Alcohol games for two. Alcohol game rules for large and small companies

The first alcohol games appeared in Ancient Greece... The feastor filled a cup with wine, drank it, slammed the bottom on the table and passed the cup to a neighbor. Since then, humanity has come up with many other interesting fun. We'll take a look at the rules of the most popular alcohol games in Russia. They are designed for different amount person.

"Relay race"

A game for speed, coordination and coordination of actions.

In advance, the organizers prepare 2 tables, 2 bottles of the same alcohol, 2 glasses (glasses), 2 plates with any snack. On each table they put a bottle of alcohol, a glass, a plate with a snack.

Eight participants are divided into two teams of four people (6 to 3 are possible). The first numbers run up to their tables, fill their glasses, then return to their team and pass the baton to the second numbers. The second numbers drink the contents of the glasses, the third ones have a snack, the fourth ones are poured again. The first team to empty the bottle wins. It is possible to agree in advance that the roles of the participants change or there is an opportunity to replace the "tired" participant.

"Alcoholic roulette"

A series of games for luck with roughly the same rules.

Any number of players can participate. You will need water, vodka and three glasses. Two glasses are filled with vodka, one with water. The participants are blindfolded one by one (kicked out to another room) and the glasses are rearranged. Objective: to drink from one glass and immediately drink with another, you cannot smell the contents. Then everything is repeated from the beginning.

The most unlucky players will drink vodka with vodka. The winner is the one who lasted longer than others. In the west, this alcoholic game is called Russian roulette. The female version uses wine and a matching juice such as grape juice.

Beer lovers play differently. They take several cans of beer, one of which is shaken well so that it turns into a mini-bomb. Then all the jars are mixed and distributed to the participants. After each round, one of the players will be covered in foam. It's fun, but not aesthetically pleasing, then you have to clean the room for a long time and clean things.

"Sports brotherhood"

Better to play on the same team with your soul mate. You will need alcohol, glasses and a snack.

Players are divided into pairs (man + woman). Each competing couple gets up, drinks brotherhood, and kisses for 10 seconds without eating. Everything is repeated until one of the couples can drink or kiss instead of a snack. If the guys miss this circle, then they take off two things from themselves, if they eat before a kiss - one at a time. The end of the game is governed by the rules of decency.

"Signature cocktail"

Suitable for daredevils who are not afraid to mix drinks. You will need one glass and different alcohol (at least three types).

3-4 participants take turns calling any alcoholic drink. Someone pours 20-30 ml of this ingredient into a glass. Next, in a circle, another player calls alcohol (you cannot repeat it), again 20-30 ml is added to the glass. The one on whom the glass is full drinks a "cocktail". In a more gentle version of the game, in addition to alcohol, it is allowed to add juices, sweet soda, for example, Coca-Cola and mineral water.


The game will delight fans of space travel. Before the start, those present should take on the chest, otherwise it will not be so fun.
One of the participants (preferably with the richest imagination) grabs a snack and a drink and sits on the couch. He will be the lunar base. All the rest get down on all fours, they are given names: "Lunokhod 1", "Lunokhod 2", etc. At the beginning of the game, all moon rovers randomly move around the room.

At the request of the base dispatcher, they report on the task being performed, saying phrases such as: "I am Lunokhod N, I am following to the base for refueling," "exploring a new surface," "looking for another lunar rover," "going around an obstacle," etc. The main rule is not to laugh.

The laughing participant says the phrase: "I am Lunokhod N, I am going to the base to get a new task" and moves on all fours to the sofa. Based on the accepted standards of decency in this company, the base gives the guilty lunar rover a task (always in a space style). For example, refuel with 300 milliliters of fuel, bring a new batch of fuel to the base, remove 3-4 plating parts, examine the surface of another lunar rover, dock with the base, etc. After completing the task, the base again begins to interrogate other lunar rovers.

"Guess the brand"

Warm up the mind for the polymath. We need brands of drinks with different names. For example, beer "Three Bears", "Zhigulevskoe", "Dragon", "Fat Man". It is desirable that the names are domestic, it is easier to show them.

Each participant is given one bottle (label can be used). He must mimic and gesture her name. If one of those present guessed the name, the player can keep the bottle for himself. Those who do not know how to show correctly remain sober all evening.


A simple game for those who like to travel. You will need a lot of alcohol and a map with the route of trains or electric trains (you can take a timetable).

Looking at the map, the presenter announces: "Next station N (settlement along the train route)", the players together drink a glass. Passengers will gradually leave the route. The winner is the one who is farthest away.

"Mighty Sip"

Competition for veterans of the alcohol movement. Mainly played with beer, but other liquor can be used. In the beginning, the company is just having fun in the bar. The fun begins before leaving.

According to the rules of the game, the opponents must drink the same dose of beer with the minimum number of sips without lifting the glass. The loser pays the bill of all participants or the winner receives a predetermined prize.

"Steel exposure"

You need to show endurance, character, will to win and show the abilities of your bladder.

According to the rules, several people calmly drink beer, who is the first who can not stand it and runs to the toilet, he brings a new portion of drinks to other participants. In order to comply with the principle of "Fair Play" (fair play) all participants must drink the same amount of beer every 20-30 minutes.

"Spinning coin"

Requires coordination. When drunk, hitting a spinning coin is not as easy as it seems.

The first participant spins the coin on a flat surface, then calls the name of the player, who must snap it with his finger without stopping to give additional spin. If at this moment the coin falls heads up, the loser drinks a penalty glass, if tails - two at once.

"Nightingale the Robber"

Alcoholic game with cards. True, you don't have to bluff, build strategies and guess combinations. Only correct breathing.

They put a bottle on the table, cover the neck with a deck of new or plastic cards. The task of the players is to blow off a few cards, but not the whole deck. The participant who threw off the last card drinks a penalty pile, the game starts over.

"Correct Words (New Year)"

A game of mindfulness, those who want to drink are more active than others.

During the New Year (another holiday), the TV turns on. The company agrees in advance about the word, after hearing which from the TV everyone drinks together. For example, it could be: "new", "congratulations", "dear". The more popular the word, the more alcohol will be required.


A real competition for the strong in spirit. You will need dice, liquor, and glasses.

Two players sit opposite each other, their partners act as coaches and seconds. “Boxers” take turns throwing the dice; whoever has less points, he misses a blow - drinks a glass. Coaches fill the piles and keep track of the time. Each round lasts 3 minutes, followed by a 60 second break.

The fight ends with a knockout of one of the fighters, the surrender of the team (seeing the clear superiority of the opponent, the coach removes the stack) or after 12 rounds (a draw).


Modification of the game known from childhood. In addition to alcohol, one empty bottle is needed.

4-10 people stand in a circle, one of them spins the bottle, at whom he points the neck, he drinks a glass (glass, glass) of an alcoholic drink. In the end, the lucky less drunk ones take their less fortunate colleagues home.


It is necessary to show the ability to handle a gymnastic hoop when holding alcohol. You will need several plastic hoops, glasses and a low alcohol drink.

The task of the participants is to twist the hoop around the neck, arm or leg and at the same time drink from the glass. If the hoop falls, the player is eliminated. The winner is the one who drinks faster or lasts longer than others. Only a few reach the finish line without training.


The game is based on the famous movie "Edward Scissorhands".

A bottle of beer, low alcohol drink or wine is tied to each hand of the participants with tape or tape. First, the player must drink their contents and only then try to remove the empty container. The fastest wins.

"Signal to drink"

The main thing is not to relax and watch out for drinking companions.

At the beginning of the party, the company selects a signalman who will oversee the emptying of the glasses. If the signalman places his left thumb on the table, keeping the rest of his fingers at the table, everyone who sees it does the same. The last finger on the table becomes a penalty box. Everyone drinks one time, he two.

"Lucky Nut"

A simple slow alcoholic game. Need glasses of beer and peanuts.

On command, all participants throw one salted nut into their glasses. At first, the peanuts will drown, but after a while, under the influence of bubbles of carbon dioxide, they will float to the surface. The one whose nut surfaced last loses. He pays the general bill.

P.S. You can prepare in advance by purchasing special play sets. For example, alcoholic checkers, darts, roulette or other board game.

Alcohol checkers

It happens that you turn off during a violent drunkenness, and the next morning you wake up with an inscription on your forehead "Kolyanich is a fool" and a Hitler mustache painted under your nose. The most offensive thing is that you were drinking alone yesterday ... After such cases, one has to admit that libation is already a valuable activity in itself. And yet, since ancient times, mankind has tried to turn this generally simple process into something more. So, apparently, alcoholic competitions appeared.

The first written mention of intoxicating games can be found already in Plato's "Feast". An ancient Greek feast had to fill a cup with wine, drain it, slap it on the bottom and pass the vessel to a neighbor. Since then, the register of alcohol games has grown enormously and the rules have become more complex. However, not to such an extent that a drunk person does not understand them.

Well, rushed?


Game for attention or quick wits
A game of luck
Endurance game
or agility

Just fooling around

Mowing speed



Strong alcohol
Everything that has degrees
01 Sea battle

paper and two pens.

Split into two teams and prepare on a standard naval battlefield. Using your imagination (a fairly well-known free program that can be downloaded from any brain), set the rules for yourself. Agree on the number of ships; decide what the miss is equal to (in grams or sips), how much the crew members who have sunk the ship should drink, and so on. The very same game strategy does not differ from the classic non-alcoholic version.

02 This is a breakthrough!

What do you need besides the snack: napkin, coin, cigarette.

Cover the glass with a napkin and place a coin on it. Light up. Now players take turns piercing the paper with the smoldering tip of a cigarette. The one after whose puncture the coin will finally break through the napkin and sink to the bottom, must drink a glass. So be it, he needn't swallow a coin.

03 Drug lord

What do you need besides the snack:deck of cards .

Leave as many cards from the deck as there are players at the table, you won't need the rest. Dignity and suit do not matter, however, two main cards must be assigned in advance. One (let's say an ace) will be a Drug Baron, the other (say a king) will become a Policeman.

Deal the cards. The one who got the king is obliged to admit it out loud. Now he is a Policeman, and he has to find the drug lord with an ace. The rest should remain silent for now. The drug lord, meanwhile, has to secretly wink at one of the players, and that, in turn, needs to respond by shouting: "I'm in business!" Now the Policeman's turn. He has to name the alleged drug lord. If he guesses right, the drug lord and the one to whom the criminal underworld has winked (if there was such an agreement) drinks the penalty. If the accusation of the Police Officer is wrong, the penalty goes to him. And the drug lord meanwhile winks at his new accomplice ...

04 Cocktail "Tear of the platypus"

What do you need besides the snack: coin .

The first player pours into a glass as much as he wants and what he wants from any bottle on the table. The resulting mixture (even if it's only ten grams of vodka) is called the "Platypus Tear" cocktail. Then the player flips a coin and, while it spins in the air, predicts whether it will fall heads or tails. If the guess is correct, the player passes the glass to the next participant. He, too, pours something into the glass according to his perverse taste and tosses a coin. The unhappy man, who could not guess which side the coin will fall on, drinks a cocktail. Then everything starts over.

05 Skillful hands

What do you need besides the snack: at least two more drinking buddies.

Sitting at the table, the players take each other's arms and put their palms on the table. As a result, everyone faces the left hand of the neighbor on the right, the right hand of the neighbor on the left, and Olivier (where without him!). Now you can start playing. Someone shouts "Left!" (or "Right!") and slaps the table with his left palm. This is a signal to launch a “wave” of claps clockwise (or counterclockwise). Accordingly, the next clap, continuing the wave, should be made by the person sitting to the left after one from the first, hitting the table with his right palm. Then the player sitting on the left next to the first must hit with his left, and so on. Penalties are awarded for any errors that arise. Hit out of order, missed a clap, smashed the TV with a stool ...

06 Accustomed to the throat

What do you need besides the snack:paper and pen.

Ideally, this game should start with the very first sip of beer that you and your friends order at the bar. But, on the other hand, in order not to spoil the pleasure of savoring the foamy drink, prudent people prefer to start the competition no earlier than the last couple of glasses before leaving. So, this is the essence of a friendly match. You need to drink beer in fewer sips. The loser is supposed to pay for the drink and harbor a grudge against the stupid game.

07 Expanding

What do you need besides the snack:saucer.

A saucer (or, say, an empty glass) is placed in the center of the table, on which everyone present puts their finger on it. On the count of three, everyone either removes or leaves a finger on the saucer. Penalty is due to that part of drinking companions (and sometimes it is only one person, Igorek), which remained in the minority.

08 Torque

What do you need besides the snack:coin.

Here's another simple game that will help you pass the time while waiting to get drunk. The first player spins a coin on the table and calls the name of one of those sitting next to him. The named should, without stopping the coin, click it with his finger to give it additional spinning energy, and call the name of the next player. If the coin stops or flies off the table, the culprit is entitled to a penalty. For more excitement, you can set additional rules. For example, if a coin that has stopped spinning comes up heads, then it is supposed to drink two free throws.

09 Water is everywhere

What do you need besides the snack:a set of identical dishes.

Hitchcock would love this suspense game. The players fill all the glasses with water, except for the one filled with vodka, and mix them thoroughly. Then everyone takes a glass (without raising it to the nose, so as not to smell the contents), and everyone drinks on command. If desired, you can increase the nervousness of the game, periodically increasing the number of glasses of vodka (or, conversely, completely excluding).

10 Coarse Nut

What do you need besides the snack:salted peanuts.

Even if none of your friends likes salty nuts, order them with beer anyway. On command, simultaneously drop a nut into your glasses. If you haven't been given peanuts made from soybeans, the nuts will immediately drown. But don't be in a hurry to mourn them. Very soon, gas bubbles will stick around the peanuts and lift them to the surface. The loser whose nut is the last to emerge must pay for the rest.

11 I have never ...

What do you need besides the snack:nothing.

Another game for a motley company. This fun will help guests who see each other for the first time to get to know each other better and not feel constrained, otherwise, you know, the whole swing party is down the drain. Anyone can start the game. He says the keywords: “I never…” and then adds something like “… haven't seen the movie“ Skirmish ”. After this recognition, everyone who has seen this film (in our editorial office, by the way, there are still no such ones), immediately drink. Then the next guest takes the floor, who says: "I have never ... refused to drink." After that, under the hooting, even hardened teetotalers have to drink a penalty kick.

12 Russian beer roulette

What do you need besides the snack:a lot of canned beer and a willingness to swagger.

Before each stage of drinking, one of the cans of beer is shaken well (best done by your epileptic comrade) to turn into a bomb. After shaking, the charged can is mixed with the rest. Well, who do you think will get it?

13 Tier

What do you need besides the snack:coin.

On the table, piles are placed in a circle according to the number of participants in the game and one pile in the center. Each stack is assigned to a specific player. A coin is placed on the edge of the table. Purpose of the game: toss a coin with a click and get it into one of the piles. Details: if the coin thrower hits his pile, everyone drinks on the penalty box; if he misses, only he drinks; if it gets into someone else's pile, the owner of the pile drinks; if it hits the center stack, everyone drinks. Well, except for Igor. He has an ulcer.

14 Words for the evening

"I never..."

Unshakable classics

What you need: strong alcohol, glasses

How many people: at least two

How to play: Players take turns passing out hot facts about things they've never done. There are no restrictions - from the banal “I've never robbed a bank” and “I've never been to France” to the frivolous “I never slept with my sister” or “I have never been in love with an inanimate object.” When the presenter gives out his "I have never ...", participants in whose lives such actions happened should drink. Usually the game starts with innocent statements, and ends with the drinking buddies shouting to each other: “Come on ?! Did you do it ?! " If the goal of the game is to win, then you can count the points, as in the video. The leader will be the one who has tried more than others in this life, however, as a rule, the winner is the one who holds on to his feet more firmly in the final.

Video instruction


Favorite game of American students - now in Moscow apartments

What you need: many plastic beer glasses, many ping pong balls

How many people: at least two

How to play:Players line up an army of their glasses. The classic position includes 15 containers. Each is filled about one third with beer. You can experiment - instead of beer, take stronger drinks or fill different glasses with different alcohol. The opponent's task is to throw a ping-pong ball into one of your glasses. If it hits, the enemy needs to drink the contents of the glass. The goal of the game is to make the opponent drink alcohol from all his glasses, that is, to simply get into all of his holes.

Video instruction

"Tequila Fall"

Another game about alcohol and drunken revelations

What you need: a bottle of tequila (vodka or any other clear but strong alcohol), a bottle of water, glasses according to the number of participants

How many people: at least three

How to play:The presenter, until the participants in the process see it, pours water into the glasses and only one - tequila or vodka. The glasses look the same. If you're playing with tequila, please garnish the stacks with lime and salt. On command, the participants choose glasses from the table and drink at the same time. Who got the alcohol - that one to answer a frank question from the team. With questions, a stupor can arise, so it is best to write them down in advance on pieces of paper and put them in a hat.

Video instruction

Drunken "Tinder"

Perfect game for bored girlfriends

What you need: strong alcohol, glasses by the number of participants

How many people:at least two

How to play:Participants (or participants) set equal parameters for choosing a partner in the Tinder program, for example, in the area of \u200b\u200b100 km, men from 18 to 40 years old - and begin their hunt. There is only one rule - always swipe to the right. Further, the conditions under which the participants in the process drink are introduced, and then who is in that much: one shot for each match, two shots in a row for the message received, three shots in a row for a compliment, 10 shots in a row for a sexual conversation, and so on. You set the rules yourself. To heighten interest and more intoxication, you can use several types of alcohol at once.

Video instruction

Bingo with "Game of Thrones"

How to watch your favorite TV show and get drunk

What you need:alcohol of your choice (shots or mixed drinks - it doesn't matter)

How many people:you can play at least one, but for a competitive moment you need two

How to play:The game requires some preparation - write down with your friends the most typical situations for "Game of Thrones" and come up with rules. For example, drink one shot (or take a sip) when you see a raven on the screen, want to hit Joffrey, or Daenerys is called the mother of dragons. Drink two shots when you see nudity on screen or Cersei makes a bitchy expression. Drink three shots when someone gets killed on the show or says winter is coming. You can come up with rules endlessly, and points for attentiveness are awarded to the one who quickly understands how much to drink now because of what is happening in the film. If you think "Game of Thrones" is too bloody for the New Year holidays, then you can play a similar game with or any other movie.

Video instruction


Traditional Korean alcohol game

What you need: beer, vodka (soju in the original game), beer glass, glass

How many people: at least two

How to play:A beer glass with beer is placed in the center of the table, a stack is carefully lowered inside it - it should be kept in the glass by a float. Then each participant in turn pours a drop of vodka into the glass. The loser is the one through whose fault the glass drowns in the beer. As a punishment, he needs to drink this resulting cocktail "Ruff" in one gulp.

Video instruction

"Russian roulette"

Find vodka

What you need: vodka (liqueur, tequila or any other clear alcohol), water, glasses according to the number of participants and a few more, a deck of playing cards.

Number of players: at least two

How to play:A battery of shots is placed in front of the players, one of them contains vodka or something stronger, the rest is poured plain water... In order not to get confused, a playing card is placed under each glass. Then each player in turn chooses a card, for example, three of spades, and takes a shot that is on this card. The game has a lot of variations - you can play on desires, alcohol can be poured not into one glass, but into several at once. You can turn the game into "Tequila Fall" if you also ask frank questions to someone who is unlucky.

The game is built on the principle of the "Superfluous Eliminated" children's game. 5-6 guests are invited to participate in the competition. Large glasses (or glasses) are placed on the table, one less than the number of participants. Vodka, cognac, wine (whatever you wish) is poured into the glasses. At the command of the leader (for example, clap their hands), the participants begin to walk around the table. As soon as the presenter gives a prearranged signal (the same clap), the participants need to grab one of the glasses and immediately drink its contents. The one for whom the glass was not enough is eliminated. After that, one glass is removed from the table, the rest are filled, and the game continues in the same way as described above. The main thing is that there should always be one glass less than the number of players. The game ends when any of the two remaining participants drinks the last glass. In the absence of an appetizer and enough roomy glasses, the finale looks indescribable, since it is usually difficult to call it walking around the table.

In this case, any alcoholic revelry is accompanied by communication with friends and girlfriends. And it's one thing to sit and sip Monastyrskoye wine with other similarly hippie graduates of Taganrog Pedagogical, and quite another thing is a crazy revelry with alcohol games.

Unfortunately, in Russia, playing with alcohol is hindered by braces: people simply drink, trying not to fight right away, and there is no culture of alcohol games as such. In the West, this is somehow easier, everyone knows ping-pong with beer, drinking the same through a hose upside down and much more. But gradually Alcoholic Games penetrates into the national culture.

Anastasia, Technologist-Designer of OJSC "Krasny Gidropress"

Expert opinion

“Drinking games allows you to get rid of the gloom that inevitably arises in the middle of a feast. Moreover, it is fun even when your youth is long over, and you have been working at some factory for a long time, discussing with the men the appropriateness of using a two-hundred board for building a bathhouse in the country. True, holding alcohol games significantly speeds up the process of absorbing drinks, and is also a reason for quick disappointment in your already controversial environment. "

The most violent subspecies of games, where the players are required to be able to drink as much as possible. As a rule, either the most frequent drinker or simply the fattest wins, however, in a number of cases there may be exceptions when large 100-kilogram men die first in this pharaoh. In the Alcohol Endurance Games, the one who is conscious wins.

Reckoning hour

The rules of the game are simple: for an hour, you need to drink approximately one glass of beer every minute. And if the first 15 minutes of the game is easy to play, then after half an hour only the strongest remain.

The rules of the game can be a little easier: you just need to drink less often, for example, once every two minutes. If it seems to you that the games are too simple, and three liters of beer is pampering for you, not a binge, then in this case you can play the 100-minute version of the game, during which you will have to suck in five liters of beer.


The game is played by two. They sit opposite each other and roll the dice (or draw cards). The one who threw fewer dice, or drew a weaker card, drinks a glass of beer. In the game, an arbiter is desirable who will maintain the required pace of the game, monitor the filling of glasses and the consciousness of the Olympians.

Tricky Games

The only way to prove that the gold medal was received at school for a reason. The peculiarity of this type of game is that the wit becomes even worse than it was originally, even if you are sober and dumb.


One of the most popular alcohol games. There is a game of checkers, where every time your checker beats, you drink. There are ready-made sets both for playing alcoholic checkers and for playing alcoholic chess. Nobody bothers to use a simple board and small glasses or piles.


Players must count numbers from one to one hundred in turn. In this case, each number that is completely divisible by three must be replaced by "fizz", and what is divisible by five - by "buzz". Numbers that are completely divisible by three and five at the same time must be replaced by "fizz-buzz". Whoever made a mistake (who didn't say fizz, buzz or fizz-buzz when it should, or who said these spells in vain) drinks. Whoever just made a mistake when counting also drinks for stupidity.

Tourette's syndrome

The game can be played either by two or by a whole team of champions. The players sit in a circle, in the center a deck of cards is placed face down. Each in turn draws a card and, having taken it out, is obliged to loudly shout a word that begins with the letter of the card's face value. For example, if a jack is drawn, shout the word “B” out loud. Whoever repeats a word, or calls the wrong word - he drinks.

I never…

It is best to play with a company of people you know well. To do this, the players sit in a circle, after which everyone says the phrase "I never ..." and says that he never did. If someone from those sitting in a circle committed this sin, then he drinks. You need to play fairly, and you don't have to make excuses.

Alcoholic Speed \u200b\u200bGames

All speed games are aimed at developing the ability to drink quickly and a lot. If you drink slowly and little, then you are the one who looks at the master's floor first.

Edward Ass-Hands

A glass or bottle of alcohol is attached to each hand of each player with duct tape (or better with scotch tape). Best played with beer. The whole party continues on. You can unwind your arms only if the entire bottle is drunk.

Shot Gun

Each player takes a can of beer, after which they make a small hole in the side of the can, from where they begin to drink. Simultaneously with this key, the can is opened from the top (beer flies out almost instantly). The one who drank before everyone else is declared the winner. They say that with the proper skill, you can drain a jar in just a couple of seconds.


Favorite game of the blog author. Everyone sits in a circle, a deck of cards and a large capacity are taken. Each player has either his own bottle of beer or a glass of alcohol (it is better to use beer, since strong alcohol simply will not allow everyone to finish playing to the end). After that, all in turn take out the card. Depending on what the player pulled, the following happens:

  • Ace - all the players drink, moreover, no one should stop drinking while the person on the right is drinking (or just in front of him in line). The person who drew the ace can stop drinking first, only after - the next - and so on.
  • King - those who have drawn the first three kings can come up with new rules of the game (for example, to drink only while standing, or the prohibition to call each other by name, violation - to drink). In addition, the elongated king can at any time add alcohol to the container in the center. The one who draws out the last king drinks the entire contents of the container.
  • The lady - the one who pulls the lady, becomes the “master of the question”. He can in every way interfere with others to play, ask his questions of any kind, annoy in every way. Such a player must either be ignored or answered with a question. The one who forgot himself and answered not with a question - drinks.
  • Jack - the one who pulled the jack, puts his hand quickly on the table, after him the others do it quickly. The last one drinks.
  • Ten is an enumeration game. The one who pulled out the top ten sets the topic (for example, "alcoholic drinks"), the rest should start listing ("Tequila", "rum", "vodka"), the one who hesitates - drinks.
  • Nine - nothing happens.
  • Eight - the person drawing the eight must guess the color of the next card. Guessed it - points to the one who drinks. Not guessing - he drinks himself.
  • Seven - everyone raises their hands. The last one drinks.
  • Six - all men drink.
  • Five - the player who took the five says "I never ..." and says that he never did. Whoever did the above - he drinks, who did not - does not drink, rests.
  • Four - all the ladies drink.
  • Three - the stretched drinker himself.
  • Two - indicates who is drinking.
  • Joker - drawing a joker card comes up with a new rule of the game, which will be valid until the end of the deck. For example, cancels the action of new cards, or forces the drawn king of hearts to play with his back to everyone.

Movie Based Games

Everything is simple here. Any film that is interesting to the whole company is selected, and, with certain signals, I drink everything. For example, while watching Die Hard, you need to drink every time:

  • Someone is talking on the radio
  • Mac Klein argues with a policeman
  • There is a reference or reference to Christmas
  • Mac Klein talks to himself
  • Mac Klein is in the elevator shaft
  • Something bursts in
  • Mac Klein is punishing someone
  • McClane starts to bleed

You can also use any cultural variation on the music theme. For example, include the Leningrad group and drink every time Sergei Shnurov swears or mentions sex.