Orion KK. Orion (Spaceship)

2018-09-17. The US Space Agency published 5 problematic issues in flights to Mars.
First of all, the human flight to Mars is a very complex and comprehensive task. In this regard, in order to turn these plans from fantasies into facts, the US Space Agency carried out a conditional classification of problematic issues in five classes, namely:
1. Radiation. The first danger that will accompany astronauts when flying to Mars is the most difficult visualizable, but it is one of the main problems. It is mainly due to the fact that flight to Mars will pass outside the natural protection of the Earth, and consequently, the crew members will increase the risks of cancer, damage to the central nervous system, changes in cognitive functions, reducing motility, etc. It should be noted that the current current Time International Space Station Although protected magnetic field Earth, nevertheless, they are ten times more exposure to radiation rather than on the surface of the planet, but still less than in deep space.
To mitigate this danger, NASA space ships will have protection against radiation and a system of dosimetry and alerts. In addition, research has been conducted in the field of medical counters to protect against radiation, such as pharmaceutical preparations.
2. Isolation and imprisonment. Behavioral problems among people who within a long period of time are in a closed space, inevitable, even if we are talking about specially trained and prepared crew members of spacecraft. In this regard, the Agency conducts work in the field of careful selection and training of crews, which will minimize this risk even during flights that will last from several months to several years.
At the same time, we have luxury on Earth, using mobile phones to carry out almost instant communications with all others. At the same time, when flying to Mars, astronauts will be more isolated than we can imagine it.
Reducing sleep, circadian desynchronization and overwork may aggravate problems and lead to negative health effects, and therefore will lead to non-zero risks for the ultimate goal of the mission.
To eliminate this danger, the NASA develops methods for monitoring the health status and the process of adaptation of astronauts to the flight conditions, various tools and technologies are improved for use in terms of flights in the interests of early detection and treatment. Studies are also conducted in the areas of workloads, labor productivity, light therapy (it is planned to be used for circadian alignment), etc.
3. Distance from Earth. The third and possibly the most obvious danger is the distance. On average, Mars is at a distance of 140 million miles from the ground. Instead of a three-day flight to the Moon, astronauts will be in space for about three years. At the same time, the existing statistics currently was mainly obtained by monitoring the state of astronauts on board the ISS, which is not always comparable to flight to Mars. At the same time, if an abnormal situation occurs at the station, the astronauts will always be able to return to Earth for several hours. In addition, freight transport ships supply a station with fresh products, medical equipment and other resources on an ongoing basis.
In this regard, planning and self-sufficiency are very important keys to conduct a successful Martian mission, and the astronauts themselves under the conditions of data duration to land (up to 20 minutes) should be prepared and be able to independently solve problems.
4. Gravity. Changing gravity is the fourth danger to astronauts. At Mars, crew members will have to live in two years in gravity conditions, which is much less than on Earth. In addition, during the six-month flight, gravity will be absent at all. It should also be noted that when astronauts will finally return home they will have to undergo a rehabilitation course. To the problem moment of flight can also be attributed to the fact that during the take-off and landing, astronauts will experience a temporary increase in gravity increase.
To eliminate the above disadvantages of NASA, research is conducted in the field of both methods for preventing osteoporosis and methods for their treatment. Also, as part of the decline in this type of risks, research is conducted in the field of human metabolism.
5. Hostile and closed media. Spaceship It is not only a house for astronauts, but also the car. The US Space Agency is aware that the ecosystem inside the ship plays an important role for astronauts, and therefore adequately assesses the importance of habitat conditions, including: temperature, pressure, lighting, noise and volume of the sealed compartment. It is extremely important for astronauts to receive the necessary food during the flight, sleep, and could also make the necessary physical exercises. In this regard, the US Space Agency is developing technologies that will have to include control systems for all the parameters of the habitat of astronauts, ranging from air quality control and ending with microorganisms.

Orion (MPCV. Orion.) – multipurpose manned spacecraft developed in the United States from the mid-2000.

Initially, the Orion apparatus was created as part of the Constellation program (constellation) the purpose of which was the resumption of manned flights of the United States on the ISS and on the Moon, with subsequent flights to Mars. Orion's orbital flights should replace the Space Shuttle ships.

Initially, the ship was called CEV (Crew Exploration Vehicle), then the name Orion was submitted, since 2011, changed cipher became MPCV. (Multi.Purpose Crew. Vehicle. - Multipurpose manned ship).

The initial test flight of the spacecraft was scheduled for 2013, the first piloted flight with the crew from two astronauts was planned for 2014, the beginning of flights to the Moon - for 2019-2020. At the end of 2011, it was assumed that the first flight without astronauts will be held in 2014, and the first pilot flight - in 2017. In December 2013, plans were announced for the first unmanned test flight (EFT-1) with the help of the Delta carrier 4 end of 2014, the first The unmanned start using the SLS media is scheduled in 2017.


On the Orion ship will be shown in space both loads and astronauts. When flying to the ISS, an orion crew can be up to 6 astronauts. In the expedition to the moon was planned to send four astronauts. The ship was to ensure the delivery of people to the moon for a long stay on it in order to further prepare the piloted flight on Mars.

The diameter of the ship "Orion" is 5.3 meters, the vehicle mass is about 25 tons. The internal volume of Orion will be 2.5 times more than the internal volume of the Apollo ship.

The form of the main part of the Orion ship is similar to the form of previous spacecraft "Apollo", but when it is created, the latest achievements in computer technicians are used, in electronics, in technology of life support systems, in technology of heat-shielding systems. The conical shape of the descendable apparatus is the safest and reliable when returning to Earth, especially at a rate of return from a long-range space (about 11.1 km / s). It is assumed to reusable the main part of the ship. The Orion (SM) vehicle velocked version will be an upgraded version of the European transport ship ATV.

\u003e Orion.

Explore the schema constellation Orion Near the Heavenly Equator: Star Sky Quarter, description with photos, bright stars, Bethelgeuse, Orion belt, Facts, myth, legend.

Orion - This is one of the most striking and popular. constellationslocated on the heavenly equator. He knew about him in antiquity. It was also called the hunter, because it has a connection with mythology and displays the Hunter of Orion. Often it is depicted standing in front of the Taurus or harassing a hare with two dogs (big dog and small dog).

Orion constellation accommodates two out of ten brightest stars - and, as well as known (M42), (M43) and. Also here you can find a trapezium accumulation and one of the most notable asterisms - an Orion belt.

Facts, position and map of Constellation Orion

With an area of \u200b\u200b594 square degrees, the Constellation Orion stands on the 26th position in size. It covers the first quadrant in the northern hemisphere (NQ1). It can be found in latitudes from + 85 ° to -75 °. Roads with, and.

Lat. name Orion.
Abbreviation Ori.
Symbol Orion
Direct climb from 4 H 37 m to 6 h 18 m
Declining from -11 ° to + 22 ° 50 '
Area 594 square meters degrees
(26th place)
Brightest stars
(Value< 3 m )
  • Rigel (β ORI) - 0.18 m
  • Betelgeuse (α ORI) - 0.2-1.2 m
  • Bellatrix (γ ORI) - 1.64 m
  • Alnim (ε ORI) - 1.69 m
  • Alnian (ζ ori) - 1.74 m
  • Saif (κ ORI) - 2.07 m
  • MINTAKA (Δ ORI) - 2.25 m
  • Hatisa (ι ori) - 2.75 m
Meteor threads
  • Orionida
  • Chi-Orionida
Neighboring constellations
  • Twins
  • calf
  • Eridan
  • Unicorn
Constellation apparently in latitudes from + 79 ° to -67 °.
The best time to observe is January.

Accommodates 3 Messier objects: (M42, NGC 1976), (M43, NGC 1982) and (M78, NGC 2068), as well as 7 stars with planets. The brightest star - whose visual value reaches 0.18. In addition, it ranks 6th in brightness among all stars. The second star - (0.43), standing on the 8th position in the overall list. There are two meteor flux: Orionides (October 21) and Chi Orionides. The constellation is included in the Orion group together with, and. Consider the Constellation of Orion on the Star Sky map.

The myth of the constellation Orion

it is necessary to explain the history and name of the Constellation Orion. Hunter Orion was considered the most beautiful man. This is the son of Poseidon and Eurialia (daughter Minos). Homer in "Odyssey" described it as high and uncomplicated. In one of the histories, Orion fell in love with Pleiad (7 sisters and daughters of Atlas and Places). Moreover, he began to pursue them. Zeus decided to hide them in the sky in the Constellation of the Taurus. But even now you can see that the hunter continues to follow them.

In another myth, the object of his adoration was Merop (the daughter of the king of eopol), which did not meet reciprocity. Once he got drunk and tried to achieve her strength. Then the angry king blinded him and kicked out of his lands. Hepesta was cleared over a man and sent one of his assistants to him, so that he replaced his eyes. Once Orion met Orakula. He said that his eyesight would return if he would arrive east to sunrise. And the miracle happened.

About Orion also knew the Sumerians from the myth about Gilgamesh. They had their hero, forced to fight the heavenly bull (Taurus - Gud An-Na). They called Orion Uru An-Na - "Light Heaven."

In the maps, he was often depicted beating with a bull, but there is no plot in mythology. Ptolemy described it as a hero with a double and lion skiing, which is usually associated with Hercules. But since the constellation itself is not too noticeable, and Hercules had a feat with a bull, sometimes between them see the connection.

Almost all stories about his death accommodate scorpion. In one of them, Orion boasts Artemis and her mother's mother, which can destroy any earthly creature. Then she sent scorpion to him, who killed a deadly poison. Or he tried to achieve Love Artemis and then she also sent Scorpio. In another legend, Orion died of poison in an attempt to save the summer. Whatever the version was, the final one is a scorpion bite. Both fell on the sky, and Orion goes beyond the horizon in the West, as if runs away from his killer.

But there is another story. Artemis fell in love with a hunter. But Apollo did not want it to refuse his chastity. He gave her onions and arrows and said to shoot a small goal. She did not know that her was Orion, and killed the desired man.

Orion is popular in many cultures. In South Africa, three stars call "three kings" or "three sisters", and in Spain - "Three Mary". In Babylon, Orion was called Mul.Sipa.zi.an.Na (Heavenly Shepherd), and in the late Bronze Age, they tied the Ana to God. The Egyptians believed that in front of them Osiris (the God of Death). He was also displayed by the Pharaoh of the fifth dynasty of the Unas, who joined the flesh of enemies to become great. After death, he went to the sky in the appearance of Orion.

Pharaohs were perceived by subordinate as gods, so most of the pyramids (in Giza) are built to display the constellation. At Aztec, the growth of stars in the sky symbolized the beginning of the new fire ceremony. This ritual was necessary, as it moved away the date of the end of the world.

In Hungary myths, it was Nimrod - the hunter and father of Khunor and Magora twins. Scandinavians saw the goddess Frey in it, and in China - Shen (Hunter and Warrior). In the second millennium BC. There was a legend created by hitts. This is a story about the goddess anat that fell in love with the hunter. He refused to borrow her onions, and then she sent a man to steal him. But he did not cope and dropped him into the sea. That is why in the spring for two months the constellation falls below the horizon.

Main Stars Constellation Orion

Explore bright stars in the Constellation of Orion with a detailed description, photo and characteristic.

Rigel (Beta Orion) - Blue Support (B8Lab), located in 772.51 light years. Exceeds the solar brightness of 85,000 times and occupies 17 masses. This is a weak and irregular variable star, whose brightness varies from 0.03 to 0.3 values \u200b\u200bfor 22-25 days.

Visible visual value - 0.18 (the clearest of the constellation and the 6th in the sky). This is a stellar system represented by three objects. In 1831, F.G. Struve measured it as a visual binary, surrounded by a gas shell.

Rigel and 500 times brighter B Rigel B, which itself speaks by a spectroscopic double star with a value of 6.7. Presented by a pair of stars of the main sequence (B9V) with an orbital period in 9.8 days.

The star is associated with neighboring dust clouds that illuminates. Among them are IC 2118 (the nebula of the witches head) - a weak reflective nebula, located in 2.5 degrees north-west of Rigel in the constellation Eridan.

Included in the Association Taurus-Orion R1. Some believe that it would be perfectly fitted in the OB1 Orion Association, but the star is located too close. Age - 10 million years. Once it is transformed into a red supergiant resembling Bethelgeuse.

Name from the Arab phrase Riǧl ǧawza al-yusra - "Left leg". Rigel marks the left foot of Orion. Also on Arabic it was called il al-Shabbar - "footless of the Great".

Bethelgeuse(Alpha Orion, 58 Orion) - Red supergiant (M2Lab) with a visual value of 0.42 (second in brightness in constellation) and 643 traffic remotely. Absolute value is -6.05.

Recent discoveries show that the star radiates more light than 100,000 suns, which makes it brighter than most stars in the classroom. Therefore, we can say that the classification is outdated.

Its visible diameter ranges from 0.043 to 0.056 angular seconds. It is very difficult to say more difficult, because the star periodically changes its form due to the enormous loss of mass.

This is a semoregular variable star whose seemingly visual value ranges from 0.2 to 1.2 (sometimes eclipses the rigl). For the first time, John Herschel was noticed in 1836. Age - 10 million years, and it is not enough for red supergiant. It is believed that it developed very quickly due to the huge mass. In the next millions of years will explode as a supernova. During this event, it can be seen even in the afternoon (will shine brighter the moon and become the brightest in the history of supernova).

It is included in two asterism: a winter triangle (along with Sirius and a procation) and a winter hexagon (Aldebaran, Capella, Pollux, Castor, Sirius and a priest).

The name is the distortion of the Arab phrase "poison al-Jausa" - "Hands of Orion", which became "Betlez" when translated into medieval Latin. Moreover, the first Arab letter was accepted for B, which led to the name "Bait Al-Jauzā" "-" Home Orion "in the Renaissance Epoch. It turns out that due to one error, the modern name of the star has grown.

Bellatrix.(Gamma Orion, 24 Orion) is a hot, glowing white-blue giant (B2 III) with vibrations of the visible value from 1.59 to 1.64 and 240 light-old remoteness. This is one of the hottest stars visible to the naked eye. Releases 6400 times more sunlight and occupies 8-9 of its masses. A few million years later, it will become an orange giant, after which it is transformed into a massive white dwarf.

Sometimes it is called "amazon star". It takes the 3rd place in the brightness in the constellation and the 27th in the sky. The name comes from the Latin Woman Warrior.

Orion belt: Mintaka, Alnim and Alnitac (Delta, Epsilon and Jeta)

Orion belt is one of the most famous asterisms in the night sky. It is formed by three bright stars: Mintaka (Delta), Alnim (Epsilon) and Alnitata (Zeta).

Mintaka (Orion Delta) - Estimated binary variable. The main object is a double star represented by the B-type giant and a hot-type hot star, whose orbital period is 5.63 days. They overshadow each other, reducing the brightness of 0.2 values. In 52 "from them there is a star of 7 and a weak star - 14.

The system is removed by 900 light years. The brightest components are 90,000 times of the sun and take more than 20 of its masses. They both will complete their life with supernova explosions. In the order of brightness, the seeming values \u200b\u200bof the components are 2.23 (3.2 / 3.3), 6.85 and 14.0.

The name comes from the Arabic word MANţAQAH - the area. In the Orion belt, this is the weakest star and the 7th in brightness in the constellation.

Alnim (Orion Epsilon, 46 Orion) is a hot, bright blue supergiant (B0) with an apparent value of 1.70 and remoteness of 1300 light years. It is in the fourth place in brightness in the constellation and on the 30th in the sky. It takes a central place in the belt. Rades 375,000 solar luminosities.

It is surrounded by the NGC 1990 Nebula - a molecular cloud. Star wind reaches a speed of 2000 km / s. Age - 4 million years. The star loses the mass, so the internal fusion of hydrogen comes to an end. It will very soon, it will turn into a red supergiant (brighter Bethelgei) and explode like a supernova. The name from the Arab "An-Niżām" is translated as "Pearl Thread".

Alnito.(Dzeta Orion, 50 Orion) - a multiple stellar system with an obvious value of 1.72 and remoteness of 700 light years. The brightest object is Alnintaca A. It's hot, blue supergiant (O9), whose absolute value reaches -5.25 at a visual value of 2.04.

This is a close double star represented by supergiant (O9.7) with a mass of 28 times more than solar, and blue dwarf (OV) with a visible value of 4 (it was found in 1998).

The name of Alnian from Arabic means "belt". On February 1, 1786, the nebula found William Herschel.

Alnic - the eastern star in the Orion belt. Located next to the IC 434 emission nebula.

Saif (Kappa Orion, 53 Orion) - blue supergiant (B0.5) with visible visual value 2.06 and remoteness of 720 light years. It takes 6-EMESTO in brightness. This is the southeastern star of the Orion quadrangle.

The name comes from the Arab phrase SAIF Al Jabbar - "Sword of Giant." Like many other bright stars in Orion, Saif will complete existence in a supernova explosion.

Nair Al Saif (Yota Orion) is the fourth star system in the constellation and the brightest star in the Orion sword. Visible value - 2.77, and remoteness - 1300 light years. The traditional name from Arab Na "Ir Al Saif indicates a bright sword.

The main object is a massive spectroscopic dual star with a 29-day orbital. The system is represented by a blue giant (O9 III) and a star (B1 III). Star winds are constantly facing pair, therefore, it is a strong source of X-ray radiation.

Lambda Orion. - Blue giant (O8III) with a visual value of 3.39 and 1,100 lighting remoteness. This is a double star. Satellite is a hot white-blue dwarf (B0.5V) with a seeming value 5.61. Located in 4.4 angular seconds from the main star.

The traditional name "Meissa" with Arabic translates as "shining". Sometimes it is called Heck - "White Spot".

Fi Orion. - refers to two star systems, divided by 0.71 degrees. F-1 - Double Star, removed for 1000 light years. The main object is the star (B0) of the main sequence with a visible value of 4.39. F-2 - giant (k0) with visible visual value 4.09 and remoteness - 115 light years.

Pi Orion - Free group of stars forming the shield of Orion. In contrast to most binary and multiple stars, objects in this system are located with large intervals. PI - 1 and PI-6 are separated by almost 9 degrees.

PI-1 (7 Orion) is the weakest star in the system. This is a white dwarf (A0) of the main sequence with a visible value of 4.60 and remoteness of 120 light years.

PI-2 (2 Orion) - dwarf of the main sequence (A1VN) with a visual value of 4.35 and remoteness in 194 light years.

PI-3 (1 Orion, Tabit) - White Dwarf (F6V), located in 26.32 light years. It takes the 1st place in brightness in the six stars. Reaching 1.2 solar masses, 1.3 radius and 3 times brighter. It is believed that it may contain the planets of the earth. With Arabic al-Tabit means "patience".

PI-4 (3 Orion) is a spectroscopic dual star with a visible value of 3.69 and remoteness of 1250 light years. Presented by giant and subgigan (both - B2), located so close that they cannot be divided visually even in the telescope. But binary demonstrate their spectra. The stars rotate around each other with a period of 9.5191 days. By weight in 10 exceed the solar, and in terms of luminosity at 16,200 and 10,800 times brighter.

PI-5 (8 Orion) - a star with the seeming value of 3.70 and the remoteness in 1342 light years.

PI-6 (10 Orion) is a bright orange giant (K2II). This is a variable star with an average visual value of 4.45 and the distance in 954 light years.

This Orion. - Estimated dual star system represented by blue stars (B0.5V), located in 900 light years. This variable beta lira (the brightness varies due to the fact that one object overlaps the other). Visual value - 3.38.

Located in Orion's sleeve - a small spiral sleeve of the Milky Way. It is west of Orion's belt.

Sigma Orion. - Multiple star system consisting of 5 stars located south of altaba. The system is located in 1150 light years.

The main object is a double star of Sigma Orion AB, represented by dwarfs, melting hydrogen and divided by 0.25 angular seconds. A more vivid component is a blue star (O9V) with a seeming value of 4.2. Satellite - Star (B0.5V) with a visual value of 5.1. Their orbital turnover takes 170 years.

Sigma C - Dwarf (A2V) with a visible value of 8.79.

Sigma D and E - Dwarfs (B2V) with values \u200b\u200b6.62 and 6.66. E is characterized by a huge amount of helium.

Tau Orion. - Star (B5III) with an apparent value of 3.59 and remoteness of 555 light years. It can be seen without technology.

Chie Orion - Dwarf of the main sequence (G0V) with the seeming value of 4.39 and remoteness of 28 light years. He is accompanied by a weak red dwarf, whose period of rotation is 14.1 years.

Glize 208. - Orange dwarf (K7) with a visible value of 8.9 and remoteness - 37.1 light years. It is believed that 500,000 years ago she was in 5 light years from the sun.

V380 Orion - Triple star system illuminating the reflected nebula NGC 1999. Its spectral type is A0, and the distance is 1000 light years.

In nebula, there is a huge empty hole displayed as a black spot in the central region. So far, no one knows exactly why it is dark, but it is assumed that the narrow jets of gas, from neighboring young stars, could break through the dust and gas layer of the nebula, and strong radiation from the older star in the region helped to create a hole.

The nebula is removed by 1500 light years.

GJ 3379. - Red dwarf M3.5V with a visual value of 11.33 and remoteness at 17.5 light years. It is believed that 163,000 years ago he was in 4.3 light years from the sun. This is the nearest Orion Star to our system. Located in just 17.5 of light years from us.

Heavenly Objects Constellation Orion

Orion cloud - accommodates a large group of dark clouds, bright emission and reflective nebulae, dark nebulae, regions of N II (active star formation) and young stars in the constellation. Located in 1500-1600 light years. Some regions can be seen with the naked eye.

Orion Nebula (Messier 42, M42, NGC 1976) is a scattered reflective nebula, located south of three stars forming an Orion belt. Sometimes it is also called a large nebula or a large nebula of Orion.

With a visual value of 4.0 and remoteness in 1344 light years, it can be seen without the use of technology. She reminds the blurring star to the south of the Orion belt.

This is the nearest area of \u200b\u200bmassive star formation and performs part of the cluster of the Orion cloud. Holds a trapecy of Orion - a young open cluster. It is easy to find out on the four brightest stars.

- Young open cluster with visible visual quantity 4.0. It occupies 47 angular seconds in the center of Orion Nebula. On February 4, 1617, he found Galileo Galilee. He drew three stars (A, C and D). The fourth was added only in 1673. In 1888 they had 8. The brightest 5 illuminate the nebula around themselves. This is asterism, which is easy to find in four stars.

The brightest and massive star - theta-1 Orion C. This is the blue star of the main sequence (O6PE V) with a visual value of 5.13 and remoteness of 1500 light years. This is one of the most famous luminous stars with an absolute value -3.2. Also, this is the holder of the highest surface temperature among stars, which can be found in the naked eye (45 500 K).

(Messier 43, M43, NGC 1982) - star-forming emission and reflective nebula. The HII region in 1731 first found Jean-Jacques de Meran. Later, Charles Messier turned it on his catalog.

This is part of the Orion nebula, but is separated from him a large strip of interstellar dust. The apparent value is 9.0, and the distance is 1600 light years. Located in 7 angular minutes north of Orion's trapezion.

Messier 78. (M78, NGC 2068) - Reflective nebula with visible visual value 8.3 and remotely in 1600 light years. Discovered in 1780 by Pierre Mesho. In the same year, Charles Messier added it to his catalog.

She surrounds two stars of the 10th magnitude and easy to find it in a small telescope. Also accommodates approximately 45 variables type T Torets (young stars in the formation process).

(Barnard 33) is a dark nebula located to the south of Alintka and is part of the bright emission nebula IC 434. Removed by 1500 light years. In 1888 she found it an astronomer from America William Fleming.

It received its name due to the shape formed by dark dust clouds and gases, resembling a horse's head.

- Emisy nebula, located in the complex of Orion molecular clouds. It was removed by 1600 light years, and its apparent value is 5. It is believed that 2 million years ago appeared because of the supernova explosion. It takes 150 light years within the radius and covers most of the constellation. In appearance resembles a gigantic arc, focused around Messier 42. Ionize stars located in Orion nebula. I received my name in honor of E. Barnard, who made her shot in 1894 and gave a description.

Nebula "Flame" (NGC 2024) - emission nebula with visual value 2.0 and remoteness in 900-1500 light years. It illuminates the blue superfgant alnin. The star radiates ultraviolet light into the nebula, casting the electrons from the clouds of hydrogen gaseous inside. The glow appears due to recombination of electrons and ionized hydrogen.

Cluster 37.(NGC 2169) - open star cluster with apparent value 5.9 and remoteness of 3,600 light years. In diameter takes less than 7 angular minutes and accommodates 30 stars, age of 8 million years. The brightest of them reaches the visible value of 6.94.

In the middle of the 17th century, the cluster found an astronomer from Italy Giovanni Batista Godior. On October 15, 1784, it was separately noticed by William Herschel. Sometimes they call the cluster "37", because the location of the stars resembles this figure.

- Reflective nebula and one of the brightest sources of fluorescent molecular hydrogen. It illuminates the star HD 37903. The nebula can be found in 3 degrees from the nebula of the horse's head. Located in 1467.7 light years.

Nebula Head of Monkey (NGC 2174) - Emisy Nebula (area H II), removed by 6400 light years. Related to open cluster NGC 2175. It is called the monkey head nestiness due to associations in the images.

What will happen if at the charge of an explosive to put some item? Household logic suggests that it or will be destroyed by an explosion, or (if it is strong enough) will be discarded for some distance. And what if instead of explosives we have a nuclear bomb, and instead of the subject a spacecraft? Then we will get the project of the Orion spacecraft, which was developed in the 50s by scientists from the Los Alamos Lab ...

Before describing the essence of the concept, it is worth a small historical excursion in the middle of the 20th century. Until the end of the 1950s, the United States did not have a single organization that would have been involved in the space program. Instead, there was a number of competing organizations under different ministries and departments. But the launch of the USSR of the first satellite (which turned out to be a shock for many people - the delivered quote from the work Stephen King. It is possible) and several high-profile failures under the program "Avangard" forced President Eisenhaura to decide on the establishment of a national organization, within which all resources directed to the space race would be focused. This organization has become well known to all NASA, which has been at its disposal all prospective space projects developed by the moment.

One of them was the ORION spacecraft. Its essence was as follows: the ship is supplied with a powerful stove installed for the feed. Nuclear bombs of small power (from 0.01 to 0.35 kilotonn) were uniformly emitted in the direction opposite to the flight of the ship and undermine the relatively small distance (up to 100 m). The reflective plate took over the impulse, and passed it to the ship through the system of shock absorbers (or without them, for unmanned versions). From damage to the light outbreak, gamma-radiation streams and high-temperature plasma, the reflective plate was supposed to be protected by a graphite lubricant coating, which would be re-shed after each subsidence.

Ship concept

Too madly to be implemented? Do not rush to draw conclusions. The fact is that in the concept of "explosive" there was sound grain. Chemical rockets, which are currently the only means of delivery of goods into space are distinguished by a slaughter-low efficiency. This is due to the fact that they have the rate of expiration of the reactive mass of approximately 3-4 km / s, which means that it is necessary to provide N steps in the design of the ship if it must be dispersed to the speed of 3n km / s. This leads to what we say in order to deliver a descendable apparatus with astronauts weighing two tons to the surface of the moon, you have to build a three-step rocket with a height of 110 m and burn over 2600 tons of fuel. Uponing the nuclear charge depending on its power can give a specific impulse from 100 to 30,000 km / s, which allows you to create a ship whose TTH would radically surpassed the entire technique.

Within the framework of the project, some master's tests were carried out. In particular, the experiment with conventional charges and 100 kilogram model of the ship showed that such a flight can be stable. In addition, during nuclear tests on an enclosure atoll-covered steel spheres were placed 9 meters from the epicenter of the explosion. After the explosion, they were found intact: the thin layer of graphite was evaporated from their surfaces, which proved that the proposed scheme for using graphite lubricant to protect the plate in principle is possible.

In addition, the peculiar "experience" was held in August 1957. During underground nuclear tests in the glorious Nevada state, 900 kilogram steel stove covering the mine at the bottom of which a nuclear charge was blown up, was literally thrown into a shock wave into the atmosphere at a speed of about 66 km / s (as measured from surveillance cameras). As for the further fate of the Plate of Opinions, there are some enthusiasts that it has become the first person-made as an object in space, a more realistic look is that she simply burned in the atmosphere. In any case, it is absolutely clear that the energy of the nuclear explosion allowed to achieve speeds incurred with conventional missiles.

One of the participants working Group The development of the program was a well-known scientist Freeman DysonThis believed that the use of chemical missiles is simply unreasonable and is too expensive - in particular, he compared them with the airships of the 1930s, while the ship "Orion" with modern Boeing. The motto of his working group was "Mars - by 1965, Saturn - by 1970!", And this slogan was not so self-confident, as it may seem at first glance.

Freeman Dyson

In particular, the easiest option "Orion" would have a starting mass of 880 tons and could be delivered in orbit 300 tons of cargo at $ 150 per kilogram and 170 tons of cargo on the moon (compare with the capabilities and price of Saturn-5). The modification for interplanetary flights would have a starting weight of 4,000 tons when using bombs with a capacity of 0.14 kilotonne and could deliver 800 tons of payload and 60 passengers to Mars. As the calculations showed, flight to Saturn with return to Earth would have lasted only 3 years.

A reasonable question may arise - how would such Mahine be launched from the ground? Orion originally was supposed to be launched from the atomic polygon Jecess-Flets everything in the same glorious state of Nevada. The ship having the shape of the bullet would be installed on 8 start-up towers with a height of 75 meters in order not to be damaged from the nuclear explosion at the surface. At startup, every second was to be made one explosion with a power of 0.1 CT. After entering orbit, the charge gauges increased.

But it is worth noting that the creators of "Orion" were not limited to interplanetary flights. Freimen Dyson offered several explosive projects that could be used for interstellar flights.

Dyson's calculations have shown that the use of megaton hydrogen bombs allowed to break the ship weighing 400,000 tons to 3.3% of the speed of light. From the total weight of the ship to the payload would be given 50,000 tons - everything else is 300,000 nuclear charges necessary for flight and graphite lubricant ( Karl Sagan By the way, he proposed that such a ship would be a great way to get rid of the world's reserves of nuclear weapons). Flight to Alpha Centaurus would take 130 years. The modern calculations have shown that the correct design of the ship and charges would allow to achieve somewhere 8% -10% of the speed of light, which would allow to fly to the nearest star for 40-45 years. The cost of such a project for the mid-60s was estimated at 10% of the US GDP (somewhere 2.5 trillion dollars in terms of our prices).

Of course, the project had a number of problems that it would be necessary to somehow decide. The first and most obvious is the radioactive pollution of the Earth at the start. In order to send 4000 ton vehicles to the interplanetary expedition required to blow up 800 bombs. According to the most pessimistic estimates, it would give pollution equivalent undermining a 10 megaton nuclear bomb. Upon more optimistic estimates, the use of more efficient and giving a smaller yield of radiation charges would be able to significantly reduce this figure. By the way, the cost of the bombs themselves would not be so great - only 7% of the cost of the ICBM are actually on the warheads themselves. Much more spent on its body, guidance, fuel and service systems. According to estimates, the cost of one small nuclear charge for "Orion" would amount to $ 300,000 in modern prices.

Secondly, the question of creating a reliable system of shock absorbers, which would protect the ship and the crew from excessive overloads, as well as protecting the crew from radiation and equipment from electromagnetic pulse.

Thirdly, there was a risk of damage to the protective plate and the ship itself by fragments and shrapnel from the nuclear explosion.

After creating a NASA, the project has received a little financing for some time, but then it was minimized. In the struggle of ideologies that unfolded in those years, supporters won Verner von Brown With the concept of powerful chemical missiles. Since then, the idea of \u200b\u200busing explosions has never enjoyed serious support within the agency that the authors of "Orion" have always considered a big mistake.

However, in addition to ideology, he played a major role that the creators were in many ways ahead of time - neither then nor now humanity had no urgent need for a one-time removal of thousands of tons of cargo into orbit. In addition, considering how popular an environmental movement is now, it is extremely difficult to imagine that some politicians will give good to such a nuclear flight. The formal point in the history of the project was set in 1963, when the USSR and the United States signed a nuclear testing contract (including in air and space). An attempt was made to insert a special reservation for ships like "Orion", but the USSR refused to make any exceptions to the general rule.

But be that as it may, such a type of ship is so far the only starship project that could be created on the basis of existing technologies and bring scientific results in the near future. No other technologically possible, at this stage, the types of engines for spacecraft do not provide acceptable time to obtain results. And all other proposed concepts are a photon engine, the starships on the antimatter class "Valkyrie" have a large number of unresolved problems and assumptions that make them possible to implement the work of a remote future. About so-beloved wormworms and Warp engines and say no, no longer a pleasant idea of \u200b\u200binstant movement, unfortunately it is still still clean water fiction.

Somehow said that despite the fact that now "Orion" (and his ideological followers) are only theoretical concept, but it always remains in stock in case of any emergency circumstances that will require sending to space Big ship. Dyson himself believed that such a ship would allow to ensure the survival of the human race in the case of a global catastrophe and predicted that at the then level of economic growth, humanity could start interstellar flights after 200 years.

Since then, 50 years has passed and so far explicit prerequisites for the fact that this forecast will come true. But on the other hand, no one can be sure that he carries the future to him - and who knows, perhaps over time, when humanity will have a valid need to bring large ships into the orbit, dust shake off all these projects. The main thing only that the reason for this will not be any emergencies, but economic considerations and the desire to finally try to leave our parental cradle and go to other stars.

The last time the device flew in December 2014. Then everything went well, but the project went off the agenda, new information There was practically no about him. Now the activity resumed. NASA has not forgotten about its program, which is aimed at creating a multipurpose ship for deep space. It is planned to use, in particular, so that astronauts can be delivered to the orbit of the moon and take them back.

Less than one year later, or rather, his full-scale model will be a "emergency test". If everything goes well, then a year later, Oroin will go to the lunar orbit more than a week. The system must pass absolutely all the tests before it can take people. And only after the final tests, astronauts will fly to the lunar orbit for staying there for a long time. True, it will happen not earlier than in June 2022.

NASA is going to send two or four people on Orion to work in the orbit of the Moon. It will be the first returned person to the Moon since 1972. Plans may vary, but still - progress in terms of the development of deep space can hardly be stopped. Now the development of the Earth's satellite is one of the priorities established by the US President Donald Trump. He is even ready to abandon Mars, because, according to His and the surroundings, it is much easier to establish a colony on the moon than on the Red Planet. And what is important - cheaper.

A few weeks earlier, the Space Center named after Lindon Johnson invited journalists to look at Orion, which will fly into space next year in April. This time, engineers created a 200 sensors module that will track acceleration throughout the flight. It is necessary so that scientists can estimate the impact of the start on the organisms of future astronauts.

Test flight provides a flight to a height of 10 km, with an achievement of 1.3 Mach. At this point, the rescue system of the capsule should be activated to discard the command to the safe distance in the event of an accident. If there is a problem, then the rescue capsule should be removed from the main apparatus by 3 kilometers in just 15 seconds. Naturally, people in the capsule will be exposed to strong acceleration, so developers should understand the possible consequences for the body of people.

This is the last chance of saving people in case of an abnormal situation on board Orion.

EXPLORATION MISSION-2 can happen earlier than plans agency now. Orion is planned to be launched using the superhealth of the Space Launch System carrier rocket (it is interesting that there are doubts about the need for the development of this rocket itself, due to the existence of a much cheaper carrier from Spacex). The goal of the mission is to resume the piloted development of the solar system. Last year it was planned that in addition to the flight of the ORION moon, it would make it possible to display the first module of the Space Launch System created by the Space Launch System. NASA's agency plans this mission for about 2023.

Earlier it was reported that the piloted spacecraft will also make an experimental flight of the captured asteroid in the lunar orbit. But then NASA refused to capture an asteroid, at least for a while. Whatever it was, but the Orion is planned to withdraw in any case - at least with the capture of the asteroid, even without it.

Initially, NASA planned to send the Astronaut team to space not with the first version of SLS, but from the second, improved and more powerful. But for this it would be necessary to postpone the piloted for 33 months. This is not a small three years, which the agency has no - to postpone the ORION mission can no longer. It has already been said that the need to develop an ultra-thin super heavy SLS media is due to doubt. The taxpayers arises a simple question - if about the same opportunities as SLS, there is a carrier of Spacex, then why pay more?

Even the head of NASA could not reasonably substantiate the need to send to SLS space. At one time, he stated that the SLS could turn into an outer heat into the outer space than the carrier rocket from Spacex. But the difference is so insignificant that the doubts of taxpayers from the United States are still not dispelled.

Whatever it was, but Orion is an actively developing project, to the implementation of which the agency spends about $ 1.35 billion per year. So there is nowhere to retreat, sooner or later the ship will go to space.