Boutonniere do it yourself from satin. Boutonniere from living flowers with their own hands

By tradition, these elegant accessories should be at the wedding not only the groom, but also a witness, as well as the fathers of the bride and groom, as they are all important and respected persons at the celebration. Boutonniere, made in one style, but with individual features, emphasize the importance of these people at the wedding.

At first glance, it seems that only a professional florist can produce a high-quality boutonniere, in fact it can be in force to anyone, it is worth only carefully and patiently refer to the manufacturing process. Website www.Site offers to go shopping in finding "correct" materials, and how to use them, it is described further in the wedding master class.

Materials and tools:

  • live flowers and plants;
  • green floristic wire;
  • floral tape;
  • transparent glue for needlework;
  • pins with beautiful heads (for example, pearls);
  • beautiful tape for decoration (from atlas, organza, etc.);
  • scissors.

Step-by-step instruction:

Use options

Try to make a "test" boutonniere a few weeks before the wedding, recommends wedding portal So, before the first day, you will be sure that everything will work out, having trained to make a fragile accessory in advance.

Do not be afraid to use extraordinary plants in work. The greens of an unusual form exceeds the main flower in the boutonniere, makes it more fresh and exquisite. An excellent option is to use kidneys or buds of unacceptable inflorescences of the main flower accessory. The originality of the boutonniere will give dried flowers and plants. At the weddings in the style of Rustic or in the autumn, accessories from spikes are successfully looking.

Boutonnieres with open stalks look interesting. However, it is more difficult to manufacture and store them. To do this, it should be wrapped a floral tape for no more than 1-2 centimeter from the flower head, and then decorate the ribbon and it is desirable to tie a neat bow (a tape of organza looks good, making an accessory romantic and air). Put this boutonniere into the water and keep it so right before the ceremony.

And last, deciding to make boutonnieres yourself, make sure that the flowers for them and the bride's bouquet are selected, at a minimum, in one style, and better - the same plants are used.

The boutonniere is a decoration made of ribbons or flowers, which is located in the groom's jacket butter. This accessory, according to tradition, is used in different situations. For example, in ancient Greece Boutonniere, composed with the help of inflorescences and herbs, scared the evil spirits. Later, it began to be used as an accessory for everyday male costume. The modern boutonniere appears in the wedding images, emphasizing the theme of the celebration and the unity of the style.

Rules of boutonnieres from ribbons

Boutonniere made with ribbons will never lose his freshness, so you can not worry about her external view. Artificial material saves on winter weddings when the frost acts destructively on live flowers. The tape gives to collect completely different compositions or use it as a supplement to the classic flower. Initially, the word boutonnier meant translated from the French "flower in a loop". The prototype of this accessory was a small bottle with a miniature composition or one flower.

Modern boutonnieres rude to clothing, they can decorate the wrists of a woman, hairstyles. In most cases, this accessory is found at the jacket of the groom. It is perceived as a mandatory component of the image. According to the rules, this attribute must be harmonized with a bouquet that holds the bride. With it, it should be guided by such rules:

Think over the design, given the theme of the upcoming event, the placement place, for example, on hand, on Lartskan.
Ribbon flowers must be combined with each other, harmonize with an outfit.
On the material should not save, choose high-quality ribbons. In addition, it is worth buying them with a margin to have the opportunity to remake.
Do not do too large accessory.
The central flower should not be huge, taking out the entire marker's lapse, as it looks vulgar.
If the ribbon composition you are going to add a branch of a live flower, then choose one that will not cause allergies. Preferring those instances that have a minimum amount of pollen, and on artificial materials should not be easily spraying the coloring elements, dust.
If you decide to make tape accessories all witnesses, you can not make them the same. Let them differ from each other, but they do not exceed the one that adorns the groom.
The selected color of the tape should be combined with outfit, accessories.

How to make a boutonniere from satin ribbons for the groom

Create a boutonniere with your own hands with the help of ribbons for the groom, it's not too long and troublesome. When you were determined from the main song, you should collect all the decorations that will serve as an addition. Come in your apartment and be sure to find something interesting: rhinestones, buttons, beads, bows, wire, grid, ribbons. If the stalk of a live flower is inserted into the composition, it is better to progress and get several. After all, the plants are very fragile and it is easy to damage.

Necessary materials

To create the following:

threads in tone, needle;
Satin ribbons of one, two, or three colors whose width is 2.5 cm;
decorative pin;

Stages of creation

We cut the ribbons on such segments: 6 to 8.5 cm, 7 segments of 11 cm, 5 to 6 cm.

Separate around the edge, so as not to crept. Neatly burning candle spend over the braid.

Ribbon 11 cm Bend in the middle to form a straight angle. We begin the edge, which is directed to the right, back, comparing with the base. Ready first petal.

Little stitches do the base of the leaf, lower it to the tied end of the thread.

So we do with the remaining six cuts of the ribbons. We collect flower with threads, firmly fix the node.

The same we do with ribbons of 8.5 and 6 cm. Ready three flower of different size.

It is necessary to connect the flower, selling thread through the center of the largest, middle and small.

We go push. From the wrong side, a decorative pin is made through the boutonniere, which is attached to the jacket.

Master class on creating boutonniere from tapes for witnesses

Highlight witnesses on a crowded wedding is possible by a boutonniere made with the help of tapes. This beautiful and lightweight accessory will revive the outfit. Just need to thoroughly think off the attribute so that it supplemented the wedding style and harmonized with the details of the bride and groom.

Necessary materials

To create materials will be required:

fabric or tape;
glue or adhesive gun;
thread, needle;

Stages of creation

Ribbon we fold the harmonica. Make a fold every 2 cm. We fold until 10 addresses are.

We sew a harmonica at one point from the edge: do stitch, tie the node.

We form a flower, directing each fold in one direction. Iron smoothed.

Cut a piece of ribbon 5 cm long. We glue it to the involving side of the boutonniere.

At the center should be attached to the button: you can use it either cover with an interesting plastic or metal tissue.

Video lesson for creating boutonniere from ribbons with their own hands

Creating a boutonniere is an interesting and exciting occupation. The use of artificial materials facilitates the process, because when working with alive colors requires practice. In the video below, the process of manufacturing boutonnieres with ribbons is demonstrated. In its creation there are many subtleties, but if there is a visual master class, the procedure ceases to be so frightening. Observe the basic rules, the sequence and you will become the owner of a unique, luxurious accessory.

The most basic technique is tipping. Without it, the wedding florist will not make decorations for customers.

Master class Boutonniere:

Material: Rose, pin for brooches, teypa and anchor, leaves, Burgrass and wire, satin ribbon.

1. Prepare a pin: Wire studs by selling in holes, climb the tool and wrapped with green teype.
(Billets were stored for orders)

2. One of the ways to strengthen roses for the boutonniere.

On the wire, we will turn the loop, we sell through the bud, the loop hides inside the bud. It is done in order not to fall off the bud during the wedding.
But we put a small piece of cotton wool, moistened in the chrysal solution, the flower must first be sent in this solution of 5-12 hours.

Regarding the wool, there is no slice, there is an opinion that wool over time ceases to feed the bud and only pulls the moisture from the flower. Therefore, in some schools make boutonnieres without cotton or soft paper on the cut.

3. Cool anchor for greater tightness, then green teip over.

4. We fold the leaves together, from a large to a smaller, we roll them with a stapler, then put on a wire.

5. We connect buds together, pin and leaves. We look so that the pin fits tightly to the bud and there was not above the flower.

6. Add arcs from Bergass, secure TEYP, on the other hand decorate the leaf, folded in half. Staples cover with small leaves, glue their oasis glue to the main.

7. Watch white teype for the next decor atlasal ribbon on top. We begin to lay the ribbon from the end of the stem, then we put the hot glue at the bud. Sometimes turning the bullion over the ribbon for reliability.
Some leave only green teype on the boutonniere or black. I decorate always satin ribbon in the color of bud.

I make boutonnieres 30-40 minutes before ordering time. If I give an order for the night, I give a preservative powder to put into the solution for the night. Get 1 hour before the exit and flush the tape with a napkin.

Another option to fasten the pins to the stalk, less fixes the bud, but here, in America, do so.

Plug for boutonniere from oasis.
I used to use it, then stopped. First, she is expensive (it was 0.75 dollars per piece, it was necessary to take only a box of 50 pieces), secondly, she is unchended, there were bad reviews from customers.
Pins for brooches are very cheap, have a swivel head, i.e. Unbutton the boutonnier can only be forcibly!

3. Wrap a teype of the edge, put hot glue, rewind a completely teype to close sharp edges.
4. We will make the decor with beads: the bead is routine on the wire, you will cover a few rings near the beads, so that it turns out a smooth transition from thick beads to the long part. These are 3-4 long and 2 short with large beads. We will make several circles from the wire of different sizes.

5. Now the entire decor is attached to the stapler to the cardboard, the staples with sharp ends on the front part! We press the bracket tool to remove hot glue.

I have such a blank, I usually stored, then in the season it is not necessary to do!

6. Vegetable material:
phalenopsis, ivy, small buds.

7. We glue the leaves of ivy with cold glue, covering teype (and test tube!) You can add a thin Burgrass on these lines ..

8. We put an orchid to the test tube (I just glued, slotted with glue), add buds from below and on top, from the sides too! Orchid petals We glue to the leaf of ivy, so as not to be saved on the heat.

Boutonniere for the groom do it yourself + photo.

To create a boutonniere for the groom you will need:

One rose or any other flower
- Floristic Scotch and Wire
- Green leaf / branches of gypsophila
- Pencils with pearl 2 pcs.
- Lamps for wire, secateur
- Tape (not required)
- Any decor for boutonniere

Boutonniere for the groom do it yourself step by step

1. Preparation of roses. When choosing a rose for boutonniere, you need to pay attention to getting it fresh! To do this, you need to touch the base of the flower, if soft is better not to take it, and if the elastic, then the flower is quite fresh (Fig. 2). A rose in front of the manufacture of boutonniere needs to be "drinking" with water for what you need to cut the stem and put it at least half an hour in the water vase. Cut the stem is needed using a secaterator, because It can be crushed with scissors.
2. Cut the stem rose, leaving 2.5-3 centimeters. If the upper petals are leaked a bit, then it is better to remove them (Fig. 3).

3. Stick the floristic wire at the base of the rose (Figure 4).

4. Wire must be trained through the stem and bend in half. She will be able to simulate the stem rose. The length of the "stem" should be about 10-15 cm, it is necessary to cut the excess wire with a bodice (Fig. 5).

5. Next, the wire must be wrapped with floristic scotch. It is necessary to start wrapping as much as possible, but do not capture the leaflets (Fig. 6-7).

6. Use a branch of the gypsophila or other plant, can add decorative elements (Figure 8).

For example, you can bind the base of the bow to the floral wire, and wrap using floristic tape. Include it also in the boutonniere (Fig. 9-10).

7. Next, you need to build all the elements that will be included in the boutonniere and wrap a floristic scotch (Fig. 11-13).

In order for the stalk of the boutonniere is not very thick, you need to trim the extra pieces of wire from the decorative element (Fig. 14).

8. If you want to put the stalk a beautiful spiral form, then it must be wrapped around the handle (Fig. 15).

Our boutonniere is ready!

On the suit of the groom, the boutonniere can be fixed using two pins (Fig. 17).

It is advisable to create a boutonniere to the ceremony for no more than 24 hours. If you need to make it on the eve of the celebration, then for you a couple of tips on how to properly retain the flowers fresh.

Tip 1: Spray with a rose with water (Figure 18).

Tip 2: Boutonniere needs to be packed in a cellophane package (Figure 19).

Tip 3: To preserve its freshness, place the boutonniere in the refrigerator (Fig. 20).

Photo used:
Taken here: http: //

Boutonniere used to be exclusively male attribute. But over time, everything changed and today many girls use such an accessory. The decoration can be made independently or buy ready.

The second option is most often used in modern world. But there were also those people who are not averse to create a boutonniere on their own.

Accessory can be made for all guests or for someone specifically. In some cases, the decor was dressed only on witnesses and children. Others prefer to use the decoration only on the bride and close relatives. Therefore, in this case, you can use any option none of them is prohibited.

Accessories for the groom

A strong sex can be chosen or other material. The most common are boutonnieres from roses. They can be made both independently and purchase at any wedding store.

If you decide to make such a charm with your own hands, then it should be used exclusively fresh plants. If desired, they can be treated with a special solution, which allows you to extend the life of roses. After that, the stem must be cut and make a composition with an existing flower.

Plant can be combined with a variety of sprigs and other plants. Also not bad rose will look in combination with artificial decor. For example, ribbons or beads.

No less popular boutonniere in the form of a key. In order to make it you need to purchase a decorative key. After that, supplement it with ribbons or other decorations. If there is a hole on top, then you can insert any liked a flower and wrapped with a ribbon. It is most often the needlewomen.

Boutonniere with pen is interesting and at the same time an unusual decoration. In most cases, this decor is not complemented by anything, because it looks quite attractive. Also fairly common thematic accessories in the form of a violin key, guitars and many others.

If there is a desire, you can create a humorous boutonniere, for example, in the form of a pot with flowers. Such decorations are most often made of clay. If you wish, you can use tissue. Any accessory will look good at a representative of a strong floor. The main thing is that it is well combined with the outfit of the groom, a witness or a guest.

Accessories for the bride

This newlywed accessory can not use, because it will have a bunch of beautiful decorations. But for those brides that still decided to wear a boutonniere, it is necessary to know that such a bouquet is simply obliged to be at the witness. Of course, this does not mean that they should be the same, but they need to be similar.

You can independently make a similar accessory from the tapes. Today there are many master classes that will help achieve the desired result. If the girl is needlewoman, connecting his fantasy, she will be able to create a beautiful individual decoration without any specialists.

Excellent on the accessory will look in the form of a loose rose or peony.

Color range of ribbons and other materials to the master should be chosen independently. Indeed, in this case, to recommend something not knowing the main image of the bride does not make sense. Of course, if it is a white dress and a gentle hairstyle, then better and materials use this color, such as cream or coffee with milk.

Some brides are ready to use to create such beauty and live flowers, but in this case it should be borne in mind that such a boutonniere will not be durable. Therefore, it is better to give preference to artificial plants or remove the accessory after the photo shoot.

No lively flowers are no worse than natural, their main advantages are, the fact that they can create a decoration, which will last long enough, and after the wedding will remain for memory. If you wish in the future, a woman can convey his daughter or daughter-in-law.

Also, experienced creators of boutonnieres make it from polymer clay. It is worth saying right away that a similar accessory from the first time an inexperienced girl herself will not do. Such material allows you to create an absolutely any composition. For this you need only your fantasy and knowledge of the future image of the bride.

The polymer clay makes it possible to create such works of art that they are simply impossible to distinguish them from far away. Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that such an accessory as a boutonniere can be created absolutely from any material.

How to make it yourself

In order to create such an accessory independently need to own some skills and knowledge.

Despite the fact that the decoration seems unrecorded and at first glance easily created there are a number of rules that should be observed:

  1. First you need to carefully consider the design of the future product.
  2. Further, it is necessary to choose the components of the decoration.
  3. Be sure to use exceptionally high-quality materials.
  4. Raw materials should be more than need.
  5. Using flowers, you should take their small sizes.
  6. Plants should not have a strong fragrance.

In most cases this accessory is ordered from experienced florists.. After all, you will agree that not every girl wants to engage in the celebration of such a painstaking work. And for those who still want to create such decorations for a loved one on their own, we offer a small master class.

For the manufacture you need to prepare live flowers, different twigs, decor, ribbons, wire and scissors. Bouquet is based on the largest plant, for example, a rose or herbeer. Before starting work, it is recommended to place flowers for 4 hours into the water. So they will be able to save their freshness longer.

The main flower should be cut and leave only 10 cm. After that, all other components are combined into one bouquet. The resulting work of art is recommended to wind up a ribbon and add decorative elements. All your boutonniere is ready.

Svetlana Rumyantsev

The boutonnier is a miniature composition of colors and other elements of the beautiful. Traditionally, at the wedding, she is attached to the lapel jacket of the groom, selecting the same buds as in the bride and in the design of the banquet hall. IN lately These accessories have become even more relevant, because they decorate the clothes of all those present at the celebration of guests.

What are the Boutonniere guests?

Answer the question to the question: "Does the colors at the wedding be too much?" Agree when around fragrant beauty, a fabulous, truly festive atmosphere is created. Boutonnieres are an additional decor that will decorate a solemn day. And at registration, and for a walk, and in the banquet hall. Well, after the event, guests gladly take their decorations with me as a memorial souvenir.

Groom and his friends with boutonnieres

Also, if the wedding is planned in some particular color scheme, a strict dress code is desirable for guests. When the clothes present at such an event replete with different shades from red and green to blue in a strip, in the photos, of course, it looks bright and positive, but the triumph style is definitely lost.

In the case when there is no possibility to sew bride's girlfriends identical dresses, and friends of the groom - pick up the shirts in the tone, the boutonnieres will become a real chopstick

What a boutonniere should be: 4 basic rules

The designer solution of the miniature composition on the clothes of guests depends on the individual preferences of the newlyweds and from the professionalism of florists. But there are several general useful recommendations that are desirable to follow.

  • The most important thing is to worry about - this product quality. It doesn't matter if you made boutonnieres or ordered them in a floral salon, the decorations should not spoil the clothes of the guests. For example, too heavy weight composition, poor-quality clasp can easily damage delicate dress fabric. And the absence of a special capsule or tape will lead to the fact that stains will appear on things, which are not so simple. In addition, in case the accessory is decided to make out of living colors, it is important to choose the best, fresh cut plants.

High-quality and cute boutonnieres for friends of the groom

  • All boutonnieres must organically fit into the overall wedding style: match the color scheme, have some similar components with a bouquet of the bride. However, at the same time they should differ from the boutonniere groom, to be modest and smaller.
  • Inappropriate invited does any of them have allergies on flower pollen. If the answer is positive, to avoid trouble, it is better to make a boutonniere from artificial materials, for example, from satin ribbons.
  • Order a bouquet of bride, boutonnieres for the bride and guests, as well as another floral decor preferably in one place. First, you will save on delivery and financially. And secondly, the florist will be easier to navigate: all the decorations are guaranteed to be made in a single style, harmoniously combined with each other.

Bridal bouquet and boutonnieres for girlfriends in a single style

How can I replace the boutonniere?

An alternative to Boutonniere for girls and women at the wedding can be another decoration - bracelet on the wrist. In the photos, this accessory will not always be noticeable: then the hand is hidden over the belt, then under the table, the picture is made in the profile. But the bracelet will definitely not spoil expensive dresses from thin delicate tissues, and it looks no less adequate and effectively than the boutonniere in the form of brooches.

Another option again for the representatives of the beautiful floor is the decoration in the hairstyle. Here you can attribute wreaths, rims, studs and hairpins. If you chose exactly the same version of the boutonniere, be sure to consult in advance with the invited ladies, because such decorative element Must organically fit into the image intended for each of them.

How to make boutonnieres for a wedding for guests with your own hands?

Showing creative abilities and fantasy, it is quite possible to make boutonnieres on their own at home. At the same time, the variants of the compositions and the material used are set, each chooses what it is more convenient and more attractive.

We offer a brief master class to manufacture the traditional and most popular version of rose boutonniere. To do this, you will need:

  • 1 bud;
  • Scissors;
  • Medium rigidity wire;
  • Thin threads;
  • Additional decorative elements;
  • Special floral tape (scotch);
  • English (or decorative) pin.

So, if you have everything you need, you can start. The sequence of actions is described below.

  1. Cut the desired length of the stem, as a rule it is about 10 cm;
  2. Apply the wire to the stalk slightly smaller length and, if necessary, other elements, such as green leaves. Attach all the components with the help of the threads to each other;
  3. Carefully climb the stem, wire and leaflers with floristic scotch from the cut to a cup (the base of the bud);
  4. All the unnecessary cut with scissors, and then attach the English pin. Boutonniere is ready!

Not necessarily at the basis of the composition should be live flowers.. For example, you can make wedding boutonnieres from satin ribbons, phoamyran, cones, beads, a variety of feathers.

Wedding boutonniere from satin ribbons


Despite the fact that boutonnieres for guests are not a mandatory attribute of the celebration, at modern weddings these accessories are very popular. If you decide to please invite elegant decorations, do not forget to take advantage of the recommendations that have been described above in order to avoid incapscent situations. So that the boutonniere was high-quality, you need to turn to professionals, or in the case of independent making to show patience and effort, well, and so that it turned out the original, you will need only fantasy.

June 7, 2018, 23:57