The local cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church. Who and when abolished the Local Council

The most important results of the council were the adoption of a new charter of the Russian Orthodox Church and the canonization of nine devotees of Orthodoxy:

At the Council of 1988, in contrast to the Councils of 1945 and 1971, discussions on church dispensation at various levels were very lively, sometimes becoming acute: often the members of the Council expressed diametrically opposite opinions.


Cathedral activities

June 6

The Local Council opened on June 6 with Divine Liturgy at the Trinity Cathedral of the Lavra of St. Sergius. 272 representatives from 67 internal and 9 foreign dioceses, 22 monasteries, 2 theological academies and 3 seminaries, from foreign institutions of the Russian Church and from the Japanese Autonomous Church arrived at the Council.

Patriarch Pimen and permanent members of the Synod were elected to the Presidium of the Council. The Council formed a Secretariat headed by Metropolitan Sergius of Odessa, a Credentials Commission chaired by Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh and an Editorial Commission headed by Archbishop Kirill (Gundyaev) of Smolensk and Vyazemsk.

A word of greetings to the local council from the Council of Ministers of the USSR was announced by the chairman for religious affairs Konstantin Kharchev. The honorary guests addressed the cathedral with greetings. At the first session, Metropolitan Filaret of Kiev and Galicia (Denisenko) made a report on the “1000th anniversary of the Baptism of Rus”.

On the same day, Metropolitan Juvenaly of Krutitsy read out a report "Canonization of Saints in the Russian Orthodox Church." For glorification in the face of saints were proposed: the Grand Duke of Moscow Dimitry Donskoy (1350-1389), Andrei Rublev (1360 - I half of the 15th century), Maxim the Greek (1470-1556), Metropolitan Macarius of Moscow (1482-1563), Venerable Paisy Velichkovsky (1722-1794), Blessed Xenia of Petersburg (1732 - early 19th century; revered among the people), Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov (1807-1867), Saint Ambrose of Optina (1812-1891), Saint Theophan the Recluse (1815-1894). By the decision of the council, the rite of canonization was accomplished.

Blessed Prince Dimitry Donskoy was a locally revered saint for several centuries, on some frescoes of the 16th century he was painted in a nimbus - the cathedral approved what had long been a church practice. So it is with other saints canonized at the cathedral. Local veneration of the Monk Andrey Rublev has been known since the end of the 15th century. The Monk Maximus the Greek has been locally venerated since the end of the 16th century. The glorification of Macarius of Moscow was partly a bow towards the Old Believers. Xenia of Petersburg was revered by the people in the 19th and 20th centuries; especially during and after the Great Patriotic War. ...

In the acts of the cathedral about canonization it was also said:

To print their lives and creations, in which there are such, for edification and instruction in the piety of the children of the Church ... Consider it necessary in the post-conciliar period to continue the work on the study of further canonizations for the glorification of other ascetics of faith and piety revered among the people, the care of which the Holy Synod has

June 7

At the morning session on June 7, Metropolitan Vladimir of Rostov and Novocherkassk (Sabodan) made a speech on the Life and Work of the Orthodox Church, containing an overview of the main events in the life of the church since the previous local council in 1971.

At the evening session, Metropolitan Alexy (Ridiger) of Leningrad and Novgorod made a presentation on the peacekeeping activities of the Russian Orthodox Church. The report highlighted the peacemaking aspects of the ecumenical activities of the Church in the 1970s and 1980s.

The Chairman of the Study Committee, Rector of the Moscow Theological Academy and Seminary, Archbishop Aleksandr (Timofeev) of Dmitrovsky made a report “Spiritual Education of the Russian Orthodox Church”. The report reflected the history of spiritual enlightenment and school affairs in Russia, the speaker paid special attention to spiritual enlightenment in the synodal period, and also gave a report on the activities of theological schools in the period after the Local Council of 1971. Particular attention in the report is paid to the problems facing theological schools at that time.

The main event of the evening meeting on June 8 was the discussion and adoption of the new Statute of the Russian Orthodox Church, developed and presented to the Council by Archbishop Kirill (Gundyaev) of Smolensk and Vyazemsk, was discussed at the Bishops' Pre-Council Meeting on March 28-31, 1988. During the discussion that took place at the Local Council itself, amendments to the text of the Charter were considered and amendments were made, some formulations were clarified. When developing a new charter, Archbishop Kirill (Gundyaev) used the developments of the 1917-1918 cathedral. The 1945 charter was rejected. This was explained by the fact that the 1945 charter was prepared urgently during the war and many points were not determined - the charter was recognized as absolutely outdated.

The "Statute on the Administration of the Russian Orthodox Church" adopted at the Local Council in 1945 is outdated. The changes made to it in 1961, dictated by the difficult situation in which the Church found itself at the turn of the 1950s and 1960s, led to the fact that the clergy was actually removed from the leadership of the parishes, and legally - and in general from the parishes themselves.

This was the first Rule in the history of the Russian Church. In the synodal era, the government of the Russian Church was carried out on the basis of the "Spiritual Regulations", in some respects similar to the Charter; then the "Spiritual Regulations" were replaced by separate Determinations of the Local Council of 1917-1918. From 1945 to 1988, a short "Statute on the Administration of the Russian Orthodox Church" was in force.

The Charter introduced the periodicity of the convocation of Local and Bishops' Councils - at least once every two years. The composition of the Holy Synod was expanded: the number of its temporary members was increased to five. Diocesan meetings were restored. The ruling bishop, with the assistance of the congregation (of an equal number of clergy and laity), directs church life in the diocese. Under the bishop himself, a diocesan council is established consisting of at least four people, one half of whom must be appointed by the bishop, and the other half must be elected by the diocesan assembly for one year. The most important change was the cancellation of the decision of the 1961 Council of Bishops to remove the priest from financial and economic activities. The highest body in the parish administration was the parish assembly of clergy and laity - members of the parish; the head of the church was elected chairman of the meeting. The executive body of the parish assembly, called upon to implement its decisions and accountable to it, was the parish council of three members: the chairman, his assistant, and the treasurer.

At the evening meeting of the Council on June 8, a number of other documents were adopted: "An appeal to children who do not have canonical communion with the Mother Church", "An appeal to all who adhere to the old rituals and who do not have prayer communion with the Moscow Patriarchate", "An Epistle to God-loving Pastors, honest monasticism and all the faithful children of the Russian Orthodox Church. "

The appeal “To the children who have no canonical communion with the Mother Church” contained an appeal to the representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia for dialogue:

Such a dialogue, by the grace of God, could lead us to the much-desired restoration of church communion, and would help to destroy the barriers separating us today. We assure you that in no way do we want to hinder your freedom, or to gain dominion over the inheritance of God (1 Pet. 5: 3), but with all our hearts we strive to end the temptation of separation between half-blood brothers and sisters, so that we could in one mind with one heart give thanks to God at the one meal of the Lord.

The appeal "to all Orthodox believing Christians who adhere to the old rituals and who have no prayerful communion with the Moscow Patriarchate" expressed the desire for rapprochement with the Old Believers:

Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church<…> with deep pain recalls the division of the children of<…> We prayerfully hope that the changed conditions of religious life in our Fatherland will allow all of us to feel our spiritual kinship again ...

You, our half-blood brothers and sisters, although you are not in prayerful communion with the Moscow Patriarchate, but share with us common labors aimed at the good of our earthly Fatherland, at preserving and strengthening peace between peoples.

The spiritual treasure of "ancient piety" is now being revealed not only to those who profess the saving faith of Christ, but also to those who value the manifestation of our national culture in ancient monuments.

the 9th of June

On June 9, the members of the Council discussed and adopted a number of new documents: "Determinations of the Local Council", "Appeal to all Christians in the world", "Statement on pressing problems of our time."

At the closing session of the Council, Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh made a report from the Credentials Committee.

The closing speech at the Council was made by Patriarch Pimen.

LOCAL ASSEMBLIES, congresses of bishops (sometimes also representatives of priests and laity) of autocephalous (independent) Christian churches to resolve issues of doctrine, ritual, church government, etc.

  • - The Holy Orthodox Church, after the death of the apostles, is guided by Holy Scripture and Holy Tradition ...

    Russian encyclopedia

  • - congresses of the highest Christians, clergy representing all local churches ...

    The medieval world in terms, names and titles

  • - extraordinary meetings of the pastors and teachers of the Church to resolve the most important issues and establish rules that are binding on the entire Church. The Orthodox Church recognizes seven Ecumenical Councils ...

    Orthodox encyclopedic dictionary

  • Political science. Dictionary.

  • - Congresses of the highest clergy of the Christian Church. Decisions of a theological, church-political, disciplinary nature are passed on. The Orthodox Church recognizes the 7 first Ecumenical Councils as competent ...

    Political science. Dictionary.

  • - THE FIRST, 20th Ecumenical Council, opened by Pope Pius IX on December 8, 1869, October 20, 1870 was forced to close its meetings due to the occupation of Rome by the troops of the Italian kingdom ...

    Collier's Encyclopedia

  • - general church. congresses of representatives of the highest christ. clergy to discuss and resolve issues of doctrine, worship, discipline, etc. In contrast to local councils, which have been practiced since the 2nd century. started ...

    Soviet Historical Encyclopedia

  • - see Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Ryazan and Pereyaslavl ...
  • - The Ecumenical Council is an extraordinary "gathering of pastors and teachers of the church, if possible from the whole universe," or a hierarchical representation of all local independent churches, composed with the aim of ...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - the main type of the Russian armed forces in the Moscow period ...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - meetings of the hierarchs of the Catholic Church, which took place in the Vatican, 1st Century of S.) met from December 8, 1869 to September 20, 1870 ...
  • - Congresses of the highest clergy of the Christian Church: patriarchs, archbishops, bishops. On V. s. issues are discussed and decisions are made of a theological, church-political, disciplinary nature ...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - congresses of bishops of an autocephalous Christian church or metropolis, archbishopric, province, etc. to resolve issues of doctrine, worship, church government, church discipline ...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - congresses of bishops of autocephalous Christian churches to resolve issues of doctrine, rituals, church government, etc.

    Modern encyclopedia

  • - Ecumenical Councils of the Catholic Church, held in the Vatican. The 1st Vatican Council proclaimed the dogma of the pope's infallibility in matters of faith and morality; confirmed his supremacy in the church ...
  • - congresses of ministers of independent Christian churches to resolve issues of doctrine, ritual, church government, etc.

    Big encyclopedic dictionary



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French cathedrals

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CATHEDRES - You said that castles and cathedrals are united by an aspiration upward. - Yes, cathedrals were built huge, and especially in height, so that everyone looking or entering inside would feel a very important thing: the height of the structure reflects the greatness of God. The cathedral is dedicated to God, it is

Zemsky Cathedrals

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Zemsky Cathedrals In the 17th century. Zemsky sobors remained the organs of estate representation, but their role changed significantly: the representation of nobles and townspeople increased. During the XVII century. the significance of the Zemsky Councils was different. At the beginning of the century, due to social

Local salaries

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Local salaries These are the general features of the local system. Turning to the details, we find indications that people of higher ranks, boyars, okolnichny and Duma nobles, received estates from 800 to 2000 quarters (1200-3000 dessiatines), stolniks and Moscow nobles - from 500 to 1000 quarters

II. Aquitaine Cathedrals

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Zemsky Cathedrals

From the book The Course of Russian History (Lectures XXXIII-LXI) the author Klyuchevsky Vasily Osipovich

Zemsky Cathedrals This organ in our literature has acquired the name of the Zemsky Cathedral, and in the monuments of the 17th century. it is sometimes called the "council of all the earth." Until the end of the 16th century. the Zemsky Sobor was convened four times: in 1550, 1566, 1584 and 1598. It is necessary to tell under what circumstances and in what

Cathedrals and their achievements

From the book Christian Tradition. The history of the development of the doctrine. Volume 2. Spirit of Eastern Christianity (600-1700) the author Pelican Yaroslav

Councils and their achievements "Who enlightened you with faith in the holy, consubstantial and worshiped Trinity? And who told you about the embodied economy of one of her Persons?" ... Although Maximus immediately replies that this light and knowledge was given by "the grace of Christ who is in you,

Table 2.14. The richest Prussian landowners (in millions of marks)

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Table 2.14. The richest Prussian noblemen (in millions of marks) Wealth Income Province 1. Prince Henkel f. Donnersmark 177 12 Silesia 2. Prince Christia-Kraft, Hohenlohe-Ohringen (Duke of Ujest) 151 7 Silesia 3. Hans-Heinrich, Fürst von

6. Cathedrals

From the book Lectures on the History of the Ancient Church. Volume III the author Bolotov Vasily Vasilievich

Local cathedrals

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (PO) of the author TSB

Local churches and their supreme government (canonical foundations; historical outline)

From the book Church Law the author Tsypin Vladislav Alexandrovich

Local churches and their higher administration (canonical foundations; historical outline) Formation of local Churches Ancient metropolises. Each autocephalous local Church is a collection of several bishops, therefore it must have organs

§54. Cathedrals

From the book Pre-Nicene Christianity (100 - 325 A.D.) by Schaff Philip

§54. Cathedrals The best collections of cathedral documents are Harduin (1715, 12 vols.), And Mansi (1759, 31 vols.). J. Hefele (Catholic, Bishop of Rottenburg, member of the Vatican Council 1870): Conciliengeschickte, Freiburg 1855; second ed. 1873 sqq., 7 vols, before the cathedral in Florence, 1447 (see vol. I., pp. 83–242). English translation by W. R Clark and H. R. Oxenham


From the book Bibliological Dictionary author Men Alexander

LOCAL ASSEMBLIES ORTHODOX SACRED WRITINGS P.S. Councils are called, convened by individual Local Churches to resolve canonical, disciplinary, liturgical, and other issues. The rule of the periodic. the convocation of P.S. was adopted at the I * Ecumenical Council (325). A number of P.s.

The participation of laity in the management of the Church remains one of the most pressing issues in the modern life of the ROC. What is meant by the "catholicity" of the Church? To what extent does the current practice of holding Local and Bishops' Councils correspond to the canonical heritage of the ancient Church? Archpriest Alexander Zadornov discusses these and other questions.

The existence of each Local Orthodox Church is directly related to the territorial factor. The area to which the governmental, judicial and, in general, the administrative authority of this Local Church extends, constitutes it canonical territory... The principle of the canonical territory presupposes mutual respect for the rights of each Church to its activity within a given territory, regulated by canonical norms on the non-interference of the episcopate of one Church in the affairs of another. These norms imply the unity of the teaching, sacramental and governmental ecclesiastical authority, the admiration for which is viewed by the rules of the Church as an encroachment on the very principle of church unity.

A reminder of this elementary norm of the church order is necessary for correct understanding functioning such a kratological unity. “The bearer of ecclesiastical authority,” says in his lectures on ecclesiastical law prof. S.V. Troitsky, - the entire episcopate appears (the organ is the councils of bishops) ... In the Orthodox Church there are several types of councils, namely: 1) ecumenical councils, 2) local councils, the decrees of which were adopted by the ecumenical councils, 3) councils bishops of several autocephalous churches, 4) cathedrals of bishops of one autocephalous or autonomous church ”[i].

The Council of Bishops of the Autocephalous Church is the Local Council - in any case, this is how the Canonical Corps of the Orthodox Church understands its composition (in the form of Fotiev Nomokanon). Such a council is not just "endowed" with the highest ecclesiastical authority (for such "endowment" is understood in modern practice as a synonym for "delegation"), but it possesses it precisely because of the status of its participants.

Despite a clear understanding of this issue from a canonical point of view, the history of the Russian Local Orthodox Church at the beginning of the 20th century knows a precedent for a different understanding of this issue. Discussions about the convocation of a council of the Russian Orthodox Church, which took place more than a century ago, revealed one important phenomenon of Russian church life - the confusion of the concepts of "representation" and "powers of authority." Taking place on the basis of the birth of Russian parliamentarism in 1905-1906, these discussions involuntarily transferred their understanding of legislative representation (like the State Duma of those years) to the operation of the principle of conciliarism in the Church.

This understanding is least of all connected with compositionCouncil of the local Church, although on this issue there was no unity in the Russian episcopate. “The ancient universal Church knew only the councils of bishops.<...> The practical basis for attracting elected representatives of the white clergy and laity to the Council is to defend their interests before the bishops-monks. But the only goal of a lawful and correctly composed church Council can only be the improvement of the Church and church life; upholding by some part of the Council of its "interests" can only complicate, and not in any way facilitate the achievement of this goal, "- the Hieromartyr Archbishop Agafangel (Preobrazhensky), who at that time occupied the Riga See, wrote. As always, Bishop Anthony of Volyn (Khrapovitskty) spoke out more sharply: "The persistent solicitations of the current literature about the inclusion in the Council of electives from the white clergy and laity by universal submission of votes represent a direct splinter of parliamentary elections of republican states, but they try to base themselves on church canons" ...

The Archbishop of Finland Sergius (Stragorodsky), who allowed the laity to take part in the Council, nevertheless recognized such participation as a canonical innovation: “So, whatever the practice of the Church at different times, the legalized canonical system of the Church worked out by historical experience and councils, knows only councils of bishops for regions "[V]. And, finally, a compromise option was proposed by Metropolitan Anthony (Vadkovsky) of St. Petersburg: “10. All members of the Council have a decisive vote in the meetings in matters of secondary importance 11. When considering questions faithIf such arise, and the fundamental questions of the canonical structure of the Church, in general, the principles of her canonical life, the decisive vote belongs to only one bishops, and the presbytery and the laity participate in this consideration with an advisory voice. "

In other words, complicity in decision-making in the form of an advisory voice should be distinguished from legitimacy these decisions by virtue of their adoption by the subject of canonical authority, which in the Church is the episcopate. As for the references to the signatures of the conciliar - non-bishops under the acts of the Ecumenical Councils, the signature of the basileus gave the latter the force of state laws, and the signatures of some monks under the definitions of the Seventh Ecumenical Council were admitted out of respect for them as defenders of icon veneration. Thus, the question, as noted above, is not so much connected with compositioncathedral of the Local Church, how many with bearers of church authority, participating in such a council.

The division of its cathedral into Bishops' and Localized ones, supposed by the current canonical Charter of the Russian Orthodox Church, is caused by the historical necessity associated with the conditions of existence of Orthodox Christianity in Russia in the XX century. The Council of 1917-1918, which many consider to be almost a "canonical icon" of every church council, does not know such a division.

Eliminationan abnormal ecclesiastical situation ("synodal system" in the Russian Empire) in abnormal, urgent external conditions is the historical merit of the 1917-1918 Council. and it is not the fault of the conciliar that the positive the definitions were not actually viable at the time of their adoption. To be convinced of the latter, it is enough to look at the text of the definition "On the legal status of the Orthodox Russian Church" of December 2, 1917, that is, a month after the Bolsheviks came to power and the formation of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars. However, to refer to the inadmissibility of changes to these council decisions due to their adoption on Local cathedral means not only in an unacceptable way to absolutize their meaning, but also to show elementary canonical illiteracy.

The Church as the Body of Christ is the creator of her own right. If the norms of the Canonical corpus cannot be canceled due to the absence of a council body equal in authority, then the current ecclesiastical law of each Local Church is regulated by the episcopate of that church. As is the case with civil law, current norms of the current church law cannot be violated, but not changed... Naturally, such a change is caused by the necessity associated with church life at a specific time and in a specific territory.

In addition, both the composition of the 1917-1918 Council and the reception of its definitions raise serious doubts about its "iconicity". Instead hierarchicalThe Cathedral followed the principle estate representation. Otherwise, it is difficult to explain the participation in its meetings as delegates of representatives of civil institutions - the army in the field, members of the State Duma and the State Council. If we remember that the reception of conciliar decisions means not so much “agreement with them by the whole Church” (apparently - of the part that did not participate in the Council), but the possibility of their actual implementation - most of these decisions should be recognized as not received.

It is worth recalling that in the self-name of the cathedral (“Sacred Cathedral of the Orthodox Russian Church”), in its official documents, there is no indication of its “individuality” as a “type” of the cathedral. If the concept of a “local” council is found in the pre-council documents, then, we repeat, it points to the principle itself - without specifying its composition. Also, in the references to the conciliar acts given in church documents already in the 30s, we will not find any emphasis on its composition.

This division begins only with the adoption in 1945 of the "Regulations on the Administration of the Russian Orthodox Church." Local and Bishops' Councils in this provision differed in the scope of their powers, but the legality of their decisions was given by the consent of the Council Episcopate, for which a special Council of Bishops was introduced at the Council. But even then, in the lectures on ecclesiastical law, read at the revived Moscow Theological Academy, it was said that in the field of ecclesiastical administration “the bearer of such power is the Ecumenical Episcopate. This universality extends not only to space, but also to time, the invariable formula of the Councils: "inherited by the divine father." The organs of the episcopate are the Ecumenical and Local Councils. In case of difficulty in convening Councils, the consent of the bishops is achieved through the exchange of messages or personal negotiations between the heads of the Autocephalous Churches (“the consent of the scattered church”). " Terms of convocation so understood A local council is not stipulated in the current Statute, except for the need to elect a Patriarch. Actually, this kind of electoral Local Councils is only known in the Russian Church since the 1917 Council. Of the six Local Councils of 1917-2009. only one was not an electoral council - the Local Council of 1988, convened in connection with the anniversary of the baptism of Rus.

To bring to the canonical norm the situation with the councils of the Local Russian Church is called upon a document recently published by the Commission of the Presence on Church Administration and Mechanisms for Implementing Synodality in the Church “ Place of Local and Bishops' Councils in the system of church government"[X]. The document states the gap between the provision of the canonical Rule on the ownership of the highest power in the field of canonical order to the Local, and not to the Bishops' Council with such tasks as “the adoption of the Charter and amending it, the preservation of the dogmatic and canonical unity of the Russian Church, the solution of fundamental and external activities of the Church, the canonization of saints, the creation, reorganization and liquidation of self-governing churches, exarchates and dioceses. " The proposal of the document to include in the Charter an indication of the powers of the Bishops' Council both in the legislative and executive branches is absolutely fair. As for the judicial power, it belongs to this Council and de jure as the third judicial instance in the judicial system of the Russian Orthodox Church.

What about the “role of the laity in church life”? Let us repeat once more - this role cannot be reduced to participation in the actions of church authority, which legally belongs to the episcopate and in some cases and manifestations delegatedto them clergy - especially in the power of doctrine and judicial. As for such delegation in relation to the laity, it should become the subject of a special canonical study.

Outside of such "cratological" participation, the laity retains the right to discuss conciliar definitions - both before their very adoption, and after (one - but not the only and decisive! - of the manifestations of reception). They ignore the expressed fears of removing the laity from participating in the conference on the conciliar documents "Regulations on the Inter-Council Presence of the Russian Orthodox Church" .

Speaking about the belonging of the full power in the Church to the council of bishops, this document emphasizes the unity of the episcopate with the clergy and the people of God led by them. The ecclesiastical legislator defines the advisory functions of the Presence, setting before its members the task of assisting the highest ecclesiastical authority in preparing decisions concerning the most important issues of the internal life and external activities of the Russian Orthodox Church ( Position I. 1). At the same time, a functional framework for such a task is set, implying the limits of such assistance. These limits are associated with the provision of accurate, verified and objective information on the content and form (context) of a specific issue under discussion. The conclusion of the work of the commissions of the Presence "should contain specific proposals for resolving the issue under discussion and, as an annex, a summary of the views expressed during the discussion" ( Position IV. 3).

In other words, the work of the Inter-Council Presence and its subdivisions (commissions) is associated with information and analytical support when making strategic decisions. This task is two-level: 1) the actual preparation of the information necessary for the discussion and 2) the discussion itself, which involves the development of draft decisions on the issues under discussion. Such problems include issues in the "sphere of theology, church government, church law, worship, pastorship, mission, spiritual education, religious enlightenment, diaconia, relations between the Church and society, Church and state, Church and other confessions and religions" ( Position I. 2).

[i] Troitsky S.V... Lectures on Church Law. Typescript. 113 p. (MDA archive). P. 82.

For a review of them see: Georgy Orekhanov, priest. Pre-Council Presence on the composition of the Local Council. Theological aspect of the discussion // He. On the way to the cathedral. M., 2002. Ss. 157-177.

1. The Local Council shall have supreme power in the Russian Orthodox Church in matters of electing the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia and his retirement, granting autocephaly, autonomy or self-government to parts of the Russian Orthodox Church, as well as in considering those, the list of which is determined by this Statute.

2. The Local Council is convened as necessary by the Council of Bishops. In exceptional cases, the Local Council may be convened by the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia (Locum Tenens) and the Holy Synod.

3. The Local Council consists of bishops, representatives of the clergy, monastics and laity who are included in the Local Council ex officio or elected in accordance with the Regulations on the composition of the Local Council.

The regulations on the composition of the Local Council, as well as amendments and additions to it, are approved by the Council of Bishops.

4. Responsibility for the preparation of the Local Council is borne by the Bishops' Council, which develops, preliminarily approves and submits for the approval of the Local Council the rules of procedure for meetings, the program, agenda, structure of this Council, and also makes other decisions related to the conduct of the Local Council.

In the event that the Local Council is convened by the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia (Locum Tenens) and the Holy Synod, proposals on the schedule of meetings, the program, agenda and structure of the Local Council are approved by the Bishops' Council, whose meeting must necessarily precede the Local Council.

5. Local Cathedral:

a) serves as an expression of the doctrinal and canonical unity of the Russian Orthodox Church and has as its main task its preservation;

b) makes decisions related to the granting of autocephaly, autonomy or self-government to parts of the Russian Orthodox Church;

c) elects the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia in accordance with the Regulations on the election of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia and decides on his retirement;

The regulation on the election of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, as well as amendments and additions to it, are approved by the Council of Bishops;

d) at the suggestion of the Council of Bishops, develops a position of ecclesiastical completeness on the most important issues concerning the internal church life, relations with other Local Churches, with heterodox confessions and non-Christian religious communities, relations between the Church and states, as well as the Church and society in the canonical territory of the Russian Orthodox Church ;

e) if necessary, apply to the Council of Bishops with a proposal to reconsider the decisions previously made by it in the field of doctrine and canonical order, taking into account the opinions expressed by the majority of the participants in the Local Council;

f) initiates consideration of significant issues within the framework of the Inter-Council Presence;

g) cares about the preservation of the purity of the Orthodox faith, Christian morality and piety;

h) approves, changes, cancels and explains its decisions.

6. The Chairman of the Council is the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, in the absence of the Patriarch - the Locum Tenens of the Patriarchal Throne.

7. The quorum of the Local Council is 2/3 of the members of the Council, including 2/3 of the bishops of the total number of hierarchs who are members of the Council.

8. The Local Council approves the rules of procedure for meetings, the program, agenda and its structure, as well as elects a presidium and a secretariat by a simple majority of the present members of the Council and forms the necessary working bodies.

9. The Presidium of the Local Council consists of a chairman (Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia or Locum Tenens) and twelve members of the hierarchy. The Presidium presides over the meetings of the Council.

10. The Secretariat of the Local Council consists of a secretary in the rank of bishop and two assistants - a cleric and a layperson. The Secretariat is responsible for providing the members of the Council with the necessary working materials and for keeping minutes of meetings. The minutes are signed by the secretary and approved by the chairman.

11. The Council elects the chairmen (in the rank of bishop), members and secretaries of the working bodies established by it by a simple majority of votes.

12. The presidium, secretary and chairmen of the working bodies constitute the cathedral council.

The Cathedral Council is the governing body of the Local Council. His competence includes:

a) consideration of emerging issues on the agenda and submission of proposals on the procedure for their study by the Council;

b) coordination of all activities of the Council;

c) consideration of procedural and protocol issues;

d) administrative and technical support for the normal activities of the Cathedral.

13. All bishops who are members of the Local Council constitute the Bishops' Conference. The meeting is convened by the chairman of the Council on his initiative, by decision of the Council of the Council, or on the proposal of at least 1/3 of the bishops. The task of the Meeting is to discuss those decisions of the Local Council that are of particular importance and that raise doubts from the point of view of compliance with Holy Scripture, Holy Tradition, dogmas and canons, as well as maintaining church peace and unity.

If any decision of the Local Council or part of it is rejected by the majority of the present bishops, then it is submitted for reconsideration. If, after that, the majority of the hierarchs present at the Local Council reject it, then it loses the force of a council decision.

14. The opening of the Local Council and its daily sittings are preceded by the celebration of the Divine Liturgy or other corresponding statutory service.

15. Sessions of the Local Council are chaired by the chairman or, at his suggestion, one of the members of the Council's presidium.

16. In open sessions of the Local Council, in addition to its members, invited theologians, specialists, observers and guests may take part. The degree of their participation is determined by the regulations, but in any case they are not eligible to vote. Members of the Local Council have the right to submit a proposal to hold a closed session.

17. Decisions at the Local Council are adopted by a majority vote, with the exception of special cases stipulated by the regulations adopted by the Council. In case of equality of votes in the event of an open vote, the vote of the chairman is decisive. In case of equality of votes in the event of a secret ballot, a second vote shall be held.

18. Decisions of the Local Council in the form of resolutions and decisions are signed by the chairman and members of the presidium of the Council. Other documents approved by the decisions (resolutions) of the Council are endorsed by the Secretary of the Council.

19. All official documents of the Local Council are signed by the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia (Locum Tenens), members of the presidium and the secretary.

20. The decisions of the Local Council come into force immediately after their adoption.

According to the Charter of the Russian Church, the Local Council has the highest authority in the field of doctrine and canonical organization of the Church. The Local Council consists of bishops, representatives of the clergy, monastics and laity, in the number and order determined by the Council of Bishops.

The Local Council, in particular, approves the decisions of the Council of Bishops relating to the doctrine and canonical structure, canonizes the saints, elects the patriarch of Moscow and All Russia and establishes the procedure for such an election, determines and corrects the principles of relations between the Church and the state, expresses, where necessary, concerns about the problems of our time ...

Local Council as a canonical term denotes the Council of the local Church (thereby implying its opposition to the Ecumenical Council). However, a more widespread perception of the Local Council as a Council of a wide composition, which includes not only bishops, as in the case of the Bishops' Council, but also clergy and laity.

Based on this more widespread meaning, we can say that in the history of the Russian Church there were only five Local Councils, and all of them took place in the 20th century: in 1917-1918, 1945, 1971, 1988 and 1990. All Councils (with the exception of the Councils of Bishops) that were held before were rather a prototype of these Local Councils.

At the same time, it is important to keep in mind that there was no single model for the participation of clergy and laity in Local Councils of the 20th century.

Councils in Russia have been convened since the Baptism of Russia in 988. However, historical scholarship knows almost nothing about the Cathedrals of the Kiev period. More detailed information begins to flow from the period of the Tatar-Mongol yoke and Muscovite Rus.

Elections on the so-called. Local Councils, which are held in the 20th century, have not been held before. There was a tradition (there was no strict regulation) to invite to the Council prominent Moscow priests (usually they were represented by the rectors of Kremlin cathedrals and churches), rectors of large monasteries in Vladimir, Suzdal, Novgorod and other cities. In addition, the king was present with his retinue. The deeds of the Councils were usually signed only by the bishops, which gave them the quality rather of the Councils of Bishops. The great dukes and kings themselves pointed out the subjects of conciliar discourse, and they often published conciliar decrees on their own behalf.

The most famous Councils before the Synodal period (1721-1917: at this time Councils were not held, and the Church was ruled by the Synod)

Vladimirsky Cathedral in 1274:

Accepted the "Tactical Book" of Saint Sava of Serbia, which was of great importance for ecclesiastical law, prohibited the ordination of persons who had not reached the canonical age and slaves;

He condemned the clergy for deviating from the church charter during the celebration of the Eucharist and baptism, drunkenness, pagan rites and spectacles, outrageous games on the eve of holidays, popular battles, which did not go without the death of the participants;

He condemned the custom of leading brides to the water, forbade depicting crosses on the ground and on ice.

Cathedral of 1503:

He ordered to resettle the so-called. "double monasteries" in which monks and nuns lived at the same time;

Forbidden the dowager clergy to perform divine services if they do not take the tonsure.

Stoglavy Cathedral of 1551:

He published a Code of 100 chapters, which collected and systematized all the norms of the law of the Russian Church in force at that time ("Helmsman", "Statute of St. Vladimir", resolutions of the Council of 1503, epistles of the metropolitans).

Stoglava's decrees dealt with hierarchical duties, church court, discipline of the clergy, monks and laity, divine services, monastic estates, public education and care for the poor. Stoglava's decrees on two-fingered, on "Compound Alleluia" later became the banner for the Old Believers.

Forbidden secular courts to judge clergy;

He invited the bishops and city clergy to set up schools to train henchmen;

The laymen were given the opportunity to select candidates for the priesthood;

He condemned the atrocities and vestiges of paganism common in the people's life, court fights, buffoonery performances, gambling, and drunkenness.

Council of 1590 (took place after the establishment of the patriarchate in Moscow in 1589):

He issued a deed with a letter from Patriarch Jeremiah II of Constantinople on the election of Job as Patriarch and on the patriarchal title of his successors.

Great Moscow Cathedral in 1667:

Was convened for the trial of Patriarch Nikon. The Eastern Patriarchs of Alexandria and Antioch took part in the acts of the Council.

Decided to deprive Patriarch Nikon of his dignity and to exile him to Belozersk monasteries;

Condemned the Old Believers;

Revoked the decree of the Philaret Council of 1621 on the re-baptism of Western Christians and the prohibition of clergy to widowed priests and deacons;

Forbidden to ordain the ignorant;

He ordered the priests to teach their children to read and write;

Decided to deprive the clergy of their second marriage, but allowed them to sing in the kliros or enter the sovereign service, except for the military;

Forbidden the laity to judge clerics for church crimes;

Forbidden to tonsure one of the spouses without the consent of the other, as well as to demand from the tonsured contributions to the monastery;

He ordered the metropolitans to wear white hoods, and to deacons and priests - skufia;

He worked out the norm of relations between church and state authorities, according to which the tsar had an advantage in political affairs, and the patriarch - in church affairs.

Moscow Cathedral in 1675:

Established provisions on the advantages and distinctions of the patriarch, metropolitan, archbishop, bishop and other hierarchical persons;

Decided to cook myrrh for all of Russia only in Moscow;

He forbade the priests to give their places as dowry to their daughters, so that these places go to the sons-in-law.

Local Councils (XX century)

All-Russian Church Council of 1917-1918 (opened on August 15, 1917 in the Kremlin's Assumption Cathedral)

It was held with a wide representation of the laity. Representatives of various strata took part - from the count to the bootmaker and aircraft mechanic, officers, prominent thinkers: the famous orientalist Boris Turaev, academician Nikolai Nikolsky, Sergei Bulgakov, Evgeny Trubetskoy.

Restored the patriarchate;

He elected Tikhon (Bellavin) as patriarch by lot;

Issued definitions of the procedure for election, the rights and duties of the patriarch, the Holy Synod and the Supreme Church Council, the locum tenens of the patriarchal throne, diocesan administration, parishes, monasteries and monastics, the legal status of the Church in the state, attracting women to participate in various fields of church ministry ...

1945 Local Cathedral:

Adopted a regulation on the management of the Russian Church;

Local Cathedral in 1971:

He canceled the oaths (cursing - "IF") of the Great Moscow Cathedral in 1667 on the Old Believers, recognized the old Russian rituals "salutary, like the new rituals, and equal to them."

The Local Council of 1988 (the year of the millennium of the Baptism of Rus):

He glorified in the face of saints Demetrius Donskoy, Andrei Rublev, Maxim the Greek, Saints Macarius of Moscow, Ignatius Brianchaninov and Theophan the Recluse, Saints Paisius Velichkovsky and Ambrose of Optina;

Published the Charter on the management of the Russian Church.

1990 Local Council:

The Council was attended by 317 delegates: 90 bishops, 92 clerics, 88 laity. It was preceded by the Council of Bishops, which elected three candidates for the patriarchal throne.

Elected Patriarch Alexy II;

Canonized righteous John of Kronstadt;

Decided to hold Councils with the participation of clergy and laity once every five years (although this decision was canceled at the Council of Bishops in 2000).

Prepared by the columnist "Interfax-Religion" Alexey Sosedov

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Materials in this story

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