The people of Arabs. Where do the Arabs live? Countries of the Arab world

Arab conquest VII-VIII centuries. Christian per-pad and Islamic world, the relationship between who were not easy. Christians I. muslims Widow have been promoted among themselves, but at the same time they have established peaceful trade and exchanged cultural dosses.

The creators of Islam were residents of Arabia - Arabs.

The Arabian Peninsula on three sides is washed by the seas. This is the innovative kingdom of sand. Almost all of its territory covers sandy and stony deserts and semi-deserts. There are no rivers, there are only dry beds - Wadi. Rain in Arabia falls only in winter. Nevertheless, life always buried there, the vegetable and live world was rich enough. But the ancient caravanways connecting the Eastern Mediterranean with the countries of the East had a particular importance for Arabia. The medieval population of Arabia fell pocket trading - Dangerous, but very profitable.

Arabic, merchant. Eastern miniature

People settled in Arabia mainly in coastal areas, on the edge of the desert - shopping settlements have emerged there. That is, residents of the Arabian Peninsula managed to adapt to harsh climatic conditions, although they often felt inspired and helpless. Inhabited by Arabia predominantly Arab tribes, which clearly shared on the Arabs of the Northern and South. North Arabs were brave and militant bedouins ("Residents of the Desert"), engaged in nomadic cattle breeding and car-bath. From time immemorial, it was used by a single-burnt camel, which could be able to do without water for several days, be content with simple and coarse foods (verso-lousy spines) and at the same time carrying the back of a few hundred kilograms on his back.

They also invented Burdyuk - a leather bag in which water was kept. Camels and Water Burues allowed them to get to remote pastures and equipping caravans hardly on the edge of the world. Along with the trade of Bedoux, they were eagerly organized by military pums, they were engaged in the breakdown, the robes of the city, merchants and farmers. The southern Arabs gave the advantage of agriculture and self-respecting. They grown dates, mulberry, grenades, peaches, figs, apricots, grapes, wheat, barley and other cultures, held camels, horses, sheep, goats. Bedouins belonged to them disseminately, considering only trading, Rostov-Pole, military affair and poetry. Material from site.

Related links from Arabs were strong, because without them they, these children of the desert, did not survive b. But before the appearance islam Arabs did not consider himself a single community and did not form their state.

Muslims - Those who confess Islam.

Caravan trade - Trade in goods delivered through the desert on the pack animals.

Bedouins - nomads in the Arabian Peninsula and in some areas of North Africa.

Islam ("Subsity") is one of the world religions, spread in the countries of the Middle and Middle East.

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Though arab geographers And they did not have a direct connection with Europe's geographers, however, in view of their indirect influence on European geographers, they occupy a certain place in the history of geographical discoveries. Their main role is that they managed to preserve something from the inheritance of classical antiquity at that time when Western Europe was unable to assess its importance; Further, Arab literature has several works of remarkable travelers who have seen closed for Europeans. In general, I must say that the influence of Arab travelers to the European geographical thought was small.

Arab geographical work In general, disintegrate into two groups: the works are descriptive and works mathematical. The narrow specialized nature of the latter, the Geography of Ptolemy, translated into Arabic at the very beginning of the IX century.; We are not considered here, as they are treated rather to the history of geography. The mathematical and geographical literature of the Arabs is part of their general-butter-aestomy works, in which the area of \u200b\u200bArabs have achieved great success and, in any case, far surpassed the Greeks. Muslim religious rites is impossible without decreasing correctly determining the breadth and longitude of the place, due to the need to build horizontal solar clocks - to indicate the exact moment of midday prayer, to obtain geographic coordinates of Mecca, the person to which must be addressed, and also for successful compilation horoscopes. One of the largest achievements related to the definition of the Arabami longitude was reduced by as much as 17 ° with excess Ptolemyevsky too elongated the contour of the Mediterranean Sea.

The successes of Arabs in the field of descriptive geography significantly contributed to the dissemination of their political influence. It created a huge territory for travel and led them to contact with higher forms of civilization. A significant role in the dissemination of knowledge was played by trading, both land and sea. This was also facilitated by annual pilgrimages in Mecca and a comparative cheapness and ease of traveling among the townsperts. Arab influence zone Stretched from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean and also covered the eastern coast of Africa at a considerable distance. The Arab merchants crossed the Sahara, in Spain and Sicily they were in contact with the Europeans, and in India and China dealt with the peoples of the Far East.

One of the first Arab geographers was Ibn-Hordadbeh, whose work refers to about 850. Being a government official, he had access to large and valuable statistical materials. However, the book of his "On the Roads and Kingdoms" disappoints the reader. In the work of Ibn-Khordadbach, a brief summary of his scientific views, borrowed from the "School" Ptolemy, and a valuable summary of the data on the great trading paths of the Arab world; This work is clogged by a different kind of basins, like stories about 1200 feet whales. These shortcomings are the work of Ibn-Hordadbeha to the level of non-critical compilation.

Another Arabic geographer of this initial period is Yakubi, whose work is written about 900 g.; He is called the father of Arab geography, since the subsequent writers widely used by its works. From Yakubi's youth, Yakubi had a desire to learn as much as possible about remote countries. He himself was an experienced traveler and, moreover, gathered a large material by surveying people who visited West or in the East. All he knew, he summarized in a consolidated work called "Book of countries", which leads detailed geographical names of settlements, distances between them, physical structure and a number of facts from the field of economic geography. One title of his labor has already shown that Yakubi well understood the breadth and scope of such an object as geography. Yakubi was a serious writer and, as opposed to many later Arabic geographers, did not prevent the truth with fiction.

Other traveling, typical of this early period of the Ebn Haukal geographer, can serve as a good example of excellent messages inside the Muslim world. In 953, he did a trip to the east, where in the Indus valley met the geographer Istachri, who later wrote the book "Climates", providing her cards. This book was based on the "books of roads and kingdoms", finished Ibn Haukalem in 988, which is a geographical, political and statistical description of the various provinces of the Haliph Empire. The author used all kinds of information, "making a geography of science, representing interest both for sovereigns and for people of all classes," and gave his book a wide publicity. The work of Ibn Haukal is important and due to the fact that it contains a description of the Muslim Halifer Empire in the Zenith of Her Miffon.

However, a great value of Masidi is even greater value, who comes over the entire Muslim east of Spain to China and visited, apparently, in Madagascar. Although this work, called Masidi "Golden meadows", is not pure geographic work, but it contains a lot of geographic information. His goal was to give something like the encyclopedia of knowledge of the time. He had a very limited idea of \u200b\u200bEurope and borrowed a lot from earlier writers, but in some issues he was well aware. So, he knew that the Caspian Sea was the inner lake, and was the first Arab geographer, indicating the existence of the Aral Sea.

The next Arabic geographer, Idrisi, although not the largest, from the point of view of Europeans, is perhaps the most interesting. Having received education in Cordove, Idrisi spent a long time in the wanders in both Europe, where he reached the shores of England and France and in Asia Minor. He entered the circle of the court king of Sicily Roeger II and wrote his book about 1170. Stay in Sicily gave him the opportunity to gather from visiting the island of seats and from merchants a lot of information, and he can meet the abundance of such information about Christian Europe, which not find earlier Arabic writers. Its cards, however, are impaired by a number of shortcomings. At the same time, Idrisi had a great influence on Christian geography, but rather indirectly, which is directly explained by the location of Sicily and its own Arabic connections. The best, perhaps, the proof of this is navigation cards, early reached great perfection in Sicily.

The last typical Arabic geographer is Yakut. He was born around 1196, spent many years in the famous libraries of Merva (modern Mary in the Turkmen SSR) and amounted to two "dawn": one geographical, and another biographical, which contain many details, valuable material about nature phenomena and little fiction . Although the Yakut is not a nucleon of this type of work, he still gave exemplary work on the reliability of work and gained the fame of the greatest Arab geographer.

In the Arabic period, traveling with purely research objectives were few. There is information that one such expedition was sent to the origins of the Nile; It reached the "lunar mountains" and the lake that gives the beginning of the Nile. Despite this, the Arab maps of Africa differ little from Ptolemy cards, and we can assume that the expedition is if it occurred at all, was only a repetition of the earlier commercial journey of Greek Diogen (see ch. I, p. 34).

Also known Sallam's expedition to the Great Chinese Wall. He was entrusted to find the mysterious people of Goga and Magoga. Sallam went through Armenia, to the Volga, then around the Caspian Sea, to the Ural and Altai mountains and returned through Bukhara to Iraq.

As for maritime expeditions, Idrisi talks about one of them sent to the Atlantic Ocean, but in this story it is very difficult to figure out. Initially, travelers as if they would go to the northern waters, or the so-called dark sea, and after - to the equator, and it is possible that the whole story belongs to some earlier atlantic expedition. The mention of opening away from Europe of some kind of island on which the "red" people of high growth and smooth hair are explained, can be some kind of former attempt to explore the island of Madeira. If this expedition really occurred, it was the first attempt to study the Atlantic from the times of classical antiquity.

In the Epoch of the Middle Ages (5-15th century) geography successfully developed in all areas in the Arab East, in India, China. Not only scientists and travelers played a large role in the development of geography, but merchants who became openers of new lands were played.

Arab East

As a result of the conquest campaigns of Arabs in the 7th century, a huge state emerged - the Arab Khalifat. In addition, it included territory, Iran, Palestine, the Pyrenean Peninsula and some others. As a result of the cultural interaction of Arabs and the conversations of the peoples, there was a special Arab culture. In 8-9 centuries, many works of scientists of the ancient world were translated into Arabic, including the ancient Greek, Persian, Indian. This contributed to the development of mathematics, astronomy, chemistry, medicine and geography.

The Arabs were magnificent navigators, they are beautifully in the stars and, accounted for quite accurate. Country information contained not only a description, but also the exact location of cities and other important objects.

Arab Travel

Actively engaged in trading, the Arabs paved the ancient caravanways through and discovered her southern edge, calling him Sahel ("Desert Coast"). Experienced seating, they are still in the 9th century along the eastern shores of Africa reached the Islands of Madagascar, along the southern shores of Asia - India and China. The obstacle for Arab travelers was only the Atlantic Ocean, except for swimming pools.

Abu Abdallah Ibn Battuta is considered the most famous of Arab travelers. In the 14th century, he traveled and explored almost all countries of Asia and North Africa, Sakhara. The result of his travel was a big job, in which the cities and countries and countries are described in detail, information about.

The development of Asia

In Asia, the geographical knowledge of new territories was marine and land through. Buddhist monks, merchants and travelers moved from India and China. Their path lay through the deserts of Central Asia, Tibet and. Watching in different areas of Asia, they collected geographical information about the nature and peoples of the countries seen. Motheric workers played a big role in the development of vast spaces of Asia.

The development of Asia by sea, led to the settlement of large and small. Starting from 10th century, Chinese vessels (Junks) were approached by Kaliman, Java, Sumatra. China has set wide trade relations with and.

In the 14-15th centuries for trade with the countries of the East, the Russians used the path of the software, then by, and then on land in Persia and India. It was this way to go to India in 1468 by the Tver merchant of Athanasius. He first of Europeans described in detail this country in his travel notes "walking in three seas".


At the beginning of the Middle Ages in Europe, there was a decline of scientific knowledge, which was also reflected in the development of geography. However, by the middle of the Middle Ages, the geographical horizon expanded. There was a re-acquaintance of Europeans with distant, development of the northern regions of Europe and the North, Western shores of Africa.

State of geography

The geographical knowledge of the ancient world accumulated in medieval Europe was forgotten. Traveling most often wore a random character, and the main travelers were pilgrims to holy places. Geographical performances expanded during crusades (11-13th century). These were the military hiking of Europeans on the purpose of liberation from the Muslims of the Holy Land (Palestine) and the coffin of the Lord. The crusaders sailed into Palestine along the shores of South and Southeastern Europe, specifying the outlines of the islands and bays of the Mediterranean on the cards.

Viking hiking

Since the end of the 8th century, Vikings were played a major role in the opening and mastering of new lands - residents of the Scandinavian Peninsula. In the Russian chronicles, Vikings are called Varyags, and in European sources - Normans ("Northern people"). The main classes of Vikings were fisheries, trade, and often marine robbery. On their reliable courts - Dracars, they made maritime hiking both under the sail and on the vests.

Varyags swam the software, which in Russia was called Varana. Their path in Byzantium passed through the Gulf of Finland, then on rivers and wipes in the Black and Mediterranean Sea. This path in Russian chronicles is called "from the Varyag in the Greeks". Vikings were in England and went to through the Gibraltar Strait. In the 9th century, they settled on the island, in the 10th century reached the shores and islands at the eastern coast of North America.

Travel Marko Polo.

In 12-13 centuries, trade relations were expanded between and Asian states. Traveling to distant countries for merchants has become regular, although they were unsafe. This contributed to the accumulation of geographical knowledge. The Venetian merchant Marco Polo first from Europeans visited China, as well as in other Asian countries. Returning to his homeland, he published a "book about the diversity of the world."

The Book of Marco Polo contains descriptions of the nature and life of the population of unknown people at the time Europeans. It provides detailed information about China, Persia, India, Japan, about the Islands of Java and Sumatra and other richest territories. The Europeans first learned about paper money, sage palm, combustible "black stones" (stone corner) and, most importantly, areas where spices were grown, appreciated by gold weight. For several centuries, the Book of Marco Polo enjoyed tremendous success, including those of great navigators, like Magellan.

Portuguese navigators

In the 15th century, the powerful naval power began. For traveling to distant countries, the Portuguese brought a new type of sailboats - threematic caravels. They could easily move not only with lateral, but also at the oncoming wind. The inspiration and organizer of maritime travel was Prince of Portugal Enrique. He got a nickname navigator, although he himself rarely went to the sea. Enrique conceived a grand geographical geographic - to reach india by the sea. In 1434-1460, in search of such a way, numerous expeditions organized by them went to the islands of the central part. The development of Africa's portuguets continued. A observatory was created in the country, a nautical school was opened. Portugal, and then long were the main centers of navigation and seaworthy science in Europe.


  • 1 Accommodation
  • 2 In biblical times
    • 2.1 Religion
    • 2.2 Ethnic Arabs of Central Asia
  • 3 History
  • 4 gallery
  • Notes


Map of the settlement of Arabs in the countries of the Arab League

Arabs, (Arab. العرب al-arab) - The people of Semitic origin, speaking in Arabic and inhabiting states of Western Asia and North Africa. Writing on the basis of the Arab Round Letter.

1. Places of accommodation

The greatest number of Arabs live in Asia and Africa.

In Africa: Mauritans (Mauritania), Mauris (Western Sahara), Moroccan (Morocco), Algerians (Algeria), Tunisians (Tunisia), Libyans (Libya), Sudanese (Sudan), Egyptians (Egypt),

In Asia: Palestinian Arabs (live in Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and other countries), Lebanese (Lebanon), Jordanians (Jordan), Syrians (Syria), Iraqis (Iraq), Iranian Arabs (Iran), Kuwaitz (Kuwait) , Bahrainians (Bahrain), Arabs of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Yemenians (Yemen), Qatari (Qatar), Oman People (Oman), Saudi (Saudi Arabia).

Arabs also live in Turkey, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Indonesia and other countries.

Arabs-emigrants are in Western Europe, North and South America, Western and South Africa, Australia, etc.

2. in biblical times

In the biblical times of the Arabs were called Zauli.

"Then Jonafan appealed to the Arabs, called the centers, struck them and took their extraction" (1 MAK 12: 31).

"When they moved away from there for nine stages, heading against Timothy, then Arabs attacked them, at least five thousand and five hundred riders. The battle was cruel, and when there were victory with Juda with the help of God, the victims of the defeat of Nomada Arabs asked Judas about the world, promising to deliver their lives and in the other to be useful to them " (2 McC.12: 10-11).

In the biblical encyclopedia of Brockhause (M., 1999): "The Bible knows Arabs as a wicker tribe of Semitic origin, as well as the descendants of Izmail" (p. 47).

Joseph Flavius \u200b\u200brepeatedly mentions Arabs (starting from the Patriarch era): "Meanwhile, Judah, also one of the sons of Jacob, saw arab merchants From the Ishmaailsky tribe, who were carried by spices and other Syrian goods in Egypt from Galaada, and gave, due to the lack of Roulevil, the Soviet brothers - pull out Joseph and sell it arabambecause in this way Joseph will die in a foreign trade among foreigners, and they themselves do not spare their hands of their blood "(Jewish antiquities, book. 2.3: 3).

2.1. Religion

Most of the Arabs, more than 90%, are confessing Islam. However, among them also professing Christianity.

2.2. Ethnic Arabs of Central Asia

Central Asian Arabs are seased by small groups among Uzbeks, Tajiks and Turkmen, gradually assimilated by them; The majority lives in the Bukhara and Samarkand region of Uzbekistan. They speak the language of the country of residence, but the Tajikized Mesopotamian adverbing Arabic language is partially preserved. Consider themselves the descendants of the tribes moved to Central Asia Timur; Linguistic and anthroplogical data suggest that they moved to the right bank of AMU Daria from Northern Afghanistan. The number is steadily reduced: 21793 people. In 1939, 8 thousand in 1959, about 4 thousand in 1970.

In addition, they allocate their generic origin khoja (Persian owner, Mr., Teacher from Arab. Hajj - Pilgrimage to Mecca). At the nomadic peoples of Central Asia, the race "Hody" means the descendants of missionaries that spread Islam in the steppe. In the word, Khoja originally denoted the man who made a pilgrimage (hajge) in Mecca, that is, it was so wealthy that he could afford it.

It should be noted that Islam was also distributed in addition to the Arabs themselves also sedated Turkic-speaking Muslims, who accepted Islam before nomadic turks. In addition, persons from other Turkic tribes were attributed to the "Hydha" for the wonderful knowledge of Islam, which indicates the origin of "Hody" not as a tribal education, but rather as a mixed tribal and caste education, which also had one of his ancestors also Arabs. At the same time, along with Khoja, there is a class Said (Arab. "Mr., owner '). Representatives of this class build their genealogy to Hazret Ali, a cousin and the son-in-law of the Prophet Mohammed. Saiyids lead their own from Husain, the son of Hazret Ali and the daughter of Mohammed Fatima (Wed with straight descendants of Genghishan nameable tore).

3. History

Arab Caliphate from the beginning of the Board of Ali to the end of the Board of the Omeyad Dynasty

Ancient Semitic tribes, of which the ancient human people subsequently developed, occupied [ when?] The territory of the Arabian Peninsula. The first Arab government formations arose on the northern border of Arabia, as well as in Central Arabia (Kindit Kingdom, Lahmid and Hasanid states).

To the V-VI centuries, the Arab tribes constituted the majority of the population of the Arabian Peninsula. In the first half of the 6th century, the Arab conquest began with the emergence of Islam, as a result of which a caliphate was created, which took extensive territories from India to the Atlantic Ocean and from Central Asia to central sugar. Arabic scientists were famous for magnificent doctors and mathematics.

In North Africa, the population, which spoke on the close to Arab semit-Khamita languages, is relatively quickly as arabized, perceiving the language and many elements of the culture of conquerors. At the same time, the inverse process of assimilation of the Arabs of some elements of the culture of conquered peoples took place.

The Arab Caliphate for the X century as a result of the resistance of conquered peoples and the growth of feudal separatism collapsed into separate parts.

In the XVI century, the Arab countries of Front Asia (except for a significant part of the Arabian Peninsula) and North Africa (with the exception of Morocco) entered the Ottoman Empire.

Starting from the XIX century, the Arab land was subjected to colonial seizures and became colonies and protectors of Great Britain, France, Italy, Spain. To date, all of them (with the exception of Western Sahara and Palestine) are independent states.

4. Gallery


  1. Iran Overview From British Home Office -
  2. ISRAEL IN FIGURES 2007 -, Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics, 2007.
  3. U.S. Census Bureau: Population by Selected Ancestry Group and Region: 2005 -
  4. - Mexico -
  5. (Inaccessible link - history -*/
  6. Kister, M.J. "-\u003dislam_sim-4477ķuāḍa." Encyclopaedia of islam. Edited by: P. Bearman, Th. Bianquis, C.E. Bosworth, E. Van Donzel and W.P. Heinrichs. Brill, 2008. Brill Online. 10 April 2008: "The Name IS An Early One and Can Be Traced In Fragments of The Old Arab Poetry. The Tribes Recorded As ķuḍā "WERE: Kalb, Djuhayna, Balī, Bahrā", Khawlān, Mahra, Khushayn, Djarm, "Udhra, Balkayn, Tanūkh and Salīh"
  7. Serge D. Elie, "Hadiboh: From Peripheral Village to Emerging City", Chroniques Yéménites.: "IN THE MIDDLE, WERE THE ARABS WHO ORIGINATED FROM DIFFERENT PARTS OF THE MAINLAND (E.G., PROMINENT MAHRU TRIBES10, AND INDIVIDUALS FROM HADRAMAWT, AND ADEN)." FootNote 10: "Their Neighbours in the West Scarcely Regarded Them As Arabs, Though Themselves Consider The Are of The Pure Stock of Himyar." -
  8. Arabs - (eng.). LOOKLEX ENCYCLOPAEDIA.
  9. 1 2 3 Soviet historical encyclopedia. M., 1973-1982. Art. "Arabs Central Asian" -
  10. 1 2 Great Soviet Encyclopedia. 2nd ed., M., 1950. T. 2, p. 598.
This abstract is based on an article from Russian Wikipedia. Synchronization executed 09.07.11 17:44:53
Related Schedules: Arab Shah, Sweet Arab, Shamilov Arab, Al-Mokavlun Al-Arab, Shatt Al-Arab, Bourges Al-Arab, Arab (Mythology),

The people are a group of people united by some specific signs, they are numbered on Earth more than 300. There are numerous, such as Chinese, and there are fewer, for example, Ginuchans, whose representation does not even reach 450 people.

Arabic people - the second largest group of people in the world, about 400 million people. Inhabiting the states of the Middle East and North Africa, but recently they actively emigrate to Europe due to wars and political conflicts. So this is the people, what is his story, and are there countries where Arabs live?

Where did the Arabic people go?

The predecessors of Arabs are the wild tribes of Africa and the Middle East. In general, the first mention of them were discovered in various Babylonian writing. More specific instructions are recorded in the Bible. It is in it that in the 14th century BC. e. In jaipend, and then in Palestine, the first shepherd tribes from Arabian oases appear. Of course, this is a rather controversial version, but in any case, scientists agree that this people originated in Arabia, and from there the story of Arabs began.

The overwhelming majority of Arabs confess Islam (90%), and the remaining part of Christianity. In the 7th century, before anyone, the famous merchant Muhammed began to preach a new religion. After several years, the Prophet created the community, and later the state of the Califat. This country began to quickly expand its borders, and literally after a hundred years she stretched from Spain through North Africa and South-West Asia to India's borders. Due to the fact that the Khalifat had a huge territory, the state language was actively spread on the states subject to it, thanks to which the transition of the local population in the culture and customs of the Arabs took place.

The widespread spread of Islam allowed the caliphants to establish close contact with Christians, Jews, etc., which was assumed by the formation of one of the greatest civilizations in the world. During its existence, many great works of art were created, a rapid rise in science occurred, including astronomy, medicine, geography and mathematics. But in the 10th century, the fall of caliphate (the states of the Arabs) began due to wars with Mongols and Turks.

By the 16th century, Turkish subjects won the entire Arab world, and it continued until the 19th century, when the British and the French were dominated in North Africa. Only after World War II, all the people, except Palestinians, gained independence. They got freedom only by the end of the 20th century.

We will consider later where the Arabs live these days, and while it is worth staying on the language and cultural features of this people.

Language and culture

Arabic, official all countries in which this group of people lives belongs to the Afrazian family. About 250 million people speak it, and another 50 million people use it as a second language. Writing was compiled on the basis of the Arab alphabet, which changed slightly for his long-term history. The language was transformed constantly. Now in Arabic write to the right left, and there are no capital letters.

Along with the development of the people, culture developed. She acquired his dawn during the caliphate period. It is noteworthy that the Arabs founded their culture based on the Roman, Egyptian, Chinese and others, and in general, this people made a big step in the development of universal civilization. Learning language and heritage will help to understand who Arabs are what their values.

Science and literature

Arabic science developed on the basis of ancient Greek, mostly in a military case, since extensive territories could not be seized and protected only with human resources. At the same time, various schools open. Scientific centers also arise due to the development of natural sciences. Big successes were achieved in historical and geographical areas of research. Mathematics, medicine and astronomy got a big jump in the development in the calipheat.

The main literary work of the Arab world is the Koran. It was written in the form of prose and serves as the basis of the religion of Islam. However, even before this religious book appeared, great written masterpieces were created. Mostly Arabs composed poetry. Themes were different, such as self-ability, love and image of nature. In the calipheat, such world works were written, which are popular until today, this is: "Thousand and one night", "Makamat", "Forgiveness Messages" and "Book about the buyers".

Arabic architecture

Many art objects were created by Arabs. At the initial stage, the influence of the Roman and Byzantine traditions, but over time, their architecture acquires its unique appearance. By the 10th century, a peculiar type of a mosque column with a rectangular courtyard in the center, surrounded by numerous halls, gallery with elegant arcades. This type includes Amir Mosque in Cairo, where many hundreds of years have been living.

From the 12th century, various alphabetic and vegetable patterns, which were decorated with buildings as outside, and inside. From the 13th century dome appear. In the 15th century, the basis of the decoration of buildings is a Moorish style, an example of this direction is Alhambra Castle in Granada. After the Turks of the Arab Khalifat, the architecture acquires the Byzantine features, which affected Mohammed Mosque in Cairo.

The position of women and religion in the Arab world

It is impossible to answer the question: who are such Arabs, if not examine the position of women in their world. Until the mid-20th century, girls were at the lowest level in society. They did not have the right to vote, it was possible to say, were not considered for people, but what is interesting, the attitude towards mothers has always been respectful. Now, especially in major cities, the attitude towards women has changed. Now they can visit schools, higher educational institutions and even take high political, government positions. Polygamy that is allowed in Islam is not fast, but disappears. Rarely now you will meet a man who has more than two wives.

With regards to religion, then, of course, it is mostly Arabs profess Islam, about 90 percent. Also a small part is the adherents of Christianity, most of the Protestants and a small part of Orthodox. In antiquity, this people, like most of the ancient tribes, worshiped the stars, the Sun and the sky. Reviewed and gave the tribute to the most famous and influential ancestors. Only in the 7th century, when Mohammed began to preach, the Arabs actively began to move in Islam, and now they are considered to be Muslims.

Countries of the Arab world

The world has a fairly large number of states where the Arab people live. Countries in which the overwhelming majority of the population are precisely this nationality, can be considered invading. For them, place of residence for the most part is in Asia countries. Assess Arab Representation in the following countries: Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Libya, Sudan and Tunisia. Of course, the Arabs still live in Africa and European countries.

Emigration of Arabs

Throughout history, this nationality moved around the world, for the most part this is due to the Great Civilization of the Caliphate. Now there are much more active emigration from the countries of Africa and the Middle East of Arabs to Europe and America due to an unstable and threatening situation, which has developed as a result of military and political conflicts. Currently, Arabs immigrants are distributed in such territories: France, USA, Germany, Italy, Austria, etc. In Russia, about 10 thousand immigrants live, this is one of the smallest representative offices.

United Arab Emirates

UAE - a famous, influential and successful Arab state. This is a country in the Middle East, which is divided, in turn, by 7 Emirates. The UAE is one of the most modern, advanced and rich states of the world, is considered to be a leading oil exporter. It is precisely because of this natural stock, the Emirates are developing so rapidly. Only in the 1970s, the country received independence, and for such a short time reached huge heights. The most famous cities of the UAE, it is Abu Dhabi, the capital of the country, and Dubai.

Tourism in Dubai

Now the United Arab Emirates attract tourists from all over the world, but, of course, the center of attraction is Dubai.

In this city there is everything: any rest can satisfy their desires, even lighter ski lovers here there is a place. The best beaches, shops and entertainment centers. The most famous object is not only oak, but also the entire UAE, is a Burj Khalifa. This is the highest construction in the world whose height reaches 830 meters. Inside this massive facilities are placed retail space, offices, apartments, hotels and more.

The largest water park in the world is also in Dubai. Thousands of different instances of animals and fish live here. When entering the aquarium, you are immersed in the world of fairy tales, feel yourself in the inhabitant of the sea world.

In this city, everything is always the biggest and large. Here is the largest and most beautiful artificial archipelago "Peace". The outlines of the island copies the contours of our planet. From above the magnificent look opens, so it is worth going to the helicopter tour.

Thus, the Arab world is an exciting history, culture and a modern lifestyle. Each one should get acquainted with the peculiarities of this people, go to the state where Arabs live, for recreation and entertainment, because it is an amazing and unique phenomenon on planet Earth.