Satellites in Dragon Age: all about all. FAQ Dragon Age: Origins - Companions Dragon Age Origins Alister Love

In the game Dragon Age: Origins, satellites play a very important role in the process of passing, which you can meet already ten. If you make friends with them and build a strong relationship, you can periodically receive pleasity in the form of bonuses to your abilities, also access quests. And of course it is very by the way, when the crisis situation arises.

Leliana will get to know you during the battle with Loglia

You can also go beyond friendship and start meeting with some characters. To do this, you should pass a personal quest chosen. It is also worth not to forget that the satellite will go if the level of approval of your actions will decrease and will be less than a hundred. Also, if some Dragon Age satellites are tired of you, you can always say goodbye to him. In crisis situations, any satellite hero can get angry and turn into the enemy - the clashes are not excluded.

Satellites in Dragon Age: general information

Along the game world there are some places where you should get into search of satellites. It is there that you will begin to talk with them, and you can even open some extra-wing quest, which your partner in dialogue will tell you about. If you want to start a conversation, then you should go to the lottering, in the Redcliffe (Bridge), in the northern part of the Denomem's trading quarter, the bridge in Ozamaria, you can also go to the tower of the magicians and in the Doli camp. At the same time, the chance to start talking to the satellite can be used only once. If you want again - you have to go into location again.

Alistair will accompany you almost from the beginning of the game

The guard that accompanies you can also speak with those who go with them. At the same time, the location of the camp allows you to choose a lot of topics. Your friend can be the initiator of the conversation. It serves to open quests and work on the level of relationships.

List of satellites:

  • Alistair - soldier who will accompany you practically from the game start. If you do as he does not like it, he can leave you during the lands meeting.
  • Morrigan is a wizard. It is also a cloud, which you will meet when the plot will lead you to Ishalu.
  • Leliana - this girl will get acquainted with you in the process of battle with Loguene.
  • Zeusran is a real gangster, which you will learn on a long road / Morrigan (Magicwester, Entropy, 181 Codex page) - joined after salvation from the tower Izhal.
  • Walls - you are bought from the ministry to the presence in lottering
  • Winn is a magician who can become your companion, during the provision of Magic Circle.
  • Ogren is a berserk who will be your companion when you go for a perfect trap on the deep trails.
  • Sheila is a warrior who wants to be with you when you activate the control metal and Honlite. It is a supplement to the main game "Stone Captive".
  • Logain McA-Tir will be replaced by Aleraper in the land collection final.

Each character has its own character:

  • Leliana, Winn, Alister - good heroes, however, can occupy a neutral position. Chaotic-good, neutral-kind, ordered-kind.
  • Morrigan, Zevran, walls - evil heroes, although they can also become neutral.
  • Sheila, Ogren, Logain - Neutral characters.

Dragon Age: Satellite Gifts

You can present your homes to your comrades in order to increase the level of influence on the character. Almost always what you give will be wondering only one of the satellites. So it is not necessary to worry that it will be necessary to someone and the one, the Kuma will not give up, offended. For example, Lelianna madly like religious talismans of the church, but the Morrigan is better not to give it.

In order for in the Dragon Age gifts to satellites to give them how, they need them, they need to refer to the Special Code. There is everything about what to make higher impact up to 25 levels. And also you can learn from the dialogs. Some gifts provoke a satellite to talk to you.

Zeusman loves precious bars and leather products

By the way, if you try to give a gift not to those who like it, satellites will simply refuse. But this concerns only special gifts. After all, there are those that are suitable for everyone.

Each gift increases the level of approval for the whole ten points. However, with each following this number of accrued points will decrease by one. However, there is one category of gifts that makes it possible to earn more points than 10 are special gifts. They appear in the case when the satellite itself will ask you. Only then will you learn what they need. For example, Zevran may be asked about the Doli Gloves, they will increase the level of influence on 12 points.

All simple gifts that can be given to each satellite can increase the level of only five points. However, if you give with negative intent, the effect falls.

The impact is best rising when you communicate with your accompanying, and if you also meet with him, you can easily increase to hundreds.

Dragon Age: details about each satellite

Alistair is very faithful to you, will not leave even if you reach the level of influence and approval in minus one hundred. He does not drive. And if you reach a high level of approval, then Alistair will help your guard so that he becomes a temple.

Aister has a special quest "Family of Alistair", for this you will need to go with an alistair to his sister.

Get rid of this satellite is possible only if you do not kill Login.

And to fall in love with you in love with you (if you play a woman character), then you will need only go to flirt. Next, there are two options for the final: marriage, gap.


Morrigan will get to you when there is a fever on it. Morrigan will be able to turn you into the same werewolf as she. She is selective in who help, and also does not like when you are too kind to others.

Its special quest is called "Grimar Fleeler". And for this, in Dragon Age, satellites must go to the search for a black grimuara. He will be at Irving.

To spin the novel with Morrigan, it is necessary to achieve the level of influence in 30 and stay alone with it. After that, she can give you a magic ring, but no Heppi End will not be.

It can leave it before the battle in the game finals or will leave after you win.

The girl will get to know you when you fight with the warriors of Logain. She will help you find out what specialty Bard. Her quest is her past. To participate this task, you need to talk with Marjolain, and after Leliana. In some case, you can make it tougher if you become in the dialogue to insist on the similarity of Leliana and Marjolain.

Roman with Leliana can at least though a woman at least a man. If everything is fine, you will receive a ring from her.

If, in the process of the "urn of the Holy Prach", you in any way define the dust, then Leliana will try to leave you. Only tightened Dragon Age satellites will not make this.

Zevran and his company Bandits will attack your group. You can either kill it or take the team after you figure it out with others. He will turn you into murderers.

He has no job, but the critical situation arises - you can cross the talisen. If you are in bad relationships with Zerana, it will go to another. Next, you can even fight with talisen.

With Zeevran, you can start the romance to anyone.


Mabari is a dog that can go back in the prologue if you have chosen the game for knowing. And if not, you should pass the task of Psary.


Dragon Age satellites can appear at any time. So you will get acquainted with the wall - you will need to help him get away from the reverend mother.

His task is associated with the return of sword, it is located at the gnome dvina from Rarcliff. It can be either buying away, or pick up the power, or find in housing.

Walls can get away from you if you take it to the shelter from the "Urn of Sacred Prach".


Winn, like the other Dragon Age Origins satellites join during the passage of the "torn Circle". And now you will need to also go through its special quest. Called "regret Winn". And here the girl will tell you about the character of Ainain.

And only when you find it up to talk, the quest will be considered passed.

Winn can leave when you tell about your intention to fight with the magicians or you defile the dust.


This satellite has its own task: you will need to find his favorite Felsi.

Also in the game there is a secret associate.


Logain will join you when you do not kill him in the lands meeting. However, Alistair then an insult arises - he will leave you instead.

"You know, even by Mora there is one good damn. He is Tato browsing of people...!"

Alister. (english Alistair.) - Merry and good-natured gray guard, one of the satellites of the main character in the game "Dragon Age: Start." He is also a potential loving interest for the guardianship.



Dialogues, gifts and plot solutions can enhance the approval of Alistair. Alisser is not against talking about himself, although often answers jokingly or clearly. No approach will affect its approval. Most often, Alistair talks about Duncane and gray guards. If you have a good response about Duncan and divide the loss of Alistair, you can earn its location.

In conversations about the consequences of dedication, Aliger approves the opinion, similar to him. If you recognize nightmares, increased appetite and other things, gradually, his approval will grow. When the hero tells Alister about personal belongings (such as sex), Aliger admires the answers that offer strength and experience. It is not necessary to mock it for softness and inexperience in relationships - all this he perceives negatively, and its approval is reduced.



Gifts for Aleratera

Name Notes Description
Little carved statuette Lottering, in a chest near Bodan and Sadala. + 10 to approval. Golden statuette
Amulet Mother Alistra It is located in the table of the castle Redcliffe on the 1st floor in the Earl Eamon office. + 10 to approval + special dialogue Silver amulet on the chain
Stone statuette of the Dragon It is located in the chest of the castle Redcliffe on the 3rd floor. + 10 to approval. Dragon Figurine on Stand
Onyx statuette demon Located in the eastern part of the forest Bresilian, you can find in a pile of bones. + 10 to approval Black statuette demon
Stone statuette of a warrior Located in refuge (in search of a brother Jeniwi). You can in the caves under the destroyed temple in a pile of unclean. + 10 to approval Statuette knight
Black rung stone Located in the chest of Teig Edukan. + 10 to approval Round black stone with white rune
White Runicone It is located on the 3rd floor of the magic circle tower, you can remove from the corpses of obsessed. + 10 to approval Square White Stone With Yellow Rule
Shield Duncana Located in the shopping quarters of denerime in stock (open warehouse can be obtained by Riiorudan) +10 to approval + special dialogue Shield with the coat of arms of gray guards
Also there are gifts in the official addition of "Gifts and Draws"

Coal -5 to approval

Digitable bulb - 10 to approval

Sugar cake +5 to approval

Thoughtful gift +10 to approval

Full genealogy kings Ferldena -50 to approval

Puppet doll gray guard +50 to approval

All this can be bought in the camp at Bodan Feddik

x (x)

Alistaer is a young Gray Guard, recruited by Duncan six months before MIR has begun. Alistair lost his mother even in early childhood and that is why Rarcliffe grew up in the castle. In the same place, he received a religious education and became a warrior of a sacred Order, which controls the activities of the circle of magicians and hunt for apostates and heretics.

But ... Alister clearly did not feel a big thrust for religion and divine ministry. His disrespect and rather "unusual" sense of humor often created awkward situations with teachers and mentors. When Duncan found him, Alistae had already abandoned the knightly vows and was generally in an extremely deplorable state. Feeling that the guy had a good and generous heart, Duncan used the right to dedication and took the obedient from the Holy Order. Alister became gray guardian - since then his life has changed much.

"Once Duncan arrived, gray guardian, to choose from among the novices of the Order of the Temples of the One who follows him in the fight against Mora. The competition for such a high honor was devoted to the name and glory of the prophet's Andrasthe, but watched him the Knight-Commander Glavin himself from denerima .

And a tournament was held in honor of the gray guards, so that the best warriors could show themselves. Temmarkers from all over Ferdena flooded the courtyard of sparkling armor and righteous light, and the Will of the Creator felt in everything that day. Next to the Knight-Commander was sitting Duncan, as if wolf looking out for the one who would be recruited.

As the battles are held, among others, three temples stood out. That was Sir Calvin from Denerma. A more talented possession of the sword could not boast even Duelants Ants. And there was Sir Erin, a woman from Heyver, with an unsurpassed grace by owned by a blade and shield. And also Sir Talrew from the lottering, whose skill brought victory in many campaigns against Hasindov in the lands of Corcari. These three soldiers impressed with gray guards, but nevertheless he seemed puzzled. It did not slip away from the look of the Knight-Commander, and he asked:

My friend is guard, why are you so hmur?

What Duncan replied:

Today I have seen a lot of beautiful warriors with a brave heart, but there, at the other end of the Arena, I see one temple, who did not cause a fight.

The knight-commander looked there and, having seen a young novice of Alistair, sighed:

He is a local severity violator. With her conversations and attitude, he betrays our convictions than only makes harm to his fellows. He is not worthy to fight today for such an honor.

I arrived to find the best of you, "the gray guard replied, and not the most well-spoken. Let him fight.

And the Knight-Commander reluctantly nodded to the young aister, who in turn seemed surprised. He looked from the commander on the gray guard and, as if in confirmation, saw a satisfied smile on Duncan's face.

And so, the young alistair in armor and with a weapon entered into battle. Someone's angry cries were heard that the novice joined too late, and their desire to exclude him from the competition was obvious. But the reaction of Alistair was very peculiar: to those whom he was surpassed in battle, he stretched out his hand to help climb, and on his face there was a mischievous smile. If he was refused, this gesture was immediately accompanied by a chichang of the crowd. Often his opponent left the battlefield in a rage, and Alistair just turned to Duncan and shrugged, smiling even wider.

But Alister was far from the most experienced warrior in the arena. He was surpassed by the rapid blade of Sir Calvina. He was reached by the skills of Sir Erin. He was defeated by Sir Tall. But even so, when the tournament was over, Duncan turned to the knight-comer and said: I choose Alistair. The team was offended by such a decision, but could not resist, since the gray guards own the right of calling. Submitting, he announced the choice of Duncan, and they went to the arena to meet the young winner, which was watched by the sullen, outraged crowd. However, no one was surprised more than Aliger himself.

But I didn't even win the tournament! - he exclaimed.

I did not ask to win the tournament, Duncan replied. - Also, as I did not offer to become my recruit as a prize. I came here in search of a person with the character of a warrior and I suppose that I found it.

Alistair seemed very pleasant puzzled by this answer. He stood surprised while Duncan, with a barely noticeable smile, did not suggest a young man to go to collect his gear, as they go to the way immediately. Alistair ran at such a speed that the crowd spent his understanding views.

There were no news from Alistair after that evening, which is very unusual when it comes to gray guards. However, it is certainly known, so this is what the barracks of the temples have become much quiet without it. "

an excerpt from the magazine of Brother Tevius, the minister of the order of the temples in Rarcliff "

Alistae joins you in Ostagar before initiation in gray guards.

Alistista fights with a sword and shield, for your group he can become a wonderful "tank". His specialization "Temple" can also serve you a good service if you will take it by pumping.

In addition, it is worth paying attention to his unusual sense of humor: "Well, we will deal with ritual dismemberment? Oh, wait today, after all, not Tuesday!" "And a very vulnerable soul:" Yes, I raised a flock of slumby flying Mabari! ".

Alista is a romantic interest for female characters. Roman with him opens the achievement "First Knight".

HA is a personnel OPTE YBeDilCe, thoroughly in use and intensive and in touch with the Delica of the CaMex Papylene in the AMEPICE LUDEY, ECLI should be taken to them.

Dale Carnegie, "How to conquer friends and influence people"

So, did you decide to go on the trick on Ferdden? "Gray Guards" is the oldest firm in this market, and we are pleased to offer you our services! We have a few more applications from all over the country, so on the way we will come for other excursions. I am sure you enjoy the company selected by us! People they, of course, are different, but nothing - the trainings included in your trip will help you become a real team. How exactly? Now learn.

  • Collect group
  • Alistair: penultimate guard
  • Morrigan: Walking Beauty
  • Dog: the surest satellite
  • Leliana: enlightened killer
  • Walls: Kuanari do not give up!
  • Zevran: death is funny
  • Ogren: Child Mountains
  • Logain: Unexpected Ally

Collect group

To achieve maximum efficiency of your squad, collect all companions as quickly as possible. So you can earlier begin to manage their development when promoting in levels. Your first satellites will be a warrior Alister. (Specialization - weapons and shield) and witch Morrigan. On the way to lottering will find you dogand in the town itself will join the robber-bard Leliana And one more warrior - Wall (Prefers two-handed). After that, I advise you to go to the Redcliff - the first part of this task can be performed, without meeting especially strong enemies. Next will have to be interrupted (we'll talk about the reasons later) and clean the tower of the circle of magicians - this is the task more complicated, but the wizard will join you Winn.. Elf-killer Zevran You will be able to take into a detachment, freeing from undead rakelif or by following any of the main missions. Finally, the warrior-gnome Orena (Also prefers two-handed weapons) you will find, of course, in Ozammar. In fact, to clear the dwarf dungeons are more difficult than to agree with the elves, but here you can freeze: after replenishing your ranks with this fighter, go to Bensilian and only then return to the abandoned Gnome Tagam.

Of course, satellites can not only join the detachment, but also to wish him to leave if your relationship is very bad or you committed an act contrary to their beliefs. But the achievement 25, 50, 75 and 90 points of relationships inspires your companions, which will lead to an increase in some of the basic characteristics per unit. Morrigan is magic, Winn is the power of will, Alistair and Orena - the body, near the wall and the Logain - the power, Leliana is a trick, and Zearan has a dexterity.

Three ways to establish relationships

You can conquer respect for your arms comrades with conversations, gifts and performing special tasks. The conversation almost always will have to start you: if someone overcame the shyness and turned himself, most often the matter is bad. Or some trouble happened, or you do something that your satellite does not like at all. In the second case, helps the skill of conviction - it is necessary to develop his own character in the first place. If there is an option with such a mark in the dialogue, most often it should be chosen. The result will depend on the level of skill and complexity of the situation.

"Sad rural cemetery", say? What is asylum is a meeting of Easter eggs. Honored Gary Gigax,
ad & D System Retrient, whose tracks can be seen and
In Dragon Age.

On a note: Many important conversations you can start only in the camp - look there more times.

Often in the dialogues you are invited to express one and the same idea of \u200b\u200bdifferent words. You will achieve the best result, speaking in the same style as your interlocutor. Chatting seriously, with a wall - straight and without esivers; An attempt to joke with them, as with Zevran, will lead to a deterioration of relationships. You can and not notice this - the result of the dialogue will, say, +2 - but instead of +6 with the right choice of tone.

If the topics for the conversation are exhausted, please the companions with gifts - objects, from a game point of view almost always useless. The effect is calculated as follows. Basic value - 5; It decreases per unit for each gift earlier than this character, but never falls below 1. If the souvenir got into the area of \u200b\u200bhis interests, it is added more than 5. For special plot gifts (they can only be given to those who are important) - Address 10. However, if the relationship with the satellite fell below zero, then it will be not so easy to buy its trust - the effect falls twice.

On a note: Note that the effect of all gifts falls on -1 for each presented.

Well, if the first two ways have brought success, then once friends will turn with some small request. For example: "I recently left the name Ruby in a compost pile, very expensive, will you help find?" But that's another story.

Alistair: penultimate guard

Alistyer is honest, kind and simple. He is a faithful friend and is ready to follow you - although it would seem how the more experienced guard was supposed to accept the command for himself. Alas, leadership for him - burden, although in logic should be in the blood. He is an illegitimate son of the previous king of the Martha, but with his educator, Erl Eamon, did everything so that it remains mystery. Alistyer is not like Macbeth, and the words "King in the coming!" It is only scared, so do not wait for gratitude if you help him climb on a stupid seat, called the throne.

Of course, a visit to the Redcliff, where his childhood passed, it will be especially important here. Cleaning the castle from undead, you will be in front of the problem - what to do with obsessed with Connor. Proper (and actually the easiest) decision - go for help to the circle of magicians, and then defeat the demon in the shade. In this case, Alistair will be grateful to you for saving the family of your educator (+7). The murder of the connore or his mother will lead to a strong deterioration of relationships (-10). Be sure to find in Earl's office mother Alistra Necklace.

Gifts aleruer
Gift Where to look
Amulet Mother Alistra Cabinet Eamona
Shield Duncana Warehouse of Guardians, Trading Quarter
White Runicone Circle Tower, 3 Floor
Stone statuette of a warrior Refuge
Stone statuette of the Dragon Castle Redcliff, Upper Floor
Little carved statuette Lottering
Onyx statuette demon East Bresilian
Black rung stone Tag Edukan.

Talking with my brother after the Order before a visit to Dencherim, you can find out what's there next to Wade store, his sister lives Goldna. Alas, she will not become brother. If you try to console a divergent meeting of Alistra, later he will tell you thanks. If you explain about the severity of life, it will make conclusions: it will become more rigid and pragmatic. On the one hand, a less pleasant companion. On the other hand - if you plan to make it a king, naivety and immediacy are not the best features for the ruler. In addition, the "new" alistair agrees to marry the Queen Anteo, if you decide to pardon her father, although I will leave the detachment. So this option has its advantages.

Thanks to magic, the Alister's fever unexpectedly learned to fly. But how to wave a shield?

Alistair knows that in Dencherime, gray guards had a base. However, you can find a secret entrance, just freeing from the shy of another brother after the Order - Riordan. Be sure to visit - there disappears without a deal of equipment for sale, and most importantly - preserved shield Duncana, not taken under rest. As you probably understood from conversations, for Alistair, it will be the best gift. Moreover, in the hands of your companion, he turns into, perhaps the best shield in the game, with which it is not ashamed to go to the last battle.

The main test of your friendship is the solution in the case of Logain and the vacant throne. Alistae will leave the detachment if you decide to spare regent-renegade, and Anora will refuse to marry the one who killed her father. And becoming a queen alone, she will try to get rid of the opponent and order him to execute if you do not join. The optimal option is to deal with Login, and then arrange a royal wedding. However, if you, Madame, not a dwarf or an elf and more than noble origin, then a good queen may well get out of you! Well, if you, kind sir, a nobleman, then you can confuse with the anory, having riding the alistar from the hard burden of the crown (and giving it to him with the ruler of the pest).

Morrigan: Walking Beauty

The sorcerer of Morrigan is ulcer, cold and calculated. Other members of the detachment do not win her sympathy - their conversations will be at best picking, if not cross. However, you can try to melt the ice, which she chips itself. After all, in the depths of the soul, she is the same girl who once risked life to get beautiful golden mirror! That's just her mother - Witch Fleet - The gust did not appreciate and smashed the mined to the mirror. Do not miss your chance - Garin (gnome-jeweler, not an engineer) in Ozammar sells exactly the same. In addition, the sorceress will delight some decorations.

Gifts Morrigan
Gift Where to look
Black grimoire Circle Tower, Running Irving
Grimoire Fleet Hut Fleet
Golden Mirror Orzammar, Garina Shop
Gold rope necklace Lottering
Golden Amulet Orzammar, Garina Shop
Golden Pendant Demon Room with urn with ashes strata
Medallion Refuge, shop
Silver brooch Camp of Doli, Shop
Silver chain Circle Tower, 2nd
Silver medallion Elf ruins, top level

The only copy of the sculpture "Frozen Dragon" is exhibited in the frosty mountains. Tourists need to consider that he very often pulls off, coming in a bad mood.

On a note: Some gifts that are not marked in the lists seemed to be in the sphere of the interests of the characters, but in fact they do not cause enthusiasm. So, Lady Haybrene in the trading quarter denerim, the thief can be tiara. It would seem - decoration! But Morrigan probably believes that she does not go.

In the tower of the circle in the cabinet of the sorcerer of Irving grab the mysterious Black grimoire. The sorceress will first be very happy, but at the next stop in the camp, it will report that the fever has lived many centuries due to the fact that he made himself in the body of his daughters. Morrigan loves her mother not so much to become another victim, and asked you to kill the old witch.

You will have to go without Morrigan to the hut in a hut - otherwise you will not put anyone there. You have two ways to complete the task. Want - just take grimoire Fleet, letting it with the owner with the world, and cheat your companion, saying that the case is done (note, Winn. This will not approve). Do not want - get ready for a serious battle. Maybe you thought your witch was a cool waswolf? Anyway, Morrigan, having received the mother's notes, will be happy, and you can offer her a fashionable + 20% to ice magic, not counting things.

How to go to the dragon?

Even recruits led, yes? Eh, young-green ... Well, listen to. We have the most power - Mages with " Cone cold"And" Power field" The first not only attach the animal, but also for a couple of seconds, you train, giving it to shirt to the eye. Second cunning: If the worm is caught in the "bank", the detachment will be able to use Parish or Lyrium. But they won their fights otherwise: when the Pascuit will get angry with the order, cover the fellow comrade. The eye sees, yes tooth nemet, the tail is not hammer, the fire does not palette: the enemy of good half a minute will continue to beat an invulnerable sacrifice. By the way, at this time you can comrade and treat.

Walking on the dragon, do not do without a gear. Before you begin to treat, it will even have five seconds, will be able to throw a couple of lightning. But most importantly - he must help the detachment " Mass purification": Magi can drink lyrics, and warriors how to be? That's something. If there are no other magicians, "will be useful" Acceleration"And" Ice weapon" The fires are not a particularly preach, so who has flame runes are imposed - replace.

If you decide to fight a fever, put a couple of traps before talking. Yes I.
runa paralysis will help win for a few seconds

Take the archer with me very well: the dragon is most often chasing it. Just let them go better, scales of creatures strong. Fighters from weapons are best suited for swords or axes. The armor is needed the hardest, very much the animals of the wharp. Best of all - from scales of dragons, they protect from the fire, but where will they find them? They say it's true that in deserimmaster Wade Such can do. If any shiny with protection from fire is set up - also benefits. But everyone's balms ... well them. It would be necessary to keep track of where the pog can be metitis - and here, it means that I find a bottle, yes the head of the head - yes you are so at that time Smeaknet, that you will stutter before dinner! Well, if your own.

How to arrive as a pair, run away from each other, so that he does not bash one spit. And the potions do not spare. If half the health of the reptile removes, then the soldiers can be dispensed by a large parire, and the magicians and robbers are usual. But if it's not a quarter left, there are better to take fighters, well, but the rest and big enough - they didn't come out.

Well, learned? Okay, go, dragon around the corner. Do not boil, so far wooden.

Until the very end of the game, you are not expected to have any problems with Morrigan. But on the eve of the performance on the last battle it turns out that it has a special proposal of a personal nature. However, it can be completely conveyed, for example, alistaruer - his protest this thought will not cause, although their relationships with the sorcerer can not be informed. The offer looks profitable for everyone, but for some reason it seems that somewhere here is a catch ...

On a note: There is one great option for especially lovers: agree to the offer, but don't take it into a detachmentthereafter. She, of course, is offended, but you will get a normal, not a demonic heir.

However, consider: if you refuse, the sorcerer will leave the detachment, and in the battle with the archdoor, it would be very useful. If you agree, she will leave, not saying goodbye, immediately after the battle, and the search for her will have to postpone the next part of the game ...

Dog: the surest satellite

Lightning forces Who taught you to let Darth Winn?

The dog never argues with your solutions, always in a good mood, and the relationship with it is 100, so it is simply impossible to improve them. You do not confuse my gifts: it seems that Mor called the food crisis in the fellowship. Otherwise, why can you find only a few bones with pieces of meat?

But some gifts Mabari will bring himself if you ask if there is no interesting things around. Part of them can only be obtained in this way - for example, torn silk pants or yarn motility (I don't know where he found it on the deep paths, but the winery just promised to tie something warm if the material would find). But sometimes he brings something that you yourself missed in this location. Often finds equipment, and very good. In general, even if the dog does not fall into your main composition, it is not bad to walk it, already clearing the territory from the enemy, it is necessary to run a dog, indeed.

Gifts CSS
Gift Where to look
Baranya bone Castle Redcliffe, First Floor
Big bone Shelter, in the store
Ovian bone Western Bresilian
Beef bone Ostor, Tower Circle
Cake Finds himself
Confused lump of yarn Finds himself
Calf bone Elfinage

Leliana: enlightened killer

At the first meeting, you can find that Leliana is a very unusual character: a nun-robber. However, it's still more confusing: she is also a Bard spy. With all this - kind and responsive girl.

Barrifying fire, as well as a storm, blizzard and earthquake

Her past is a separate story that she will not have anyone. What is surprising, will not tell and his friends. To later get the task " Past Leliana"You must talk to her before thatHow your relationship is reached the turn of +25 (however, if it has already happened - you can always talk to the girl of the naughty). Ask, as she fell into the abode, and learn that Leilya was Bard before. When you become friends, talk that in Erale Barda seems to be spy - and learn about what the bards and minstrels are different. True, for the third time it does not have to throw the nem: at the next stop in the camp, it will speak with you itself and admits that something has been taped. She really was spying, but Margelaine, her mentor, set it down, because of what had had to escape to the adjacent fellow.

Well, the next step will make Margelaine. Another random collision will be with a weak squad of the killers, whose leader in order to save life will tell where to look for the customer. And Leliana, after Alistair, will ask for deserims to allocate five minutes to a secular visit. Orlisian - the opponent is serious (and she suddenly comes to the aid of magicians and warriors), but it is possible to solve the case without a fight, if you convince her that Leliana left her past behind. Anyway, do not forget to look into the side room: in the chest are kept not the dress for displaying orley modes, but much more practical things. Including excellent " Onion Margelaine"From the Ship Dragon.

On a note: If in the next conversation you will tell Leliana, that in fact she loves the stormy life of specialists and in vain hides it from himself, then her character will change. Like an Alyster, she will get rid of idealism, will become less "correct" and more practical. So, the thought of the desecration of the ashes of Andrasta will no longer cause her objections. True, why would it need it?

Gifts Leliana
Gift Where to look
Grace Andrasthe Village Redcliff; Western Bresilian; Elfinage
Adorable Nag. Orzammar, dusty city
Amulet church Circle Tower, 2nd
Bronze symbol Andrasthe Lottering, church
Golden symbol Andrasta ORZAMMAR, LUNARY STORE
Silver sword of mercy Trader Old Tegrin
Steel symbol Andrasta Delmanim, Jeniwi's house
Esil silver symbol Tag Orthane

On a note: Even if the character has not yet told the story from which you will understand that some gift is valuable for him, the effect of the gift will not decrease.

As you can see, most of the gifts for Leliana are associated with religion. But " Grace Andrasthe"This is not a tedious treatise or some amulet, but a flower. Of course, getting flowers as a gift will be pleased with any girl, but these Leliana will especially like. Their smell resembles a house - such petals of mom shifted folded in the cabinets. Probably, it is not alone: \u200b\u200bthe flower is clearly time to put into the Red Book, because for many months your travel on the protected places you will find three of all three. And because for sure to be a rare plant on the edge of complete destruction!

It is interesting: The appearance of Leliana is copied with the exterior of the model Alexandra Stein. (Alexandra "Alleykatze" Stein), and Morrigan - with Victoria Johnson Victoria Johnson).

Good dog, let me hone behind an eye!

It turns out that Smuplz called his little animal.

But Leliana will carry another gift with him, I do not know. At the entrance to the diamond halls of Orzammar, an unsuccessful Nagami merchant is not to those with which Ricky Tika-Tavi fought, and pine pig streams. It seems that he is a rare stretch, since not too smashed animals managed to disperse, and is ready to pay remuneration for fugitives. Find them in the cattle of community halls is easy, and you can catch with bare hands. If Leliana goes "on business", then talking to her, you will understand: here it is, her maiden happiness on the legs: these animals such paws...

When you come to a dusty city - a quarter of the poor, pay a couple of minutes with a gnome-loaf, who stands on the mini-forum of this area. Since the main professions here is a beggar and a gangster, he will be glad to catch for you the fastening hryukroot - even five silver coins will come off for wealth. Unfortunately, happy Leliana walks with pet on a leash you will not see.

Walls: Kuanari do not give up!

The walls calls himself a "evil giant" and, say honestly, for a fight on swords will suit much better than any kind dwarf. He has a brave heart and a noble soul - but it is better for you not to be to whom he decided to break in the hearts. Here alone comrades did not have time to quickly and convincingly explain where his sword was going, - and what did it lead to? The wall - to the fact that his murder was planted into a cage, and now instead of a relaxed business trip to collect information about the sea, he has to fight with this sea.

Walls, missed, throw a zipper!

It was roast!

It is interesting: In fact, walls are not a name, but the title. But hardly he accidentally coincides with the Swedish and Danish words meaning "stone".

Yes, about the sword. When you win respect for the wall, he will ask you to help find the lost weapon - otherwise the way is closed home for him. To be honest: although the two-handed is much more needle, but also Ferelden is not a hayna! But the main thing is to believe in success. Although with the battle with lake Calenkhad A lot of time passed, some man still robs perfectly preserved corpses. He will send you to Farina, truck "Used equipment" in the market in the frosty mountains, and the one Dvina To the village of Redcliff. This is the gnome that you can hardly be kicked out to fight during the "Night of the Living Deads". This time he will be happy to visit no more, but you can convince him to part with a souvenir voluntarily and free. By the way, like the Duncan's shield, the sword from the gift will turn into a weapon, well-friendly in the case before the appearance of Ozammar's analogues from red steel.

Gifts Wall
Gift Where to look
Sword Wall The village of Redcliffe
Still life in a silver frame Castle Redcliffe
Pusked portrait Circle Tower, 2nd
Portrait of a girl with geese Frosty Mountains, Farin
Portrait of a rebellious queen Trader Old Tegrin
Totem Crididine crossroads

The walls are decisive and despised magic. Child-obsessed? Find and destroy. Sewing time, calling wizards from a circle, is stupid (-10). They were going to fight the sealing of darkness - so there is nothing to run in the mountains in search of mythical urns. With the developed skill of belief, you can persuade the kunari that the support of Eamon is needed, and there is no other hop. But if an attempt is not crowned with success, then it will be possible to force him to stay in the detachment only by force.

This is a bug: Because of the wrong script, you can easily raise respect for the wall to the maximum. Ask him why he came to Ferölden, then select any answer. After ask why the kunari is bothering Mor. Answer the oncoming issue that fighting with the sea is your duty as a gray guard, and ask whether he has found an answer to the question. Now you have an option again: "Why is the kunari bother morbing?" Each such cycle increases the respect of the wall.

Winn: Magician on the Trop of War

If your character is a wizard, then with the wine you will get acquainted in the prologue. The rest will be able to transfer a couple of words in Ostayar, but will join your detachment in the Tower of the Circle, which will have to be cleaned of blood magicians and obsessed with demons. She is an excellent support magician, treats and strengthens the other members of the detachment, but knows several attacking spells. Winn is intelligent, calm, confident in herself and is ready to protect what is expensive to her even at the cost of his life.

If you want to win a fight from Khatrira, try to say the "storm" and "blizzard" on her detachment before entering the room, they will face the battle. "That's what I call aggressive negotiations!"

In this you will be convinced soon after the meeting: if you agree with the exhausted temple and decide to kill all the magicians in the tower, you will have to go through the corpse of the wizard. It is better to promise everyone to save - train, you still do not have this. Categorical disagreement will cause an attempt to desecrate the urn with the ashes of Andrasta: if Winn is part of the detachment, it attacks you, otherwise it will leave after the first stop in the camp. She also does not like blood magicians. But he loves books, but since the bookcorgovka in Ferdden is developed badly (as you will be sure, some gnomes are even forced to steal literature), then they will often have to get it with battle.

To get a special task of the wizard, speak about what she needs rest. The next time she will feel better, but after the first collision on the roads will fall without feelings. And when stopped in the camp, it is recognized: the remark was inspired to the Roman "Life". Winn is alive only thanks to a certain spirit that supports its existence - alas, gradually weakening. And in the next skirmish, she will save everyone thanks to the "vessel of the Spirit" - the ability to restore her manu and health, and at the same time stunning carelessly approaching enemies. True, there are also unpleasant consequences from which it will help to get rid of Amulet Aneyrin. You will receive it by performing a special task.

Having friendly with wine, you can find out that she blames himself in the death of his first student. Almost probably death - but suddenly a miracle happened? The Doli elves, to which he wanted to get, will be happy to confirm that they know only one Aerina - the famous healer. You can find it in East Bresilian, near the hole of the hermit. The conversation literally removes the stone with the soul of the sorceress. We hope that both the spirit in the shade fleece.

Gifts Winn.
Gift Where to look
Wine Lake Calenkhad, lottering
Gerrins from Ferlden Castle Redcliffe
Exquisite scroll
Searches for the true prophet Orsammar, Chronicles Hall
Rosa Orleigh Circle Tower, 2nd
Secrets of dragon blood Destroyed church

Zevran: death is funny

Somehow this gravifer is simultaneously frozen and burns.

Elf Zevran is a hired killer, and his next victim is you. True, his frivolousness and self-confidence took sideways this time: he chose the assistants not skillful. The ambush is planned not bad, but the area spells will help you deal with archers who have hollowed on the flanks. Realizing that the contract could not be done, this insolent will not find anything better than asking for you to the detachment - they say, still now the former owners will hunt for a loser ... Leliana will approve this plan, Winn is still, but the opinion of your remaining Satellites will deteriorate on 3-5 points. Meanwhile, the benefit from Zevran will be: high agility allows him to shy away from hand-to-hand attacks of even strong fighters, and imperceptibility will serve as a "fire adjustment" for magicians.

As you understand, you will not attract it to the moralists. A proposal to cut all elves or destroy the anvil of emptiness will cause a protest from him, but it can be convinced that it is necessary. To leave your squad, he may be when I call a friend of Tolezin, who continues to hunt for you, but friendly relations will keep Zeavran from the next betrayal.

In taste of the elf there will be ingots of precious metals and two pairs of objects resembling the past, - dolished gloves and antivan boots (and those and others turn into good equipment). You can find gloves in Western Bresilian, in the chest on the place of an abandoned camp behind the oak rhythmoplet. Boots - in the shelter, in the chest in the shop shop.

It is interesting: One of the proofs of Zevran is called a cat-in-boot from "Shrek 2": he, too, the killer sent by the king, and the elf's gift boots in this case are also not accidental. In the original game, as they say, emphasis is also similar.

Gifts Zeavran
Gift Where to look
Antivan leather boots Refuge, store
Dolished gloves Western Bresilian
Little golden bottle Circle Tower, 3 Floor
Little silver bars Church of refuge
Medium gold bars Estate Earla Denerima
Medium silver bars Anvil void

Ogren: Child Mountains

The manners of Orena are straightforward, like a two-handed sword, and the word "halanery" is not at all about him, but he does not occupy courage. He is a bosto-berserk who will come in hand in handy not only on the deep paths. He has his own reason to join the detachment: if for you the search for a perfect broke - the way to achieve the crown for your own, then for him - to return his wife and clear the reputation. After all, two years ago, Brranka went to look for the secret of making golems and took with him all members of his house - except her husband. These two years turned out to be a difficult test, including for the liver of Ogren. And now, if you want to please this bearded, offer him a bottle of something stronger.

He said "I WONT BE BACK", and Byona, Sia, absorbed it without a trace

To get to the places where Branka lives inhabit, it is not easy, and the meeting will pass with it at all as dreamed of Ogren. As a result, you will have to once again choose one of the parties in a fundamental conflict. And although your companion understands that the wife made terrible crimes, her death in case you are supporting the caridine, the gnome is very grieved. You can partially correct your guilt: When the Caridin asks what you want to a reward for help, find out whether there is something Ogren, - the main result of the mission will not change from this, and you will acquire deserved respect.

When Ogren becomes your friend, he will ask for your help in a delicate matter: help restore relationships with a former passion FELSI. To do this, go to the hotel at Lake Calenhad and help out the neck in a conversation with a brisk to the tongue. It depends on you, whether your friend will look in her eyes to look like a hero or a loser drunkard. You will not let the old good lag? True, not every zoom will understand that it went to the way, but be sure - two brave warns may well be able to smash one girl.

It is interesting: Special sympathies of developers to Ogren manifested themselves in creating a unique hairstyle. In addition to him, only Morrigan was honored.

Gifts Ogrenu
Gift Where to look
"White Sing" Elf Ruins, Lower Floor
"Blonde in the Sun" Circle Tower, Temples Rooms
"Golden Spit" Lottering
Hercuok from Hasinda bag Destroyed church
"Rural Garbolt Reserve" May find dog

Logain: Unexpected Ally

Could you after the battle at Ostayar assume that in the last battle the former hero of the battle in Dane will go with you? So Alistah could not: You will have to choose who you want to see in your squad. Logain studied the same weapon style and shield as Alista, but would he have a worthy replacement? Rather, there is no temper in the last battle at your sensitive leadership in your last battle, it will certainly be more useful for at least due to its class than Vityaz Logain. But suddenly you want to show grace to the false?

The acquaintance will be shortly, and there will be no special assignments for the former regent. In fact, what to wish: the daughter is attached, the head of the head does not hurt, the surroundings are simple and pleasant, there are no courtesy scoundrels such as Hou. Of course, there may be problems with mutual trust, but in the coming battle you will have to fight shoulder to the shoulder - so it is worth establishing relationships.

Gifts Logane
Gift Where to look
Ancient map of the Empire Denomem, "Tedas Wonders"
Botanical map of Tedes Castle Redcliffe
Map of Andernfels. Delmanim, Gorma Store
Map of occupied Ferldena Castle Redcliffe, 2nd floor
Map of modern Ferldena Elfinage

Well, how are satellites satisfied? I'm sure the journey also remembered. Recent frames for memory next to the defeated archid, soon a solemn banquet - I leave you on this. I am sure we will meet in Ferdden!

In Dragon Age: Origins - Alister is one of the few characters who are near the gray guard from the very beginning. He, like the main character survived during a dedication. It is considered as a romantic interest to the female character-guard.

The history of life

Alistair was born in the usual family family and after her death fell under the guardianship of Eamon. As a result, strange rumors and Earla's wife insisted that the boy was sent to the church where the training would have led to the Temmar Service.

As it turns out, everything is not so simple and Alistair is the son of King Eamon. Of course, the heir to the throne he is inherited not to be, but such precautions were adopted for the usual protection of the child.

The guy did not particularly stock towards the church and when Duncan's dedicated to the gray guards, he did not hesitate for a second to go to the road.

In the plot

In the course of the plot, Alista helps the chief hero - first for collecting the ingredients used to initiate, and then in traveling and campaign against the architeon and the origin of darkness.

An important point is the conversation after the personal task of family matters - going out after a conversation with his sister Holdane you need to choose a replica "Everyone is thinking only about yourself. It is time to know. " Later, you will continue this conversation, which slightly tightened Alistair, will make the prospect of becoming the king, and if, because of your elections, he will have to leave the team, he will not become drunka, but will remain in the ranks of gray guards.

At the Meeting of Land

In this place in the plot, you can go a few ways - either to marry Aister on the antere or not, besides, if you take the logain in your ranks, it will definitely leave your group.
If he gives the order to kill the traitor and choose not marrying that Anora immediately orders the execution of the guard assistant. In this situation, you can choose - save it or give to die.

If you accept the offer of Morrigan to sleep with her or entrust it to Alistaer in the future will depend on whether it will die at the end. If your character has a novel with him and you denied Morrigan, then the only option to save Alister will not take it on the last fight.


Here you need not only to give gifts - the relationship is best to start through the dialogue, having a compliments with a partner. Do not offer, something serious to the right amount of approval points and then Alistair himself will invite you to a tent.
You can consider the turning point when it will give you a rose - you can take it and you can refuse.
When Alistae becomes king under the conditions that you are not a good kind and it has not been tightened to you, will refuse further relationships.

If you are interested, then you can familiarize yourself with the article about the gray guard that can depend on the choice of the hero shoulder to the shoulder.