Local cathedrals. Brief certificate about the history of the Local Cathedrals of the Russian Orthodox Church

Requirements of Moiseeva Law (Acts). Solving a number of local councils, along with universal, became the norms of church law.

Cathedrals of antiquity are called the cities in which they took place (Laodician, Sardiykhesky, etc.). There is also division geographical position Churches whose representatives participated in the work of the Cathedral (Eastern Church, Western Church), by name local churchesin which cathedrals were gathered (Cathedrals of the Constantinople Church, Antioch, Roman, Carthaginskaya, etc.), according to the names of countries and territories, where they were held (Spanish, Multiazia), by nation (the cathedrals of the Russian, Serbian, Romanian churches), Confresions (Councils of Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Georgian, Armenian, Lutheran Churches).

In the Russian church

Until the 20th century, the term "secular cathedral" was actively used in Russian historical literature for the designation of private (non-universal) councils of antiquity.

Although the term and used in the XIX century also for the designation of local cathedrals of the Russian Church and even in the phrase "All-Russian Local Cathedral", the broad use of the term in the current sense came at the beginning of the 20th century in connection with the preparation for the All-Russian Cathedral of the Orthodox Russian Church, which opened in August; More than half of the participants in the cathedral were laity.

The later regulatory documents of the Russian Orthodox Church understand the local council as a meeting of the Bishopath, as well as representatives of other clerics, monastimes and the laity of the local Russian Orthodox Church.

By definition of the All-Russian Cathedral of 1917-1918 and Cathedral 1945

1. In the Orthodox Russian Church, the highest power - legislative, administrative, judicial and controlling - belongs to a plain cathedral, periodically, in certain times convened, in the composition of the bishops, clerics and laity.<…>

In connection with the death of Patriarch Alexy II, which followed on December 5, 2008, the local council took place on January 28, 2009.

The procedure for the formation of the composition of the Local Cathedral

The on-site cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church, according to the "Regulations on the composition of the Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church", as of December 10, 2008, includes:

  1. Diocesan bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church;
  2. Vicarious bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church;
  3. Heads of the following synodal institutions:
    1. Management of Moscow Patriarchate;
    2. Publishing Council;
    3. Study committee;
    4. Department of catechization and religious education;
    5. The department of charity and social ministry;
    6. Missionary department;
    7. Department for interaction with armed forces and law enforcement agencies;
    8. Department of Youth Affairs;
  4. Rectors of the Spiritual Academies and the Orthodox Holy Tikhon University of Humanitarian University;
  5. Five delegates from the spiritual seminaries elected at the rector's meeting;
  6. Governors in the Episcopian San of Men's Stavropigial Monasteries;
  7. Four delegates elected at the congress of the prisons of women's Stavropigial monasteries;
  8. Head of the Russian Spiritual Mission in Jerusalem;
  9. Members of the Commission on the preparation of the Local Cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church.
  10. Three delegates from each diocese as part of one cleric, one monastic and one layman.
  11. Patriarchate parishes in Canada, in the United States, in Turkmenistan, in Italy and in the Scandinavian countries elect two delegates (cleric and layman).

see also

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  • MA Babkin. . NG Religion (January 21, 2009). - Patriarch Tikhon may be undoubtedly considered a nationwide elected head of the church. Checked January 21, 2009.

An excerpt characterizing the local cathedral

Rostov on this night was with a platoon in the flank chain, ahead of the Bagration detachment. Husar him was scattered in the chain; He himself traveled along this line of the chain, trying to overcome the dream, insurmountable to him. Nazady it was visible to be a huge space unclear our army bonfires in the fog; There was a foggy darkness ahead. How many Rostov peered into this foggy distance, he did not see anything: it was servo, then as if she was stuck something; they flashed as if lights, where the enemy should be; That he thought it was only shining in his eyes. His eyes closed, and in the imagination it was the sovereign, then Denisov, then Moscow memories, and he again hurriedly opened his eyes and closely in front of him he saw the head and ears of the horse on which he was sitting, sometimes black shapes of the hussar when he was in six steps He drove on them, but far away all the same misty darkness. "From what? It may very much, "Rostov thought," that the sovereign, having met me, will give an instruction, like any officer: says: "Go, find out what's there." A lot was told the same as it accidentally he learned as a officer and closer to himself. What, if he brought me to myself! Oh, as if I guarded him, no matter how I spoke to him, as if I expanded his deceivers, "and Rostov, in order to vividly imagine her love and loyalty to the sovereign, imagined the enemy or a deceiver of the German, whom he with pleasure Not only killed, but on the cheeks beat in the eyes of the sovereign. Suddenly, the far cry woke up Rostov. He shuddered and opened his eyes.
"Where I am? Yes, in the chain: the slogan and password - drawing, Olmyuz. Eki Ansky, that the squadron of our tomorrow will be in reserves ... - he thought. - Fit in business. This may be the only case to see the sovereign. Yes, now for a short time to shift. Combine once again and, as I will return, I will go to the general and ask him. " He recovered on the saddle and touched the horse to drive around his hussar again. It seemed to him that was light. In the left side, a bandless illuminated scat was seen and the opposite, black hill, seemed steep, like a wall. On the Bugre this was a white spot, which could not understand Rostov: Is it a glade in the forest illuminated by a month, or the remaining snow, or white houses? It seemed to him that this white stain began to move something. "There must be snow - this is a stain; Spot - Une Tache, "thought Rostov. "So not Tash ..."
"Natasha, sister, black eyes. On ... Tashka (I will be surprised when I tell her how I saw the sovereign!) Nataski ... Tashka take ... "-" Again, your wellness, and then the bushes ", said Gusar's voice, which, falling asleep, went to Rostov. Rostov raised his head that had already sank to the horses' mane, and stopped near Gusar. Young children's sleep insurposedly clone him. "Yes, mean, what did I think? - not forget. How will I speak with the state truck? No, not that is tomorrow. Yes Yes! On Tashka, come ... to fade us - who? Gusarov. And the hussars in the mustache ... By Tverskaya, this hussar was driving with a mustache, I also thought about him, against the Gurya himself at home ... Old Man Guriev ... Eh, nice little Denisov! Yes, all this is nothing. The main thing now is the sovereign here. As he looked at me, and I wanted to say something to him, but he did not bother ... No, I did not bother. Yes, it is nothing, and most importantly - do not forget that I needed it, yes. On - Tashka, we - to eat, yes, yes, yes. It's good". - And he fell his head again on the neck of the horse. Suddenly it seemed to him that he was shooting. "What? What? What! ... Ruby! What? ... "spoke, waking, Rostov. As a moment, as he opened his eyes, Rostov heard in front of him where the enemy was, pulling thousands of votes. His horses and hussar standing beside him, alerted ears on these screams. On the place from which the screams were heard, one light was heard, then one light, then the other, and on the entire line of the French troops on the mountain lights lit up, and the cries were even more and more incent. Rostov heard the sounds of French words, but could not disassemble them. Too much buzzing votes. Only heard was: AAAA! and rrrr!
- What is it? What do you think? - Rostov turned to Hussar, standing beside him. - After all, this is an enemy?
Gusar did not answer anything.
- Well, don't you hear you? - Pretty waiting for a response, asked Rostov again.
"And who knows, your wellness," Gusar responded reluctantly.
- In place should be an enemy? - again repeated Rostov.
"It can, and maybe, and so," Gusar said, "the thing is night. Well! Shawn! He shouted on his horse, who worked under him.
Rostov's horse was in a hurry, beat his leg on the frozen land, listening to the sounds and looking at the lights. All the shouts of the votes were intensified and intensified and merged into the overall hum, which could only produce a few thousandth army. The lights more and more applied, probably along the line of the French camp. Rostov no longer wanted to sleep. Merry, triumphant cries in the enemy army influenced it: Vive L "Empereur, L" Empereur! [Long live the emperor, the emperor!] Already clearly heard Rostov now.
- And not far, - must be for a stream? - he said to Husaru standing near him.
Gusar only sighed, not answering anything, and hesitated angrily. According to Gusar, he was heard by the trample horse-in horse, and from the night mist suddenly grew, imagining a huge elephant, the figure of the Hussar Unter of the officer.
- Your wellness, generals! - Unter said Officer, approaching Rostov.
Rostov, continuing to look back on the lights and screams, went with Unter in an officer to meet several righteous to the line. One was on a white horse. Prince Bagration with Prince Dolgorukov and Adjutants left to look at the strange phenomenon of lights and screams in the enemy army. Rostov, running up to Bagration, reported to him and joined the adjutants, listening to what the generals said.
"Believe me," the prince of Dolgorukov said, turning to Bagration, "that this is nothing more as a cunning: he retreated in an airsharder ordered to light the lights and noise to deceive us.
"Hardly," said Bagration, "I saw them from the evening on Tom Bugre; If you left, so and from there. Officer, - Prince of Bagration to Rostov turned to Rostov, - are there still his flanks there?
- From the evening they stood, and now I can not know your shiny. Order, I will go with the hussar, - said Rostov.
Bagration stopped and, without answering, in the fog tried to see the face of Rostov.
"And what, look," he said, having silent a little.
- Listen to.
Rostov gave the spurs of a horse, called Unter Officer Fedchenka and two more hussar, ordered them to go for himself and drove drove under the mountain towards the continued cries. Rostov and terribly and fun to go to one with three hussars there, in this mysterious and dangerous misty distance, where no one was before him. Bagration shouted to him from the mountain so that he did not go further the stream, but Rostov did the view, as if he did not hear his words, and, without stopping, drove further and further, constantly cheating, taking bushes for trees and rods for people and constantly explaining their Deceptions. Going down a trot under the mountain, he no longer saw our nor enemy lights, but louder, I heard more clearly cries of the French. In the hollow, he saw something like a river, but when he reached her, he recognized the passing road. Leaving on the road, he helped the horse in indecision: go through it, or cross her and go through the black field to the mountain. Riding on the light in the fog road was safer, because rather it was possible to consider people. "I went after me," he said, crossed the road and began to raise a gallop to the mountain, to the place where the French picket standing in the evening.
- Your Honor, so he! - Speak from behind one of the hussar.
And he still did not have time to see something, suddenly stolen in the fog, as the light flashed, clicked the shot, and the bullet, as if comparing for something, he knocked high in the fog and flew out of hearing. Another shotgun did not shoot, but flashed the light on the shelf. Rostov turned the horse and gallop went back. Four shots rang out in different intervals, and the bullets saved different tones somewhere in the fog. Rostov held a horse, who had joyed just like he, from shots, and went step. "Well, even, well, even!" Speaking in his soul, some fun voice. But no longer shots.

1. A plastering consumer belongs to the highest power in the Russian Orthodox Church in the election of the Patriarch of the Moscow and All Russia and the care of it on peace, the provision of autochefali, autonomy or self-government parts of the Russian Orthodox Church, as well as in consideration of topics, the list of which is determined by this Charter.

2. The local council is convened as necessary by the bishop cathedral. In exceptional cases, the local council can be convened by the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia (location) and the sacred synod.

3. The local council consists of bishops, representatives of the Cleary, monastishes and laity, included in the Local Cathedral of office or elected, in accordance with the Regulations on the composition of the Local Cathedral.

Regulations on the composition of the Local Cathedral, as well as changes and additions to it, are approved by the Bishop Cathedral.

4. The responsibility for the preparation of the local cathedral carries the bishop Cathedral, which develops, first approves and makes approval of the local council of the regulations of the meetings, the program, agenda, the structure of this cathedral, and also takes other decisions related to the liaison cathedral.

In case the local cathedral is convened by the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia (location) and the sacred synod, the proposals for the regulations of the meetings, the program, the agenda and the structure of the local cathedral are approved by the Bishop Cathedral, the meeting of which must be preceded by a plain cathedral.

5. Local Cathedral:

a) serves as an expression of the carriage and canonical unity of the Russian Orthodox Church and has its main task its conservation;

b) makes decisions related to the provision of autochefali, autonomy or self-government parts of the Russian Orthodox Church;

c) elects the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia in accordance with the Regulations on the election of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia and makes a decision to care for peace;

The provision on the election of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, as well as changes and additions to it, are approved by the Bishop Cathedral;

d) at the proposal of the bishop cathedral produces the position of church fullness on the most important issues related to the internal church life, relationships with other local churches, with non-Christian confessions and non-Christian religious communities, relationships between the church and states, as well as the church and society in the canonical territory of the Russian Orthodox Church ;

e) in the necessary cases refers to the Bishops' Cathedral with a proposal to re-consider previously adopted solutions in the field of creed and canonical dispensation, taking into account the opinions expressed by the majority of the participants of the Location Cathedral;

e) initiates consideration of significant issues within the framework of the interstitial presence;

g) cares about the preservation of the purity of Orthodox faith, Christian morality and piety;

h) approves, changes, cancels and explains its decrees.

6. The Chairman of the Cathedral is the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, in the absence of the Patriarch - the Patriarchal Patriarch Location.

7. The quorum of the Local Cathedral is 2/3 of the Cathedral members, including 2/3 of Bishops from the total number of hierarchs - members of the Cathedral.

8. The Secure Cathedral approves the regulations of the meetings, the program, agenda and its structure, and also elects a simple majority of the members of the Cathedral of the Presidium, the Secretariat and forms the necessary workers.

9. The Presidium of the Local Cathedral consists of the Chairman (Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia or the location) and the twelve members in the Bishop San. The Presidium leads the meetings of the Cathedral.

10. The Secretariat of the Mounted Cathedral consists of the secretary in the Bishops' San and two assistants - cleric and layman. The Secretariat is responsible for providing members of the Cathedral with the necessary working materials and for the conduct of the minutes of meetings. Protocols are signed by the secretary and are approved by the Chairman.

11. The Cathedral elected chairmen (in the bishops of San), members and secretaries of the working bodies established by them by a simple majority of votes.

12. The Presidium, the secretary and the chairmen of the working bodies constitute the Cathedral Council.

Cathedral Council is the governing body of the Local Cathedral. Its competence includes:

a) consideration of emerging issues on the agenda and making proposals for the procedure for studying the cathedral;

b) coordination of all the activities of the cathedral;

c) consideration of procedural and protocol issues;

d) administrative and technical support of the normal activities of the cathedral.

13. All bishops - members of the Location Cathedral constitute a bishop meeting. The meeting is convened by the Chairman of the Cathedral on its initiative, by decision of the Council of the Cathedral or at a suggestion of at least 1/3 of the Bishops. The meeting of the meeting includes a discussion of those decisions of the local cathedral, which are of particular importance and who are doubted from the point of view of compliance with the sacred Scriptures, the sacred legend, dogmas and canons, as well as maintaining church peace and unity.

If any decision of the local cathedral or part of it is rejected by the majority of those present by the bishops, then it is submitted to the re-cathedral consideration. If, after that, most of the hierarchs present on the local council of hierarchs will be rejected, then it loses its strength of the cathedral definition.

14. Opening of the Local Cathedral and its daily meetings are preceded by the commitment of Divine Liturgy or other relevant authorized worship.

15. The meeting of the Local Cathedral is headed by the Chairman or, on his proposal, one of the members of the Presidium of the Cathedral.

16. In open meetings of the Local Cathedral, in addition to its members, invited theologians, specialists, observers and guests can take part. The degree of their participation is determined by the regulations, but in any cases they do not have the right to participate in the voting. The proposal to hold a closed meeting is entitled to make members of the Local Cathedral.

17. Decisions on the local council are accepted by a majority of votes, with the exception of special cases specified by the Cathedral of the Rules. With equality of votes in the case of an open vote, the voice of the Chairman has a crucial importance. With equality of votes in the case of a secret ballot, a re-voting is carried out.

18. Decisions of the Local Cathedral in the form of decisions and definitions are signed by the Chairman and members of the Presidium of the Cathedral. Other documents approved by definitions (decrees) of the Cathedral are visited by the Secretary of the Cathedral.

19. All official documents of the Local Cathedral are signed by the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia (Location), members of the Presidium and the Secretary.

20. Resolutions of the Local Cathedral come into force immediately after their adoption.

The participation of the Mijan in the management of the Church remains one of the most pressing issues in modern life ROC. What should be understood under the "Cattle" of the Church? How complies with the modern practice of holding the local and bishops of the Canonical heritage of the ancient Church? Above these and other issues, Alexander Zadornov argues.

The existence of each Orthodox local church is directly related to the territorial factor. The area on which the government is distributed, judicial and general administrative power of this local church is canonical territory. The principle of canonical territory involves mutual respect for the rights of each church on its activities within the limits of this territory regulated by canonical norms about the non-interference of the bishopath of one church in the case of another. These norms imply the unity of the teacher, sacramental and governmental church power, the admiration of which is considered by the rules of the Church as an encroachment on the principle of church unity.

Reminder of this elementary norm of the church device is necessary for the correct understanding functioning of such a brief unity. "The carrier of the church power," speaks in his lectures on church law prof. S. V. Troitsky, - is the entire bishopath (body - bishops' cathedrals) ... In the Orthodox Church there are several types of cathedrals, namely: 1) Soborovsky Cathedrals, 2) Social Cathedrals, whose ordinances were learned by the Universal Councils, 3) Cathedrals Bishops of several autocephalous churches, 4) the cathedrals of the bishops of one autocephalous or autonomous church "[i].

The Cathedral of the bishops of the autochetal church and there is a substantive cathedral - in any case, it is this way that the canonical corps of the Orthodox Church (in the form of the Nomocanon Fothiev) understands its composition. Such a cathedral is not simply "endowed with" the highest church power (for such empowers is understood in modern practice as a synonym for "delegation"), but it possesses it precisely by the status of its participants.

Despite the clear understanding of this issue from a canonical point of view, the history of the Russian Local Orthodox Church of the beginning of the 20th century knows the precedent of another understanding of this issue. The discussions on the convening of the Cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church, who held more than a century ago, revealed one important phenomenon of Russian church life - the confusion of the concepts of "representation" and "powerful powers". Held on the basis of the origin of Russian parliamentarism in 1905-1906, these discussions involuntarily transferred their understanding of the Legislative Representation (like State Duma Those years) on the principle of consolidity in the church.

Least such understanding is related to compositionThe Cathedral of the Local Church, although on this issue there was no unity in the Russian bishop. "The ancient universal church knew only the cathedrals of the bishops.<...> The practical basis for bringing to the Cathedral of the elected - representatives of the White Clergy and the Miryans is set up to defend their interests in front of the bishops monks. But the only purpose of the legitimate and correctly composed church cathedral can be only the landscape of the church and church life; Advanced some part of the cathedral of his "interests" can only make it difficult to make it difficult to make it easier, "the Holy Martyr Archbishop Agafangel (Preobrazhensky), who occupied the Riga Department at the time, rightly wrote. As the Bishop of Volyn Anthony (Khrapovitty), the "persistent harassment of current literature on the inclusion of the Cathedral elected from the White clergy and the laity by universal filing of votes, represent a direct church of the parliamentary elections of republican states, but try to justify themselves on church canons" .

The Archbishop of Finland Sergius (Shergorodsky) admitted the participation of the Mijan at the Cathedral of the Archbishop, nevertheless, such participation canonical innovation: "So, what is the practice of the Church at different times, developed by historical experience and cathedrals, the legal canonical system of the church knows only the cathedrals of the bishops "[V]. And finally, the compromise premises the Metropolitan of St. Petersburg Anthony (Vadkovsky): "10. All members of the Cathedral have a decisive voice in meetings in issues of secondary 11. When considering the same issues faith, Buda will arise, and the indigenous issues of the canonical device of the Church, in general, the principles of the canonical life, the decisive voice belongs to only one bishops, and the previtarying and laity participate in this consideration with the voice of the advisory.

In other words, complicity In making decisions in the form of a deliberate voice should be distinguished from legitimacy These decisions are due to the adoption by the subject of the canonical power, which is a bishopath in the church. As for references to the signatures of Cathedral - non-Bishops under the acts of the Ecumenical Councils, the signature of Vasilevs attached the last force of state laws, and the signatures of some monks under the definitions of the Seventh Ecumenical Cathedral were made of respect for them as advocates of icon. Thus, the question is, as noted above, is not connected so much with compositionthe Cathedral of the Local Church, as with the carriers of the church power, in such a cathedral participating.

The division of its Cathedral on the bishop and the groundwarm of its Cathedral on the bishop and the groundwarm, the division of its Cathedral on the bishop and the landlord, the estimated canonical charter of the Russian Orthodox Church is caused by the historical need related to the conditions for the existence of Orthodox Christianity in Russia of the XX century. This separation does not know that Cathedral 1917-1918, which many consider almost the "canonical icon" of any church cathedral.

Eliminationan abnormal church position ("Synodal Stroy" in the Russian Empire) in abnormal, emergency external conditions is the historical merit of the Cathedral of 1917-1918. and not the fault of Corolian in the fact that they accepted positive Definitions were actually not viable already at the time of their adoption. To make sure in the latter, it is enough to see the text of the definition of "On the Legal State of the Orthodox Russian Church" of December 2, 1917, i.e. a month after the arrival of the Bolsheviks and the formation of the WTCIK and SNK. However, refer to the inadmissibility of changes in these cathedral regulations due to their adoption on Loan The cathedral means not only in an invalid way to absolutize their meaning, but also to show elementary canonical illiteracy.

The church as the body of Christ is the Creator of Own right. If the norms of the canonical corps cannot be canceled due to the lack of equal to the powers of the Cathedral Authority, the current church right of each local church is regulated by the episcopate of this church. As in the case of civil law, current norms of existing church law can not be broken, and not change. Naturally, such a change is caused by a need associated with church life at a specific time and in a certain territory.

In addition, the composition of the Cathedral of 1917-1918, and the reception of its definitions cause serious doubts about his "Iconicity". Instead hierarchical, The cathedral followed the principle estate Representative offices. Otherwise, it is difficult to explain in its meetings as delegates of representatives of civil institutions - the current army, members of the State Duma and the State Council. If we remember that the reception of the cathedral definitions means not so much "agreement with the entire church" (apparently, the part, the ChTIO did not participate in the cathedral), and the possibility of their real execution is a large part of these rulings should be recognized as a reception that has not passed.

It is worth recalling that in the self-confidence of the Cathedral ("Holy Cathedral of the Orthodox Russian Church"), there is no indication of its "position" as a "species" of the cathedral in its official documents. If the concept of the "local" cathedral is found in pre-communal documents, they will repeat, it indicates on the most principle - out of instructions on its composition. Also, in reference to the cathedral acts given in church documents in the 1930s we will not find any emphasis on its composition.

Such separation begins only with the adoption in 1945 "Provisions on the Management of the Russian Orthodox Church". The landline and bishop cathedrals were distinguished by the volume of their powers, however, the legality of their decisions attached agreement to the Cathedral Episcopate, for which a special bishop meeting was introduced on the cathedral. But even then, in the lectures on the church law, reading in the revived Moscow spiritual academy, it was said that in the field of church administration, the Universal Bishopat is a carrier of such power. The universe of this extends not only on the space, but also at the time, the unchanged formula of the Councils: "The inheritance of the Divine Father." The bishopat authorities are universal and local cathedrals. In the case of the difficulty of the convening of the Councils, the consent of the bishops is achieved by exchanging messages or personal negotiations of the heads of autocephalous churches (the "consent of the scattered church") ". Terms of convocation so understood The local council in the current charter does not specify, except for the need to elevate the Patriarch. Actually, this kind of electoral local councils are only known in the Russian Church, starting from the Cathedral of 1917. Of the six plans for 1917-2009. Only one was not the Cathedral of the selective - the 1988 Local Cathedral, convened in connection with the anniversary of the Baptism of Russia.

To lead to the canonical norm, the situation with the Cathedrals of the Located Russian Church was called up by the Commission of the Presence on Church Management and Mechanizes of Cathedral in the Church, the document " Location of local and bishops in the system of church management"[X]. The document states the gap between the position of the canonical charter on the ownership of the highest power in the field of canonical dispensation, and not the Bishop Cathedral with such tasks of the latter as "the adoption of the Charter and the introduction of changes in it, the storage of the dogmatic and canonical unity of the Russian Church, the decision of the principal canonical issues related to the internal and the external activities of the Church, the canonization of the saints, the creation, reorganization and liquidation of self-governing churches, the excarchs and the dioceses. " The document's proposal is completely fair to make a guidance on the authorities of the Bishop Cathedral as legislative and executive power. As for the destiny of the judicial, it belongs to this Cathedral and De Yura as a third court in the judicial system of the Russian Orthodox Church.

How to be with the "role of laity in church life"? We repeat once again - this role cannot be reduced to participate in the actions of the church power, legally owned by the bishop and in some cases and manifestations delegatedto them, clerics are especially in the mercy of the teachings and judicial. As for such delegation regarding the laity, it should be the subject of a special canonical research.

Outside such "short-term" participation in the laity remains the right to discuss the cathedral definitions - both to their adoption and after (one, but not the only and decisive! - from the manifestations of the reception). The concerns expressed in the elimination of laity from participation in the meeting regarding the Cathedral documents ignore "Regulations on the interstal presence of the Russian Orthodox Church" .

Speaking about the belonging to the completeness of the authorities in the Church of the Cathedral of the Bishops, this document emphasizes the unity of the bishopath with the clearance and the people of God headed. The church legislator determines the advisory functions of the presence, putting the task for its members to promote the highest church authorities in the preparation of decisions relating to the most important issues of internal life and the external activities of the Russian Orthodox Church ( Position I. 1). At the same time, a functional framework of such a task is set, implying the limits of such assistance. These limits are associated with the provision of accurate, verified and objective information on content and form (context) of a specific question discussed. The conclusion of the work of the presence commissions "must contain specific proposals for solving the issue under discussion and, as an application, a summary of the opinions expressed during the discussion" ( Position IV. 3).

In other words, the work of the intersforum presence and its divisions (commissions) is related to informational and analytical support when making strategic decisions. This task is two-level: 1) Actually the preparation of information necessary for discussion and 2) The discussion suggesting the development of draft decisions on the issues discussed. Such problems include questions in the "Sphere of theology, Church Administration, Church Law, Worship, Shepherds, Mission, Spiritual Education, Religious Enlightenment, Diaconia, Church Relations and Society, Churches and States, Churches and other denominations" ( Position I. 2).

[i] Troitsky S. B.. Lectures for church law. Typescript. 113 p. (MDA Archive). P. 82.

For review, see: Georgy Orechanov, Holy. Pre-fee presence about the composition of the Local Cathedral. Theological aspect of the discussion // He. On the way to the cathedral. M., 2002. SS. 157-177.

According to the rules of the ancient Church (apost. 37, I broke. Sob. 5), the bishops of each metropolis were to meet twice for discussion and solve the current affairs of administrative and judicial, exceeding the powers of a separate bishop. In addition, the bishops of one or more metropolis were gathered deliberately to address the inadequate issues of church practice arising from the special circumstances of the place and time. Resolutions of some of these last cathedrals entered the rules of the ancient Ecumenical Church. According to its property, the rules of local councils are committed actually for the local church, the bishops of which they decided. But - in view of the unity of the main principles of the church device and management - the rulings of one local church could be accepted and really were taken to leadership and in other local churches, on their free consent of the last. During the Ecumenical Councils, the rules of local councils were approved to the universal management of the decrees of these cathedrals. The example of this we see in the rules of the Fourth Ecumenical Cathedral (Ave. 1), in the Rules of Trill (Ave. 2) and the Seventh (Ave. 1) of the Universal Councils. After approval by the Universal Councils, the rules of local councils received a value equal to the rules of the Ecumenical Councils.

Of the local councils whose rules are made to the church rules, the first was the Cathedral:

1) Ankirskywho took place in Ankire, the main city of Galatia, in 314, chaired by Vitaly, Bishop of Antioch. He was convened after the end of the cruel persecution of Christians at Maximina about the renunciation of many of Christians from faith in Christ during persecution. The cathedral meant to establish order, which fallen during the persecution could be accepted again to communicate with the church in the event of their repentance. This subject is devoted to the first half of the rules (only 25); The second half also sets out the rules on the imposition of the pepitimia for different moral sins. From the Rules not an epitimino nature, the rule of the 13th, prohibiting Hepping to supply presbyters and deacons without orders from the bishop of the city.

2) Neokeziress Cathedral 315 G. amounted to 15 rules that concern the moral life of the clearing and the people. In the first rather, the rules are remarkable: the 1st, prohibiting the presbyte and the deacon to marry after the initiation under the concerning the eruption of the San; 9th, prohibiting the presbyer priesthood, if he sinned the body to a dedication to San and repeated himself in his sin; And the 8th, the oversight access to the sacred sanator to the one who has a wife, fried in adultery. At the second relationship draws attention: the 2nd rule, which exposes to the very death of his wife, who, widowed after marriage, will come out for the second time for his first husband's brother, and the 7th rule prohibiting the presbyter to participate in the marriage So that this participation does not submit an occasion to think that he approves such marriages.

3) Gangrs Cathedral It was about 340 in Metropolis of Paflagonian (in Malaya Asia). The subject of the arguments of this cathedral was the false coating of Eustafia, the bishop of Sevastia (in Armenia), and sects called him name. Eustafian taught that the marriage life is unwhatever God, and therefore many of them have dissolved their marriages, and also hurried married presbyters and did not want to receive Eucharist from them; did not visit the public liturgical assemblies, and converged for prayer in private houses; Fixed on the days of Sundays, the days set by the church for the post were not observed; Of the false ascetic motivations replaced the usual dress by monastic clothing; Women under the pretext of piety halted their hair and wore male clothes; They taught that rich can not have hopes for salvation, if they do not distribute all their property, and so on. Against these false ascetic and antisocial opinions and aims of the Council of the Cathedral of the Gangrsky, which is 21. In the Slavic "Ferry" of the 19 rules, since the last 21 rule was omitted and 10 more the rule about the exaltation of the norning gentlemen for the sake of the living in marriage.

4) Antiochian Cathedral It was convened in 341 on the occasion of the consecration of the temple laid down by the will of Emperor Konstantin, but the presented during the son of his constant. The bishops (about 100), who gathered for this celebration, at the end of it made up a cathedral on which 25 rules for church management were made, and these rules concern the very important parties to church governance, such as: decisions of bishops and other clerics, relations of bishops to each other Both the regional metropolitan, annual cathedrals, the order of the court on clerics and bishops on church and housing, the management of church property, etc. All these rules constitute the repetition and development of such rules placed in the collection of the Rules of Apostolic, and partly in the rules of the Nicene Cathedral. Only the 11th and 12th rules constitute a correspondence of the Cathedral, which does not have the foundations in the Apostolic Rules; They are talking about the attitude of the bishops to the king. It is, it is prohibited to be forbidden to CLIRICS, held by their bishop, as well as bishops, erupted on the local council, contact the church court to the king, and inspires the courts from church judges in the second instance, under the fear of imprisonment of any hope for an excuse for non-performance of this regulations. Prohibited both bishops and clerics "to join the hearing" of the king; If there will be any serious need for this, then anyone departing to the king is obliged to collapse about this consent to the local bishop or metropolitan and receive from one or another to a preliminary diploma.

5) Laodician Cathedral Was in Frigia - as believed - at the end of the fourth century, shortly before the Second Universal Cathedral. Its rules, in number 60, relate to various details of the liturgical rank, the disciplines of the Clear, the Life of the Mijan, Marriage, the relationship of Orthodox to heretics and represent a lot of characteristic instructions on the church ritual and the customs of the life of the then Christians. As on the more important rules of this cathedral, it is possible to indicate the following: 57th rule - does not apply in small cities and sets to supply bishops, but periods, but not yet to do nothing without the will of the bishop of the city; 13th Ave. The fact that unable to assess the people to choose having to make a priesthood; The 19th rule, in which, by the way, suggests that one only to sacred persons to enter the altar and coming there; 52th - that it is impossible to make marriages in the Holy Quantity or celebrate birthdays; 10th and 31st - about the prevailing of marriages between Orthodox and heretics; The 1st pr. - that the lawful order that joined the second marriage can be in condescension to take into church communication after a short pepitimia, consisting in prayer and post.

6) Sardiy Cathedral It was convened in 344 in Sardika (in Illyria, at the border of the Eastern and Western Roman Empire) at the insistence of the West Emperor, Constance, from the Bishops of the Eastern and Western. The purpose of the convening of the cathedral was the desire to put an end to the separation between Western bishops who defended St. Athanasius, Archbishop Alexandria, and Orthodox faith, and between the strong Arian bishop party in the East. This goal was not achieved. Eastern bishops, most of which kept the heresy of Aria and pursued St. Athanasius, defender of Orthodoxy, learning about his arrival at the Cathedral and the intention of Western bishops to support him together with Orthodoxy, left the sordik and in Philipopol (in Frakia) made up their cathedral on which the Saint Athanasius and Pope Julia. The remaining, Western bishops and few of the eastern Orthodox discovered the Cathedral in Sardic, at which the Nike symbol of faith was recognized, justified St. Athanasius and above that the 20 Rules were considered to be 20 rules, because 18 and 19 rules are connected to one ). Of these rules, the most important those relating to the instances of the Church Court and interchanges of the bishops with the king. On the first question, the Sardiy Cathedral admits two trial instances above the bishop. First of all, the complaint of clearing or bishop on the bishop is considered at the bishop of the local province. If a convicted bishop remains dissatisfied with the verdict of the court and wishes his case to be considered by the new composition of judges, then this appeal is brought to the attention of the Bishop of Roman, and if he finds the basis of respecting the appeal, then entrust the consideration of the case by the bishops of the neighboring province or may be sent to the place His trusted presbyters for the production of court along with the bishops of the province (3, 4, 5). On the second point, the Sardiy Cathedral condemns a very common custom of the bishops to resort to the yard with a petition for providing his friends worldly posts and advantages, finding such a custom to the seal and harmful to the Church. Cathedral finds decent for bishops to provide assistance to siema, widows, poor, tolerance and injustice; The cathedral obliges the bishops to apply for criminals convicted of imprisonment, reference and so on - to facilitate the imposed punishment if they turn to the church asking for help. But the bishops should affect the application failures not personally, but through their deacons, with the knowledge and permission of Metropolitan and with the assistance of the bishop of the city, where the courtyard is located. If the petition was brought to the king in Rome, then it should be represented by the Roman bishop to preview and already be transmitted to the yard, with the contribution and his own replying, in case of the relevance and importance of the petition (Ave. 7-9, 20). From other rules you need to pay attention to the Ave. 6th, prohibiting to supply the bishop to any village or a small town, for whom Pretty and Presbyter, "Does not humiliate the name of the bishop and power. Some degrees, the age of the number of people, can be found to have a bishop worthy to have a bishop. " It is also important to rule the 11th, prohibiting the bishop to leave its flock without need for a while more than three weeks. Attention is drawn to another rule 10: "It is applied to observe, and a rich or scientist, from secular lives, honor the Bishop of life, not before, is not coming, unless the reader and the Diacon, and Prester, will be performed. Obviously, for each degree of rank, not too little time must be given, in the continuation of which they could see the life of its faith, admonition, constancy and meekness. Indecently daring and lightly supply hasty bishop, or presbyter, or a diacon; Neither knowledge nor the behavior gives the right. "

7) Canons Carthage Cathedral The Rules Assembly with the name of the Carthage Cathedral is a set of rules operating in the African Church, edited at the Carthaginsky Cathedral of 419. It contains the rules of the African catches of the end of the fourth and the beginning of the fifth century. The main components of it are the rules of cathedrals who were under the Carthaginian Archbishop of Away and under his chairmanship, namely: The Cathedral of the Cathedral of 393, Carthaginsky on August 28, 397, Carthaginsky on September 16 or 17, 401, Carthaginsky 13 Saint. 401, Milevitsky 27 Aug. 402, Carthaginsky 25 Aug. 403, Carthaginsky in June 404; Carthaginsky 23 Aug. 405, Carthaginsky on July 13, 407, Carthaginsky on July 14, 409 and 410, May 1, 418 and 419. To these cathedrals, in Azerlia, you need to add two cathedrals, former under its predecessors - grate in 345-348. And under the generaphy of 390 years. In particular, the sources of the Carthage Cathedral of the Cathedral of the Cathedral of 419. It is necessary to submit in the following form: the rule of 1 arch (according to our "Book of Rules") belongs to the Cathedral of 419, the first meeting, on May 25; Rules 2-4 - Carthage Cathedral in Generaphy in 390, Rule 5 - Carthaginsky Cathedral at Grate in 345-348; Ave. 6-13 - Carf. with genes 390; Ave. 14-33 - Ippon Cathedral 393; Ave. 34-36 - carf. 13 Saint. 401; Ave. 37 - carf. May 1,418; Ave. 38-42 - carf. 419, the first meeting on May 25; Ave. 43 - carf. 28 Aug. 397; Ave. 44-57 - Popovsky, 393; Ave. 58-67 - carf. 28 Aug. 397; PR. 68-76 - carf. 16 or 17 July 401; Ave. 77-96 - carf. 13 Saint. 401; Ave. 97-101 - Milevitsky 27 Aug. 402 g.; Ave. 102-103 - Carf. 25 Aug. 403 g.; PR. 104 - carf. in June 404; PR. 105 - carf. 23 Aug. 405 g.; Ave. 106-120 - Carf. June 13, 407; Ave. 121 - carf. July 14, 409; Ave. 122 - Carf. In June 410, Ave. 123-141 - Carf. May 1, 418, Ave. 142-147 - Carf. 419, the second meeting, May 30. In the meeting, Dionysius is small for the last, 133rd (on his publication), the Carthage Cathedral was posted a concluding speech of Averelius and signatures of him and other bishops present with him in the last meeting. Further, Dionysius with the continuing canons' account (134-138) placed: the message of African bishops to Pope Bonifation, the messages of Cyril Alexandria and Attica Constantinople to African bishops and the Symbol of Faith. These documents are not in the "Book of Rule"; It contains only, beyond the account of the rules, as an application, the message of the African Cathedral to Pope Celegen in the case of the Apiary, which is a message in Dionysia placed in the form of the last 138th rule. This message belongs to one of the subsequent Carthage Cathedrals, "believes the Cathedral of 525.

In the Greek meetings of the Rules of the Carthage Cathedral, these rules are almost in each of them have their own special order, division and account. While one of these assemblies hold the account Dionysius small or at least approaching it, others significantly expand their account; Some and against the extended account increase the number of these canons. This is a variety of it comes from the fact that some rules in meetings with an extended account are divided into two, three or more. Publishers "Syntagma" rally and sweating (Rally and Pottle), following the trapezant list, held the account that coincides with the account of Dionysius in the number of rules, but not everywhere equally with the latest partitioning rules. As a feature of the outlining of the Carthaginian rules in the "syntagma" of the rally, it should be indicated that the collection is divided into several acts, which is not in the meeting of Dionysia Small, nor in the publication of Justlely ("Codex Canonum Ecclesiae Africanae"). The first act, reasoning about the Nicean canons, formerly on the Cathedral of 419, and the first 33 rules on the presentation of the Dionysius of Small. The second act hugs the rules 34-56, the third - 57-65 rules, the fourth - 66-85 pr., Fifth - 86-93 pr., Sixth - 94-133. After 133, the rules are placed the same documents as the donishia is small, only outside the account of the rules. PDALION publishers, following manuscripts and their own reasons, divided Carthage canons on 141, while maintaining them for references and an ancient account of them in relation to the interpretations of the zonars and Walsamon. At the same time, they lowered all the prefaces to the cathedrals and the inscriptions of the cathedrals, which included in the Carthaginian rules of 419, discarded the table of contents to the canons, combined the rules uniform in content, and shared the rules interpreting about various subjects, the arguments of the fathers paid the rules. As a result of such ungrateful work, a trail was trail. Features of the publication of Pidalion: Some rules contained in other publications turned out to be omitted in Pidalion, it was 14, 43, 81, 99, 103, 120, 143 according to the "Book of Rules"; Others are divided into two, for three rules, for example, out of 104 rules are cut in Pidalion 100, 101 and 102 rules; The other, on the contrary, is connected to one rule, for example, 131-132 are connected in 128 rule. The separation of the Carthaginian rules in Pidalion is approached in some cases and division into the "Book of Rules". In total, it is closer to the Latin statement of the Rules of the Carthaginian Cathedral of 419, made by Dionisia Small, the Greek translation of them, printed by Justlely under the title "Codex Canonum Ecclesiae Africanae" in his publishing house "Bibliotheca Juris Canonici". This translation is borrowed by Justleli from the Greek meeting of the rules published by Tilia. ( T. V. Bars, prof. On the rules of the Carthaginsky Cathedral // Christian reading. - Part 1. - 1879. - P. 215-223).

For more convenient use of different publications of the Carthage Cathedral Rules of the Cathedral of 419. We are making a comparative table of presentation and their accounts in different publications, indicating also cathedrals, the rules of which included in the Carthaginian Cathedral of 419.

The Canons of the Carthage Cathedral were adopted in the "Syntagma of XIV titles" with the agreement that they contain many standards that make up the peculiarity of the local church discipline. This is not difficult to make sure if you pay attention to the content of the Carthage Cathedral rules. The most important decisions of the Councils of the African Church relate to the following items:

a) they are found a lot of resolutions about time-based cathedrals. In Africa, as in other places, there were two kinds of cathedrals: - the bishop cathedral of one famous province under the chairmanship of Primas ( episcop.uS Primae Saedis ) or Metropolitan and bishop cathedral from all African provinces in the main city of North Africa - Carthage chaired by her bishop, which was called full, or general, the Cathedral of the African Church. The peculiarity of the African Church's management was that it was not only provincial, but the general cathedrals were convened annually, and in order not to bother all the bishops, it was decided that every church province chose and sent from himself to a general cathedral for two or more representatives . This general cathedral, consisting of representatives of Metropolines, and solved current cases related to the entire African Church. At the same time, of course, the possibility of the convening of all bishops of the African Church was not excluded, if necessary. So it lasted until 407, when at the Carfhagen Cathedral of this year it was decided that for the future there is no need to bother annual meetings and representatives from Metropolitan that current affairs should be solved in every metropolis of affiliation, and if cases concerning the entire African Church will meet Then, and only then, a general cathedral on a special invitation from the Carthaginian bishop should be convened and has to meet in that city where the need to meet or will be recognized more convenient (Ave. 14. 27. 84. 87. 106 - on the "Rules"). The Common Cathedral of the Carthaginian Church was considered the last instance of the management and court in the affairs of the African Church; To appeal to the decisions of the African Cathedrals for the sea, that is, to the Roman bishop, it is strictly prohibited by the Rules of the Carthaginian Church (Ave. 37. 118. 139). Meanwhile, the Pope, relying on the Resolution of the Sardiytsky Cathedral, providing him with the right to appeal to the court of local cathedrals and send to the case of their Commissioners to consider their claims, presented their claims to the Supreme Court and in the affairs of the African Church. This is especially clearly expressed by the desire of dads in the case of apiary, presbyter of the city of Sikki. Apiary, being deprived of Sana and is overcome from church communication with his bishop urvan, looking for protection for the Roman bishop Zosima. Zosima not only accepted apiary in church communication, but also sent his legates to Africa in order to apply for his restoration of him in his former San. This intervention of the Roman bishop in the affairs of the African Church prompted the Carthaginian bishop of Away to collect the Cathedral in Carthage in 419. At the Cathedral of the African Church's shepherds, they offered the papal ambassadors to set out the instructions entrusted to them. It turned out that the main thing from these assignments was to demand recognition for the Roman bishop of the right to consider appeals on the sentences of African bishops, and the second in order to try, in particular, on the restoration of apiary in the former Sana. Legali referred to the confirmation of their requirements on the rules of the Nicene Cathedral. According to certificates, however, it turned out that in the lists of the Nike rules that had African bishops, there are no of those rules to indicate the Roman ambassadors. For a better explanation of the case, African bishops appealed to the Bishops of Alexandrian, Antioch and Constantinople with a request to send them copies from the genuine rules of the Nicene Cathedral, and they wrote to the dad that they were ready to fulfill his desires if the latter would agree with the Nicex rules expected from the East; If the rules referred to the dad, there are no authentic Nicea rules, they will not suffer dad interference in the affairs of their church. In the same year, lists from the Nicene rules from the Alexandrian Patriarch Kirill and Constantinople - Attica were received in Carthage. Of course, they did not turn out that the papal ambassadors were quoted, "and African bishops in the fence of themselves from papal claims sent a copy of the genuine Nicea rules. The apiary, however, was still adopted by African bishops in church communication, according to the desire of the Pope. But his case did not end. The apiary soon stained himself with different crimes and was again convicted by bishops and is excommunicated from church communication. As before, an example, Apiary again turned with complaints about the sentence of local bishops to the Roman bishop of Cellin, and Dad accepted him again and again sent his commanders to Africa to decline the bishops to restore the accused in his san. This new Pope intervention in the affairs of the African Church prompted the Carthaginian Bishop of Away to convene the Cathedral in Carthage around 425. At the Cathedral of the Apiary was exploring his crimes in the presence of Roman ambassadors. Then, African bishops decided to send Pope to the Cellight of the Message from the face of the cathedral, with a persistent requirement, so that for the future Dad did not allow himself to take into communication over-in Africa. Referring to the rules of the Nicene Cathedral, the fathers of the Carfhagin Cathedral speak in their message: "Definitions of the Nicene Cathedral of both clerics of the lowest degree and the bishops themselves send them to their own Metropolitans. It is reasonable and righteously admitted that whatever affairs arose, they should be ended in their places. For the fathers were tried that neither for the Unified Region does not attend the grace of the Holy Spirit, through which the truth is the Ierhea of \u200b\u200bChrist and the one knows reasonably and contains firmly, and the Napache, when everyone, it is worthwhile in doubt about the fairness of the closest judges, it is allowed to begin to the cathedrals of their field and even To the general cathedral. Is there anyone who would believe that God and ours can have a single tokmo to inhale the trigger of the court, and countless Ieries, who came to the cathedral, will refuse he? .. and that some aki would be from the rib of the shrines were We send, we do not gain the definition of a single cathedral of fathers. So, do not deign at the request of some, send here by your clerics with researchers, and do not burn this, but we will not appear in the smoke of the world to the Church of Christ, who wishes to hear God brings the light of simplicity and the day of humility. " The African Church criticized the worldly sense not in some dads, but at home; The 48th rule she decided: "Yes, the bishop of the first throne of the examiner of the Jewels or the Supreme Priest, or with something similar, but Tokmo the bishop of the first throne" is not referred to. With the exception of Metropolitans, who belonged to the advantage of honor and authorities on the very provision of their department, other bishops of Metropolis in their mutual relations held the principle of seniority to initiate, so that the bishops, the youngest dedication, should have been honored with honor and respect for the oldest bishops (PR. 97. 100);

b) The African Church also respected his custom and relative to the court over the priests and dices, it was: meanwhile, as in other churches, the priest and deacon, along with other clerics, were subject to a court of one of their bishop, in the African Church, a local bishop judged with the participation of neighboring bishops the accused, - the priest with the participation of six, and Daucion with the participation of three bishops (Ave. 12. 29. 37);

c) Special discipline kept the African Church and relative to the marriage life of priests and deacons, demanding abstinence from them (Ave. 3. 3. 34. 87; CP. Dul. 12. 13. 30. John Course law. t. II, p. 371);

d) meets in the Rules of the Carthage Cathedral Curious RESOLUTION regarding the property of the clerics; In 41 PR. It says: "Through the bishops, presbyters, deacons or any clerics, no compass, on delivery, during their bishoprosis or exercise, will buy land or any land in their name: then yes Restored by the steadyings of the Lord, - isn't Tokmo, reaches a guarantee, will give these churches. Incidentally, what comes to themselves in the gift from someone, or by heritage of relatives: in order will come but their arrangement "(Wed 38. 40. 41. 4. 59 Rules of the Apostolic and 24 and 25 Av. Antioch Cathedral);

e) Carthaginian rules specifically indicated who cannot represent accusations against clerics and be a witness. The prosecutors cannot be damaged, that is, those who are the excavation, slaves and scickers for whom the accusation falls, also all those who are forbidden to be prosecutors civil laws, also those on whom lies the spot of dishonor, like : "Shameful" and present by shameful affairs, also heretics, pagans and Jews. However, it is only on cases concerning church crimes. According to the cases, all these persons can file complaints. In Witnesses on cases, the accusatory are not allowed the same persons as they cannot be prosecutors, and persons having from the genus less than 14 years (Pr. 8. 28. 143-146);

e) Carthaginian rules prohibit clerics to prefer secular trilons with spiritual, in case of initiation of charges or complaints against him, under the fear of imprisonment, it is forbidden to even refer to the king with a request for the direction of affairs in secular trilons, and you can ask the Tsar only by the Episcopian trial (PR. 15. 117). The lamemen could have to treat, at their request, to the court of the royal power and in cases of housing (Ave. 70. 107). g) Shepherders of the Carthaginian Church considered their duty to protect the poor from violence rich, to promote slaves to the will and request of the king, so that he would give the church authority to have in these cases, familiar with the laws and therefore successfully lead these cases in secular courts ( Ave. 93. 86. 109);

h) asked the shepherders of the African Church among the kings of protection and themselves, and the Orthodox churches. So, the exhaustment of all means to reconciliation with Donatists and to turn them to unity with Orthodox and seeing fierce attacks and violence, Orthodox shepherds in 404 on June 25, on the general Cathedral, they chose special deputies to submit a goning request for protection against the violence of donatistors. "Tsarist people's humanity," the fathers of the cathedral say, it will come to walk to the Khafolic Church, in a pious witch of their born, and the fortress of faith that cultivated, was fenced by their industrial: in order to the pious times, the dorned people did not spend on the powerless people through some fear when not May be seduced by means of conviction ... Against the rapidness of the Otchchensey, we ask us to give us the divine ("θείον" - "tsarist") help, not an extraordinary and not alien to the holy scriptures. For the Apostle Paul, as shown in the Acts of Apostolic., Conducting people of undertey preceded by military assistance. So, we ask about whether the ceilic churches in each country and different places belonging to each possession are strictly served. Approaches both sedes of pious self-containers, but the law is observed, the father published by the Blessed Memory by the father of their Feodosius, about the defendant of 10 pounds of gold with heretics of the handshaking and manquiced, also from the owners who will see the meeting of them ... also approaching ask, let them be bless to be renewed by the law, which takes the right to receive or leave the right to receive or leaving any law and on the will "(PR. 104. 105. 78. 120);

and) also requested the shepherds of the Church of the Orthodox Civilian Government and on the extermination of the residues of paganism - idols and the Kapples, who were still in many seaside sites, in villages and secluded possessions without any blessing, - about the prohibition of feasts introduced from pagan delusion, obscene dancing on the fields and The streets of urban, insulting the honor of mothers and chastity of pious wives, especially during the memory of martyrs, - on the reversion of the submission of shameful games on the day Sunday and to other bright days of the Christian faith (Ave. 69. 71. 72. 95).

y) if someone from the clerics wished to go to the king in their need, he had to get a liberty letter, in which it should be marked about his desire and need, to appear with her to the Roman bishop and from him to receive a certificate that opens access to yard If he had any need to suddenly introduce themselves to the yard into beings in Rome, then he still had to ask a diploma at the Roman bishop;

k) the sale of church property was decided in the African Church as follows: "Do not sell church property; But if this property does not bring revenues and there is a great need, then to represent about the parabbing bishop of the region and with a certain number of bishops consult that to teach should. In the same time, it is worth the need for the church that it is impossible to consult previously sales: it will call the bishop to testimony, although neighboring bishops and can be submitted to the Cathedral of all those permitted by the churches of his circumstances. In the same time, this will not create, then selling the one who sells hesitules and the cathedral will be lost and will lose its honor. "(Pr. 35. 42);

l) Regarding the life of the laity, it should be noted a decree on marriage, - that neither his wife left his wife, neither his husband could not be married to another person, but should be reconciled between him and live in marriage or remain in healing; African fathers wanted to be a law in this sense from the Civil Government (115);

8) Constantinople Cathedral In nectaria, 394, he was convened to resolve the dispute between two bishops, Agapija and Vagady, about which of them should own the Episcopian Department in Bostre (in Arabia). On this occasion, the Cathedral decided that the bishop could not be judged and spewed from Sanane two or three bishops and that for a court above the bishop, the sentence of a large cathedral is required or, - better - all the bishops of the famous Metropolis.

9) Constantinople Cathedral In the temple of the Holy Apostles 861, it was attended by: 318 bishops and dad's bisclastors, which were sent to Constantinople for the final elappation of traces of iconoborous heresy. The meetings of the cathedral took place in the temple of the Holy Apostles; This details is different from another Constantinople Cathedral with the Fotia that happened in the Church of St. Sophia. But it is more famous under the name "double", or "primitive". He is called "twice" because "double" was going for the same items; The acts and decisions of the first meeting could not be written and signed by the fathers of the Cathedral, because the iconoclasts prevented with their troubles; By restoring calm was kept by the second meeting, on which the former reasoning of the cathedral was signed. At the same second meeting, the rules of the cathedral were compiled, the rules of the cathedral were drawn up, by number 17. These rules, similar to the rules of the VII of the Ecumenical Cathedral, mean to correct many unrest in church life during the Church Discharge; Especially otherwise they speak about the life of monastic (Ave. 1-6). In the first rule, a person who donated his estate for the dispensation of the monastery was prohibited, referred to and recking the owner of the monastery, to dispose of them. In the 6 rule, the decision on the property of the monks themselves will be finished. "The monks should not have anything of own, but all of them belonging to them is approved for the monastery ... the wishing to monoton is given freedom to borrow about the estate before the break and transfer it to whom they want. At the entry into the monk, the monastery has the power over all of their property, and they are not granted to dispose of anything or borrow. Through someone who admires a certain compassion, without giving it to the monastery, in such an igumen or bishop will take it to make it, and in the presence of many, retrieving, and he will distribute the poor and needy. " In 9, the rule contains a manual instruction of a shepherd, how to handle the pupil sinners. "It is applied to the priest of God to provide a fraction of teaching and adventures, sometimes and church emptyms, and not rushing on human bodies with scams and blows. In addition, some will be completely unfortunate and the perpetuals, anyone, nobody rebel to the trial by the court of local civilian chiefs, in turning the fifth rule of the Antioch Cathedral, reducing indignation and Kramole to order by external power. " The concept of ensunation was determined in the 10 rule: "The holy service is assigned to God all dedicated to God and worship, not only vessels and sacred items used in the altar during worship, but things that are used outside the altar, in the church";

10) Cathedral in the Church of St. Sophia was in Constantinople In 879, with the secondary erection of Foto to the patriarchy throne. It was attended by many bishops (383) and representatives of the Pope and all Eastern Patriarchs. This cathedral had in mind to restore the world between Eastern Bishops, violated by violent reduction from the Ignatius throne; And also to resolve the issue of the Bulgarian Church, which served as an apple of discord between the Constantinople Patriarch and the Roman dad. The conciliation direction of this cathedral was expressed in its first rule (only 3), in which it was decided that the clerics or laity, but with the Konstantinople Patriarch, should be recognized as those of the Roman dad and vice versa and that the Pope will continue to do any innovations in the advantages of his department .


1. The 60th rule was formed from Scholia to 59 Rules, which listed the book of the Old and New Testament.

* Ilya Stepanovich Berdnikov,
Doctor of theology, Honored Ordinary
Professor of the Kazan Spiritual Academy and University

Text source: Orthodox Bogoslovskaya Encyclopedia. Volume 8, Stlb. 339. Publishing Petrograd. Annex to the spiritual magazine "Wanderer" For 1907, the spelling is modern.

The Local Cathedral is a collection of bishops, laity, other clerics, as well as the local church. It discusses and the most important issues related to the deeds, moral and religious life, as well as disciplines, devices and the church management.

History of the Council

The practice of conveners of local councils appeared in the so-called ancient church. She takes his beginning from the Jerusalem Cathedral on which the apostles gathered to resolve the requirements of the law of Moses with baptized pagans. Over time, the solutions of local councils (like universal) have become mandatory for all novices of monasteries and temples.

Initially, the cathedrals were named the cities in which they passed. There was also a conditional distribution by the location of the churches, the name of the local churches, countries or territories on which they were organized.

Practice of cathedrals in the Russian Orthodox Church

In our country, up to the 20th century, any private cathedrals of antiquity, with the exception of universal. At the same time, the term entered into widespread use only in the 20th century, when preparation began with the All-Russian Outside Cathedral of the Russian Church, which we still talk more. It opened in August 1917. It is noteworthy that more than half of its participants were laity.

Already in the late originals of the documents, it is argued that the meeting of the Bishopath is considered to be a local cathedral, as well as any other clerics and laity belonging to the ROC.

Order of formation

In the modern charter, the ROC there is even a special procedure for the formation of the Local Cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church.

It should include bishops, heads of synodal institutions and spiritual academies, delegates from the spiritual seminaries, as well as from the fulfunns of women's monasteries. Based on the local council of the Russian Orthodox church, the head of the Patriotic Spiritual Mission, which is based in Jerusalem, members of the Commission on the preparation of the Cathedral of the ROC, representatives of the Patriarchal parishes in the United States of America, Canada, Italy, Turkmenistan, Scandinavian countries.

Patriarchant restoration

Perhaps the most important secant Cathedral of the Russian Church in the twentieth century took place in 1917. First, it was the first cathedral organized from the end of the XVII century. Secondly, it was on it that it was decided to restore the Institute of Patriarchate in the Russian Church. It was made on October 28, putting the end of the synodal period. Everything was organized in the famous Assumption Cathedral.

Interestingly, this secure cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church fastened more than a year. He coincided with such essential events as the first world War, survived the takeoff and collapse of the temporary government, as well as the socialist revolution, the dissolution of the Constituent Assembly, to which many laid high hopes, signing a decree on the beginning of the Bloody Civil War.

Responding to some of these crucial events, the right Cathedral of the ROC made statements about them. At the same time, members of the Bolsheviks party, the actions of which were discussed at the Cathedral, did not prevent this assembly.

It is noteworthy that the preparation for this signed of local Orthodox churches was carried out from the first years of the 20th century. It was then that antimonarchic moods began to prevail in society. They also met in the medium of clergy.

Preparation for the Cathedral

Preparations for the Orthodox Planned Cathedral began in 1906. A special definition of Holy Synod was published. The formation of pre-fee presence began, during which time four volumes of "magazines and protocols" have time to type.

In 1912, they organized a special department with the Holy Synod, which was directly involved in training.

Convening the cathedral

In April 1917, the draft of His Holiness Synod, dedicated to accessing shepherds and archipers, was approved.

In August, the Charter of the Local Cathedral was adopted. He had to serve as a qualitative example of the "Guideline". The document decided that this cathedral is able to solve any questions, all its decisions are mandatory for execution.

In August 1917, a resolution on the rights of the Holy Cathedral signed by the Provisional Government was published.

First session

Officially, the work of the cathedral started in August 1917. It was then that the first session began. It was entirely devoted to the reorganization of the top of the church administration. The issues of restoring the patriarchate, as well as the election of the Patriarch himself, the establishment of his duties and rights were discussed. The legal status was discussed in detail in which the Orthodox Church was in the changing conditions of Russian reality.

Already from the first session, discussions began on the need to restore the patriarchate. Perhaps the most active advocate in order to restore the Patriarchhood, the Bishop Mitrofan became, and members of the Cathedral of Archbishop Kharkov Anthony and Archimandrite Ilarion were advocated in support of this idea.

True, opponents of the patriarchate were also found, which pointed out that this innovation could sow the Cathedral beginning in church life, as well as lead to absolutism in the ROC. Among the Yarya opponents, a professor named Peter Kudryavtsev, as well as Archpriest Professor Alexander Diamonds.

Patriarch elections

An important decision this year was accepted for the Russian Orthodox Church. The local cathedral was first chosen by Patriarch for the first time after a long break. It was determined that the elections will be held in two stages. This is a secret ballot and lot. Each participant had the right to write a note in which only one name could specify. Based on these notes, the final list of candidates was compiled. The names of the three leaders who received the most votes were decided to choose on the holy throne. Which of them becomes the Patriarch, was solved by lots.

It is worth noting that part of the members of the Cathedral spoke against such a procedure. After counting the notes, it turned out that the leader of the first stage was the Archbishop of Anthony Khrapovitsky, who received 101 voice in his support. He was followed by Metropolitan Kirill Smirnov and Tikhon. And with a noticeable lagging behind them turned out to be only 23 votes.

The solemn announcement of the lot results occurred at the end of 1917. In the church of Christ the Savior, the old man of the Zosidian desert named Alexy Solovyov. He pulled out lots in front of the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God. It was this elder that this important mission was not chosen by chance. At that time, he was already 71 years old, he entered in 1898, and was tonsured in monks. In 1906 he began to engage in older. This is a special kind of inochetic activity, which is directly related to the spiritual manager. In senses, a special person carries out spiritual mentoring over other monks who live with him in one monastery. Mentoring is carried out, as a rule, in the form of advice and conversations that the elder leads with people coming to him.

By the time it was already a sufficiently respected person. He announced the name of the new patriarch, who became Metropolitan Tikhon. It is noteworthy that as a result, the candidate won, for whom he originally filed less votes.

New Patriarch

Patriarch Moscow became Tikhon. In the world of Vasily Ivanovich Bellavin. Interesting his biography. He was born in the Pskov province in 1865. His father was a hereditary priest. In general, Bellavin's surname was very common in Pskovskin just among the clergy.

At the 9th age, the future Patriarch entered the spiritual school, then he was educated in the spiritual seminary in Pskov itself.

Patriarch was torn to the monks in 1891. Then he got the name of Tikhon. An interesting stage in his biography is missionary activities in North America. In 1898, he was appointed Archbishop Aleutian and Alaskan.

In the memory of contemporaries, Patriarch Tikhon remained the author of high-profile appeals, anathem and other statements that were actively discussed in society.

So, in 1918, he published the appeal, in which, in particular, urged everyone to come to his senses and stop the bloody violes, because it really is a satanic case (for him a person can be exiled a fire in Geenna). In the consciousness of the public, the opinion was entitled that this Anathema was addressed directly to the Bolsheviks, although they never called them directly. Patriarch condemned everyone who came against Christian values.

In July 1918, the Patriarch Tikhon opened the execution of the emperor Nicholas II and his whole family. Soon the Bolsheviks began the criminal prosecution of the clergy. He was never sentenced to real criminal punishment.

In 1924, a robbery attack on the patriarn house. Jacob Polozov was killed, who for many years has been one of his closest assistants. It caused a serious blow to Tikhon. His health has greatly shaken.

In 1925, he died at the age of 60, according to the official version, from heart failure.

Second session of the cathedral

Returning to the Outside Cathedral, it is worth noting that at the very beginning of 1918 the second session began, which lasted until April. The session was held in the conditions of extreme political instability in society.

There were a large number of reports about the convictions over the clergy. Especially he struck the murder of Kiev Metropolitan Vladimir Bogoyavlensky. The Cathedral adopted the parish charter, who urged to unwind the parishioners in this difficult time around Orthodox churches. The diocesan management was supposed to more actively participate in the life of Mijan, help them cope with what happened around.

At the same time, the cathedral made it categorically against the adoption of new civil marriage laws, as well as the possibility of its painless termination.

In September 1918, the Cathedral stopped working without completing it to the end.

Third session

The third session was the most short. She passed from June to September 1918. On it, participants had to work out the main cathedral definitions, which should be guided by the highest bodies of church management. Considered questions about monasteries and their novices, attracting women to participate in various worship services, as well as about the protection of church shrines from the so-called blasphemous seizure and cropping.

Just during the cathedral there was a murder of Emperor Nicholas II and his whole family. At the Cathedral after the debate, the question was raised about the need for a worship dedicated to the murder of the emperor. A vote was organized. About 20% of the participants of the cathedral spoke against the holding of the service. As a result, the Patriarch read the funeral lithium, and the order was sent to all Russian churches to serve the corresponding memoirs.

Memory of the cathedral

In memory of the cathedral there were a lot of documentary sources. There were among them and icon painted. The most famous of them is the icon "Fathers of the Local Cathedral". She was written in 1918. It depicts all hierarchs that supported the resumption of the Russian patriarchate. It is noted that every way there is a real confessional story, which is important for any Orthodox.