Fill out a marriage agency questionnaire. serious (detailed) application form for joining a marriage agency

Let's first figure out how important this is to you.

Every day I watch men browse girls' profiles while sitting in front of a computer in my office.

The first category of men who practically do not read what is written by the girl in the questionnaire. They do not look at her age or requirements for a man, but only photographs. If such a man liked the photos of the girl, then he will boldly write to her, even if the age difference is more than 100 years. Do not be surprised, men live here for a long time and look good until old age!

Second category of men , they read very carefully everything that is written in the girl's profile, and if it says that the girl loves cats, and the man has a dog at home, then even if he really likes the girl, he will cross her off the list of his favorites.

And the third category of men , these men are the most flexible and sober-minded. They read the girl's profile to find out her character, so that they understand what to write to her in order to pique her interest. These men, in my opinion, are the most promising contenders for husbands.

Of course, I'm talking about all these male types conditionally, but it's better to know about this before you start filling out the questionnaire.

How to fill out a form on a dating site correctly.

We have come to the most important thing, what should we write in the questionnaire in order to attract the attention of that only man whom you dream of meeting on a dating site with foreigners.

Firstly, remember, a foreign man, thinks differently from our Russian guy. They cannot read between the lines (although our Russian men do not always possess these qualities). The man will read in the questionnaire exactly what will be written there. Therefore, I recommend writing in simple language, do not try to slay a man with exquisite turns, he will rather get confused and will not read your profile to the end.

Secondly, write not about yourself, but about the man. Like this? It's very simple, for example, change the phrase “I love to cook” to “I love men, who love delicious food,” it will not be in the eyebrow, but in the eye.

Don't scare men with your unconventional hobbies. When a man reads a questionnaire that says “I love to jump from a parachute and conquer the jungle,” he reads the following. “Let's say I don't mind jumping from a parachute, and I could go to the jungle, but I need to wait for the vacation, but if she wants to spend time like that every day ??? And now I have an urgent project, and why did I buy a house on the sea, now it will be empty, I also wanted to go to Formula 1, but now this will have to be postponed ... ”look where his thoughts fled. You are not against a house by the sea, and you are ready to go to Formula 1, but the man made completely opposite conclusions!

To make it clearer for you, I took a real profile of the girl, see how it was filled in by the girl herself and how we recommend that she write the same thing, but so that the "reading" men would pay attention to her.

Until the fix.

About myself:

I have: a job, where to live, a daughter of 6 years old. There is only a little bit of female happiness and a beloved man nearby).

If you need acceptance, then I have it)).

I am calm about fishing, football and many other hobbies.

And you will also be pleasantly surprised that there are not mercantile women)).

I can also bake pancakes, cook salads and meat. And keep the house tidy.


After the fix.

I can call myself a completely accomplished woman, I have a favorite job, a well-mannered and affectionate daughter of 6 years old. At the moment I want to take care of one more person - my beloved man.

I am already an experienced and mature woman, I am ready to accept a man as he is. I will be able to speak the same language with you, believe me, you will be pleasantly surprised!

I can talk about football, fishing and many of your other hobbies. I am interested in many things, I prefer to share the interests of my man, and not spend time in stores doing shopping.

I know how to economically manage a household, and I love rational and economic men. Next to me, your capital will surely increase.

I love men who love home cooking, pancakes for breakfast, fresh salads and baked meats for dinner.

I can keep my house tidy and take care of clean ironed shirts for my loved one.

I am the woman who knows how to appreciate the masculine qualities of a man, not paying attention to the state of his bank account.

Many may be skeptical about these changes. And where is our favorite shopping, where are the gifts and travel?

Firstly, this questionnaire was made for a specific woman and it meets her needs as much as possible.

And secondly, "what a woman does not like gifts!" Believe me, even the richest man would prefer not to be told about diamonds when he first met.

About me

First of all, I would like to kindly thank all the visitors, and most importantly, the readers (because not everyone bothers to read, believing that a photograph is a sufficient reason for acquaintance) of my page for the attention shown and wish each of you to find what you are looking for and not be disappointed in their own expectations!

I am aware of the fact that there are many people in the world who are smarter, more talented, more beautiful than me. Without a doubt, this fact pleases me and gives me an incentive to develop and improve.

However, here and now I am a woman with personal freedom and freedom of choice, and I want to exchange this freedom for something, in my opinion, more valuable. If a dating site can help me with this, long live the dating site! I am arrogant enough and to a certain extent naive to hope for a happy meeting in the vastness of virtual reality, perhaps also because I do not have the time and opportunity for more "humane" ways of getting to know each other.

The myth that a beautiful woman cannot be clever is dispelled by thousands of female examples. I am one of them, it will be said without undue modesty. I am sure that an intelligent woman simply cannot afford to be ugly.

I am not a star or a queen. My ambition is completely atrophied. God forbid you to think that I am arrogant. I dare to hope that I am a normal girl in the very context in which you understand this expression “normal girl”.

Who I want to find:
Dear Men!

Do you believe in love?
I believe! It is for this reason that such an "adult" girl is still in splendid isolation and looks around, hoping to find a single representative of the strong half of humanity, from which the creation of the world and the chronicle of life will begin just for her. In fact, this entire text array is intended for a single person who reads, appreciates, penetrates into the essence of what was said and understands that he was looking for me all his life. Everyone else will become my grateful readers, and I sincerely appreciate your attention!

Therefore, I will immediately ask to self-destruct "passengers", "passing by", "loitering", "passing by", "looking for adventure", and those who, filling out their questionnaires, tick the boxes "sex for one or two times." By the way, I always wanted to ask how do you connect the item "love, relationship" with the item "sex for one or two times"? Or, in this case, should you clearly trace the sequence?)

Want to defend your right to freedom of expression? You are welcome! I will gladly get acquainted with your point of view, but I will not enter into the discussion. Sorry! But thanks for your efforts!

About the purpose of dating: I have a very specific purpose of dating. I'm looking for a man who is smart, confident, self-sufficient and generous. A man who knows how to respect, appreciate, love a woman. It was not in vain that I applied this particular phrase "knows how to respect, appreciate, love ...." Because many people simply do not know this. A man who wants not only to take, but also to give something in return (Remember the wisdom: before you drink from a vessel, you must fill it ”).

Do you have such a man in mind? Tell him about me.

About the form of communication: I do not like the sluggish throwing of replicas on the site. Moreover, I do not always have the opportunity and time to correspond. Therefore, I apologize to everyone to whom I answer with a delay or do not answer at all. If you are a lover of correspondence, please, I will leave you my email address or ICQ number.
I apologize in advance to those to whom I did not respond promptly or did not respond at all. In general, please pay attention to the envelope in your message. Perhaps I just didn’t have time to read what you wrote to me or I didn’t have enough time to answer.

Please don't wink! Do not shower the photograph with vulgar compliments. Do not let go of stinging remarks, unless you feel sorry for your time. I believe that you could spend it more efficiently than pore over angry libels. Let everyone remain unconvinced. I do not pretend to be the ultimate truth and write to the addressee who identifies himself.
Although even in your impulse to criticize me, you are pleasant to me. Thanks for your efforts!

Despite the very clear goals of my stay here, I do not mind talking to girls. I have been in Minsk for half a year and I have few girlfriends here. If you have the same trouble, girls, signal! Yes, it's true, it is very hard and lonely to be alone in a big city. I'm not ashamed to admit it.

I will try to reflect my brightest impressions in my diary. The first entry is already there and this reading will be useful to absolutely everyone. I look forward to your comments. So stay with me. And thank you for having the patience to read all this!

Dear editors of periodicals! I'm considering job offers)

Gentlemen! Share your positive dating experience on the site. Already fed up with these mournful stories that "there are no normal here." At the same time, all those who say this clearly consider themselves a lucky exception to the rule. I think everyone has their own criteria for "normality". But still ... ... I will be grateful for destroying this myth!

The original text was really written by me (this is for those who question and doubt), if you read plagiarism somewhere, tell me! Well, in general, if the author's work is sorted into quotations, this is a sign of popularity among the people! Pleasantly!

As a result, I would like to wish you again and again to believe in miracles, not to forget about true values ​​and love each other!

Thank you for attention!

And with a commentary in the diary, the young lady wrote out one of the messages that came to her:

I haven't even read your profile. A lot of text - it is better to view 10 others during this time

Why is it so difficult to find your love on the Internet?

People don't know what they want.

Typical situation: a young woman (or man) says that she wants to find her Love. Okay. You start asking, what kind of man would you like to find? How do you imagine him?

The most common thing that you can hear is that he was secured and caring. You start asking further: what does the wealthy mean? What level? Does this mean that he has to work from early morning until late at night and you will hardly see each other? Not? How then? In response: I don't know ...

What does caring mean? Leads you by the handle, solves all your little problems, does not give you a pass with his guardianship? Or helps you pay for your studies so that you can grow and develop professionally? The girl is lost: I never thought about it ...

Failure to understand the direction of your movement will never lead to the goal you need.


Sincerity and honesty are the foundation of friendships and loving relationships. If you initially try to embellish yourself or reveal only your spectacular sides and qualities, then upon closer acquaintance you will inevitably cause disappointment.

You are much more likely to find a match if you are honest with yourself, in your profile and letters. What does it mean?

If you like to watch TV series - just write, there is no need to pretend to be an intellectual. If you meet an intellectual, then he will get bored with you very quickly, while with a person who has nothing against watching TV series you will feel much more comfortable.

Sincerity allows you to find exactly the one with whom you will be cozy and comfortable. However, it is this rule that is most often neglected in Internet dating.

Strict selection criteria.

If you are not going to correspond for years with many, many, then strict selection criteria are a very important condition.

Unfortunately, there are many people on the Internet who have no serious intentions at all, who are sick, who simply do not suit you at all. If you are an adult and a thinking person who knows how to analyze, then a lot is already clear from the questionnaires.

In any case, 2-3 letters are quite enough to understand whether it is worth continuing the virtual acquaintance.

And even if the person is nice and interesting, but does not suit you by any criteria (age, place of residence, education, etc.) - stop correspondence. This is a waste of time. And by wasting time, you postpone the meeting with the one you really need.


Finding true love can take a long time.

Maybe today you are simply not yet ready for the most important meeting in your life.

Many people give up after a few setbacks and disappointments.

Disappointments are inevitable along the way.

However, each failure is an invaluable experience that provides a basis for analysis and self-development.

Why did it happen?

Why did I attract this particular person?

What is there in me that attracts just such people?

What am I doing wrong? (It is "I", not "they").

These questions and honest answers to them do not go unnoticed: you grow as a person, and the better you become, the better person the meeting will present you ...

You have decided to find your love through the Internet - how to effectively present yourself?

Alas, with a wave of a wand you will not find yourself a life partner, the search can take a lot of time, you will get a lot of disappointment, and reading some of the profiles on dating sites can be simply disgusting.

And, one day, with a wave of your hand, say: "I'd rather be alone (alone)."

And yet, finding a partner through Internet dating is real.

How to act effectively to make the search successful?

1. Filling out the questionnaire.

Each questionnaire has fields that you don't need to think about for a long time - name, gender, etc. Let's take a closer look at how to present your individuality.

In the fields: "what do you like / dislike", "your character", etc. users of dating sites usually write standard things: "I love sports, cook, knit, read ..." and so on.

Do you think this is interesting information?

There are millions of profiles in the databases of dating sites, most of them are similar, and if you want to achieve your goal, your profile must be unique. What does it mean?

This does NOT mean that you have to come up with a beautiful story about yourself.

This means that you need to choose a description for yourself that would express your personality.

We'll have to sit and think.

Here's an example of a questionnaire that resonated well with men. The woman described herself something like this:

“I like to“ tinker ”with my son, I like to order coffee“ Three K ”in a coffee shop, I like summer rain, emerald greens in spring, and I like it when freshly fallen snow creaks under my feet in winter, I like looking into happy faces, I like it when elderly people are very are wise and when young people are very polite ... I don't like when Windows is buggy, I can't stand it when they try to manipulate me, I don't like ironing my clothes, I don't like it when I'm tired and annoyed, I don't like it when I'm afraid and when I'm cold, ... " etc.

What is special she wrote? Never mind! It's just that her profile was not trivial (although, perhaps, like many women, she loves to read and knit). She tried to express her attitude to the world more SPECIFICALLY and INDIVIDUALLY.

If you write about your hobbies, write down why you love doing this or that. What does it give you? What feelings does it evoke? What achievements do you have, even the smallest ones?

Collecting your vivid image from small precious stones of your personality is an important condition for success in finding a life partner.

2. Good photo

There are many tips on the network about what your photo should be on a dating site, however, people persistently post photos that do not help at all in finding a life partner.

For example, a photo of small size in full growth, in which it is completely impossible to make out the facial features. Or something from a family album: a serious character surrounded by many interior items.

Your photo must be both realistic and good at the same time!

This is especially important for women, because men choose with their “eyes” and the first impression is the most important. If women first of all read the content of a man's questionnaire, then men, believe me, are lovely women, first of all they look at your face and figure.

So, here are the basic rules for your photo on a dating site:

The photo should be fresh, and not some kind of prescription;

There should be only you in the photo, and as few details as possible (or better, not at all);

In the photo, you have to smile;

There should be several photographs: in the questionnaire you reveal your inner image, and in the photographs - the external one. For online dating, your photos are your chances.

What not to do?

Many girls post their photos in a nude style. This is only justified if the girl's goal is to sell herself. No serious man would consider a girl who exposes herself in the nude as an option for a long-term relationship.

There is also no need to edit a photo by removing freckles, wrinkles, moles, etc. from your face. After all, sooner or later, you will have a meeting in "real life" - and if your new acquaintance / acquaintance experiences the shock of the fact that in reality you are not at all what is on the site - there will be no continuation of the relationship.

So, we prepare our photos for a dating site wisely. If there is no opportunity (or desire) to use the services of a professional photographer (I think this is not necessary at all), ask some of your friends to take pictures of you.

Amateur portrait photos are best taken outdoors, in soft lighting, when the sun is hidden behind the clouds (otherwise you will have harsh shadows on your face).

The background should be solid, preferably light.

Your clothes should be neither white nor black (avoid contrasts).

Take many shots, from different distances, with different backgrounds, so you have plenty to choose from.

Yes, all this will take time and effort, but if you have a goal - in this case, to find your love, you must do everything in your power to help the "bird of happiness" choose you.

3. Attitude to what is happening

This is a very important point. Try not to "get attached" to your new pen pals.

Treat them simply as good acquaintances, and do not allow yourself to fall in love with those with whom you have not even met "live".

Let's say you met and became interested in each other. Do not build castles in the air in your thoughts about your possible future. Consider that you just have a new good friend or acquaintance.

Many are intimidated by the upcoming first date. and possible disappointments. If you imagine that you just have to meet with a distant relative whom you have never seen, it will be much easier.

Remember that the fewer the expectations, the less disappointment. First of all, during correspondence and closer acquaintance, try to become friends: friendship cements any relationship.

4. Search strategy.

In order not to waste too much time "wasted" work out "search rules" for yourself and strictly adhere to them.

After all, it is important not just to fill your free time with communication, it is important to achieve the goal that you have set for yourself.

So where do you start?

After you have registered on any social site or chat, it is very important to be able to attract the attention of the person you are interested in. Here a sense of humor, erudition ... and information in the profile of the user you want to enchant will come to your rescue. In the end, it is much easier and more pleasant to communicate with a person, hobbies and hobbies with which you coincide at least partially (or even better - almost completely).

Remember, there is nothing wrong with being the first to send the person you are interested in with an offer to communicate!

No one will consider you too approachable - after all, people come to chat or to a social site to communicate. Go for it - and luck will certainly smile on you!

Do not rush to share personal information about yourself and do not elicit the passport data of your interlocutor already at the first conversation with him. As a rule, in the profile, people indicate the amount of data, which is quite enough for a light conversation and even flirting. Full name and other "real" details can be found out later, if network acquaintance turns out to be promising.

You should not immediately demand a photo from a new acquaintance and send him your own pictures. It's okay to be curious about the looks of your online conversation partner, and in the long run you will probably exchange photos ... but you don't have to do it on your first online date.

Don't get carried away with emoticons. Of course, this way of expressing emotions is very convenient and saves time ... however, sometimes it is better to try to describe your own emotions in words. Otherwise, your interlocutor may get the impression that he is simply not very interesting to you, as long as you strive to get rid of pictures.

Do not build castles in the air and do not rush to immediately transfer your acquaintance to "real". As mentioned above, for many people, Internet communication is a way of self-affirmation, a means of creating some kind of ideal image. As a result, your beautiful thirty-year-old prince, the owner of a two-story mansion and an elite car, may well turn out to be a sixty-year-old unemployed living in the same apartment with his mother, or, moreover, a fifteen-year-old schoolgirl who decided to have some fun. Therefore, you should not unconditionally believe everything that your network interlocutor tells about himself. And ... admit it, you also slightly embellished your own merits?

And, finally, the main thing. Internet communication, like any other, should first of all bring joy and not be a burden. Don't be afraid to say no politely if you're not eager to continue your acquaintance. Enjoy life, be yourself - and don't lose your head!

When filling out a profile on a dating site for the first time, what is the first thing you think about? About looks, work, or your hobbies. But will they reveal your personality enough? Probably not. Therefore, I decided to draw your attention to what exactly it is important to dwell on in more detail, how it is profitable to present yourself, what works better, and what should be abandoned. Your dating page should be bright and engaging.
These little tips will give you the opportunity to distinguish yourself from the same monotonous questionnaires.

Men love with their eyes.

Your photo is the first information about you.
It is important for men to make out a face, or rather a look, a smile. A beautiful amateur photo is enough to clearly see the eyes, face, figure. And you don't need to take professional pictures on purpose. There must be more than one photo. And of course your photos should only show your merits. The main thing in the photo is that your eyes and sunglasses will be superfluous. You should not expose too candid photos, they will definitely not interest serious men. Do not share photos with the company. You introduce yourself, not your environment.

Add more data to your profile.

Help me understand you better. If you love to cook, write about it, share the recipe and reveal the secrets of your cooking. You can add how you decorate and serve the dish. Tell us what dishes your guests expect from you, and what you usually cook for yourself.
Many people love to cook, but small additions will make your profile more colorful.

“I love my picky nature. I love Sundays, drink a lot of coffee in the morning and read comics. Yes, yes, I read comics, but what's wrong with that? I love Friday, especially at night. My favorite film is "Enjoy Your Bath", and I also believe in fairy tales. My favorite place: my grandmother's house in the village, where she allowed me to do what my parents forbade me to do. Favorite food: fried potatoes, I hope you won't be disappointed. "

Don't be afraid to be original.

This will make you stand out from the crowd. Do you have a bright appearance, or perhaps you have a low voice, or you are sickly in love with cleanliness, or maybe you prefer horror movies? It is important for yourself to figure out what you are original in. The main thing is to feel comfortable and confident. Don't be afraid to tell this to others. Even if these qualities alienate some people from you, there will definitely be a man who will share your interests.

“I don’t like to stay at home and prefer the nightlife. I love adventure, dance and karaoke. My karaoke is sometimes better than the original because I don't suffer from bouts of modesty. I constantly change my plans, it is difficult for me to make my choice right away, but I like to go through different plans, there is something romantic about it. I'm also an amazing chef and love new recipes. The best creativity is the one that can be eaten. For me food has become an art form. "

Use phrases and quotes.

If you have a favorite quote or saying, add it. Quotes can be a great way to express yourself and show others that you are interested. You don't have to use a famous saying. You can even quote a child or girlfriend. The more vitality a quote contains, the more noticeable it will be.

“This is said about me“ Solitude must be sought in big cities ”Descartes
I am a small city girl living in a lonely world ... I love the city where I was born and raised. Sometimes I leave the countryside, but I am always drawn back. I really love sports and feel happy when I work out in the club. I love this joyful fatigue after every workout. I love watching football and cheering for my favorite team. Who am I rooting for ??? I'll tell you about this later. "

A questionnaire written with humor always attracts attention.

Very often, humor allows you to make communication easier, more relaxed and will allow you not only to be interested in you, but also to start a conversation. Take any joke from the outside as a sign of attention. A funny anecdote or a funny story will show that you are a cheerful, friendly and sincere person.

“I ask you not to bother me with whiners and those who are dissatisfied with life.
“Most men want a Queen, but can only provide Cinderella with dishwashing liquid.“ I am looking for a king, ideally a restaurant owner, since I hate washing dishes. ”

Write in detail about your favorite activities.

Almost everyone has interesting activities to which they devote their free time. Write about your strongest hobby, dwell on it in more detail. Describe how your hobby makes you feel. Maybe it's a cat or a dog, maybe it's a sports team or a dance class. Don't be afraid to reveal and show what you love. And try to point out those moments that reflect your personal qualities.

“I have to warn you, I often pour wine on myself, although I do not drink it that often. If you meet me on the street, then most likely pay attention to me. I am a nurse in a children's hospital, I love my job and my little patients. It’s hard work, sometimes it’s devastating to me emotionally, but I think it’s the best. On weekends, I like to meet at the bar with friends and play Monopoly. If you play Monopoly, we may be able to meet with you there. "

Too great demands on men.

There is no need to put too large requests in the profile for men, with whom you would like to meet. You should not impose strong restrictions on weight, eye color, age, height. Perhaps you will like a man a little denser than your preferences, and a burning brunette with brown eyes will fade into the background, giving way to a red-haired, smiling boy. There is one more important point, which cannot be ignored - financial requests. Even if a man is successful, he will definitely not like the increased attention not to him, but to his house by the sea ...

“I don’t know what to tell about myself, maybe it will interest you:
My dad is a former military man, so I have a strict upbringing.
- I am planning to open my own business. I have very little left.
- Once I jumped with a parachute on a bet, it was very scary.
- I love wine and I hate beer.
- I am a cat man because I, like them, are very independent.
- I do not have a favorite type of man. They are interesting to me if I can learn something from them.
- I'm very old-fashioned. If you will open the door for me, then I will not be disappointed with you. "

Share your experiences.

Perhaps you moved to a new city, got a new job, became a grandmother, or your children got married, tell us about your feelings. You have a new experience or a fascinating story happened to you - write. Maybe someone has the same events and this will become a reason for communication.

“I traveled all over America while working on the Au Pair program. Getting to know different people and a new culture was an amazing experience. But now I want to stop and start a family and live in my house. I know exactly what I want from life and what I want to do next. I warn you, I still have a love of travel, I hope we can travel, but together! "

Use my advice, give new acquaintances an excuse to keep interested in you and ask questions. Be truthful in your profile, because there are definitely people who are looking for just such a woman, just like you, with similar disadvantages, favorite activities, preferences - everything that makes you yourself.