Dragon Age Roman with Cassandra. Novels

Updated On December 4, 2014

Dragon Age: Inquisition IS A Hefty Game. There "S Tons of Stuff to Organize: What Characters Are You Taking? What Equipment Do You Need? These Character Guides Aim To Give You A A Rough Idea How You Can Build Each Character, Playing To their Strengths and Giving Them A Robust Set of Options In Combat, Hopefully Making Your Time Playing Through The Game More Fun.

Obviously These Aren "T Meant to Be" The Best "Ways to Build Each Character. Leave A Comment If You Feel a Particular Strategy Has Been Neglected and WE CAN ALL BENEFIT FROM IT.

Cassandra Pentaghast.

CASSANDRA IS THE FIRST CHARACTER WHO JOINS YOU THROUGHOUT Dragon Age: Inquisition, SO IT "S Rather Fitting That She Should Be Geared Towards Being A Tank. Not Only Is Cassandra a Warrior, Her Unique, Templar, Skill-Tree, Is Geared Towards Defensive Fighting and Support, Emphasizing Her Role As The Vanguard Of Your Party .

Skills - Weapon and Shield

SO WHERE DO YOU START? WELL, THE BEST Option ISO To Head Into The Weapon and Shield Skill-Tree and Grab a Few Key Perks. FIRST UP, THERE "S Shield Wall., A Very Classic Tank-Style Ability That Lets You Build Up Guard Whilst Blocking Attacks. IT Does Consume Stamina, So Can "T Be Held Up Indefinitely, But It Will Help Protect Cassandra.

What "s more, there" s no healing spells in Dragon Age: Inquisition, Instead, Each Class Gets a Different Way to Mitigate Damage, And for Warriors, That "s By Building Up Guard. Guard operates AS An Additional Layer of Health, That, Unlike Barriers, The Mage Equivalent, Don" T Degrade Over Time , Essentially Allowing A Skilful Tank to Operate with Almost Double Their Standard Health.

Grabbing This Also Handily Puts US In Range Of Bear Mauls Wolves., A Passive Skill That Prevents You From Being Flanked, Along With a Resistance to Being Staggered. Cassandra Is Likely to Spend A Good Amount of Time Being Surrounded, SO An Ability Like This Is Incredibly Useful.

Aftert That IT "S Time to Switch Sides and Go Over and Get PayBack Strike., A Counterattack That Also Potentially Staggers The Enemy. Stagger and Stun Effects Are Great for Defensive Fighters, Allowing Them to Mitigate Even More Damage by Simply Preventing The Enemy From Doing Anything, Even If The Tank Can "T Actually Kill Them. This Also Allows US to Grab Turn The Bolt., a Sort of Ranged Equivalent Of Bear Mauls Wolves., Giving US A WHOPPING 50% Damage Reduction from Frontal Ranged Attacks. Just Keep in Mind Cassandra "s Position When Fighting Plenty of Archers / Mages, for Obvious ReaSons.

That "S The Basics from the Weapon and Shield Tree. There" S Plenty More You Could Pick Up Later On, However. THE UPGRADES TO BOTH Shield Wall.and. PayBack Strike.are Decent, and The Final Skill, Turn The Blade., Simply Provides You with Greater Defensive Power. If I Had To Choose A Path to Go Down to Get Turn The Blade.I "D SAY THE RIGHT PATH, SO THAT YOU ALSO PICK UP Lunge and Slash., An Ability That Allows You to Close The Gaps to Opponents, And Keep Cassandra in the center of the Fight.

Vanguard - Skills.

Vanguard Is The Other Tree Geared Towards a Defensive Warrior, and It "S Here You" LL FIND ALL THE SKILLS NEEDED TO MAINTAIN ENEMY AGGRO. There "S NOTIN WORSE THAN HAVING A PERFECTLY KITTED OUT TANK WHO CAN SOAK UP HITS, ONLY TO SEE Your Mage Get Stomped on Because All That Enemy Simply Ignored The Warrior.

SO, WITHOUT FURTHER ADO, MAKE SURE TO GRAB Challenge. Early On, Allowing Cassandra to Pull The Nastiest Opponent Into Combat with Her. The Upgrade ISN "T Particularly Worth IT Here, As It DOESN" T Improve The Taunting Aspect in Anyway, So Just Grab The Basic Skill and Move on.

You then Want to Grab War Cry., Which is a little weird. The Actual Rulings State That It Doesn "T Taunt Energy, Only Improves Your Guard, But The Description Also Reads That Energy Are Taunted. I" Ve Tested The Skill Plenty of Times, and It Does Sem to Encourage Enemies to Attack The USER (Which MAKES SENSE) Even If It Doesn "T Explicitly Taunt Them. Don" T Forget to Pick Up the Upgrade, Call to Arms., Either, Improving The Guard Bonus You Get From Using The Ability.

After Those IT "S Up to You Which Way to Go. Both Wings of the Skill-Tree Offer Some Good Skills. Unbowed.oFFERS MORE Defense for Cassandra, Whilst Bodyguardprovides A Greater Level of Protection to Felow Party Members. See How Your Party Is Doing Up Until This Point, And Decide Based On That How You Want to Proceed in This Skill Tree.

Templar - Skills.

AS A General Rule of Thumb, IT "S Best to Base Each Character Build Around Their Unique Skill Tree. Not Only Does That Give Each Party Member Some Individuality and Unique Applications, The Unique Skill Trees Are by Far The Strongest in the Game.

The Primary Focus with Cassandra Should Be To Head Down The Right Side Of the Skill Tree, Making A Bee-Line for Wrath of Heaven.An Area-of-Effect Attack That Has The Benefit of Stunning The Embony. Along The Way You "LL Pick Up Some Useful Passive Skills in THERE IS NO DARKNESSand. THE MAKER "S WILL, Improving The Effectiveness Of Your Team As a Whole. Make Sure To Pick Up the Embrace The Lightupgrade Too.


All The Skills I "Ve Mentioned You" LL Have a Solid Crowd-Control Tank With Cassandra. WHILST Blackwall IS Perhaps The Best De Facto Tank In The Whole Game (Minus Main Characters, Of Course), Cassandra Comes Equipped with Much Better Utility in My Opinion, Enabling Her To handle Both Single Strong Opponents, As Well As Mobs of Weaker Enemies, With Ease. IT GOES WITHOUT SAYING IF You Think That You "RE GOING TO BE UP AGAINST LOTS OF DEMONS, SHE" S EASILY THE BEST OPTION.

Even in such inhuman conditions there is a place for flirting, sex and even a high feeling. If you plan not only to finish the fate of the world, but also in parallel to build close relationships with subordinates, then our guide is useful. With him, you in two bills will turn into the main heart of the tedas.

Total in Dragon Age: Inquisition Eight potential partners: Cassandra, Blackwall, Josephine, Iron Bull, sulfur, Dorian, Cullen and Solas. Each of them has their own tastes: someone prefers heterosexual relationships, someone is ready to get closer only with representatives of certain races, and for someone all this without difference - if only a person / dwarf / elf / kunari was good.

In addition, the heroes inquisition have its own beliefs and a unique character. Therefore, it is important not just to be causing and flirting without tired, but also to ensure that your words and affairs coincide with the views of the goal. Religious Cassandra will not suffer blasphemy, Blackwall will condemn any injustice, and Josephine will be disappointed in you if you decide to neglect diplomacy in favor of a military campaign.

If someone from heroes liked you, talk more often with him. So you will learn more about the biography and the looks of the character, and at the same time, and you can tell him a compliment. All this will have a positive effect on your relationship and will open up new opportunities for the novel.



Important facts: Religious, entirely and fully supports the church. Believes that the Inquisitor is really the Bulletin Andrast.

Save, decisive and impenetrable - approximately such Cassandra seems at first glance. But only at first: later you will open that the prosperity reacts quite adequately to compliments, loves poetry and is even fond of sentimental novels.

Relationship with it is quite simple. To begin with, ask her to tell about your past. In further dialogues, do not miss the possibilities for flirting. Each time you go back to the base, do not forget to visit it. The main thing - be careful in matters of religion.



Important facts: Appreciates mercy and assistance to suffering. It believes that any villain deserves a second chance.

Blackwall - embodied justice with a beard. Trying to make the world better and highly appreciates people who share his beliefs. Large companies do not like, prefers to hold apart.

The shortest path to his heart lies through good actions. If you are accustomed to playing good heroes, it is very soon to deserve the trust of Blackwall. As soon as your relationships begin to grow out of friendly in romantic, he will remove. Do not give up - very soon gray guard will trust you completely and tell your main secret.



Important facts: He believes that diplomacy is the best way to resolve the conflict.

The main diplomat in the Inquisition. Josephine is responsible for the political influence of the organization and seeks to expand it. Appreciates etiquette and manners, with all the courtesy of themselves, although alone with the hero holds quite relaxed.

To conquer the sympathy of Josephine, it is enough to listen to its advice. At some point she will ask you to talk with your best friend, Leliana. In a conversation with the main spy of the Inquisition, it is better not to lie - especially when she asks about your relationship to Josephine.

Iron Bull

Partner: Inquisitor of any sex and race

Important facts: Loves good fights and boys. Works on two fronts - with the inquisition and intelligence kunari. Does not hide it because it really appreciates honesty.

The iron bull receives the same pleasure from the gatherings in the tavern, and from battles on the battlefield. This good-natured mercenary relates to everything easily - if not to say frivolously. Nevertheless, for the sake of friends, he is ready to take a risk of life, which will probably prove.

At first, the iron bull almost does not respond to compliments and flirt, but over time it will change. Be sure to ask him about the race of Kunari and their culture. Returning to the base, do not miss the opportunity to drink with the Iron Bull and his command of mercenaries. And, yes - be honest.


Partner: Female inquisitor of any race

Important facts: Cynical and conflict. Atheist, the Spirit does not tolerate the history of religion and the lost greatness of the elves. It relates well to people with a sense of humor, loves draws.

With sulfur difficult. Constantly kept, mocking over the opposingists, steals and compliments correspond to sarcastic sharpness. But there is an approach to it.

Do not try to restrict it somehow and control, otherwise the quarrel cannot be avoided. Do not be offended by her attacks, and better pay everything in a joke. If she is in your party, always get up to the side of the poor, orphans and other disadvantages.

And last: although sulfur seeks to protect oppressed, she is ruthless to the villains. Therefore, it will rather approve a penalty than imprisonment or pardon. Remember this when you endure the sentence of defeated enemies.


Partner: Male Inquisitor of any race

Important facts: Proud and ulcer. Does not tolerate when his intelligence and magical abilities are questioned. He opposes the tevinter empire, from where he fled in his youth.

Magician Dorian almost always behaves arrogantly and incredulously - at least with poorly familiar people. He needs a partner with whom he could communicate on equal. Therefore, in a conversation with him, feel free to demonstrate your erudition and mind. In response, you can get a sarcastic remark, but you should not hither in response - Dorian painfully perceives any criticism.

At the same time, the wizard tries to make the world with the best place. He acutely responds to any injustice, so it should not execute everyone without parsing and there are children. Dorian hates the tevinter empire and will appreciate if you support it.


Partner:woman Elf or Woman Man

Important facts: Trying to get rid of lyrium addiction. Supporter of temples, not magicians.

Cullen - a former temple, who is trying to return to ordinary life. He stands at the head of the Inquisition Army. Cullen in nature soldiers, so prefers military actions to diplomatic talks.

He suffers from breaking after a long dependence on the Liarria. His sick topic is that because of this, he will ever submit an inquisitor and will not be able to fulfill his duty. Cullen will appreciate if you help him overcome the addiction and support the former temple in the decision to refuse Liri. Loyalty is very important to Callen, so the novel with him can start only heroes that are not related to relationships with other characters.


Partner: Woman elf

Important facts:inquisitive and respects craving for knowledge. It believes that there is no absolute evil or good, sees the world in gray tones. Sometimes it seems that he loves spirits and other other entities more than people.

Single elf, magnificent expert in magic, history and mythology. She strives to expand their knowledge about the ancient world even more and relates well to people who help him.

Sollas approval is easy to get if you try to squeeze out the maximum information dialogs. Ask him to talk about travels, magic, curtain and elf history. Discard categorical judgments about good and evil, because Solas believes that there is a place for sin and virtue everywhere. And most importantly - do not hurt spirits. That he will not forgive.

It Annoys Me How Bioare Coddled So Many Devout Andrastian Human Characters Regarding Past Crimes, and / or Gave Them Easy-Peasy Redemption Arcs.

Cassandra: The Mage / Templar War Because The Mage / Templar War Because The Mage / Templar War Because Their Didn't Do Their Job of Stopping Templar Corruption or Abuse and Encouraged The Abuse of the Rite of Tranquility. While Cassandra Became Disillusioned and Quit Off-Screen, She Never really. Acknowledges this.

She Carries No Guilt As a Seeker Who Failed to Do More to Prevent The War (She Angsts a lot about Failing to Protect The Divine Or Find Hawke, But Not Investigating Templar Abuse and Corruption Like Seekers Are supposed To do), and in fact primarily blames Mages for the War and Still Mealizes Seekers and Templars. The Inquisitor CAN Never Really Call Her Out On This. (To Say Nothing of Her Insulting The Dalish Inquisitor's Religion Twice and Not Only Never Getting Called Out On It, But Getting Praised by The Other Characters for Being So Open-Minded.)

Cullen:WAS COMPLICIT IN MEREDITH'S TYRANNICAL REIGNOR FOR YEARS, WHICH CAUSED THE TORTURE, RAPE, LOBOTOMY, AND DEATHS OF A LOT OF INNOCENT MAGES (Many of Which He Implies He Knew ABOUT), and Didn't Try to Stop Her Until She Threatened Hawke ( a Human Noble). Like Cassandra, He Became Disillusioned and Quit The Order Off-Screen, But Also Like Cassandra He Still Mostly Suspects and Idealizes The Chantry and Templars.

HE Gives Some Half-Assed "I Should Have Seen What Meredith Was Sooner" But Then Lets Himself Off The Hook, and Continues to See Circles and Templars As The Best Option Despite Witnessing Their Inherent Corruption and Abuse for Years. The Inquisitor Can. never Call Him Out on this. MOST MAGE DIALOGUE WITH HIM (ESCIALLY ROMANCED) HAS THE INQUISITOR ACTING ALL GUILTY AND SELF-LOOTING FOR WHAT MAGES DID TO HIM, AND ASKING WHETHER HE'S ALL RIGHT WHEN BEING PISSED OFF OR HOLDING HIM ACCOUNTABLE FOR WHAT HE Did to your Kind. The Narrative ItSelf Handles Him with Kit Gloves, Acting Like, Oh, He Feels So Bad About It, So That Makes It Okay. " HE SHOULD FEEL BAD. HE WAS COMPLICIT IN SOMETHING AWful. Feeling Bad Is The First Step to Redemption, Not The Last.

Celene: I. hate. How The Game Completely Glosses Over All The Horrible Things Celene Did to Briala And The Elves, and How The Inquisitor Can Never Find Out About It, Hold Celene Accountable, And Wring Some Guilt Out Of Her. While You Can Headcanon That Your Inquisitor KNEW AND LET HER DIE OR Blackmail Her Into Serving You Along With Gaspard and Briala, The Inquisitor Can't Specifically Cite This As The Reason.

Reuniting Her With Briala Basically Involves Convincing Briala. to drop all the grudges she rightfully holds against Celene: had her family murdered in a fake assassination attempt so she could take Gaspard's throne, let her think someone else did it so she could keep her unwittingly as a fuck toy, trivialized and dismissed Briala's requests To Help Her People, Then Right After Finally Promising To Help Them She Immediately, Brutally Massacred Over 3,000 Elves Just to Show The Nobles She "Wasn't Soft On Elves" Just Because Some Nobles Mocked Her in A Play.

You Can't Find Out About Or Convince Celene She Was Wrong. Like Cullen, She Gives A Half-Assed, "Maybe I Should Have Done More ..." But Then Lets Herself Off The Hook. By Convincing Briala to Forgive Her, Celene Gets Her Lover Returned to Her Under Her Thumb, In A Relationship on Her Own Terms, Where She Has All The Power As Empress and Briala Surrenders All the Power She's Earned (Elven Spy Network and Eluvian Network) to Celene.

WORSE, THE NARRATIVE ACTS LIKE, "WELL, SHE STILL cares. About Briala, So That Makes IT All Okay. " Like With Cullen, Feeling Bad Is The First Step to Redemption, Not The Last.

Michel de Chevin: Like Celene, The Game Complety Glosses Over His Jerkassery or CRIMES AGAINST ELVES IN The Masked Empire, and doesn't let the inquisitor Discover IT aT ALL.. In Fact, It Depicts Him As This Golden Boy Who Lost Favor in Celene's Court for Seemingly No Reason, And Unless You Skip Emprise Du Lion Or Side With Imshael, He Gets Everything Restored to Him Guilt- and Effort-Free.

Compare BlackwallWHO IS Very Much Tormented by Guilt Over What He Did, The Inquisitor Does Find Out What He Did, Is Very Much Held Accountable by All The Other Characters for His Crimes, And Work to Struggle, Bleed and Work for His Redemption.

Compare Iron BullWHO HAS TO MAKE THE DIFFICULT CHOICE OF ALLOWING HIS Chargers or Qunari Allies to Die, and (If the Qunari Die) HAS TO STRuggle with Knowing He's Tal-Vashoth, He's Cut Off From Everything He Found Familiar and Stable, He Has To Question His Previous Dehumanization (De-Personization?) And Grapple with His Guilt and Moral Implas of Hunting Down and Butchering Thousands of Tal'Vashoth Whom He Previously Believed Were Just Insane, Rabid Monsters. HE'S VERY MUCH SHAKEN AND (If Trespasser Is Any Indication) Takes Years to Recover.

Why do the Devout Andrastian Human Chantry and Nobility Characters Get Easy-Peasy "Oh, They feel Bad., So That Makes It Okay "Redemption Arcs While Everyone Else Has to Wrangle Through Blood, Sweat, and Tears to Get Their Redemption?

All probably already met that dialogue options may arise in a pair of games that can lead to romantic / love relationships / lines with other characters. The game did not exception! Here you can now flirt and raise the level of some "accessibility". This guide / passage was written in order to make it easier for you to go through a love line for a certain hero and succeed.

In order that your new relationships have been successfully tied up, you need to first take into account the fact that there is opportunities for flirting. If there is, then you need to grow gradually rating, passing the track to a more serious relationship, which in turn gives something more.

In addition, your main character will be able to perform the task of the inner circle - this includes tasks / quests / missions of your neighborhoods / associates. In addition, you need to consider your gender and race, as you may be available not all characters when choosing a race and gender.


Only a man can be spinning with her, but absolutely any race! As with the rest, you just have enough to lay the foundation in the relationship - a small flirt. To raise the rate of relationship, follow the appropriate tasks with its direct participation.

In addition, you can ask for Warric to make one useful service, and more accurately write a new edition of "swords and shields", which will serve as a part of the task (a gift for Cassandra). In addition, at one fine moment, she will tell you in Skayhold that your relationship cannot lead to anything, but you do not despair and continue to put pressure on it. Soon she will still go to the meeting.

Remember that if you tied relations with Cassandra, then you will not be able to establish relationships with other characters. To start relationships with another character, you will have to first part with Cassandra and after just start a new novel.


With Solas can be spinning only the girl elf. How to get a little rating at Solax, then on arrival in Skyhold just kiss it. Soon after that moment, he will ask you to free his spirit without any murder during the battle. If you do it, then you raise your rating, if not, then the novel on it will end.

If you all happened to be successfully done, then you will encounter a serious relationship with Solas. But for the final stage of the novel, you will have to task.


Only a girl can be tightening with her, but any race. With this character there is a slight exception. There is a possibility that the kunari can be twisted with it - it has a chance much more than people and dwarves.

If you have any connection with other heroes, then you will have to finish relationships with others and switch to it. How to do all of the specified tasks, then you have to make sure that all themes will be closed, after that you will reach the final moment.


With it can be spinning absolutely any girl. This character is quite simple and straightforward in relations that relate to Flirt. You can express him all your feelings after destroying the refuge, but he will report that now is not the best time for this. In order for it to you in the end, you needed to first fulfill all the tasks that relate to him and at the same time to raise the rating from him. Soon he will call you to the territory of the Storm Coast as a job as a gift.

After completing your own line, he will leave the Skyhold fortress, but the task will be completed. You either send it to gray guards, or invite him to choose your own way. If he remains in the Inquisition, then you can achieve the final in relations with him.

Iron Bull

This character will be available absolutely to everyone. You need to just flirt with him in the end, you will find yourself in your rest and get the opportunity to make love. After that, he will discuss with you some "rules".

He will ask you to get a medallion that is made from the Dragon's tooth. Here you have to find a dragon, then kill and make a medallion from the mined resources.


With Dorian will be able to twist a man of any race. You can lay down the foundation in relationships only when it is fulfilled. After that, you only remain talking to him about your interest in it and start turning "Shura Mura."

Soon, Leliana will call you and talk about one task. You will have to leave Poncard alive, otherwise the relationship with Dorian will not go further anywhere. After you perform the task, then talk to him already in Skayhold and then he will suggest you will go to your overwhelms for the final moment. If you break with him, there will be no negative points in it.


To start relationships with Cullen, you need to be a girl elf or a man. If you want to spin with him, then you first have to break all existing ones. And remember that it is impossible to discuss "Lyrium" because of it, all relationships are broken. Even in the midst of the relationship to do it.


The only character who has no restrictions! The most liberal girl if they relate to the questions of romance. To start building relationships with her, you just need to talk to her in Skyhold and start a little flirt. Move your relationship until Leliana asks you by whom you are interested. After that, you will finally be able to start your affair with Josephine.

Attention: post contains spoilers


Cassandra was born in the family of a pentagast, famous for the depletion of dragons. Pentagastics are related to the ruling tip Nevarry, are also famous. Cassandra herself - 79th in line for the throne, which excludes it from the struggle, but gives a special charm. Cassandra is not at all similar to the princess and the palace life is not interested. Perhaps due to the fact that her parents had once chosen the wrong side and were executed for betrayal. Her himself with Brother Anthony spared - children, and even family.

They grew in Nevarre at uncle. Of particular warm memories of Cassandra did not save. Uncle, though he was a good man, much more knew about communication with the dead than with alive. This was the respected profession of Mortalitasi, a magician of death that mummify the remains. Children were bored in his house, and due upbringing and training only aggravated boredom. Cassandra remembers Nevarre as a golden cage, and once again does not look home. There was no talent for a relaxed and luxurious life of Kassandra, but with a sword in his hands she felt fine.

Dossier: Cassandra. Biography, tasks, novel

Dossier: Cassandra. Biography, tasks, novel

Branded blood clothing especially funny

Birth of a distorter

On the youth of Cassandra, you can learn from the anime of the Dragon's Epoch: the birth of a crawler / [Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker]. Apostates turned to her family. The blood of the dragon was required for the ritual. Pentagas refused to participate in dubious events, so Mages tried to force them by force. The estate was burned, and brother and uncle died in front of Cassandra (Magious Biah cut off Anthony his head on SCACE OO).

Dossier: Cassandra. Biography, tasks, novel

Dossier: Cassandra. Biography, tasks, novel

Little Sad Cassie in a dress

Mages of Cassandra hated and decided to join the Order of the Temples. The mind, perseverance and indomitability were allocated to Cassandra, so she was invited to join the seekers of Truth. In addition to individual training, seekers are a complex dedication. For a whole year, they are cleaned, refusing worldly temptations and from communicating with people. This period helps seekers to clarify the mind, because after they have to investigate the most important events affecting the church, including in the Order of the Temperts.

About one of these investigations is told in the "birth of a distorter." The story as if Varric retells - Cassanda in full armor (but with a skirt) jumps like Galla and crush evil blood magicians in the cabbage dozens. Chronologically, anime events occur in different signs - between Dragon Age 2 and Dragon Age: Inquisition or for a dozen years before the fifth mora.

Cassandra in anime is obviously much more young and violent, and there is no scar on the cheek, so you have to close your eyes on reference to Kirkollo.

So, Avexis, a girl-magician elf origin disappears from the circle. Through its channels, the Cyeron seeker, it learns that she has been kidnapped by blood magicians for the ritual. A group of seekers is sent along the trail and interrupts apostates. Cassandra successfully exterminates about thirty magicians and kills the first Dragon in this anime. Avexis can save, and a detachment with a victory returns to church.

Dossier: Cassandra. Biography, tasks, novel

Dossier: Cassandra. Biography, tasks, novel

Tested way to meet more from 9:22 century Dragon

The girl is time to return to the circle, but for some reason the transfer is postponed. Bayron suspects betrayal in the church itself and cuts out Avexis. He hoped to pass the girl in reliable hands outside the Order. Cassandra is accidentally drawn into the adventure, and travels with a mentor to the forest to the place of meeting with the "right people."

Girl valuable for apostates disappears with two seekers? Traitors! Behind Bayron and Cassandra rushes chase. At the same time, a group of magicians attack them in the forest. Because of the hot, Cassandra Byron dies, and Avexis again kidnap magicians. Only after that it appears, finally, friend from the order - the magician of the regalian circle. Cassandra meets him suspiciously, but there is no time for persuasion: the temples cover them both above the Byron's corpse. Fearing traitors among their own, Cassandra with Regalian run. First, in one of the shelters of the circle, and from there the mark takes them to the Elf informant. Alas, they were already expected. Cassandra alone fights with the crowd of golems and flags and time to kill a couple before her wounded. Regalian uses distracting maneuver, and they run again.

With the wounded Cassandra, you do not run a row with apostates and temples. The detachment of the Lord Commander Martel is suspiciously promptly cattons them once. The misfortune decides to restore the Order in the cave and eaventen as Martel binds to the apostate through the elf stone. The traitor was found, and Cassandra hurries to the main wicker, ready to appear before his court. But for a long time to get ahead of the Lord Commander. He kills the main seeker by the sword of Cassandra. All the evidence against her: escaped with Avexis, contacted the magicians, the murder gun simply scines. Together with Regalian, she was thrown into the dungeon.

In the best traditions of the genre, the villain comes to be cloudy. Guiding an ambulance with relatives in heaven, Martel reveals some details of his plan. Change time in the church. Someone from the nearest environment marks to the place of the Supreme Priestess, the apostates plan to destroy the circles, and the commander is ready to help them. Avexis has the power to command animals, and after the ritual, the dragons hit her power. With their help at the meeting of the decade, the supreme priestess and potential applicant will be killed. Cassandra requires the name of the traitor, but Martel is just laughing.

Dossier: Cassandra. Biography, tasks, novel

Dossier: Cassandra. Biography, tasks, novel

Aunt Cassandra now everything will destroy

While people flock on the square, waiting for the appearance of the Supreme, Cassandra is preparing for execution. Salvation comes unexpectedly represented by the comrades of Regalian from the circle. Apparently, they were released a little serving neighbor temples. Anyway, Cassandra wins and execute Matel. At this time, the dragons attack the priestess and cleaned the castle. Only pentagas can stop it madness! Alone, the misfortune kills three higher dragons and saves the situation, the city and the Supreme Priestess.

Dossier: Cassandra. Biography, tasks, novel

Dossier: Cassandra. Biography, tasks, novel

No, this is not a wedding

For the valor and exceptional qualities, the Supreme Awards Raliana and Kassandra the titles of the Heroes of Orleia, and the misfortune becomes her right hand. Now, all investigations of Cassandra leads to the personal decree of the Supreme Priestess.

Cute detail: Ralian at the first meeting calls Kassandra a beautiful lady and continued to admire her. In addition, the anime itself is traditionally full scenes with random touch and successful drops. It seems like this: the magician with a distorter rolls off the hill, and unexpectedly the magician turns out on Cassandra, they look at each other in the eyes, suddenly confuse. The crawler jerk turns out, and now she is already pressing the regalian to the ground. The magician asks for interest "Do you like from above?", And gets a fist in the face. Very dramatic.

Before going to the Supreme Priestess, the regalian is once again admired by Cassandra. In response, she kisses him on the cheek. There will be no further details in anime, but later the misfortune can tell the Inquisitor that they had a novel. Alas, Regalian died at Conclusion at 9:41 am Dragon along with the Supreme Priestess Justinia and other heads of magicians and temples.

Dossier: Cassandra. Biography, tasks, novel

Dossier: Cassandra. Biography, tasks, novel

Dragon Age 2.

Every year the atmosphere between the temples and the magicians became all tense. The best of the best went to the investigation of the clashes. Events in the Kirkolly and Bunty Mages all over the world pushed the Supreme Priestess Justia. She instructs its first assistants - Leliana and Cassandra to restore the ancient Inquisition and conveys them the code. At the same time, you need to find instigators of the conflict.

Therefore, Cassandra went to investigate the explosion of the Church in Kirkolly. Hawk, as the famous defender inevitably turns out to be in sight. The misfortune studies the family circumstances of Houds, their Felddenian origin and dubious dating. Initially, it suggests that an organized attack on the church occurred, but it cannot determine the motives of criminals (except under Anders), and why such a familiar company could generally be together.

Doubts resolves Warrq, which was not secretly secretive. The Order finds him and delivers to the distorter for interrogation. With jokes, boosters, threats and daggers, Warrick tells the incredible history of adventure Hawk. Given the number of ancient magic and dragons, Cassandra initially relates skeptically to his story, but gradually changes his opinion. In any case, the version of Warric sounds quite folded and consistent.

Believing the story of the gnome, the distorter decides that Hawk needs a newly inquisition. Warrick does not know how to contact Hawk, he disappeared without a trace. At the same time, Leliana cannot find a trace of the hero of Ferlanden. Coincidence?

Dossier: Cassandra. Biography, tasks, novel

Dossier: Cassandra. Biography, tasks, novel

Dragon Age: Inquisition

Events are developing with horrific speed. Mages and temples, tired of mutual destruction, decide to discuss a truce. For this, a conclusion is convened, where the leaders of the parties and the highest priestly are invited. Here he is a chance to a new happy world, but during the conclusion there is a monstrous explosion. All participants dying, and in the sky it turns the gap. The curtain shadow is torn, and hundreds of portals misses the demons into our world.

At the same time, the church, magicians and temples are decapitated, and a real chaos begins around the world. People are frightened, no salvation, the breach grows. Cassandra does not have time to even send Warric. Nowhere to retreat: the church is incapable until he chooses a new supreme priestess, Orel is disassembled, the temples leave the circles, the magicians do not plan to return. Justinia was right - it is necessary to recreate the Inquisition. But what can you oppose the bars? Cassandra finds a string - the only surviving on the conclusion, in the flesh of the visiting shadow. Friend or enemy?

Without hasty decisions and do not reject assistance, Cassandra tried to learn the surviving and mysterious label on his hand. It turned out to be obviously connected with Breshi - grew together with her and pulsed synchronously. As long as the wines or innocence of the survivor has not been proven, Cassandra draws him as suspected. The elven magician who came to the rescue opens the ability to close the gaps in the curtain with the tag and indicate that it closes the boolean. For Cassandra, such a connection means that the life of the survivor in any case will be intertwined with the inquisition until the breach is closed.

Dossier: Cassandra. Biography, tasks, novel

Dossier: Cassandra. Biography, tasks, novel


Kassndra becomes our first companion and follows to the very end. Confident in the matter of the Inquisition, she defends her right to exist. Because of the past hearing, that the new Inquisitor is the Andrasthe Bulletin, the church is in a hurry to blame everyone in the heresy, but Cassandra is unshakable. Let it be outside the pub church, but she will close the gap.

The misfortune itself is not light and is in no hurry to worship the newly messenger. On the other hand, in addition to the ability to close the ruptures, the Inquisitor has a mind, confidence and charisma, sufficient to inspire and lead along. After dramatic events in the shelter, the Inquisitor again survives the opposite and leads people to a new home. Then Cassandra understands that here he is a real leader. Other advisors with it are solidarity, and the Inquisitor is elected head.

Now her case is to help the Inquisitor in all endeavors. Let not all decisions arrange Cassandra, the main thing is that the order is restored by step. The only one who really takes Cassandra from Himself - Warrick. It turns out that it believed in vain on the floor. Dwarf knew all this time where Hawk is located, just hid. Such a miscalculation is unacceptable for the truth seeker, and Cassandra is hard for failure.

After the victory of the Inquisition of Cassandra, he can become a new Supreme Priestess under the name of Victoria and to engage in the restoration and reformation of the Order of the Tempera. Either, by decision of the player, she can stay in the Inquisition and then it is waiting for the revision of the order of seekers (about it below, in a personal assignment).

Dossier: Cassandra. Biography, tasks, novel

Dossier: Cassandra. Biography, tasks, novel


Unfinished cases
After the Inquisition has been relatively formed, Cassandra decided to turn to the Inquisitor with a request. Like the truth, it remained unfinished affairs, the most urgent of which is the search for blood magicians and runaway temples. These people present a danger to civilians, and the Inquisitor may agree to destroy them. Unfortunately, the remaining members of the Order are disappeared, so there is no one to take more.

List of fugitives:

    Leo from Lucien Bay in the Western Land

    Gordon Protective in Empriz-du Layon

    Zhapler free in emerald graves

    Sir Krieger Thorn in Inland Lands

    Hildebrandte on the sacred plain

All goals are highlighted on the map, so do not miss. Everyone has a small retinue in 2-4 fighters, and the level is proportional to the level of location.

Dossier: Cassandra. Biography, tasks, novel

Dossier: Cassandra. Biography, tasks, novel
Vow destruction
(The task opens a lot for Cassandra, so I retake it in detail, as part of the plot)

After a collision with the Crimean, it turns out that Lord seeker was a demon in the appropriate appearance. Thus, since the conclusion from the seekers, nothing was heard at all. Perhaps their enemy captured them? Or just interrupted? The seekers do not take the Lyrium, so they are not so easy to infect. After the task is completed, the Kassandra asks to investigate the missing associates.

Operation will open on the table - you can use any adviser, traces will lead to Caer Ocesvik Castle.

Now with the help of the world map you can go on a saving operation. Cassandra is perplexed, because the castle belongs to quite a decent lord, but everything quickly falls into place. The castle is full of obversale - members of ancient sect, who consider themselves true seekers. As long as long ago they hunt for the Order. Once at a time they destroyed the sect, but she returned again.

Carefully search for fallen opponents - you will need to find two keys on them. I had to reboot three times, because in narrow corridors, the prey fell into difficult places, such as under the texture.

In the courtyard you will find a letter in which you learn that the seekers turned out to be resistant to the Red Lirum, so Korphore transmits them to whiten. But why?

In the interior we find Daniel, a former student of Cassandra. He is in very poor condition, looks like an infected bad. According to him, they tried to grow up a daemon, foggy ... anyone. Lord Lucius Lucius betrayed his wards, I sending one after another to Ozvik on the "important mission", and then allowed the demon of the envy to take his place.

Then we meet the lion itself. He seems to not in himself. He recalls that the Order was closely connected with the first inquisition and everything that they created was imperfect. Church, temples, magic circle, everything needs to be alterated. He reports Cassandra a book with the history of the Order, promising that she will understand everything. Regrets in his speech interfere with insane dreams of a new world under the command of the Corryon. Cassandra refuses to join him, so that you are waiting for a fight. You can return to Skyhold.

Talk to Cassandra. It seems that it is suppressed by new information about the Order. It turns out that the ritual of his assimios was developed by the Order, and during the annual initiation of the seekers satisfied. It is important that the Order also knows how to draw doubt. It seems that this information initially pushed the magicians to the rebellion. The task is made.

Dossier: Cassandra. Biography, tasks, novel

Dossier: Cassandra. Biography, tasks, novel
Secret passion
Almost immediately after arrival in Skyhold, Cassandra can be reduced to reading ... adult literature. Moreover, this is a love romance for the authorship of Warric. By the way, the gnome himself, by the way, considers the series unsuccessful and continue not going.

But the distortion is delighted with the novel. He breaks down in the most interesting place, and she really wants to know the continuation. You are the same inquisitor! You can force the Warric to add a new part.

If you agree to help Cassandra - just look for the gnome. He was not going to finish the draft, but for the sake of presenting his Cassandra personally ...

Talk to Cassandra - the task is completed, and in the award you get a scold scene.

Dossier: Cassandra. Biography, tasks, novel

Dossier: Cassandra. Biography, tasks, novel

Roman with Cassandra

Flirt with Cassandra can both floors still in shelter. Since this is basically admiration for her strength, she perceives the flirting quite favorably. Any further development is possible only in Skyhold. Despite the brutal kind and arising assumptions, Cassandra is wondering only by men, options for trying to transfer attitudes to a new level in a female character will not appear.

The development of the novel affects the fulfillment of its personal quests, the level of approval and plot tasks. If Cassandra does not want to talk to you about love - do not despair. As long as you do not speak personally in the dialogue, accompanied by the words "break a novel with Cassandra", you are in the game. If you missed several flirt points - nothing terrible, but you need to flirt. You will have a great chance of cute to hold hands in the scene, where the prosperity doubts the choice of a way.

After a sufficient number of flirt (and, possibly, after performing the task, the "vow of destruction") will start the scene, where Cassandra will ask you if you care for it or it seemed to her. If you insist on your serious intentions, you will have a decisive choice - to start a novel with a distorter or refuse to this thought. If you are sure, you will be waiting for another task.

Perfect date
Maybe you did not expect such an increhensible sword, but the soul asks romance. If you do not see her tender nature through the harsh shell, then maybe you are not her fate? Oh, see? Then secure romance. Cassandra from the royal family, in the end. She needs a romantic evening with candles and poetry.

Candles and flowers can be found in Val Ruayo, they specialize in such. But a good collection of verses is found only in Redcliffe. We need a gnome merchant on the northern pier. Talk to him without Cassandra in the group, and he will tell you where to look for a book. You can also immediately kill the gangsters that they grapted it. Go to the southwest camp of the Inquisition and from there to the north.

Mined? Go to Cassandra, she is waiting for you.

Dossier: Cassandra. Biography, tasks, novel

Dossier: Cassandra. Biography, tasks, novel

And what now?

Kassandra is known for its quick temper. Training and initiation of seekers taught it a lot, but at times the rage beats through the edge. On the other hand, assertiveness and makes Kassandru with an exemplary seeker. While other fluctuate, it makes a decision and executes it. The misfortune prefers to regret the mistakes than the missed opportunities. A surprising way of Cassandra is ready to recognize his mistakes and obey orders. After the election of the chapter of the Inquisition, it does not dispute his decisions, even if he does not agree with them. Time will show who is right, but for now - the case must be done.

Cassandra is true to his beliefs. She does not pave a song of light as other missionaries, and does not wait for piousness from others, but faith in the creator and his wisdom leaves her. She considers himself obliged to get up on the way of chaos and darkness, even if for her for this she has to leave the church. The straight and honest ventilation should not be obedient lamb for the Inquisitor, but also does not dispute orders. She knows that no one besides us will save the world, and have to make difficult decisions.

For the sake of the right case of Cassandra will not retreat. Without fear, she is ready to look into the face of death, in the teeth of the Dragon and even in the dark past of his order. The perfect right hand is true, solid, confident and strong. A certain disadvantage of imagination it compensates for attentiveness and scrupulsiness. Cassandra is not looking for personal gain, only the truth and justice.

The soft sides of your character hides. It does not carefully hide, but rather forgets them: things, blood magicians, the salvation of the world. Cassandra is not devoid of sympathy and does not forget that it fights for people. In addition, it is characterized by some sentimentality, which she shakes. The seeker is not indifferent to Varrica's love novels (perhaps it is connected with Avelin on the cover - the same iron lady) and not alien to romance.

As a Character of Cassandra turned out to be versatile and convincing. Somewhat idealized, but without caricature inflection.