What is famous Ivan Susanin. Ivan Susanin - biography, information, personal life

When and who saved Ivan Susanin?

The feat of the Kostroma peasant who saved the Russian king and the squad of the Polish-Lithuanian interventory squad, was a favorite theme of writers, poets and composers for a long time. But, despite his great popularity, the history of the Susaninsky feat to this day remains one of the most mysterious and tangled episodes of the Great Russian Discharge.

The history of Ivan Osipovich Susanin is first mentioned in the works of Kostroma historians of the XVIII century N. Sumarokov and I. Vaskov, as well as in the Geographical Dictionary of A. Shchchatov. However, the author of the final editorial office, which became almost official, should be considered a researcher-regionalist Samaryanov, who in 1870-1880 summarized the data of the few written sources and folk legends about Susanin.

According to this version, in the winter of 1613, shortly after its election to the throne, Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov with Mother Inokine Martha (in the world - Ksenia Ivanovna Romanova) lived in his Votchin, the village of Domnino. Suddenly, the Polish-Lithuanian squad appeared near Kostroma to capture or kill the newly elected king, the rival of the Polish Kingdom of Vladislav, who also claimed to Russian throne. Not far from Domnino, the peasant Ivan Susanin came to them, who took to be a guide, but headed Poles in the dense forests, sent before that of his son-in-law Bogdan Sabinina to Mikhail Fedorovich with the Council to hide in the Ipatiev Monastery. In the morning, he revealed his deception to the Poles, but, despite the torture, did not give up the king's refuge with the enemies and was they chopped "in small pieces."

This version in principle did not reject the Soviet historical science. However, today, and in the past she generates many questions ...

The feat of Ivan Susanin is no doubt. He is confirmed by the humble diploma of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich, who in 1619, "on the advice and the right of the mother", gave the peasant village of Domnino Kostroma County Bogdashka Sabinin half the village of Village for the feat of his father-in-law of Ivan Susanin. Its as if "found the Polish and Lithuanian people and tortured ... Where in those poses the Great Sovereign, the king and the Grand Duke Mikhail Fedorovich were, and he was Ivan about us ... Trying the Nemericultural torture ... I didn't say about us ... and for the Polish and Lithuanian people was tortured to death. " Privileges, data to the descendants of Susanin, were confirmed by the royal home of the Romanov in 1641, 1691 and 1837. However, the question arises: when did these dramatic events occur in the vicinity of Domnin?

The official version gives a very short time period. Mikhail Fedorovich was proclaimed by the king of February 21, 1613, and on March 13, negotiations were already negotiating with the delegation who arrived from Moscow. Consequently, the Poles were to capture the new Russian king for 20, from the strength in 30 days. It is difficult to believe in such efficiency of the Poles, everywhere defeated and devoid of a single command in Russia. The Polish military at this point was a variety of scattered Polish-Lithuanian and Cossack detachments that were macroerving in Russian villages. Moreover, the Poles still needed to find where the newly elected king is hidden, which even participants in the cathedral did not know. Uased on March 2, 1613, the embassy sent to persuade Mikhail Fedorovich to adopt the monarch of the crown, said: "Go to the sovereign to Yaroslavl or where he will be the sovereign." In such an official document, Mikhail's location was at all. Most likely, the cathedral knew that after the liberation of Moscow from Polyakov in the fall of 1612, Mikhail Romanov and Mother went to Yaroslavl, their route was further unknown, and the ambassadors were asked to solve this problem.

Many historians, seeing the weak points of the official version, assume that the Susanin did not make his feat in February - March 1613, but before, and that the Poles hunted Mikhail Fedorovich, not as a chosen king, but as a contender for the Russian throne. However, this assumption is questionable.

In fact, until mid-February 1613, Mikhail Romanov was one of many contenders for the throne, and he had no special advantages over other candidates. At first discussions, his candidacy was rejected with the cathedral, and it was repeatedly returned to her later under the pressure of the Cossacks. Even taking, it seemed, the final decision on the election of Mikhail to the kingdom, the heads of the Zemstvo Cathedral, having released elected in their cities, instructed them to secretly spend if the people would support this election. Even if, after a formal election, the candidacy Mikhail caused such strong doubts, then his position as a candidate for the throne was even more durable. Poles were not profitable to eliminate Mikhail Romanov before election to his king, for, following such logic, they would have to organize a mass beat of all the "seeking states", among which were the princes Dmitry Trubetskaya, Ivan Golitsyn, Fedor Mstislavsky, Swedish Prince Karl Philipp, Dmitry Pozharsky and even the son of Marina Mnishek and False Dmitry II (Tushinsky Vora). Such Poles were clearly unable.

However, there is another, less pathetic, but more believable description of Susanin's feat. He was outlined at a meeting of the Archival Commission of the Kostroma province in 1900 member of the State Council, a valid secret advisor N.N. Selifontov. At the heart of his report was the manuscript of a certain titular adviser to the Jordansky, who lived in St. Petersburg in the middle of the XVIII century and supported the permanent connection with the Domnino, where his brother Alexey was a parish priest. This manuscript was drawn up by testimonies of the descendants of eyewitnesses of events, including the daughter of Ivan Susanin Stepanida.

This is how the Susanin feat describes in his report N.N. Selifontov:

"In 1612, Mikhail Fedorovich arrived from Moscow in 1612, Mikhail Fedorovich arrived from Moscow with his mother of Marta John, running away from the reigning civil code.

A detachment of Polyakov, who was walking from Vologda, found out about Mikhail Fedorovich's location, decided by all means grabbed him and live or dead to Poland. The young king flew about their intent fled from the village of Domnin at night in the village of Transport.

Without reaching the latter, he got lost, he fell back to the Vologda road and found himself near the Dominic Sequence, which consisted only from one house of the peasant Ivan Susanin. Having learned about the pursuit of Mikhail Fedorovich Poles, Susanin hid him in a off (Ovin himself burned on the eve). To hide the young king even better, Susanin laid the whole pit with burning heads. In the pit he brought him a bread with salt and kvaas.

Thanks to the randomness of the daughter, the peasant Stepanida was not at home. During the flight, Mikhail Fedorovich fell snow, and his traces in the snow brought enemies to the huts of Susanin. The latter, asked about Mikhail Fedorovich, answered ignorance. Poles began to torture him, but at the torture, the faithful Ivan Susanin did not give up the king. Having heavily in pieces, the Poles moved hastily from the Kostroma limits, before carefully looking for Mikhail Fedorovich dogs.

Due to the vague smell, Gary Dogs lost the smell and did not find the king hidden in the off. The stepaded returned home saw the martyrdom of the father, but herself did not seemed to the Poles and just went to the body of the Father, when the enemies left, and the people of Domnin attracted a loud cry. Then Mikhail Fedorovich from the pit got out; I ordered to collect the remains of Susanin and bury in my faith, and I myself went to the Ipatiev Monastery to Kostroma under the protection of peasants. "

If you take this version, the events near Domnin took place in 1612. From the summer of 1610 to autumn 1612, Mikhail Romanov with his mother was in the occupied Moscow Poles, in the Kremlin, later the deposited by the militia of Prince Pozharsky. October 26, 1612, a day before the Poles folded the weapons, the commandant of the Polish garrison, the Colonel Rusk released from the Kremlin of all the representatives of the Russian nobility from the Kremlin, among which the young Mikhail Romanov and Mother were. Consequently, according to Selofontov, events near Domnin could occur only in November - December 1612.

Selifontov calls Mikhail Fedorovich in his report, although it's hard to believe that the adviser did not know when Mikhail was elected to the kingdom. This, he himself, not wanting, indicates the main problem in the study of sussanic history.

Each researcher wanted to save the Kostroma peasant to save the Russian king or at least the applicant for the throne. However, it is enough to recall that Mikhail Fedorovich was hunted not a certain Polish "special forces", but a gang of ordinary marauders, which were removed to seize the kiss of a good kind in order to receive a ransom, as everything falls into place.

Apparently, the version of Selofontov is closest to the truth. Sustanin made his feat in November - December 1612, when Mikhail Fedorovich and his mother wrapped in his primords, trying to find refuge in the ruined country. This disorder is explained by the fact that Mikhail had no accompanying Chelyadi. After all, from the Domnin in Transport, he ran altogether. The Poles appeared in the vicinity of the Domnin with purely robbed goals, and not then to formally, Mikhail Fedorovich Romanova as a future Russian sovereign. About his future, they could not know anything at that time. Consequently, Ivan Susanin, the price of life saved his boyar, the Metropolitan Son, Claus, but not the king, which, of course, does not reduce his heroism, nor his patriotism. As for the Polish detachment, allegedly wounded by Susanin into swamp founds and threw in them, this later legend appeared, most likely, at the beginning of the XIX century.

For the sake of justice, we note: the approval of Selofontov, as if, choosing from the off, young Mikhail immediately headed to the Ipatiev Monastery, a little doubtful. Most modern researchers believe that the future king and his mother in the Ipatiev Monastery never lived. This monastery was simply used to meet them with the official Moscow Embassy in March 1613. Inokine Martha and his son could live in his Kostroma primary patients, most likely, in the Kostroma itself, where the Romanovs and the courtyard were in the old pose near the Vozdven monastery. Life in the city was safer than in Podgorodny estates.

Why did all the versions of Susanin's feathers in Russian history prevailed the most dubious?

Apparently, the Version of Selofontov rebuilt the pre-revolutionary historians with her landing. Perhaps it seemed to them that it was humilibly to hide from enemies in the offinious pit for the advantage of the first sovereign from the genus Romanov. According to Selofontov, the manuscript of the titular adviser of Jordansky was carefully straightened and rewritten with a clear painter handwriting. Already in the XVIII century, she was preparing for the press, but she never came to the light.

For Soviet historians, the version of Selifov was not acceptable at all. In the thirties of the last century, Ivan Susanin entered the official Pantheon of folk heroes. In the light of this version of Susanin from the mighty-friendly gray-robous elder (according to some modern researchers, the "older" was hardly more than 36-38 years old), the crowd of enemies into the dense forests and hundreds of them trampled in the quaggers, turned into a dominic elder, saving young Barchuk from dashing people.

However, even today, the feat of Susanin for the historian is the topic of ungrateful, for the efforts of talented Russian poets, writers and composers, our person will always represent Ivan Susanin as it is depicted in opera M.I. Glinka "Life for the king".

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The seventeenth century in the history of Russia opens the tragedy of the Troubles. It was the first terrible experience of the civil war in which all the layers of the Russian society were involved. However, since 1611, civil war in Russia began to acquire the nature of the struggle against foreign invaders, for national independence. The second militia under the guidance of minin and fire was destined to become the Savior russian state. In February 1613, the most representative in the entire history of its existence, the Zemsky Cathedral proclaimed the new king of Mikhail Fedorovich Romanova. With this event and is connected by the feat of Ivan Susanin - the Savior Founder of the New Russian Dynasty of Romanov.

Indeed, the feat of Ivan Osipovich Susanina - the peasant village of Domnino Kostroma region became an integral part of Russian history. However, the only documentary source about the life and feat of Susanin is the pursuant dip of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich, which he granted in 1619, "On the advice and the right of the mother", the peasant of the Kostroma district "Bogdashka Sabinin Half the village of Village, for the fact that his father-in-law, Ivan Susanin, Which "found Polish and Lithuanian people and tortured great nemertic torture, and tortured, where in those poses a great sovereign, the king and the Grand Duke Mikhail Feodorovich ..., who led about us ... Trying the unmeasured torture ... I did not say about us. .. And for the Polish and Lithuanian people was tortured to death. " Subsequent complained and confirming letters 1641, 1691 and 1837, data to the descendants of Susanin, only repeat the words of the diplomas of 1619 in the chronicles, chronicles and other written sources of the XVII century. Almost nothing was mentioned about Susanin, but legends existed and passed from the kind to the genus. According to legend in March 1613, one of the Polish detachments expelled from Moscow broke through the Kostroma County and searched for the conductor to get to the village of Domnino - the Votchin of Romanov, where King Mikhail Fedorovich was elected to the throne. Having come to the villages (3 km from the village of Domnino), the interventories broke into the Susanin and demanded to indicate them the road. Susanin deliberately headed the enemy detachment into impassable places (now "Susaninsky swamp"), for which he was killed by the Poles. The entire Polish detachment died. In the meantime, the king, warned by the son-in-law of Susanin - Bogdan Sabinin, was hidden in Kostroma in the Ipatiev Monastery.

The memory of the patriotic feat of Susanin has been preserved not only in oral folk legends and legends. His feat as the ideal of popular valor and self-sacrifice was in demand during the events Patriotic War 1812, accompanied by peasant partisan movement. It is no coincidence in the same 1812, on the wave of patriotic lifting, M.I. Glinka creates the opera "Life for the king" ("Ivan Susanin").

The image of a peasant-patriot, who lived for the king, fully fit into the official ideological doctrine "Orthodoxy, autocracy, nationality", and that is, it was especially in demand in the reign of Nicolas I. In 1838, it was signed by a decree on the central square of Kostroma Susanin and The erection of the monument on it "In the testimony that noble descendants saw in the immortal feat of Susanin - the rescue of the life of the newly elected Russian land of the king through the donation of his life - the salvation of the Orthodox faith and the Russian kingdom from foreign domination and enslavement." His feat was reflected in many works fiction, A N.V. Gogol noted: "No royal house started so unusually as the house of Romanovs began. His beginning was already a feat of love. The last and lowest citizen in the state brought and laid his lives in order to give us the king, and I sow my pure sacrifice already inextricably sovereign with the subject. " Susanin is depicted on the well-known monument of the Millennium of Russia, Mikhail Mikeshin. True, after the revolution of 1917, the name of Susanin fell into the category of "servants of the kings", and the monument in Kostroma was destroyed. However, in the late 1930s, due to the formation of the Stalinist political and economic and ideological system, he again remembered his feat. The hero was "rehabilitated." In 1938, the exaltation of Susanin as a hero who gave life to the depreciation began again. In 1939, Glinka opera setting was resumed in the Bolshoi Theater, though with another name and new libretto. At the end of the summer of 1939, the district center and the area was renamed in honor of Susanin, in whose territory he lived and died. Especially "Communication of Times" became in demand during the Great Patriotic War. For example, in 1942, the 83-year-old peasant Matvey Kuzmin, repeated his feat. In Kurakino, the native village of Matthew Kuzmina, the battalion of the German 1st Mornetral Division (the well-known "Edelweiss"), in front of which in February 1942 it was tasked with a breakthrough, going to the rear by the Soviet troops in the planned counterattack in the Malkinsky heights area. The battalion commander demanded from Kuzmin to act as a guide, promising money, flour, kerosene for it, and the hunting rifle of the brand Sauer "Three Rings". Kuzmin agreed. Warning through the 11-year grandson of Sergey Kuzmin military part The Red Army, Matvey Kuzmin, long drove the Germans by the Okolny road and finally brought the enemy squad to the ambush in the village of Malkino under the machine-gun fire of Soviet soldiers. The German squad was destroyed, but Kuzmin himself was killed by the German commander.

Ivan Susanin on the monument of the 1000th anniversary of Russia in Veliky Novgorod

- Kostromovsky peasant., P. Domnina belonging to Romanov; Known as a savior of the life of King Mikhail Fedorovich. Until recently, the sole documentary source about the life and feat of Susanin was the humble letter of the king Mikhail Fedorovich, who was given in 1619, "On the Council and the Vast of Mother", the Kostroma peasant., Village Domnin, "Bogdashka" Sabinin half der. The trees for the fact that his father-in-law Ivan Susananan, who "found Polish and Lithuanian people and tortured great nemertic tortures, and tortured, where in those Pori, the great sovereign, the king and the Grand Duke Mikhail Fedorovich ..., led about us ... Nemer torture ... I did not say about us ... and for the Polish and Lithuanian people was tortured to death. " Subsequent complained and confirming letters 1641, 1691 and 1837, data to the descendants of Susanin, only repeat the words of the diplomas of 1619 in the chronicles, chronicles and other written sources of the XVII century. Almost nothing was mentioned about Susanin, but legends existed and passed from the kind to the genus. Before the beginning of the XIX century. No one thought, however, to see in Susanin the Savior of the Tsarist Operation. So for the first time he presented printed cheeks in his "geographic." Dictionary; Behind him, Sergey Glinka in his "history" rightly erected Susanin in the ideal of popular valor. Glinka's story literally repeated Bantice Kamensky in the dictionary of memorable people of Russian land. " Soon the personality and feat of Susanin became a favorite subject and for the poets who wrote about it a number of poems, the Duma, the drama, the association, the stories, etc., and for musicians (the most famous "Ivan Susanin" - Duma Ryleev, "Kostroma Forests" - Drama N. Polevoy, "Ivan Susanin" - Opera Kavos, "Life for the King" - Opera M. I. Glinka). In 1838, Susanina Monument was erected in Kostroma on the command of Emperor Nikolai I "in the evidence that noble descendants saw in the immortal feat of Susanin - the salvation of the life of the newly elected Russian land of the king through the donation of his life - the salvation of the Orthodox faith and the Russian kingdom from foreign domination and enslavement" . The poverty of the sources and disagreement of the authors who narrowed about the feat of Susanin, prompted N. I. Kostomarov to take it critically and to the personality of Susanin, and to his feat. Based on, mainly from the fact that the chronicles and notes are not referred to about it in modern or close to his time, that the presence of the Polish-Lithuanian detachment is not confirmed by the existing sources near. Domnin and that at the beginning of 1613 Mikhail Fedorovich lived with his mother not in the village of Domnin, but in a fortified Ipatiev monastery, he saw in Susanin "one of the countless victims who died from robbers in troubled time." He was terribly objected by S. M. Solovyov ("Our time", 1862). M. P. Pogodin ("Citizen", 1872, № 29 and 1873, No. 47), Domninsky ("Russian Archive", 1871, No. 2), Doroborzhzhin, etc.; But they were all laid out of theoretical considerations and guesses. From the late 1870s and especially the 1880s, with the opening of historical societies and the provincial archival commissions, new documents on the feat of Susanin began to be discovered, almost modern "notes" and numerous handwritten "legends" of the XVII and XVIII centuries opened., In which is obvious to the worship of the Susanin written before the feat (other directly called him "martyr"). In 1882, Samaryanov, who took a lot of sources not published before him, managed to prove that the Poles and Lithuanians were approached by the whole detachment to the village of Domnin in order to kill the newly elected Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich and that Mikhail Fedorovich "disappeared from Lyakhov" in the Ipatiev Monastery on the advice of Susanin from with. Domnin, after the appearance of the Polish-Lithuanian detachment. The provisions of Samaryanov are confirmed by the later finds of documents relating to susanin and stored in the Kostroma Archival Commission, in the Archaeological Institute, etc.

Monument to Ivan Susanin in Kostroma

The essence of legends about the feat of Susanin is reduced to the following. Shortly after election to the throne, when Mikhail Fedorovich lived with his mother in p. Domnina, generic his victob, came to the Kostroma region. Polish and Lithuanian people in order to kill the new rival of the Polish Kingdom of Vladislav; Not far from s. Domnina was caught by Susanin, who took to be their conductor, but started in the opposite direction, in the dense forests, sent before the departure of his son-in-law Bogdan Sabinina to Mikhail Fedorovich with the Council to hide in the Ipatiev Monastery; In the morning, he revealed his deception to the Poles, despite the cruel torture, did not give up the king's asylum sites and was chopped by Poles "in small pieces." From the direct descendants of Susanin, the correspondence Landraist book, stored in the Moscow archive of the Ministry of Justice, under 1717 calls Fedor Konstantinova, Anisima Ulyanova (Lukyanova) and Ulyana Grigoriev, who lived in the village of Korobov, a complained daughter of Susanin, Antonide Ivanovna, in 1633. N. I. Kostomarov, "Historical monographs and research" (t. I, St. Petersburg, 1867); His, "Personalities of the Troubles" ("Journal of Europe", 1871, No. 6); Samaritans, "Memory of Ivan Susanin" (Kostroma, 1884, 2nd ed.); I. Kholmogorov, "Note about the descendants of Susanin" ("Proceedings of the Archaeographic Commission under the Imperial Moscow Society", t. I, issued I, 1898); D. I. Ilovaysky, "The Troubles of the Moscow State" (M., 1894).

V. ρ-c.

Brockauz Efron Encyclopedia

Ivan Susanin - a peasant, a leaving from the Kostroma county. He is the National Hero of Russia, since the king was removed, Mikhail Fedorovich Romanova, from the Poles, who came to kill him.

The feat of the Kostroma peasant

Historians argue that Susanin was an older in the village of Domnino Kostroma district. Interventories from Poland did not know the road to the village in which the king was located, and asked Susanin, how to get. Ivan Osipovich volunteered to conduct them to the domino. Poles promised him to reward it. The future folk hero instead of the village brought them to a huge, impassable forest, who he himself knew like five fingers. The Poles realized that the rustic elder deceived them and started in the forest to destroy. They were beside themselves from anger and killed the peasant. However, they spoke themselves soon in the swamps located in the forest.

It is believed that this event occurred in 1612, in the fall. As evidence of this date there are some information. Traditions believe that Susanin hid Mikhail Romanov in the pit, where the recently burned the ravine, and disguised the pit with charred boards. In the 17th century, Ovina was burned in late autumn, so if the story is about Pradiva's pit, the date of events is correct. Although many researchers still reject this theory.

Person Susanina

Unfortunately, there are almost no reliable facts about the identity of Susanin. However, it is known that he had a daughter called Antonida. He also had grandchildren - Konstantin and Daniel. In the year of the arrival of the daughter of Ivan's daughter, it was 16, therefore, the hero itself was about 32-40 years.

The death of the hero

Regarding the death of susanin there are 2 versions. The first, the most common version, says that he died in the forest, on Isupovsky swamps. The second - he died in the village of Isupovo. This version of the most truthful, since this is confirmed by documents. The fact is that the great-grandfather of Susanin went to Empress Anna Ioannovna to receive special benefits, since he was his descendant. In proof of this, he led a testimony of the death of his great-grandfather, where this village was indicated.

Ivan Osipovich Susanin is buried in the Ipatiev Monastery.

In conclusion, I would like to say that Susanin is a noble person who can serve as an example for contemporaries. His name is not for this day. About his feat is told schoolchildren. Yes, the history of our country keeps a lot of heroes, and one of them is the peasant older, Ivan Osipovich Susanin.

For children 3, 4, 5, 7 class.

Biography by dates and interesting Facts. The most important thing.

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Photo by N.M. Bekarevich. 1895

Standing in place, where, according to legend,
There was a house Bogdan Sobinin.

What is known to us with reliable Susanin? Extremely little, almost nothing. It's curious his nickname, because Susanin is not a surname in our understanding, which in those days the peasants did not have. The nickname was given, as a rule, by the name of the Father - Recall, for example, Kuzmu Minin, who was posted by mini because the father of the famous Nizhny Novgorod was called Mina; The grandson of Susanina Daniel, the son of his son-in-law Bogdan Sobinina, again, on the father passed in the documents as "Danilko Bogdanov", etc. Susanin's nickname explicitly comes from women's name Susanna ("White Lilia" is drone; such a name was one of the wives-myrroneos). Most likely, the son called the mother of Ivan Susanin, and the nickname named Mother allows us to assume that Susanin grew up without a father, maybe the deceased when his son was very small. In the literature on Susanin, his patronymic is usually reported - Osipovich, but it is fictional. In the sources of the XVII century, no patronage of Susanin is not mentioned, and this is naturally, since the official parties to the peasants were then not supposed: they were the privilege of only boyars and nobles. If the father of Susanina was really called Osip (Joseph), then his nickname would be maspets, and not sussan. but

One of the most important is the question - who was Ivan Susanin in the Domninsk Votchin? In the documents of the XVII century, nothing says. Historians of the XVIII-XIX centuries usually called him a peasant. Archpriest A.D. Domninsky, referring to the existing legends in the dominant, the first to indicate that Susanin was not a simple peasant, but a victorious old-age. He wrote: "That Susanin was an old-terrainist, I consider it reliable because I heard about it from my cousin, the elderly priest of the village of Mikhail Fedorov, brought up, together with his mother's grandfather, and my grandfather, Domninsky priest Matthew Stefanova, Domninsky and the Dead Died of 1760, and this was the grandson of the Dominic priest Foto Euseviyev - Self-Selfness of the Mentioned Event. The Marta John, this, in the grant of the Great Stress, was recorded with Dyachkom with his priest of Eusevia in 1631. 23 In another place, he repeats again: "Domninsky old peasants also said that Susanin was an old man." 24

After A.D. Domninsky some authors have become called Susanin by Clauds Martha Ivanovna, and, apparently, this is true. As is known, there were two main officials in the boyars of the XVI-XVII centuries: an older and clerk. The headman was the elected face of the local community ("world"), the clerk (or "Natoski") was appointed by the owner of Votchin. N.P. Pavlov Silvansky wrote: "The Office and the economy of the Lord's estates were commonly in the hands of the authorized by Mr. Clauds / Square / ... The village was headed by his own economy of Mr. on the Boyarskaya Earth, in relation to the sites engaged in peasants as independent owners, he was only a customer collector and filters, And also the judge and the ruler. The use of a granted land plot was used to be awarded to him in particular, the special duties that he collected from the peasants in his favor. " 25 The historian continues: "The Lord Claudist (... Natural) was not a full-fledged ruler; His power was limited by the elected older and worldly gathering community. " 26

Apparently, Susanin was not an elected old-age, but precisely clerk (village), the manager of Domninsk Votchina and living in the dominant at the Boyarsky yard. This conclusion does not contradict the fact that A.D. Domninsky calls Susanin "Votched Streth". Firstly, in the old days, the term "elder" had the meaning of the "helper". 27 Secondly, to the times of A.D. Domninsky This term somewhat changed its importance, which he had in the XVII century, and from the designation of the elected person who carried out a number of important worldly functions - at least in the noble estates - also synonymous with the words "clerk", "helper", "drumstr ". b.

We are also known about the family of Susanin. Since neither documents nor in legends mentioned his wife, then, most likely, by 1612-1613. She has already died. Susanina was daughter Antonida, formerly married to the local peasant Bogdan Sobinin.

Village villages - Motherland Ivan Susanin.

We know about her marriage only for 1619, but judging by the fact that Sobinchi died by 1631, and his sons of Daniel and Konstantin were listed for this year by the owners of the yard, 29 You can confidently assume that Antonida by 1612-1613. Already married and that, most likely, by this time, the grandchildren of Susanin, the children of Bogdan and Antonida - Daniel and Konstantin (at least Daniel is clearly the oldest).

ABOUT Bogdan Sobynin We know even less than about his famous test. We know that Sobinin was a local peasant; His nickname, most likely, comes from the ancient name "Sobina" at As, apparently, the name was his father. As mentioned above, at 1612-1613. He was probably married to Susanin's daughter. In the literature, it is usually written that Socinn was a sirota or Prelima Susanin, thus trying to explain the fact that, apparently, not Antonida went to his family, and he went to the courtyard belonging to his test.

According to legends, Razzananian was from the village of Village Village g. , but I lived in the domin, and Bogdan and Antonida lived in the villages.

Photo by N.M. Bekarevich. 1895

Savior Village village. In the center - the Spaso-Preobrazhensky temple.

Village Village has long been treated to the church coming d. - He was above the racial of the balls, three versts below the domin. For the first time in the sources known to us, the sources of graveyard are mentioned in the diploma of Martha Ivanovna from 1631, where it is said: "... Selo snores, and in it the temple in the name of the Bogoleste Transfiguration of the Lord of our Isus Christ, and another temple of a warm with a trapes in the name of ArchReart Mikhail ...", 36 However, it is definitely that this village arose long before early XVII century (in one document 1629-1630 about the church of Mikhail-Archangel, it is said that she is "dilapidated").

Apparently, it was the graveyard in savagels who was the main religious center for the peasants of Domninsk Votchin (the Resurrection Church in the Domnne, as we remember, was clearly a manoring), including, of course, for Ivan Susanin. Most likely that it was here he was baptized, he was married and baptized the daughter of Antonida; At the parish cemetery near the walls of Preobrazhensky and Mikhailo-Arkhangelsk temples, of course, his mother buried (which, apparently, called the Susannaya) and his father could be buried here and his father. Here, in the graveyard, savory-trees over the poles, apparently, was originally devoted to the Earth (about this below) and Ivan Susanin himself.