Livanov's son Boris for what. Why was Boris Livanov - the son of Vasily Livanov

The popular director, actor, screenwriter Vasily Livanov built an ideal career, was famous all over the world and received many worthy awards. But fate took away his happiness in family life. His middle son Boris derailed everything he had achieved and caused a lot of pain to his daughter Eva and his parents.

The popularity of Vasily Borisovich Livanov brought only professional happiness. In his personal life, everything was not so smooth. Son Boris Livanov brought a lot of suffering to his parents. In an interview, the director admitted that he was afraid of his own middle son.

Boris Livanov could be happy, because he grew up in a family of intellectuals. He graduated from high school in Moscow, then went to the Oxford language school in England. After returning, he was engaged in writing scripts, poems, and performed theatrical roles. But he never became famous. The guy showed aggression, was angry at his parents, at professional failure. He started to get drunk. Acquaintances and neighbors whispered that his uncontrolled actions would end in a stabbing. On New Year's Eve, a 34-year-old man hacked to death with an ax a drinking buddy, beating him in the stairwell and jumping on his head. The ax was never found, his wife Ekaterina threw it away. Boris killed out of jealousy. Before the holiday, the man quarreled with his girlfriend Natalya, who forbids drinking alcohol, and went to his ex-girlfriend, Ekaterina.

Before meeting Ekaterina, Boris did not drink, but after meeting he began to come to the university drunk, he got into the police because of a fight with the girl’s gentlemen. Soon they were both expelled from the university. The couple got married due to Catherine's pregnancy. They had a daughter, Eva, with serious hearing problems. Vasily Livanov and his wife paid for the operation and bought a hearing aid for the girl. The life of Boris and Catherine has not changed. Vasily Borisovich's wife wanted to arrange custody of Eva, but could not, her son refused. In 2003, she filed a complaint with the police department because Boris threatened her. During the scandal with his mother, he was drunk at home, Eva sat in tears, and Katya was handcuffed so as not to leave Boris.

After a while, Boris divorced Catherine and Eva stayed with him. Boris killed a man and received a prison term of 9 years, which was later reduced to 8. Eva again got to her mother. The elder Livanovs fought with Ekaterina for the rights of guardianship, and nevertheless they issued them 4 years later with the consent of Boris. After prison, Boris moved to the Livanovs' dacha, wrote a book and maintained a family archive. He began a relationship with actress Maria Golubkina, and in 2017 with university girlfriend Angelina Frolova. Boris gave his daughter to Catherine.

Vasily Livanov: biography of the famous film director, screenwriter and writer

Vasily Borisovich Livanov was born on July 19, 1935 in the capital of Russia. The parents of the People's Artist of the Soviet Union were Boris Nikolaevich Livanov (1904-1972) and Evgenia Kazimirovna Livanova (1907-1978). Kachalov, Dovzhenko, Pasternak, Tarkhanov, Konchalovsky constantly came to visit them. He studied at the Moscow secondary art school at the Academy of Arts of the USSR and graduated in 1954. Later he graduated from the Theater School. Shchukin in 1958, Higher courses in directing at the State Cinema of the USSR in the workshop of Mikhail Romm, in 1966.

In 1966-1973 he worked at the Soyuzmultfilm film studio as a director. Vasily Borisovich voiced approximately 300 characters in cartoons. He was a co-author of the cartoon "The Bremen Town Musicians" and "In the Footsteps of the Bremen Town Musicians" with Y. Entin and G. Gladkov. The popularity of the actor brought the role of Sherlock Holmes in the serial film "Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson." From 1979 to 1986, four films were shot with his participation in two series and one in three. In 1986, the film "My Favorite Clown" directed by Yuri Kushnerev appeared on the screens based on the story written by Vasily Livanov. Gradually, he stopped working as an actor, only occasionally voiced. Played Don Quixote in Don Quixote Returns (1997), he was also a screenwriter and producer there. He received the role of Professor Stravinsky in the TV series The Master and Margarita by V. Bortko (2005). The last film for Vasily Borisovich was "Bear Hunt" directed by V. Nikolaev (2007).

Vasily Livanov: awards and personal life of a popular director and actor

Vasily Borisovich had two marriages. The first wife was Alina Vladimirovna Engelhardt in 1958, the daughter of the famous biochemist V. Engelhardt. Their daughter Anna was born in 1963. The ex-spouses divorced in 1970.

The second wife in 1972 was Elena Artemyevna Livanova, an animator. They had two sons - Boris (April 2, 1974) and Nikolai (1984). From two sons, Vasily has two granddaughters, Eva and Alice. From daughter Anastasia - two grandchildren.

Children of Vasily Livanov- two sons and a daughter have always been for him the embodiment of his hopes, but not each of them justified them. The eldest daughter Anastasia was born in the first marriage of Vasily Livanov. The actor was in love with his first wife Alina Engelhardt in his youth, but she preferred another man to him. However, after several years of marriage, Alina decided to separate and marry Livanov. Their life could not be called cloudless - the actor liked to drink, while often making scandals. After the birth of their daughter, they lived for another seven years, and Alina Engelhardt finally decided to file for divorce.

In the photo - the children of Vasily Livanov and his wife

Since then, Livanov almost did not communicate with his daughter - his first wife, having learned that a son was born in the new family of the actor, forbade him to meet with Nastya. However, when Anastasia was nineteen years old, she invited her father to her wedding. However, close relations between them did not work out, and the daughter of Vasily Livanov prefers to remember her father as rarely as possible. The actor met his second wife at the Soyuzmultfilm film studio, where she worked as an animator. She gave birth to two more children of Vasily Livanov - the sons of Boris and Nikolai. By the way, the youngest son of the actor is only a month older than his grandson, the son of his daughter Anastasia.

In the photo - the eldest son of Livanov Boris

The children of Vasily Livanov are also creative personalities. Anastasia, after graduating from the Biological Faculty of Moscow State University, eventually became a sculptor, Boris is an artist and writer, Nikolai, like his father, after graduating from VGIK, became an actor. Unfortunately, a few years ago, the eldest son of Vasily Livanov fell into a tragic situation. As a result of a domestic conflict, he killed a man and was sentenced to nine years in prison. By this time he had been married twice and had a daughter from his first wife, who suffered from alcoholism. Yes, and Boris himself experienced a huge craving for alcohol, which worried his parents very much.

In the photo - Vasily Livanov with his granddaughter

According to Vasily Borisovich, he and his wife were tired of the behavior of their eldest son, who was not affected by any exhortations and conversations of his parents. It even happened that Vasily Livanov turned to the police with a request that law enforcement officers protect him from Boris's attacks. Vasily Livanov cost a lot of strength and health to arrange custody of Boris's daughter, who has been hard of hearing since childhood. Only the youngest of the children of Vasily Livanov, son Nikolai, does not give his father any worries. Having graduated with honors from VGIK, he shows great promise and pleases his father.
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The 44-year-old lover of actress Maria Golubkina, actor Boris Livanov, first shared with Boris Korchevnikov how he ended up behind bars, and how difficult his relationship with Golubkina is.

The middle son of People's Artist of the RSFSR Vasily Livanov Boris became a guest of the program "The Fate of a Man", in which for the first time he frankly spoke about the circumstances of the incident, because of which he ended up in prison. In 2009, Boris Livanov was convicted of murder, from where he was released on parole in 2014.

Boris Livanov was married only once. His chosen one, Ekaterina, did not like the artist's parents, because she abused alcohol with her husband.
« Katya has always been very positive, but some things knocked her down. Of course, we drank with her, I drank along with everyone all my life, but for some reason they always noticed me, even if, compared to the rest, I was even almost not drunk. Some time after the birth of our daughter, we had to leave", - said Boris. According to him, the fatal blow was for Catherine that their daughter Eva was born deaf - this is what provoked her addiction to alcohol.

In 2005, Boris and Ekaterina divorced. Daughter Eva often lived with Vasily Livanov and his wife, since her mother was undergoing treatment for alcoholism. Boris had already met with another woman, but on the fateful New Year's Eve in 2009, he again found himself in the company of Ekaterina. The artist celebrated the holiday in Khimki. In the midst of the celebration, Boris and his friends left the apartment to buy more alcohol, and the owner jumped out behind them with a knife. According to witnesses, Livanov hit Khromov several times with a knife.

Maria Golubkina and Boris Livanov with their daughter Eva

« I woke up in the police station with no idea how I got here. At first, this did not cause any fears for me: at that time I visited almost all police departments in Moscow. And then someone says to me: “Why did you kill a person?”
At first I thought it was a joke, but I didn't remember anything myself. There are a lot of questions in that case. Witnesses said that I held the knife in my left hand, although I am right-handed. Someone claimed that I was on the defensive. The man I killed was drunk, he didn't bleed from a lot of ppm. If he had been sober, he would have received minor injuries ... The situation is very murky, I don’t know what happened. Until the end, I did not admit my guilt", - recalls Livanov.

As a result, Boris was sentenced to eight years in prison. His daughter, by court decision, lived with Vasily Livanov and his wife Elena. In February 2016, after a family conflict, 13-year-old Eva ran away to her mother. Subsequently, the girl returned several times and again went to Catherine. After two years, Eva completely reconciled with her father, grandparents.

Last summer, Boris Livanov and Maria Golubkina announced their engagement. Then the couple announced a breakup, but spent the New Year together again. Maria admitted that she loves Boris, but it is very difficult for them to be near each other for a long time. Livanov admits that he cannot imagine the future without Golubkina. " We have a wonderful relationship, incredibly complex. I have now become a victim of domestic violence from her. It took all my experience to attract her and keep her at least for a while. She has a great relationship with my parents. This is Love", - Boris said frankly.

« And to the question: "So what's going on between you?" I will answer - we have a Battle! The battle of Patriarchy and Matriarchy, Yin and Yang, male chauvinism and female feminism, Christianity and paganism, classics and fantasy, Day and Night, in short and in general - everything with everything. Periodically, a truce is declared so that the orderlies of consciousness carry away the wounded arguments from the field, and we can take a break from each other. But, and this is important - no one loses or wins, so far, a damn year and a half already, treating each other with love and tenderness”, admits Boris.

« it's funny that the station is very symbolic in our relationship with Masha - we either meet each other for life, then we see each other off forever, so that, with even greater passion, we meet again", said Livanov.

Boris Vasilyevich Livanov (II). Born April 2, 1974 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian actor, writer. Son of actor Vasily Livanov.

Father - Soviet and Russian actor and director, screenwriter. People's Artist of the RSFSR.

Mother - Elena Artemievna Livanova, animation film artist.

The younger brother is Nikolai Livanov (born 1984), cartoonist.

The elder sister (from her father's first marriage to Alina Engelhardt) is Anastasia (born 1963).

Since childhood, he was surrounded by famous actors and directors - acquaintances of his father. He often visited with his famous parent on the set, in particular, of a film about the adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson.

At the age of six he made his debut on the screen - in 1979 he played a small episode in the film "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson", in which his father played the main role.

Boris Livanov in the film "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson"

After school, he decided to follow in his father's footsteps, studied at the Shchukin School, then at GITIS. He was either expelled due to poor attendance, or taken back - apparently, not without the assistance of Vasily Livanov, who was trying to make an actor out of his son. However, he never graduated from high school.

In 1994, he performed an episode in the film "The Hunt" (his father's long-term partner in the film "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson"), based on the story "Krutoyarskaya Princess" by E. Salias de Tournemire.

In 1997, he played in the film Don Quixote Returns, directed by Oleg Grigorovich and Vasily Livanov. The father played the main role - Don Quixote, and Boris - the bachelor Samson Carrasco. Bulgarian actress Velina Doychenova acted as his partner and on-screen lover.

Boris Livanov in Don Quixote Returns

However, as an actor, Boris Livanov failed to take place - his passion for alcohol prevented him. He "glorified" his family with drunken antics and frequent entry into criminal chronicles.

In 2003, mother Elena Livanova wrote a statement to the police against her son, who threatened her with violence. Boris tried to attack her when she came to his apartment, where he, in a drunken state, handcuffed his wife to a radiator.

“I myself am afraid of my son ... After all, this is not the first time when he throws himself at his mother, then at me. We are very unhappy,” his father Vasily Livanov admitted in an interview.

Boris Livanov with his father

Criminal term of Boris Livanov

In 2009, Boris Livanov was convicted of murder.

The tragedy occurred on New Year's Eve in Khimki near Moscow in the house number 7 on Druzhby Street. We walked in the apartment until 9 am. When the alcohol ended, the company went for a new portion. Following them, the owner of the apartment, 31-year-old Igor Khromov, jumped out, taking with him a hatchet for cutting meat. Already at the entrance, Boris Livanov hit Khromov several times with this same hatchet. He died on the spot.

Boris's father and mother with lawyers achieved that the article on the murder was reclassified to a softer one - "infliction of grievous bodily harm, negligently resulting in the death of the victim." Livanov Jr. was given 9 years in prison. Then they cut it down to 8 years.

Vasily Livanov is sure that there are many white spots in this story. At the trial, a friend of Boris's ex-wife confirmed that she mixed psychotropic drugs with him in alcohol in order to keep the man near her. Say, that's why Boris doesn't remember how he spent the end of December and what happened on January 1st. The day before, Boris stopped by his ex-wife in Khimki to pick up important papers and for some reason stayed there until the New Year. He did not answer the phone, did not want to communicate with anyone.

"The investigation was simply ugly! Otherwise, the Moscow Regional and then the Supreme Courts would not have canceled the article" Murder "and the decisions of lower instances. I was even offered to start the investigation again. If my wife and I were younger, we would have gone for it, but now we won’t be physically able to stand it if we start an investigation again, which lasted a year! What about, for example, the conclusion of two most experienced experts who said that a person did not die at all from superficial wounds? He died from an alcoholic coma, it was 5.8 ppm alcohol, and 1.5 ppm is a bottle of vodka. And the doctors have already been called to the corpse, "Vasily Livanov said.

Boris served his sentence in the Rossoshansky strict regime colony (FKU IK-8) in the Voronezh region.

Boris made documentaries about the life of the colony, which participated in competitions, created the television studio "Candle", published his poems first in the newspaper of the colony, then the city newspaper became interested in him and began to print.

He was released after four and a half years thanks to the exemplary behavior and petitions of the famous father.

The "Holmes" family affair: Vasily Livanov's son returns to freedom. Live

Since 2014, Livanov began to live in his parents' dacha, wrote two books, and kept a family archive.

The growth of Boris Livanov: 192 centimeters.

Personal life of Boris Livanov:

He was married to a woman named Catherine. In 2002, the couple had a daughter, Eva.

The ex-wife, like Boris himself, was fond of alcohol, they often made family scandals and eventually divorced in 2005. Already when Boris was already serving his sentence, a new family conflict arose: Catherine in every possible way prevented her grandparents, Vasily and Elena Livanov, from communicating with her granddaughter Eva. But in the end, the couple managed to ensure that the mother was sent for compulsory treatment for alcoholism, and the girl was placed under their care.

Eva is deaf. Studying in a special school. According to Vasily Livanov, when they took the girl away, Eva had a bump on the back of her head and a bruise all over her arm. “She was beaten by her head on the bed by her drunken mother when she was caught talking to her grandmother on the phone,” he shared.

After leaving the colony, Boris Livanov signed documents officially allowing his daughter Eva to live with his ex-wife Ekaterina.

Boris Livanov and wife Ekaterina with daughter Eva

Ekaterina - ex-wife of Boris Livanov

In 2016, he met with actress Angelina Frolova, known for the TV series “Trace”, “Kulagin and Partners”, etc. They studied together at GITIS. Frolova has two sons, Klim and Demyan, from a previous relationship.

In social networks, both changed their marital status to “dating”. “For the first time, spring began in autumn twenty years ago. And then there was a long long winter ... And again autumn, and again we have spring, ”Boris Livanov put such a romantic signature under one of the joint photos with Angelina.

However, their romance lasted about a year and ended with a break.

In 2017, it became known that Boris Livanov had a relationship with an actress. The families of Golubkina and Livanov had known each other for a long time, Maria and Boris studied together at the Shchukin school. In the Secret for a Million program, Livanov stated that he had been in love with Golubkina for 25 years. “Masha was charming and unattainable, because she had friends older and smarter than us. I have always liked her very much. And with this pure, uncomplicated feeling, I came to visit her to voice the idea of ​​one project. But literally fifteen minutes later I forgot about the purpose of the visit. I understood why for twenty-five years Masha did not get out of my head. It turns out that I was in love, ”said Boris.

In turn, Maria Golubkina stated: “We can say that we have known each other all our lives. And how could it be otherwise? There are three generations of actors in my family, Boris has four. He is the grandson of the legendary actor Boris Livanov and the son of the people's artist Vasily Livanov, with whom my uncle Kirill Laskari was friends. He had just entered, and I was a year older. I did not even doubt that he had brilliant prospects, that he would be a prince and a lucky one all his life ... And then our paths diverged. I got married, gave birth to Nastya and Vanya, Borya also had a daughter, then a well-known difficult story happened to him. And then we met at a new stage in life: free and not quite old yet.

The couple announced an imminent wedding and even an intention to get married. However, their breakup was later announced. On his Facebook page, Livanov wrote that their affair with Golubkina was a "prank".

At the beginning of 2018, information appeared that Boris Livanov and Maria Golubkina had restored relations.

Boris Livanov with Maria Golubkina and daughter Eva

Filmography of Boris Livanov:

1979 - The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson
1994 - Hunting
1997 - Don Quixote returns - Samson Carrasco
2015 - Vasily Livanov. I can take a hit (documentary)

The Savelovsky Court of Moscow last Wednesday, at the suit of the actor Vasily Livanov and his wife Elena, limited their ex-daughter-in-law in parental rights in connection with chronic alcoholism. The ex-wife of the son of the legendary performer of the role of Sherlock Holmes, Ekaterina Khrustaleva, was sent for compulsory treatment, and the 10-year-old granddaughter of the actor Eva was transferred under the care of her grandparents.

The struggle for the fate of the girl went on in court for more than four years, the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper reports. Livanov and his wife first tried to get the right to raise Eva immediately after the verdict passed on their son. In December 2009, Boris Livanov was sentenced to nine years in prison for killing a man in a fight. Later, the Moscow City Court reduced the term to eight years.

36-year-old Boris Livanov killed his friend Igor Khromov as a result of a domestic conflict on New Year's Eve. Then the actor's son quarreled with his common-law wife Natasha and went to his ex-wife Katya in Khimki. On the morning of January 1, they put their daughter to bed and went to visit her for a walk. In the morning, Livanov quarreled with Khromov on the landing, brutally beat him, and then chopped his chest with a kitchen hatchet for cutting meat.

According to neighbors, the killer continued to strike the victim even when he was already lying motionless. At the same time, Livanov shouted to him "Get up, soldier!", Beat his head against the steel corner of the elevator cabin and jumped on his head. The son of the actor was detained in hot pursuit.

Almost immediately after the verdict, Ekaterina Livanova filed a lawsuit demanding that she and her daughter be moved into her ex-husband's Moscow apartment in 1st Ambulatorny Proezd. In 2011, the court left the claims. In turn, Vasily Livanov and his wife Elena filed a counterclaim demanding to limit the ex-daughter-in-law in parental rights and transfer their granddaughter Eva to their upbringing. This lawsuit was also dismissed by the judge.

According to the KP, all this time, Ekaterina blackmailed her ex-husband's parents, telling them that if they want to see their granddaughter, they should give her their son's apartment.

After six months, the mother will be able to ask for a review of the decision

According to Livanovs' lawyer Yulia Kaigorodova, the diagnosis of chronic alcoholism was made to the mother of the actor's granddaughter back in 2000. During the proceedings in court, the narcologist stated that there were no grounds for withdrawing the diagnosis. Catherine's refusal to obey the decision of the Moscow City Court, issued in 2010, also played against Catherine in the process. The woman never underwent a mandatory examination by a narcologist and a psychiatrist, reports Life News.

The lawyer noted that after six months, Ekaterina has the right to apply for a review of the case. In order for her daughter to be returned to her mother, she will have to prove that she has corrected herself, stopped abusing alcohol and got a job. In the meantime, the woman will be treated forcibly. At the same time, she is allowed to see her daughter, who will live with her grandparents.

Vasily Livanov and his wife are going to take care of the girl's health. Eva has had hearing problems since early childhood, she has already undergone one operation, after which she began to hear better. The actor's granddaughter studies and lives in one of the capital's boarding schools. Her mother took her home only twice a week.