The local parent meeting.doc is "the influence of family education on the formation of a child's personality. Parent Meeting "Family Interaction and School Parental Assembly on Portfolio

Parent meeting on the topic:

"Primary school student portfolio".

The purpose of the meeting:

Formation of parents of a positive attitude to working together

on the design of the portfolio; Informing on organizing portfolio.

Participants: Parents of graduate class.

Teacher: Perekhev T.V.

Equipment: computer, projector,

Stage of preparation:

1. Board reform: topic, goal, quote.

2. Preparation of issues for discussion at the Parent Meeting:

  • What is a portfolio?
  • Who should collect him?
  • What is the student of the portfolio?
  • What does the elementary school student portfolio look like?

3. The extension of the portfolio and student work.

The course of the meeting

I. Introductory word of the class teacher on the topic of the meeting.

Dear Parents! I am glad to see you on the Open Parent Meeting. We are all our meetings with you for children. And today they

reasoning and statements will help us formulate the topic with you.

collection. Let's listen to them. (Children's reasoning)

Who guessed, what will we talk about? I know that for most of you the word "portfolio" sounded like a thunder among the clear sky. Actually

many of you have incomplete, or distorted information about what is a "portfolio".

What questions do you have, looking at this foreign word?

Today, at our meeting, we will try to figure out:

  • What is a "portfolio"?
  • Who should collect him?
  • What to add to it?
  • What is it necessary for?

I know that many parents from the first weeks are collected and stored

achievements of your children try to take a picture of the first

step, to shoot on the video of the first spelled word, read poem, many keep the first notebooks of their children, while maintaining the most expensive and precious moments by collecting a kind of portfolio.

At school, this work was continued. Now, each student in our class will have its own portfolio, its own portfolio of achievements. The main meaning of such a portfolio is to show everything that is capable of and what your child should strive for.

II. To answer your question, who should help the child in collecting the portfolio, will experiment.

Cotton (1 experiment)

Put your right hand on the lokot and turn your palm to me. And now

try to make one palm cotton. How? Comes out? Why?

What is missing? Need a second palm. I am ready to give you a second palm. One palm - you, the other - I. Let's try to make cotton together

(we do in turn Cotton: Teacher - Parent). I noticed that in this process, all of you smiled. It's great! I wish you always smile when we are together with you will "make cotton" in life.

Output This experiment proves that portfolio is the result of two palms, this is a joint work of school and family. Remember, whatever your teacher would be professional, let him be even a master ... never without your help he does not do what can be done together.

III. Exercise for parents "Snowflake" (What is it for?)

And now we will fulfill an interesting exercise with you. The main condition is not

look at anyone and listen to my instruction. Before you is a sheet of paper. All sheets of the same shape, size, quality, colors. Listen

carefully and follow the following:

Fold the sheet in Popolam

Again fold in half

Rebound the right top corner again

Fold the sheet in Popolam

Reject the upper corner

Continue this procedure until it is possible. Now expand

his snowflake. Show them to each other and our guests. Look,

how many wonderful, but absolutely different and unlike each other

did you get snowflakes? And why? What do you think? (all people are different)

Output: We are adults under the same conditions we do everything in different ways. Your children are also different. Various their abilities, opportunities and personal qualities. Portfolio gives a chance to every child

feel successful, increases self-esteem and self-confidence.

IV. Questionnaire: "Interests and inclinations."

And now, let's draw another experiment. I would like

check if you know your children than they are interested in what

love to do? To do this, I ask you to write on the envelope with the name of your child. VII -Trud in the field

maintenance, VIII - a business, IX-Sport.

Check the answer with the result of the survey of your child (envelopes with

children's questionnaires on the table).

Output: The coincidence says that you know your child well, you

go to the right route. If the answers did not coincide, you should listen to your child, think about whether the direction of extracurricular activity is chosen? Or maybe your child became a victim of your interests unrealized in childhood?

V. Portfolio structure

Every parent wants his child to be successful in life. What does it mean? What do you think? (parents' answers)

This is what you need to form and develop in a child, the qualities that will help him in the future outside the school will help to determine

future. It is for this that the portfolio is directed. Portfolio form:

  • file folder with liners,
  • plastic portfolio
  • plastic folder.

According to its structure, "Portfolio" resembles a multilayer pie or

multi-tiered pyramid. The main sections I carried on the screen.

  • "MY WORLD"
  • "My social work"
  • "MY ART"
  • "Self-esteem of my activities for the year"

Now let's consider each part section in more detail.

"Title page" Contains basic information (surname name and patronymic; educational institution, class), contact information and photo student. It is important to give the child to choose a photo for a title page. Do not put pressure on it and decline to the selection of a strict portrait. Give him the opportunity to show yourself as it represents and wants to introduce yourself to others.

"My world" Includes the following headings:

- "About myself" - information about the name and surname of the child. The child also indicates common hobbies, about favorite family holidays.

- "My family" Here you can talk about each family member, about general hobbies, about favorite family holidays.

- "My city" The story about his hometown, about his interesting places, about the origin of the street on which the child lives. Here the child draws a scheme of a safe route from home to school.

- "My hobbies" A small story about what the child is enjoyed, what circles and sections attend.

- "My school" Story about school, teachers, your favorite lessons on the principle of "I like ... because ..."

"My studies" This section of the student fills well-written test work, interesting projects, reviews of read books, reading speed growth charts, creative work.

"My social work" In this section, the child talks about his assignments, duties at school, about their home assistance.

"My art" In this section, the child puts its creative work: drawings, fairy tales, poems.

"My impressions" In this section, the child puts his feedback from excursions, visits to the theater, etc.

"My achievements" Here are marked, certificates, diplomas, thankful letters.

"Self-esteem of my activities for the year" Here the child sums up for the year.

Output: Now you know which material is placed in the portfolio and I hope that you will not be mistaken with its partition distribution.


I would like to draw your attention to sheet paper sheets. Druel on them your palm. Pull me a help hand . Now it will be small

the task. Each finger is the position for which you need to express your opinion.

  • If you understand the information on the portfolio, it was necessary and
  • useful, put + on the thumb.
  • If additional explanatory work is needed, the information was not enough + on the indicated finger.
  • If coming here, you have spent the time, put + on the mother's Mizinz.

Output: Your palms I will put in the portfolio next to your baby's palm and let them always be nearly not only in the portfolio, but also in life

and in the future, your hand will lead him to success.

Reflection "chain of opinions".

  1. Well, in conclusion I would like to hear the chain of opinions. Continue, please offer.
  2. Now I know .... (what is the portfolio, which sections are made up by parents)
  3. I will be able to explain why .... (it should be collected)
  4. I can tell how .... (make a portfolio)

(Parents share impressions)

Thank you all for active participation. I wish you prosperity and

welfare! To new meetings!

Parent-teacher meeting

Topic: "Primary School Stud's Portfolio".

Amounted to the primary school teacher

MOU "Sudgorical School No. 2"

Tatyana Vladimirovna Tatyana.

Goal: To promote the formation of the parents of the need for the design of the portfolio, which helps the identification and development of the individual creative abilities of the child.

Equipment: Media - projector, computer.

Meeting move:

Teacher's word: Dear Parents! I am glad to welcome you at our parent meeting. Today we are gathered to discuss the following questions:

1.Portfolio at school.

2. Introduces and make a portfolio to our children?

3. What do we see it?

1. In the new standards, much attention is paid to the system of assessing the planned results of the development of the main educational program of primary education. In order to ensure the quality of education that meets new standards is recommended to use new technology. This is the "Portfolio" technology. It aims to show the personal achievements of the elementary school student in the process of continuing education, the results of efforts spent by children and requiring the activation of various aspects of training activities.

What is the student of the portfolio? (Slide 2)

Each student will have a "portfolio", that is, an individual "portfolio" of educational achievements - the results of test work, the Olympiads, interesting independent projects and creative work. This is important when determining the readiness of a schoolboy to an in-depth study of a number of objects.

The main function of this innovation is to help future high school students in choosing a profile class, as well as the ability to present their achievements when entering universities. (Slide 3)

The purpose of the portfolio is to fulfill the role of an individual accumulative assessment and, along with the results of the exams, determine the rating of the graduation major school.

(Slide 4)

We all have to get used to the formula: (Slide 5)

certificate + Portfolio \u003d Educational School Graduate Rating.

The procedure for calculating the specific "weight" portfolio in the total educational ranking of the student involves two options:

    The weight of the portfolio may correspond to the weight of one exam - the maximum of 5 points.

    The weight of the portfolio can correspond to the weight of two exams - the maximum of 10 points.

In other words, additional certification for admission to profile classes is really necessary. After all, the existing examination system in the 9th grade does not give the idea of \u200b\u200bany abilities or on the interests of the student!

2. And. Portfolio- This is a method of fixing, accumulation and evaluation of individual achievements of a schoolboy at a certain period of his training. The portfolio makes it possible to take into account the results achieved by the student in a variety of activities (educational, creative, social communicative, etc.) and is an important element of a practical oriented approach to education. (slide 6)

In the pedagogical literature, the portfolio is characterized as:

The collection of student's work, comprehensively demonstrating not only his learning results, but also efforts attached to their achievement;

Exhibition of academic achievements of the student on this subject (or several subjects) for this period of training (quarter, half year, year).

Teaching portfolio philosophy assumes: (Slide 7)

- creating a situation of success for each student, improving self-esteem and confidence in its own capabilities;

- maximum disclosure of the individual abilities of each child;

- development of cognitive interests of students and the formation of readiness for independent knowledge;

- formation of installation on creative activities and skills of creative activity, the development of motivation of further creative growth;

- the formation of positive moral and moral qualities of the person;

- acquisition of reflection skills, the formation of the ability to analyze its own interests, inclinations, needs and relate them to existing opportunities ("I am real", "I am perfect");

- the formation of vital ideals, stimulating the desire for self-improvement.

Portfolio as a cumulative assessment reflects sustainable and long-term educational results, compensating for the effect of accidental success or failure in the exam, testing. (Slide 8)

Why is it all necessary? (Slide 9)

The portfolio material is assembled more than one year, but during the entire period of training. Portfolio is a form of authentic assessment of educational results on the product created by students in the course of educational, creative, social and other activities. Thus, the portfolio corresponds to the objectives, objectives and ideology of practical-oriented learning.

Portfolio helps to solve the following important pedagogical tasks:

maintain and stimulate schoolchildren's learning motivation;

develop the skills of reflexive and evaluative activities of students;

to form the ability to learn - to set goals, plan and organize your own learning activities;

laying additional backgrounds and opportunities for successful specialization.

3. How does the portfolio look like? (Slide 10)

As a rule, to create a portfolio, a folder "on rings" (normal or archived) is required, which is filled with perforation files. It is advisable to purchase different format files for storing documents or works of format A 4, A5 and A3. Additionally, you can invest delimiters that will help structure the folder by partitions. Strict rules (state sample) describing how the portfolio of the Russian school's student should look like, at the moment there is no

Sign Multiple Portfolio Types:

To date, a wide distribution has a complex portfolio, where the types listed above are its main sections.

Objectives and objectives of introducing portfolio in primary grades: (Slide 12)

Creating a situation of success for each student, improving self-esteem and confidence in its own capabilities;

Maximum disclosure of individual abilities of each child;

Development of cognitive interests of students and the formation of readiness for independent knowledge;

Formation of installation on creative activities and skills of creative activity, the development of motivation of further creative growth;

The formation of positive moral and moral qualities of the person;

Acquisition of reflection skills, the formation of the ability to analyze its own interests, inclinations, needs and relate them to the existing opportunities ("I am real", "I am perfect");

The formation of vital ideals, stimulating the desire for self-improvement.

Integrated portfolio structure.(Slide 15, 16)

    Title page (Surname, name, class, school ...)

    (Slide 17) "My world". This section contains information that is interesting and important to the child and includes the following categories:

    " My name"; (slide 17,18)

    " My family";

    " My city";

    " My friends";

    " My hobbies";

    " My school";

    "My favorite school subjects" or "School hobbies."

    " My studies". (Slides19, 20) The student fills this section with successfully written testing, interesting projects, reviews of read books, the results of participation in subject Olympiads, the speed of the speed of reading techniques, etc.

    "My social work." The child tells about his assignments, the duties at school, about their home assistance. Reviews of the parents about the help of a child family members can be placed here.

    " My art". (Slide 21) In this section, the child puts his creative work: drawings, fairy tales, poems, if the child is proud of some kind of voluminous craft, he can put his photo.

    " My impressions". These are feedback on excursions, visits the theater, etc.

    " My achievements". (Slides 22, 23, 24) Here are marked, certificates, diplomas, thankful letters, final assessments on the subjects of the basic curriculum.

    "Reviews and wishes." (Slide 25) This section contains reviews and wishes of teachers, parents, friends and others.

    "Self-assessment of my activities for the year." In this section, the child sums up for the year.

4. It is important to remember. (Slide 26)

At the very beginning, when the child only begins to work on the preparation of the portfolio, without the help of the parents, he can not do. But as it matters this help must be minimized. Try from the very beginning to build the work of the child in such a way that he admits certain efforts to form a portfolio. In the process of work, the process of understanding its achievements is inevitably, the formation of a personal attitude towards the results obtained and the awareness of its capabilities.

5. Lifting to the senior class.

At the beginning of the new school year, it is necessary to carefully examine the portfolio, analyze the material collected in it. When you go to the senior class, the contents of all sections must be fully updated. Less significant work and documents are retrieved (can be placed in a separate folder), and something that represents greater value is placed in a special section. It can be entitled "Works I am proud of"

6. The teacher introduces parents with samples of the best portfolio of its former students.

It proposes to consider and analyze the finished working notebooks: "Student School Student Portfolio" T. L. Mishakina, "The student's portfolio" I -Pravoklassnik "O. V. Ossetian.

All together discuss positive and negative parties to data benefits. Defined with the portfolio structure for their children.

The teacher talks about Internet resources:

which will help parents in the design of children's portfolios.

The purpose of the meeting: Motivation of parents to create a portfolio together with children.


  1. Create an atmosphere of mutual trust and community of interests of adults and children for the development of their skills of partnership relations.
  2. Familiarize parents with pedagogical tasks, solved during a joint school-adult work on the family portfolio.
  3. To give parents an idea of \u200b\u200bthe method of portfolio, its role and place in the formation of family values \u200b\u200band the features of the collaboration of parents and children.

The course of the meeting

The introductory word of the teacher:

Hello Dear Pope and Moms. You are interested in expectations, hopes, value benchmarks of their children, and your children are interested in the history and your life, and your parents, and even a family family. It turned out that everyone in the family has their own personal hobbies, habits, things, but often it does not give us the opportunity to communicate with each other, hear another, understand and accept. Perhaps you lacking common with the children of the case, work on which would make it harmoniously connect adults and not very adult relatives. Today we have an unusual meeting. Do you know what portfolio is a student?

Here let's work on this issue today and will figure it out in it.

Today you will learn:

  1. What is a portfolio?
  2. What is the purpose of it complised?
  3. What does it matter?
  4. How to make it?
  5. How to help your child?

I hope that we will cooperate, and you will become good advisers to your children.

Petr1 enters.

So good. In my opinion, I got here? Who called me here?

Children (chorus):

We, we called you.
You got here.

Peter 1:

Well, I did not get lost
And on time here found himself.
And I want to know now
What the Assembly is here with you?
Why did the whole class gathered?


Beam Brom, kind king,
All-Russian sovereign.
Do not deny the grace of yours.
I wanted you very much:
Are you doing so if you do?
Is it good here?

Children (chorus):

After all, we are a portfolio now
All make up, make up, and make up.

Peter 1:

Well, child do not rush,
All in order report.
Portfolio? - I did not hear about it before.
Well, continue on.
Please your affairs.
Maybe I will be proud of you.
And what, I listen carefully,
Talk diligently.


The point is not simple,
Our business is what.
About yourself we need to tell
All achievements show.


We all are engaged in a problem.
How to make a portfolio
And make everything beautiful,
So that it turned out.
Day and night we think
We work - do not tear.

Peter 1:

It seems I understood!
Portfolio - folder of achievements is called.
In it, all your business is going.
I really like this thing
After all, Chado is fraught with self-analysis.
Well done, straight balm straightened,
Once so much is solar.


Yes, you adults are good to say so,
And my soul hurts.
I'm afraid I do wrong
And then I'm not in the tact.

Peter 1:

Well, the shade of young, do not get caught,
If something is wrong
For the ancestors to contact.
They are something native
Could not refuse.
And, of course, you will help you.

Peter 1 Appeals to parents:

Well, how do parents set up?
After all, without your help, they should not do yet.


We are you, the Great King,
Very realize
And, of course, with their children
All the time we help.


Yes, we all confirm this,
That do not leave children alone
And what we can help.

Peter 1:

This matter is my soul.
It is immediately visible - a real family,
Where in children and parents are common things.

The boy sits at the table, on the table - a thick folder, on it a large inscription: "Portfolio".

Mom enters:

What is my son so much so much?
What did you hang your head?
What thoughts overcame?
Can the legs get sick?

Eh, Mother dear,
My legs do not hurt
Jump, run, having fun
That's what they always want.
But, the problem is pre
Well, even a wolf right howl.
See, folder on the table.
She asks me
"Write Vanya about yourself,
Create, Vanya, Summary. "
I do not know what to write
How to make a portfolio.


Well, my sons are not sad,
I will help you trouble.
We will think now
And tell about yourself.
It will not be a portfolio, but treasure.
Believe me, you will be happy.
You have what:
Kind small, golden.
Let's call first page:
Meet: it's me.
There will be photos of yours.
Your first steps.
Do first page - do not rush.

Granted grandmother

Grandomity, what are you doing, dear now?
Maybe we take a walk, well, at least an hour.


No granny, wait
From me do not go.
Better about his own
Tell me more details.
I want to open the second page
The pedigree to devote it to her.


Well done, granddaughter!
Smart immediately became
That such information
From the chest pulled.
Story need to know
And to read their ancestors.


Hurrah! The second page is ready. Now you can take a walk.

Girl enters:

Wan, Look.
What a page I created,
Do you know how I called it?
"What is the name of my hidden?".


Great. I'll do this too. I find out what my name means. And I will know who of the great people wore this name.


Well done, I'll do that too.

Vanya sighs with relief:

The truth in the people they say that the eyes are afraid, and the hands do. I already have a third page ready.

And I also visited the thought. I will work on myself and the page will create: "What" I am.

I divide the page in half.
And such a prospectus will create:
What I like in yourself
I'll write from one side.
And what to work for me?
I will ask my mom.
I will honestly tell me
What am I doing wrong.
Smart me, decent
Or Vanechka - Fool.

Grate grandfather:

Hello, Vanya,
How are you doing here?
Well, let's look
What do you make?


Yes, so I want to understand
And I really need to try.
See, here the portfolio lies,
Only open it
And immediately see what:
Here are my successes.
But my cutters.
Here I am a miracle well done.
And here is not very,
Bashed, by the way.
So, grandfather,
Here is a self-analysis spell
I criticize myself.
And I will work on myself,
To become a personal person.


Vanya, I am proud of you,
Maybe I'm getting good


Well, of course, grandfather, dear,
Discover good business page.


Good things are needed.
Affairs are good important.

And you know that a person lives in the world is not in vain. You know, granddaughter, the motto of my life:

"Do good people, and people will not forget about you."

I advise you to open the Creativity page.

There are all your poems, drawings and crafts should fit.


Thank you, grandfather, for advice.
I have so many of them.
I pull out everything is on the light.


Well, of course, the page should be "my achievements"

In it, you put remuneration for projects and the Olympics.

I see, the case is moving towards the end.
The portfolio is compiled.
Monday is added.

(Grandfather browsing the portfolio)

Grandhock, and where is your study?

Something I will not find.


Now correct
And the page "as I study",
WGMI will be.
Everything is ready grandfather.
Well, tell me, I'm well done?
I worked out nicely.
Good result from us turned out.

Vanya carries Portfolio Petr1; Peter leafs portfolio:

Zelo, Bravo, my own.
I see that you are not lazy.
I see that you are workers.
Honor praise to you.
It's time for me to the palace.
Pleased the king - the father.
I'm leaving with a calm soul.
I hope for you.
There will be a Russian land proud
With its smart sons and daughters.

Final word of the class teacher:

I dare to hope that you, dear parents, it became clear what portfolio is.

We have tried to show what kind of help you can provide your children with the whole family. How to arrange, make beautiful inscriptions which photos pick up. To teach children to the ability to generalize, systematize, it is necessary to analyze since childhood. The child should grow independent, be able to tell about himself, analyze and make the right conclusions.

Goodbye. Thank you for participating in the Class Assembly.

Parent meeting on the topic:

"Primary school student portfolio".

The purpose of the meeting:

Formation of parents of a positive attitude to working together

on the design of the portfolio; Informing on organizing portfolio.

Equipment: computer, projector,

Stage of preparation:

1. Board reform: topic, goal, quote.

2. Preparation of issues for discussion at the Parent Meeting:

  • What is a portfolio?
  • Who should collect him?
  • What is the student of the portfolio?
  • What does the elementary school student portfolio look like?

3. The extension of the portfolio and student work.

The course of the meeting

I. Introductory word of the class teacher on the topic of the meeting.

Dear Parents! I am glad to see you on the Open Parent Meeting. We are all our meetings with you for children. And today they

reasoning and statements will help us formulate the topic with you.

collection. Let's listen to them.(Children's reasoning)

Who guessed, what will we talk about? I know that for most of you the word "portfolio" sounded like a thunder among the clear sky. Actually

many of you have incomplete, or distorted information about what is a "portfolio".

What questions do you have, looking at this foreign word?

Today, at our meeting, we will try to figure out:

  • What is a "portfolio"?
  • Who should collect him?
  • What to add to it?
  • What is it necessary for?

I know that many parents from the first weeks are collected and stored

achievements of your children try to take a picture of the first

step, to shoot on the video of the first spelled word, read poem, many keep the first notebooks of their children, while maintaining the most expensive and precious moments by collecting a kind of portfolio.

At school, this work was continued. Now, each student in our class will have its own portfolio, its own portfolio of achievements. The main meaning of such a portfolio is to show everything that is capable of and what your child should strive for.

II. To answer your question, who should help the child in collecting the portfolio, will experiment.

Cotton (1 experiment)

Put your right hand on the lokot and turn your palm to me. And now

try to make one palm cotton. How? Comes out? Why?

What is missing? Need a second palm. I am ready to give you a second palm. One palm - you, the other - I. Let's try to make cotton together

(we do in turn Cotton: Teacher - Parent). I noticed that in this process, all of you smiled. It's great! I wish you always smile when we are together with you will "make cotton" in life.

Output This experiment proves that portfolio is the result of two palms, this is a joint work of school and family. Remember, whatever your teacher would be professional, let him be even a master ... never without your help he does not do what can be done together.

III. Exercise for parents "Snowflake" (What is it for?)

And now we will fulfill an interesting exercise with you. The main condition is not

look at anyone and listen to my instruction. Before you is a sheet of paper. All sheets of the same shape, size, quality, colors. Listen

carefully and follow the following:

Fold the sheet in Popolam

Again fold in half

Rebound the right top corner again

Fold the sheet in Popolam

Reject the upper corner

Continue this procedure until it is possible. Now expand

his snowflake. Show them to each other and our guests. Look,

how many wonderful, but absolutely different and unlike each other

did you get snowflakes? And why? What do you think?(all people are different)

Output: We are adults under the same conditions we do everything in different ways. Your children are also different. Various their abilities, opportunities and personal qualities. Portfolio gives a chance to every child

feel successful, increases self-esteem and self-confidence.

IV. Questionnaire: "Interests and inclinations."

And now, let's draw another experiment. I would like

check if you know your children than they are interested in what

love to do? To do this, I ask you to write on the envelope with the name of your child. VII -Trud in the field

maintenance, VIII - a business, IX-Sport.

Check the answer with the result of the survey of your child (envelopes with

children's questionnaires on the table).

Output: The coincidence says that you know your child well, you

go to the right route. If the answers did not coincide, you should listen to your child, think about whether the direction of extracurricular activity is chosen? Or maybe your child became a victim of your interests unrealized in childhood?

V. Portfolio structure

Every parent wants his child to be successful in life. What does it mean? What do you think?(parents' answers)

This is what you need to form and develop in a child, the qualities that will help him in the future outside the school will help to determine

future. It is for this that the portfolio is directed. Portfolio form:

  • file folder with liners,
  • plastic portfolio
  • plastic folder.

According to its structure, "Portfolio" resembles a multilayer pie or

multi-tiered pyramid. The main sections I carried on the screen.

  • "MY WORLD"
  • "My social work"
  • "MY ART"
  • "Self-esteem of my activities for the year"

Now let's consider each part section in more detail.

"Title page" Contains basic information (surname name and patronymic; educational institution, class), contact information and photo student. It is important to give the child to choose a photo for a title page. Do not put pressure on it and decline to the selection of a strict portrait. Give him the opportunity to show yourself as it represents and wants to introduce yourself to others.

"My world" Includes the following headings:

- "About myself" - information about the name and surname of the child. The child also indicates common hobbies, about favorite family holidays.

- "My family" Here you can talk about each family member, about general hobbies, about favorite family holidays.

- "My city" The story about his hometown, about his interesting places, about the origin of the street on which the child lives. Here the child draws a scheme of a safe route from home to school.

- "My hobbies" A small story about what the child is enjoyed, what circles and sections attend.

- "My school" Story about school, teachers, your favorite lessons on the principle of "I like ... because ..."

"My studies" This section of the student fills well-written test work, interesting projects, reviews of read books, reading speed growth charts, creative work.

"My social work" In this section, the child talks about his assignments, duties at school, about their home assistance.

"My art" In this section, the child puts its creative work: drawings, fairy tales, poems.

"My impressions" In this section, the child puts his feedback from excursions, visits to the theater, etc.

"My achievements" Here are marked, certificates, diplomas, thankful letters.

"Self-esteem of my activities for the year" Here the child sums up for the year.

Output: Now you know which material is placed in the portfolio and I hope that you will not be mistaken with its partition distribution.


I would like to draw your attention to sheet paper sheets. Druel on them your palm.Pull me a help hand. Now it will be small

the task. Each finger is the position for which you need to express your opinion.

  • If you understand the information on the portfolio, it was necessary and
  • useful, put + on the thumb.
  • If additional explanatory work is needed, the information was not enough + on the indicated finger.
  • If coming here, you have spent the time, put + on the mother's Mizinz.

Output: Your palms I will put in the portfolio next to your baby's palm and let them always be nearly not only in the portfolio, but also in life

and in the future, your hand will lead him to success.

Reflection "chain of opinions".

  1. Well, in conclusion I would like to hear the chain of opinions. Continue, please offer.
  2. Now I know .... (what is the portfolio, which sections are made up by parents)
  3. I will be able to explain why .... (it should be collected)
  4. I can tell how .... (make a portfolio)

(Parents share impressions)

Thank you all for active participation. I wish you prosperity and

welfare! To new meetings!

Parent-teacher meeting

"Interaction of family and school"

The family occupies a central place in raising a child, plays a major role in the formation of the worldview and moral norms of the child's behavior. Family - cell of the school team. Pedagogical interaction of the school and family is to create favorable conditions for the personal development and growth of children, the organization of the active life of a person who leads a worthy life. The main task of the teacher in organizing interaction with parents is to intensify the pedagogical, educational activities of the family, to give it a targeted, socially significant. The relationship between all participants in the educational process, positive life examples and spiritual values \u200b\u200bcontribute to the formation of a person. Great social significance plays targeted communication with his family. The interaction of the school and family should be individual, and therefore the teacher must act in each particular case at the rate of whom the child lives, what lifestyles, place of residence, social status of the family, etc. In raising, general recommendations, instructions, methodological developments and orders are inappropriate. Recommendations Data to one family cannot be tested on another family. In these situations you need to learn to avoid tips. The school's function includes informing, support for students and parents, in turn the family reacts and helps school. In the family, education is based on love, experience, traditions, personal example from childhood, at the councils of neighbors. This interaction determines the pedagogical tactics of the school, allows the teacher to find true words when communicating with parents, a special tonality of interaction with parents. Parents do not always have to talk about their child that he is naughty, capricious, bad. You need to teach parents to search and find in your child, something good and individual.

The main condition for the interaction of the school and family is a complete picture of the functions and content of each other's activities. So that these subjects could understand each other and represent the image of each other's educational capabilities, could establish real actions of mutual assistance, to be aware, why this is done and clearly present the tasks of education, funds and the final result. Often, the family transmits the upbringing of the school, thereby self-sucking from the process of raising a child, as a person. Meanwhile, both sides must participate in the personal formation of the child, with complete mutual understanding and mutual assistance to each other. Family education makes emotionality in the relationship, suggests the love of parents to children and a response sense of children to parents. The warmth of the home of the hearth, the comfort of the state in the home atmosphere stimulate the child to the perception of the rules gone in the family, the manners of behavior, views and aspirations. And in order for the family successfully coped with the upbringing of children, parents should know the main pedagogical requirements and create the necessary conditions for raising the child in the family. What kind of conditions is it? First of all, the family atmosphere, when each of the parents and family members understand their responsibility for the upbringing of children. The conditions of proper family education are rationally organized life, the regime of life in the family. The ideal to which the family, school, is all our society seeks, is a comprehensive developed person, educated, healthy physically and morally, who knows how to work. From this point of view, the main tasks of the work of school teachers with parents of schoolchildren are determined: systematic versatile pedagogical education of parents. Familiarize them with the basics of theoretical knowledge, with the practice of working with students; Attracting parents to active participation in the educational process, the formation of the parents needs in self-education, familiarization of subject teachers with various methods of family education, selection and generalization of the best experience.

When building the interaction of families and schools, certain problems should take into account: education in the family of one child, the specificity of the influence of an incomplete family on the child; The shortage of communicating parents with children in connection with the great employment of parents.

The work of teachers of schools with parents is carried out in the direction: with the entire parent team, group or individually. The interaction of the school and family in raising is necessary, as parents want to see their children with decent citizens of our society. Without the help of the family, the school cannot provide high results of education. Unlike social institutions, the family affects the child everyday, therefore, there is almost unlimited possibilities in the formation of his personal qualities. Establishment with parents of benevolent contacts occurs easier if the teacher builds chatting purposefully, given the situation, it discusses in advance not only the content of the conversation, but also its course, possible options and unexpected turns.

Giving advice, striving if it is necessary, to make adjustments to the educational impact of parents for the child, it must be remembered that direct non -actic interference in the internal affairs of the family can cause protest and cause difficult harmful harm. After all, each parent brings up his children as it considers it necessary, based on his knowledge, skills, feelings and beliefs. Very carefully should be referred to the requests of the parents. You can not fulfill the request only if its execution may harm the child. Individual communication not only allows the teacher to influence parents, but also in turn, largely helps him in choosing the right approach to children.

For the successful organization of the educational process, the necessary knowledge of the situation in the family, professional assistance to parents and cooperation with them in the education of the child. The organization of social interaction of the pedagogical team of our school with the family involves a number of aspects. Effective forms of work are individual thematic consultations, visiting the family at home, holding parental meetings. In the system of school's work involving parents and the school authorities, the School Council has been created, the Family and School Promotion Commission, parents lead the authority of self-government.

Parents of students are not less than teachers and their children are interested in successful school work. Meetings of the School Council, the Board of Trustees are held 1 time in a quarter, the general-cool parent committee is functioning, a parent patrol is on duty. Of the foregoing, it is possible to conclude a solution to the problem of socializing the identity of the child is impossible without close cooperation and the active interaction of the school and parents.


. Calculate the submission of parents about the distribution of responsibility for raising children between the school and family.

. To reveal the position of the school: the responsibility of teachers for the development of children is not a comprehensive, part of it lies on the parents.

Meeting meeting

Dear parents, let's talk about our children today, how role the family and school play in their upbringing, and as from the consistency of the actions, which depends on the effectiveness of the child's education process.

The interaction of families and schools are important not only in elementary school, they remain relevant in older.

What is education?

In this word, each of those present invests its meaning.

"Education is the formation of personality"

"Education is the formation of a child's character (norms, rules, morality)"

"Education is the formation of a certain norms of morality in man, the perception of the surrounding world, people."

Education is a process of targeted, systematic personality formation in order to prepare it for active participation in public, industrial and cultural life.

Education - behavior skills, family graft, school, environment and manifested in public life. ("Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language" S.I. Ozhegova).

Features of perception of educational exposure:

High - the student actively supports the teacher, cooperates with him in all spheres of school life, reacts positively to the demands of the elders.

The average - the student selectively responds to pedagogical requirements and impact, painfully perceives comments to his address, supports the teacher in the area where general and personal interests coincide.

Low - the schoolboy reacts positively only on uniform and sustainable pedagogical requirements, seeks to leave the field of pedagogical control, does not help the teacher.

Infertility, hard-to-absorption - the student provides resistance to positive impacts and requirements, comes into confrontation with teachers (breaking lessons, disorder discipline, rudeness).

Role-playing game.

You trust us the most expensive - your children. At school, children spend a lot of time. During the day, children communicate with other people.

Let's analyze together who affect the child.

Parents are called one of the leading written on the board.

See all people can be divided into 3 groups: house (family), school, and street (friends).

I want to offer you a game, during which it would be possible to formulate ideas about the role of each category in the child's life. Parents are conditionally divided into three groups "Parents", "School", "Street" and from the position of the group where you turned out to be thought and write on paper how the influence of one or another group that can give good or bad in the formation Personality of the child.

Let's get acquainted with the results of your work. Each group reads what you have happened.

Comparing the answers, we can allocate what combines groups.

But there is also the fact that the child can only get at school, at home or on the street.

Family and school interaction can solve many issues of child education, reduce the negative impact of the social environment, but the school will never be able to compete with his family. The family is the most powerful tool in the formation of the child's personality.

Exercise "If my child ..., then I ..." continue the offer.

- "If my child is distressed, then I ..."

- "If my child came from school with a bruise and in a torn jacket, then I ..."

- "If my child manifests cruelty to classmates, then I ..."

- "If my child does not react to my requests, everything forgets, then I ..."

Exercise "Decision of intrameal situations" to discuss and lose.

1. Wash the child comes from school and complains that the teacher undertakes him. What do you do?

2. Wash the child complains that his classmates offend him, do not understand, laugh at him. What do you do?

3. In your family two children. They often quarrel with each other for various reasons, believe that you are paying more attention to one than another. What do you do?

What methods of exposure were proposed to solve situations?

I want to offer you a fairy tale.

Story. "Violet kitten"

Violet kitten soap paws only in the moonlight.

Well, what should I do with him? - Cat splasped his paws. "After all, a good, smart kitten, and here - well, what will you do, even though on the head of the Tehi - in any way. Only in the lunar! Well, what will you do?

What can you kill with him? - Rummer boar.

Mocking his head in the sunny eared or just in the river! You are what you are - all kittens like kittens, and give this moonlight!

He is just stupid, - Raven Karkala.

The head is small, brains is a bit. Grow it - it's not pulling it out of sunlight! Violet kitten soap paws only in the moonlight. The moon was big, white, bright.

Cute kitten, "said the moon," why are you purple? "

And what else are there? - Surprised kitten.

I have a brother, "said. Moon, - He is very big and bright yellow. Do you want to see him?

Of course I want. He looks like you?

Then do not go to bed when I get to melting in the sky, but wait a little bit. He will come out because of that mountain and will take my place.

Early in the morning, the kitten saw the sun.

Wow, what are you warm! - exclaimed the kitten. - And I know your sister Moon!

Tell her hello, "the sun told, - when you meet. And then we rarely see.

Of course, give.

The purple kitten grew up and now knows how to wash the paws not only in the sun, but even in a soap bathroom.

This fairy tale, as you already understood about the attitude towards education. Cat, boar and crow - these are the usual methods of upbringing. It is, in essence, wines, threat and mockery.

And the moon is a symbol of faith. She does not raise a kitten, but expanding his world.

Final word.

What interaction methods would you like to offer? Raising children - a risky business. In the event of good luck, the latter is acquired by the price of great labor, in the case of the whole failure, the grief is incomparable with any other.

If you are here, in this class, it means you have a family. Full or incomplete, provided or not very, in a separate apartment or not - it's all in the second plan. The main thing is that you have it. Appreciate and take care of it, because it is her who needs you and your children for spiritual comfort. This is your fortress from storms and adversity of modern life, which can, on the one hand, to protect against negative impacts of the medium, and on the other, to adapt to life in society.

Memo for parents

on the creation of a favorable family atmosphere

. Remember: on how parents will dismiss the child, his psychological attitude depends on the whole day.

. Time for night rest of each child is required purely individual. The indicator is one - so that the child falls out and easily wakes up when his parents wake.

. Learn to meet children after lessons. Not worth the first to ask the question: "What evaluations did you receive today?", Better to ask test questions: "What was interesting in school?", "What did you do today?", "How are you at school?".

. Enjoy the success of the child. Do not worry at the time of his temporary failures.

. Patiently, listen with interest the stories of the child about their events in his life.

. The child should feel that he loves.

. It is necessary to exclude the sockets, coarse intonations from communication, create an atmosphere of joy, love and respect in the family.

Memo for parents

Education of hard work in children in the family

. More often encourage the child for independence, the initiative, the quality of the work performed. If not everything happens - do not worry, but patiently explain again.

. Attract the child to big family matters and teach the work started to bring to the end.

. Each family member, including the child, must have duties for family service.

. Do not punish the child with difficulty.

Memo for parents

About the upbringing of kindness

1. Communication is the essence of a person's life. If we want to see our children with good, you need to deliver the child to communicate with us - this is the joy of joint knowledge, joint work, a joint game, a joint holiday.

2. The kindness begins with love for people (primarily to the closest) and nature. We will develop in children a sense of love for others.

3. Teach children to hate evil and indifference.

4. As much as possible love for the child, as much as possible requires it to it.

5. Let's do good, good deeds, children learn goodness from us.

6. We will learn to own themselves.