How to celebrate the New Year at work. How fun to celebrate New Year in the office? How to meet a new year work

As an organizer of events, I know how important it is to create a pre-holiday atmosphere in the office so that people who, day after day come here, as a rule, at the same time, felt at home, i.e. Could relax and charge the energy before the New Year.

From my own experience I can say with confidence that in any office there are people who are not indifferent, which make up the organizational backbone. They always care that everyone around was good, take the initiative, buying gifts for others to memorable dates, in one word, devote themselves to social work. Sometimes with its organizational activities, they cause severe employees discontent, but you just think: who, if not, will they drag all this WHO on themselves?

It is these people at the end of November who are the first to react to the approach of the holiday and remind to colleagues that he is soon, the new year. They are the first to climb into the closet to check how last year's Christmas tree is doing there.

Dress the Christmas tree
Dressing on the Christmas tree in the workplace, if you admit honestly, not all. Although it is still like to admire it on the eve of the holiday, one thing is still, so the preparation for the office new year is usually beginning from the moment when the tree, in spite of everything, gets out of the closet and caring staff begin to dress it. The Christmas tree in the office can differ dramatically from the one that is worth each of us at home and sizes and choice of toys. It is not necessary, of course, decorate it with glowing garlands. However, traditions must be observed!

In our difficulty in terms of economic and political situations, many firms in order to save the celebration of the upcoming holiday at the workplace, so the staff remains nothing, how to prepare for the celebration without departing from the table and computer. I will not say that it is bad, because everything depends on the team, its traditions and relations between employees. This holiday can be arranged in the office - there would be a desire.

Think not only about treat, but also entertainment
In addition to a banal celebration in the form of a covered table with different goodies and champagne in the glasses, the New Year's event can be diversified by various contests and games. If the company is big a good idea - To arrange your presentation number from each department: You can, for example, make musical cutting from funny photos, prepare songs or dance numbers, show funny sketches.

If the team is small, try to play some funny Games: For these purposes, the game is excellent, which is sometimes called "artist", when Watman's leaf is taken, the staff are divided into teams, and one of which draws something on this sheet, the other should guess what artistic creation is depicted on it.

In addition to a similar game, in offices, usually "with a bang" comes the competition "Dress up a Christmas tree", when, instead of the traditional New Year attribute, some of the employees, which carefully, who are so far, decorate colleagues. You can also create a competition in order to find out who in your team is the most damage, by dropping paper or other small items into a specialty-based container.

Arrange a stylized party
One of the most interesting clauses for the New Year's corporate party in the office is a stylized party. Just imagine if all members of your labor collective will come to the workplace not in suits when ties and in boring monophonic dresses, but in cowboy hats, with pistols, vests and stunning outfits of real Indians. I am sure that the lorry of the limit will not be, not to mention that you are charged for the entire nearest working year ahead.

Of course, the preparation of the New Year office event - the business is troublesome and one person is not under power, here you need to be cohesive and act together. However, if you come up with something really unusual, interesting, in which everyone can take part without exception, will be truly a truly good and unforgettable party that needs to be planned in advance, to paint all the actions and distribute who and what will be to do for her. In principle, even now there is nothing impossible for those who decided to celebrate the New Year at work - time is still enough, show creativity to all the team and dare!

Before the New Year holidays, quite a bit of time left. I am sure that many are now tormented by the question - how to organize an interesting holiday for colleagues. Therefore, I bring to your attention a story about how I did last year. I hope the idea of \u200b\u200bsomeone will come in handy. All you need for its incarnation - a little time and fantasy. Good luck!

Preparation for New Year's homes

So, the new, 2004 is approaching. And the usual final-annual swimming at work was confidently mixed by rapid discussions of New Year's plans - outfits, menus, gifts. I must say, the department we have a small, very friendly and mostly young. And, as often happens, almost completely female (5 girls are 24-27 years old, the woman is the boss, ready to support all our crazy undertakes, and the boss, the guy is 28 years old with which so much has been experienced, which is quite a friend. Every year, on the last New Year's Eve, we arrange gatherings. The rooms are decorated with snowflakes, multi-colored congratulatory inscriptions, a huge cactus is dressed up with a Christmas tree, music, tasty treats and necessarily some entertainment (joking, riddles, toasts). All is well, but the soul demanded something completely unusual. The idea came when I accidentally stumbled upon the installed in my computer (I inherited from the head :) The game "Heroes of Might and Magic". To play her, honestly, I didn't even try, but there is one very interesting function there is an opportunity to create a terrain itself on which an action takes place. What if....

New Year's quest

And this is a whole week, urabs, carefully closing the screen of the computer from strangers, frantically folding the "non-working" screen when the girl is approaching, drawing its department. At our disposal of the whole 3 cabinet along a long corridor + the room with a xerox - there is where to turn around! Mountains - walls, houses - desktops, caves - built-in wardrobes, turrets - safes, partition - bridge .... each little, a noticeable subject found its place on the map. Transfer the map to any graphic editor. Rooms, various objects are assigned to their "characteristic" names, we think about where to hide small souvenirs for each department employee, we note them on the map, near everyone - the name of the one to whom it will be intended. Print the card on the color printer. It's already wondering what's next?

Suppose the card will need to be assembled in parts, and parts - find! So a letter from Santa Claus appears, in which it is said that he will come to us, alas, it does not have time, but in advance hid the gifts for everyone in the department, and the map was abducted, torn, and again - was hidden by evil trolls. You can, they might, prompts to solve and collect pieces of the card - you will find gifts, but not - do not get anything. Together with the letter - the first tip.

Tips indicate the place where the next tip and a new piece of the card are hidden. And, of course, only "our" man can understand them. For example: "Maybe a treasure burned under the blooming maple?" (The tip is glued under the windowsill under the flower, the leaves of which are really very similar to the maple) or "our secret will fit the one that in the far corner it costs, the long, skinny, horned" (hanger with a hollow counter, in which the tip rolled up on the tube and a piece of card). Total 10 tips. Print the card again, on a h / w printer, having previously closed with white rectangles signatures, cut into 10 pieces. Uff, everything is ready.

In the evening, on the eve of the holiday with a smart look (Eh, I still need this summary of this summary ... But you do not wait for me, I myself causing ...) I delay at work. According to plan, hiding tips with pieces of cards and small gifts.

About them a separate word. Of course, in this pre-holiday hype, it is usually no time nor money for something similar and useful. No problem! Of course, everyone will be happy to receive a small card addressed to him from Santa Claus and, let's say, mini chocolate. Postcards I made my own hands: I embroidered a small New Year's motors in advance and placed them on the rectangles cut from glossy business cardboard. Instead of purchased wrapping paper - painted with gold and silver handles lilac corrugated paperEach gift is tied with gold and silver threads. Surprises tiny, hide it is not difficult, and get nice:. The whole day in my head is only one thought - just no one noticed anything prematurely!

New Year's holiday with colleagues

And here we are at the festive table. Naturally, beautifully served, decorated white snowflakes and gold stars, in the center - a wonderful New Year's composition with a burning candle (Oh, and how we all did it all together! So they have fun, they have fun!). The first toasts are told, the first worm is frozen, the conversations have come about, about this .... I get out of the letter from Santa Claus. And now all seven people led by the bosses run through the cabinets in search of pieces of cards. Laughter, screams, the first difficulties with tips and mad joy from the solution of the problem. When all pieces are found, they must be folded. Finally, the "puzzle" is assembled. Instead of cutting a black and white card, it takes out color, with signatures and pointers. What makes it clear with it immediately. New task.

But the inscriptions are read, the card is carefully examined and everything becomes clear that this is our department that names are signs of gifts and that everything that remains to find them. And again seven people with a huge deployed card in his hands are worn around the cabinets and seek gifts, almost turning the safes and not moving the furniture, and rejoicing the found chocolate, as if gold ingots ...

Conversations about this game, I had enough impressions for several months, gratitude - perhaps, enough until the end of life. After almost a whole year, only one question is tortured - what would be more such a new and interesting to come up with the next holiday?!

Smirnova Olga (SOVA)

In preparation for the new year's meeting, someone books the table in the restaurant, and someone is a festive menu ... But there are those who will work on New Year's Eve and provide a holiday to other people. The site found out what kind of meeting the New Year in the service of the stewardess, the hotel manager, the employee of McDonals, the lead and duty of the Kiev Metro.

Evgeny, leading events, MS:

For me to meet new Year At work - the case is familiar: for 14 years of work, the leading 7 years I spend the festive night on the stage, with a glass of champagne in my hands, which sometimes becomes the first and last in the entire New Year's Eve - sit down and even it does not always work out. In a different way, I can not imagine the new year. It is better to meet him at work for me than to sit in front of the Tasik "Olivier" and in the midwerome to watch the 156th release of the New Year's light, where every two minutes they show either Maxim Galkina, or Nikolai Baskov!

And we usually miss and do not have to sleep. By the way, above the listed artists sometimes meet the new year with us! Every new year - new faces, new acquaintances, cities and impressions. And who is how we are leading? Imagine if it were not for us?!

Working in the New Year is my job, and I have to do it, just like the border guards, a conductor, a doctor and others who helps and facilitates the lives of people. Many believe that this is "lightweight bread." I bought myself a new suit, learned a pair of three toast, and there - drink, dance and have fun with people. I never agree with it! This is a very hard work that someone has to perform, as they do the same doctors, firefighters and others. Therefore, I repeat: "Who if we are not leading?!".

It is better for me to meet him at work, than to sit in front of the Tasik "Olivier" and in the midwerome to watch 156 release of the New Year's light

Over time, you get used to everything. And my friends and our relatives have long been accustomed to and adapted to celebrate this holiday with me, if possible. I usually book a table for friends and relatives in the institution where I speak. Although it happens that such an opportunity does not fall out. In this case, the joint celebration is transferred to the first or on the second January. In our country, all January "Pey da Gulyi" are solid holidays.

Yes, per night I drink one glass of champagne, with whom you congratulate people at midnight. Usually he is the only one, since the work of the lead implies sober thinking and a clear pronunciation! Although it happens differently. It all depends on the contingent of people. It happens that guests are also asked to sit with them in the breaks and celebrate this holiday.

The desire did not have time to make up and did not even try. At this point, I am doing that I congratulate people on the New Year, and I control it, so that they themselves do not forget to make a desire for the battle of the Kurats.

Each new year is remembered only by positive moments. Although in the head and the curiosities that happened on New Year's Eve are postponed. One of them occurred in one of the pensions of Yalta, where I was lucky to perform on New Year's Eve. At 23:50, according to the scenario, all guests came out of the restaurant to the nearby basin for the new year meeting. Under the battle of the chimes, after my congratulations, on the same scenario, exactly at 00:00 should have been salute. Everything was smooth and without lining. People came out, broadcasting the speech of the president sounded, the fight of the chimes, my congratulatory text, and finally the long-awaited salute. But he sounded, as it turned out, unexpectedly, for Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, standing behind my back and in a step from the pool. From the fright, these New Year characters fell into the pool. No one expected such a surprise. People are naturally very pleased, cheated - and, I am sure that I remember for a lifetime!

Natalia, Stewardess:

We have a new year at work in work in a year, that is, if I was in the service in 2013, then I will meet at home 2014. Usually it does not happen - after all, everyone is combined by a festive atmosphere! All at home has family, relatives and relatives, and those who fall on the celebration of the New Year on the flight simply come off in full of hopelessness. Our work implies work in a team, so the holidays are held in a very warm and friendly atmosphere!

We have no opportunity to work on holidays, otherwise the work of the airline ceased for these days.

Native and loved ones understand that this is work and not to run away from it, even on such a day.

At work, we can not drink, it is strictly forbidden! But, if you flew on a business trip and until the next flight was at least a day, then yes! Before departure, we pass a doctor, and even one glass of champagne can be easily identified.

The ship commander usually warns about the approach of the new year and informs passengers. And we treat all the glass of champagne, charge the positive from our customers and expect an arrival to celebrate this holiday yourself.

The celebration usually occurs according to the standard program, but according to the traditions of the country in which we actually and fly. The most cool, probably, is to meet the new year at an altitude of 10,000 meters, somewhere over the ocean. I did not have to experience this, but my colleagues were told that it was unusual and cool!

Igor, Hotel Manager:

The new year is a holiday that is of particular importance for me, and I used to spend it in a family circle or with friends. But there are also exceptions to the rules when you have to hold a New Year's Eve at work. Of course, with our team to celebrate the New Year - one pleasure, and if you maintain such a mood, then for all employees this night will also become a festive.

It so happened that from year to year it is impossible to guess if I have a change or not. It all depends on the schedule.

Family and friends understand that if I won't go to work, I will substitute my team. It was my choice when I was arranged to work, and I clearly realize that I would have to work on holidays.

Yes, drink champagne on New Year's Eve the opportunity, but the higher the position I received, the less time it was for a holiday.

Every new year at work was memorable. Many friends tried to come to me "to visit" to work, but it's good that I managed to dissuade them in time.

Eugene, duty station of the Kiev Metro:

To celebrate the New Year at work, it is never lonely, and you always hear greetings from employees and passengers. And in the end, the question disappears: "Where to celebrate the New Year?".

I go to work on schedule. In the metro round-the-clock duty, so some shift still has to meet the new year is not at home. Family to work applies to understanding. And my husband did not want to stay at home and came to my work, and noted.

Yes, I managed to drink a glass of champagne at midnight (but this is a secret!). The desire was made. Until it came true, but everything is going on.

In the end, if you are at work on New Year's Eve, the question disappears: "Where to celebrate the New Year?"

I remember how at 00.00 on the speakerphone congratulated all passengers at the station with the coming new year, and Mandarius were given to the machinists of each train.

Sergey, McDonald's Worker:

Few know that McDonald's workers on New Year's Eve work until 22.00. But on the eve of the meeting of the New Year in the service is really fun. First, you surround you (until 22.00) those people with whom you work all year, and all the steep mood. Everyone is rejoiced, and work is faster. Personally, I worked on the New Year's Eve only 1 shift (I spent the 2012 year).

I went to work on December 31st, according to the schedule. As set, you work. Relatives reacted calmly. They just told that he came home faster and helped to cover on the table.

Champagne drinked before leaving home. There was a traditional discovery of champagne with cotton, director or senior on shift spoke toast, and then all this quickly drank, because it was necessary to rush home.

The funniest is to work on January 1st. We open at 11 am on this day. We accept orders from visitors, you see their lucky faces (you envy a little - you're at work), you congratulate you and surprise: "How do you work? Come with us New Year to celebrate! "

Read us

Warm autumn mood smoothly goes fabulous, magical time of year! This is a special time when the long-awaited, favorite holidays are coming. The new year is completely close! If you have to celebrate the New Year at work, it's time to plan an unforgettable holiday!

The new year at work may not be worse than the celebration in the family and friends. How to spend the new year at work? The main thing is to prepare in advance - then you will spend your time! In addition, the meeting of the New Year at work is great for your team. The office party will not be boring if you advance all the details - the menu where you are turned on, games and other entertainment!

Decorations and scenery

The new year at work will be more atmospheric if you connect a little fantasy and place the office on a festive style. It can be brilliant banners with the inscriptions "Happy New Year!", Sparkling garlands, tinsel, miniature Christmas trees and a ball suspended to the ceiling. You can scatter confetti all over the room, but do not forget - later there is a cleaning. In general, diverse as nothing else!

New Year's Games 2017

In advance of the new year, the new year at work will charge the entire team of the festive mood. A good choice will be karaoke, you can arrange a Men's tournament VS Women. Such a "talent show" will create a relaxed atmosphere and will liberate your colleagues. Find detailed new year scenarios at work on the Internet, select and adapt to your team.

Food and Drinks

Food for the New Year Corporate at work can be different. Order pizza, sushi, Chinese food, or agree on the eve of colleagues, let everyone bring something from himself.

Cookies with the words of Happy New Year written from the glaze will add a festive atmosphere, and the bookers with wishes inside will surely raise the mood and help to arrange a new year at work truly. Suggest a variety of drinks, including champagne for New Year's toasts. If you are worried that office comrades can drink too much, it is better to avoid strong drinks and restrict ourselves to the presence of only champagne.


Audio reference sets the desired mood to any event, including the New Year's holiday at work. Place sound sources all over the room so that the music sounds evenly on the volume. Before celebrating the New Year at work, ask your colleagues, what kind of music they like, so absolutely all in full swing in the festive atmosphere.

Play leaf can be supplemented with standard selections of New Year's music. Try to free the dance floor in your office to be, where to dance, celebrate and fun to meet the New Year 2017 at work.

New Year is always a long-awaited holiday. However, it doesn't matter where you have to spend 2017 New Year, the main thing is your festive attitude and the desire to celebrate this day unique. Well, do not forget about about, wherever without chosenness! We hope this article will help you make new ideas for the new year at work. And then, believe me, you will have the best holiday!

December brings a feeling of magic, fairy tales and hopes that life will soon go on the white strip - the new year comes. Once a family holiday confidently migrated to other areas of life of a modern man. New Year's corporate parties have become a cheerful tradition. Well, if the company flourishes, and the manual can order a restaurant or some kind of exotic look. And if not, you can wonder the new year in the office.

The reason is special, it is necessary to prepare and attract the maximum number of employees to the creation of a festive atmosphere. Collective brainstorming on the development of the script will turn the suit at the table in an unforgettable " New Year's matinee»For adults.

In this article:

Decorate the office for the new year: stylish, original, fun

The atmosphere of the New Year holiday is already twisted in the air, but no one has canceled the working situation in December. Therefore, the abundance of different jewelry is not Comilfo. But the Christmas balls of one, two or three colors (preferably matte) and a small amount of tinsel in the tone - what is needed.

Christmas tree - chief attribute of the new year. Naturally artificially, so as not to sweep the needles every day, the more the color of such beauty can be chosen any, even corresponding to the symbolism of the company. In the presence of fantasy, you can with a Christmas tree from the product that the company trades or produces.

And if there is very little space in the office space, then the exit will be. Such a Christmas tree is attached at any convenient place and is made from the same balls, tinsel, garlands, branded business cards, badges, pens. You can create it even from colored paper or stickers with wishes.

They brought beauty and looked around. If the messages on the tables are included in the dissonance with a festive atmosphere, it is better to get rid of it. After all, general cleaning before the new year is the usual thing. And after that, each workplace can be decorated with a small Christmas tree, a vase with candy or a figurine.

What to cook for a festive table?

Sources of New Year's abundance on the table can be different:

  • guide takes the task of herself, ordering food with delivery,
  • a certain amount is allocated, employees must dispose of her at its discretion,
  • participants are discarded in a common cashier, the amount is spent by agreement,
  • each gets the task to cook a specific dish
  • bring something from home.

If we decided with the order of finished dishes, then the question is resolved. It remains only to discuss the quantity and quality of beverages, but if the buffet is engaged in the chef, then with this order.

The last option can turn into a quiet horror. It is possible that the table will be stolen with diverse plates and VAZs with Salat Olivier and Khotod, who trembles or already spreads from fear of being eaten.

On the chairs are laid out walnuts, covered with a newspaper, and the ladies are sitting on top. The task of each is to determine the number of nuts under it.

Men can play Russian roulette. A dish with eggs is solemnly taken and it is reported that all boiled, but one raw was lost among them. Obelchka must break the egg about his forehead. The next hero does the same. Voltage is growing, waiting for the climax. But the secret is that there is no raw egg there.

A tuna of small swans will be a real decoration of the office holiday. Especially welcome performed by major ladies and men. The main thing is to behave liberately and not be afraid of setting colleagues.

Fantasize, take an active part in the preparation and conduct of the corporate party. Only on you depends, it will be a bright event that all colleagues will remember for a long time, or trivial pastime.