Dragon Age Awakening Breaking Tower. Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening Passage

Starting the passage of Dragon Age: Origins - awakening, you immediately have a choice, import the old hero or take a new one. I will not describe all the stages of creating a new character, as they are in the original passage. Yes, and I imported my old hero, which was developed much better than a new possible character. So, I imported or creating your hero, we start passing awakening ...

But everything will begin with the fact that you look at the screensaver in which the history of recent months is told. Archdoor Pal, but the division of darkness did not disappear. Let's bypass without spoilers, because you yourself can wonder what was in the video. You are heading to the tower, which previously belonged to Earlu Hou, but nobody meets on the way. Strange, right? And then the survivor will run away to you, followed by the waste of darkness. Kill them rather, it is not difficult. After the death of the terrible creatures, three talk with the survivors, asking him about everything I can. He will leave for the help that should be on the road, and you still talk to my companion Mkhairi, I think the information from it will not be superfluous. Next, go inside, straighten with grows and a pair of shallow dark choke and go first to the right corner of the card, save the survivor, then into the upper left corner. Two survivors will wait at the gate, and you go to the domestic gate.

Careful, you can suffer from the explosion of these most gates. And by entering them, the first thing is to kill the Emissar Gennel, which will be very unpleasant to conjure. In general, in Awakening, the passage of battles in most cases need to be started with the murder of magicians, but this is so, a lyrical retreat. After his death, run again to the upper left corner, saving one of the survivors. Here you will have updated the task for which you will need to get bindings for the guards. Quickly run to the right where you will have to save two more survivors and get bandages on the mark on the map. Did you get? Run back, wounded die! Give bandages and continue moving to the inner part of the Vygiva Tower. By the way, this location throughout the passage of Dragon Age: Origins - awakening will be your home, so carefully with it.

And going inside, you will be surprised that the outpost is crushed. Finish the dialogue with Mkhari and go to clean the building. Immediately wrap the right on the map. There you will see a sorceress that smelled one of the origin of darkness. Talk to him and take into your squad. Go through this corridor to the end and save the survivor, which will update you the quest. So, we need to choke the entire tower and find other survivors than we and continue to do. Rise to the teeth on the walls and go ahead. Exterminate all that can resist, turn the ballast and make a volley. After the deaths of all opponents, go through and pull the lever. You look at the video video, in which you will see how one very cunning gnome blew off the detachment of the species of darkness. Well, we go further, because the passage of Dragon Age Awakening - awakening just begins ...

Disassemble the barricades, go down, kill the damage of the darkness and move to the opened gate. Before passing to the main hall, open the door on the left and release the survivor. Now - inside the main hall. After the death of all the origin of darkness, go into the room to the left, and then - right. After passing along the corridor, you will meet the old acquaintance of Ogren, which will be saved from the crowd of the species of darkness. Kill them and take an old friend in your team. By the way, it should be said that in all the passage of Dragon Age Awakening Ogren always accompanied me. Excellent jokes, great fighter ... Well, okay. Collect trophies and go to the right - you also killed everyone there. Free the last survivor and move to the north, since only there is a passage available to you.

In the corridor you will find Rowland, which expires blood. He will tell you the storm story of the fortress. And an interesting story about the talking effect of darkness. Well, it means there is something to do during passage. Go ahead, the road is there alone, along the way I cut the species of darkness, which in large numbers there is poured. Have reached a new way out of the walls of the walls? Save! And just now keep moving.

Go forward and kill the boss of the species, which, besides, also chatting a lot. At murder and end the liberation of the fortress. You look at an interesting video, in which you can take the neck and Anders in the gray guards. And you can not take. Choosing for you, but I would recommend, after all, take them. The company is superfluous. After that, you will tell you that this estate belongs to you. And the first thing you need to decide is to increase the number of gray guards. Conduct dedication. True, not everyone will survive him ... Let it be resting with the world faithful fighting girlfriend Mkhari. After that, continue to watch the video and end the chatter. So you complete the first stage in the passage of Dragon Age Awakening.

After that, you will find yourself in the throne hall of the Ridge Tower. There is a sorceress that you can enjoy the weapon, and a merchant who can buy something or sell something. Talk to the Mrs. Wulls, who stands to the left of the throne, and agree to her help. After her - talk to the captain Garvel. Both have one task that it cannot but rejoice. Well, Varel finally. After a conversation with him, you can already leave the throat hall, because there is nothing more to do here.

Going out of the throne hall and choosing assistants, you will talk with the guardian who will tell you about the small thief, which fastened four guards. She takes two more tasks. After that, immediately descend to the dungeon of the Tower of Ridge and speak with the jailer. And it turns out that Thorish is the son of Earla Hou. That's so an unexpected meeting. I think another gray guard does not hurt. Take it in your ranks and do not be afraid - he will survive. After that, talk again with Varla and press the oath when bringing the oath. Then again a conversation with Varla and two conversations in a row with those he calls. Also, the tammes should take a task about the attempt. And in general, talk with everyone in a row, I think it will not be superfluous to you. After all this, you have a difficult decision. Choose what is more important - protect the city, trading tracks or farms? I chose Ferm protection. And do not forget to talk about the conspiracy, after which you can safely finish the reception. In general, it should be noted that the passage of Dragon Age Awakening is just shot by solutions. Sometimes they are small, sometimes important, but decisions have to be taken independently.

Select to the street, you have a lot to do. First go to the blacksmith and listen to his eternal nagging. There you will be mentioned about good metal and armor for soldiers. Catch communication? After that, go to the sergeant, which is standing near the door, and talk about the remaining trends of darkness. Naturally, agree to help!

So, you go to the dungeon of the fortress where the creatures could still remain. The challenge will be cleared and it's time for you to move forward. And the first one you will meet is Mabari. Inspect his body and remove the scroll with the note. Some adiria hides on the lower floors. Well, bringing the way. In the next room you are waiting for darkness. After their death, go to the room in the north and select a letter and a gift. Then - in the room in the south, where the crypts jumped from the ceiling. They should also be deprived of life, after which they pull the torch in the wall in order to open a secret door with chests in which there are many supplies. Try to go to the passage of Dragon Age Awakening you have no undiluted territories and not completed quests.

Now you can return to the hall and continue moving to the dungeon. When you get to prison and overcome the ghosts, you will again have two ways to go. First we go to the west. Before you crypt with aggressive skeletons, which are best to bust. After that, search all sarcophages. You will find one key, and the locking wells will be four. Well, then will continue the way. Now from prison north. There you will meet that the adrio that you need to save. True, now it must be pretended, and not to save, since she became a ghost. The world of her dust, but it's time to move on. And then we have a challenge, whose clearing is needed about a week. Well, then moving upstairs. To the top, we were left to talk to the gnome and give him a big amount in 80 gold, if, of course, you have. And now you can leave the location.

Now let's go to the lost refuge, where the poor girl is held captive. The passage of awakening does not give us to relax. When the rogue leader speaks with you, you first demand to show you a girl, and then convince him to let her go. When he releases a captive - the robbers can be killed. From the leader of the robbers, be sure to take a very good dagger of the 9th level. All, from this location you can leave.

We go to the estate of the touroblov and go to the north right away. Here you are waiting for a handbone of darkness led by huge. Kill them naturally. True, the family will not save you. Therefore, we restrict ourselves to the sharing of the corpses and the killing of all hostile entities.

Come in Amaranthin and immediately go to the right to the box. From there, take the necessary diary from there, it will be more useful for you, because in Dragon Age: Origins - awakening the passage is thought out so that any trifle is given. Having passed straight, you will come across the Colbert, which you needed very much. Talk to him and ask where he saw the species of darkness. Finish the conversation with him, thank it and go through a little forward, where you will be passed the next letter. Well, excellent. Now I advise you to return a little back and wrap left, in order to take a task from a kind of dark person. The task is to talk to the innkeeper. Consider and move on.

You will try to block the road guards, but immediately his boss will appear and remove the negligent game of order from doing business. You will also make an offer to talk to him about smugglers. Well, you can talk and even need! True, if you go for the guard, then in the passage of Dragon Age awakening you will not be able to get into one location. Agree to his task and go to the market (it is left) to suspicious type. As soon as you start saying, he will run away. Do not worry, just follow it, systematically destroying a group behind the group. After the destruction of the last group, which will stand for the fortress, you can return to the guilty of the Guardians, Constable Aydan. He will send us into the lair of smugglers. Kill a dark personality near the entrance and take yourself a key. Now you can go down to the basement.

Immediately at the entrance, take a gift in the box and go on. By the way, it should be said that in Dragon Age the beginning - the awakening of the passage and dotting with gifts. And gifts are useful things, as they increase the ratio of the hero to you. And in the first room you will be waiting for the head of smugglers of companions. Not really and wisely on their part to stand and wait in the middle of the room, well, oh well, the world of their dust. Get out through the same input as they entered and put the task. Did you pass? Move on the market and ask the goods to the merchants, they are very good there. After that, talk to Mervis, a representative of the Trade Guild. He will tell that the darkness of darkness is sailing in the forest. Well, we need to run back there, and then trade is worth it. So, go there and go.

And here we are in the forest Vending. All that we need to do here first is to kill everything alive to the bridge. Sharpen every corner, search all the chests and kill both trees and robbers. When finished - cross the bridge. And then there will be the most interesting in the Awakening passage of this location. Elf will appear, which will require the return of her sister, otherwise it will continue to kill people and rob caravans. Well, move forward. Here you again have to beat and cheat until you find the survivor. Its location is noted on the map, so do not lose. After you bring a blow to mercy, darkness will appear ... poor creatures, we thought to get excited ... Now we move to the cubs of the Doli elves, along the way, destroying the enemies called by elf. At the top you will have to talk to her again. Here you will have to take it into a detachment and go to take the assault of the mines in which the waste of darkness is hidden.

Not dark in mines? Yes, in the fresh air is definitely calmer and more cozy. Go down and get used to the passage of Dragon Age Awakening will often challenge us in such corners of the world. Passing by the circle you will witness your own showdown by Emissary. Okay, we'll figure it out with him. In the meantime, we are waiting for the end of the roller, in which serenions, the sister of our new alliance will give us the key and run away. And we should not linger, it's time to run. First, run to the north, we are well ahead and get a pair of records in the diary, and then down, south. Take the ballist, which gives the crowd of enemies, then go down and seek the survivor. From the next hall, there are still developing darkness, which you should also kill. Move everything down and down. On the way, you will be attempted to make the darkness, which shook the armor of Ogren. Well, isn't the creature? Kill it and re-dress our beloved gnome. On the first fork you will see the last surviving gray guard, which will ask to take the ring, which he stolen, his wife. Okay, we will take it. But when we find. In the meantime, moving on ... In a large cave we throw in our bare hands another crowd of the species of darkness and begin to collect trophies. There will immediately lie the corpse, dressed in the uniform of your mug. We change it soon, let two characters already be normally equipped. Now you can go further. The passage is still one ...

And now autosave and a new hall with two experimental, dressed in our clothes. Pick and equip, there is nothing to roam bare. Although they fought well without armor, but still the passage of Dragon Age Awakening is made much easier if you are dressed ... there will be the first fork. And we first go east. In a small impasse, take the lyry sand in the deposits and explode the remaining room in the East. In this room, two useful enemy are at once - the Dragon Tamer from which a pretty hammer drops. The ring that we need across the quest, and the dragon, from which you need to pick up the science. Also here is the fresh Dragon Egg, which is better to pick up than to leave garn. There is nothing more interesting here and you can go to the southern tunnel on the first fork. And again the hall in front of us, in which you need to kill everyone. From the useful here only the scales of the dragon, filmed from the carrier. And we also have only one - south.

In the south, roll to the architect room in the east. A small piece of the code and a small amount in 8 gold coins should brighten the absence of your things. By the way, you can not collect the code, but the most complete passage of Dragon Age: Origins - awakening is a passage with a fully assembled code. In the meantime, moving down the map. And there you are waiting for a tricky merchant, with whom you can bargain and which you need to invite a voyage to the tower, as well as a chest with all your things. Broken at the merchant what you need and go to the next room. And there you will see the most interesting leader of the species of darkness. And dragons that will try to kill you. They are pretty strong, and they will not be able to kill them. Therefore, try to combine the potions and skills, braking the opponents. The main thing is not to give them to take off, otherwise they come out from under the fire, tearing away the skills. After their death, the mysterious effect of darkness will leave, and you will need to take Velana into the gray guards. Excellent, an extra ally will not hurt. Now collect trophies from the bodies of the dragons and move on, to the long-awaited exit.

Now I suggest visiting the Tower of Ridge, where it is worth talking to the Kuznets. Talked and got a task? Excellent, now give it to the subsection of Ruda and talk to the Dvorannik, who stands right there, nearby. He should give the lyry sand you found before. Then talk to Voldrik, which will ask to find the granite deposits for the repair of the tower. Agree and go to talk to the rank, which will give you 10 gold gratitude and send to the throne room for the court. Be sure to survive before going there, suddenly you swell something into the passage of awakening ...

In the Throne Hall talk to Varla and the court will begin. The first thing is the case of a peasant Alec, who stole two grain bag from our treasury. What do you do with him? Hold? Or punish your whore? I decided to invite him to the army and did not lose. Everyone was satisfied. The next thing is civil. There you must choose who to give the earth - the arrogant maiden or our ally. But the trouble, the girl has official paper confirming her right to property. What do you choose? I chose the third option. And the last thing. Place a noble nobleman in prison and all things to think about choosing? That's fine, the task is made and you can go out.

Now talk to the sergeant, which is standing opposite the entrance, and pass to the cleared rip. And they found out the depth trails. Well, we will explore. We immediately move to the north, where you can get used to a little and sacrifice the gold statuette, and then we go south and exploring the territory. There, having passed along the alley and killing a couple of treatments in the opposite, turn to a mine with gems and get out there. Then return to the main path and move on. When you come to the fork, it will be found that it is no development, and the path is only one - south. Before the circle forgotten, be careful, since there are skeletons that need to be drunk. Do and go on, because the passage of Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening does not stand still.

Follow the bone track and save in front of the door to the forbidden room. As soon as you go, the ghost attacks you, which is quite difficult to kill. And when you almost dismiss it, he will fly away in an unknown direction. It is necessary to find it soon. Our path lies east. Run along the corridor, along the way, collecting all the goodies. When you get to the corridor with evil spirits - autosave will occur. Kill the boss and all trifle around. Then quickly pick up the restriction of trophies from the body and kill the ghostly appeared. So, killing the ghost, you will finish the task and start a video in which our friend-gnome will reveal the gnome mechanism to close this passage. Excellent, the task is made and you can go upstairs with the sergeant Mverlis. Now you can leave this card. I propose to go to the stubble hills.

First run north and destroy two executioners. Then go along the path to the east, go through the bridge, listening to Nathaniel comments and persist. Next, go and go in one direction, along the way, choose the things of hunters and save the gnome woman, which is the fiber of the Darkness. She will tell that Legion did not cope with the creatures and alive was only alone. Take her to yourself and go down to Kel Hirol.

Here you are in a long forgotten city of gnomes. Now admire the view and go down. There, talk with Yukka, gnome when death, and move forward. One way is not mistaken. Kill the species of darkness, collect trophies and pass through the bridge. After it will immediately save just in case. Nothing remarkable will not be to the largest hall, in which you first get acquainted with the larvae children. Kill them all, there is nothing to leave all sorts of scum, and enter the main hall. Caution, here a bunch of traps. Kill everyone in the hallway and go further. You will see one enemy who has not attacked you yet. This is the owner of the golems. Quickly quickly kill it and take the rod of the head of the golems from his body. It will be useful to you for the painless killing of the above-mentioned golems. Now collect trophies from them and go on. Ahead on the stairs, revitalize the golem, let him hold for you. And you kill everyone, take the trophies from the chests in the north and south, and pass the lobby. Next, you will see the sea of \u200b\u200bghosts who pretend that they live their lives. Go and go on one way. Something particularly notable on the way you will not meet. So you will come to yourself calmly at the entrance to the trading quarter. In general, it should be noted that in awakening the passage of locations is quite linear, therefore it is easy to do it ...

Immediately you will see a roller in which some of the raising of darkness kill others. Well, let him fight evil with evil, good - a little will help. Go forward. And from the main hall to the room in the north. Take the belt from the sarcophagus and kill three of the busiest golems. After that, you can move on, east. In the next room, kill the species of darkness, which are fighting each other and go to the room to the south, where the gnomes should be taken. They will fit you on. Now - north.

Having reached the forge and again destroying the crowd of the treasures of darkness there, go for it, collect trophies and replete broken things with the help of your head and anvil. Let me remind you that throughout Dragon Age: Origins - awakening passage does not happen unnecessary components. Things are not very good, but for the collection will be by the way. So you will reach prison. A certain stefan is concluded in the cage. Take a rune from him and release to the will. To the left of the cell is an anvil. Use it and chat with Ogren. After prison, the development is waiting for you. First, south, where you will find the area marked as grave. Before you Runet Stones and Sarcophag in the Center. Click the runes so that the signs on them correspond to signs on the walls. It is easy to do it, so it's not worth attention. When all five signs are in their places - run to the grave and take interesting gloves from there. Now you can return and go to the southwest with a fork.

Clean the remainder of the terrain, shake the treasury, and go to the pile hills, so that you go to the Tower of Ridge and unload a little. I personally did not have place left at all, so we will continue to clean Cal Hirol a little later. In the meantime - in the Tower of Ridge. Here give the ruda to the blacksmith, and the sketched - Dvorkin. He is also a luristic sand. After that, go back to the pile hills and from there to the shopping area. And from the shopping area - to the lower limits. We continue clearing ...

And below you start running the tunnel until you reach the Golem and Maga-Ringing of Darkness. They must be killed ... What, in principle, not so difficult to do. I immediately threw my thief to the magician, having wrapped it, and, while the thief was entertained, the rest killed the golem. And the magician was no longer difficult. Then move along the remaining corridor, killing the crawling tentacles. When you get at the very end - overripe two chains, which will kill the uterus. After that, it can be considered Cal Hirol stripped and exit from there. Another stage in the passage of Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening is completed.

And we will go again to the Tower of Ridge. Push the riot of peasants in the bud, after which, talk to the Kuznets, giving him the shell of the golem. He will give you a list that he needs to get to work. Well, we will look for. For while go down to the basement and go to the glue that you still have not opened. All three remaining keys should already be with you. Opened? Come inside, clean the tomb from ghosts and collect trophies. Very good boots are lying there. Now you can leave the basement and climb into the throne room. And in the throne room you are attempted. Well, death to them. After that, take those wishing to gray guards and finish with equipment. We are waiting for Amarantine!

In Amarantyna, give a happy empty Mike, for which you get a cash reward. After that, go to the market and inform the excellent news of Mervis. If you convince you to pay extra, then get 30 gold in the amount. Excellent. In the same place, take all the tasks from the Board of the Trade Guild. Pass a little north, and, rebuilding the house, take a woolen coat in the chest near the locked door. Here is an element for armor. By the way, the lyrium potion of the master was welded to me Velana, for which she thank you so much. Now let's go to the restaurant "Crown and Lion". First go to the end of the restaurant and talk to Nida. She must give a wedding ring that her husband died, trying to make this world better. Then go to the owner of the tavern and talk to Him about Christopher, gray guard. Take the key to the room, since Christoph did not appear for a week. It is necessary to check that it can be. Inspect the card from which it becomes clear that Christoph is on black swamps. We go there, but later. Take trophies from the chests and go to the innkeeper. Convince him that it is necessary to prevent the view that trusts smugglers. On this purpose, the task will end, since you now just help help. Well, the passage of Dragon Age: Origins - awakening will not appease from this.

And now we go to church. If not pray, then for a bunch of tasks. From the bulletin board, take everything, and take the flower pot. Now talk to Winn, old familiar. Agree to fulfill its task, the old girlfriend is still. Then dive into the church. There, collect all the trophies, inspect everything that you can, and talk to the temple. Then go to the girl and take the quest for the search for the missing husband. Now move to the restaurant, where to the right of the rack you will find a piece of scope. It mentions the pavements high above the city. Okay, get there. But first go beyond the city walls and destroy all the robbers. Returning, find the second home to the right of the trail and in the compacted land will find the treasure that was looking for. This is a pathetic ring, but the task will be fulfilled and it will be possible to sigh on this subject with relief. Next run around the city, finding three malers, and kill them. After that, get a quest for killing their leader who is in the corner of the trading area. After his death, we go to the preacher for the award. Took? Well, of course, you should not leave her, not in vain in Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening passage is always trying to lure money from us. Now go to the gate, where it is constable, and go to the left door, if you stand back to the city. Here you will immediately see the chest with the first-aid kit, and a little further - a new piece of note. Now go beyond the city, to the exit itself. On the left stands the house in which there is a hanging husband. The world of his dust ... Go to Alma, tell her about everything. Now we have finished all quests in the city and let's go to the forest Vending.

In the forest, we need to find nine silk sections, which are necessary in Quest, eight statues and five pieces of Silvanov's bark. So run around the map, searching corpses, describing the statues and killing Silvanov. Clear location is impossible. When you all do it - you definitely discover the corpse of a scientist from which you need to take a stone and a diary. Next, run to a circle of stones in which the missing stone should be invest. After that, go around the circle, pressing all the stones. This will give an emerging chest with a necklace inside. True, the necklace is silent, so you can not really try. Then, in the same part of the card, go south and talk to Ines. She will ask to bring her seeds of one plant, northern sinkovids. And after that, she will go with you to the conservimium magicians. Well, it is necessary so necessary. You can find it in the north of Ines, to the right of the mine. Take the seeds and come back to Ines. She will thank you, will give a reward and go on the road.

Now and we can return to Amarantine and take all tasks. Did you pass? Go to Glassrik's gunsmith and buy a clean iron. You can now go home to go home. Talk there with Voldrik, give him a granite samples and highlight the soldiers. He will be happy and happy, and you will receive a unlocked achievement and completed task. Then give all the ingredients to the blacksmith and take the armor from him. The blacksmith, of course, will smoke, but the armor will be excellent. He and in the original game, and in Dragon Age the beginning - awakening grumbled a lot ... So it's time for us on black swamps ...

You meet dates fell in the video. You will have to straighten with them as soon as you go through a couple of steps forward. Well, we will do. Now collect trophies and go along the path. On the first fork, destroy another batch of wolves, take a love letter from the destroyed house in the "process" of the trails in the south and move clearly north of the development. Having passed a little along the path you will come across the dragon bone. Guess why do you need her? That's right, to insert into the skull lying nearby. Come forward to the break in the veil and inspect the veil. It will not work here, so unfold and go to the fork with which you will go to the northeast, to the destroyed house and on, in the gate of the destroyed city. Here you will first come across with seeds, but they are banging opponents. In the city, you should first go to the north, where there is a riddle, which is a continuation of the quest, and seize the corpse of Mabari, from which we get the veins we need. Also, a little on the right, there are a chest, an old letter and a bundle of the root, which behave extremely aggressively. Destroy them and go even east to pick up urban archives. Now you can go through the northern gate. Again will meet a break in the veil, which will give you a new task. In the fork, go back to the north, where you will find the third riddle and a few iswolves. And the temporary refuge of Christoph, which is much more interesting. So in Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening The passage is gradually revealed ...

Well, we take a little west. In the circle of stones, take the discarded page, kill the next west and, having passed a little more west, take the dragon bone. Now go along the top edge to the east. Here, one of the breaks in the curtain, you will find a cache that left a unlucky merchant. Everything, his mission is complete, we are moving south, after another dragon bone and a bundle of experience from killing inhabitants of the swamps. When they found the third piece - go to the east, to the body of Christoph. There you will find the last piece of dragon bone. Then use Christoph's body and find yourself surrounded by the rally of darkness. And some one will try to throw you into the shadow. But she also throws himself too. Here is the valley ...

Then he refuses to cooperate and will on our wards, which is elementary to kill. Well, we will act here, the benefit of the passage of Dragon Age: Origins - awakening it allows. Go along the path to the first clash. Here you will see the right device for breaking the veil. Use it and one of the ruptures closes. I think it is clear what they want from us. Further go along the top edge of the map to the West. Next to the Runic Circle you will find another device. Destroy desire demons and close the device. Then go to the rune circle and begin to light the stones. Slash them very easily, therefore it is not worth the description. After the insight, you will be attacked by the demons of the wrath that will appear in turn. After the death of the latter, a stand for the rune will appear, which must be activated, in order to influence the real world. Going further to the west, still holding the edges of the passage. In the corner you will be stumbled upon the last device to be put out. Have extended? Move on...

And then it's south. When you get to close entrance to the village - save. Then envelope it on one way available to you, killing everything and everything on the way. On the pier there will be another permanent increase. But further, before the entrances to the crypt, you will meet the girl who comes to visit the ashes of his father. But again, "someone" goes, and she hides in horror in the crypt. You will deal with these "Kemi". Then - dive into the same crypt. There run on the road to the first fork. It will wait for you a restless soul. She will run along the corridor to the west, you run behind her. It turns out she arranged a trap. Burn the demon and move south with a fork

There you will be waiting for monsters and the transition to the new area. We need us there. Come in bold. Sun around the village, collecting new constant gain, and come to the center, to the spirit of justice. Talk to him and mooring to the evil baroness. Op-Pa, surprise, which in Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening Passing is thrown into the mass. Our old acquaintance has already agreed with her. So first kill him. And kill, since he is constantly distracted on your random allies. It is easy to do. Now he is the corpse and Baroness takes his strength, and you are in the real world. And the very spirit of justice joins you, only in the human body. Re-gain a detachment, given the impossibility of throwing out the spirit of it. After that, quickly run, destroying the shadow portals. After all portals are destroyed - we run into the estate. There you will have to kill the demon, which was in the baroness, which is not difficult to do. After that, go to the west, open the gates closed earlier and shake all the boxes, and the dragon bone including. You will also find a sword there, which was needed by one Lord. Great, now moving to the head of the dragon. When the last bone becomes in place, you will see the flashing something that the spectral dragon will be on the calibration. Go up and kill it. And when he jumps into a circle, do not let the lights reach it, as it will be treated. But it is not difficult to kill it, just for a long time and Mouorne, which is not typical for the passage of awakening. After that, take the bones and trophies and go ... to the place of death of Christoph. There you will find the fifth riddle. Then run to the circle of stones and take the sixth riddle. And from there - run right on the map, to the pond, which is the third left. There you will find a bottle with a ring and a note than and finish your quest.

Head to Amaranthin. There are going to the restaurant and take oil into the room on the right. And then - to the Tower of Vigil. Give the blacksmiths sword for execution, collect all the necessary components and enjoy the wearing weapon in the game. Yes, just not rolling your lip. After graduating from the game, it will be stolen. And you will not be able to complete the passage of Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening so that it remains with you. But while it belongs to you, so use. Then, if you have finished all the other things, talk to your sene and go fight. And here, at the head of the tiny detachment, go to destroy the origin of darkness. Nothing reminds? And I have good associations with the original game ...

Come to the city and kill those nearby. Then you will bring the news that the mother will soon storm the Tower of Ridge. And you are the choice where to go and what to protect. I preferred to burn amarantine and advance to protect my tower. Perhaps the most difficult choice throughout the passage of Dragon Age: Origins - awakening ...

And then there was a tower protection. A lot of fighting and not enough that you can tell. Four stages of protection, all are associated with the murder of enemies - that's all. Orel Pal, and it was a grave loss. But after the enemies retreated from the walls of the fortress, I decided to move behind them to kill the uterus. Get out of the territory and go to the mother's lair. There you have to move in a straight line, killing the origin of darkness. At the end of the location, you will see the highest dragon, which also has to kill. When everyone is dead - go inside. As soon as you enter - a sister of your wizard will speak with you. And she will give us a message from the architect. Okay, we will understand. While the road is one - go ahead, destroying opponents and collecting crystals. Under the screw staircase, insert four crystals into the cells than activate the artifact. Go further and you will have a conversation with the architect. You choose, listen to him or not. I just don't have confidence in all sorts of creatures, because I rejected his proposal and killed the difference in darkness. Then activated the second tower. Are you collecting crystals? When all three artifacts are activated - dive into the nest.

And in the nest, everything is completely simple - talk to my mother and kill it. Kill her for a long time, but just. It is better to immediately throw three fighters on the tentacle, and one, the strongest, chop the mother itself. So you keep the balance and give an interesting achievement of the hero. And the death of the mother will end and the game ... You will honor a lot of interesting things about the coming events, but ... you can read them themselves. For SIM I discard the passage of Dragon Age: Origins - awakening completed!

Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening presents the continuation of the main history of the game, and makes it possible to explore new territories as well as more pumping your hero or create a new one and pass it. The victory over the architeo'nemon was not the end - the division of darkness continues to attack and you as a gray guard should stop it.

Total 7 main quests and about 50 extra. We will tell how to go through the main.

You go to the tower of the vigil from where the addition will begin.


After the reflection of attacks, the action is transferred to the main hall where you have to solve pressing problems with vassals, recruits and solve all the priorities. First of all, you need to talk to your assistants. Here are their list:

- Captain Garezel - He will report that a certain hunter has found a passage to deep trails and that there are many enemies;
- Seneseal Warl - will tell you that one of the guards was absent during the battle because I went to Amarantine and never returned;
"Mrs. Woolsi - informs us economic exhaustion and advise to talk to the merchant merchant and find out everything in more detail.

At the end of the conversations, three quest will appear in the journal:

- shades of black marshes;
- righteous way;
- Last from the Legion.

You can perform them in any order as they are part of the main quest.

It is also worth knowing that you will have to fulfill several side quests closely related to the main and which can affect the outcome.

The oath is on loyalty - the quest that will appear after talking with Warlore, when you leave the throne room and then return. The quest is completed almost in place - you take the oath of new vassals. Some features and replicas may change depending on whether you downloaded the character or created from zero.

When performing this task, you can take two more which will affect the epilogue of the game:

1) Land protection. Speaking with Garvela during the oath, you will learn that the peasants are attacked and you need to do something. Here are the possible options and their consequences:
- Leave this captain Garwell (Castle's defense) - the peasants will be unhappy and will be more difficult with them;
- Protect the castle - here you have already chosen yourself. The result is the same;
- protect farms - with peasants will be much easier to finish;
- Protect merchants - you will give a wider range later, however, the peasants will not be satisfied;
- Protect everyone - beneficial in general, but the soldiers will not be satisfied.

2) Powder conspiracy. Provided that you have chosen the "conviction" during the oath, you can talk to the Troja that will tell about the conspiracy. If you chose something else, talk to Andres. Further, the most successful option will be chosen to find a "dark wolf".

For espionage you will have to pay 50 gold, but it is worth it and after you can go to the place of collecting conspirators and kill them all.

After the completion of the first main quest and return, the task will begin "The Court is!". There will be three cases under consideration:
- Court over the peasant Alek - it is best to send to the army;
- Deserter should be imprisoned;
- The case of the lands - here you can accept someone or side or choose from several more compromise options.

After the completion of the second quest, the peasants' uprising will occur. In fact, it will be best to persuade or intimidate the peasants - the murder will not affect the epilogue, but goodness will not add from their part. The worst option is easy to give grain.

Also on time this task may begin yet - "And you, Esmel?" - Here you have to kill another group of conspirators.

Now let's proceed to the three main quests.

Righteous way

Having come to the forest, you find a caravan and immediately destroy the gangsters near him. You start in a smaller part of the forest and moving until you find a bridge that connects it with the rest. Here you will learn about the fact that the elves are incomprehensible why the trees are reviving and they attack people. In the center of the map you will find the Camp of the Dolites A and after its search you need to go to the western part of the map where you are going to waste the Camp - we kill everyone and notice a pit with corpses.

Next, after passing to the south, you will find a person infected with the poison, who will tell about the fact that the Feldense weapons in the elf camp will be sent, after which he will ask to stop his suffering. Regardless of what you do, you will attack Darkness, from which you can find an elf amulet.

Now we move to the camp - the elf will meet on the way that it will challenge the forest inhabitants on you, after which we continue to move there and find it near the graves. After receiving a medallion, she will finally understand what to go with you.

Go to the mine in the north-central part where you come across the architect - a reasonable definition of the darkness that will decide and send you to the dungeon.

Waking up in prison You are talking to the elf's sister and get the key from freedom, after which we are painting with a pair of trees of darkness.

Now you need to stick to the balcony for certain levers to go further. For example, the left lever is number one, then the sequence is one or two or two.

The last step you need to open the door and fight with two dragons and then watch the video. The architect from you slipped away and you will not return to the mine if you leave finally.

Shadows of black swamp

Almost with the go, you will be attacked by wolves with a leader. Next there will be more wolves - you need to walk along the path to the ruins of the village. Here you are attacked by wahwheel, while dealing with them you can proceed only on one way.

In the old camp there are still businesses attack you. Following the northeastern part of the map in the kids, it means that you move correctly. A little more by passing on the map you will find Cristoff and the first one - another intelligent that will send you to the shadow.

Here you need to kill everyone and follow to the docks where I try to enter the crypt, you talk to the ghost and take it from one ambush.

Passing the crypt. Talk to guard at the goal of the castle. Here you will find the Spirit with the crowd of dissatisfied who storm the gate - you joined or not, if you have not yet finished on the map, it is better to postpone.

When you are ready, then join the battle and kill the first one, then go to the castle and destroy the portals from which the enemies climb.

At the end you need to kill the baroness and take justice to companions if you have supported it before.

Last of Legion

Actions unfold in the chassal hills. At the very beginning, the trail is divided into two - on one we will have a serious enemy in the form of Beressarna. By killing it we go later, we kill two gangsters, remove the note from the body and go back. Having chosen the other path you will follow the bridges and transitions until you find the gnome to which the darkness has attacked.

Having accepted it in the group you go down to deep trails, talk to the gnome when you die and follow further across the bridge, and then follow the entrance to the chamber. Here you can choose how to enter - through a secret door or just. One way or another, you are inside and fight with the generations and golems as well as their master who kills whom you cut out and everyone else.

Now follow the corridor to the east - we kill all opponents yourself or revive the golem with the help of a rod that can be taken from the master. Having reached the northeastern room with the edge of the map you need to destroy everyone in it and pick up the hammer from the corpse.

Further, our path lies in shopping areas where you will find the generations of fighting with each other. We pass and methodically destroying enemies heading into the forge, where reviving the golem you can restore all the broken things that only were able to assemble on the location.

It is necessary to investigate all the rooms by collecting Seth, after which you need to go to the place where you will find the battle of the generations and three passages - go to Western. Here you will attack the various enemies and at the end you will find ditch with the uteros on which you need to engage the slab suspended on the chains. Now you can calmly leave this place.

Battle for Aramantine

The task will be active after the three previous tasks have passed - you will approve the Council, but it will be interrupted and your hero will be sent to defense from the species of darkness. Arriving into the city you fight the group of enemies after which the parliamentant comes to you and on behalf of the architect that the Mother's army will attack the tower.

In this place you have to choose - or set fire to the city and take up the tower, or stay.

In case you still decided to stay, you need to clean the streets and then talk to the commander of the police, and then follow the church for rest.

Having spent the night resting you go to the hotel - in one of the rooms you can find the move that the enemies guard and they will also be in the passage. As a result, coming out at the outskirts we turn to the restraint of Alpha.

Now you know where my mother is from the messenger. You need to enter it like this - select the option at the discretion of the commander of the Guardians. After that, we go to complete the addition.

The tower will sure if you fulfill all the additional quests associated with it, send the custody to protect farms as well as enhance the walls.

Siege Tower

This task appears if you decide to throw the city and simply set fire to it - the defense consists of small battles and the purchase of different surge supplications. Ends the battle by the battle and magician Heralt, after which you can follow the trail to the mother's lair.

Last jerk

Final quest. You go to the cemetery of dragon bones where you fight with a variety of generations and collect special crystals of the empire, which when installing in circles give a magic bonus.

Here you need to choose - kill the architect or pardon (in this case, it will throw a spell once in the battle with your mother), then go further, say and then enter the battle with the boss.

The tactics of the victory of the mother depends on you and your preferences in the detachment. The only thing that is worth considering this is that she throws magic burning Manu in all magicians immediately and under zero - need lurium potions. We look at the epilogue and on this, our passage is completed.

If you like the game, then you will most likely want to get acquainted with the list that will be able to extend the adventures for another couple of tens of hours.

The characteristics in addition did not change, so we will go right away to skills. Here we have three new branches, one handicraft and two combat. Requirements for all three are the same: twentieth, twenty-second, twenty-fourth and twenty-sixth levels.

In addition, things equipped with nests under the runes are much more often found. Now, in order to fill them, you do not need to stipulate the SCARB of all the oncoming traders on the subject of powerful pebbles. This branch allows you to improve the runes. To create an improved stone option, you must most often two are the same, but the level below. Starting from the fourth level, you will also need a special reagent. Recipes can be used (usually from specialized traders), and find.

It is important: In the game grew not only the maximum level of heroes (from twenty-fifth to thirty fifth), but also levels of things. Now the gear can be nine levels (instead of seven), and the runes are seven (instead of five).

Manufacturing a rune is quite a cost. For example, to receive the runes of the tank (increases the power of the will) of the maximum level you will need about thirty-five gold! On the other hand, by the end of the game, this amount no longer seems excellent.

Unfortunately raises the number of your health points for twenty-five units per level. Now it is not necessary to think who to make your "tank" is a herbalist or survival specialist. It is recommended to develop basic combat characters, and the handicraft rules leave those who sits in the castle. Let anyone go there, lazy!


New rules of skills got all the class and weapons groups. Let's start with the first. The group is called the name of the group, then the name of the first skill in the ruler, then the requirements for ranks and the description of all the skills of the line.


Heart hunter

Rank 1 2 3 4
Level 20 22 24 26
Dexterity 36 40 46 52

- If the target (rank of the elite or lower) is at death, then the reception destroys it. Otherwise, causes a critical strike. It is rarely impressed, because if you have already removed most of the health, you can finish without it.

Next rank - ghost - For a short time makes the robber immune to all physical attacks. More than once will help you break out of the environment.

Further go weak spots - Very interesting supported skill. After you hit the enemy for some time everything Attacks on it will be strengthened. Very helps in battles with thick, sweaturest opponents.

Finally oscillation: All enemies in a large radius take turns get a blow to the back. The skill and itself is very strong, and in combinations with others (for example, with the previous one) - in general, deadly.

- I had a cat in the tower called Puffishius. Well, he was not completely mine, but we were attached to each other. And once the demon of rage unrightened to him ... Before it was destroyed, the fluffyness managed to squint three temples. I was proud of them!

Eternal child. Seven times ran out of his circle and six times it was caught. We can prevent the seventh, with the blessing of the king.

Anders is a very cheerful and cheerful magician. Everything that happens he perceives as a game, constantly joking and spoils. Traveling with him interesting. At the same time, he hates the church and its foundations, not hiding him. If he will have a chance to destroy the temple, he will do it. And probably in a joking manner.

The more is more important that he is a healer. And a little bit of combat magician.

From gifts loves exquisite things (spoiled, apparently) and, as he himself admits you, cats. And, of course, all sorts of accessories for them.

Personal task is performed in Amarantyna. There you will meet an old familiar Anders, who will point to the basement with a medallion of the magician. Based a little south of trading rows.


Second wind

After once restores the good part of the endurance strip. There is nothing to add.

Stakes on the site of ordinary enemies, causes a double critical damage by elite and single bosses. It helps when you need to urgently nice some wolf grilled on the magician.

Heard in a large radius from the warrior, insults the opponents in the best feelings and makes them switch to the squabs. A strong word will repel the most hopeless battle.

Fully justifies its name. All enemies are smaller than the warrior, levels die immediately, the elite gets critical damage, and bosses are normal. And all this in a decent radius! Very strongly accelerates the study of all sorts of dungeons.


Shadow shield

Rank 1 2 3 4
Level 20 22 25 28
Magic 40 44 52 61

Enhances the magic shield, increasing the chances of dodge from attacks or reject the spell. If the shield is inactive, then the chances are preserved, but meager. Moderately useful.

It requires a lot of mana to support, and in return increases damage from all elements. It also affects the attack staff, so it is useful.

Gives serious advantages to magic, the power of will and mana restoration. It is useful to everyone without exception.

For an indiscreet fee in Mana dumps "cooling" of all spells. With the proper reserve of this mana, allows you to create scary things.

Powder field

Rank 1 2 3 4
Level 29 22 14 16
Magic 43 49 55 58

Throws up the nearest enemies if they failed inspection on physical stability. For each repulsion consumes Manu. Constantly running with the included field will not work, but escape from the environment - easily!

Spraying around the magician energy around the magic, reducing the fatigue of the allies, but devouring Manu Maga himself. If you decide to use, then turn on the short time of active actions.

Once a few seconds attack enemies in a decent radius of the magic of the Spirit and - of course! - Eats your manu. But mana is eaten not for the total damage, but for the fact of launching the wave. So, being in the crowd of the sacrament, you can safely turn on.

Pulses the same as the magic field. Each charge dispels the magic of enemies. And here you are already paying for the fact of dispelling, and not for the launch of the wave. But the enemy still spends more mana to impose these effects, so you can safely use.

"They ... This ... Lies on Earth, as the most ordinary pants, but only until you turn back to them." But then they ... Shack! And scratch your eyes!

Good good Ogren Nickels did not change, all the same drinking and dracun. And the habits of him are the same: straight as rails. Although his inexperience in part of life on the surface often plays with him a dick joke. Playing Ogren, it seems, does not want only very lazy. Gnome is responsible with the inherent directive: uncomfortable questions and even more uncomfortable answers.

Ogrin is still a berserk specializing in two-hand-bugs and perfectly equipped from the very beginning. From gifts prefers hot drinks of all varieties. Personal task is associated with the family life of the gnome, which never wondered.

Weapon in each hand

Double punch

Rank 1 2 3 4
Level 20
Combat training First Rank Second Rank Third Rank Fourth Rank
Dexterity 34 40 46 50

Two critical strikes in a row. Simple and effectively.

Increases the chance of a critical strike and damage from it. For a snack strengthens the previous reception.

Lowering the speed of movement and attacks of all enemies in a large radius. If before this enemy is to hit the double blow, then it will just fall.

Named so no accident. The character begins to make the enemy with a terrible speed. Each blow slightly reduces endurance. Series ends in one of the following cases: you ended endurance, the enemy escaped or some of you died. If you hit the enemy before this with a double blow, then each attack becomes critical. And if you beat your feet, you definitely do not miss. It looks, of course, great, but the goal you need to choose with the mind, otherwise, while you will be touched the enemy, his comrades will boil you.



Rank 1 2 3 4
Level 20
Combat training First Rank Second Rank Third Rank Fourth Rank
Dexterity 34 38 44 52

Supported skill that increases (depending on agility) immediately the chance of hitting, damage, the chance of critical hit and damage from it. As soon as you take, turn on and do not turn off Never.

Slows down all enemies around the archer (if they are not higher than the level or not elite) and constantly eats endurance. The utility is dubious.

Applies a triple critical damage for another half of it (that is, one and a half critical) by others. Excellent reliable skill.

After some time, after activation strikes a large area for a certain period - a kind of plot spell. There is a minus - a big delay, the enemies often manage to escape. But the animation is a feast for the eyes.


- All in the family of Hou were heroes! And for the sins of one of my father, they braided the shame of everyone! But he just chose not the other side in the war.

The son of the late Earla, whose possessions are now owned by gray guards. A few years ago, Nathaniel sent to study on a free brand, where he spent all the events of the original game. Therefore, having arrived, it was outraged for a long time and wondered why everyone so hate his father. Over time, he will understand why and starts to edit herself. And finally, it will decide to wash off the stain of shame with the history of the genus.

Nathaniel is generally naive as a baby and will constantly ask your companions about everything in the world and try to make compliments. Even Ogren. With predictable result.

As a fighter, he specializes in Luki, but may also be engaged to engage in anticipate thieves. From gifts loves practical things and relics of the family Hou. Personal task is associated with the missing sister, which will be found in Amarantyna.

Weapons and Shield

Inexorable power

Allows the "tank" literally to flash the enemy system, swelling everyone who was on his way. For each push, a little endurance is removed. Wonderful skill: And the valves of enemies, and evil them, and moving easily, and it looks funny.

For a short time, significantly reduces the incoming damage (depending on the physique). Under it can be at least a dragon to climb.

Constantly provokes surrounding enemies, singing stamina. The utility is average, because energy is spent on attracting extra enemies.

Makes a character fully invulnerable At half the deadline of the shield-shell. That is, when it is activated, we are not afraid of the first half of time, and they live in the second half as under the usual shield-shell. With such a skill you even stop the run!

Two-handed weapon

Rapid strike

Deals the critical damage by the goal and the usual one by its neighbors. In addition, if the opponents do not pass the inspection of physical stability, they will turn out to be on Earth. Middle utility skill.

Does all the attacks warrior square, although it consumes stamina. An excellent way to deal with any trifle.

"Warrior makes a few steps forward and every step waves with a weapon wide. Helps get to the rear lines of the enemy.

- The fighter turns on the spot and, hp a look at enemy physiognomy, widespread by a two-handed. Each strike eats endurance. Easily destroys the huge crowds of the enemy.

- Wow! I would never have thought that in the settlement of Shemlenov, such a healthy tree could grow.

Elf Chuvinist in pure form. When she decided that people pose a threat, then left the clan to destroy them. Together with her, a few more elves were gone, who later died. And Wellanna began to take revenge on people again, this time much more successful.

Wellanna has a sister that the darkness of darkness was stolen and who joined them. How to live with this further, the elf has not yet decided.

In a conversation, she cutting and constantly "lets and smokes" people and gnomes. But closer to the end rebuilds, unless, of course, the main character will contribute.

In battle, she is a subordinator with an admixture of a combat mage. From gifts loves everything that is connected with nature or elfs, as well as all green. Personal task is associated with the history of her departure from the clan.


Each class was at his disposal for another two specialization. But the point was added only one thing - at the twenty-second level - so we can learn three specializations. However, this is more than enough.


Rank 1 2 3 4
Level 20 22 25 28

Pros: +2 Dexterity, +1 Blow Damage

Just adds points to strength and physique.

For a short time makes a robber invulnerable To damage and knocking down. During this time, you can both escape and provoke a strong enemy on the attack.

- Instead of health, when dripping is endurance. Usefulness below average. The endurance of the robber is needed constantly.

Strengthens stone strength. Now we are immunes also to spells. To friendly too! Usefulness under the big question.

Strange line. The first two skills are just as good, how bad are the latter. Specialization will suit any robbers, although melee adepts will benefit more benefit from it.

Rank 1 2 3 4
Level 20 22 25 28

Pros: +1 dexterity, +5 attacks

- Enemies with each blow to the robber lose interest to him. The ability to constantly spend endurance. He will greatly extend your life in the crowd of opponents.

- The robber distracts the enemy of a non-existent target. Allows you to escape, so hit in your back. Useful, do not doubt.

- With the activated form of the ghost, we get large advantages to damage from shocks in the back and critical shocks. Wonderful addition to the already perfect skill.

It is satisfied with our ghost in a large radius: opponents or run away, or will begin to mutid the first turned up. Excellent combined with invisibility - burst into the enemy, released hallucinogen, threw the bait and escaped.

The magnificent ruler, which makes a robber with two blades a real combine. Add a murderer and deuel to her, and not enough to see anyone!


Rank 1 2 3 4
Level 20 22 25 28

Pros: +1 Teams, +5 Physical Stability

- constantly consumed endurance, but allows you to ride from many physical attacks. Will help in critical situations.

Strengthens the previous ability by adding a chance to avoid spells. In addition, now all the initials of the warrior ignore the armor and cause damage from the magic of the Spirit. Allows you to quickly choke a bunch of armored eaters. It is very useful when armored fires are met.

Deals the damage of the magic of the Spirit to all beings around (depending on the force of the will). All sorts of ghosts get significantly more than others. Therefore, it is necessary to apply only against the shadow creatures.

Strengthens the first skill, increasing the chance to resist the spell, as well as the speed of movement and attack.

The skill will suit all, but the attackers will be, perhaps, it is more useful. You can take two ranks, for the sake of damage to the magic of the Spirit, or already four, for the sake of acceleration.

Rank 1 2 3 4
Level 20 22 25 28

Pros: +1 Teams, +5 Natural Resource

Protects one of the allies, absorbing limited damage. Its quantity depends on the body of the guard. Mages, like, however, and the robbers will tell you a lot thank you!

For a while increases the armor of the entire detachment. The number of additional armor and the time of action depends on the body's physique. Excess armor does not hurt anyone.

Strengthens previous skills.

Attracts the warrior of enemies that have failed inspection of physical stability, going to endurance. They do not have anything except to attack this cans. One of the best skills.

Oddly enough, specialization will suit not only a lover of shields, but also a fighter with a two-handed. He will be able to cover the healer, strengthen his armor and attract enemies to himself so that it does not run.

- We still have a dead legion, and not a legion of drinking songs!

The only survivor from the whole dead legion, which is half a trap of the species of darkness. The poor thing Coruse himself for not died with everyone. And agrees to live on only for the sake of debt and revenge.

Despite this, conversations it leads quite alive, even joking. Proposed to self-irony. In battle it is a specialist in pair weapons. For some reason he loves children's toys and all kinds of interesting things like a pickle pipe.


Rank 1 2 3 4
Level 20 22 25 28

Pros: +2 Magic, +3 Mental Sustainability

She cares for the magician to one point, which turns the bushes. Bushes beat their enemies in them and slow them. You can use both insurance from unexpectedly broken opponents, and as a means of attack in the crowd.

Very painfully scratch everyone who is entangled in the bushes from the previous skill, and scatter not the inspection of physical stability.

Allows you to get Manu for damage caused by the skills of this line. And if the enemy does carelessly die in the bushes, then the magician will absorb the remains of his life and starts to quickly regenerate.

Deals a huge physical damage and some time immobilize physical stability check.

Despite the serious minus - immobilization - this line is very strong both in defense and in the attack. Unity is rapidly restored, so run along with the bushes is easier than simple.

Rank 1 2 3 4
Level 20 22 25 28

Pros: +2 Magic, Slow Restoration of Health in Battle

Once a few seconds damage the spirit of the Spirit to the enemies in a large radius and distinguishes it into your health, spending Manu. Vampire treatment on the squares - what else to wish?

Freezes all enemies in a decent radius that have failed inspection of physical stability. Otherwise, just slow down. Damage by cold will get everything without exception. Acknowledged Cone Cone, not hitting the Allies. That is just great!

Gets a little time when it stands on my head. On the one hand, on the head of Magu, the rake was not stuck. On the other - the whole line is still designed for close contact with the enemy. So we take without thinking.

Deals damage to everyone around various elements in turn. Every blow is mana, so apply only with a large cluster to the people.

Effective development

Taking into account the latest changes in the game there were several super-efficient classes that would easily pass any tests. Consider several schemes from twenty-eight points - so much you will have at the end of the game, if you have not exported a character, or otherwise in the middle.


Vityaz - 4 points

Guard - 4 points

Spirit Warmer - 1 point

Inexplicable power - 4 points

Second breathing - 3 points

Bogatyr - 4 points

Block shield - 4 points

Shield defense - 4 points

From the characteristics we will need 26 units of agility, the rest is due to the physique of approximately equal shares. The main task of the "Tank" is to choose the right goals and most effectively spend endurance.


Group of two-handed weapons - 16 points

Second breathing - 4 points

Spirit Warrior - 4 points

Guard - 4 points

Characteristics are approximately as follows: force, dexterity and physique in proportion 2: 1: 1. A dexterity should be so much because you will get a lot of unforgettable enemies that you will be shrugged before you get on them. And the health takes the skills. Tactics depends on the enemy - or break into the crowd and apply the area skills, or apply small combinations on solitary.


- I was not born. I was always.

A unique case - the Spirit, having fallen into the body of mortal against his desire. And the corpse did not become an obsessed dead, but it was quite coming to life. Apparently, because justice is not a demon, and the Spirit is kind, without fulfilling his passions.

At first, he very carefully applies to the world, but then, as in the old anecdote, it is drawn and begins to know. It is interesting to him, but he himself can tell something. When, in the end, you will still have the opportunity to talk to the Spirit without pans? In conversations, he, by the way, reads morality to all your comrades, and they react each in their manner ...

In battle, he is a typical "tank". From gifts loves what is connected with the former owner of his body and with a shadow. Personal task concerns the wife of the deceased guard. It will be possible to find it in the Church of Amarantyna.

Robber with paired blades

Dirty Fight - 2 Point

Punch below belt - 4 points

Hearts Hunter - 4 points

Killer - 4 points

Ghost - 4 points

Scout Legionnaire - 2 points

Double Bounce - 4 points

Holding weapons in each hand - 3 points

Swimming hands with weapons - 1 point

We will need a dexterity, trick and power. Forces somewhere 40-42, agility and tricks, on which skills are tied, 2: 1. In battle, our task is to efficiently spend a small stamina supply (do not forget to stock up the bottles in the extreme case!) And do not die, for if you go, then you will cut us instantly!

Battle Mage

Combat Mag - 4 points

Keeper - 4 points

Magician - 4 points

Pulling mana - 4 points

Vulnerability damage - 4 points

Shadow Shield - 4 points

Magic Arrow - 2 points

Flame flash or icy grip - 2 points

Investigate into magic, the power of will and dexterity is approximately as follows: 6: 3: 1. Dexterity, like a fighter, is needed for entering enemies. Yes, and we stick in a similar way: we tear into the crowd with square spells at the ready or curse a single goal and for a long time, with a delay, climb.

Passage of the main plot

Tower of Breaking

All begins with long fighting: the division of darkness invaded the base of gray guards. After the end of the batt, it is time to inspect your possessions, to get acquainted with the inhabitants and make sure the tasks. As soon as you figure it out with small and not very affairs in the fortress, go to the city.


In the city, you will first of all, you will need to find a representative of the Trade Guild near the merchants, two inlet hunters and the innkeeper in the innovation itself. From them you will get plot tasks: in the forest, under the ground and on the swamp, respectively. In addition to them, there are many additional tasks in the city.

Wood Vending

Here on the tracks and the survivor.

Good all the same opponents of these revived trees! Comfortable.

Trade caravans disappear here. During the investigation, it turns out that it is not the robbers, but an elf. But before causing it to fight, you need to find the surviving soldier who is bleeding, which lies through the hill with the town of elves from the entrance to the location. I will reveal you the whole truth. After that, the elf can be attached to his detachment and go to the mine ...

On a note: Take a specialist in hacking castles. You will not be able to change the group, as well as return to the mines.

Passing with the fight of the architect's lair, choose outwards.

Black swamps

Once there was a settlement here, but it mysteriously disappeared. You need to find your colleague - Christoph. To do this, go to the opposite end of the marshes. The road is there one, do not get lost. On the way you can get acquainted with the cute local fauna ...

After you find a gray guard, you will need to get to Baroness. She lives in the city. To go to her, you need to talk to the leader of an angry crowd - justice. After that, the battle will begin.

Returning to Christoph's body, Meet the new companion and go to close the portals, then go to the castle, where you before you fought with a baroness. Hold one more battle - and you can come back.

Chapped hills

Very mysterious place. Corpse, two executioners, note, and that's it. What is it for?

The fastest kind of transport in Ferdden. Failure, true.

Going down, you will meet the last companion. With the glorious dwarf boldly dive under the ground and drive through the types of darkness.

On a note:when you ask you to find a secret move, inspect the wall on the left, if you face the main staircase.

After some time you get to a huge golem with a magician, and there before the uterus. To kill them, you need to destroy the tentacles first, and then cut chains holding chandeliers. You repeat until the chandelier falls. Everything can be returned.


Now you need to prepare for war. Choose satellites and run to the city. In Amarantyna, you will tell you that the troops go to the tower of vigil. What to protect, choose yourself.

After defense, you will be transferred to the lair of the mother - a huge reasonable uterus. Getting to it is not so easy. Already at the end of the top level, the dragon will meet you.

If you want to make it easier for yourself the last fight, carefully look for crystals and activate with their help tower of the Tevinterns. Each of them has its own effect (fiery attack, paralysis of enemies, treatment), which one can only be applied in battle with the mother. Another effect you will receive, if you want, from the architect. With such a help to destroy the mother of great labor will not be.

- LPNRSAFETOBS RPG (TPMECHBS YZTB) h Tobote Fenopspy Zhofii PF BioWare.



PV YZTE with the BMM, OP RPLHRBFS OE Upetbmus. Rpuenh? Chuo RTPUPP, NEO Rpotbchimbush Pvmpslb - about Tedlpufs Omeupepnbfychobs Ztbzhylb oh n Yuen. DB, FBN EUFSH DTBPUPUYIL LTPCH MPZPFYR YZTSTSH. Chuye LFP Lbuufucopope Pftuopchbop, OP YozhpTNBGY PV Yzte about Pvmpsle Okmsh.


Hountem with YZTH h Dekfchyiy about LPNrshaft DThzb OphestoOP Umkhyubkop th Rposm, YuFP YZTB-FP Ochermpibes. Orulmshlp Sovie Oermpibes, with FPDDB EEE OE YOBM. DMSA LFPP Okhtsi RpsTBFSH JT LB LB Nyoynkhn Yuba. YuFP with th Udtbem.

Yuete RBTh Yubupch Yusztz with Vushch Hcheteo, YuFP LFP FB UBNBS DPMZPCDBOBS RPG on HTHPH NEUB NBZYY (6.7), RPSchmeoys LPFTPK with CDBM. RTyjobfshus Hztsu Oe Ttubuyifshchchbm, YuFP Rpschyfus RPG TBCHOBS YMY YUHFSH HUFHRBAEBS MIGHT & MAGIC.

B ChPP Rpschymbush. with VSchch h Chpuffze.


With OE MAVYFEMSH YZTBFSH About Lpanbtea Püheosh Hdychmsmus Uphtskophufi RTPIPPCDeejes Yztshch DBCE ON HUBBOPCHEOPN UMBVPN HTKHOE. RPFPN about PDOP ZhPTKHN RTPYUFBM h Yuen RTPVMEB Yu Chu Ufbmp Susov. RTPVENB MEYUYMBUSH RBFUEN, OP About NPA Chetuia Yztzchop Oh Pdyo RBFY OPNBMSSHOP OE UBBCHIMUS ... Crawyubfmeoy Ubbumb UBNB YZTB, Her Watsef, her Ztbühlb bfnpewest. Chuu Lushppts Uddeball PfMyuop th ether-spheres-item Zmal at Htpchoen Uphtskophufi ChPurtyoynbmus IPFSH at NBFPN, opireinp.

Ya, RPMShhhshushshuhuben, with RPPZTHYMUS H NYTT about 98 YUBUP 46 Nyokhf 2 Elektshpzp (Tabmspzp) Tuba. Holich H RTPGEUUE 2468 Rppzobogy Yiy 42 inputs 38 Dtbelpopch. B Rpftgfych 456 Oppults ( DMS Tobayia).

Rethechishie Lezhod's DP Zhigemb Yztbefus on PDOP Dzhetchoeois Uphbmpufy Yu Yukhufchhefus IBMFHTSCH, Chue Umbchop th chydob Lboueufsoobs RTPTBVPFLB SELI ІNEOFPCH YZTSTSY PF YDEPMY.


Nwby Yneen RBTh VMShyyi Zpectpdpch Yeulpmshlp Bethylene, LPFPTCTP RP Waacefh h Predemaoshk NPNofof Yztshch Rpdetzbafus Obrbdaisn ChThersch. X EUFSH HUME 6th VMShi MPLBGYK, LPFPSKET Okhtsi RPPUFIFSH. OelfPFPTCTCH Mplbyy Ynef Sciences Nyoy-Mplbyy, YuFP UEE VMSHPCHPK NYT.

Retepd of non-Retal MPLBGYSN Pooheeufchmsefus Raputedfchpn Lbtfshch, LPDB ChP Ktnez Rkhfi about ChBU NPZHF Obruboufsh, Obrubdbaf Chuslya PFNPTPLY ( Osebrumboytpchboop Utbceaue), LFP FPE OE DBEF TPUUBVYFSHUS. LBTFB NYTB HDPVOBS RPOSFOBS. Nya-LBTFB FPE. LTPNE IFPZP EUFS EEE LBTFSH SPTPDPCH Ocherputdufteopope Mplbyk. Momub, Reeetech, ITBNCH.

mbzetsh Omeshs OwppheychBFSH




NPTTYZBO - OBBFY ZTINKHBT Zhenhmeph, Khifsh Zhemeph (Pugeos Yofteethek th PDJA Uborfshi FThdashi Lesufpch)
Chlyo - Tboulbsef P UEV, Lesufpch Of
Retupobz Ya Lenoshet Hykg - Oe Otoba, Hym Uzp Utbi Oe Tskmem PV LFPN


Ya Oebbvschben DBTYFSH DTHSHSN Oil FPMSLP Brdbtlai. h Lfpn Umkhyuby Pfopesois Rapschebafus RP NBLUINKHN, Op Fblis Chu RTyoyunbaf Rapufy Maw Spring Rapdbtly.

BMYUFET - Zhibhtli spr
PZTEO - Khschchlb.
Ufao - Tsychpryush
Skim - Raposfis OE YNEA
Memie - Gchefshch Bodtbufe
Complex - Lpufi.
Retupobz Ya Lenoshet Hykg - Dtbzpogo Lbna, Pedesdb


YZTBFSH NPCOP RPDLMAYUKHYUKYUS Yuete Yophetoef L Pzhygybmshopnh UBBFH YZTSTSHI FPDDB Updubbing Chbni RTpjymsh in Chbi Dpufyceauis VKHDHF Pvopchmsfshus about UBBFF RP IPDH Chbekhek Yusch. B FBLDCI VHDHF Demb phsus Wyltbob (Eumy TBTEYFEF) N Rpmshpchbfhem UNPSHF Rpobvmadbfs BB Tbchyfien chka Lbnrbya LB Zpchptymfsus on-line.

H RPIPD NPCOP VTBFSH FPMSLP FTEI RETAPOCKSK + Zambhchoshk Zetpk, Pufbmoshoschoshoshki Pufbafus h Mbzyt. Rtupobtsy RTyoopediosifus L Chbn RP EPDX YZTSTSHI PF CBU Obbchjuif RTyoynbfs yi h LPNRBAY YMY Of. NPS RPUFPSOBS RBTFYS - LFP DCHB ChPYOB at Hneojen DCHTHYUPP PTHTSYS DCHB NBZB. About the NPK Châzmsd LFP Yebdemshobs RBTFYS. FL NPPK YZT Ltyfyyoshucheosz, NPCop PVPKFYUUSI TEE CPTPCH, BDFFCH Lbnofoylpch y Mhuelpch ( Yurpmshkhs RPUPIY LB DBMSHOPVPKOPE PTHTSYE). FBEURPMEY FBLSKLY BMINY ( LTPN OBUBMSPP HTPCHOS), Czchzychyum th thumping MPChhylo. OP PP FPMSLP NPU UKHELFYCHOPE. Mealimli B Brevel Chkemosh about Retachpni Rpumedoen Obbre Yusch. About Retobilep, LPDB OEF Chlyoy Oellpnh Chpuhaybfsh. B. LPOKHPMSHP LSSPMSHP UmptsopchbFP YZTBFSH DBCU NBZPN-Melben h Rbtfy.


h Lbbn RPTSDLE with rtpipdim yzth.
PUFBZBT - MPFETIZIOS - TEDLMYZH - VBBIOS NBSR - PTBNNBT - Zhenf - Deethene - Khtob RTBIB - Meau - Deette


h yzte eugs oulpmshlp lenchefpch dpchpmshop urveza, Op Chutub NPCOP Urtpuyfsh about zhtknby
(http://forums.ag.ru/?board\u003dti_bg&action\u003ddisplay&s\u003d0&num\u003d1257193616&start\u003d0 ), Eumen OE RPMKHUBFEFUS RTPKFY UBNHIN. h YZT EUFSH OEULPMSHLP RPVPURSHOP LSUFHPH, LPFPTSCHA OE PupVP BZHYYTHAFUS, OP CHRACTERY LPFPTCHES DBEF CHBN HOYILBMSCHOP RTEDNFSH. h yzte RTPUPPP RTylpopopee L NBMPBNEFOPK UFBFCH NPCCF DBFSH Nadchchki Yofteethek Leruf in geo-rivers RTybni psppn.



PVSUSCHCHBFSH PVUKHSDBFSHA YPH NPCPA DP Woe Veulpoyufufi Furniture YozhpTNBGY RP LFP Fennel Hzze Czhatware About RTPUFTBI Yofetoefb About Nopey Eggs Nightb. B with FPMSLP CHISTBYM studio of RTyjobfemshopufs TBTBVPFülbn BB RTEDPUFBCHMUCK RTBDEYL Rpdemimus Affini Chreyubfmeoysh PV Pugeos Yiptpyek YZTE. MHYYUK RPG BBB RPUMEDAYA 9 MEF.

Jahchumptophop Yofteetoobe, OP OE Completion Prtbchdboba Uyufenb Chibinppophope at the Smya PFTSDB. LPFPTCT, L SMFCh, kbbuyuyuhh h Lfbodh, B RPFPN EEE RTBCHB Obujobafe LBYUBFSH. FBLYI CHAY ZOBFSH PVIDP. J Oh Okhtsi Yi Rpdbtlby Labdbwichbfs. NOE CHPN RFMBE RPCHIMI OILFP YAKY PUPPECTS RETAPOCKSK OE LBTYYYUYUBMY Y OE RTYPDYMPUKH RPFPN TSBMEFSH Перугемскочок Чпетцео е е езп Utdofchby y kneeoya. FPMSLP at the NPTTYZBO SHMSHKHUFSH SHEY PFOPEYS WILL OE OTSE 100.
YUHFSH OE Kvbvschm EEE PV PDOPK Yofteetopk Pupweoophufi Yztshch - ChPNPTSOFUFS VTBFSH H RBTFY WBVBTY CJSC. OP BFP Pfopufemshop Umbvschk, IPFSH V. Velapoyyuop Ting Chbets.

unscan of a grazing choshoschu h yzte (at the ONNY RTYMPUSH RPCHPSHUS):
NBZ LTPCH h in the NBSR,
Dtbep-PVPTPFOCH Zhemeph hdili Obenmsi,
NBFLB about smchvyofi ftprby,
Vechoshchuk briefly h Thyobi,
MPZEKO H Deousein,
Bielddenpo Ch Deethue


H Umkhyubi at Dtbnpopn-Pvptpfoen Zhemeph with DBCA RPDHNSchChBM, YuFP Khvifsh Her OE RPMKHYUFUS ChPCHE, RPFPN PRBBMPUSHPUSH, UFP with RTPUP TBOP FFDB RTYEYM (CTPCHOK RETAPOBSB X Neos Vile 12 ym 13). OP OPESP, Urtbchimus. DBCE TEN NPTTYZBO in its ibbnptplpk.

YZTH Kbälpuyim about 20 HTHR, Onenopp OE Dpfsokhm dp 21-zp ( BFB YozhpTNBGS DMS Tobayia).



ultyochemzhtzhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhyzte Dragon Age: Obubmp.

dRP DMS DRAGON AGE: Origins - Awakening / RTPVHCDEY
Pzhigibmshop DPRPMoy - Ufbchyfus about YZTH Dragon Age: Origins - CHER DTBBPOD RTPDPMCBEF Wastufoha Mayaia Yuschch.
Ryubfsh NPPP PV LFPN OE VHDH. ULBCH FPMSLP, YuFP Cash Iptpbs pp Scales Yofteetobs. YZTPCHPU KATNES RTenetop 20-25 YUBUD. Eumy Lpoyoyop PupVP OE FPTPRIFSHUS YUFETYFSH.

PS. EMUY CHETIFSH LPOPCHLE - HZTPB NPTB Khuftboeob Khuchdbet, b h Otedby Obenmium Obtpcdbafus TBUB TBOHNK OCYFY. Tseden "In RTPDPMETSAYS WBBERF ... YMY OE Tden" y.

Chuzp about lpog 2010 z. x Th chchep 36 dls. RPUMEDAYY YA DPRPMAFEMFEEMS NYUUK:

babr BNZBTBTBBB (DPCHPMSHOP UYMCHOSTEKK Zhyobmoshoschakk VPU, OP Waacef L B Schui DPRPMYK Lchgshchk). CHAPVEE SKMKHVOSE FTPRsch h yzte about the NPK Châshmsd Vushchbr Ubnbs Umptsobs Yofteetuobs MPLBGYSI DPRPTUMYUS RP OEK Uppüchfufchhay Rpmkhemyush.
reosh Maimibunch (NEE Pümeos Rpotbchimus Wastuchef Ophi Nyutik).
pippb about schzn (RTPDPMCEYE YUFPTY CHBENPPFOPEYAKA Zambchopzp Zetps Dragon Age: Origins Jeschnach NPTTJSBY (PlpByuya BFK YUFPTY OBBCHUYF FPMSLP PF Cembaws YZTPLB)
ipoil RPTPCDEYAK FSNCH (YZTBEN BBBBBRK, RPLBBB Zhigemshobe Wyfchb, Zea Okhtsop Ubufy Btydenpob)

BioWare in its repertoire. The addition not only brought us the "Gentlemansky set" from the skills-quests. It gently corrected all the minor shortcomings that still dangled in the game. It became not just interesting, but also incredibly convenient. But the story of m

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On the one hand, to produce continue to successful projects is a pleasure: everything is already done, you just need to expand a little. But if you think about what this approach can bring? I certainly do not delight players. It is incredibly difficult to continue the great games, because the quality bar need not just to hold, but to constantly raise. Yesterday you convinced everyone that it does not happen better, and tomorrow you have to prove that happens. Dragon Age: Start - Gorgeous game. But there is no limit to perfection.

On the wonderful new mor!

Dragon Age ended on not quite cheerful, but still a positive note. Mor, who threatened everything alive, lost his leader and ideological inspirer, and hence the danger passed. Soon the division of darkness will scatter in their own nora, and a couple more generations will be quiet. Yes, very soon. Almost almost. Still a little wait ...

But the creatures did not leave. They retreated, regrouped and continued their attacks. Yes, not as before - "We are a horde, save who can!", And much more thin. Fairly judging what for them, generally speaking, was not found that the main problem is gray guards, garlics, genes and other fires attacked their fortress right from their own basement. And if not inventive gnome with his explosives, then the story would end even before the emergence of the main character. But everything went out, and we begin to restore the Order.

Yes, now our hero is the head of the Order and proudly referred to as the guardian-commander. Unfortunately, we can no longer choose your own prehistory and play it. Or carry a hero, or begin the mysterious Orselian, without introductory missions. It's a pity.

Together with the title we got a former Hou and a bunch of problems: the guard of farmers, cities, fortresses, trade routes ... This is not counting the heaps of little things like saving the hostages or disclosure a conspiracy against themselves. Do not forget for all this about the sea! But with the post, our self-esteem has grown. Now in response to the offer to "transfer this package of the guy from the fountain", we can reasonably declare that with such trifles they usually stick to the messenger, and the guardian-commander, generally speaking, is engaged in the strategy.

In the meantime, we will, for example, get acquainted with our vassals (by the decree of the Alistair king, we inherited not only the estate of the city, but all of his titles), the wise weight of darkness will shoot up new dirty.

Realizing that they themselves should not overcome us so easily, they decide to settle the Order. But not literally, standing under the walls, and much more elegant: breaking the path for which the supplies came to us. And even to this task, they approached creatively: they encountered people that they traveled along the road, with elves, which was living near the road.

This is only the beginning of the goat. Under the end of the game, darkness is finally evolving and, as any civilized creatures ... are divided into two warring camps and begin to beat for power! Now the enemies have acquired the present person, and each of them seeks something more than just to skip the whole world. It seems that the story with the archdiece and was indeed only the beginning ... the beginning of the end.


At least the poor fellow died not from boredom.

But with sprout while the gloomy thoughts about the coming and focus on the present. High position requires us a variety of solutions. It depends on us literally all. Distribute patrols between important objects (hello, Neverwinter.Nights. 2 )? To the commander! Find the ore deposits for a forging of new equipment for these patrols? Same way. Find high-quality granite for new walls (hello, Mass.Effect.!), And even pay for their repair? Again to us. Basement from rats and damage to darkness? .. In general, you understood.

In the fortress we will get our first tasks, we will meet the first travelers, we will conduct the first battles. And at the same time it is constantly developing, something new things constantly happen: tasks are given, the secrets arise, the enemies are processed. We all the time throw surprises, and this is almost the calmer location!

Her quieter only the throne hall of the fortress. It is practically not distinguished from the old camp - you can chat with satellites, prepare for the campaign, sell all the junk, insert runes, and so on. There will also be some plot events - initiations, courts, taking oath. Not that earlier - the attack of Krikunov and the appearance of Leliana Naga Schmeoplza. And then the last only with our immediate participation ...

But there is a major innovation that was terribly lacked in the game itself: a large personal bottomless chest (BBS). Well, okay, not completely bottomless, but for our age enough. You can put something in it, and then this is "something" to get. And you do not need to depict a shopping caravan more from you, translated the annual stock of herbs, flasks, unnecessary gifts and a collection of favorite daggers. All this will be waiting for you at home. Unusually comfortable!

Amaranthin and surroundings

On scale, the game was slightly pushed. At our disposal is now only one big city, as well as forest, swamps, dungeon mountains and several small locations. But the amount is more than compensated by quality.

Amarantine is so calling our city - just stuffed with minor tasks. Literally in each meadow, the employer is waiting for us. And the tasks must be taken with the mind, otherwise the consequences will not please you. But come across and completely unusual for the "entourage" tasks. They can be stumbled in the most unexpected places.

The girl is crying in the church, who does not happen. But you can talk to her and find out that your husband disappeared from the poor thing ... You will not get a penny for performing the task. It will not affect anything at all. In addition to worldview.

Some gnomes do not change. Our old familiar drinks everywhere - at least the dragon in the mouth!

Or an example: in the restaurant there is a board, which hangs the request of "Asiratheft AT Mora". Poor kids lost everything and need a small donation ... Those who in the original game filed alms in El Chinage, already probably suspected something. And not in vain! The next time you visited the restaurant, the jug for coins will turn the box, and the "kids" will be asked to bring them the book of the preacher and the self-sinking "for Sugrev" - the knees frozen to rub! They can continue to help, performing their fun tasks. And again, do not wait anything in return. The same can be said about other locations. Riddles are waiting everywhere.

Separately - about choosing. Previously, most situations still led to obvious consequences: they helped a man - well done, helped the demon - downed, and so on. That is, the world shared on two camps: some savory, beat others. An exception was except the gnomes with their heir and the church.

Now everything is different. I will give only one example: we came to us under the White Flag, the garlock-messenger came and handed us that he was asked. And what to do with him now? "Hang, of course, immediately shouting the connoisseurs of the first part, - he will definite darkness! Do not wait for them! " And we, despite the screams, let go. And then it turns out that the mysterious character will appear in Amarantyna, which everyone free helps and all the time hides his face. And only the gray guards and Mabari on him somehow react strangely ...

In each new zone you will find not only many game assignments, but also the sea of \u200b\u200bgraphic surprises. Even the forest and the gnome trails are now not so monotonous! Everywhere you will find something interesting: Canyon, unusual plants, a wheelbarrow with ore, doll, mysterious (and working!) Pentagram, a two-headed skeleton ... Yes, Easter eggs here too. Weather varied and weather: Now we can get under shower and a hurricane or feel the warmth of the setting sun.

Thanks to such trifles, the world seems alive and it is very pleasant to explore. And these studies often bring unexpected fruits. How do you, for example, the ability to drag a pot from the window and give them to someone? In the same way, we can get a pocket kitten. Searches and rays of puzzles bring material benefits, most often in the form of excellent gear.


- I had a cat in the tower called Puffishius. Well, he was not completely mine, but we were attached to each other. And once the demon of rage unrightened to him ... Before it was destroyed, the fluffyness managed to squint three temples. I was proud of them!

Eternal child. Seven times ran out of his circle and six times it was caught. We can prevent the seventh, with the blessing of the king.

Anders is a very cheerful and cheerful magician. Everything that happens he perceives as a game, constantly joking and spoils. Traveling with him interesting. At the same time, he hates the church and its foundations, not hiding him. If he will have a chance to destroy the temple, he will do it. And probably in a joking manner.

The more is more important that he is a healer. And a little bit of combat magician.

From gifts loves exquisite things (spoiled, apparently) and, as he himself admits you, cats. And, of course, all sorts of accessories for them.

Personal task is performed in Amarantyna. There you will meet an old familiar Anders, who will point to the basement with a medallion of the magician. Based a little south of trading rows.

And again into battle!

The combat part has not changed almost. With us, of course, new skills, things, skills ... But what is curious, so these are new specializations. They explicitly hint, what class opportunities most missed in Dragon Age: Start. Warriors added protective skills so that we do not forget about classic, not hitch "tanks". Rogues added specializations designed for nearby battle. Magazes are the same as the robber.

And such an unobtrusive way works! Well, who can stand before temptation to make a car from the robber for cutting enemies on ribbons, which can instantly get rid of one enemy to another and for a while becoming invulnerable? And the warrior, whom he can break through what a ram, and even if it is unlikely? Moreover, the warrior will be, Aki Ghost, attract the closest enemies to himself, drummed them, having spoiled on the armor, and, like a robber, becoming invulnerable.

But everything is fading to the new possibilities of the magician ... These intellectuals stuck in the towers finally brought away! Now they are capable of not just becoming "canning banks" with a trembling blow, it was also possible. They were taught to drink health from enemies, frost them, push, poison, slow down and create other inability. At the beginning of the battlefield, you can now easily see how the noble old man changes the mantle on the lats and with a two-handed manner and shouting into the smallest of enemies, where it begins to make unfortunate skill skills. Which, by the way, do not work on allies. The groups of similar "elders" demolish almost everything. Has succeeded.

Even, I would say too much. Now you can easily develop so that no wastewater will be scary to us. Yes, what is happening there, we will play with the best world of giant golems, modules, demons, dragons, in a word, everyone who will come to the spell! If it may still have difficulty, it will not be strong opponents in the game very soon, there will be only tedious.

Add joy and new things. Warriors and robbers finally learned to restore stamina with a special potion. From the shelves disappeared with one and two cells under the rune. Or three, or nothing! Runes themselves we can now make at home, although for big money. And pebbles are completely paying off, especially new - for armor. They, for example, can raise you the power of the will for seven units or armor at the same value. Each!

But the main trump card in another. In Dragon Age: The beginning of the battles often tightened and turned into a routine. I still remember endless dwarf trails and a combination of the magical power-runa repulsion-blizzard-storm. Washed away, repeated. Developed so that the above combination does not work? Well, to suffer now, personally knocking on the head to each of the pair-triple hundreds of trees of darkness. But you look, it will not be so bored ...

Now everything is somewhat different. For a modest amount comparable to the price of a backpack, you can purchase a book of a magician, which drops all your glasses. That is, you can instantly retrain your hero or ally. Tired of burning fire - try curses. I bored the shield - try the paired blades. Frequently drunk Ogren with his two-handed - give him a bow, you don't shoot it under the fly! Wonderful books not only diversify the process, but also help in particularly complex battles that happen with the special exotic developments. Can not overcome a bunch of enemy magicians? We drop the characteristics, teach your sorcerer's collision of mana, from a warrior to grow the temple, and we teach the robber to hide. Voila - Mages are broken, not even time to understand, but what, in fact, happened!


"They ... This ... Lies on Earth, as the most ordinary pants, but only until you turn back to them." But then they ... Shack! And scratch your eyes!

Good good Ogren Nickels did not change, all the same drinking and dracun. And the habits of him are the same: straight as rails. Although his inexperience in part of life on the surface often plays with him a dick joke. Playing Ogren, it seems, does not want only very lazy. Gnome is responsible with the inherent directive: uncomfortable questions and even more uncomfortable answers.

Ogrin is still a berserk specializing in two-hand-bugs and perfectly equipped from the very beginning. From gifts prefers hot drinks of all varieties. Personal task is associated with the family life of the gnome, which never wondered.

School Masters

Much here was brought to mind. Take, for example, gold. Now it is easier to get it - many tasks bring excellent income (up to sixty gold). It became easier to earn and on trophies: no longer need to run five screens to the merchant - we will or provide the opportunity to quickly go back, or in general the merchant in the dungeon will write down. And, by the way, he will easily explain what the wind it brought him here. And you can invite him to stretch in your castle.

Spend gold, by the way, too, there will be where. For example, you can pay for the services of the detective, which will track conspirators. Or already mentioned walls to patch. "Asiratethem" help finally. In the world, because so much beautiful, not only things! But even the gear can be decorated. For a penny, many merchants can be purchased with heraldic painting sets and decorate their shield as a soul. And beautiful, and the spirit corresponds, and again hints at warriors with shields ...

If you are still extremely important, what you are dressed, I have a hurry to upset: the best things to buy it is impossible. They can be mined, or by completing tasks, or solving the riddles. Both ways will require a little smelting and a lot of attentiveness, because most often you have to look for something. So, for example, our old familiar Wade with joy will make us the best sword, onions and a good armor, but at first he needs to bring "special material." The material is knocked out of particularly strong opponents. But this is not all, do not lick. Seeing the material, the blacksmith will set you a whole list of the necessary ingredients, and only some of them are sold in the store, but, say, the Dragon Egg will have to search.

By the way about old acquaintances. Part of your companions will be familiar to you, the rest of the newcomers. And they are all worked even better than in the first part. By the way, from now on, we are not just inviting friends to themselves, but dedicate them to the guards, spending through the ritual. And each of them does not premone comment on this procedure!


Combat comrades are pretty ... mm ... diversified. We will be able to recruit the semi-glands of the Runged Magician, Rasistku-Elfius, the last surviving from the Legion of the Dead, with inexhaustible optimism, and even the spirit ... All of them have not only their views on things, stories, preferences, but also surprises are often extremely funny. In general, comrades have become much more fun, and traveling with them much more pleasant!

Our team has become balanced: in it two warrior ("tank" and hitcha), two robber (archers and a specialist in pair blades) and two magicians (controller and hitch-puncarizer). But you, of course, can grow someone's soul from them.

But sincere conversations, unfortunately, it became much smaller - now we can talk to comrades only for special holidays. Love lines disappeared at all. I hope they will come back soon! Although, maybe the main character or heroin just keeps the loyalty to his chosen one from the first part? If you transferred it, of course ...

BioWare. in his repertoire. The addition not only brought us the "Gentlemansky set" from the skills-quests. It gently corrected all the minor shortcomings that still dangled in the game. It became not just interesting, but also incredibly convenient. But the history of the world has just begun!


The characteristics in addition did not change, so we will go right away to skills. Here we have three new branches, one handicraft and two combat. Requirements for all three are the same: twentieth, twenty-second, twenty-fourth and twenty-sixth levels.

Manufacturing runes

It is important: In the game grew not only the maximum level of heroes (from twenty-fifth to thirty fifth), but also levels of things. Now the gear can be nine levels (instead of seven), and the runes are seven (instead of five).

Manufacturing a rune is quite a cost. For example, to receive the runes of the tank (increases the power of the will) of the maximum level you will need about thirty-five gold! On the other hand, by the end of the game, this amount no longer seems excellent.



- All in the family of Hou were heroes! And for the sins of one of my father, they braided the shame of everyone! But he just chose not the other side in the war.

The son of the late Earla, whose possessions are now owned by gray guards. A few years ago, Nathaniel sent to study on a free brand, where he spent all the events of the original game. Therefore, having arrived, it was outraged for a long time and wondered why everyone so hate his father. Over time, he will understand why and starts to edit herself. And finally, it will decide to wash off the stain of shame with the history of the genus.

Nathaniel is generally naive as a baby and will constantly ask your companions about everything in the world and try to make compliments. Even Ogren. With predictable result.

As a fighter, he specializes in Luki, but may also be engaged to engage in anticipate thieves. From gifts loves practical things and relics of the family Hou. Personal task is associated with the missing sister, which will be found in Amarantyna.


New rules of skills got all the class and weapons groups. Let's start with the first. At first, the name of the group is, then the name of the first skill in the ruler, then the requirements for ranks and the description of all the skills of the line.

Good all the same opponents of these revived trees! Comfortable.

Our new residence.


Heart hunter

Rank 1 2 3 4
Level 20 22 24 26
Dexterity 36 40 46 52

Strike - If the target (rank of the elite or lower) is at death, then the reception destroys it. Otherwise, causes a critical strike. It is rarely impressed, because if you have already removed most of the health, you can finish without it.

Next rank - ghost - For a short time makes the robber immune to all physical attacks. More than once will help you break out of the environment.

Further go weak spots - Very interesting supported skill. After you hit the enemy for some time everything Attacks on it will be strengthened. Very helps in battles with thick, sweaturest opponents.

Finally oscillation: All enemies in a large radius take turns get a blow to the back. The skill and itself is very strong, and in combinations with others (for example, with the previous one) - in general, deadly.


Second wind

After once restores the good part of the endurance strip. There is nothing to add.

Gorky fate of rootless Stakes on the site of ordinary enemies, causes a double critical damage by elite and single bosses. It helps when you need to urgently nice some wolf grilled on the magician.

Dirty swearing, heard in a large radius from a warrior, insults opponents in the best feelings and makes them switch to the square. A strong word will repel the most hopeless battle.

Massacre Fully justifies its name. All enemies are smaller than the warrior, levels die immediately, the elite gets critical damage, and bosses are normal. And all this in a decent radius! Very strongly accelerates the study of all sorts of dungeons.


Shadow shield

Rank 1 2 3 4
Level 20 22 25 28
Magic 40 44 52 61

Enhances the magic shield, increasing the chances of dodge from attacks or reject the spell. If the shield is inactive, then the chances are preserved, but meager. Moderately useful.

Mastering elements It requires a lot of mana to support, and in return increases damage from all elements. It also affects the attack staff, so it is useful.

Setting Gives serious advantages to magic, the power of will and mana restoration. It is useful to everyone without exception.

Spiral of Time For an indiscreet fee in Mana dumps "cooling" of all spells. With the proper reserve of this mana, allows you to create scary things.

Powder field

Rank 1 2 3 4
Level 29 22 14 16
Magic 43 49 55 58

Throws up the nearest enemies if they failed inspection on physical stability. For each repulsion consumes Manu. Constantly running with the included field will not work, but escape from the environment - easily!

Give power Spraying around the magician energy around the magic, reducing the fatigue of the allies, but devouring Manu Maga himself. If you decide to use, then turn on the short time of active actions.

Magic field Once a few seconds attack enemies in a decent radius of the magic of the Spirit and - of course! - Eats your manu. But mana is eaten not for the total damage, but for the fact of launching the wave. So, being in the crowd of the sacrament, you can safely turn on.

Mystical denial Pulses the same as the magic field. Each charge dispels the magic of enemies. And here you are already paying for the fact of dispelling, and not for the launch of the wave. But the enemy still spends more mana to impose these effects, so you can safely use.

Weapon in each hand

Double punch

Rank 1 2 3 4
Level 20 - - -
Combat training First Rank Second Rank Third Rank Fourth Rank
Dexterity 34 40 46 50

Two critical strikes in a row. Simple and effectively.

Find vital points Increases the chance of a critical strike and damage from it. For a snack strengthens the previous reception.

Blow from below Lowering the speed of movement and attacks of all enemies in a large radius. If before this enemy is to hit the double blow, then it will just fall.

Endless squall Named so no accident. The character begins to make the enemy with a terrible speed. Each blow slightly reduces endurance. Series ends in one of the following cases: you ended endurance, the enemy escaped or some of you died. If you hit the enemy before this with a double blow, then each attack becomes critical. And if you beat your feet, you definitely do not miss. It looks, of course, great, but the goal you need to choose with the mind, otherwise, while you will be touched the enemy, his comrades will boil you.

- Wow! I would never have thought that in the settlement of Shemlenov, such a healthy tree could grow.

Elf Chuvinist in pure form. When she decided that people pose a threat, then left the clan to destroy them. Together with her, a few more elves were gone, who later died. And Wellanna began to take revenge on people again, this time much more successful.

Wellanna has a sister that the darkness of darkness was stolen and who joined them. How to live with this further, the elf has not yet decided.

In a conversation, she cutting and constantly "lets and smokes" people and gnomes. But closer to the end rebuilds, unless, of course, the main character will contribute.

In battle, she is a subordinator with an admixture of a combat mage. From gifts loves everything that is connected with nature or elfs, as well as all green. Personal task is associated with the history of her departure from the clan.



Rank 1 2 3 4
Level 20 - - -
Combat training First Rank Second Rank Third Rank Fourth Rank
Dexterity 34 38 44 52

Supported skill that increases (depending on agility) immediately the chance of hitting, damage, the chance of critical hit and damage from it. As soon as you take, turn on and do not turn off Never.

Board time slows down all enemies around the archer (if they are not higher than the level or not elite) and constantly eats endurance. The utility is dubious.

Explosion shot Applies a triple critical damage for another half of it (that is, one and a half critical) by others. Excellent reliable skill.

Rain from arr. After some time, after activation strikes a large area for a certain period - a kind of plot spell. There is a minus - a big delay, the enemies often manage to escape. But the animation is a feast for the eyes.

Weapons and Shield

Inexorable power

Allows the "tank" literally to flash the enemy system, swelling everyone who was on his way. For each push, a little endurance is removed. Wonderful skill: And the valves of enemies, and evil them, and moving easily, and it looks funny.

Shield-shell For a short time, significantly reduces the incoming damage (depending on the physique). Under it can be at least a dragon to climb.

Daring view Constantly provokes surrounding enemies, singing stamina. The utility is average, because energy is spent on attracting extra enemies.

Stretch of centuries Makes a character fully invulnerable At half the deadline of the shield-shell. That is, when it is activated, we are not afraid of the first half of time, and they live in the second half as under the usual shield-shell. With such a skill you even stop the run!

Two-handed weapon

Rapid strike

Deals the critical damage by the goal and the usual one by its neighbors. In addition, if the opponents do not pass the inspection of physical stability, they will turn out to be on Earth. Middle utility skill.

Attack with two hands Does all the attacks warrior square, although it consumes stamina. An excellent way to deal with any trifle.

The battle "Warrior makes a few steps forward and every step waves with a weapon wide. Helps get to the rear lines of the enemy.

Crushing storm - The fighter turns on the spot and, hp a look at enemy physiognomy, widespread by a two-handed. Each strike eats endurance. Easily destroys the huge crowds of the enemy.

- I was not born. I was always.

A unique case - the Spirit, having fallen into the body of mortal against his desire. And the corpse did not become an obsessed dead, but it was quite coming to life. Apparently, because justice is not a demon, and the Spirit is kind, without fulfilling his passions.

At first, he very carefully applies to the world, but then, as in the old anecdote, it is drawn and begins to know. It is interesting to him, but he himself can tell something. When, in the end, you will still have the opportunity to talk to the Spirit without pans? In conversations, he, by the way, reads morality to all your comrades, and they react each in their manner ...

In battle, he is a typical "tank". From gifts loves what is connected with the former owner of his body and with a shadow. Personal task concerns the wife of the deceased guard. It will be possible to find it in the Church of Amarantyna.


Each class was at his disposal for another two specialization. But the point was added only one thing - at the twenty-second level - so we can learn three specializations. However, this is more than enough.


Legionary reconnaissance

Rank 1 2 3 4
Level 20 22 25 28

Pros: +2 Dexterity, +1 Blow Damage

Tag of Legion. Just adds points to strength and physique.

Power stone for a short time makes a robber invulnerable To damage and knocking down. During this time, you can both escape and provoke a strong enemy on the attack.

Transfer Nevzpect - Instead of health, when dripping is endurance. Usefulness below average. The endurance of the robber is needed constantly.

Blessing ancestors Strengthens stone strength. Now we are immunes also to spells. To friendly too! Usefulness under the big question.

Strange line. The first two skills are just as good, how bad are the latter. Specialization will suit any robbers, although melee adepts will benefit more benefit from it.


Rank 1 2 3 4
Level 20 22 25 28

Pros: +1 dexterity, +5 attacks

View of the Ghost - Enemies with each blow to the robber lose interest to him. The ability to constantly spend endurance. He will greatly extend your life in the crowd of opponents.

Bait - The robber distracts the enemy of a non-existent target. Allows you to escape, so hit in your back. Useful, do not doubt.

Attack Ghost - With the activated form of the ghost, we get large advantages to damage from shocks in the back and critical shocks. Wonderful addition to the already perfect skill.

Tomvert It is satisfied with our ghost in a large radius: opponents or run away, or will begin to mutid the first turned up. Excellent combined with invisibility - burst into the enemy, released hallucinogen, threw the bait and escaped.

The magnificent ruler, which makes a robber with two blades a real combine. Add a murderer and deuel to her, and not enough to see anyone!


Warrior Spirit

Rank 1 2 3 4
Level 20 22 25 28

Pros: +1 Teams, +5 Physical Stability

On the top of the curtain - constantly consumed endurance, but allows you to ride from many physical attacks. Will help in critical situations.

Stamp soul Strengthens the previous ability by adding a chance to avoid spells. In addition, now all the initials of the warrior ignore the armor and cause damage from the magic of the Spirit. Allows you to quickly choke a bunch of armored eaters. It is very useful when armored fires are met.

Explosion shadow Deals the damage of the magic of the Spirit to all beings around (depending on the force of the will). All sorts of ghosts get significantly more than others. Therefore, it is necessary to apply only against the shadow creatures.

Blessing shadows Strengthens the first skill, increasing the chance to resist the spell, as well as the speed of movement and attack.

The skill will suit all, but the attackers will be, perhaps, it is more useful. You can take two ranks, for the sake of damage to the magic of the Spirit, or already four, for the sake of acceleration.


Rank 1 2 3 4
Level 20 22 25 28

Pros: +1 Teams, +5 Natural Resource

Shield guard Protects one of the allies, absorbing limited damage. Its quantity depends on the body of the guard. Mages, like, however, and the robbers will tell you a lot thank you!

Strengthening presence For a while increases the armor of the entire detachment. The number of additional armor and the time of action depends on the body's physique. Excess armor does not hurt anyone.

Master Guard Strengthens previous skills.

Aura Foreign Defender Attracts the warrior of enemies that have failed inspection of physical stability, going to endurance. They do not have anything except to attack this cans. One of the best skills.

Oddly enough, specialization will suit not only a lover of shields, but also a fighter with a two-handed. He will be able to cover the healer, strengthen his armor and attract enemies to himself so that it does not run.


The keeper

Rank 1 2 3 4
Level 20 22 25 28

Pros: +2 Magic, +3 Mental Sustainability

Unity with nature She cares for the magician to one point, which turns the bushes. Bushes beat their enemies in them and slow them. You can use both insurance from unexpectedly broken opponents, and as a means of attack in the crowd.

Sharp spikes Very painfully scratch everyone who is entangled in the bushes from the previous skill, and scatter not the inspection of physical stability.

Restoration Allows you to get Manu for damage caused by the skills of this line. And if the enemy does carelessly die in the bushes, then the magician will absorb the remains of his life and starts to quickly regenerate.

Revenge of nature Deals a huge physical damage and some time immobilize physical stability check.

Despite the serious minus - immobilization - this line is very strong both in defense and in the attack. Unity is rapidly restored, so run along with the bushes is easier than simple.


Rank 1 2 3 4
Level 20 22 25 28

Pros: +2 Magic, Slow Restoration of Health in Battle

Drying aura. Once a few seconds damage the spirit of the Spirit to the enemies in a large radius and distinguishes it into your health, spending Manu. Vampire treatment on the squares - what else to wish?

Winter hand Freezes all enemies in a decent radius that have failed inspection of physical stability. Otherwise, just slow down. Damage by cold will get everything without exception. Acknowledged Cone Cone, not hitting the Allies. That is just great!

Stoic Gets a little time when it stands on my head. On the one hand, on the head of Magu, the rake was not stuck. On the other - the whole line is still designed for close contact with the enemy. So we take without thinking.

Chaos elements Deals damage to everyone around various elements in turn. Every blow is mana, so apply only with a large cluster to the people.

Effective development

Taking into account the latest changes in the game there were several super-efficient classes that would easily pass any tests. Consider several schemes from twenty-eight points - so much you will have at the end of the game, if you have not exported a character, or otherwise in the middle.


Vityaz - 4 points

Guard - 4 points

Spirit Warmer - 1 point

Inexplicable power - 4 points

Second breathing - 3 points

Bogatyr - 4 points

Block shield - 4 points

Shield defense - 4 points

From the characteristics we will need 26 units of agility, the rest is due to the physique of approximately equal shares. The main task of the "Tank" is to choose the right goals and most effectively spend endurance.


Group of two-handed weapons - 16 points

Second breathing - 4 points

Spirit Warrior - 4 points

Guard - 4 points

Characteristics are approximately as follows: force, dexterity and physique in proportion 2: 1: 1. A dexterity should be so much because you will get a lot of unforgettable enemies that you will be shrugged before you get on them. And the health takes the skills. Tactics depends on the enemy - or break into the crowd and apply the area skills, or apply small combinations on solitary.

Robber with paired blades

Dirty Fight - 2 Point

Punch below belt - 4 points

Hearts Hunter - 4 points

Killer - 4 points

Ghost - 4 points

Scout Legionnaire - 2 points

Double Bounce - 4 points

Holding weapons in each hand - 3 points

Swimming hands with weapons - 1 point

We will need a dexterity, trick and power. Forces somewhere 40-42, agility and tricks, on which skills are tied, 2: 1. In battle, our task is to efficiently spend a small stamina supply (do not forget to stock up the bottles in the extreme case!) And do not die, for if you go, then you will cut us instantly!

Battle Mage

Combat Mag - 4 points

Keeper - 4 points

Magician - 4 points

Pulling mana - 4 points

Vulnerability damage - 4 points

Shadow Shield - 4 points

Magic Arrow - 2 points

Flame flash or icy grip - 2 points

Investigate into magic, the power of will and dexterity is approximately as follows: 6: 3: 1. Dexterity, like a fighter, is needed for entering enemies. Yes, and we stick in a similar way: we tear into the crowd with square spells at the ready or curse a single goal and for a long time, with a delay, climb.

Passage of the main plot

Tower of Breaking

All begins with long fighting: the division of darkness invaded the base of gray guards. After the end of the batt, it is time to inspect your possessions, to get acquainted with the inhabitants and make sure the tasks. As soon as you figure it out with small and not very affairs in the fortress, go to the city.


In the city, you will first of all, you will need to find a representative of the Trade Guild near the merchants, two inlet hunters and the innkeeper in the innovation itself. From them you will get plot tasks: in the forest, under the ground and on the swamp, respectively. In addition to them, there are many additional tasks in the city.

Wood Vending

Trade caravans disappear here. During the investigation, it turns out that it is not the robbers, but an elf. But before causing it to fight, you need to find the surviving soldier who is bleeding, which lies through the hill with the town of elves from the entrance to the location. I will reveal you the whole truth. After that, the elf can be attached to his detachment and go to the mine ...

On a note: Take a specialist in hacking castles. You will not be able to change the group, as well as return to the mines.

Passing with the fight of the architect's lair, choose outwards.

Black swamps

Once there was a settlement here, but it mysteriously disappeared. You need to find your colleague - Christoph. To do this, go to the opposite end of the marshes. The road is there one, do not get lost. On the way you can get acquainted with the cute local fauna ...

After you find a gray guard, you will need to get to Baroness. She lives in the city. To go to her, you need to talk to the leader of an angry crowd - justice. After that, the battle will begin.

Returning to Christoph's body, Meet the new companion and go to close the portals, then go to the castle, where you before you fought with a baroness. Hold one more battle - and you can come back.

Chapped hills

Going down, you will meet the last companion. With the glorious dwarf boldly dive under the ground and drive through the types of darkness.

On a note: When you ask you to find a secret move, inspect the wall on the left, if you face the main staircase.

After some time you get to a huge golem with a magician, and there before the uterus. To kill them, you need to destroy the tentacles first, and then cut chains holding chandeliers. You repeat until the chandelier falls. Everything can be returned.


Now you need to prepare for war. Choose satellites and run to the city. In Amarantyna, you will tell you that the troops go to the tower of vigil. What to protect, choose yourself.

After defense, you will be transferred to the lair of the mother - a huge reasonable uterus. Getting to it is not so easy. Already at the end of the top level, the dragon will meet you.

If you want to make it easier for yourself the last fight, carefully look for crystals and activate with their help tower of the Tevinterns. Each of them has its own effect (fiery attack, paralysis of enemies, treatment), which one can only be applied in battle with the mother. Another effect you will receive, if you want, from the architect. With such a help to destroy the mother of great labor will not be.

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