Cool photo at home. How to make beautiful photos on the phone

You can have a phone with a camera and surprise the world with beautiful pictures.

Professionals have long noted for themselves ease of photographing on a smartphone - snapshots can be edited directly on the spot and immediately send them to their intended purpose - by mail, with the help of social services, photochostins or through cloud storage. At the same time, the quality of the pictures at the right approach is not inferior to the results of working with professional techniques. So, made by smartphone pictures, even hit the covers of glossy magazines.

So, let's begin.

Camera of the phone must be wiped

While the capabilities of the cameras do not allow macro therapy to accumulated on the optics of dirt, but the bacteria are able to add blurred and spots.

Set the maximum quality parameters

Put the maximum snapshot resolution in the camera settings, as well as the best quality value. Choose 4: 3.

Disconnect effects

Black and white mode, sepia, inverted colors and the like have the right to existence, but all these settings are better to apply when editing photos on the computer.

Set white balance

The human eye adjusts to lighting, and white is perceived as white with any light. However, the camera "sees" an object illuminated by conventional incandescent lamps, more red, which sees his eyes.

Do not use zoom

In modern smartphones, use even the very minimum zoom leads to a sharp deterioration in the quality of the picture. Noise appears on it and sharpness is lost. If you want to photograph the object closer - go to it.

Do not forget about the universal pillar photos - compositions, plot and focus.


All smartphones have an autofocus skill, but in order to show their device who is the main thing here, you can specify the point yourself, and on some devices there is a full-fledged manual focus.

Avoid photographs in front of a mirror and selfie made with an elongated hand. Mirrors often "deceive" autofocus mechanism. Better ask someone to take a picture of you. If you prefer to be photographed by yourself, use the timer, learn the phone to something and stand in the frame.


Try not to take pictures with bad lighting, at least if you want the object to be illuminated evenly. The sensor of the built-in camera phone is pretty weak, and with a high ISO value (photosensitivity), allowing to remove indoors without a flash, the noise level will also be very high. Therefore, successful photos in the room will be obtained only with bright light.

If you need to make a photo indoors, pay attention to the sources of artificial light in it. Avoid fluorescent lamps, as their light gives objects green shade.

Removing with low illumination, follow the camera is motionless. In the built-in cameras, with a lack of light, the exposure time is greatly increasing, and any movement will lead to the fact that the frame will be lubricated.

Use the tertay rule

Completing the frame, imagine that it is divided into equal parts of two horizontal and two vertical lines. Let the essential lines or boundaries coincide with them (for example, the horizon line passes at a distance of 1/3 from the upper or lower boundary), and the compositionally important elements fall on points of their intersection.

Use the flash

Using a flash built into a mobile phone is not the best option, but still it is better than nothing.

Do not take pictures with a flash of a mobile phone at a distance of further than 3 meters, but also not closer than 1.5 to prevent the perplexes and absence.

Finally take a picture

Keep the phone stationary when you click on the button. Having made a photo, continue to hold it in place until the image is locked. If you move the phone immediately after clicking on the button, instead of the photo you can get a blurred spot!

Make some pictures or use the series. Do not count on one frame, it will not always be successful.

Take pictures, having a camera at the level of eyes removed in the photo of people to avoid distortions caused by the features of a wide-angle mobile phone lens.

When photographing in motion, turn off the autofocus. The mobile phone camera will start to work in response to pressing the photograph button much faster. At the same time, in the frame will be sharp all, starting from 1.5 meters.

Use third-party camera applications

Usually, third-party applications, such as Camera 360, for example, have a large number of options that are hidden in the standard application. This is especially true of Nexus-smartphones, where the camera settings are always very limited.


Read the literature on photo art, practice yourself. Understand how optics works, what is exposure, ISO, aperture, excerpt. After all, even the most expensive mirror will not make you a pro, and vice versa, the real photographer will get quite good pictures from the smartphone.

It is said that the best camera is the one that we always have at hand. Today, this role is played by a smartphone. It will not replace the mirrors, but he is always in your pocket, why not use his opportunities to fully?

How to choose a smartphone for shooting photos

Beginner photographers often think the more megapixels, the chamber is better. However, their number determines not the quality of the photos, but the maximum size.

Buying a smartphone With the intention to use it for photos, pay attention to:

  • Matrix size - It is expressed in inches. What he is more, the more light captures the matrix. Smartphones are often equipped with a 1/3.2 ", 1/3" or 1 / 2.3 "matrix. Simply put: the less the second digit in the record, the greater the matrix. From the above examples, the best choice will be a camera with a matrix 1 / 2.3 ".
  • Lens brightness - It is expressed with the number of numbers that precede the letter f. The lower the value, the higher the brightness and better lens. The smartphone with the lens F / 2.0 is better suited for low light conditions than with the F / 2.2 lens.
  • Image stabilization - Most smartphones have digital image stabilization. It changes only image parameters, such as ISO sensitivity to obtain a shorter exposure time. This leads to a deterioration in the quality of the image. Of course, it will be better than an optical stabilizer that effectively eliminates vibration and helps in creating sharp pictures. In the market there are more and more models with optical stabilization of the image.
  • Ability to adjust exposure parameters - Even the best camera can not be predicted, on what this frame you want to concentrate. Manual configuration of the camera parameters gives more freedom. You can configure the parameters so as to get the best effect.

Phone manufacturers do not always indicate these data in the product description. Therefore, before buying it is worth looking for them on the Internet. Knowing this feature will allow you to choose a smartphone with a camera with a large set of features.

In general, this is the most frequent question that I ask me: "How to make a beautiful photo on the phone to look like a shot on the camera?" In this article, I will tell you a few words about what makes a photo look "professionally", is it possible to make cool photo by the phone and whether it is worth doing it.

What makes photos look professional

All articles on photos for business I begin with recommendations to use the best camera that you can afford. The better the original picture, the more you have the opportunities for processing and using the photo in the future. There are two most important factors that affect the quality of the photo you will receive:

    optics (lens)

    processor, "Stuffing" Camera

Yes, modern smartphone manufacturers say a lot about the fact that in their products now they are completely enlightened Carl Zeiss lenses and the coolest technologies are used. In general, this is true: now the middle phone takes off better than some cameras 5-7 years ago. But after all, the cameras are not lagging behind! Therefore, you often, you can easily distinguish the photo, removed the phone, from the frame made by the professional chamber. The problem is that, at the moment, it is physically impossible to embed a lens of this quality into the camera, which would allow you to take pictures on the phone and receive professional picture quality.

But, as we said, the lens is only half the right, he is responsible for which the picture will "see" your device. The second half of success is how it will process this picture, turning into a file. The more powerful the processor, the more believable there will be colors, less noise, above the quality of the picture. To be honest: this part is directly proportional to the "freshness" and the price of the device, it also concerns cameras and smartphones. You should not count on a miracle: you yourself understand that removing on the iPhone 4 you will not get pictures like with iPhone 7.

Is it worth buying the newest smartphone to make better photos

If you still were going to buy myself the last iPhone, excellent! This is really a cool device with excellent camera features. Personally, my instagram consists almost completely from the photo from the phone. But if you look pragmatic, then the amount you will spend on this smartphone, you can buy a semi-professional camera with a good lens and receive photos at times better than using a smartphone. Is it worth buying a short phone only for photographing? - In my opinion, it is not worth it.

Of course, the phone is always at hand, it does not need to be able to deal with the settings, and you can also immediately: agree, make beautiful photos on the phone easily and pleasant. If you want to just lead a cute instagram, make a photo of the phone quite enough. But if we are talking about what you need to photograph the goods for the online store or directory, make professional pictures for a blog, constantly shoot for social networks and in all these cases receive good quality photos, the phone shooting will not work out. There is nothing sad more photos on the phone in the online store (even if you simply sell Handmade on the VKontakte page).

So is it possible to make beautiful photos on the phone?

But what to do if the phone is the only camera available to you, but you still need to do photos? It is necessary so necessary. Here are some general rules, how to make a good photo on the phone:

    Remove only with daylight, the best place to shoot - at the window or on the balcony.

    Use the reflector, with it you can highlight too dark shadows and make a photo brighter and lighter. The reflector does not need to be expensive and professional, sufficiently sheet of Watman or Polyfoam (tell about this in the nearest posts).

    Hold on the distance from the subject of the shooting: as a rule, the smartphone lens is widely angle. On the one hand, it allows you to capture more space in the frame, on the other hand, the objects in the foreground greatly distorts. It is better to photograph from a larger distance, and then crop (trim) a photo.

    Treat photos before publishing: There are enough opportunities in modern devices to make a photo on the phone if not perfect, then acceptable quality.

Over the past few years, the chambers on phones have improved significantly, due to improved sensors and intelligent image processing. The multi-chamber revolution also gave the improved possibility of approximation and the depth of the sharpness, which were still only on the mirror chambers.

However, the presence of a good chamber is only part of the path to success. The rest depends on the photographer, so we are public - these several tips how to make beautiful photos on the phone, which you may not know.

Remove a lot ...

Once I was engaged in a professional photography and made it for myself that the difference between a good and bad photographer comes down to the number of pictures taken. Agree, if you do 100 photos, there will be several photos that will like everyone?

Therefore, the next time you take pictures, do not be lazy and click the shutter again, it should be in your habit. Thanks to the excellent backup function, Google photo, the pictures taken will not score the device's memory. A small change in position, a focal point or angle when shooting and in the future will be from what to choose.

Try the serial shooting mode or write in 4k

Serial shooting mode is very convenient to use when shooting children, group pictures (there will always be the one who will ask to replace), athletes or home devices. Play with exposure, short exposure (approximately 1/1000) will literally freeze the time, and the long - 1/15 will allow you to get artistic lubricant.

I also recommend trying to shoot a video 4k, and then choose a frame that you make a photo. The easiest way to do is to press the camera shutter button during filming. There are several pre-installed video players (for example, Samsung) allowing a frame during video playback.

If there is no such function in the phone, try the side app like Androvid.

Learn all about the camera in the smartphone ...

This is one of the most valuable tips. It does not matter the old phone or new, take the time to explore all the functions of the camera application. In the end, it is impossible to seriously talk about beautiful photos from the phone, if everyone is removed in auto mode.

Take, for example, cameras in Huawei phones, click to focus the camera on the object, and then drag your finger from the focus area to exposure. In any brand of the phone there are such hidden functions, Nokia and Samsung they are available after clicking on the "Plus" icon in the camera mode menu.

Install a third-party camera application

The standard camera application is not always perfect and it may not have many functions. In the Google Play store, there is a huge number of decent apps camera from third-party developers.

These applications will give more advanced settings, thanks to which there will be more space for creativity. If you need a manual and histogram camera, try Footej Camera. Need a camera with a built-in editor? I advise Candy Camera. Even if the functions available in third-party applications are not needed, they can still make beautiful photos.

Permanent readers should be aware of the informal application-camera. You will not find it Google Play, but this is a fantastic application (if there is support for your phone). Another application that deserves is Open Camera.

Still use the flash?

Smartphones have achieved great success in shooting in poor light conditions, so in principle, the flash can be practically not used. Very often, the flash spoils what could be a truly cool photo.

In fact, most flagship smartphones in most cases can remove without flash. So, next time, when you shoot at dusk or room with poor lighting, it will try to make several shots with a flash and somewhat without.

Of course, there are such moments when it is not without a flash, but again it does not hinder experiment. Just remember that many professional photographers specifically remove darker photos, because they can be more expressive. Dark images may also be more memorable than lit.

Know when and how to shoot in the sun

Use the rule to try to try not to shoot people in the sun. Of course, there are exceptions, for example, if you want to create silhouettes or simply experiment. However, try the sun to cover objects, and not immediately falls into the chamber.

Speaking about the sun, I recommend trying to take pictures during the so-called golden clock (immediately after sunrise or before sunset). Try, and most likely there will be great colors in the pictures. Everyone knows that the sunset itself looks great in the pictures, and I am sure you will have great pictures. Also try focusing on the horizon and in the sky to get really chic colors.

Turn on the grid and use the tranet rule

One of the main techniques in shooting is to use the third. The rule of the third implies the division of the video driver of the camera by nine sections. The grid for the camera is in all the phone, find it in the settings and turn on.

This rule is based on the fact that key objects must be perfectly located at the intersection points of the lines. Choose which objects are the most important and try to place them along the intersection lines.

Obviously, compliance with this rule will raise you on the step higher as a photographer. But it is not worth it to focus very much, in some cases it will not work, use, for example, if you plan to use your photos in instagram.

Use HDR more often ...

Now almost every phone has an HDR mode, which combines the best sections of three frames taken with different exposures. When using this mode, the snapshot will receive more details in the shade and bright areas of the scene. Some phones have automatic HDR mode, in others they need to be turned on manually (for example, in Huawei).

The HDR is best used with landscapes and urban scenes, where the combination of a bright sky and dark shadows can spoil the photo. If you do not use HDR, then you can not see the picture on the shadow.

The HDR processing speed has increased significantly over the past few years, but with the advent of AI cameras, this mode has become less relevant. Since it is not always possible to see the difference between the HDR and the standard image made on the AI-chamber. But in most budget phones, he is still relevant. When shooting HDR, keep the phone stationary slightly longer than with normal shooting, otherwise the snapshot can be blurred.

Phones PIXEL from Google show that HDR-photos (more precisely, HDR + mode) is very useful when shooting night scenes. Thus, this mode is not limited to daytime scenes.

Examine manual mode

Manual or professional newcomer mode may seem like one of the most complex functions. But, in addition to reading articles about him, one of the easiest ways to learn everything about manual mode is to spend time and learn everything yourself.

Here are short tips on using manual mode.

  • it is necessary to use the long settlement in the dark, but at that time the camera must be kept motionless.
  • ISO is photosensitivity. Lower setting should be used during the day, and high in the dark. With too high, the snapshot will be noisy, i.e. big grainy.
  • The diaphragm is as far as a large gap in the gate, the amount of light falls on the matrix depends on its magnitude.

Just remember that with a long shutter speed, the phone must be maximally located differently will be a blurred frame. When shooting, try to fix your hand as much as possible or read something and hold your breath, then the blur will be minimal. Fix the phone on a fixed surface and use the timer, so you can exclude any camera shaking. Or you can try the next board ...

Buy a tripod for a long exposure

Photos with long-term excerpts in most cases are obtained chic, they can see more details. The meaning is that the shutter opens at a great time and if the camera is not fixed - this will lead to the inevitable blur. Some phones, such as Huawei P20 Pro, use AI stabilization, allowing you to take pictures with an excerpt for up to 4 seconds.

One of the best solutions is to buy a tripod for a mobile phone, with it can be removed with long exposure and absolute stabilization. You can buy a good tripod on Aliexpress you can, for example, selfie stick Xiaomi, it costs about 1,200 rubles. Even if you are not going to use a tripod, Selfie stick is always useful.

Wipe the lens before shooting

The glass lens often plays the second violin with other functions of the phone, such as a diaphragm, the resolution of the matrix and the second chamber. But this is also one of the important factors when it comes to high-quality photos, since low-quality and dirty lenses spoil the snapshot.

Therefore, take a rule before starting to remove the lens. Of course, the sleeve is not the best option and better wearing a rag from the microfiber. As soon as the habit of wiped the lens before shooting, notice that good pictures have become more.

Use the autocorrection feature in Google Photo

Google photo is more than just a photo backup service, since it has many tools for editing them. These tools allow you to adjust all: from lighting and color before applying filters and changes in orientation.

Nevertheless, despite all these possibilities, I recommend simply using the "Auto" option (click on the "Change" button, then press "Auto"). After applying, the photo will look aesthetically more nice than the original picture.

Install another photo editor

In Google Photos there are many options for editing a photo, but you can also put another photo editing application. I, such as the big fan of the photo editor Snapseed from Google.

The editor has a large number of tools, starting from editing RAW and support S-curves, before changing the tilt of the head and white balance. It also has filters, the possibility of trimming and autocorrection.

Remember that you can always trim

Previously, when I just started shooting with the phone, I had a disgust for trimming photos. I think it was due to the fact that before the chamber phones had with a little resolution and after trimming the photo looked terribly noisy. Nevertheless, one of the most obvious tips is easy to trim in a picture unnecessary.

Now the phones are removed in a large resolution and after trimming the picture the picture does not deteriorate. Therefore, do not be afraid that capture in the frame unnecessary, the sweats can always be cut it. If during the shooting did not think about the rules of the third, you can perform it after shooting, cutting off the photo.

Work on photo projects with various topics is a great way to break away from the routine photography and concentrate on the creative process of creating photo frames. Restrictions in the subjects of shooting and equipment are sometimes for reference to resort to very creative solutions.

We have prepared 52 excellent ideas for filming in 2015. For every week of the year in theory. We divided them into three subsections: simple projects for the house you can exercise today, the ideas that you can implement in nature and temporary projects to which you can proceed right now.

Photo ideas for home

1. Manipulations with water drops

To implement this idea, it is necessary to install a container with water with a small hole through which water drops will be skipped. Your task is to press the shutter button at the moment when the drop will form or fly. The most important thing is to determine as accurately as possible to close the shutter. We have achieved the best results when using two outbreaks installed at minimum power (1 / 128th). The diaphragm value was set to f / 22. To give water a more viscous consistency, we added a few food thickener to it. We also used the SplaShart Kit series in the device, which helps adjust the size of the droplets and the frequency of their fall.

2. Take pictures of water splash

For this project, you will need a flash with remote control, water tank with clean, transparent walls, color background and tripod. Set the container with water and color background, then place the flash over the container. Place the camera on the tripod and switch to the manual focus mode. With a diaphragm F / 8 and ISO 200, set the shortest possible shutter speed. Do not forget about flash sync. So, throw the item into the water and press the shutter button as soon as the water surface touches.

3. Art drawing smoke

Many photographers, for example, fans of still lifes, are pleased to use smoke in their photos. And what if you go to a new level and use intricate forms of non-smoke smoke for painting? You can create an unusual art project in Photoshop. So, making some successful frames with smoke curls, create a new empty document in Photoshop. Then copy and paste one of the photos from the resulting photos. Overlay Mode Install Screen and use the Warp Transform\u003e TRANSFORM command to change the smoke form. Continue to experiment by adding other pictures to the document.

4. Cross-polarization

The basis of this funny idea is the effect that creates polarized light, falling on plastic objects. You will need two polarization filters, ideally one of them should be a leaf of polarization film. The LEE 239 Polarization Film A4 sheet can be purchased about 50 pounds. The film sheet should be placed on Likebox or any other light source. The Apad screen and the screens of most computers have a built-in polarization filter, so if you do not have a polarization film, then you can easily create an empty white document that will fill the screen and use your gadget. Attach the polarizer to the chamber and turn it so that colors appear on transparent plastic parts.

5. Edible landscapes

Adjust your food photo! All you need is to creatively place on the food figurines, for example, Hornby. They are ideal, since the little people of this company are offered in a wide variety of poses. It is important not only to put the figures, but also to tell the story. In this photo, you are watching how two hero help climbing tips trying to climb the potato mountain.

6. Food as art

Turn products for your dinner in the subject of photo art, using Likebox and a very sharp knife. Cut fruit and vegetables as thin as possible and then put them on Likebox. Place the camera right above the shooting object, use the Live View mode to manually focus on the items. Set the aperture value F / 8, it will give the optimal depth of field. It is necessary to resort to the exposure compensation and set it on + 1- + 3 stops, since bright light from Likebox can mislead your camera's exposure.

7. Flowers in ice

A relatively inexpensive way to make excellent macro-photos - freeze flowers in plastic containers filled with distilled or de ionized water. Flowers will swim, so take care of how to fix them in the same position. Place the piece of ice on the surface of a transparent glass or bowl in a white sink or other capacity, then the light will be reflected from all surfaces of the container. Position the outbreak from one of the sides and direct down, and place the camera from the opposite side.

8. Oil and abstraction

Oil divorces spreading over the surface of the water - a great idea for creating bright abstract photos. This project uses the refractive quality of oil that emphasizes and distortes colors. All you need to pour water into a transparent fence and add a few drops of ordinary vegetable oil. Place the flame about the altitude of 25 cm above the table. Put multi-colored paper under the wool, highlight it with a conventional desktop lamp or with a flash.

9. Oil reflections

This idea echoes the idea described above. But in this case, the color drawing is created using a colored lining for a lamp, not a multi-colored background. To begin with, make a lining for a table lamp using solid colored paper, a film and adhesive tape. For security reasons, make sure that the paper does not touch the light bulb. Place the container with water opposite the table lamp and add a few drops of oil into water. Distribute the oil on the surface, bring the camera as close as possible and remove.

10. Psychedelic soap film

This project is a great idea for a bright desktop or abstract wallpapers for the wall. You will need a liquid soap mixed with glycerin, such a combination forms a resistant soap film. Arm yourself with wire loop, black background and macro lens, for example 100mm. The colors formed by soap film appear only at a certain angle of falling light. Stay near the window and select the right corner for shooting.

11. Refraction effect

Passing through the water, the light has a feature distorted, i.e. Refractory, as a result, objects underwater visually change their appearance. This phenomenon is called refraction, we will use it as part of this small project photo. All you need is a few transparent glasses, an outbreak, a tripod and a background with a black and white pattern. Just put the glasses with water on the background with the pattern and remove.

12. Macro shot in the kitchen

Your kitchen is an ideal place for macro shooting. Its reflective surfaces can be used to create an interesting background for pictures, and the shallow depth of field is capable of transforming the most common items. By connecting together a few pictures, you can create a wonderful element of the decor for your own kitchen, but before you start shooting, consider how the frames will elude each other. Our row is three photos taken at one angle and with the same depth of field.

13. Boke

Such a simple object, as a rummed piece of foil, can easily become the basis for a beautiful photo project. Place the object of shooting on the glass, and under the glass put a piece of dark material. Remember a little in the hands of the usual kitchen foil, then straighten it and place it as a background. Send light from a desk lamp or any other source on foil. By installing the camera to the tripod, open the diaphragm as much as possible. Highlight Foil Flash during shooting.

14. Bubble bubbles

Small light sources always create a wonderful bokeh. Garland as it is impossible to suit it. Place the garland in such remoteness so that with an open aperture of its light bulbs were not in focus. The shooting object, in this case, the glass must be near the camera, and the focus must be focused on it. The garland itself is located in such a way that the bokeh in the end takes the form of multicolored bubbles flying out of the glass. This technique is also used when creating such a "stream" bokeh from the mugs with hot drinks.

15. Figures light

Light stripes and light patterns can be used in a variety of genres of photography, ideally they are suitable for still lifes. To do this, you can use a simple flashlight, and so that the light be less dissipated can be removed the top cover, the light bulb is sharp. Insulating tape attach a piece of colored paper to the flashlight. Set the shutter speed of about 30 seconds, and the diaphragm in the F / 8 area. During frame exposure, make smooth circular movements around the bottle, pulling the spiral.

16. Light spirals

Tie the lantern to the rope and hang up to the ceiling. For this photo you need the widest angle lens that is in your arsenal. Install the camera to tripod and direct directly on the ceiling. With the light included in the room manually, hover the focus on the tip of the lantern. Set the aperture value to approximately F / 11 - F / 16, use the Bulb mode and the remote shutter release. Keep the shutter open for about a minute after running the flashlight.

Ideas for exercising outdoors

17. Portraits with Brenizer Effect but

The Brentizer method, also known as portrait panorama or bokeroke, gives an excellent basis for a series of portrait photos. The method was invented by a wedding photographer from New York, Ryan Brenizer. This technique allows you to create photos with an ultra-wide lens effect. The meaning of this method is to create a number of photographs that, with a gluing form a full frame. You can collect a mosaic together with the PHOTOMERGE option in Photoshop or in a program designed to glue frames. Use manual camera settings, starting with a white balance and ending with focus, so the parameters for all pictures will be the same. Make 30-80 frames to create one photo, and do not forget that each subsequent frame should overlap the previous one third.

18. In the right place with an incorrect lens

Make yourself otherwise look at things. Going for a walk with a camera, choose a lens that opposite to the one that you would likely taken with you. For example, take a wide-angle lens in the zoo or limit yourself to the focal length of the telephoto set, when you leave the next time you take pictures of landscapes.

19. Landscapes in pieces

Try in a new way to study the area around you, creating a composition of several fragments taken while walking. Go outside literally for 20 minutes. Do not give much time settings, simply select the priority mode of the diaphragm, do not take a tripod and various filters with you, give up intricate techniques. Take pictures everything that attracts your attention. After returning home, create a document with a grid in the Photoshop program and insert the resulting images in its cells using the layers.

20. Minimalistic landscapes

Instead of driving opening in front of you in one boring frame, try on a long excerpt to remove a series of minimalistic landscapes. The symmetric composition and square format will help to emphasize the simplicity of the frame. You will also need a neutral filter, which will give you the opportunity to use long excerpts throughout the day. Use a tripod and a remote to remote shutter.

21. Star scenery

To capture the perfect star landscape, you need a completely clean sky. It is desirable that the moon does not fall into the frame, otherwise, many details may be lost. For a high-quality snapshot with clear, unnecessary stars, you should photograph enough short excerpts, for this go to manual setup mode, set the ISO value of about 1600 or 3200 and shutter speed in two seconds. Even with such settings you will have to install a widely open aperture: F / 4 or even F / 2.8.

22. Take pictures that you never inspired

Write a list of items or places that you consider uninteresting, boring or even ugly. Now make yourself make attractive and interesting photos of these non-phase places and items.

23. We are looking for an abstraction on a car parking lot

You do not need to travel in distant countries to carry out an interesting photo project. There are many opportunities for creating photos, and even in such ordinary places as a car parking, it is quite possible to create something interesting. For such a project, you will need only a digital camera. Do not focus on the technique, look for various textures, color combinations, curious shapes and ornaments.

24. Selective colors

Instead of using notorious techniques for highlighting an object against the background of the rest of the frame (for example, when the main object is left color, and everything else is translated into black and white colors) try to choose a color and find it an embodiment in all the variety of the world. Attract attention to this color using the right composition.

25. Night photo

Take a night photo. Limit yourself to the use of additional light sources, take a maximum of available lighting.

26. Optical illusions

As part of this project, we invite you to play with a perspective that affects the viewer's perception by the ratio between the objects of different sizes that are in the frame. It is best to take the base objects, the size of which are known and do not cause any doubts, and force them to interact with the larger objects that are in the background. For this kind of photos, remove with a small hole of the diaphragm to provide a greater depth of field.

27. Miniature world

Remove miniature toys and models in a natural medium. Such projects today are popular and very common, in addition, there is nothing complicated in their embodiment. Just take a little figurine or toy with you and shoot it in various situations, everywhere and always: on a journey or walk or even on the way to work. So that the figure felt in the surrounding situation, you should, firstly, take it from a close distance, and secondly, to properly balance the lighting.

28. Create Tilt-SHIFT Effect

The well-known and loved effect of the "Toy town" is obtained using a special expensive Tilt-Shift lens. But the similar effect can be obtained in Photoshop, if you blur everything, except for a small area on which you want to concentrate attention. For greater truth, take pictures from the hill and preferably in sunny weather.

29. Photo Alphabet

No, we do not offer you to look for the letters of the alphabet in inscriptions at stores, road signs, etc. Instead, look for objects and objects, in shape resembling the letters of the alphabet. Do not go far for example, take children's swing on the site. What reminds their frame from the end? True, the letter A. And the curved river from the aerial view of the British letter S.

30. From 1 to 100

Like how we offered you to create a photographic alphabet, you can expand this project a little and try to find illustrations for numbers.

31. Persons in unusual places

Another simple and funny idea for the project photo. Sometimes we can observe as the usual things of our consultation, and just the surrounding items have some similarities with a human face or take a form that remotely resembles the features of the face. Learn differently to look at the world of things. For inspiration, look at the blog dedicated to this topic.

32. Light orbit

Drawing light gives a limitless lot of various ideas for the photo. But what about a series of pictures with light orbits? You do not need complex equipment. All that is needed is a bright LED backlight running on batteries, and the hoop that the backlight is wound. Install the camera to tripod, select the optimal length of shutter speed and simply rotate the hoop.

33. Burning steel wool

To implement this project, make sure that the shooting takes place in the open area away from the flammable items. In the metal whine, put the steel cotton wool, and attach it to the chain. Then set fire to wool and rotate the whisk on the chains, burning sparks will fly around. You will need a desperate volunteer, tripod and excerpt about 15 seconds with a diaphragm F / 11 and ISO 100.

34. Movement of the car

For a variety, try to capture the movement not outside the machine, and from the inside. To shoot, of course, follows at night. Ask a friend to go smoothly and slowly along a well-lit road. Excerpt lengths for about 30 seconds. Install the tripod on the passenger seat and use the shutter remote control.

35. Intentional bugs

Make a list of the most common mistakes that the photographer can perform. And then try, deliberately committing these errors, create a beautiful photo. You can overoperate a frame or vice versa underdeveloped, incorrectly cropping a shooting object or focus in the background, and not on the subject.

36. Sinegraf

Create a series of animated GIF images illustrating hardly noticeable movement. This project requires minor work in Photoshop. You will have to create not just frames, but a video, but the result can exceed all your expectations. You will need a tripod; The background should remain unchanged throughout the video. Choose a scene in which some action occurs continuously or cyclically to ensure that the initial and endpoints in the finished sinegraf are not threw into the eyes. Fix the movement, for example, how the wind pegs the foliage on the tree.

37. The intentional camera movement

You are accustomed to doing everything possible so that the photos are obtained as clear as possible. But to give photos of metaphoricity and mysteriousness, try to make the opposite. With a relatively long exposure, deliberately move the camera. Remove the exposure priority mode. For inspiration, refer to the works of the British photographer Chris Freila (

38. Retro effect

Various noise and distortion are very easy to add in Photoshop or Lightroom programs. As a result, you will get a more colorful and atmospheric photo, but about its final style it is worth thinking already during shooting. The retro effect works well with simple, non-overloaded photographs, where the shooting object is easily recognizable.

39. Sewaged Time-Lapse photography

Many of us may well find time for shooting Time-Lapse, which is on the verge of video and photos. The subject of shooting may, in fact, become any phenomenon of your daily life. Lighten this exciting technique in 2015.

Drawn for a large period of time

40. Project 365.

A classic project, in which you should do in photography a day throughout the year. You can go for two possible ways: to limit yourself only one frame per day for this project, or do some photos and then choose the best. Can you spend so much time in the photo? Then think about an alternative project for which you need to do in the photo a week, respectively, all photos will be 52.

41. 50 Strangers

This idea is also not new, but it is not less fascinating. You should get acquainted to make a conversation with strangers to you, and then with their permission to leave their portrait to my memory. The number of strangers who you have to take a picture, you can designate themselves. The most important thing to overcome yourself and take the first step.

42. Project 50x50x50.

Everything is simple: 50 days, 50 photos taken on the 50mm lens. An extremely simple project that will help develop your vision of the photographer.

43. Creative selfie

Of course, you can make self-portraits at home, but how it is bored! Why not put the task of creating a series of self-portraits outside the walls of your home? Watch a series of beautiful self-portraits shot by the famous photographer Vivien Maer (Vivian Maier). She portrayed himself part of some big scene, played with light, shadow and reflections. It will be easier for you if you choose a certain topic for the project, as it, for example, made the photographer Alex Bumford as part of a series of his works called 'Sleepwalking' Project (

44. Peace under the legs

Daily at the same time of the day take pictures of what is under your feet. Arm yourself with a wide-angle lens and find new and interesting places.

45. Portraits without face

Make portraits of different people, but do not turn on the frame of their face. Try to convey their individuality in other ways. Use for this color, surrounding the situation, lighting, attributes, and even parts of their body - especially your hands - all this will help you expose to the viewer of their character.

46. \u200b\u200bPhotoIng

Ask someone to write 30 things on paper cards. Things can be the most different, but necessarily easily accessible. You at this time, write 30 different aspects of the photo (50mm, black and white photo, long exposure, the effect of Tilt-Shift, etc.). Take the card from each bunch and proceed to perform the task.

47. Monochroma month

The name of this idea gives comprehensive information. Make yourself make solely black and white photos, forget for a month about color. You will learn to see the most suitable scenes and objects for shooting in black and white. This project will help you develop your vision. Take pictures in RAW format, but change the camera settings in advance by setting the monochrome mode. As a result, during the shooting, you can see the scene in the black and white version, and the snapshot itself will store all information about color. You can use this information for photo processing.

48. Four time of year

Unlike the project, which provides for everyday shooting, here you have to remove the same object every three months during the year. The idea of \u200b\u200bthis project is to show a shift of the seasons. With the mind, select an object for shooting, imagine in advance, as the selected scene will look after the transformation caused by changing the weather. A single tree in the field is definitely suitable for this project as it is impossible.

49. Geokshing

Download the application dedicated to geocherp on your smartphone and go to the point of the cache to artistically capture the surrounding area. Do not take pictures of myself a cache, because you do not want people who go to his search disappear.

50. Create a library of textures

With the help of textures, you can give the photo a special appearance. You can apply a texture to a photo in several ways, for example, using a multiple exposure mode. It is much easier for this purpose to use the PhotoShop program and make the imposition of textures through the layers. Although the textures can be found on the Internet, but agree, much more pleasant to use your own. Tree, old mint paper falling down from the walls of plaster and other things, can serve as an excellent texture for your photo.

51. Pinhol Photography

With your own hands, using the screwdriver, turn your expensive camera to the analogue of the obscura camera and try to remove without the use of new-fashioned equipment.

52. Make a photo book

As a basis, take the project over which you worked last year. Think about the structure of the book, about placing photos on its pages. Try to distribute them in accordance with the color gamut, theme or manner of execution.