Research work on geography "Crimea - Golden Mid-Earth". Research work "Unforgettable journey through the Crimean Peninsula" Research work on the topic of Crimea

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Scientific and technical conference "Start to Science".
MBOU Basovsky District
Lococcian medium general education
School № 1
name P.A. Markov

Topic: "Crimea in Russian literature"
Performed: Zyukov Arina, student 10 class
Leader: Kulitskaya A.A.,
Russian language and literature teacher

I.V.V. ...................................................................................................... ...
... .3 II. The source. Crimea in life, creativity and fate of Russian writers and poets 1920
centuries ............................................................................................................................... .. 5
1. A.S. Pushkin "went out the daylight" ................................................... .. ... ..6
2. Crimean war. "Sevastopol stories" L.N. Tolstoy .............................. .7.
3. Crimea in the works of Russian writers and poets of the 20th century .............................. .. ........ 8
4. Conclusion .......................................................................................................... ... ... .... 17
III.Connect ................................................................................................................................ .18
List of references ..................................................................................................... 19

For research work, I chose the topic "Crimea in Russian literature", since
this material represents the current problem of the history of the Crimea, and also represents
important and interesting information for people who are interested in the work of Russians
writers and poets. In my work, various information about life and
the works of writers and poets in the beginning of the 20th centuries that represented in their works
the long-suffering history of the peninsula.
March 18, 2014 by the President Russian Federation V.V. Putin was signed
interstate Treaty on the adoption of Crimea and Sevastopol to the Russian
Federation, in accordance with which two new subjects are formed as part of Russia
republic of Crimea and the city of federal value Sevastopol. The contract entered into force with
March 21, 2014. This event is essential in the newest russian history.
The Crimea is very rich, fate in politics, history, literature.
This fact was interested in me, and I decided to explore what role the Crimea play in Russian
Trace what place was the Crimea in the work, life and fate of Russian writers and
poets to get acquainted with the works of fiction revealing
historic past countries, identify the features of the style of authors.
1. Examine sources of information on research work.
2. Expand the knowledge of the work of Russian writers and poets.
3. To familiarize yourself with the history of the Crimean Peninsula.
Educate interest in history, literature, culture of Russia, pride for their homeland and
5. Fine musical accompaniment to the presentation of research work.
6. Get the most complete picture of the significance of the Crimea in life, creativity and
the fate of writers and poets 19 began the 20th centuries.
7. Analyze the content of poetic collections and collections of writers writers
of that time, as well as reveal a number of works that reveal the theme of the Crimea.

Research methods:
selection of material on the topic;
processing, analysis of information sources;
study of literature materials, textbooks on the problem under study;
Work with information internet users.
Hypothesis: literary heritage left by Russian poets and writers allows
modern readers to be concerned to the fate of the Crimea and Russia forms
the ability to perceive and evaluate today's events in historical
literary context.

Main part
Crimea in life, creativity and fate of Russian writers and poets
1920 centuries
Ancient Tavrid, who keeps the spirit of the Grequist Antiquity, remembering the baptism
Rus and the affairs of ancient Russian princes, having mounted by the warm sea and the anticipating romantic
paphos Nature - has long served as a place of attraction for Russian writers. Here
arrived on vacation, and on service, and for interesting creative meetings, and just -
for inspiration. For some prose and poets, Crimea has become a permanent place
residences, others fought here on earth and the sea in the terrible years of wars for Fatherland,
there are those who graduated from their earthly path in the Crimea. For many representatives
the pre-revolutionary Russian intelligentsia Crimea was farewell to
Motherland, where they entered the deck of a steamost, which went into the unknown.
But the Crimea is not only the addresses of writers, the Crimea firmly entered our Russian
literature, and images of the peninsula on the pages of the works of classics sometimes they do not
less than Crimean landscapes in humilia.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin (1799-1837)
"The first poet of Russia" held in the Crimea for almost a month in 1820,
arriving there during the journey in Novorosia, along with his
another Hero of the Patriotic War, General Nicholas Raevsky.
Travelers have traveled from Kerch through Feodosia - Sea in
Gurzuf, and then visited Yalta, Alupka, Bakhchisarai, Simferopol. On board a brig
ways to Gurzuf are born the famous poem "went out the daylight shine ...".
"Rogged daylight shine;
At sea Blue evening feather fog.
Shumi, noise, obedient wind,
Worry under me, sullen ocean.
I see the remedy shore
Earth midday magical edges;
With a wave and longing, I striving to
I remember the burned ...
And I feel: tears were born again;
Soul boils and freezes;
The dream is familiar around me flies;
I remembered the former years of insane love,
And everything I suffered, and all that the heart is cute,
Desires and hopes of volatile deception ... "
This is the first southern elegion of the poet. With her tied birth of a mature email style
Pushkin. Interestingly, a lyrical character appears in the poem
contemporary, given by self-surveillance. It is in the Crimean period that the poet
it seeks to reveal the internal incentives of behavior in connection with the motive of freedom.
Pushkin style did not remain unchanged. He was constantly improved and passed
the path from romanticism to realism, based on the traditions of Bayron, Derzhavin,
Zhukovsky. A feature of the romantic style is that it is based on
one image, and the rest helps to reveal the feelings and thoughts of the person. No less
the poem of Pushkin "Bakhchisarai Fountain", in which the straight line is heard
the author's voice returning the reader to the personal experiences of the poet:
"Leaving the north finally
Peers forgotten for a long time
I visited Bakhchisaraya
In oblivion, a dormant palace. "
In this poem, an eastern flavor is revealed, decorated with metaphoricity.
This style helps to feel the mysterious effect of the past. Poem language is rich
older Labies, rhetorical issues and exclamations. Studying the creativity of the poet

i noticed that by half of the 20s, the conversion process was brightly discovered.
the romantic system of expressive forms into the system is realistic.
Lion Nikolaevich Tolstoy (1828-1910)
Young officer of the Russian army Lion Tolstoy, just

produced in ensigns from junkers, becomes a member
bloody events of the Crimean War, which essentially did
his writer. It fights on 4m bastion, protecting the city
russian glory up to the forced leaving him on August 27
1855. Tolstoy writes a brother about the defenders of the city: "Spirit in
for more than any description. In times Ancient Greece not
it was so much heroism. " Seeing the war from the inside the young writer will soon become
known as the author of "Sevastopol stories". Creating "Sevastopol stories"
Tolstoy found his hero, formulated his task writer. He is K.
social knowledge of a person, to a fundamentally new image of the human
the character of knowledge of the secrets of his soul, to the exposure of public springs of his spiritual
life. The hero of the part "Sevastopol in May", "which I love all the power of the soul ... there is
will really, "the writer said. It is important in my opinion that L.N. Tolstoy characteristic
folk view on the history of debris.
The second time Tolstoy visited the Crimea in 1885, almost after 30 years, traveling with the prince
S.S. Urusov, his friend, also a participant in Sevastopol defense. Tough
then with interest examined the revived Sevastopol, and then drove to Urusov in
Simeiz. Finally, the last arrival - in September 1901 - in the place of Gaspra, where
he invited a seriously ill writer his admirer Princess Sophia Panin. In
palace of Panina Tolstoy Hotel and recover from illness until July 1902. Here he is
works on the completion of the story "Hadzhimool". Here he is visited by Chekhov and Gorky.
Summing up the three stays of Tolstoy in the Crimea, we will see that he has lived in total
on the peninsula for almost two years. A.P. Chekhov in a letter M. Gorky wrote about the Tolstoy: "He
Crimea likes terrible, excites joy in him, purely children. "

Crimea in the work of Russian writers and poets of the 20th century
Anton Pavlovich Chekhov (1860-1904)
Crimea was inseparable from the biography of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov.
A native of the neighboring region of the Azov region, he first comes here
in 1888 and, as many, it turns out, forever fascinated by nature
Crimea. In 1889 he briefly arrives in Yalta and works on the story "boring
history". And in 1898, the increasing lung disease causes Chekhov to think about
to move to the Crimea at a permanent place of residence. He buys a plot here
earth with garden and builds a house. So began the Yalta period of the biography of Anton Pavlovich.
Since then, the realities of the Yalta life of the boring of centuries enter the work of the writer. Here
created hardly the most famous works of Chekhov - Pieces "Three sisters",
"Cherry Garden", the story "Lady Dog". Flavoring resort life covers
the reader of this story is right from the first lines: "They said that the embankment appeared
new face: lady with a dog. Dmitry Dmitrich Gurov, who lived in Yalta for two weeks and
accustomed here, also became interested in new faces. Sitting in the pavilion at the right, he
i saw on the embankment a young lady passed, low gloss blonde, in beret; per
it fell by white spitz ... ". Soon after the death of the writer with the efforts of his sister Mary
Pavlovna in the house was opened by the Memorial Museum, since then considered one of
the main attractions of Yalta.
Alexander Ivanovich Kubrin (1870-1938)
Mind, the first arrival of Kuprin in the Crimea is associated with his reporter
activity in the last decade of the XIX century. And in 1900 Kubrin
comes to Yalta at the invitation of A.P. Chekhov, who introduces it to a circle
vacationers in the Crimea of \u200b\u200bwriters. In this sense, we can say that Crimea
gave a ticket to life Cuppe as a Belletrist, introduced it to the literary
russia's life of that time. Many of the most famous works of the writer are connected

with Crimea: "White Poodle", " Garnet bracelet"... In the future, traveled by many
crimean places Kubrin turned out to be the most closely connected with Balaklava, where he even
i was going to buy a house. This is the period of 1904-06, the period of creating stories from which
veins by sea and fishing fishery. Kurrun is friendly with Black Sea Fishermen, comes out with
to the fishery, "gives the exam" fishing science to the famous leader
balaklava fishermen Kola Kostandi. According to this period, essays are written
"Litripeda", the story "Svetlana" with the dedication to Friends of Master. Crimea provided
significant influence on the art of Bunin. Interestingly, during this period form
basic principles of creative manners of the classic, his philosophy of life is developing,
nature, man enriched an arsenal of artistic agents. Work
crimean period are landscape sketches and belong to early creativity
writer. Reading the works of Bunin, I noticed that the Crimean nature has
vertical orientation: from the secret depths of the sea to the mysterious heights of the sky. Bunin
introduces a new chronological unit - a moment, lasting eternity. He seeks at least
in a small proportion to capture your life to extend yourself on earth.
Ivan Alekseevich Bunin (1870 -1953)
Ivan Alekseevich Bunin arrived for the first time in the Crimea nineteen
junior in 1889 and forever loved these places. By the way, his father, Alexey
Nikolayevich, was a member of Sevastopol defense, so about the Crimea
the future writer was heard from childhood. In the first years of the XX century. Bunin
repeatedly arrives in Yalta, where he stops at Chekhov. Crimean
the pages of the writer's biography were reflected in the novel "Life of Arsenyev". Crimea
inspired by the poem "participation", "on the seashore", "Chatrdag".
Maxim Gorky (Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov, 1868-1936)

The first and quite serious acquaintance with the Crimea at Gorky, then
another Alexey Peshkova, occurs during his famous
rusi wounds started in 1888 Gorky meets life
Crimea from the inside, hired by the loader, then the builder, then handymen,
communicating differently with ordinary people. "Two Bosia", "Chersonese Tauride",
"Crimean sketches" were created on these impressions. Powered by the shittomatio known
"Song of Falcon" was born from the local legend heard from the Shepherd under Alushta.
Subsequently, the writer, whose glory is growing rapidly, Gorky lives in the Crimea in 1901, 1902,
1905 Here he meets with Chekhov, Bunin, L. Tolstoy, Korolenko, Shalyapin,
Garyamihaylovsky, Yermolova. In 1917, Gorky lives in Koktebel at Maximilian
Voloshina. The last arrival of the proletarian writer in Crimea was already at Soviet
power, in 1935. Crimean period of Gorky creativity is associated with romantic
direction in literature. But in general, bitter is considered the founder of the Russian
Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky (1893-1930)

Vladimir Mayakovsky first arrives in the Crimea in 1913 in
the course of a creative tour of the cities of southern Russia, where he, Igor
Northerner and other futurists perform lectures on literature
and with reading poems. Subsequent visits of the poet in Crimea worn
the same character: literary work, performances. Beginning with
1925, Mayakovsky regularly visits the Crimea, especially Yalta.
Drinking by cinema, he collaborated with the oldest in Russia
Yalta film studio, here at the sight of a steamer "Theodore Netta" at Mayakovsky
the idea of \u200b\u200bthe famous poem "Comrade Netta - Steam and Man" is born.
Many other poems were written here, some with characteristic
names: "Crimea", "Sevastopol - Yalta", "Evpatoria", "Yalta - Novorossiysk".
The work of Mayakovsky is characterized by a peculiar style, size, construction
poems reflection of real events of those years
Ivan Sergeevich Shmelev (1873-1950)

Scary appeared Crimea in a tragically famous work of Ivan
Shmeleva "The Sun of the Dead." This documentary prose forever remained
monument of the crushing of practical Bolshevism, the monument so
called "red terror", execution of many innocent victims
revolutions, among whom turned out to be the son of Shmelev, the monument
revolutionary cruelty of new power and abuse
shrines. Ivan Shmelev survived in the Crimea scary 192122 and from here forever
departed to emigration.
Sergey Nikolaevich Sergeevzensky (1875-1958)
Sergeevznsky became hardly the biggest
the long-liver of the Crimea among large Russian writers. It
lived in Alushta, on the southern coast of Crimea, with small
breaks over 60 years, surviving two revolutions there,
Civil and Great Patriotic War and many events of Soviet history.
He died and buried there. In the late 1930s. Sergeevzance is working on big
roman "Sevastopol Strada" dedicated to the first defense of Sevastopol in
Crimean war. It will take quite a bit of time and the Great Patriotic and Breaks
again, Crimeans, Russian sailors will have to get up for the heroic protection of the city
russian glory. The house of Sergeevatsensky was destroyed by a fascist bomb, but

restored by the owner in 1946 now in this house, on the slope of the eagle of the mountain, arranged
memorial Museum of Sergeevatsensky. Alushta, spa town on the seashore,
attracted many writers. Here in 192728. Vladimir Mayakovsky, U
Sergeevatsensky was A.I. Kubrin, Ivan Shmelev, Maxim Gorky, k.I. Chukovsky
A.S. Novikopribor.

Maximilian Alexandrovich Voloshin (1877-1932)

Maximilian Voloshin, poet and artist - probably maybe
named one of the most "Crimean" figures of Russian culture.
Dying, he bequeathed to transfer his own house under the house of creativity
literature literators, however, in fact, during the life of Voloshin
his "poet's house" in Koktebel, on the eastern coast of the Crimea nearby
feodosia, became a shelter for a variety of wisest writers and artists of Russia.
Today, Koktebel is not thought without memory of the Voloshin. Childhood of the poet passed in Moscow, and
in 1893, he and Mother Elena Ottobaldovna moves to Feodosia, where he enters
gymnasium. Subsequently, he traveled a lot in Russia and abroad, and in 1903 -
return from France Mother and Son begin to build their own house in
Koktebel. Here, Voloshin settle in the years of revolution and civil war, hiding
himself victims and "red" and "white" terror. In the 1920s Cocktabel and surroundings steel
equally attractive for ministers of music from mainland Russia, as before the South
coast of Crimea. With the approval of the drug addresses, the Voloshina estate turned into a free
The house of creativity of figures is now Soviet culture. Died on August 11, 1932
at home, Maximilian Voloshin was buried nearby - on Mount Kuchukyanyshar,
on the stony slope of his grave is marked with a flat granite slab. In 1984, open
memorial Dommuza Voloshina in Koktebel, and in 2000 on the basis of the museum created by Ecological
the historical cultural reserve "Kimmeria M.A. Voloshina "(Kimmeria - Favorite
Voloshin the ancient Greek name of the Crimea and the Northern Black Sea region).
Voloshin Kimmeria is captured in many poems of the poetchyman and his

"Like in a small-ocean sink
Great breathing is burying
How the flesh flicke her and burns
Molds and silver fog,
And the wigs are repeated
In motion and curl waves, -
So my whole soul in your bays,
Oh, kimmeria is a dark country
Enclosed and transformed ... "
Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva (1892-1941)
From creative fate Maximilian Voloshina is inseparable fate
Marina Tsvetaeva. Soon after their dating Marina in 1911
for the first time comes to Koktebel, her friendship begins with Max and
hobbating Crimea. After the death of the father's color Marina with her husband
Sergey Efron and a little daughter Ariadna decide to change
the situation and spend the winter of 1913 in the Crimea. They come in
Theodosius, where they remove housing on Annenskaya Street. Nearby, on the boulevard,
sister Marina Anastasia with Andrei Son. As she later
recalled, it was here that there was hardly the happiest period in long-suffering
the fate of her sisterpoetses. Here came to the sisters of Voloshin, and they visited him in
Koktebel. After the death of the earthly life Voloshina Marina writes a whole book
memories "Live Live", arguing the immortality of his friend. "Between three
deserts: marine, earthly, heaven - your last before us, for us the upcoming, with
stranger's staff in one, with a catch of a rainbow game in another, with the staff to
munya, with a rainbow to give us ... "- writes Marina Tsvetaeva, mentally standing at
voloshin burial places on the slope of Kuchukyanyshar Mountain. In 2001 in Feodosia was
open housemuses of Marina and Anastasia Tsvetaev.
Alexander Green (Alexander Stepanovich Grinevsky, 1880-1932)
In one year with a volitional, his neighbor in Kimmeria left this world,
a resident of the town of the old Crimea Wisaterromantik Alexander Green,
the creator of the fantastic country of Greenland, famous
among the youth of several generations, the books "Scarlet Sails" and
"Running on the waves". Alexander still in his youth made a long swimming sailor, and with
may then the Black Sea entered his life and creativity. Already being a writer, author
"Scarlet sails", he moves to permanent residence in Feodosia, where they and his wife
acquired small house On Gallery Street. Here is the novel "Running
waves. " In 1930, the spouses move to the town of Old Crimea. From there to Koktebel leads
through the mountains, the road, which Green walked to the Voloshin, is now called the Green's path. IN
1960 The Museum was opened in Green's house in the Old Crimea, and in 1970 Muzhetified House
Green in Feodosia.
Konstantin Georgievich Powesty (1892-1968)
A little did not find Alexander Green in the old Crimea for the first time
arriving here in 1934 K. G. Powesty. Writer started
"Punch silence wall" around Green's name. Second arrival
was in the summer of 1935, while working on the prestitution
"Black Sea". A longer was the stay of Paustovsky in the old Crimea

in 1938. Here he spent Mayiyul with his wife Valeria Valishevskaya and reception
son Sergey. It was the time of work on the book "Tale and Stories", published in 1939
year. Pouustovsky called the Crimea of \u200b\u200bEarth "Peace, Reflections and Poetry". Not by chance
it is on the Crimean Earth who was written half of his works. Crimean motifs
pestry the novels "Romance", "Shine clouds", "Smoke of the Fatherland", the story "Black
the sea "and the autobiographical six-story" Tale of Life ". The Crimean theme is filled
stories "Sea vaccination", "Sailing Master", "Breeze", "The Black Sea Sun",
"Grain of sand". Theodosi impressions have formed the basis of the "Lost Day" stories,
"Robing Heart", Koktebelskiy is reflected in the "defined sound", "Blue", "Meeting".
The story "The Black Sea" was written in 1935 in Sevastopol, and some chapters - "Mountain
rosa "," Talenkon "- created under the impression of trips to the old Crimea. Chapter
"Talenik" is dedicated to Alexander Green and his last shelter in the old
Crimea. Much says that for a wedding trip in 1949 with Tatiana
Evteeva, the last wife, with which Paustovsky lived twenty years, until the end of life,
he chose the old Crimea. Tatyana Alekseevna, by the way, became the prototype of the heroine of the famous
pieces of waterbuza "Tanya". Pouustovsky dedicated her a book "Golden Rose". Crimea for
Paustovsky was "land of peace, reflection and poetry." Konstantin Georgievich wrote in
article "Memory of Crimea": "There are corners of our land as beautiful that
every visit to them is a feeling of happiness "and shortly before death, in the spring of 1968
of the year: "The bats of the clouds stood above the Crimea, and it is not clear why this evening
it seemed significant to me. The ship thundered on the raid ... in every little thing was
great depth is concluded. " In the house in the old Crimea, where in the 1950s. Poushesky lived, with
2006 His memorial museum was opened. In May 2007, a memorial plaque was opened on
the House of Environment Monitoring the Karadagskaya Biostanization Station, where in the early 1950
x years lived K. G. Pouustovsky.
Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov (1899-1977)
It was not to power the Crimea and Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov,
produced on the peninsula in the last period of his life on
Motherland. Nabokov's family rescued from the coming during
Civil War of Red Forces, Some Nadezhda remained,
that the white Crimea stands, and the writer's father is a famous politician Vladimir
Dmitrievich Nabokov - in 1918, even became Minister of Justice in the Crimean Region
government. At one time of Nabokov found shelter in the palace of the most Princess S. V.
Panina in Gaspre, which in 19011902. She took the lion of Tolstoy. Nabokov
jr. visits Yalta, Bakhchisarai, not long live in Sevastopol, visits M.
Voloshin in Koktebel. From Sevastopol in the spring of 1919 on the ship with symbolic
the name "Hope" Nabokov sail to emigration. About the Crimea remind
poem V.V. Nabokova "Bakhchisarai fountain" and "Yalta mole".
In 1921, in England Nabokov writes a poem of Crimea, starting
such lines:
"Called with violent alarms

you, wild and fragrant edge,
like a rose given to me by God
in the temple of the memory of sparkle.
I left in the darkness:
swinging fiery signs
in the foggy sky, the argument was led
over the roar of the coast of insidious.
Circle on the columns were stood in the bay ships ... "
Arkady Petrovich Gaidar (Golikov, 1904-1941)
First visiting the Crimea (Alupka) in 1924, Gaidar then
restantly resting and works on the peninsula. Among
other things, there is a special reason. After all, Arkady Petrovich
one of the most popular children's writers, and not just
a man writing about children, but a friend of children constantly among them. And in Crimea
in 1925, the most important pioneer camp was opened in the USSR - Artek. There in 1931
guidar comes with the son of Timur, settles in the camp and conducts whole days among
pioneers. Here he works on the fault "distant countries". Artek himself became a place
the actions of the story "Military Mystery". Main Heroine Tale - Schegalov Natka -
he arrives in Artek as a pioneer. Here's how the first Gaidar describes it
acquaintance with the pediatric resistant. "In Blue Sharovar and T-shirt, with a towel in hand,
natka Shegalov went down with winding trails to the beach. When she came out on
plated alley, then met the children climbed into the mountain. They walked S.

nodules, Baulchiki and baskets, fun, dusty and tired. They kept overspech
selected round pebbles and fragile shells. Many of them have already managed to fill their mouths.
sour roadside grapes. - Great, guys! Where? - asked Natka,
ploying with this noisy Vatagoy. - Leningraders! .. Murmanza! .. - Etyly shouted her
in response ... "In 1934, the writer again visits these places, and in 1937 he lives in Yalta
The house of creativity writers. In 1972, a memorial plaque was opened in Artek
Arkady Gaidar, however, dismantled already in the post-Soviet period when the image
Gaidar became increasingly exposed to the focus on modern Ukraine.
Vasily Pavlovich Aksenov (1932 - 2009)
Special, to some extent prophetic, role in the history of mutual relations
Russia and Crimea played its world famous novel "Island Crimea" Vasily
Aksenov. The novel was written in 1977 1979. Partly right on the Crimean Earth, in Koktebel.
However, he could be published at the time only abroad (in American
publishing house "Ardis"), because, although it was written in the genre of fiction, which all
allowed, but it is shocked by the then Soviet literary chiefs. In the novel,
contrary to the geographical and historical truth, the Crimea is described as an island that was not
twisted white during the civil war and turned out to be independent and separated from
states of the Soviets "Island of Freedom". Across develops, going to its own
the way - and develops quite harmoniously. Since the publication of the novel, it is figuratively
speaking, "shot" three times: for the first time the fact of publication (abroad), in
the second time - becoming affordable domestic readers in 1990, being legally
printed in the USSR in the journal "Youth" and immediately becoming the "romance of the year". Finally, in
the third time, after the author's death - in March 2014, when the Crimea is on
the referendum voted for independence, exit from the composition of Ukraine in favor
Russia and really turned out to be a kind of Russian "island".
It is noteworthy that the premiere of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the active fighter
for the independence of the peninsula from the "Maidan" of Ukraine became the premier
Crimea Sergey Aksenov - Singlepamiler Vasily Pavlovich Aksenova.
With Crimea connected creative fate A number of writers
marinists, those who made marine themes of one of the main in
his work. Most of them were sailors who served in
military or shopping fleet. One of the founders of this genre in
russian literature was Konstantin Mikhailovich Stanyukovich
(1843-1903), born in the city of Russian glory Sevastopol in the family
admiral Mikhail Nikolayevich Stanyukovich, Commandant Sevastopol port.
Eleven-year-old Kostya - Witness of the heroic defense of Sevastopol during
Crimean war. Soon he starts studying in the Marine Cadet Corps, then
makes round-the-world swimming on the screw Corway "Kalevala". Later, going out
resignation, Stanyukovich becomes a professional writer. Greatest fame
the mass reader brought him a collection of "maritime stories", regularly
reprinted since 1888. Soviet reader and film worker of the older generation
a novel "Sevastopol" was well known and filmed the same movie.

The author of Romana was Alexander Georgievich Malyshkin (1892-1938), which served in
the Brigade of the Black Sea Fleet Trashrs in the years of the revolution, and then became
professional writer. Crimea during the civil war is dedicated to his
the story "Train to South". Leonid Sergeevich Sobolev (1898 - 1971) began his way of military
the sea officer in the Baltic, but later already as a writer was themarinist
firmly connected with the Crimea as the main base of the Black Sea Fleet. In 1936 he committed
far hike from Sevastopol on one of the submarines. In the rank of captain I rank
Sobolev serves as a military correspondent and commander in Sevastopol in days
the heroic defense of the city in 1941, and then participates in the liberation of the city in 1944m.
Stories and essays Sobolev about sailor chores, about residents of Sevastopol and defenders
cities entered a widely known collection of stories and essays "Sea Soul".
Arkady Alekseevich Presensers (1905-1981)
First rank captain, author of the novel "Sailors" about
chernomorcesevastopol, as well as Sobolev,
participated in the defense of Sevastopol and in the liberation of the city
russian glory - as a military correspondent of the newspaper
"A red star". Complete our (of course, not complete) review
another sample of poetic art associated with
dramatic history of Crimea. In the summer of 1920, the republic began
the offensive from the Crimea of \u200b\u200bthe Vrangelev troops.

Composer Samuel Yakovlevich Paint (18971939) and Poet Pavel Grigorievich
Gorizhtein (18951961) created a song (famous in Russia and other countries under
different names and with different variants of text). Initially, her text was the following:
White Army, Black Baron
Tsar's throne are preparing us again
But from the taiga to the British seas
Red army of all stronger.
So let the red
Squeezing power
Your bayonet corner hand
With a detachment of the fleet
Comrade Trotsky
We will behave for the death fight!
Red Army, march, march forward!
Revivating us in the battle.
Red Army of all stronger!
CHORUS. We reveal the fire world,
Churches and prisons comparent from Earth.
After all, from the taiga to the British seas
Red Army of all stronger!
Works of fiction created by Russian poets and writers 19
the beginning of the 20 centuries develop a sense of patriotism and pride in their country, form
russian citizenship. Based on historical events related to fate
What is the Crimea for Russia?

This is a kind, tape of history, a special book. And the works of references help
they scroll through and give the richest material for readers of different generations.
Crimea is the edge, with his unique nature.
Crimea is a whole family of peoples and nationalities inhabiting him.
Crimea is the heroicopatriotic pages of military history.
Crimea is Sevastopol, now the city of federal significance, and during the Great
Patriotic War - CityGeer.
Crimea is the fate of many of the best representatives of the Russian intelligentsia, including
representatives of emigration.
Crimea is the place of pilgrimage of Russian Bohemia: poets, artists, composers.
Crimea is part of Russia.
We are together!

As a result of the study of the topic, I realized that the Crimea occupies a huge place in life,
creation and fate of Russian writers. Here were created wonderful prosaic and
poetic works of Russian writers, many of which certain periods
we lived in the Crimea, and some of them are buried on this earth. Charming nature
The Crimean Peninsula inspired writers and poets for creativity, helped everyone
of them look for your way in literary work.

Getting acquainted with the work of writers and poets of the Crimean period, I was convinced that
they all searched their ways in the literature, sought to discover the new faces of the literary
process, relying on Russian classical traditions, show your face, peculiar
a look at the life and community-social problems.
It was useful to know that the history of the Crimea is unique. Millennia on his land
waves of peoples and conquests were rolled - Kimmerians, Hellena, Scythians, Romans ... This
the story has found more reflected in the life, creativity and fate of Russian writers and
poets. Without it amazing the edges and his stories, we would never know about
"Sevastopol stories" L. N. Tolstoy, about the story "Duel" A. I. Bunin, not
they could enjoy the wonderful poems M. A. Voloshina, about the Crimean
landscapes. Blessed Tavrid forever left a deep and indelible mark in
history and literature.
The goal and the tasks set in the work are completed. In particular, the role of the Crimea in
the fate and the work of Russian writers and poets. Effectively used project
technology to increase the motivation in the study of the subject, developed and
improved research activities. Summarized and analyzed
materials, clearly and consistently set forth thoughts.
I believe that the material of this research work can be used on
classes of literature, history, in extracurricular events, when preparing for the exam.
So we have at school we held a literary evening on the topic: "Crimea in Russian literature",
in the form of a literary-general composition

1. http: //
2. http.
3. http.

: // Velib.
. Com.

: // Biblioteki.
. RU / Vneurochnoe.
/ Book


/ kollektivnye.
_ sborniki.


/ Krym.
v russkoy
_ V _ russkojj



. RU / 2014/12 / 08 / Literary Clock /

4. Kuntsevskaya G.N. Unique Crimea. Crimea in the fate and work of Russian
writers 2011.
5. Kuntsevskaya G.N. Blessed Tavrida. Crimea through the eyes of great Russian writers
6. A.P.chekhov Tale and stories Moscow " Fiction»1983.
7. V.V. Mamikovsky poem. Poles Moscow "Fiction" 1987
8. M.Gorky stories Moscow "Fiction" 1983
9. A.I.Kuprin Tale "Moscow Worker" 1983
10. A.S. Pushkin poem Moscow Publisher "Pravda" 1978
11. M.TSvetaeva poem. Poets Moscow "Soviet Russia" 1985

MBOU "Shahunsky Gymnasium named after A. S. Pushkin"


"An unforgettable journey (guide to the Crimean Peninsula)"

Direction of work: natural geographical.

Performed learning 1B class

Oparov Ivan Vadimovich.

Leader: primary school teacher

Chupina Galina Nikolaevna.

G. Shahunya, 2014

1. Actualization of the problem (identification of the problem and determination of the direction of the future study).

2. Selection of research topics.

3. Development of hypothesis.

4. Detection and systematization of approaches to the solution (choice of methods).

5. Determining the sequence of research.

6. Collection and processing of information.

7. Analysis and generalization of the materials obtained.

1. Actualization of the problem (identification of the problem and determination of the direction of the future study).

My family is small - mom, dad, sister Dasha and I, but very friendly, cheerful. And most importantly, we love to travel. We always plan our trips, we study the route, choose transport, get acquainted with the sights that can visit during the trip.

To prepare for the summer journey, we became winter. We decided that this journey should be not only entertaining, but also informative.

1. Before us got the first problem - where to go? On family voting, we decided that we would definitely go to the Black Sea. But on the Black Sea coast of Russia we were already, so our way was lying in the Crimea.

2. Another dad said that the Crimea can be reached on your own car, so the second problem is what to go on? disappeared.

3. But the third problem appeared - what sights to visit? Because, according to my older sister, the Crimea is big, its city is famous for historical and heroic events (she knew from the lessons of geography and history).

But I decided to find out everything myself and make a guide to make my friends, relatives and just familiar. But the guide will be ready and useful only when I visit myself, I will see and express my opinion.

2. Selection of research topics.

The topic of my research work is "an unforgettable journey. Creating a guide to the Crimea Peninsula. "

3. Development of hypothesis.

I think this journey will be unforgettable, I recognize a lot of new things that I come in handy in life. And my guide will be useful to other people.

4. Identification and systematization of approaches to the solution (selection of methods).

In my course, I will use the following methods:

ü ask in an adult;

ü look in books;

ü View on TV;

ü Get information on the Internet;

ü observe;

ü think alone.

5. Determining the sequence of research.

At first I asked Pope on the map to specify our way.

Then we all families from different sources found information about the cities of Crimea. As a result, we decided that we would visit Sevastopol, Yalta, Chersonese, Foros.

During the journey, we did photographs to leave their impressions in memory. Photo will also be used for my guidebook.

6. Collection and processing of information.

I advise you to visit the following sights of Crimea: (from the presentation)

7. Analysis and generalization of the materials obtained.

Indeed, this journey was unforgettable, I learned a lot of new things that I would come in handy in life.

Send your good work in the knowledge base is simple. Use the form below

Students, graduate students, young scientists who use the knowledge base in their studies and work will be very grateful to you.

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Project Manager:

Leryko Elena Vasilyevna


Secondary school №43 of Simferopol

In my research work on the world "Sights of Crimea"conducted in elementary school, I will tell about the most amazing places and sights of Crimea. These are wonderful caves, canyons, mountains, palaces and gardens of the Crimean Peninsula.

In this research project on the world sights "Sights of Crimea", the student of the elementary school school studies Chersonesos Tauride in Sevastopol, marble and red cave in the Crimea, a large canyon, the cave city of Chufut-Kale, Mount Ai-Petri in Crimea, etc.

In research work (project) about the Crimea of \u200b\u200bprimary school students collected interesting materials about Chersonesos, amazing on the beauty of marble and red caves, exciting the large canyon in the Crimea.

After reading the research, you will learn about the cave city of Chufut-Kale, Mount Ai-Petri in Crimea, look into the beautiful Livadian and Vorontsov palaces, as well as in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden.

I hope after watching my research project and work on the sights of the Crimea within the subject of the subject the world You will definitely visit our beautiful Crimean Peninsula.

1. Chersonese in Sevastopol.
2. Marble cave.
3. Red caves (Kizil-Koba).
4. Big Canyon Crimea.
5. Chufut-Kale.
6. Mount Ai-Petri.
7. Livadia Palace.
8. Vorontsov Palace.
9. Nikitsky Botanical Garden.


The Crimean Peninsula has long and rightly refer to the "pearl" of Europe. Go deep into the land of the cave and peaks of clothy mountains, noble estates and cave cells of monks, South-Celebration Rich Vegetation and Space Landscapes of the North Peninsula.

Where on this small piece of land so much natural and man-made contrasts!

The Crimean Peninsula is amazing with its beauty, unusual historical places and corners of beauty and splendor: Chersonese, marble and red cave, a large canyon, the cave city of Chufut-Kale, Mount Ai-Petri, as well as the beautiful Livadian and Vorontsov Palaces, Nikitsky Botanical Garden.

Something I was something for my research on Crimea I have to visit and explore. I am sure that this journey will be unforgettable and interesting.

I am positively configured to fulfill research work, as the Crimea is my native edge.

All-Russian Pedagogical Creativity Festival

Research work
Military and economic history of the relations between Crimea and Russia

Yermakov Dmitry Nikolaevich

Student 10 "B" class

MBOU "SOSH No. 59" Cheboksary

Scientific adviser:

Frolova S.I.

Teacher of history

and social studies

MBOU "SOSH №59" of Cheboksary

Cheboksary -2015

Introduction ..................................................................................................... ..3

1. The history of the Crimea before joining the Russian Empire ...... 4

2. Krem as part of the Russian Empire .................................... .... 5

3. Break as part of the USSR .................................................................. ..7

4. The Soviet Union. Economic problems Crimea

As part of Ukraine ......................................................................8

5. Polytic crisis. Engineering of the Crimea to the Russian Federation and its economic development ................................. 9

Conclusion .................................................................................... 10.

List of used literature .......................................... 10

Applications .................................................................................... 11.


Crimea - Peninsula in the northern part of the Black Sea. From the ancient times behind the peninsula, the name of Tavrik, which occurred on behalf of the oldest tribes of the brass, who inhabited the southern part of Crimea. The modern name "Crimea" became widely used only after the XIII century, presumably by the name of the city of "Crimea", which, after the seizure of the Northern Black Sea region, the Mongols was a residence of the governor of Khan Golden Horde. It is also possible that the name "Crimea" occurred from the Perekopsky Isthmus (the Russian word "Perekop" is the translation of the Turkic word "qirim", which means "ditch"). Since the XV century, the Crimean Peninsula began to call Tavria, and after his joining in 1783 to Russia - Tavrida. This name also received all the Northern Black Sea and the Northern Coast of the Black and Azov Seas with adjacent steppe territories.
Most of the peninsula is the object of territorial disagreements between Russia, which controls the disputed territory, and Ukraine. According to the Federal Device of Russia, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation of the Republic of Crimea are located on the disputed territory of the Crimea and the city of federal significance Sevastopol.

Relevancethe chosen topic is that in 2014 a referendum was held, according to the results of which the Crimea was part of the Russian Federation. Thereafter the majority of UN member states do not recognize the Crimean referendum and "based on it changes in the status of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol." Ukraine and the Western Community ("Big Seed", NATO Member States, the European Union) regarded Russia's actions as aggression, occupation and annexation of part of the Ukrainian territory, violation of the territorial integrity of Ukraine. Rejection by the West of Russian actions in Crimea led to the refusal of Western leaders from cooperation with Russia in the format of "G8" and became one of the reasons for the introduction of Western sanctions against Russia.

The purpose of this work is Based on the study of theoretical aspects to identify the main problems and prospects of the Crimea and its further military and economic development.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1. Wid the development of the Crimea to joining Russian Empire.

2. Tay the further development of the Crimea as part of the Russian Empire.

3. Describe economic growth as part of the USSR.

4. Molds the economic problems of the Crimea as part of Ukraine.

5. Will the military and economic development of the Crimea after the 2014 referendum.

Object study:Crimea and its development.

Subject of study: The growth rates of the economic and military development of the Crimea.

Practical significance:this work can be used as an additional material in social studies and history lessons.

The history of Crimea before joining the Russian Empire.

After the decay of the Golden Horde in 1441, the remnants of the Mongols in the Crimea are turcid. At this point, the Crimea is divided between the Steppe Crimean Khanate, the Mountain Principality of Feodoro and the Genoese colonies on the south coast. The capital of the Principality of Feodoro was Mangup - one of the largest fortresses of the medieval Crimea (90 hectares), which, if necessary, tried to protect significant masses of the population.
In the summer of 1475, the Omman Turks, who seized Constantinople and the territory of the former Byzantine Empire, landed by the Former Byzantine Empire, landed the Largender Gediq Ahmed-Pasha in Crimea and the Azov region, capturing all the Genoese fortresses (including Tana on Don) and the Greek cities. In July, mangup was besieged. Running into the city, the Turks destroyed almost all the inhabitants, plundered and burned the buildings. Seaside cities and the mountainous part of Crimea became part of the Ottoman Empire. On the lands of the principality (and also conquered Genoese colonies of the Captain of Gosti), Turkish Cadikik (district) was created; Osmans contained their garrisons there, the official apparatus and charged taxes. Since 1478, Crimean Khanate became the Vassal of the Ottoman Empire. For three subsequent centuries, the Black Sea became the Turkish "inland lake".
By the XVI century, the Ottoman Empire moved to strategic defense, the main components of which were the construction of fortresses in the mouths of the rivers, creating a kind of buffer zone - the desertless territory of the "Wild Field", the transfer of the armed struggle with the Northern neighbors - Poland and Russia - deep into the Polish and Russian possessions, Using the Crimean Khanate dependent on it.
In the XVI century, the Turks with the help of Italian experts are building the Or-Kapa fortress at the sink. From this time, the Perekop Shaft appears another name - Turkish. From the end of the XV century, Tatars in Crimea gradually move from nomadic forms of farm to a settled agriculture. The main occupation of the Crimean Tatars (so they began to call much later) in the south, gardening, viticulture, tobacco growing are becoming. In the steppe areas of Crimea, animal husbandry was developed, primarily breeding sheep and horses.
Since the end of the 15th century, Crimean Khanate performed permanent raids to the Russian state and add peace. The main purpose of the raids is to capture slaves and their resale in the Turkish markets. Total number The slaves passed through the Crimean markets are estimated at three million people.
As soon as the Russian state got rid of the Iga Golden Horde, before him, the task of accessing the Black Sea, implemented in the era of Kievan Rus, began. By defeating Kazan and Astrakhan Khanate, Russia sent the vector of expansion to the south, towards the Turkish Tatar threat. Area traits, built on Russian borders, have come to the wild field. The mowed lands were mastered by farmers, built up with cities, which put pressure on the defensive borders of the Ottoman Empire, despite the unsuccessful Crimean campaigns of Russian troops in the XVI and XVII centuries. The failure of these military enterprises forced to realize the place and role of the Crimea as a key territory providing domination in the Northern Black Sea region. The Azov campaigns of Peter I (1695-1696) who did not solve the Black Sea problem, once again emphasized the meaning of the Crimean direction. Mastering the Crimean Peninsula has become one of the most important foreign policy objectives of the Russian Empire in the XVIII century

Crimea's entry into the Russian Empire.

Since the XVIII century, a blasting period of economic decline and military lesions with loss of previously conquered lands began. Russia has grown and gained strength, the long-standing opponents of the ports, and for the expansion of trade routes, she sought to the Black Sea.
The first collisions between Russian troops and subject to Turkey, Crimean Khanate occurred in 1687 and 1689, when the huge army of Prince Vasily Golitsyn, seeking to protect the southern Russian borders from the Crimeans, joined the ownership of Khan. The failures in that military campaign did not stop the Russians, but only convinced the need to strengthen and improve the army.
The era of the Great Peter Transformations Benefit, in fact, with the defeat of "funny troops" under the Turkish fortress of Azov at the mouth of the Dnieper in 1695. Refusing the siege of the impregnable "Oklota Islam", Peter began to build a military fleet, training the military and other sciences of Russian nobles. Next year, Azov was taken, and in 1699 the Russian ship "Fortress", coming out of Kerch, crossed the Black Sea and reached Constantinople. But then the Andreev flag was only a guest in the Black Sea waters.
During the Russian-Turkish war, 1768-1774 Crimea was finally conquered by Russian troops. This happened July 1771. General Vasily Dolgorukov at the head of the 30-Tyasky 2nd Army and with the support of those who went in the forefront, the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks defeated the army of the Crimean Khan under the skeleton and mastered the Crimea. The vertex of this victory was the signing of a Küchuk-Kainardzhi peace treaty. This was accomplished on 10 (21) July 1774.
Under the terms of this agreement, Crimean Khanate received independence, and the Turkish troops, as well as the Russian army left the Crimean Peninsula. And Kerch with the Fortress of Yeni Kale, the fortress of Azov and Kinburn switched to Russia. Commercial ships of Russia were allowed to swim freely in the Black Sea.
In order to strengthen the political influence of Russia and undermine the economy of the Crimean Khanate, under the leadership of A.V. Svorov, the Russian government reacted 30 thousand Christians from the Crimea on the coast of Azov. This was done under the pretext of the protection of Christians from the persecution of Muslims in September 1778. Basically, it was the Crimean Greeks and Armenians, they called their new settlements to Yalta, Alupka, Gurzuf.
At the same time, the first buildings of the future base of the Russian fleet in the Black Sea began with the first buildings of the future base of the Russian fleet in the Black Sea of \u200b\u200bthe Turkish Fleet of Akhtiraskaya (Sevastopol).
Crimean Khanate remained independent. A conftention for the Khan Throne continued between Russia and Turkey, during which the Russian government introduced troops in the Crimean Peninsula. And in 1783 by Manifesto Catherine "On the adoption of the Crimea Peninsula, the island of Taman and the entire Kuban side under the Russian power" Crimea was joined in Russia.
The oath on the loyalty of the Russian crown The initiator of the accession of the Crimea to Russia, Count Grigory Alexandrovich Potemkin, took from the Crimean Murz in the shade of the survival of oak. The famous oak is black, which is not less than 800 years old, is growing 2 km from Belogorsk on the left bank of the Biyuk Kara-Su River, right among the apple orchard. Probably once there were large shady dubbing. Oak height 20 m, trunk circle at the very base of 12 m, and crown almost 3 m in diameter. According to the legend, in 1777, A.V. Savorov met under the same oak with the governor of the Turkish Sultan in Karasubazar, to offer the Turks to surrender without a fight.

Turks, on their trouble, refused. For the successful implementation of this diplomatic task, Potemkin received the title of "light prince Tavrichesky".
Shagin Gary, who was prescribed by the empress pension, renounced the throne. Then, leaving a retinue and harem, moved to Voronezh, then he spent short time in St. Petersburg and Kaluga. In January 1787, he left the country and go to Istanbul, where the island of Rhodes was waiting for him - the place of links of Crimean Khanov, - and execution. So the Crimean Khanate ceased to exist.
Fearing revenge on Russian and violent Christianization, which was told by the tuned Muslim priests, many Crimean Tatars left their homes and moved to Turkey. The Crimean Steppes was empty, they were detected by the city destroyed by the wars. To settle the empty lands, the Russian landlords brought their fortestheing from mainland estates, and the government invited the Germans, Estonians, Greeks, Chekhov to the German peninsula, Bulgarians. Migrants received on preferential land conditions for vineyards and gardens, and ethnic colonies began to appear on the deserted eastern shore - German in Sudak, Bulgarian in Koktebel.
The line of Anglo-Indian telegraph London-Calcutta, opened in 1870, ran through the eastern Crimea. Telegraph of London Calcutta with a length of 11 thousand km was laid in the St. Petersburg branch of the German company "Brothers Siemens". It was a real sensation of the XIX century. Telegraph in the Crimea passed through Perekop - Simferopol - Feodosia - Kerch.
The Empress gave up its favorites and courtesy lands with these lands, and so that the edge would not be detected and did not come to the launch of the prince of G. Potemkin reset the retired soldiers from the neighboring provinces. The economy of Crimea began to develop rapidly.
But the cities of the East Crimea did not reach the oldest majesty: the main commercial paths flew away from them, and life was barely warm on the legends of the ancient ruins.

Crimea as part of the USSR.

In 1921, the Crimean Autonomous Republic of RSFSR was established in 1921 in the composition of the RSFSR, the state languages \u200b\u200bof Crimean-Tatar and Russian.
The civil war inflicted a big damage to the cities of Crimea: their population declined sharply (Yalta, Simferopol, Sevastopol, Feodosia, an old Crimea were especially injured.
After the civil war, a change in the ethnic composition of the population was recorded: in 1921, according to the local census, Russians and Ukrainians have already been more than 50% of the population, while the Crimean Tatars are just 26%.
The Russian population of Crimea grew not only by resettlement from other regions of Russia (as it was before), but also due to the birth rate: many groups lived here for several generations. By 1937, the next census showed that the share of Tatars in the ethnic composition of the population decreased to 20%. According to the 1939 census, 1,126,429 people constantly lived in Crimea, of which the Crimean Tatars - 19.4%.
After the inclusion in the composition of the Soviet state, the Crimea has become a state health care provider: it opened sanatoriums and hospitals for Soviet citizens

After the Great Patriotic War, Crimea stopped being the Autonomous Republic: June 30, 1945 he was transformed into the Crimean Region of the RSFSR.
The death of people during the war years and the deportation of the indigenous population of the peninsula led to a sharp reduction in its population. The war inflicted the huge damage to the household life of the Crimea, to restore which workers were required, especially in steppe and mountainous areas. After the war, another wave of colonization took place: the government purposefully moved to the Crimea of \u200b\u200bresidents from the southern regions of Russia (Voronezh, Kursk, Rostov region) and Ukraine, trying to simply fill the lack of the population on the peninsula. Some branches of agriculture, which previously engaged in Tatars, Greeks and Armenians, were declining: viticulture, tobacco production, mining and valley gardening were actually abandoned, and there was a lot of time on their revival.In 1954, Crimea was transferred to Ukraine by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. The grounds for this action, according to the text of the decree, were the community of economy, territorial proximity and close economic and cultural ties between the Crimean Region and the Ukrainian SSR.The inclusion of the Crimean region into the Ukrainian SSR contributed to the rapid and energetic economic development of the peninsula. On April 7, 1954, on the instructions of the CPU Central Committee, the Special Commission composed of N. Podgogo, N. Grechuhi, I. Shenin and D. Polyansky prepared a draft resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers "On measures to further develop agriculture of the Crimean Region of the Ukrainian SSR."
As a result of the improvement and improvement of this document, on July 26, 1954, a resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers "On Measures on the Further Development of Agriculture, Cities and Resorts of the Crimean Region of the Ukrainian SSR", which became the basis of the large-scale work of the leadership of Ukraine and its people on a targeted energetic rise in the economy of the Crimea .
In the reporting note of the Crimean Committee of the Party in the Central Committee of the Camp on the development of the national economy of the region, on July 27, 1957, it was indicated that capital investments in the national economy had increased over the past three and a half years against the relevant period of the previous years by 227 million rubles and amounted to more than 3 billion rubles. In 1955, only in collective farms and state farms for the construction of livestock premises, the mechanization of labor-intensive work and on the bookmark of the gardens, 13,514 thousand rubles were spent.
By the end of 1958, capital investments in collective farms increased to 39,536 thousand rubles. In the state farms and collective farms in 1956 compared with 1953, milk production increased by 69%, meat - by 42%, vegetables - by 62%, fruits and grapes - by 32%. In 1956, compared with 1953, the livestock livestock in all categories of farms increased by 20%, including cows by 29%, the population of pigs increased by 56%.
Huge cash And resources were spent by Ukraine for the construction of the Crimea hydroelective system. The modern Meliorative complex of the Crimea was formed during the period of intensive development of land reclamation (1963-1990) and makes it possible to provide irrigation of more than 400 thousand hectares, or 22% of the agricultural land of the Crimea, resulting in receiving more than 50% of agricultural products. During the specified period, irrigated agricultural land received more than 170 farms.

The collapse of the Soviet Union. The economic problems of the Crimea as part of Ukraine.

As part of Ukraine, the Republic of Crimea, together with Sevastopol, produced about 3% of GDP. Gross Regional Product - VRP Crimea was estimated in 2013 at $ 4.3 billion. Major income The region brings a multi-sectoral industry - 16%, which are more than 500 large and medium-sized enterprises. The most famous plants are the Janka Machine-Building, Feodosia Optical, Kerch Shipbuilding, Kerch Cannery, Crimean Soda, "Crimean Titan", as well as the famous combine of Massandra wines and others. Contribution of trade in VRP - 13%, construction and agriculture - 10 %. Revenues from tourism, no matter how paradoxically, give only 6% to the regional product, despite the presence of famous resorts on the Black Sea coast and in the zone of the Steppe and Mountain Crimea - Koktebel, etc.
5-6 million organized and independent tourists are arriving in Crimea, 40% of which are vacationers from Russia. Most local households are connected with the tourist sphere - either directly or through related industries - hotel business, retail, public catering, entertainment industry. But these industries are completely subordinate to seasonal "ties and distances" of tourists. The high season in the Crimea - from the end of May to September, when the number of shops, cafes and restaurants increase by 50%.
According to the GRP per capita, in terms of average wages and pensions, the Crimea as part of Ukraine was one of the poorest regions. With the middle country salary in 3148 hryvnia; For January 2014, Crimeans were on average about 2695 UAH, which is almost twice as low as in the neighboring Russian regions - 21.87 thousand rubles in the Krasnodar Territory - 21.87 thousand rubles, or at the rate of January - 5500 UAH; In the Rostov region - 19.7 thousand rubles., or 4900 UAH. The average pension in the Crimea, according to 2013, was 1,400 UAH - about 5800 rubles.Crimea is well provided with natural gas. The State Enterprise "Chernomorneftegaz", which is part of the "Naftogaz of Ukraine" structure, annually produces on the shelf over 1.6 billion cubic meters. m gas, which completely covers internal consumption and even makes it possible to supply gas to other regions of Ukraine. At the same time, oil and gasoline on the peninsula must be delivered from the outside.
The main difficulties arise in supplying drinking water and electricity. There are no large rivers and fresh lakes in the Crimea, and the bulk of water comes from the Dnieper through the North-Crimea Canal. After separation of the Crimea, water supply will have to pay.
Another weak point is power supply. There are almost no own sources of electric generation in Crimea, with the exception of small solar and wind power plants, as well as outdated CHP. More than 1200 MW of power flows on power lines from the main territory of Ukraine.
The financial position of the Crimea strongly depends on interbudgetary transfer.

Thus, without external financial subsidies, with a shortage of vital resources, with a seasonal nature of a number of profiling sectors of the economy, the Crimea will not survive independently, a substantial assistance is needed from the center. Official average income in Crimea - 1.8 thousand UAH. It is about $ 200, or 7.2 thousand rubles. at the current rate. To raise the economy of the Crimea at least to the level of the average Russian region on the GRP per capita, there will be huge investments.

Political crisis. The accession of the Crimea to the Russian Federation and its economic development.

6 march 2014, it was announced that the general referendum will be held (including the city of Sevastopol), and the discussion will be issued a question about the future status of the Crimea, which involves the choice of one of the two answer options: "Are you for the reunification of the Crimea with Russia as a subject of the constituency of the Russian Federation?" Or "Are you for the restoration of the Constitution of the Republic of Crimea of \u200b\u200b1992 and for the status of the Crimea as part of Ukraine?" (According to the Constitution of the Crimea of \u200b\u200b1992, the Republic is part of Ukraine and determines with it relations on the basis of the contract and agreements). On the same day, the decree on holding a referendum made the city council of Sevastopol.
With the publication of February 27, 2014, the decision of the Crimean Parliament on the holding of a referendum on May 25 entered into force. Subsequently, the date was postponed by March 30, 2014, and then on March 16, 2014.
In February 28, 2014, the issuance of the newspaper of the Supreme Council of the Arc "Crimean Izvestia" were given an explanation regarding the issue that will be carried out on a referendum. It was noted that there are no provisions on the independence of the ARC, the exit of the ARC from Ukraine, about the entry of ARC to another state: "The question made to the referendum does not contain provisions on the violation of the territorial integrity of Ukraine. The purpose of the referendum is to improve the status of the ARC so that autonomy rights are guaranteed with any changes in the central authority or the Constitution of Ukraine. All the steps taken are aimed at the fact that the autonomy is considered, they spoke and coordinate the decisions of the central authorities. "
On March 1, 2014, People's Deputy of Ukraine from Crimea Lev Mirimsky reported that the question of the upcoming referendum is "not at all exit from Ukraine. The government is aimed at the refund of the 1992 Constitution, which gives the republic more rights - such as an independent appointment of law enforcement agencies, prosecutors, members of the SBU. Kiev returned to the 2004 Constitution. Why can the Crimea do this? People want to solve their destiny. "
On March 2, 2014, the speaker of the Crimean Parliament Vladimir Konstantinov said that the main purpose of the referendum is the transition of the Crimea from the autonomy regime into the regime of an independent state, it is planned to establish relations with the central government at the contractual basis. On March 6, 2014, it was announced that two questions would be made to the referendum: "The autonomous Republic of Crimea should be in the Russian Federation?" And "the autonomous Republic of Crimea should be part of Ukraine?".
On March 8, 2014, Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of Crimea Grigory Ioffe said that the change in the formulation of the issue (the issue of the entry of the Crimea to Russia) was caused by Kiev's response to the decision to hold a referendum in the Crimea, which at that time was not planned to make a question about exit Autonomy from Ukraine.

After entering the Russian Federation, the transition period began in the economy in the Crimea. On March 26, 2014, the State Council of the Republic of Crimea issued a Resolution No. 1836-6 / 14 "On the nationalization of property of enterprises, institutions, apk organizations located in the territory of the Republic of Crimea", where 141 facility facilities subject to nationalization. Based on the document, public health disadvantages, vineyards, universities, enterprises, winery, research institutes are automatically recognized by the property of the Russian Federation.

The Russian ruble is a monetary unit in the territories of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol. Until June 1, 2014, the National Monetary Unit of Ukraine was allowed - hryvnia and the implementation of calculations in cash and non-cash forms in UAH, with the exception of taxes, customs and other fees, payments to state extrabudgetary funds, payments to employees of budgetary organizations, social benefits.On August 7, the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Medvedev, said that the government as a whole approved the Federal Target Program for the Development of the Crimea. FTP Financing "The Social and Economic Development of Crimea and Sevastopol to 2020" will be 700 billion rubles, of which about 660 billion from the federal budget. The allocated funds will be developed in two stages: from 2015 to 2017, 377 billion rubles are expected to be expected, and at the second stage, in 2018-2020, - another 281 billion rubles. Later, the Ministry of Finance clarified the procedure for spending the means of the target program: in 2015, about 100 billion rubles will be allocated, in 2016 - 134.6 billion, another 138.4 billion will be allocated in 2017.
On October 31, the Government of the Russian Federation approved the plan for creating a free economic zone in the Crimean Federal District. At the request of the head of the government, Dmitry Medvedev, in the free economic zone for investors, exemptions are provided for a number of taxes for the period up to 10 years - depending on the category of taxes, and administrative barriers are reduced. When entering the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol, the former parts and compounds of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, stationed in Crimea, were transferred to the Russian jurisdiction, entering the Southern Military District; Parts of the National Guard of Ukraine - to the North Caucasus Regional Command of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on August 14, 2014, President Putin at a meeting with representatives of the parliamentary factions in Yalta reported that he approved the program developed by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation to create and develop military grouping in the Crimea. Previously, the headquarters of the South Military District, the headquarters of the Southern Military District, the headquarters of the Southern Military District, reinforced the military grouping in Crimea. According to him, it was discussed including the restoration of the 30th division of surface ships and about the reconstruction of the ship's ship and coastal compounds of the Black Sea Fleet. Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu also stated a revision of the Development Program of the Black Sea Fleet in connection with the accession of new subjects of the federation. According to the source of the source from the headquarters of the Southern Military District, by October 29, 2014, a full-fledged air defense system was deployed in Crimea. The basis of the grouping is long-range anti-aircraft missile systems C-300PMU. The agency's interlocutor noted that in order to create a full air defense in Crimea, aircraft-interceptors and mobile air defense complexes of the Polezir zone were transferred. June 30, 2014 in the press service of the Southern Military District reported the creation of a separate shelf of radiation, biological and chemical protection in Sevastopol .
On July 2, 2014, the press service of the Southern Military District reported on the creation of the coastline cover of the coastline (pos. Pereval) as part of the Black Sea Fleet of the Artillery Regiment. It is in service with about 300 units of weapons and military equipment, including more than 60 units of new artillery systems: self-propelled anti-tank missile complex (SPTR) "Chrysanthemum", 152-mm Msta Gaubitsa, Language Fire Jets (RSZO) Tornado-g. "


Tens, hundreds of thousands of Russians came out on March 18 on rallies in support of Russia's reunification with Crimea. The slogans "We are together forever!", "Crimea, with return!" They sounded from Kaliningrad to South Sakhalinsk. The central event was the rally concert for the reunification of Russia with Crimea and Sevastopol, as well as in support of decision of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, who passed in the heart of our Motherland - on Red Square inMoscow. In stock "We together", according to the capital police, more than 120 thousand people took part, who expressed sincere, genuine joy from the topics of historical justice and reunification of Russia with Crimea. From morning to late evening, holiday events were held throughout the country, dedicated to the historical reunification of the Crimea with Russia. As reported ITAR-TASS With reference to the data of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, more than 600 thousand people came to the shares. President of Russia stressed that today "very joyful, bright festive day." "After a severe, long, exhausting swimming, Crimea and Sevastopol return to their native harbor, to the native shores, to the port of constant registry - to Russia," - quotes the head of stateITAR-TASS Putin also thanked Krymchan and Sevastopol for "their decisive position, clearly pronounced will be with Russia."

The government intends to spend 113 billion rubles to modernize the infrastructure of the Crimea. The Deputy Minister of Crimea Andrei Sokolov said this at the Yalta Economic Forum. Until 2020, the development of the peninsula will spend up to 700 billion rubles. Moreover, the development of both the resort sphere and production will be financed from the budget. Sokolov promised that the full modernization of some resort cities would be carried out. Five industrial parks will be created on the peninsula, four of them will be placed in the Crimea, and one in Sevastopol. According to Sokolov, funds will go to modernization, as well as to create new engineering, transport, energy sectors of the Crimea. Earlier it was reported that six tourist clusters in the Crimea until 2020 will receive 22.5 billion rubles on its development under the federal target program for the development of the Crimea and Sevastopol.
A phased action plan has been developed until 2020. The plan provides for the development of the military infrastructure of the Crimea, equipping modern samples of weapons and military equipment, an increase in combat readiness and combat ability, as well as the level of combat training of all compounds and military units deployed in the region. In the next few years, about 30 ships of various classes of a new generation, including submarines, will come to strengthen the Black Sea Fleet of Russia. New parts of the anti-air defense and the establishment of marines will be created at the fleet base. These measures will ensure reliable coherence to the military threat of Russia from the Black Sea area, will increase the combat stability of the SMF of Russia in the Mediterranean.

The Government of the Russian Federation approved the regional development team prepared by the Ministry of Regional Development and one city of the Republic of Crimea, as well as Sevastopol for 16 constituent entities of the Federation. As partners, the subjects of the Russian Federation, which possess the best practice of state and municipal management to implement the objectives of the formation of the regulatory framework of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol. So, the Bakhchisaray district of the Republic of Crimea will cooperate with Tatarstan, Pervomaisky district - with the Moscow region, G. Sevastopol - from Moscow. As expected, the cooperation of the Russian regions will help as quickly as possible to send a set of model acts of municipal and regional administration to new subjects of the Russian Federation, which will contribute to the integration of the Crimea into the economic space of Russia.

List of used literature.

  1. Dubrovin N.F. The joining of the Crimea to Russia: rescripts, letters, relatives and reports (in four volumes). St. Petersburg, 1885-1889.

  2. Andreev A.R. History of Crimea: a brief description of the past Crimean Peninsula 1997.

  3. Basov A.V. Crimea in Great Patriotic War 1941-1945. M., 1987.

  4. Chupin G.T. Background and history of the Crimea. Kharkov, 2012.

  5. Brun F. Crimea in half the XVIII century. Odessa, 1867.

  6. FERENNTSEVA Y. . IN. Walk through Crimea: travel guide. - Simferopol, 2003. - 244 p.
Internet sources:

1.Crem as part of the USSR

Information taken from the "Development Strategy of the Republic of Crimea"

Appendix 4.

Comparative characteristics of social. Payments

Appendix 5.

The population of the Crimea at the place of birth. Photo taken from the site "Population of Crimea"

Appendix 6.

The reaction of the world community into the Crimean crisis.

The information was obtained from the "Crimean crisis" site

Appendix 7.

Sociological survey conducted in MBOU "SOSH№59" of Cheboksary:

1. In what year, the Crimea became part of the Russian Empire?

A) 1783 b) 1721 c) 1815 g) 1789

2. From the listed choose the heroes of the Crimean Peninsula.

A) Sevastopol b) Kerch c) Simferopol d) Feodosia

3. After what event, the Crimea entered the Russian Federation?

Write the answer: ________________________________

4. Do you prefer Russia's actions against the Crimean issue?

A) yes b) no

Appendix 8.

Question 1: In which year, the Crimea came into the Russian Empire?
Appendix 9.

Question 2: From the listed choose the city-heroes of the Crimean Peninsula.
Appendix 10.

Question 3: After what event, Crimea entered the Russian Federation?
Appendix 11.

Question 4: Do you support Russia's actions regarding the Crimean issue?


On the basis of the work done by me, 53 responded with age from 15 to 17 years old was surveyed. The survey results showed that the respondents are interested in the history of the relationship between the Crimea and the Russian Federation.

Most respondents support Russia's actions against the Crimean issue. In my opinion, the return of the Crimea to the Russian Federation will be favorable on the development of the Crimea in all spheres of life activities. After all, who knows what it would be with Russian-speaking residents and with the infrastructure of the Crimea, if not actions of the Russian Federation.

Thanks to the entry of the Crimea to the Russian Federation, tourism will actively develop, resorts and recreation sites will be resumed.

I believe that Crimea has always been angry with Russian, and his transfer to the Ukrainian SSR in 1954 was a mistake, but Russia corrected this mistake by referendum 2014.