Arcana Eight of Cups: Meaning and description. Eight of Cups Tarot: meaning in different areas


Saturn/Moon as a symbol of sad farewell.

Straight position:

The Eight of Cups indicates the relationship between the mind and feelings: either their consistency or discord. Symbolizes modesty, modesty, chastity, honor, practicality, and the ability to be in harmony with people.

Reverse position:

An inverted card means: unexpected gifts, difficult desires, detachment.

Eight of Cups

Card Name: Lord of Lost Success.

Correspondences – land of water; letter Xe (final); Sephira Glory

Explanation (general meaning): apathy, silent withdrawal, detachment.

Event: idleness, doing nothing, leaving everything in life to fate.

1. Dismissal in disgrace, retirement from work, transfer to a worse job. Declining profits. Abandonment (abandonment) of the matter.

2. A very dangerous situation for human health and general condition. Deep depression. The combination of the desire to get rid of all problems at once and the unwillingness to fight leads to suicide. Death predicts more than all other cards (even for a young man). Irreversible changes. A person will not recover because he does not want to live or is ready to leave.

3. Care in the mental sense. Physically, the partner can remain in the family (he doesn’t show divorce), but there are no feelings or emotions, the partner has withdrawn into himself (do what you want, it doesn’t concern me). May show leaving the family in a difficult situation.

4. A person who is excluded from life. Deep depression

5. Advice: Be alone with yourself.

Warning: You yourself do not want the situation to improve.

6. The answer is uncertain. A period of voluntary isolation from what is happening. It is worth changing your type of activity, getting away from familiar situations.

Additionally (to the warning): Sometimes situations happen in which any changes entail such drastic changes that a person specifically tries to stay in place so as not to take risks and not overstrain.

End of the second cycle.


Explanation (general meaning): the desire to attract attention to oneself at any cost, to provoke interest in oneself: creating an artificial personal story, creating mystery, etc.

Event: impossibility, unwillingness to leave, but at the same time pretends to leave.

1. Complete stagnation, marking time in one place, shifting responsibility. The desire to be decided (done) for you. Profits are uncertain, but the greater the absence from work, the lower they are.

2. Simulation, attracting the attention of others (may be as a result of the indifference of loved ones)

3. Lack of love and attention, trying to attract them in different ways.

4. Suffering from the indifference of others, lack of love and attention.

5. Tip: Try to attract attention to yourself.

Warning: your tricks may be seen through.

6. You cannot be alone, you need communication, love and attention.

General value:

The Eight of Cups is one of three "breakthrough" cards, signifying a sad farewell (along with the Chariot, signifying the joyful "hero's entry" onto the battlefield, and the Six of Swords, symbolizing a journey into the unknown, to new shores). It shows that we must leave our familiar surroundings, part with people or things to which our hearts are attached, and set off on a long journey into an unknown future. In any case, it testifies that we were not expelled, it was we ourselves, of our own free will, who decided to leave (another thing is that we might not have had any other choice). The “heaviness of saying goodbye” lies in two points: we have to leave what is dear to us, and we do not know what awaits us.


Most often this is parting with a previous job. This may be a general withdrawal from active work - due to age, as a result of the decision to devote oneself to the family, or due to the curtailment of a given industry, or for other similar reasons. The pain of parting with something familiar that has been familiar for a long time is combined here with a feeling of uncertainty about the future. However, this card can also indicate less profound changes in our lives: your work is transferred to someone else or even closed as unpromising. However, even in this case, it means emptiness and uncertainty: what should we do next, where will fate lead us?


Here this card means the realization that our previous views, habits or some elements of our worldview no longer serve us faithfully, and we need to get rid of them. Sometimes this is due to the transition to the next age group, when we have to give up a lot - the very “great refusal” in Zen philosophy. Such “parting” with things that meant so much to us is often accompanied by a feeling of fear and hopelessness. But these steps, although difficult, lead to new freedom.

Personal relationships:

The Eight of Cups is a parting with a person or people who have meant a lot to us until now. This card marks a crossroads, a fork where our paths separate from them, indicating that it is time for us to say goodbye to them with gratitude and, if necessary, to break the “umbilical cord” that connected us with them in order to move on our own path. On a deeper level, it can mean parting with previous ideas about a partner as a fairy-tale prince or princess, realizing that there are no ideal partners, abandoning naive dreams and returning to reality, which is in no hurry to reveal to us its secret of how to bring a partner closer to the ideal.

Eight of Cups combined with other Tarot cards

With the “Jester” card - vagrancy; wanderlust.

With the “Magic” card - someone is pushing you to give up what is dear to you.

With the “High Priestess” card - go to great lengths because of a woman or for an unknown reason.

With the “Empress” card - renounce motherhood.

With the “Emperor” card - leave your family or job.

With the “Hierophant” card - say goodbye to what was the meaning of life.

With the “Lovers” card - renounce love.

With the Chariot card - give up your plans.

With the “Strength” card - show lack of will and submission to fate.

With the Hermit card - go to a monastery; renounce the world; travel to holy places.

With the Wheel of Fortune card - change of place of residence.

With the “Justice” card - give up the search for truth.

With the Hanged Man card - stop sacrificing yourself.

With the “Death” card - say goodbye to the past.

With the “Moderation” card, try to find the “golden mean”.

With the “Devil” card - fall into sin.

With the “Tower” card - destroy your world.

With the “Star” card - go against fate.

With the Moon card - fall into nirvana.

With the “Sun” card - refuse publicity.

With the “Court” card - refuse help.

With the “World” card - lose meaning, purpose.


With the Ace of Wands card - finding your calling.

With the “Two of Wands” card - searching for yourself in a geographical sense; an attempt to decide on your plans and your future.

With the Three of Wands card - independence; independence.

With the Four of Wands card - returning home.

With the Five of Wands card - stress.

With the Six of Wands card - follow someone else’s idea; go against yourself.

With the Seven of Wands card, there is a struggle for your place in the sun.

With the Eight of Wands card - liberation from restrictions.

With the Nine of Wands card, expect the worst.

With the Ten of Wands card - going nowhere; failure.

With the “Page of Wands” card - a desire to learn and experience the world.

With the “Knight of Wands” card - get lost.

With the “Queen of Wands” card - go to another person.

With the “King of Wands” card - find yourself; meet someone significant to you.

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Description of the Eight of Cups Tarot card

On the Eight of Cups Tarot card you can see the image of a man who, with a traveler’s staff, goes to the dark mountains of the unknown, leaving behind all his past inner experiences and accomplishments - eight filled cups. The person spent too much energy, but received only disappointments in return. At such moments, you should distance yourself from yourself, even move away if necessary.

General meaning and interpretation of the Eight of Cups Tarot card in fortune telling and readings

Direct card position

In the upright position, the Eight of Cups indicates a state of fatigue, when everything is boring or a person does not see any point in doing anything. This is an apathetic-depressive state, detachment and a pessimistic outlook on life, despondency and stagnation. Saying goodbye to the past has already begun, but the person does not seem to understand it yet. The card also says that the question on which fortune telling is being carried out is not as important as it seems, and that the actions taken will reveal its true value, reduce its significance, after which the person will be able to switch to something else. It is necessary to take the first step, and then it will become clear that the situation is not as daunting as it seemed from a distance.

Reversed card position

The Reversed Eight of Cups is often associated with losses, but can also indicate restoration of the situation. Traditionally, it means being absorbed in a process in order to achieve ultimate success. At the same time, this card can also indicate unexpected, rather serious gifts, pleasant expected events.

The meaning and interpretation of the Eight of Cups card in fortune telling and layouts for work, affairs and career

Direct card position

Most often, the direct Tarot card Eight of Cups indicates a separation from your previous job. This may be a general withdrawal from active work - due to age, as a result of the decision to devote oneself to family, or due to the closure of a given industry. A bad mood due to parting with a familiar, long-familiar one is combined here with a feeling of uncertainty about the future. This card may also indicate a lack of faith in the prospects of work in this place. However, even in this case there is emptiness and uncertainty: what to do next, where fate will lead?

Reversed card position

Inverted, the Eight of Cups symbolizes the difficulties that a person encounters on the way to his goal when performing his work duties. It may mean that you will have to pay off debts unexpectedly quickly, or at the most inopportune moment. Another meaning of this card is a failed business trip or business trip.

The meaning and interpretation of the Eight of Cups card in layouts and fortune telling for health

Direct card position

Deep depression, apathy. Spasmodic vascular manifestations in the foot area are likely.

Reversed card position

Possible insomnia and somnambulism, as well as diseases of teeth and gums.

The meaning and interpretation of the Eight of Cups card in fortune telling and layouts for love and relationships

Direct card position

The Eight of Cups in an upright position is a parting with a person or people who have meant a lot until now. This card marks a crossroads, a fork where the paths separate, indicating that it is time to say goodbye to relationships with gratitude and, if necessary, break the “umbilical cord” that connected them. On a deeper level, the card can mean parting with previous ideas about a partner as a fairy-tale prince or princess, realizing that there are no ideal people, abandoning naive dreams and returning to harsh reality. Often the card indicates the withered feelings of partners, reluctance to continue the relationship, or a breakup.

Reversed card position

The inverted Eight of Cups symbolizes the abandonment of something important for the sake of a partner and, at the same time, speaks of the futility of the chosen course of action. In this case, we are talking about a path to nowhere, about a relationship that has no future.

The meaning and interpretation of the Eight of Cups card in layouts and fortune telling for personality assessment

Direct card position

A calm, withdrawn person prone to loneliness and a feeling of rejection. He is also characterized by a certain gloominess.

Reversed card position

The Reversed Eight of Cups can describe a person who cannot stand restrictions or does not fit into the system, but is forced to drift hopelessly and aimlessly with the flow.

Meaning and interpretation of the Eight of Cups card as a card of the day

Today you will have to part with something that was familiar to you or took for granted. It's time to look for new ways. Even if it upsets you, don't give up and go on the road. You will soon understand why and for what you had to part with your old one.

Advice from the Eight of Cups card in fortune telling and readings

There is no point in sitting and suffering because nothing works out or you don’t like something. It will not change anything. It is much more correct to pull yourself together and make efforts to change the situation. Well, if you cannot change the situation, then change your attitude towards it.

In a Tarot deck, each card is unique, and its meaning is difficult to understand by reading just a few words about it. In addition, in different layouts and with certain combinations, the lasso can have completely different meanings, even sometimes the opposite. No less important is the position in which the card appears - upright or upside down. In this article we will consider the meaning of the Eight of Cups in the Tarot and its combination with other arcana.

Description of the map

The first thing you need to do before you start interpreting a map is to look at it carefully. On the Eight of Cups we see 8 bowls standing on a stone, a narrow funnel with water and a man going somewhere upward. Some tarot books mention that the man in the picture is going to a monastery. Another important detail is the staff in his hands. So, it symbolizes freedom of choice. In other words, a person goes up only because he wants to. Another important detail is the solar eclipse. Moreover, the cups that a person leaves are empty. All of these details are incredibly important when interpreting a card.

General value

The main meaning of the Eight of Cups in Tarot:

  • changing priorities and goals,
  • search for the spiritual self,
  • strong changes in life.

The man with the staff, depicted on the map, rises up in order to search for something new, unknown. The Eight of Cups means that the fortuneteller should leave what he is currently doing. Perhaps he chose the wrong direction for himself. The lasso has especially such meaning if it falls in the position of the past. It is very important to pay attention to the fact that in the image the person is taking a rather decisive step. He doesn't look back and regret it. The meaning of the Eight of Cups (Tarot) in fortune telling for the future depends on the cards that will be nearby. In general, we can conclude that big changes will await people in the near future. The work he is currently doing will not bring results, and he will have to leave it.

The meaning of the Eight of Cups in a relationship chart

The suit of the Cup itself is a spiritual sphere, responsible for feelings and emotions. The main meaning of the Eight of Cups in the Tarot in relationship readings is moving away from old feelings. Most likely, problems began in the couple a long time ago. They kept piling up more and more, and now it was time to move on from it. If the fortuneteller does not have a soulmate, but gets this card, this is a good sign, since the period of loneliness will soon end. It is very important that the card symbolizes not just some events in the life of the questioner, but his actions. The Reversed Eight of Cups in a relationship means that a person has hidden fears in a relationship with a loved one.

Professional activities and finances

Despite the fact that the Cups belong to the spiritual realm, they play a vital role in fortune telling about work and finances. So, definitely, the lasso indicates that at the moment, in order to improve your affairs, it is necessary to make some efforts. Most likely, such changes will be beneficial for professional activities. We must not forget about the spiritual sphere. If a person manages to normalize his moral state, all his affairs will improve significantly. The Eight of Cups card also tells the fortuneteller that all changes will be painful for him. Leaving in itself will be quite sad and difficult. However, this does not mean that a person is in for trouble. In fact, he simply needs to go through this stage of life in order to improve his financial situation.

The reversed Eight of Cups in a job fortune telling means that you need to change your attitude towards it. In fact, the person has set his priorities incorrectly, and it is for this reason that he is haunted by a streak of failures.

Health sector

If this card appears in a health reading, then it clearly indicates the psycho-emotional state of a person. Most often, the Eight of Cups denotes sadness, melancholy, and loss of strength. It’s as if the person is still at the very bottom; he doesn’t see the way up. The solar eclipse, which is depicted on the map, symbolizes that soon new plans, dreams and goals will come into a person’s life. The Three of Cups and the Eight of Cups in a health scenario can mean a search for a new path, and in combination with the Five of Cups - deep depression. In general, this lasso is the middle ground between the collapse of all hopes and the search for a new goal.

Combination with the Major Arcana

The meaning of the Eight of Cups largely depends on the cards that are nearby. Of course, it is quite difficult to remember all the symbols at once, but with careful analysis you can find that such meanings are a combination of the meaning of both cards.

So, in combination with the lasso Strength, it means that the time has come for decisive action. The Eight of Cups itself symbolizes upward movement, the need for change. The Strength card only emphasizes that this is really important for a person, and the most important thing is that he has enough vital energy for this.

If Death appears nearby, then a person should leave his past. After all, the Major Arcana itself indicates the end and completion of affairs. The Eight of Cups in combination with the Death card symbolizes separation, loss of hopes, failure of plans. The Arcana advise you to carefully reconsider your present and leave in the past what bothers you.

The Arcana of the Court in the scenario shows that it is necessary to make an informed decision, and the Jester indicates the frivolity of intentions. With the Tower card, the combination of the Eight of Cups in the Tarot is very uncertain. In fact, the Tower means the collapse of all hopes, but the Eight of Cups lasso has the opposite meaning. When appearing side by side in the same layout, these two cards symbolize that a person himself destroys his own world and lives in fantasies, and not in reality.

Combination with Cups

Many Cups in one layout indicate that emotions and feelings play an important place in a person’s life. Each of the arcana represents energy and inner strength. For example, in the Tarot, the Ace of Cups means that a person is on a spiritual ascent. This is a favorable period for new beginnings and undertakings. B can also symbolize a new and strong feeling. If the Eight of Cups appears in a layout with this card, it means the person is going in the right direction. He is looking for himself, and soon new horizons will open before him. Perhaps a person will discover a new talent in himself.

The Page of Cups in the Tarot denotes a young man, kind and sincere. This card also symbolizes creativity and help. In some meanings it can mean frivolity. However, in Tarot cards, the Page of Cups in combination with the Eight of Cups means that a person should expect help from a loved one. It is he who will show him the path to finding energy and strength.

With number Cups, other than Five, Eight has fairly good meanings. For example, with the Six of Cups - the need to return to memories.

There is one more card that is quite important and a key figure in the Tarot. The King of Cups symbolizes serious intentions, fantasy and charisma. In combination with other Chalices, the lasso indicates that at the moment the person has well-developed intuition and even, possibly, superpowers.

The combination of such cards in the Tarot as the King of Cups and the Eight of Cups means that the fortuneteller will have great success if he puts in enough effort.

Combination with Wands

The suit of Staves is closest to Wands. She is also responsible for the sphere of feelings and emotions. However, their elements are quite opposite. So, Staves - Water, this is a calmer and quieter energy. Wands are the complete opposite. This is Fire that penetrates everywhere and burns everything to ashes. The Eight of Cups creates very interesting combinations with Wands.

So, for example, in a relationship with the Ace of Wands, it will mean a new partner, and with the Queen of Wands - new feelings that you have not felt before. The Three of Wands and the Eight of Cups are two very similar cards that enhance each other's meaning. Most often, their combination means a long trip or business trip.

Two Eights of Wands and Cups mean that all roads are open to a person. He is accompanied by luck and success. If the fortuneteller asks whether he should do something, and the card data comes up, then the answer is clear - “yes”. In the near future there will be no obstacles to his movement. The Eight of Cups takes on a negative interpretation if the Ten of Wands lies nearby. In this case, the plans conceived by the person will not be fulfilled, or it will be extremely difficult to do so.

Combination with Denarii

Coins are the suit of money. It displays hidden aspects of material condition. Next to such a spiritual suit as Cups, Denarii have many interpretations. The only negative meaning the Eight will have is only with the Five of Coins. In this case, the arcana will mean losses, a difficult path of learning or testing. The Ace of Dinariev in the reading will speak of a difficult financial situation that will be resolved successfully. A combination of three cards - the Knight of Pentacles, the Knight of Cups and the Eight of Cups - indicates that a person is slowly but absolutely surely moving towards his goal. His efforts will be rewarded.

Combination with Swords

The warlike and difficult suit of Swords symbolizes confrontation and overcoming obstacles. Next to the Eight of Cups, it indicates that the path to the goal will be long and difficult. Depending on the Swords card that appears, you can find out exactly what obstacles will await the fortuneteller.

Ace - everything planned will come true.

Two - a high probability of getting into a difficult situation due to internal conflicts.

Three is a misdirection that can lead to heart injury.

Four - a difficult confrontation awaits ahead, now is the time to gain strength.

Six - you are almost there, success awaits you very soon.

Seven - imprudent behavior. Most likely, the person is behaving too frivolously.

Eight - you will find yourself in a difficult situation. More support should be given to those who need it.

Nine and Ten - illness, loss, possibly a state of deep depression.

Page - the business you are planning can turn out to be very dangerous.

Knight - you need to find a way to curb your emotions, otherwise they can lead to unpredictable consequences.

Queen - coldness and inaccessibility are not the best companions for a person. More care, love and mercy should be shown.

King - symbolizes the search for true values, perhaps the need to reconsider all your goals and plans.

Examples of interpretations with the Eight of Cups

Let's look at the most common Tarot reading. For example, a girl is interested in the question of why she has not been promoted for so long. She gets the cards in the photo below.

So, the top one is the significator. This card reflects the essence of the issue or determines the person’s personality. It is taken from the deck at the discretion of the fortuneteller before the shuffle begins. In this case, the significator is the Empress card.

The first card in this layout indicates the influence of the past on the current situation. Thus, the lasso “Jester” means that the girl does not have a serious attitude towards work. This is what led to a delay in career growth. Perhaps, without noticing it herself, she was slightly dishonest about her superiors’ assignments.

The second card reflects the essence of the matter at the moment. The Eight of Cups in this case means that the girl’s priorities and goals have already changed. If the meaning of the card is not entirely clear, then you can draw an additional one. In this case, you should ask the questions: “What is this connected with?”, “How does this manifest itself?” Let's say that the additional card is the Four of Swords (4). Then such a combination will indicate that at the moment the fortuneteller is gaining strength for further intensive work. It is at this time that a promotion will be inappropriate and difficult for her.

The third card symbolizes the future. So, the girl from the example received the Ace of Dinarii card. According to the interpretation, this means that, despite the fact that the girl is now in a difficult situation, her affairs will soon improve. We can conclude that the fortuneteller will soon receive a promotion and a wonderful future.

To summarize, we can say that the Eight of Cups is a card that reflects a person’s path. In the most common sense, this is the path upward, to success and victory. In some cases, the card may have a negative meaning, but this does not mean that the person has no chance at all.

When interpreting Tarot cards, we should remember that all events leave a certain imprint on our lives. By changing just one word in a conversation, for example, you can completely change its outcome. So, Tarot cards only give advice on what to do in a given situation, but the choice always remains with the person. Only he has the power to completely change the course of events in his life.


Eight of Cups combined with other Tarot cards

With the “Jester” card - vagrancy; wanderlust.
With the “Magic” card - someone is pushing you to give up what is dear to you.
With the “High Priestess” card - go to great lengths because of a woman or for an unknown reason.
With the “Empress” card - renounce motherhood.
With the “Emperor” card - leave your family or job.
With the “Hierophant” card - say goodbye to what was the meaning of life.
With the “Lovers” card - renounce love.
With the Chariot card - give up your plans.
With the “Strength” card - show lack of will and submission to fate.
With the Hermit card - go to a monastery; renounce the world; travel to holy places.
With the Wheel of Fortune card - change of place of residence.
With the “Justice” card - give up the search for truth.
With the Hanged Man card - stop sacrificing yourself.
With the “Death” card - say goodbye to the past.
With the “Moderation” card, try to find the “golden mean”.
With the “Devil” card - fall into sin.
With the “Tower” card - destroy your world.
With the “Star” card - go against fate.
With the Moon card - fall into nirvana.
With the “Sun” card - refuse publicity.
With the “Court” card - refuse help.
With the “World” card - lose meaning, purpose.

With the Ace of Wands card - finding your calling.
With the “Two of Wands” card - searching for yourself in a geographical sense; an attempt to decide on your plans and your future.
With the Three of Wands card - independence; independence.
With the Four of Wands card - returning home.
With the Five of Wands card - stress.
With the Six of Wands card - follow someone else’s idea; go against yourself.
With the Seven of Wands card, there is a struggle for your place in the sun.
With the Eight of Wands card - liberation from restrictions.
With the Nine of Wands card, expect the worst.
With the Ten of Wands card - going nowhere; failure.
With the “Page of Wands” card - a desire to learn and experience the world.
With the “Knight of Wands” card - get lost.
With the “Queen of Wands” card - go to another person.
With the “King of Wands” card - find yourself; meet someone significant to you.

From other sources:
V. Sklyarov "The Great Book of Combinations".

Eight of Cups (cups) in an upright position with the Major Arcana

Magician pr and per - Illness of a young relative, possibly a daughter, sister
Priestess - Tormenting yourself with hunger. Fast
Empress - "The Lost Sheep" Mismatch of relations with superiors, at work
Emperor - Chastity
Priest - Observance of social ritual
Lovers - The need to go your own way, without a guide
Chariot - Ride, delightful evenings. Big money
Justice - Keeping Your Distance
Hermit pr and per - Parting with loved ones
Wheel of Fortune - Disappointment, refusal
Power - Rape a girl
Hanged Man - Forethought required
Death - Death of a girl (possibly from an overdose)
Temperance - Chastity, young innocent girl
Devil - Venereal diseases
Tower - Farewell, final bow
Star - "Juliet" without Romeo
Luna - Fangirl
Sun - Lucky Virgin
Court - Diseases at the genetic level
World - New wine, young girl, young lamb
Jester - Umbilical cord rupture, loss of connection with reality

Eight of Cups (cups) in an upright position with the Minor Arcana

3 of Cups - Getting back an old debt

A deck of Tarot cards consists of the Major and Minor Arcana, the total number of which is 78 cards. In this material we reveal the meaning of the 8 Cups of Tarot in various areas of human life, and also consider the features of its combination with other arcana in the layout.

General value

There is no movement in life or there has been a decline, which has led to depressive moods.


The card does not foretell a physical separation, but morally the partners will become strangers to each other.


The fortuneteller will develop depression, which can lead to suicide.


The card predicts job loss. The fortuneteller will be fired, and thrown out in disgrace. The card also predicts a transition to a lower position and a decrease in profits.

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✚ For the future

Eight means that a person will completely change his view of everyday things and will start a new life. This may be the moment when you consider your previous actions strange and thoughtless, so you come to the conclusion that it’s time to become wiser or, on the contrary, more reckless. The last option is especially scary, which often leads to some kind of addiction. Any addiction is difficult for a person to bear and requires long-term treatment.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On relationships

If, when fortune telling about relationships, an eight of cubes appears in the layout, then the relationship is close to its logical end; one of the partners did not live up to expectations about the other person. One has probably refused to face the truth for a long time, but the moment is approaching when the scales will fall from the eyes and the other person will appear in their true light. However, the map does not necessarily mean that these people have no further path. Perhaps we are talking about the end of the relationship exactly in the form in which it exists now; after a truthful look at the circumstances appears, there may be a chance to build everything anew and much more successfully.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For today

Degradation, search for the spiritual and despondency. In the work aspect, the card indicates a lack of any motivation, an unfriendly atmosphere in the team and a change of job (from better to worse); financial success is still far away; a financial crisis is expected. You absolutely need rest in order to restore lost strength; irreversible changes in health lie ahead. Difficulties await you in love: lack of emotions and feelings, detachment in relationships; a love triangle is possible. You are tired of life and do not feel joy, you are depressed. Analyze your life and reconsider your values ​​in order to improve your life!

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For tomorrow

Map of family comfort and warmth. It can mean motherhood, children, spending time together. The outside world fades into the background, attention is focused on the family.

Tomorrow you will have a cozy day with your family. Perhaps the cards hint that it's time to visit or call your parents, make a pleasant surprise for the children by taking them to some interesting place for a family vacation. Perhaps news about someone's pregnancy or birth of a child.

In terms of love relationships, the card predicts a wonderful and cozy day in an atmosphere of complete mutual understanding and love.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ What does he think about me

Your relationship with your partner is built on fantasy, so you do not notice the true facts that constantly come your way. Soon you will look differently at the person you thought you loved, because secrets will reveal their true colors. Illusion is deception of oneself. You don’t feel reality, so you can’t confidently step into your future. Your love will turn out to be a lie, it will be difficult to understand and accept this fact, but it must be done to improve your future.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On request

It is unlikely that you will be able to boast of an optimistic outlook on life. There is no guarantee that your wish will be fulfilled 100%. However, there is a chance if you make every effort. In this case, the dream will gain some other perspectives. What doesn’t suit you in life now will soon disappear from it. The card says that the task will be completed within the lunar month. Emotions will not affect further actions; determination is the main support now.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the situation

What brought you to your current situation is your reluctance to improve your life. There is a detachment from events. Actions are influenced by the mind, not emotions. Harmonious interactions are expected. Reluctance to take risks. Despair and an imbalance between logical thinking and emotions are likely. Depression.

There is an opportunity to make smart choices. You take a practical approach. However, the future is uncertain. Independent decision-making is possible. Be alone with yourself and try to understand your desires.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For the betrothed

The Eight of Cups shows a lack of initiative and determination in your relationship. Fading feelings that are held on literally by the last thread can still be saved, but for this you need to make some changes to them. Fly somewhere, take a good break from the daily routine. This is exactly what is needed now, because at this rate you will lose the connection that held your hearts together at the very beginning of the relationship.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

You may miss something very important that you could have received, because you only see what you want, ignoring the rest.

You are too focused on what is far ahead and foggy. At the same time, the opportunities lying before you remain unrealized. The Guardian Angel is trying to help you come down to earth and take a real opportunity instead of empty contemplation of “pie in the sky.”

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the King

It is likely that the relationship with your current partner has ceased to suit you. You are no longer satisfied with communication, intimacy, or leisure time. Self-improvement and the search for spiritual and meaningful context seem more interesting. The card says that changes will occur within the month that will bring deeper meaning and fulfillment to your life.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For treason

There is a break in the relationship. Personal life is bursting at the seams, and no one can stop this process. There is a collapse of old ideals and a rejection of reality.

Being at the crossroads of fate, it is important to make the right choice. Perhaps you need to grow up and understand that a different, more conscious life is beginning, and stop soaring in the clouds.

A full description of the map is available at