Parade of all planets. The parade of planets is a purely astronomical phenomenon

The 44th UEFA Super Cup, in which the champions of the two main European club competitions of the past season - the Europa League and the Champions League - will meet on Wednesday August 14, 2019.

If last year's edition featured two Spanish football clubs (Real Madrid and Atlético Madrid), which, in addition to representing the same country, were also based in the same city, then the current UEFA Super Cup 2019 is entirely “English” ". The trophy will be competed between clubs from Great Britain Liverpool and Chelsea.

The venue for the 2019 UEFA Super Cup (Liverpool - Chelsea) is the Vodafone Park stadium in Istanbul, Turkey..

What time does the Liverpool - Chelsea match start:

The UEFA Super Cup football match will begin on August 14, 2019 at 22:00 Moscow time.

On which channel to watch the live broadcast of the match:

Live broadcast of the 2019 UEFA Super Cup game TV channel "Match!" . Start of live broadcast from Turkey - 21:55 Moscow time.

On repeat You can also watch the meeting on the Match! TV channel. August 15, 2019 (Thursday) at 15:25 Moscow time.

Will a 4-day working week be introduced in Russia:

Currently, most Russian citizens work five days a week. According to a study conducted by VTsIOM at the end of June 2019, some of them are interested in the transition to a four-day work week (naturally, while maintaining existing wages).

Thus, 29% of Russians have a positive attitude towards the transition to a 4-day working week. 17% of respondents had a neutral attitude to this issue, and 6% found it difficult to answer. Well, 48% of Russian residents during the survey did not support the idea of ​​reducing the working week to 4 days. The fears of this “almost half” of Russians are related to the fact that this change could ultimately lead not only to a reduction in working hours, but also to a reduction in wages.

We hasten to reassure you - at the present time there are no laws in force associated with the future reduction of the working week to four days. Also on this topic no bills are being considered.

That is, in the near future:
* a four-day working week will not be introduced in Russia.

In this case, we mean, of course, the legally approved and common “four-day week”. Individual enterprises, in the event of an unstable situation and financial difficulties, can still introduce either a four-day or a three-day working week with a corresponding reduction in cash payments to employees.

On August 13, 2019, it became known that the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia (FNPR) sent its proposals for the transition to a 4-day working day to the Ministry of Labor. The proposal specifically noted that this change should occur “with the obligatory preservation of the previous level of wages.”

On August 14, 2019, the press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov said that the Kremlin is currently not discussing the transition to a four-day working week.

What Dmitry Medvedev said about the transition to a non-4-day working week:

On June 11, 2019, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev spoke about the advantages of switching to a four-day working week during a speech in Geneva, Switzerland at the 108th session of the International Labor Organization.

He predicted that the transition to a four-day week will occur in the near future.

Quote: “Technological progress leads to a reduction not only in jobs, but also in working hours and in the expansion of leisure time. It is very likely that the future lies in a four-day working week as a new basis for the social and labor contract.”. YES. Medvedev.

As arguments, Dmitry Anatolyevich cited the example of the American businessman Henry Ford, who 100 years ago reduced the working week at his enterprises from 48 to 40 hours and achieved an impressive increase in labor productivity.

Also given as an example was the New Zealand management company Perpetual, which, after switching to a 4-day working week, achieved an increase in labor productivity by 20% (when converted to an hour of working time). At the same time, the stress level of company employees has significantly decreased.

When can a 4-day working week be introduced in Russia:

According to experts, a four-day working week can be introduced in the Russian Federation no earlier than 2030, or in 10-15 years .

For example, this opinion is shared by the vice-rector of the Academy of Labor and Social Relations (ATiSO), former deputy head of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, Alexander Safonov. In his opinion, the transition to a four-day work week will inevitably lead to a reduction in citizens' incomes. The exception will be those industries where payment is made not for the number of hours worked, but for the result, such as in the IT sector.

And the head of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP), Alexander Shokhin, believes that the third day off should be “earned” by increasing labor productivity. Friday or Monday can become an additional (third) day off only when labor productivity increases by at least 20%. And this could happen in just 10-15 years.

Since ancient times, people have noticed that many natural processes are associated with the movements of the planets. Therefore, they tried to judge by signs from space what troubles awaited them tomorrow. The parade of planets is one of the most extraordinary cosmic phenomena, so most of all kinds of predictions are associated with it, including those about the coming apocalypse.

So what is this astronomical event?

The parade of planets is an event of amazing beauty in which several celestial bodies find themselves on the same line. To the person observing what is happening, it seems as if the planets are located very close to each other.

What are these amazing phenomena?

The parade of planets can be small or large. There are also visible and invisible phenomena. The minor parade of planets is the configuration of Mars, Mercury, Venus and Saturn, while they stand on one side of the star. This happens no more than once a year. A parade of three planets sometimes happens even several times a year, although the conditions for their visibility are different everywhere.

A harbinger of the apocalypse?

The parade of planets on December 21, 2012, which journalists dubbed the Great Parade of the Planets and the harbinger of the end of the world, turned out to be just a mini-parade that began in November and ended happily. Celestial bodies from all over the Milky Way did not line up in one line; we have not observed such a grandiose phenomenon.

Big parade of planets

This heavenly configuration looks even more majestic and beautiful than all those described above. With this astronomical phenomenon, six celestial bodies, such as Venus, Mars, Earth, Saturn, Jupiter and Uranus, appear on the same line. This magnificent spectacle can only be seen once every twenty years.

Features of the visible parade

The visible parade of planets is distinguished by the fact that five planets such as Venus, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, approach each other, they become visible in one sector of the celestial ecliptic. If Saturn, Mars and Jupiter are at the same longitude, it will be possible to immediately see all five planets participating in the parade. Another condition: Mercury and Venus must be located to the west of the Sun in the autumn, and to the east in the spring. Mercury is visible for a particularly long time at this time, since its elongation is no more than twenty-eight degrees. But Venus is much better visible, because its elongation, unlike Mercury, is as much as forty-eight degrees. You can see this wonderful astronomical phenomenon either at dawn or at sunset. A parade of four planets (except Saturn) could be seen in May 2011 early in the morning at the equator and in the Southern Hemisphere. In the summer of 2022, a new parade of all five celestial bodies is predicted; it will be possible to observe it precisely in our latitudes.

Invisible option

A complete parade of planets (also called invisible in another way) is an arrangement in which all these bodies are on one side of the Sun. But some of them, such as Mercury and Venus, cannot be seen from our planet. The closest such parade of planets to us in time can be expected only after two hundred years.

If at the same time they are close enough in ecliptic latitude, in this configuration it is possible to cover a more distant object with a closer one, the passage of a planet across the disk of the Sun (in the case of a conjunction of the inner planet and the Sun) or an eclipse of the Sun (in the case of a conjunction with the Moon).

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    There is also a distinction between “visible” and “invisible” parades of planets in the solar system:

    A visible parade of planets is a planetary configuration when the five bright planets of the solar system (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn) in their movement across the sky come close to each other and become visible at the same time in a small sector (10 - 40 degrees ) sky.

    In order for all five bright planets to be visible at the same time, the condition must be met that Mars, Jupiter and Saturn have approximately the same longitude and are visible near the inner planets, and Mercury and Venus are in eastern elongation from the Sun in the spring, and in western elongation - in autumn (for the northern hemisphere of the Earth and for middle latitudes). It is during such elongations that Mercury can be observed for quite a long time. Venus has less severe visibility conditions, since its maximum elongation is 48 degrees (for Mercury it is 28 degrees).

    From the above it is clear that the parade of planets can be observed either in the evening or in the morning. Mini-parades of planets with the participation of four planets occur more often, and mini-parades of planets with the participation of three planets can be observed annually (or even twice a year), but their visibility conditions are not the same for different latitudes of the Earth. For example, a wonderful parade of 4 bright planets (Saturn did not take part in the parade) in May 2011, when Venus, Mercury, Mars and Jupiter gathered in a sector of less than 10 degrees, could be observed in the predawn twilight, half an hour before sunrise Sun. A mini-parade of planets (although it can be called a parade with a stretch, since their visibility sector was more than 90 degrees), confidently visible in the middle latitudes of Russia, could be observed in mid-October 2009. Visible parades of planets with the participation of five bright planets occur no more often than once every 18-20 years, and the next close parade of 5 planets in the 38 degree sector will take place in March 2022, but its visibility conditions will be unfavorable for residents of Russia. But already in June 2022, the residents of Russia will still be lucky, and they will see all five planets at the same time, but already located in the sector of 115 degrees, and they will be located Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn. This combination happens even less often than a parade of 5 planets.

    A parade of planets is also called the configuration of the planets of the solar system, when the planets, including those invisible to the naked eye, “line up” on one side of the Sun in a small sector. In this configuration, Mercury and Venus may be invisible from Earth, since they are in inferior conjunction with the Sun, but the outer planets are visible practically in the same direction. The closest such parade took place was March 10, 1982, and the next one will be in 2161.

    It was the use of this phenomenon, which occurred in the late 70s of the twentieth century, that made it possible to simplify the implementation of the study of the outer gas giant planets and their satellites, the boundaries of the Solar system, as well as interstellar space through the launch of spacecraft under the Voyager research program (launch which was successfully implemented in 1977). Due to the fact that all the giant planets were successfully located in a relatively narrow sector of the Solar System in the desired configuration and direction on the path of spacecraft, it became possible to use gravitational maneuvers to fly around all the outer planets. This made it possible to significantly reduce the distance and travel time to the objects under study, as well as reduce the fuel consumption required to complete this mission. Therefore, the flight trajectory was calculated based on this possibility - although officially the study of Uranus and Neptune was not initially included in the research mission program (to guarantee reaching these planets would require the construction of more expensive devices with higher reliability characteristics). However, after completing the main tasks of the research mission, it became possible to nevertheless implement a further flight to the planets Uranus and Neptune thanks to the successful use of gravitational maneuvers, which made it possible to gain the necessary acceleration impulse for the flight to these planets without consuming spacecraft fuel to overcome the path to them. After Voyager 1 successfully completed its exploration program of Saturn and its moon Titan, the final decision was made to send the Voyager 2 spacecraft to Uranus and Neptune. To do this, it was necessary to slightly change its trajectory, abandoning the close flyby trajectory of the flight near the satellite of the planet Saturn - Titan. However, this decision made it possible to look even further than originally intended by this research mission - it became possible for the first time to see and explore the very distant worlds of planets - icy gas giants and their satellites on the borderline of the outskirts of the Solar system.

    Planet Parade Calendar

    Parade of planets in art


    • In the film "" the parade of planets has a negative impact on the Sun, which leads to terrible cataclysms on our planet.
    • In the film Lara Croft Tomb Raider, the parade of planets has important plot significance.
    • In The Walt Disney Company's animated film Hercules, a parade of planets allows Hades to free the Titans.
    • In the series "Charmed" in episode 14 of season 5 - the parade of planets is one of the signs that foreshadow the loss
    both white and black (demonic) magical powers.
    • In the 13th episode of the 3rd season of the X-Files series “Parade of Planets” (or “Syzygy”) there are two girls born on a day on which the planets lined up in such a way that all the energy of cosmic forces was focused on their friends, and a demon possessed them.
    • In the parable film “Parade of the Planets,” observing the parade of planets from Earth becomes a moment of spiritual catharsis for the characters.
    • In the series “N 2 O: Just Add Water,” in episode 26 of season 2, a parade of planets called the 50-year full moon takes place. When the full moon is exactly above the crater of the volcano located on Makko Island, the powers given to the girls by the moon are taken back forever if they find themselves in the lunar pool during this full moon, which is located under the crater of Makko Island.
    • In the movie "Black Hole", starring Vin Diesel, a parade of planets led to a solar eclipse and the appearance of creatures hiding from the light underground.
    • In the film "Witchcraft Love" (Un Amour De Sorciere), the parade of planets is a critical moment before which the child must be baptized, otherwise he will forever fall into the power of the evil sorcerer.
    • In the animated film "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" (2007), a parade of planets served as a portal
    • In The Mummy: Prince of Egypt, a parade of planets helps the mummy to resurrect
    • In the animated series “Transformers: Prime” (2011), a parade of planets awakens the giant transformer Unicron, who has been resting in the depths of the Earth since time immemorial, being its core; His awakening entails a series of disasters and threatens to destroy the Earth.
    • In the film “Knight of Camelot,” a parade of planets takes the main character to the Middle Ages.
    • In season 2 of the animated series "The Legend of Korra", a Harmonic Convergence occurs, facilitated by a parade of planets.
    • In the manga and second anime, Fullmetal Alchemist, Father uses a parade of planets and alchemists who have opened the gates of truth to consume a god.
    • Sc #1778) with the image of the Sun and nine planets of the solar system: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, the date of the parade of planets is indicated.

    This week, Russians will be able to see a rare astronomical phenomenon

    Starting today, a real performance will unfold in the skies above the Earth - the Parade of the Planets. We explain what it is, as well as how, where and at what time it can be observed.

    What is the Parade of Planets

    You can usually see the planets of the Solar System only one by one, but once every few years, or even decades, they converge on one side of the Sun and line up in a row so that you can admire them all at once. To understand how unique this phenomenon is, it is enough to remember that each of the planets has its own time of revolution around the Sun, and if for Jupiter it is 12 Earth years, then for the farthest planet Neptune it is as much as 165 years.

    The last full Parade of Planets dates back to 1982 - Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and even Pluto, which was then still considered a full-fledged planet, took part in it. In 2002, the inhabitants of the Earth could observe a parade of four planets. The same will happen this time - Venus, Mars and Jupiter will be in the same sector with the Earth.

    Millions of people around the world will watch the crossing of the paths of the planets, because astronomers assure that this spectacle is much more beautiful and impressive than solar eclipses and other cosmic phenomena.

    How and where to watch the Parade of Planets

    As the Moscow Planetarium promises, all Russians will be able to admire the convergence of the planets, regardless of where they are in the country. However, the phenomenon will be best seen in temperate northern latitudes. The only necessary condition is a cloudless sky, and in addition you will have to wake up early.

    On Tuesday, November 14, you can see Jupiter and Venus, and a little higher above the horizon you can also see Mars and the Moon from 6:40 am Moscow time.

    On Wednesday, 15th of November, space performance starts at 6 am. Venus will be closer to the horizon, and Jupiter will rise higher, and Mars and the Moon will be located even further north.

    On Thursday, November 16, Mars will disappear from view, but the trio of Venus, Jupiter and the Moon will still be visible, starting at 6:30.

    You can see the approach of planets with the naked eye, without any special equipment. The two bright points that are Venus and Jupiter definitely cannot be confused with anything. The first videos documenting the phenomenon have already begun to appear on the Internet. And yet, in order to fully appreciate the beauty of the event, it is better to use a telescope.

    From January 31 to February 7, 2016, the Moon and the five planets of our solar system - Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury - lined up on one side of the Sun. It is called . This phenomenon can be observed in the mornings before dawn, under clear sky conditions. What does this rare astronomical spectacle promise us?

    Parades big and small

    There are minor parades in which from four to six planets participate. Large parades involve six or more planets. There are also “visible” and “invisible” parades. A visible parade of planets is a configuration in which Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn come close to each other and become visible at the same time in a small sector of the sky (10-40 degrees). Of course, “mini-parades” involving four planets occur more often than those involving five or more celestial bodies. And the “lining up” of three planets in a row can be observed at least once or twice a year. But visible parades of planets are observed once every 18-20 years.

    The term “parade of planets” was coined by American astrophysicists Plageman and Gribbin. On the eve of another similar event in 1982, they made panicky statements that this would threaten the Earth with terrible cataclysms.

    Back in 1974, scientists published the book “The Jupiter Effect,” the cover of which depicted planets lined up in a straight line. Which, by the way, basically doesn’t happen. And the term “parade of planets” itself is not considered scientific by most astrophysicists. We are simply talking about the convergence of celestial bodies, they say.

    Heavenly signs...

    Nevertheless, traditionally such changes in the position of planets in the sky are surrounded by mystical meanings. Even in ancient times, this phenomenon was mistaken for. So, in 1954 BC, fearing the impending end of the world, the Chinese emperor ordered the calendar countdown to begin from scratch, hoping to appease the heavenly rulers...

    One of the planetary parades, which could be seen with the naked eye, took place in 1940, before the Great Patriotic War. On February 2, 1962, seven planets came into operation at once - Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus. The parade of planets was accompanied by a solar eclipse, and many then argued that this was not good... Indeed, the Cuban Missile Crisis happened, and the following year American President John Kennedy was assassinated...

    Another parade of planets happened on March 10, 1982: then all nine planets of the Solar System, including Pluto, which still had planetary status, gathered on one side of the Sun, in a sector with an angle of 95 degrees. In November of the same year, Leonid Brezhnev, General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, died...

    The theme of “planetary apocalypses” was readily picked up by the yellow media, cinema and television. Thus, in the film "Knight of Camelot" based on Mark Twain's novel "A Yankee in King Arthur's Court", the main character finds herself in the medieval era during a parade of planets... In the film "The Mummy: Prince of Egypt" the mummy of an ancient Egyptian is also resurrected thanks to a parade of planets... In the animated series "Transformers: Prime" (2011) the same astronomical phenomenon awakens to life the monster Unicron, who is also the earth's core, and this threatens the Earth with destruction... In the film "2012" the parade of planets has such a negative impact on the Sun that it causes a global catastrophe on Earth ...And in one of the episodes of The X-Files, two girls are possessed by a demon, because on their birthday Mars, Uranus and Mercury were located on the same line...

    Voyager's finest hour

    But let’s leave omens and cinema alone and turn to the astronomical sciences. Are planetary parades really capable of influencing processes occurring on Earth?

    Vladimir Surdin, a senior researcher at the State Astronomical Institute named after P. K. Sternberg of Moscow State University, argues in the brochure “The Fifth Force” that the “collection” of many planets on one side of the Sun should stimulate tidal phenomena on the star. But their influence on solar activity is not so clear, he believes.

    “On the one hand, they lead to the release of additional energy in the convective shell of the Sun, on the other hand, they destroy its structure, and with it the structure of the magnetic field, which, as is known, plays an important role in energy processes on the surface of the Sun,” writes scientist.

    But planetary parades are the best time to launch spaceships. It was in 1977, when the planets once again approached each other, that two Voyager spacecraft were launched into space to explore the solar system. Although it was initially planned that only Saturn and Jupiter would be studied, thanks to the fact that the planets “lined up in a parade”, it was possible to fly around them all.

    The next “big” parade of planets will take place in March 2022 in the 38 degree sector. But only in June will all five planets become visible on Russian territory.