Evelina abbreviated name. Evelina: meaning and history of name, fate and character

Calendar, when the church calendar of the name of Elina, Evelyn

The name of Elina, Evelina is not in Orthodox sacraticles, so the baby is baptized under a different name.

Characteristics of birthday girl Elina, Evelyn:

Three different but similar names. So, Ellina means "Grekanka", and Elina and Evelyna were supposed to occur or on behalf of the Greek god EOL - the god of the winds, or from the French root, meaning the "forest walnut". Canonical is only the name of Hellen.

These women distinguish between the general environment first of all their extreme emotional mobility, dedication and acute pride. Energy ELINE does not imply a special hardness of character and volitional qualities, but they are not so important to success for success - they have other weapons: sensitivity and weakness. This is especially acute manifested in childhood.

In fact, how parents will rise to a fragile and defenseless creature, even if this creature does not strongly know the measures in their requests? Here then it helps nothing without the emotionality of Elina - the joy or tears of her is so sincere that it is extremely difficult to refuse her. In a word, she has every chance of growing a very spoiled woman, which is hardly a beneficial effect on her fate.

It is possible that with the age of Ealina learns to use its emotionality with a well-known benefit for himself - where it is necessary, he will let the tear, or will be joy when circumstances are required. In a word, she is very artistic, and it is impossible to suspect it in insincerity - it is really extremely emotional, only these emotions, like a wind or sunny bunny: flashed and the trace did not leave.

It is more difficult when the pride of eline than either suffered, admissible, physical disabilities or frequent humiliations, and it suffers from the consciousness of its own inferiority. In this case, its emotionality and acute sensitivity are turned around by a completely different side: after all, with a lack of hardness, it is unlikely to be able to accept the thoughts of his own damage, and the path of work on themselves requires a known excerpt, which is a little energy in itself. Rather, Ealina will find a way out of emotions in any vigorion.

Congratulations to the name of Elina, Evelina:

Do not forget to celebrate the name of Elina and congratulate Elina on the Angel Day.

Like our evelina

Sponges - scarlet rubies,

Eye - Blue Topaz,

And slight, like a form!

All beautiful and gentle,

In the world, the best of all she!

Be beautiful, native,

We all wish together!

Ale - Nice Girl!

Over the problems you laugh ringing.

I want to wish in the name day

You don't waste your strength on trifles.

Show the desire to study

In relation to wisdom show

Your mind will always be in honor,

Fair you always hear.

The interpretation of Evelin's estate has three meanings. According to the first version, the name has a Jewish origin and translates as "life force". According to the second version, this is a derivative from the French name Eveline ("Forest Walnut"), which, in turn, is derived from the Eva Jewish name.

And in the third interpretation, the meaning of Evelin is translated as "breathing", as its origin can be correlated with the English name Avelin, formed from Hebrew Abel.

    Planet: Jupiter, Moon.

    Talisman-stone: Emerald, Jasper, black opal.

    Element: Water.


To understand what the name of Evelyna means, you need to watch a little girl in childhood. Already then she begins to show skillfully, trying to avoid punishment or achieve the desired. Workshops using the acting talents laid by nature, manipulates parents, often shows trick and quiet.

Adult Evelina - actress in life. All surrounding for it is just a big scene, where it is the main actress and heroine. Evelina easily plays different roles, easily reincarnated in different "characters." The power of will and hardness of character is practically absent in the interpretation of the meaning of Evelyn, which, however, does not prevent the girl to enjoy the whole full of life.

Evelina seeks to always be impeccable, perfect, perfect in everything! The smallest physical disadvantages perceives very painfully and ready to roll the Mountains to achieve ideal parameters.

Disassembling further, which means the name of Evelina, it can be concluded that the mental development of this woman is quite average, although no one will dare to call it. She is demonstrative, expressive and calculated, can adapt to any situations and use people you need.

Despite some flaws, Evelyna never gossipped, knows how to be friends, sociable, generous and is distinguished by a lightweight, cheerful temper.

Evelins born in winter are reasonable, hardworking women, somewhat gloomy and envious, but surprisingly tender.

If the girl was born in the spring, the secret named after Evelin is revealed through its light temper, constant fun, sociability and responsiveness, conjugate with the mind, exclusive, egoism.

Summer Evelina have amazing intuition. They show a huge power of will in achieving the desired goal, selfish and energetic.

Autumn Evelina - classic introverts, inclined to close in themselves and not to show openly their feelings.


The owners of the secret named after Evelyn are very lucky, because their beauty and natural charm are preserved to deep old age. On health, as a rule, do not complain, and all they need is a timely prevention of diseases, good food, a full-fledged holiday after work and, most importantly, harmonious relationships with loved ones.

Study, Career, Hobbies

Evelina - exemplary student. They are attracted by professions where you can show your acting talent, where you need to fully display where there is no shortage of communication. They are like working with young children or people who need care, so such women are becoming excellent doctors, psychologists, translators, managers, educators, nurses, nurses, teachers, etc.

When upbringing Evelyna, it is necessary to show softness and tolerance. However, since the girls can achieve anything from their parents with their charm, sometimes tears, "sincerely" acting game, do not have to go around them in order not to raise a spoiled and capricious woman.

It is advisable since childhood to find for little Evelina that type of creativity that will be the determining guide of its spiritual development and further fate.

Famous evelins

Evelina Blonds - Russian actress; Evelin Hall - English writer; Evelin Toma - French TV presenter; Evelina Ganskaya - Aristocrat, wife Ohore de Balzak; Evelina Santanjo - Italian writer; Dame Evelin Elizabeth Ann Glenni DBE - Composer, Scottish Percussionist; Evelina Sashenko - Lithuanian jazz singer; Evelina Khromchenko - a TV journalist and writer; Evelina Sakuro - Russian and Belarusian actress.

Since childhood the meaning of Evelina It assumes the activity and activities of their carrier, with which, being completely baby, it copes to the fullest. A little shy, very curious Evelinka cares for admiring glances of adults and children. Its unusual, such an obvious dissimilarity on other kids highlights it among many peers.

In his youth, the meaning of Evelyn changes his channel slightly, endowing the young person of the will of the will and incredible activity. Sometimes it seems that the girl does everything with ease and enviable productivity. The frequency nature of the young person in combination with an instantaneous reaction is an explosive mixture.

Negative emotions The girl expresses violently, but quickly cools. It is endowed with incredible stubbornness, paying little to failures, prefers not to loot, but go further outlined.

Young features prefers not to stand out from the crowd, providing a chance to other young ladies. It has an analytical warehouse of the mind, namely, the girl is inclined to give importance to small parts, and is very blurry to see a holistic picture.

The girl can easily be offended, hurt and hurt the most intimate strings of her soul. However, it is easy to pop up for someone, what will attempt to justify either protect himself. It is easily tied to people and very painfully reacts to treason or betrayal. The circle of friends is very narrow, carefully selected and rechecked three times.

The morale principles of the ladies are at a very high level, the innate sense of decency in all its glory is manifested in the most difficult and turning points of life. Sometimes such morality prevents the girl to perceive the information they need, but often such a state of affairs only gives young sacrament of mysteriousness and uniqueness.

The origin of the name of Evelina

In the history of origin named, Evelina has several versions of its origin. The first assumption coming from where this name happened, takes its roots from the Hebrew name "Eve", which means the "Summer Summer", "Life Strength".

The second assumption regarding origin is the French roots, the etymological translation of this name - the "Forest", "Strong Oreshek".

There is also a hypothesis that leads to the depths of Celtic culture, where Evelyna, whose name is derived from the Irish name of Ava - aife, denoting the "beautiful", "goddess, radiating light."

Evelina girls are noticeable since childhood: they are very emotional, but at the same time obedient and affectionate. Thanks to these qualities, the daughter easily manipulates parents and often avoids penalties for their provinces, so they should be painted in order not to spoil the child's character in the future. Lina simply makes new acquaintances and has many friends.

Teaching girls is easy, it is very curious and stretches to the sciences . Estimates from teachers with the help of charm does not achieve, but achieves success with his own mind and efforts. In the curiosity helps it in this. Also uses the authority among classmates.

It was accustomed to solve their own problems, without resorting to the help of adults. For this child, a visit to various circles and sports sections is very important: despite the calm, which is characterized by her character, Eva is very energetic and movable. It does not always bring started to the end, but the value of this Evelina does not attach, and with ease finds a new passion.

At a young age, Eva is very active and exhibits extreme power of will. Sometimes on the part it seems that all the achievements are given to her easily. Her character is such that she expresses his opinion very emotionally. But at the same time, offense he does not hold in the soul and quickly cools. The name of Evelyna gives the ability to the girl to analyze the outcome of the situation, providing her result.

As for the work, Eva is capable of fully realizing himself in areas related to people: social, pedagogical and medical. And it relates to their professional duties with special enthusiasm, giving themselves entirely and completely, without a balance. So its character is arranged.

The meaning of Evelina also characterizes its owner as a good mother. It puts into raising children to maximize attention and forces, which is worthy of all respect, but at the same time she should not forget about himself and their self-expression. For Eva, the aspect of self-realization is very important, otherwise she may threaten a prolonged depression.

Choosing a narrowed, Evelina admires them, extolling it. But sometimes it does not miss the opportunity to attend them, and it turns out to be good - especially when the girl appears the thoughts that he did not meet her expectations.

The main quality that is not enough to the girl who is the name of Evelina is an excerpt. Work on yourself is very important here. She needs to learn more patiently to the statements and actions of others, it will help to exclude a lot of misunderstandings with relatives, close and friends. Then her fate will be more happy.

To close relations with representatives of the male sex, Elya treats alert. She needs some time to establish contact. For sex, the girl will agree only after enough long-term communication.

But if it is solved, then the intimate relationship is not in the first place, but common interests. She clearly realizes that it is common interests that the points of contact that will unite partners will be able to bring together and will be able to reduce many conflicts in the future.

The main quality that its character possesses is the ability to like people and find a common language with others. Evelina gives this considerable meaning. She lives as an actress playing in a cult film, it is not difficult to change masks one after another.

Without having a rod inside and a clear position, Elya can manage people and easily achieve their goals.

Before choosing the right time for a child, new parents should be discussed and clarified by the characteristics of the character that should be present in their native tea.

The name of Evelina, as well as the sets of others, has in their arsenal as pros and cons of character, which can be corrected in the process of raising a small princess.

The owner of the extraordinary female name of Evelina is paying great importance to sexual relations. Partners are slightly wary, and this means that only after some time allotted for communication can trust and move away to him. Very rarely, it is almost impossible to persuade the girl to intimate relationships immediately after dating.

The main thing in the relationship is to be mutual understanding and common interests that will warm up and bring together a couple during the times of minor independent (crises) in relations.

Young features have a high sensuality, preliminary caresses are given far from a secondary meaning. He loves to give pleasure and get in return.


The meaning of Evelina in the family has an extraordinary interpretation of the character traits of the owner. Woman adores children. This means that she is ready to give them all of themselves, but in addition to this young person you need to look for the ways of self-expression, otherwise the constant seat of the house with kids can cause attacks of depression.

The husband honors, considering it the best young man in the world, very much-sauer on praise, but if he tells about it, it means that the man managed to exceed all the expectations of a young woman. However, it often seizes the impulses and the desire to attend their narrowed, that in some cases it is excellent.

In order for the girl in perfectly felt herself, she needs to give a little freedom from domestic trouble, or she can turn out of a loving, calm and balanced housewife in a frantic Meager, not able to control their emotions and statements.

Interpretation of the name of Evelyn in business has its own characteristics. The girl is very responsible about its obligations, and therefore, if he promised, it will make everything possible to keep the word, even if you have to act in harm to yourself.

Able to arrange to himself, but only when the self is located on contact. In other cases, it is a pure introvert that does not let into its world of those people who do not cause special trust in the girl.

It has a well-developed intuition capable of "teaching" a catch or reveal a plot. The performance and ability to lad out "on a complete coil", characterizes a woman as an excellent job, which is capable of a very long time to pull the sled.

Mystery name

Access to the heart of the girl will help to reveal the secret named after Evelyn, allowing you to learn the keys to the heart of a young person, as well as information how to apply them to conquer a hard-to-reach woman.

  • Stone - Labrador, Jasper, Black Opal
  • Name Day - not celebrated, because there is no evelina in the sacrats
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign - Virgo
  • Planet - Moon
  • Color - Silver-Gray, White, Pale Green, Black, Brown

Famous people

  • Evelina Blonds (1969) - Russian actress theater and cinema, popular TV presenter, singer. The star became popular thanks to the well-known project "Show Masks". At this stage, interest in the person's person is heated all the time thanks to the child born not quite healthy. Read more:
  • Evelina Khromchenko (1971) - TV presenter, journalist and writer. Since 2007, the leading famous television program "Fashion sentence".
  • Evelina Zakamskaya - Popular TV presenter of information programs on the TV channel "News".

Forms name

  • Reductantly smear and abbreviated - Evelynka, Eva, Ale, Vel, Vel, Lina, Evigna, Evita.
  • Derivatives - Eva, Ava.
  • Full name - Evelina.
  • Declination - Evelina-Evelina.

Do you have any meaning of our names? Do they have an impact on the character, the fate of a person?

And what are they origin? We are talking about this and many other things in our articles. And today the topic is: what does Evelina mean?

The origin of it is associated with several versions. According to the first of them, the name of Evelina appeared somewhere in France and in translating means "forest walnut" or "strong nut". The second option suggests that the origin of the eva (abbreviated from Evelina) originates from the Hebrew name, which also has its meaning, namely "life force". The meaning of Evelina in this version is the same.

The third version suggests that its origin is associated with the Breton name Alena, which happened on behalf of Abel. It is old and translated "breathing".

If you turn to the church aspect, then in the Orthodox faith named after Evelina does not exist, which means that when baptized, the child will call some other name. Accordingly, there is no name in Eva. For example, when baptized, an excellent option for the girl will be Eva or Lina, besides, they are a reduced version of Evelina. But the church name given during baptism, in this case, will necessarily differ from the worldly.

What abbreviated options has the name of Evelina? It:

  • Eva, Ale, Evi.
  • Lina, Ava.
  • Velie, Vel.

Wikipedia highlights such famous women with this name: Evelina Khromchenko, Evelina Bledans, Evelina Sashenko, Evelina Zimmerman and others.

How do the girl characterize?

Evelina girls are noticeable since childhood: they are very emotional, but at the same time obedient and affectionate. Thanks to these qualities, the daughter easily manipulates parents and often avoids penalties for their provinces, so they should be painted in order not to spoil the child's character in the future. Lina simply makes new acquaintances and has many friends.

The study of the girl passes easily, it is very curious and stretches to the sciences. Estimates from teachers with the help of charm does not achieve, but achieves success with his own mind and efforts. In the curiosity helps it in this. Also uses the authority among classmates.

It was accustomed to solve their own problems, without resorting to the help of adults. For this child, a visit to various circles and sports sections is very important: despite the calm, which is characterized by her character, Eva is very energetic and movable. It does not always bring started to the end, but the value of this Evelina does not attach, and with ease finds a new passion.

At a young age, Eva is very active and exhibits extreme power of will. Sometimes on the part it seems that all the achievements are given to her easily. Her character is such that she expresses his opinion very emotionally. But at the same time, offense he does not hold in the soul and quickly cools. The name of Evelyna gives the ability to the girl to analyze the outcome of the situation, providing her result.

As for the work, Eva is capable of fully realizing himself in areas related to people: social, pedagogical and medical. And it relates to their professional duties with special enthusiasm, giving themselves entirely and completely, without a balance. So its character is arranged.

The meaning of Evelina also characterizes its owner as a good mother. It puts into raising children to maximize attention and forces, which is worthy of all respect, but at the same time she should not forget about himself and their self-expression. For Eva, the aspect of self-realization is very important, otherwise she may threaten a prolonged depression.

Choosing a narrowed, Evelina admires them, extolling it. But sometimes it does not miss the opportunity to attend them, and it turns out to be good - especially when the girl appears the thoughts that he did not meet her expectations.

The main quality that is not enough to the girl who is the name of Evelina is an excerpt. Work on yourself is very important here. She needs to learn more patiently to the statements and actions of others, it will help to exclude a lot of misunderstandings with relatives, close and friends. Then her fate will be more happy.

To close relations with representatives of the male sex, Elya treats alert. She needs some time to establish contact. For sex, the girl will agree only after enough long-term communication. But if it is solved, then the intimate relationship is not in the first place, but common interests. She clearly realizes that it is common interests that the points of contact that will unite partners will be able to bring together and will be able to reduce many conflicts in the future.

The main quality that its character possesses is the ability to like people and find a common language with others. Evelina gives this considerable meaning. She lives as an actress playing in a cult film, it is not difficult to change masks one after another. Without having a rod inside and a clear position, Elya can manage people and easily achieve their goals.

Men with names, Konstantin, Andrei and Vladimir, forces, to do everything to the fate of Evelina to be happy. In addition, fate with, Boris and has a chance to work out perfectly. Posted by: Natalia Chernikov

According to the theory of English roots, the meaning of Evelina must be sought in such derivatives like Aille ("Beautiful Bird") and Avelin. The last transformation has an old-general origin from the ancient "Abel", which is translated as "breathing".

The French version is the most foggy. A clear interpretation of what the name of Evelina means, in this language there. There are assumptions that it is only derived from the common EVA.

If you believe this theory and go up to the church value, it will be interpreted as a "giving life." Starofranzesian version suggests that the interpretation of the name will be decrypted as a "forest walnut".

Origin: Jewish, Tatar, English, Scandinavian

Value: vitality, life force

Suitable colors: red

Happy numbers: 27, 14, 13, 9, 5, 4

Planet: Mars, Jupiter

Metal: iron

Zodiac sign: Aries, Sagittarius

Day of the week: Tuesday

Forms name: Evielinka, Eva, Ale, Vel, Vel, Lina, Evigna, Evita.

What patronymic comes to behalf of Evelyn: Sergeevna; Evgenievna; Vladimirovna; Danilovna; Leonidovna.

Below is the complete characteristic of the name of Evelina: how the meaning of the name affects the character of the girl and its fate, positive and negative features, compatibility with male names.


The characteristic of the name of Evelin is attractive to the main feature, namely, emotionality. And it is she who will accompany her throughout life. For a girl, this is the main trump card, which she successfully uses in a variety of situations.

The primary traits of character are also acute pride and purposefulness. Using sensitivity and the weakness that once saved her in childhood, she achieves everything that he wants. On the other hand, this feature can play with a girlish joke, because it is very much worried because of their flaws. The main thing is that parents from childhood bring confidence in it and excerpt.

In general, the girl is firmly standing on Earth, excluding any surprises. Sticks strict moral rules. In difficult moments of life, uses its congenital sense of tact and decency.

Exterior appearance

Evelina should pay special attention primarily on the quality of the purchased things. The preference follows the clothes of simple and strict style, sock, comfortable and nonsense. The main thing is to look correctly and tidy. And dressed "like a ball" she is not completely to her face.


Evelina is growing with a good and obedient girl, from the earliest years she got used to fulfill the requests of the parents, however, on favorable conditions for themselves. With age, the baby realizes that such behavior can bring a lot of benefit, and the Linajka begins to catch teachers in a strong way.

From this her success in study usually grow. Such a girl is far from lazy, she is a very capable student. The desire to open something new, its curiosity only enhances the knowledge of knowledge. +

Despite openness and communicability, Evinka is very difficult to find a common language with peers. Its impermanence and explosive character prevent the girl to start a strong friendly relationship. She is very wounded, extremely hostile reacts to any remarks. Therefore, parents not injure her daughter, fulfill all her whims. It can raise a non-promotional egoism in the baby.


Young Evelina becomes even more straightforward and demanding to others. At the same time, such a girl is optimistic and cheerful, with pleasure supports any conversation. But for its ease and peacefulness may be hidden korestolubia and obsession. Only with the relatives and best friends of Lina may be responsive and honest.

The owner of this name is very naive and trusting, it is hard to transfer betrayal. She honors friendship, often ready to sacrifice his interests for the sake of a loved one. But the more often the disappointment overtook her, the more Evelina is convinced of the korestolubia and doubly sensations of others.

This girl is inappropriate and hot-tempered. If it does not learn how to manage his emotions, with time it can lose all his friends. Lina loves to be in the center of attention, it is possible to earn her confidence with the help of praise and all sorts of approval of the strikes of the lady. Such insecurity in relations and naivety can lead to despair and reluctance to show confidence even to close.

Evelina is an exemplary student and a student. Often it is one of the best in grade in class. But he also knows how to entertain such a girl. Noisy parties and a large cluster of the people - the usual element of Lina, in companies she feels more than comfortable.

The young owner of this name is a creative person. She never misses the ability to demonstrate their talents, Evelinka takes part in various competitions and entertainment events.


Evelina is a prudent diversified personality, which conscientiously fulfills his duties. It is often a sullen and silent, but in the soul, such a girl is very good-natured and romantic. Very secret. Lina is very easy to offend. Her actions often control ambitiousness and practicality.

The owner of this name is quite stubborn, it is always ready to defend your own interests. Such a lady is an eternal fighter for justice, she is ready to defend other people's interests even to the detriment of their own. Eagerly goes to contact.


In childhood, Evelina is very rare. The most vulnerable point of such a girl is a nervous system, it is recommended to avoid emotional loads by all forces. She also may have problems with skin and overweight.

To combat the last problem, it is desirable to adhere to a healthy diet. Satory workouts, walking and fitness - ideal partners to preserve the health and beautiful body.

Girls with the name of Evelyn usually pleased parents. They rarely sick. Weak place in the health of the girls can be called its nervous system. They are not desirable to experience unnecessary emotional tension, although it is useful.

Another weak health sector of Evelina is the digestive system. It usually manifests itself in skin problems. Properly chosen diet will solve this problem.

Compatibility named after Evelina with male names

Evelina has a great deal of relationship with men wearing such names as Andrei, Alexander, Vladimir, Konstantin, Egor, Maxim, Fedor, Peter.

A less successful marriage will be with Nikolai, Leonid, Yuri, Alexey, Boris, Anton.


Evelina has a large number of fans who attract its ease, mystery and femininity. But Evelina is in no hurry to rush into the outer with his head. On the contrary, it is extremely wary and selectively coming to the choice of a man, because love for her is not the all-consuming passion, but spiritual unity capable of bringing harmony and mutual understanding into relations.

She is looking for an ideal man who will become for her and a friend, and father, and a lover in one person. It is attracted by the strong spirit, courageous, but at the same time caring and priest men who, with patience and understanding, will treat all the shortcomings and whims of Evelyn. It is very important that she proud of his chosen one was his muse and inspiration.


In the family of Evelina, children know most of all. She is ready to devote to the maximum time. But this happens when they appear in the family, Evelina is trying to remove this event as much as possible, dedicated to his self-expression as much time as possible. The birth of a child will make her a caring mother, often a caress.

A woman belongs to her husband with respect, considering him the perfect person. It does not prevent Evelina from time to time to attempt to open his spouse that she is good.

Such a lady needs to give some freedom from homemade hassle, otherwise, from a balanced housewife, it will turn into a grumpy woman who cannot control words and emotions.


For temperamental and sensual evelina, the sexual component of relations with a man plays a latter role, because it is precisely through intimate intimate proximity, it sometimes can convey its feelings and emotions much easier than words.

But the chief of Evelina will have to gain patience if he wants to fully reveal the sexual potential of this gentle woman, the confidence and the location of which must be deserved.

Evelina intimate contact is regarded primarily as the unity of shower and two loving energies, so it is not worth counting on sex after the first or second date.


She has many girlfriends and friends. The present, active and sociable evelina with ease finds a common language with any person, and it makes it so natural and sincerely that after a five-minute communication with her it seems that you are familiar for many years.

At the same time, in his heart, she admits people reluctantly, preferring to keep a safe distance that will protect against disappointments in people.


The girl responsibly refers to the obligations accepted, it is hardworking and persistent. These features of nature are the key to the vital success of Evelyn. It is able to achieve this level of skill, in which her work is always in demand and is well paid. Such a woman can become an excellent teacher, a psychologist, translator, a musician. It will get a spectacular actress.

Evelina does not have desire to conquer career vertices, she has a somewhat different approach to self-expression. A much greater role is played by the pleasure of the workflow. If the girl likes what she does, then success is inevitable.


The creative component of the character of Evelina will find application in the profession of a psychologist, an educator or teacher. It will be able to realize their talents and congenital sense of the artist, writer, journalist, florist or designer on the field.


Evelina, with all his heart, seeks freedom. Any framework and restrictions are her soul, fighting her movements like shackles. Evelina needs space. Therefore, choosing between stable well-being and to dispose of themselves, it always chooses the latter.

Whenever fate gives her the opportunity at least somehow diversify her life, she without hesitation refuses to be existing in favor of the new, still unknown. "Fight moss" - obviously not for her. It easily goes in life, adapting to any circumstances. The process of movement itself is what her soul thirsty.

Intuition and intellect

It is impossible to say that the owner named after Evelin is distinguished by a high level of IQ, rather, they are in women's wise, and therefore they do not seek to shine with the mind and ingenuity (especially in the society of men). In general, they have an analytical warehouse of the mind, while the little things they pay too much attention, which sometimes prevents the entire picture of the whole painting.

Evelina has a well-developed sixth sense that she trusts and which is often guided by decision-making.

Positive features

The owner named after Evelyna Messel, chatty and curious, is irrepressible striving for the goal, but if the goal disappears, as quickly finds himself a new one.

Negative traits

The girl with this name is very excited and with frightening speed reacts both to the bad and good.

Interaction of character with time

Winter Evelina Primary, responsible and judiciary. Many this woman may seem somewhat closed, but it is not quite so. Just she does not like empty conversations and gossip. Always accurately expresses his thoughts, does not mean what is not sure. In the women's company it is difficult for her to support the conversation. But Lina is not despair, it is important for it to gain harmony with him than to look for a nice company.

Evelina, which was born in the spring, sincere, communicable and cheerful. She can easily become a soul of any company. Her optimism and good-natured temper attracts others. However, a selfish character may be hidden for peacefulness of the girl. Perfectly understands people, understanding well what one or another person is capable of. Very careful, never will be a victim of scammers, as it is able to logically argue and healthy to assess the situation.

Summer Lina - The volitional and purposeful person, which never does anything just, without personal gain. This woman is very hardworking, for the sake of achieving the desired ready to work a lot. To protect yourself from betrayal and disappointment, it creates an image of an impregnable woman. But with relatives and loved ones can be good-natured and sincere.

Autumn Evelina Often builds around him a barrier, with the help of which he tries to burn out from all. Very wounded, constantly afraid that it will once be betrayed. Because of this, such a girl has almost no friends. Lina, born in the fall, closed, she absolutely does not know how to show her feelings, so it is difficult for her in communicating with men.

Astrology named

Evelina - Aries

Evelina, born under the sign of Aries, does not represent his life without friends, communication and active pastime. It is emotional, temperamental and extravagant, which cannot but attract the attention of others. She has many fans who are ready to fight for the hand and heart of this feminine and charming tempted, but Evelina-Aries itself is not in a hurry to surrender, because he believes that youth is the time when it is necessary to engage in self-development so that in the future live happily and safely. In addition, the explosive character of this woman and her narcissism often interfere with it to build harmonious relationships.

Evelina - Taurus

It is a calm, responsive and sentimental nature, ready to support in a difficult moment, shelter and warm. But the good nature of Evelina-Taurus often borders with a sacrifice, and this is fraught with the fact that in the end it will be deceived and is predicted by those who could not appreciate her generosity. This woman often goes for an objective opinion and advice, since it is always honest and frank. At the same time, in the nature of Evelina-Taurus there are indecision and fear of change, so the men chooses volitional, strong, reliable and capable of providing a stable calm future.

Evelina - Gemini

This woman has on all his point of view, and it is absolutely not interested in the opinion of others. Its life is interesting, unusual and active. At the same time, Evelyn-twin prone to the mood drops, because of which her life resembles a ride on the ride "American slides": it is tested to rush from one extreme to another.

She often does not bring started things to the end, which can negatively affect her professional activities. If we talk about relationships with men, then love she perceives as a game that should be fascinating and interesting, so she needs the same adventurer with whom she does not have to miss.

Evelina - Cancer

Insecure in herself, timid and shy evelin-cancer prefers a closed life in which no one distorts her peace. This self-critical and demanding to himself and the woman does not have friends, because it does not know how to trust people. Even on a professional field, she is hard enough to realize himself fully because it is afraid to take responsibility and take the initiative. But the man of Evelina-Cancer is really lucky, because it will give him all his unaffected tenderness, affection and care. In addition, Evelina is a sensual lover who gives himself a sense of love entirely and completely.

Evelina - Lev.

This is a leader that considers himself the center of the Universe, and therefore allowing himself a selfish and narcissistic behavior that can repel those around others. At the same time, Evelina-Lev is a successful woman who receives everything that wants, thanks to hard work, purposefulness and factories. Inherent in this woman and the share of the recklessness, which attracts men. Extravagant Evelina loves to stand out from the crowd, she clisals watches his appearance and his health, so long remains young and desirable. Evelina-Lev comes to marry enough too late, which is the chain of the scrupulous choice of a partner who should admire such an amazing and unique woman.

Evelina - Deva.

Invidence, pragmatic and serious Evelina-Verva looks at life practical and without illusions. It is smart and calculating, but these qualities can interfere with it to achieve the target targets, because there are situations where good luck should be caught by the tail here and now, and not to think about the consequences of the weeks. Evelina-Virgo simply adores his work, so the creation of a family can postpone at an indefinite time. For this woman, love lies in calm, stability, honesty and mutual respect, and not in passion, jealousy and romance. Therefore, the rapid manifestations of feelings and confessions in love can not be expected.

Evelina - Scales

Temperamental, expressive, sociable and cheerful evelin-scales does not make boredom and monotony. It is always open to new goals, new people, new achievements, but at the same time herself does not like to generate ideas, preferring to bring to perfection of someone's ideas. For evelina-scales, someone else's opinion is important and how she looks in the eyes of others, so it will do everything possible and impossible to make a good impression on others. In men, it is more appreciated by the external gloss than internal filling, a picture, and not content, so it is often not good for her defective.

Evelina - Scorpio

The powerful, fundamental, demanding evelin-scorpion is not used to obey. On the contrary, she seeks to take leadership positions by any ways, even if they go into incision with moral and ethical standards. This woman gladly gives advice, but never listens to anyone. Invality, straightness and stiffness of Evelina-Scorpion interfere with it to build harmonious professional and personal relationships. Few people know that in fact it is a sensual and caring woman to which simply need to find their key, and for this it will be necessary to gain patience.

Evelina - Sagittarius

This is a dual nature, in which surprisingly combine intentity and adventurism, frivolity and perfectionism, femininity and willpower. Evelina-Sagittarius, aspiring to perfection, eager for recognition, so the profession often chooses a public. In family life, this woman also seeks to take a leading position, and completely and undivided. As a result, marriage may not withstand such a matriarchate. Nevertheless, Evelina-Sagittarius has a fairly calm character, she does not like scandals and clarify relations, does not tolerate betrayal and lies.

Evelina - Capricorn.

Glory, attracting attention, universal admiration - all this is not interested in Evelin-Capricorn, seeking to lead a calm and measured lifestyle. For this woman, it is important to live in harmony with you and your chosen, and not to shine in society. It possesses a male rod and that inner force that will not let me break under any circumstances. At the same time, the volitional character of Evelina-Capricorn prevents her to build relations with men who rarely can see and appreciate the most truly female qualities, and not the coldness of the Iron Lady. Therefore, often she prefers a successful love career.

Evelina - Aquarius

This is an explosive symbiosis of good and evil, angel and a demon who manit and scary at the same time. Calm and equilibried Evelina-Aquarius can shock the public to any extravagant output; It may be naive and ingenuous, and may be prolonged to revenge enemies. She does not tolerate loneliness, so it creates a family early, but at the same time with other people's people with great pleasure spends time than with its households. The life of Evelyna-Aquarius is colorful and interesting, but this woman lives exclusively for himself, preferring freedom to family obligations.

Evelina - Fish

This amazing woman is perfectly disassembled in foreign families and gives delight tips to everyone besides himself. In her own life, the real chaos often reigns, which Evelina-fish prefers to call creative disorder. It takes for everything and immediately, creating the appearance of violent activity, rushes between family, work and numerous friends, and in the end does not have time to go anywhere. Therefore, Evelin-fish is simply needed reliable rear in the form of a patient, strong, powerful, but at the same time patient and understanding a man who will take their shackle beloved with all its advantages and minuses.


Stone - Talisman. Yashma and Emerald - Mascots of Evelyn.

Yashma is a symbol of wisdom, courage, character hardness and power. This is a stone that gives and reinforcing the gift of foresight and contributing to the comprehension of the secretion of the universe.

The stone-gray stone with blue streaks personifies the creative beginning and helps concentrate energy.

Yellow Yasma - the mascot of poets and philosophers, as it sets up its owner on thinking, stimulates brain activity, strengthens the potential as spiritual and physical.

Pink stone with red splashes protects from evil spell, evil eye and damage. In addition, it is considered a symbol of femininity, tenderness, coziness and comfort.

Leopard stones symbolize thrift, cheepingleness, character hardness, but at the same time modesty (such a stone will suit people with strong, ambitious, decisive, but not loving stand out in society).

Green Jasper Impact Sciences was considered a stone of love, well-being and good luck. In addition to the fact that green is charged with energy, it soothes the nervous system, fights depression and stimulates brain activity. Green jasper is recommended to wear charismatic and emotional people.

In the Christian tradition, Yashma is honored as one of the 12 sacred stones and is used in the decoration of the robes of high priests. This stone symbolizes the pure sky, peace and human transformation.

This is a stone of eternal and immaculate love, wisdom and material well-being. In addition, the emerald is capable of protecting from the negative impact from the outside, strengthen the extrasensory deposit of its owner and develop the mind.

Emerald - the mascot of people thoughtful and solid, seeking to gain harmony with them and the outside world, make decisions, guided by reason, and not feelings. This gem symbolizes humility and creation.

There is a belief, according to which the emerald helps find the enemy or reveal the wrong friend. It is believed that the stone changes its color in the presence of hypocritical and false people. If the stone snapped at one of the lovers, this suggests that love leaves relationships.

Plant - Talisman. Heather and Iva - plants symbols of Evelina.

Heather is a symbol of loneliness, separation and hopelessness. At the same time, the flowering of this plant announces the arrival of summer - pores of fun and carelessness. Heather is considered a female symbol, personifying temptation, love, passion, sensuality and carnal joy.

It is also important and the color of the plant: so, the white heather symbolizes happiness and peace, since it protects against impulsive actions dictated by emotions.

In Magic, the heather was used to neutralize the Witchcraft Char, to protect the house, attracting good luck and material well-being. Wear a branch of a dried heather in a wallet or in your pocket, so that good luck accompanies in all endeavors.

In Europe, Iva symbolizes separation, sadness and grief, grief and death.

In the Christian tradition, this tree personifies the crucifix, and is also a symbol of the Gospel. The fact is that Willow blooms even when the branches are cut off, which formed the basis of her identification with the Gospel, which, remaining unchanged, was divided into peace.

Residents of the East worship WWI as a symbol of sexuality, femininity, grace, sadness and immortality. For Buddhists Iva is the personification of meekness and compassion. But Taoi identify this plant with patience and ability to compromise.

Animal talisman. Crane and pigeon - Symbols of Evelina.

The vulture is a dual symbol: so, on the one hand, it means maternal love, protection and homemade faith, and on the other - destruction. At the same time, the vulture, feeding on Padalu, personifies the cleansing.

In ancient times, this bird symbolized strength, victory over enemies, attention, sharp mind and fair retribution for perfect sins.

In Greece, the vulture personified power, power, insight and vigilance.

In Christianity, the vulture symbolizes both Jesus and the pursuers of Christians.

This bird symbolizes purity, meekness, tenderness, love and fertility. Our ancestors believed that it was in the pigeon who turns the soul of a deceased person.

The pigeon is also considered a sacrificial symbol of atonement, because this bird, appearing above the Ark of Noah with an olive branch, announced the end of the Flood and the beginning of a new life. In the Christian tradition, the pigeon is a symbol of the Holy Spirit. At the same time, the image of dove and lilies - the personification of the Annunciation.

In the east, the pigeon is identified with longevity, wisdom and sons of respect, with a coolest and happy family life.

In India, this bird symbolizes spiritual proximity and marital allegiance.

Masons worshiped pigeons as the personification of innocence and purity.

Angel Days and Saints Patrons

Patrons name

There are no holy saint in Orthodox sacraments by the name of Evelyn, therefore the name of the owner of this church calendar is not celebrated.

Evelina in different languages \u200b\u200bof the world

English - Evelina (Evelina)

Chinese - 埃維莉娜 (Ai Wei Vi)

Korean - 에블린 (Ebeullin)

Japanese - エヴェリーナ (Eulerina)

German - Evelyn, Evelin (Evelyn)

French - Evelyne, Eveline (Evelin)

Dutch - Evelien (Evelyn)

Finnish - Eveliina (Evelina)

Arab - إفلينا (IFLINA)

Yiddish - עוועלינאַ (Ivlin)

Ukrainian - Evalin (Evalina)

Celebrities named Evelina

  1. E. Bastritsky is one of the most interesting and most beautiful actresses of the Soviet cinema. In 1953, she graduated from the acting faculty of the Kiev Institute of Theatrical Art; He played in the Vilnius Russian Theater, then in the Small Theater. In the films "Peaceful Days" and "unfinished story", Bystritskaya remained almost unnoticed, however, the role of Axigny in the trilogy of S. Gerasimov "Silent Don" (on the novel M. Sholokhov) became the triumph of the actress, which brilliantly passed the passion of character, the power of feelings, poetic spirituality Beauty Aksigni. The next luck in the cinema by E. Bowstrith - Lelke in the film "Volunteers". These two roles were the top of the creativity of Elina Bystritsky as film actresses.
  2. E. Blondas (Ry.1969) - Russian actress.
  3. E.Holl, Ivlin Hall (1868 - 1935 - English writer. Ivlin in (1903 - 1966) - English writer.
  4. E.Toma (Ry.1964) - French TV presenter.
  5. E.Ganskaya (1801 - 1882) - Polish aristocrat, wife Ohore de Balzac.
  6. E. Santangelo (Ry.1965) - Italian writer.
  7. E.Ganskaya (1801 - 1882) - Need - Rzhevossky Countess; Polish landowner and Russian subjects, his wife Ohore de Balzac. Daughter Adam Stanislavovich Rzhevsky.
  8. Lady E. Eln Glenni DBE - (Ry.1965) Scottish percussionist and composer.
  9. E.Sashenko - Lithuanian jazz singer of Polish origin. In Lithuania, he received fame as a participant in many television projects.
  10. E.Hromchenko - journalist, TV presenter and writer. At the moment, the International Editorial Director of Les Editions Jalou Paris, for the course of 13 years she held the post of chief editor and the creative director of the Russian version of the magazine "L".