Question to the urologist: I have a cold in my groin. Inguinal hypothermia in men Male colds

The prostate is a male gland, for which it is very important not to overcool, to be constantly warm and at a comfortable temperature.

If you carelessly treat the condition of the male organs, then you can easily feel for yourself what a prostate cold is, the symptoms in men of which cause extreme discomfort.

The symptoms of a prostate cold can indicate an acute or chronic illness. Now this disease is considered the most common in the field of urology.

If earlier only mature people from 40 to 60 years old suffered from such a disease, now it can be observed in young people. Every fourth man is susceptible to the disease. If it is not treated, it will quickly become chronic, which is much more difficult and longer to treat.

Sedentary work for a man is the first cause of inflammation in the prostate.

If at the same time the room is cool enough, and the seat is always cold, then a cold can lie in wait for a person every day during the work process.

Working with documents while sitting at a computer should take place in a warm, comfortable environment, otherwise men's health can be seriously undermined.

The cause of prostate disease can be previously transferred inflammation, infectious processes in the genitourinary organs, as well as an unhealthy attitude towards sexual life - too long abstinence or increased sexual desire with promiscuity.

But the most common cause is considered to be hypothermia, because of which the prostate and nearby organs suffer. If prostatitis has arisen from hypothermia, this affects the male genital organs and causes a lot of trouble.

The cause of inflammation of the prostate can even be that a man just has a cold in his legs. Symptoms in men at the earliest stage of the development of the disease cannot be detected.

Healthy and inflamed prostate

It seems that everything is in order with health, there are no problems. But in fact, the gland is already cold and needs treatment. The early stage flows into more serious forms and can lead to a chronic disease, from which it is extremely difficult to recover.

If you immediately identify the problem and begin to be treated, you can avoid a lot of trouble. Treatment started too late will not be as effective and will become protracted. Also, a cold of this gland causes infertility.

If a man periodically experiences severe headaches, as well as painful sensations in the stool, then you should not endure or treat only the symptoms. This can be a real sign of diseases of the genital organs. If at the same time there is a nervous state and a burning sensation in the urethra, then this indicates a violation of the functions of the prostate.


Symptoms can manifest themselves in different types and forms, since each organism is individual. Much also depends on the degree of the disease, how far it has gone. There are basic signs that are common to everyone and by which you can accurately determine the state of men's health.

If the prostate is cold, the symptoms in men may be the following:

  • heat. Usually the increase occurs immediately and abruptly. On this basis, you can identify the problem, as well as remember the process of hypothermia, the situation itself, how long ago it was. Hypothermia of the prostate makes itself felt immediately, and not in a week. There is a feverish state, chills;
  • there is pain in the groin area. This is a strong cutting sensation that causes real suffering. The pain is not always strong, it can be aching, but still quite exhausting;
  • sexual problems, decreased desire. This can be very hard on a man's ego. But you should not panic, as often this is just a sign of a simple disease that can be quickly cured;
  • problems with stool, constipation, spasms of the opening of the rectum. Difficulty urinating. There may be a discharge of a strange color, indicating the presence of an ailment.

If all these symptoms or at least a few have been found, it is worth telling the doctor about it. He will send for research, and also immediately prescribe therapeutic measures to alleviate the condition.

It is especially difficult for men to get to the doctor and start stable treatment. But this disease is serious, you can not neglect the advice of a specialist who can seriously help, suggest and correctly diagnose, based on the available tests.


If the prostate has a cold, you should not invent incurable diseases for yourself and panic ahead of time.

To date, many men at least once in their lives have had a cold of the gland and have been successfully treated without any consequences.

A common ailment has many methods of therapy, many of which have been tested by experience and time. First of all, you need to declare the problem in a clinical institution, where they are always ready to help everyone.

A good specialist will not judge the disease only from the patient's words, although the description of the symptoms plays a role. He will immediately prescribe diagnostics in the form of tests. After all the tests have been completed and carefully studied, pills, injections and other types of treatment are prescribed. The most effective method is the one that includes a whole range of activities.

Types of therapy for a cold of the prostate:

  • antibacterial. It is necessary if the chronic form has already manifested itself. This is a long process, and the treatment itself includes antibiotics. Only a urologist can prescribe antibiotics, their dosage, which will exactly match the degree and intensity of the disease. The duration of treatment is also prescribed by this doctor. There is no need to be independent and decide how many tablets to take per day. These issues should be under the control of a specialist;
  • hormonal. This is a rare type of treatment when all else fails. Restoring hormonal balance will help cure the disease, restore an erection. If the doctor insists on taking hormones, then this is the best way to achieve good results in an individual case;
  • anti-inflammatory. It all depends on the degree of organ damage, so the treatment process can take a lot of time, and can be quite short and fast;
  • therapy aimed at restoring the immune system. It is considered the most effective and the best, since in the shortest possible time you can cure a cold and forget about it forever;
  • physiotherapy and massage. As for physiotherapy, this method is fast-acting and quite safe. But prostate massage is not healthy and safe for everyone. An acute form of a cold prohibits massage, since it can only spread inflammation to other organs, give impetus to infection of nearby organs. Massage should be prescribed by a doctor, and only a knowledgeable specialist can conduct it;
  • surgical intervention. This method is considered the most recent one that can be accessed. It is used if all other therapies have been used but have not been successful. The operation is not easy, requiring a long recovery. Therefore, in order not to lead to surgery, it is better to consult a doctor at the first symptoms that tell the brain that something is wrong with the organs.

Treatment with folk remedies, self-administration of antibiotics is the right way to complications that will spread to all the genitals of a man. At the same time, complete impotence and infertility may turn out to be the smallest problems that will appear as a result of incorrect and illiterately prescribed therapy.

What happens if a prostate cold is not treated?

In some cases, the patient deliberately refuses treatment for various reasons. But such an act does not speak of wisdom, since complications are coming, which are much more difficult to get rid of than just curing an ordinary cold of the prostate.

If a man has a cold in the groin and does not take any therapeutic measures, the following complications are possible:

  • a chronic form occurs. Those who do not like to be treated expose themselves to great cares, since chronic diseases are treated for a long time, painfully and with great difficulty. It is much easier to cope with the beginnings of the disease than to allow the development of the chronicle. Lack of treatment leads to organ dysfunction, which can no longer be corrected;
  • infertility may develop, even if the man was initially quite healthy;
  • the bladder undergoes changes, not at all good. As a result, inflammation can spread to the tissues of the bladder and kidney;
  • inflammation does not stop there. It can provoke cystitis in a man, and then cause its constant relapses;
  • irreversible processes take place in the prostate itself. Abscesses appear that cannot be removed in any way, except for surgery;
  • narrowing of the urethra. This affects the outflow of urine with all the consequences.


You can very easily avoid such a disease as a cold of the prostate if you start to be a little more attentive to your health. To do this, it is advisable not to abuse bathing in cold water, even if it is hot outside.

Staying in the cold for a long time can affect the prostate in the most negative way. Bathing should be done in moderation and avoid very cold water temperatures.

When sedentary work, it is often worth taking small breaks, during which it is advisable to get up and walk around. In cold weather, wear comfortable warm underwear.

Don't forget about personal hygiene. You should use condoms to protect yourself from infections. After all, it is easy to acquire prostate diseases, but not so easy to get rid of. Therefore, it is better to do prevention, which is simple at first glance. Frequent exercise will keep you fit and help boost your immune system.

It is best to stop addicting to such harmful things as alcohol and smoking as soon as possible. Getting rid of bad habits will also affect the condition of the genitals. Frequent check-ups with your doctor will help you learn about the disease at an early stage, which will allow you to start treatment as soon as possible.

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« male cold”- agree, an interesting phrase. Many will say that she is no different from a woman. All people get sick the same way: runny nose, cough, sore throat, etc. But if you look more closely, then a cold in men has a number of differences. Let's see how this manifests itself.

The most important difference between the course of the disease in men and women is in the approach to treatment. According to psychologists, women are more attentive to their health. And men during a cold often exacerbate the disease, because they do not start treatment on time.

They ignore and do not recognize medicines until the body itself is no longer able to cope with a cold. Until the last time I delay my visit to the doctors. And in vain! After all, any disease is better treated at its early stage, and a later appeal to specialists threatens with complications. And, besides, the very treatment that they have been postponing for so long will be difficult. If a man's cold put him to bed with a temperature, for the stronger sex - this is an unbearable tragedy.

Not everyone knows that a cold carried on the legs is fraught with consequences for men. Data from scientific studies that were conducted in Scotland proved the connection between male sexuality and the number of colds suffered. The more men suffered from colds of the upper respiratory tract, the less their sexual longevity.

In general, a cold is easier to prevent than to treat. These rules apply to everyone and do not depend on gender. In the cold season, it is enough to choose the right clothes for the weather and not freeze. During periods of an outbreak of a droplet infection, try to be less in a crowd of people. Be sure to take vitamins for prevention. Especially in winter and spring, you need to support your body. Pharmacies have a wide variety of medicines that strengthen your body's immune system. If you still feel a slight malaise, it is better to stay at home for a couple of days so as not to get sick at all. If there is no temperature, it will be effective to steam your legs and drink herbal teas. Be healthy!

It is known that local and general hypothermia is fraught with the development of diseases. This also applies to the prostate gland. If a man has a cold of the prostate, then the symptoms will not be long in coming. In this case, you should consult a doctor in order to confirm the diagnosis and begin the treatment measures prescribed by him as soon as possible.

Types and causes of pathology

A cold of the prostate is nothing but an inflammation of the gland. Medicine calls this condition prostatitis. It is acute and chronic. In turn, chronic is divided into bacterial and congestive.

Acute is accompanied by pronounced signs of inflammation, and chronic occurs with a change in two phases - remission and exacerbation. If the patient has not cured acute inflammation, he may develop chronic prostatitis.

Local hypothermia of the pelvic organs can lead to inflammation of the prostate gland. To do this, you just need to sit for a long time on a cold surface, and sometimes swim in cool water or freeze in winter. This causes spasm of the vessels of the pelvic organs, including the prostate, and circulatory disorders.

In this case, favorable conditions are created for the penetration of infection with the development of the inflammatory process. However, not all of one hypothermia is enough to start prostatitis. Most often, there are other factors contributing to the pathology:

Prostatitis develops under the influence of any of these factors, and often it is exposure to cold that triggers the inflammatory process.

Clinical picture of the disease

If a man has a cold of the prostate, and this has led to acute prostatitis, then the following symptoms may bother him:

General signs of toxicity include:

  • general weakness;
  • an increase in body temperature to 38˚C and above;
  • chills, sweating;
  • loss of appetite.

A cold prostate with such vivid symptoms requires urgent treatment for qualified medical help, as it can lead to the development of dangerous complications: prostate abscess, paraproctitis, sepsis.

If the prostate is frozen in chronic prostatitis, then its exacerbation develops with similar symptoms, but they are less pronounced than in the acute process. Chronic prostatitis manifests itself as follows:

  1. Unsharply expressed, aching pain in the abdomen, perineum, inguinal region.
  2. Erectile dysfunction, ejaculation, pain during sexual intercourse.
  3. Dysuric complaints.
  4. Infertility.

Often chronic prostatitis has no symptoms or they are so minor that the man does not pay attention to them.

Diagnostic program for prostatitis

To make a correct diagnosis, you need to contact a urologist-andrologist. He will tell you what to do if you have a cold in the prostate, and what diagnostic tests to take. First, the doctor will examine ask about complaints and the duration of the disease. The survey includes:

  • digital rectal palpation of the prostate;
  • methods of laboratory diagnostics;
  • instrumental methods.

For laboratory testing, you need to donate blood and urine. General tests allow you to confirm the presence of an inflammatory process in the body. A urinalysis is done to rule out a urinary tract infection.

Cultures of urine and prostatic secretions allow the pathogen to be identified. Blood is also tested for PSA. The prostate antigen during inflammation slightly increases: in the range from 4 to 10 ng / ml.

Instrumental diagnosis of prostatitis is to conduct ultrasound. It is desirable to make it transrectal access - this increases the information content of the method. In controversial cases, a biopsy is possible, when the gland is pierced with a needle and its tissue is taken for histological examination.

Therapeutic measures for inflammation in the prostate

If a man has a cold of the prostate, then only the attending physician knows what to do in this case. Therapy of pathology should always be complex and begin with a change in lifestyle. First of all, this is a sparing diet that excludes spicy, sour, fried, smoked foods, alcohol. In chronic prostatitis, you need to include in your daily routine moderate exercise, gymnastics for the muscles of the pelvic floor.

Medical treatment includes the following components:

  1. Detoxification infusion therapy in a hospital with acute prostatitis.
  2. Antibiotic therapy is carried out in accordance with the data of the antibiogram. The course of taking drugs varies from 7-10 days to 1 month.
  3. Anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs (Nimesil, Diclofenac).
  4. Antispasmodics (No-shpa).
  5. Alpha-blockers (Doxazosin, Tamsulosin).
  6. Antiandrogens.
  7. Immunomodulators (Cycloferon).
  8. Herbal preparations.

Physiotherapeutic effects are contraindicated in the acute stage of inflammation, and in the chronic course, its use is possible. The most effective of these methods is prostate massage. Thus, the effect of hypothermia on the state of the prostate gland is undeniable and can play a key role in the development of its inflammation.

Very often, due to various negative factors, a large number of men turn to urologists with such a problem as a cold of the bladder. Nowadays, this disease is considered one of the main reasons why people turn to the appropriate specialists. If a person has a cold of the bladder and consulted a doctor in the early stages of this disease, then the effectiveness of the treatment will be quite high. However, there are times when a common cold develops into serious chronic diseases.

For this reason, experts strongly recommend not to delay the process of treating such a problem that has arisen and, with the appearance of appropriate symptoms, immediately contact a specialist. Inflammation of the bladder in men is usually an infectious disease. The main focus of such a process is concentrated in the mucous membrane of this organ.

A cold of the bladder in every man has its own clear symptoms, diagnostic methods and methods of treatment.

The main causes of the disease

Most urologists claim that inflammatory processes in the bladder in men are much less common than in women. According to statistics, only 1% of the stronger sex has chronic types of this disease. However, if such a cold occurs, which is also called cystitis, every man must know the main reasons for its possible manifestation.

Timely access to a specialist is also considered a very important factor in quality treatment. Most diseases of the male reproductive system can have the same causes, so experts do not recommend diagnosing and treating yourself.

Incorrect selection of medications can cause a wide variety of complications. When a man is not completely sure what to do, if the bladder is cold, the symptoms correspond to the disease, then it is best to immediately contact a urologist and undergo appropriate diagnosis and treatment. Today, hypothermia is considered one of the most common causes of this problem. It entails a sharp deterioration in the general condition of a person and, as a rule, is accompanied by an acute feeling of discomfort in the pelvic area. Experts also identify the following possible causes of this type of disease:

  • venereal type infections;
  • inflammation of the prostate;
  • the formation of stones in the bladder;
  • inflammatory process in the urethra;
  • a strong decrease in immunity due to stress;
  • inflammatory process in the kidneys;
  • adenoma.

Features of the disease and its symptoms

Inflammatory processes in the bladder in men can occur at different age stages. The source of infection can often be the prostate. In this case, the type of disease will be completely different than with a cold of the bladder, and it will have to be treated by other methods. Men's health, like women's, is one of the priority features of each individual, so if the first symptoms of any inflammatory processes appear, experts strongly recommend consulting a doctor.

Practice shows that one of the first signs of a cold of the bladder is the appearance of weakness and cutting pain in this area. Subsequently, body temperature may rise significantly. Many men with this disease very often complain of severe headaches and nausea. The main symptom of an inflammatory process in the bladder is an increase in urination with the release of a very small amount of urine. Experts also highlight the following main signs of this disease:

  • sharp and severe pain in the lower abdomen or back;
  • the appearance of severe irritability;
  • increased need to urinate;
  • general weakness and fever;
  • urination in a small amount, which is accompanied by acute pain;
  • the appearance of vomiting and a sharp decrease in appetite;
  • urine is dark in color with a very strong odor.

Diagnosis and treatment

At the first signs of an inflammatory process in the bladder, it is recommended to make a comprehensive check-up of the patient. Diagnosis of this disease involves the delivery of blood and urine for analysis. The results of such a check, as a rule, can be available within 12-14 hours. Another method for diagnosing inflammatory processes in the bladder of a man is a special urine culture to determine the type of infection. Most experts believe that checking ultrasound in the early stages of this disease will not give real results.

Treatment of cystitis involves, first of all, taking anti-inflammatory drugs and antispasmodics. The patient is advised to organize bed rest. Be sure to drink 2-2.5 liters of water per day. For the treatment of infectious cystitis, it is necessary to take antibiotics and various herbal preparations. The process of such treatment can last 1-2 weeks, and in acute forms of the disease - 2 months.

Men carry a cold much harder than women. And it depends not only on physiological characteristics, but also on psychological ones. Representatives of the stronger sex tend to feel sorry for themselves and believe that the usual runny nose or sore throat is a real tragedy. That is why you need to make as much effort as possible in order to cure a cold as quickly as possible. Otherwise, the disease will turn into a real disaster for family and friends.

Colds in men: symptoms and treatment

The sooner you start treatment, the sooner you can be on your feet and lead a fulfilling life. Therefore, it is better to start treatment from the first day of symptoms. How to determine that a man is already starting to get sick?

You can recognize it by the following symptoms:

  • Weakness throughout the body
  • Headaches
  • slight dizziness
  • Increase in body temperature
  • Nasal congestion, runny nose
  • Sore throat
  • Problems with appetite
  • Feeling of heaviness in the chest

If you feel that you are already starting to get sick, take 1-2 days off for and take care of the treatment. If this is not done, the cold can drag on for 1-2 weeks.

To treat a cold in men, you need to use an integrated approach and "heavy artillery". Doctors recommend combining several methods and techniques, so you can prevent inflammation.

How to quickly and correctly treat a cold in men:

More hot liquid. Despite the fact that you are not very thirsty, you must force yourself to drink 2-3 liters of warm liquid. Refuse coffee or tea, herbal tea made from chamomile and mint is ideal for treatment, if desired, add a little honey and a slice of lemon to it.

Milk with honey and spices. This drink will put you on your feet as it has magical properties. Stir in 200 ml of milk ½ tsp. ground ginger and the same amount of turmeric, add a pinch of cinnamon. Let it heat up and when it becomes warm, remove from heat and add honey. This drink is especially helpful before bed.

Vitamin complex. If you get sick, it means that your immune system has suffered. To restore strength, be sure to buy a good complex of vitamins at the pharmacy, it will help fight the disease.

Sore throat - rinsing will help you eliminate it. First, rinse your mouth with a solution of soda, then with a decoction of chamomile. Soda solution is prepared simply, you need to place 1 tsp of soda in a glass of warm water. Tilt your head back and start gargling. Try to do this so that the solution gets as deep as possible, then spit it into the sink. The next step is rinsing with a decoction of chamomile. To prepare a decoction, pour 1 tbsp. dry inflorescences with a glass of boiling water and let stand for 15 minutes, strain. Rinse with a decoction of chamomile in the same way.

Inhalations. What could be better than inhaling hot steam? It acts like a respiratory tract and relieves inflammation, warms. Boil potatoes and tilt your head over a pot of water, cover your head with a thick towel. Inhale the warm steam for 10-15 minutes, then drink the hot steam and sleep.

Pharmacy preparations. Although folk remedies are good, they are not always able to help. To consolidate the result, we also advise you to take pharmaceutical prophylactic drugs. Experts recommend choosing Coldrex or Fervex for colds, they reduce symptoms and improve well-being.

Mustard foot bath. What could be better than the most ordinary mustard powder that costs a penny? It warms the body and reduces inflammation, you can buy the product at any pharmacy. Dilute a couple of tablespoons of dry mustard in several liters of hot water and steam your feet for 10-15 minutes. Repeat these baths 2 times a day. After the procedure, dry your feet and put on warm socks.

If there is a temperature, what should I do?

Doctors recommend not to bring down the temperature if it is below 38 degrees. If she went beyond these limits, you need to take fever-reducing drugs as soon as possible - regular Paracetamol or Aspirin will do.

How to get rid of cough?

Also, after a few days of a cold, a cough may appear. Do not forget to rinse your mouth to remove inflammation and sore throat. As for the cough, the budget drug Mukaltin, which also costs a penny, does an excellent job with it. Take the pills according to the instructions and the cough will decrease in 1-2 days.

In order for a cold to go away as quickly as possible, you need to rest and stay in bed. Do rinses and inhalations, eat right and rest.