What is the type of verb? What are the types of verbs. Types of verbs in Russian distinguish four types of species steam

The verb is part of the speech that meets us hardly more than anyone else. It has a number of permanent and changing signs, which belongs to the view. With this category, each of us has come across school times. Often she put in a dead end and called questions.

This article will help you remember what is and to learn to determine it. Examples of tasks that you encounter will help to work out acquired knowledge.

The view is one of the permanent signs belonging to the verb. It reflects how the speaker sees the course of action in time: the ending, which is repetitive, one-time.

The view can be regarded as a category that changes the words, and as the one that classifies them. In modern Russian, this group includes only two options.

Reply to the question: "What are the types of verbs?" The answer of modern linguists to this question consists of two positions: perfect and imperfect.

Imperfect species

We found the answer to the question: "What is the type of verb?" We now turn to get acquainted with each of them.

The verbs of the imperfect species transmit the meaning of action without pointing to its completion. The words of three types are falling under this category:

  1. Denoting long action. For example: "He looked into her for a long time," "She was infinitely walking down the street."
  2. Transferring a recurring action. Example: "Every morning she sits down and the bus", "He goes to school day after day."
  3. Permanent action. Consider an example: "The city is on the hills."

The verbs of the imperfect species in many cases are accompanied by adverbs "long", "often", "usually" transmitting the frequency with which the action takes place.

The words of this type can be expressed in three times: the present, which has passed, future.

Now you know what the next paragraph will tell about the words belonging to the second type.

Perfect view

The verbs belonging to the tremendous form transmit the value of the completion of the action. Limit it with a temporary framework. The words of this type can express:

  1. The action that ended with the achievement of any result. For example: "Marina drew a beautiful picture," "Dad scored a nail into the wall."
  2. Action whose boundary is determined by its start. For example: "The wonderful music began to play in the hall," "The girl fell out a wonderful romance."
  3. A single action provided that the word is formed with the help of a suffix "Well": "He accidentally pushed me in the corridor," "from anger he kicked his foot briefcase."

The words of the perfect species appear only in the forms of past and future simple time. We remembered what the verb of the perfect species is. Let us turn to more complex material.

Viewing couple

The verbs of both types sometimes form species pairs. This category includes homonymic words that have the same meaning, but with different semantic shades. Consider examples:

  1. Justify and justify. In the first case, we see a completed action, in the second - long.
  2. Doubling and double. The first word transmits the value of the action that ended in achieving the result. The second shows the duration.

Most often, such verbs are formed from one basis. But there are exceptions, such as "take and take" or "catch and catch."

What are the types of verbs yet?

In modern Russian, single and bivide verbs are encountered. The first type includes words that have the form of only one of the species. This category includes verbs of an imperfect species in the following criteria:

  1. The action does not seek to achieve any result. Most often it expresses emotions. For example: hate, regret, expect.
  2. The verb expresses the state of a person: cry, dream, silent, chat.
  3. The word denotes movement. Examples: Run, jump, dance.
  4. The verb transmits the action with the value "slightly": to smoke, sleep.
  5. The word has the value of the action accompanying another, as in the case of "smoking" or "dance".
  6. The verb has a value associated with professional activities. For example: to carpent, to learn.
  7. The action has a mutual character. Example: brazily through, overload.

The same type includes the verbs of the perfect species:

  1. Containing several prefixes in their composition: forget, to take.
  2. Denotent action that occurred instantly. For example: I hung, I slew.
  3. Which show that the action has come to its logical completion. For example: to svewon, to bother.
  4. Dignifying the beginning of the process: jump, cry.
  5. Expressing redundant value. Example: diplomatic, adult.

Dyavid verbs

The verbs are of the form, devoid of formal expression. Depending on the context, they can be attributed to a perfect either to an imperfected form.

Similar words can be divided into three groups:

  1. Words with many years of history. Some of them: promise, hurt, marry, execute.
  2. Part of the verbs ending on "" For example, take: promote, explore, investigate.
  3. Verbs, mainly foreign-speaking origin, which have in their composition "Oova" suffixes, "Irova". Examples: Storage, encodify, telegraph.


To determine which types of verbs are found in tasks, it is necessary to follow the following algorithm:

  1. Look, whether the word is suitable for the Criteria of the single or bivide verb.
  2. If there is a prefix, in most cases it will be a perfect view.
  3. In order to accurately determine what type of verb, you need to ask him a question. "What to do?" - imperfect species. "What to do?" - perfect view.

Let's go to a small training. Determine what kind of words belong:

  • pray (bivide verb);
  • cook;
  • start (nesov. View);
  • consider (nonsense. View);
  • find (sov. View);
  • walk (single verb of non-rigs. Views);
  • to begin (single verb of rings. Views);
  • writes (Nesov. View).

Indicate, the verb of what kind is found in the sentence:

  1. He deeply regretted about the happening (single verb of an imperfect form).
  2. I used to sleep until lunch (the first verb of the perfect species, the second - single-imperfect form).
  3. He asked me a tricky question (perfect view).
  4. Every day he looks out the window in anticipation of something (imperfect).
  5. He loved to teacher in the company (single verbs of an imperfect form).
  6. The first spring thunderstorm (single verb of the perfect species).
  7. He got a job as a seller in the clothing store, in order to close a little (the first verb is a perfect view, the second is, and at the same time, but at the same time it is at the same time).

From this article you learned what type of verb is. Got acquainted with the words of the single and bivide type. Considered examples of exercises with explanations. And we received recommendations that will help you easily determine the type of verb.

I stumbled upon the task associated with the definition of the form, you can easily specify the word, even if the words are originally complicated.

The study of which includes many rules and exceptions. In this article, we will touch the concept of the type of verb and the correct use of verbs of a particular type in the speech.

What is the type of verb?

The type of verb in Russian is determined by the question asked for the Word. If you ask what to do? - This is an imperpose view if what to do? - Perfect. In other words, the action can be either committed at the time of speech, or not performed - this is determined by the form.

Read the book (what to do? Imperfect) - the action is not completed, it is currently committed. Read the book (what to do?) - The action has already been fulfilled, it is committed, therefore, the appearance of this verb is perfect.

How are the type of verb and time?

The time and type of verb in Russian is very closely connected. About the action that is not performed, you can speak in the form of any time: i baked pies, I am a cake of pies, I will oven pies. In other words, the verbs of the imperfect species can take the form of any of three times. It should be remembered that such verbs have the form of a complex future (infinitive with modal verb).

Unlike them, the verbs of the perfect species can stand only in the past or the future. In other words, the action was either committed, or will be committed. There are no such words in such words. After all, the verbs of the perfect species designate either the beginning of the action, or its result, while the form of the present time implies the length of action, the period of its commission. Consequently, these two concepts exclude each other.

When forming a future time, a simple form is used. I baked pies - I am a cake of pies.

Main ways of education of verbs

Now we figured out what kind of verb in Russian. How are words of a perfect or imperfect species are formed?

Most often to form a perfect species, it is enough to add the word console. Changes the value - the question changes. Go (what to do?) - come, leave, call (what to do); swatch - swim, swim, twisted; draw - draw, draw, draw etc.

However, it should not be thought that the view can be determined by the prefix. For example, a word buy the console does not have, but answers the question what to do?So, refers to the tremendous form.

The type of verb in Russian can be changed with the help of suffix. Seal - compact, invite - invite, scream - shout.

Infrequent case: replacement base

There are cases when another type of verb (table) is formed by the replacement of the base. Russian language is complicated and cunning. For native speakers, there is nothing strange that when a change change, the whole word can change completely, but foreigners have to memorize a lot. We give a few examples.

These are just a few "special" verbs, which you need to remember. Special attention should be removed verb "put" - His root is used only without a console, but when adding it changes to the root - complained ( put, fold etc.).

Dyavid verbs

It happens that the species forms of verbs in Russian can only be distinguished in the context, because words, having a different meaning, sounds equally. Most often, such words can be recognized by suffix-image- or -Own- (-Ev-). Attack, promote, vaccinate, start, etc. He started very long (what have you been doing?) - He successfully started (What did you do?).

To determine the appearance of such a verb, you need to clean very carefully in the context and correctly ask a question.

Why do you need to know about the types of verb?

It would seem that it may be difficult in such a thing as a type of verb? In Russian there are rules and more difficult. But, oddly enough, one of the most common mistakes in building proposals and even texts is associated with this rule. The fact is that the type of verb and all the verb forms (we recall that the communion and greeting of some linguistic schools relate to independent parts of speech, others - to special forms of verb) should be united in a specific speech section. That is, the action is either committed (will be committed), or is committed at the time of speech.

"Grandma baked patties, brewed tea, invited us to lunch, and we wanted to stay"- In one sentence, the verbs alternate and the other species, because of which the meaning of the phrase is difficult to catch." Going to neighbor, I asked if he had salt"- This offer does not coincide the type of verprication and verb, the action seems to be already committed, but at the same time not. It is more correct to build a phrase:" Going to the neighbor, I asked ..."

Let's summarize

So, the type of verb to determine is very simple: you just need to ask a question ("What to do?" Or "What?"). The verbs of the imperfect species are used in the form of any time; Perfect - only in the past or future. It is very important to properly use the form of a type of verb that the phrase is logically correct and understandable!

37. Types of verb. Modern species value theory. Mechanism of the speciation in RAM. Species chains. Education of correlative species steam. Dyvid verbs.

The category of the species that came to replace the rich system of Russian times, in the writings of a number of scientists (N.I. Grech, A.H. Vostokova, etc.) was not clearly selected from the category of time. OH. East in "Russian grammar" allocated three types: an unknown (imperfect), perfect and multiple. In addition to three species, he allocated eight forms of time. It was not possible to delimit the categories of appearance and time.

G. Pavsky in "Philological Observations" puts forward the theory of three degrees of duration, which was further supported by K.S. Aksakov and N.P. Nekrasov. "In the verbs of degrees there is a measure of duration and amount of action," Pavsky wrote. Valuable in this theory was the interpretation of the category of species as a category expressing a qualitative difference in the nature of action.

A.A. Fleebe, perceiving the theory of degrees of duration (it highlights four degrees of duration), goes on its predecessors. The degree of duration of the sweebend binds with the perfection and imperfection of the action, but does not identify them.

In the works of G.K. Ulyanova, F.F. Fortunatova, A.A. Shahmatova, A.M. Peshkovsky, V.V. Vinogradov and other scientists were supported by the theory of two species - perfect and imperfect. Much attention was paid to the study of the formation system and the definition of the grammatical-semantic side of the form. The category of species began to be understood as a category that expresses not quantitative, but a qualitative characteristic of action. However, there is still no unity of opinions on the issue of determining the category of species and the difference between the perfect and imperfect species.

Some scholars considered the form as a category, which means the distribution of the action in time (A.H. Eastokov, F.I. Buslaev, A.A. Peshebnay, Am Peshkovsky), others emphasized in determining the type of action method (A. Boldyrev, and .A. Shakhmatov, V.A. Bogoroditsky), the third considered as a category expressing the action in relation to its limit, result (V.V. Vinogradov and many modern researchers).

Concept of form. The view is a GC, indicating limited / unlimited action. The limit is a point, after which the action does not develop (oils, grapes). The category of type is inherent to all the forms of verb. Verbs solved and i decided Indicate the same action, but differ grammatically. Verb i decided Perfect species, it means an action that ended with the achievement of the result and is completed. In this verb grammatically expressed indication on the limit, the boundary of action, so the action i decided Thinks as limited in its current. Verb solved imperfect species, it does not contain instructions on the internal limit, the boundary of action, on its completion. Consequently, the category of species expresses the attitude of the action indicated by the verb to the internal limit of action. Imperfect species denotes the action in its current, without indication of the limit, the boundary of action ( moaning, older etc.). Perfect view Indicates a limited limit effect at any time of its implementation: zasheel (began to noise), puumel (noise some time); hopel (completion of action).

Among the verbs of the imperfect and perfect species are widely represented as their subspecies of the verbs multi-time (imperfect species) and single (perfect species). Multiple verbs indicate duration, repeatability or multipleness of action: shaw down etc.; Single - singleness and instantaneous action: express, throw out etc.

In the group of verbs of the imperfect species, verbs denoted by movement, movement in space and having two-shaped molds are distinguished: a) unpromising verbs denoting the movement of a single, perpetrated in one specific direction: run, bresh, lead, carry, drive, go, go, rolling, climb, fly, carry, swim, crawl, drag; b) multiple verbs, denoting motion or continuous, but multidirectional, or unidirectional, but intermittent: run, wander, led, carry, chasing, ride, walk, roll, climb, fly, wear, swim.

The main grammatical differences in species concern the values \u200b\u200band forms of time:

1) the verbs of the imperfect form have the forms of the present, past and future time; The verbs of the perfect species of the present time are absent;

2) The verbs of the imperfect species are the future time - complicated ( i will do), and the verbs of the perfect species are simple ( make);

3) the verbs of the imperfect species form the communion of the present time valid and the suffering, the verbs of the perfect species are missing, these are absent;

4) The verbalippiest of the imperfect species most often denotes the action simultaneously with the action of the verb-fagant, and the verbalization of the perfect species is the preceding effect.

Speciation. In the formation of the verb species, the initial form, for few exceptions, is the verb with the value of an imperfect species. Victims of verbs are carried out according to strict laws.

The process of forming the verb of SV from the verb of HB is perfection. On the contrary - imperfection. The process of visual speciation of verbs occurs the formation of species chains (the sum of the consecutive binary oppositions of the verbs of the HV and the BC, formed from one source verb). The classic full MC consists of 4 units: HB - SV - HB - SV.

The first link - the initial form is the smooth verb of HB, if such is in the language. Most of the smooth verbs are HB (exception: to give, go, lie down, sit down, get up, buy).

2-0th link - the verb of the SV, formed from the 1st link in one of the ways (prefix - paint - to paint; suffix - push - to push; changing the suffix and on and to decide - to decide; pre6fixed suffix or prefixal-postfixal - drink - Drink; Some are formed Supplement - say - say). Also, the 2-link includes all the verbs of SV with the non-derivative basis (buy, lie down, sit down, give).

The 3E links - the verbs of the secondary NV, formed from the verbs of the SV (the addition of Suffix / Iva - to rewrite - to rewrite (except for the value with the value of the secondary NV, there is homonym with the value of the long-lasting multiple action - sat - sowed - no speciation); the joining of the suffix of a / me - To be injured - to carry; the transfer of the emphasis is to squeeze - to squeeze; with the help of the suffix Eva - to extend - to extend; in different ways from smoothly - sit down - sit down).

The 4th link - from the submissive verbs of the HB of the 3rd link using the secondary prefix. Usually used consoles on - completeness, excessiveness; The coverage of many objects. The formation of a species pair between 3m and 4m is impossible, because The prefix always contributes a derivational value (pulling out - upload).

The full type of chain consists of 4 star: paint - paint - Collap - to defeat. However, all levels of this system are not always filled out, they remain empty for various reasons, the main - non-knowledge speakers. The verbs of the 4th link excessively specify the action, therefore are more often used in conversational, dialective speech and spacious. Sometimes the MC begins with the 2nd Room, because 1st fell (obliging - oblige). If in the first and second link, the prefix wears only a species value, then the 30 link is not formed. In the VD, the speciation is intertwined with the word formation (screaming - shout - to scream - the HC is interrupted - clean word formation). Most of all the correlative relations between the 2nd and 3rd links - suffixes are most grammarized, but there are cases when it is complicated by the LZ (begging to cheat). The category of species is distinguished by the almost complete absence of purely grammatical means.

Celebration of verbs. When the verbs are for the formation of one species from the other by means of consoles, two results are possible: a) the attachment of the console to the verb of the imperfect species contributes to the verb value inherent in the prefix value, as a result of which the lexical value of the original verb is changing and the educated verb of the perfect species does not correspond to the value of the smooth verb (cf. : fly - fly, take off etc.); b) the addition of the console, creating the value of the perfect species at the initial verb, does not change the lexical meaning of the verb, as a result of this, the smokers (source) and the submissive (derivative) verbs differ only in appearance and constitute correlative species pairs (Wed: tall - go blind, dinner - dine etc.). In the latter case, the prefix loses its lexical significance and turns into a grammatical means of formation of the form. This phenomenon is observed especially often for consoles: o- (OB-, ECU), software; C- (SO-): to go blind, please, turn, build, make; less - for; y; on the; take: strangle, drown, stand up, stand; And very rare - of; when; you; Differences: scare, get ready, grow, disaster.

Most of the verbs of the Russian language forms correlate pairs of imperfect and perfect species. The most productive type of such an education is a species pair of submissive verbs of the perfect species and the corresponding submissive verbs of the imperfect view with the suffix -Iv- (-Av-) (Wed: cut - stew out). When forming correlative species pairs of this type, it is possible (as an additional indicator of the form) alternation of root vowels o // A.If the verb of the perfect species has an emphasis not on the root voice (Wed: lower - build, accumulate - accumulate). Alternation o // A. It is not sustainable if the verb of the perfect species has an emphasis on the root sound [o], are possible in the literary language of education with [A] ( double, arrange, master, challenge, treat, touch, honor et al.) and education with [o] ( consistent, causing, to concern, disgrace, rejoice, spend, captivate, shake, wrinkle, legitimize, emphasize, strengthen, accelerate). Such parallel forms are peculiar to different styles of the literary language.

No less productive type of species vapor vapors is the ratio of smooth verbs of the imperfect type and smooth verbs of the perfect species with suffix -Well) (Wed: push - push) and the ratio of smooth and submissive verbs with consoles of grammatical value (cf. praise - praise, do - do, rob - over etc.).

In the circle of low product education of species steam, the following groups are allocated: 1) decide - decide to decorate - decorate etc.; 2) bake - Bake, Peeze - Sleep etc.; 3) avoid - avoid, get used to - get used etc.; four) fill - fill, wash off - flush, Cry over - View etc.; 5) Steam verbs that differ only in the Accent Place (Wed: cut - cut) and 6) paired verbs, pronounced with words with different bases (suplement): say - say (Other see above).

Verbs that do not have other views.The verbs of the unpaired imperfect species include: a) smashing verbs with suffix -Iv- (-Av-) With the value of multiple times. In a modern literary language, such verbs are used exclusively in the form of the past time with the value of the action: used to say, sorted, drank, etc.; b) Potted glages (books) with suffixes -You- (-Av-), -a, -e, crouch, regret by- and suffix -You - (- Iva-) paddle, glance and etc.; with consoles sub-, and suffixes -Iv- (-yiv-), and etc.; With the prefix re- and affix -We and etc.

by- find out, begone per- and by- trans-, from-, -Well- fuck, roll ---: You need to find yourself.

The verbs of the unpaired imperfect species include: a) smashing verbs with suffix -Iv- (-Av-) With the value of multiple times. In a modern literary language, such verbs are used exclusively in the form of the past time with the value of the action: used to say, sorted, drank, etc.; b) Potted glages (books) with suffixes -You- (-Av-), -a, -e, With the value of the process, not limited to the achievement of the result: crouch, regret and etc.; c) verbs with the prefix by- and suffix -You - (- Iva-) With a multiple, intermittent action: paddle, glance and etc.; with consoles sub-, and suffixes -Iv- (-yiv-), With the value of the accompanying action: hurry and etc.; With the prefix re- and affix -We With the value of duration and reciprocity: eroxize, shoot and etc.

The verbs of the unpaired perfect species include: a) verbs with the prefix by-denoting time limit in time: lie down, sit, dream et al., as well as with several consoles find out, begone et al. belonging to colloquial style; b) verbs with consoles per- and by- With the start of action: suck, boost, run, pour and etc.; c) verbs with consoles trans-, from-, With the value of completeness, performance performance: seek, interrogate, reversal and etc.; d) verbs with suffix -Well- With the meaning of intensive start action: fuck, roll et al. and d) some verbs with suffix ---: You need to find yourself.

Dyvid verbs. The verbs that combine the values \u200b\u200bof the perfect and imperfect species are bivide, but in context conditions can act with a value inherent in the same type. These are verbs with suffixes -OVA (T), -Yova (s): Organize, telephone etc.; Some verbs with suffixes -A (h), -Y (s), -e (h): promise, wedral, marry, execute, pray, hurt, ignorate.

In some verbs, the difference in species value is associated with a certain lexical value; Wed: Naro d ... crowpfug behind us (P.) (imperpose) - Somebodyfug From Moscow, and kept all(P.) (perfect view), and sometimes expressed only in separate forms (Wed: bornbut - Perfect view and rankand la - imperfect species).

§one. general characteristics verber as part of speech

The verb is an independent significant variable part of speech. The verb word combines different forms. What exactly depends on the interpretation of some important concepts.

Discussing the problem of interpretation

The most significant discrepancies concern the interpretation of what communion and verbalia are. Some authors believe that communion and verbalism are special forms of verb, while others believe that these are special parts of speech. As a result, the question of the number of verb forms is interpreted differently. Supporters of the first point of view teach that the verb word includes forms:

  • the initial form is an indefinite form of the verb (or, as it is also called, infinitives),
  • hidden forms, both personal and impersonal,
  • shaped shape - Communion
  • unchanging form - verbatility.

And supporters of the second point of view exclude the sacrament and verbal spirits from the verb forms. In our scheme, therefore, communion and verbalia are associated with the verb of intermittent lines.

All verbal forms are combined by common immutable features. Changeable features, if any, can be different.

1. Grammatical meaning: "act".
The verbs include words responsible for questions: what to do?, what to do?

2. Morphological signs:

  • permanent - View: Perfect and Imperfect, Transight, Return, Type of Hidness;
  • changeable
    • in the hidden forms: the number, inclination, time, face (in the imperative and reference of the present and future time), the genus (in the conditional and expressive tendency in the last time in the singular);
    • in declared forms (communities): Rod, number, case;
    • in unchangeable forms (indefinable form of verb and verbalism) - no.

Those who exclude the communion and verdicts from the verb forms, do not consider signs of communities and verbalies in this topic.

3. Syntactic role in the sentence:

Personal forms of verb, as well as impersonal verbs most often happen to be sure.

I love Petersburg.

The indefinite form of verb is a fault or part of it, as well as subject to and somewhat less common - the main member of the single-delivery impersonal supply, a supplement, definition and circumstance.

I love to walk in St. Petersburg.
Walking in St. Petersburg - great pleasure.
Be rain!
The children asked us to go to St. Petersburg.
We had a desire to go to St. Petersburg.
I went to walk around the evening Petersburg.

The syntactic role of communion and verbalism is considered only by those authors that belong to the forms of verb.

Communions are: full - definition, brief - taught.

Petersburg is a city founded by Peter I.

Petersburg is founded by Peter I.

Tempecistry is in the proposal circumstance.

Based on Petersburg, Peter I moved there to the capital.

§2. Types of verb

The view is the permanent morphological sign of the verb. All verbs belong to the perfect or imperfection. Generally accepted is the designation:

  • SV - for the verbs of the perfect species,
  • NSV - for the verbs of an imperfect look.

Questions to the verb as part of speech: what to do? what to do? - reflect the division of verbs by type.

Formation of species

Most non-derivative Russian verbs are VNS verbs, for example: there is, live, love, jump, scream.
From them, with the help of prefixes and suffixes, the verbs of SV, for example, are formed:

there are → eat, do, move,
live → live, live, survive,
Love → Love
jump → jump
Scream → shout.

Also in Russian, the formation of the verbs of NSV from the verbs of St. At the same time, NSV suffixes are used: -A-, -We- ,-,, for example:

rewrite → rewrite
knock down
Solve → decide.

Some verbs of SV and NWS make up species pairs, for example:

do - do
write - Write,

jump - jump,
Place - paint.

The verbs that constitute a species pair differs only by one component: the process is the result, multiple - one-time action.
Many verbs of the SV and NSV species pair are not considered, because In addition to the value of the species, there are still any additional value, for example:

  • write (nsv)
  • add (sv, additional value: bringing action to the end),
  • rewrite (sv, additional value: performing actions anew),
  • write off (sv, additional value: performing a sample action, copying),
  • keep (SV, additional value: write a lot, cover some surface), etc.

SV and NSV verbs have different forms:

  • in the verbs of the NSV in the elastic tilting three forms of time,eg:
    • present: i love, love, loves, love, love, love,
    • future tense: i will love, you will love, will love, we will love, you will love, will love(Future form formed by verb be, called a composite form),
    • past time: Loved, loved, loved, loved.
  • in the verbs of SV in the expressive tilt only two forms: Future and past time. Currently, the verbs of the HR is impossible, because This contradicts their species value. The form of a real time in the verbs of the SB is not composite, like the verbs of the NSV, and simple: love, look, finds outetc.
    • future tense: i love, love, love, love, love, will love,
    • past time: i loved, loved, loved, fell in love.


In Russian there is dyavid verbs. These are verbs, in which the value of the form can only be determined in the context. In some contexts, they act as the verbs of SV, and in others as an NSV, for example:

In the end, criminals casnili (SV).
Criminals casnili A whole month (NSV).
Yesterday O. promised (SV), which will come to us today.
Every day promised (NSV) to call, but every time she postponed his visit.

Do not be surprised:

If the verb has different lexical values, then the species pairs can be different.

For example:

Learn (NWS) - learn (SV) What? (words, poem, song), i.e. Teach something yourself (s).
Learn (NWS) - teach (SV) who? (Son, children, high school students, athletes), i.e. Learn someone something.

§3. Transitivity

Input is a verb property to manage noun expressing the value of the object of action, for example:

be in love (who? What?) Mother, animals, books, chocolate
look film, magazines, photos
to read book, report, note, congratulation
there is ice cream, chicken, soup, cake
drink Water, tea, coffee, juice

Remember: Most often, this value is expressed in Russian nouns in V.P. without an excuse.

In the event that there is a negative particle with the verb not, the nouns are more often in the R.P. The value of the object does not change. For example:

Do not love (who? What?) Brother, animals, books, chocolate.

If the verb is controlled by V.P. Nouns with the value of the object, then this verb is transitional. If after the verbs there are nouns in other forms, and the accusative case of without an excuse is impossible, then the verb is non-transparent, for example: walk around the city, jump into the water, grow near the house, doubt the correctness, rejoice and others. Use of such verbs with nouns in V.P. It is impossible, for example, in Russian it is impossible to say: walking the city, jump water, grow home, rejoice good luck.


It is important that forms are formed from transition verbs. padding communals.

§four. Return

The verbs are divided into returnable and non-returnable. The formal indicator is a forming suffix-jealous (s), standing in the end of the word. If the form of a return verb has the ending, then the suffix is \u200b\u200bwhen it follows it, for example:

dressed, dressed up, dressed, dressed.


  • the suffix occurs after consonants, for example: bought, battle,
  • suffix - after - after vowels: bathed, bathe.

Return verbs can be different, for example:

  • Wash up, dress up (Subject is aimed at himself),
  • meet, hug, kiss(Mutual actions aimed at each other: can not be found, hugging, kissing with you),
  • surprise, rejoice, angry (subject condition),
  • the fabric is a thing, the dog bites, the cat scratches (a sign characterizing the properties of the subject),
  • mortals- impersonality.


Return verbs are non-transparent.

§five. Conjugation

The leasing of the verb is the nature of the verb change in the form of the present time on persons and numbers. Hinders two, the settlement to one of two species is made on the set of termination. This means that the verbs do not change on the rigs, they relate to them. Hiddenness, thus, a permanent morphological sign of verbs.

Samples of hinge


If the endings are drums, then the definition determination does not cause problems. You do not need to put the verbs in an indefinite form: the end is clearly audible, so you will not be mistaken in writing or in the analysis.
The problem may occur only with verbs that have endings in an unstound position.

In order to determine the endings or type of leasing verbs with unstressed endings, you need to put the verb to an indefinite form. If the verb is on -t. , then this is a verb of 2 suits.
An exception: shave, stroll and outdated word sizzle. Also, 2 conjunction include

  • 7 verbs exceptions on -the : verutet, tolerate, offend, depend, hateand see,and look,
  • 4 verb exceptions on -t : drive, keep, hear, breathe.

The remaining verbs with unstressed endings belong to the 1st lining.


Verbs want, run and honor Special. They are all derivatives from them, for example: run, reach, run, run away, run etc., refer to different verbs.The peculiarity of the verbs of this group is that in some forms these verbs have the end of 1 conjugation, and in others - 2. Problem these verbs:

want - I want, you want, wants, we want, want, want (in units. End of 1 SPR., in MN. - 2).
run - run, run, running, run, run, run (in all forms, except 3 l. MN., End of 1 SPR., In 3 l. MN. - End of 2 SPR.)
honor, honor, honor, honor, honor, honor (in all forms, except 3 l. MN., End of 1 SPR., 3 l. MN. - End of 2 SPR.)


Verbs there is and to give Do not treat any conjunction. They have special sets of endings.

Eat - eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat,
Give - I will give, you will give, let's give, give, give.

The verbs are also changed, which are derived from there, and give, for example: eat, doom, eat, transfer to, subtle etc.

It is necessary to know the hide of the verbs, since this knowledge allows you to correctly write personal endings of verbs, as well as suffixes of real and suffering communities of the present. The ability to determine the rugs of verbs is necessary and when performing a morphological parsing.

§6. Mood

An inclination is a variable morphological sign. He expresses the attitude of the action to reality. Knocks in Russian Three:

  • expurative
  • imperative
  • conditional (the term "subjunctive") is also common.


The verbs in the expressive ignition express actually occurring actions and change in time.

Times in Russian Three: the present, which has passed and the future. Forms of this and future time may coincide. In the present and the future, the verbs are hidden, i.e. Changes on persons and numbers. The endings thus serve not only by the indicator of the person and the number, but also time and inclination. Last time, the verbs change. Enders serve as indicators of the number and kind, and the shape suffix-l - the time and inclination.

Imperative mood

The verbs in the imperative lifestyle express the motivation. The verbs in the imperative ignition have the forms of the only and plural number 1, 2 and 3 faces. Examples:

  • let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go - forms 1 persons express the motivation to joint action;
  • go, go - Forms of 2 persons express the motivation to action;
  • let (let) go, go, long live - The motivation refers to 3 face.

Molds of imperative inclination with the words comeva, let's, let be, lose, yes called analytical forms. These words are involved in the formation of forms 1 and 3 of persons and are indicators of imperative inclinations along with the verbs with which they are used.

Conditional mood

The verbs in the conditional ignition can express:

  • condition,
  • action possible under any conditions.

If a would be you called, we would meetb If a would be we meet me, I would be returned You book.

The shape of the verbs in the conditional ignition is the same as in the last time of the expansive inclinion *, but with a particle would be. If the form is expressed in two words, it is considered analytical. So, the conditional inclination is a forming suffix-l and particle would be.

* Opinions regarding the shape of the verb in the conditional inclination are different. Some authors believe that this is the form of the past time, while others consider it a ionymic form of the verb in the past time.

§7. Time

Time is a variable sign. Time, like inclination, verb category. They are not peculiar to other parts of speech.
The verb time expresses the time ratio and the moment of speech. Time forms differ only in the ejacious ignition. Times three:

  • past,
  • the present,
  • future.

Not all verbs have forms of all three times. The verbs of the perfect species do not have a form of present.

Real time and grammatical time may not coincide. For example:

Yesterday O. comes and he speaks: - Today I came on time

(The action in the total forms expressed in the form of the present).

The future time can be expressed analytically, in two words: verb be In the right form and the verb of imperfect species in an indefinite form, for example:

The verbs of the perfect species are formed only a simple future time, for example: i will leave, write, we'll see.
In Russian it is impossible to say: write to write, we will see.This is a gross violation of the morphological norm.

§eight. Face

The person is a variable sign in the verbs of the present and future time of the expressive inclination and verbs of the imperative inclination. The face refers to the action manufacturer.
If the action is performed by the speaker, the verb is placed in the form of 1 person.
If the action is performed by the listening, the verb is placed in the form of 2 persons.
If the action is performed by other persons who are not involved in the conversation, the verb is put in the form of 3 persons.

I like oranges. (1 l., Units)
We love oranges. (1 l., Mn.ch.)

You love oranges. (2 l., Units)
You love oranges. (2 l., Mn.ch.)

He loves oranges. (3 l., Units)
They love oranges. (3 l., Mn.ch.)

In Russian, verbs are possible, denoting the action that has no manufacturer. Such verbs are called impersonal.

Impersonal verbs

The impersonal verbs indicate a state of nature or a person who does not depend on their will. Therefore, nature, and people are not considered as action manufacturers.

I'm sick.
I unwell.

The forms of the verb in an impersonal form cannot be led in a two-part offer. They are the main members of the single impersonal proposals.

§nine. Rank

Rod is a variable morphological sign of the verb. The verbs have forms of kind in units. POST. The time of expressing inclination and form of units Conditional inclination.

Lesson poweredlecture passed, interview passed, Meetings were held (in the past. time express. Non. The genus differs only in units).
If lesson powered (lecture Passed, interview passed), we would go home (in Sl. Slit. Rod varies only in units).

§10. Number

The number is a morphological sign, which is peculiar to all verb forms, except the uncertain form of verb and verbalism.

Forms verb

Sample forces

Check how you understood the content of this chapter.

Total test

  1. Is it true that the verb is a significant part of speech?

  2. What morphological signs unite all verb shapes?

    • Non-permanent (changeable) signs
  3. What kind of verbs are more among Russian derivatives of verbs?

  4. What time is there no verbs of sv?

    • Present
    • Last
    • Future
  5. Can non-freight verbs control nouns in V.P.?

  6. Is it true that transient verbs are irrevocable?

  7. What is the names of the verbs that have in some form of the end of the 1st lifting, and in others - the 2nd?

    • Impersonal
    • Transitional
    • Single Speed
  8. How do the verbs change in the present time?

    • On persons and numbers
    • In numbers and childbirth
  9. Can impersonal verbs be tamed in twisted offers?

  10. Is a time constant (unchanged) sign of verb?

  11. How do the verbs change in the past time?

    • On persons and numbers
    • In terms of numbers and in the only number by childbirth
  12. Are single-roof verbs with different prefixes and different types of species pair: rewrite - add?

Right answers:

  1. Constant (unchangeable) signs
  2. Present
  3. Single Speed
  4. On persons and numbers
  5. In terms of numbers and in the only number by childbirth

In contact with

Viewthis is a morphological category of verb, which indicates the ratio of the action denoted by the verb to the internal limit of this action: decide solve.

All verbs in any form have the meaning of the form, Consequently, this category is universal. Category of the type of binary: it makes up the verbs of two species: perfect (answer the question of what to do?) And imperfect (answer the question of what to do?).

View This is a specific category of Russian and other Slavic languages, one of the complex categories of grammar, which is studied by a special section of grammar aspectology. The private values \u200b\u200bof the verbs of both species are varied: the value of completeness (say), the value of a single action (shout), the value of an indefinable duration of the action (screaming) and others.

All these private values \u200b\u200bcan be reduced to more general: Action without specifying its internal limit (verbs of an imperfect type) and action with an indication of its internal limit (verbs of the perfect species).

Verbs of perfect and imperfectdiffer not only by the categorical value, as well as the wordinity and grammatical combination. Verbs of imperfect species In the zealing incidence, you have the opportunity to form all temporary forms (do Delal making I will do)They have a complete set of time forms of communities. In the verbs of the perfect speciesthere is no shape of the present time in the zeal (Make done I will do) and communities of the present. Verbs perfect species Never combine with verbs denoting any phase of action (Start, finish, continue, etc.), and with the words and turnover of type long, clock, daily, etc.

The verbs of the Russian language are most opposed to each other in appearance: they constitute couples. Two verbs are identical in their lexical meaning, but the differing grammatical meaning of the perfect and imperfect species are combined species couple: write Write do To do.

The most common way of speciation is suffixed.

The verbs of the imperfect are posed from the verbs of the perfect species with the help of suffixes: -iva-,(put down Slide, ascertain ask), -You-, -A - (- I) (to give to sing Saw, decide Decide, save save).

The verbs of the perfect are posed by the uniformity of the imperfect species with the help of suffixes - and -an: (push To push, prick collap, rap roll), the prefixes of the assistance of the NA-, methods, since, once, etc., etc.(Abstract Finish, write Write, oven Bake, do Do, read Read, weaker Weaken, treat Cure, build Build, etc.).

But most often the consoles not only change grammar meanings species, but also give the verb new lexical importance, such verbs do not form a species pair: read re-read, read, read, etc.

Verbs that make up a species pair may differ only to the place of emphasis:cut Cut, squat pour.

In some cases, members of the species pair can be expressed by verbs with different bases: take Take, View Find, say to tell.

Not all verbs in Russian can form species pairs. The differences between the verbs constituting the species pair should only be reduced to the difference in the internal limit

Verbs who are characterized by the meaning of the perfect or only imperfect species are called single. Most often these are verbs with a pronounced way of verbal action: to be, to exist, to appear (imperfect), check, shout, fixed, sleep (perfect view)

Dyavid verbs Through the same form, the values \u200b\u200bof the perfect and imperfect species are expressed. These verbs occupy a special place in the species system of the Russian language. We will pay attention, it is important not to confuse bivide verbs with verbs having species pairs.

Dyvid verbs include:verbs with suffixes -OVA (T), -Yova (s): Address, organize, confiscate, etc.; Some verbs with suffixes -a (h), -e (h), -I (s): run, promise, wedging, promising, giving, wounded, etc.

Most often the bivalness of verbs manifests itselfin the forms of the past time and infinitive, but sometimes there are no forms of present and future time (execution, Zhenya). The value of one or another species is detected in the context. For example: Guns from the pier Palaat, the ship is veil (what do?) (A. Pushkin); Will you do not order, I velaya (what will I do?) Sit the rug? (N. Gogol).

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