Capacity for water on the bath. Water bathrooms: how not to be mistaken when choosing

No traditional sauna can exist without one mandatory component - water tank. The bath without water can not be full, therefore water that is necessarily needed both cold and hot, should be in a special tank.

There are two types of tanks that are installed in the bath:

  1. For hot water.
  2. For cold water.

Tank parameters

To know which water tank needs to be purchased for your bath, you need to know how many people will be at the same time bathe and wash in the bath. If you intend to go to the paired one by one, then hot water, more than 50 liters you have nothing to do. If you assume a joint holiday in the bath, a family campaign or a holiday with friends, then you need a larger water tank. In any case, a tank at 70-120 liters will be quite enough even for a company of five people.

Depending on the size of the tank itself, the thickness of its walls depends. For example, if you acquire a capacity of up to 50 liters, then the thickness of its walls will be about one millimeter. This is the optimal thickness for such parameters. For a more volumetric water tank and walls should be thicker. The thicker the wall of the tank, the longer the water temperature will be maintained in the tank. It should be borne in mind that it is not only important to support optimum temperature In the tank, but not to forget about the weight of the tank itself. The thicker the walls will be, the more massive and have a higher price.

Types of hot water tanks

Consider the types of water tanks in which high water temperature is preserved:

  1. Built-in. It is considered standard because the tank is embedded directly into the oven.
  2. Remote. The tank is driven out of the wage and are located away from the stove.
  3. The tank that is installed directly on the pipe itself.

Consider the action and location of each tank. The tank, which is embedded directly in the furnace itself, is considered the most optimal and usual. The tank is installed on the top of the furnace. Water in the tank heats up faster and holds a temperature for a very long time. But there is one thing, but the tank is in constant contact with a rather part of the stove and the bottom of the tank may be faster to come into disrepair. Water is taken by pulling it out of the tank with a comfortable drawer, lifting the tank cover, or install a water tank with a built-in crane.

Tuck It is more convenient, as it can be installed directly in the shower or washer. The oven for such a tank should be equipped with a heat exchanger that will bind the oven with a tank. The container for heating and saving water is not attached directly to the Baku itself. The principle of work of the remote tank is such that cold water is lowered into the heat exchanger, while hot water rises back.

In the case when the bath is used almost constantly and is necessary in frequent consumption of hot water, then it is better to buy a water tank with the device "on the pipe". Water in it will constantly heat up to the temperature you need. Such a tank will take not much space, and the water will heat up faster and warmly straightened. The principle of such a tank is that it is installed on the pipe, which comes out of the oven itself. Choose a tank with a large volume.


When choosing a bath for a bath, first of all you need to take into account the material from which the tanks are manufactured.

Types of cumulative water tanks that can be installed in the bath:

  1. Steel.
  2. Cast-iron.
  3. Enameled.
  4. Plastic.

The most popular is the steel tank. It has a number of advantages, compared to plastic water tank.

Advantages of a steel tank:

  • strength;
  • durability;
  • not subject to corrosion;
  • water in the tank will heat up faster;
  • resistance to temperature drops;

When choosing a tank for hot water from steel, you need to take into account that the ordinary metal tank will be unsuitable. It, of course, has a low price, but it is better to immediately acquire a high-quality tank of stainless steel to get rid of corrosion problems.

It is undesirable to install a tank for water from a stainless steel, which is covered with paint. Under the constant impact of hot water, it will quickly start to pork, and the tank will be subject to corrosion.

The cast-iron tank was very popular 50 or more years ago. Then our grandmothers and grandfathers were installed in the bath exceptionally cast-iron tanks for hot water, and for cold - ordinary wooden risks. The cast iron tank is considered the most acceptable, since it retains the temperature for a long time. For example, if you drive the bathhouse and go in the evening, then in the morning the water in the cast-iron tank will remain hot and you can use it for washing the linen.

Advantages of the cast-iron tank:

  • the water temperature is saved for a very long time;
  • durable;
  • does not be corrosion;
  • not deformed.

From the flaws noted:

  • has a lot of weight;
  • has a high price;
  • it's hard to find on sale.

Enameled water tanks are also quite suitable for a bath. But it should be borne in mind that they are not so durable as cast iron and steel. The appearance of enamel chips appeared from the disadvantages, as a result of which the unprotected place will slowly give in corrosion. These places, to increase the service life, handle special paint, which is heat-resistant. This is permissible at the case when the tank is not intended to be embedded, and will be installed outside.

Plastic water tank can be used for the need in a bath only for cold water. The photo shows a tank made of plastic. Such a tank with imitation of a wooden barrel will be harmonized with the interior of the bath.

Plastic is a beautiful and inexpensive material. Advantages of plastic water tanks:

  • durability;
  • have a very small weight;
  • have a low price;
  • do not rust;
  • durable;
  • it is possible to repair the tank when you find a leak.

Of the disadvantages of water tanks, it is impossible to install a tank with water in rooms with high temperature, and the impossibility to use a hot water storage tank.

Tank size and shape

The storage tank for water plays an important role when choosing a bath for a bath. In the form of tanks there are:

  • in the form of a cylinder;
  • in the form of a circle;
  • rectangular.

Each form of tank has its own characteristics. So, for installation on the furnace itself, one of the hardy tank, having a cylinder or circle form. Such a tank will endure the load (pressure) on the walls and it can be strengthened both on the pipe and install near the chimney.

After selecting the tank material, you need to decide on the size. The tank capacity is calculated at the calculation of water consumption per person. So, for one adult, one visit is spent about 20 liters of heated water. If the bath will use a family consisting of two people, then enough tank, in 50 liters. For a company consisting of four or more people, a tank will be required, with a capacity of up to 100 or more liters.

About prices

Water tank has different range prices. So, the tank of stainless steel will have to pay from two to five thousand rubles, depending on the volume of the tank.

The cast iron tank is considered the most expensive, but it is almost impossible to buy it in stores, and if we succeed, the price will be very high.

Inexpensive in price will be enameled water tanks. The price range varies from one and a half thousand to two rubles and more. They are sold both with a lid and without a lid. There are models that have built-in crane and even a shower device. By the way, in many models presented in the Russian market, you can buy metal tanks of stainless steel, with built-in cranes and shower hose.

Plastic water tanks have the most pleasant price. Cold water can be bought from 500 to several thousand rubles, depending on the shape and size.

To purchase a high-quality tank model, you need to get advice from a specialist. There are a lot of tanks on the market and it is better to immediately buy the one that is suitable in the size of the french bath.

If the volume of hot water is required, exceeding 200 liters, then it will be better to purchase a tank with a heat exchanger. Such a tank will work in a pair with cumulative Bak. It is connected to the water supply and electricity.

Undesirable in the cold season, especially in very coldy, leave water in the tank. This applies to those baths that are not heated constantly. If the water is not merged, it can freeze and deform the tank.


A modern tank for the bath is performed from high-quality materials. But is he needed? Of course yes. After all, as is known, water and bath are inseparable concepts.

Stones that are in the stove are poured with water to produce a couple, and in the soul without a couple, too, do not do. To obtain relaxation from visiting the bath in it there must be a stove and water tank.

Before starting the installation of this container, you need to know the main parameters:

  1. What sizes tank for hot water will be preferable?
  2. Does it have to be embedded, endured or attached with a pipe?
  3. What material to apply: cast iron, steel or stainless steel?

Bath Tank Parameters

The main issue for the start is the water supply method and material for the manufacture, so that in the future it does not have to return to the means for re-equipment.

The next step is to determine how water heating will be heated: with a furnace or a ten, which is embedded in the tank. To determine which option will be more expedient (to make the oven, warm water with electricity), it is necessary to decide how many people will sit at the same time in the bath. It is also important how the volume of heated water is required, and the allowable heating time to the required temperature.

If the owner will go to it himself, then in this case it is enough and 50 liters. And to surprise large company Or well to get into the family circle, the tank is needed more.

You still need to pay attention to the thickness of the product, since this parameter is important for good warm-up and to determine the duration of heat conservation.

Note: The thicker the wall of the tank, the more expensive it will cost and the greater will weigh. The tank up to 50 liters should have a thickness from 0.8 to 1 mm, the thickness of the tank, the volume of which is at least 70 liters, should be at least 1.5 mm.

It must be remembered: whatever material is used for the manufacture, it is necessary to provide for the required amount of introductory and output of water fittings.

Type of bath capacity

It is important to remember that before choosing a bath for a bath, you should compare according to the characteristics of three types of tanks:

  1. A simple vessel that is mounted in the middle of the furnace.
  2. Remote tank.
  3. Tank on the pipe.

Literally quite recently, the view was that the best water tank in the bath is the one that is mounted in the oven. So, it accumulates a lot of warmth, which supports comfortable temperature in water and its heating.

To gain water from the tank, which is mounted in the oven, it is necessary to scold it by opening the cover, or to put through the crane, which is welded into the container where the liquid is poured by gravity.

If the furnace is equipped with a heat exchanger, which is connected to the vessels of copper pipes, this will allow not to place the container at the location of the furnace. Then it appears the possibility of its installation in a convenient place in the view.

Following the physical laws, the liquid with a low temperature stalks down the heat exchanger, and the water is heated to a certain temperature back to the tank. One of the optimal options for installing a tank in a shower is a place where hot water is different.

The main one is considered not only how quickly you can heat water, but also how long it is possible to maintain heated water at a minimum of energy spent. It is from these considerations that a large amount of tanks is attached to the pipe, which is responsible for the hood of carbon dioxide. When furnace oven lit, smoke is released, the temperature of which is 500 ° C, and water in the tank, which is attached next to the chimney, is heated quickly.

Thus, if you mount the hot water tank on the pipe, there is an opportunity to choose a container of a large litter, because the heater is applied for the entire length: from the stove of the bath to the very top.

The tank on the pipe has a lot of advantages. The main thing is that such a dangerous phenomenon is eliminated as the penetration of carbon monoxide into the room, as the tank is also used as a fuse in the case of smoke leakage.

When it was decided what the vessel is in its type, you need to select the heating method of the furnace. IN modern world Wood stoves are replaced by a nonsense, since it is a much faster and cheap heating method, if compared with firewood. But many remained faithful to the furnaces, as the appearance and smell of firewood, which are burning, do not replace anything.

Materials for tank

Always quite common was the use of cast iron tanks. In order to warm up the water, a lot of time was required and decently wood, but the plus was that for a long time the liquid did not cool down and the whole family had time to go to the bath.

The advantage of the material is that it is unstable critical temperatures, it is resistant to corrosion, and the main drawback is, of course, his passionism.

Water tanks for baths made of corrosion-resistant materials are now popular.

  1. First, the insulation of the vessel from aggressive moisture factors is not required.
  2. Secondly, the stainless steel has a high thermal conductivity coefficient, in such a written water will quickly take the required temperature.
  3. Thirdly, the low probability that the hot water tank is deformed due to temperature fluctuations, if compared with conventional steel.

The best is the dining steel. These are brands such as 8-12x18n10 (304) and 08x17 (430), they have the following characteristics:

  • heat resistance;
  • deformation resistance when exposed to high temperature;
  • corrosion resistance and hygiene.

Consider if the furnace was purchased in the package with a capacity of at a fairly low cost, you must be ready that soon the problem of rust can occur in the tank.

So you need to find a special paint, which to paint it. In order to avoid discomfort, when can run rusty water, it is necessary to completely dry the container after use.

A good solution to the problem will be an enameled tank. But the disadvantage that has all the containers with the enamel coating is the formation of chipping on the surface. If you choose a metal tank, it will also be under the influence of corrosion processes, if it is not covered with heat-resistant paint. But if the tank is embedded in the oven, it is forbidden to paint, because the paint can ignite.

Basically, the modern tank is a firmly welded product made of fine sheet steel.

The product includes fittings supplying liquid, and cranes with a ball mechanism for outflow. For such products, it is very easy to care for that facilitates their use.

As for the installation, its technology is applied in various situations and, when used, it is necessary to accurately adhere to all points of instructions, which is attached to a specific device. Remember that with proper use, the product will serve for a long time. Good luck!

The main elements of the bath, if you intend to get the maximum pleasure from the process, are oven and water tank. To everything that concerns the water tank in the bath, it was done correctly, focus on the main issues that may arise during the independent arrangement of the steam.

The main issues arising from the choice of such an element as a tank for a bath are:

  • His parameters
  • What type to choose: remote, built into the oven, on the pipe?
  • What should I do: Steel, stainless steel, cast iron?

Tank parameters

If you are accustomed to do it yourself, then, of course, you try to make a ball for a bath yourself. However, it is worth first to think about what type of capacity is suitable for your wage, what kind of water heating principle will be applied, from which material to make a reservoir so that it does not have to invest money in re-equipment.

So, you must decide whether you will stir the oven in the bath or simply get water using the built-in Tan tank. And in order to understand that it is more profitable for you, stir the oven or use the electrical heating container, count how many people will be batted at the same time. It is also important and such a factor as the volume of water to heat, and the permissible time for heating to the required temperature.

Suppose, if you wish to steam alone, a person more than fifty liters of hot water is hardly needed. But to deliver the pleasure of the whole family or company of friends, you need to put a tank to heal water by seventy or more liters.

Also pay attention to the thickness of the wall of the reservoir. It is from this parameter that it depends on how even water will be heated in it and how long its temperature will continue. But remember that the thickness of the tank wall is directly affected by its price and weight.

In any case, the stainless tank for the bath with a volume of up to fifty liters should have a wall thickness of 0.8-1 mm. For the containers of the larger volume, the wall thickness of 1.5 mm is desirable.

Tip from Master!

And do not forget that from what kind of material would be made tank in the bath, you need to equip it with an optimal number of conclusions and make the input for water. Choosing a tank in the store, ordering it in a workshop or getting ready to cook a canister for a bath on your own, consider all the parameters mentioned, and the drying process in the bath will be solid pleasure for you.

Select the type of capacity

It is known that when choosing a bath for a bath, you will need to compare the parameters of the main three types of tanks:

  1. Traditional embedded
  2. Remote
  3. On trumpet

A few more dozen years ago no one would doubt that the best option Bath tank is an embodiment built into the oven. That is, the bottom of the boiler is fully placed in the upper part of the furnace, and, while in the hottest part, it has the ability to accumulate the largest amount of heat for heating and maintaining the water temperature.

In the case of the built-in - there is a direct contact of the flame with the walls and the bottom of the tank and the design of the container does not depend on the selected method of removal of smoke. You can take water from the tank built into the oven either by a bucket through the opened cover, or by means of a crane where water from the tank comes with gravity.

The equipment of the furnace with heat exchangers connected to the capacity of copper tubes allows not to tie it to the placement of the furnace, providing the ability to install in any convenient place. In addition, under the influence of natural laws of physics and following the convection principle, cold water will descend along the tubes down to the heat exchanger placed in the furnace, and, heating up to the desired temperature, return to the container. The remote tank in the bath can be placed in the washer, where the main analysis of hot water occurs.

Of course, it is important that water is not only quickly heated by water, but also the necessary water temperature was constantly maintained with minimal energy consumption. To this end, many prefer to place a tank for a bath on a pipe that serves to remove smoke from the furnace. The smoke standing in the process of burning can reach a temperature of 500 ° C and, of course, water in the tank located around the pipe heats up quite quickly.

The above means that by planning the placement of the tank on the pipe, you can select the containers of quite large volume, since the heating element can be used for the entire length - from the furnace to the ceiling. Water will warm up not only quickly, but evenly. It happens because making an ellipsed tank, you can even heat the large volume quickly, since the pipe in this case, passing through the center of the tank, is a kind of heat exchanger with a significant heat exchange work area.

In addition, when the tank is placed on the pipe, an unpleasant situation is eliminated with the possibility of carbon monoxide inside the room, because the canister has a kind of fuse in the case of smoke leaks.

If the tank type is selected, it remains to decide on the type of fuel that the oven will be treated. In the conditions of modernity to shift wood furnaces Extremely come electrical tanes, because electricity is cheaper and fast water heating water compared to firewood. However, many will be replaced by the smell of the burning Clean. And it is difficult to disagree with it.

But, on the other hand, if you really want to raise the smell of burning firewood, it is not very smashed to the firing bath firing, then after the steam room you can sit in the room for rest in front of the fireplace with crackers under the influence of Lena Fire.

What material tank prefer?

Previously, a cast-iron version for a bath was almost always used. And although there was a few hours to warm the water in such a tank, which required a considerable amount of firewood, but the temperature of the water in it was preserved enough for the whole family in the bath. In addition, the cast iron is not afraid of high temperatures, has a high degree of corrosion resistance. The main disadvantage of cast-iron cans is a big weight.

Baths from stainless steel are most popular. First, it does not hurt a head that they will need to be protected from the corrosion exposure of moisture. Secondly, the stainless steel is characterized by a high coefficient of heat transfer and water in such tanks is quickly heated. Thirdly, the stainless steel deformation coefficient under the influence of sudden temperature drops is insignificant compared to, for example, with ferrous metals.

Most. best Material For the manufacture of tanks, stainless steel is considered, which is used in the production of dishes. It is 8-12x18h10 (304) and 08x17 (430) and 08x17 (430) that are endowed with such properties as high heat resistance, deformation resistance under the influence of high temperatures, hygiene and corrosion resistance.

If you buy the stove bucked with a tank software, as they say, a low price, then be prepared for the fact that you will soon be disturbed by the question of why rust tank in the bath. Do not be surprised: at a low price you will not find the stove complete with a stainless steel container. In order to avoid unpleasant consequences of contact with the "rusty" water, it is necessary to wipe the tank dryly after draining the water.

Of course, to protect you from rust can also use in the bath enamelled option. But enamel can give chips, which is a significant disadvantage of enameled tanks and is absolutely not inherent in stainless steel tanks. When using a metal reservoir, subject to corrosion, you can get rid of rust only when the metal is coated with a special heat-resistant paint.

Painted tanks can be used in the bath, if they are not built into the furnace, but cover with their bottom oven, which serves as a peculiar temperature impact scatterer, evenly distributed throughout the plane area.

So, the most practical and durable option is a stainless steel tank.

The most advanced designs of the baths for the bath for a long time are no longer embedded in the oven, and more often are remote. Such containers have a rather aesthetic appearance and do not spoil the pleasure of healing steam and recovery when it is exposed to the body and the body as a whole.

The modern tank for the bath is a rigid welded construction, which is made of thin sheet stainless steel, equipped with an input for water input, as well as shut-off-distribution reinforcement in the form of ball valves for the fence of hot water from it. Such a tank does not rust, and therefore it does not need painting. In addition, care for him is simple and will not cause any difficulties at his hosts. Usually, the tank for the bath is made of stainless or chrome steel. This material not only does not absorb light, but also further illuminates the room, increase the illumination when reflected.

Tip from Master!

The main thing is to comply with the installation and operation of the capacity all the features of the installation described in the instructions. Or with independent manufacture - observe the necessary conditions security. Especially if the water drops in winter time In order to avoid freezing the system, it is not a problem, then any tank will last for a long time and will not deliver unnecessary trouble.