Sergey Yesenin. Life and fate

The life of Sergei Yesenin's translated Russian poet of the Russian poet was cut around at the age of 30. Broke or cut off - it is unlikely that Mankind ever learns the causes, circumstances and true truth.

In search of the causes of the so-called "suicide" involuntarily asking for a question: could Sergey Yesenin - the father of four children would voluntarily go away from life, condemning their fate and life to a miserable existence? And the question itself, determining and emphasizing the degree of responsibility of the Father in front of its children, makes thinking. It remains only to guess what happened in fact. But the fact that Yesenin was a person responsible and for his loved ones and relatives to his whole soul is not to doubt. Before death, he was a caring son and brother. If you consider "suicide" from this point of view - then the answer is more than obvious ...

The official biography says that behind the poet left four children - Yuri, Konstantin, Tatiana and Alexander. Unofficially it was believed that Yesenin had another son - Vasily, who at one time produced Furior, collecting crowds of the audience in his readings of the father's poems. Along with the talent of Vasily, his external similarity with the Father was noted. But as it turned out later, he turned out to be a "impostor", and carried away by his game in the "father and son" even wrote a letter I. Stalin in 1945, in which he turned to the leader of the peoples with a request to celebrate the 50th anniversary since the birth of the poet Yesenin , "Whose creativity is permeated with endless love of his homeland." It was a fatal mistake of the "Just-quality impostor" - it is exposed and sent to the northern edges. More about Vasily's fate is not known. How to go to the water ...

So, the fate of children Sergei Yesenin:


The first son of Yesenin was born on December 21, 1914. He was painted by George, but everyone called the boy Yura. With the mother of Yura - Anna Romanovna Foreign Poet met in March 1913, in the printing house where they both worked. They quickly agreed and shone from happiness.

The first days after the birth of the Son were probably the most happy in the life of a fairing:

"When I returned home from the maternity hospital, he had an exemplary order: everywhere was washed away, the furnaces were fright and even dinner was ready and bought a cupcake: waited. I looked at the child with curiosity, all told: "Here I am the Father." Then I would soon get used to, loved him, I shook, I fished, sang songs over him. Forced me, igniting, singing: "You sing him more songs." Looking ahead Let's say that Yuri was the only one of the four children of Yesenin, whom the father - although not long - drove and Ubayukiva, and at whose birth was responding with verse (not intended for printing):

Be Yuri, Moskvich.

Live, in the village of Aukai.

And you will see your sleep.

Long ago Your namesake Yuri Dolgoruky

You as a gift founded Moscow.

But Idyll lasted just a month. Already at the end of January or at the very beginning of February, Yesenin lived elsewhere - one, and in March went to Petrograd. Anna's son climbed alone. Sergey, extinguishing in Moscow, visited, occasionally helped with money. At the amateur pictures of Jura, it is dressed poorly, the face is not by the years a smart boy. He early began to write poems, but few people showed.

After school, Yuri graduated from Aviation Technical Academy, worked for some time at the Zhukovsky Academy. By the time the Father was no longer alive and the mother had to prove the fatherhood of Yesenin in the Khamovnic Court.

Yuri adored his father, knew her by heart every line. He knew, undoubtedly, "evil notes" of N. Bukharin ("True", 1927, January 12), an article, after which Yesenin almost ceased to print. All this, - probably, together and with other facts of Soviet reality did not contribute to the love of the authorities and "personally to Comrade Stalin."

Once, in 1934, in the company of golden youth, where Yuri Yesenin was, under the influence of wine vapors, they spoke that it would be good to throw a bomb on the Kremlin. The next day, of course, this conversation was safely forgotten. In 1935, Yuri Yesenin called on the army. He served in Khabarovsk, in a year he was arrested. After the arrest of Yuri, a search was held at Anna Romanovna, a search was conducted, arrest was imposed on the things described, but the Son will never know about it.

When the young man was taken from Khabarovsk to Moscow, he thought that, probably, he made some kind of military crime - he could not assume anything else. He did not know that one of the terrorist act spent on a drunken bench was arrested on some other business in a year and for some reason decided to tell about this episode.

Yura was charged - counter-revolutionary crimes, terror, participation in a criminal group. The sentence on this article was always one - "Higher Measure". But the investigators schitri: they said Yuri that if he confirms his "guilt," it, as the son of the famous poet, is not shooting, but only go to the camp for a short time. In the camp, Sergei Yesenin's son would have been not bad - even the criminals knew the price of the great Russian poet, and Yuri understood it. Therefore, he repeated on the investigation that nonsense, which he had suffered, and signed that not only a crime was thoughtful, but he prepared him. Thus, he facilitated the work of the executioner. But his own fate did not affect his fate - he would still be shot, only before torture would also be subjected.

Socamera G. Yesenin I. Berger in his book "Wrecked generation" recalls that Yuriy in prison said: "They" have raised the Father to death. " But how do these memories of E. Chuckstallov retells: "Yuri Yesenin was convinced that his father had no reason to end the life of suicide that he died due to some attacks, and it follows his murder."

On August 13, 1937, Yuri Yesenin was shot. Anna Romanovna knew nothing about the fate of the Son. Relatives of sentenced to the highest, as a rule, reported: Ten years without the right of correspondence. She did not live for ten years. He died after the war in 1946, she was 55. In 1956, at the request of the younger son Yesenin Alexander Yesenin-Volpina Georgy Yesenin was rehabilitated "for the lack of a crime." His case was recognized completely fabricated. Falsifiers allegedly even declared "enemies of the people" and shot, but in this case, it was appropriate to call things with their names - "performers" were shot, and not the organizers of mass fraud.

Curious fact: in the house where Yura Yesenin was born today is a museum. I organized his actor Sergey Nikonenko. As it turned out, he was born in the same house.

Somehow, I leafed the house books and found out that since 1921, Sergei Alexandrovich Anna Romanovna, Anna Romanov, lived here, lived here with their son Yuri and Mom's poet, Tatyana Fedorovna.

I perceived information as a sign. I decided that this apartment should be a museum. At that time, her last mistress died and the apartment turned into a homemade to the homemade. They knocked out the glass, broke the batteries - passed, probably on scrap. Even the fire was bred. I do not know how the house was not burned, because in it wooden floors. In 1994, my epic began with the goal of officials and the collection of documents for the creation of the museum. One and a half years it continued. In the prefecture, I was warned by: "Sergey Petrovich, spend health, money, and nothing will come out." "You are saying where to walk further, and there I will certainly", "I answered. I walked on instances. I was kicking from one institution to another. Anyway decided that they would not surrender. Among the officials met such names as Benkendorf, Pushkin.

I said to them: "Sergey Alexandrovich Yesenin loved Pushkin very much. Maybe now Pushkin will help our common cause a little? " Even in the statements it wrote. In the end it worked. I still live in this house, only the floor below.


If, with the first wife, Yesenin met in the printing house, where they both worked for a penny, then their second wife Yesenin met already in the editorial office of the ESEROVA newspaper "The Case of People", where he printed and his earnings were more or less decent. The 23-year-old Zinaida Nikolaevna Reich worked there by the secretary-typist.

Anna Islaynova: "In March 1915, Seryozha went to Petrograd to look for happiness. In May of the same year came to Moscow, already another. A little stayed in Moscow, went to the village, wrote good letters. In the autumn I drove: "I'm going to Petrograd." I called with me ... immediately said: "I will soon come back, I will not live there for a long time."

But Yesenin did not return to Anna. In the capital, he was accepted enthusiastically. Soon the first book of poems came. Worn world war. The poet called in the army. He served in a sanitary train, delivering from the front of the wounded. Then the February Revolution took place. The poet deserted from the army of Kerensky. In the summer of 1917, with his friend, Poet Alexei Ganin, decided to go to the province. The familiar Zinaida Reich was associated with them - the future mother of Tatiana and Konstantin Yesenin. In Vologda, unexpectedly for everyone, including for himself, married her in the church.

In the memoirs of Tatiana wrote: "I was born in Orel, but soon the mother went to Moscow with me, and before the year I lived with both parents. Then the gap took place between them, and Zinaida Nikolaevna left again with me to his relatives ... After some time, Zinaida Nikolaevna, leaving me in Orel, returned to his father again, but they soon broke up. "

Soon, Tatiana's mother got acquainted with the famous theater director - V. E. Meyerhold. Acquaintance this has changed the future life of Z. N. Reich. She became his wife and with her children, Tatiana and Konstantin, settled in Meyerhold.

Sergey Yesenin loved children in his own way, visiting them, met with Zinaida Nikolaevna, V. E. Meyerhold. Writer Roman Gul in Berlin heard Sergey Yesenin shared with friends:

"... only love your children. I love. My daughter is a good - blonde. He drove the leg and shouts: I - Yesenina! .. Here is such a daughter ... I would have for children to Russia ... and I am seeing. "

Before leaving to Leningrad at the end of December 1925, S. Yesenin came to say goodbye to children. A few days later, Moscow was forgated with the poet. Children led December 31, 1925 to the House of Press on the Nikitsky Boulevard, where civil servants were held. Z. N. Reich often led Tanya and costume to the coffin, in which the father lay. "The father was unrecognizable for me," wrote T. S. Yesenin in 1986, "I could not believe that it was. The subsequent I remember well. Stop at the monument to Pushkin, reading poems at the revealed grave. When the coffin began to go to the grave, the mother shouted that we clung to it from two sides and also shouted. Further I have a failure of memory ... "

Yesenin's children fell in love with V. E. Meyerhold, who spent the role of the "second dad", in the house of which were surrounded by care and attention. Tatiana several years went to a ballet school with the Bolshoi Theater. In 1936, she graduated from high school. The biggest event after graduation was a trip with V. E. Meyerhold and Z. N. Reich to France. In September 1937, she entered the Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty of Moscow University. A month later, V. I. was married to Kutuzov, a student of the mechanical engineering institute. Bauman. Soon the father of her husband, I. I. Kutuzov, a prominent party and public figure, one of the leaders of the "working opposition", was repressed and declared the "enemy of the people." In June 1939, V. E. Meyerhold was arrested on an unreasonable charge, and on July 14, Z. N. Reich was brutally killed at the apartment.

In fact, the arrest of the stepfather of Constantine and Tatiana has the background. In 1934, the play "Lady with Camellias", which was played by Zinaida Reich, watched Stalin, and he did not like the performance. Criticism collapsed on Meyerhold with accusations of aesthetics. Zinaida Reich wrote a letter to Stalin that he did not understand art.

January 8, 1938 the theater was closed. Order of the Committee on Arts at the Soviet University of the USSR "On the liquidation of the theater. Sun. Meyerhold published in the newspaper "Pravda" on January 8, 1938. The scenario of the further life of an outstanding director was already written - in 1939 an arrest took place. After three weeks of interrogations, accompanied by torture, Meyerhold signed the necessary investigation: he was accused of article 58 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR (counter-revolutionary actions). In January 1940, Meyerhold wrote V. M. Molotov:

... I was bilted here - the patient of the sixty-six-year old old man, put on the floor face down, the rubber harness was broken along his heels and on the back, when it was sitting on a chair, the same rubber beat on the legs [...] the pain was such that it seemed to be sick sensitive places Legs lily steep boiling water ...

After the death of Reich and Meyerhold, before the Great Patriotic War, Tatiana Sergeyevna remained with the younger brother Konstantin and the little son Vladimir in his arms. Being sent from the apartments of the parents in Bryusov Lane, Yesenin saved the Meyerhold archive, hiding him at the cottage in Balashikha, and at the beginning of the war he handed it to storage S. M. Eisenstein.

During the Great Patriotic War, Tatiana Yesenin was evacuated with her husband and son in Uzbekistan, where, at the request of Alexei Tolstoy, he received a small room in the Barack's family. Polvenga lived in Tashkent, working as a correspondent of the Pravda East newspaper, a scientific editor in Uzbekistan's publishers.

It was the initiator of the rehabilitation process of the Vsevolod Meyerhold. Letters of Tatiana Yesenina Researcher of Mayerhold C. L. Rudnitskom are an important source for studying the creativity of the repressed director.

He wrote a book-story "Zhenya - Miracle of the twentieth century", "Lunar Light lamp", Memoirs about S. Yesenin, Z. Reich and V. Meyerhold.

Died on May 5, 1992 in Tashkent. He was buried after the funeral on the old town of Botkinsky cemetery.


Konstantin was born on February 3, 1920 in the "discharge of the birth" of the bone, compiled, obviously, from the words of the mother, it was recorded that he was born on March 20, 1920, and the Father in the same document was named by the family of the Krasnoarmeys. In the judicial "case on the rights of inheritance" the time of birth is also recorded incorrectly - February 20, 1920

Konstantin's godfather was the writer Andrei White. Sergey Yesenin at the birth of his son was absent. Zinaida Nikolaevna told him about the birth of the Son on the phone and asked: "How to call?". "Yesenin thought for a long time, choosing not a literary name, and said:" Konstantin ". After baptism, she was unwound: "Damn it, but Balmont is called Balmont." Watch my son did not go. "

The birth of Konstantin coincided with the time of sharp cooling of relations between S. A. Yesenin and Z. N. Reich. Suspicious of Sergey Yesenin was fueled by gossip in the circle of his close friends. In the "Roman without a lies", Anatoly Mariengofa describes the scene of the random meeting of Sergey Yesenin and Zinaida Reich on the platform of the Rostov Station in 1920, when the poet when examining his son said: "- Fu ... Black ... Yesenins are not black ...".

Children's memory of the dice retained scant memories of father. This is what he wrote in the 70s: "The very first thing that has retained memory is the arrival of the father in the spring of 192 ..., but what exactly, I do not know. Sunny day, and my sister Tanya with selflessly run through the green yard of our house. (...) Suddenly, in the courtyard appeared elegant, "in foreign" dressed man and a woman. A man is blonde, in a gray suit. It was Yesenin. With whom? I do not know. We were with my sister led to the apartment. Still: First, after a long break, a date with my father! But for us it was, however, unfamiliar "Uncle". Konstantin remembered that his father was more talking to Tanya that he did not bring gifts, but it was angry when he learned that his poems were not reading.

Sergey Yesenin loved his children in his own way, wore with him their photos. V. F. Nadkin recalled that at the meeting the poet did not forget to imagine: "- But my children ... - he shows me a photographic card. In the photo, a girl and a boy. He himself looks at them and as if something is surprised. He is twenty-nine years old, he himself still like a young man. "

There were episodic meetings of Konstantin with his father. There was a stormy scene of explanation between the father and mother, whose witness was the son. Sergey Yesenin's father's senses did not show down to his son, as he loved her daughter Tatiana. "In childhood I was very similar to my mother," explained this inattention to K. Yesenin, - features of the face, hair color. Tatiana - Blonde, and Yesenin saw her more than in me. "

Kostya did not felt in Sergei Yesenin of his native father, since His stepfather V. E. Meyerhold was engaged in education. Natalia Yesenina (Poet's niece, daughter of sister Catherine) leads such an episode: "There was a case (from the words of my mother), when Sergey Alexandrovich came to visit his children, Kostya ran to the door and seeing his father, shouted:" Tanya, go, to you Enesenin came! " Child is a child. Pope he called V. E. Meyerhold ... "

Konstantin, when he turned 20 years old, tried to record detailed memories of S. Yesenin, asked his mother. On his father, he told him the last wife of Father Sophia Andreevna Tolstoy, who treated the costha, and at meetings asked him to read the poems that he occasionally wrote.

Unfortunately did not go away by the child of Yesenin. After the murder of the mother and shooting the stepfather, as a student, from a large parent apartment rearranged to a room at a large pioneer street. Konstantin studied at the Moscow Engineering and Construction Institute. Very soon money for a normal stay has not been missed. Occasionally, he was assisted as close as they could have lived themselves. Anna Romanovna Israznova was accepted in his fate - Mother Yura - the first son of the poet. "An amazing purity was a woman, - with gratitude recalled K. Yesenin. - Amazing modesty. After I stayed alone, Anna Romanovna took great participation in my fate. In the pre-war 1940 and in 1941 she helped me in every way - fed me in difficult student times. And later, when I was on the front, repeatedly sent parcels with cigarets, tobacco, warm things. "

In November 1941, when the German army reached the borders with Moscow, a student of the 4th year of the Moscow Engineering and Construction Institute Konstantin Yesenin's volunteer went to the front. Before leaving to the army, Konstantin was taken by a suitcase stuck in the papers and rare editions of the Father, to the storage of the last wife of Yesenin Sophie Andreevna Tolstoy, who saved and returned to him after the war. But many things of the Father, who went to Konstantin by inheritance, remained overlooking at the Moscow Dacha in Balashikha. "A lot of letters, notes, leisure securities died in the war, - Konstantin Sergeevich recalled. - They were kept in my country. I was on the front, my sister was evacuated to Tashkent, and she was set there. All our relatives from the mother died during the war years. Cottage remained empty. Twice it was populated. The whole archive dumped into the barn. There he was lying for several years and winter, in the frost and burning. "

Konstantin witnessed a lot of interest in father's poetry. He recalled, as after the blockade of Leningrad in a bucinistic store, where he went by chance, one buyer asked "Tell me, don't you have a tomik of poems Yesenin?". Woman seller with tired face, wearing traces of hunger and grave experiences, surprised: "What are you! Of course not! Now Yesenin's books are rare. " Konstantin was proud that the father's poetry was in demand.

On the front Kostya was injured three times. In the summer of 1944, during one of the battles, the first company commander of the assault battalion and his deputy in political part were killed. Junior Lieutenant Konstantin Yesenin accepted the company's command and led fighters towards an attack. The discontinuous bullet broke through his lungs. Soon the native Konstantin Yesenin received a notice of his death. On December 9, 1944, the Essark Yu. Sarkisov and M. Kurganov "near the Blue Sea", which described the death of Konstantin Yesenin's death, was published in the Red Baltic Fleet newspaper. The news of the death of K. S. Yesenin turned out to be erroneous. His, seriously wounded, in an unconscious state brought a medical sister from another part to the hospital. He survived. But they did not know about it at the headquarters. The third Order of the Red Star found him in many years after the end of the war.

After the demobilization, K. S. Yesenin continued the doctrine at the Moscow Engineering and Construction Institute. It was difficult to live on the scholarship, so I was forced to sell the archival department of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. Two notebooks raided the rewritten poems of the Father. At the end of the university, it began to work on the post-war construction projects, the head of the construction site. The largest construction complex in Luzhniki, built residential buildings, schools and cinemas of the capital. Surname Yesenin has little helped Constantine's production career. "I must say that wearing Yesenin's name is quite troublesome," wrote K. S. Yesenin in 1967 - sometimes some workers from the environment of my construction brethren were afraid of a close neighborhood with the name Yesenin, and some even offered to change me the surname. But this is all, of course, from the poverty of thought. " In the future, K. Yesenin switched to work as a referent in the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR on the construction issues, the main specialist of the Gosstroy RSFSR.

In the pre-war time Konstantin Sergeevich was fascinated by football. In 1936 he played in the Final of the Youth Championship of Moscow and was noted for excellent sports progress. After the war, played football at the competition teams of production teams, carefully followed football battles in the country. He began to conduct statistical data on teams, players, various sports meetings. Statistics K. Yesenin opened many new faces in football, has become a valuable material for sports professionals and numerous fans. Very soon, Konstantin Sergeevich became a notable football browser in sports journalism, which in the last years of his life in the last years of his life. Konstantin Sergeyevich is admitted to the Union of Journalists.

For 40 years, Konstantin Sergeevich collected a huge card file about football and football players. It was a kind of football encyclopedia. Based on these materials, K. Yesenin wrote and published books "Football: Records, Paradoxes, Tragedies, Sensation" (1968), which became rapidly bibliographic rarity. In the book there is such a phrase: "Human passions are always surprising by people of impassive, incapable of hobbies, who felt in their perception of the world only through glass practicism." It was the position of Konstantin Yesenin. In the future, he published the book "Moscow Football and Spartak" (1974), which received high assessment of numerous football lovers. Until the end of his life worked on the book "Chronicle of Soviet football." In recent years, K. S. Yesenin has been deputy chairman of the All-Union Football Federation.

Once at the airport Tatyana Sergeevna Yesenina with two heavy suitcases stood in line for tickets. To transfer the suitcases to her a young officer helped her. When Tatyana Sergeyevna took out a passport for the presentation of the cashier, the officer read the surname and asked surprised, worried:

"Are you Esenina? Tell me, and you are not a relative football statist of Konstantin Yesenin? " When Tatyana Sergeyevna met his brother, he told him about this episode, adding: "You became the famous Father." And for a long time laughed.

Konstantin Sergeevich made a lot to restore the name of his father. He often opposed the stories about the father, mother, other contemporaries, visited places associated with the name S. Yesenin. In 1967, in the collection "Yesenin and Russian poetry" published memories "On the Father", which in 1986 after a small copyright record were reprinted in the two-volume book "S. A. Yesenin in the memoirs of contemporaries. "

Died on April 26, 1986 in Moscow. Buried on the 17th section of the Vagankovsky cemetery in Moscow in one grave with his mother, not far from the grave of the Father.


Of the four children Sergey Yesenin, his last son Alexander lived the longest.

Son of the poet Sergey Yesenin died on March 16, 2016 in the United States for 92 years of life. Alexander Sergeevich Yesenin-Volpin - Mathematics, philosopher and poet, participant in the dissident and human rights movement in the USSR. In December 1965, he became one of the organizers of "Glasnost's rally." The community has spent about six years in prisons, reference and psychiatric clinics, where he was sent for anti-Soviet activities.

Yesenin-Volpin wrote several fundamental work on the logic and theory of law in the USSR. It was Yesenin-Volpin that introduced the word "publicity" as a public requirement to the authorities to comply with the law and make legal procedures transparent.

His father, poet Sergey Yesenin, left his life when Yesenin-Volpin was a year and a half from the family. His mother was a poetess and translator Nadezhda Volpin. Parents were friends on the literary workshop, but they did not in marriage. Soon hope got pregnant.

Yesenin was shocked by learning that Hope wants to leave the child. "What are you doing with me! I already have three children! " - he exclaimed. Hope, insulted by his reaction, went to Leningrad, without leaving him the addresses: "Good. This will be my child. Only mine…".

Yesenin tried to find hope, but the neighbors on a communal service at her request did not say to him. In Moscow, even walked a chastushka: "Nadia threw Sergey without a child in his arms." They said that she went to the dress at which the sun was depicted, and he said that he would give birth to Christ. On May 12, 1924, a son was born as two drops of water similar to the Father.

Nadezhda Volpin writes that Yesenin was prettring from her friend, what he was black or white. What he answered: "And I am not just white, but simply - this is what you were a boy, this is. Cards do not need. "

Sergey Yesenin saw the Son twice. Once on the street: Mother then handed it with Nyanka, they say, "Bring, so as not to see." The poet was offended. And the second time he himself came to the hope of home - specifically to see the Son ...

In 1933, at the age of 13, together with the mother-translator, I moved the hope of Wolpin, he moved from Leningrad to Moscow, where in 1946 he graduated with honors from the Mechanics and Mathematical Faculty of Moscow State University; In 1949, graduating from the graduate school of mathematics at Moscow State University and defending his thesis on mathematical logic, went to work in Chernivtsi.

In 1949 for "anti-Soviet poetry" was placed on compulsory treatment in a special psychiatric hospital Leningrad in September 1950 as a "socially dangerous element" sent to the Karaganda region for a period of five years. Amnenized after Stalin's death in 1953, soon after which he became known as a mathematician specializing in the field of intuitionism. In 1959, he was once again placed in a special bolt, where he spent about two years.

The "disease" of Yesenin-Volpina, from which he was "treated" in psychiatric hospitals, is called "pathological truthfulness".

Alexander Volpin was an army anti-Sovetchik. He was asked: "Sasha, what do you have against Soviet power?" - "I? I have nothing against the Soviet gang, which illegally seized power in 17th. "

He said "much superfluous." It was periodically planted in a mental hospital. He had a surcharge: "Well, from this I was already treated!" The relatives of Alexander asked not to go to them, "after his arrival, the apartment was put on control, the phones were listening to ..." We have children, "they told him.

In 1961, Yesenin-Volpina "Spring Leaf" book was published in New York, in which, in addition to poems, his "free philosophical treatise" was entered. For this, Krushchev at the meeting with the intelligentsia on the Lenin Mountains called him a "rejected poisonous mushroom". In the treatise there was a phrase, whisching power: "In Russia, there is no freedom of speech, but who will say that there is no freedom of thought."

At the end of 1962, Khrushchev uttered one of his winged phrases: "They say he is mentally ill, but we are poles." And for the next four months, Yesenin-Volpin was again on the hospital bed. In less than two years, Khrushchev was displaced. With a thaw end, the Brezhnev screwing nuts began ...

He was taken to Lubyanka - and they released: nothing to be crazy. He reminded the authorities that dissent is not dispersed with the law, and therefore should not be punishable. Wife Wolpina Victoria recalled: Once in three hours a conversation with the investigators, Alexander Sergeevich, so they were exhausted that they surrendered, they called her and said: "Take it!"

Yesenin-Volpin formulated and began to defend the idea that Soviet laws themselves are completely acceptable, and the problem is to refuse to follow these laws. He urged his supporters that if the government complied with its own laws, the citizens would not be in a position of powerlessness and that the situation with human rights change if the citizens will actively pursue and state law enforcement.

In May 1972, according to the present proposal of the Soviet authorities, emigrated to the United States. He simply left no choice. The phrase "will not go to the Middle East, so send it to the far," who, who, later, as a joke, originally did not contain any irony. From the mouth of the KGB officer, it sounded even sinister. Alexander Sergeevich decided not to tempt fate. Forwarding already by that time in prison, and in the link, and in mental hospitals.

In the US, worked at the University of Buffalo, then - at the University of Boston. Author of the theorem in the field of diady spaces that received his name.

Essay in literature.

Yesenin is in our literature figure of a kind of iconic. National Love has even led to the emergence of the genre of "National Esenin Studies": a smile of the poet, blue eyes, gold curls, as elegantly sat on Yesenin costume and so on. (By the way, according to the testimony of Varlaam Shalamov, Yesenin became the only poet adopted by the thorough world. In the camp, "Yesenin" is called any home-grown poem from prisoners.) So the exclusiveness of the posthumous Yesenian destiny is obvious.

In one just unlucky Yesenin. His biography is still far from the true, objective picture. Academic "Eneseninology" as a result of a number of scientists - Yesenovtedov is in a stagnation. These scientists, creating an "official concept", and calmed down. They formed a closed team, where strangers do not want to let. They are silent or even listed by some facts of the biography of the poet, not stacked in a pre-harvested scheme. So considers Candidate of Historical Sciences, the author of more than 80 publications on the history of literature Sergey Viktorovich Shumykhin, and with his opinion it is impossible to disagree.

True, in the studies of the last period, some fluctuations in the interpretation of the poet's appearance are traced, strangely coinciding with fluctuations in the socio-political situation in the country. The scatter is quite large: from the recent infinite repetition of Yesenin lines of Lenin, the exclamation "My mother is homeland, I am Bolshevik!" Prior to the creation of an image of a fearless accuser "Jewish-Bolshevik atrocities" hiding from the GPU and eventually caught by this GPU in the Angletter hotel.

"Independent" researchers who could create an objective view of the life and creativity of the poet, for some reason it is uninteresting, they are engaged in Anna Akhmatova, Marina Tsvetaeva, Osip Mandelstam. There is, however, one, the most liberated, researcher who studies Yesenin is Englishman Gordon Macway from Bristol. He released the monographs of the "Life of Yesenin" and "Isadora and Yesenin". True, his ideas that do not have anything in common with the "official concept", Yeseninovdami not accepted. So, McSea expressed an interesting thought. He believes that Yesenin could be a very popular figure in the youth of the West, because it reminds early from the life of famous rock stars, like Jimmy Hendrix or Kurt Kobaine, since it is as timely and anarchic. It is likely that the Englishman is right. And yet, however, the study of Macvei, for him, as for other Western scientists, Yesenin exists no connection with the fate of Russia, outside of Soviet history.

There are also numerous memoir sources written not only by the strong world of this - politicians, poets, actors, artists, but also with simple inhabitants, and even just envious and angry. However, all the memories of this kind are very contradictory and not accurate, since the memoirs are never protocol due to the author's personal opinion on things.

From everything that was mentioned above, it becomes clear that it is extremely difficult to write about the life of Sergei Yesenin, especially - in the framework of the usual school essay, because for this it would have to study a huge memoir and research material, and having studied it, make a lot of effort to To separate the legendary from the actual. It is far from everyone, and I do not pretend to become the person who could master the like.

And yet, since it took on this topic, I will try briefly, almost a dotted line, set out the main facts of the biography of the poet. I emphasize: I have not written not to claim

to become a revelation. Although I really hope that this sooner or later happens.

"I am the son of a peasant. Born in 1895 on September 21, he wrote Yesenin in his autobiography, - from two years old, according to the poverty of the father and the numerous family was given to the upbringing of a rather wealthy grandfather for the mother. " His grandfather was a miller. Grandma and grandfather loved her grandchildren and took care of his future: Grandfather taught him to fight, and his grandmother was balung and forced to go to church. The family wanted Sergey to become a rural teacher, and therefore he was given to the closed church school. But by graduating from her in 1911, he announced his intention to become a poet.

Next year Yesenin went to Moscow, where he began to attend the evening courses at the university and entered into a literary and revolutionary society, working on life in various places. Working the proofreader in the publishing house of Sytin, he fell in love with Anna Disabled, a colleague on work, which at the end of 1914 gave him the son of his son, Yuri Islezhanova. Two months after that, their connection stopped, and Yesenin went to St. Petersburg in search of literary happiness. True, he came to Moscow for a short time in 1915 and 1916 to visit Anna and Son.

"Eighteen years I was surprised, sent out my poems on journals, the fact that they were not printed, and unexpectedly gave into St. Petersburg. I was taken very welcoming there. The first one I saw was the block, the second is Gorodetsky. When I looked at the block, with me a pot of sweat, because I saw a living poet for the first time. "

He "granted" to Petersburg, a rustic, timid guy, with a small luggage, with a notebook of poems and with an ambitious dream of many young provinces - to conquer the glory.

Gorodetsky introduced him to the peasant poet Nikolai Klyuev, who became a friend of Yesenin and his literary patron.

Many St. Petersburg familiar poet celebrated his pleasant boyish appearance and blue, "cornflower" eyes. And no one could remain indifferent to his youth, external attractiveness and, most importantly, to his huge talent.

For three years of life in St. Petersburg, Yesenin became a famous poet. He was surrounded by fans and friends. Gradually, he Osmpella, became a bold, self-confident and boastful. But, a strange thing, naivety and gullibility remained. In this contradiction there was some special charm. Yesenin loved, pumped and even forgred what they would not forgive another.

The poet was twenty-one, when his first poetic collection "Radunitsa" appeared. From this point on, the helix of his life began to spread rapidly.

In the same, 1916, year, he was called up for military service, and the Empress Alexander Fedorovna appeared on him, for which he had a chance to read his poems. Despite this honor, he hated army life and deserted as soon as possible, but was soon caught and sent to the penalty battalion.

During the 1917 revolution, Yesenin again deserted and joined the revolutionary. No, he did not become a member of the WCP (b), but it turned out to be in close proximity to the "Soviet vertices".

October, the first revolutionary motives appeared in Yesenin, and the first revolutionary motives appeared in his poetry. By mid-1918, he began to fold as one of the most significant and original young poets. Young people raised him on the shield. When his collection "Delub" came out, the book was redeemed in a few days.

And shortly before, in the autumn of 1917, Yesenin married Zinaida Reich, which served as a secretary in the Social Gazeta "Case of People". She gave him two children - daughter Tatiana and son Constantine. However, this marriage was fragile - in the summer of 1918, Yesenin left his wife (they officially divorced in 1921).

At the end of 1918, a new poetic school appeared in Moscow. Her initiators called themselves immudy. It included Anatoly Mariengof, Vadim Shernevich, Alexander Kushikov and other young poets. School needed a central figure,

bright, strong poetic name. Involved Esenin. And it was the main and only trump card of the IMAZHINISTS. Without Yesenin, the school would be an empty place. And Yesenin himself, Imazhinism was not needed at all.

In 1919, one after another book shops of writers began to open in Moscow. Writers themselves traded books and their writer autographs. Poets read their poems in the cafe and clubs, receiving a fee for the performance. Opened their book shops and poets-IMAZHINISTS. Telling somehow to publish his poems (and the time was difficult and paper was lacked), they sold them in their book shop. Their books, and especially the poems of Yesenin, diverged quickly.

How did Yesenin lived during these years?

He wrote a lot and easily and printed more and more often. It was often advocated with his verses in various cafes, including in the Imažinist "Peregas Stall". Yes, and earned more than others. But he lived on it is not even easier than the rest. Not easy and not fun.

He fed badly. And besides, he did not have his own angle. From time to time, it was in the crawler on the Vozdvizhenka, then on the banner, then in Krasnaya Presnya lived at the sculptor Sergey Konenkova, then other friends and acquaintances are both men and women. Who had ... then became a quarter in the Bogoslovsky, together with Mariengof, whom he considered his best friend.

So I lived Yesenin Strama, a nomadic life, underlined bohemian. However, in subsequent years, until his death, he never gained a permanent refuge.

Years of war and the revolution imposed a certain imprint on Yesenin. In seventeen years, he became a vegetarian and a trustee for religious reasons. In the army addicted to drinking and, although he threw to drink during his short marriage, after the divorce returned to the previous one.

Zapoi Yesenin coincided with the periods of his depression. It was overflowing with ideas and vital energy, but at times he began to seem useless and meaningless to him. He reached his dream to become a famous poet, but the price of this was separated from the village life to which his soul was drawn. In drunkenness, he found a temporary outstage that saved from despair, which accompanied him all his life.

Meanwhile, the financial affairs of Yesenin walked well. The edition of the poems gave a certain income, and he played the role of a lucky dolza before the surrounding role. And externally changed the poet. Now it was an elegant, refined and casually self-confident dandy with a contemptuous-indulgent smile on still gentle lips. And on a nice, a thin face of him with cornflowers clearly, traces of fading clearly - at the age of twenty five!

Although Yesenin has changed, this period was one of the most fruitful in his creative life, and "as soon as he ended the poem, he immediately printed him."

So Yesenin was when his life was entered by the famous American dancer Duncan - Raspoint, bless and sad, pure in thoughts and a generous heart. Captured by the communist propaganda, it arrived in Moscow in pursuit of his decreasing glory,

Iceedor was already elder, older Yesenin for 18 years. From the "Divine Sandals", "Right Statue," as she was called once, there was little left. But nevertheless she was aidedor, a world celebrity, and, most importantly, danced in the "Red Capital uncalled known foreigners." And in addition, danced with the Red Flags! Enthusiastic applause did not stop. Lenin himself, surrounded by members of the Council, the dance welcomed the tsarist lodge. And, in addition, she opened a plastarian school in Moscow for proletarian children in the Balashova Balashoy, who left Russia, who left Russia.

Ishedora fell in love with Yesenin from the first minute as soon as he saw him. He, in turn, despite her full figure and the difference in age, he also became interested in it and soon moved to her on the prechisten.

And in May 1922, for the whole year disappeared from Moscow, going with Isenor to an overseas tour. Noisy-brilliant meteor swept Yesenin in Germany, France and on, over the ocean, to America. Hopefully conquer the whole world. Failed. Nobody wanted to admit him - neither in Europe or in America. That they are to the Russian poet! He was just a "husband of Duncan Ayedors" and nothing more. As if he had no behalf, nor recognition ...

In 1923, Yesenin broke with Isenor and returned to his homeland. He broke with a world celebrity. And this connection, and this gap was not easy for him. He was already at home, and Iceedor was still hoping to return it, he wrote him the desperate, full of passionate sense of writing, sent no less melodramatic telegrams ... Yesenin died and threw them on the floor. And yet, this connection was not a random love episode for Yesenin. Both it cost very expensive.

Returning to Moscow, Yesenin again began to live a homeless, nomadic life, with the roces of drinking companions and the halves who were constantly around him. He burned in this unhealthy atmosphere. He died, inhaling her drunk, cained chad. He became a blow, easily starred quarrels and often flared out, sometimes because of the trifles.

So there were days in the days, and suddenly - a new sensation: after a dizzying connection with Isador Duncan Yesenin marries St. Andreevna Tolstoy! She, of course, loved him - this is the granddaughter of Lion Tolstoy, but he was never able to love her. And in the meantime, she was assimary to act as a savory of the Great Poet, trying to pull it out of the Wednesday of Kabatsky Hyborghels, to create normal conditions for work, to get rid of nomadic life ... But it was impossible to do it.

Salvation failed. Yesenin again found himself in the "Peregas Stall". At this time, the poem "Black Man" was written and the observed poems of Moscow Kabatskaya. And in October 25 he fell into a psychiatric hospital to pass there a two-month course of treatment. I could not stand it - I fled in a month.

Further is well known, although "dark spots" in the death of the poet abound. I went to Leningrad. Hope there to find an apartment, start publishing a magazine ...

On December 29, 1925, the evening Leningrad newspapers, and the next day the newspaper of the whole country, reported that on the night of December 27-28 at the Agelet Hotel, the poet "wrapped around his neck twice the rope from a suitcase exported from Europe, knocked out Under the feet stool and hung as a face to the blue night, looking at St. Isaac Square. "

Such is the official version of his death. Suicide. There is another version, according to which he was killed by the pointer of the GPU.

Until now, disputes are not subsidized: suicide, or still murder? .. The mystery so far, the solve of which Sergey Yesenin took with him to the grave,

In any case, his death - among many other tragic deaths, one of the most terrible: Hangbal, filled with blood, sprinkling from cut veins ...

So tragically ended the life of the great Russian poet Sergey Yesenin. And we are not entitled to judge whether it is good if he was bad in this his overwhelmed suffering of life. After all, the poets can not be treated with the usual measure. They have the rights that are simply not at the average man, because they are inexpressible above and at the same time ... inexpressible lower than each of the usual mortals. Why? Because it is an unconscious being, and at the same time is such a poet that meets once in a century.

Approximately said Anatole France about Villina. Esenin's contemporaries believed that this statement applies to him.

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Sergey Aleksandrovich Yesenin is a great Russian poet-lyrics. Most of his works are Novokrestendian poetry, lyrics. Later, creativity relates to medicalism, since it traces a lot of images used, metaphor.

The date of birth of literary genius is September 21, 1895. He comes from Ryazan province, Konstantinovka village (Kuzminskaya parish). Therefore, many works are devoted to love for Russia, there are many new Novokrestendi lyrics. The financial condition of the family of the future poet could not be called even tolerant, since his parents were quite poor.

They all belonged to the peasant race, and therefore were forced to work a lot of physical labor. Sergey's father, Alexander Nikitich, also passed a long labor path. As a child, he was fond of singing in the church church, had good voice data. When he grew up, he moved to work in the shop selling meat.

The case helped him get a good position in Moscow. It was there that he became a crawler, and family's income became higher. But this did not serve as joy for spouse, Mother Yesenin. She was still less likely to see her husband, which could not not affect their relationship.

Sergey Yesenin with parents and sisters

Another reason for the disclaimer in the family was the fact that after moving the Father in Moscow, the boy began to live at his native grandfather's grandfather, father of his mother. It was there that he received male education, which three His uncle was engaged at his own way. Since they did not have time to acquire their families, they tried to pay a lot of attention to the boy.

All the uncle were unfulfilled sons of grandmother Grandfather Yesenin, who differed in a cheerful temper and partly with youthful mischief. They taught the boy to ride a horse at a very unusual way: put him on the horse, which rushed with a gallop. Also, the training of swimming in the river was also taking place when Little Yesenin just threw naked from the boat directly into the water.

As for the mother of the poet, he was influenced by parting with her husband when he was in a long service in Moscow. She got a job in Ryazan, where they fell in love with Ivan Razguleeva. The woman left Alexander Nikitich and even gave birth to a second child from the new cohabitant. Sergey's consolidated brother called Alexander. Later, the parents still come together again, Sergey had two sisters: Katya and Alexander.


After such a home education, the family was decided to send Seryo to training to Konstantinovskaya Zemstvo school. He studied there from nine to fourteen years and was distinguished not only by his abilities, but also bad behavior. Therefore, in one year of study, by decision of the school manager, he was left for the second year. But still graduation rates were extremely high.

At this time, the parents of the future genius decided to live together again. The boy began to come to his native home on vacation. Here he went to the local priest, who had impressive libraries with books of different authors. He carefully studied many volumes, which could not not affect his creative formation.

After graduating from the Zemskaya school, he switched to the church-parish, located in the village of Spare-riveting. Already in 1909, after five years of study, Yesenin graduated from the Zemstvo School in Konstantinovka. The dream of his family was that grandson became a teacher. He was able to implement it after training in Savior Klepika.

It was there that he graduated from a second-class teacher school. She also worked at the arrival of the church, as was headed in those times. Now there is a museum dedicated to the work of this great poet. But after receiving the teaching education, Yesenin decided to go to Moscow.

In a crowded Moscow, he had to work in a meat shop, and in the printing house. In the shopkee, his father was arranged, since the young man had to ask for help in his employment. Then he arranged him in the office, in which Esenin quickly encouraged a monotonous job.

When he served in the printing house as an assistant corrector, quickly made friends with poets belonging to the Surikov literary and musical circle. Perhaps this was affected by the fact that in 1913 he did not do, but it became a free listener of the Moscow City University of People's University. There he visited the lectures of the historical and philosophical faculty.


The thrust for writing poems was born at Yesenin still in Savior Klepika, where he studied at the teacher's parish school. Naturally, the works had a spiritual orientation, not yet penetrated by notching lyrics. Such work can be attributed to: "Stars", "My Life". When the poet was in Moscow (1912-1915), then it was there who began his more confident samples of the pen.

It is very important that during this period in his works:

  1. Used poetic use of imagery. Proceedings of the napli skillful metaphors, straight or portable images.
  2. During this period, the Novokrestest imagery was traced.
  3. It was possible to notice the Russian symbolism, since the genius loved creativity.

The first printed work was the poem "Bereza". Historians note that when writing Yesenin was inspired by A.Feta's works. Then he took a pseudonym ariston, without deciding to send a poem under his own name to print. He was published in 1914 the Magazine Magazine.

The first book "Radunitsa" was released in 1916. It also traced Russian modernism, since the young man moved to Petrograd and began to communicate with famous writers and poets:

  • CM. Gorodetsky.
  • D.V. Philosophers.
  • A. A. Block.

In "Radunice" there are both dialectic notes, and numerous parallels between natural and spiritual, since the title of the book serves the day when they honor the dead. Then the arrival of spring is happening, in honor of which the peasants sing traditional songs. This is a connection with nature, its update and reverence of those who left.

The style of the poet is changing, as he begins to dress a little fabulous and more elegant. His guardian of Klyov, who oversaw it from 1915 to 1917, could affect it. The poem of a young genius then listened to the attention and S.M. Gorodetsky, and the great Alexander Blok.

In 1915, the poem of the "cherry" was written, in which he gives nature and this tree by human qualities. The cherry as if comes to life and manifests his feelings. After calling for a war in 1916, Sergey began to communicate with the group of Novokrestest poets.

Because of the released collection, including the "Radunitsa", Yesenin received wider fame. She reached the very empress Alexandra Fedorovna. She often called Yesenin to the royal village so that he could read his works to her and her daughters.

In 1917, a revolution happened, which was reflected in the works of genius. He received a "second breath" and, inspired, decided to release the poem of 1917 called "Transfiguration". She caused a big resonance and even criticism, since there were many unimagon slogans in it. All of them were filed in a completely different way, in the stylistic of the Old Testament.

The perception of the world was changed, commitment to the church. The poet even declared this in the open in one of his poems. Then he began to navigate both Andrei White, began to communicate with the poetic group "Scythians". The work of the end of the twenties belongs:

  • Petrograd book "Doveless" (1918).
  • The second edition of the "Radunitsa" (1918).
  • A series of collections of 1918-1920: transformation and rural hour.

The IMAZHINISM period began in 1919. Under it implies the use of a large number of images, metaphors. Sergey is enabled with support for V.G. Shershevich and bases its group that has absorbed and the tradition of futurism, style. An important difference was the fact that the works were set in nature, assumed an open reading in front of the viewer.

This attached a group of great fame against the background of bright performances with application. Then they were written:

  • "Sorokoust" (1920).
  • Pugachev's poem (1921).
  • Treatise "Mary's keys" (1919).

It is also known that at the beginning of the twenties Sergey began to engage in the implementation of books, rented a shop for selling printed publications. She was on Big Nikitskaya. This occupation brought him an income and distract a little from creativity.

After communication and exchange of views, stylistic techniques with A. Mariengoof, Yesenin were written:

  • "Confession of Huligan" (1921), dedicated to Actress Augustus Miklashevskaya. In her honor, seven poems from one cycle were written.
  • "TRERADNIK" (1921).
  • "I do not regret it, I do not cry" (1924).
  • "Skandalist poems" (1923).
  • "Moscow Kabatskaya" (1924).
  • "Letter to a woman" (1924).
  • "Letter of Mother" (1924), which is one of the best lyrical poems. It was written before the arrival of Yesenin to his native village and dedicated to his mother.
  • "Persian motifs" (1924). In the collection you can see the famous poem "Shagana you, Shagana".

Sergey Yesenin on the beach in Europe

After that, the poet began to travel often. His geography of trips was not limited to one Orenburg and the Urals, he even visited Central Asia, Tashkent, and even Samarkand. In Urdah, he often went to local institutions (teahouse), traveled through the old town, started new acquaintances. It was inspired by Uzbek poetry, oriental music, as well as the architecture of local streets.

After marriage, numerous trips to Europe followed: Italy, France, Germany and other countries. Yesenin lived even a few months in America (1922-1923), after which records were made with impressions of living in this country. They were printed in Izvestia and are named Iron Mirgorod.

Sergey Yesenin (center) in the Caucasus

In the middle of the twenties, a trip to the Caucasus was carried out. There is an assumption that it was in this area that the collection "Red East" was created. He was released in the Caucasus print, after which in 1925 the light saw the poem "Message by the Evangelist Demyan". The period of the IMAZHINISM continued until the moment until the genius quarreled with A. B. Mariengof.

Also, the critical and famous opponent Yesenin was considered. But at the same time they did not show out the hostility in public, although they often encountered foreheads. Everything was criticized and even respect for each other's work.

After Sergey decided to break with immudy, he began to give frequent reasons for criticizing his behavior. For example, regularly after 1924 began to emerge a variety of increasing articles that he was seen in a drunken state or arranged robs, scandals in establishments.

But this behavior was only a hooliganism. Due to the bonuses of ill-wishers, several criminal cases were opened immediately, which were later closed. The loudest of them is the case of four poets, in which the accusations of anti-Semitism were. At this time, the health of the literary genius was shaken.

As for the attitude of Soviet power, she was worried about the state of the poet. There are letters testifying that Dzerzhinsky is asked to help and save Yesenin. They contain that Sergey put the employee of the GPU, which would not give him to sleep. Dzerzhinsky responded to the request and attracted his subordinate, which was never able to find Sergey.

Personal life

Anna Ferezzhanova was the Civilian wife of Yesenin. He met her when he worked as an assistant corrector in the printing house. The result of this marriage was the birth of the son of Yuri. But the marriage could not have resisted for a long time, since already in 1917, Sergey married Zinaida Reich. During this time, two children were born at once - Konstantin and Tatiana. This union also turned out to be a speed.

In the official marriage, the poet joined Isador Duncan, who professionally engaged in dancing. This love story was remembered to many, since their relationship was beautiful, romantic and partly public. The woman was a famous dancer in America, which heated the interest of the public to this marriage.

At the same time, Isadora was older than his spouse, but the difference at the age did not interfere.

Sergey Duncan met in a private workshop in 1921. Then they began to travel along the whole of Europe together, and also lived four months in America - in the homeland of the dancers. But after returning because of the abroad, the marriage was terminated. The next wife became Sophia Tolstaya, who was a relative of the famous classic, the Union also broke up less than a year.

Also, the life of Yesenin was connected with other women. For example, Galina Benislavskaya was his personal secretary. She was always next to him, partly devoting his life to this man.

Disease and death

Yesenin had problems with alcohol, which were known not only to his acquaintances, but also Dzerzhinsky himself. In 1925, the Great Genius was hospitalized in a paid clinic of Moscow, specializing in psychoneurological disorders. But already on December 21, the treatment was completed or, possibly interrupted at the request of Sergey himself.

He decided to temporarily move to live in Leningrad. Before that, he interrupted the work with the Gosizdat and took off all his funds who lay on government accounts. In Leningrad, he lived in a hotel and often communicated with different writers: V. I. Erlich, G. F. Ustinov, N. N. Nikitin.

The death of this great poet unexpectedly December 28, 1928. There is still no circumstances in which Yesenin left life, as well as the cause of death. It happened on December 28, 1925, and the funeral themselves passed in Moscow, where the grave of genius is now.

On the night of December 28, a practically prophetic farewell poem was written. Therefore, some historians suggest that the genius committed suicide, but this is not a proven fact.

In 2005, the Russian film "Yesenin" was removed, in which the main role was played. Also before this was removed the series "Poet". Both works are devoted to the Great Russian genius and received positive feedback.

  1. Little Sergey five years old was unofficially orply, as his grandfather taped his mother. The woman just sent the father to the maintenance of the son. Father at this time worked in Moscow.
  2. At the age of five, the boy was already able to read.
  3. In school, Yesenin was given a nickname "Bearless", since his grandfather once hesitated from the church craft.
  4. In 1915, the service began in the army with the subsequent delay. Then Sergey turned out to be on military lavs, but already as an Sanitary.

October 3 marks 115 years since Sergei Yesenin. In places associated with the poet's life - in the Maja Motherland in Konstantinov, in Ryazan, the metropolitan memorial museum, as well as concert halls and exhibition sites throughout Russia, festive celebrations have already begun. Yesenin poetry, which has long been overwhelmed by the author's framework and entered the country's "golden cultural reserve" continues to conquer all new generations of young readers. And the tragic fate of the poet itself causes increasingly fierce disputes in the environment of researchers of his biography and creativity. Tell.

Murder or suicide? Fans of the poet have been divided into two camps for several decades.

"Yesenin - Hero of myth, National Russian poet, then he must be killed. And these numerous versions arise, which are produced by volumes, "explains Literary critic Oleg Lekmanov.

New facts confirming the murder, found Sergey Kunyayev in the memoirs of Nikolai Klyuev. It turns out: not Erlich, and the worst of the poet's friends visited the ill-fated number of Angeler between nine and eleven in the evening on December 28, 1925 and found strangers there.

"And on the bed like a man lies with a blanket with head covered, snoring like. I wanted to look who was this, but they did not allow me, pushed out. And in the next morning I hear: Seriously hanged himself. What was it? Snoring or suicide wheezing? Was Yesenin at this time alive? " - Quotes Sergey Kunyayev.

The murder version supports the actor Sergey Bezrukov, who for more than thirteen years he has successfully plays the role of Yesenin and even received a state award for it, but still continues to painfully experience the fate of the poet's fate.

"In the Patriarchate of the recording of the next:" You can put a candle, because sometimes we allow the suicides to put a candle "," notes Bezrukov.

All the significant facts of the life of Yesenin are known, approves the author of the surviving biography of the poet Oleg Lekmanov. "Researchers do not know what to do with these facts. Rather, they stand in front of Yesenin on his knees, perceive him as a certain deity and see their task whether Yesenin to whit, protect, touch, "he believes. Lekmanov interprets facts and assures: Yesenin was not killed.

"Yesenin perceived everything in life as a means for writing poems. And at some time he chose alcohol for this. He went to America with Duncan in anticipation of world glory, this did not happen. And in Europe, and in America, he begins to drink in black, "explains the researcher.

"Take the last year of his life - 1925. Several poems and more than seventy poems. How to combine one with another? What brought Yesenin this year of his earthly being with the human appearance that the memoirists painted? " - I ask Sergei Kunyyev questions.

In his book based on documents, you can find new information about the relations of Yesenin with Trotsky, Stalin and the Romanov family. LEKRANOV - also on documentary material - explains how Yesenin answered the request of the Company and created his mythological image of the "cerebent-beam led in space."

"It is known that Yesenin and Kuravoy sewed in a professional studio costumes, Yesenin and Klyuev dressed. And then Yesenin created the images of expressive and bright, "said Oleg Lekmanov.

At first, the image of a hooligan was intercepted from Mayakovsky, then the appearance of Pushkin in the crystal cloak.

"Yesenin has all grotesque and ambiguous. During his life, he was considered to be a peasant poet, then the poet who personifies Lilyla Livy's Love Notes to the Woman, "explains Svetlana Shetokova, director of the Moscow State Museum of Sergey Yesenin.

Specialists working with the creativity of Yesenin are one today in one: very little qualitatively disassembled texts. Not one generation of Yeseninovtedov will still be fighting over them and put forward their interpretations - according to time and circumstances.

Sergey Aleksandrovich Yesenin (1895-1925) - Russian poet. Sergey Yesenin was born in the Ryazan province in the peasant family. She graduated from the Konstantinov four class school with honors in 1909, continued his studies in the Spare-Crepikov school school in 1909-1912, from which the "teacher of the Gramistry School" was released. In the summer of 1912, Yesenin moved to Moscow, he served in meat shop for some time, after that he worked in book publishing, then in the printing house I. D. Sittina. At the same time, Yesenin was engaged in the Historical and Philosophical Department of the University (1913-1915). In 1914, Esenin poems were published in the Children's Journal "Mirok". In the spring of 1915, he arrived in Petrograd, where he met A. Blok, N. Klyuev. In January 1916, Yesenin called on military service and seconded to the Tsarskoyeilian military hospital as Sanitar. At that time, he got close to the group of "Novokrestendian poets" and published the first collections ("Radunitsa" - 1916), which made it famous. In early 1918, Yesenin moved to Moscow. At the beginning of 1919, Yesenin with a group of writers and poets created a group of the IMAZHINISTS. In 1917 he got acquainted and married to Zinaida Nikolaevna Rayich, the Russian actress, the future wife of an outstanding director V. E. Meyerhold. At the end of 1919, Yesenin left a family, and on the hands of the pregnant Son Konstantin Zinaida Reich left the one and a half year old daughter Tatyana. In 1921, a divorce was officially executed. Collectons "Confession of Hooligan" (1921), "Moscow Kabatskaya" (1924) appear.

An important event in the life of Yesenin was a meeting with the American dancer Aidedor Duncan in the fall of 1921 in half a year they got married. Joint journey of newlyweds in Europe and America (May 1922 - August 1923) was accompanied by noisy scandals, they broke up at return to Russia. In the period 1923-1925, Yesenin was created by his best poems and poems. The last two years of Yesenin's life passed in constant traffic, once again he tried to start a family life, but his union with S. Tolstoy (his granddaughter L. N. Tolstoy) was not happy. At the end of November 1925, the exhausted poet enters the psychoneurological clinic. One of his last works was the poem "Black Man". After interrupting the course of treatment, on December 23, Yesenin went to Leningrad, where on the night of December 28, in a state of deep mental depression in the Angletter hotel, she committed suicide. The versions of other circumstances of the death of the poet were actively discussed, but the Commission specially created in 1993 did not confirm any of them. Sergey Yesenin is buried in Moscow at the Vagankovsky cemetery.

5. Cottage. Tsvetaeva. Lyrics, poems, prose.

Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva (1892-1941) Writing poems began early. The first book "Evening Album" came out in 1910. In the pre-revolutionary work, the Tsvetaeva can be distinguished by two periods: the period of early poems, "half-tech", "maiden recognition" (collections "Evening album", "Magic Lantern", 1912; "Of the two books", 1913) and the period 1915-1917.

One of the first to poetry Tsvetaeva drew attention to V. Bryusov, considering it "undoubtedly talented" and at the same time noting the "terrible intimacy" of her poems. But truly poetess found his genuine poetic voice in 1917-1916, when it was created by poems, which made the "poems about Moscow", "insomnia", "Wall of Razin" and others. Many bright poems were devoted to contemporary poets - Akhmatova, block. Poems 1915-1917. (The best thing that the Tsvetaeva is written before the revolution) was printed in magazines and almanachas, but they came out with a separate book only in 1921 ("versts").

Tsvetaeva worked a lot in the poem genre ("Tsar-Maiden", 1920; "On Red Kone", 1921; "Poem Mountain", 1924; "Poem of the end", 1924; "Rats", 1925; and others). A significant part of the Literary heritage of Tsvetaeva is its prose, among which memories of relatives (father - I. V. V. Tsvetaeva, the founder of the MYZEE of the visual arts, and the mother), about the poetry-contemporaries (M. Voloshin, M. Kuzmin and others).

The fate of Marina Tsvetaeva was not easy. She could not understand and adopt the October Revolution and went abroad in 1922. In the emigration there was a difficult life of material deprivation, mental insight. In 1939, the poetess returns to his homeland. Lives in the country of the NKVD in Bolshevo (now Museum-Apartment M. I. Tsvetaeva in Bolevo)

On August 27, 1939, Ariadne's daughter was arrested, on October 10 - her husband, Sergey Efron. In August 1941, Sergey Yakovlevich was shot; Ariadne after fifteen years of repression rehabilitated in 1955.

During this period, Tsvetaeva practically did not write poems, engaged in translations.

The war found Tsvetaeva for the translations of Federico Garcia Lorca. The work was interrupted. The eighth of August, Tsvetaeva and his son went on a steamer in evacuation; Eighteenth arrived together with several writers in the town of Elabugu on Kame. In Chistopol, where they were mainly evacuated writers, Tsvetaeva received consent to registration and left a statement: "To the Council of Litfond. Please take me to work as a dishwasher in the opening table of a lithofand. August 26, 1941. " On August 28, she returned to Elabugu with the intention to move to Chistopol.

August 31, 1941, after suffering, ended the life of suicide (hanged himself) in the house, where, together with his son, was determined on the post.

In 1990, Patriarch Alexy II gave a blessing of Marina Tsvetaeva's funeral (the funeral took place on the day of the fiftieth anniversary of the death of Marina Tsvetaeva in the Moscow Temple of the Ascension of the Lord in Nikitsky Gate), while the suicides in the RPCs are prohibited. The basis was the petition for the Patriarch of the group of believers, including Sister Anastasia Tsvetaeva and Diacon Andrei Kurayeva.