Prayers-appeals to the Slavic gods: how to correctly ask them for help. Glorification of Veles Becoming Glorification of Veles

Complete collection and description: prayer appeal to Veles for the spiritual life of a believer.

Appeal to Perun - find out all the nuances of receiving help from the Slavic thunder god. Below you will find the texts of glorifications, prayers and hymns, as well as the rules for offering treasures to Perun.

Appeal to Perun - who practices it and who needs it

In the old days, only wise men, elders and heads of state, as well as warriors, by whom he was especially revered, turned to Perun. He was considered the patron saint of the prince and the princely squad. At the temples of Perun, it was customary to take military oaths, as well as to seal agreements to end military conflicts with oaths.

Peace treaties at the temple of the thunder god would seem to be meaningless. However, this god does not like people who break their oaths. He values ​​honor and valor. Therefore, in the old days they believed that if you break the oath taken at the temple of the god Perun, military success will turn away from the violator.

In the modern world, Perun is revered by people who hold leadership positions or strive to occupy them, as well as military personnel and people who want victory in an important matter. Appeal to this god is required for protection, including for a soldier, as well as from the evil eye and damage. In addition, contact with this deity will help you reach the top of the career ladder and improve your health. But this god is ready to help only those people who are distinguished by courage and perseverance. He doesn't like whiners and weak-willed people.

Appeal to Perun for support and protection

This appeal to Perun can be read at any time, anywhere, when the need for his help arises. If you need to win a difficult task or defend yourself from enemies, the help of the patron of warriors will not be superfluous. The same text can be read for protection after offering the required:

Perun! To those who call upon You, be Glorious and Trislavic! Give health and abundance to all the children of Svarozh, show mercy to the families, rule over everyone, from the Motherland! So be it, so be it, so be it!

It is best to memorize the text so that in the right situation you can read it immediately. Remember to show gratitude to the deity after receiving what you wanted.

Hymn to Perun for protection - useful for both soldiers and civilians

The ancient Slavic God Perun is one of the manifestations of the Most High Family

In the old days they believed that the hymn to Perun before battle could protect against death in battle. Modern soldiers are no strangers to such beliefs. The anthem can be read before the battle, as our ancestors did. According to modern legends, he does not allow one to fall in battle. A soldier who knows these words will return home safe and sound. The cult of Perun is strong to this day; do not underestimate the gifts of this deity.

In addition, this hymn is spoken over water to remove the evil eye and damage, as well as to protect against evil witchcraft and the machinations of enemies. If you suspect that you are being negatively influenced, try reading this hymn. This should be done in the morning, before breakfast and washing. The hymn is recited loudly over a cup of water; it must be read 33 times:

Perun, divine warrior of the Golden Vedas,

Perun, bestowing prophetic power, ringing, noble power,

Perun, you are the sacred fire,

You are a living fire, shining joyfully with the multicolored colors of primordial flowers.

Perun is the sparkling God, the heavenly knowledge, the God of the dispassionate truth of heaven.

You are always the first in honor of the struggle,

You hear those calling you.

My heart is honest in your prophetic heart.

And I preserve my honor and dignity, remembering your honest valor.

You put weapons into my body, the purity of my bright soul.

I will preserve that divine gift, prophetic and sacred fire.

I will give you my satisfying bread.

Appear in my life with a fiery eye so that I can see everything.

Show up in my life as a fiery word, a word of wisdom, and let it rule my life.

Great is your essence, given by birth,

You opened the way for me, and so be it,

And let it be so for all centuries.

Glory to you, relative Perun.

Glory to you, relative Perun.

Glory to you, relative Perun.

God of the purity of my life,

God of the glorious eternal fire,

God, who unites my strength into great, true grace,

Glory to you, goyim Perun.

God, night and day you are always with me,

You always shine with the colors of fire.

This is a version of the anthem adapted for modern Russian-speaking people. There is also an ancient Vedic text, but it is quite difficult to pronounce and understand.

Prayer to Perun for protection - text and situations suitable for it

Perun is the thunder god in Slavic mythology, whose name is the main one in the pantheon of gods of Prince Vladimir

The prayer to Perun can be read in many situations. For example, it is quite popular among mothers, wives and sisters of military personnel who want their loved one to return home safe. This sacred text is also read by people who strive to bypass all enemies and competitors - no matter on the career ladder or anywhere else.

But, first of all, prayer to Perun is necessary for the military. It will protect you from death and injury in battle, and will also help you accomplish a feat, receive a promotion, or achieve another goal that this god would approve. A prayer to Perun for protection can be read before battle.

Prayers to this Slavic god are usually read in full voice:

Perun, Our Father! Your Sword and Shield are thundering in Blue Svarga. We, Your faithful children, hear Your unspeakable Power, the Righteous Power given by the Family, in the Cola of the Living Appearance You protect the way, you always protect the Russian race and us Orthodox. Protect our souls with the Holy Perunitsa, and our bodies with the Fire Thunderstorms, let them not touch us, but drive away our enemies. The Fire of Svarozh, the Fire of the Righteous Faith, the Holy One of God, burns in our souls. Therefore, we are always united with You, united in Triglav the Great, come to us at our call! Glory to Perun!

Glorification of Perun - text and differences from prayers and other texts

The glorification of Perun is usually read during the offering requirements. This is a text to express your respect to the deity and gratitude for your help. Its difference from prayers and other texts of appeal to the gods lies in the fact that in prayer a request is usually expressed, and in glorification - respect and gratitude.

The glory of Perun can be expressed in these words:

Be blessed, Perune - our Leader, now and forever, and from century to century! And lead us to the Trisvetous Glory! So be it, so be it, so be it!

How to properly bring demands to Perun

Treba is a mandatory way for every pagan to express their faith, devotion, reverence and gratitude to the deity. In the old days, demands were brought on the holidays corresponding to each god, as well as “privately” before asking for and after receiving help from the deity.

Preparation of the Requirement for bringing it to Perun

Each deity has its own preferences, and if you turn to one of them, you should be aware of these preferences. Do not forget that any power that you turn to in conspiracies or prayers requires payment. When working with dark forces, this is a payoff in the form of strong alcoholic drinks, tobacco and coins, left at the crossroads. And when turning to Perun and other Slavic deities, the demand becomes such a ransom. The gods will not help you if you forget to express your faith and gratitude to them, especially when it comes to holidays dedicated to them.

Requests to Perun are brought in the late afternoon, when it gets dark. The tree corresponding to this god - oak Moreover, they preferred to install temples dedicated to him in oak groves and forests. Therefore, Perun is supposed to bring gifts near the oak tree. What you decide to offer as a request can simply be placed on the ground under the oak tree.

If there is a temple or idol of Perun near your place of residence, you can bring the demand there. Before placing it in front of the idol, walk around it once clockwise, holding the prayer in your hand.

In the old days, iron was often taken as a requirement for the thunder god - horseshoes and weapons. Nowadays these items have become too difficult to obtain, so they usually bring drinks and food as gifts to the deity. The tradition of human sacrifice on Perun's holiday came to naught, as did the sacrifice of bulls and roosters in honor of this deity. However, roosters are sometimes still given as gifts on special occasions.

Idol of Perun in Kyiv

Almost any meat is suitable as gifts - lamb, chicken, beef, game and even lard. Eggs, porridge, nuts and honey, borscht, grain and pies - this is a short list of foods that may be required by this god. Milk, beer or red wine are good drinks. Choose what is available at the moment, but the required items are always purchased specially and not found in the refrigerator at home.

In general, Perun’s help will be useful to a military man, a stubborn careerist, or simply a stubborn person with a brave heart. Prayers and hymns addressed to him will help you survive in war and win victory in any matter. The protection that this deity can bestow can protect against any damage or evil eye.

    • Fortune telling
    • Conspiracies
    • Rituals
    • Signs
    • Evil Eye and Damage
    • Charms
    • Love spells
    • Lapels
    • Numerology
    • Psychics
    • Astral
    • Mantras
    • Creatures and

    On this day there were extensive celebrations, people drank and walked. It was believed that it was not a sin to drink a lot if the bins were full. It was not for nothing that they said: “I got stuck!” On winter Nicholas, it is customary to make conspiracies against alcoholism. You can order a prayer service for the health of a relative with alcohol addiction. On December 19, Saint Nicholas brings gifts to children, and relatives read prayers for their health.

    PRAYERS - PRAISE. Slavic primordial prayers

    Nothing is true in many worlds and on Midgard Earth. Follow only the Wisdom of the ancient Vedas,

    Yes, listen to the words of the Magi and Priestesses of the Light Gods, To whom the Wisdom of the Veda has been given from above to interpret...

    What is prayer? Prayer is a tool. Our Ancestors praised the Gods, but did not ask them for anything. We were engaged in SLAVO-words, therefore we are Slavs. Doxology is the creation of special vibrations, because language is given to us in order to glorify, that is, to WORD the resonance of attunement with the Gods (certain energy) with the help of words. Prayer- this is a vibration series associated with a certain hypostasis: either we turn to a specific God who controls specific elements, or to one of his manifestations - protection, help, support. This is a technique of attunement with certain vibrations. When we are attuned to this vibration, we appropriate this Power for our evolution. When a person believes, when he has an inner conviction that the object to which he is turning will help him, help and support come. At the same time, it doesn’t even matter whether we speak in our own words or without words, just a mental message and a mental touch to God works miracles. It is important from the Soul, with understanding, according to CONSCIOUSNESS, then prayer works very powerfully. And here it is important to accept these vibrations. Often a person is not ready to accept high vibrations if he lives for a very long time in low ones: aggression, anger, irritation and internal negativity. Praying means we tune in to the vibration of God and use His Power. Therefore, the prayer must be glorified, said, and not spoken (go - image, thief - steal. Steal images).


    ReadRead – chi is the energy of life, thief - to appropriate - to appropriate the light power of the Gods for oneself, to unite with them and become one with them, not to grovel before them, not to be servile, but simply this recognition that we are one and the same with them.

    Praise – sl A we infuse their power and use it for our evolution.

    Live according to conscience - CO-shared Message: do not do to others what you do not wish for yourself.

    Live in harmony with nature – harmonious – it is a relationship with natural vibrations .

    We offer you here several of our native prayers to appeal to the Gods. Other prayers can be found in the prayer archive. And remember that what is important is your intention to hear the Gods, to accept their Light.

    The path of the Orthodox Faith-Veda

    IN I believe in the Most High Kind - the One and Many-Manifested God, the Source of all that exists and bears, who is the Eternal Krystal of all Gods. I know that the World is a Rod, and all the many-named Gods are united in it. I believe in the trinity of existence of Rule, Reveal and Navi, and that Rule is true, and was retold to the Fathers by our Forefathers. I know that Rule is with us, and we are not afraid of Navi, For Navi has no power against us. I believe in unity with the Native Gods, for we are Dazhboz’s grandchildren - the hope and support of the Native Gods. And the Gods keep their right hands on our rallies. I know that life in the Great Family is eternal, and we must think about the eternal while walking the paths of Rule. I believe in the power and wisdom of the Ancestors who are born among us, leading us to good through our Guides. I know that strength lies in the unity of the Orthodox clans, and that we will become glorious by glorifying the Native Gods! Glory to the Family and all the Gods who exist in Him!

    R ode to the Almighty! Great our God! You are one and multi-manifest, You are our Light and Justice, You are the spring of Eternal Life, the source of boundless Love, the one that heals the Soul and Body. We praise You, God of Rule, Reveal and Navi. And we work every day on our souls in order to be Wise and Strong, a strong support for Mother Earth and defenders of our ancient Family, for You give us Inspiration and Joy, bestow Courage and Fortitude, give us the Veda and teach us Patience, so that we may walk the path with honor our life, inspiredly fulfilling Your sacred will. Glory to You, Rod Almighty! And to all the Native Gods existing in You!

    ABOUT my father, Rod! You are the God of Gods. Take me under your wing. Let no one stop me from living and working in Your Name. You are Perfect, and I am improving my Love for You, for I know that Love and justice are the most powerful protection from all evil. I thank You, my Father, for caring for me and my family. Om (Aum)” Malaya Perunitsa. Big Perunitsa. ⚡

    Important: copy this protective prayer from the website by hand onto paper. So it was handed over to me - on paper, by hand.

    R ode to the Almighty, who gave birth to the life of Reveal and Navi! You are the God of Our Gods and the beginning of the entire Divine Family. You are Father Sky - Svarog, the Grandfather of God, You are the Great Mother Lada - Love and the birth of the World. Like Perun, we see You in many battles, which leads us to military victories and the establishment of a righteous life. You are the holy knight of our Faith - Svetovit, God of Rule, Reveal and Navi. Yet you are the Great Triglav of our Faith-Veda. Glory to the Native Gods!

    Prayer of Encouragement

    R ode to God! You are Holiness, more sacred than all saints!

    The highest Generator and the Eternal Spirit of Light, with the movement of your thoughts in Dyva you give birth to many worlds, therefore You are in everything and everything is in You, You fill all souls with the Limitless Light, You bless the Holy One for eternal life, happy are those who know Your highest wisdom ! They hold on to the Heavenly Parents, the Kin Gods and the Light Ancestors, asserting the Holiness of Rule on Earth, and go to the Most Pure Svarga! Filled with Your strength, protected by Your holiness, we live for You, faithfully fulfilling our destiny. Because You are the highest joy and boundless happiness! Thy love flows to us, with spiritual and physical gifts, and with all grace, for we abide in the unity of the Ancestral Fire, we sanctify our souls with pure deeds, we create a World of Good and Love! Glory to the Almighty Family!

    IN the Red sun is melting, our Dazhbozh, the world is illuminated with light, filled with joy! My soul wants grace, for I am grandson

    Dazhbozh. I look at the sky and my heart trembles with unspeakable joy, because our Dido himself enters my home. Greetings, Sunshine!

    Bless my Spirit, Soul and body, so that I may remain in health and grace. Without You, there is no breath, no movement of anything on Earth - Mokosh! Bless me, God, on a clear day, so that all my good undertakings will be accomplished, and so that Krivda will sink into the Pit! Glory to Dazhbog!

    R od Almighty! Great our God! You are one and multi-manifest, You are our Light and justice, You are the storehouse of Eternal Life, the Spring of boundless Love, That which heals the Soul and Body. We praise You, God of Rule, Reveal and Navi. And every day we work on our Souls to be Wise and Strong, a strong support of Light Rus' and defenders of our ancestral Family, since You give us inspiration and Joy, bestow Courage and Fortitude, give us Knowledge and teach Patience, so that we pass the Path with honor our life, inspiredly fulfilling Your Sacred Will. Glory to You, the Most High Family! Glory to all the Native Gods existing in you!

    Prayer before starting any business to Svarog

    With Varozhe, Dido of the Heavenly Family, You are the creator of the Explicit World - the sun, stars and Mother Earth. In You is the great power of creation, which manifests itself in the owners of our race. You are the beginning of all good deeds that are born in the hearts, ripen in the mind and bear fruit in reality. How can I begin without Your blessing? I pray to the Heavenly Father, may he bless my righteous cause, may he inspire me with his Light, so that I may do good and joy to the White Light, the Orthodox family, and my relatives. Glory to Svarog!

    Prayer at the end of the case to Veles

    T You are the crown of everything and earthly lives, Veles, our God! Let my heart be filled with joy from what has been created, For my deeds are with a pure heart and bright thoughts. May my deeds manifest themselves as fruits of goodness and glory to my family! Bless, Velese, let it be so!

    Prayers of Glory before eating food

    Option 1

    Through the power of the Native Gods and human labor, food arrives, blesses the bodies and souls of Dazhbozh’s Grandchildren, sanctifying them with the desire for holiness. For the good and happiness of the Children of Svarozh, having food, we demand that we give, We create glory for the Great Family! Glory to the Native Gods!

    Glory to the Native Gods for our daily food, which gives us joy and our children a worthy life. We ask the Native Gods to bless food and treat our Ancestors, so that peace and harmony may reign between the Heavenly Family and the Earthly Family. Glory to the Native Gods!

    We praise the Gods of our Relatives for the daily food that they give us to create through inspired works, we ask that this food be sanctified with the Primordial Light, filled with goodness and happiness for us and to treat the bright Ancestors! Glory to the Native Gods!

    O Progenitor, manifesting himself in the form of Sventovit, Svarog, Perun and Dazhdbog, Mokosh, Lada, Glory to Thee! Bless this food so that it will benefit us. Aum (Om) ⚡ – Perunitsa for food.

    Glory to the Ancestor-Rod, the Heavenly Rod, we thank Thee for our meal, for the bread and salt that You give us to nourish our bodies, to nourish our Soul, to nourish our Spirit, may our Conscience be strong and may all our deeds be, Yes, for the Glory of all our Ancestors and for the Glory of the Heavenly Family. So be it, so be it, so be it!

    Glory to the Most High Family and all the Gods for the food they give us. We ask the Native Gods to taste our food and with their Power to illuminate and treat our Ancestors with it. So that there is peace and unity between the Heavenly Race and the Earthly Race. Glory to the Most High Family!

    Father Svarozhe! Almighty God bless!

    Mother of God Lada! Makosh-Otrada!

    We thank the Ancestors for this meal!

    We fill you with our Love and Light!

    We will nourish all our bodies.

    We bless you with all the Power of God!

    Option 1. P ode to the Almighty! Your blood children glorify You. As night sets foot on the Earth, Saint Veles walks on the Earth. And our souls are in

    They go through Nav, they call their ancestors through deep sleep. Therefore, we ask Veles the Father, who brought children to our earthly Ancestor, to protect our souls from Navi, and to come to the world of Reveal, like Dazhbog, in the morning healthy and strong. Glory to the Native Gods!

    Option 2. About Father Rod! Your blood children glorify You. As night sets foot on the Earth, Veles walks across the Earth with light. And our Souls are sent to Prav through Nav, calling our ancestors through deep sleep. We glorify Father Veles, who brought children to our Earthly Ancestor, we ask to protect our Souls from Navi and come to the world of Reveal, like Dazhbog, in the morning healthy and strong and bring new strength to the Orthodox Family. Glory to the Native Gods!

    Parents' prayer for children

    R O Almighty, through Father Svarog and Mother Lada, You give birth to the existence of the World, you manifest yourself in the Native Gods and in every creation. Now we are filled with Your Holy Spirit and we call upon all Your righteous powers! Let the Native Gods come and, through their physical manifestations, sanctify the souls of the children of our kind, who in Radeniya Svarozh become united with the Knowing Ones, the Saviors and the Native Gods! Glory to the Native Gods!

    R ode to the Almighty! I call your reviving Light! The power of Father Svarog and Mother Lada and all the Light Gods, come and bless! Dana-Voditsa, living spring, bring us health and cleanse our bodies, illuminate our thoughts, as the morning ray illuminates our native meadows and forests. Life was born in you, renew and enrich the life in our bodies and souls. May there be strength in our family, may our children become ten times stronger, twenty times richer, and hundreds of times wiser than us! So be it! Glory to the Native Gods!

    A girl’s (vesta) prayer for marriage. A prayer for her betrothed.

    IN I’ll get up early in the morning, wash myself, bless myself, and turn to the idols of the Slavic Gods and Goddesses. Lada - Mother, hear me! There is no wife in the World without a husband, just as there is no Lada in Svarga without Svarog, for the great end of life was spent this way! Our Most Blessed Mother of God, I see how the eyes of my spirit have received the light, I sense within myself a great need for the peace of my soul! Let the face of my betrothed appear to me, for I have realized my path to Reveal! I am ready to accept him and follow the path of life, I see how happiness comes to my house, the children smile and the Sun shines joyfully! Glory to You, Ladushka! Glory to the Heavenly Family!” Malaya Perunitsa, Big Perunitsa. Bow.

    Prayer for parents

    P We honor our parents and, glorifying the Gods, we turn to Them to take care of the old age of our parents. For they brought us into the Manifest World, taught us to give life in harmony, to glorify the Native Gods, to honor the Holy Land and protect it from the alien race, the dashing eye. We call our Family, the Father of the Orthodox Gods: take our parents under Your guardianship. Let them live out their old age in peace, as Mother Share has created, and easily go to the Gods in their own time. And whoever needs it, let them return to Earth and happily overcome the intended path again. Glory to the Native Gods!

    Prayer of husband and wife for the family

    R ode to the Almighty! You, who hold within yourself everything that exists and bears, everything visible and invisible, let us join the well of Eternal Life, the source of endless love! God grant that our family union be kind and strong, send us beautiful, healthy and happy children for the good and happiness of the entire Orthodox family! Father Svarozh, make our life righteous in your strength and glory, so that we may have a good home and magnify the Gods, in unity of spirit and body, united in the Most High Family! Great Mother Lada, guardian of the Heavenly Family and the Earthly Family, be with us all our lives, may your maternal strength and affection envelop our family and protect it from all evil! Glory to the Most High Family, Svarog and Lada, and all the Gods and Ancestors!

    Prayer to the family of the Almighty wife for her husband

    R ode to God! You are the Originator of the Universe, the Source of the Heavenly Race and the Earthly Race. I praise You and ask you to give my husband strong health, like an indestructible rock, a pure and bright mind, like a mountain spring, great strength, a courageous disposition, so that he stands firmly on his feet in life, takes care of our family, loves his children, respects me, glorifies the Gods . Glory to the Native Gods!

    Here another prayer for my husband. This prayer should be read every morning when you sincerely want your husband to be truly happy.

    Clear sun, red Dazhdbozh, hear my call and my prayer. I am your earthly daughter. I turn to you with boundless love, illuminate the righteous path of my husband, so that his thoughts are bright and fair. May his path be blessed by you, clear Dazhdbozhe. Unite your Divine Fire with his Spiritual fire. May strength and wisdom be in him as much as he needs. So that he could do his deeds in the glory of the Divine. So that the Gods bless him. Glory to the Almighty!

    Prayer to Lada Mother of her husband for his wife

    M Mother Lada, we praise Your all-encompassing love. You create harmony in the Universe, in the Families of Heaven and Earth, you fill our women with kindness and motherhood.

    Bless my wife with good health, long life, a gentle disposition, and a kind heart. So that she fills our family with love, raises our children, loves me devotedly, respects my mother and father, takes care of our household. Let only harmony reign in her soul, and let the words from her lips only flow like a song, and let eternal love reign in the beautiful eyes. Glory to Mother Lada and all the Native Goddesses!

    Prayer to Mother Lada for women before rituals

    IN Great Mother Lada! We glorify Your Comprehensive Love for our Family. You are the Mother of our Gods, and we are Your grandchildren. Bless each of your children who lives in three worlds, take us under your care, endow us with wisdom and spiritual strength, so that our race grows in Great Glory. Incomprehensibly sensual is Your Love, Great Mother of our Gods. We glorify You with our Love and Honor. Let our songs of praise fly to Iriy, falling like a ray of sunshine into Your palms. Glory to the Native Gods!

    Prayer to Mother - Alive

    WITH Lavna and Trislavna be Alive-Zhivitsa, Goddess of life and bearer of the Ancestral Light!

    We see how you descend in the rays of Grandfather Dazhbog, enter the sources of our bodies and fill us with health, strength and goodness. Without you there is no life in a person, but there is only Mother Mara, who announces the end of the life of Man. Now we pray and glorify the Light of the Most High Family, which comes with You and radiates through our palms. In that Light all life exists and outside of it there is nothing, then the Generator Rod itself descends in Your face. Glory flows to You, hundred-voiced, Originator of life, Mother Alive! Glory to Zhiva-Zhivitsa!

    Prayer for love between husband and wife

    R one mother Lelya, red and beautiful Slavic Goddess, You guarded our hearts and eternal consolation to our souls. Wrap your canopy around the heart of my dear fret (my dear fret) (name), so that we may rejoice in heavenly treasure all the days. On every journey, in every bright deed, strengthen her (his) spirit, fill it with the power of love. Let the clear dawns and the red sun bring peace to my soul and strength of spirit, for our love will shine forever. Honor to You, Mother Lelya, we are filled with Your tenderness, we give happiness to each other. Glory to Lele!

    Prayer of a pregnant woman to the Goddess Makosha

    M my mother, the Mother of God of heaven, our Makosha! Bless the fetus in my womb, so that my birth will be easy, so that my child will grow within me healthy and strong, and will be born in joy. All the days, mother, stay near me, as a protector and champion of women in labor of the Orthodox family. I will offer prayers and praise to you, for you are an all-loving and all-good guardian of the wives of the earthly race. Glory to Mokosh!

    M He’s right when he goes on the road, not when he says he wants to be right. But he is right when his words and accomplishments coincide. Therefore, we say, from old to young, that we are the Children of the Gods, the Grandchildren of Dazhbog! He is with us all days and on all roads. During the day he sees with his golden eye, and in the night the silver Horse is His messenger. Therefore, it is appropriate for us to do our deeds according to our conscience, so we will have blessings in our ways and know Joy!

    A woman's prayer for conception and birth of a child

    M My bright mother, Makosh-Mother! I pray to Thee for life-giving power, for holy and bright power, that which makes the wives of the earthly race Mother of God, and brings the souls of relatives and ancestors into our world. Bless me, Nanny, and autumn with great fertility, so that I may bring into the Reality of the Ancestors of my husband’s family, the bright and righteous souls that are in Navi. You are our loving and affable parent, glorious and tri-glorious, remain in the earthly race! Grant me good health, so that my children will be born easily and in joy, so that my burden will be born as offspring, to the glory of the Orthodox people. Let Divine grace, bright thoughts and Thy wisdom dwell in my soul. I must live according to Truth and Honor, with my husband in great love. Glory to Mokosh!

    Healing prayer to Mother Alive

    M merciful Mother Alive, you are the very Light of the Most High Family, which heals all kinds of diseases. Look at the Grandson of Dazhbozhy, who is getting sick. Let me know the cause of my illness, let me hear the voice of the Gods, who speak through illness and direct me to the path of Rule. See, Goddess, that I comprehend the truth, and from this health and vigor return to me, longevity in the body is established, and illnesses recede! So be it! Glory to the Alive!

    Prayer to Veles for sleep protection

    N He steps on the ground, Veles walks through the dawns! Our God, he knows the Vedas and knows the way to Navi. I pray to Father Veles to take care of my soul in sleep, to drive away the Basurs and not to let bad thoughts go. May I see good and prophetic dreams, so that my heart may remain in harmony and peace. Let my sleep be sweet, like that of a healthy and vigorous child, for in dreams health is the essence of life. So be it! Glory to Veles!

    R Ode of the Almighty, You hold within yourself everything that exists and does not exist, everything visible and invisible, You are Truth and Goodness, Love and Justice. Great is your mercy, You reward the righteous, You have mercy and save the lost, taking care of our lives through the Gods of the Family! It was you who commanded us to learn the laws of Rule through Revealed life, overcoming trials, and to sanctify the soul through noble labor! To love your relatives, to live in truth, to sow your path with honor, so that Glory will sprout! Our relative (the name of the deceased) passed away from life, therefore accept him (her) in your spiritual kingdom, reward him (her) according to his (her) worthy deeds, according to his (her) deeds ) to the righteous, forgive bad deeds, voluntary and involuntary lies, with your All-Light Spirit, cleanse him (her) and protect!

    IN The Heavenly Ones are open and give Glory to the Ancestors! Our dear ancestors, Shchuras and Ancestors. We thank you for your health, for the strength that you send to us from the Dear Gods and help us in earthly affairs. May Svarog protect you and give you Strength! Stay happily in the Spiritual World, under our care! May there forever be a connection between generations - a sacred living connection between us! Glory to the Spirit of our Ancestors! Glory to the Native Gods!

    Prayer for the blessing of water

    R ode to the Almighty! I call your life-giving Light! The power of Father Svarog and Lada Mother and all the Light Gods, come and bless this water! Dana-Voditsa, living spring, I pour you from the horn, I pray to Father Rod! Bring us health and cleanse our bodies, illuminate our thoughts, as the morning ray illuminates our native meadows and forests. Life was born in you, renew and enrich the life in our bodies and souls. May there be strength in our family, may our children become ten times stronger, twenty times richer, and hundreds of times wiser than us! So be it! Glory to the Native Gods!

    B my gods, bright and tri-light ancestors! Great Rus' - Dear Fatherland! The primordial sun embraces its native land with its rays. Makosh-Mother weaves the threads of fate, Dana clasped her hands around Mother Earth, which is full of life and offspring. I am walking along the path of Rule to the gates of Iria with the Great-Grandfathers together. Perun leads me to the Eternity of the immortal Family. The soul hears the voice of the Ancestors in the whistle of the Stribozhi winds and there is that great Colo of the appearance of the Slavic clans, the Colo that is eternal and indestructible, immortal, like my Faith, solid, like the Alatyr stone!

    ABOUT, Merciful Progenitor, may Your will be done, who wants everyone to grow and come to the light of truth, grow and have mercy on the Soul (name), accept this desire of mine as the voice of love commanded by You. AUM

    R ode Mighty! You are the Creator of Reveal, Navi and Rule, You created the Heavenly Family and the Earthly Family with the Women in Birth. I bring glory to You, as Your blood son (daughter). I praise the Sun-Dazhbog, who rises over the Earth-Makosh every morning, saturates and warms the Holy Land with a golden ray, and gives life to the earthly race - the children of the Orthodox Gods. Let the hundred-voiced glory of the Most Bright Dazhbog fly to Iriy and be filled there with the love of the children of the earth. Let Your seed grow in human souls with the power of the Righteous, the power of the holy Svarozh, happiness, health and long years!

    R Ode to the Almighty, our one and many-manifest God, Mother Russia (Ukraine, Poland, the Czech Republic, Belarus and other Slavic lands), glorifies You in his deeds, may God be with us all the days, as the Parent, the Bright Ancestor, which is to us Father and mother. For we are a strong, rich and free race! Our power is the covenant of the Forefathers, which we protect and increase more closely from the apple of our eye. Autumn, rule with the wisdom and bright mind of our Spiritual guides, fill our rulers, relatives of us by blood and spirit, with strength and courage, bless the honest and devoted rulers and the righteous Orthodox army, bless with gifts of spiritual and physical weights and workers, and all Orthodox native believers, exalt and enrich the Many-Wise Men who burn for the good and prosperity of our Power, who lay their lives on the altar of the Fatherland and the Orthodox Veda Faith, let it be so, now and ever, from Kolyada to Kolyada! Glory to the Native Gods!

    T You - blue sky, where the Ancestors came from, look at the earthly race, cover us with your gaze, for here at the present time stand the brave Grandsons of Dazhbozh! We see a wondrous bird flying towards us and foreshadowing the good news that the Slavic race has been born again, for the opportune time has come and what was prophesied has come true! Spread your wings, Mother Glory, envelop our race with your cover, so that the power of all Native Gods fills the people, and they create life with their own hands, Nanny trusting in You! Let us follow your path to Heaven, for there is real life, and here is joy and knowledge of the Revealed World! My heart fills with love and my spirit grows stronger, praising you Nanny! We honor you, Mother of the Slavic clans, our gifts to you today! Glory to Mother Swa!

    B Ozhe Yarilo, our bright Sun, you gallop across the sky on a white horse, bringing spring to the land of the Orthodox family. There is no enlightenment either in the sky or in my soul without your life-giving ray. Appear your face in the Blue Sky, and let your spirit tremble in my soul. You, our God, are the Father of the brave and victorious, you are a mighty knight who makes a man out of a young man. I pray to you, Father, drive the Basurs away from my family, illuminate the house and bless my relatives! May I be in unity, Yaril, with the Ancestors and Gods, inspired by You to walk my path, boldly and victoriously! Glory to Yarila!

    Prayers collected and prepared according to the Heritage of the RODnovers, Old Believers

    and from communication with the Magi and the Vohvini of the Ancestral Fire

  • The strongest conspiracies of Veles were used by our ancestors everywhere - in ancient times this Slavic god was considered a friend of all people living on earth. He helped in difficult years, drove away evil, attracted prosperity and joy.

    The support of the deity was manifested in helping those in need. He repeatedly cured terminally ill patients, raised them to their feet and extended the years of their lives. Thanks to special amulets, the Slavs protected their homes from evil entities.

    According to the beliefs that have come down to us, we can understand that the Slavs trusted the reading of conspiracies only to strong people with will and powerful character. Only a person who is confident in the correctness of his actions is helped by nature.

    Slavic conspiracies

    For Slavic conspiracies to be effective, you must remember:

    • the spell is pronounced in a quiet voice, almost a whisper
    • the person performing the ritual must believe in its effectiveness
    • a person spends a large amount of internal energy, so you should prepare in advance (rest mentally and physically)

    Veles' conspiracies also require all these rules: if you want to get the desired effect, do not forget about them. There are a huge variety of spells addressed to God. Especially in ancient times, a ritual was valued that called for rain - so necessary for a good harvest.

    Slavic god Veles

    Veles is the progenitor of all mystical rituals among the ancient Slavic people. There were special priests who dedicated their entire life to the deity.

    Veles personifies the combination of great wisdom and magic. His interventions in human affairs have repeatedly proven that the word is a powerful tool. If you learn to use it, you can attract both good and evil.

    Thanks to archaeological excavations, the remains of a temple dedicated to Veles were found. It was huge in size, which once again proves how revered God was.

    Conspiracy to Veles for the well-being of the home

    For the ceremony, you will need to sew a small handbag in advance - it is important that you do this yourself. The purchased option will not work. Then tie several feathers with thread.

    Prepare a container of water, a candle made of yellow wax, sprigs of yarrow and juniper. Also for the ritual action you need incense and ten-kopeck coins (three will be enough).

    Sit on the floor. Place a lit candle nearby. You will need to build a triangle using coins. Now say the spell:

    Afterwards, go around every corner of your home with incense - the pleasant and slightly intoxicating smell will drive out all evil. Read at the same time:

    Soak the feathers in water. Spray walls, windows, doors - follow the clock hand. At this moment say the following text:

    Now it's time for the plant branches - put them in the sewn bag. This will be your home talisman hanging above your front door.

    The bag will only let in prosperity, and all the negativity will remain outside the door. To activate the power of a protective talisman, say:

    Let the used candle burn completely - no need to extinguish it. Money will also protect your home if hidden under the rug.

    Conspiracy to Veles for wealth

    When the Moon enters the growth phase, you can perform a ritual to attract monetary energy.

    You will need:

    • money (coins are used in this ritual)
    • green wax candles (eight pieces)
    • oil (choose to your taste)
    • a pot wrapped in green paper (you can use a flower pot)

    When you begin sacred activities, be completely purified. Take a bath, change clothes. Your home also needs cleaning.

    It is important that the atmosphere in the house is calm - it is advisable that there is no one at all at that moment. An interrupted ritual does not have a very good effect on the human biofield.

    Sit down at table. Place a pot nearby. Coat the candles with oil. Place them around the pot.

    Now you need coins - prepare one wish for each. And using the power of thought, imagine how each dream comes true. Try to feel how happy you will be when the desired result is achieved.

    And say the conspiracy:

    Veles is the Great and Many-Wise God. His deeds are countless and countless. Veles throughout all time acts for the benefit of the development of the universe and each individual person, therefore our many-wise ancestors sometimes revered him as the most supreme deity. That is why, even after this difficult time of destruction of all knowledge and traditions, the connection with him was not completely interrupted, and knowledge about his qualities and deeds was able to reach us.

    So how can we establish almost lost contact with this great divine personality for the benefit of our land and its children, the descendants of those who once knew and honored Veles, glorified and asked for protection in difficult times...

    Today there are a lot of speculations and various interpretations of those who, at the hour and not with malicious intent, but to the best of their ignorance, distort the true meanings and traditions of the centuries-old Vedic culture of our land. We offer one of the surest ways to achieve truth through self-knowledge, gaining personal experience of communication with God Veles through direct interaction. And then it will not be just a memorized ritual, a soulless repetition of newly minted glorifications and appeals, but your own spiritual experience without intermediaries and speculators. The wisdom and power of Veles is such that his mentoring and patronage of the truth will manifest itself in righteous deeds, for the good of the soul and material life for the sake of the prosperity of mother earth and her sons and daughters.

    There are two types of places for praising the Gods: this is the altar of Mother Nature herself and the home altar. We will tell you about each in detail.

    An altar is a place for performing rituals and praises, allowing for contact to be established, a sacred place that is arranged in a certain way, which we will tell you about.

    A natural altar is unique in that it can be in fact any place, but it must be a clean place that has not been desecrated by man and his activities. And here we already have a lot of buts at once... Even you and I have no idea what happened in the past at this place, even if there are no visible manifestations of insult to this place. Therefore, in ancient tradition it was believed that the forest is the cleanest place, and the presence of a river in this area was considered even more favorable. The sacred natural altar, the forest, is the home of Veles, he patronizes every tree and every living creature in nature, and coming to his house is required with great reverence and respect.

    Ask yourself, when did you realize this and did you realize it? How long before this time have you shown disrespect for the sacred place that you decided to go to today as an altar?

    Based on your answer, draw conclusions and, coming from now on, bow to Father Veles in front of the forest and ask for forgiveness for your ignorance, promising to behave appropriately in the future.

    Often among modern “priests” and “magi” you can find the following version: in order to bring offerings to Veles, you need to cut down a tree and bring demands on a stump (and, by the way, not only modern, but also in the past, this was found among inadequate representatives of the priesthood). I really want to look into their eyes when they talk about it...

    Let's give a very clear example that will clearly demonstrate the nightmare of this version. You, as the owner, have a garden that you planted, tended to, took care of, and suddenly your neighbor comes to congratulate you, say, on your birthday. He brought you a gift, a presentation, obviously out of great respect for you, and in order to give it to you, he cut down your tree in the garden and placed his, of course, amazing and priceless gift in a beautiful wrapper on the stump of a freshly cut down tree ( for example: your most delicious and favorite apple tree). Despite the fact that his gift is socks, and you are the director of a textile factory and the whole world walks around in your socks.

    You have come to the owner of the forest and all nature, he cares about every living creature, you propose to cut down his tree and, not only that, but also to bring him his friend as a sacrifice, for example, the connecting rod bear, which you killed out of courage and skinned and said to Veles: “Here, accept my great gifts from me!” This is not an exaggeration, but real facts about how people fell in their ignorance and lost their sanity. Defending and attacking are two different realities, and one should not be confused with the other. And also, be sure to pour him a glass of vodka and beer, well, let Grandfather Veles get completely drunk, he’s just waiting for the brave Russian to appear and pour him vodka and an intoxicating beer with a black chicken appetizer (apparently grilled chicken).

    Everything that we have described here is not just some kind of mockery or ridicule, this is what you will encounter when you read various sources, and you will have to make your choice - what you will accept as the truth and which path you will go, we only give food for thought on this topic.

    The demand is brought to Father Veles either through a fire that is lit in a small clearing in the forest, or it is placed on a stump that was formed naturally after the fall of a tree. As for fire and its lighting, be very careful not to harm the surrounding nature and living beings. Do not use flammable substances for ignition, and if the question arises about how to properly ignite a fire, and there is neither time nor skill to produce a natural spark, then in our time a gas lighter is suitable, the cleanest option for ignition, relative to matches with sulfur (where sulfur not a very favorable element). Or a gasoline lighter. Dry branches and fallen trees are used for firewood; living trees are not disturbed. When the demands are offered to Veles through the fire, Agni must be thanked and glorified. You cannot throw garbage into the sacrificial fire and forcefully extinguish it, so calculate the time based on this, do not leave until the fire goes out.

    If everything is complicated and you just can’t use these two methods, then the need is left under a tree (spruce, pine, ash if possible, if this is difficult, then just under the largest tree).

    What does God Veles truly love, what will satisfy him in the form of gifts? Everything here is very simple and even logical. Everything that cannot be found in the forest and everything that required human labor, sprinkled with sweat. And we understand that here, too, we have big problems in modern civilization. Ideally, this is grain that a person grew and collected himself, this is bread that he baked himself from his own grain, this is the milk of a cow that he fed himself, this is honey that he extracted himself. This is not a call for you to move for the sake of serving Veles, but you must understand the seriousness of how relationships with the Gods are built. People, as a rule, all come to ask the Gods for something, but do not put the proper effort into it.

    Nowadays, we will go to the store and buy all this with our own money, so pay attention to this. This money that you spend, you must earn yourself. And from the purchased products you will need to bake something according to your abilities so that your direct participation can be demonstrated. Then Father Veles will be truly pleased, understanding the costs of our reality.

    Now about the “sacred” texts themselves, which must be recited during the ritual. The most important thing is that you must know that true conversion comes from the heart itself, this is the most important thing for God Veles to hear you.

    You can spend hours reading many variations of texts that are dedicated to Veles, but not get any results, because these are just combinations of letters, and if the energy of the soul of the person himself is not behind them, then all this is nonsense.

    You need to understand the principle itself, a kind of formula, how glorification and appeal are built, which will be applied not only in relation to Veles, but also in relation to other Gods.

    First it is pronounced:
    “Glory” and the name of God, note that a person spontaneously bursts out the expression “Glory to God.”
    "Glory to Veles." Thus we express respect for the divine personality, worship of his wealth and greatness. Pronouncing the name itself is already a process of conversion. This name contains his qualities that we glorify. The following is a list of its advantages. What Veles? Many-wise, magnanimous, generous, great, incomprehensible, impartial, patronizing, endowing, protecting, knowing, protecting, bestowing, etc.

    At this moment, if you are sincere and practice this type of conversion, then you can feel how you are aware of his qualities right here and now at the moment of connection with his personality, it becomes as if a part of you, and you are expressing these perfections of him. At this moment, your spiritual nature will begin to accept this energy, which will begin to purify you. Thus, it becomes your practice, your personal experience, and not just a formal ritual.

    Don’t ask the Gods for anything material, they already know all your needs, but ours want every descendant to make an effort to achieve their goals, and they are ready to help us with this.

    Therefore, after listing the qualities, you need to say: “Guide me. Glory to Veles in the World of Navi, in the World of Reveal and in the World of Rule. Let it be so".

    The action ends with a bow as a sign of respect and gratitude.

    Sometimes it takes time to adjust your consciousness to address, therefore, if you have such difficulty, then at the beginning “Glory to Veles” can be said many times, which will help you concentrate. Listen to this sound and your consciousness will resonate with this vibration.

    Now let’s look at the home method of interacting with Veles through a small altar. The sacred place is located in the east, where Surya (Yarilo) rises every day. This could be a small shelf where you place the Idol of Veles. You will need to lay white linen fabric (), and if there are swastika patterns on it, then it will be simply magnificent. It is advisable to place it at such a height relative to your height that you are not taller than it; your gaze should go from bottom to top, and not look down on your little idol standing on the floor. This is the image of God, manifested in three-dimensional form, and we must not forget about respectful attitude.

    There is also a way to “turn on” the altar. You can use it, you can skip it, but it’s worth telling. When you bring the demand in the forest, then ask God Veles to give you an alatyr stone for the altar. And go look for the first stone that you meet at the foot of the tree and it will be your stone for your home altar, in which you will bring the energy of the forest and connection with Veles. You can then apply the Veles symbol on it with chalk or charcoal (just be careful, not with a chemical marker :)).

    On the altar in front of the image in the form of the Idol of Veles, you can light a candle - this is a small requirement. It is required to say glorification and appeal to God Veles in the same way as already described above. You can also give treats, but always before you are about to try it yourself, and not after you have already eaten and remembered that it would not be a bad idea to present this to Veles. Afterwards, it is not advisable to throw away this food, since it is considered sacred food and must be consumed. Even if you have nothing to offer, then clean water is also a gift.

    If someone has a different opinion regarding our material, then we will not argue; everyone will make their own choice, as we already mentioned at the beginning of this article.

    Your Vera Vladimirskaya.

    Views: 9,294

    ROD-PARENT- an integral part of Ramha (Ra-M-Ha - the One God-Creator, an unknowable essence emitting the Life-Giving Light and the Primary Fire of the Universe (Inglia)
    The clan - from which all existing Universes and inhabited Worlds appeared, the One Patron God of all Clans of the Great Race and the descendants of the Heavenly Clan, the Patron God of the Universes of the World Rule. A single image of many Gods and Ancestors, One and Multiple at the same time. When we talk about all our Ancestors: Fathers, Grandfathers, Great-Grandfathers and Ancestors, we say - this is my KIND. We turn to him when we need the support of the Gods and Ancestors, for our Gods are our Fathers, and we are their children.

    Ancestor-Rod, Heavenly Rod! Strengthen my heart in the Holy Faith, grant me the Wisdom of my Ancestors, Your sons and grandsons. Grant happiness and peace to Your people, now and ever and from century to century! So be it, so be it, so be it!

    This message is read before classes or studies. For better assimilation of knowledge.

    To the Glory of the One and Indivisible God the Father, the Three-Light Great Generator of ours! May all our deeds be done for the Glory of our Gods and Ancestors, and for the prosperity of our Clans and descendants! Now and ever and from Circle to Circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!

    Glorification of the Family before the commemoration of ancestors and the offering of necessities on the days of Remembrance of the Ancestors and on Parental Days..

    Heavenly Family, Progenitor! You, Patron of all Childbirth! Remember all my Ancestors! Koi in Your Light Svarga! Now and ever and from Circle to Circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!

    Glorification of Rod for the gift of life, thanksgiving for a happy life.

    Blessed be the Ancestor-Rod, the Heavenly Rod! We thank You for helping Dukhovna, for helping Slavna, and in all our deeds! So be it, so be it, so be it!
    Blessed be Triglav the Great! Now and ever and from Circle to Circle! So be it, so be it, so be it! Blessed is England - the Life-giving Light of the Great Ramha, now and ever, and from century to century!

    GOD PERUN - Patron God of the warriors of the Great Race, protector of the Lands and Family of the Svyatorus (Russians, Belarusians, Estonians, Lithuanians, Latvians, Latgalians, Semigallians, Polans, Serbs, etc.) from the forces of Darkness, God the Thunderer, ruler of Lightning, son of God Svarog and Lada -Mother of God, grandson of God Vyshenya. He told the people in Asgard of Iria the Sacred Vedas, recorded by the X'Aryan Priestly Runes in the "Santiyah Vedas of Perun" (Book of Wisdom of Perun).

    Glorification of God Perun, the protector of all Clans of the Great Race and all descendants of the Heavenly Clans.

    Be blessed, Perune - our Leader, now and forever, and from century to century! And lead us to the Trisvetous Glory! So be it, so be it, so be it!

    Appeal to Perun for protection and support.

    Perun! To those who call upon You, be Glorious and Trislavic! Give health and abundance to all the children of Svarozh, show mercy to the families, rule over everyone, from the Motherland! So be it, so be it, so be it!

    Conspiracy for health

    Perun! Heed those who call on You! Glorious and Trislaven be you! Give health, bread and family to my children (names...), show thunder! Rule over everyone! Still from Rodno! Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!

    Appeal to the god Perun before important matters, to resolve disputes, to defeat evil and untruth. For protection from enemies.

    Perun! To those who call upon You, be Glorious and Trislavic! Give weapons, bread and Strength to the howling defenders of the Race! Show the sword of your Power against the enemy! Protecting all the Vesi of Svarog, rule over all the Son of Svarog! So be it, so be it, so be it!

    Appeal is the glorification of the god Perun for any deed aimed at good.

    Perun! To those who call upon You, be Glorious and Trislavic! Give the goodness of Svarga and Peace to the entire Holy Race, and the awakening of the Spirit, to the children, show Perun! Glorifying the race, rule over all, so that the Spiritual darkness may disappear! So be it, so be it, so be it!

    Appeal to Perun for good luck in business, prosperity of your family.

    Our Father Perune, Bose the Guardian! You are the Ruler of the Light forces of Svarga throughout, grant us good luck, in Glory, without crying! Protect from deception, from darkness and dope! From Black God's vices, from foreign quitrents. Lead us to creation, and lead our families to prosperity. Now and ever and from Circle to Circle. So be it, so be it, so be it!

    Perun! You who call upon you! Glorious and Trislaven be you! Give health, bread and family to my children, show thunder! Rule over everyone! Still from Rodno! So be it, so be it, so be it!

    Conspiracy for warriors

    In the name of the Light, in the name of the Family, in the name of its power! Perun sends goodness to those who call upon her. Strength and glory, firmness and fury, give us Perun in battle. Revealed by thunder, be inspired, show your will. In the name of God Gray Svarog, give strength to the warrior. To your son and brother, to your friend and howl, show your will. Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!

    GOD SVAROG - God of the Heavens of the Revealed World, Patron God of Vyria (Slavic-Aryan Garden of Eden), Heavenly Asgard (City of the Gods).
    According to Slavic legends, the Son of the Family, the god Svarog, is the Heavenly Father. Sometimes he was simply called God. Svarog cooked (cooked, created) the earth. He found the magic stone Alatyr, cast a magic spell - the stone grew and became a huge white-flammable stone. God made the ocean foam for them. The thickened moisture became the first dry land. In the Indian Vedas this creation is called the Churning of the Ocean.
    God also created Blue Svarga - a country in the heavens where our glorious ancestors live. The bright stars are their shining eyes, with which our grandfathers and great-grandfathers look from heaven at our earthly affairs.

    Father of the Gods Svarog Heavenly, be eternally glorious, the Light Prince! You established the law of the Universe, Holy Creator, You created Reality! How eternal is Rule in Light Svarga, let there be Peace on Earth!
    Send Dazhdbog to all your grandchildren, protection, blessings and life.

    Glorification of Svarog before any undertaking!

    Glory to Svarozha, Great God, Heavenly Forger, Who bound the Sky, Who proclaimed the Rule, Who bestowed Fire! Yari, Svarozhe! NVA! Glory!

    Father - Svarog, the Heavenly Forge, who bound the sky, who exalted Svarga, strong in strength, quick in thought! Accept our honor - glorious Glory! For Chara, for the Axe, for the Plow, and for the Yoke - our ancestors glorified you. That’s how we praise You! For your gifts, bow to the Earth! NVA! Glory!

    Svarozhe, Great God! Place the cue of relics in your right hand! Svarozhe is the leader of Kolo, Svarozhe is the guardian of the Veda. You are our ancestor, Your palace is the abode of truth! Father of the Three-Bright Sun, Stretch and rule through the days and nights, Strengthen us in the Truth of God! Wake up Trislaven!
    NVA! Glory!

    LADA MATUSHKA - Female hypostasis of Rod, Spouse of Svarog. Theotokos Lada - Mother of the gods; She is also the Woman in Labor, the “Mother of Birth,” who helps during childbirth, an intercessor before the gods: she protects from their anger. Later, after the baptism of Rus', She was equated with the Christian Mother of God.

    Turn to Lada before any undertaking for success and protection from misfortunes.

    Empress, Lada-Mother, Heavenly Mother! Visit us, You, by the Power of Light, bless us for good deeds, for glorious deeds, and for the Glory of our Family, so be it, so be it, so be it!

    Plot for happiness

    Plot for happiness

    Oh Lada Mother, Most Pure Mother! Don't leave us without love and happiness! Send your grace upon us, as we honor and glorify you. Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it! Until the end of time, while the sun shines on us.

    Empress, Lada-Mother, Heavenly Mother! Blessed are You, Patroness of the Clans of the Great Race and the descendants of the Heavenly Race, we thank You for your help in our deeds, and at all times while the Yarilo-Sun shines. So be it, so be it, so be it!

    For a pleasant journey, before a long journey, for the protection and patronage of Lada

    Empress, Lada-Mother, Heavenly Mother! Bless me, O You, as I cross the long road, let me go straight, and may Your name be hallowed from Generation to Generation! So be it, so be it, so be it!

    Appeal to Lada - the Mother of God for help and blessings for good deeds.

    Empress, Mother Lada, Heavenly Mother, Mother of God! Visit us, You, by the Power of Light, bless us for good deeds, for glorious deeds, and for the Glory of our Family, so be it, so be it, so be it!

    For family well-being, harmony, healthy offspring and harmony in life.

    Mother-Rozhanitsa, Sister of the Family, hear, You, our verbs, grant healthy offspring to all our Family, so that our eternal Family Thread will never be interrupted. For Thee, we sing Great Glory, and into our mansions, Thee, we call, now and ever and from Circle to Circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!

    Prayer to Goddess Lada for love

    If you suffer from unrequited love and dream of harmony and happiness, then perform such a ritual and turn to the great Slavic goddess of love and marriage Lada.
    On the waxing moon, prepare a few things that remind you of your loved one. This could be anything, from a ticket to a theater you went to together, to his business card or photograph. Focus on all the positive qualities that you would like to see in your partner. If you are already dating someone and feel that you will be happy with him, then feel free to ask for love. Lada will hear you - believe me!

    O great Mother Lada, Heavenly Mother of God, you are the guardian and patroness of love, hear my prayer. Know that in the depths of your heart the fire of love for (name) burns. The ways of the heart are mysterious, and I turn to you for advice and support. If my love for (name) seems true in your eyes, let (name) know that his looks delight me, let him know that his speech delights me, let him know that I yearn for the touch of his hands. And I want love and happiness for both of us! If my feeling is unpleasant for (name), let my heart be freed from desire for him. If you find my love unworthy, free my heart from it. Let there be new joy and freedom from all sorrow.
    Oh Lada mother, hear my prayer!

    In the Tale of Bygone Years, Veles is called the “cattle god,” the patron saint of domestic animals. This is a small fraction of the functions of the god Veles. If Rod is the divine cause of the manifestation of life, and Svarog is the conscious experience and divine spirit that fills this world, then Veles is the material manifestation of life, its tasks. Veles knows everything, penetrates everything and enters everything. Veles leads a person to goals, not allowing him to deviate, since the very essence of the incarnation of Veles lies precisely in the realization of material manifestations. Therefore, it was Veles who was considered by our ancestors as the God of material well-being, the God of money. But among other things, he was also considered the deity of love, because love is also a material manifestation of all spiritual and physical experiences. So, Veles is the God of prosperity and love. According to Vedic teachings, after death, human souls rise along the moonbeam to the Navi gate, where Veles meets them. Pure, righteous souls are reflected from the Moon and follow a ray of sunshine to the Sun - the abode of the Almighty. The remaining souls either remain with Veles on the Moon to purify themselves, or reincarnate on Earth.

    Veles God, we honor You every day, throughout all ages!

    For abundance, a good harvest, a rich yard.

    Generous Veles, Look at us from Heaven! Give life, revive the field, give blessings! Goy Velese!

    Glory to Veles God, our refuge and strength! Glory to Thee, Leader of earthly and heavenly flocks,
    All kinds of wealth, knowledge and wisdom to the Multiplier and the arts to the Patron!

    Prayer to Veles for a deceased person:

    Our Lord, the all-knowing God - Veles! I sing your glory in times of joy and sorrow. I remember You because You are the giver of wisdom, wealth and protector of our souls on the way to the Other World. Father above the dark-secret Gods, turn your gaze to the soul of the Grandson of Dazhdbozhy (name). Let his spirit gain strength in Navi, let his Soul be cleansed of filth and rise to Reality. Here we will meet our relative with songs and glories. I honor you, God, Veles. As much as the stars shine in the Night Diva, as much as the Sun shines in the Blue Svarga, so much for the Grandsons of Dazhdbozh to glorify and fulfill Your wills, our Lord. Glory to Veles!

    Conspiracy for a good life

    Veles Patron God! Svargi is the guardian of the yard! And we all glorify you dearly, for you are our shovel and support. And do not leave us without care, and protect our fat herds from pestilence, and fill our barns with goodness, so that we may be one with you. Now and forever and from circle to circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!

    MAKOSH-TRIGLAVA - This is the great deity of fate. Its symbol in the Vedic pantheon is denoted by the celestial spinners, who are akin to the Scandinavian moira. But she is not only the goddess of fate, but also the goddess of the economy, the goddess of accumulated wealth. Makosh is a symbol of a good beginning and life itself in general. This is the goddess of blessing, she has the secret of Rule, the secret of truth, and you cannot deceive her. Makosh is the wife of Veles. She was sometimes called Makosh-Velesynya, which means that she is akin to Veles energies and is their conductor. Goddess of good fortune. Together with his daughters Dolya and Nedolya, he determines the Fates of people and Gods, weaving the Threads of Fate. Patron Goddess of weaving and needlework. With the advent of Christianity, her image merged with the image of Paraskeva Pyatnitsa.

    Slavleniye Makosh

    Makosh - Mother, strands of yarn, Share the water, Give birth to life, Lead the threads, Judge the right - So wake up! Goy!

    Appeal to Makosh for a happy lot, about well-being.

    Empress, Mother Makosh, Heavenly Mother, Mother of God! Weave for us a Light Fate, a Clear Fate, but without dark threads. And may Your mercy not perish, but to all our Clans! We sing Great Glory to You, now and ever and from Circle to Circle! So be it, so be it, so be it!

    Appeal to Makosh for good luck and about the health of yourself and your loved ones.

    Empress, Mother Makosh, Heavenly Mother, Mother of God! You, Mother-Rozhanitsa, Svarog’s sister! Grant us good luck, no troubles and no crying! Give health to your children, great and young! So be it, so be it, so be it!

    Among Svarog's gifts to people were his sons - Svarozhichi. The first of them is Dazhbog (Dazhdbog) - the god of the Sun, the giver of heat and light. His name is heard in the shortest prayer that has survived to this day: “Grant, God!” Dazhbog and Zhiva revived the world after the Flood. After the transformation of the World, Dazhbog himself changed. Everything that connected Dazhbog with the world below disappeared along with the world itself. His spirit merged with the Spirit of the Most High. And Dazhbog became indistinguishable from the Almighty. “Dazhbog separated Reality from Navi. He became the God of Rule and Reveal." Lada united Dazhbog and Zhiva in marriage, in which Zlata Maya, the Great Mother of the World, was reborn. All Slavic families descended from the progenitor Dazhbog, which is why the Slavs are called Dazhbog’s grandchildren. They also had grandchildren, and then great-grandchildren appeared - either the descendants of Dazhbog and Zhiva and Rosi - a beautiful mermaid, then a great and glorious people, a tribe named - Rus... Jiva is the personification of the fruitful power of Life, rebirth, eternal youth, the goddess of well-being, the flourishing of all living things.

    Jiva-Mother, Heavenly Mother, who sent down a pure Soul, help in the righteous cause, in the prosperity of our Race. Illuminate clear Svarga, our Path-Striving, to the Light Tarkh for consolation! So be it, so be it, so be it!

    “We praise Dazhbog. May He be our patron and intercessor from Kolyada to Kolyada! And the patron of fruits in the fields. He gives grass to our cattle all the days. And the cows multiply, and the grains multiply in the granaries. And He does not allow the honey to harden. He is the God of Light. Glory to Svarozhich, who renounces Winter and flows towards Summer. And to Him we sing glory in the fields, for He is our Father.”

    Bless Dazhdbog, Tarkh Perunovich, for good deeds, for glorious deeds, in defense of the Holy Faith and the land of the Holy Race, and in defense of our Elders, our wives and children. Protect the Shrine of our Holy Land from desecration by pagans. May our Mansions, Sanctuaries and Temples not be desecrated, now and ever, and from century to century, for our Old Faith is great and mighty. So be it, so be it, so be it!

    Our ancestors believed that Dazhbog patronized weddings and met the groom at dawn on the wedding day.

    Anthem - Orthodox Praise:

    Jiva Mother! Shower Guardian! You, Patroness of all our families!
    We call upon Thee, We glorify Thee, We magnify Thee as the giver of Bright Souls!
    Give comfort to all people, and give reproduction to our ancient families.
    And You will come, eternally in our hearts, now and ever and from Circle to Circle.
    So be, so be, so be!

    Conspiracy against diseases

    “I will stand blessed, go to the blue sea, on the blue sea is the white-flammable Alatyr stone, on the Alatyr stone the Goddess Jiva sits, holds a white swan in her white hands, plucks the swan’s white wing. As the white wing jumped back, jump back, jump away from (name) birthmarks, fevers and fevers - Hoarse, Lomeya, Decrepit, Dozing, Windy, Smutnitsa, Zyabukha, Shaking, Fire, Fluffy, Yellowing, Numb, Deaf, Karkusha , Looking, Snoring. From a wild little head, from clear eyes, from black eyebrows, from a white body, from a zealous heart. It came from the wind - go to the wind, came from the water - go to the water, came from the forest - go to the forest. From century to century."

    What is prayer? Prayer is a tool. Our Ancestors praised the Gods, but did not ask them for anything. Doxology is the creation of special vibrations, because language is given to us in order to glorify, that is, to catch the resonance of attunement with the Gods (certain energy) with the help of words. Prayer is a vibration series associated with a certain hypostasis: either we turn to a specific God who controls specific elements, or to one of his manifestations - protection, help, support. This is a technique of attunement with certain vibrations. When we are attuned to this vibration, we appropriate this Power for our evolution. When a person believes, when he has an inner conviction that the object to which he is turning will help him, help and support come. At the same time, it doesn’t even matter whether we speak in our own words or without words, just a mental message and a mental touch to God works miracles. It is important from the Soul, with understanding, to the point, then prayer works very powerfully. And here it is important to accept these vibrations. Often a person is not ready to accept high vibrations if he lives for a very long time in low ones: aggression, anger, irritation and internal negativity. When we pray, we tune in to the vibration of God and use His Power. Therefore, prayer must be glorified, said, and not spoken.

    Prayers to Veles

    Veles, the wise one, our father. Hear our glory, turn your gaze to our deeds, see us, your children, we stand before your eyes. We give you joy, with the purity of our hearts. Every day, and even every hour, stand with our spirit with your spirit. Take our deeds into your mind, and be a guarantee for them. You perform magic and perform sorcery, care for cattle and beasts, drive away shakes, drive out pain and illnesses, give people no life, accept this praise from us - your children. We honor you and love you, and give love from the heart, even as you love us, your children, with the same love. Take charge of our affairs! Unite into one, so that with a calm and serene soul we work for the good of our relatives, our children and ourselves, and lead them to fulfillment. Let me know the sweetness of life from you given - rich. And drive away fears and intrigues with your whip, grant me strength from a fraction of your strength. My father. Veles the great, the giver, in agreement with all his relatives, abiding in the spiritual world in the family. Grant me peace and prosperity, until I rest under your eye, under your hand.
    Prayer to Veles at the end of the case
    You are the crown of everything and earthly lives, Veles, our God! Let my heart be filled with joy from what has been created, for my deeds are with a pure heart and bright thoughts. May my deeds manifest themselves as fruits of goodness and glory to my family! Bless, Velese, let it be so!

    Prayer to Veles for sleep protection

    Night sets foot on the earth, Veles walks through the dawns! Our God, he knows the Vedas and knows the way to Navi. I pray to Father Veles to take care of my soul in sleep, to drive away the Basurs and not to let bad thoughts go. May I see good and prophetic dreams, so that my heart may remain in harmony and peace. Let my sleep be sweet, like that of a healthy and vigorous child, for in dreams health is the essence of life. So be it! Glory to Veles!

    Prayer to Veles for a deceased person

    Our Lord, the all-knowing God - Veles! I sing your glory in times of joy and sorrow. I remember You because You are the giver of wisdom, wealth and protector of our souls on the way to the Other World. Father above the dark-secret Gods, turn your gaze to the soul of the Grandson of Dazhdbozhy (name). Let his spirit gain strength in Navi, let his Soul be cleansed of filth and rise to Reality. Here we will meet our relative with songs and glories. I honor you, God, Veles. As much as the stars shine in the Night Diva, as much as the Sun shines in the Blue Svarga, so much for the Grandsons of Dazhdbozh to glorify and fulfill Your wills, our Lord. Glory to Veles!

    Glorification of Veles

    In the night, Veles walks along Svarga, through the milk of Heaven, and goes to his palace. And at Dawn he returns to the gate. There we are Waiting for him to start singing and glorifying Veles from century to century. And glorify his Temple, which shines with many Fires, and becomes a pure altar. It was Veles who taught our Forefathers to plow the earth, to sow virgin lands and reap sheaves of ears in the harvested fields, and to place a sheaf on the fire in the house, and to honor Him as the Father of God, Glory to Veles!

    Prayer to Veles and ritual to attract wealth

    In the morning, before the holiday (before Veles Day, December 6), so early, when the stars are still visible in the sky, you need to take a large bill. Then put it on the altar in the room under the towel. After seven days, this bill must be spent. Also, over this bill three times you need to say the glory of Veles: God is Rich, wealth is in God, there are so many stars in the sky, there are so many fish in the water, there is so much wealth in me. Veles-Father, come to the family, walk around, and give me, Granddaughter of Dazhdbozhy/Grandson of Dazhdbozhy, wealth. Glory to Veles! Glory to the Almighty!
    It is also recommended to keep poured ears of corn on the altar at home - this is a symbol of fertility and prosperity.
    Dazhdbog (Dazhbog, Dazhbog) - “the giving god”, in the beliefs of the ancient Slavs, a positive solar deity who closes winter and opens spring, the keeper of the earth’s keys, the god of the harvest. It was also believed that it endowed a person with skill, wisdom and physical strength. Son of Svarog. Over time, the power of Dazhdbog became greater, and he began to be considered a deity who bestows all benefits, that is, a “giving god.” And the widely known expression “God willing” is a distortion of the ancient Slavic “Dazhdbog”. It was believed that Dazhdbog's dwelling was located in the east. There, in the land of eternal summer, his golden palace was located, from where Dazhdbog rode out every morning in a golden chariot. The chariot was harnessed to four white horses with golden manes. And every morning, Dazhdbog’s sister named Morning Dawn led them to heaven. And so Dazhdbog made a circular detour throughout the sky. When the detour was completed, in the evening Dazhdbog was met by his other sister, Vechernyaya Zarya. She unharnessed the horses and took them to the stable. And when Dazhdbog rode across the sky in his chariot, a bright light emanated from his fiery shield. But in the evening his shield became dull from the dust and turned red. It was also believed that in the fall Dazhdbog died, but after the winter solstice, when the day became longer again, a new, young Dazhdbog was born. It was also believed that Dazhdbog was a deity who closes winter and opens summer. At the same time, he closed the land for the winter and gave the keys to the birds. The birds took the keys and carried them to Iriy. With the arrival of spring, birds brought keys from Iriy to Dazhdbog, and with them he opened the earth. Also, Dazhdbog was considered the patron and ancestor of the Slavic tribes.

    Prayers to Dazhdbog

    May our Light God! You hold our Earth in the abyss, creating great life and beauty, giving warmth and food to your children. Thy love rushes to us through the holiness and wisdom of our Faith. Heeding your affection, we create glory to you, from the earth to Iria. Let her fly like a clear bird, informing all the Ancestors that we honor and worship the Most High Sun, our Blood Father - our Dazhbog. Glory to Dazhbog!

    Morning prayer to Dazhdbog

    The Red sun is rising, our Dazhdbozh, The world is illuminated with light, filled with joy! My soul wants grace, for I am the grandson of Dazhbozh. I look at the sky and my heart trembles with unspeakable joy, because our Dido himself enters my home. Greetings, Sunshine! Bless my Spirit, Soul and body, so that I may remain in health and grace. Without You there is no breath, no movement of anything on Earth - Mokosh! Bless me, God, on a clear day, so that all my good undertakings will be accomplished, and so that Krivda will sink into the Pit! Glory to Dazhbog!

    Prayer to Dazhdbog of a wife for her husband

    Clear sun, red Dazhdbozh, hear my call and my prayer. I am your earthly daughter. I turn to you with boundless love, illuminate the righteous path of my husband, so that his thoughts are bright and fair. May his path be blessed by you, clear Dazhdbozhe. Unite your Divine Fire with his Spiritual fire. May strength and wisdom be in him as much as he needs. So that he could do his deeds in the glory of the Divine. So that the Gods bless him. Glory to the Almighty!
    Dana is the name of the goddess of water in ancient Slavic beliefs. She was a positive deity, a kind and bright goddess who gives life to all living things. As a rule, Dana was depicted as a fair-faced river girl.

    Prayers to Dana

    Dana-Maiden, Holy Water. You flow with milky rivers and fertile rains, You saturate the Earth, You make the Sun happy, You release rays from behind the cold clouds. The ant grass grows tall, the spring wheat grows rich. We sing Glory to You with all our Family, we let a loaf of bread flow into the holy river. Receive her, Dana, a week early from the Orthodox people, from the Living-Manifested world. Your holy water, Young Dana, Your happy water, Our beautiful Virgin. Burled with rich rains and babbling streams. May this child have every good thing, and even a beautiful share in addition to goodness. Bless Dan, show us your will. Glory to Mother Dana!”

    I call on Dana and Wodan to come and come, treat yourself to the holy surprise, and bless yourself with fire! It was you who gave birth to life on Earth-Makosh, and the holy Light of the Living Family began to bubble in the water! Let Dana the Mother stand in defense of the Slavic clan, let Vodan the Father cleanse souls with his power! Grant strength to the weak, courage to those who have stopped, you are our great relatives who exist in Svarga! Sanctify, Mother and Father, my native land, to all sides of the world, so that my family may be in unity with the Gods!

    Prayers Alive

    Alive (Zhivana, Siva) - in the beliefs of the ancient Slavs, the goddess who “gives life”, as well as the embodiment of vitality and the opposition to death. The Goddess Alive is the personification of fruitful power. Goddess of birth, life, beauty of all earthly things, springtime. The Goddess Zhiva is the daughter of the Goddess Lada and the God Svarog. According to ancient beliefs, the cuckoo was often perceived as the embodiment of the Goddess Alive. Our ancestors believed that the goddess of Life turned into a bird and foreshadowed the continuation of all living things. The cuckoo flies from distant Iria, the heavenly paradise, where the souls of the dead are carried away, where the maidens of fate reside, and shows us the magic clock. From childhood, we all remember stories about how the cuckoo counts down the hours of our birth, life and death. Having heard the sounds she makes, we listen to them and ask her a question: “Cuckoo-cuckoo, how many years do I have left to live?” The bird probably doesn’t hear our conversation with it, but we just want it to respond with its endless “cuckoo”, this makes it somehow calmer. The cuckoo also foreshadowed the beginning of summer and the accompanying thunderstorms. By her voice they wondered how successful the marriage would be, whether they would be able to reap a good harvest. There is also an ancient folk ritual of honoring the cuckoo. The girls overshadowed her, worshiped each other and curled wreaths on the birch tree. Such actions were associated with the awakening of the forces of nature, with the blossoming of spring. Thus, while honoring the cuckoo, the Slavs also idolized the glorious Goddess Zhiva, who took her form. They addressed her in messages about longevity, prosperity, good health. People believed that if the Goddess had mercy, she could change a person’s fate and give him a longer life. In an effort to show respect to the Goddess Zhiva, the Slavs organized special holidays in her honor. Wide celebrations were organized in forests, meadows and fields to thank the beautiful Goddess Alive, the creator of everything young and living. Women armed themselves with brooms and performed a ritual dance around the fire, danced in circles and sang songs, thereby clearing the place of evil spirits. Rejoicing at the arrival of spring, according to custom, everyone jumped over the fire, believing that with the help of fire one can be cleansed of obsessions after a tiring winter. People said about this: “whoever jumps high, death is far away.”

    Glorious and Triglorious be Zhiva-Zhivitsa, Goddess of life and bearer of the Ancestral Light! We see how you descend into the rays of Grandfather Dazhdbog, enter the sources of our bodies and fill us with health, strength and goodness. Without you there is no life in a person, but there is only Mother Mara, who announces the end of the life of Man. Now we pray and glorify the Light of the Most High Family, which comes with You and radiates through our palms. In that Light all life exists and outside of it there is nothing, then the Generator Rod itself descends in Your face. Glory flows to You, hundred-voiced, Originator of life, Mother Alive! Glory to Zhiva-Zhivitsa!

    Zhiva's prayer for healing

    Merciful Mother Alive, you are the very Light of the Most High Family, which heals all kinds of diseases. Look at the Grandson of Dazhdbozhy, who is getting sick. Let me know the cause of my illness, let me hear the voice of the Gods, who speak through illness and direct me to the path of Rule. See, Goddess, that I comprehend the truth, and from this health and vigor return to me, longevity in the body is established, and illnesses recede! So be it! Glory to the Alive!

    Prayer Alive for conception

    For a favorable conception at home, a woman performed the following ritual: she poured water into a clay bowl, stepped on the threshold with her right knee, which symbolized the border of the real and other worlds, then said: “Mother Goddess is Alive! Fly off yourself, and bless my bosom and send messengers into it: a son like a falcon, and a daughter like a swallow. After which she drank the water and washed her womb with the rest.

    Prayer to Lada

    Lada is a positive deity in Slavic beliefs, the goddess of love, marriage, hearth, fertility and beauty. Also, one of the Rozhanits. She was depicted as a feminine woman in white clothes. In ancient times, people asked Lada to participate in a wedding in order to receive her blessing, and the marriage was strong and happy for many years. Also, Lada was the personification of plant power. And there was a custom when, at the beginning of March, girls and children went out to call on spring and asked Lada for permission to do this ritual. There are several legends about Lada. One of them tells how throughout the cold winter the goddess Lada languished in captivity of thick clouds and snow. But every time, with the arrival of spring, the thunder god Perun took his lightning arrows and melted the snow. And when he did this, Lada appeared on earth again, along with warm weather and rains. And then Lada walked through the meadows and forests, and behind her young grass grew, and buds blossomed on the trees. And flowers covered the ground. And when it became very warm on the ground, then the boys and girls began to dance in circles. And then the goddess Lada noted who was destined to love whom, and who was destined to create a family. This is how Red Spring came to earth. There is also a story from other sources about how Lada and the god Svarog created people. This happened after the battle between the light gods and the dark forces ended. By this time, the world tree had already grown, connecting three kingdoms - Rule, Reality and Nav. And in Yavi, the darkness gradually dissipated, and Svarog and Lada populated it with various animals, fish and birds, and grew various flowers and herbs. And then Svarog and Lada went out into the forest clearing and began to have fun. And they began to throw stones over their shoulders onto the ground. And so, Mother Earth washed these pebbles with dew, and they turned into people. From the pebbles that Lada threw, girls were born, and from the pebbles thrown by Svarog - well done. But the goddess Lada thought and decided that this would not be enough. She then took the sticks and began to rub them together. Divine sparks flared up, people were born from them - girls and boys. This is how people appeared in Yavi. And then the god Svarog and the goddess Lada bequeathed to people to live according to the laws that were carved on the Alatyr stone. And the goddess Mokosh spun the threads of life. And people were supposed to live in the kingdom of Reveal, but until the time of their death, the kingdoms of Prav and Navi were invisible to people.

    Lada Mother! I am your daughter, I am your manifestation. I devote myself completely to you. I want you to express yourself through me. Let your eyes become my eyes, your body my body, your emotions my emotions. Your hands are my hands. Light up the space through me and give Light and Love to everyone who comes into contact with me. Great Lada, manifest yourself through me on earth, let your love shine, let your deeds be filled with joy and love and happiness. My goals are your goals. So be it, for so it is and will be!

    Lada Mother! I address you as your daughter. I ask you to fill me with love, tenderness, awareness, wisdom. Help me mature spiritually, physically, mentally! Lada Mother, bring harmony to my family. I call on your warmth, your feminine wisdom, your harmony and your love. Come with all your warmth, tenderness, love into my soul.

    Mother Lada, we praise Your Comprehensive love! You create harmony in the World, in the Heavenly and Earthly Families, you come to us as Mother Goddesses - the Living Life, Makosha the Mother and the Light Glory, through them we know the essence of Your Holy and Eternal Truth, You fill our souls with Love and Harmony, we glorify You Great Mother, as the Ancestors glorified, accept our gratitude for the birth of the world and the establishment of the Manifest World in your beauty! Glory to Lada and all the Native Gods!

    I love this world! I am grateful to the Great Goddess Lada for the fact that I am a Woman, a source of love and femininity. I create my world in joy and happiness. I am earthly Lada, daughter of a heavenly mother. I glow with the love of this world, I give happiness and joy to men. The love and creation of the divine Lada is revealed in me as a stream.

    I am the daughter and manifestation of the Great Mother Lada and all her qualities are inherent in me. I am the Goddess. I illuminate this earth and give love, which returns to me multiplied.

    Mother Lada, You create love and harmony, You fill the souls of our wives with motherhood. We glorify You in ancient songs, which our great-grandfathers sang and our great-grandchildren will sing. The soul rushes like a Firebird to You, Radiant and Eternally Beautiful. Your maternal love, like the sun, warms us, and we strive to be with You forever. Just as our Ancestors glorified Mother Lada, so we, their great-grandchildren, glorify Svarog’s wife. And may there be no end or edge to this Glory. Bless us for a happy fate, a righteous life, so that we may live with dignity, glorifying the Gods of Light with our deeds.

    Prayer to Lada-Rozhanitsa

    Glory to our Goddess - the Mother of God of the Orthodox family! Mother Lada, wife of Svarog, we glorify Your all-giving love, we glorify Your life-giving tenderness! Our Heavenly Mother, You are the Mother of our mighty Gods, and the Russians are your faithful children. We glorify Your daughter, Lelya the beautiful, Our red Virgin. We bring donations to women in labor, so that their love for us will glow, so that they will take care of our earthly race. Our Glorious Gods look at us from Iria, so let us be worthy of their love! Glory to the Native Gods!

    Prayer to Lada husband for his wife

    Mother Lada, we praise Your Comprehensive love. You create harmony in the Universe, in the Families of Heaven and Earth, you fill our women with kindness and motherhood. I ask you, give my wife good health, a long life, a gentle disposition, and a kind heart. So that she fills our family with love, raises our children, loves me devotedly, respects my mother and father, takes care of our household. Let only harmony reign in her soul, and let the words from her lips only flow like a song, and let eternal love reign in the beautiful eyes. Glory to Mother Lada and all the Native Goddesses!

    Lele's Prayer

    Lelya is the goddess of spring and youth in the beliefs of the ancient Slavs. Also, this goddess was considered the patroness of girls, the first spring shoots and the first sprouts. She is also the patroness of girlish love and one of the women in labor. Her name is often mentioned in love and wedding rituals. Even in ancient times, in the spring there was a holiday called Lelya, which was called Lyalnik. During this holiday, girls wove wreaths of spring flowers. She was the daughter of the goddess Lada and, according to some sources, the wife of the Fire Magus. There is a story telling about the Fiery Volkh and Lela. One day, the Fiery Magus Indrik, the king of all animals, defeated him and seized his kingdom for himself. And Volkh took the wife of Indrik, the snake Paraskea, as his wife. But Paraskeya, together with other snakes, began to persuade the Fiery Volkh to capture Iriy and become the ruler of the whole world. Volkh succumbed to persuasion, took the guise of Finist the Falcon, and Iriy flew. Arriving in Iriy, he sat down on a branch of an apple tree with golden apples. And these apples were not ordinary ones - if Volkh had pecked such an apple, he would have become the ruler of the Universe. But then the Fiery Volkh suddenly heard the song of the goddess Lelya. Yes, he fell in love with Lelya so much that he forgot about everything in the world. And after that he began to secretly court Lelya and visit her in the guise of a falcon. But the sisters Lelya, Zhiva and Morena found out about this. Yes, they told Svarog that someone was visiting Lelya at night. Svarog came to Lela, but did not see anyone, for the Fiery Volkh, so as not to be noticed, turned into a feather. And Lelya released this feather in the yard. But Lelya’s sisters then decided to stick needles on the window. They poked the needles, and the next time Volkh, in the form of a falcon, flew to Lela, he could not get through to her, but only injured all his wings. And then Volkh flew back to the Dark Kingdom, finally shouting to Lele that if she wanted to find him, then the path would look for him in the Dark Kingdom. And then Lelya went in search of him. She walked for a long time until, finally, the path led her to the Dark Kingdom. And there Lelya found Finist the Falcon, bewitched by the Snake Paraskea. And then the spell of Paraskei fell from Finist, and he and Lelya returned to Iriy, where they got married. But Veles did not release the snake Peraskei from the Dark Kingdom.

    Let the glory be distributed to the Goddess Lele, for She is the great joy of our hearts! We see the face of the heavenly Virgin in Blue Svarga, Her love rushes to the Grandchildren of Dazhbozhih, Filling our souls with life! For we have known from time immemorial that there is no life without Love, that it is the source of eternal happiness and inspiration in our deeds. We call you Goddess Lela, so that the souls of the Slavs will shine with your gift - Great love! May every soul find its mate with happiness throughout its days! We will glorify you all the days, for you are the All-Bright Mother of Birth to the Slavic family! Glory to Lele!

    Lele's prayer for love between husband and wife

    Dear mother Lelya, red and beautiful Slavic Goddess, You protect our hearts and eternal consolation to our souls. Wrap your canopy around the heart of my dear fret (my dear fret) (name), so that we may rejoice in heavenly treasure all the days. On every journey, in every bright deed, strengthen her (his) spirit, fill it with the power of love. Let the clear dawns and the red sun bring peace to my soul and strength of spirit, for our love will shine forever. Honor to You, Mother Lelya, we are filled with Your tenderness, we give happiness to each other. Glory to Lele!

    Mother Swa's prayer

    Mother Swa is a goddess born of Rod. According to some sources, the goddess Lada (also born by Rod) turned into her at the beginning of the creation of the world. You blue sky, where the Ancestors came from, look at the earthly race, cover us with your gaze, for here at the present time stand the brave Grandsons of Dazhdbozh! We see a wondrous bird flying towards us and foreshadowing the good news that the Slavic race has been born again, for the opportune time has come and what was prophesied has come true! Spread your wings, Mother Glory, envelop our race with your cover, so that the power of all Native Gods fills the people, and they create life with their own hands, Nanny trusting in You! Let us follow your path to Heaven, for there is real life, and here is joy and knowledge of the Revealed World! My heart fills with love and my spirit grows stronger, praising you Nanny! We honor you, Mother of the Slavic clans, our gifts to you today! Glory to Mother Swa!

    Mokosh's prayer

    Mokosh is a female deity, the patroness of weaving and spinning. Also, she was considered the goddess of agriculture, harvest and abundance, the mother of all living things. Mokosh is often mentioned in some sources along with women in labor. Mokosh is one of the most ancient deities, and according to some versions, she even personified the Cheese Mother Earth at first. But over time, the goddess gradually acquired new functions. In the North, Mokosh was depicted as a woman with a large head and long arms. Also, on embroideries, she was depicted either with a comb for carding flax in both hands, or with comb-like hands. Also, according to some versions, Mokosh was invisible, but if she suddenly appeared in the hut, it could be recognized by the buzzing of the spindle. Therefore, in ancient times it was believed that it was forbidden to leave an uncleaned tow overnight, and it was also forbidden to spin on holidays. At times, as it was believed, Mokosh could interfere in various household chores - for example, spinning yarn or putting things in order in the hut. Also, in ancient times, Mokosh was also considered the goddess of fate, spinning the thread of fate. She began to be considered the patroness of weaving and spinning only in a later period. And with the advent of Christianity, some of its functions were transferred to Paraskeva Friday. As for the origin of her name, according to some versions and sources it is believed that it came from the words “wet” and “get wet.” According to others, her name comes from the Indo-European words “ma” - “mother” and “kosh” - “lot”, that is, the goddess of fate. She was often depicted on embroidery. On towels for spring ceremonies she was depicted with her hands raised to the sky, as if she asked the heavenly gods to send down rain and irrigate the fields with it. And by the days of the summer solstice, when the ears of corn were already growing, Mokosh was depicted with her hands lowered to the ground and surrounded by solar circles.

    Makosha, in Great Glory you come to us from Iria, creating prosperity for your children. Your hands bend towards us with fruitful branches, and we see Your smile in the warmth of autumn. You give us rich harvests and we honor and bow to the Holy Land - Makosha - our nurse. With love we glorify You as Your faithful children.

    Prayer to Mokoshe for the conception and birth of a child

    My Light Mother, Makosh-Mother! I pray to You for the life-giving power, for the holy and bright power, the one that makes the wives of the earthly race Mother of God, and brings the souls of our relatives’ Ancestors into our world. Bless me, Nanny, and autumn with great fertility, so that I may bring into the Reality of the Ancestors of my husband’s family, the bright and righteous souls that are in Navi. You are our loving and affable parent, glorious and tri-glorious, remain in the earthly race! Grant me good health, so that my children will be born easily and in joy, so that my burden will be born as offspring, to the glory of the Orthodox people. Let God's grace, bright thoughts and Thy wisdom settle in my soul. I must live according to Truth and Honor, with my husband in great love. Glory to Mokosh!

    Prayer to Mokoshe of a pregnant woman

    My mother, Heavenly Mother of God, our Makosha! Bless the fetus in my womb, so that my birth will be easy, so that my child will grow within me healthy and strong, and will be born in joy. All the days, Mother, remain near me, as a protector and champion of women in labor of the Orthodox family. I will offer prayers and praise to you, for you are an all-loving and all-good guardian of the wives of the earthly race. Glory to Makosha!

    Prayer to Perun

    Perun is one of the main deities in the beliefs of the ancient Slavs, the thunder god, the patron of the prince and his squad. A deity armed with a bow and arrows and a battle ax with a club. Son of the god Svarog. It was believed that Perun could throw lightning at trees and set them on fire. He could even hit his house with his lightning. To avoid this, in ancient times, to protect against lightning and the wrath of Perun, many people carved circles with six spokes, the so-called “thunder signs,” on their huts.

    According to some sources, Perun was powerful in the summer, but in the winter his strength disappeared, and in the winter Perun died. However, with the arrival of spring, he came to life again, and his strength awakened. And with the arrival of the first birds in the spring, Perun smashed the cloud-dungeon with his club. Perun was a deity who sent rain to the earth, on which crops and life depended. As a rule, he was depicted as a tall and middle-aged man with a beard, riding a horse or riding in a fiery chariot. In his right hand he held a bow, and in his left a quiver of arrows. His idol was made of wood, with a silver head and a golden mustache. An idol of Perun was installed in oak groves. At the same time, the priest of Perun had to maintain an unquenchable fire in front of the idol of the deity, in which oak wood burned. Perun is often considered the supreme deity of the ancient Slavs, but according to some versions, he became one quite late. Whereas before him the supreme deities were Rod, Svarog and Dazhdbog. In an even later period, with the advent of Christianity, part of the image of the thunder deity, along with part of its functions, was transferred to Saint Elijah the Prophet. He, like Perun, rode across the sky in a fiery chariot and threw his fiery lightning arrows at the Devil and evil spirits.

    Great Father Perun! I address you as Your son, Your manifestation on earth. I ask You, manifest yourself through me, O Great Perun, I devote myself completely to You. Let Your eyes become my eyes, Your body my body, Your Spirit my Spirit. Your hands, my hands, my goals - Your goals. Let all Your qualities become inherent in me. Let Your Power become my Power and be manifested through me as Your highest manifestation on our Earth. Lead me, create me, manifest through me. So be it, for so it is and will be! Glory to You, Great Perun!

    Perun, Our Father! Your Sword and Shield are thundering in Blue Svarga. We, Your faithful children, hear Your unspeakable Power, the Righteous Power given by the Family, in the Kole of Life You protect the way, You always protect the Russian family and us Orthodox. Protect our souls with the Holy Perunitsa, and our bodies with the Fire Thunderstorms, let them not touch us, but drive away our enemies. The Fire of Svarozh, the Fire of the Righteous Faith, the Holy One of God, burns in our souls. Therefore, we are always united with You, united in Triglav the Great, come to us at our call! Glory to Perun!

    Prayer to Rarog

    Rarog is a fiery bird in the beliefs of the ancient Western Slavs, sometimes associated with the cult of the hearth. In the beliefs of the ancient southern Slavs, it was believed that Rarog was born from an egg that was hatched by a man on a stove for nine days and nine nights. As a rule, Rarog was depicted in the form of a bird of prey with sparkling and flaming feathers, from whose beak flames burst out.

    Glory to Rarog, who kindles the fire of faith in souls! We call you the heavenly falcon, so that you may descend from the Blue Svarga and overshadow my relatives with your light. Your power is majestically incomprehensible, in you the light of Rule, Reveal and Navi exist, for you are the victorious Spirit of the Right Faith-Veda! I see how, in your radiance, my family is multiplying, righteous and honest people, rich and wise, strong and brave, are coming to us! I see how my relatives are drawn to the Ancestral Fire, glorifying the Gods at the Orthodox Temples! I see a very great stake, that they raised their hands to Svarga, glorifying the Gods of Rule! And as I see, so it is, from now and forever, from century to century! Glory to Rarog!

    Prayer to Rod

    Rod - in ancient Slavic beliefs, this is a very ancient deity who once gave life to all living things in this world. At the same time, the genus is the personification of fate, destined, the Universe and the harvest. Rod was a deity who sent the souls of people from heaven to earth when a child was born. And Rod determined his future fate. Also, Rozhanitsy are associated with the Rod, who, according to some sources, also determined the fate of a newborn child. According to ancient Slavic myths, at the very beginning there was nothing but the world's golden egg in the void. And in this egg the god Rod slept. And in a dream he saw a wonderful world in which there were gods and people, light and darkness, life and death, truth and falsehood. And Rod continued to sleep in the egg. And the egg itself grew and gained strength. And then, one day, the god Rod decided that it was time to awaken. He decided so, and Love arose in his soul. And Rod fell in love with everything he invented. And then, he split the egg into pieces, and out of it came the heavenly and earthly firmament, the heavenly and earthly waters, light and darkness. And from the face of the god Rod emerged the sun in a golden boat and a month with stars in a silver boat. After this, Rod took the rainbow and cut its umbilical cord, thus separating the earthly waters from the heavenly waters with a rocky firmament. After the division of the waters, the Rod also divided light and darkness, truth and falsehood. And from Rod’s breath, Lada, the goddess of love, appeared. Lada turned into the bird Swa and flew over the ground. Then, the Rod gave birth to three kingdoms: the heavenly kingdom of Rule, the middle kingdom of Yav and the dark kingdom of Nav. And a seed fell from outer space. And from this seed grew the World Tree itself, a huge oak tree, whose roots went to Nav, and whose trunk went along Yavi, then its top, its crown, went to Prav. And everything would have been fine, but only everything in this world was mixed up, and there was no one to keep order. Therefore, the god Rod called the bird Sva to him, and created an assistant for himself, the god Svarog. And the god Svarog raised the sky above the sea. And then he went across the sky, which was named Svarga in his honor, in order to look around the world from there. And then Svarog paved a way in the sky for the sun, so that it could rise and set. And then Svarog saw that in Reality there was only one sea, and there was no Raw Land. And then Svarog went to look for land. He searched for land for a long time, until finally, on the seventh day of his search, he saw the high Riphean Mountains. And on the top of those Ripei mountains lay the white-flammable stone Alatyr. And the god Svarog took the Alatyr-stone and threw it into the sea. The sea began to foam, became agitated, and began to boil and thicken. And thus the earth appeared in Reveal. But this land was small, and therefore it immediately sank into the sea. Svarog saw such a thing, he was saddened, and then he turned to Rod so that he could help him get the Earth from the bottom. And two birds appeared at the behest of Rod, diving into the sea, right in the place where the earth sank. There were no birds for a long time. Now the day has passed, and they are still not there. The second day is over, and they are still not there. And only on the third day did they rise back to the surface, holding grains of earth in their bags. Svarog was happy about this, took the grains in his hands and began to crush them. And he asked Rod to help revive the Cheese Earth. And then the sun began to warm the earth and cool the month. And then the winds blew. They blew the earth out of Svarog's hands and scattered it in all directions. So the earth grew, and the World Tree then gained strength. After the earth grew, the god Rod decided to give birth to other gods and creatures. He created a mighty serpent so that he would hold the earth so that it would not go under water. And then Rod created the goddess Mokosh, who began to spin the threads of fate. And then he gave birth to the Rod of deities Rozhanits. And Svarog decided to create giants asilks, who were destined to take care of the structure of the world at the behest of Svarog. Asilki mountains were dragged, destroyed or new ones were built. And in the depths of the earth, Svarog created three stone vaults for underground inhabitants. And then many asp snakes were born in the depths of the underground. Then, Svarog found and picked up from the seabed the stone Alatyr, which he had once thrown. And as soon as Svarog took out Alatyr, this stone began to grow, filling with silver and whiteness. Yes, he became like a stone to all stones. And then, at the behest of the god Rod himself and at the request of the god Svarog, laws were carved on the Alatyr stone by which one should live. And from under the stone flowed fertile rivers and springs with living and dead water. Then Svarog created sacred fire in the sky, and created a wonderful one for the blacksmith. And in this blacksmith, Svarog began to forge various things - a bowl, a plow, an ax. This is how the world was created.

    Dear God, You hold within You everything that exists and does not exist, everything visible and invisible, You are Truth and Goodness, Love and Justice. Great is your mercy, you reward the righteous, you have mercy and save the lost, taking care of our lives through the Gods of the Family! It was You who commanded us to learn the laws of Rule through Manifest life, overcoming trials, to illuminate the soul with noble labor! To love your relatives, to live in truth, to sow your path with honor, so that Glory will sprout!

    Dear God, You, who unite the root and the crown, lead us with Java along the path of Rule, inspire us with the wisdom of our great-grandfathers, who shine as stars in Iria. Come and be with us, the Holy Spirit of Your Light, appear as Father Svarog and Lada Mother, come in the Faces of the Native Gods, because we hear within ourselves the call of the Light Ancestors and have gathered here in Your name. Glory to Rod!

    Rode the Almighty! Great our God! You are united and multi-manifest, You are our Light and Justice, You are the spring of Eternal Life, the source of boundless Love, the one that heals the Soul and Body. We praise You, God of Rule, Reveal and Navi. And we work every day on our souls in order to be Wise and Strong, a strong support for Mother Earth and defenders of our ancient Family, for You give us Inspiration and Joy, bestow Courage and Fortitude, give us the Veda and teach us Patience, so that we may walk the path with honor our life, inspiredly fulfilling Your sacred will. Glory to You, Rod Almighty! And to all the Native Gods existing in You!

    I believe in the Most High Kind - the One and Many-Manifested God, the Source of all that exists and bears, who is the Eternal Krystal of all Gods. I know that the World is a Rod, and all the many-named Gods are united in it. I believe in the trinity of existence of Rule, Reveal and Navi, and that Rule is True, and was retold to the Fathers by our Forefathers. I know that Rule is with us, and we are not afraid of Navi, For Navi has no power against us. I believe in unity with the Native Gods, For we are Dazhboz’s grandchildren - the hope and support of the Native Gods. And the Gods keep their right hands on our rallies. I know that life in the Great Family is eternal, and we must think about the eternal while walking the paths of Rule. I believe in the power and wisdom of the Ancestors who are born among us, Leading to good through our Guides. I know that strength lies in the unity of the Orthodox clans, and that we will become glorious by glorifying the Native Gods! Glory to the Family and all the Gods who exist in Him!

    My father, Rod! You are the God of Gods. Take me under your wing. Let no one stop me from living and working in Your Name. You are Perfect, and I am improving my Love for You, for I know that Love and justice are the most powerful protection from all evil. I thank You, my Father, for caring for me and my family.

    Wife's prayer for her husband Rod

    Dear God! You are the Originator of the Universe, the Source of the Heavenly Race and the Earthly Race. I praise You and ask you to give my husband strong health, like an indestructible rock, a pure and bright mind, like a mountain spring, great strength, a courageous disposition, so that he stands firmly on his feet in life, takes care of our family, loves his children, respects me, glorifies the Gods . Glory to the Native Gods!

    Prayer to Rod for the family

    Rode the Most High, Father of Heaven and Earth! Come to my family and fill it with your grace, as rivers fill the sea with water, bless it with spiritual and physical prosperity, as the earth blesses its fields with its harvest. Every day the sun rises, illuminates the world with light and confirms the family (surname) in happiness and strength. Glory to the Almighty!

    Prayer to Rod for the generation

    Rode the Mighty! You are the Creator of Reveal, Navi and Rule, You created the Heavenly Family and the Earthly Family with the Women in Birth. I bring glory to You, as Your blood son (daughter). I praise the Sun-Dazhbog, who rises over the Earth-Makosh every morning, saturates and warms the Holy Land with a golden ray, and gives life to the earthly race - the children of the Orthodox Gods. Let the hundred-voiced glory of the Most Bright Dazhdbog fly to Iriy and be filled there with the love of the children of the earth. Let Your seed grow in human souls with the power of the Righteous, the power of the holy Svarozh, happiness, health and long years!

    Prayer of encouragement (to Rod)

    Dear God! You are Holiness, more sacred than all saints! The highest Generator and the Eternal Spirit of Light, with the movement of your thoughts in Diva you give birth to many worlds, therefore You are in everything and everything is in You, You fill all souls with the Limitless Light, You bless the Holy One for eternal life, happy are those who know Your highest wisdom ! They hold on to the Heavenly Parents, the Kin Gods and the Light Ancestors, asserting the Holiness of Rule on Earth, and go to the Most Pure Svarga! Filled with Your strength, protected by Your holiness, we live for You, faithfully fulfilling our destiny. Because You are the highest joy and boundless happiness! Thy love flows to us, with spiritual and physical gifts, and with all grace, for we abide in the unity of the Ancestral Fire, we sanctify our souls with pure deeds, we create a World of Good and Love! Glory to the Almighty Family!

    Prayer to Rod for protection

    My father, Rod! You are the God of Gods. Take me under your wing. Let no one stop me from living and working in Your Name. You are Perfect, and I am improving my Love for You, for I know that Love and justice are the most powerful protection from all evil. I thank You, my Father, for caring for me and my family.

    Prayer to Rod for unity

    We glorify the Most High Family, the Creator of everything visible and invisible! You are our one and many-manifest God! In your Triglav, you hold everything that exists and bears, you inspire forces large and small to life! You care about our Forefathers and the Heavenly Family, we are coming to You as pure Svarga! Eternal glory to You, All-Parent! Eternal honor to You, Almighty! Grant us happiness and the joy of knowing Rule! So that the Gods and I can create harmony together! Glory to Rod!

    Unity Prayer (to Rod)

    Rode the Almighty, who gave birth to the life of Reveal and Navi! You are the God of Our Gods and the beginning of the entire Divine Family. You are Father Sky - Svarog, the Grandfather of God, You are the Great Mother Lada - love and the birth of the World. Like Perun, we see You in many battles, which leads us to military victories and the establishment of a righteous life. You are the holy knight of our Faith - Svetovit, God of Rule, Reveal and Navi. Yet you are the Great Triglav of our Faith-Veda. Glory to the Native Gods!

    Prayer to Rod before meals

    Glory to the Ancestor-Rod, the Heavenly Rod, we thank Thee for our meal, for the bread and salt that You give us to nourish our bodies, to nourish our Soul, to nourish our Spirit, may our Conscience be strong and may all our deeds be, Yes, for the Glory of all our Ancestors and for the Glory of the Heavenly Family. So be it, so be it, so be it!

    Prayer to Rod at the blessing of water

    Rode the Almighty! I call your life-giving Light! The power of Father Svarog and Lada Mother, and all the Light Gods, come and bless this water! Dana-Voditsa, living spring, I pour you from the horn, I pray to Father Rod! Bring us health and cleanse our bodies, illuminate our thoughts, as the morning ray illuminates our native meadows and forests. Life was born in you, renew and enrich the life in our bodies and souls. May there be strength in our family, may our children become ten times stronger, twenty times richer, and hundreds of times wiser than us! So be it! Glory to the Native Gods!

    Prayer to Rod for the Soul of the deceased

    Dear God, you hold within yourself everything that exists and does not exist, everything visible and invisible, you are Truth and Goodness, Love and Justice. Great is your mercy, you reward the righteous, you have mercy and save the lost, taking care of our lives through the Gods of the Family! It was you who commanded us to learn the laws of Rule through Revealed life, overcoming trials, and to sanctify the soul through noble labor! To love your relatives, to live in truth, to sow your path with honor, so that Glory will sprout! Our relative (relative) (name of the deceased) has passed away, therefore accept him (her) in your spiritual kingdom, reward him (her) according to his (her) worthy deeds, according to his (her) righteous deeds , forgive bad deeds, voluntary and involuntary lies, with your All-Light Spirit, cleanse him (her) and protect him!

    Prayer to Svarog

    Svarog is a deity, a blacksmith god and, accordingly, the patron saint of blacksmiths. He was one of the main deities, the god of heavenly fire, who brings the sun into the sky every morning. Svarog was usually depicted in the guise of a young blacksmith. Also, according to ancient legends, it was he who dropped blacksmith’s tongs from the sky and taught people how to forge iron. He gave people heavenly fire, without which it is impossible to make weapons and jewelry. And it was Svarog who forged the first plow and taught people to plow the land. Since Svarog taught people to forge iron, it began to be revered as a sacred metal, and it was believed to have magical properties. Therefore, iron objects, for example, an iron horse shoe, were often used as amulets against evil spirits. Also, Svarog was the deity who created the first laws by which people had to live. He was the father of Dazhbog and Svarozhich. As some legends say, after Svarog gave birth to Dazhbog and Svarozhich, and with them other bright gods, he retired, and his children began to rule the world in his place.

    Prayer to Svarog before starting any business

    Svarozhe, Dido of the Heavenly Family, You are the creator of the Explicit world - the sun, stars and Mother Earth. In You is the great power of creation, which manifests itself in the owners of our race. You are the beginning of all good deeds that are born in the hearts, ripen in the mind and bear fruit in reality. How can I begin without Your blessing? I pray to the Heavenly Father, may he bless my righteous cause, may he inspire me with his Light, so that I may do good and joy to the White Light, the Orthodox family, and my relatives. Glory to Svarog!

    Svarozh, Our Father, with clear fire, cleanse the bodies and souls of Orthodox people who need it. Let all illnesses burn in the holy fire and merge into the earthly fire, and pure and righteous power come to us. We ask the Heavenly Father to fill the souls of the Orthodox Rodnovers with the healing Sun and the power of the Trisvelline. Let their minds be bright and pure, like Your rays of the sun. And the bodies are strong and healthy, like Mother Earth. Let children grow up to the joy of their parents, inheriting the exploits of the heroes of the Orthodox Family! Glory to the Native Gods!

    Prayers to Sventovit

    Sventovit (Svyatovit) is the sun deity, as well as the main deity of the city and religious center of the Polabian Slavs of Arkona. There, in the temple dedicated to him, stood his four-faced idol. Sventovit was also associated with war and victory. Often depicted as a horseman. It was believed that he rode a white horse at night and fought with various evil spirits. The evil spirits could not defeat the bright god, and therefore they were very afraid of him.

    White Light, Parent Light, Sventovit Winner! We say glory to You, for You are the God of Rule and Reveal. We sing songs for you and burn demands, for you are the Great Holiness. You are the visible World and the existence of Reveal, take care of us in the world of Navi, for through You we see the world, filled with the Right. That’s why we sing Great Praise and glory to you, dancing near the fire, we call on you. Come, come, Light One, come, come, Clear One, our Great God, Svetovite Red. You hold for us the Sun, the Earth, and the Stars, affirming your rule. And that’s why the world is strong, we will help you with the power of our lights! Glory to Sventovit!

    Prayers to Simarglu

    Simargl is a semi-divine creature, his functions are not completely clear, but it is likely that he is a messenger between heaven and earth. It appeared quite late in Slavic beliefs. According to some other versions, Simargl was the guardian of plants and greenery on the earth. According to other sources, he was the deity of fire and fertility. And according to a number of other sources, he had the gift of healing. As a rule, Simargl was depicted in the form of a bird or, sometimes, in the form of a bird-dog (a winged dog).

    Great Fire God Simargl! I glorify your bright deeds, which sanctify our altars with the power of the Native Gods. You are the God of Rule and Reveal, Holy Vedogon, which connects us with the Blue Sky. With your life-giving flame you bless the donations of the earthly race, you sanctify utensils and amulets and cleanse the bodies and souls of the Slavs. My winged guardian, with your shadow protect the dwelling of my family - my home. So that troubles and misfortunes, difficulties and enmity will pass us by. Abide in every nook and cranny from Midnight to Noon, from East to West, in every room, cellar and attic. Shine a light near every window for me, so that the Gods from heaven can see the house of Dazhdbozhy’s grandson. May Fire-Svarozhich, your brother, remain holy and holy in my midday! I will glorify You in every ritual, I will teach my children and grandchildren to honor Your grace, Great God of Fire! Glory to Simarglu!

    Prayer to Striborg

    Stribog is the deity of the wind in the beliefs of the ancient Slavs, as well as the ancient deity of the sky. The winds were considered his grandchildren. Stribog was depicted with a bow behind his back. It was believed that when Stribog was angry, he began to hum, howl and collect clouds, as well as create storms at sea. All weather was in the power of this deity. Also, according to some sources, he had power over the stars and could prevent various evil intentions. But according to other sources, its functions remain unclear. There is a version that he was considered the supreme deity, known under different names - Stribog, Svarog, Div, Rod, Svyatovit. And then Stribog was supposed to be the god of the sky and the husband of the Raw Earth Mother. But gradually, over time, he was replaced by other deities, and then he became the deity of wind and air. Stribog was held in great esteem by the princely squads, who made trips not only by land, but also on boats by sea.
    Prayer (praise) to Stribog
    Omnipresent Our Father Stribog! I began to fulfill my plan, a bright cause, so that my family might increase in strength. You have endowed me with your great strength, so that I can clear the path to victory, so that the vast expanses of my native land will submit to me, so that I can sweep away dashing and enemy obstacles. Let my strength strike my enemies like Your arrows, and I will only know victory. Glory to Thee, God of Midnight, Midday, East and West, glory to Thy sons - the Stribozhich winds! Glory to Thy light that fills the Universe! Abide, O God, with me in heaven and on earth, in foreign lands and on the Native Land, because I am with You in fulfilling the wills of the Most High! Glory to Stribog!

    Prayer to Stribog for victory in the case

    Omnipresent Our Father Stribog! I began to fulfill my plan, a bright deed, so that my family could increase in strength, endow me with your Great Power, so that I could clear the path to victory, so that the vast expanses of my native land would submit to me, so that I could sweep away dashing and enemy obstacles. Let my strength strike my enemies like Your arrows, and I will know only victory. Glory to Thee, God of Midnight, Midday, East and West! Glory to Your sons - the winds - Stribozhich! Glory to Your Yari, which fills our Universe! Come, God, with me in heaven and on earth, in foreign lands and their Native Land, because I am with You in fulfilling the wills of the Most High! Glory to Stribog!

    Prayers to Yarila

    Yarilo (Yarila, Yar) - among the ancient Slavs the deity of spring fertility, vegetation and love. Often appears as a solar deity. It was believed that wherever he stepped with his bare feet, thick rye immediately grew there. Every year he died and was resurrected again in the spring. As a rule, he was depicted as a young man dressed in white robes. He was sitting on a white horse with a wreath of spring flowers on his head. At the same time, Yarilo held ears of corn in his hand, symbolizing life. And where his horse stepped, thick rye grew. Also, according to some traditions, Yarilo was depicted as a girl, also dressed in white clothes, with a wreath of spring flowers on her head and ears of rye in her hand.

    God Yarilo, our clear Sun, you gallop across the sky on a white horse, bringing spring to the land of the Orthodox family. There is no enlightenment either in the sky or in my soul without your life-giving ray. Appear your face in the Blue Sky, and let your spirit tremble in my soul. You, our God, are the Father of the brave and victorious, you are a mighty knight who makes a man out of a young man. I pray to you, Father, drive the Basurs away from my family, illuminate the house and bless my relatives! May I be in unity, Yaril, with the Ancestors and Gods, inspired by You to walk my path, boldly and victoriously! Glory to Yarila!