The lowest temperature that tomatoes are withstanding. Optimal temperature for seedlings at different stages of growing

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I have half of tomatoes (mostly early grades) in April in the polycarbonate greenhouse (North of the Moscow region). Also strong.

Perfect house for vegetables

All would you fat, and with thin to whom.

Actually, it is still too early, but if you do not want to enter, cover the nonissanive underfloor material

Day should be +22 and at night +16 the most optimal in the afternoon in warmth to the windowsill and at night to carry onto the loggia only measure the loggia to be not lower than 15

Cock up Loutrasil.

It is believed that over 6 days are possible on the soil, we have one year just that day and bubbled frost, the potatoes jerked, etc., etc., even in the greenhouse, tomatoes grabbed

It is important to avoid thickening landings, that is, you can not put tomatoes too close to each other. For tall varieties, the distance between the bushes should be at least 60 cm for low-speed - 50 cm. The distance between the rows should be at least 60-70 cm. At the same time, in a winter greenhouse with an additional heated, the plants are grounded, and in greenhouses with solar heating - less often. The lowest varieties are usually planted around the perimeter of the greenhouse, tall, on the contrary, in the center.

Ways of heating in winter:

Over the plants in the greenhouse itself is erected or wooden frameon which the perforated "breathable" film is stretched. With the onset of heat, the film should be removed.

If we are not talking about the industrial cultivation of tomatoes, it is not worth eating too long and too large on the area of \u200b\u200bthe greenhouse, as it warmly warms up and slowly cools. It should be away from high trees and born bushes, so as not to deprive the tomatoes of sunlight. The greatest part of the film or glass greenhouse should be facing south.

Temperature Differences

Tomato is a generally accepted and beloved vegetable culture, but from the point of view of biology, its fruit is considered a berry, albeit not quite typical. In Europe, the tomato is officially listed by fruit, and made jam from it. Being a vegetable, in the cultivation, he is whitewashed, like many berries, and heat-loving is similar to many exotic fruits.

After the appearance of shoots, it is for a week at temperatures during the day 12-14, at night 6-8 degrees. Next to landing not above 17 degrees in sunny weather, at night - up to 10 degrees. And you will be a plump seating. And at home it is hot, she stretches, especially at night it is profitable. We have a very good desire to plant seedlings (on the street +10 day), warm and highlight. Only who will plant it so early. Who makes it profitable. Unprofitable to resell.

And my stand on the loggia and day and night. Somehow they forgot them on there, then I look, nothing happened to them. At night-12, during the day up to 25 heat ... And the windowsides and so busy, there and the colors are already a little place !!!

Early tomatoes and especially peppers on the loggia, even glazed. The birthplace is not the average strip of Russia because they need to keep them warm. Sweep, grow up a little, the temperature will be installed at least 5-10 degrees - then you can also on the loggia, so as not to pull.

I have a closed, unheated balcony, withstand +5 degrees. Stand cheerful !!!)

  1. If the temperature at night does not fall below +10, then feel safe. At +5 degrees, peppers and eggplants stop their growth, but survive. Tomatoes only frost are terrible.
  2. Http://

The easiest and most economical method of heating is the use of bourgeoque furnaces operating on firewood or coal. Such a furnace can be rescued with a sudden disconnection of electricity on the site.

  1. The following methods will help to quickly cool tomatoes:
  2. It is better not to build greenhouses for tomatoes near Potato landings, as they suffer from identical diseases and can infect each other, including a dangerous fungal disease - phytoofluorosis. It happens that malicious fungal disputes are transferred to the wind.

Whatever seedlings were not thin I sow tomatoes in a greenhouse under a stamp with a distance

Optional equipment

PS Wherever it is possible that a person would give out commercial secrets. Some dishonest people grown "victory", he has a powerful trunk. And then the people complain that GE has grown.

According to my short-term n buds, seedlings are often drawn out of those who are too early seed seeds. And it seems that summer houses compete among themselves in the sizes of seedlings.

Department of the vegetable breeding. Nothing terrible for tomatoes. Temperature can be +5. There will be less. But the peppers hold in the apartment until mid-April.

When at night there will be 8-10

  1. I have already planted everything for a long time, 2 weeks ago. At night, there were less than 10 degrees and not what, standing as nice. Everything is already blooming. Khabarovsk.
  2. Many diseases and vices in the development of tomatoes are associated with a violation of the temperature regime. Among the dangerous ailments:
  3. Heating gas burners. Also simple, but not a safe way. Requires good air circulation and an extremely responsible approach.
  4. Abundant morning watering.

The best "home" for them remains a greenhouse, the main thing is to choose the right and properly equip it. The height of the greenhouse should be at least 150-180 cm, because in a low greenhouse of plants are overheated faster. The width of the bed - 1.2 m, the distance between them should be 90-95 cm; With this in mind, the exemplary width of a small greenhouse should be 3.5 m.

Between seeds 7 cm. Stamp is a sheet of iron 25 * 50 cm with

What else can be done for abundant harvest

Finally, in my last year, such seedlings turned out. In a small unheated greenhouse, seedlings were half a meter clusted and thumb. When I planted, I thought would burn the sun, the unaccounted will fall (I did not have time to tie). Nothing like that did not even plant anything. And stood like a tin soldier. In the greenhouse was planted in the ground, the rabbit manure was added. The backlight did not use, but I do not remember when it was planted in a greenhouse in the spring. And the varieties were different. And early and late, and large and small, and low and high (well, it happened) Of course, a low-speed not half meter, but still

In general, it is necessary to pour the earth to the stalk and in time to pass into a larger pot. I had thick hairy blue stems in that year in small bushes.

At night, it is still cold on the loggia, and on the night of Sunday passes to -10 degrees. . So better return the seedlings back. If the seedlings are cold, all the plants will hang out (I had it with peppers and eggplants), then in warmth will go away. I also wait for the heat to determine the seedlings at least partially on the balcony.

Possible problems and solutions

For the development of the root, for laying buds and the subsequent good crop, the tomatoes should not exist for stressful for the temperature of the temperature. At night should be no less than 14 -16 degrees. Tomatoes are thermaluminous plants. How we forget about it. Eggplant and peppers believe that it is cold, but there are no tomatoes. It is incorrect.

  1. What temperature needs tomatoes seedlings? On sunny days 18-25 degrees, in the overcast 15-17 and at night 8-10 degrees. Water as needed and there is also a room to ventilate. If the seedlings become stretching, spreading the pot. 10 days after picking the plant, adopt - 5 grams of ammonium nitrate, 40 grams of superphosphate and 12 grams of potassium chloride on the water bucket. The second and third feeders are given 6-7 days after the previous one, while twice the dose of fertilizers. On the eve or on the day of the disembarkation, the seedlings feed once again - 10 grams of ammonium nitrate, 40 - superphosphate and 80 - potassium chloride on the water bucket.
  2. Phytoofluorosis. His development is a lot of increased humidity and sharp temperature differences. The fruits are affected by the brown rot, the brown spots are also formed on the leaves and stems. For prevention before planting, the seeds of tomatoes are necessarily treated with manganese. Choose ultraven and early grades, especially stable to this disease. The affected plants spray with burgundy liquid.
  3. Water heating: Water is heated in the boiler and is supplied to the pump in advance in the greenhouse of the pipe. Such a system warms up and the soil and air. Among the disadvantages - high cost, complexity in the installation.
  4. Carrying. Such a simple measure will cool the air at once at 8-10ºС, at the same time it will help to cope with excessive moisture. Especially important is regular ventilation during flowering, since the wet pollen cannot get into the pestle. Tomatoes are well tolerated by drafts, so that the ventilation does not harm them.

The optimal daytime temperature in the greenhouse on a sunny day should be 20-25ºС, in a cloudy - 18-20ºС, night 16-18ºС.

Good ventilation is important for tomatoes, so the vessels must be not only at the top, but also at the bottom; It is possible to install automatic forctions configured to the optimal temperature range. Their cost lies within 850-2000 rubles. per piece, but the life of the gardener they will simplify quite significantly.

What minimal temperature is withstanding tomatoes, peppers and eggplants. It is necessary to urgently plant in the ground, and at night 10


Welded wire segments with a diameter of 6mm 2 cm long. These segments

Valentina Timofeeva

Julia Law. This seedlings on the windowsill will not grow. Only in the ground. Such seedlings late. On the windowsill, you can grow early, and in the ground, you won't grow early. Tomatoes will sing late. And do not think that grandmothers grow. It usually grows someone else, and grandmothers only sell.

Elena Promudura

Tomatoes are divided into tall and lowered. Seedlings need to be tired, lighting and of course fertilize. All four factors affect the stem. But, personally, I love the fruit.)

Natalia Solovyova

+10 if normal, and if the side is solar, generally well, only at night home all the same


Only at night +10, not lower

When growing tomato seedlings, it is impossible to overheat the room and allow high air humidity. A good seedling aged 50-60 days should be squat, 20-25 centimeters high, with a thick stem, well-designed and already have a floral brush.

Evgenia Taratutin

Fruits crack or too small. This happens due to sharp day and night temperatures. It is important to observe the humidity and temperature regime, prevent the soil drying. In cloudy weather, tomatoes watered 1 time in 5-6 days, in the sunny 1 time in 3-4 days.

At what night temperature can you leave tomato seedlings on the street? Day warm 15-17, but at night 3-4


Air heating - air is used as a coolant. It is heated by a gas air heater and is distributed using air ducts or pipelines from ordinary polyethylene.

Housing and communal services

With a strong heat, the walls of the greenhouse are sprayed with a solution of chalk (2 kg of chalk on the water bucket), for greater efficiency, 300-400 ml of ordinary milk is added to the solution.

Valentina Timofeeva

At temperatures below these values, the plant feels uncomfortable, the ovary of the buds and the ripening of fruits stops, and at a temperature of 10 ° C, tomatoes stop growing and can even die. After the first fruits were removed from the bushes, the temperature hours need to be maintained at 17-18 ° C, which contributes to the speedy ripening of fruits.


The life of the film greenhouse is a non-scaling, this is a temporary seasonal "dwelling" for vegetables, but even the simplest film design of two layers will help increase the harvest 2-4 times compared to what can be obtained by disembarking tomatoes in the soil.


Wires are welded along the tops of the equilateral triangle with a side of 7 cm.

Lena Timofeeva

Do not plan early without light, the stem will be thin and long and temperature should not be higher than 18 grams


Different varieties of tomatoes!


Will not be


I had a meat, bad trial left
We had 4 nights +4 yes +5. And it's not hot afternoon. Alone, only wishes, sent. And such weather is not suitable for eggplants and peppers. They are heat-loving. Very.


The plant "marks", that is, it grows very magnificently, it is juicy, green, but does not give fruits. Typically, the cause is the reconstruction of nitrogen fertilizers and excessive watering. In this case, the temperature in a greenhouse or greenhouse is increased to 25-26ºС for several days, at night - up to 22-24 ° C, the plants are not afraid of 7-10 days, then make the superphosphate (on 10 liters of water 3 spoons of fertilizer).

Mityai Buankkin

Electric heating includes gasket heating cables in the foundation of the greenhouse, the use of calorifers or infrared heaters.



Spawlings of tomatoes and peppers What temperature is comfortable? I carried a glazed on the loggia. Moscow. Not early? Not dive

Anna Boyova

Strong heat is also destructive for these capricious vegetables. If the temperature in the greenhouse is above 35ºС, the tomatoes slow down the process of photosynthesis, pollen grains do not germinate, in other words, the plant is sterile. Tomato without extreme damage can withstand a short-term increase in temperature to 40-42º, but only for 1-2 days. It is important to remember that in the summer in hot and sunny days (especially in the southern regions) the temperature in the greenhouse can reach 50ºС already at 9 am, so you should keep the doors and windows open. This is especially important if there is no possibility to be in the country or plot constantly.

Sveta Goncharov

The glass is able to withstand large temperature differences, has better resistance to heat loss, but it costs it somehow and quite easily beats. From non-obvious advantages: bees, bumblebees and other insect pollinators, who are not very well oriented in film and polycarbonate "houses for vegetables" feel better in glass greenhouses.


Press the land with stamp and sow seeds into the formed wells. When digging

Nadezhda Kotairev

Not enough light. In the warm spot, seedlings do not put and not fill.

Elena Acenseeva

1. It is necessary to buy certain varieties. I just bought the seeds of hybrids, it is written that strong plants with a height of 50-60 cm. 2. It is not early to plant, not in March, when the sun is still small, but in April. And on the solar window sill. 3. If the windowsill is not sunny, then free.

elena Orlova

Yes the door should be open, but I would still not risen if it is still cold

filin Filin

They are transferred to +10 and then not in a short time to exhibit

Kochieva Polina.

I already wrote here repeatedly. In the middle of March my extra, unprecedented tomato, I carried the glazed balcony. Then he left for a week, frosts at night were up to -8. On the balcony, I think it was + 2-3. Not more. Survived! Became interesting. I sipped them and again on the balcony. They are very crushed, but they are drinked. I'll see interest to see that with them then it will be. Below +10 Tomatoes slow down growth. Several days are kept and temperatures to zero. The main thing is that there is no minus. I have all the seedlings on the balcony for a week 2 lives, just on Sunday it brought when the snow went. And those extremes are shiny and sit. By the way, it faded them with superphosphate, became better.


Feed flowers (or fruits). There are several reasons here: too dry soil, poor illumination and excessively high air temperature. In this case, you should act in circumstances: to pour, ventilate, ensure better lighting.

Prisoner of conscience

The average temperature in the greenhouse in the winter should be the same as in the summer, and not fall below 6ºС. At -1ºС plants perished. In the winter greenhouses, seedlings are planted at the end of December or at the very beginning of January, while young plants should have at least 7-8 leaves. When disembarking seedlings, raise the temperature in the greenhouse to normal values \u200b\u200bshould be gradually to avoid temperature shock.

elena Kurilova

The temperature of the soil and water for watering is also of great importance for the growth and development of plants. The soil should be not colder than 14-16ºС, water for watering is not colder than 16ºС, optimal - 20-22ºС.

Galina Kapskaya

Nevertheless, the greenhouse from cellular polycarbonate will be the best choice.

How to get a "thick" (with a powerful stem) seedlings of tomato?

Adelaide Markoffeva.

Seedlings for the further transplantation of the roots are not damaged and it easily carries out.
When transplanting a granny seedlings, the first time came out when two sheets were closed when the tip of the root of 2-3mm is plugged. Further every 8-10 days need to loose. and write 2 times

Maria Leon

First, with grandmothers and it was necessary to talk. But with light almost the opposite. There is no longer a long day day. But it is better to know how you get the seedlings

tina Lorenzo.

I already like a day of 3-4 to the loggia, but only on the day of tomatoes. We have 12 degrees there. Things are good. I am from the nearest Moscow region.


I wish seedlings under the film. Nonwoven canvas, Loutrasille of the year, Spanbonds and the like will help the cold to reflect the seedlings.

Anna Borodina

It can be cold for a tomato.



New day


Alexey Ryabtsev

If you plan to put the cultivation of tomatoes on the stream, that is, make it year-round, it will be necessary to provide a sufficient level of illumination in a winter greenhouse, as well as equip a greenhouse heaters. Since these are expensive events, think about the winter greenhouse device only when vegetables are grown for sale.

Mityai Buankkin

Self simple ways Quickly heat the greenhouse includes:

Marina Crow.

It is necessary to plant in separate pots and in humus, so so that the pots stood away from each other, and on the sunny window, I have such and at home: plump and Conguests, truth, provided that sowing is at the end of March, when a lot

Evgenia Taratutin

And I am sure that the grandmothers use the drug "Atlet" - he does not give the plant to stretch and sort of developing the root, but I didn't like the experiment once on one plant, but one plant is not an indicator. But last year, my relative bought such a beautiful seedlings, she began and fruits well to the first fruit. And then she did not grow up, such a variety as a "bullish heart" no fig grew after the first fruit, I am sure that it is from drugs delaying growth. So that you do not need to envy what they sell. Pure my opinion ...


The main 2 factors affecting the seedlings of tomatoes - lighting and decrease in temperature to approximately 15 degrees. Then the seedlings will be strong, hardened and just as you described. And the feeder at the stage of seedlings is not so important, usually enough fertilizers embedded during sowing.

Oksana Kinkova

From the cats closed the door to the room, now there is heat from Monday, I cut the seedlings yesterday, and everything in front of the growth is flooded!


I would not risk-sorry for sure to be frozen


If they are hardened, then they can and withstand

Good care, the right temperature and watering will help round year Collect excellent crops of greenhouse tomatoes for both personal needs and for sale.


It is undesirable to grow tomatoes in the same greenhouse every year in a row. Use the same greenhouse to land the tomatoes is recommended no earlier than 3-4 years. It is better not to plant them after potatoes or cucumbers, since they suffer from identical diseases (for example, the same phytoofluorosis). Tomatoes and cucumbers in one greenhouse are bad because they need various conditions, but if you need to place them in one greenhouse, it is necessary to build a film partition between cultures.

Every dacket knows - the coldness does not like tomatoes! Despite this knowledge, rarely, some gardener is in no hurry to plant seedlings for several weeks earlier. After all, early harvest is the most expected and valuable, and its receipt is due to the time of disembarking seedlings.

But sometimes hasty leads to problems - seedlings of future tomatoes makes it not only in the open soil, but even in a greenhouse. But not all is lost, since there are real ways to resuscitate. We will look at them.

Knowledge of this is mandatory, because the possibility of the restoration of vegetable culture depends on the degree of freezing. If the frosts were minus six degrees, then this is complete death. There is no longer done here. It is necessary to buy a new seedlings, even our resuscitation methods will not help.

In cold conditions at -2-5 degrees, vegetable culture is experiencing severe stress, from which microscopic patches on the stems become "end", covered with droplets of the liquid. Water appears a peculiar shield that prevents the internal structure.

So, if there was up to -5 degrees on the street, you can use the recovery methods of seedlings. Otherwise, you can not even try - it is easier to do the landing new one.

How to save the frozen seedlings of tomatoes?

Vegetable culture loves warmth, does not like cold and fog. Therefore, it must be planted when return freezes are completed. Some hurry, do not take into account this moment, and sometimes it simply brings the weather, you can't do anything here. We must save the future harvest. To do this, you will need several actions.

Pour tomatoes

During the cracking period, the tomato seedlings highlights moisture, which acts as a protective barrier, helps vegetable culture to transfer the temperature differences. When watering, the movement of the juice inside the stems is stimulated, the moisture is compensated for, which was spent by plants for heating.

Water cold with water. To take it from open sources - river, lake or pond, can be from the well. It is not recommended from the water supply, since it has harmful impurities for tomato.

The process of watering is carried out before sunrise when its aggressive action is minimal. Each bush over the top and the root zone. In seedlings there should be droplets of moisture.

Cutting seedlings

The next step is pruning. This method is quite effective, the dacms were convinced of their own experience. To visually determine which part of the plant died, it is impossible. After all, black tops and sluggish leaves do not appear signs of the death of the root.

If the root system is alive, the pruning will contribute to the active growth of greenery. Messages will appear, which replace the frozen stem and branches.

Fruiting after this method of resuscitation can be lined by 1-2 weeks, but the amount of crop will affect slightly. But it is not so scary how to completely lose the crop.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. First cut off all the frozen parts in terms of land.
  2. Next is carried out by feeding with nitrogen fertilizers (this contributes to active growth).

If tomatoes grow in an open soil, the trimming process is completed with the construction of a mobile greenhouse with a hiding from agrovolok. It will maintain heat, will give protection against aggressive ultraviolet exposure.

Pruning will help only if the seedlings have already been causing a developed root system. A procedure is particularly effective in those situations where the seedlings were planted with the gluing of the root of the side or spiral.

Use of immunomodulators

As an emergency immunomodulatory drug for seedlings, epin is used. It helps to strengthen the immunity of plants, heals, accelerates regeneration processes when the death of the culture is obvious.

When using this, it is necessary to observe dosages to not harm even more. In 5 liters of fluid, one ampoule is divorced, then a teaspoon (without a roller) is citric acid. Mix.

Before applying medication for tomatoes, they are watered with cool water (clean). The working solution can be stored up to 48 hours inclusive in a dark place. Watering is carried out in gloves and mask, the solution is not safe for humans.

Saving tomatoes from the sun

In completion of resuscitation, you need to remove the effect of the sun. For this purpose, landings are presented with large sheets of cardboard or awnings, they are covered by agrovolokna, which is put on the arc. The polyethylene film is better not to use, because it misses the sunlight, can lead to burns in seedlings.

How to protect yourself from return freezers?

Everyone knows that any problems better prevent than a long time and not always successfully deal with their consequences. It is important to follow the forecast, and to respond to a decrease in the temperature regime in a timely manner.

If seedling in the greenhouse

Seedlings in greenhouses save more difficult. The fact is that the greenhouse does not protrude with a hermetic design, the cold air can penetrate the slits of the walls and the roof, the foundation. In addition, the room is always large, the air always warms unevenly, and in the presence of the slots "walk" the drafts.

The picture is exacerbated due to the effects of ultraviolet. The warmth is very heated, and it is sharply cooled sharply. The temperature regime drops are no less dangerous for the faster seedlings of tomatoes.

Saving tomatoes will help such ways:

  • put on the "Cap" plants from plastic bottle (cut the top of a 2-liter plastic tank);
  • warm the greenhouse with a special heater;
  • place the containers (deep) with hot water;
  • arrange metal buckets with drilling coals.

As can be seen, options for warning problems are simple, and they will remove the harvest from freezing.

If seedling in open soil

It is possible to protect tomatoes with a shelter with a polyethylene film, which is pulled into arcs. It is better to put them in advance in order to quickly cover the seedlings. The edges of the film must be fixed on the ground to prevent cold air entering. It can be pressed by something heavy either sprinkle the earth.

If there is no film, there will be any rebunny material, the same caps of the bottle, cardboard boxes, caps of newspapers, etc. Another option - on the perimeter of the landing, toggle a few bonfires, so that the smoke lasted the seedlings and retained heat.

So, do not despair, if the tomatoes are frozen. Always try to restore the viability of vegetable culture. Tomatoes are plants that can be revived, and if you give them a chance, they will give a wonderful harvest!

Experienced owners of household plots know that for the correct development of tomato, not only timely moisturizing soil and regular feeding, but also a suitable temperature for seedling, which may differ in different periods of growth. For example, using it, you can teach, young tomatoes to decrease the temperature, slow down or stimulate their development, prepare for a transplant to a permanent place.

Preparation of sowing material

Before sowing the seeds of tomato, it is desirable to prepare them with a low temperature, that is, harden. Many gardeners warm up and then harde seeds after that. After heating and hardening the seeds evenly and quickly germinate, they grow healthy and strong seedlings. In addition, it was noted that the heated seedlings reduces the permissible temperature regime of the tomato seedlings and significantly increases the overall yield of adult tomatoes.

To warm up, you can use several options:

  • In winter, regardless of the estimated time of sowing seeds, it is convenient to warm them on the heating battery. Seeds of tomato are poured into a cotton bag and hang them near the battery for 1.5-2 months. So you get rid of trouble and be able to warm the seeds well;
  • Heat sowing material with a simple table lamp. A sheet of paper spread on an inverted beam, and tomato seeds are poured. Everything must be covered with a paper cap and keep it for 3 hours;
  • You can warm the seeds in the oven. They are spread with a thin layer on the baking sheet and put in the oven, preheated to 60 degrees. So they are maintained for 3 hours, vested regularly seeds;
  • Right before germination, the seeds are warm in warm water. They are covered in a rag bag and immerse in water for 3 hours, at a temperature of 60 degrees. You can maintain the required temperature pouring gram of boiling water.
  • There is more effective method Seed treatment with heat. They are processed using variable temperatures - two days of the branches of the tomato are kept at +30 degrees, then 3 days at +50 degrees and 4 days at + 70- + 80 degrees. With prolonged heating of seeds, it is necessary to raise the temperature gradually. Such a temperature regime allows you to obtain plants, well-carrying drought.

It is necessary to warm up both your own seeds and purchased in the store. This operation increases the sowing characteristics of tomatoes and provokes before fruiting.

Cold processing also prepares seeds to adverse conditions. After that, seedlings are growing resistant to low temperatures, plants are obtained more viable. After hardening, the sowing material of tomatoes will quickly germinate, forms uniform shoots, which allows you to transplant plants to the garden much earlier than without such treatment. The minimum temperature changes that the tomato seedlings can withstand.

For hardening, seeds of tomatoes in a wet cloth are placed, after which they are placed in a plastic bag. Such a bundle, you need to put on the lower shelf of the refrigerator. Under these conditions, the seeds will lie 12 hours, then they are transferred for 12 hours to the conditions where the temperature is maintained + 15-20 degrees, after which they are returned to the refrigerator again.

This method of tempering seeds continues 10-15 days. Perhaps tomato seeds will begin to germinate earlier, in this case, their warming and cooling period should be reduced by 3-4 days.

Remember! When hardening, nutrients, growth stimulants and different biological products, for example, infusion of ash or amber acid can be added to the solution.

How to germinate seeds

Before sowing, it is advisable to germinate seeds. They may tune even during hardening, but if it did not happen, then seeds need to be placed in a warm and wet environment.

The optimal temperature for tomato seedlings within + 25- + 30 degrees. It may be a place near the battery, or above the gas stove.

Attention! In a wet place, where the temperature is maintained about +25 degrees, tomato seeds give a seedlings in just 7-10 days.

Seeds after sowing

Seeds after germination are sown in the drawers filled with soil mixture. At this time it is very important to control the temperature regime for the seedlings of tomatoes. This is especially important at first. Polished boxes with seeds are covered with glass or film and transfer them to where it is easier to maintain a temperature of + 23- + 25 degrees.

When the first sprouts appear, both minimum temperature and sufficient illumination are important for them. For this reason, the container is better to install on the southern windowsill or hang over them lamps with daylight lamps. For developing plants, the temperature regime is about + 20- + 22 degrees.

This level will ensure the uniform development of seedlings. If there are large temperature deviations in the room, the following problems may occur:

  1. If the temperature is indoors + 25- + 30 degrees, then the seedlings will start high, the barrel is thinned and becomes brittle. The leaves begin to shut up and eventually begin to crumble;
  2. At temperatures less than +16 degrees, the greens will not be able to develop normally, she is delayed. But at a temperature of + 14- + 16 degrees, the roots of seedlings are growing very rapidly;
  3. If the temperature becomes below +10 degrees, the development of seedlings and their roots will stop, and the downgrade of up to +5 degrees can completely destroy even very weak seedlings. For this reason, +10 degrees of heat - the minimum permissible temperature for seedlings of tomatoes.

Taking into account the possibility, regulate the development of seedlings of tomatoes temperature, experienced gardens advise to maintain the temperature for seedlings + 20- + 22 degrees during the day, and + 14- + 16 degrees at night. Such a schedule will allow seedlings to develop evenly, grow good roots and green mass. So the strong, strong seedlings of the required height will be grown.

By controlling the temperature, you need to consider not only how the air is heated near the tomato seedlings, but also the temperature of the soil mixture, for which the normal indicator + 16- + 20 degrees. In such conditions, the roots absorbs phosphorus and nitrogen from the soil. If the temperature decreases below +16 degrees, then the root system of seedlings of tomatoes is compressed, it reduces the ability to absorb moisture and nutrients in the required quantity.

Attention! If the cultivation temperature of the seedlings of the tomato drops to +12 degrees, then the root system of tomatoes will completely stop absorbed from the soil the necessary substances.

Often, gardeners sow tomatoes into one boxes, and after sprouts appear and several leaves will be formulated on them, transplanses them into a separate container. When transplanting the root seedlings of tomatoes is injured. For this reason, plants need to be transferred to the room for several days, where the temperature is maintained within + 16- + 18 degrees. You can make a regulated microclimate, opening the handle in the room, but you need to prevent the risk of drafts that can destroy plants.

Transplant seedlings

Seeding tomatoes, which has grown 5-6 leaves, it's time to transplant in bed, but before that it needs to acclimatize to future conditions. Plants need to begin to prepare 2 weeks before the transplant. To do this, the tomato seedlings exhibit into the street - from the beginning they are carried out for 30 minutes, then we gradually increase this time, at the end of quenching seedlings should spend on the street all day. Seedling at this time gets used to light, humidity and temperature conditions.

Detailed information about this training can be viewed on video:

Attention! When tomato seedlings are on the street, there are straight rays of the sun on the leaves of plants, they can set fire to seedlings, for this reason it is necessary to limit the duration of the open air.

Tomatoes can be planted at a permanent place no earlier than the last decade of May - the first decade of June, after the risk of an unexpected reduction in air temperature will be fully held. Also at this time, too high the temperature of the day may adversely affect the well-being of tomato seedlings. The highest temperature for seedlings should be no more than +30 degrees, but adult plants can withstand the heat to +40 degrees without consequences.

In the greenhouse seedlings develop better, there is a more appropriate microclimate for seedlings. Here you can not worry that unexpected freezes will destroy seedlings, but you need to regulate the temperature during the daytime. In a completely closed greenhouse, the temperature may exceed the upper limit, it is necessary to avoid a greenhouse, but it is impossible to arrange a draft.

Heat seedlings

Long-term heat reducing both young seedlings tomato and adult plants. High temperature dries soil and stops the growth of plant roots.

The hot year is able to fully destroy the bushes of tomatoes, for this reason the gardeners came up with several methods capable of optimizing the temperature during the cultivation of tomato seedlings:

  • You can make an artificial shelter for tomato bushes using spanbond. He misses moisture and fresh air, makes it possible to breathe plants, but at the same time he delays the rays of the sun, capable of burning the leaves of plants;
  • You can hold the soil drying on the plot using mulching. Make it simply - we need to decompose a thick layer (at least 4-5 cm) with a thick layer (at least 4-5 cm) near the plants, in addition, the mulch protects the soil from unnecessary heating and slightly moisturizes the soil with dew;
  • Around the garden with tomatoes make a natural screen by landing nearby high plants (You can put the bushes of grapes or corn). This screen will shock plants and simultaneously tightened them from drafts.

These heat protection methods will help during the flowering of plants and in the formation of the strings, since the increase in temperature of more than +30 degrees can lead to sinking inflorescences and small fruits. High temperature during the cultivation of seedlings Tomato affects the future harvest.

Protection of seedlings in bed

Since the beginning of the spring, a desire to seek to try fresh tomato salad, for this reason, the gardeners are trying to get seedlings as quickly as possible and plant it in a greenhouse, and sometimes straight on the bed. But even at the end of May, unexpected frosts, which can easily destroy young plants can be destroyed. You can save seedlings using temporary shelter by sketching a film or observer material. For small plants you can use glass jars or cut into two cups, plastic bottles.

Low greenhouses can save tomato seedlings even when cooling up to +5 degrees of heat. Additionally, the seedlings can be protected using paper caps. Some gardeners cover the greenhouses of old clothes or rugs to stabilize the temperature seedlings of tomatoes.

The varieties react differently to a decrease in temperature. In general, they can survive within 0- + 43 degrees. There are frost-resistant varieties that can not die even when cooling up to 4 degrees of frost, but it is possible only for a short time and in quiet weather. If the street is often freezing, then no shelter such a decrease in temperature to withstand the seedlings of tomatoes will not be able.

In the warm regions, it is possible to plant this culture without growing seedlings, having drove the seeds immediately to the garden, but in this case it is not worth a hurry. It is necessary to wait not only to warm weather, but also make sure that the earth warmed up enough. It will help in this film or bypass material, unsettled on the garden. If the soil has the growing temperature of the tomato seedlings below 10 degrees, then the grains will not be able to germinate. Long for a long time in cold land, few seedlings will go, the tomato seedlings will be sick, and some of it will die. To come together friendly and severe shoots, it is necessary that the soil warms up to a temperature not lower than +16 degrees.

Tip! In the cool region you can also raise tomatoes without seedlings and shelters. Sit the rapid low grades, with a strong root system.

This culture responds quickly, at what temperature they grow tomato seedlings, for this reason, constant control over this indicator will give the opportunity to save seedlings, accelerate its development, and increase the crop.

Tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers are among the most popular vegetable crops for growing in the garden, cottage plot. Each year, gardeners germinate seeds, seed them according to individual pots, dive, care for bushes in every way. The correct temperature for seedlings is the most important factor at all stages of plant development.

As practice shows, the crop of vegetables can be obtained in any climatic zone, but the temperature indicator plays the most important role here. Before planing seedlings for a permanent place of residence, the soil should be heated by sunlight to about + 12 ° C. Note that the Earth also should not be overheated, young bushes may suffer from it.

Each separately taken vegetable requires its temperature mode. What temperature is withstands seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers you will learn from the information below. These vegetables are very demanding to the conditions ambient, Any temperature difference or deviation from the norm may heat your work. So that this does not happen, consider their characteristic features.

Temperature for tomato seedlings

Consider the temperature regime for tomatoes in more detail:

  1. Shoots germinate at a temperature of +12 .. + 16 degrees on the Celsius scale, after that it must gradually rise.
  2. At +25 .. + 30 ° C sprouts show active growth, so that they do not stretch at this stage, the temperature should be reduced to the initial indicator (+14 .. + 16 degrees). At the same time, the roots of seedlings begin to form even with a lack of lighting.
  3. What is the minimum temperature for tomatoes seedlings? It is necessary to ensure that it does not reach the indicator + 10 ° C, otherwise the growth of bush will stop. Since tomatoes are pretty heat-loving, the minimum border is +12 degrees at night and +23 days.
  4. The maximum temperature indicators in which the flowering stops occurs and the marking is bore - above +28 and below + 13 ° C. At high temperatures, pollen sterilize, and at low it simply does not ripen.
  5. At what temperature, the seedlings of tomatoes die? Upon reaching the lower mark of the hydraulic scale - + 5 ° C or upper - + 40 ° C of the plant first lose the appearance, but then they can even die. The rate is minus 0.5 ° C - death for gentle bushes.

Thus, an acceptable temperature for the cultivation of tomatoes is +20 .. + 23 days and +16 .. + 18 at night. For soil, the optimal figure is similar, and at night it should not fall below + 16 ° C, as it worsens the adaptation (survival rate) of plants.

The process of hardening outside the window

At what temperature to make seedlings on the balcony? Before sitting in the ground, it must be accustomed to street conditions - harden. You need to start these procedures about two weeks before planting tomatoes for permanent residence. An open balcony for tomatoes is a great place where they adapt to the sun rays and cold air.

When the day warm (+ 12 ° C or higher) seedlings can be opened and put on fresh air - two or three hours in the first 2-3 days will be enough. After this period, it will be possible to leave it there all day. If you decide to leave it on the balcony for the night, it will be better if you will cover it with a film. The temperature at this stage should not be lower than + 10 ° С, if the sidewater column rushes down, then do not slow down, put the seedlings into the house. An indicator that bushes hardened will become a light purple shade of foliage, do not forget to water them during the adaptation process.

Greenhouse for hardening plants before falling into the ground

For the first few days, do not exhibit plants on the open sun, they can get a burn - leafy pause.

Tomato Leaf Sun Burn

Shadow - the most the best place For them at first. The rooted strong seedlings can withstand even frosts, weak - immediately dies.

After 45-50 days from the date of the appearance of shoots, tomatoes are sent to the beds. Wait for a cloudy day to disembodit the tomatoes in open sad - This is an important condition. They will easily fit, but the soil temperature must be acceptable (not lower than + 12 ° C).

The air and soil temperature is also important if the tomatoes are pre-plated into the greenhouse. Soil under the film warms up quickly, two days will be enough. Thus, the temperature of the upper surfaces of the soil should be not lower than + 10 ° C, otherwise the root plant of the plant will stop developing, will begin to rot. Ideal if the soil temperature in the greenhouse for planting seedlings will not be lower than + 15ºС. This is an acceptable level for harmonious adaptation of plants in a new place, the development of new roots.

Cucumber seedlings - cultivation temperature

The cucumbers are also a heat-loving culture, sprouts appear on the 4-6th day after landing. The higher the air temperature, the faster the shoots will appear. This vegetable need a little time to please us with harvest, from the moment of crossing the first sprouts and before the fertilization period takes approximately 50 or 60 days.

Acceptable indicators for the appearance of sprouts - +25 .. + 30 ° C. After seeding, the temperature for seedlings of cucumbers should vary from + 20 ° C to + 23 ° C. No longer needed, because excess heat and lack of light can trigger the drawing of bushes. Plants need to be ventilated (open a window), and later to endure to the balcony - to temper.

With the appearance of 4 full-fledged leaves, the cucumbers transplant into open soil, the land for them should be warm to + 18 ° C. If with the onset of the night, the air temperature is lowered below +15, then the beds are highly recommended to cover with a film.

The cucumbers do not even carry the minimum cooling (and dampness), at + 15 ° C, they stop them, and at + 10 ° C and below begin to root - subsequently die. Since the cucumbers grow at night, the temperature at this time of the day should be at least + 18 ° C.

For cucumbers, the temperature difference between day and night indicators is very important, if it is more than 7 degrees, then seedlings get stress. Therefore, again, do not forget about covering material for beds for the night. In addition, provide bushes with regular temperate watering.

Temperature for pepper seedlings

Daytime temperature for pepper seedlings should be +22 .. + 25 degrees, night - +11 .. + 14 (a little higher than that of tomatoes). Moreover, before the appearance of the sprouts, it should be kept within + 25 .. + 28 ° C. After the pepper goes out, it is necessary to lower it to + 20 ° C literally for 2 or 3 days, then raise up to +22 .. + 25 ° C and further maintain it constantly on this figure.

Landing of tomatoes in open ground is carried out when the recommended temperature regime is met. It fluctuates from -4c to + 43c degrees depending on the variety. Despite the fact that there are a lot of freeze-resistant freezing or drought varieties, you should not subject them to constant load.

Temperature extremes will not be better affected at the rate of formation of uncess and yield. Another recommendation - no need to refuse to use special shelter. It is very relevant when tomatoes are planted in an open ground.

The need for regular care

All the varieties of tomatoes require attention from the dacket. Compliance with uncomplicated rules increases the degree of sustainability of passic crops to the cold:

Important! An important fact that ensures the increased resistance of tomatoes in the open ground to cold, will be correctly selected for disembarking.

Manipulations are produced in warm and mad weather. It is necessary to make sure that the earth warmed up. If T soil is below + 16s, then seeds simply do not germinate. You can speed up its warming yourself. On earth, it is enough to decompose the garden film or other observer material.

Rules for landing and watering

Provide a high yield in the open ground will help to make attention to detail. Not only the temperature of the soil, but also water is important. It can not be less than + 20 + 23c. Otherwise, even in hot weather seedlings will experience strong shock if it is polished with ice water. The second nuance is better to make a choice in favor of the imperious and low varieties of tomatoes. Due to its developed root system, they give a good harvest even in the regions with a cool and short summer. In such a situation, the use of special shelter is not necessary.

Seedling, which first spent the first part of life on the windowsill, landed into open ground only at temperatures at night not lower + 10 + 12c. Immediately need to stipulate a small nuance. If the thermometer shows after landing + 6C degrees, this is not a reason to take sedatives. Seedling will not die, but no good harvest to wait. It is better to cover the landing for the time until the temperature during the night is stable above + 10 + 12c. The recommendations will be provided to certain assistance to the gardener:

  • seed seeds should be germinated with insignificant coolness;
  • before disembarking in open ground, hardening is required.

As soon as the first leaves appeared, the temperature can be slightly reduced.

Procedure for a decrease in temperature

Effective method - creating a film type shelter. On the perimeter of the garden, there are arc bases. Plug on them. The number of the layers used, simply put the thickness of the film shelter, is determined by the prevailing climatic conditions in the region. In the case when the temperature background in the afternoon and at night does not rise above + 15 + 16c, the film is simply not removed.

On a note! Another 1 option to provide tomatoes of reliable protection - the creation of individual shelters-caps. Drying paper, fabric go drawers. They are used to cover the tomatoes. The only drawback of such a technique - it provides only temporary protection.

Continue the list of recommendations. Tip: Conduct a few days before frosts. Only low seedlings are subject to processing. As soon as the cold was passed, digging. It happens that the top of the bush freezes. In this case, you can use the preserved side steps.

Summing up: Temperature Mode

Regardless of the selection of the variety, the lower temperature threshold is kept in the mind. If T soil is below + 15 + 17c, it is prohibited landing. Tomatoes, which are already planted, need additional protection. If we talk about the air temperature, then here the limit borders will be + 43c and + 0 ° C. Even the endless varieties will not stand the temperature extreme more than 1-2 days. The "Northern" varieties are withstanding to -4C-1C, and "southern" - up to + 8c + 10c at night.

An important role is played by the state of the seedlings used, so at the landing stage it is better to show vigilance. It is necessary to abandon too gentle species of tomatoes. Even with a minor freeze, they will quickly die.