Germany, seemed to be extremely incredible on political and military considerations; However, it could have been concerned that later at more favorable conditions the Soviet Union could become a very uncomfortable and even dangerous neighbor. In the meantime, the Soviet Union had no reason to refuse policies, which still allowed him to achieve almost without the use of good success. The Soviet Union was engaged in the modernization of its obsolete tanks and aircraft and the translation of a significant part of its military industry to the Urals. Caution and sober politicians in the Kremlin could not accumulate the offensive to Germany, which had only small land forces on other fronts, and could concentrate their powerful aircraft in the east at any time. In addition, the Russians in 1941 felt that they were weaker Germans.

Probably shortly after the campaign in Paulthe neck of his dreams fully absorbed the East. Perhaps he even mentally saw a new "Germanization" of extensive eastern territories, as it was in past centuries. But the endless steppes, bad roads or almost complete off-road, huge swamps and forest arrays and with all this persistent, brave Russian soldier - he did not imagine. In the First World War, he served ordinary only in the West and was not familiar with the conditions of the East. After lightning victories in Poland, Norway, France and the Balkans, Hitler was convinced that he could defeat the Red Army as easily as his former opponents. He remained deaf to numerous warnings. In the spring of 1941, Field Marshal von Rundstedt, who spent most of the First World War on the Eastern Front, asked Hitler if he knows what it means to invade Russia. The Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces of Germany Feldmarshal von Brahich and his head of Staff General Galder discussed Hitler from the war with Russia. With the same warnings, he also applied to him and General Cestring, who lived in Russia for many years, knew the country and Stalin himself well. But all this did not bring any results. Hitler insisted on his. It seems to me that the attack on Russia Hitler seriously conceived in the summer of 1940. He wanted to strike in Russian before they were able to attack Germany, and, secondly, to conquer the living space for the increased German population. Then only the highest political and other managers knew about the intention. In some respects, Hitler's plan depended on the conclusion of the world with England, which still continued to dream. He knew that the successful performance of his intentions would depend on the safety of the Western Front. The war on the two front meant the defeat of Germany. But when all the hopes for the implementation of an important condition failed when it became completely clear that England would never enter the world with Hitler's Germany, the Führer still did not refuse to go to the east. He took a hard hand over the steering wheel and led Germany on the rocks of complete defeat. Despite the conclusion of the German-Soviet Treaty, there was a chill of distrust between the countries. However, relations between Russia and the West, especially between Russia and England, were even worse. During the Russian-Finnish campaign, England almost announced the war to the Council, and now Hitler decided on what England abstained. Having accepted this fatal decision, Germany lost to war.

Shortly after the visit of Molotov to Berlin, the bosshe headquarters Lieutenant Colonel Baron Von Liebenstein and the head of the operational part Major Baerlein were summoned to the head of the General Staff of the land forces at the meeting, where they received the first instructions regarding the "Plan of Barbarossa" - the War Plan against Russia. When they after this meeting came to my report and turned in front of me a map of Russia, I did not believe my eyes. What I considered impossible should be prior to reality? Hitler, who sharply criticized in my presence of the political leadership of Germany in 1914, who did not understand the danger of warring the war on two fronts, now he himself wanted, without graduating from war with England, start the war with Russia. By this, he himself brought the danger that arises from the conduct of the war on two fronts, from which he insistently warned all the old soldiers and that he himself began to call an erroneous step. I quite unequivocally expressed my disappointment and outrage, hitting both of my colleagues. They were impressed by the idea of \u200b\u200bthe main command of the land forces and therefore immediately answered me that, according to the head of the General Staff of the land forces of Halder, for defeat-Russia, no more than eight-ten weeks will be required. The separation of forces between the three approximately equal groups of armies, which must move along the divergent directions of deep into the territory of Russia, without having a clear operational goal, from the point of view of the military specialist, could not seem correct. My fears, I told my headquarters headquarters to the chief command of the land forces, which, however, did not have any action. Not being dedicated to all things, I could still hope that Hitler did not finally decided to war in the war with the Soviet Union, but I only wanted to intimidate it. But still winter and spring 1941 were a nightmare for me. A new study of the campaigns of the Swedish king Karla XII and Napoleon 1 showed all the difficulties of this theater of hostilities; At the same time, there was deficiency of our preparation for such a large campaign. Past successes, especially victory in the West, wanted to such an unexpectedly short period, so brains were tumanized by the leaders of our Supreme Command, that they have drawn out the word "impossible" from their lexicon. All guidelines of the Supreme Command of the Armed Forces and the General Command of the Ground Forces with which I had to talk, showed unshakable optimism and did not react to any objections.


Actually, at our borders are all cash Russian troops. With the onset of warm times, defensive works are underway in many places. If circumstances will force me to throw a German aviation against England, the danger will arise that Russia will start to put pressure in the south and the north, in front of which I will be forced to silently retreat for the simple reason that I will not have excellence in the air. I could then start the offensive in the east divisions against the defensive structures of the Russians without sufficient. Support of aviation. If you continue to endure this danger, you will probably lose the whole of 1941, and at the same time the general situation will not change at all. On the contrary, England is further consistent with the conclusion of the world, as it will still hope for a Russian partner. In addition, the hope will naturally become increasing as the combat readiness of the Russian Armed Forces. And after all this, there are still American mass supplies of military materials, which are expected since 1942. With regard to the struggle in the East, the dead, then it will definitely be severe. But I do not doubt a second for a second in a major success. First of all, I hope that as a result we will be able to provide a total food base for a long time in Ukraine: it will serve as a supplier of those resources that may be required in the future. I dare to add that, as you can now judge, the current German harvest promises to be very good. It is quite acceptable that Russia will try to destroy Romanian oil sources. We created a defense that, I hope, will fight us from this. The task of our armies is to eliminate this threat as soon as possible. Let England try not to draw conclusions from the terrible facts that it will be in front of it. Then we can, freeing our rear, with the tripled force to fall on the enemy to destroy it. What depends on us, the Germans, will, - I dare you, shy, assured - done. About all your wishes, considerations and the help that you, Duchue, can provide me in the upcoming operation, please inform me either personally or coordinate these issues through your military bodies with my supreme command. In conclusion, I would like to tell you one more. I feel internally free again, after it came to this decision. Cooperation with the Soviet Union, with all sincere desire to achieve final discharge, often strongly made me. For it seemed to me a gap with all my past, my worldview and my former obligations. I am happy that I was freed from this moral burden. With cardiac and friendly greetings

Quotes from Main Campf:

Russia lived at the expense of the German nucleus in its highest segments of the population. Now it is the kernel in full and to the end. The place of the Germans took the Jews. But as Russians can not throw off the Yeweyev Yurmet (it. Das Joch Der Juden), and some Jews can no longer hold in their subordination to this huge state. Jews themselves are not an element of the organization, but rather an enzyme to disorganization (it. Ferment der Dekomposition). This giant eastern state is inevitably doomed to death. All prerequisites have been ripe to this. The end of the Jewish domination in Russia will also be the end of Russia as a state.

We, National Socialists, quite consciously put the cross on the entire foreign policy of pre-war time. We want to return to the point, which was interrupted by our old development 600 years ago. We want to suspend the eternal German desire for south and to the West of Europe and definitely indicate your finger towards the territories located in the East. We finally blame with the colonial and trading policy of pre-war time and deliberately go to the policy of conquering new lands in Europe. When we talk about the conquest of new lands in Europe, we, of course, can keep in mind first of all only Russia and those outlook states that are subordinated to it.

Quotes from other speeches Hitler:

Immediately after the capture of power, Hitler presented at a meeting with generals in the house of General Hammerstein-Ekvord on February 3, 1933 its life-space program (from the note of General Kurt Libmann): How should we use political power? It is too early to talk. It may be to obtain new opportunities for export, and it can be that even better - to conquer the new living space in the east and its unceremonious germanization.

In the secret text dedicated to the four-year plan for the armament, in which Hitler demanded that the German army and the German economy be ready for a war in four years after four years, it was said: the final decision is to expand the living space and the food base of our people. The task of political leadership is to soon resolve this issue.

Summary: Hitler decided to attack the USSR for the following reasons

1. In the future, the confrontation with the Anlassoxon block Hitler understood that the air and sea war would require a significant increase in the need for resources, and decided to take them on the territory of the USSR.

2. Since the USSR refused to go to the anti-communications block by the younger partner in German conditions, Hitler decided that the guarantee of reliability of supply would be the occupation

3. At the same time, Hitler was confident that the war between Germany and the USSR is inevitable (generally inevitable, in an unreasonable future, and not because of some specific events), and once inevitable - why not play now, until the USSR has become stronger.

4. Hitler experienced fear that, as Germany's need for Germans, the USSR resources will put forward the provisions of any political requirements, especially in relation to Finland and the Balkans. At the same time, no specific military threats at the current time of the USSR for Germany, nor for its allies did not imagine, and in relation to Germany until the autumn of 1941, for example, it could not represent and could not represent, and in the assessment of the Tippelskirch, the USSR was obviously weaker and himself This was aware. Only Kaitel speaks about the threat, but his work was intended for lawyers in Nuremberg, Kaitel was sharply needed excuses to justify themselves from war crimes, so that the witness here he is extremely addracted.

5. An important argument in making a decision was the conviction in the designer neodymium superiority of the Wehrmacht over the Red Army, and in the instability of the USSR as a state.

6. The in-depth base and for conviction in the superiority of the Wehrmacht over the Red Army, and for conviction in the instability of the USSR, and for conviction in the right of Germans to colonize the Soviet (Russian) territories there was a racial theory, which put the Germans much higher than Slavs.