Rules for English education ordinal numbers. Ordinal numerical in english

In Russian, there is a huge number of rules that are incomprehensible not only to foreigners, but also to people who were born in this country. Most often, schoolchildren and adults cause a lot of questions for the use of quantitative and ordinal numbers. However, everything is not as scary as it may seem at first glance. Having studied the most important rules for using certain parts of speech, you can quickly understand all the intricacies of this issue.

general information

First of all, it is necessary to remember that the numerals are independent significant parts of the speech of the Russian language. By and large, this is a separate group of words that are formed by their rules. Based on this, they are divided by:

  • Grammatical value. This means that the data of the speech part may designate numbers, quantity, and used with the score. In this case, this group of words includes those that answer such questions as: "How much?" or "which?"
  • Signs of morphology. In this case, they are divided into quantitative numerical and ordinal numerals, as well as additional: simple and composite. In addition, there is a category of varying words in which the endings are changing in accordance with the case used, but there are exceptions here.
  • Syntactic role. In this case, the quantitative numerical is one of the whole with the existing existence. For example: "Two glasses stood in the kitchen." In addition, quantitative numerals can play the role of determining or being part of the composite one. For example: "their place in the third row."

Category by value

These parts of the speech are divided into quantitative sequence and fractional numerals. However, by and large there are only two groups. Fractional belongs to quantitative numerical. Therefore, it is worth considering this issue. The fact is that often people are confused quantitative collective and ordinal numerals. Although they relate to different categories.

Cardinal numbers

Based on the title, it is easy to guess that these parts of the speech indicate the "number" and "number". In turn, they are:

  • Whole. In this case, we are talking about such numbers that are the amount of integer values.
  • Fractional. Such numerals are incomplete numbers.
  • Collective. In this case, a quantitative aggregate is expressed.

All these categories are numerals differ in their peculiarities of the formation of speech parts. For example, entire can create with fractional mixed look. Good example: two seconds and five ninths.


These parts of the speech are words that determine the order at the invoice. For example: the second, twelfth, one hundred first, etc.

In this case, no subcategories exist.

Quantitative and sequid numbers: examples

If the formation of different types is incomprehensible from the first time, then it is worth considering their features more. Examples will help better understand the category data education system.

So, in order to understand the spelling of quantitative and ordinal numbers, the easiest way to consider them on the discharges described above are:

  • If we are talking about integers, then they are formed following the example: two, twelve, fifty, etc.
  • When forming fractional numbers, they are used in the form: two fourth, three sixth.
  • If we are talking about a collective category, then parts of the speech will look like: Three, five, six.

In addition, and ordinal numerals have their own characteristics in word formation. If we are talking about words denoting integers, the change is due to suffixes. This means that from one group of speech part you can make another. For example, in order to transform quantitative numbers into ordinal numeral, just to change the last part of the word: six - sixth, seven - seventh, thirty - thirtieth.

Nevertheless, it is worth considering that such ordinal numbers, as the "first" and "second", are an exception. Therefore, it just needs to be remembered.

The declination of quantitative and ordinal numeral

As you know, there are widely applied cases in Russian, which are six. When declining the sequence numbers, only the last digit varies (if there are several of them). For example:

  • Maldly case: twenty fifth, a thousand six hundred thirteenth.
  • PABITIVE: Twenty-fifth, a thousand six hundred thirteenth.
  • Current: twenty fifth, a thousand six hundred thirteenth.
  • Request: twenty fifth, a thousand six hundred thirteenth.
  • Certificate: twenty fifth, a thousand six hundred thirteenth.
  • Compleudified: (o) twenty-fifth, (o) a thousand six hundred thirteenth.

If we are talking about cases, then quantitative numerical and ordinal numerals are really very different by education. In the case of the first category, each word will change. Consider the casements of quantitative numbers:

  • Calm case: eight, twenty-six.
  • Patient: eight, twenty six.
  • Current: eight, twenty six.
  • Challenged: eight, twenty-six.
  • Certificate: eight, twenty-six.
  • Complained: (o) eight, (o) twenty-six.

It is important to remember

Considering (quantitative and ordinal), it is worth paying attention to some exceptions. These exceptions from the rules must simply remember:

  • If you need to use words such as "hundred", "forty" and "ninety", they will have one species in the nominative and parental case. In all other cases, "hundred", "forty" and "ninety" is used. For example, it will be more correct to say: "He walked with a hundred rubles in his pocket," and not: "He walked with stamps."
  • If we are talking about a numerical "one and a half", then the word can change only depending on the genus. That is, it will be right to say: one and a half of the apple (male and medium) and a half of the plum (female genus).

Rules to know

In grammar there are many nuances. Therefore, it will also be useful to learn the rules on quantitative and ordinal numbers:

  • It is more correct to say: "To how many (hours) the store works." At the same time, the emphasis is placed on the letter "O".
  • Today it is very often you can hear a "two thousand year." In fact, it is wrong. The same applies to the expression "two thousand seventeenth year." Correctly talk only: "Two thousand seventeenth year."
  • The ordinal numerical finishes are changing the same as in the case of ordinary adjectives.

How numerals are syntactically combined with nouns

If we are talking about quantitative parts of speech, then in the nominative and parental cases, they are put only in the form of R. p. That is: seven letters, sixteen cups, thirty people.

It is worth noting that such words as "three", "one and a half", "four" and "two" are used only with nouns, which should be put in the singular, and all others are with multiple. For example: three glasses - five glasses, two columns - fifteen pillars, four girls - fifty girls.

In all other situations, with a bunch of noun and numerical, it all depends on the case.

The only exception is a numerical "one", as it is, regardless of it should be coordinated only with nouns.

If we are talking about fractional "one and a half" or "one and a half", then they are coordinated with nouns in the same way as integers. For example: apple one and a half. The remaining fractional numerals must be consumed in the parent. Nouns can be in units. h. or mn. h. For example: Three fifth apples (if it comes to a specific object) and two fifths of apples (if there is a total number of specific items).

Also, you should not forget about using their use with noun the same rules as in the use of quantitative parts of speech. This means that in the nominative and vinegenial cases, they change the form of a noun on R. p. In other cases, standard coordination occurs.

In addition, it is worth considering that when we use a collective numerical "both", then the noun can be in the form of only units. h. For example: both dogs, both Skworts. In all other cases, they are consumed in the plural. For example: seven students.

The ordinal numbers, as noted earlier, when agreeing with nouns, are formed in the same way as the words responsible for the question "what". For example: the first semester, the eighth cup, the ninth lesson.

Also, many are interested, whether the word "one thousand" refers to a numerical or that is still a noun. According to modern dictionaries, 1000 may refer to a variety of speech parts.

This means that the word can be used both as numeral and in the form of a noun. Therefore, in that, and in another case it will be used correctly. However, it all depends on the words goes for the "thousand". For example: "With every thousand rubles". In this case, it has a form of a noun. But if we say "a thousand people," then it is implied by a numeral.

Knowing why quantitative and ordinal numerals are used in one form or another, you can start speaking more competently. The main thing is to remember the basic rules. Of course, there are some nuances in this matter, but the high school student and an adult person will be able to understand them.

So as not to miss new useful materials,

All sorts of numbers, numbers, dates, time, as well as words denoting the amount of something, called. We study English you need to know about such words as much as possible, because without them it is almost impossible to do.

As in Russian, in English, the numerals are divided into those that indicate the number of objects at the invoice, and those that indicate their order. Oh can be read in the appropriate article of our blog. And now it will be about ordinal numerals.

Education of sequence-numerical in English

The ordinal numerical in English determine the procedure of objects at the invoice and answer the question which? (What). They are formed by adding to the quantitative numerical suffix - tH.. We suggest you to learn the first 12 ordinal numerals, as among them you will find the words-exceptions to which the suffix is \u200b\u200badded on another principle.

  • 1 – one.fIRST. (one - first);
  • 2 – twosECOND. (two - second);
  • 3 – three.third. (three - third);
  • 4 – four.fourth. (four - fourth);
  • 5 – fi ve. fi fth. (five - fifth);
  • 6 – six.sIXTH (six - sixth);
  • 7 – seven.seventh. (seven - seventh);
  • 8 – eIGH t. eIGH tH. (eight eight);
  • 9 – nin. e. nin. tH. (nine - ninth);
  • 10 – tEN.tenth. (ten - tenth);
  • 11 – eleven.eleventh. (eleven - eleventh);
  • 12 – twel ve. twel fth. (Twelve - twelfth).

Well, in such ordinal numbers, as a twentieth, thirtieth, forty, etc., ultimate - y. Change on - iE.:

  • 20 – twnt. y. twnt. ieth. ;
  • 30 – thirt y. thirt ieth. ;
  • 40 – fort. y. fort. ieth. .

For composite sequid numeral English, it is characteristic that only the last word takes the form of a sequential numerical one, and everyone else remains quantitative:

  • 53 – fifty Three.fifty- third. ;
  • 307 – three HundRed and Seventhree Hundred And. seventh. ;
  • 600 – six Hundred.six. hundRedth. ;
  • 9000 – nine Thousandnine thouusandth. ;
  • 1000 000 – oNE millionth. .

With how ordinal numerals are formed, figured out. Now let's see the video language on how they are pronounced.

How do ordinal numerical in English are written

We use ordinal numerical not only in oral speech, but also in writing. Therefore, it is important to know not only how they are pronounced, but also they are written. To do this, you need to remember only a few rules.

  1. If we designate the sequence numerical digit, the corresponding end is added to it.
    • 1 – fir. st. – 1 st. ;
    • 5 – fIF. tH. – 5 tH. ;
    • 10 – tEN. tH. – 10 tH. .

    When writing dates Article their and preposition of. often lowered, but always pronounced in oral speech. Read more about our article.

    We write: The Anniversary Is On 5th May. - Anniversary of the fifth of May.
    Talk: The Anniversary Is On their Fifth. of. May. - Anniversary of the fifth of May.

  2. All composite sequence numbers from 21 to 100 in English are written through a hyphen.
    • 21 st.twenty-First.;
    • 32 nD.thirty-Second.;
    • 43 rd.forty-Third.;
    • 77 tH.seventy-Seventh.;
    • 99 tH.ninety-Ninth..
  3. The ordinal numbers consisting of more than two digits are written in separate words. A word appears between hundreds and dozen and..
    • 335 tH.three HundRed and Thirty-Fifth;
    • 421 st.four HundRed and Twenty-First;
    • 5,111 tH.five Thousand, One HundRed and Eleventh.

It is worth remembering these simple rules, and you will not make mistakes in writing ordinal numbers.

Eating sequence numeral in English

Despite the fact that numeral in English are an independent part of speech, most often they relate to some nouns. Therefore, they are set either a certain article their, or assistant pronoun ( mY. - my; hIS - his):

  • their Fourth Episode. - fourth series;
  • their Ninth Floor - ninth floor;
  • mY. Second Book - My second book.

However, there are cases when numerals are used:

  1. As a noun (then artist their Saved).

    All The Candidates Are Great, But i Will Vote for their SECOND. - All candidates are wonderful, but I will vote for the second.

  2. As an adventure (there is no article).

    My Horse Came Fifth AT The Racing. - My horse came fifth on racing.

Once again, how and in what cases use ordinal numeral, language teacher will tell Alex..

In this article, we introduced you to the most important information you need to know for the proper use of sequence numerical in English. We hope she was useful for you. And how well you learned the material will help determine our test.


Ordinal numerical in english

Numeral - This is part of speech, which means a number, a certain number of items, their order with the score.

In contrast to the Russian language, in English, numerals are not inclined.

Cardinal numbers

Numerals that mean the number of items (answer the question how much? - How Many?) Are called quantified (The Cardinal Numerals): One, Twenty, Two Thousand - one, twenty, two thousand, etc.

Numerals from 1 to 12 are called Simple.


English word Transcription

Approximate pronunciation

one. [Van]
2 two
three. [θriː] [Sriː]
4 four.
five. [File]
6 six.
seven. ['Sev (ə) n] [SEVAN]
8 eight
nine [Nain]
10 tEN.
eleven. [ILEVN]
12 twelve.

Numerals from 13 to 19 are derivatives. They are formed with a suffix - Teen.. For example, SEVEN + Teen - Seventeen, Six + Teen - Sixteen. In such numeral, as 13, 15, 18, some changes occur.


English word Transcription

Approximate pronunciation

thir.teen. [θɜːtiːn]
14 fourteen. [ˌFɔː'tiːn]
fi f.teen. [ˌFɪf'tiːn] [FIFTI: H]
16 sixteene. [ˌSɪk'stiːn]

[Sequisi: H]

seventeen. [ˌSev (ə) n'tiːn] [Saventi: n]
18 eIGH t.een. [ˌEɪ'tiːn]
nineteen. [ˌNaɪn'tiːn]

[Ninti: H]

Derivatives are numerical and numeral, which denote tens of 20.30, 40, 50, etc. They are formed with the help of suffix - TY..


English word Transcription

Approximate pronunciation

twenty ['Twentɪ] [Twitty]
30 thir.tY. ['Ɜːɜːtɪ]
fourty ['Fɔːtɪ] [FD: TI]
50 fi f.tY. ['Fɪftɪ]
sixty. ['SɪKSTɪ] [Sequisi]
70 seventy ['Sev (ə) ntɪ]


eIGH t.y. ['Eɪtɪ] [Eiti]
90 nin. e.tY.


Compound Nutritive are numerant, which denote tens of units, starting from 21 (Twenty-One) to 99. According to anology with the Russian language, it should first be called a dozen in English in English: twenty three - Twenty Three, forty One - Forty One, ninety-nine - Ninety Nine.


English word

Approximate pronunciation

twenty One. [Twinty Van]
22 twenty Two.

[Twinty TU]

twenty Three. [Twinty Sri]
24 twenty Four.

[Twinty FO]

twenty Five. [Twinty File]
26 twenty Six.

[Twinty Six]

twenty Seven. [Twinty Savan]
28 twenty Eight

[Twinty Eit]

twenty Nine [Twinty Nayne]
30 (not composite) thirty
thirty One. [Sy: Ti Wang]
32 thirty Two.

[Syu: TU]

thirty Three. [Sy: Ti Sri]
34 thirty Four.

[Syu: TI FO]

thirty Five. [Sy: Ti File]
36 thirty Six.

[Syu: Ti Six]

thirty Seven. [Syu: Ti Savan]
38 thirty Eight

[Syu: Ti Eit]

thirty Nine [Syu: Nayn]
40 (not composite) fourty
fourty One.



Numerals that mean the order of items or the place of the subject with the score (answer the question which (in the account)? - Which?), Are called ordinal (The Ordinal Numerals): First, Second, Third - first, second, third, etc


English word

Transcription / approximate pronunciation

The First. [ðːː FɜːST] [Ze Forth]
2nd. The Second. [ðːː 'SEK (ə) Nd] [ze sackond]
3rd. The Third. [ðːː ɜːɜːd] [ze sod]
4th. The Fourth. [ð ə Fɔːɔː] [ze phos]
5th The Fifth. [ð ə fɪfθ] [ze fifs]
6th. The Sixth. [ðə Sɪksθ] [ze Six]
7th The Seventh [ðə 'sev (ə) nθ] [ze savance]
8th The Eighth. [ZE EITS]
9th the Ninth. [ze nins]
10th. The Tenth. [ZE TENS]
11th. The Eleventh. [ZE ILEVANS]
12th. The Twlft. [zewellvs]
13th. The Thirteenth. [Ze Sötin]
14th. The Fouroteenth. [ze fotins]
15th The Fifteenth. [ze fiftins]
16th. The Sixteenth. [Ze Sicstins]
17th The Sevententh. [ze sewantins]
18th The Eightenth. [Ze Eitets]
19th. The Nineteenth. [ze nintins]
20th. The Twntieth. [ze twenty]
21st THE TWENTY-FIRST [ze twenty forth]
30th. The Thirtieth. [Ze Sötis]
40th The Fortieth. [ze fotis]
50th The Fiftieth. [ze fiftis]
60th The Sixtieth. [Ze Sicstis]
70th The Seventieth. [Ze Saventis]
80th THE EIGHTITH. [Ze Eitis]
90th. The Ninetieth. [ze nintis]
100th The HundRedth. [Ze Handrids]
101ST THE HUNDRED AND FIRST [Ze Handrade & Forth]
1000th The Thousandth. [ze sausyands]
1000000th The Millionth. [Ze Milens]

What else do you need to know about English numerals?

  1. NUTLE HUNDRED [Handrid] - one hundred, thouusand [sausand] - one thousand, Million [Millen] - Million used with uncertain article but, If they matter One -one: a hundred - a hundred, a thouusand - a thousand, a Million is a million. The remaining quantitative numbers are used without article: Three Books - Three Books, Two Men - Two Men, One House - one house.
  2. Nutigative Hundred [Handrid] - one hundred, thouusand [sausand] - one thousand, Million [Millen] - Million, Billion [Bilené] - a billion in the plural does not have the endings if they are another numeral. If the same numerals are used as a noun in the value hundreds, thousands, millions of people, stars, etc., they have the end -s.and after them is used pretext -OF.: Hundreds of People - Hundreds of people, Millions of Stars - Millions of stars, Thousands of Workers - thousands of workers.
  3. There is a union between the designation of hundreds and dozen and. (s): Two HundRed and Twenty - 220, Seven Hundred and Forty Seven - 747.
  4. Four-digit numbers can be read by two ways: 1234 (quantitative numeral!) - A Thouusand Two Hundred and Thirty Four or Twelve Hundred and Thirty Four.
  5. 0 is read as Nought [Music] or Oh [Oh], in the American version like Zero [Ziro].

In English, as in Russian, there are two types of numerical, ordinal (Ordinal) and quantitative (Cardinal).
To begin with, we understand, the difference between ordinal and quantitative numerical. In essence, their names speak for themselves.

  • The ordinal numerals denote the order of items. Answer the question of Which? - Which the?
  • What about quantitative numbers, they denote the number of items and answer the question of How Many? - How many?

Quantitative (Cardinal) Numbers are one, Two, Three, Ten, Twenty (one, two, three, ten, twenty).
Ordinal (Ordinal) - The First, The Second, The Third, The Tenth, The Twntieth (First, Second, Third, Tenth, Twentieth) Numeral English

Cardinal numbers

So, consider more quantitative numerical in English.

Numerals from 1 to 12 are called simple.

Table: Numbers in English with pronunciation

Numerals from 13 to 19 are derivatives. Food with a suffix - teen. For example, Seven + Teen we get seventeen, Six + Teen we get SIXTEEN. In such numeral, as 13, 15,18 there are some exceptions.

The derivatives are numerical and numeral, which denote tens of 20.30, 40, 50, etc. They are formed using a suffix - TY. However, and here there are their nuances that need to be remembered.

Composite numerical They are called numerals that denote tens with units, starting from 21 (Twenty-One). They are written through a hyphen. Thus, the numbers from 21 to 99 are written through a hyphen.

Hundreds in English are used with quantitative: one HundRed- [Hʌndrəd], Two Hundred, Three Hundred (one hundred, two hundred, three hundred).
Learn numerical in English


First, the first, second, third, fifth - these ordinal numerals follow simply remember, as they are an exception.


The general rule on which ordinal numbers are formed: with a certain article their, and also need to quantify the ending - tH..

Several important points to remember:

  • Numeral like Twenty, Thirty, y. goes in i., added e. And only after that add standard TH.
  • Composite numeral sort of twenty-one (twenty one) changes only one, twenty remains unchanged. One goes into a sequence first. In such cases, the article is not needed.


Word (Word) with transcription


the Second [Ðiː] ["SEK (ə) ND]

the Third [Ðiː] [θɜːd]


the Fifth [Ðiː]


the Seventh [Ðiː] ["SEV (ə) nθ]

the Eighth (only one "T")

the Ninth (E disappears)

the Twelfth (V is replaced by f, e leaves)


Nutritive indicate the number of items, and with quantities we face every day. You need to buy 3 kilograms of sugar, two kilograms of potatoes, and the third eggplant is better than the second, give a fifth piece of cake and one sweet water ... See? Without numeral, these suggestions are simply impossible. Today we will learn sequence numerals in English (Ordinal Numerals) , we give examples and subtleties of their use.

Conditional numerals - class names of numeral, denoting the order of objects with a score. Ordinal numerical in English answer the question Which? "Which?", "Which?". So that novice students it was easier to distinguish between the types of numeral in English, they need to ask them.

For example:

  • The Eleventh Frog is the eleventh toad;
  • The Fourteenth Pen is a fourteenth handle;
  • The Second Ball - the second ball;
  • The Fifth Pupil is the fifth student.

Formed ordinal numerical in English by adding a suffix " tH."To the appropriate one-numerical one. An exception is such ordinal numerals as: The First, The Second, The Third, they are not formed by the rules and need to be remembered. Before all sequence numerical, it is defined as defined, since the English ordinal numerals are a definition for a specific noun.

The formation of sequence numbers from 1 to 100 in the tables.

Sequence numerals from 1 to 10


Cardinal Numerals.

Ordinal Numerals.

1 One. The First.
2 Two. The Second.
3 Three. The Third.
4 Four. The Fourth.
5 Five. The Fifth.
6 Six. The Sixth.
7 Seven. The Seventh.
8 Eight The Eighth.
9 Nine The Ninth.
10 TEN. The Tenth.

Quantitative numerical in English serve as the basis for the formation of ordinal.


  • The First Pupil Was Good But The Second Wished To Be Better - the first student was good, but the second left much to be desired.
  • The Seventh Girl Had Brown Eyes While The Others Had Blue Onees - the seventh girl had brown eyes, while everyone else had blue eyes.
  • The Ninth Boy Was High And Handsome, The Second Had Beautiful Eyes, The Third Was a Small One. "The ninth boy was high and beautiful, the second had beautiful eyes, and the third was small."
  • Seven Persons Agreed to Help US But The Seventh Was A Strange One - Seven people agreed to help us, but the seventh was strange.
  • Ten Flowers Were Chosen For This Composition But The Client Were Not Satisfied of Its Quality. - Ten colors were chosen for this composition, but the client was dissatisfied with their quality.

Sequence numerical from 11 to 20


Cardinal Numerals.

Ordinal Numerals.

11 Eleven. The Eleventh.
12 Twelve. The Twlft.
13 Thirteen. The Thirteenth.
14 Fourteen. The Fouroteenth.
15 Fifteen. The Fifteenth.
16 Sixteen. The Sixteenth.
17 Seventeen. The Sevententh.
18 EIGHTEEN The Eightenth.
19 Nineteen. The Nineteenth.
20 Twenty The Twntieth.


  • Sixteen Girls and Seventeen Boys Were Needed for This Play. - Sixteen girls and seventeen guys were needed for this game.
  • Nineteen Cats Were Sold This Week But The NineteENTH Came Back to US. - Nineteen cats were sold this week, but nineteenth returned to us back.
  • A LOT OF LITRES OF PURE ALCOHOL WERE SOLD But The NineteENTH Was The Best! - Many liters of pure alcohol were sold, but the nineteenth was the best!
  • Fourteen Little Dogs Were Chosen for this Performance But We Couldn't Find The One of Needed Breed. - Fourteen small dogs were chosen for this performance, but we could not find any desired breed.
  • Twelve Blouses Were Made by Request (They Were Knitted by Our Best Mistress), But The Elevent Ant Twelfth Were The Best Ones! - Twelve blouses were made on request (they were connected by our best craftswoman), but the eleventh and twelfth were the best!

When writing decimal ordinal numbers, for example, 32, 45, 76 or 93, there is a hyphen between the words, and the suffix is \u200b\u200bput only in the second word, while the first remains unchanged:

  • 43 \u003d\u003e Forty-Three -\u003e The Forty-Third
  • 25 \u003d\u003e Twenty-Five -\u003e The Twenty-Fifth
  • 27 \u003d\u003e Twenty-Seven -\u003e The Twenty-Seventh
  • 49 \u003d\u003e Forty-Nine -\u003e The Forty-Ninth, etc.

Education dozens in English numeral

Cardinal Numerals. Ordinal Numerals.
30 Thirty The Thirtieth.
40 Forty The Fortieth.
50 Fifty. The Fiftieth.
60 Sixty. The Sixtieth.
70 Seventy The Seventieth.
90 Nine The Ninety.


  • Thirty Cakes Were Baked for This Holiday But I Don't Understand Where Is the Thirtieth? - For this holiday, thirty pastries were baked, but I do not understand where the thirtieth is?
  • Seventy Balls Were Of Blue Color While The Fiftieth Was An Extraordinary One - of Light Blue and A Bit of Yellow Color! - Semesat balls were blue, while the fiftieth was extraordinary - light blue color with an admixture of yellow!
  • The Eighty Participants Were So Beautiful I Couldn't Stop But Looking At Them But The Eightieth Was The Most Beautiful One! - Eighty participants were so beautiful that I could not tear off the eye from them, but the eighty participant was the most beautiful!

Pay attention to how hundreds, thousands and millions are formed:

  • 100 \u003d\u003e One HundRed \u003d\u003e The Hundredth
  • 1000 \u003d\u003e One thouusand \u003d\u003e The Thousandthth
  • 1 000 000 \u003d\u003e ONE MILLION \u003d\u003e THE MILLIONTH.

On a note! At the same time, remember that in the formation of several hundred, thousands or millions, we add another word:

  • 700 \u003d\u003e Seven HundRed \u003d\u003e The Seven Hundredth
  • 900 \u003d\u003e Nine HundRed \u003d\u003e The Nine Hundredth
  • 300 000 \u003d\u003e three hundred thouusand \u003d\u003e The Three Hundred Thousandthth
  • 500 000 \u003d\u003e Five Hundred thouusand \u003d\u003e The Five Hundred Thouusandth


  • Four Hundred Thousand Tons of Sand Were Needed For This Work. - 400,000 tons of sand was needed for this work.
  • The Nine Hundredth Participant Denied to Be Present. - A nine-party participant refused to be present.
  • Five Hundred Thousandth Liter of Juice Was Bad. - Five hundred juice litter was bad.

Hundreds, thousands and millions: features of use

First and most important Rule: Using Hundred, Thousand and Million, we use such words in the singular:

  • Three Hundred - three hundred
  • Five Hundred - Five hundred
  • Thirty Thousand - thirty thousand
  • Seventy Thousand - seventy thousand
  • Nine Million - Nine million
  • Forty Million - Forty Million.

reference: If we are talking about the number of animated or inanimate objects in thousands, hundreds and millions, then we use numeral in the plural.

  • HundReds of Animals - Hundreds of Animals
  • Millions of Pieces - Millions of Particles
  • Thousands of Barrels - thousands of barrels.


  • Millions of Pieces of Gold Were Needed to Make This Constructions. - To make these designs, we need millions of gold particles.
  • Thousands of Animals Will Migrate in Warm Countries to Spend There Several Weeks. - Thousands of animals will migrate into the warm edges to spend several months here.
  • HundReds of Flowers Were Bought to make this Festival Amazing! Hundreds of colors were bought to make this holiday amazing!

Let's sum up

The ordinal numerical in English is formed from quantitative. Dozens, hundreds, thousands and millions have their own features of education, while in each group you can find exceptions. For exceptions, there are no rules, they cannot be explained. All that can be done is to learn them, and by heart. Then your speech will be correct and pleasant for the ears.

Remember: A person who speaks with errors creates an unpleasant impression, especially if you are talking to a person for the first time. And the one whose speech is smooth and competent, creates the impression of a smart, educated and well-read interlocutor.

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