How does a cork come out in pregnant women. When and in what week does the mucous plug leave the cervical canal, and is it always accompanied by the onset of labor: what does it look like, how much does it come out

One of the signs that signal an imminent birth is the discharge of the mucous plug. You need to know when she is able to move away, and also what she looks like, because this will allow a woman to foresee the onset of childbirth in time, if necessary, change her lifestyle in order to be completely ready for them.

During pregnancy, a mucous plug forms. It is a lump of mucous structure and viscous consistency, which at first glance resembles egg white in its raw form. A mucous plug is formed and located in the cervical canal, which connects the vagina to the sterile uterine cavity.

When the embryo implants and firmly attaches to the uterine cavity, the cervix undergoes softening and swelling of its walls under the effect of hormones. Cervical cells actively begin to produce cervical mucus. Over time, it represents an increasingly dense-looking clot that is able to completely close the inlet to the uterine cavity from the side of the female vagina.

Cork has a protective function: the body of a woman in position is most susceptible to various infectious diseases, and she does not allow microorganisms to pave the way into the uterus. This can happen even when bathing a pregnant woman in a home bath.

Also in the composition of the mucus there are ready-made antibodies that actively enter the fight in case of penetration of a pathogenic pathogen. The composition of the mucous plug is updated throughout pregnancy, because the cells continue to actively produce their cervical secret. Thanks to this, the cork performs all its necessary functions.

Toward the natural end of pregnancy, the concentration of the hormone estrogen increases, which helps soften this mucus, so the cork becomes more watery and comes out on its own. This usually occurs a few days before the onset of labor.

Isolation of the cork can be the result of:

  • frequent gynecological examinations;
  • excessive contraction of the vaginal muscles during intercourse in a pregnant woman;
  • physical activity and other factors.

Rejection of the mucous plug does not at all mean a complete loss of protective properties; the fetal bladder and the amniotic fluid that fills it also have this function.

Functions of cervical mucus

The secret produced by the cells of the cervical canal has a different color, volume and consistency depending on the day of the menstrual cycle. At the beginning, very little fluid is produced, it may be completely absent from a woman.

The environment in the vagina during this period is acidic, it is detrimental to spermatozoa. During and before ovulation, the production of cervical secretion is carried out as actively as possible, the liquid becomes more transparent, its volume increases. This creates a favorable environment for the penetration of sperm to the egg.

This is the time when pregnancy is most likely. As the end of the cycle approaches, the mucus changes its consistency to a more viscous, thicker one. This is due to a decrease in the amount of estrogen. The pH again drops to the acid side, creating an obstacle for the passage of spermatozoa.

The main function is considered to be protective - a certain barrier is created that prevents the uterus from entering pathogenic agents from the vagina.

Also, on certain days of the cycle, it promotes the penetration of spermatozoa for the fertilization of the egg.

The alkaline nature of the mucus protects the spermatozoa from the vaginal environment, which is acidic under physiological conditions. There is a kind of screening of spermatozoa, which are not mobile enough, and therefore do not have sufficient viability for fertilization.

Mucus plug color

There are no universal parameters. The literature states that the physiological mucus plug is characterized by a transparent color, but practicing gynecologists state that the color changes can be from beige to slightly brown. No pathologies of pregnancy are observed in such cases.

Women often note blood streaks in the composition of the removed cork. You should not worry and immediately contact a gynecologist in this situation: their appearance is associated with injury to small vessels in the neck area during the separation of the cork. It may also indicate the upcoming shortening and maturation of the cervix for childbirth.


In most cases, the volume of the released plug is small, approximately equal to 50 ml. The mucus is secreted in a dense lump, it does not spread and is not absorbed into the fabric, so it is usually immediately seen by women on underwear. The size of the highlighted cork is about 2 cm.


The structure of the mucous lump is viscous and thick. Its separation is quite difficult to miss: a jelly-like lump will be visible on the underwear, which is different from the usual discharge from a woman. In this way, it will differ from the amniotic fluid that flows immediately before childbirth.

Signs of a birth plug

Removing a cork from the cervical canal of a pregnant woman is a harbinger of an early birth. Often the mucous lump departs during the awakening of a woman, during morning water procedures, going to the toilet. The body is relaxed in the morning.

The mucous plug is able to move away at one moment, while the woman understands that something seems to have fallen out of the vagina. After that, a lump of mucus is found on the underwear, which differs in size and consistency from daily secretions. When separating the cork, a woman may experience discomfort, a feeling of sipping in the lumbar region or uterus.

In some situations, it turns out that cervical mucus is secreted gradually over several days. When collecting an anamnesis, it turns out that the discharge from the genital organs has become more abundant and more frequent. The pregnant woman herself may not attach any importance to this, thinking that the cork has not yet come off.

To convince yourself that a cork has fallen out, you can conduct a simple test: if a woman coughs, and no new discharge has appeared, then you should not rush to the hospital.

How does it turn out in primiparous

For a certain percentage of women who are about to give birth for the first time, the cork leaves at a later date, this can happen directly at one of the stages of childbirth. Their cervical lumen is narrow, and its walls are denser in comparison with women who are waiting for the birth of a child not for the first time.

Cork in primiparous often leaves with blood streaks, but at the same time, the presence of negative symptoms in the form of pain, the severity of a woman is often not noted. It can be separated both gradually in parts, and in a single clot.

How does it turn out in multiparous

In women with a history of one or more pregnancies, the walls of the cervical canal have a looser structure. The mucous plug is secreted from them most often at a time, while an admixture or streaks of blood are rarely observed.

Differences between cork and amniotic fluid

Some women, especially those who have not given birth, confuse such processes as the outflow of amniotic fluid and the release of a mucous clot.

Do not confuse the exit of the mucous plug and the discharge of amniotic fluid. If the cork has come off, then this does not at all mean the immediate proximity of childbirth, while the outpouring of water indicates the beginning of labor

You need to be able to differentiate these states, because their further tactics are completely different:

Evaluation parameter Cork amniotic fluid
When departs A few days before the onset of labor At the beginning of labor
Consistency viscous watery
Color Mucous beige, may have blood streaks or a brownish tinge Water is normally clear
Periodicity Simultaneously or portionwise over several days in small clots There is a symptom of a cough shock, constant leakage
Next steps Observation Head to the maternity hospital

How long does it take to go into labor after the cork comes out?

The process of removing the plug from the cervical canal is a signal of large hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman. The number of estrogens is steadily increasing, and the amount of the pregnancy hormone progesterone is decreasing. These changes are necessary in order to prepare the birth canal and uterus for the upcoming birth.

The cork has gone, but it is not known when the birth will begin, since everything happens very individually for each woman.

Therefore, for some, labor activity develops a couple of hours after the recorded discharge of the cork, and some pregnant women can come to the hospital three weeks after the separation of a dense clot.

What to do after the plug

The mucous plug can be removed from the cervix both before the immediate birth and in advance of them. For this reason, you need to pay attention to additional symptoms. If after the discharge of the mucous lump there are no unpleasant symptoms in the form of increasing pain in the lower back, as well as in the lower abdomen, then you should relax.

It is impossible to miss the onset of childbirth, even if they begin at night. If the above symptoms began to bother, then, most likely, this indicates the onset of labor. It is necessary to start preparing for the maternity hospital, after calling the doctor at home.

The cork has gone (when childbirth begins, the woman needs to know in order to react in time), and, therefore, a number of rules must be observed:

  1. Completely limit water procedures in any reservoirs, do not take a bath even at home. It is worth limiting yourself only to washing under the shower, while the stream of the jet should not be directed directly to the entrance to the crotch area.
  2. Refrain from sexual contact. The male secret may contain microorganisms and other substances that can adversely affect the unborn baby.
  3. Be more careful about the cleanliness of underwear, change it more often to prevent the penetration of the provocateur of the infectious process into the uterus.
  4. Wash at least twice a day, following the first rule.

This is necessary so that no infection gets through the softened cervix, which is the most vulnerable in the last stages of bearing a child. Contractions begin regardless of the desire of the pregnant woman, so the woman should be ready to go to the maternity hospital at any time.

The cork has gone (no obstetrician will say when the birth begins) - which means that the woman needs to collect all the documents and other things for the maternity hospital, since this is often a harbinger of an early delivery.

Are there cases when the cork does not come off

The cork exists in the body of every pregnant woman, so its removal from the cervical canal also necessarily occurs in everyone. In its absence, gestation would be almost impossible due to the fact that the infection would constantly penetrate the ascending path into the uterine cavity.

Some women simply do not notice the moment of her departure. Most often, the mucous plug is released in the morning: when going to the toilet, and also happens at the time of taking a shower. There are situations when the mucous lump comes out just before the baby is born. This is not a pathological condition.

When to See a Doctor

There are several situations in which the help of a specialist will be necessary to preserve the health of both the woman and the child:

  1. If there is a suspicion that the mucous clot has separated from the cervical canal, and more than a month before the expected date of birth. This situation is dangerous because the uterus will remain in an unprotected state for a long time, there is a high risk of inflammatory processes during pregnancy. This may also indicate the onset of preterm labor.
  2. Suspicious coloration of the mucous plug. For example, the scarlet color may indicate in favor of the onset of bleeding due to placental abruption. Here you may need urgent help from specialists, so the best solution would be to go to the maternity hospital. Also, a mucous lump can get such a color due to examination on a chair by a gynecologist. The cervix is ​​​​quite tender, so any careless movement can cause microtrauma of the mucous membrane with damage to small capillaries, as a result of which the mucous plug acquires a scarlet hue due to the soaking of this lump with blood.

It is important for a future mother to maintain a positive attitude during her entire pregnancy, to listen to her body.

If symptoms appear after the cork is released, which are embarrassing or cause discomfort, then it is better to consult a gynecologist.

Only he is able to assess the condition of the pregnant woman, to say more precisely when the birth will begin, and also to assume all possible risks to the health of the unborn child.

Article formatting: Svetlana Ovsyanikova

Video on the topic: when will childbirth begin after the cork has come off

Exit the cork before childbirth:

What happens when childbirth should begin soon and the mucous plug leaves? By the end of pregnancy, progesterone levels decrease, and estrogen levels increase. The latter leads to an increase in the muscle tone of the uterus and its periodic contractions. The increasing pressure during contractions pushes out the mucus plug, and behind it the amniotic fluid. Each woman's sensitivity to estrogen is different, so the period between the cork came off and the onset of labor is not the same.

The main harbingers of childbirth

Many women quite often try to find out what these harbingers of childbirth are? And this is natural, because every pregnant woman worries about herself and her long-awaited baby and she wants to know for sure: when the birth will begin, if the cork has gone, how to recognize real contractions or not?

There are signs or precursors of childbirth that can be tracked in some cases:

  • 1. Increased urination and stool, which is associated with the broad action of estrogen, which increases the contractility of not only the uterus.
  • 2. Weight loss, many pregnant women noted that in the last month their body weight does not increase, and sometimes even decreases. This is due to a decrease in fluid in the body (by the way, swelling goes away!) - another effect of estrogen.
  • 3. The expectant mother becomes irritable, often becomes depressed. Still, soon the whole rhythm of her life will depend on the needs and well-being of the child. Besides, what could be more exhausting than waiting?
  • 4. The stomach drops, the gait changes.
  • 5. Pain in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region.
  • 6. The mucous plug comes off.

When to give birth? When will all these trials end? Unfortunately, no one can reliably answer these questions. After all, the body of each woman is individual: different sensitivity to certain substances, including hormones, a different type of nervous system, and hence the excitability of muscle fibers. Therefore, for each, the appearance of the above signs may mean a different degree of readiness.

It should be noted that the most objective harbinger of an approaching birth is the discharge of the mucous plug.

The cork has come off, when will the labor begin?

Many are interested in this question, as well as what it is. The baby in the uterus is surrounded by amniotic fluid. In order for the latter to be kept inside and not expire, one tight closure of the cervix is ​​​​not enough. Nature has provided for everything. A thick secret is released, which fills the cavity of the exit part of the womb. Therefore, by consistency, it is a thick jelly-like substrate. When the mucous plug leaves, there are practically no obstacles to the outflow of water and the onset of childbirth.

Under the influence of the same estrogen, the cervix becomes softer, it shortens and smoothes, muscle tone increases and the so-called cork leaves and the only thing left is to wait for the birth to begin. But it is not always possible to completely predict the day and time after this harbinger.

If the cork came off at once, then, most likely, the onset of labor in the next few hours. However, often the mucous barrier departs in parts. At first it is a small amount of translucent yellowish mucus, then with brown streaks. In the end, mucous secretions are mixed with fresh blood. The second variant of the development of events is longer and can drag on for a week, less often for two. Therefore, if the cork has gone, it is quite difficult to get a universal answer to the question: when to give birth?

What to do if the mucous plug comes off?

The main thing is not to panic! It is necessary to call your gynecologist, tell about what happened: explain how much the mucous plug came off and remind you of the due date. If he considers it necessary, he will invite you to an appointment, but more often in this case, hospitalization in the maternity hospital is recommended, where the pregnant woman will be under round-the-clock supervision of specialists who can help her at any time.

When thick mucous secretions appear, you need to collect a package of documents and things (if they are not collected). In the case when the cork came off at once, childbirth can begin almost immediately, so you need to call an ambulance team and put the essentials in a bag. It is not worth delaying with this scenario of events, since there is a high probability of an early discharge of water.

It is much easier for multiparous women, because, having gone through all the stages of waiting and childbirth once, you will never forget them. Pregnant mothers with each subsequent time more subtly feel all the changes in their body and can themselves feel the approaching birth.

Tell friends:

Throughout the entire period of waiting for the birth of a child, a clot of cervical mucus closes the cervix of a pregnant woman. From the first days of pregnancy, this mucus gradually thickens, thickens, turning into a dense plug. This clot performs a very important function - it protects the uterus and the fetus in it from the penetration of infections from the outside. Before the onset of childbirth, the clot separates, freeing the passage for the birth of the child. This means that very soon the baby will be born.

Many expectant mothers who are going to give birth to their first child are worried about the question: if the cork has already gone, when will the birth begin? Let's find out:

How does the cork come off?

The discharge of the mucous plug always indicates that the woman's body is ready for childbirth. There is nothing wrong with the process itself. Usually, this happens in the morning, after waking up or during the morning toilet, taking a shower. Sometimes this happens while in bed, before the woman gets up. Then the cork can be well considered. It is a lump, a clot of dense mucus of yellowish, pink or beige color.

The cork can leave immediately completely or in parts. The whole resembles a small jellyfish or a piece of dense jelly. If it separates in parts, then it looks like discharge, which is usually observed at the end of menstruation, only more mucus is observed. Before this, mild pulling pains or pressure in the lower abdomen are usually felt. But this does not always happen.

Very often there are small blotches of blood in the mucus. But you don't need to be afraid. Blood appears because the process of cervical dilation occurs and small capillaries are damaged. But often mucus is generally without any impurities - it is clean and transparent. Often, the discharge of the cork is preceded by a visit to the gynecologist and a preventive examination. But it is also not uncommon when the mucous lump departs along with the waters or already in the process of childbirth.

Since the discharge of the cork indicates an approaching birth, you should not leave at this time, go far from home. It is better to check all the things and documents collected in the hospital again. Put in your bag what you forgot. You need to warn your relatives, your husband that the cork has come off, so that everyone is ready for the fact that you will soon go to the hospital.

When will the birth start?

Typically, the cork leaves shortly before childbirth, although every woman is different. In some pregnant women, after her departure, childbirth begins within a few hours. For others, it takes a few days. But sometimes the process of childbirth begins after two weeks. All this is very individual. In any case, no need to worry.

If the plug has come off, but after some time the contractions have not begun, talk to your doctor, watch your body and wait for other signs of the imminent onset of labor. But if the waters have broken, then it is unnecessary to wait for the cork to leave, immediately go to the hospital, as the birth is about to begin. This usually happens within 2 hours.

If the cork is separated when the process of childbirth has already begun, then the baby will be born very soon. In the next few days you will already be able to see your native face.

At the beginning of labor, when the contractions are not yet very strong, try to rest more, do not worry, sleep if possible. You need to gain the strength that you will need in the process of having a baby. And unnecessary worries, fear can harm both you and your baby.

In order to feel more relaxed in the maternity hospital, in advance, while still at home, check all the things, necessary documents that you have collected with you to the maternity hospital several times. Then, while waiting for the birth of the baby, it will not bother you.


When the mucous plug comes out, it is, of course, unnecessary to worry. This is a natural physiological process. But if this process is more like bleeding, the separation of mucus is accompanied by the release of bright red blood, urgently call an ambulance. Or go to the hospital yourself.

You also need to see a doctor if the cork has come off, but there are still more than 2 weeks left before the expected date of birth. Especially if the mucus is separated with bright red blood.

We have already said that normally the cork contains only blotches of blood, but is not accompanied by bleeding. Therefore, in cases where blood appears, it is impossible to delay a visit to the doctor, but it is also unnecessary to panic. Most likely, this is a completely solvable problem, so nothing threatens you and your baby. But examination and consultation with a doctor, of course, are necessary.

If the departed mucous plug is green, you need to urgently go to the hospital. This color may be a sign of fetal hypoxia. This requires immediate medical attention.

In conclusion, it should be noted that there are a number of more characteristic signs of incipient labor than the discharge of the mucous plug. If the waters broke, irregular contractions began - it means that the baby will be born soon. These are the signs you need to focus on first. Good luck with your birth and good health.

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Pregnancy is one of the most wonderful states of the fairer sex. However, bearing a baby is always associated with strong feelings and anxieties. The expectant mother is worried even if this is the second birth.

When will the birth start? This question worries many women. It is with him that they turn to their doctor and experienced girlfriends. You will know the answer to it after reading the article.

What is a cork?

The formation of mucus in the cervical region also occurs if you have “The cork has come off, when will the birth begin?” - women ask when contacting the maternity ward. Doctors say that in this case you should not immediately go to the hospital. If there are no other additional symptoms that you will soon meet with the baby, then wait.

Every expectant mother should know what a cork is. This is a collection of thick mucus in the cervical canal. It begins to form even from the most gradually increasing in size. The cork prevents various microorganisms from entering the uterus. It protects the unborn baby from infections. Mucus comes out just before childbirth. After the cork is removed, it is not recommended to swim in open water. It is worth using a condom during sexual intercourse and maintaining hygiene.

Second birth

The cork has come off, when will the labor begin? It is not always possible to answer this exciting question. It is worth noting that the appearance of each child occurs differently. If the first delivery took place by natural method, then the second in most cases will be carried out in the same way. However, things don't always go smoothly. In some situations, doctors have to resort to caesarean section.

The discharge of the cork during the second birth can begin long before the baby arrives. Also, the described lump of mucus sometimes falls out during the birth of a child. Let's consider the main situations.

One month before birth

If your term (second birth), then the cork can move away at this time. However, this sign does not at all mean that in a few hours you will become a mother. You still have a few more weeks to carry your baby. In this case, childbirth usually begins at 40-41 weeks.

Doctors do not advise immediately go to the hospital. Watch your condition. Surely in the coming days you will have a consultation with a gynecologist. Be sure to tell your doctor about your condition. If necessary, the doctor will perform an examination, during which the degree is determined. Most often, the cork leaves when it misses two fingers. With this opening, you can walk for a few more weeks.

A matter of hours

At what time do they give birth for the second time? The baby can appear in the period from 38 to 42 weeks. In this situation, the pregnancy is considered full-term. However, there are cases when the process of delivery begins earlier. Moreover, the earlier a woman seeks medical help, the more favorable the prognosis for the baby will be.

The plug may come off just a few hours before the baby arrives. The statistics of the second birth and the reviews of mothers indicate that this is exactly what happens in most cases. Doctors remind you that if, after the cork is removed, you feel pain in the lower abdomen, its tension or spotting, then you should urgently go to the hospital. Also, the reason for hospitalization will be the discharge of water. It is worth contacting doctors in all situations that are incomprehensible to yourself. After all, only a specialist will be able to dispel your doubts and answer your questions.

Special situations

How long do they give birth for the second time - you know. Some women report that they did not leave the cork at all. At first there were contractions, after them water poured out (or vice versa). Doctors also note that in this situation, the cork came out along with the waters. It happens sometimes. At the same time, the expectant mother does not notice the mucous formation due to the abundant release of fluid.

Sometimes there are non-standard cases in which the cork remains in place until the baby comes out. However, this rarely happens. With frequent in the process of delivery, a lump of mucus simply cannot stay in place and falls out.

If the baby is born by caesarean section, then the cork may not come out at all. Most often, such manipulations are planned. However, the operation may be emergency. In the process of its implementation, doctors remove the baby from the mother's body through an incision in the abdominal cavity. The cork remains in its place (in the cervical canal). It comes out gradually after the procedure due to the influence of a new hormonal background.

The doctor's consultation

If you have a second birth, the cork has come off, when the birth begins, the specialist will say. To do this, he needs to make a routine gynecological examination. Doctors remind that the cork has a volume of about two tablespoons. She can leave at once or in parts. In this case, it is necessary to monitor the secretions. Do not confuse the leakage of amniotic fluid with the release of mucus. The consistency of cork is similar to jelly. It has a color from transparent to brown.

Doctors report that the reason for going to the doctor will be the discharge of the cork for up to 36 weeks of pregnancy. Doctors say that after this phenomenon, you can carry a baby for an average of 2-4 weeks. However, labor can begin within a few hours. each organism is very individual.

Don't compare your second pregnancy to your first. And even more so, it is not recommended to be equal to girlfriends and acquaintances. Perhaps, with the first child, the cork came off shortly before his birth (a few hours). Whereas with the second baby, this process begins weeks before the important moment.

Remember that if you have questions and doubtful situations, you should seek the advice of a doctor. If you are worried, it is better to visit the maternity ward once again. All the best to you!

The longer the gestation period, the closer the expected date of birth, the stronger and stronger the desire to finally give birth, and finally take your miracle in your arms. Future mothers, especially primiparas, anxiously listen to the signals of their body, trying to understand what they mean. Or they are already in childbirth; or are they only harbingers; Or maybe something went wrong, and you need to urgently call an ambulance?

In this case, special attention is paid to secretions. The discharge can be different, accompanied by pain or painless, etc. Of course, with any bleeding, whether painful or not, you need to call an ambulance. If you have white discharge, then you most likely have thrush. And you need to visit a gynecologist and take a smear.

But there are also absolutely safe secretions that are absolutely safe and signal the preparation of a woman's body for childbirth. This is a waste of the mucous plug. Despite all the safety of such secretions, they greatly frighten women, especially primiparas, sometimes to the point of hysteria. Let's see what it is.

What is a mucus plug

A mucus plug is a clot of viscous mucus. The mucous plug is formed during pregnancy at a very early stage - approximately at the end of the 1st month of pregnancy.

The purpose of the mucous plug is to protect the body of a woman and the fetus from various infections, for example, when having sex or swimming in a pond.

What does a mucus plug look like

Each woman's mucus plug looks different. For some, it comes out in one jelly-like clot, for others - gradually over one or two days, in the form of spotting.

Most often, the mucous plug is colorless, or has a yellowish or pinkish color. There may be blood streaks in the mucous plug. But precisely the streaks! If you see bleeding, call an ambulance immediately! This may be a sign of placental abruption.

Why does the mucus plug come out

At the end of pregnancy, the hormone estrogen is actively produced in the body of a woman. This hormone helps to soften the mucus, and the cork comes out by itself.

It should be noted that not all women have a mucous plug before childbirth. It is not uncommon for the cork to come off already during childbirth.

A gynecological examination can also provoke a waste of the cork.

When does the mucus plug come off

The mucus plug comes off towards the end of pregnancy. Most often this happens during the morning shower or going to the toilet. During the withdrawal of the mucous plug, you can feel mild pain shocks, slight tension and pulling pain in the lower abdomen, which quickly pass and do not recur.

The waste of the mucous plug does not mean that you will give birth soon. Sometimes it can take up to a month from the cork to come off before the onset of labor.

In general, doctors believe that normally the cork should leave no earlier than 2 weeks before the onset of labor. So, if your cork has come off, you should still go to the doctor for an examination.

What can not be done if the cork has come off

After the mucous plug is removed, the risk of infection for the woman and the child increases. Therefore, refrain from taking a bath, swimming in a pool or open water. It is also advisable to abstain from sexual relations.

You should not go far from home - childbirth can begin at any moment.

When to go to the hospital

In some cases, after the cork leaves, you should immediately consult a doctor, or even immediately go to the hospital. Such cases include:

  1. After the cork was released, the pulling pain or painful tremors did not go away.
  2. There is a lot of blood in the mucous plug.
  3. If the discharge is too thin. Maybe it's the water breaking. And that means urgently to the hospital.

In any case, it is necessary to inform the doctor who observes you that your cork has come off. This will help you get a better idea of ​​how your pregnancy is progressing and possibly fix your due date.

Home " Childbirth » After the cork is removed. What can not be done if the cork has come off. If the cork is already leaving, how long does it take to give birth?

During pregnancy, almost every woman tries to find out all the details about her condition in order to be fully armed. The term "mucus plug" is usually heard closer to childbirth. At one of the examinations, the gynecologist may ask if you have lost it or not. Therefore, it will be wise to have a basic understanding of what a cork is, why it is needed and what it looks like.

What is a mucus plug, why is it needed?

During pregnancy, the cervix secretes a thick, jelly-like mucus to maintain moisture and protect the surface of the uterus. This mucus builds up and blocks the cervical canal, creating a plug. It closes the opening of the uterus during pregnancy to keep bacteria out. In addition, it contains antibodies that destroy the infection. Thus, the cork protects the developing fetus.

Before giving birth, a woman's hormone levels change, in particular progesterone goes down. As a result, the cervix becomes wider, and the cork simply falls out. Therefore, the loss of the mucous plug can be a harbinger of childbirth.

When and for how long does the mucous plug leave in primiparous and multiparous?

Normally, this should occur shortly before childbirth, around the 37th week. Then the cork comes out naturally.

Early discharge of the plug may indicate premature changes in the cervix, and therefore increases the risk of preterm birth. In addition, its loss potentially exposes the pregnant woman to the risk of infection. For these reasons, the discovery of thick mucous secretions in any week of pregnancy is an occasion to visit your doctor.

Interesting to know: a physical intervention, such as a gynecological examination or sexual intercourse, can contribute to the release of the cork.

In women who give birth for the first time, the cork lasts longer than in multiparous women, right up to the very birth. This is because the cervix of the uterus in those who have not yet given birth is narrower and more elastic. Sometimes there are even situations when obstetricians have to get the cork on their own, since it does not come out on its own. In multiparous women, the walls of the cervix are softer and wider, so the cork comes off easily.

What does the mucous plug look like, sensations when the plug comes out

Although many women do not notice at all that they have a cork, it is not difficult to understand that this is it in most cases. Cork is distinctly different from ordinary secretions primarily in its density and volume. If normal discharge in pregnant women is more meager and liquid, then the cork has a dense texture and a volume of about two tablespoons. Its size is about 4 cm. The color of the cork is usually white, yellowish, beige or brown. Often there are bloody particles in it.

Pay attention if the mucus has an unpleasant odor or is green in color! This may indicate an infection!

The cork may come out entirely or in small parts over several days. Therefore, it is often confused with vaginal discharge. Women usually do not experience any special sensations during this event. Only a few note sipping in the lower abdomen.

When is it time to go to the hospital?

By the 40th week of pregnancy, women already want to give birth quickly, and some believe that the release of the cork should speed up this process. However, it is not. Although there are many stories about this, there is no evidence for this claim. If necessary, the doctor will have other ways to induce labor. In general, you need to allow pregnancy to take its course and not rush things.

A loose mucus plug is usually a sign that your body is preparing for childbirth, but not always. It can take an indefinite amount of time from the release of the cork to the onset of labor - from several hours to several weeks. You need to go to the hospital if the exit of the cork is accompanied by other signs of an approaching birth - contractions, discharge of water, etc. If the birth is still far away, and your mucous plug has come off, do not panic. Oddly enough, it can grow back.

When the cork is out

Your next steps after the plug comes out depends on how it looks and how far along you are in your pregnancy. If you see a plug on a pad or it comes out while you shower, try to look at it so you can describe the size and color to your doctor. This information will help you decide what to do next.

Please note: if the exit of the cork is accompanied by bleeding, then there is a possibility of complications, such as placental abruption. These signs should not be ignored!

In the event that the cork has come off at a period of less than 36 weeks, it is advisable to undergo an examination to make sure that everything is fine with the baby.

If you're more than 37 weeks pregnant and don't have any other symptoms, then a cork release shouldn't be a concern. Just take care to minimize the risk of infecting the baby until he is born:

  • wash only in the shower, and refuse to bathe in the bath or, even more so, in the river;
  • wash regularly, but use only special products for intimate hygiene;
  • have sex exclusively with a condom.

After the cork is released, you should not leave far from home, since at any moment a child can be born. At this time, it is already possible to pack a bag for the hospital. Watch your condition and wait for other harbingers of childbirth.

As mentioned earlier, regular contractions indicate the onset of labor. Also a sure sign is the outflow of amniotic fluid. They can move away abruptly or in a slow trickle. If there were no contractions before, then they should begin. These contractions will become stronger, longer, and more frequent as the cervix dilates in preparation for childbirth. When the expansion reaches 10 cm - you can safely give birth!

When you know what to expect, surviving all these events is much easier. And even if some unforeseen situations arise, timely access to specialists will help prevent any complications, because medicine is now very developed. Therefore, you should not worry about the exit of the cork.

Every woman during pregnancy looks forward to the onset of childbirth with impatience and trepidation. Someone hurries this moment, and someone wants to delay it for a while longer, but it is impossible to predict the development of labor activity with 100% accuracy - in any case, it will begin suddenly. Many expectant mothers have heard that the cork comes off before childbirth, but only a few of them have a correct idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow this happens.

So, how many days before giving birth does the cork leave? How she looks like? Does everyone have this plug before childbirth? And when to contact the maternity hospital, if everything happened? All these questions give rise to panic in a woman’s head, and the expectant mother does not need unnecessary worries and worries on the eve of the baby’s birth. Therefore, in order not to worry, you need to stock up on the necessary knowledge in a timely manner in order to know how to behave and what to do if childbirth has begun.

With the onset of pregnancy, a specific transparent clot forms in the cervical canal - this is the mucous plug. Its formation is associated with hormonal changes in the body. Visually, the cork resembles a dense lump of light mucus. The dense structure of the cork performs a protective function, reliably protecting the fetus from the possible negative influence of the external environment. The cork reliably closes the cervical canal, so that the unborn child is protected from infections, pathogenic bacteria and other pathogenic factors.

It turns out that when the cork leaves before childbirth, a path opens for penetration into the uterine cavity of infectious pathogens, etc. That is why doctors strongly recommend that after the cork leaves before childbirth, avoid bathing in the bathroom, in the pool, in open water, observe thorough intimate hygiene and in general be more circumspect.

How and when does she leave?

Closer to the end of pregnancy, the hormonal system of a woman begins to actively produce estrogens, under the influence of which certain changes begin in the body, including the softening of the thick structure of the mucous plug with its subsequent discharge.

Also, the waste of the cork before childbirth can occur not due to a natural change in the hormonal background before childbirth, but for a mechanical reason.

During a vaginal examination of a woman, the reproductive organ reacts with an increase in muscle tone to the doctor's manipulations, as a result of which the plug can be involuntarily pushed out of the cervical canal.

It can come out as a whole viscous lump, the size of which will correspond to 1.5 cm in diameter. Also, the gradual exit of the cork in parts is not ruled out - for several days in the form of light, thick discharge with streaks of blood (this is also normal).

How does the cork go before childbirth? Each woman should be guided by personal feelings, since it happens individually for everyone.

For a long time, the discharge of the cork can cause discomfort in the lower abdomen, tension and slight tremors in the cervical region.

More often this phenomenon resembles aching pains characteristic of menstruation. If this pain begins to turn into contractions - childbirth has come.

How many days/hours before delivery does the cork go out?

For what approximately time the cork departs before childbirth is a rather specific question. Some women do not even notice the moment of its departure and will never know what their mucous plug looked like, since it left the cervix at the same time as the flow of amniotic fluid.

For others, the cork leaves a little earlier. Despite this, experts believe that the mucous plug should go no earlier than 2 weeks before the expected date of birth.

The very process of cork discharge is one of the most important, no less relevant than contractions and outpouring of water. But, as we have already found out, the cork can move away a couple of hours before the onset of labor, and a few weeks.

Therefore, it is better to clarify the situation and inform the doctor that the cork has come out - most likely, the specialist will conduct a vaginal examination and advise you to go to the prenatal ward.

Does the cork always come off?

Some women claim that they did not see any cork before childbirth, so not everyone has it. This statement is erroneous - the cork before childbirth necessarily departs from every expectant mother.

If the mucous plug did not exist, it would not be an impossible task to carry the child to the due date, since the fetal membranes would constantly be in contact with the pathogenic microflora.

Most likely, many women do not notice her exit, since this process can really go unnoticed - while taking a bath, shower, when visiting the toilet, or along with the fetal waters. Sometimes cork is born with the baby.

There is no pathology in this. Therefore, it is not worth constantly thinking about the question of whether the mucous plug always leaves before childbirth. Everything will happen at the right moment, when the time comes.

What to do if the cork has come off?

If the cork has gone and started, the interval between which reaches 10 minutes or less, you need to urgently go to the hospital. If the contractions are irregular and not intense, you should not rush. You can go about your business, relax, take a shower, and also notify loved ones about the imminent onset of labor.

From the moment the mucosal plug comes out, the birth canal is subject to a high probability of infection, so strict hygiene must be observed.

Replace the bath with a shower, change bed and underwear more often, give up sexual activity to prevent infection from entering the uterus.

In what cases should you see a doctor?

If the expected date of delivery is getting closer, and the mucous plug has not yet appeared, this is not a reason to seek medical help.

How the mucous plug leaves before childbirth and how long it takes, not all women know, for some everything goes unnoticed. Even if she didn’t come out, most likely, everything will happen either on the eve of the expected labor activity, or already with the onset of childbirth - this is included in the norm criteria.

The situation is more complicated when the cork supposedly or actually came out, but the woman confused it with the outpouring of amniotic fluid.

The fetal waters normally have a colorless and transparent consistency, but in structure they are more liquid than the mucous plug. If in doubt, to exclude possible complications, you need to report the incident to the doctor.

You should also be wary if the cork came out earlier than 2 weeks before the expected birth. Most likely, we are talking about the premature onset of labor, possibly associated with early labor, so you need to urgently contact the doctor or go to the hospital on your own.

Another reason to consult a specialist is the appearance of copious mucous discharge from the genital tract with bright scarlet blood - normally, the cork before childbirth leaves everyone without concomitant bleeding.

In addition, throughout the pregnancy, it is necessary to inform the doctor about any discharge, in particular, about the discharge of the mucous plug. Thanks to this, the specialist will be able to fully track the course of pregnancy and most accurately determine the estimated time of delivery.

Does the cork need to come off immediately before childbirth? This can happen hours or even days before the baby is born. In this case, the woman lies down in the antenatal ward and carefully observes intimate hygiene.

Throughout pregnancy, women stubbornly monitor changes in their bodies. Starting from the first days after conception, they observe with trepidation the joyful symptoms of the onset of pregnancy. Then the women listen intently to the baby, so as not to miss his first movements in the tummy. And starting from the third trimester, future women in labor are anxiously waiting for the first bells that will warn of the approach of childbirth. A clear signal of the beginning of delivery is considered to be the discharge of the cork during pregnancy. What is a cork, how does it look and how long to wait until the first contractions after it leaves? Let's try to figure this out.

How does the cork go and look during pregnancy. What does the term "plug of the cervical canal" mean?

The female reproductive system is designed in such a way as to protect the embryo as much as possible from negative external influences. And one of the main roles in this "security system" is played by the mucous cervical plug. In obstetrics, this term means a mucous clot that completely fills the cervical canal and performs a barrier function for all 9 months. When the need to protect the baby from infections disappears, the cork comes out before childbirth.

The role of the connecting link between the vagina and the inner space of the uterus, where the baby develops, is performed by the cervical canal. Since the vaginal microflora is unstable and at the slightest inflammation pathogenic microorganisms begin to predominate in it, even in a woman outside of pregnancy, the cervical canal is filled with mucous secretions to prevent the infection from spreading deeper.

During pregnancy, protecting the baby from vaginal infections, as well as the sterility of the placenta and amniotic fluid, becomes more relevant than ever. Immediately after the implantation of the embryo, under the influence of the hormonal system of a woman, special bactericidal cells of the cervix begin to actively produce viscous mucus. It tightly clogs the cervical canal and does not allow most pathogenic bacteria to pass through.

Interesting! The mucus from which the cork is formed contains a unique set of active substances. They exhibit an antiseptic and immunostimulating effect, and are also capable of provoking uterine contractions and the onset of childbirth when the time comes.

The mucous plug, in addition to its bactericidal function, acts as a mechanical protective coating of the uterus from the outside. Such a barrier reduces any pressure on the uterine cavity and the baby, for example, when walking, running or actively moving the baby. Thanks to this, a woman is able to have an active sex life, go to the pool and even light sports.

Cork discharge before childbirth: what does it look like

In order not to miss the moment and thoughtfully gather in the maternity ward, you should know at least remotely what this bactericidal mucus looks like. It can be of different shades and structures, but there are still similar features:

  1. Consistency- the cork resembles a gelatinous lump, a jelly-like bundle, a very thick egg white. Depending on the hormonal background, the cork comes out in one piece or in parts in the form of slight spotting.
  2. The size- on average, the volume of the mucous substance does not exceed 50 ml, and if it comes out in the form of a jelly-like lump, its size is about 2 cm.
  3. Color― variety of shades is admissible: from cream to brown. If the discharge of mucus is accompanied by tearing of the capillaries, the cork acquires a light scarlet hue. This condition is not pathological, and is often due to the presence of chronic diseases of the reproductive system. If the discharge during the discharge of the cork is dark brown or bright purple with blood clots - this is an alarm signal. A woman needs to contact an obstetrician-gynecologist and find out the cause of such discharge. Most often, this color signals premature detachment of the placenta, which is very dangerous for the woman in labor and the baby.

Advice! If you are not sure whether you have a normal cork or just pathological discharge during pregnancy, it is better to seek advice from a doctor, and not determine the cork discharge from photos of other women from the Internet. Sometimes delaying a visit to the doctor can result in complications during childbirth.

Mucus plug discharge: timing, causes and symptoms

Until that time, while the cork sits firmly in the canal, the woman is calmly preparing for the approaching birth. But as soon as she noticed that the mucus came out, you need to be more careful, and slowly get ready for the hospital. This happens mainly after the 38th gestational week, which is due to a sharp change in the hormonal status of a woman during this period.

Why, then, does such a useful mucous substance not protect the baby until the very birth and hastily leaves the female body? It turns out there are many reasons for this:

  • 10-14 days before childbirth, the female body stops producing progesterone, which contributes to the release of the cork and softening of the cervix, which is preparing for disclosure.
  • Premature discharge of the cork sometimes occurs after mechanical manipulation, for example, after a gynecological examination or active sexual intercourse. Then the woman may experience pain when the cork is released.
  • Sometimes the cork can peel off during the act of defecation or during attempts.
  • Pathological discharge of the mucous clot at earlier stages of pregnancy can be provoked by inflammatory processes (colpitis, vaginitis).

Since hormone levels and health conditions differ between women, it is difficult to accurately answer the question of what a mucus plug looks like when it comes off and how quickly it will clear the cervical canal. A variant of the norm is the exit of the cork 1-15 days before delivery. There are frequent cases when she departs directly on the delivery chair. And many women do not even have time to catch the moment of mucus loss.

Signs that the cork has come out:

  • Minor pain syndrome, localized in the lower abdomen.
  • Sensation of contraction of the abdominal muscles.
  • Thick jelly-like discharge that can come out in one clot or in small portions for 1-2 days.

A certain percentage of women in labor claim that they did not have a cork. Such a statement is erroneous. The cork leaves under any circumstances, it just can go unnoticed (on examination by a doctor, when the water breaks and the baby is born). If this mucus were not present, the woman would not be able to bear the fetus due to constant contact with infections.

Women, especially if they are having a first pregnancy, often wonder if contractions can start without the plug coming out. If the contractions have begun, and the amniotic fluid has not yet departed and the mucus has not come out, it is quite possible that the cork will come out during childbirth.

On a note! Most gynecologists say that the mucous plug should not leave the female body earlier than 14-15 days before the active phase of childbirth.

When does labor begin after the mucosal plug has passed?

The discharge of the cork from the cervical canal indicates that the level of progesterone has fallen, while estrogen, on the contrary, has increased. Such a hormonal jump starts the process of preparing for delivery. But when childbirth begins, sometimes even an experienced obstetrician-gynecologist cannot calculate. Everything here is individual and depends on the female body: some women start contractions after the cork is released after 5-7 hours, while others can take another three weeks before the baby is born.

In addition, it absolutely does not matter which pregnancy is on the account. Since both in primiparous and in women with a second pregnancy, the symptomatic picture of the onset of labor develops in the same way. It should be borne in mind that if a woman has a mucous plug during one pregnancy 48 hours before delivery, this does not mean that during a second pregnancy it will not go away 10 days before delivery.

The duration of the cork discharge can also vary greatly. All the mucus can instantly separate and fly out of the cervical canal in one piece. Or it can come out gradually, leaving spotting on women's underwear, but not more than 1-2 days. Otherwise, you need to consult a doctor for pathological discharge.

Closely watching their secretions, so as not to miss the exit of the cork, ladies in position often miss other harbingers of childbirth. They mistakenly think that labor will not begin while the cervical canal is clogged with mucus. But no one is immune from the fact that contractions can begin without the cork leaving. It is also necessary to prepare for such a development of events. If you notice intermittent and cramping pain, seek medical attention immediately. Since the cork can come out already at the final stage of childbirth.

What to do to a woman in labor after the discharge of the mucous plug

Once you notice the jelly-like clot that has come out of the vagina, you still have time to collect the necessary list of things for childbirth and the baby. But we should not forget that childbirth after the discharge of the cork can begin quite unexpectedly. Therefore, you need to take care of yourself and adhere to a special sparing regimen:

  • Skip the relaxing bath, take a cool shower.
  • Cancel the trip to the pool and do not enter open water.
  • Follow the rules of personal hygiene regularly.
  • Avoid sexual contact.
  • Prepare things and check the package of documents.
  • Watch for the onset of contractions and the passage of amniotic fluid. If you have contractions without the plug and water coming out, go to the hospital immediately.
  • Try to avoid any contact of the intimate area with sources of infection.
  • Wear a comfortable bra, as excessive nipple stimulation releases oxytocin, which stimulates uterine contractions.
  • Minimize heavy lifting and any physical activity.

It is quite natural that women are very concerned about the question of what the cork discharge looks like. Possession of basic information on this matter helps a woman navigate her health status, understand what is happening to her and when to go to the hospital.

Video "What is a mucous plug and how to understand that it has moved away"