How first stratas are going to school. Collect first grader to school, what mistakes parents are committing

What is needed first grader to school? We'll see now. 1 September is the day of knowledge. Celebrate this celebration as school students and universities. From the moment that the child went to the first class, the stormy responsible life begins, the places are complex, but interesting. And not only for children, but also for their parents. It is important to approach this stage of life very seriously. After all, this is the first step for the child into the world of education. Let's look at what you need a first-grader to school, the list of necessary things will be.

Necessary school supplies. What are they? What needs to be purchased?

What are the necessary school supplies? What do you need to buy first-grader to school? List accessories:

  • Dance. The portfolio must be roomy and convenient, most importantly, so that it is dressed in both shoulders, distributing the severity on the whole back. The permissible weight of the empty backpack is 0.8 kg. It should not exceed 8% of the child's weight. By buying a child with a bag on one shoulder, you risk spoiling to him posture, it is not easy to fix it, but in some cases it is impossible. Commier about your child's health.
  • Notebooks: in a cage and a line (12-18 sheets), in some institutions require and recuse. In the first class notebook, it is better to take simple green color that will not distract the attention of the student from classes.
  • Pens, a simple pencil (the handle needs to buy a simple blue color, it is desirable that the student always had a handle to the reserve).
  • Sharpener for pencil.
  • Eraseled gum (eraser).
  • Pencil (solid).
  • Devices for from (color pencils, paints, tassels - various in size, markers, album, cup for dilution of paints, color handles).
  • Diary (dense binding, in some schools for first class it is not needed).
  • Notebook for music lesson.
  • For labor lesson, colored paper, colored and white cardboard, scissors are needed.
  • Cover on notebook.
  • Line.
  • Folder.
  • Bag for replaceable shoes or for clothing on physical education.
  • Some establishments need textbooks (again depends on school).

Documentation for school

Each educational institution requires its list of documents. There is a basic set:

  1. Certificate of birth of a child.
  2. Medical insurance policy.
  3. Value certificate.
  4. Registration at the place of residence.
  5. Card from the hospital, where the child was observed.
  6. Application for admission to primary school.
  7. The applicant's passport (that is, the parent or guardian, if the child has no native dads and moms or they are deprived of parental rights).

So, we decided what documents are needed for a first grader to school.

Form for classes. Do I need to buy it and is it necessary?

As mentioned earlier, each educational institution is individually. To some extent it depends on the city. There were still schools in which girls go in innocent white aprons, and boys in the ironed jackets and strict pants. But there are schools where children provide a closer type of clothing. It is done so that they can feel comfortable.

The topic is really controversial and parents are often wondering the question "What is your first-grader to school from clothes?" There are supporters of simple clothes that prefer for example, jeans and a simple sweater, for girls multicolored dresses and skirts with t-shirts. But there is a reverse side. Imagine if all students in the class looked on a par. It would be less rivalry, no one would try to stand out external species, and learned to conquer attention to his charisma and mind.

According to statistics, schools that are supported by an exquisite form show results on various exams and olympiads higher than those in which there are no such rules. You can safely declare that discipline in such establishments is better. This is a good indicator of further success and achievements in school!

Choose things for school

So what do you need to buy a first-grader to school? If there is a form in your educational institution, you can buy a pair of the top three sundress colors (black, brown and dark shade of blue) and several white aprons, there are options and your own handmade. For boys are characterized by strict black pants and white with a tie shirt, in cold weather you can safely add to a beautiful business view of the jacket.

There is also a form to choose parents, at the General Meeting you can solve the allowable color of clothing. For example, whether it is skirts or trousers, you can only solve you. As regards the shoes, here is the same. Girls can wear all the favorite boats, and the boys are beautiful classic shoes colors. Always take into account the season, in winter your child will be hot in the classroom in winter shoes, it will be to interfere, and he will not be able to fully go into study. Make sure that you need to collect a first grader to school.


Physical education lesson is a favorite subject of all students, as almost all kids are fidgets. For them, this is a great way to warm up and snatched a little. To do this, it is also worth providing a child a comfortable fitness form.

For classes in the gym What do you need to buy first-grader to school? List of necessary:

  1. Sneakers (it is important to choose correctly in size so that the leg felt comfortable).
  2. Socks.
  3. Shorts.
  4. T-shirt).
  5. Backpack.
  6. Can be put on the lesson physical culture A bottle of simple water so that after the rapid games, the child could get rid of thirst.

Clothing for cold season and swimming

What do you need first-grader to school for physical education on the street, if now autumn or spring? Sneakers, tracksuit, socks, shirt or T-shirt.

For winter, it is advisable to buy a warm ski suit.

There are also classes in the pool. For this you need the following:

  • bathing suit;
  • shale;
  • swimming cap;
  • glasses;
  • objects for the soul;
  • towel.

Psychological support

We found out that you need to buy a first-grader to school, the list of the necessary accounted for, it would seem that all, but this is a very deep misconception.

Everyone knows that this stage is very complicated for the whole family. This part of the question must be approached with full responsibility. After all, from the first step will depend on the following years of study. If you give a good motivation to a young scientist and properly configure it for knowledge, you can wait for further discoveries!

Try to discipline it so that he cannot harm his classmates during the lesson, and you will not have to "run" and listen, blushing, the next comments of the teacher about your child. Also, when disciplined, it will be easier for it to master the material, thereby not to lag behind its peers. Discover him this interesting path on a positive note, if suddenly, that he will not be obtained, in no way scold his child. Help him in everything if he needs your support.

There is nothing terrible in the fact that the young student is mistaken. Remember that we all learn from our mistakes, and curses and inhibit only exacerbate the situation. Of course, it is not worth missing the fact that the student brings systematically bad marks. Then it is worth thinking and it is possible to appoint him a tutor to some subject. It is recommended to prepare it in advance to study, for example, in the summer.

What you need to buy first-grader to school? It can be both capital notebooks and multiplication table, various books with developing tasks, books on the development of logic. Having bought such things, you can avoid the backlog in the initial stage of study.

Psychologists advise to introduce a child with their classmates before they go to school to avoid any stressful situations, conflict in school time. Perhaps it will be children from the garden of a kindergarten or from the courtyard. Develop your child and it will definitely work out.

Funny statements of children about the first of September

Children sometimes speak different fun phrases. We suggest you find out to familiarize yourself with some of them:

  1. The eve of the first of September. The child says: "Unfortunately, all children do not like school, then I will have to love her."
  2. Father asks her daughter: "How did everything go on the line?". She replies: "I liked this circus so much! And clowns are good there!".
  3. Mom asks her daughter: "How are you the first day at school?". And the girl answered the question to the question: "Mom, maybe immediately married?"

Little conclusion

In order not to get into awkward situations during the start school year, specify the following points in advance:

  1. What documents are needed for admission to grade 1 (each school is individual in this matter).
  2. What is needed first grader at school (clothing, accessories).
  3. Adjust it psychologically for a serious long way.

Now you know what you need for a first grader to school! We hope that the tips, the data in the article will help you. On the first of September, after the line, you can hand your child a small present. Let him pick up and make such a significant day more pleasant and colorful. After all, he will remember all his life. Remember yourself what small and defenseless you were. Once parents just led you as a handle in the unfamiliar world of new discoveries and undertakings.

Therefore, smile and go with a child's leg. Rejoice for it and proud of his new successes and achievements. Praise when he gets something. Push the child to great opportunities. And when he grows, it will definitely tell you: "Thank you very much!".

Now you know what you need for a first grader to school.

One of the main stages in the life of each child is to study at school, which begins with the six-year-old age in the first grade. During this period, the parents compete for parents for the preparation of his child to visiting the school. The kid is completely changing a wardrobe, toys are now moving into the background, and school supplies become the best assistants in traveling around the country of knowledge.

Among the huge selection of goods for school, you will need to choose the most necessary, high-quality and practical things. Easy shopping will help in advance drawn lists of what you need to buy first-grader to school, according to which the acquisitions will be gradually.

Form for first grader

Before acquiring uniforms for a child, we recommend agreeing in advance with the future class teacher. In some schools, there is one form for all students, which is centrally ordered in certain firms or studio.

If the educational institution does not oblige to buy school uniform, then in most cases there are a number of instructions, which it should be. This is the presence of a certain color and even styles. But regardless of this, the child will need to prepare a form consisting of several sets.

  • Classic costumes
  • Dresses, Sundars
  • Knitted jackets
  • Pants, skirts
  • Shirts either casual blouse
  • Festive shirt or blouse
  • Bows
  • Tie
  • Badlones
  • Sweaters
  • Tights
  • Westniki
  • Socks
  • Knee socks
  • Suspenders.

Due to the fact that most of the kids at this age are quite active and can be discharged, we recommend to prepare several sets of school uniforms. When buying a wardrobe for a first grader, you should give preference to well-known manufacturers, the quality of the products of which is held at a high level. It is also very practical to choose a school kit consisting of several items. This will allow the student to change the set every day and the life of school uniform will increase.

As for the shoes, it is worth noting that the first-grader will necessarily need an additional set of shift shoes. Any pair of shoes should be orthopedic and exclusively from genuine leather, since the stop continues at this age. The sole of the shoes should be bright, it is recommended to give preference to models with velcro and fasteners. All shoe models should not be bright shades and classic type.

Buying the shape and shoes is exclusively with a child. All items of clothing and shoes should be comfortable, which will avoid the presence of uncomfortable sensations while studying.

What training supplies to buy first-grader to school: list of necessary

One of the most important items necessary for the first grader is

It is recommended to buy high-quality orthopedic models that will help reduce the load on the child's spine. The presence of several departments will allow to accustom a student to order, lay school supplies according to the desired departments.

When buying a chairman for a first grader, it is recommended to agree with the class manager of the necessary accessories. In many schools there is a positive practice of centralized procurement of the same office for all students elementary school. Such an approach is quite convenient and practical solution, in which all students become equal and any of the children does not offend and does not upset the fact that someone's office is better than him.

List of pressed stationery for first grader:

  • Notebooks in the cell and oblique line for 12 sheets
  • Polyethylene covers for books and notebooks
  • Bookend
  • Bookmarks in textbooks
  • Case for notebooks
  • Pencil case
  • Automatic handles with multicolored pastes
  • Graphite Pencils of Middle Hardness
  • Sharpening for editing pencils with container
  • Eraser
  • Line no more than 25 cm
  • Accounting sticks
  • Letters and numbers in the form of a fan or cash register

To date, almost all educational institutions of the country for the first September, the kids give the same diaries. Therefore, we recommend to discuss in advance the moment with the classroom. If all the same, the diary will need to buy, we recommend to give preference to ordinary models, without any for more information And pictures, which in the first grade absolutely will not need, but will only distract the child.

When choosing stationery should not be bought. It is necessary to pick up only high-quality items that will easily learn how to write and count. As for the notebooks, it should be taken exclusively with white tight paper, on which lines and cells are clearly displayed.

When choosing a Penal, we do not recommend taking large, volumetric models that are already equipped with a large number of stationery, many of which will not need a child every day. It is better to take a small compact penalty, spreading in it separately purchased high-quality handles and pencils.

We recommend to buy in advance and prepare a badge with the surname and the name of the child. This will speed up the teacher's dating process with your child. You can buy ordinary classic models, and you can centrally purchase special colorful badges for first graders.

List of accessories for drawing and labor lesson

In addition to the standard office of the office, the first-grader to school needs to buy accessories for creativity on drawing and labor lessons. On the lessons visual arts Children will learn the first strokes and drawing rules, so we recommend purchasing a colorful and high-quality school office, thereby putting the love of the beautiful.

List of necessary things for the lesson of visual art:

  • Album for drawing with dense, white paper
  • Watercolor honey paints, not more than 12 colors
  • Brushes: Thin, Middle and Thick
  • Glass-Unplevika
  • Color pencils of medium softness in the amount of 24 pcs.
  • Soft erase

The thematic work plan for the first grader provides for the study of various technologies, for whose knowledge will require several sets of accessories:

  • Colored paper and cardboard of various formats
  • White cardboard
  • Scissors with stupid ends
  • Glue (dry and pva)
  • Plasticine no more than 24 colors
  • Skull and carriage for modeling

Another species labor activity In the first grade is working with natural materials. Unfortunately, this accessory is impossible to buy data, so we recommend it in advance to try to harvest various sheets of trees, flowers, chestnuts, acorns, shells, pebbles and everything that can be needed at school.

For each set we advise you to buy separate folders. For example, special folders with clamps for glue, scissors are sold to working with colored paper. To work with plasticine, you should buy plastic folders on buttons or velcro.

Also an integral part of any lesson for works is a apron and wrappers for creativity. Specialized stores sell ready-made kits, and you can sew them at home on our own from waterproof fabric.

Accessories for physical education lesson

For most first-graders, physical education lesson becomes one of the favorite items. And this is not in vain, because it is allowed to run, jump, play and in the measure will fool. Therefore, you need to buy a first-grader to school a separate kit for physical education. Two forms are necessary: \u200b\u200bone set is used for lessons in the open air, and the second for lessons in the school building.

  • Tracksuit
  • Knitted white t-shirts in an amount of 2-3 pcs.
  • Black knitted shorts
  • Kedy with white polyurethane sole
  • Separate pair of socks

When buying sportswear, it is worth preferred models from natural fabrics, the size of the costume must correspond to the growth of the child. It is unacceptable to take pants for a growing, which during moving classes on physical education will interfere with the child. For convenient and practical wearing form, you should buy a special bag, with a separate zipper pocket for shoes.

What to buy for first grader in the house?

In addition to the acquisition of school supplies and forms, it is worth paying special attention to the arrangement of the working area of \u200b\u200bthe first grader at home. At first it may seem that the purchase of a single table is luxury. But in fact, a separate workplace will allow you to organize a child faster and teach it to order.

  • "Growing" table and. This will save the cost of buying furniture over several years. These models allow you to adjust the height and angle of the table top, depending on the growth of the child.
  • Schoolboy corner. It consists of a foam for school supplies and stands for storing a portfolio and a sports form.
  • Modern furniture models for the working area of \u200b\u200bthe first grader provide for the use of suspended shelves for books, and drawers under the table or directly in the desk for notebooks and office.
  • Wardrobe or stylish modular hanger for storing school uniforms. Sometimes it can go in a furniture kit, and in the absence of a stationary cabinet, you can purchase a modular model.
  • Footrest. Some modern models of tables or chairs have already in the configuration a special rubberized stand. But if your model does not provide for its presence, we recommend buying it separately.
  • Lighting. In addition to the correct location of the table relative to natural lighting, in this case it is not necessary without any. The optimal option is a lamp with a "sunny" color, which can adjust the height and placement location relative to the table top.
  • Magnetic board. A comfortable and practical thing will allow the child to always have a schedule of lessons before eyes, homework and record even the necessary "reminders". Using magnets, you can fix parental notes, pictures and more.
  • Garbage container. Accommodation under the table of a small basket will allow you to contain a workplace first-grade clean and order.

Preparation of the child to the first class is characterized by significant material waste. But in no case cannot be saved on the practicality and quality of purchased things for the future schoolboy. A competent approach to solving this problem will allow best way Collect your child in the first class and arrange a stunning holiday for him on September 1st.

The first time in first class. This phrase is applicable not only for children, but also for parents, first sending a child in. Being before the need for a child's fees to school, many dads and moms are lost, because they have already subsided their school childhood, and the "arsenal" of school supplies has changed very much.

Shopping is better to go to a large store, where a wide range of goods is presented or use the modern service and choose everything you need in online stores (here is usually cheaper). The main thing is to make all purchases along with the child, he must be involved in this process and express his wishes, otherwise you risk buying a "squeezing backpack", "stupid diary" and penalty, "with whom he will not go to school"!

So, what needs to be purchased by a modern first grader.

In principle, all necessary objects for school can be divided into 4 main parts: children's clothing, stationery and.

School shape and shoes

If the school adopted the form of a single sample, then find out the parents of older children, where you can sew or buy it cheaper. It is advisable to unite with the parents of your child's classmates, then you can save on a wholesale purchase.

If you just need to stick to a strict style - then everything is much easier. The boy needs a suit, trousers, two or three shirts, tie (in some schools is required) and, if not prohibited, 2-3 jumper - they are sometimes more convenient in them than in the jacket. The girl is a suit, preferably including skirt, pants, jacket and vest, 2-3 blouses, 2-3 jampers and a beautiful skirt or sundress for solemn incidents. All clothes should be durable and tight. Preferably - from blended fabrics. Because In pure synthetic, the child will be uncomfortable, and natural fabrics are terribly impaired.

Before buying a sports form for physical education lessons, find out what is customary to do in your school? Suddenly Phizruk demands that everyone will be without fail in black shorts and yellow t-shirts, and you buy a sports suit.

From the shoes, there will be sneakers or sneakers for physical education and shoes (boots) as a replacement shoe. It is important that the shoes would be comfortable and easy to wear. The child will be easier to cope with velcro and locks than with laces or buckles. The sole is desirable to choose light, because Many teachers complain that the dark sole of the kids "draw" on the floor.

Having gathering a child to school, do not seek to wear it gorgeous - remember how you yourself fell in school uniform on the floor, inadvertently praised her in the Games of Games or dirty chalk, participated in battles on bags with replacement shoes.

School bag

You need to pay special attention to this item and pick up the school backpack correctly (in more detail). From the convenience of the model and its weight will depend on the health of your child's back. must:

Have weight less than 1 kg;

Have an orthopedic back and adjustable straps;

Have reflectors in front, on sides and straps;

To be made of durable water-repellent fabric with sturdy seams and edge;

Have comfortable locks and lightning;

Be strengthened plastic corners and plastic bottom;

By the way, enough big choice School backpacks at quite democratic prices are presented on the website of the online store Go, look, perhaps something like you.


Pencil case Must be roomy and compact. Especially good to these qualities correspond to the drop-down books on lightning. It is desirable that it is mild, because In this case, he does not fall so loudly, it does not hurt and does not break down when hit or fall.

To the penalty you need to collect:

Pens With blue paste - 2-3 pieces (and 3 more to the reserve, children are very quickly lost), as well as 1 with red and green paste (some tasks in educational notebooks require highlighting or underscounted by different colors of individual elements). The handles should be not slippery and convenient to go to the child's hand. Especially well suited for this handle with rubberized surfaces. Pasta should easily go on paper

Simple pencils - 2 pieces: solid and soft.

Eraser - 2 pcs., One to erase entries with a pencil, and the other handle, or double-sided.

Sharpener for pencils It is better to purchase with a container for collecting chips.

Rule -1 PC. With clear divisions and large numbers.

Accounting sticksany, at your discretion.

A diary.There is a great set of them: with beautiful colored covers, with pictures and stickers on pages, etc. Choose better easiest for younger classes. Pictures and other decorations will only distract the child, which is not yet too well oriented in this document. is also better to choose the most common. The main thing is not a cover, but compliance with standards, right dimensions cells and lines and font clarity. Please note that the paper has been matte and there is a color of baked milk, so most convenient for the letter. Well, if they have rounded ends, because sharp strongly imagine. In addition to the notebooks, buy a plastic folder with the button - they will not sweat in it. For first grader, you will need 4-5 notebooks into the oblique line and 4-5 in the cell.

Covers for notebooks and textbooks Must be dense, so as not to rush and transparent. It is better to purchase them in September, when the textbooks will already be on hand, because Books have a different format.

Stands for booksit is better to buy two types: metal for home use, because It is stronger and plastic for school, because It is easier to wear it.

Plasticine -6-8 colors are enough, you can buy a mass (or dough) for modeling, it is less dirty. Get a special smell for modeling, it is easier to wash away from plasticine than the desk.

Scissors with stupid ends -so that the child was not inadvertently injected

Colored paper and color cardboard

Glue stick - It is less dirty

Colour pencils - enough 12-24 colors

Watercolor paints with tassels.


Album for drawing It is better to purchase no more than 30 sheets, it will be easier to wear it.

Do not buy first-grader Dear stationery. Believe me, your baby will like the cheap, but a bright ballpoint pen than a strict Parker, and they are lost and they break completely equally.

Take a look at these interesting pages!

Hello, dear parents of future first-graders and older schoolchildren. This article will first of all, it will be interesting to those moms and dads, who have children just enter the footage of school learning. It is assumed as a kind of list - a reminder of what to buy for grade 1, in order not to miss anyway and do not forget, but to create a real holiday on September 1, providing him with a good mood for the entire upcoming academic year.

Head spin? Nothing terrible, it only seems like this at first glance. All you will succeed! We will help you in this! So why will we start? I suggest in order from a large to small.

Lesson plan:

School wardrobe

On our site already along and across the topic of school uniforms was studied and. ... and ... it is possible in more detail that it happens that it is necessary to envisage and what it is worth especially to think. Let me remind you only the main one.

  • The school form must meet the requirements of a particular educational institution where your future first grader entered. This also applies to color and included clothing.
  • Clothing and footwear for school training should be free and convenient and respond to all the requirements for its manufacturers, selected in the size of the child.

From the chest of tips. The parents of the young first grader, parents recommend footwear to acquire on velcro, and not on laces. The material for the shape is chosen with the viscose so that clothes live to the end of the school year.

In addition to the daily wardrobe for students, a sports suit for physical education will be needed. At the same time, it will have to fork out not one option. The first little warmer, because for street classes: the bottom is long sports pants, and the top is the so-called Olympique or light windbreaker with long sleeves. The second option is for classes in the gym. It includes a T-shirt and shorts.

From the chest of tips. Most schools do not sharpen attention, what's on the legs of the child runs on street physical education, because best option For shoes will be running sneakers. But for the Hall of Fizruk will definitely ask the sneakers! Consider this by going to the shop for shopping for school.

Wear shoes in cellophane packages, children are not very convenient, so for a replacement option and sports shoes, look through the bag.

So, the wardrobe figured out:

  • school uniform,
  • indoor shoes,
  • sports form for the street
  • sports form for the hall,
  • bag for shoes.

Choose a bag

The fact that it will be better for first grades - a backpack or a portfolio, we already aroused with you, therefore, our conversation will help you to restore our conversation ..., where everything is "for" and "against" and covered those moments to which parents should pay attention to Buying a school bag, especially when it comes to kids.

Briefly about the school backpack:

  • with a rigid
  • with fairly wide adjustable straps,
  • with easily open lightning locks,
  • from reliable and durable material
  • weight no more than 10% of the mass of the child.

From the chest of tips. On colorful backpacks and briefcases, the dirt is less visible, and the presence of reflective elements in the design will be the helper in ensuring the safety of the child on the road.

Well, it is over, you need to choose a school bag so that the children's eye rejoiced!

Rings still in the parent karmashka a bit of "coins"? Then moving on.

Stationery Raduga

Thanks to our native state that the acquisition of parents' textbooks was released. Buy only working notebooks, which should have been issued in school. Many parents are boosted and buy them to the entire class centrally, which is much cheaper.

Overview of all stationery, which will be required by the future first, we were given in detail ... and where to put - ... if you are already familiar with these articles, then just add all the following to the cherished shopping list, designed for all academic year:

  • pencil case,
  • ballpoint handles: with a blue rod - 10 pieces, with green and red - 1,
  • simple pencils of the average hardness of TM (HB) - 10 pieces,
  • erasing gum - 2 pieces,
  • sharpener - 2 pieces,
  • line of wooden 20 cm long - 2 pieces,
  • notebooks for 12 sheets: in a cell - 5 pieces, in a wide range - 5 pieces,
  • covers for textbooks and notebooks,
  • bookmarks
  • colored pencils - from 6 to 12 colors,
  • album for drawing in 40 sheets is preferably on the spring - 2 pieces,
  • watercolor paints - from 6 to 12 colors,
  • gouache paints - from 6 to 12 colors, among which must be black and white,
  • tassels for drawing at numbers 3, 5 and 9,
  • small cup,
  • colored paper - at least 2 sets,
  • color cardboard - at least 2 sets,
  • scissors - 1,
  • adhesive pencil - 2 pieces
  • pVA glue small volume - 2 pieces,
  • - from 6 to 12 colors,
  • folder for labor,
  • folder for notebooks,
  • alert and apron on drawing and labor lessons.

If in a set of working notebooks there is no school diary, then do not forget about this valuable subject, after all, after a month later, after the start of the school year, there will be no, no estimate, they are not in grade 1, emoticons - smiles, which will undoubtedly please the parent eye.

Well, that's all that is required. If on plastic cards mom and dad still stayed cashThat mercilessly disappear as it acquired on this school list of the most necessary, you can look after additional utility of the type of schedule, supports for the office and other little things.

So, deeply inspired, took a future student with them and a good mood and forward to perform a preparatory plan! Enjoy the shopping!

You are already ahead of the planet all, and everything is ready for first graders: the form is waiting for your o'clock, the backpack is bangible on the school chair, full of notebooks and pencil pens? Then check, and have you not forgotten? There is still time! Although not so much.

Successful fees!

Collect the child to school is not as easy as it may seem at first glance. It is necessary to know exactly what accessories will be needed first grader, do not forget anything from the list, and at the same time not to leave the entire family budget in the mall or on the market.

Most errors make young moms and dads of first-graders. To avoid misses, seek advice to the future class teacher or to a friend-Mom, which has already managed to send your child to school.

In various educational institutions, different requirements are presented to the content of the backpack. But there are mandatory items that are the same almost everywhere. Stationery for first grader and wardrobe items are two groups of products that you have to aim before the beginning of the school year.

Children's clothing for first grader

In one school, it is allowed to walk strictly in the form, free style is allowed. But, as a rule, the dress code is observed. This is a classic style: shirt and pants for boys, blouse and skirt - for girls. Buy comfortable, natural things in which your baby will be able to feel comfortable and worn every day.

It is advisable to buy replaceable shoes in which the baby will sit at the desk while the shoes are dried. Do not forget about the lessons of physical education - for them you will need a sports suit and comfortable shoes - sneakers or sneakers.

How to collect first grader to school
School supplies for first class

Backpack. When buying a backpack for a preschooler, choose a model in which a steady bottom, a solid back and other orthopedic attributes that allow you to maintain the correct posture.

Notebook. Buy children's notebooks with white, clean sheets. A bright cover can distract from tasks and inapplicifications, so it is better to refrain from the purchase of such notebooks. The most common and convenient for first grades - notebooks by 12 sheets.

A diary. His design also should not be too twisted. The main thing is that it provides for places for records of the schedule of lessons, homework, stream and final ratings.

A pen. The main thing is that the handle is convenient to keep, therefore it is worth looking at the products with a rubberized case. Second important moment - Quality Paste: She properly to go on paper. Do not choose too light shade of handles for first grader - written such a paste will be difficult to disassemble.

How to collect first grader to school

Drawing accessories. The program of junior classes necessarily present creativity. Drawing, modeling, applications need a whole arsenal of instruments. For example, tassels, paints (watercolor or gouache), glue, safe scissors, pencils and paper of different colors, plasticine and album with high-quality white pages.

Pencil case. Children's penalty for school should not be too large, but roomy. These criteria are quite consistent with the pencils in the form of a book with zipper.

Among the mandatory acquisitions to study the first grader - stationery, backpack and clothing. All these things should not just be safe and comfortable, but also like your newly minted schoolboy. Therefore, take the baby with you to the school market so that it helps you make the right choice.