Social inequality. Deep bundle of Russian society

Even a superficial look at the people around us gives reason to talk about them incorrect. People vary By floor, age, temperament, growth, hair color, in terms of intelligence and many other features. Nature has endowed one musical abilities, the other - by force, the third - beauty, and someone voted the fate of the weak disabled. Differences between people due to their physiological and mental peculiarities are called natural. Natural differences are far from harmless, they can be the basis for the emergence of unequal relationships between individuals. Strong forcing the weak, cunning winning victory over spaces. Inequality arising from natural differences is the first form of inequality, in the form of the manifest and in some species of animals. However B. humansocietythe main thing is social inequality, Insoliscably linked with social differences, social differentiation.

Social called those differences which are generated by social factors:

Lifestyle (urban and rural population),

Division of labor (employees of mental and physical labor)

Social roles (father, doctor, politician), etc.

All this leads to differences in the degree of possession of the property, the income received, the authorities, the achievements of social status, prestige, education.

Various levels of social development are base for social inequality, the emergence of rich and poor, stratification of society, its stratification (stratum-layer, which includes people with the same income, power, education, prestige).

Income - The amount of monetary revenues received by the personality per unit of time. It may be labor, and maybe the ownership of property that "works".

Education - A complex of knowledge gained in educational institutions. Its level is measured by the number of years of study. Let's say an incomplete secondary school - 9 years. The professor has behind over 20 years of education.

Power- Perhaps to impose your will to other people regardless of their desire. It is measured by the number of people to which it spreads.

Prestige- This is an assessment of the position of the personality in society, which has developed in public opinion.

Causes of social inequality

Can there be a society without social inequality? Apparently, to answer the questioned question, it is necessary to deal with the reasons that generate the unequal position of people in society. In sociology there is no single universal explanation of the specified phenomenon. Various scientific and methodological schools and directions interpret it in different ways. We highlight the most interesting, which deserves the approaches.

Functionalism explains inequality based on the differentiation of social functionsperformed by various layers, classes, communities. Functioning, the development of society is possible only due to the division of labor, when each social group exercises the tasks of themselves vital for all integrity: some are engaged in the production of material benefits, others create spiritual values, the third is managed, etc. for normal life it is necessary for the optimal combination of all types of human activity.. Some of them are more important, others are less. So, based on the hierarchy of social functions, the corresponding hierarchy of classes, layers, perform them. Those who carry out general leadership and management of the country are invariably put on the top of the social staircase, for only they can support and ensure the unity of society, to create the necessary conditions for the successful performance of other functions.

An explanation of social inequality with the principle of functional utility is a serious danger of a subjectivist interpretation. Indeed, why this or that function is considered as more significant if society as a holistic organism cannot exist without a functional manifold. This approach does not allow to explain such realities as recognition for the individual of its belonging to the highest strategy in the absence of its direct participation in management. That is why T. Parsons, considering the social hierarchy as a necessary factor that ensures the viability of the social system, links its configuration with the system of dominant values \u200b\u200bin society. In his understanding, the location of the social layers on the hierarchical staircase is determined by the ideas of each of them formed in society.

Observations of actions, the behavior of specific individuals gave impetus to development status explanation of social inequality. Each person, occupying a certain place in society, acquires its status. Social inequality - This is the inequality of statusesarising from the ability of individuals to perform one or another social role (for example, be competent to manage, possess the appropriate knowledge and skills to be a doctor, a lawyer, etc.), and from the possibilities that make a person to achieve one or another Provisions in society (ownership of property, capital, origin, belonging to influential political forces).

Consider economic look On the problem. In accordance with this view, the root cause of social inequality is inevomy to property, the distribution of material goods. Most bright this approach manifested itself in marxism. According to his version, it is the appearance of private ownership led to the social stratification of society, education Antagonistic classes. The exaggeration of the role of private property in the social stratification of the Company led Marx and its followers to the conclusion about the possibility of liquidating social inequality by establishing public ownership of the means of production.

The absence of a single approach to the explanation of the sources of social inequality is due to the fact that it is always perceived at least two levels. First, as the property of society. Written story does not know societies without social inequality. The struggle of people, parties, groups, classes are the struggle for the possession of great social opportunities, advantages and privileges. If inequality is the inalienable property of society, therefore, it bears a positive functional load. The Company reproduces inequality, because it needs it as a source of life support, development.

Secondly, inequality always perceived as unequal relationships between people, groups. Therefore, the desire to find the origins of this unequal situation in the singularities of the position of a person in society are becoming natural: in possessing property, power, in the personal qualities of individuals. This approach has been widely widespread.

The inequality is multi-sided and manifests itself in various units of a single social organism: in the family, in the institution, in the enterprise, in small and large social groups. It is prerequisite organizations of social life. Parents, possessing the advantage in experience, skills, at their disposal of financial resources compared to their young children, have the opportunity to influence the latter, facilitating their socialization. The functioning of any enterprise is carried out on the basis of labor division on management and subordinate executive. The appearance in the leader's team helps its rallying, turning into a sustainable education, but simultaneously accompanied by the provision leader of special rights.

Any Social Institute, the Organization is striving for preservation of inequalityseeing in it ordering startwithout which it is impossible reproduction of social connections and the integration of the new one. This is a property inherent in society as a whole.

The problem of poverty and wealth.

Poverty - This is a condition in which the real needs of a person exceed its opportunities for their satisfaction. Poverty is a relative concept and depends on the overall standard of living standards in this society. Poverty is a consequence of a variety of and interrelated reasons that are combined into the following groups:

Economic (unemployment, low wages, low labor productivity, non-competitiveness of the industry),

Socio-medical (disability, old age, high incidence),

Demographic (incomplete families, a large number of dependents in the family),

Socio-economic (low social guarantee),

Educational and qualification (low level of education, insufficient training),

Political (military conflicts, forced migration),

Regional geographical (uneven development of regions).

If inequality characterizes society as a whole, then poverty concerns only part of the population. Depending on how high the level of economic development of the country, poverty Encompasses a significant or insignificant part of the population. Under absolute poverty It is understood as such a state in which the individual on his income is not able to satisfy even the basic food needs, housing, clothing, warmth, or can satisfy only minimal needs that provide biological survival. Scale of poverty Sociologists call the share of the country's population (usually expressed as a percentage) living in the official feature, or threshold of poverty. To denote the scale of poverty, the terms "poverty level", "poverty borders" and "poverty coefficient" are also used. Poverty threshold is the amount of money officially installed as a minimum income, thanks to which an individual or family is able to purchase food, clothing and housing. It is also called the "poverty level".

In Russia, he received an additional name - living wage. In sociology distinguished absoluteand relative poverty. Under relative poverty, it is impossible to maintain the level of resilient life, or some standard of life adopted in this society. As a rule, relative poverty is less than half of the average family income in the country. Relative poverty is a comparative characteristic in two meanings. First, it shows poverty as abundance or prosperity, which other members of society have not considered to be poor. The first meaning of relative poverty is to compare one strata with other strata (layers). Secondly, it shows poverty relative to some standard. The bottom limit is. Poverty is a subsistence minimum or threshold of poverty, and the upper time is the priority standard of living.

At the end of the XX century, Russian scientists began to distinguish between two types of poverty: 1) traditional poverty;

2) "new poor".

Examples of traditional poverty can be lonely mothers, large families, disabled and elderly. The group of new poor includes segments of the population, which in their education and qualifications, social status and demographic position have never been either before the lower layers. The majority of "new poor" are state employees - employees and workers engaged in the public sector (scientists, teachers of higher education, officers). The fall down is due to a small salary at state-owned enterprises, complete unemployment and partial employment.

Thus, if the traditional poor belongs to those who and in the Soviet society were considered poor, then to new poor - those who previously belonged to the prosperous middle layers, and in the post-Soviet society heleras. The difference between old and new poor in Russian society is fundamental. Old poor people do not have what is the social, cultural and economic foundation of new poor - intellectual capital, the basis of which is the highest and secondary special education. A good education in a civilized and stable society is a powerful social elevator that helps people climb on the social staircase and receive high and relatively high incomes. In transitional society, when a fundamental change of economy occurs. and social Structures, change of political regimes, education can not be paid high enough. Since the overwhelming part of the educated population is working in the public sector, and he is funded by the residual principle.

Another distinguishing feature of new poor is that the subculture of poverty, the norm of life at the "social day", the psychology of despair is not inherited. They do everything to give their children the best form to them affordable, they bring up their achievable motivation, transmit the traditions and values \u200b\u200bof the Russian intelligentsia. This is a characteristic feature of only Russian society. None in any country of the world is poor, firstly, not split on old and new, secondly, old new new, when changing the situation, make fast-upward mobility and time to take place on average. The boundaries of the concept of poverty vary this way that the definition of who is poor and who is not, a very difficult operation - both with theoretical and empirical point of view. In everyday reality, poverty means a lack of necessary resources, the state of extreme economic difficulties, the state in which the available resources are so small that they do not allow to satisfy the primary needs for survival, to participate in the daily life of society. Poverty is "much more than money."

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Social inequality - it would seem the relic of the past and should go into non-existence, but the modern reality is that in one form or another, the bundle in society is present today and this gives rise to a sense of injustice in those people who have touched social inequality.

Social inequality - what is it?

Social class inequality existed since the ancient times of the evolution of man. The history of different countries serves as visual proof of what the oppression and enslavement of people leads is meant, hungry riots, war and revolution. But this experience, prescribed by blood not teaches anything. Yes, now it has taken softer, veiled forms. What is the social inequality express and what does it represent today?

Social inequality is the separation or differentiation of people into classes, societies or groups, according to their position in society, which involves unequal use of opportunities, vital goods and rights. If we present the social inequality schematically in the form of a staircase, then in the lowest stages will be oppressed, poor, and at the top of the oppressors and, those who have power and money in the hands. This is the main sign of the bundle of society on the poor and rich. There are other indicators of social inequality.

Causes of social inequality

What are the causes of social inequality? Economists see the root cause in unequal attitudes towards property and distribution of material benefits as a whole. R. Mikhels (German sociologist) saw the reason in endowment of large privileges and powers of the authority, which was chosen by the people himself. The reasons for the emergence of social inequality according to the French sociologist E. Durkheim:

  1. Encouraging people bringing the greatest benefit to society, the best in their business.
  2. Unique personal qualities and man talents who allocate him from the general society.

Types of social inequality

Forms of social inequality are different, so there are several classifications. Types of social inequalities for physiological grounds:

  • age - concerns all people in certain age gaps, it can be traced when taking work, youth do not take due to the lack of experience, the elderly, with their huge experience, replace young, more promising from the point of view of the authorities;
  • social sexual inequality - here you can consider such a phenomenon as expressed in the fact that few women occupying responsible posts involved in the country's economic life, a woman is given the role of "husband";
  • social ethnic inequality - small ethnic groups, those that are not included in the concept of "White Race" are largely oppressed due to such phenomena as xenophobia and racism.

Social inequality in connection with statuses in society:

  • absence / availability of wealth;
  • approximity to power.

Manifestation of social inequality

The main signs of social inequality are observed in such a phenomenon as a division of labor. Human activity is diverse and each person is endowed with some talents and skills, the ability to grow. Social inequality is manifested as the return of privileges to those who are more talented and promising for society. The bundle of society or stratification (from the word "strata" - geological layer) is building a hierarchical staircase, division into classes, and if earlier it was slaves and slave owners, feudals and a man, then at the present stage - this is a division on:

  • top class;
  • middle class;
  • low-income (socially vulnerable);
  • behind poverty.

The consequences of social inequality

Social inequality and poverty generated by the fact that only elected places conflicts and wars among the population can use the main resources of the planet. The consequences are developing gradually and expressed in the slow motion development of many countries, this leads to the fact that progress in the economy is slowed down, democracy as a system loses its position, voltage, discontent, psychological pressure Social disharmony grows in society. According to the UN, half of world resources owns 1% of the so-called higher elite (world domination).

Pros of social inequality

Social inequality in society as a phenomenon does not carry only negative properties, if we consider social inequality from a positive side, then you can note important things, looking at which the idea arises that everything "has a place under the sun." Pros of social inequality for a person:

  • incentive to become the best in his business, to show its abilities and talents to the maximum;
  • motivation for those who want;
  • organizing in the economic sphere, in those who have capital produce resources, unlike those who have no capital and is able to only feed themselves and their family.

Examples of social inequality in history

Examples of social inequality or stratification systems:

  1. Slavery - Extreme degree of enslavement, the original type of social inequality known from antiquity.
  2. Caste. The type of stratification socially established with antiquity, when social inequality was determined by custom affiliation, the child was born since birth belonged to a certain caste. In India, it was believed that the birth of a person in one or another caste depends on his acts in the past life. Only 4 castes: Higher - Brahmans, Kshatriya - Warriors, Vaisia \u200b\u200b- merchants, merchants, shudras - peasants (lower caste).
  3. Class. Higher estates - nobility and clergy have legal law to transfer property by inheritance. Unprivileged class - artisans, peasants.

Modern forms of social inequality

Social inequality in modern society an integral property, therefore the social theory of functionalism considers the bundle in a positive key. The American sociologist B. Barber divided modern types of social stratification, based on 6 criteria:

  1. Prestige profession.
  2. The presence of power.
  3. Wealth and income.
  4. Religious affiliation.
  5. The presence of education, knowledge of knowledge.
  6. Belonging to a particular ethnicity, nation.

Social inequality in the world

The problem of social inequality is that racism is generated, xenophobia, discrimination of software. The most indicative criterion of social inequality worldwide is a different income of the population. Factors affecting the bundle in society, around the world remain the same as many years ago:

  • way of life - urban or rural, well-known fact that in the villages payment for labor is smaller than in the city, and conditions are often worse, and more work;
  • social roles (mother, father, teacher, official) - determine the status, prestige, the presence of power, property;
  • division of labor - Physical and intellectual labor is paid differently.

Against the background of the continued crisis, the Russians quickly lose their accumulated assets, and the social bundle in the country increases. According to official forecasts, the well-being of the population will be restored only in 2018 - at the same time, when the authorities seriously begin to think about raising retirement age and taxes. "" was versed in the reasons of growing poverty in Russia.

20 million below

During the year - from mid-2015 to mid-2016 - the welfare of Russians fell at once by 14.4 percent. During 12 months, household assets decreased from 12 086 to 10,344 dollars. This is about this study by the Global Wealth Report Swiss Financial Corporation Credit Suisse.

The bank reminds that the Russians are rapidly rich at the beginning of two thousandths. Due to the high prices for oil in 2000-2007, the welfare of citizens rose eight times. In 2007, the growth slowed down and became uneven, then he stopped at all and turned into a fall.

Analysts of the financial institution also recorded an increase in the social gap between the wealthy people and the poor. In the Russian Federation, 89 percent of universal wealth controls 10 percent of households. This is one of the highest rates in the world. For comparison: in the US, it is 78 percent, in China - 73 percent.

However, the Credit Suisse report may not take into account some of the features of the Russian economy. Foreign researchers do not always take into account the role of real estate in the country. Often, poor live in expensive apartments located in prestigious areas of large cities. Sell \u200b\u200breal estate and improve the lives of many Russians prevents the sacred attitude towards square meters (it has been formed over the decades of Soviet power) - the apartment for such people is not a potential capital, but a purpose of existence. Do not forget about the low social mobility of the population, which also prevents getting rid of unnecessarily expensive real estate.

"The main activity of the population in our country is housing. Now the crisis, and the housing market is very sluggish. Deals are less and less. In this regard, the prices that are in statistics, let's say not quite accurate. Statistically, inequality is caused by a huge difference in accommodation prices between Moscow and other cities. People living in a studio apartment in the capital, five times richer than those who occupy a similar area in the province, "the Senior Researcher commented on the Institute of Social Analysis and Forecasting of Ranjigs under the President of Russia Alexander Burdyak.

In addition, the reasons for reducing the quality of life in Russia Credit Suisse calls the devaluation of the ruble. In 2007, the American currency cost 25 rubles, across nine years - already 64 rubles. "A sharp drop in the level of well-being influenced the change in the ruble exchange rate, because in Credit Suisse everyone is considered in dollars. In other countries, the course does not change as much as the ruble exchange rate in the last year or two, "Alexander Burdyak continued.

According to the study, the total assets owned by Russians is a trillion dollars. It is unclear how prices for residential real estate were calculated, which is the main property of the overwhelming majority of Russians. Calculations on official statistics show a completely different picture. For 2015, according to the Ministry of Construction, the country's housing stock was more than 3.4 billion square meters, and the average value of one meter - 36 thousand rubles. Alternating these figures and divide into the average dollar rate, we will receive the total cost of residential real estate at the disposal of Russians at about 1.8 trillion dollars. To this add deposits in banks (360 billion dollars). Finally, there are investments in securities, mutual funds, foreign real estate and other property abroad. All this gives additional hundred billion dollars. Boston Consulting Group, for example, assesses the amount of Russians asset 1.4 trillion dollars.

But regardless of how Credit Suisse came to his conclusions, one thing is clear: the population loses money, and the abyss between rich and poor grows.

In this case, the situation will deteriorate. According to the Accounts Chamber, by 2019, 20.5 million people will be below the poverty line in Russia. That is, 1.4 million people are more than in 2015.

Cardual cases

The fact that the devaluation of the ruble has become one of the reasons for a sharp decline in living standards, November 22 and adviser to the President Sergey Glazyev. Academician, actively criticizing the financial and economic unit of the government, and this time went on the work of the monetary authorities.

"None in one country of the world such records did not have seen such a national currency volatility so high. It is twice as much as Turkey closest to us on this indicator. Devalvation - We also put records, including among oil-producing countries, "said Glazyev.

In general, he compared the state of the Russian economy with. Press secretary of the head of state Dmitry Peskov once again stated that this is the personal position of Sergei Glazyev.

Alcohol and taxes

"I am with Credit Suisse, I fully agree and think even that they are somewhat embellished. We have not one tenth, and three percent of people own most of the Russian economy. And the reason is a tremendous income difference, "the first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Labor, Social Policy and Affairs of Veterans Nikolay Kolomomese residents said in a conversation with" ".

He recalled that earlier suggestions were made to limit the revenues of the owners and managers of state-owned enterprises. The bill has not passed. "In general, 12 Russian state-owned companies have huge loans guaranteed by the state, but do not have motivated management. None of the Western Company would have failed that the top management would live so curly, "he noted.

According to Kolomeitsev, the social bundle can be defeated by several paths. First, it is necessary to switch to progressive taxation. Secondly, you need to restore the state monopoly on alcohol.

"And in Tsarist Russia, and in the Soviet was a monopoly on the production of alcohol. This excluded the possibility of poisoning and brought large income. It is necessary to restore the state control over the production and sale of alcoholic beverages. Alcohol, if you take it under the control of the state, should give four trillion additional rubles to the budget. The progressive scale is another five trillion, "he counted.

But simply redistribution of budgetary funds can hardly solve the problem of poverty and stratification. It is solved due to a stable economic growth. There is an achievement in this regard. The economy gradually moves away from shocks and adapts. In 2017, GDP is expected. MINTRUT that by 2018 the level of revenues of Russians will return to the pre-crisis. On the other hand, in 2018, the government will actively begin to discuss the issues of increasing retirement age and tax burden - the implementation of these measures may not be reduced to the restoration of the well-being of the population.

Meanwhile, as the National Bureau of Credit Stories (NBS) reported, by the end of the current year the number of Russians, which formally may fall under the law on bankruptcy of individuals, reached 59,7400 people (they have overdue debt on loans by more than 500 thousand rubles Over 90 days). Over the past three months, this number has increased by 2.0%. In the already mentioned Jewish JSC, the increase in the number of potential banks amounted to 8.3%, in the Altai Republic - 5.3%, in Ingushetia - 4.5%.

Can the state change the situation? Theoretically, yes, there would be a desire. But there is no such thing yet. There are no alternatives. On the contrary, new waves of privatization are planned, the tax scale remains flat (and on the fact of regressive, if we take into account that the rich owners mostly live on salaries, but on Rent), the ruble is still in free swimming. Population expresses his opinion : 25% believe that the state gives them a lot, but they have the right to demand more; 25% are confident that there are no obligations before the state, since it gives them too little; 19% consider it necessary to force the power to serve their interests.

The supply of patience is still available, however, as a reason for anxiety.

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