Burned and the burner of the gas stove is not removed. How to Clean the Gas Plate at home

Cleanliness is not only a guarantee of health. Correct care For household appliances will provide it for a long service life. This is especially true for the kitchen, namely the gas stove that helps you in cooking, which means it is most often clogging. We will tell you how to clean the gas stove, without damaging it, and what means to choose for this.

Folk remedies in the fight against pollution: tested by time

The modern chemical industry offers a lot of funds that are easily and quickly clean your stove from any contamination. BUT B. lately The mistress doubts relate to such substances. There are several reasons for this: such funds may cost expensive, they are unsafe, so they require special storage (which becomes more relevant in the presence of children in the house), and use them recommended in rubber gloves.

Plate can be perfectly cleaned with folk remedies.

For women, it is important that such funds, even with protection, negatively affect the skin of the hands, and therefore, it is necessary to use cream. This adds the costs to the already considerable cost of cleaning gels and powders. In addition, we all have come across such a situation: to clean the plate need urgently, and the industrial tool ended. And the store is not the option. Here, then we will come to the rescue for long-known and used funds that are certainly always at hand:

  • a solution of economic soap;
  • lemon acid;
  • vinegar;
  • alcohol is ammonia;
  • baking soda;
  • ammonion-anise drops.

Almost all these tools will easily help you cope not only with pollution on a gas stove, but also clean up to shine almost all household devices - refrigerator, boiler, electric kettle, washing machine, juicer. They are on the shoulder any dirt, and most importantly their advantage in the ability to safely use even in children.

Folk remedies that will help you in the fight against stove pollution

Cleaning sequence

  1. First, turn off the plate from gas supply. This will be required so that you accidentally rotated the gas supply handle to the burner. If the ignition button runs from electricity is provided in the stove, then you need to turn off the slab from the energy source. Thus, you will protect yourself from injury.
  2. Now remove the grid. It should be placed in a large capacity (for example, a bath or pelvis suitable size) and completely pour the hot soap solution. For its preparation, dissolve the flakes of 72% in the water (from the calculation of the ¼ soap bar on 5-7 liters of water). Make sure the lattice is completely covered with a solution. Leave for several hours.
  3. Remove the burners (if the design of the plate provides for disassembly) and send them to mock in the pelvis with the grille at the same time.
  4. While the grid and the burners are scolding, remove the residues of food, crumbs and other contaminants from the surface of the plate, which are easy to remove dry. Do not wet for this slab, otherwise cleaning will delay. Use for this kitchen sponge with a rigid face or dense fabric.
  5. Cleaning from the stoves from pollution - hardly the most difficult stage of work. These elements are clogged especially intensively and have many hard-to-reach places. This process we describe in detail below.
  6. If you do not have a cooking panel, and a full-fledged gas stove with an oven, then you know how difficult it happens to it. Cleaning the oven we will also consider in detail so that you feel easier to choose the most convenient way.

Usually from the surface of the plate you need to remove all items for thorough cleaning

The slab is dismantled, and therefore the preparatory stage is over. Now we will get to work.

Remove the flax spots from the surface

The first assistant in the fight against bold stains is hot water. Of course, it will not fully split fat, especially the moay and desonant, but will be able to soften it. After that, there is a soda. Distribute it evenly on the surface of the plate, abundantly moistened. hot waterAnd leave for half an hour. The effect will increase if you use a soap solution.

After the plane is choking, thoroughly erase the applied mixture with a soft sponge. Now wipe the surface with a solution of water and ammonia alcohol 1: 1.

Attention! Do not use metal brushes and sponges. They scratch the surface, and on damaged places, subsequent contaminants will settle much stronger. If the ordinary sponge does not cope, let go to the toothbrush. Inaccessible places will help clean the cotton wand.

Use the cleaning soap to clean. Sattail part of the bar and add some hot water. Mix to the pasty state and evenly apply to the surface. Leave for 15 minutes, and when the fat is offset, rinse with warm water. The remnants of the means are wrapped with a clean cloth.

Toothbrush will help clean hard-to-reach places

Lemon juice, vinegar and citric acid will also become effective assistants against fat. Any of these funds apply to the entire surface of pollution and erase after 15-30 minutes. Also, burnt sections or dried fat spots will destroy the solution of vinegar and ammonia.

It is much easier to cope if a stains from syrup, coffee or cocoa containing sugar remained on the pash. In this case, ordinary hot water will help you. Sugar at high temperatures turns into caramel, which is seriously cleaned, but easily, literally in 15-20 minutes dissolves in water.

Clean the handle plate

Handles on a gas stove, like the smallest and frequently used elements, are polluted quickly. In addition, due to the design, pollution is settled in hard-to-reach places.

The easiest way to clean removable handles. To do this, it is enough to get them and folded into the container with the cleaning agent. In a concentrated solution of the economic soap, these parts need to hold for quite a long time, depending on the degree of pollution, about 8 hours. But during this time completely soften and leave the fat and dried food particles from the surface.

Handles Plate is harder to wash

If you want to speed up the process, then use acetic essence, diluted with water (2 tablespoons of substances per 1 liter of water). Do not forget to wear rubber household gloves! The solution must completely cover the handles. Boil them for 5-7 minutes, drain the solution and leave a saucepan with handles to cool. Do not try to cool them with cold water. When the details are completely cooled, clean them with a sponge. You can use soda in special cases.

It is more difficult if the handles on the stove are not removable. In this case, you will be patient, and come to the rescue:

  • toothpick;
  • cotton buds;
  • toothbrush;
  • soda (preferably not food, but calcined if the contamination is too strong);
  • ammonia.

First, type a little soda on a wet sponge and wipe the handles thoroughly. After that, be taken for hard-to-reach gaps. It is better to use the ammonia. Divide it in the water in a 1: 1 ratio and apply on the gaps with a cotton stick, rubbing well. After 10 minutes, the soluble pollution is easily alleged with a damp cloth or a sponge. Remove remnants with toothpicks.

How to effectively clean the oven

  1. Wipe as the oven paper towel. The inner walls wet soapy and leave for 15-20 minutes so that the fat is a bit of eve. After that, pour into the baking sheet a weakly concentrated soap solution and put it in the oven. Stop the temperature of 120 degrees and leave the oven with a tightly closed door for 30 minutes. All pollution melt and dissolve in a hot pair. After that, the oven needs to thoroughly wipe with a soft cloth and rinse with clean water.
  2. Soak in water soda or citric acid, and apply this tool to the moistened inner surface of the oven. Leave for 15-25 minutes, depending on the degree of pollution, and after a pretty wipe with a paper towel and rinse with water.
  3. If the contamination is minor, the aqueous vinegar solution in the ratio of 1: 1 can cope with them. Mix the inner walls abundantly, turn on the oven by 50 degrees and leave for 15 minutes. After that, wash off all pollution with clean water.
  4. Delete more serious pollution Such a folk remedy will help. Acelled solution in the same proportion, apply on the walls of the oven and sprinkle with food soda. During the reaction of the repayment of soda vinegar, the fat and dried residues of food will retain the surface. Instead of vinegar, it is possible to use citric acid to avoid a sharp smell.
  5. The ammonia alcohol also copes with pollution. Sat the surface of the oven inside them abundantly, close the door and leave for 10 hours, for example, at night. In the morning the oven needs to be thoroughly rinsed with clean water so that the smell of the ammonia completely disappeared.
  6. Pour 200 ml of ammonia into the baking sheet and add water. Put in the oven for half an hour. All pollution can be easily lined with a sponge with soapy water.
  7. Sprinkle the oven from the inside with a thick salt layer, and leave to bask 100 degrees for 30 minutes. Give the oven to cool, wash the salt with the remnants of contaminants and rinse the surface with cold water.
  8. Prepare a simple, but very effective paste: Mix the same parts of salt, soda and water. Apply a tool to the surface that is dirty, and leave for 10 hours. After that, rinse the remains of cold water.

Many hostesses are asked: how to clean the gas stove at home? In the process of cooking, its surface is inevitably contaminated: Soot and Nagar are formed. It is necessary to choose the correct cleaning agents to ensure that the slate has gained the same radiance.

Due to the presence of an open surface, launder the gas stove from fat layers is much easier than the oven. But in this, at first glance, there is a simple process there are nuances. Right choice Funds and proven practice The sequence of actions will help the hostess to keep their assistant in perfect purity.

The greatest difficulty will cause the grille cleaning. Before starting work, it is necessary to find out what material it is made. Options only three:

  • cast iron (from it grid plates of obsolete models);
  • metal with an enameled surface;
  • steel.

Ways to purify the cast iron grid

The most complicated in the care of cast iron. If the grille is made over the stove burners, it will not be easy to wash it with water. Therefore, the help of the dishwasher is not required. If from the cast-iron surface to scrape a fatty nagar with a knife, the scratches will inevitably stay on the metal, which will give the plate an unsightly look.

There are only two effective method Get rid of the old fat accumulated on the cast-iron lattice. The first is in the solid calcination of the cast iron, which must be continued until the entire accumulated fat layer disappears in the form of dry crusts.

It is possible to roll the cast iron directly above the stove, but it is too troublesome and inconvenient way to get rid of fat and nagar at home. Therefore, experienced hostesses entrust the fulfillment of this task to her husband, which can burn metal with a soldering lamp or over the fire. It is most convenient to do this in the country or in any other secluded place in nature.

Many owners of modern gas stoves do not know how to effectively clean the gas stove and what means it is best to use for this purpose. The choice of the latter should be especially careful not to damage the coating of the plate and remove all the contamination. From this article, we learn how to clean the gas stove at home than clean-iron grilles and gas stove handles, as well as other important details on which pollution accumulates. Each owner of the device must adhere to certain rules in the process of cleaning and follow the sequence of actions.

Before laundering a gas stove and clear the contaminated grille on the gas stove, you need to turn off the device from gas supply, as this requires the safety rules. This simple manipulation will prevent the random gas supply and significantly reduce the risk of possible injuries and damage. Then you need neat remove the lattice - The most pollution is usually accumulated on this detail, including a fatty flight, which is especially difficult to remove.

Clear gas stove grille with popular people's methods. At first it must be placed in a pelvis or bath, filled with hot water with the addition of the household soap. Prepare your soap mortar It is not difficult: for this, 5-7 liters of water need to dissolve pieces of 72% soap. In this case, the lattice should be completely immersed in the solution.

In the gas stove there are special burners and electric trains, which also accumulates a lot of fat and dirt. If the design of the device allows them to be removed and immersed in a soap solution along with the grille, where they will remain within a few hours. Now wash the free surface of the slab will be much easier. First you need to assemble the residues of food and simple contaminants that rub off with dry sponge either coarse tissue.

Each slab owner always concerns the question of how to clean the handles and than to wash these hard-to-reach parts. This will require special cleaning products and some practical skills. If there is an oven you will need to wash its internal parts and outdoor details.

You can buy any means suitable for cleaning the gas stove or take advantage folk recipeswhich will be discussed below.

Most Popular Folk Methods

Not all owners of gas tiles know exactly how to clean the gas stove with their own hands and that it will be needed. Special folk remedies For those people who prefer not to acquire synthetic household chemicals, but to use secure and time-tested methods. Of the minuses of finished funds it is necessary to note their low level of security, the ability to cause allergic reactions, as well as requirements for storage rules. You can also use them only in rubber gloves so as not to damage the skin of the hands.

If you still prefer synthetic tools, it will not be superfluous to learn about alternative and more secure ways. Cleaning and washing new solution can be prepared at home yourself with programmingthat are guaranteed to eat all. Often, such means wash the dirt no worse than the popular household chemicals, while they are completely safe for health. To clean the oven and gas stove from fat, you can apply:

  • Economic soap dissolved in warm water;
  • citric acid;
  • acetic essence;
  • ammonia alcohol or ammonic-anise drops;
  • food soda.

With their help, you can clean and wash both tiles and other devices, such as multicooker, washing machine, boiler, electric kettle, microwave, blender, juicer and much more.

How to remove fat

To wash the device as high quality and remove all pollution, it will take preliminary preparation. With the help of hot water, poured on the surface of the plate, and food soda can be softened by solar pollution. Soda must be evenly scattered on the wet surface of the device and then leave it about 30-40 minutes. This simple method allows to clean the stove, and the oven, the internalities of which can also be rubbed off with soap solution. After some time, you can proceed to clean, soda with water must be removed from the surface with a soft sponge.

Do not use metal washcloths because they can seriously damage the surface, in addition to the sponge, it is best to use toothbrush Or cotton wands for the most hard-to-reach areas, such as handles. For those who want to learn how to wash the gas stove lattice, the best option It will become the above-appaled soap solution. Excellent auxiliary means are acetic essence, as well as lemon juice and acid, they can be applied separately or together. The solution of ammonia and vinegar will help remove dried and burnt seats of the tile surface.

Cleaning the handles

Many device owners are recognized that it is very difficult to clean the handles from the gas stove, but a large number of contaminants always accumulate on them. Dirt is usually accumulated in the most hard-to-reach places, so the cleaning of the handles should be spoke in more detail.

Many people are interested in how to remove the handles? They should be removed, guided by the instructions for the stove - as a rule, it is written there how to do it (if such an opportunity exists at all).

Removable handles can be wooed in the same way as the grille: putting into a container filled with a solution of economic soap and leaving for 30-40 minutes. After soaking, remove the softened dirt will be much simpler. For the same purposes, it is quite possible to use and acetic EssenceThe pair of tablespoons of which dissolves in a liter can with water. Using such a means of cleansing is needed in gloves so as not to damage the skin of the hands. The handles are boiled in the essence solution for 5-7 minutes, then the water merges. Wait until the knobs dry naturally and screw them back.

Unfortunately, not all models of household slabs are equipped with removable handles, in which case other auxiliary items and tools are suitable, for example:

  • toothpicks and cotton wands;
  • rigid toothbrush;
  • food or calcined soda;
  • ammonia.

Each cleaned area needs to be treated with a wet sponge, on which the soda is applied, usually even the old pollution is removed from the first time, but if it comes to hard-to-reach places, you will have to use cotton chopsticksMixed in the solution of ammonic alcohol.

Ways cleaning oven

To clear the oven correctly and completely remove all the dirt from the first time? It is worth using special handicrafts that need to be prepared in advance. For fans of folk cleaning methods, the recipes that will be useful for those who want to find out how to find the burner on the gas stove are existing for years of use.

  1. Internal surfaces need to rub soapy solutionBrought to a sponge that is best left for 15-20 minutes - this manipulation will help dissolve the forged fat.
  2. To clean the battle and internal parts, you can pour into it all the same solution and put it in the oven, turn it on, set the temperature regime by 120 degrees and leave for half an hour. After time, all internal parts need to wipe with a soft cloth.
  3. Another one good way is cleaning with soda or citric acid . One of the funds should be dissolved in warm water and apply a solution on the walls of the oven, then wait 15-25 minutes and wipe with paper or newspaper, rinse with water.
  4. Light pollution inside are quickly removed aqueous solution of vinegarwhich is prepared in proportion 1: 1. To clean, you need to put the oven by 50 degrees and wait 15 minutes, then the softened pollution can be easily removed with a sponge.

Cleaning burners

The burners of the gas stove Hephaest and devices of other brands also need cleaning, with this task forces only by experimental owners of the plates. Each burner consists of several parts, the list of which includes:

  • nozzle or removable jet;
  • flame divider;
  • protective cover.

You must always clean the burner of the gas stove from Nagara, they are easy enough to remove, they can be disassembled and rinsed all the details separately. The burners cover can be cleaned with a soap solution and losing a toothbrush if it comes to strong contaminants.

Since the burners are made of aluminum, they need to be cleaned by means of chlorine and acids, they can also be soaked.

Before cleaning the nozzle, it is necessary to turn off the gas supply if the holes are clogged, they must be cleaned with a thick needle or wire. If necessary, you can remove the thermocouple. You can perform such a procedure yourself or call a specialist from the gas service. In general, cleaning the grille of the gas stove and the entire device does not take much time if you do everything correctly and use proven means. Now you know exactly how to clean the grille on your gas stove, oven and other details of the technique.

Cope with old pollution easier than it seems

The stove is the main assistant hostess in the kitchen. And in the process of cooking it gets most of all: hot splashes of fat and water drops fly, pieces of products fall.

If you carefully wipe the stove after each cooking, there will be no problems of care for this household device. But there are different situations. In the evening, after work, shells only enough to do dinner, and sometimes no thoughts arise about cleaning. And it turns out that our faithful assistant is covered with sticky yellow divorces and dark circles from Nagara.

It seems to be cleaned it is unable to use any drug. Do not panic. There are ways and means.

Surface cleaning

Starting the process of washing the plate, it is important to deal with what material is made of its surface. It may be:

  • white and dark enamel;
  • stainless steel;
  • ceramics.

As for the latter, be careful with him. Spilled soup is better to remove immediately, then do it much more difficult.

The ceramic coating in no case cannot be scruved, it will damage. When cleaning, use special preparations that are easy to purchase in any economic department and store.

With stainless steel dirt is removed simply, but do not use abrasive substances

But enamel and stainless steel wash easier, even if the stains are soothed. A popular way is to apply all the same cleaning products. IMPORTANT: Just do not use abrasive, engage them in extreme cases.

Well dissolves fat and dirty divorces for washing dishes. You can clean the slab with a solution of soda, collecting it with water to the state of the casis.

Choose a way and proceed to action. If the stain is fresh, eliminate it just from the first time. With the solarmed will have to tinker. To begin with, they should be poured with a cooked detergent solution, give to stand at least 15 minutes, and then rinse with a sponge or cloth. Important: Perform cleaning in thick rubber gloves. Take care of the health of the skin of the hands.

Wash the cleaning agent, wipe the slab with a dry cloth, giving it the necessary shine.

Wash the grid and handles

The lattices are made of cast iron or metal with applying an enamelled layer. Pure water cast iron is not laundering to remove the net, they need to be calcined over fire. But this process of time consuming.

You can wash the second, using a dishwasher, if it is. Well, but no, soak in the soap solution, and then clean the sponge with the full of soda.

Handles - Although the small part, but they suffer from pollution during cooking no less. But it is often problematic to wash them. This applies to those cases when they are not removed. Wash will be on the spot. Use for the convenience of cotton sticks or a toothbrush that has become unusable.

But to care for removable easier: soak in the soap solution, and then wipe. If there are spots, use soda. The same principle can be cleaned and burned.

Outdoor Care Rules

How to clean the oven in a gas stove? Strong chemical preparations will not be suitable, replace them with others:

Return the cormalitis initial shine and cleanliness, the main thing is to know how and the appropriate means. And do not leave the stains for a long time, it is better to carry out the cleaning procedure more often.

The stove is the most difficult thing in the care of the technique in the kitchen, especially if it is gas. After all, unlike electrical, it has a grid of heavy cast iron, burners, which are periodically clogged, and the handles that are very quickly dirty with fat. Stationary gas stoves also have a brave and drying cabinet, rear panel or lid. From this material, you will learn how to clean the gas stove at home from grills to buttons, as well as make cheap and super-efficient cleaning solutions with your own hands.

8 Steps Cleaning Gas Plate

Before proceeding with the general cleaning of your gas stove, break the gas supply faucet, turn it off from electricity if there is an electrojagal function, put on rubber gloves and follow our step by step instructions.

What you need:

  • Vinegar 9% (for cleaning the table, housing and stove handles);
  • Ammonia alcohol or soda (for cleaning lattices and handles);
  • Dishwashing liquid;
  • Polyethylene package (for cleaning the lattice of the ammonia);
  • Brush;
  • Sponge with a rigid face;
  • Rags or paper towels;
  • Basin;
  • Toothpicks (for cleaning gaps);
  • Clip, pin or needle (for cleaning burners).


Step 1. First, we will take care of the grille - the most problematic part of the gas stove. Remove them and squabbing the scraper by attaching sides of food, fat deposition and nagar in the corners. Next, select one of three cleaning methods:

  • Method 1. How to clean the grid of gas stove soda. Instruct a half-table of soda with water so that there is a pasty consistency. Deliver each grille to the resulting means, paying particular attention to the corners and joints, and then leave them for several hours (at this time, proceed to the following stages of cleaning described below). After such processing, remove fat and naar with cast iron will be much easier. However, with the solar mud it will have to be a little tinker, using the rigid side of the sponge, detergent or ammonia alcohol.
  • Method 2. How to clean the gas stove lattice by ammonic alcohol. According to most reviews, this method is the most efficient. Moisten the sponge of the ammonia and simply cover them every centimeter of the lattice. Next, put it in the plastic package, tie and leave for a couple of hours or more (at this time, proceed to the next stages of the plate cleaning). At the end, rinse the lattice with dishwashing liquid and remove the detached fat and Nagar with a sponge.
  • Method 3. How to clean the gas plate grille with soapy solution. Stit on the grater of about a quarter of the household soap, dissolve the chips in hot water (5-7 liters) in the pelvis or sink and leave the lattice to be soared for several hours. After that, rinse them without a dishwashing agent, if necessary, complex places are treated by the ammonia alcohol.

Keep in mind that wash cast iron lattices in dishwasher Not only is not very effective, but not useful for cast iron. After all, after such a long stay in the water, he will certainly cover rust.

Step 2. Remove the hides of the burners and soak them for a while in the pelvis with a hot soap solution (you can add to the same pelvis where the grids are already soaked).

Step 3. Using a dry brush or paper towel, clean the slab from crumbs and any other surface contaminants.

Step 4. Take the burners: remove them, wipe with a damp cloth and make sure that nothing interferes with the gas flow. If necessary, clean the holes with a broken clip (pin / needle) and return the burners to the place.

Also, see our other materials:

Step 5. Generously spray on the housing of the plate using a spray solution from water and vinegar, diluted in proportion 1: 1. Do not forget to spray vinegar and on the handles (if they are not removable), control panel, rear panel plate, oven, if it is. Give the tool to work for you a minute or so. Next, wipe the slab with a clean cloth or paper towel.

By the way, if the housing of your slab has a white color, then you can sprinkle it after processing with vinegar and food soda. The resulting mixture will affect fat and tarts even more effectively, however, will leave behind white flagwhich will not be so strained. That is why wash the plate with a mixture of vinegar and soda is not recommended to holders of silver, black and other color models.

Step 5. Soaking the plate in the vinegar solution will help to cope with most contaminants. However, in order to clean the dying fatty, you should additionally work with one of the following funds:

  • Dishwashing means;
  • Ammonia alcohol;
  • Ammonia.

Apply a means to a small brush (the toothbrush fit perfectly!) And start cleaning local contamination with small circular motions.

Step 6. Separately, it should be stopped at the stage of cleaning the handles of the gas stove and the electrojagal buttons, which are so difficult to clean due to their small size, existing depressions and cracks scored with fat.

  • If the knob is removable, then remove them and soak for several hours in the solution of equal parts of vinegar and water or in a hot solution of the terrestrial soap. If, after such a processing, the solar fat is still not displayed, treat the complex places with a solution of ammonia and water (1: 1), let alcohol work for 5-10 minutes and wipe the handles well.
  • How to clean the handle of the gas stove if they are not removed? The principle of operation is simple: treatment with vinegar + water or "ammonia + water", soaking for 10 minutes, cleaning with a toothbrush with circular motions. The slots should be cleaned with toothpick.

Step 7. If your gas stove has a brave cabinet, it's time to clean it. Follow our step-by-step instructions to do it effectively and correctly.

Step 8. Return clean grilles, burners and their covers in place, make sure that the alcohol evaporated (if you used it) and check the operation of the slab.