Mangup Calais Cave City History. Mangup - the oldest history of Crimea

Cave City of Mangup Kale (Russia) - description, history, location. Accurate address, telephone, website. Tourist reviews, photos and videos.

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The ancient city of Mangup Kale is considered one of the most curious attractions of the Crimea Peninsula and the Brightest Monument of the Middle Ages. In those days, he was called Doros, and he himself played a key role in the Bastion of the Crimean Gothy. Today, thousands of tourists come to the real treasury of history and culture, thousands of tourists come. Moreover, interest is not only an ancient settlement, but also its particularly significant places.

A bit of history

The city begins its history since the end of the 6th century - the time of the great resettlement of peoples. At that time, the nomads of Alans were commissioned here, but in the 7th century, all the surrounding lands appropriated by the Byzantines, founding the fortress. Over the years, she began to attract attention, and soon was captured by the Khazar Kaganat. It is the Khazar and gave fortress the present name.

The city of Mangup Calais experienced shocks up to the 14th century, the peaceful time came only when he became the capital of the Medieval Christian Principality of Feodoro.

While the princes ruled, the city flourished and strengthened his position, the Christian Basilica, the Palace Ensemble and Stone Strengthening, and also expanded underground communications, added administrative and residential buildings.

However, the subsequent invasion of the Ottoman occupants was for the settlement of another check: despite the courage and courage, almost all the locals were exterminated, and they began to live Jews repressed by Turks. Over the years, these lands left their last settlers. The city for a long time was empty, until I turned into a tourist pearl of the Crimea, reminiscent of the Great Past.

What's interestnig

The most noteworthy place in the city, besides its streets, caves and balance of buildings, can be called the Maiden Lake of Artificial Origin. It is located on a sheer beam, from where the fascinating panorama of the MANGUP plates are opened: calling, windy, pine and holey. These capes are the following places, worthy visits, because you can see all the picturesque Crimean expanses and the authentic settlement of Khoja Sala.

Despite serious destruction, there are still some cave monasteries in the city, churches, caasemates and an old three-story fortress, where the Feedoroian princes had once lived.

And nearby is the largest in the city of Cave - Drum-Koba. Inside it is a column - if you hit it, the battleship will be heard. As for the temple of St. Helena and Konstantin and the palace complex, today they remained only fragments of grounds.

Finally, we recall that the ancient settlement is part of the Bakhchisarai historical and cultural and archaeological museum-reserve, where you can order an excursion around the surrounding area.

Practical information

The city of Mangup Calais is located near the village of Khoja Sala in Bakhchisarai district. You can get to it from Yalta, Sevastopol and Bakhchisaraya on buses or route taxis (you need to go out between the villages of the Polesnoye and Khoja Sala). Web site

There is an opportunity to drive by car. GPS coordinates: 44 ° 35'42 "N; 33 ° 48'29" E.

Ticket price: Entrance 100 RUB - for adults, 50 RUB - for children, guided tour - Additionally 100 RUB. Prices on the page are shown in October 2018.

Mode of operation: from 9:00 to 16:00 daily.

The Pages of Crimean History will be incomplete if you do not mention the cave city of Mangup Kala. Once it was the luxurious and impregnable capital of the Ancient Principality of Feodoro.

The impregnable fortress made the brave genesers, the Turks, Ottomans, who, in the end, and broke the resistance. But it was later, and at first there was a period of flourishing, incredible wealth and skill of architects, who managed to conquer the rocks and make them suitable for life. Going on a journey, be sure to visit the cave city of Mangup Kala, how to get and what we will definitely tell.

Where is Mangup Kale?

Incredibly attractive Mangup Kale is one of the most popular places on the peninsula. Every year thousands of tourists come here to explore the attraction, stay for a few days, to divide, ride horses and how to relax. Here you can all, because Mangup Kala - the cave city, from where it is not so easy to leave, he manites and delays his peace, secrets and burst with sensual energy, forcing everything unnecessary and in vain.

There is a cave city of Mangup at an altitude of 583 meters, not far from Bakhchisaraya. Straight Baba-Dag Plateau, where the Bastion is located 20 km from the city, you can get either through the shore line of the lake, then bypassing the Carriage Cemetery, or next to the cave monastery of Blagoveshchensky, who also worth seeing.

Mount Mangup

Mention of Plateau and Mount are found in the ancient manuscripts of travelers. One of them was fascinated by the beauty of the plateau, natural wealth The locality wrote that Mount Mangup Kala - the creation of Allah, intended for the basis of an impregnable fortress. And today, every traveler coming here can make sure of the justice of these words.

No one can call the date of formation of the mountain. It is said that millions of years have passed before the plateau separated from the massif of the mountains and the valley was formed, and for her flat plains. The gorge cut the body of the mountains, and the nature of the rocky arrays, having crashed out of them four of the strongly speakers. If you rise above the plateau on the helicopter, then the drawing of the plateau is clearly resembles a four-panel paw palm.

Perhaps hence the legends of the Giant, who kept the entire district in fear until he fell under the ground, leaving only his unfolded palm on the surface. But the old people say that this is not the Giant at all, and a mighty beast, before the time petrified under the severity of human cruelty and will come a deadline - the monster will come to know and starts to create his trial. And indeed, if you look at the plateau of a little at an angle, Mongupe Kale Mount Calais clearly resembles a huge beast, which lies on the side.

The eastern outskirts of Mangup is called Teschkli-Burun (a holey cape). Rocks are dressed with holes through which the sky is visible. There is Cape Entire-Burun (Cape of Winds) - the air flows are constantly moving here, creating interesting adhesive effects, between the two these gorges is located cabin-tree (gate ravine) with preserved main gates of the fortress.

The most interesting Chufut-Chairgan-Burun (Cape Call of Jews). Why it is so called, it is unknown, but it is the third cape who was the place of settlement of the Karaite community. It was not without miracles - in the grotto of the mountain still alive the spring with its purest water! No cave city of Crimea has a similar landmark. Once here, even a Turkish bath was built into the gamam-der pain gorge (bath rav).

Completes the entire ensemble huge, powerful and steep camen-bourone (pine). He is densely Poros Forest, descending even in Tabana-Terla ravine (Kozhevnikov ravine). The name is not accidental, because the dressing of the skin was one of the main clauses of Karaimov. Just below the cape can be selected in the rocks of the bath for soaking the skin. Perhaps the place next to the forest was chosen specifically: the skin is released and dubbed with the help of plant juice and other natural ingredients that grew just at the foot of pine stems.

History of the cave city of Mangup Kala

Mount Mangup Kala was settled for a very long time, archaeologists have found unique household objects and tools from Diorita stone, whose age is estimated at least 5 millennia. This plateau was settled by people constantly and abundantly, apparently the very first settlers and began to cut down the caves in the rocks to be guarded from an evil beast and man.

So the history of mangup feces began. The cave city gradually turned into a dwelling of the brass, there were numerous household items, weapons and economic accessories. Then the epoch of the resettlement of peoples began and Goths-Alans came to the plateau. Militant and adamant settlers found a place particularly comfortable and formed numerous becoming, villages, enlarged by the end of the VII century.

And then the cave city of Mangup passed the rule of Rome and became known as Doros. Under this name, the settlement is found in manuscripts, reports and other documents that have come down to the present day. For long ruled by the city and surroundings of the Romans, the Khazar Khanate in the VIII century aumed on the peninsula and only for a time the city managed to repel the troops of John Gothsky. After this injustice, all the forces of Khazar and Bastion fell on the mangup, having received the present Calusing Mangup Kale.

Two centuries the city developed, grew up and rich, while in the X century the Byzantines did not find that here at the junction of all trading paths there is a convenient point and did not allotte the Mangup, making it the capital of the Principality of Feodoro. All information is true and confirmed by documentary references and even carved on a stone, separated by archaeologists during the excavations of the Big Mangup Basilica.

It was terrible and dangerous was the life of people in the city: from all sides, the enemies looked at the strengthening, raids and we wake up trying to return the lost lands. That is why the builders began to build stone houses over the rocky caves, and the village gradually acquired its appearance. The name "Cave" went to the past, now it looked like an impregnable fortress, to take a raid that was not possible for a very long time.

Today, a three-story powerful structure is available to the inspection, perhaps the place of residence of the princes. According to some fragments, you can guess the beauty of the facade, the sophistication of the decor and the patterns of decorations, a little further there is the remnants of the princely church of the unique eight-marched planning, there are no more such in the Crimea. The ensemble of a well-shaped mining depth of 24 meters is complemented to get to the source of fresh water and a sentier tower. Little remained from the ancient Mangup, but there are reasons.

At the end of May 1475, the trouble came to the Crimea in the face of Turko-Ottoman troops. The famous Genoese fortresses fell like straw stems: Alouston, Cafe, Chamblock. Only Mangup was kept and did not give up the conquerors of almost all of Europe with such countries as: Spain, Roman Empire, Gallium, part of Asia.

Sultanate was treated and decided to defeat Mangup by any power and means. Five attacks of the unpretentious troops endowed the city, the attack aircraft rolled back from the walls as small pebbles. And only after six months permanent siege and with the help of military tricks managed to take the cave bastion. When the warriors broke into the city, they are unwound: getting used to fast victories, Turko-Osmans did not tolerate the shame of delay and destroyed everything, killing everyone in their path. True, they left in the living little heir to Prince from respect for the feat of the Father.

This ended another page of the glorious Mangup. In memory of the fights, there were breakdowns in the walls of multi-meter thickness, strengthening, subpopters and other facilities. When in the middle of the XV century, the Karaite community was chosen, there was no hearing about raids and the glorious past of the city. Until the XVIII century, people lived and strengthened Mangup, but soon the Crimea was joined to Russia and the city was completely empty. Today it is the ruins remaining from the once the greatest capital. But still alive the spirit of non-coordination and travelers clearly feel elevated emotional intensity of these places.

And you should not give up the trip, the plateau offers a remnant rest. Mangup is gazebo, open winds and made in elegant, as far as possible in the rocks, style. Everyone who does not like idleness is offered a great rest on Mangup. Beautiful places today are also populated and built up. In the village of Khoja Sala there is an amazing hotel, recreation centers. The Magupian lake is full of fish and clean water, which manites swim.

There is an opportunity to go on a tour, climbing the bathroom or leather gorge, to drive on horseback or SUV, quietly sit in a gazebo on Mangup, listen to the wind, taste the delicious spring water and comprehend the real silence, possible only in the Crimea. By the way, Lake Mangup Kala is famous not only excellent fishing, water purity, but also medical properties. The age-old rocks have accumulated a lot of microelements and nutrients and all this generously gives people coming to rest on Mangup.

How to get?

The cave city of Mangup Kale on the map is marked with coordinates: N 44.35397 E 33.48287, and if you look for how to get to Mangup Kale, address: Bakhchisarai district, next to the village of Khoja Sala. Here to the plateau of the mountain hand to file. In general, the place is far from the main transport highway, so the car will not be a hindrance. If we gathered our move to Mangup Kale, then right how to get there by car:

1. On the highway Simferopol-Sevastopol to Lilan;

2. Collapse on the tank, at the entrance to immediately roll onto the red poppy and through the zeyshassable to get to Mangup Kale.

From Simferopol

From Sevastopol

From Yalta

If we look at how to get to Mangup Calais from Sevastopol, then go through the Yalta track, minor to Chernorechye and Milk Trenovka - Lake Mangup Kala will on the right and it is worth going around the crowd of the "Dani" collectors in the form of the entrance fee, they are hiding precisely behind the lake. Alternative - to climb the mountain through the monastery. If there is a map, mangup feces are easy to see and calculate the number of kilometers from the nearest stop. This rarely walk buses from Simferopol, Yalta and Bakhchisaraya.

1. From Simferopol to go by bus Route to Ternovka and Native (sending from the West Station).

2. From Bakhchisaraya there is a bus to Khmelnitsky, go out at the "Mangup" stop, which is immediately for the depressive and next to the lake.

3. From Yalta there is a bus (sit on the bus station) on Bakhchisaray through a thorn.

4. From Sevastopol to go only from the station "5th kilometer" by bus number 37 to Ternovka. And then on foot through the fishing rods a few kilometers and the cave city of Mangup Kale will open.

How to get now known, it remains only to gather towards the adventure! Believe me, Mangup Kale cave city is worth paying much attention to him. The incredible beauty of the plateau, legends, secrets, myths and discoveries are waiting for their connoisseurs. Do not underestimate the century-old memory of rocky grounds, they can and can tell a lot to those who hear. Going to the cave city of Mangup Kale, hoping how to get on my car, do not worry about stops - there is a very thoughtful place of rest for both hiking and "wheel" tourists.

Crimea has a richest history! For many millennia, he was inhabited by various peoples, various states were located on its territory, which centuries were bent among themselves. Real Paradise for Archaeologists! Taurus, Greeks, Scythians, Goths, Alans, Byzantines, Khazars, Osmans ... Now, here, the main population of the peninsula is Russian. Probably, after a couple of thousand years, historians will draw conclusions about how we lived in 2017, on the basis of a frying pan with teflon and electric toothbrips found on the excavations ...

If you want to get acquainted with the oldest history of Crimea, then I strongly recommend that you visit such a landmark place as a city-kale fortress under Bakhchisaram. Every self-respecting Crimean in the social network has a photograph on which he is captured by a high cliff seating. Similar photos are made in the vicinity of Bakhchisaraya. There is a very interesting relief - the circle is high plateau and deep ravines. The ancient tribes especially valued these lands just for their inaccessibility. Mangup is one of these places where it was very convenient to defend against the enemy raids, which was the reason for the construction of defensive structures. And the city appeared around them.

When I returned home, I wanted to go down to the history of mangup, and especially in the history of existence christian state feudoreo. As a result, the entire article began to consist of separate parts: my first impressions of visiting and historical information, hoped from books and Internet, and impressions after visiting.

1. Path to the top

To feel the story of a fortress city lost in the clouds, you can only rush to Mangup. For a modern man, unusual to long transitions, the rise of the mountain may be difficult. But the experience gained in the end is!

You can climb one of the local ravines. However, the least steep road leadsthrough the southern slope of mangup To the main goal in the head of Kapu-Dere. Today it is a favorite path of tourists, since the trail passes by the drier of the Rodnik (his name "Male").

In antiquity, the mountain was called Baba Dag, which means Father-Mountain. Majestic limestone rest - mangup, towers among the surrounding valleys. Curly roads, connecting and capturing mangup loops, summarize in the Belbek River pool. Geographical position The depth of the mountain determined her fate. While 20 kilometers from Bakhchisaraya, in the center of winding beams, rocky watersheds, individual mountains, linked roads, Mangup was the best place For the construction of shelters and fortresses. Since the times of Neolith, people showed interest in this place. I lived here and Scyth, and Khazarin, and the Turks.

Mangup cave city - one of the most amazing corners of the Crimea, in 1996 uses are listed in the lists of unique world historical antiquities of UNESCO. Unfortunately, by the time, when people began to appreciate this treasure, Vandals managed to make their black things. Vintage paintings and mosaics are lost, but even in independent mangup is a source of new discoveries and finds.

The city of Mangup-Kale, more precisely, that it remains from him is located on a high plateau. That is, roughly speaking, this is such a mountain with a flat and flat vertex. On this plateau, people lived from the 4th millennium to our era, and the most ancient, partially surviving structures were built in the 6th century of our era. Now there is an open-air museum, and monks are the only permanent residents. The Orthodox Male Monastery operates on the plateau. Also, by the way, a very interesting construction. A monastery is cut right in the cliff on the edge of the cliff. For some reason, he is very much reminded of some typical Buddhist mountain monastery.
If in a nutshell to talk about what happened in this place for the last century, it is probably necessary to begin with the 5th century. Mangup, which then called Dorosom, becomes the capital of the state of the Crimean Gouti. Goths, if anyone does not remember, are the German tribes of Scandinavian origin, Christians. After 200 years, Gothia conquers Khazar kaganat. Khazars are turks. At that time, Islam just appeared, so Khazar to know professed mostly Judaism. Just khazars and renamed Doros in Mangup.

Towering at a 584-meter height above sea level, the plateau attracted the attention of a person long before the emergence of fortresses on it. This is evidenced by archaeologists traces of the parking times of Neolithic. In the III-IV centuries, Scythian Sarmatians are settled on the plateau. In the 6th century, the first fortifications appear here. Alas, there are little from them.

From the end of the VII century Khazar kaganat spreads influence on the entire southwest Tauridus. Inaccessible mangup, like a magnet, attracts new owners of the peninsula. Khazars are taking a straight seizure of the fortress city in the 787th year, which causes the uprising of the local population. The rebels managed not only to drive a Khazar from the fortress, but also to capture the fortified mountain passes. Nevertheless, the final victory of Khazar was the matter of time. The new assault ends with the destruction of the city and its devastation. In the 9th century, the defense system of the city is restored. In the 10th century, the first mentions of the city with the name of Mangup appear. And in the period from XI Until the middle of the XIV centuries, the sources call it the Feodoro.

During this period, Mangup and the entire territory of the Crimean Gothy goes under the power of Byzantines, that is, the Orthodox Greeks. The status quo remained until the 13th century, when the city becomes the capital of the Principality of Feodoro. The principality continued to depend on Byzantium, but possessed a certain political autonomy. It was multinational orthodox State, inhabited by Gotami, Alanami Sarmatians, brand Skifs, Circassians, Karaimi and Byzantines. Conversational language was Gothic,

and Greek was used for interethnic communication.

In the Middle Ages, this city, Feodoro, was the center of the eponymous feudal state. Large at the time Christian principality occupied a significant part of the south-west Tauridics with the port Calamite(Now Inkerman).

The breakdown of the principality falls at the time of the reign of Prince Alexei since 1420-1456. During this period, large-scale construction deployed in the city of Feodoro: fortifications, Princely Palace, Church were built. The population is increasing - up to 200 thousand inhabitants. This is a very significant figure for the Crimea of \u200b\u200bthe time. An extreme personal qualities of Prince Alexey had an important meaning in the development of the state. It was a wise ruler and a good diplomat. He supported good relations with the Crimean Khanate and sometimes even intervened in their struggle for the throne. Voted for a particular contender, the prince thus strengthened his position. So, using the support of Crimean Khanov, Alexey got his own port on the Crimean coast.

At some point, Calamite became a dangerous opponent of Chembalo, Sudak and the Kafa himself (now Feodosia) in the field of maritime trade (Sea ports of the Genoesees). Court came here from Byzantium and Mediterranean countries. Genoesers did not like this state. To get rid of the competition, they sent the army from the cafe in 1434, which burned Calamite. However, Feodorites did not fell in spirit. They quickly rebuilt the port, which for a long time remained the sea gates of the principality until the end of its existence.

The Economy Feodoro was based on agriculture, and it is not surprising, because the fertile valleys stretched around. The population was engaged in girlfriends, gardening, gardening, viticulture. There are numerous evidence - remnants of wineille with large grape davils in castles and the monasteries of the Feodoro.

In the valleys also grown bread cereals: wheat, barley and millet. Crimean archaeologists often find stone millstones from small hand mills, so-called grains. In the pylines of the XIII century, a chopped wheat and barley straw was also detected. By the way, pyphos.(Large ceramic vessels) - the most popular dishes of those times - an inexhaustible source of interesting information about the history of the Crimea. In these beautiful vessels kept the entire harvest. Pyphyos folded into pies that cut down right in the rock or pulled out in the ground. Poons were laid out, walked clay, and burned.

In the gardens Theodoro abundantly grown all sorts of fruit trees. But the special place was occupied walnut, hazelnut and olive, from the fruits of which oil removed. Since then, everywhere in the southern regions of the Crimea in the places of medieval settlements there are victorious descendants of these plants.

During the excavations on Mangup, the bones of large and small horned cattle were found. Bulls and oxa served as heavy force, donkeys were used very widely. Judging by the bone residues, the Feodorites bred cows.

Cities and even small principles of the Feodoro in the XIV-XV centuries were distinguished by the intensive development of a blacksmith. In the excavations of the Mangup, curious iron items are found - belt buckles, all sorts of nails, horseshoes, knives, arrow tips. At the height was a construction case. Wheels of columns, capitals, platbands and other decorations from local stone are samples of architectural art. Mangyupan cookers and builders have built houses, temples and palaces, but their main achievement was powerful defensive walls with towers.

At the peak of their development, the Principality of Feodoro began to play a significant role in the international life of the entire region. In 1472, the Mangupus Princess Maria, the daughter of Ollubey, was married to the Moldovan gentlemen Stephen III. In 1474 great Prince of Moscowi instructed the ambassadors to negotiate the marriage of the Son on the daughter of Prince Feodorites. Marriage did not take place due to the Turkish invasion of the Crimea.

The 1475th year became fatal for the Feodoro. Turkis invaded the Crimean Peninsula. An impregnable cafe surrendered to the sixth day of the siege. Only Mangup had decent resistance. For six months, the siege of the Turks took five assaults! And only on the outcome of the tragic year they managed to break into the city. The main blow fell on a defensive wall, overlapping the mouth of a small beam, between Cape Chufut-Che-Argan-Buran and Tavra.
Turkish artillery installed guns in the middle of the opposite cape. To do this, they had to pave a special driveway, the guns weighed a few tons. Obviously, the Feodorites did not specify such weapons. At the defenders of the fortification, the kernel of the 40-centimeter caliber was referred to, which weighed 100 kilograms. However, under the protection of a powerful wall, erected in almost a millennium to the events described, some time precipitated had hope for a victory. During the excavations, the skeletons of the fencerades were found, buried under the stone ruins. In the remnants of the walls also survived the stunned tips of the Turkish arrows. The number of collected nuclear fragments is calculated by thousands.

After the collapse of the external walls of the fortress the latter protection and stronghold of the garrison became the Citadel. Being in the desperate position besieged, however, they were not going to capitulate. Evidence of their desperate courage is the discovery of the remains of a blacksmith horn, arranged near the gate. It turns out that, in the midst of the battle, local blacksmiths continued to kill the tips of the arrows and copies! To break through, the Turks pulled the close gun and fell asleep with the stone nuclei of the stubborn enemy. Capturing Mangup in December 1475, the Turks in retreating for the "irresistible" meeting ruined him by arranging a merciless slaughter. Prince Alexander was captured and subsequently executed in Constantinople. From his relatives alive, only a small son was left, who later became the attorney of a notable Turkish family.

The captured lands of the Principality of Feodoro were converted to Turkish Kadyel. Turks, understanding the strategic importance of Mangup, a garrison was located in the fortress. Some defensive structures and citadel rebuilt, adapting them to the use of firearms. But no new citadel, no guns, did not help the Turks when it was time and leave Mangup. The fortress served new owners until the XVIII century. After the accession of Crimea to Russia, the last residents in the face of a few Karaite community took place from the plateau. In the early 90s of the XVIII century, the once prosperous city finally ceased to exist.

At the end of the 15th century, the Crimean Peninsula won the Turks. The Principality of Feodoro resisted the fierce of all, but in the end, also fell. People left Mangup. There was only a small Turkish garrison. Well, at the end of the 18th century, Crimea was part of Russia. Osmans left, followed by the last residents of Mangup - Karai, who confessed one of the currents of Judaism. Agree, a very rich story! And I have not mentioned a raid to the city of the troops of the Golden Horde at the end of the 14th century ...

I really wanted to go to the mangup on a tour, but, as it turned out, this place is not so popular with tourists, so that excursions are even the largest travel agencies lead 3-4 for the entire season as the groups are completed. To predict when the group will be formed - almost impossible. That is, if you listen to my advice and still decide to visit this incredible place, you will have to get to your move.
That's not difficult! For example, I drove from Evpatoria. At first I got to Bakhchisarai bus station on a long-distance bus. There he moved to the bus to the spring and left halfway at the "Mangup" stop. The whole road took three and a half hours. From Simferopol and Sevastopol, not to mention Bakhchisarai, you can get much faster.

Mangup Kale is located near the huts of Khoja Sala Bakhchisarai district.From Bakhchisaraya: Bakhchisaray flight bus - the presenter, stop in Hodge Sala, walking by following the tourist signs.

2. Stopping Mangup


5. Three-dimensional settlement scheme model

Keep in mind that visit the Mangup if you have been dealt with public transport, it will take you all day. On the car you can also put in half a day. There are several cafes and hotels at the foot of the plateau. Local papidate two-story cafe I tested. Tasty and relatively inexpensive. For a full dinner, I paid 500 rubles. If you stay with the night, then know that spring water flows from under the tap. At the very least, I was so local told. But, to be honest, there is absolutely nothing to do in this tiny settlement, so I have not stayed personally.

Regarding the road. Buses to this forgotten God stopping arrive 3 times a day. The last bus to Bakhchisarai leaves at 18:10. But there is one problem that I learned about, already being in this bus. At this time, Bakhchisaraya no longer go buses to Simferopol. And I needed to get home to Evpatoria through Simferopol! The driver simply landed me somewhere in a clean field halfway to Bakhchisaraya and, I really explained anything, I advised to catch the bus to Simferopol. In short, I had to get absolutely new life experience. Thank God, drove without adventure.

Now about mangup itself. So you come to stop. Then you need along a small reservoir of three minutes to go to the side of the houses. Get down to houses - from them 300 meters to the cashier. Yes, visiting paid. Adult ticket costs 100 rubles. But on top, except rare tourists, there is no one in general. Nobody checked a ticket for me. Yes, and past the cash register can be completely free. She just stands with the edge of the road. But I still advise you to buy a ticket. Do not let God be at the top there will be any controllers (remember, in the "golden calf" an event conducted by the Grand Combiber from the failure)! You do not even imagine how much strength you need to spend to get to the top of the plateau (climb at a height of 584 m!). The second such rise you can not stand.

6. On the way to the checkout

7. Poster at the beginning of the plateau

From the cashier to Magupe, you need to rise 3 km. Raising hard. I spent an hour and a half with two long privals. I strongly recommend everyone to go to places in May or October. Not hot and not cold, everything around green, there are no people ... I also had to climb around the heat! Even adult is hard, and I generally silently about children. Do not take young children - will not reach. True, after the descent, I found out that you can pay local, and you will be delivered to the top at the jeep. It costs 2000 rubles per car. It seems that the driver and the excursion can spend. I do not know for some money or not.

A pleasant bonus - in the middle of the lifting, when the strength has already been almost left, on the way you will get a mountain spring with pure cool water. You can wash and replenish stocks. Another spring will come on the way back. You can return the same way, or you can, as the pointers advise, differently. The pointers were confused me, I got lost and plutged a whole hour along the paths that rested in the break. As a result, he met Krymchan's tourists and descended along with them for some incomprehensible route. The second spring was not caught.

Mangup himself is some solid ruins. If something has been preserved, then this is either the foundations or fragments of some fortress walls, or the absorption of vintage tombstones on the place where the Karaizian cemetery was once. The best was preserved the Citadel - the main defensive structure of the ancient city. There, even through the arch, you can go through where the main gate was once.

8. One of the tombstones of the ancient Karaite cemetery

9. The gravestone of the cemetery, the so-called "horned", there are still "single-eared" and "prism"; Total tombstones more than a thousand, and more than 200 have inscriptions in Hebrew

From local attractions are interesting fortress-citadel. The ruins of the tower remind of distant tragic events. A two-story building is partially restored. A high defensive 105-meter wall cuts out a cape, as well as the remains of the cave structures of economic destination. Artificial cave is very curious.

At the top of the hamm tree - the remains of the Palace of the last princes of the Feodoro. Researchers consider this architectural monument "The only example of a palace complex on the soil of Crimea and one of the few in the Middle East". The inscription on one of the plates, once-ended in the wall of the tower and decorated with a double-headed eagle, says: "This tower was built together with the palace in a blessed fortress, which is also visible and now, in the days of Alexey, Vladyka Feodoro and Pomoria."

Not far from the palace - The foundation of the Christian temple.There was a lot of churches, terrestrial and cave on the plateau. One of the rocky temples was in the southeast cliff. Another twenty years ago, the connoisseurs of the wonderful had the opportunity to admire the miracle preserved residues of the fresco painting of the XV-XV centuries located on the wall of the altar. Unfortunately, the ancient masterpieces were destroyed by vandals.

10. Ruins of the 15th century church

11. Wall of the Citadel of the 14th Century

12. Ruins of Citadel

13. Ruins of Citadel

14. Wall of the Citadel

15.The Citadel, the main entrance

This, by the way, is incomprehensible to me the moment. Why in the beautiful Crimean climate are not preserved medieval buildings? In Novgorod, there are the churches of the 12th century, I was somehow in the Museum of Russian Wooden Architecture - so there are beautifully preserved wooden houses of the 15th century! And here, for example, the most powerful defensive stone structures - and everything in the ruins. Yes, most of the buildings of the Turks were equal to the Earth at the end of the 15th century. But in the citadel, their garrison was standing at all until the end of the 18th century! There soldiers lived. Stone fortifications ... most surprised the sign at the very end of the route. On the plate it was written that once in this place was the stone church. Only the plate and that's it. Next to the sign is just a glade, that is, even the foundation is not preserved from the church ...

What am I all this? Yes, the place is very old. Straight you walk and feel the spirit of history. You imagine how the goths and the Greeks lived here, a thousand years ago. But the fact of the matter is what you have to represent, because it is not particularly looking at that. This is in terms of some historical structures. But the fact that I was really struck by the mangup - these are incredible views from the top of the plateau and amazing cave dwellings. Imagine, right in the cliff on the cliff cut down residential premises, in which people lived in the centuries. Several rooms, storage room, balcony, niches, interior aisles, focus, some baths ... Looking out the window, and right behind him - immediately begins a break. From the windows, by the way, you can see a lot of kilometers around - the same high point of these places.

16. Cave construction

17. Davilni grapes

Closer to the end of the tourist route, a two-story "apartment" came up with a lot of rooms, columns and a species platform, from where one of the most exciting species from all that I have ever seen. Unfortunately, in this cave housing a memorial plate is installed, a young guy crashed here to death. A sign in honor of another broken guy I saw in another cave. Types of species, but building a dwelling on the very edge of the abyss - not the most best idea In terms of security ...


19. Cave construction

20. Cave construction
It is called an Annunciation male monastery. Going to the horizontal path, you need to turn on-right and go to the monastery. This monastery was created at the turn of the XIV-XV centuries and was called "southern". In 1475, when the Crea Post of Mangup was fell, the monastery also stopped existence. Then, a few attempts by the revival of the mono-s-tyro. Its real re-formation began only at the end of the last century, when the monks founded here Holy Fang-Puhn-Sky Cave Men's Monas-Tyr. Now he has a completely modern appearance (photo below).

31. The current Orthodox Monastery

32. The current Orthodox Monastery

33. The current Orthodox Monastery: Conditioned in the Rock Icon

I have everything hurts today, as if I unload the wagons all day yesterday ... I remember most of all the cave. At home in the rock - this I used to seems to have never seen anywhere else. Total caves 80.And in 5 kilometers from Magup Kale is the cave city of Eski-Kermen. So there are 400 "residential" caves! If you are moving by car, you can visit both cities in one day. Is there some moreChufut-Kale. He is five kilometers from Bakhchisaraya. This is the most visited cave city in the Crimea.

If we talk about the ancient history of the Crimea, in addition to Mangup, you can still go to Sevastopol where Chersonese Tavrichesky, and B. Simferopol is Naples Scythian - no less historical place. Both of these attractions can be viewed very quickly. Unfortunately, there is also little that has been preserved. Who knows, maybe someday there will be a large-scale reconstruction.

Just know that the Crimea is not only a summer beach vacation. In Crimea, there are many interesting tourist sites - for one visit to the peninsula, everything is simply unrealistic! Do not lie with seals on the beach! Ride, look, walk, train your muscles, - and then you will have the most unforgettable memories of rest.

35. Photo taken from quadcopter (photo from the Internet)

Interesting posts about mangup with colorful photographs have a Krymian blogger Igor Samushenko, it's here:

Reading time: 8 min

A lively reminder of the long-distancered Middle Ages is the Fortress of Mangup Calais, which is not far from the village of Besser, which is half an hour from Sevastopol. This is the largest city of that period, preserved in the southwestern part of the Crimea. The stronghold looks at the surroundings from a height of 583 meters above sea level.

Inside the fortress walls, about 15 springs were discovered, two of which (male and female) serve in places of mass pilgrimage. Thousands of tourists are rising daily to admire the beauties of the complex and the surrounding valley in four routes.

Today, the plateau was chosen by hippi-culture lovers and other informals, some of which permanently reside in Mangup. Several times a year, historical reconstruction and knightly festivals are held here.


The first evidence of the population population is dated archaeologists even at times of neolithic. It is known that in the III-IV centuries. AD Here the construction of Sarmatian and Scythian settlements was going on. The first fortress buildings, not reached our time, dated the VI century. In Greek sources, early strengthening appears under the name Doros. For a long time, the city, reliably protected by cliffs from three sides, was considered impregnable.

At the end of the VII century, Mangup becomes part of the Khazar Kaganate, but in 787 the rebels beat the fortress and surrounding the land from Khazar than cause anger of powerful kaganate. The soon invasion of Khazar resulted in the complete destruction of the city-fortress.
From the XI to the XIV century, the fortress is known under the name of Feodoro and this period is considered the most mysterious and unexplored in the history of this place.

Origin of the title of the Fortress

The word "mangup" means "mountain", and "Kale" is a "fortress". "The fortress on the mountain" sounds simple and prosaic, but not everyone agrees with such an interpretation of the title. The complex is located on the Baba Dag Mountain, which is in Tatar sounds like "Father-Mountain", and Ottomans, after the seizure of the territory and the beginning of the new construction, they interpreted the name of Mangup Kale as a "destroyed fortress".

History of fortifications

All stone remains of the once majestic fortress are dated XIV-XV centuries. In those parts where the stronghold did not protect the impregnable rocks, massive walls were built with a system of defensive towers.
The chronicles indicate that in the XIII-XIV centuries. The strengthening on Baba Dag was called Feodoro, and later it was renamed Mangup, the settlement, which the princes of Armenian origin ruled, quickly became the capital of the principality of the same name.

The fortress has become a house for numerous peoples, including Greeks and caraims engaged in agriculture and fishing. There are archaeological evidence of the development of crafts and crafts, especially in the field of ceramics and skin tanning.

Developing foreign economic relations, local rulers have encountered a serious problem in the face of the Genoesers, passionately desired to pick up the entire coast of Taurida under their control. For Defense, the fortress of Calamite was built for the defense of the Port of Avlite, quickly born into the richest port city of Crimea. Immored with money losses, the Genoese went to an armed clash, ended with their defeat. The result was the transfer of the city of Chembalo under the Program of the Mangupian state after the helica uprising of fishermen.

Soon, 20 selected gallers arrive from the Appenne Peninsula, who after a short siege are selected by Calamite and Chamblock, but the Crimean Khan Hadji-Garya will break the treacherous Italians and returns to Calamite by Mangroups.

After the fall of Constantinople, the Turks are planted on the Crimean Peninsula and besieged by mangup. In December 1475, residents of the city are surrender to the winner, and the fortress itself is being destroyed. For many 300 years, these lands belonged to Sultan. Only in 1774, the last Turkish soldier left Plateau Baba-Dag. The stronghold moves to the Russian Empire and gradually turns into ruins.

During the German attack on Sevastopol during the Great Patriotic War, Feldmarshal E. Von Manstein chose the Baba Dag Mountain, the main observation point over the surroundings.
In addition to reliable historical information, there are a number related to mangup kale. A rare resident of the Crimea did not hear a legend of the ghost boy wandering around the ancient slopes. According to one of the versions, the child in ancient robes was inspired to the wall during the construction of the citadel. Another story states that the boy was the son of a local prince, who was executed by the Turks during the tick of the fortress. The boy could not stand the humiliation and dropped off the cliff. The third legend of washed with romance is a noble young man who died for the freedom of his native principality returns to the beloved in Mangup.

Maiden Lake on Mangup

The lake, whose water surface occupies a picturesque valley between the Mountains of Chishma Bori and Baba Dag, is an artificially created reservoir. Locals call this place just lake Mangup.

The reservoir is well known to lovers of domestic cinema - the episodes of the film "The Dungeon of Witches" were filmed. The entrance to the underground shelter, on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe film creators, was on a tiny island in the middle of the reservoir. The film was filmed in 1990 - then this place was a secluded corner for reflection, and not popular among tourists a place of recreation with all the concomitant infrastructure, as today.

Interestingly, during the creation of a reservoir, the remains of an ancient temple were flooded, the altar of which appears their water during drought periods.
For visitors, arbors and canopies are equipped here, where you can spend a picnic. There are several dots that offer to try traditional Tatar cuisine. For a walk through mountain slopes, guests rent quad bikes, and for unhurriedly slip on turquoise water - catamarans.
By the way, it is from the water that the best views of four rocks are opening, which resemble claws of a predator holding these places in fear. Two capes are visible in the distance, under one of which, Chishma-Fair, a prehistoric person was discovered.

One of the shores of the girl's lake occupies the settlement of Hodge Sala, in which each of the little more than 50 people is associated with the reception and servicing of tourists.

Holy Blagoveshchensky Orthodox Monastery on Mangup

20 meters below the plateau, on the southern slope of Baba Dag, is male. The unique shrine was built right in the rock at an altitude of 400 meters above sea level. Economic buildings were erected on rigorous fortifications, which for many years successfully coped with their task.

The monastery was founded back in the VI century, acted for almost a thousand years and was destroyed by Ottomans at the end of the XV century. Only after 500 years, at the end of the XX century the forces of the monks the shrine was recreated and today is the acting. The inaccessibility of the place led to the absence of electricity here, and with it and all information sources. Today, nothing from the secular world distracts the monks from direct communication with God.

The approach to the monastery on a steep slope symbolizes the presence of flower beds well-groomed inhabitants. An extraordinary view of the surrounding area gives a simple answer to the question why there are giving people in such hard-to-reach places.

Celi and prayer rooms are equipped at the site of the ancient grottoes VI. There is here and a large grotto, in which the collections of brethren occurred in antiquity.

Pilgrims come to pray to the icon of Our Lady "Spearness" and drink water from a miraculous source, located right in one of the grotts. The frescoes of the XV century, adorning the walls of the temple today partially restored and surprised visitors to the unusual ease and accuracy of images.

The main object, for which tourists overcome the complex rise to Baba Dag, are large-scale ruins of the ancient city of Mangup. Lifting here, it is easy to understand why the city remained independent and impregnable for so long. Majestic cliffs were often shrouded in fog, which created even greater difficulties for the storming fortress of troops.

During the climb, travelers see near one of the trail ancient Caraim Cemetery with more than a thousand tombstones. After entering the Russian Empire, the Jews-Karaim received the right to settle throughout the territory of a huge state and soon left the territory Crimean Peninsula. Although on the tombstones and the inscriptions in the Jewish language are carved, in the daily communication of the carima preferred to use their own dialect, strongly resembling Crimean-Tatar.

For the defense of the cave city, a huge citadel was built, separating the Cape Texley Burun from the city buildings. The total length of the erected fortifications is about 1.5 km, and if we take and naturally created the rocky boundaries, the perimeter of the complex is at least 7 km. The dominant wall served a three-story tower, which covered the defense of the only leading leaders in Mangup.

Until 1425, when a separate Princely Palace was built in the city, it was the tower that served as the residence of the local leader. She had an interesting design - the walls that went beyond the citadel, looked at the Valley in Grozny, sulking with narrow braces. The fourth wall directed into the courtyard had a festive look, was decorated with carvings and wide windows. Arch the gate, through which guests got into the mangup, well preserved.

Separate Princely Palace was built in 1425 and was destroyed by Turkish artillery in 50 years. The residues of the residence were disassembled to reconstruct other objects and today only part of the foundations is visible on the site of the luxury building.

The walls of the citadel are visible remains of dozens of caves of household and economic purposes. Special attention deserves the funeral deepening, where medieval people buried their departed. Well preserved the base of the South Church.

Mongup residents have long and successfully engaged in the cultivation of grapes and the preparation of their own fault. It is good to distinguish the Tarapan - a large stone recess with special runoff, where the berries were given. Nearby is an underground storage for the finished product.

Tourists are invited to explore the former tomb, which subsequently served as a position for shooters and crossbars and covered the only way to the fortress. It is necessary to pay tribute to the defenders - the angle of shelling is perfect here, and in the event of a lack of ammunition, it was easy to start throwing off the stones on the advancing troops.

The remnants of the chapel show the spiritual life of the local population, under which the crypts with the burials of noble inhabitants were discovered.

A wooden Orthodox cross is installed on the top of the southern slope of the plateau, which begins the "iron door" trail to the Annunciation Men's Monastery.

How to get to the cave city by public transport

The easiest way to get to the complex from the district center of Bakhchisarai. Several times a day the bus goes here until the presenter. Go to the village of Khoja Sala.

From Sevastopol, Simferopol and Yalta getting better with a transplant all in the same Bakhchisara. There are direct buses Siforopol-native, Sevastopol-rich, Sevastopol-Ternovka and Yalta-Bakhchisarai (through the presenter), but they rarely go and often get enough tickets to get enough problematic.

For those who want to spend the night in this unique place, there is the possibility of renting rooms in a private pension and guest courtyard, which are located in the village of Khoji Sala.
You can get to the Mangup as part of numerous tourist groups that are gathering in all popular places of recreation of the Crimean coast.

How to get to the cave city by car

Mangup Kale is located near the outskirts of Sevastopol, so the road from the city center does not take more than half an hour. The first way is to leave the city on the Yalta highway and turn from it to the road towards the village of Ternovka, from which only a few kilometers remains to the cave city. The second option is to go through the Balaklava region all in the same thorns.

From Yalta, you need to move on the road to Bakhchisarai and roll in the side of the huzha-lady in the village of Tankovoy.
The center of Crimea Simferopol is associated with Mangup Kale dear, which leads through Bakhchisarai. Collapse from the main route is needed in the village of Lilac and move right through the deposit and huja-salva.

The cost and time of visiting the cave city of Mangup-Kale

A visit to the MANGUP Calea cave complex is paid. Prices for visits do not depend on the season and make up 100 rubles for an adult guest and 50 rubles for school-age children. The ancient city on the Baba Dag Mountain works without days off. Work time from 9: 00-16: 00.

Mangup Calais and Eski-Kermen are the brightest sights of the Bakhchisarai district, minus, perhaps Chufut-Kale and the Assumption Monastery, located directly in Bakhchisara, about which it was already in this note. Mangup and Eski-Kermen are medieval cave cities that have come down to this day in albeit destroyed, but still authentic condition.

The problem with the inspection of these two attractions is the territorial remoteness of these from large civilization and, as a result, not the most convenient transport accessibility. Let me go to the nearest to the cave cities stops to go to just half an hour, but the buses themselves are infrequently, but sometimes on uncomfortable tourists schedule. Therefore, before you go to Mangup or the eski-kerman with our own move, it is worth it to be substantially armed with information, in order not to lose any of the time or money.

Why did I connect mangup kale and the eski-kerman in one note and in one alleged trip? They relatively nearby - just 5-6 kilometers from each other. What to spend on each of the attractions for a whole day (and in the case of a mangup, it may not be enough for the day), it is wiser to combine walking around both cave cities. It's hard to go so much for a day? Not a problem, I will tell you a couple of places at key points where you can spend inexpensively.

Before the trip, I was tormented by doubts about the validity of a lot of effort (mainly at the planning stage) for viewing the next cave fortresses. I saw the Chufut-Kale, and I got to the Tepe-Kermen. It seems that there may be another new, unusual? Is it worth going to go? Returning home, I can give a confident answer: it is definitely worth it. And in both places. However, if time is essentially presses and there is no perspective to get there and here, I recommend choosing Mangup Kale. With it, let's start.

Cave City-Fortress Mangup Kale

The capital of the Principality of Feodoro, subsequently captured by the Turks, who renamed the city in Mangup Kale, i.e. Mngup Fortress. Word itself Mangup has much more historical origin and, if you believe the source of Wikipedia, means mount Metot. Meota is an ancient tribe of people, the last mention of which is dating from the III century of our era.

The fortress is located on the Baba Dag Mountain Plateau (translated as not paradoxically, Father-Mount). The height of the mountain relative to the starting point of the lift is about 300-350 meters, but in general there are 583 meters above sea level.

Village Khoja Sala

Khoja Salo is located at the foot of the Baba Dag Mountain, in the starting point of the lift to Mangup Kale. The village is small - one street and three dozen houses. But here the bus from Bakhchisaraya stops (and back).

Supermarkets do not register, there are a pair of place of semi-faceted shops with an assortment à la "beer-chips-ice cream", but also only. Plus a few trays with souvenirs.

To eat some locals invite home to themselves directly from the streets, such a "guest cafe" at the average prices. Near the artificial lake, where it is invited to go fishing (rolling fishing fishing rods), ride on the catamaran, roasting a barbecue, master moving games or ride a horse. In general, if something from the listed is interesting and the budget surplus remains, the evening exclusively in the village will succeed completely. But not more.

Housing near Mangup

Also in Hyzha-Sala, it is possible (and on transport reasons is recommended) to spend the night for a very reasonable amount: the initial price is 500 rubles per day per bed. Suggestions are enough. We stayed at the hostess by the name of the neck (through Google without any problems will find her group of VKontakte) - from the lake the fourth house on the right side, on the fence plate "Friend, not dust".

Briefly about housing. We gave 1000 rubles For two, they received a separate room in the classic hotel version (2 adjacent rooms for 2 people with a common living room and a bathroom). In the room - beds, sockets and bedside table. In the living room - benches, table and TV. The kitchen is separate - in the courtyard, there is a refrigerator and a stove in it, that's just on the night it is locked. Going to start at 6 am - take care of your products in advance.

The mistress is friendly, polite. I allowed to leave things before checking. It is tasty feed, if there is a desire and means. Really tasty, but prices are not "homemade", but quite an average. Portion Plova cost me in 150 rubles. In principle, normally. But tea is exactly necessary to brew yourself, asking electric kettle And glasses. Of the advantages it is impossible not to note that the neck is ready to do something specifically for you, if, for example, you are in the post, diet or pr.

In Bucking, also meets the option with housing for 500 rubles per person. This is a bed in a four-bed room. However, at the time of the trip, which now in this 4-bed room is allowed to book only one place. For two, it is already offered exclusively a separate room with a double bed for 2000 rubles. It is unlikely that 3 people live here on an ongoing basis; Most likely, the owner was mistaken, putting an advertisement. But contact him and clarify the moment will be obtained only after armor, when Bucking gives contacts. I didn't do this, because I already found a good option described above.

How to get to mangup kale

It is most convenient to go from Bakhchisaraya, from the bus station. Coys are suitable for Khmelnitsky and native. They go infrequently, the first two flights in 11-10 and 12-25. Ticket at the ticket office Take to Mangup. Price +/- 60 rubles. You need to go out between the villages of the marching and thorns, the lake and the village of Khoja Sala. Do not forget to warn the driver about it. Ride 30 minutes.

Actually, it remains to go along the only street of Khoja Sala (the lake will be on the left side) 600 meters to the cashier. Having bought a ticket, turn to the right, on the path. Unhurried lifting takes 40 minutes, on the way, Karaites necropolis and defensive wall will meet.

If [by chance], passes the cash register and this path and turn on the next, nothing terrible, upstairs will also be taken, but the necropolis will miss (shit, however, it is not difficult on the way back).

The last buses on Bakhchisaray leave Hyzha-Sala at 14-20 and 15-20 (Schedule on the website of the State Autobus Trechchase does not show). In addition to the village, I was told about the flight at 18-10, which sometimes happens and sometimes no. For what I bought, for what I sell.

Second version from Bakhchisaray Allows you to arrive early, but includes an extra 4.5 kilometer long walk - on the village of Basins and then along the road. The ticket is needed to the village of Red Mac. It is worth it +/- 35 rubles

From Sevastopol You need to go to the village of Ternovka. Bus number 40, in Sevastopol he departs from stopping "5 km Balaklava Highway." All flights to Ternovka: 07:30, 08:30, 09:10, 10:30, 11:10, 12:45, 14:00, 15:10, 16:25, 17:30, 18:10 . Drive 30-40 minutes. Ticket will cost B. 50 rubles. All flights to Sevastopol: 06:20, 06:55, 08:20, 09:15, 10:00, 11:15, 12:00, 13:45, 14:45, 16:00, 17:15, 18:15, 19:00 . It is easy to see that this is the best option for late return. To large civilization.

From the thorns will have to go on the road (or along the path, see the map in towards the Hooda Sala. The road is comfortable, smooth, there are practically no sludge. Further, there are two alternatives - it is to follow the straight line to a huzha-sala (7 kilometers), after which it is expelled to the mangupu as proposed above, or significantly reduce the path, turning right somewhere 4 kilometers and climb to Mangup alternative way, passing by the acting male Monastery. It takes 40 minutes.

In this embodiment, there is a nuance - climbing up will be closed through the "Mousetrap" gorge. Someone says that it is better to not surpass here. Someone went and had no special problems. I didn't see anything terrible in the photo - yes, the staircase is narrowing and the staircase is cool, from which it should be noted that on this small segment should not be fusing and rushing. Along after all, the monastery - people live, go. Himself, however, I did not rise through the "Mousetrap" and did not go down, so no one agitating. It is acceptable and go around "Mousetrap", adding a slightly more than a kilometer to the route.

The most lazy and dear way to get to the foot of Baba-Dag - go to Holda Sala by taxi. From Bakhchisaraya, focus on the amount in 500 rubles. The obvious plus is the prospect of going out and get to the mangup early early in the morning. In the continuation of the lazy option - upstairs, too, can be reached by car, the drivers of the UAZ in Hyzha-Sala will always duty somewhere nearby. If I'm not mistaken, the passage is charged in 500 rubles per person. Only it is not worth it. And several attractions will immediately lose.

Tickets and fees for the entrance

Ticket to visit mangup kale is worth 100 rubles with man. Cashs are available in one place - in the village of Khoja Sala. This means that if you chose alternative option Walking, you will not have to pay for the entrance. However, as some tourists tell, sometimes controllers are found at the top of the mountains with a request to show tickets or pay them in place.

Up to 9-00, after 16-00, as well as in the days of heavy weather conditions, do not workBut no one hinders the entrance - there are no barriers or walls as in Chufut-Kale. I advanced early in the morning, a ticket, accordingly, I did not buy, no one asked anything at the top, did not check.

What upstairs?

A large picturesque plateau, a few spectacular viewing sites, torn from Mashes Mount Baba Dag, Ruins of palaces and temples, Springwood with purest water, swept on the flowers of meadows, the remains of the majestic castle-citadel, necropolis and a whole labyrinth of residential caves.

I am very advised to go here (and in other cavemen) early in the morning, with a dawn, the crowds of talkative tourists with cameras have not yet been hammered. The atmosphere will be completely different. I went to the rise at 7 am, the first person (together with the crowd of another 15) met me from the Citadel about 10 in the morning. And on the way back (at 11-30), the groups have already followed one after one. And it is in mid-March.

How much time to put time for a walk? I took 4.5 hours. And if it were not for the need to return (and go to a new place of residence), I would gladly add to the inspection of Mangup with pleasure. Those. Only 6-7 hours, taking into account the lifting and descent. On the other hand, if the task is to run on tops, without walking to capes and stops, easy to meet at 2.5 hours.

No stores, cafes, trays with souvenirs on the top of Baba Dag, do not wait, the food must be taken with you. But in terms of quenching thirst worry here it is not necessary. In the surrounding area, several excellent splinniki subsided.

The very heart of mangup-kale is, of course, a castle-citadel, it is precisely for him to navigate when choosing a final route.

Eski-Kermen - Based in the VI century Byzantine city. The name is translated as "the old fortress". It is difficult to believe, but once more than 2,000 people lived in these stone houses.

Now the fortress is in fairly acceptable preservation. I am inferior to this indicator only Chufut-Kale. But in the area they are approximately the same, the whole day in the eski-kerman do not take a walk, unlike his neighbor, mangup-kale.

How to get to Eski-Kermen

From Bakhchisaraya - By bus to the village of Red Mac. Ticket - 35 rubles, go for 20 minutes. The first flights to 7-35 and 8-50. Last flight to the opposite direction - at 15-38.

From the red poppy - the path along the path about 5 kilometers to the northern entrance to the eski-kerman, there will be a ticket office. This is the most attractive choice, since it allows you to get into the fortress in the morning.

Immediately approach the city is very simple and short. There are even ladies in places. The plateau itself, on which the eski-kerman is located, low. Takes rise to 5-10 minutes.

Second option - Take advantage of Bakhchisaraya by bus towards Mangup, but get out a little earlier - in the deposit. Next, the same 5 kilometers on foot but on another path. To the eastern entrance to the eski-kerman. There are no cash registers here. The lifter and comfortable, even a lazy step, for more than 10 minutes he will not take.

Third option - Small variation of the second. Go directly from the Khoja Sala (if, for example, you have been released or returned from Mangup). The path is the same, the path increases only 1 kilometer.

The only inconvenience when follows from Khoja Sala - get on a path with a road; Here it is very imperceptible, even if there is a card and GPS. We offer on the netting fence of the "private territory", the path goes to it almost right. And do not be afraid, unobtrusive and unsightly, it is only at the very beginning, then there will be a wide road at all, according to which even cars occasionally pass.

From Sevastopol There is also a good opportunity to get to Eski-Kermen. This is the already familiar bus number 40 to Ternovka, more about it above. Next, all the same 5 kilometers to the eastern entrance to the eski-kerman, but already on the third trail. Judging by the reviews of tourists, this road is most picturesque from Trej.

If you're going to order a taxi from Bakhchisaraya to Eski-Kermen (it is allowed to access right to the northern entrance), orient rubles for 400..

Sleep and eat in the eski-kerman

At the northern entrance, literally in the top ten meters, a cafe with a good range, prices are average. Some delicious dishes (borsch), some mediocre (Chebureks). By cost: Borsch (+ separately on a plate. Cute cutting of Sala and Luka) - 150 rub., liter of herbal tea - 100 rubles., Cheburek with meat (Kura) - 100 rub. / PC., dough loader (which we did not order) - 100 rubles., puree + chicken breast - 200 rubles.

The hotel with an unaccompired name was borrowed from the cave city nearby. Not even a hotel, but a holiday home. Bed price in a local hostel department - 500 rubles per day on weekdays and already 1000 rubles on the weekend. Budget Double Room - 2000 rubles per day, but there are only two of them. Next already OT. 3000 rubles. Nearby there are all sorts of arbors, mangals, playgrounds for games, horses, etc. The hotel has a website with contact and other information, but it is missing on Bucking.

And there is nothing more nearby. Not other hotels, no stores, no residential buildings, no transport (except for private owners). For this, everyone needs to go to the village (Ternovka, Hills, Balenny or Khoja Sala) about 5 kilometers. This circumstance should be borne in mind if you expect to be determined with housing "in fact."

About tickets

For the entrance you ask the same 100 rubles. Cashier, remind, only at the northern entrance. Her work time is the same as in Mangup, - from 9 to 16. In another period of the day, no one hinders the passage to the cave city.

Tourist route Eski-Kermen, located on the Bakhchisarai Museum website, implies entry from the east side, and the output with the North. What is strange, since the differences in the direction are essentially no, but to sell tickets at the exit - the more adventure. In March, we left the fortress in 15-30, the cashier by that time was already tightly closed, it turned out to be just no one.

What upstairs?

Beautiful view of both sides of the plateau, relatively well-preserved houses, incl. Temples, streets, interesting architectural features of the urban landscape. There is where to climb, there is a small space for a walk. Separately, it is worth noting the northern pedestrian complex with a staircase and a balcony. Despite the years and destruction here quite cozy.

As in the case of Mangup Kale, I will not rewrite data from encyclopedia. Each sightseeing of the cave city has its own information plate with a sufficiently detailed historical description.

The plateau area on which the eski-kerman is located is small - in length near a kilometer, in the width is significantly less. For a sufficient detailed inspection, I would have laid an hour and a half, no more. "In the pace of the Waltz" [but without a rush] to inspect all the local interests will result in 40-50 minutes.

How to visit Mangup Kale and Eski-Kermen in one day without spending the night?

If you read the preceding part of the text, then, for sure, already outlined suitable options. Below I offer a couple most attractive in my opinion. Without running and hurry, even with a margin of time, in the timing, extensive intervals are deliberately taken. The approach is exclusively budget. On a taxi or personal vehicle, it is clear, without any problems, everything will be possible without prior planning.

Immediately make a reservation that in terms of aesthetic perception i do not advise Laying both cave cities in one day day, because in the eski-kerman, and in Mangup it is best to get early in the morning. However, if time is missing ...

Availability of GPS and navigator in the phone with a map of Crimea ( helped me) - required condition For a walk. Otherwise, the risk is great somewhere to dive and completely get out of the schedule.

    From Sevastopol

    At 7-30 at the stop "5 kilometer of the Balaklava highway" (this is one of the city's transport hubs), I sit on the bus No. 40 to Ternovka. Costs - 40 minutes and 50 rubles.

    8-10 - 10-30: Walk to Mangup and raising a plateau through "Mousetrap" (6 km) or bypass (7 km).

    10-30 - 13-00: Inspection of mangup-fell, snack, descent to hoja sala.

    13-00 - 15-30: Walk to the eastern entrance to the eski-kerman (6 km).

    15-30 - 16-30: inspection of the cave city.

    16-30 - 18-30: from the Eastern entrance to Ternovka (5 km)

    Here we focus on the same two flights of the bus number 40 to Sevastopol: in 18-15 and at 19-00.


Thank you for attention! Information is relevant for April 2018. Nearby of other attractions of Bakhchisaraya. About the cave monastery Kachi Calon read.