Apricot cake is a simple recipe for a chic dessert. Delicious apricot cake with sour cream (photo recipe) Cake decoration made from canned apricots

I advise all lovers of the taste of poppy seeds and cottage cheese to try making this poppy seed cake with apricots. Its taste is very interesting and rich. For the first time, the recipe was prepared and published by me in a home restaurant magazine.

So, let's prepare these products for the test.

Beat eggs with sugar for 5 minutes. The mass should increase 3 times. Then add the sifted flour, starch, baking powder, mix everything carefully. Pour into a 26 cm mold. And bake in the oven for 25 minutes.

Let the biscuit cool.

Cut the biscuit into 3 parts.

Cut the apricots from the jar into pieces.

Mix the jelly packet with 1 glass of apricot juice. Let it heat until thickened. Add apricots to the jelly. We put half of the mixture on the cake layer, the other half on the other cake layer, and one in our mold.

Making cream. Mix cottage cheese with poppy seed filling. Whip the cream until stiff and mix with instant gelatin. If this is not the case, then take a simple 20 g.

Spread 1/3 of the cream on the apricots, cover with another cake layer with apricots and add more cream on top.

We put it in the cold to harden. Leave whole apricots for decoration. And in the morning we decorate as desired.

Let's start preparing the apricot cake by baking the sponge cake. Beat the eggs in a food processor until they double in volume, gradually add sugar, continuing to beat.

Line the springform pan with baking paper and fasten the ring. Pour the dough into the center.

Of course, it is better to give the biscuit a day to mature, and then just continue working with it. Cut the biscuit into 2 layers.

Prepare the pudding. It should be poured into a bowl, add sugar and 6 tablespoons of milk. Stir well.

Pour the remaining milk into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Then turn off the heat and pour the pudding into the milk in a thin stream, stir, put it back on low heat and heat, stirring, until thick.

Place one half of the biscuit in the mold, soak in the syrup left over from cooking the apricots. Brush the sponge with half the pudding.

Mix the jelly for the cake according to the instructions on the package. Pour it over the apricots first and then over the entire cake. Place in the refrigerator to harden and soak for several hours. After this time, cut the sponge cake with apricots with a knife around the shape and remove the ring. Sprinkle the sides of the cake with coconut.

Serve delicious apricot cake with tea or coffee.

Bon appetit!

Apricot cake? Very simple, but surprisingly beautiful and incredibly tasty. A nut cream base, apricots and an airy meringue top with chocolate. A great story for connoisseurs of masterpieces. This dessert will decorate the holiday table and become a reason for celebration. It is incredibly juicy, sweet and tender.

Intrigued? Wonderful. We offer to make the Spanish Carrara cake. The sonorous title matches the content. Nut and egg frangipane goes well with apricots and meringue. And dark chocolate emphasizes the exclusivity of the masterpiece. The spectacular appearance with marbled stains of brown on white is impressive and seduces with its novelty. More on this a little later, but for now, for comparison, the hits of the Internet.

Top 3 cakes with apricots

Cake with apricot jam

These desserts are baked from simple dough with the addition of kefir, yogurt or milk. Some bake the base with condensed milk. The cakes are coated with butter custard (or cottage cheese), then with jam. The top is covered with chocolate glaze. It turns out especially tasty if you add cocoa to the dough and cream.

We suggest an experiment: make it with nuts, cover it with cheese cream and jam. The cake with apricot jam will be simply amazing. The complex combination of flavors and notes will surprise and delight you. And the best part is that such baking does not take much time. Recipes for cakes with apricot jam are numerous and varied. But everything can be reduced to one denominator:

  • biscuit base (chocolate, carrot, classic);
  • apricot jam;
  • favorite cream (based on boiled condensed milk with butter, custard, caramel, chocolate, curd);
  • decoration from fresh (canned) apricots, nuts, chocolate, citrus fruits.

Apricot sponge cake

Bake one thick or two or three thin cakes, cool on a wire rack for 6-8 hours. Whip cold cream with powdered sugar, add chocolate pieces and mix.

Apricots are washed, dried and cut into pieces. Leave 6-8 for decoration. Canned fruit will also work. The first cake layer is greased with cream, pieces of apricots are laid out, covered with the second cake layer and the procedure is repeated. Impregnation will give the base greater juiciness. It can be made from a mixture of sugar, boiled water and alcohol. You can use apricot jam or jam diluted with warm water.

The cake will come out with a bright taste. After coating it, decorate it with cream, fresh (canned) fruits, and mint sprigs. The combination of orange, white and green is very beautiful. The sides are sprinkled with almond petals. This cake is simple and unpretentious in execution, but very tasty.

Chocolate apricot cake

The easiest and fastest recipe is to bake a chocolate sponge cake and let it cool. Cut it into two parts lengthwise. Grease with apricot confiture, jam, jam. It doesn't matter what type of sweet filling is in the chocolate cake with apricot jam. The main thing is a lot. You need to grease the top of the first cake and the bottom of the second. It turns out very juicy.

Then cover with the second cake layer. Spread with jam, then pour over ganache and put in the refrigerator to harden. It turns out very chocolatey and mega apricot. The result is something like the famous “Sacher”.

We have delicious. If you add apricots to the dough instead of cherries, you will get a signature cake from available products. And it will take much less time than if you bake the base separately and make the mousse and glaze. It's three in one. To make it more festive, you can make ganache and spread it over the top of the apricot curd cake.

But the most stunning, elegant and refined is the Carrara apricot pie.

Men and children are absolutely delighted with it, and the housewives are happy. To prepare other versions of cakes with apricot filling you need to spend about five hours, but this dessert is prepared within an hour.

Half an hour to prepare and 30 minutes to bake. And he looks like a king. We are sure that your family will be pleased and your guests will ask for the recipe. If instead of apricots you put plums, cherries, grapes, pears or apples, a completely new story of home baking will emerge. The idea is interesting, the accessibility is inspiring, the beauty is amazing.

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Apricot cake Any gourmet will surely like it, as its taste and aroma are impossible to resist. Delicate cakes soaked in apricot puree come out very tasty and airy. This cake looks like it just came out of a confectionery factory, only its composition is much healthier. The main ingredient of this cake is apricot puree, which is made from dried apricots. But if you want, if you want to experiment, you can add apricot jam or apricot jam.

Dried apricots, which predominate in this delicacy, cannot boast of a huge range of vitamins, which are mostly found in fresh fruits. But there are much more useful elements and minerals in dried fruits. Thus, dried apricots can alleviate anemia and prevent diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

A delicious apricot cake is perfect for a birthday table, will provide a piece of summer and sun on your New Year's table and is easily suitable for an ordinary everyday tea party in the company of friends or family. To prepare this miracle, you just need a complete list of ingredients, a little free time and our recipe, step-by-step photos, which will help you navigate our recommendations more easily.


  • (560 g)

  • (200 g)

  • (200 g)

  • (2 pcs.)

  • (1 tsp)

  • (600 g)

  • (500 ml)

  • (50 g)

  • (200 g)

  • (1 PC.)

Cooking steps

    First you need to take dried apricots, pour hot water over it, and let it brew for about 20 minutes. After this, cook it over low heat until the dried apricots become soft.

    Drain the water from the dried apricots and place the fruit in a blender. We also send the peeled and seeded lemon there. Grind all this thoroughly to form a puree-like mixture. If necessary, you can add apricot broth.

    Now take a fine grater and grind the lemon zest on it, then add it to the apricot mixture. Mix thoroughly.

    Now let's start preparing the dough for the crust. To do this, you need to take softened butter, sugar and beat it all thoroughly until white. After this, add chicken eggs to the mixture one at a time and continue beating to obtain a homogeneous mass.

    Then add sifted flour, baking powder, and knead the dough. It should turn out quite soft.

    The dough should be divided into six parts.

    Each part must be rolled out on parchment paper, on which you must first draw a circle with a diameter of 20-25 cm. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and bake the cakes for 10 minutes each.

    Immediately after baking, take the crust while it is still hot and trim it using a baking pan. Do not let the cake cool, as it will be very brittle when cold. Collect the cake scraps and grind them in a blender; we will need them later.

    We wait for the cakes to cool and begin to put the filling on each of them. Calculate the amount of filling so that there is enough left to coat the sides and top of the cake.

    We do not grease the top layer with the filling, since it is necessary to place a not very heavy pan or bowl on it and leave the cake in this position overnight.

    The next day, coat the cake with the remaining cream on all sides. Sprinkle the sides with the cake scraps ground in a blender.

    On top we decorate our cake with walnuts, dried apricots and physalis. You can approach this matter creatively and use your imagination. After this, the apricot cake is ready to eat! You can put the kettle on and call the family.

    Bon appetit!

July is the time to prepare homemade cakes with amber-sunny, ripe, delicious apricots! I love this fruit for its unique taste, joyful color and pleasant, velvety skin. And recently I came up with a cake with them. Try it!

Ingredients for apricot cake:

- 2 eggs;
- 1 cup of sugar;
- 150 g margarine;
- 1.5 cups flour (300 g);
- 2 teaspoons baking powder;
- 1 teaspoon of baking soda;
- 1 glass of milk;
- 1 tablespoon of vinegar 9%.

- half a stick of butter (100g);
- half a glass of water;
- half a glass of sugar;
- 1 tablespoon of flour.


- half a stick of butter and half a can of condensed milk;
Or just cream whipped with sugar. Any of the listed cream options will be suitable for this cake.

Filling and decoration:
- ripe apricots!

How to make apricot cake:

We prepare the dough for the cakes in the same way as for chocolate cake with cherries - only without cocoa, so the cakes will turn out white.

Mix flour, baking powder and soda in one container; in the second, beat softened margarine with sugar and eggs; in the third (in a glass) mix milk and vinegar.

Then we combine the contents of all three containers, mix and pour the resulting dough into a mold or frying pan greased with vegetable oil.

Bake over low heat for 40-60 minutes, testing for doneness with a wooden stick.

Cool the finished cake, cut it into two and spread the bottom one with cream. You can see how to prepare the cream and choose which option you like!

Place apricot halves on top of the cream on the bottom cake.

Cover with the top cake, which we also decorate with cream and apricots.

Let the cake soak a little - and you can try it!

And let a piece of cake with sunny apricots make your mood as joyful as this composition!