We meet the new year at home in a circle of relatives and friends. How to unusually meet the New Year - the most stunning ideas and scenarios for the holiday unusual New Year traditions of the peoples of the world

The next New Year celebrations are no longer around the corner, and these days you want to give yourself and close a bit of magic. As a true sorcerer, about the magic wand, you should take care in advance, and stuffed up at a complete table to replace the truly interesting festival at a full table. It's time to think about how to celebrate the New Year 2017, so that you and loved by pleasure remembered about the time spent together, and the year has passed fun and successfully.

The Board of Fiery Rooster - what to meet the owner of the year

In 2017, the Red Monkey will fold his authority and will transmit the fiery rooster relay. The impermanence and eccentricity of one little are inferior to the activity and color of the other, therefore next year it will not be boring next year. And in order for you during this period, it is probably lucky, you must try to really try: a vain rooster loves when attention is paid to him and try to respect his whim.

The bird, symbolizing the next year, loves everything bright and red, so its favor is easy to earn a spectacular New Year's outfit, purple or burgundy shade. It can be both a fashionable dress and a stylish costume, but their test and eccentricity will delight a young rooster. However, he is not alien to a good taste, and it is not worth remarking with a variety: all the details need to be thought out and coordinate with each other.

Even a laconic red dress looks spectacular

And what to do those who do not red to face or do not like? It is quite possible to wear clothes of another color located among the favorites of 2017 - yellow and its various shades. And brightness is recommended to add due to the brilliance of expensive flowing fabric - brocade, velvet, silk. It is permissible to wear even in a gentle pastel session, but then it is better to decorate it with one of the following items:

  • gold jewelry or jewelry;
  • brilliant bow on the hat;
  • sparkling rhinestones on the loop, belt, dress cut;
  • fur cape and even boa from feathers.

Extravagance, along with you can give with needlework elements - scarf, embroidery, brooch, hairpin. Wonderful if in this case they will be performed in the form of a rooster. That's what you should not portray, so it is predators - for example, foxes or wolves. It is risky to meet the year of the rooster and in clothing, the print of which will remind him of the Feline family.

Meet New Year need in a chic outfit

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What can and can not be served for a festive table

Favorite dishes of a per-like symbol of the year, as you know, wheat grains are. We have to treat them, of course, it is not necessary, but you will put a beautiful bowl with rice or a joke under the Christmas tree, it will be a symbolic invitation of the roostech to go into this house and give it luck. As for the feast, vegetable and flour, seafood and fish should prevail among the dishes, but it is better to forget about chicken meat and stuffed eggs.

But it is welcomed by the tradition of the Fashion to make dishes in the form of a symbol of the year - a rooster, for example, you can lay out on any salad of multicolored sweet peppers. Instead of the usual bread, the guests are fit to treat freshly baked cocks with sesame, and put the buns of the same form for the dessert, but with a sweet filling. In general, at least one character should remind all those who have gathered about who will rule this year.

Cinnamon Cookie for Christmas Tree Design

What to cook out of meat if the guests do not support the post and want to choose something delicious? Here you will use recipes with pork and beef, but under the New Year you can stock and more in a variety of meat, which even with the simplest processing and feeding can surprise the invited unusual taste:

  • estrasyatina - Dark red meat to taste resembles a young veal, and it is possible to prepare it, just a pick-up for 15 minutes in a mixture of red wine with olive oil (2 tbsp. l. 250 g), baking about 20 minutes at 210 degrees ;
  • olenina - enough hard meat, so stewed dishes from it are obtained with delicious, for example, beefstrogen with mushrooms or roast with sour-sweet berries;
  • python meat is the most exotic dish that can entertain your guests, so push them, so you need to be careful with him, despite the delicate sophisticated taste.

However, when unwillingness, experiment is there is no need to treat people with unusual dishes. Rooster - Creating a homemade, and therefore, in food, notions, and on the table it is allowed to put your favorite family salads.

New Year's salad "in the image"

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Away from the TV - how to entertain yourself and guests

If in clothes and food to the fantasy of the host, it is impossible to complain, then, unfortunately, in the question of entertainment, the hosts often do not be finalized. As a result, instead of a memorable partin it turns out the next many hours of feast, intermitted with the crumpled dances. Of course, you can always contact the professional animators for adults who know exactly how to celebrate the New Year exciting, but what prevents you from independently implementing a few ideas?

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Unusual New Year traditions of the peoples of the world

Interesting interesting classes will come up with a person inherent curiosity - how are residents of other countries going to celebrate the onset of the new 2017? In Italy, for example, a new life cycle is taken to start lighting, and old household appliances, clothes and furniture flies on New Year's Eve from the windows of their homes and apartments.

What can be done with guests in the image and likeness of this custom - do not force them to do your cleaning? Write on paper, what would you like to get rid of and together with the rest solemnly burn the recordings, trimmed ashes - believe me, even the most revealing skeptics in the depths of the soul believe in miracles and the symbolic rites that endorse them.

New Year's meeting in Honolulu

They believe in Ecuador that it's easy to get rid of everything, if you break a glass with water on the street. And currently in Vietnam buy live fish to release it to the will - good luck is attracted. Nepalese necessarily meet the first morning of the new year - for them the holiday of paints begins, on which they paint their faces, sing songs and dance by the fire.

Grapes in Cuba is worshiped as a plant, doning health and prosperity. That is why Cubans believe that new Year's desire I will definitely come true if you make them a clock battle, eating a grape with each blow. In England, adults gather early to have time to play in front of their children an instructive idea of \u200b\u200bthe plot of an old fairy tale.

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First journey in the year Roosha - Disco Bus

A very creative festival can be organized, just changing the place of his bus. Of course, it should be not an ordinary minibus, but a fully equipped professional sound and light equipment, a sort of nightclub on wheels, which is serviced by DJ Stuart. Although perhaps you yourself dream to be in his role?

50 people are comfortable in the disco bus

In the so-called Party-Bus, you can feel like a pop star or a guru of the dance floor and completely unless other people's views. At the same time, you are not limited in the area of \u200b\u200bstay: Want, celebrate in nature, among the snow-covered firings, and after a couple of hours, you have fun on the city square or a piece of the holiday in the festive city.

The medium-sized bus accommodates the lounge zone, several bars, a dance floor with a pylon, a dressing room and toilet room. As a bonus or for a fee, the organizers can also offer smoke-machine, bubble- and confetti shows. The cost of such a holiday for a large company is not burdensome, but the bright impressions of the joint New Year's trip are guaranteed.

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Homemade Hollywood Style

If you are confident in supporting your guests, you can have fun even at home. For example, the meeting itself is to hold as a presentation of the Oscar, where everyone will receive a star status. An organization of such a party should be engaged long before the day comes to celebrate the New Year 2017, but the guests will be remembered for sure.

Oscar-free photo session for new year

Immerse yourself in the star atmosphere before the beginning of the holiday will help the red carpet, unsettled in front of the house. Already only stepping the first step, the guests are attacked by the annoying "correspondents" (this may be the owners either those who came earlier) with typical "Hollywood" questions like "what kind of recipe for your success?" Or would you like to change the floor? "

Of course, the light of soffits (camera with an outbreak), shooting against the background of a huge poster and tantaamarsky with images of actors only enrich the entourage. Consider with satisfying dishes at a party of such a format, probably not worth it. The optimal option is a bundle table with Hollywood Menu:

  • canape, cutting, cupcakes, mini-burgers;
  • grill menu with small pieces of meat and vegetables;
  • classic cocktails - "Mojito", "Blue Laguna", "Margarita";
  • mini-desserts - meringue, macaruna, sorbets.

Fryshot menu for slender mega-stars

After the first hunger thickens, you can offer to the guests to have fun, taking part in thematic contests:

  • "Casting of Talent" - several people become judges, and are still somewhat presented with young performers; The task of them is to make an indelible impression on judges, which, in turn, are trying in every way to find curious flaws in the speech.
  • "I do not recognize you in makeup" - the invited tries to guess who are "filtered" with color markers in the photo, which before that, distributed the "Make-uproceptions" team.
  • "Budget sound engineer" - the participant is invited to sound with any infringeable items film with sound off.

The apogee meeting of the year of the rooster becomes awarding for the best outfit or spectacular dance. And, of course, the best reward is enthusiastic guest reviews about an unforgettable holiday.

One of the main New Year will adopt says: "As you will meet New Year, you will spend it." Perhaps that is why many seek to spend an unforgettable New Year's Eve in a fun friendly company at a luxurious holiday table and interesting entertainment. It is believed that this scenario is capable of attracting good luck in the coming year and charge it with positive energy. From our today's article you will learn how to celebrate the New Year 2017 Fiery Rooster, so that the holiday is having fun and original. What to cook for the new year and how to make an inexpensive but tasty menu. Where you can nicely meet the main winter holiday in Russia and abroad. And also find the main New Year signs for attracting good luck, wealth and prosperity in the coming year.

How best to celebrate New Year 2017 Rooster, Signs

Let's start, perhaps, will take it best to celebrate the new 2017 the year of the rooster. On the eastern calendar, the coming year will be held under the sign of the Red Fiery Rooster - Birds bright, bold and active. Therefore, in order to draw the rooster, this new year is best to meet in a fun and friendly company of relatives and loved ones. Still, the cockerel is a homemade bird and is famous for its big family. Therefore, try to collect in one place of all relatives and very close friends. Or another option: meet a holiday in a family circle, and then go to visit friends.

Regardless of the site of the holiday, it is desirable to prepare an interesting scenario with many fun contests. I will enjoy the fiery rooster and the idea of \u200b\u200ba New Year's party in the style of a ball masquerade with bright masks and outfits. If we talk about the interior decor, it is best to celebrate the new year 2017 a rooster according to the signs in place with an abundance of Christmas decorations. The more garlands, tinsel, snowflakes and other thematic decorations will be, the better. But do not forget that the room should be decorated with taste and preferably in the correct color scheme of the new symbol - a red-orange-yellow palette. In addition, natural materials should be used in the room decor. For example, christmas decorations made of grains, straws, dry plants, flax, clay. These materials are most associated with a rooster. In addition, they are withstanding in the right warm color scheme.

How to meet a rooster: what to cook and what should be the menu for the new 2017 year

A special point is how to properly meet the rooster do you have to cook and what menu should be for the new year 2017. It is unlikely that we surprise you, saying that Kuryatin is not a place on the holiday table this year. An even account, like chicken eggs in pure form, which is better replaced by quail. Instead of chicken meat on the table there may be turkey, lean pork or duck. But note that it is undesirable to serve a bird baked in the oven, in general, the cut meat is better added to salads and hot dishes.

Of course, how to meet a rooster, or rather, to cook and what menu should be for the New Year 2017, each mistress solves herself. But there is a list of dishes that should certainly be in the New Year's menu. First of all, simple disasters from vegetables and fruits must be present on the festive table. It can be both salads, original cuts and snacks and desserts. It is desirable not to hand over vegetables and fruits subjected to heat treatment, but to use them in fresh form. Also enjoy the pennate symbol of the year. Fresh greens, nuts, legumes. If you want to truly position the fiery rooster in the coming year, then be sure to prepare one whole wheat dish. For example, it may be baking or dessert by the type of Christmas Kuti.

Options for festive dishes for the new year of the fiery rooster

Next you will find a list of dishes that can be a great basis for the New Year's menu-2017. Almost all of them are quite simple in preparation and are familiar to our kitchen. However, you can always make originality and unusual menu using seafood, spices, Korean Korean elements - all of them are also perfect for meeting New Year 2017. So, options for festive dishes for the New Year's Table:

  • fish (salmon, trout, halibut, dorada)
  • baked meat with vegetable garnish (potatoes, cauliflower, zucchini)
  • vegetable Salads with Olive Oil
  • marinated snacks
  • mushrooms
  • cheese slicing
  • desserts with fruit
  • assorted nuts, seeds, berries
  • fresh Vegetable and Fruit Juices, Compote, Mors

Of course, this list of products and dishes is approximate. It can always be supplemented by Olivier, herring under a fur coat and chilot for our New Year's menu. But make certain adjustments and supplement the festive table "correct" for the rooster products costs certainly. Even if you do not believe in signs, such healthy foods will have a positive effect on your health on New Year's Eve.

How and where fun and originally celebrate the new year of the rooster

The question of how and where is originally and fun to meet the new year of the fiery rooster, can be called one of the most relevant. There may be several answer options for these questions. For example, astrologers assure that it is best to celebrate the coming year at home. They explain their position by the fact that the fiery cock, despite its active start, poultry, appreciating the family and comfort. From here there is a logical question, how fun and original can be found new year of the rooster at home? The answer is simple: think in advance cheerful thematic scenario Or invite animators. The more jokes, funny competitions, cheerful games will be on New Year's Eve, the better for your company, and for fiery rooster.

If you do not consider the option with home New Year's homework, then give preference to quiet and cozy cafes and restaurants. Among the main conditions for choosing suitable place Must be: home cooking, cheerful show program, calm music, cute interior. Such a situation is not better to contribute to relaxation and help you feel also comfortable, like at home.

Original seats for meeting New Year

For active and extraordinary personalities, who want to get a maximum of driving on New Year's Eve to the new year's option in the fresh air. It can be the main tree of the city, the central street, a park or even a country villa. You can also go to the active holidays in the forest or the nearest ski resort. As for the meeting options for New Year's Eve in distant and exotic countries, the astrologers are not recommended to go on travel away from home. It is better to give preference to local and nearby sanatoriums, hotels and resorts.

Where beautiful and inexpensive can be found new year 2017 in Russia

If you choose a place where you can nicely meet the new year 2017 in Russia quite easily, then with the prefix "inexpensive" make it much more difficult. At first, new Year's holidayand is always the time of increasing accommodation prices and travel in most cities and resorts. And secondly, the majority of tourists seek to visit the New Year in the famous places, which goes by itself increases their value. Therefore, if you want to be beautiful and cheap to meet the new year 2017 in Russia, then plan your holiday in advance. It is desirable for 3-4 months to book tickets and rooms in hotels, the place of New Year's holiday. Also, a well-thought out plan of excursions and entertainment will also save significantly.

  • St. Petersburg
  • Kazan.
  • Moscow
  • Great Ustyug
  • Krasnaya Polyana
  • cities of the Golden Ring of Russia
  • Yakutia
  • Kamchatka
  • Karelia

In any case, how to celebrate the new year 2017 is best, including where and with whom, you can only solve you. But we hope that our small tips, signs, tips on what to cook and what should be the menu should help you decide on this issue. And your New Year's Eve will go fun, original, interesting and unforgettable!

Even such a bright and important holiday, as the New Year can be found fun and fiscal. To do this, you only need warmth of loved ones, their smiles and a good mood. Spend a new 2020-2021 year in a family circle without extra cost And at the highest level!

New Year, probably the most beloved holiday. All because it is associated with children's memories, fairy tale and magic. They say, "How to celebrate the New Year - I will spend it", but what should I do if the financial means do not have to celebrate the new 2020-2021 year in a lush festival and a gorgeous table?

The answer is very simple - to meet the new year fun and in the circle of the family! Only this option, perhaps, will satisfy everyone and will leave only the most positive emotions from the festive evening.

Where and how to celebrate the new 2020-2021 inexpensive?

The best option in this situation will be to visit. It's no secret that many love to celebrate the new year noisy and cheerful company With many contests, dances and fun. Such evenings are usually remembered for a long time.

Customizing to go to visit friends or relatives, you must be sure to stock gifts for everyone. And this feature concerns the issue of the "budget" of the holiday, as the gifts themselves can incur serious waste.

In this case, a festive lottery comes to the rescue! You need to have a bag (a symbolic item for gift storage) and presents exactly as much as guests will be present.

The meaning of the lottery is that no one knows what kind of gift it will come.

  • It can be beautiful and necessary in the farm cup with New Year's symbolism, and there may be a plastic scallop.
  • Pulling a certain number Each member himself determines a gift for himself and gets it.
  • How fun to become when the gifts literally "coincide" with their owners and on the contrary: a bald man gets scallop, and a girl on a diet - chocolate.
  • This pastime will leave unforgettable impressions and memories of each guest and no one even will definitely prove that you did not prepare qualitatively for the holiday!
  • Attention and creative approach, as practice shows, more than just!

How to spend the new year 2020-2021 budget in the hotel in your city?

  • The celebration of the new 2020-2021 can solve the city itself in which you live. The larger the city - the more a variety of hotels and hotels of a different plan and budget. If you book a hotel room in advance, you can save money and plan a pleasant leisure.
  • The fact is that many hotel institutions provide a discount on the settlement in New Year's Eve. All because the numbers do not be empty and were set to the maximum. Hotels also provide entertainment program In the form of New Year's lights or instrumental ensembles, entertaining the public in the hotel's restaurant.
  • Plus, this pastime is complete freedom of action and rest from the kitchen work, and minus in that (and maybe plus) that such a new year need to meet together! Pleasant romantic dinner, dancing, courtship, compliments and a separate hotel room at your disposal. Such a new year is a wonderful gift for a married couple, which is tired of life, children and gray everyday life.

How to spend a fun new year at home with children?

The most pleasant holiday - spent in the circle of his beloved family. Children tend to perceive the new year as a fairy tale and the time of execution of desires. In the new 2020, distracted from all problems and give a magical holiday to their children.

There are many ways to have a great time.

  • Please take your children a joint walk on sleds, if the weather allows. Ride on the snowy hills or rinks, go to the city tree and be sure to capture a camera with you to capture every moment for a long memory. Agree, for this you do not need to spend money, and pleasure get all the huge.
  • Hold a separate time for joint crafts for the new year. How fascinating and quickly flies the time for cutting the snowflakes and drawing cards with your loved ones. Such postcards are the warmest and joyful for their relatives and keep the soul particle.
  • And how do children love Christmas cookies! Agree, in order to bake cookies do not need a lot of money and strength. The necessary ingredients will always be on kitchen shelves. Divide the joy of creating figures with children. Create edible snowflakes, snowmen, Christmas trees or even animal figures, as 2020 is a white metal rat. Decorate the cookie with icing and do not regret the figure, but enjoy the most delicious cookie in the world, looking through the Christmas movies with the whole family.

Competitions and games for celebrating the new 2020-2021 in a family circle

It is incredibly fun and happily to arrange contests in the new year 2020-2021. They create the appropriate mood and are able to captivate each, family member. It is necessary to prepare for contests in advance, since you will need some attributes and not expensive symbolic prizes.

Competition "Fishing under the Christmas tree"

This is a fun competition that will definitely enjoy all family members.

  • To do this, you need to make about 10 balls from the pharmacy wool in advance.
  • Just coming and hang it until the ball gets. Such a ball can be decorated with watercolor paints so that he is more like a Christmas tree toy.
  • Another attribute is a fishing rod. It is performed from stick, fishing rods and pins.
  • The task is very simple - to dress the Christmas tree without touching the decorations with your hands.
  • Incredibly deft should be movement to fulfill the task quickly and efficiently.
  • Background such a lesson can be Christmas music. The contest "Fishing under the Christmas tree" will bring you a lot of pleasure, and the winner is a symbolic prize.

Competition "Frosty Breath"

This competition is very simple.

  • You will need to prepare the number of snowflakes in advance equal to family members.
  • Territory, for the contest, choose a large: living room or corridor.
  • Task: Using only breathing to bring your snowflake to the finish line faster than all.
  • Sometimes, the holding of the competition is simply impossible because of the abundance of laughter from all family members. The winner of the competition, of course, receives a pleasant prize.

Competition "Crocodile"

The most popular and favorite game is "crocodile".

  • Its meaning is that the participant without words and sounds should portray something that the rest should guess.
  • On New Year's Eve stands to diversify the theme, for example, fabulous characters or even New Year's songs.
  • The simplicity and ease of the competition be biblied from the first minutes and you do not notice how fun flies time for laughter, games and joy of joint pastime.

Competition "New Year's creativity"

For this contest you will need a bag with not studies.

  • Use the New Year Cap instead of the bag, it will be more festive.
  • The meaning of the game is that every family member alternately chooses his note.
  • Only one word is written on the note and this word serves as a task itself.
  • With a word that you caught, you will have to sing a song or tell the verse.
  • And if you happen so that you cannot remember this, you can always give flight fantasy and show your creative personality.

Game "Letter Santa Claus"

  • Each family member alternately pulls the envelope with a word group.
  • In each envelope under the numbers 1,2,3 ... one word is written
  • The presenter reads the letter template by Santa Claus, and each of those present reads their word with the corresponding number in the right place
  • So, the meaning of written can vary significantly and cause a sea of \u200b\u200bemotions.

Example: "Letter Santa Claus"

Dear, Grandfather Frost! Glad to congratulate you with the new 2020 year and I wish you a great mood!
This year I was very .... (harmful, nasty, capricious), so he deserved from you as a gift .... (belt, rose, poddle agent). I promise to behave in 2020 .... (bad, terribly, naughty) and give close to many ... (hassle, worries, troubles), etc.

When the whole "picture" folds the letters, it is very fun to observe the people of loved ones, and especially children. Do not miss the chance to swear over puzzled kids and please sweet prizes.

It does not matter how and where you meet the new 2020-2021, if you spend time together with your family and loved ones. To have fun to spend the new year, it is not necessary to spend a bunch of money and to refuse themselves. The most valuable is warm and comfort of homemade hearth and smiles of children.

Video " How to celebrate the New Year? Game for the whole family "

The last days of warm summer have already ended, on the nose of the Indian summer and rainy autumn, and behind it the beautiful winter and the meeting of the new 2017, the main and all beloved holiday.

Tradition to celebrate New Year

The tradition of celebrating the New Year seems to be always existed, the history of the holiday has more than 25 centuries. After baptism in Russia, the New Year was greeted twice - March 1 and September 1. The tradition of meeting the new year was on January 1, Peter I introduced, partly this decision of the king was caused by love for European traditions.

The emperor personally followed the celebration of the New Year to go merrily and trigger, launched fireworks, sang songs and danced. The tradition with a scope to celebrate the New Year in this form reached the present day.

2017 - the year of the red fiery rooster. On the one hand, astrologers prophesy to us a turbulent time, full of passions, and on the other hand, it is emphasized that the rooster loves order and, perhaps, will figure out with the Kavardak, who left a monkey - symbol of 2016.

The rooster is known for a hot-tempered temper, a responsible attitude, high vigilance, loud voice and a thrift attitude towards his family. It is worth thinking in advance how, where and with whom you are going to meet the fiery owner of the year.

How to celebrate New Year 2017?

The most popular answer is fun, but can it be otherwise? Everyone has his own recipe, how fun to meet the New Year. Someone prefers a noisy company and traditional feast with contests and charades, others like a quiet dinner with candlelight. It all depends on your mood.

Where to meet the new year 2017?

Since the rooster is a homemade bird, then it is best to celebrate in a homely cozy atmosphere. House you can decorate in red, yellow and orange tones. For decoration, use wicker baskets, dry spikelets and herbs. Add a few homemade figures from a puff dough in the form of a puff pastry in the Christmas wreath.

The decoration of the table can also be withstanding in a rustic subject: clay dishes, linen embroidered tablecloth and burlap napkins. All these attributes will add identity to your holiday, and the rooster will feel at home.

Hospiters in the New Year's Eve will have to seriously work out over dinner for the whole family. Rooster feeds with grains, so do not forget to actively use them in your dishes. For example, you can decorate a salad with cedar nuts or offering baked bread with sunflower seeds. Meat perfectly suitable as the main dish. Avoid the dishes from the bird, the rooster can be offended!

What to celebrate the New Year 2017?

The ideas of the New Year 2017 meeting are mainly associated with the following year. You please go rooster if you dress up to him, that is, in red colors. It is believed that the red color distinguishes evil spirits and evil. Fashionable styles will come by the way on New Year's Eve, because they are merged into them that she likes the rooster - simplicity and luxury.

Be bright and bold, apply makeup in fiery colors, use sequins in the shadows, emphasize your eyes with colored bold arrows. Think out your image thoroughly, twist before the mirror, appreciate yourself in several outfits - the rooster also loves to flush, he evaluate your works on dignity and will help spend a year on a good wave.

Do not forget about gold jewelry, they will attract good luck and prosperity in the new year.

The main thing is to know the measure in everything: so as not to turn into a spinning parrot, concentrate on the colors of one gamma. The only prohibition in the choice of image is distributed to the "predatory" prints that can be associated with the symbol of the year with danger and ill-gratefulness.

Who to celebrate the New Year 2017 with?

Although the fiery rooster is a famous home and family man, he will explain to the idea of \u200b\u200bmeeting a new year with friends, but he himself would certainly prefer a narrow family circle. How interesting to meet the new year 2017 will prompt your environment.

Amateurs board games It will be able to have fun with a game type or imaginarium type games, Allyias or UNO. Fans of films can arrange a marathon of favorite New Year comedies or revise all the New Year's appeals of the president to the people. Supporters of active entertainment will have to do in the soul in snowballs, smearing the snowmen to the speed, sledding with ice slides.

How do people celebrate New Year 2017 in Moscow?

New Year's meeting in Moscow will definitely be unforgettable, the capital will decorate bright lights, and the mild climate will not allow you to freeze you even with a crowded walking. You can meet the new year in the Red Square under the battle of the chimes!

How fun to meet the new year?

Since the "quality" of the New Year's meeting in the understanding of a modern person is equivalent to how you spend this year, you must first note this holiday fun, brightly and unforgettable. Then the year will be the same! The fun of your feast will add champagne and light wines, and interesting contests among guests will help to relax after a hard day, full of troublesome preparations.

Meet new year inexpensive

The budget of the celebration begins from 300 rubles spent on a bottle of champagne and fireworks, and does not have the upper border. True romance will come to the soul of a New Year's starry night, lovers of active adventures can remember childhood in an ice town and ride with the highest slide.

How to find a new year?

Use a popular idea thematic party, let guests come in masquerade costumes. Or will surprise them with this idea right on the threshold and, giving out the appropriate material, let the costumes of the costumes themselves. This idea is only suitable for those who have friends are easy to rise! Think up the development of the idea in the form of thematic dishes and entertainment.

How do people meet New Year?

According to statistics, only 10% of the population leave for New Year's holiday from the country, and the vast majority - 47% - meet the new year at home with the family, which would like the fiery rooster. 23% of the country's inhabitants celebrate a holiday with relatives and friends, while 10% in the restaurant. And only 3% of our countrymen are not refused to celebrate this holiday and just go to bed.

New Year 2017 Meeting Ideas

Many families and companies have their established new year meeting traditions. Among interesting ideas, you can call the compilation of the list of achievements for the next year. All lists are folded into one box and sealed, and after a year, when you again gather together, it will be interesting to read the message "last year's today" from yourself, to evaluate that it was important for you then and that from this list it remains unfulfilled. It is also important to thank each other and note the achievement of the outgoing year, recall the significant events, revise significant photos and with a positive attitude to meet the coming year.

New Year's meeting with friends

Meet the New Year with friends seeks all young people, usually after the battle of the chimes and the stalls of glasses, young people seek to sleep from the parent home to have to have fun! With friends you can meet in the club, stroll or ride around the city, launch fireworks and much more! Typically, parents belong to such codes with condescension, all the same a big holiday, and youth once.

Features of the new year meeting 2017

A feature of the new year meeting 2017 is that it is necessary to skillfully combine the simplicity that the rooster and noble glitter love. Try to please the rooster, and he will thank you in the new year. Be careful to the family, allow all conflicts and quarrels, let nothing holds you last year. Even if your holiday is not so smooth, you can fix everything when meeting the old new year.

New Year 2017 Meeting

New Year is a magical time and no matter how old you are 5 or 40: At this time, miracles happen, people begin to treat good friend To a friend and give promises to become better next year. Regardless of the circumstances, where and how you will meet the New Year, let it be joyful and cheerful for you, and the festive and raised mood will remain with you for a whole year.

Video: How to decorate the Christmas tree for the new year 2017?