When you can write a desire for the new year. New Year's rituals: how to correct the desire to come true

There are many ways to make desires for New Year, as well as ideas for meeting a new year. It is better to go along the most simple way: to choose the maximum way to make a cherished dream for sure to come true.

True, everything depends on the speed of the reaction. Indeed, in most ways, the desire must have time to guess during the battle of the Kurats. This article collected ten ways to make desire for New Year's Eve, which will help get the desired.
How to make a desire for the new year:
1. The most common and not delicious way. It is necessary to stock up a small leaf of paper in advance and the handle. A secret dream during the battle of the Kurats needs to be recorded on the leaf, which set fire and throw in his glass of champagne. Playful drink, together with ashes and desire, drink volley.
2. This is a more pleasant and delicious way. You must prepare twelve grapes for yourself. During the combat battle, they need to speak their desire to mentally speak, and all grapes to have to eat. Tradition to make a desire to appear in this way to appear in Italy.
3. Self-pressure power. Psychologists say that everything that would not want to get a person in life, he must submit in his surrounding reality. For example, if next year you want to get married, then during the magical New Year's night just repeat the "I am married." Energy of the festive night should contribute to the desire to come true faster. 4. In this method, the execution of desire must be asked to the Christmas tree. A few days before the new year, you need to make a small box in which to put leaves with a desire written on it. Hang the box on the New Year tree - like decoration. On the festive night, go to the Christmas tree, remove the box with the desire, to hold her in your hands and ask for a desire to be. After that, the ritual hang a box back. It remains only to wait.
5. It is not known where this tradition comes from. Perhaps it was formed from the understanding of our ancestors that who is higher than the growth is closer to God. It is necessary during the battle of the Kurats to join as above and guessing the desire.
6. For those who love to do needlework and is going to celebrate New Year in big company, An excellent option will be such a way of riddling desire. Cut a lot of snowflakes of paper: different shapes and magnitude. Drain every guest to record my desire for snowflake. After the battle of the Kurats, throw out all the snowflakes in the window: let them circle and bring good luck.
7. It is said that a generous man always gets doubly. In order for your New Year's desire to come true, you can go out on the festive night and from all my heart to treat passersby sweets and cookies, and native to give the New Year gifts.
8. This is one of the most difficult ways to prepare. On the subsidence of its festive dress, it is necessary to embroider your desire threads. A couple of stitches and, most likely, New Year's Eve will definitely give the desired. Do not forget exactly at midnight put your hands into the place of embroidery and pronounce loud.
9. Ways to make a desire to die with a variety on New Year's Eve. Many require not only the presence of desire, but also the presence of certain skills. For example, this option offers to draw or make a collage of your happiness. On paper, it is necessary to schematically portray everything I want to get next year. Moreover, it is enough for simple images. If you want love - draw a heart, you want a separate apartment - draw a house. The finished collage must be tied with a ribbon and store the whole year in a secluded place.
10. Desires under the pillow. During the battle of the chimes, all their wishes prepared in the mind should have time to write on pre-prepared leaves. Put everything that write managed, under the pillow. In the morning after awakening, pull one leaf - this desire will certainly be fulfilled in the new year!
Now you know how to make a desire for New Year's Eve. Each person decides for himself, to believe in the wonders of the festive night or just treat the process as a game. Be that as it may, no one has canceled miracles in our life! Merry and Magic New Year's Eve!

"Be careful with your desires - they have a property come true," Mikhail Bulgakov said. Everyone has dreams, for the sake of the implementation of which you can roll the mountains. People believe, if you make a desire for the new year, it will definitely fulfill. The main thing is to voice it correctly.

How to voice the dream on New Year's Eve

Pledge - proper wording. Follow Recommendations:

  • guess in the present time, not in the past. "I want me to be happy" - bad option;
  • do not use "not", denial, phrases "at any cost, blood from the nose";
  • do not order the highest forces;
  • add the phrase "I achieve this quickly and simply", "this benefits my native." So go to the negative consequences;
  • clearly imagine a dream;
  • do not require the impossible;
  • do not want evil, losses to other people;
  • do not use the phrase "at least". For example: "At least a little money." Get a tiny profit, the highest modesty forces will not appreciate;
  • do not use names in requests (for example: I want to marry Peter. The wording will not work).

What to make a new year?

Traditional holiday from December 31 to January 1, the new year old style, is a great time to fulfill desires. Here are the most suitable options for wishes that will accurately come true:

  • meet the soul mate;
  • create a strong family;
  • establish relationships with relatives;
  • go to a pleasant journey;
  • see more often;
  • become healthier;
  • more often see friends;
  • successfully complete the project;
  • make repairs as you want;
  • learn new;
  • make the right purchase;
  • do a favorite thing.

Common opinion - for the new year it is necessary to dress brightly. The more red items in the dress, the greater the likelihood that the universe will notice you and give good benefits next year.

Methods of riddling desires for the new year

Classic version with champagne

This option is known to many. Clean anything while hit the chimes. The dream can be just told on a glass with champagne and drink during this period. Another option is to write on the leaves, burn, ashes to throw in a glass and drink. If you do not eat alcohol, you can throw the ashes into a glass with juice, drink, conventional water.

Important condition: Before drinking a glass with a desire, you need to choose with each of those present in the room and wish everyone happiness in the coming year.

Dream experience for dinner

While cooking festive dishes, mentally described the dream. Choose something associated with it. For example: a new apartment - security, children - the joy of paternity / motherhood.

Next, select the symbol associated with the dream. Suppose: coin, heart. One of the dishes should be made in the form of this symbol. It may be a small biscuit that will eat entirely.

During the New Year's dinner, think about the first selected association and be sure to eat a cooked dish.

Ritual with postcard

Wishes to people we write in postcards. It can be given to himself. Choose any in the store or make your own hands. Write a capacious and beautiful wish.

Hide the postcard under the tree and January 1 to get it from there. Wear as a talisman. During the year, she will attract what you wished yourself.

Map of desires

Making such a mascot attracting good luck and acting, very simple. The card can be large, small, any form, schematic, in the form of appliqués - as convenient, you are limited only by fantasy.

On the map you need to place desires and draw a track that will connect them. The map should be the beginning and the end. At the start, write "January", at the finish line "December".

Forest dance

The ritual will suit if they agree to spend it several people. He is held on the eve of the New Year. either a few days before him. The more friends and relatives collect, the better. Take the decorations, christmas toys, flappers and Bengal lights.

Go to the forest or landing, find the highest, beautiful fir tree. Drop it, enter around the dances, ignite the Bengal lights and shoot a flap. While you will drive a dance, think about the dream and about its implementation.


Task - from colored paper and cardboard glue, fold the animal or bird. The method is suitable not only for adults, but also for children. When the craft is ready, to push it on the Christmas tree or under it.

After January 1, the decoration can be removed. Now it is a talisman. He is so wishes and he will fulfill them. You can make it possible to make one. Before guessing the second, wait for the first fulfillment.

Letter to Santa Claus

The method known to everyone from childhood is to write a letter to Grandfather Frost. Many still consider the method effective. There are several versions of how to behave with a written letter:

  • burn and ash dispel in the New Year's Eve in the wind;
  • on the same night put under the pillow and sleep on it;
  • to carry with you as a talisman;
  • really send B. Great Ustyug (Hoping that Grandfather Frost will read this letter).

Easy way to make a desire for the new year

It is necessary to spend the ritual while the chimes are beaten. At this time, go to the window or a balcony, open the shutters and write a desire to hearing. The universe will hear him and execute.

Important: To tell others about what you will make it impossible. Otherwise, the desire will not turn.

Method with a bottle

There are several rite options. The main thing is to arma an empty bottle of champagne, which remained after the festive table. Think about your dream, exhale the air into the bottle and close it.

The second option is to write a desire to leave and throw in a bottle. It is clocked and left until next year in a secret place. With the onset of January 1, the bottle will need to get rid of.

Ritual with leaves

The method will suit those who have a lot of desires. You need to prepare 12 notes. Each empty wish. Turn the leaves, mix. On the empty side, write by the name of the month. Notes hide in a hat, bag.

In the morning you get any at random. Learn what a dream will come in and in what month.

If the dream is related to material benefits

  1. December 31 Open all the doors and windows in the house (you can the velocity). Tell me so that poverty leaves home. Make cleaning and close the windows. January 1, the process repeat. This time, say that we attract wealth to the house.
  2. On the eve of the New Year holiday, go to a deserted place, raise a little fire and throw a thing in it that reminds of financial failures. Tell me that poverty drive and wealth attract.
  3. It is believed that the highest forces love concretps. On New Year's Eve, put a leaflet under the pillow on which the amount and purpose will be written to. Important condition: this night you need to sleep on this bed.

Christmas tree

When people first began to decorate the Christmas tree, not only paper decorations, but also tangerines, cookies, candy were used as toys. It has a magic poverty. To decorate the Christmas tree with treats, to fill the house with everything necessary.

Important refinement:
On New Year's Eve, each family member needs something to take off the tree and eat. Each decoration has a interpretation:

  • candy - wealth;
  • cookies - strong relationships;
  • mandarins - happiness;
  • apples - good health;
  • lollipops are sudden surprises, joy.

Simple effective ways will help implement the most cherished dream on New Year's Eve. But remember, the highest forces are favorable to those who seek the goals. Therefore, it is not necessary to inactivate and wait until everything happens in itself. Apply efforts to make the intended.

The new year is the favorite and the most long-awaited holiday for many people.

It is in this magical night that a family and native people are going together in spirit, this is the time when everything, without claiming, is beginning to evaluate the past year, as well as to build plans for the future.

As a result, one way or another, but all at the same time begin to wish for themselves something: a new apartment, work, love or just a lot of money. Each person has its own desires, but everyone equally wants them to be fulfilled during the coming year.

It is not surprising that a lot of traditions and rituals have been formed about how to correctly make a desire for the New Year.

Many who tried them are convinced of the effectiveness of such methods.

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Therefore, if you want to realize your plans and hopes, it is worth considering the most common and effective ways to make desires in the New Year.

How to prepare

There are many opinions as to why the wishes are coming to the new year are executed.

Specialists engaged in occultity say that this day is formed positive energy, caused by the festive mood of a large number of people.

Accordingly, making a ritual to make a desire, a person seems to direct this energy flow into the rod right.

Psychologists argue that the New Year's ritual for a desire is self-programming, which subsequently, on a subconscious level, helps to fulfill their own intentions.

Whatever it was, but just to take and wanted not enough. If a person still decides to hold a specific ritual, he should be prepared in a certain way.

It's not hard:

  • Before you want anything, you need to clearly realize what I want to achieve over the next year and form a "right" desire.

For example, if you want to buy a new car, it is better to clarify the brand or the approximate cost of the vehicle. Otherwise, there is a risk to get the car really new, but such that there will be more problems than the benefit.

Therefore, it is worth how to make it spontaneously, during the battle of the Kurats, and in advance to allocate a little time to formulate their desire or a few wishes in silence and tranquility.

  • The mung desire must be sincere. Whatever motives did not move by a person, he cannot desire that others impose him. Even if he thinks as if he fully agrees with a stranger opinion, a person subconsciously may not want to want others, and asked to wish with him.

Therefore, the goals that I want to implement should be formed, proceeding exclusively from your own will, and believe in their implementation.

  • New Year's rituals are quite simple and do not require any sophisticated preparations. But one requirement is extremely important - arrive at the festive mood.

The fact is that from the point of view of both the occult and psychological explanation of the fulfillment of desires for the New Year, the corresponding state of the Spirit plays an extremely important role. After all, the fulfillment of desires is, first of all, joy and the same "mood" must be used when performing a ritual.

Otherwise, in the general New Year's mass, the person turns into a "white crow" together with his desire, whatever it is.

What should be desire and what can not be made

  • The desires in no case should be negative and cannot have a "not" or "no" part.

The fact is that this particle is not perceived by the subconscious. And when a person, for example, makes himself "so that they did not dismiss from work" or "so that my half from me does not leave," is performed what is read without the prefix "not". And from the point of view of the occult, the desire is a program for income or achievement, which is contrary to negative promise.

  • Desires, even the most unimaginable, needs to be made in real time, as they seem to be fulfilled.

For example, in desire: "So that this year I have a new apartment," you should not use the prefix "to" and then the desire sounds like already implemented.

And for nothing, it is impossible to use the word "want", because a person wants to "want" the fulfillment of his goal. In general, every word plays his role in desire, therefore it is necessary to formulate them as clearly and concisely.

  • No need to limit yourself.

For example, if a person wants to buy a new apartment and for this he needs to increase the service, do not need to formulate desire in this way. It is better to concentrate on what housing he wants to acquire, and the "Universe" will already scribble the necessary opportunities. After all, maybe a separate person easier to win an apartment in the lottery or receive a gift, rather than achieving the necessary increase in position.

  • Do not resort to abstractions, especially as: "I'm rich," "I am happy" or "I am healthy."

In the subconscious or by decision of the Universe, it may be that the wishing is already rich enough, as for a person of its level. In the end, he can be spiritually rich in poverty, and there are few perfectly healthy people in poverty, but at the same time not all of them consider themselves sick. Therefore, it is better for yourself to determine what wealth, happiness and health.

  • You need to believe in fulfillment of your desire.

That is, the goal may be unrealistic, up to flight to Mars. But if a person subconsciously understands what it wishes something to be impossible to achieve, then the desire will not fulfill.

It is necessary, first of all for himself, to be confident in the reality of his execution. It will be a logically reasonable belief or simply faith, it does not matter. The main thing is not even to have doubts.

  • How many desires can you make a new year?

In principle, no one limits you. But the smaller the desires and the more clearly and correctly they will be formulated, the greater the chances that it will come true.

And the best thing is to make a list of desires for the new year in advance, then draw it out, without which you can do and end up to leave one thing that will be the most cherished for you.

Methods of riddling desires for the new year

Now you know how to correct the desire for the new year. And now we will look at various methods and options that will help you performed the cherished dream.

Make a desire for the new year on paper and burn

The most common method is burning a sheet with a desire, throwing the ashes into a glass with champagne and drinking it exactly at midnight.

The method is really effective, only one should not write the wishes itself for the battle of the chimes. After all, here the main role is played not so much the fulfillment of the ritual as the concentration of his thoughts over the desire itself.

Therefore, if it is not large, you can write directly under the battle of the chimes, then pour and throw ashes in a glass.

If the wish consists of a variety of items, it is better to write it in advance, and at the right time just read, aloud or about yourself, before burning.

And in no case can the fuss in the fulfillment of the ritual, since a person will distract its consciousness from the desire to actions that are trying to have time to carry out while they beat the chimes.

Coin in hand

Prepare a coin, preferably gold in color, you can even clean it to shine.

In the battle of the chimes you need to hold the coin in your hand and mentally present your wishes in all its glory. After that, throw it into a glass and drink champagne while they beat the chimes.

Then this coin must be carried with me as a talisman until the conceived is not fulfilled.

How to make a desire for the new year so that it come true

People have long made a desire. A special place in such rituals is made by the desire for New Year's Eve. Apparently, the huge force of universal joy and fun helps to convey the desire to where something will affect their execution.

Perhaps one of the most famous, nevertheless effective ways to make such. It is necessary to write a desire on a piece of paper on a piece of paper and read it, burn it, the ashes shake into a glass with champagne and drink.

The problem is that in the very last minutes it is very difficult among the universal noise, jokes and laughter to gather with thoughts. Maybe if it is very wanted, still it will turn out to make the right desire, it is also cherished. Moreover, the Solva claims that the method works.

The desire on the New Year tree is still made. In addition to the beauties, the Christmas tree will need a bouquet of flowers, ideally gathered by someone. Carefully dealing with petals, think about their cherished. Exactly an hour before midnight, you need to break exactly three petals, whisper a desire, throw them into a glass and hide under the Christmas tree. Under the battle battle, get a glass and drink with everyone together.

You can make a desire on Bengal fire or candle. A yellow dog will like candles and lights on New Year's Eve, so you can count on its patronage. The desire should whisper over fire.

How to correct the desire for the new year 2018 so that it come true

The most important thing is that the desire is fulfilled, it is necessary to correctly formulate it. It should not be any negative, "not" particles, only positive. The desire must sound and without the words "I want", because it has already been fulfilled: you already want a car or get married.

It is very important to correctly express your dream. A dream came true: a big bright apartment, but together with mother-in-law or other relatives.

The dream should be real. Having an average income, you should not dream of becoming a millionaire, because it is unlikely to come true. It is more likely to make an increase in work, which will lead to improved well-being. But in this case you need to try to fulfill the desire. Because, in many ways, it depends on the person himself and it will help to bring order in thoughts and desires before New Year's Eve. And if some desire is not executed, it means that there is reason: fate prepared something else, even better. It is only important to consider your chance on time and correctly.

New Year is best time make a wish!

In the New Year and other significant holidays (and first of all, religious: under Christmas, baptism), the level of common energy is much higher than on ordinary days, so many people have dreams of dreams, mounted under the battle of chimes or in the period of the density.

I suggest you do not just drink champagne with a stolen ashes from the burned paper with a written desire at 12 o'clock in the morning, but to prepare for the coming year with all seriousness, fading not only desires, but also by defending certain goals.

What is the difference between the goal of desire? The desire is that at the moment it does not depends on you. For example, you want to meet a man whom we love and create a family with whom. Is it depends on you or not? Depends, but only partially. You can form the desired intention, write this desire (for example, to the book of desires), promise to become more attractive and sociable and even fulfill the promise, but to realize the desire you will need the help of the higher forces (universe, God, the case is what you Believe).

The goal is characterized by the fact that you can achieve it yourself when attaching a certain amount of effort. For example, you want to lose weight. Is this a goal or desire?

Of course, the goal :)

So, let's go.

Set goals next year

1. Preparation

December 31 Take a piece of paper and write down all the wishes (including goals) that you have. If you have ever made a list of 100 desires, you can take it. If not, then go through the main areas: relationship, work, finance, hobbies, health, travel, things (dresses, laptop, car, etc.) and write out everything you want in each area.

The process is not fast, but very useful. So you can understand what you want to come and evaluate whether you already go.

2. How to put a goal for a year

Take a notepad or a large sheet of paper and highlight 12 columns or large squares, as you are more convenient. Write down in each of them the name of the month: January, February, March ... etc.

Take your wish list / goals and select 12 significant goals. Goals should be important for you, at the same time implemented in some efforts.

Write down for one purpose in each column so that it turns out that every month you have to make some one of them. Next, write down the actions that you do to achieve this. Yes, perhaps, circumstances will not be collaborated and it will not succeed. But if you put a firm intention and make efforts, most likely everything will turn out. In any case, you will do everything possible that depends on you.

For example:

Want: more money.
What can I do? Change work on more paid.

Want: Lose weight.
What can I do? I will start a healthy lifestyle and sign out in the sports club.

Want: Rent to rights.
What can I do? Definitely, you need to sign up for a driving school

After all the main goals are spelled out, go through all small tails, which have been drawn for you a long time ago, sometimes - from year to year.

Have you been visiting your school teacher for a long time? Throw an embroidery (non-touch sweater)? Do you think that it would be nice to make a girlfriend? Or maybe we have long wanted to go to the monastery (go hiking, make a pilgrimage, see living dolphins, to visit the sea, etc.)?

Space all unfinished things by month. Let you have one big goal-task for a month and some small or even somewhat small.

And throw all the strength to achieve the scheduled.

Your life will be brighter and richer for events, and by the end of the year you will feel incredible satisfaction instead of ordinary "Well, another year flew ... Apparently, I am so fully implemented by my plans" ...

New Year's desire

And how to make a desire for the new year?

Choose the three most important desires from your list. That is, what you really want, but do not know how to achieve it.

Earn the correct wording of these desires and write them down. Of course, it can be written on a piece of paper, but the easiest way to the book of desires. Nobody will see them there, and in a year you can check whether they are.

Write just what you want to get, forget about how.

Do not write specific persons.

Write the ultimate goal. Not money for an apartment, and apartment, etc.

During the battle, they say the phrase (you can mentally): "I intend (a) to get in the new year ..." and list your desires.

Also write down your desires on the New Year's Wish Wall and describe your perfect day, how do you see it in a year.

And if you are seriously configured and want the most important desire to come true over the next year, come to the New Year program, which goes only once a year, a week of fulfilling a cherished desire

New Year's rituals

Getting rid of negative

Take a sheet of paper and write everything that makes you unhappy or irritable. Write down your resentment, fears, fears, laziness, mess, lack of money, severe relationship, burglarity, sadness, situations that caused tears, insults, in general, any negative with which you, unfortunately, have encountered, everything, without which you want to live in the new year.

Cut the sheet of paper on the strip so that one negative point is on each strip. After that, take a big bag and go through your home in search of old unnecessary things. They should be as much as you got stripes.

It can be: an old toothbrush, soapbox, broken comb, cracked a cup, who won a sweater and anything else. We purify the house and yourself from unnecessary trash.

Every strip must be attached to the found old thing, glue with scotch, tie a thread or somehow.

After that, we throw a bag on the shoulders and go to the street to the garbage. The harder bag - the better. Feel his gravity, but even more - the severity of your offense, tears and the rest of the negative, which you drag on my day. We approach the garbage and say: "Goodbye negative, goodbye trash, farewell all the events that caused my tears and pain" and solemnly throw out the bag in the trash. Feel relief!

Ritual for the New Year for the fulfillment of desires

And I took this ritual on our forum. I tried it in one of my cherished desire and in fact, my desire came true.

Copy from the forum (with conservation of grammar):

This ritual is very simple and effective. In addition, with the help of it, you bring the fulfillment of your desires - you will still celebrate New Year's Eve more interesting. So, all you need is any symbols of your desires. If you want a house, car - buy a toy house, machine, you can cut these characters from magazines. If you need money - you can take advantage of real money - and the larger the bills, the better.

For example, last year I hung up a toy airplane on the Christmas tree with the name of the country where I wanted to fly to rest, and in May 2011 I successfully rested there.

In general, show your fantasy and find the most suitable symbols of your desires. To attract love, you can hang a heart, for marriage - toy bride and groom, if you dream about a child, you can hang on the Christmas tree of the pupse.

It is best to spend this ritual directly on New Year's Eve, but if you want to make it before - you can hang all the characters when you dress up.

But feedback about this ritual, which I found on the Internet:

One friend hanging the model of the jeep, a house, a bubbling, money ... In April, he turned up by chance jeep-fabulously cheap! I bought a plot with a house, now being built ... Wife is waiting for a child ...

My friend and I discussed this, decided to hang: money, machine, house, wedding ring, prince, veil ... well, according to needs)
When I asked, "and where will I take a wedding ring?", Girlfriend, without thinking, answered- "Having anyone and say:" Machine you wrapped! ")

The idea with Christmas tree works, I only compared and understood. For 2009, I decided to toys on the Christmas tree to make yourself. Made a burgundy flower, the hub blinded in the form of her husband, a photo of our wedding in a tiny frame, and my husband smoked a house, I don't remember all toys, some were pretty abstract, such as hearts, butterflies ... But the facts are as follows: for 2009 We have an apartment, a child, a laptop on the screen of which our wedding photo has long stood for a long time (I haven't changed a picture of the child), but for the birth of a child my husband gave me an orchid in a color pot to exactly like that I was blinded for the Christmas tree.

Somehow my husband bought for a joke a car model which from paper to collect, gathered, and here ng, well and under the Christmas tree set, and in that year we got a car - the husband had a father, they did not communicate for a long time, ton he left his mother to Another groom. In general, he gave his car, and in color - like the one that the husband was collected. And somehow yes, everything comes true that there is no hanging on the Christmas tree, it will be, and how many balls on the Christmas tree - so many shopping large in NG, the magnitude of the purchase depends on the size of the ball!

Later, this ritual tried Svetlana Kuleshov. That's what she wrote somehow about him:

This is one of my favorite ways to make desires in the New Year.

I use it every year, and wishes are actually executed.

We need to hang on the tree toys that will symbolize desires. Want to new house - hang a house figurine, want to increase income - hang on the Christmas tree a real monetary bill. Want a car - a car figurine.

Last year I presented to friends who dream of baby, Figurine of the Pupse. We hung her on the Christmas tree, and now the guys are waiting for a miracle. This technique is awesome, she really performs dreams. Toys for the Christmas tree can be made independently, and you can find suitable in the store. If you do yourself, select the time when you will have great mood And when creating toys, be sure to imagine in the details, how your dream is executed. Flight of fantasy in this technique is huge, very cool to make such toys with the whole family.

When you hang a toy on new Year's treePlease refer to your desire as much as possible. Sincere faith in the dream creates real wonders.

When winter holidays are run away and you will clean up the Christmas tree, fold all your desire figures carefully, and next year, when starting to dress up a Christmas tree again, you will see how much it turned out. It is advisable to spend money after new Year holidays What really wants.

Letter to yourself - an excellent way to use in the New Year

Let your desires come true!

Our project is 10 years old!
In 2020, the number of fulfilling wishes will reach 100 thousand.
Now we have about the accurate desires on 175 pages.
And your desires will also be performed.