Methods of observation. Development of the program (scheme) of observation of the method of observation of perseverance and perseverance in the process of training session or competition

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1.3. Exercises

Exercise 1.In front of you, a table that generalizes the results of observing the movements of the convention-reflex and unconditional reflex character in children from birth to 12 months.

Based on this table, make a scheme of observation with the registration form, where you need to specify both observation situations and objects that will be recorded as data for generalization.

Deadlines for the development of congenital and conditional reflex movements of the child's hands

Koltsova M. M.Motor activity and development of the functions of the child's brain. - M.: Pedagogy, 1973. - P. 31.

Exercise 2.According to the observation, determine its goal, the form and form of registration.


Leonov A. A., Lebedev V. I.Perception of space and time in space. - M.: Science, 1968. - P. 73.

1st day.Before the first jump showed excitement immediately after putting on the parachute. At this time, it was somewhat alarmed and talked little that it was completely uncharacteristic for him. The gesture was poor, the speech was muted. After the jump is made, the mood is raised, but tension was observed for another hour.

2nd day.Before the second leap was less tense. I joked, but tensions still let me know.

4th day.Making a jump with a delay in the disclosure of parachute by 10 p. Separated from the aircraft, rushed and provided a stable body position. Opened a parachute after 10.2 s. During parachuting, the action was correct. Before landing, turned in the suspension system in the wind. After landing, the mood is raised.

6th day.At the start before landing, the plane was, as usual, calm and complacent. I joked a lot and talked with doctors. After the jump, the mood was excellent. As always, distinguished by humor.

14th day.Made the final jump of the first step of parachute preparation with a 50-second delay in parachute disclosure. At the start, before the flight was allowed free. Very well owned the body in a free fall. Opened a parachute after 50.2 s. After the jump was in a raised mood.

Exercise 3.The scheme of outpatient research V. Mocked in paragraph 5 provides for comprehensive patient monitoring. Read this item carefully and answer questions:


1. What sides of the psyche is monitored?

2. What is the purpose of observation during an outpatient study?

3. How would you suggest to organize an observation procedure?

4. Does this observe the requirements of the scientific method?

The scheme of outpatient research (V. Skal)

Schwartzara Y.Diagnosis of mental development. - Prague, 1978. - P. 353.

1. Date and place of research. Personal data.

Name and surname of the client, date of birth, nationality, place of birth. Age during research. Education (schoolchildren: class, year of study, in which classes remained for the second year).

2. Reason for research:the study is carried out at the request ...

3. Important data of anamnesis on endogenous and exogenous development factors.

4. Health and physical maturity.Sensuals, motility, speech, lateralism.

5. Appearance and behavior in the study.

a) appearance, purity and tidy, explicit features;

b) focus, as for the nature and objectives of the study;

c) a way to establish contact: brave-non-divent-indifferent;

d) Test approach: resistance - indifference-interest, delight-uncertainty-passivity;

e) cooperation during the test: reactive-spontaneous-initiative-chain-sensitive; Understanding-incomprehensible, independent-independent, inspired; scattered-resistant, permanent; patient-impatient;

(e) Reaction to the solution of tasks: Success encourages - the failure repels; ambitious; For the test, it is important - no matter the quality of marks, anxiety and voltage; Functional inertia - fast adjustment to change; relies on ourselves - it does not rely - he overestimates himself;

g) general mood and sociability: pleased-dissatisfied, serious-calm, cheerful, sad, quick-tempered; Verbal or Mimic Communication with the Explores - indifference to the study - continuous monitoring of the reaction of the investigative;

h) Dynamics of behavior: hectic (non-permanent, painfully irritable, changeable) - stupid (trapid, bradypsychic) \u200b\u200b- special manners (nail clipping, blinking, ticks, twitching, etc.);

and) speech (fondation and articulation), methods of expression: speed, volume, tone and accent, reprimand; grammar; Word stock, style features, smoothness, art, naturalness.

6. Conducted tests and their quantitative results.

7. Characteristic.

a) constitution and temperament, vigility, emotivity;

b) motivation: needs, interests, ideals, values, opportunities;

c) adaptation mechanisms, "assessment of oneself", frustration type and tolerance, will (possession of themselves);

d) sociability, position, orientation, discipline, conscientiousness;

e) skills;

e) education and mental level.

Exercise 4.On the basis of long-term observations of athletes, Professor A. Ts. Puni came to the following conclusions:


Strong pre-road excitation along with muscle stiffness can be accompanied by a common motor excitation, which is most often expressed in increasing the usual pace of movements and speech. The athlete is fussing, it's unfortunately in a hurry, although it makes everything in advance, without any reason it is afraid to be late for the start. For mastering independent control over the pace of movements and speech, there are a variety of exercises, the general principles of which are as follows: 1) to train smoothness and slowness of movements; 2) alternate in training fast and slow, smooth and sharp pace; 3) So organize life so that circumstances are not forced to hurry (practical classes on psychology / ed. A. Ts. Puni. - M.: Physical Culture and Sport, 1977. - P. 133).

Based on this output, try to restore: a) what was the object of observation? b) What is the purpose of observation? B) In what situations was the observation?

Exercise 5.What type applies to the observation of L. N. Tolstoy, described in his work "Creicerova Sonata"?


And suddenly it covered a terrible malice to her, which I have never experienced. For the first time I wanted to physically express this malice. I jumped up and moved to her.

Give the course to your rabies, I drove them, and I wanted to make an extraordinary one else, showing a high step of my rabies. I wanted to beat it, kill her, but I knew that it was impossible to give the course to my rabies - grabbed a press papier from the table and threw it out past her. I am very good chill past.

Exercise 6.Using the scheme, monitor the children of preschool age (4-6 years).

Goal:install the individual features of children's contacts with unfamiliar adults.

Situation: first meeting.

Highlight the individual features of children when establishing contacts with adults for each of the outlined lines, summarizing the results of their multiple observations or data from different observers in relation to the same child.

(According to the materials of the book: Development of generalization in preschoolers / ed. A. V. Zaporozhtshets and M. I. Lisina. - M.: Pedagogy, 1974. - P. 160.)

Chapter 2. Observation Methods

2.1. Methods of formalized observation

This chapter discusses two types of observation: formalized and unformalized. We will reveal in more detail the specifics of these types of observation and give specific techniques of each of them.

A formalized technique can be attributed to the formalized technique, which in any of its parts has a given from the outside (researcher or compiler of the technique) restriction. This limitation may refer to the evaluation of the severity of the observed facts (points or a measure of severity in other forms are indicated). A set of observed signs may be limited. In this case, the objects of observation objects are set in the protocol or registration form, which must be seen and secure their presence or absence. The term "formalized" can also be attributed to situations in which observation is conducted. Restrictions are introduced in relation to time, space, type of activity, circle of communication, etc. Finally, the results of the observation may be formalized if they are obtained on a representative sample and their scaling (level, regulatory, etc.). At the same time, it appears to correlate with the results of newly conducted observations with existing scales.

The second condition for the assignment of the methodology to formalized is that the limitation introduced into observation should be constant throughout the study. This condition may relate to the sample, to objects of observation, to situations. For example, all subjects are observed according to a predetermined set of features (observation objects).

Calling a formalized technique, we want to emphasize that there are types of observation, where the researcher completely depends on the vital realities, without restricting them, but only fixing the changes that he observes.

Formalization of the entire observation program and the statistical check of the results obtained with the preparation of regulatory scales allow you to create a standardized observation technique. As an example, you can call the "Stott Observing Card". The observation scheme presented in it consists of 16 symptom complexes, according to which estimated scales are given.

Methods of formalized observation significantly adjust the disadvantages that are inherent in observation. The possibility of a clearer and complete comparison of the results of various observations appears, the negative effect of the observer (its subjectivity) is eliminated, the unity of high-quality and quantitative analysis of the facts received, as well as not only the facts, but also their causes are established.

Below are the observation techniques created and tested by different authors. These techniques can be attributed to formalized.

List of observation techniques included in the book

1. Methods of monitoring the behavior of the organizer of the discussion between children after watching the TV shows, performance, etc. (Sost. N. Yu. Skorovhodov).

2. Methods of observation of verbal impacts of the teacher at the lesson (Sost. L. A. Regos).

3. Methods of expert assessment of non-verbal behavior of the individual (Cost. V. A. Labunskaya).

4. Methods of monitoring the manifestation of perseverance and perseverance in the process of training session or competition (Sost. A. C. Puni).

5. Methods of observation of emotional excitation (Cost. A. Ts. Puni).

6. Scheme of monitoring the child in a psychological examination (for children from 6 to 15 years) (Sost. Sh. Gurichova, P. Gusnikova).

7. Scale of estimates for measuring the student's reactivity (Sost. Ya. Shooting).

8. Monitoring the manifestations of interest, the attention of students in the lesson (Sost. A. V. Vikulov).

9. Methods of monitoring the process of solving students of tasks (comp. A. V. Orlova).

10. Stott observation card.

11. Observation scheme for various sides of the behavior of a small child (Sost. N. Bayley).

12. Methods of observation of manifestations of interpersonal deposits of adolescents (Sost. A. Golden).

Methods of monitoring the behavior of the organizer of the discussion between children after watching TV shows, performance, etc.

Age features of discussions in schoolchildren / Sost groups. N. Yu. Ski-Rhodesova. - Petrozavodsk, 1984. - P. 16-18.

Instruction.Upon proposed scheme, you can conduct both observation and self-surveillance for the organization of the discussion. For this, it is necessary on the score of the points to circle the value that, according to the observer, characterizes this or that side of the behavior of the discussion organizer.

It is very useful to compare the self-assessment of behavior and expert assessments. Significant differences in the assessments are talking about the inability of the leading discussion to control and evaluate their behavior. Analysis of the assessments will also help detect defects in the conduct of discussion and in the future to direct efforts to adjust their behavior.

Methods of observation of verbal impacts of the teacher at the lesson

(Compiled by L. A. Regos)

Goal:give the characteristic of the verbal impact of the teacher in the lesson.

Instructionan expert observer:

I. Preparation for visiting the lesson (classes)

1. To clarify and understand the purpose of the examination of the teacher's communicative culture, as well as the purpose of observation.

2. Carefully examine the observation scheme.

3. Recall or re-get acquainted with the specifics of the method of observation and requirements for it.

4. Configure yourself to objective fixation of the observed, eliminating the influence of subjective settings on the teacher, the process and the result of the observation.

5. Get acquainted with the thermal vocabulary disclosing the meaning of various types of verbal impacts; If necessary, refer to additional literature.

II. Observation

1. When meeting the teacher, the lesson of which is observed, and establish contact with it to avoid formulating a specific observation goal.

2. The fixation of the observed verbal effects is carried out according to the scheme (see table, where words, appeals, statements that can be attributed to one or another type of impact are recorded; if difficulties arise in attributing certain statements to a certain type, you can Take advantage of the thermal dictionary).

3. It is necessary to record verbal impacts that are absent in the scheme, but in the speech of the teacher. This material should be used when analyzing and summarize.

Dictionary of terms disclosing the meaning of various types of verbal influences

Compiled by: Ozhegov S. I.Dictionary of the Russian language. - M., 1964.

Comment- reprimand, an error point.

Intonation - increase or decrease in voice during pronunciation; Pronunciation manner reflecting the feelings of the speaker.

Instruction - Formulated in the word sequence of actions.

Irony - Thin mockery, expressed in hidden form.

Command - a brief oral order.

Moraling - teaching, suggestion of moral rules.

Notation - instruction, reprimand.

Encouragement - suggestion of cheerfulness, raising the mood.

Crown - reprimand, condemnation.

Promotion - What encourages: approval, reward, assistance, sympathy, exciting desire to do well, better.

Request - Appeal that calls for satisfy any needs, desires.

Order - 1. The same as the order. 2. Caring for device, use, applying something.

Threat - intimidation, promise to cause evil.

Note - instruction, clarification, indicating how to act.

Reproach - Displeasure, disapproval or accusation made by someone.

Humor - Soblobno-mocking attitude to something.

III. Processing of observation results and formulation of conclusions

2. Determine the rank place of each type of influences and put this data in column 6.

3. To relate rank places of a particular type of influences, which were observed at the teacher at the lesson, with the data presented in graphs 1 and 3.

Note.Column 1 shows the ranking places of verbal impacts that are characteristic of teachers who have a high level of understanding of students.

Column 3 shows the ranked seats of verbal impacts for teachers who have a low level of understanding of students.

The characteristic of rank places of these types of impacts was obtained in the study of S. V. Kondratyeva (Kondratieva S. V.Psychological problems of understanding each other people // Psychology of interpersonal knowledge. - M.: Pedagogy, 1981).

4. Make a conclusion:

a) about the most characteristic of this teacher verbal influences on students, taking into account that 1-4 is high, 5-8 - average, 9-12 - low rank places of a particular type of influences;

b) Do these, the most characteristic types of teacher are influenced by the teacher about his understanding of students, given that one of the main indicators of communicative culture is the understanding of the student.

5. If the treatment does not allow to definitely make a conclusion about the most characteristic verbal influences of the teacher, then you need to turn to those species that are not specified in the scheme, but which you installed and recorded during observation, and use this data to resolve doubt.

Methods of expert assessment of non-verbal behavior of the person

Emotional and cognitive characteristics of communication / ed. V. A. Labunskaya. - Rostov-on-Don, 1990. - P. 150-153.

Instruction.You often communicate with ... and, of course, know him well (her) behavior, habits. Please, please, your opinion on the peculiarities of his (her) neustal (non-verbal) behavior, responding to the questions below. Rate how often certain behaviors are manifested ... in communicating with you and other people.

Issues 1, 5, 8, 12, 15, 17 concern the overall estimate of the non-verbal repertoire of the personality in terms of its diversity, harmony, individualization, etc.

Questions 2, 4, 7, 11, 14, 18, 20 characterize the human ability to adequately understand the various components of the partner's non-verbal behavior.

Questions 3, 6, 9, 10, 13, 16, 19 determine the ability to manage, to targeted use of non-verbal means in communication.

Methods of observing the manifestation of perseverance and perseverance in the process of training session or competition

Practical classes on psychology / ed. A. C. Puni. - M.: Physical Culture and Sport, 1977. - P. 147-148.

Methods of observation of emotional excitation

Practical classes on psychology / ed. A. C. Puni. - M.: Physical Culture and Sport, 1977. - P. 120-121.

The scale of evaluation of external signs of emotional excitation includes assessment of behavior, attention, facial expressions, pantomimics, movements, static poses, speeches, vegetative shifts.


Indifference to everything. Drowsiness, yawning. Reduced reactivity ... 1

Behavior does not differ from the usual. Business suit. Consciousness is aimed at the upcoming competitive activities (proper and rational exercise, tactical techniques, etc.) ... 2

There is anxiety, fussiness. Consciousness is aimed at a possible end result (result) competitions ... 3

Frequent sentiment change, irritability ... 4

Mimica, Pantomimika

Face frozen. Mouth semi-open. Eyes semi-closed ... 1

Mimic and pantomimik do not differ from ordinary ... 2

In Mimic, there is some tension, minor movements of the lips. Nonal gesticulation when talking ... 3

Mimic tense, jaws are compressed, grata on the cheeks, lips offset to the side, lips snacking, sharp movements head, frequent flashing eyes, unmotivated seamless eye. Stormy gesture ... 4


Slow motion, sluggish ... 1

Movement calm, fusion, soft, as usual ... 2

Some sharpness, impurity of movements. No extra movements ... 3

Movement sharp, disproportionate, accompanied by excessive efforts. Hands are sometimes accompanied by movements of the whole body ... 4

Static poses

Poses are uncomfortable, but not changing, frozen static positions ... 1

Posses are comfortable, relaxed, justified by circumstances. Convenient postures, but the tendency towards their unjustified shift is manifested ... 3

Poses are uncomfortable, frequent change of them ... 4


Speech slowed down, sluggish, clarifying. Quiet voice ... 1

Ordinary speech ... 2

Speech more rapid, loud or more expressive than usual ... 3

Speech frequent. The endings of the words are pronounced fuzzy. Notable changes in the intonation of the voice ... 4

Vegetative shifts

Pulse and breathing ordinary or slow. Lady of skin face. Easy malaise, feeling of lethargy, weakness. The muscles are relaxed more than always, it is difficult to strain them ... 1

Pulse and breathing ordinary. The complexion is unchanged. Muscle tone normal ... 2

The pulse is somewhat rapidly (by 5-10 shots per minute). Breathing more often than usual. Redness of the skin of the face. Muscle tone normal or somewhat increased ... 3

Pulse is significantly increased. Breathing is frequent, superficial. Increased sweating. Elevated diuresis. Sharp redness of the skin of the face and body. Muscles are tense ... 4

Protocol assessments of external manifestations of emotional arousal

In each group, the signs of the scale of estimates are based on the principle of increasing the external manifestation of emotional arousal. Evaluation 2 points corresponds to the usual - background - emotional state, inherent in a person in a relaxed atmosphere; Evaluation of 1 point - insufficient emotional excitation (pre-person apathy); score 3 of the score - increased compared to the usual level of emotional excitation (for many athletes, it is the optimal corresponding state of readiness); Assessment 4 points - the state of the predamal fever when the external manifestations of emotions indicate their excessive intensity.

Monitoring the child in psychological examination (for children from 6 to 15 years)

Cherny V., Kollarik T.Compendium psychodiagnostic methods. Bratislava, 1988. - T. 2. - P. 215-216.

When creating an observation scheme, the authors proceeded from the requirement to create a manual that would unite and simplify the surveillance system and conversation. The initial moments were the analysis of the progress of the usual psychological examination, the choice of psychological concepts and terms, familiarization with scientific literature and schemes of similar type. The scheme contains concepts related to certain manifestations of the child's behavior and its characteristics. The task of the psychologist is to note the characteristic features for the child.

The basis of the observation scheme is a form consisting of the following parts:


1) direct observation;

2) derivatives;

3) Topics for conversation.

The first part of the form concerns the data obtained during the observation process, and contains the following characteristics of the child:


1. Somatotype, gait, face, facial expressions and pantomimics, leather, teeth, hygiene, cosmetics, clothing.

3. Total mobility - speed, accuracy, focus, tension, impaired mobility.

4. Social behavior - the establishment of contact, changes in behavior in the course of the survey, public skills and politeness, qualitative indicators of social behavior (related to the manifestations of dominance, aggression, submissions and affiliation).

5. Mood - Euphoria, carefit, happiness, smooth mood, serious mood; Mood variability under the influence of external factors.

6. Behavior in the situation of solving problems (test) - attitude to tasks, work skills, attentiveness.

7. Signs of neurotic tension - the movement of hands, grimaces, nail biting, sweating, trembling of hands, etc.

The second part of the form contains a list of important identity properties. Here, on the basis of all data about the child, his personal characteristics reproduce. This part contains categories: temperament, character properties, volitional properties and work towards work, social reactivity, attitude to adults, attitude towards himself, family atmosphere.

The third part shows the topics for conversation: symptom, family, parents, apartment, family inclusion, school, studies (performance), teachers, classmates, home preparation, home duties, pastime, self-esteem, sleep, food, health, fear, fear , Load situations.

Scale of estimates for measuring the student's reactivity

Shooting Ya.The role of temperament in mental development / trans. with Polish. - M.: Progress, 1982. - P. 157-160.

To build estimates, a scheme of observation previously developed by the author was used. The scale applied by M. Grodner and allowing to measure 12 types of behavior according to the nine-ball system, was subjected to further modification and in the final version is reduced to 10 different types of behavior in different situations considered particularly important for the diagnosis of reactivity. Each of these types is estimated on a five-point system. Therefore, the student can obtain a maximum of 50 points, at least 10. The level of reactivity is the lower, the greater the number of points receive the subject. This is done to facilitate the perception of quantitative results. So, the number 50 indicates minimum reactivity, 10 - about the maximum.

We give the score of the estimates along with a brief instruction that allows the reader to try to apply it for its purposes.

Instruction.Determine on a five-point scale the intensity of each of the named properties of the student's behavior. When evaluating, it should be proceeded from specific, observed forms and methods of behavior.

Figure 1. - the smallest intensity of this property (complete absence). For example, evaluating such a property as the energy of the movements performed, the figure 1 will circle a mug if the observed movements of the student are completely devoid of energeticness.

Figure 5. - The highest intensity of this property (the explicit possession of this property, for example, the student's movement is very energetic).

Figure 3. - Average estimate means the moderate intensity of this property.

The selected digit circle the circle. After evaluating all ten categories of behavior, which will require (depending on the possibilities and conditions of observation, the frequency of contacts with the student) of various time costs, summarize the results obtained.

Monitoring the manifestations of interest, attention of students in the lesson

Vikulov A. V.Expressive movements of students and their psychological classification: dis ... Cand. psychol. science - L., 1986. - P. 94.

Lob-eyebrow zone:


The reduction of eyebrows;

Raising eyebrows.

Eye zone:


The increase is to reduce the eye slit;

Raising the upper eyelid, lowering the tone of the upper eyelid;

The nature of the view (the visual axes intersect at the subject matter or converge outside the subject);

Direction of sight (to the side, in the face, in the eyes);

View tension.

Zone from the base of the nose to the chin:


Changes in the corners of the mouth (drawn-omitted);

Tone mouth;

The size of the oral gap (mouth is closed, semi-open, open).

Head zone:


Facial drawbacks of the student to the subject (increase - decrease); In a fixed coordinate system: complete, incomplete, there is no facial reversibility;

Changes in the position of the head horizontally (left, right), vertically (raised, omitted);

Methods of fixing the head through the support on the hand.

Neck zone:


The change in the neck tone (due to the change in the position of the head vertically and horizontally, with the presence or absence of supports).

Torch zone:


Changes in the position of the body in relation to the subject;

The convertion of the plane of the body to the object in the relative and fixed coordinate system (similar to the facial handling).

Hand area:


The tone of the left and right brushes of the hands (compressed, spread, involuntary contact with the desk, other objects);

Movements that are the means of self-action, self-immulation: autocontacts of hands of hands, autocontacts hands with other parts of the body.

Foot zone:


Change of tone of legs;

Changing position position.

Statistically significant changes in expressive movements of schoolchildren

Stott's observation card

Workbook of the school psychologist / Ed. I. V. Dubrovina. - M.: Enlightenment, 1991. - P. 169.

The monitoring card (KN) Stott consists of 16 complexes of symptoms of behavior, symptom complex (SC). SK are imprinted in the form of lists and numbered (i-XVI). In each SC samples, behaviors have their numbering. When filling in the CN, the presence of each of the behavior specified in it, the surveyed is noted by the "+" sign, and the absence is "-". These data are recorded in a special table (see Table 1).

Filling the CN, making a conclusion about the presence or absence of another sample of behavior, enters the column of the corresponding SC, the number of the behavior and to the right of the room puts the "+" or "-" sign.

Samples of behavior have an unequal informative specific weight. Therefore, when translating the primary empirical indicators "+", "-" in raw assessments for some samples of behavior, 1 point is given for others - 2 points. To do this, the table of translation of primary empirical indicators in raw estimates (Table 2) is used.

In each SC, the points for behavioral samples are summed up. Then the sums of raw estimates for each SC are translated into interest rates. Percentage indicators indicate the severity of the SC in the maximum expression examined. Recalculation of raw estimates in percent is shown in Table. 3, which is built as follows:


1. All points are summed up for each SC from Table. 2.

2. Then each of the possible "raw" amounts of estimates is divided into the maximum possible amount and multiplied by 100%.

According to STOTTA, the number of SC numerical indicators are important, but approximate, so when interpreting it, you need to handle them carefully. The technique is not standard for practical needs.

Using quantile numeric scales (from 0 to 100%) for each SK broke on five intervals. The interval from 0 to 20% speaks of so weak quality severity that in fact we are dealing with quality other than the inherent SC. So, very poorly expressed SK V.NV can talk about the child's attempts to establish good relations with adults, but accompanied by adults unpleasant to adults.

The interval from 80 to 100% similarly shows that the quality of the SC rearranged itself and we are dealing with other quality. For the correct interpretation of extreme intervals, the involvement of additional information is especially important.

The intervals from 20 to 40, from 40 to 60 and from 60 to 80%, respectively, talk about noticeable severity, strong severity, very strong gravity of quality.

KN Stott is designed to study the peculiarities of students who are dedicated to the school conditions. Two types of students are dezadapted: the first - who themselves experience difficulties and create many difficulties for the environment (technical staff, teachers and other children), so-called difficult; The second one - in school it is difficult, but those around them do not deliver trouble.

The detected features (external manifestations, samples of behavior), called symptom complex, are as follows:

I. ND is a lack of confidence in new things, people, situations.

SC positively correlates with sensitivity on PDD person. Any achievements are a great effort.

II. O - weakness (asthenia).

This is not about clinical and not even about the subclinical forms of state weakness, but on the manifestations of apathy, low mood, a kind of neurophysical debris. In the easiest form of a decline in energy alternate with manifestations of energetic and activity. SC speaks of a shortage of the energy resources of the child's body, and therefore, about its impossibility of manifest activity.

This is the oldest method of psychological research. With it, you can get extensive information about the psyche of a person. It is an indispensable everywhere where standardized procedures are not developed or unknown, such as tests and questionnaires. At the same time, the researcher for monitoring is not required to consent from the observed and cooperation with them.

The method of observation is particularly important to study the psychological characteristics of children, since the child as an object of study represents greater difficulties for experimental learning than an adult.

In the method of observation as a measuring instrument, the observer itself is, so it is very important that he keeps the technique of observations at a high level and in full.

Scientific observation as a research, psychodiagnostic method is characterized

  • formulation of the problem
  • selection of situations for observation,
  • the determination of psychological qualities or behavioral features that should be the object of observation,
  • developed fixation system and recording results.

In other words, observation as a method includes a target and scheme.

Purpose of observation.

Observation can wear a search and specific, strictly defined character. goal search engine Which is usually held at the initial stage of developing any problem - to obtain the most complete description of the parties and relationships inherent in this problem, cover it entirely. This kind of observation M. Ya Basov calls observation in general, the observation of everything is characterized by the object, without the selection of any definite manifestations.

If the purpose of the observation is concrete and defined, then in this case it is selected only by the desired facts and phenomena. Such observation is called explore or choosing. Here it is predetermined by the subject matter of observation (which is observed) and the dismemberment of the observed per unit.

The subject matter of observation can be generally general, wide, and may be narrow and private.

Observation scheme.

Regardless of which nature is observed - search or explore, the observer must have a specific program, the action scheme. Observation scheme includes

  • list of observation units,
  • the method and form of describing the observed phenomenon.

Before observed, it is necessary to allocate from the overall picture of the behavior specific parties, individual acts available to direct observation - units of behavior that are becoming observation units. These units of behavior in search observation can be more difficult, in the study - easier. So, watching the behavior in general, the researcher, however, divides it to a number of units: Motorika, speech, communication, emotions, etc.

If the subject of the observation is only a child's speech, the units can be the content of speech, its directionality, duration, expressity, features of the lexical, grammatical and phonetic system, etc. Thus, the observation units can vary greatly by magnitude and complexity of the dedicated behavior fragment as well as content.

Selection of methods and form of describing observation.

Depend on what is its character: search or exploring. However, there are some general requirements for recording observation:

1. The record must fix the observed fact in the form in which it existed is real, without replacing it with a description of personal impressions and various judgments of the observer itself. In other words, you need to write only what happened I. how (Photographic recording).

2. The record must record not only the observed fact, but also the environment (background) in which it happened.

3. The recording should, if possible, is fully in accordance with the goal to reflect the reality studied.

For search observation Usually used forms of records in the form of a solid protocol or diary (you can also be resorted to such forms as a movie, photo, video recorder).

AT explore observation Often the categories in which the observation units will be recorded in advance. Add something new to this system cannot be added. Sometimes, categories can contain only one unit of observation, but most often several different observation units refer to one category. In this case, the most common ways to write observation are entry in characters (pictograms, alphabetic designations, mathematical signs and combinations of the last two) and a standard protocol that has a table view.

In pedagogical and psychological studies, a wide variety of species, observation forms are used. The most common species include the following:

1. Observations distributed in time:

  • longitudinal, or "longitudinal" (are held for a long time, usually a number of years and suggest constant contact of the researcher and the object of study);
  • periodic, (held at the course of certain, usually accurately given time intervals);
  • a single, or single (usually represented as a description of a separate case).

2. Depending on the observation situation can be

  • poles (natural for the life of the observed condition),
  • laboratory (the object is observed in artificial conditions) and
  • provoked In natural conditions.

3. AT depending on the position of the observer in relation to the object observation may be

  • open I.
  • hidden (for example, through Glass Gezella), or
  • observation from the side and
  • included (the researcher is a member of the group full of its participant).

Included observation, as well as observation from the side, can be open and hidden (when the observer acts incognito).

Listed types of observation are not opposed to each other and in a real specific study can be combined.

In conclusion, it is necessary to emphasize once again that the observation method is a rather laborious and complex diagnostic tool requiring a supervisor of great professional experience and special training.

We formulate the rules, subject to which the effectiveness of this method rises:

  • conduct multiple systematic observations of this fact in a variety of situations, which will allow to separate random coincidences from sustainable natural bonds;
  • do not make hasty conclusions, be sure to put forward and check alternative assumptions about the reality that is behind the observed fact;
  • do not tear off the private conditions of the observed fact from the general situation; consider them in the context of the overall situation;
  • try to be impartial;
  • several observers should evaluate the following observed (no less than 2 people), and the final assessment should be formed from their observations, and the judgments of each must be independent.

And now about self-observation.

Introspection - observation of a person for the inner plan of his own mental life, followed by fixing its manifestations (i.e., fixation of experiences, thoughts, feelings, etc.). In modern psychology, self-surveillance data is not accepted for faith, but are taken into account as a facts requiring scientific interpretation. The results of self-surveillance can be recorded in various documents - letters, autobiographies, questionnaires, etc.

Self-surveillance should not be mixed with introspection as a subjective method. Self-surveillance is characterized by the fact that the observed phenomena, the processes must be completed, and only then the events are restored by memory; That is why distortions caused by a self-surveillance process, as such, are absent. The introspection, on the contrary, is an attempt to "peel" for the events of mental life along the way, as a result of which the observed psychological phenomena is hopelessly distorted. Therefore, introspection, in contrast to self-surveillance, no scientific value has.

The result of self-surveillance is in some cases the self-report - a description of the person himself in the relative integrity of mental and personal manifestations. Self-reports are characteristic of systematic errors, the most important of which is that a significant part of the subjects is inclined, giving it, to submit itself to a more advantageous light.

The initiated method of observation, led me to an absolutely specific method of observing R. Beilza. This technique is the classic and most well-known version of observation in social psychology, but the social teacher can also be applied in its activities..

Its feature is The fact that observation is carried out behind the group as a whole and allows you to register various types of interactions in the group according to the Unified Plan.

Basic critical comment Domestic researchers to the R. Bailes scheme is that it does not have a characteristic of the content of general group activities, i.e. There is no answer to the question "What is done?".

According to R. Beilz, the interaction (interaction) in the group occurs when the individual produces any action (ACT) serving an incentive for another individual.

The interaction process is described using 12 categories.which reflect the main relationships and group processes in four areas - positive emotions, negative emotions, problem formulation, solving the problem (Fig. System of categories R. Beilza)

When performing some common task, the Group's activities, according to R. Beilz, develops as a sequence of phases:

a) the orientation of the members of the group in the common task (information exchange);

(b) Estimation of the progress of the task of the group members (evaluation of opinions);

c) control (attempt by group members to influence each other);

d) finding a group solution;

e) the weakening of interpersonal and intrapersonal stresses;

f) manifestation of solidarity (or split between them).

The basis for summing up the observed act under one or another category is the content of the participant's statements, its intonational characteristics, facial expressions and appeals to other participants, as well as the relationship of statements with previous ones. Summing up under the category can be represented as a two-stage process: first the phenomenon is determined, and then more specific category.

An example of summing up under the category

Member 1: "I wonder if we have the same facts?" (asks to express an opinion). "Apparently, we should start with the clarification of this issue" (expresses the opinion).

Member 2. "Yes" (agreed). "We will be able to fill the gaps in the information you have" (expresses an opinion, assessment). "Let all take turns to report the data they have" (expresses the proposal, evaluation).

You can master and work out the categorical system of R. Beilza with the help of three classes in the course of observation in the training situations as their complexity increases:

1. The material of the written text describing the group discussion (for example, the conversation between the employees of Nichavo on the strange events associated with the green parrot (Strugatsky A. Monday begins on Saturday: fiction. Tale / A. and B. Strugatsky. - Frunze, 1987. - P. 180-181));

2. On the material of the video feeding of a feature film or a journalistic television program (for example, a breakdown from the movie "Garage" E. Ryazanov (1978));

3. On the material of the actual discussion on a given topic conducted by students in two subgroups (5-7 people) followed by the exchange of roles.

The proposed monitoring scheme can be used as an auxiliary means of obtaining information about mental activity, behavior and communication of a schoolboy. First of all, in the situation of an individual examination. At the same time, we do not exclude the possibility of using this scheme and in other psychological and pedagogical situations of the interaction of an adult and a student. The scheme is a set of descriptions of specific behavioral manifestations of a child observed by a psychologist or teacher in the process of communicating, which

correlated with various parameters of his psychological and pedagogical status.

3. Stott observation map (35)

This technique is a specialized questionnaire to study the content and nature of the seductive behavior of the schoolchildren 7-12 years. In form, he, as well as a psychological and pedagogical map, is the technology of structured observation by the teacher of the characteristics of the child's behavior. However, observation and evaluation are subjected in this case such fragments of schoolchildren behavior, which can be qualified as manifestations of deadaption. The undoubted advantage of the surveillance card (abbreviated-book) is its differential capabilities - on the basis of a pedagogue-filled card, it is possible not only to establish the fact of the presence-lack of deadaption in the behavior of a schoolboy, but also to find out the preferential nature of existing disorders (closedness, hostility, anxiety, etc.), as well as the social sphere of their manifestations (relations with adults, with peers).

Accordingly, the main direction of data analysis is a high-quality analysis that allows you to understand the nature and depth of violations and outline ways of correction.

A serious disadvantage of the method is its laboriousness. Therefore, the filling of the CN is recommended in relation to those children, violations in the behavior of which are already fixed by a psychologist and teacher. In addition, in our opinion, this technique has another serious deficiency, so to speak, ideological nature. It is associated with the clinical orientation of the method and manifests itself in the formulation of behavioral fragments. A teacher fills the text of the KN on all the children's children, unwillingly begins to look at them, as on carriers of negative, pathological traits. This does not contribute to the formation of a humanistic installation on children with respect to children, and accordingly complicates the implementation of the idea of \u200b\u200bpsychological and pedagogical accompaniment of the child in the process of schooling.

4. Questionnaires for parents

The questioning of parents is envisaged in all diagnostic minima, but they have special significance in the 2nd and 4th screenings aimed at studying

M. Bityanova

the infamination of schoolchildren's adaptation process in new socio-pedagogical conditions. The information detected in the process of survey information is an important component of the diagnostic minimum, as it allows you to:

Relate the behavior of a child at home with his school


  • clarify the origin of one or another school pro
    blems of a child or teenager;

  • complete data obtained when polling teachers
    and examination of the child.
In accordance with the tasks of the question of the parents, the content of the questionnaires is also set. It includes questions or positive judgments concerning interest in school, emotional experiences of a child arising from school situations, features of the organization of educational activities at home, the general psychophysical state of the schoolboy, etc. We do not consider it possible and necessary to use Western questionnaires in mass school practice For parents focused on identifying various symptoms of dezadapive behavior. For example, Questionnaire Aachen Bach *. They are cumbersome, complex in processing and most importantly - are focused on identifying children with various dezadapivens, asocial, abnormative forms of behavior. The experience of using the questionnaire Achenbach convinced us that the parents in the process of filling it hide the meaningful information, react negatively to many formulations. It can be seen that often they just unpleasantly correlate the text of the questionnaire with their own child.

As a possible version of the poll of the parents, I was able to "form a questionnaire for the parents of first-graders", which brought in the book "Diagnostics of school dezadaption" (16). The questionnaire consists of closed-type issues relating to various aspects of the child's home behavior directly related to academic activities and the school situation of communication. It does not have strict processing standards, but can serve as a source of important high-quality information. In addition, to standardize the procedure for its formation when this book was preparing for printing, the questionnaire was published in the methodological manual "Psychological and pedagogical provision of correction-developing work at school" - m. 1997.

there are no special work in a simple form.

5. Tests for performance and the tempo of mental activity

Partially information on the tempo characteristics of the schoolchild's training activities and its performance is contained in a psychological and pedagogical map and questionnaires for parents. When this information is not enough, the screening battery can be supplemented with test procedures of the Toping test type and the methodology is equal to mental performance.

Those pp and n g are art. The author of Methodik - Ilyin E. P. (23). The technique is intended to determine the properties of the nervous system for psychomotor indicators. Its practical value is among other things in the ability to identify the peculiarities of the rate of activity characteristic of a particular schoolboy. Practice shows that the test results are well correlated with the real behavior of the child in various training situations. Consequently, on the basis of its data, specific recommendations for teachers and parents on the organization of educational and other types of schoolboy can be developed. The undoubted advantages of the test include its compactness, ease of processing and the possibility of repeated use.

The test is equal to mental performance. This technique is designed to work on average and senior school link. It allows you to identify the dynamic features of intellectual activity on the verbal, accessible to schoolchildren. The proposed test material partially involves mechanical work, partly requires intellectual efforts. This feature of the technique also allows you to compare the tempo characteristics of different types of mental activity. The technique is convenient for processing and does not require much time to hold.

6. Methods of studying the meaningful features of the cognitive activity of schoolchildren

A significant part of the information relating to the content of the cognitive activity of schoolchildren and inherent in this field of features, we consider it possible to receive during

M. Bityanova

an expert poll of the teacher. However, we understand that it must be complemented and those data that is obtained directly in the process of surveying schoolchildren. We have already had the opportunity to state our views on school applied psychodiagnostics and its specifics. Most of the existing intellectual techniques designed to examine the cognitive sphere of children and adolescents seem to us little informative in terms of school psychological practices and accompaniment problems. The most suitable for our objectives such techniques as the signed in its various modifications, which can be used to study the peculiarities of the cognitive activity of adolescents (8-10 classes) and the methodology for determining the mental development of normal and abnormal children by EF Zambazychenye (3.33).

This technique is intended to study the level and characteristics of verbal and logical thinking in children of 7-9 years. For a school psychologist, interest is not so much differential features of the test, how much the possibility of obtaining information on the formation of various elements of logical thinking in children studying in a mass school: generalization operations and analogies, the allocation of essential signs, general awareness. Survey data provide information important both to build a process of maintaining specific children and for analyzing the teaching process in a certain class, a certain parallel.

1. Methodik works

The methods offered by the authors is focused on examining children at the stage of transition from the initial in the middle link. Currently, psychological readiness for the transition to high school is mainly the subject of theoretical discussion, in practical activity is weakly implemented. The content of psychological readiness with sufficient clarity is not determined, respectively, the criteria for evaluating the readiness and receptions of diagnostics are not developed. There are few descriptions of techniques designed for individual use. Mass studies with their use are practically not realized.

Performing the task of mass examination of children (available

. -

in view of the examination of all children of one age in a regular school) requires quite unusual for the traditional psychological practice of express diagnostics methods. The result of using such methods is the conditional separation of children into groups. Such groups under school conditions can be high - medium - low level of skills or properties. The authors offer an express diagnostic method for assessing psychological readiness for transition to high school based on the analysis of the product. It is assumed that the product of the activity, especially creative, find the main features of the identity of the subject (author). This applies to both intellectual qualities, abilities and personal manifestations. With a certain degree of reliability (the results of rapid diagnostics cannot be the final conclusion!) Conclusions related to the product of activities include the qualities of the personality.

Analysis is subject to children. An ordinary pedagogical reception is used - children get a task write an essay. The work is performed under normal conditions, the whole class for one lesson. The topic "My favorite game or occupation" is proposed. It turns out the necessary organizing assistance that does not affect the content of the work. The topic is related to the direct interests of children, which is important for motivation to work, wide enough to identify the diversity of the ideas of children about the surrounding, their knowledge and skills.

Works are considered from several points of view. According to the authors developed by the authors, the scheme is determined: the intellectual level, the formation of the qualities of the subject of educational activities, the level of volitional regulation of activities, an emotional background, the level of social and personal development.

Analysis of the results allows not only to assess the level of readiness for middle-level training, but also to implement a program for helping children experiencing certain psychological difficulties.

8. Questionnaires for assessing the level and content of school motivation of students

In modern psychological and pedagogical literature, a fairly diverse test material is presented for

M. Bityanova

measurements of the level and study of the content of schoolchildren's learning motivation (21, 34, 35). Undoubtedly, more informative are the projective and "semi-promotable" procedures, but they are little applicable in the conditions of a diagnostic minimum (the exception is the reception to school, where the use of such methods is quite accessible, for example, a technique developed by M. R. Ginzburg (36) can be recommended . For the purposes of mass express diagnostics, it is advisable to use textual methods of a questionnaire type. For example, when conducting a diagnostic minimum at the stage of adaptation in the initial link - Motivational Questionnaire N. G. Luskanova and I. A. Korobeynikova (22), during the transition to the average link - Methods "Attitude to school" (35).

9. Picturesque projective techniques

This psychodiagnostic procedure has a great value for school psychological activities, despite significant technical difficulties arising from the preparation of techniques, processing and interpretation of data.

When drafting the text, the technique there is a need to choose and substantiate the theme and direction of the judgment offered to continue. In our model, we naturally proceed from the content of the parameters of the psychological and pedagogical status of schoolchildren. This technique is interesting to us, first of all, as a way to identify the characteristics of a system of relations of a schoolboy to the world, a significant activity, to itself. With the help of unfinished proposals, you can identify the cognitive and emotional aspects of this system. The algorithm for the selection of judgment for diagnostics is as follows.

First of all, social spheres are distinguished, psychologically significant for schoolchildren of this age. Then, in each sphere, significant criteria of the system of these relations are selected, which are estimated in two aspects: as a schoolboy "sees", perceives the system of its specific social relations and as emotionally assesses them.

For example, for older adolescents, one of the most significant is the system of their relationships with peers. AT

the framework of this system is significant aspects of relationships as subjective inclusion in emotional trusting relations, the inclusion in a wide system of social contacts. Accordingly, the methodology will include judgments that make it possible to understand how the high school student sees its position in the group, society and how much these positions are emotionally satisfying.

When processing and analyzing data of unfinished proposals, many practitioners have serious difficulties. There are two main forms of analyzing these techniques - high-quality, meaningful and quantitative, criteria. The first form is undoubtedly deeper, but can be successfully used only in individual diagnostic work. The second form is used in the diagnostic mass examination. However, the criteria itself, quantitative processing can be carried out in different ways. For example, using the assignment of students with students of certain scatches: a positive attitude to the question +1, negative -1, neutral (care) - 0. Such an assessment system is described in the literature (30, 23), however, from the experience of its own work and consulting school practitioners Psychologists we know that it is not always possible to unequivocally evaluate the student of the student in this coordinate system. We seem more acceptable to process the results of the methods of unfinished proposals using content analysis. Content analysis is a specific quantitative and high-quality method of processing and analyzing large arrays of unstructured information (27). In our case, it can be used to handle the writings, psychotherapeutic interviews with students, methods of unfinished proposals. The method assumes the allocation of certain characteristics of the text under study and counting the frequency of their occurrence. When processing unfinished proposals, the characteristics may be allocated: specific topics disclosed in schoolchildren's responses, an emotional assessment of the described situations, speech features of proposals, etc.

So, the analysis of these projective methods "unfinished sentences" allows you to obtain an idea of \u200b\u200bthe characteristics of a schoolboy relationship system to peace,

M. Bityanova

people and to themselves. The responses of schoolchildren also contain important information about their emotional state. Indirectly on primary responses can be judged about the intellectual development of a schoolboy (the correctness of speech, understanding the meaning of unfinished statement, literacy, the disclosure of the answer, etc.).

There are a large number of options for this technique for school children. In our practical work, we focus on two main options: for younger teenagers, compiled by E. V. Novikova, and for senior adolescents, compiled by M. R. Bityanova and A. F. Shadura.

According to the results of the diagnostic minimum, the final examination document is filled - the psychological and pedagogical map of the schoolboy. Its filling allows a psychologist to determine what characteristics of training, communication (behavior) and mental state is characterized by this schoolchild and whether the pronounced problems of its psychological development are currently at the moment schooling. The psychological and pedagogical card is drawn up according to the same parameters for which the schoolchild status is monitored. As noted above, at this stage of the survey it is not always possible to clearly define the essence and origin of existing psychological difficulties. In many cases, a more detailed examination is required, focused on the clarification of the hypotheses extended.

In-depth diagnostic examination

A detailed examination, which was discussed at the end of the previous section, may acquire various forms:

  • differentiation of norm and pathology,

  • study of the features of cognitive activity
    schoolchildren in the field of age norm

  • study of the zone and conflict content,

  • study of psychological characteristics of the person
In any case, anticipation of the second stage of diagnosis should be hypotheses on the causes of a violation that would contribute to a sharp reduction in the diagnostic search zone. In the process of analyzing the diagnostic data
The content of the school psychologist-

a minimum psychologist can identify such features and violations within the framework of psychological and pedagogical status, the reasons for which remain uncertain. Consequently, effective accompaniment is difficult. This section of our work may assist in the formulation of assumptions about the nature and origin of identified features and problems. We tried to describe the most likely causes of certain difficulties and psychological inconsistencies with the requirements that can be detected during the diagnostic minimum process.

Description Built according to the following scheme:

1.Parameter of psychological and pedagogical status.

  1. The most likely psychological difficulties you
    claimed in a diagnostic minimum.

  2. Most likely psychological and socio-ne
    dagogic causes of their occurrence. At the same time, in
    respects of some parameters of the status of the cause
    describes under two different headings:
    objective decrease in mental abilities
    relation to the age norm and without such a while
    . That is, it is assumed that the psychologist on the basis
    essential data or after the primacy
    differential examination has imaging
    on the ratio of mental development of a schoolboy
    and age norm.
/. Features of the cognitive sphere


Low Level of Cognitive Processes

Low level of development of thinking

Nonformation of the most important learning mental actions

Possible reasons:

With an objective decrease in mental abilities with respect to age norm

"mental retardation

  • functions

  • psychophysical infantilism (in this case it
    means a peculiar "jam" of the child on

M. Bityanova

school level of development, which is particularly clearly traced in relation to the norms, rules of behavior and activity, as well as in the peculiarities of self-assessment, which is often incumbent). Psychophysical infantilism can be provoked by the style of family education, the peculiarities of the socio-pedagogical environment of the child's vital activity, but in this case it can be assumed that it has formed against the background of a certain cerebral deficiency (10).

Without an objective reduction in mental abilities in relation to the age norm

  • high personal or school anxiety, you
    confined communication violations with teachers or
    peers, as well as family problems

  • low learning motivation caused by
    beautiful pedagogical lag for program
    mE, low level of psychological readiness for
    at this school stage, intellectual
    no passivity, etc. In general, low training
    motivation can be a consequence of two joints
    tex factors. The first combination of factors
    dIT to not formed ™ learning motivation. WITH
    such situations psychologist and teacher most often
    fight in the initial link of the school. In the base
    these situations may lie features of Intel
    lectural and volitional development of a child, social
    but pedagogical factors. Second aggregate
    factors lead to a decrease in learning motivation.
    Such a situation may arise at any stage.
    school learning. Provoke her violations
    conscious social relations, objective back
    program, family problems and other faces
    torahs (10, 24).

Low speech development Possible reasons:

With an objective decrease in mental abilities with respect to the age norm:

The content of the school psychologist-

  • mental retardation

  • delay of mental development or decrease

  • psychophysical infantilism
Without an objective reduction in mental abilities in relation to the age norm:

  • low learning motivation

  • specific speech therapy problems

  • socio-pedagogical conditions of development (character
    and the style of communication in the family, the features of speech development
    tia of the subculture that the family belongs and
    reference group of schoolboy).
Thus, when identifying a number of problems in the cognitive sector of the child, such as the low level of encouraging activities, insufficient training for successful learning, the level of thinking and speech, non-formation of the most important educational actions, in some cases a differential examination is required. It will be focused on the correlation of the child's intellectual development of the age norm. In the event that the assumption of mental decline is not confirmed or a psychologist and without it, it may refuse such an assumption, it is necessary to plan an in-depth examination to test other possible assumptions about the reasons for existing difficulties. At the same time, it, naturally, can rely on the entire set of data obtained during the diagnostic minimum.

For example, a student of the second class Valentine K. with great difficulty was translated into the second class, the first class material remained practically not learned: the girl reads poorly (but he likes to listen to books), does not cope with logical tasks and examples requiring computing with the transition after a dozen. Obedient, calm. Not neat, not careful. Loves to play, spends a lot of time with dolls.

A diagnostic survey conducted at the request of the teacher showed a low level of development of thinking, inconsciousness of the most important mental actions, poorly developed oral speech, the lack of interest of the girl in successful training. Girl tre

M. Bityanova

iOP, with distrust refers to adults, in the classroom does not use popularity and respect.

From the conversations with the teacher it became known that the girl spent the last three years before school in the village with great-grandmother, since another child was born in the family, very weakened and painful.

The psychologist suggested the presence of serious violations of mental development and organized a differential in-depth examination using the child's child's test. The intellectual figure of the girl was equal to 99, while on the non-verbal subtests - 104, and at verbal - 94. Especially low results were obtained on subtests of awareness, clearness, mathematical, consistent pictures. The last subtest was repeated after the completion of the examination and in the conditions of training and assistance, the girl coped with him very successfully.

The mental decline was not so significant and provoked mainly by the lowest margin of knowledge of the world, inconsigned to the skills of logical thinking. Educational problems have been provoked by the low social and cognitive willingness of the child to teach, the lack of due support and subject assistance in the family, as well as the most school failure, which gave rise to fear, insecurity in their forces, apathy.

/7 r o l e m a:

Low level of development of fine motor

Possible reasons:

  • specific neuropsychological problems (3, 25)

  • left left (it is necessary to distinguish between difficulties
    letting with letters and drawing (drawing)
    left-handed to write left hand and work
    belonging to the left-handed to the right
    hand) (5).

  • psychophysical infantilism

Low tempo of mental activity and low training efficiency.

Possible reasons:

With objective conditionality of an existing problem:

Features of the nervous system (inert or weak

types of nervous activity)

  • asthenization of the nervous system due to the object
    tive causes of genetic or ontogenetic
    whom character, living conditions and activities, con
    create events

  • physical weakness on the background of chronic or
    acute somatic diseases
With protective conditionality of an existing problem:

  • high Personal or School Anxiety

  • violations of communication at school (with teachers and vessel
    by bid)

  • family education style (hyperpretation) (49)

  • negative emotional background of intramearm
In most cases, according to the results of a psychodiagnostic minimum, a psychologist can judge what reasons are the available psychodynamic disorders - objective or protective, and, accordingly, to construct further clarification of the problem.

For example, a student of the 8th grade, Vyacheslav D., during a diagnostic minimum demonstrated extremely low indicators for the arbitrariness of cognitive activity, tempo and mental performance, reduced learning motivation. The results differed significantly from the indicators of the previous minimum. All teachers complained about inattention, lethargy, passivity and low work efficiency. At the same time, parents noted that when performing homework, the boy may gather and remains very successful in external activities (classes in a dance circle).

Based on the available information, the psychologist suggested that slowness, low performance and reduced learning motivation are a reflection of school problems. Most likely in any system of social relations. The conversation with the class teacher made it possible to clarify this issue. The teacher noted that the last months the boy practically does not communicate with classmates, they relate to him disseminately. Further examination, in particular, consultative work with a teenager, made it possible to substantiate this assumption and find out the reasons for his conflict with the most influential members of the class, resulting in serious intra-personal and educational problems.

M. Bityanova

2. Features of behavior and communication schoolchildren Problem:

Violations of communication with peers and teachers are predominantly aggressive Possible reasons:

  • aggressiveness as an formed personality trait
    child and teenager (personal accentuation). She is
    may be associated with certain social
    pedagogical living conditions of a child outside school
    lies, in particular, assimilating the style of aggressive
    dénia in the family, features of a teenage referent
    noah group, in addition, it can be reflected
    certain clinical problems (the so-called
    cerebral failure) (44)

  • protective aggressiveness as manifestation
    anxiety, schoolchild's uncertainty in making it
    meaningful adults or peers, inadequate
    manifestation of internal unprotected

  • aggressiveness as a reflection of non-formation
    productive forms of communication associated with style
    family education, living conditions, experience
    communication with adults and peers,
    either - autism in varying severity
    (Under autism, we understand the reduction in this case.
    need need for communication) (10)

  • aggressiveness as a reflection of unacceptable
    ty, nonstandarity of the child's personality

Violations of communication with peers manifested in the form of closetness, avoiding contacts with peers and teachers

Possible reasons:

  • objectively determined features of communicating re
    buckka and Teen withfeatures of Intel.
    lectural or emotional development (intellable
    tualism, autism) (10)

  • features of protective psychological nature,
    high Personal or School Anxiety
    . In this case, the closure of the child often

especially with failure, dangerous, especially - in relation to new life situations. Such a child in many cases characterizes the unproductive type of educational and social motivation - orientation to avoid failure

Closed as a reflection of low levels

™ productive means of communication associated
with the style of upbringing and communicating in the family (conditionally
speaking, autocation of socio-pedagogical nature)


Violation of communication with peers and teachers is preferably in the form of a negative demonstration-T - conscious violation of the rules and norms of school behavior.

Possible reasons:

  • formation of adequate forms of implementation
    needs for attention and recognition of others
    associated most often with family-style features
    th rings

  • unrecognized with environment and nonsense
    children's Darity or Teenager

  • high personal anxiety leading to not
    confidence in the adoption of significant adults and

  • as a demonstration of teenage independence,
    in most cases with violation Normal
    emotional contact of a schoolboy with a teacher
    mi and peers

Violations of communication with teachers and peers, manifested in excessive executive, child conformism. Communication of such a schoolboy characterizes "adepebility", demonstrative loyalty.

Possible reasons:

High personal anxiety manifested in

the child's uncertainty in love and acceptance is significant
mi adults and teachers. Sometimes such behavior
acts as a kind of form compensation for
M. Bityanova

child problems (for example, such styles of family education as a hypoophek)

Emotional and personal infantality of the child,
manifested in high conformity,
representations about their "me", motivational
noah immaturity. Often such features provocira
are supported by a certain style of families
education, child attitude (hyperopka).
It can also lie and defined
rebble insufficiency (44)


Motor dismissal, restlessness, low level of control over their behavior and emotional reactions.

Possible reasons:

in case disadvantage and restlessness with

chop with high activity (educational, introduction
a social or any other) and a goal
directivity, you can talk about the features
nervous system (high energy), manifestations
total giftedness and high educational moth
schoolboy vation. In this case, similar behavior
manifestations may indicate not
noah, insufficiently implemented by a child of his

Dima S., Pupil of the Sixth Class, put his teachers in a dead end. In elementary school, he studied well, but was distinguished by a very alive, rolling character, was restless and talked. This is very annoying his teacher, a woman professionally competent, but tough. She not only did not encouraged, but also quite seriously punished the boy for violations of the established discipline. Parents in all supported the teacher. They also considered her son an uncompatible, naughty, albeit undoubtedly capable of. At the end of the 5th grade, the behavior of Dima deteriorated significantly: he became irritable, bold, began to be understood to teachers, even thoroughly: spoil furniture, insert matches in the castles. He studied extremely uneven: 5-2. Easily grabbed a new material, but there was no interest in school knowledge no longer showed. At the same time, I read a lot and with pleasure, I was engaged in aircraft modelism, chess. Parents repeatedly and seriously

they punished a teenager, even drove to a psychiatrist, but he was not put on the account.

Talking with the parents (regarding the history of the development of their son) and with teachers, the psychologist suggested that the case in the originality, the broad rigging of the boy, to which neither parents were not ready (they really wanted a girl-assistant) nor teachers. Tests for general gifts, intellectual abilities confirmed this assumption of a psychologist.

  • Features of the behavior of protective psychological
    nature. Dismissal as demonstrative
    behavioral manifestation may occur on the background
    violations of schoolchild communication with teachers and vessel

  • Motor disbursement on high background
    impulsive behavior, weak it is purposeful
    may indicate certain
    benbery of the nervous system of a child unfavorable
    neurological status

  • Motor disbursement as an election
    indicates the features of the style of the family
    nutrition and child relationship

Violations of behavior mainly in the form of depressiveness, the aestion of the schoolchildren Possible reasons:

  • depressiveness caused by objective fact
    rami - fatigue, low energy. Such OSOs
    behaviors may indicate common
    somatic relaxation of the child, psychological
    or psychophysical exhaustion, as well as on particular
    the nervous organization of the child is a weak type
    nervous system, first of all. It is necessary
    to take into account that by itself this type of nervous action
    does not cause depressive
    standing schoolboy. It becomes provoking
    factor in conditions unfavorable for training
    and the development of children of this type

  • depressive behavior of protective psychological
    nature. Such behavior may be caused by

M. Bityanova


tennia of various socio-psychological conditions: Demonstrative depression as a reflection of unsatisfied need for attention, a consequence of a high personal or school anxiety associated "With a violation of contacts with significant adults and peers, unrecognized gifts, finally, motivational care from activities in an internal fantasy plan may be associated With a loss of interest in cognitive activity (low or inconsigned learning motivation)

Total slowdiness of the pace of psychophysics

wicker nature mistaken for rejecting
in behavior


Violations of behavior that are manifested in disbuilding of the child and adolescent Possible reasons:

  • pathological, irresistible attractions due to
    nyu-defined objective violations of psi
    khiki baby or teenager

  • disbursement of interstice of socio-pedagogical
    nature associated with the features of the medium of vitality
    childishness of the child, family-friendly features

  • dismissal of intentions of psychological protection
    noy nature, most often acquiring the features of the negative
    tivistic demonstration. Has its own
    violation of communication with significant adults
    and peers

The manifestation of neurotic symptoms in the behavior of a schoolboy, such as the conversion, violations of speech, obsessive movements or sounds, psychosomatic manifestations (pain, allergic reactions, enuresis, and so on).

Possible reasons:

asmanifestations of previously existing psychosomati

violations and diseases

  • high anxiety as a reflection of serious
    summary in relationships with significant adults,
    snit and family

  • high anxiety as a steady personality
    (Certain type of character accentuation)
As for the problems arising in the system of relations of a schoolboy with the surrounding people, the negative assessment of these relations, the perception of them as unfavorable, unproductive, then they are in most cases due to objective disorders in relations. It may be a rejection, non-acceptance from significant adults or peers, social isolation of a schoolboy, non-acceptance and rejection of the social environment by the child himself. A possible cause may also be the deep internal conflict of the personality of the schoolchild himself, which is projecting itself into the system of external relations.

Finally, low self-esteem in most cases is a secondary factor, a derivative of certain violations in learning, behavior or child health (6, 10, 16, 19). The decline in self-assessment is often due to a change in the social situation, the system of social relationships of the child. Thus, self-esteem is reduced against the background of the chronic failure of a child, non-acceptance by a group of peers, deterioration of the relationship from significant adults - parents, teachers - etc. From this point of view, self-esteem can be considered as a "lactium paper" of the psychological state of the child. Often, its level and formedity make it possible to more clearly differentiate the psychophysical diagnosis (for example, to dilute the situations of psychophysical infantilism with incompatible self-esteem and chronic failure, accompanied by an affected assessment of its capabilities (10). In addition, this indicator reflects the depth of violations and problems available at the schoolboy. If If there are serious problems in behavior, learning or relationship with the surrounding schoolboy retains adequate self-esteem and a positive "I-Concept", it opens up ample opportunities to change the current situation, solving existing difficulties.

M. Bityanova

So, if in the process of the diagnostic minimum, certain problems of learning, behavior or psychological well-being of a schoolboy are revealed, the psychologist follows the following diagnostic work in the following scheme:

Description of the problems and difficulties of the schoolchildren identified at the stage of the diagnostic minimum


Advance of the hypothesis of identified difficulties

about nature and origin



Obtaining additional expert information

Differential or in-depth examination



Confirmation or change of hypothesis

Checking the hypotheses regarding the origin of certain difficulties of the child if necessary (that is, if the information available at the psychologist is not enough to organize advisory, corrective or socio-dispatching work) are checked in an in-depth psychodiagnostic examination of the student of a schoolboy. In this case, it is very difficult to give unequivocal recommendations for the choice of methodological instruments, as much depends on the child, and on the qualifications and professional preferences of the specialist itself. We allow ourselves to express some considerations regarding the methods most effectively used in school practice.

Thus, the differential examination of the child can be sufficiently successfully organized with such express methods as a method of transfers - Padobeda (3), Bender Test (26), as well as when using a complete version of the children's questionnaire. The last test is undoubtedly preferable, but the first two techniques can help a psychologist to decide on the possibility of learning a child in this school.

The study of the peculiarities of cognitive activity of students is carried out in most cases with the help of


personal intellectual samples, methods for studying the properties of memory, attention, perception. Their specific choice is determined by a hypothesis extended by a psychologist based on existing preliminary information.

If you need to study the zone and content of the internal conflict of the child, the projective techniques Cat and TAT (10, 30), the Rosetsweig test, the method of the housing (23, 30), the color test of relations (30), painted projective techniques (30), can be successfully used.

To study the personal features of schoolchildren provoking certain problems in training, behavior and mental health, a children's version of the ketttella questionnaire (1.16) adolescent diagnostic questionnaire personal (21), a lascher test (31) can be used.

We note again that the purpose of holding such complex surveys is not in the formulation of a psychological diagnosis in the strict sense of the word, not in the creation of a holistic portrait of the child's personality, but in obtaining reliable information regarding the justice of hypotheses extended. It is in turn, it is necessary to build an effective process of escort, first of all - advisory, corrective and socio-dispatching aspects. The information obtained by a psychologist as a result of various diagnostic schemes is recorded in the psychological and pedagogical map of the schoolchildren and special documents prepared for the consultation.

A few words about the psychological and pedagogical map of the schoolchild. Its foundation is the data of diagnostic lows and organized by their results of in-depth or differential surveys. It reflects the status parameters allocated above, their primary numerical and level assessment on those diagnostic procedures that were used to measure them. The map also contains concerns, marks on holding and the results of certain species of accompanying psychological and pedagogical work. Storage of various test forms, primary questionnaires are not appropriate. The psychological and pedagogical map of the schoolchildren is not publicly available documents. School should be developed clear ideas about which information is available only

Age Psychology -\u003e Although the consulting of the population is a new type of practical activity of psychologists, it is built today not at the "scratch"

Observation is usually called a focused, deliberate and specially organized perception due to the observer task and not requiring "intervention" by creating special conditions in the "life" of the observed process, phenomena. From the aimless passive "eye", which also does not change the conditions for the existence of the phenomenon under consideration, observation is primarily the fact that it is subordinated to a certain goal, it is performed according to a predetermined plan, equipped with subject means to implement the process of observing and fixing its results.

Observation is an active form of sensual knowledge that gives the opportunity to accumulate empirical data to form initial ideas about observation facilities or check the initial assumptions associated with them. It is precisely because observation provides knowledge by direct contact with the help of sense organs with an object of study, it has become historically the first scientific method.

The term "observation", as E.A. rightly believes Klimov is used in three different values: observation as activity as a method and as a technique. Consider them alternately.

Observation is applied not only in scientific research, but also in various types of social practice, while maintaining their main features. The power system operator observing the instrument testimony is inspected by a specific plan; The doctor, conducting a systematic examination of the patient, gets an idea of \u200b\u200bhis health; The investigator, watching the behavior of the criminal during interrogation, checks which of the hypotheses on the role of the questioned in the crime is the most believable. Is the observation scientific or practical determined primarily by the nature of the goals. Scientific observation always pursues research, educational "goals. Observation included in practical activities is aimed at maintaining its service, the results of the observation are immediately used to achieve the main goal of practical activity: a physician for diagnosis, an operator for the distribution of electricity, the investigator for the disclosure of a crime. Such The truth is immediately checked, the objectivity of the observation results.

The term "method" was used in the ancient world as a synonym for "teachings". Currently, in the philosophical literature, the method in a broad sense is understood as "a form of practical and theoretical development of reality emanating from the patterns of the object being studied" (philosophical encyclopedia, vol. 3, p. 409). In other words, the method includes, on the one hand, a system of regulatory principles of practical and cognitive theoretical activities, that is, techniques for the manufacture of products or methods of research and presentation of the material, and, on the other hand, is a way to interpret the facts (A.P. Kupriyan). In accordance with this point of view B.A. Klimov believes that observation method In psychology is provision system On the essence and specifics of psychological observation, on its capabilities and restrictions, as a method of scientific research, on fire equipment, on the structure and varieties of the psychologist's activities as an observer. Observation is one of the methods of collecting data, such as experiment, conversation, a survey or analysis of activities, and differs from them or the type of relationship to the study object (in Experiment 1, the study researcher causes the phenomenon being studied by them by creating special conditions), or the presence of direct visual and auditory contact with the object of study (there is no way when analyzing the product products and does not always take place in the experiment). The main characteristics of the psychological method of observation are focus, indirectness of theoretical representations and compositeness. From a methodological point of view, observation in psychology is characterized by "versatility", that is, using it to study such a wide range of mental phenomena, which, perhaps, has no other method of psychology, flexibility, that is, the ability to change the "field of coverage" as necessary The object is studied or the hypothesis checked, and the lack of or minimal requirements for the instrument of monitoring. These characteristics allow it to preserve it so far as the main method of psychology.

In relation to this particular task of the study, taking into account the specific nature of the studied reality, the situation, the conditions in which the study should be carried out, the presence of certain subject matter for monitoring and fixing its results, the observation method is implemented as a specific technique. Under method of observation Usually it is understood (E.A. Klimov, Faitzhat) socially fixed, outlined is clear for others, the subject collection and processing Empirical data, which is adequate to a certain limited circle of tasks. In foreign psychological literature, the term "techniques of observation" is used as a synonym for the understanding of the technique. The observation techniques differ in ways to organize the activities of observation, methods of dismemberment (quantification) of the observed stream of reality, the nature and size of the observation units, receptions of the observed (hand record, film, photo-, video registration) and methods of analyzing results (high-quality, quantitative ). Methods, as the most complete description of the entire observation procedure, includes: choosing a situation and an object of observation, which is primarily determined by the purpose of the study and to a certain extent theoretical ideas about the reality studied; Program (scheme) of observation in the form of an alternating list of signs (aspects) of observed behavior, units of observation with their detailed description, as well as the method and form of fixing the results of the observation; Description of the requirements for the organization of the observer; Description of the processing method and presentation of the data.

This section of the general workshop on psychology aims to familiarize students with the peculiarities of psychological observation and mastering the basics of constructing the observation methodology in relation to a specific research task.

Features of the method of observation in psychology

Specific features that distinguish the method of observation in psychology from the characteristics of this method in other sciences are due to a number of factors that we consider below. All of them are somehow connected with the peculiarities of the psyche as the subject studied by our science. Mental life is not available to direct observation from the outside, hidden from an eye of a third-party person. Part of it opens inland a breath, knows the help of self-surveillance. With this circumstance, the fact that for a whole period of history of psychology, self-surveillance (introspection) remained the only method of our science. But only a small part, as the Ausberg's top, speaking from the water, is opening self-observation, if the whole mental life is Aisberg. As psychology turns into independent science, the methods of objective study of the psyche and the observation method among them are developed. Observation serves as one of the methods of cognition of mental reality to the extent that the latter has external manifestations, and with the subtlety and depth, which theory can be ensured, which is conducted by certain observations and interpreted its data.

Soviet psychology proceeds from the Marxist understanding of the active transformative essence of people's activities. Research of domestic psychologists is based on the principles of the unity of consciousness and activities, the general structure of external and internal activities, the relationship of the importance and personal meaning of forming consciousness (LS Vygotsky, S.L. Rubinstein, A.N. Leontyev). These principles make up the methodological basis for the application of the method of observation in empirical psychological studies and suggest the possibility of studying different levels of mental reflection on the basis of the identification of their regulatory role in activities.

What can be observed? The object of psychological observation is the one who is monitored by observation is a separate person (or animal), a group of people in their joint activities, community. Observation subject There can be only external exteriorized activity components: a) motor components of practical and gnostic actions; movement, movement and fixed states of people; speed and direction of movement; distances between them; contact, shocks, blows; joint actions (groups of people); b) speech acts, their content, direction, frequency, duration, intensity, expressiveness, features of lexical, grammatical and phonetic system; c) facial expression and pantomime, expression of sounds; d) external manifestations of some vegetative reactions: redness or loss of skin, change in respiratory rhythm, sweating, etc. , combination of listed features. Observed can be situationarising in natural life and artificially created in the experiment, differing by type of activity, interactions of people with each other, spontaneous and organized, etc.

Factors, first of all, the complexity of the knowledge of the "internal through observation of the external" are, firstly, the multivalousness of the external manifestations with the subjective mental reality, and, secondly, the multi-level hierarchical structure of mental phenomena. By virtue of the first one and the same behavioral event may be associated with various mental processes. For example, the famous Russian psychologist A.F. Lazur, based on the "science of characters" developed by them, considered the presence of a large number of automatic reflex "spontaneous" movements after a rest period as a manifestation of mobility - the stable characteristics of the human motor sphere, noting that a sharp increase in the number of such movements can To be caused by a number of other reasons - an affect, excitement under the influence of alcohol and others. And on the contrary, the same emotional experience can have different manifestations: one person in anger pale, the other - poured paint. By virtue of the second of these moments, the same observed motor act may indicate different levels of mental regulation of the effect. For example, a prolonged fixation of a look at any object can be a manifestation of perceptual attention with a person's affected person attempts to identify this object, that is, a consequence of the high-level regulation of the glasses. But the same immobility of the gaze can manifest itself as a result of the lack of activation of the glasses of the Consciousness of any other task.

Due to these specific features of the subject matter of the subject matter of the subject, a number of rules for the application of observation were formulated:

1. Conduct multiple systematic observations of this behavior in repetitive and changing situations, which makes it possible to separate random coincidences from sustainable natural ties.

2. Do not make early conclusions, be sure to put forward and check alternative assumptions about which mental reality is behind the observed behavior.

3. Comparison private conditions for the emergence of observed behavior with a "general situation. Consideration in the general context of large communities (the general situation, the person in general, in relation to the child - the stage of mental development, etc.) often changes the psychological meaning of the observed.

Another feature of psychological observation is that the presence of an observer It can significantly change the observed behavior, because for a person and the animal is not indifferent to the fact that he is observed. To minimize this effect, it is necessary to make the observer can see, remaining invisible. There are several ways for this: a) "Purchase", that is, it is often present in the surrounding observable environment, being in-depth in our case and no matter how paying attention to the observable; b) explain the presence of an observer by any acceptable for the observable goal, for example, to explain to the school teacher its presence in the lesson by the desire to master the teaching methodology of its subject; c) replace the observer by registering equipment (filmmaker, video recorder, television transmitter), which, firstly, is somewhat less confused by the observed and, secondly, provides accurate fixation; d) Monitoring from the dark room separated from the room where there are observed, glass with one-sided conduit of light - Glass of Gezella and D) photo and filming with a hidden camera. The last three ways are not always available, and the last two in addition and mainly put a complex ethical problem, because they encroach on the inner world of a person, without having his permissions. Therefore, it is possible to agree with P. Fress, which believes that since the observer bowl of all openly present is present, thereby contributes to new conditions in the observed process itself, only its modesty, tact, the ability to be as close as possible to the observed weakens the inevitable effect of its presence.

Specific difficulties for observation in psychology represent such features of mental phenomena as their unique character, unfinition and very small (splits second) or very big duration. By virtue of dependence on a plurality of factors that can be present in different combinations, manifestations of the same mental property or the process of unique. Here, not only such complex education as a person or interpersonal interaction - even simple work movements in strictly constant conditions become stereotypes, are identical to one another after a thousand-art repetitions. In the experiments of Landis in which the subjects experienced genuine emotions of fear, embarrassment, could not establish typical involuntary facial expressions, expressing them: each test had its own set of mimic reactions 3.

Very short-term actions are not available to direct visual observation. For example, some distinguishable emotional expressions last 1/8 C and remain unnoticed by even experienced observers, as Haggard and Iiseex showed. For their observation and fixation, an accelerated filming is usually used. With too much duration of the studied process, when there is no possibility to observe it continuously (for example, the development of the interaction of a group of people when performing a common task throughout the working day) uses a temporary sample method, that is, observation is carried out with interruptions.

The second group of specific characteristics of observation in psychology is associated with the characteristics of the observer person.

One of the main characteristics of a person's perception - selectivity, which is determined by the general orientation of the child (the child "striking" toys, tailor - tailoring, etc.). The selection in perception occurs under the influence of semantic, target and operational installations a person, and also depends on the physical parameters of the object - its intensity, proximity, magnitude, etc. It is known that the favorable action of the installations is to sensitize perception (that is, exacerbation of sensitivity) to a significant impact for observer. However, unnecessary fixed settings are a kind of shores in front of the eyes, under some uncertainty stimulation to perception errors and contain the danger of unnecessary bias in the interpretation of the observed.

Another source of bias in the judgments of the observer can be a well-known phenomenon of the projection of his own "I" on the observed behavior. He spoke most clearly in the anthropomorphic interpretations of animal behavior. The phenomenon of projections is provoked by the fact that the inner side of the behavior is discovered by self-observation, a person has an illusion that much becomes clear, and therefore the temptation of the transfer of this explanation for the behavior of another. I need a special critical view of an observer in its address when interpreting observation data to eliminate the influence of this error source.

Direct observation opportunities are also limited to individual characteristics of the observer. The amount of simultant perception of a person does not exceed 5-7 discrete objects. To simultaneously monitor the large number of objects, it is necessary to either increase the number of observers, or use in addition to the perception of a person registering equipment (movies, video). Observers vary _ for susceptibility to the effects of different modalities (mostly visual or hearing types), preferably the development of the ability to concentrate or distribute attention, features of memory, cognitive style, temperament, emotional stability, etc. 4 All these individual properties of the observer impose an imprint on the quality and content of observations and are one of the reasons leading to a significant difference in observations made simultaneously by several observers for the behavior of the same object. Some decrease in the influence of the listed factors can be achieved only by directional supervision training.

Surveillance communication with theory. One of the essential specific characteristics of the psychological method of observation is much closer than in any other science, the connection of observation with the theoretical position of the observer. It refers to the influence of the initial theoretical prerequisites of the study (up to the understanding of the subject of psychology) not only to choose the object and object of observation, but also to the organization of the process of observation and interpretation of its results. Let us explain this example. For a behavior, all interest is to study behavior. Thinking for Watson is the "skill of the larynx" and therefore, examining the nature of thinking, it is limited to the observation of the unauthorized movements of the muscles of the speech apparatus. For Gestalt Psychologist Keler, the main in solving the intellectual tasks was "insight" (a sudden setting of relationships of the situation as a whole), therefore, in its studies of thinking of man-like monkeys, he watched all the variety of their behavior in a free field, leaving behavioral acts leading to decision. Consequently, with the common goal, the study of the nature of the thinking-different theoretical positions led to the creation of fundamentally different methods of observation (different objects of research, different objects and objects of observation, various scheme of observation and interpretation of its results) and, by itself, of course, to fundamentally different conclusions.

Thus, the theoretical idea of \u200b\u200bthe nature and properties of the studied mental reality enters the method of observation by the component decisive part. Such a state of affairs is consistent with the understanding of the essence of the scientific method as "powered by the theory" on the expression of the Bulgarian Marxist N. Stefanov.

The justice of approval on the connection of observation with the theory is obvious to observations aimed at checking the hypotheses. It seems, however, that this statement should be distributed on search research, in which the general focus of the interpretation of observations is determined by the total amount of psychological knowledge and representations of the researcher and, consequently, its theoretical orientation.

Let us turn to the issues of organization of scientific research by the method of observation. All the main points of the organization are recorded, as noted above, in a specific method of observation.

Objectives observation

Scientific research is divided from the point of view of preliminary knowledge of the studied reality on the search, the purpose of which is the first acquaintance with the subject of research and hypotheses, and research aimed at checking the hypotheses.

Typically, the so-called search research study, which is carried out at the beginning of the scientific development of any area, is extensively, since it has the goal of obtaining the most complete description of all the inherent phenomena, cover it entirely. This kind of purpose is the famous Soviet psychologist M.Ya. Basov, the author of classical labor on the method of observation, calls the purpose in general, watch, Watch everything that the object appears, without the selection of any definite manifestations. Moimman called such observation expectant. An example of such a study can be the work of D.B. Elkonina, etc. Dragunova, had to identify the actual behavior and activity of adolescents through systematic, detailed, daily observation of students during lessons, training homework, pioneer, circle work, various competitions, peculiarities of behavior and relationships with comrades, teachers, parents, facts. Related with interests , plans for the future, attitude towards yourself, claims and aspirations, public activity, success and failure reactions. Evaluation judgments, conversations of guys, disputes, replicas were recorded. Even the little things were recorded. Thus, a common goal to get a description of all the manifestations of the newness of the child's mental development in adolescence led to the widest possible coverage of all types of adolescents.

Otherwise, observation is based, if the purpose of the study is concrete and strictly defined. Under pressure from this purpose during observation, only the necessary facts and phenomena are selected. Maiman called such observation exploring or choosing. An example of such an observation will take from the study of J. Piage, who considered the idea of \u200b\u200bthe subject as a prototype of cognitive development as a whole. To explore one of the stages of development, at which a child unites the overall idea of \u200b\u200bthe subject with the relation "inside", the researcher from all possible types of child's activity chose only manipulative games and only with such toys (objects) that have an affordable cavity. Observations showed that the ability to invest objects to each other appears later than the motor skills required for this. Observations (combined with theory!) Opened the nature of the difficulties that the child faces, trying to invest one subject to another: he thought that two subjects could not be in the same place at the same time, and now he learns that one subject can To be inside. He must somehow combine this information and make the discovery that two subjects are one inside the other - like one in terms of movement ("container" and its contents move as a single integer), but remain two items that can be separated from each other. .

Thus, cognitive goals lead to the selection of observation subject matter - what to watch and what to consider the observed factAnd thereby specifying the requirements for the degree of selectivity of observation, and dismembering the observed per unit. Only in very rare cases of observation, strangers in relation to the direction of practical or research work, in the implementation of which they are made by a psychologist, - random observations - lead to major discoveries. Thus, the physician psycho-chief in 1888 was made the discovery of psychoalvanic reflex. He drew attention to the concern of a woman who had too dry skin and felt, especially in cold dry weather, sparks with leather and hair. In collaboration with the famous doctor D Arsonvalem, he measured the static charge of the skin, and then found that under the action of some irritants (blue glass in front of the eyes, the smell of ether, strong enough emotions) this charge disappears.

The objectives of the observation may differ in the degree of community of the issue under study. At the same time, the more private is the goal, the more selectively observation and the more it is defined "on top", that is, it is stronger dependent on the preliminary knowledge of the observer about the studied area as a whole. This provision is explained on the example of the allocation of M.Ya. Bass 3 levels of goals in research on children's psychology. The main goal is to study the development of the identity of the child, the purpose of the second level is the study of the individual characteristics of the individual of a particular child and, finally, a private goal applies to the study of any one side of the child's mental life, for example, the study of its emotional sphere. To obtain a reliable result in the latter case, it is necessary to know that in the observed emotional expressive movements is the manifestation of individual characteristics of the child, and which is inherent in this age.

Program (Scheme) Observation

Above it was noted that the observation scheme includes a list of observation units, language and description of the observed one.

Selection of observation units. After, in accordance with the purpose of observation, the object and the situation in which the observation of its activities will occur, the objective of the observation and describing its results is faced. The observed event becomes an empirical fact for science only if it is described in any way by the observer. Any description system requires the described process to be discrete. Therefore, before observed, it is necessary to identify it from the continuous flow of the behavior of these parties, individual acts available to direct observation - units of behavior that are simultaneously observed. The exhaust them allows: a) to limit the observation by a certain framework: to indicate in what properties, manifestations, the relationship is perceived by the observer under study; b) choose a specific description language of the observed, as well as c) form of fixing the observation data, d) systematize and monitor the inclusion in the process of obtaining empirical data theoretical "view" on the studied phenomenon. The selected observation units should be coordinated to research and give possible interpretation of observation results with the adopted theoretical position. This provision illustrates the above example of examining thinking within the framework of the behavior and gestaltist theories: Watson as units of observation were chosen by the microad muscles of the person's articulation apparatus, the keler - holistic behavioral acts, each of which consists of a number of movements and is provided with the inclusion of almost the entire motor Monkey apparatus.

So, the observation units can vary greatly by magnitude and complexity of the "segment" of behavior and in content (see p. 6, where the exemplary list is indicated that it may be the subject of observation).

Writing observation. The choice of language description is dictated by the purpose of observation and the researcher adopted theoretical tradition. Since the goals aimed at checking hypotheses and search research are different, methods for fixing the observation data are often different.

General requirements for writing observations. I. The main requirement - the observation record must be factological, that is, the reading person can "see" the picture of the observed phenomenon with his own eyes. "Any fact, any observation must be fixed in the form in which this fact or phenomenon existed as something real" (M.Ya. Basov, p. 125). 2. Recording should include description of the whole situation (subject and social), in which the observed event occurs (recording "background" in the terminology of M.Ya. Basova). 3. The record must be complete in the sense that it should be fully as possible in accordance to reflect the reality studied.

Writing observations in search research. Since, when conducting search research, the preliminary knowledge of the studied reality is minimal, the observer task is to fix the manifestations of the activity of the object of observation in all their diversity, the recording must be quite complete, most often it is produced in the form of a free description in the concepts of the naturally established language. You need to record events as such - what happened and how exactly, and not your impressions of what happened. M.Ya. Basov believes that on the completeness, the accuracy and lack of estimates and interpretation points, the observation record should approach the photograph and calls it a "photographic" in contrast to the interpreting and generalized and descriptive. However, this requirement of the "photographic" record should not be understood literally. As a rule, the observer is very difficult to do in the description completely without inclusion of psychological interpretation of some moments that cannot be observed themselves and are derived by the observer from behavioral facts as their internal basis. According to Remark A.P. Boltunov, one or two of the taught words, giving the psychological characteristics of the experiencing of the observed person, discussed from his behavior, better flow of long descriptions in which the forests are not visible due to trees, since the objectivity of the description does not decrease, and the inside understanding becomes more accessible and Jouvenified due to the cash of a direct subjective impression. An example of a good entry in the child's behavior observation diary in an orphanage can be the following. The words emphasized in the text give psychological interpretation observed.

"Then she gets up (from the bed), takes the boards and with these boards rushes on the elder girls who came after me. Makes on lying in bed; those with fright jump off; Begins a cry, roar. She is very satisfiedthat all this produced she: "Oh, how they are afraid of me!" - she says oo laughter "(Boltunov A.P. Pedagogical characteristics of the child. M.; L., 1926, p. 12). For example, a bad record of a generalized-estimated type:

"Children listened to Oscar Wilde the Starry Sky fairy tale and made the conclusion about the beauty of good and ug of evil." (Ibid, p. 18).

The record does not notice, in what form the children made this conclusion and therefore nothing can be concluded about the degree of understanding of the fairy tale and the development level in children of moral judgments - the fact that the most interesting psychologist and teacher is most interesting.

Usually, search engines use forms of observation records in the form of a solid protocol or diary - observation is carried out, indicated in the records of the date, time, place and situation of observation of the social and subject environment and, if necessary, the context of preceding events (for example; observation of human behavior in the evening, After a busy daily day, at home on the common kitchen of the communal apartment, during the conflict with the neighbor).

Solid protocol It is an ordinary without any predetermined on the sheet, where recording is being recorded, rubric. In order for the recording to be complete, it is written during observation and requires, firstly, the complete concentration of the observer on observation and fixation, and, secondly, it is very desirable to accelerate the recording to use symbols or stenograph. The solid protocol is also used for the so-called preliminary observations in the initial phase of the study, which is aimed at solving any particular task. Preliminary observations are aimed at clarifying the object and the situation of observation and determining the repertoire of behavior (drawing up a list of observation units).

With the peculiarities of continuous logging during preliminary observations, students will be able to get acquainted with the development of two tasks, one of which is devoted to the analysis of the workshop's workshop on the garment factory, another - the child's behavior in an unfamiliar situation.

Diary form Observation records are used for multi-day observations, sometimes the last months and years, such as the Longitudinal studies of the psychic development of the child 5. The diary is conducted in a notebook with numbered sheets and large fields for subsequent records. To preserve the accuracy of observations, the accuracy of terminology is needed and its unambiguous use throughout the entire study time. The recording should be fully reflecting the observed. The criterion for the expedient completeness of registration can be the exact transfer of the meaning of the observed phenomena. Register is desirable during observation; If this is not possible, then write down the memory. It is not necessary to postpone the recording in a long box. Study of the Stern (A.P. Boltunov) showed that distortions in the description of paintings considered by adult intelligent people grow by about 0.3% per day compared to direct reproduction and consist in turning objects (for example, the ball turned into the sun), attributing subjects of possible, but missing actions, distortion of spatial relations and meaning, etc. In practice, a combination entry was justified when significant moments are fixed during observation, and details - immediately after observations and better in the situation where observations were conducted, since the situation itself contributes to a more complete reproduction of the entire occurrence.

Recording observations in the study aimed at checking the initial theoretical assumptions. The significant difference in the fixation of observations from the previous case is determined by the fact that, firstly, the purpose of the study consists in studying only a certain type of activity, that is, not so wide as in search research, and, secondly, the observer has preliminary theoretical knowledge about the subject Studies expressed in the form of hypothesis to be verified. Both of these circumstances allow the researcher in advance, prior to surveillance, indicate the most relevant goals of the category of category, in which the observable activity will be recorded.

Categories - Concepts meaning certain classes of observed phenomena (A. Panto, R. Gravitz). They should be determined to be able to reset with other categories, to have the same degree of community as others, and express a certain aspect of solving the problem of research. For example, the theoretical basis of the technique of a motor-time analysis of the elementary working movements proposed by F. Gilb-Retom was an understanding of the Bernstein biomechanical operation as a simple amount of consecutive movements, which can be siftd as a grain on sorting. In the light of the challenge challenge challenge, the most detailed analysis (16 of the 18 categories) has undergone various preparatory operations: to remove, transfer, install, and T;

Categories can correspond to different levels of conceptualization of observation. They may appear as a result of empirical generalization in pre-examination and used to classify observed behaviors. The highest level of conceptualization occurs in the event that the categories form the system, that is, such a set of categories that are covered by all theoretically permissible manifestations of the process being studied. An example of such a surveillance system can be seen in the standard procedure proposed by R. Bailes to describe the interaction of members of a small group when a joint solution of the problem. The specified 12 categories (the participant "offers the decision", "expresses the opinion", "expresses the relation", etc.) is based on the assumption of the stages of solving the problem of the Group and fully cover possible units of observation, reflecting the interaction of participants in the discussion. On these 12 classes, the observer dismembers during the observation of the statement of participants in the discussion, given not only what He says each of them, but to whom he draws, what is the emotional shade of his statement, its place in terms of 6 of the alleged stages of promotion in solving the problem. Since it is assumed that any possible action can be subordinate to any of the specified categories, their series fully Defined - relative to each other. In this sense, they represent the system in contrast to the list. Observation based on the category system, below we will call systematized observation.

The ratio "Unit of Observation - Category" is set by the definition of the category. Sometimes the class of observed phenomena contains only one unit, but more often several different observation units are qualified by one category. For example, when analyzing the stages of solving the problem in the study by the method of "reasoning out loud", all speech statements of the subject, each of which contains complete thought (the subject asks itself, assesses the condition, makes a decision, etc.) and is considered as a unit of observation, they are divided by the Gelstat Psychologist to . Dunker into two categories: intermediate and functional solution. Only one unit falls into the latest category, since one "functional solution" is enough for simultaneous setting the subjects of the subject - the structures of the problem, and, it became possible to solve the problem. The "intermediate" solutions that are supplied under the same category may be much, reflecting their equality as a preliminary attempt with respect to a functional solution.

It should be emphasized that summing up a unit of observation under the category - essentially the initial stage of interpretation of the observed - can occur not only after conducting the observation, as shown in the example with a dunker, but also during the observation itself. Especially often this takes place in the case of pre-selected and hard, exactly
limited categories, such as, in the method of Beylz 7, which does not provide for a meaningful description of the units of behavior. The observer, highlighting a unit of behavior during a group discussion, should immediately bring it under one of 12 categories and fix it in the observation protocol.

Above the issues of choosing the qualifications of the observed events were considered, that is quality Their descriptions. However, the observation method allows you to get quantitative descriptions The observed events during the observation itself, if the categories are defined in advance. There are 2 basic methods for obtaining quantitative estimates during observation: i) an assessment of the intensity observer (severity) of the observed property, actions - psychological scaling; 2) Measuring the duration of the observed event is a timing.

Scalery in observation is carried out mainly by the method of points. The differentiation of intensity estimation increases in proportion to the number of points on the scale. Typically used 3-10-point scales. The score can be expressed not only by the number, but also a descriptive adjective, for example: very strong, strong, medium, weak, very weak. Sometimes a graphical form of a scale is applied, at which the estimate is expressed by the size of the segment on a straight line, the extreme points of which are noted the lower and upper scores. Attributing the scores can be carried out and retrospectively, as a result of long-term observations in everyday life. This method is sometimes used to test individual characteristics of a person. In the study of Ya. Shooting on the basis of retrospective assignments of assessments to the specific forms of the student's behavior in ordinary school life (estimated on a 5-point system of 10 categories of behavior) a scale was developed. For reactivity definitions as the properties of temperament.

The timing is one of the variants of the time interval method. The second appearance is the temporary sample method - is described above. For timing in the process of direct observation of the behavioral act or any other external manifestation, it is necessary: \u200b\u200ba) to be able to quickly and accurately allocate from the observed behavior (qualify); b) in advance to establish the so-called fixing points - what to be considered the beginning and end of the act; d) Have hardware equipment in the form of a chronometer, stopwatch or clock with a second arrow. The selection of the time meter is dictated not only by the desired measurement accuracy and cash, but also by some ethical moments due to the fact that the timing of the activities of the observed person may be unpleasant and disturbed. The timing technique is described in more detail in the tutorial number I.

In real studies, various methods for describing the observed behavior (qualitative and quantitative) can be used simultaneously, complementing each other. For example, in the study of S. Meshcherykova, the allocation of various components of the revival complex among the infant during the direct observation of the child's response to a toy or the adult communicating with it included a quantitative assessment of the intensity of vocalization, motor avenue, smiles, and the point of view by the point of the point. The estimates were affixed separately for each of the four components of the reciprocal complex in the specified observation periods (temporary sample method) after the adult child or toys in the field of view. Standardization of observation conditions included the organization of impacts, control of side factors (noise, other people), causing a child orientation, the definition of observation periods, their number.

The most common ways of categorized observations are two: recording in characters and standard protocol.
Recording in characters. Preliminary knowledge of categories in which the results of observations will be recorded, makes it possible to introduce faster than verbal entry, methods for registering observations manually - various variants of symbolic recording, in addition to stenograph, in which each category is indicated by one symbol. The following types of characters are used: pictograms - graphic image signs, letter notation, mathematical signs and combinations of the last two.

The following is the protocol of observation of the work of the Tktchi-Multipleness from the study of E.A. Klimova. The specific purpose of these observations is to clarify the "photograph" of the working time of the weft. This "photo" makes it possible to judge the number and sequences of different types of work, transitions and the quantitative ratios of different indicators. Essentially, for the manufacture of such "photograph", a protocol of sample observation is required, in which the observer, from the entire variety of external manifestations of various sides of the psychic life, selects and records only one definite aspect, in this case, the execution of employment actions. This protocol uses a solid record of alphanumeric symbolism. The record is conducted in a specially separable notebook. In column I, the sequence number of the action or "current time" is noted every 60 s; In column 2 - the work performed; In column 3 - a machine idling at this moment.

The entries in the graph 2 are topped: on the working machine No. I of Tkachkha examines the canvas, on the machine 2 there was a break of the thread and the work was made, on the machine 3 it examines the canvas, the Tkachkha itself stopped the machine number 3. The implementation of such a protocol record is compacting time than the management of the text protocol is about 10 times.
With another type of symbolic recording (in the form of pictograms) of elementary working movements, students will get acquainted with the example of the protocol of selective observation in the development of the learning task number I.

It should be emphasized that since all the symbolism is developed before observation, it goes without saying that this method of recording is applied to fixation only cyclically repeated behavior with a relatively small (no more than 50) variety of behavioral acts. Therefore, most often record in characters is used when observing labor processes.

Standard Protocol It is also used in selective observation in cases where the number of categories is strongly limited (10-15)\u003e and the researcher can satisfy the fixation of the frequency of their appearance. A significant limitation of the number of categories can be achieved due to the dissection of a single and sufficient narrow aspect of behavior when ignoring everyone else. For example, in the N. FlanDers method for analyzing the interaction of the teacher and the student in the class, 10 categories are used, the list of which is provided below.

From the above table, it can be seen that the FlanDers method of all possible implementations of interaction chooses only verbal and considers verbal interaction only from the position of the balance in the ratio of the initiation of the teacher - the student's response and nature of interaction (directive - non-training). For example, under the category 9 ("Teacher asks the question") a lot of student's questions are supplied with a different expression of an interpersonal relationship, the emotional state of the student. All these aspects of the interaction are ignored and completely disappeared for the researcher, since the protocol enters only information that the student's response is initiated by them or caused by the teacher. The noted disadvantage is the continuation of the large dignity of such a registration method, namely: first, the completeness and accuracy of fixing all cases of verbal interaction in various situations (at different lessons of different teachers in different subjects) and, secondly, the leveling of the influence of the individual and individual characteristics Observer for observation results. The first IV of these moments paid attention to P. Fress, arguing that only analytical observation can be complete. The value of the second moment (the problem of the consent of observers) is so large that it may be reduced to no all the results of the study due to the unreliability of the results in the disagreement of the data obtained by different observers in the same situation.

Standard. Protocol has a view of the table. In the method of Flanders, it looks like this.

The proposed form of encoded event entries is convenient for subsequent mathematical data processing.

Types of organization of psychological observation 8

Psychological studies use a wide variety of observation forms; There are no uniform and exhaustive classification, so we will restrict ourselves to the name of the most important types of observation.

Systematic observation in contrast to random It is characterized primarily by the regularity of observations during the entire study period. The time intervals between individual observations are determined by the nature of the subject matter, external conditions that determine the financing periods, and can vary overwhered. In the literature, especially foreign language, the term "systematic" cato is used in the "systematic" value, the definition of which was introduced in this text earlier.

Depending on the position of the observer in relation to the object, the observation may be open or hiddenWhen an observer, for example, looks at the object of observation through Glass Gezella. As a subspecies stand out included Observation: The researcher is a member of the group of people who have observed by him, a full participant in the observed events. Included observation, as well as observing, can be open, or hidden (when the observer acts incognito, not reporting the fact of observation by other members of the group), the observation included, on the one hand, allows you to deeper into the reality, on the other hand, immediately Including in events can affect the objectivity of the observer report. Some types of observation may be an intermediate option between the included observation and not included. For example, observations of the teacher at the class during classes, the observation of the psychotherapist: the observer is included in the situation otherwise than the observed individuals, their position is "not equal" from the point of view of managing the situation.

Depending on the situation observations can be distinguished field, laboratory and provoked In natural conditions. Field observation is carried out in conditions natural to the life of the observed person or animal and its requirement is the lack of initiative by the observer of studied phenomena. Field observation allows you to investigate the natural life of the "object" of observation with minimal distortions (due to restrictions of the situation), but its disadvantage is largely laborious, and the situation of interest to the researcher is a little control; Observation here often expecting, non-systematic.

Laboratory Noye Observation allows us to study a person in a more convenient for the researcher and the controlled situation, but artificial conditions can significantly distort the results obtained. In the age psychology, provoked observations are approaching the form of a "natural experiment" - the method proposed by A.F. Lazur.

An important criterion is chronological Organization of observation. From this point of view, you can allocate longitude ("longitudinal"), periodic and single Observation. Longitudinal observation is carried out for a long time, usually - a number of years, and implies the constant contact of the researcher and the object of study. The results of such studies are usually recorded in the form of diaries and widely cover behavior, lifestyle, habits of the observed person.

Periodic Observations are the most common type of chronological surveillance organization. Unlike Longitudinal, it is carried out for certain, usually accurately given time intervals.

Single Or single observations are usually represented as a description of a separate case. They can be both unique and typical manifestations of the studied process or phenomenon.

In conclusion, it must be said that the listed classifications are not opposed by one another, but reflect independent criteria for classifications that complement each other. Therefore, the method of a real specific study can combine different types, for example, field observation can be carried out as a systematic in the framework of the search * study.


Basov M.Ya. Selected psychological works. M., 1975. 432 p.
Leontyev A.N. Activity. Consciousness. Personality. M., 1975. 302 p.
Rubinstein cl. Basics of general psychology. M., 1946, p. 31-37.
Experimental psychology: in 6 voltage / ed. P. Fress, J. Piaz.m., 1966, vol. I, 611 s.

  1. For more information about the ratio of observation and experiment, see Appendix.
  2. In scientific literature, quite often, the terms "observation", "external observation" and "objective observation" are used as synonyms.
  3. The idea that the expression of the person can judge the experienced emotion to be fairly only in relation to the generally accepted conventional forms of expression.
  4. Detailed analysis of the influence of the individual characteristics of the observer on the quality of observations, see the book: Basov M.Ya. Election Psychological works. M., 1975, p. 44-50.
  5. With the diary of observations dedicated to the topic, you can get acquainted in the book of the Soviet psychologist N.A. Menchinsky "Diary on the development of a child (from birth to 8 years old)".
  6. This type of observation is called categorized.
  7. Practical processing of the Beelz technique is the subject of one of the learning tasks.
  8. Different types of observation suggest a difference in the conditions of observation and, therefore, various activities of the observer.