What trichomonas look like. Trichomoniasis - photos, symptoms and treatment

Trichomoniasis is the most common disease on the planet, among sexually transmitted infections, as well as an absolute leader among the diseases of the urethra organs. The World Health Organization as of 1999 brought data according to which every tenth resident is sick in trichomoniasis. Already such numbers are forced to consider the disease more closely, studied the causes of trichomoniasis, varieties, methods of treatment and methods of prevention.

What is trichomoniasis

Trichomioniasis is an infectious disease, the causative agent of which is the vaginal trichomonade. This single-cell microorganism has a wave-like membrane and special flagellas that allow trichomonade to actively move, penetrating into the intercellular spaces.
It should be noted that trichomonas is an anaerobic creature, which significantly expands its distribution area.
The existing statistics of the disease shows that in the overwhelming majority of cases, the disease is developing in a complex with other diseases, most often among which there are chlamydia and. In the form of monoinfection, trichomoniasis is diagnosed only in each tenth case.
Modern studies show that the spread of this infection is possible only in sexual means. And only in exceptional cases, the transfer of the disease is possible through the use of hygiene or underwear of the disease of the disease. At the same time, the risk of transmission of infection during sexual contact exceeds 80 percent. This high transmission indicator has no other sex infection.

Preventive trichomoniasis

These factors suggest that in order to prevent this disease, it is necessary to strictly observe a number of recommendations, which, however, does not contain anything supernatural in itself:

  • culture of sexual relations;
  • in the presence of non-permanent sexual partners, the use of exclusively barrier contraceptives;
  • high intimate hygiene culture, excluding the use of underwear and hygiene products of other people;
  • regular medical examinations, which need to be needed at least six months.

In addition, there is a sufficiently effective method of disposable preventive trichomoniasis after random sexual contact without using a barrier contraceptive. It lies in the introduction of five milliliters of the solution into the vagina and the outdoor treatment of the genital organs by antiseptics. Such actions will reduce the risk of transmitting trichomonas by 70 percent. But at the same time, doctors strongly recommend avoiding situations when such emergency therapy is needed.

Photo: twinsterphoto / shutterstock.com

Premise for the development of trichomoniasis

However, for the development of trichomoniasis there are a number of other prerequisites in the body of a woman:

  • the postpartum period, when the expansion of the muscles of the uterus cervix leads to a natural disruption of mechanical protection;
  • menstrual and postmenstrual periods accompanied by vibrations of the acidity of vaginal contents (for trichomonas optimal acidity of vaginal content is a range of 5.5-6.6 pH);
  • an abortion that provokes changes in the body that contributes to the occurrence of trichomoniasis;
  • orgasm, during which the uterus cavity is prone to "suction" of the causative agent of the disease.

Symptoms of trichomoniasis

After entering the body, the first visible manifestations of the presence of infection begin to appear by 4-5 days after infection. Depending on the place of penetration of Trichomonas, the symptoms of the disease may differ slightly, but in the overwhelming majority of cases, women have the following symptoms:

  • abundant foaming, preferably yellowish or greenish shades;
  • abundant herbs from the vagina, which are pathognomonic (unequivocal) sign of the presence in the body of trichomonas;
  • discomfort, often developing into pain when urinating and with sexual contacts;
  • redness and swelling (the so-called hyperemic) mucous membrane of the vagina, which can be accompanied by purulent discharges.

In men, infection by trichomoniasis is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • painful sensations when urination;
  • in some cases, when the prostate iron, symptoms of prostatitis fall under the infection;
  • in involuntary discharge from the urethra, in some cases, bloody.

Although in most cases, men trichomoniasis proceeds almost asymptomaticly, any of these symptoms signals the need for a detailed laboratory study that can verify the presence in the body of trichomonas and confirm infection in the body.

Diagnosing trichomoniasis

Modern medicine involves four options for the diagnosis of this disease:

  • cultural study recommended in the absence of pronounced symptoms of trichomoniasis;
  • molecular biological research that is denoted as the most reliable diagnostic method that does not require additional confirmation;
  • microscopic examination of the drug stained with single-surge solution of methylene blue. This method is the easiest, but the indicators of its sensitivity do not exceed 60 percent;
  • microscopic study of an unpainted drug, which demonstrates the highest sensitivity with a clearly pronounced form of infection.

At the same time, progressive medicine in the diagnosis of sexual infections, including trichomoniasis, is guided by the principles of the smallest temporary and cash costs not to the detrimentalness of the research results.
According to this, the algorithm for diagnosing infection in modern clinics is as follows:

  • 1. Gynecological examination with a fence of a native smear, which does not demonstrate high sensitivity, has the qualities and rates of determining the result. The presence of a positive result for trichomonas in this case is sufficient to determine the diagnosis.
  • 2. Presentation features of trichomoniasis infection and the negative result of native blades are a promise to more complex testing for the definition of antigen. As in the first case, treatment is prescribed with a positive test, and with a negative - additional study.
  • 3. The last study in this diagnostic protocol is cultivation. Modern medicine considers this set of procedures absolutely sufficient to diagnose the presence of trichomonas and does not recommend further actions, guided by the above-mentioned principle of rationality.

Treatment of trichomoniasis

In case of laboratory confirmation of trichomoniasis, the treatment is assigned a comprehensive, developed according to an individual scheme for each patient.
Preferably, it consists in the internal use of counter-syrtromonade preparations - metronidazoles and derivatives from it flagis, terenidazole and others. Comprehensively with these drugs can be prescribed local treatment in the form of vaginal tablets and candles, which themselves do not demonstrate due efficiency, as well as a number of procedures: physiotherapy, immunotherapy, prostate massage, urethra's instillation and soiling therapy.

Two methods of using metronidazole are used: a 3-7-day course of treatment on one tablet (250 mg) twice a day, or one-time use of the drum dose of the drug is no more than two grams. At the same time, the results of many studies show that the second option is not inferior in effectiveness to the first and it is he now prevails in medical appointments.

The maximum complex of drugs and procedures is prescribed to patients with an acute or chronic form of trichomoniasis, while at the initial stage of the development of infection, it is often possible to do only with counter-syrtroused means.

From the side effects of the application of metronidazole, it is necessary to highlight the feeling of dryness in the mouth, a change in urine color, and in rare cases - malaise, vomiting and rapid heartbeat. In addition, after taking this medication for two days, you must eliminate the use of alcoholic beverages.

There are also cases of partial sustainability of the causative agent of infection to counter-sympathetic products, which is observed about each twentieth patient. In such circumstances, the attending physician changes the dose and the duration of the use of medicines, which, mainly, gives a positive effect.

Upon completion of the treatment of the disease, the attending physician appoints a complex of three control laboratory studies, which are carried out after the end of the menstrual cycle for three months. And only three "clean" analyzes speak of full recovery.

It is impossible not to note that trichomoniasis is self-deceiving infection. In asymptomatic flow and without diagnosis, the disease lasts for four months and up to five years, ending with recovery. But for such a development of events, you need a coincidence of several conditions at once:

  • trichomoniasis in the form of monoinfection, which, as we remember, is observed only in 10 percent of patients;
  • sufficient level of protective forces of the body of an infected person;
  • the absence of a patient with sexual relations for a long period.

Consequences and complications from trichomoniasis

The late diagnosis and treatment of trichomoniasis can lead to very serious consequences. The flow of the disease into chronic trichomoniasis and the further lack of medical intervention often leads to the following issues:

  • frigidity and absence of orgasms;
  • impairment of childbearing functions (inflammation of the appendages of the uterus and the obstruction of uterine pipes);
  • the emergence of malignant processes in the cervix;
  • complications during pregnancy providing premature childbirth or miscarriage.

In addition, a number of scientists argue that trichomoniasis may be indirect causes the development of diabetes mellitus, mastopathy, oncological formations on female genital organs and allergic manifestations, but there are no reliable laboratory confirmations of these assumptions at this moment and they require additional research.

Trichomoniasis during pregnancy

Separately, it is worth mentioning both trichomoniase during the baby tool. Diagnosis of infection during pregnancy is not a prerequisite for its interrupt. Despite the fact that the disease can cause complications in the prenatal period, patients prescribe a standard course of treatment. The only change, compared with the standard protocol, is to eliminate the use of metronidazole in the first trimester of pregnancy. That is, the course of treatment of trichomoniasis must be carried out not earlier than the second trimester.

There is also statistics according to which in five percent cases trichomoniasis in a pregnant woman is transferred to her child. But the features of the structure of the epithelium of a newborn such that infection in its body proceeds in a light form and in most cases self-defined.

Trichomoniasis in women is a fairly common sexually transmitted disease.

The cunning of this disease is that it can leak almost unnoticed for a long time, and eventually lead to the development of chronic pathology and infertility.

Consider what is a given disease, symptoms and principles of its treatment.

Causes of disease

The disease cause vaginal trichomonas. These are the simplest unicellular creatures that have the ability to move due to the presence of special flavors.

Important! Trichomonada is not bacteria, but the simplest unicellular creature. It must be considered when treating and not to choose antibacterial agents to which this pathogen is not sensitive.

This protozoa dwells only in the urinary tract of man and causes the development of various inflammatory processes.

To date, trichomoniasis is the most common pathology of the urogenital system. According to WHO, it is found in 10-12% of the entire population of the planet and the number of cases is constantly growing.

How is the disease transmitted?

You can be infected with trichomonade with unprotected sexual intercourse from the patient partner. In some cases, infection occurs at anal and oral sex.

The household transfer path is unlikely, but it is possible. Trichomonada lives only a few hours in the external environment, provided that there is good humidity.

When heated or hit direct sunlight, this is the simplest daft within a few minutes. Therefore, you can get used by the patient using its personal hygiene (towel, urine) immediately after use.

Symptoms and first signs of trichomoniasis in women

From the moment of infection until the first signs of trichomoniasis in women can pass for several weeks to appear.

Important! In rare cases, the symptoms of the disease are not manifested at all, in such cases they talk about the carrier of trichomoniasis. This is usually characteristic of men, but can happen with women. In these situations, a woman herself is not suspected, infects all his sexual partners.

In connection with this fact, patients with incomprehensible symptoms are always concerned about the question, and how trichomoniasis is manifested in women. His signs may differ from a particular woman, but most often the patients are concerned:

  1. Allocation from the vagina. They can be different colors: from pale yellow to greenish with a characteristic rotten smell and a foam structure. In some cases, the selection may be absent.
  2. Burning, discomfort and itching in the vagina and the crotch area.
  3. Frequent urge to urination, as well as the appearance of a sharpe and pain during it.
  4. Unpleasant sensations and pain during sexual intercourse.
  5. The swelling of the germ lip.

Symptoms, photo seals with trichomoniasis

The disease can occur in acute and chronic form. In women, chronic trichomoniasis is characterized by a long flow with periods of exacerbations and remissions.

The disease is exacerbated under the action of different external factors: infection, stress, non-compliance with personal hygiene and others.

Diagnosis of trichomoniasis

For diagnostics, the doctor collects history and inspects the genital organs of a woman with special mirrors. If trichomoniasis is suspected and carried out.

PCR diagnostics gives a practically 100% reliable result with proper execution, even if there is only a few DNA molecules of the simplest in the smear.

This is especially important in the presence of hidden and chronic forms of the disease.

In the treatment of trichomoniasis, the following requirements must be complied with women:

  • both partners are treated at the same time;
  • sexual abstinence for the entire period of treatment or sex only in a condom;
  • treat all forms, including trichomonade carriage.

The treatment diagram is selected by a doctor individually for a woman and a man.

For the treatment of trichomoniasis, women can use drugs:

  • countercotherbonate funds (metronidazole, ornidazole, etc.);
  • immunostimulants (interferons, etc.);
  • nalidixic acid preparations for preventing urinary tract infections;
  • local therapy (vaginal candles and creams);
  • vitamins.

Complications of disease in women

The danger of this disease is unpleasant complications that are not amenable to medical correction. So, the consequences of trichomoniasis in women can be the following:

  1. chronic inflammatory diseases of the urogenital system (vaginitis, cystitis, etc.);
  2. adhesive processes;
  3. female infertility.

In pregnant women, this simplest can provoke premature childbirth, abortions and the birth of premature babies.

This occurs because the altered microflora in the vagina of a pregnant woman destroys the lower shell of the fruit bubble and leads to a premature oral water.

Trichomonad itself is not dangerous for the fetus, since it cannot penetrate the placental barrier, but it can become a conveyor of other bacteria (chlamydia, gonococci, etc.), which will harm the future kid.

Fruit infection is possible when passing by the generic paths of the mother. The probability of becoming higher in the fetus of the female due to the characteristics of the structure of the genital organs (short urethra).

Precients of trichomoniasis in women

Preventive measures include:

  • identification and treatment of hidden forms of disease and carriers Trichomonas;
  • barrier methods of contraception (condom) with sexual intercourse with an unreliable partner;
  • application of antiseptics after sexual intercourse;
  • compliance with intimate personal hygiene.

Trichomoniaz - This is a healing disease, if in time to notice its symptoms and start therapy to develop the consequences. To avoid the problem, you need to take care of the prevention and passing planned inspections from the gynecologist.

Trichomoniasis in women is diagnosed more often. But this is not due to the special predisposition of weak gender to the disease, but is due to the fact that women are advised to consult with doctors, diagnose in a timely manner.

With insufficient treatment, the disease easily takes a chronic form. Not cured trichomoniasis is dangerous for the body of a woman, may cause complications.

  • Inflammation of the vagina (vaginitis);
  • Infection of the cervix;
  • Narrowing, bad patency of faaloppiye tubes;
  • The pathology of the bladder, kidneys.

Trichomonias in women - the path of infection

Trichomoniasis - Women's Symptoms

The disease is transmitted with sexual contact. Any type of unprotected sex, including oral, can lead to trichomoniasis.

For the functioning of the causative agent, it is favorable if a woman has a slightly acidic environment (pH 5.5-6.4). Such indicators appear during menstruation, the woman needs to be especially careful during this period. Abortion, childbirth, the total weakness of the organism contribute to trichomonia. Immunity against illness is not produced. According to symptoms, the disease is divided into 3 species.

  1. Acute trichomoniasis.
  2. Chronic form.
  3. Trichomonasia. Proceeds without symptoms. The pathogen is detected in menstrual discharges.

Trichomonada absorbs other infections, and along the way, a woman can suffer with tryrper, ureaplasmosis, other STDs, which will also require treatment.

Infection by trichomoniasis is extremely rare, but 100% is not excluded. The infection retains a short time vitality in a wet environment. We must exercise caution, visiting the pool. Baths in this sense are safe, as the causative agent dies at 45 ° C.

That is why, although the aggravation of the ailment is sometimes accompanied by an increase in temperature, the heat does not perform a protective function. The disease can pass from the child's infected mother in the adjunent period, especially the girls are especially vulnerable.

Venericual diseases are transmitted mainly by sex. According to statistical data, the most common is the infection of the vaginal trichomonophone.

  1. Immunity is not produced on trichomoniasis.
  2. Re-infection may come after recovery.
  3. Infection can occur genital, household methods.
  4. The launched disease extends to the urinary system, is the cause of irreversible consequences.

The incubation period, before the first signs of the disease, can last 5-14 days.

  1. The localization of the pathogen depends on the place of introduction into the female organism.
  2. The main part of inflammatory processes occurs in the area of \u200b\u200bthe vagina and nearby organs.
  3. The development of trichomoniasis is the resulting genitalia:
  • burning, itching at the moment of urination;
  • weak vaginal bleeding;
  • mucous membranes are covered with guns;
  • liquid, foam discharge.

The development of infection in women is manifested later than men with brighter symptoms. Vaginitis prevails, but can be cystitis, pyelonephritis. The place of defeat of the genitour system of a woman by the causative agent, its degree depend on immunity.

Early detection of infection allows early diagnosis, timely treatment. However, ½ infected women do not recognize about the disease. The causes of such carelessness are:

  • consider frequent urge to urinate, cutting, burning during its consequence of cystitis;
  • pains during sexual acts, painful pain, the severity at the bottom of the abdomen belong to the colds of the urogenital system.

In the inflammatory process caused by the growth of the location of the pathogen, parauretral ducts, bartoline glands, cervical cervicals can be involved.

  1. The development of the disease in women occurs with clearly pronounced symptoms.
  2. The course of the disease has 3 stages:
  • acute form with a bright manifestation of signs of the presence of the pathogen in the body;
  • subacute, patient's disease does not bother;
  • the sluggish asymptomatic type, detected only when the planned medical examinations passes.
  • Menstrual periods, body hyposals, other side factors can provoke an increase in symptoms of sluggish infections, accelerate their introduction into the body.
  • Put an accurate diagnosis and distinguish trichomoniasis from more innocuous types of infection allows clinical examination.

    Symptoms of trichomoniasis in women

    If men have a disease leaks almost without signs, women should pay attention to the slightest symptoms.

    The first signs of trichomoniasis in women are manifested for two weeks, sometimes the incubation period is a month. Usually, unpleasant feelings are beginning to disturb on the 4-5th day. The pathogen penetrates the vagina, the cervix, the urinary channel. For the disease, the following symptoms are characterized:

    • The first indicated sign of the disease in women serve in a large number of discharge from the vagina;
    • Belly have a slightly green or yellow color, they are very imposed;
    • The symptom of trichomoniasis is the appearance of the smell of rotten fish;
    • Pain with sexual intercourse;
    • The symptoms of urethritis appear. Root with urinary, frequent urge;
    • The sign of the disease is the burning, steady itching in the vagina;
    • Edema and red bodies.

    During the examination, the vagina marks blood overflow (hyperemia) of the blood vessels. Surface fabrics are covered with foam, the cervix begins to bleed when touched by a mirror. Small erosion on the walls of the vagina are visible. They have a pronounced red color.

    The discharge from the vagina, contacting the skin, causes ulcers, irritation, abrasion on it. This applies to the crotch and the thighs. On the cervical uterus there are damaged bleeding capillaries. The pH in the vagina shifts into the alkaline side.

    When these symptoms are found, women must immediately seek medical care and go through the necessary treatment, but only after establishing an accurate diagnosis (other diseases have such symptoms).

    A microorganism caused by the disease is not a virus. Independent diagnosis, self-treatment, give positive results in 0.2% of cases.

    The infection quickly adapts to antibiotics, they stop acting on it. It has been proven that chronic and not dulged trichomoniasis is the cause of premature births, miscarriage, infertility.

    1. For accurate diagnosis, the gynecologist or the venereologist is collecting anamnesis, indicating:
    • the presence of patients in inflammatory processes of genitals;
    • the flow of preceding the identification of pregnancies, childbirth;
    • partner inflammatory processes of the urogenital system.
  • The basis for issuing a direction to the clinical examination is:
    • miscarriages, self-care, pregnancy leakage with explicit pathology;
    • chronic diseases with urogenital character;
    • indeptly expressed inflammatory processes.
  • Analysis includes research:
    • blood;
    • urine;
    • selection smear;
    • PCR check.

    The sensitivity of the microorganism to drugs is determined.
    Based on all studies, the collected anamnesis is diagnosed, coursework is appointed.

    A venereal disease in 99% of cases is transferred by sexual way. The risk group makes women and girls leading active sex life with frequent change of partners. The disease in women in women is 80% of cases wears a pronounced picture and is cured in the initial stage of development.

    1. Newborn girls are infected with patients with mothers during the passing pathways. Manifestations of the disease are identical to adult forms.
    2. The first days of a woman has a territory of genitalia, a small amount of white and pale yellow discharges, pain at the bottom of the abdomen.
    3. An increase in the colony of microorganisms and the seizure of them of new territories leads to strengthening pain:
      • genitals swell, itching and burning in their region;
      • allocations become yellow and yellow-green;
      • there is an unpleasant smell of rotten fish;
      • urination is complicated by the thumbs.
    4. The greatest manifestation of the disease occurs during menstruation.

    After 1-1.5 months at the location of the microorganism, ulcers appear, in the genitals and the inner part of the hips, there is a strong dermatitis. Frequent urge to urination occur. Then the pronounced symptoms disappears, the disease passes to the chronic stage.

    The transition of infection into the chronic stage leads to the affix of the nervous system. The patient becomes irritable, sleep is disturbed, depressed is observed. The intimate side of life is disturbed due to painful sensations during sexual intercourse.

    Launched or not a durable stage of the disease can provoke uterine bleeding during the menstrual period, leads to infertility.

    Timely detection of the disease, treatment with drugs leading to the complete destruction of the pathogen, gives rapid positive results without causing complications.

    Trichomoniaz, hitting the female organism during pregnancy, can affect the development of a variety of diseases:

    • Practice.
    • Cervicit.
    • Erosion of the cervix.
    • Cystitis and other diseases.

    Therefore, if a woman has trichomoniasis during pregnancy, the doctor must pay a maximum of attention.

    When entering the fetus, inflammatory processes are characterized by activity, and the chronic form is easily transformed into sharp. As a rule, in pregnant women, the infection affects several organs, sometimes all the urinary system.

    In future mothers, an immune response to infection, aimed at protecting the embryo, is activated.

    So after 4 months, special protective shells are formed, preventing the peatomonade penetration into the uterus. But the infection of the woman's body up to 16 weeks of pregnancy in most cases leads to miscarriage. Later infection is easier to treat, have a positive trend of recovery.

    A woman may not guess his illness. The disease trichomoniasis during pregnancy passes both in acute form and in chronic. For the acute form of trichomoniasis during pregnancy, the rapid manifestation of signs of the disease is characteristic.

    Within 2-14 days may begin:

    • Diarrhea.
    • Increased temperature.
    • Heat with severity at the bottom of the abdomen.
    • Strong weakness and fatigue.
    • There are allocations, sharply smelling foamy yellow with a greenish tint.
    • Pregnant women feel strong itching with pains in the organs of the urogenital system.

    The chronic form of trichomoniasis is characterized by the fact that the patient may not guess about its disease for six months. It manifests itself as follows:

    • The metabolism is disturbed, often charged with pregnancy.
    • Pregnant feels occasionally appearing pain at the bottom of the abdomen and itching.
    • More difficult to diagnose.
    • Sometimes purulent-mucous allocations appear.

    But Trichomonas takes pathogenic microorganisms, without destroying them. Inside it, they become inaccessible to antibiotics. As a result, the microbes have free access to the uterus and effect on the fruit.

    If trichomoniasis is diagnosed on time, it is better to cure it before the occurrence of pregnancy. Naturally, the disease will have an action on the subsequent pregnancy, since traces of inflammatory changes will remain on the mucousa of the uterus.

    Because of this, the fruit egg can be settled in such a way that during childbirth will have to conduct a cesarean section. However, this is the only complication that pregnant women may be feared after fully cured trichomoniasis.

    Treatment of trichomoniasis in women

    Treatment is appointed both sexual partners, even if the man has no symptoms of the disease.

    The first step should be a complete rejection of the use of alcohol-containing drinks, an exception from the ration of acute, smoked, salted food. Advocative a pause in intimate proximity, otherwise repeated infection can occur, and the previous treatment will go to the Nammark.

    Since trichomoniasis affects different organs of the urinary tract, the course is recommended to be carried out using comprehensive therapy. Apply:

    • antibiotics;
    • biogenic stimulants;
    • vitaminotherapy;
    • immunotherapy;
    • baths;
    • instillations;
    • washing.

    Successful treatment of trichomoniasis in women - not a reason for a long time to forget about the visit to the physicians, for several menstruation cycles, you need to be observed by a doctor and take a re-examination.

    The main requirement for medical preparations - they must be active against anaerobic microflora.

    Trichomoniasis treatment schemes for women:

      One of the main advantages of this drug over similar is the speed of exposure. The medicine lightningly penetrates the blood of a woman, is solved throughout the body and destructively affects the causative agent of the disease. A remedy in convenient blisters (tablets of 0.5 gr. Or 0.25 gr., Vaginal Candles).

      The drug requires special attention when used, therefore a specially developed scheme for a woman will help achieve an effective result.

      The first day of reception - three times a day should be taken in 2 Table. Leaving equal intervals between use. The next day the norm is reduced by 2 times, but the reception sessions should remain the same amount. The recovery will need exactly a week. The final stage is a visit to the doctor and the passage of the survey.

      Another effective scheme is a comprehensive treatment with pills and candles. Metronidazole tablet (at 0.25 g) is accepted twice a day, but with it it is necessary to enter vaginal candle.

      Treat longer, up to 10 days. A visit to a physician, repeated inspection necessary, the diagnosis will notify the successful recovery or will inform the passage of the re-course.

      The structure, composition and principle of action resembles metronidazole, and there is also a diagram of reception of how to treat trichomoniasis. A woman who has discovered the disease should take medicine inside. Release form - Tablet (0.5 gr.).

      It is easy to be treated with trinidazole - 4 tablets at a time. The second scheme recommended to consume the medicine is the same amount of the drug, but the reception stretch for an hour, using one tablet every quarter of an hour.

      The drug has a small feature - it is prohibited by pregnant women (especially in the first three months) and for the lactation period, since it can negatively affect the kid. It is strictly recommended to combine trinidazole with alcoholic beverages, even in small quantities.

      A woman who is prescribed a trinidazole as a treatment should additionally hand over blood to identify violations. Be sure to observe the attending doctors and the passage of inspection.

      The drug is used as an effective medicine, especially if trichomoniasis is already in the running stage. Also solcotrichovak - excellent disease prevention.

    Healing fluid is introduced into the vein, with intervals in two weeks, only under the supervision of the doctor. For one course you will need three injections. Long-term monitoring of physicians (up to year) can reveal the recurrence of trichomoniosis and will have to be treated again, but already smaller doses of the drug.

    If a woman appealed for medical care in a timely manner, rehabilitation will be quickly and painlessly, with the help of local treatment. Treat trichomoniasis recommended:

      (one tablet on the day is introduced into the vagina, the process will take up to 4-5 days);

      (for 10 days to enter the 1st tablet);

      (3 days 250 ml.);

      (The cream-like drug is applied to the genitals within 4 days).

    Even if the doctor revealed a weak defeat, the use of funds should only be under medical control, self-medication threatens to grow into long-term health problems.

    Daily hygiene - the main rule during the disease. You must often change underwear, take a shower with special hygiene.

    Treatment of trichomoniasis should only conduct a qualified specialist, there should be no self-medication. In no case can not be entrusted with all sorts of signs, healers, folk lamps.

    Nevertheless, traditional medicine has developed effective recipes for trichomoniasis.

    A multicomponent mixture is prepared, which includes herbs.

    1. Harvest Pastened 1 part.
    2. Speech (bird hustle) 3 parts.
    3. The mistletoe is white 1 part.
    4. Dormon (buckwheat) 0.5 parts.

    Added 1 part of Arnica Mountain flowers. Prepare infusion. Pour a teaspoon with a glass of boiling water, insist for 15 minutes. Take 100 ml after breakfast and before bedtime. Course for 3 weeks.
    Infusion for scriptures.

    Oak bark used in the amount of 20 g, chamomile, walnut leaves of 25 g, sage and Flowers of Malva for 15 g. Insstruct two tablespoons of the collection in 200 ml of boiling water for at least 4 hours. Drain daily one and a half or two weeks. Before the infusion procedure, heat the body temperature.

    Often the treatment of the disease is effectively using simple plants without using multicomponent fees. For example, garlic. From the head of garlic squeeze juice. It takes on ½ dessert spoon three times a day.

    Effectively use of the compression from the bow and garlic. Finely grind the components obtained by Cashitz to gauze. Tampon introduce into the vagina and hold 4 hours. Duration of treatment 10 days.

    Interesting innovation developed Korean doctors. They prepare a five percent substance of garlic juice and glycerol. From it make vaginal suppositories. Usually for treatment, it is enough to insert five days on one candle to destroy Trichomonas.

    Trichomoniasis will not appear if you follow some warnings, stick to which is completely simple. The first thing you need is to eliminate completely random ties.

    The main risk factors are partners receiving drugs or people of non-traditional orientation. An unexpected surprise woman can get from a doctor of a certain profession, which contacts the blood of patients.

    Sexual intercourse with each new partner must be accompanied by condoms. Do not rely on the will of the case or hot assurances in the cleanliness and health of the partner. Most often it turns out that the man does not even suspect that the microorganism has already settled in his body.

    Sexual connection with one partner ensures that trichomoniasis does not have to be treated, especially if a woman, and a man periodically visit the venereologist. Regular examination of the doctor, the absence of the "left" and random relations - the guarantee that the treatment will not need and does not overstate family relations.

    If random sexual intercourse without protection occurred, it is necessary to process outdoor genitals and the vagina with Mirismine or Betadin after 2 hours after it. They raise the risk of a disease to a minimum.

    It works well on the causative agent solution of potassium permanganate (manganese), drew the traditional method of prevention by this means of vagina.

    The indispensable condition for the prevention is a regular visit to the gynecologist. This allows us to usually determine the infection even on the first light stage, the treatment occurs quickly and safely for the body.

    When visiting a gynecologist, you should pay attention to the purity and sterility of the tools. It happened that the infection was happening for this reason.

    Vaginal trichomoniasis is a disease that does not carry much harm to the body, but only in the case when infection was found on time and immediately responded with medicines. The sickness of the disease is strictly prohibited, better with the slightest suspicions or symptoms to seek qualified help.

    The cunning of trichomoniasis in women is that the beginning of the disease can be practically asymptomatic (minor damage, light burning in urination). And obvious signs: purulent foaming flames smelling non-volatile fishing - with trichomoniasis appear already at the chronic stage of infection, when the infection affects the mucous membranes not only vagina, but also reproductive organs.

    Danger and that very often, along with trichomonas in the cells, gonococci, candidate fungi, chlamydia, as well as "soda", but quickly destructive cells of the body are introduced.

    To avoid unpredictable for the severity of the consequences (inflammatory processes, infertility, spontaneous miscarriages), it is necessary to check the gynecologist at the slightest change in well-being.

    How can I get infected?

    The main condition for the prevention of infection is the hygienic purity of the body and soul: avoid indiscriminate sex contacts, since the transfer of trichomoniasis through cum is the most common cause of the disease.

    However, there are other ways to transmit infection from men to women, from women to children, since trichomonas are capable of actively live in biological (isolated carrier) liquids: saliva, vaginal liquid secretion, urine. The main paths of infection by trichomoniasis are:

    Rarely, but trichomonias in women appears during a visit to a casual hospital if there are no disposable tools for the vagina examination, insufficient sampling of the surface of the chair, couches.

    be careful

    Among women: Pain and inflammation of ovaries. Fibre, mioma, fibrous-cystic mastopathy, inflammation of adrenal glands, bladder and kidneys are developing.

    Want to know what to do?To begin with, advise

    Distinctive symptomatic manifestations

    Initially, after infection, the disease is not always possible: the incubation period can last more than a week or two. The following characteristic symptoms in women arise:

    • The increase in the urges in the toilet and the appearance of painful sensations in the process of urination.
    • Burning, itching, rubbing in the vagina area, anal hole.
    • Education of bubbles, erosions, hyperemia, swelling on mucous genital organs. With oral infection, trichomoniasis is detected signs of stomatitis in the mouth.
    • Pain in Socytia.
    • General ailment: Temperature, weakness.
    • Painting pain in the lower area of \u200b\u200bthe back, abdomen.

    Painful sensations and itching may be absent, but almost always in infection in women there are explicit distinctive features: the expiration of white from the vagina.

    What is the allocations are characteristic?

    Contact the doctor immediately at the slightest signs of the disease! It will help you avoid complications in the future!

    Distinctive features of white with trichomoniase, photo selection:

    • Thick white mucus is characteristic of the beginning of trichomoniasis, not burdened by the addition of pathogenic bacteria, but may indicate the simultaneous infection of the candidate candidate.
    • The foam allocations are white-yellow either with a greenish tinge appear in the case of a purulent flow of trichomoniasis. Perhaps additional infection with gonococci, streptococci, staphylococci.
    • Multicolored discharge (pink, yellow, white) water, viscous consistency occurs during chronic trichomoniase with the development of extensive foci of erosions, due to bacterial infection or penetration into chlamydium cells.
    • Purulent dense green discharges indicate a massive damage to the mucous vagina by trichomonas and gonokoks at the same time.
    • Bals with a brown tint are due to the presence of dead erythrocytes. There may be an indicator of infection in the uterus cavity.

    In all cases, trichomoniasis in women characterize vaginal discharges, characterized by repulsive (initially weak, then amplifying) by the smell of decomposing herring, but in the case of additional infection, the flavor of the proceed kefir is added to candidiasis. And the attachment to trichomonas of gonococci is characterized by a stench of rotting flesh, as with a gangrene, non-heating firearms or beds. After treatment, the allocation disappears.

    Trichomoniasis can not be launched, otherwise the consequences can be deposited both for women and men: the spread of purulent infection throughout the body, infertility or the birth of physically and mentally defective children.

    Even if the characteristic symptoms of infection with trichomonas are not observed, do not be lazy to pass the survey in the gynecologist, the urologist in case of deterioration of health in the form of unusual vaginal discharge, the sudden appearance of the cutting in the process of urination, as well as the formation of itchy bubbles, erosions on the mucous genital organs or the mouth.

    Trichomoniasis (Sin. Trichomonosis) is an infection caused by the simplest microorganisms. To date, 3 types of pathogens affecting the urinary system, intestinal and oral cavity; Trichomonias in women cause sex trichomonas.

    The pathogen is powered by erythrocytes and iron ions, often contributing to the emergence of anemia. Also, Trichomonas absorbs other microorganisms. Thus, when swallowing the causative agent of gonorrhea, Gonokokki continue to live inside the trichonade and after the antibacterial treatment against gonorrhea can cause a relapse of a gonduct infection.

    What it is?

    Trichomoniasis - infectious diseases of the human urogenital system. The pathogen is vaginal trichomonade. The disease ranks first in the prevalence among the diseases of the genitourinary system. In addition, trichomoniasis keeps the championship and among the diseases transmitted by the sexual way. According to the World Health Organization (1999), 10% of the world's population is supported by trichomoniasis. Undage annually register about 170 million people.

    Causes of disease

    Trichomoniasis refers to diseases that do not happen just like that. The cause of its occurrence is always unequivocal: unprotected sexual contact with a carrier of infection. The causative agent of the disease is contained in some fluids of the human body, primarily in sperm and vaginal secrecy. Therefore, the main path of its transfer is sex.

    The likelihood to infect infection is unlikely. However, it is impossible to completely exclude such an opportunity. Bacterry can remain viable in a humid environment. This should be remembered by visiting the pool and sauna. The bath in this regard is safe, because with the heat of Trichomonadads quickly dies.

    Trichomoniasis is transmitted during pregnancy from mother to the child, infection can also occur at the time of birth. Most often, the disease is diagnosed in girls whose mother has a carrier of trichomonas during pregnancy.

    Symptoms and first signs

    The incubation period with trichomoniasis ranges from 5 to 20 days. In some cases, the first manifestation of the disease becomes noticeable later. Before that, the disease can leak without unpleasant sensations. The first signs of trichomoniasis can very often appear only during critical days. In addition, symptoms may be similar to signs of fungal infection.

    As a rule, the main symptoms in trichomoniase in women (see photo) are identical to the signs of other venereal diseases, namely:

    • itching, burning, painful syndrome in the vagina region;
    • unpleasant sensations in the field of urinary organs;
    • pain in the field of small pelvis, the intensity of which is noticeably rising at the time of sexual intercourse;
    • the presence of vaginal foam seals of whitish or yellow-green shade with a sharp smell.

    The structure of the discharge is determined in this case by the presence of carbon dioxide produced by trichomonade. In the event that there are similar signs of trichomonosis, it is necessary to immediately turn to the gynecologist or a venereologist to determine the exact cause of the phenomena described above.

    An important point is that the flow of trichomonosis in women is often not detected due to the lack of characteristic symptoms. In order to detect infection in time, it is necessary to periodically visit the gynecologist. Especially with a frequent change of sexual partners.

    What does trichomoniasis look like: photo

    The photo below shows how the disease is manifested in women.


    Risk of disease in pregnant women

    In pregnant women, this simplest can provoke premature childbirth, abortions and the birth of premature babies.

    This occurs because the altered microflora in the vagina of a pregnant woman destroys the lower shell of the fruit bubble and leads to a premature oral water. Trichomonad itself is not dangerous for the fetus, since it cannot penetrate the placental barrier, but it can become a conveyor of other bacteria (chlamydia, gonococci, etc.), which will harm the future kid.

    Fruit infection is possible when passing by the generic paths of the mother. The probability of becoming higher in the fetus of the female due to the characteristics of the structure of the genital organs (short urethra).


    The danger of this disease in non-remote women is unpleasant complications that are not amenable to medical correction. So, the consequences of trichomoniasis in women can be the following:

    • adhesive processes;
    • female infertility;
    • chronic inflammatory diseases of the urogenital system (vaginitis, etc.).


    Diagnosis of the disease consists in bacterioscopic detection of vaginal trichomonads according to the results of staining of smears in gram. Moreover, in women, this technique for identifying the disease gives more accurate results than in men.

    A more accurate diagnostic method in comparison with bacterioscopic method is a bacteriological method. It is recommended in all cases of negative results of treatment. In dubious situations, techniques that give the most accurate results are the method of direct immunofluorescence (FIF), DNA diagnostics (PCR), as well as sowing.

    What to treat trichomoniasis in women?

    Treatment of infection to both sexual partners is assigned, regardless of whether there are no signs, symptoms of trichomoniasis in a man. First of all, it is worth abandoning the period of treatment from the use of acute food and alcohol. Also shows observance of sexual rest during therapy and before receiving negative tests (in order to avoid reinfection).

    The basic principles of treatment of trichomoniasis:

    1. Strengthening the immune protection of the body;
    2. Conducting the treatment of trichomoniasis immediately at both sexual partners;
    3. During treatment, it is necessary to abandon alcohol and sexual life;
    4. The use of antitrichomonium drugs;
    5. Normalization of vaginal microflora and restoration of its function;
    6. Conducting general and local therapy at the same time, only local therapy (ointment, candles, etc.) will not give results.

    With trichomoniasis, female treatment is prescribed only by a doctor, self-medication is not permissible. Drugs should have an action against anaerobic microorganisms. That is, the means of group of 5 nitroimidazoles apply. These include:

    Trichomoniasis treatment schemes are different:

    • Trichopol 0.5 gr. (or Metronidazole 0.25 gr.) 1 tablet twice a day (or 2 tablets 2 times a day), the duration of the course is 7-10 days.
    • Tinidazole 0.5 gr. - One-time reception of 4 tablets.
    • Fasine 150 mg twice a day for a week.

    Treatment of the chronic stage of the disease is practically no different from the treatment of acute stage. In addition to antitrichthritical drugs, therapy implies the reception of adaptogen (tincture of the Aralia, tincture of Eleutherococcus, aloe extract), vitamins and immunostimulating agents.

    The control analyzes after the transferred trichomoniasis are taken three times after each menstruation for 3 months.


    In the prevention of this disease, a huge role is played by the way of life of a person: nutrition, physical activity, routine of the day, bad habits or addictions, as far as it observes hygiene, environmental ecology. Bring a healthy lifestyle, deal with your sexual partners (whom, by the way, should not be more than one ever) and be healthy!