Grapes blooms no berries what to do. Why does the grapes be fruitful? Landing errors and determination of fetus appearance

Growing grapes - Fascinating business. And not at all complicated. Moreover, grape bushes are durable, your efforts pay off a long period of time. But it happens that not everything goes smoothly, and for some reason, grapes do not be fruit. This question will try to clarify this situation.

If grapes are not fruits t, there may be several reasons.

  • Grapes do not like location . Optimally planting grape bushes with southern, southwestern and west. And in no case with North. Heatolyuba big.
  • Grapes sick . If the bush is infected for a long time, then a completely illness can prevent the fruit. And not just to reduce the harvest, and "prevent" fruiting completely.
  • There were bad conditions of the previous year of the bush . The previous year is the key to successful fruiting for the next year. Moisture, optimal temperature, vine aging degree. All this should be in a favorable mode for normal fruiting.
  • Very severe trimming . And not only strong, how much is also illiterate.
  • Excess nitrogen in soil . The bush is inhabited, pulls out all the forces on the growth of leaves and shoots.

If the fruiting bushes mentioned by you are planted nearby, it means that all the above reasons are unlikely to be relevant. They give a crop, it means that everything is fine with the soil, the disease does not raise, the location is optimally selected, the weather conditions of the previous year have nothing to do with it.

Moment is very important - and whether your inclusive bush blooms?

If bloom occurs, but there is no fruction, then obviously the reason in the other.

  • Your inconusing bush - a bush with a female style of blossom and there are no pollinators . How to check it? It is necessary during flowering to pollimate the flower manually, transfer pollen from another fruiting bush, with a male flower. If the fruits will get off and will be full - feel like a variety of pollinator. From the bush with a female type of flowering is not to get rid. As, the rule, High-quality grons, large and tasty berries in such varieties are.
  • Your non-visuous bush is a bush with a male blossom type . In this case, artificial pollination will not give the result. But such a bush can serve as an excellent trip! It's just worth wrinkled!
  • Your non-rigging bush - with a female type of flowering, and there are varieties of pollinators, but they are not suitable for him in the time of flowering. And this may happen. It is bad that you do not remember how the varieties planted with you are called. The output is simple - try to plant a universal pollinator. For example, all kishms are good pollinators.

Good harvests!

Grape flowering is one of the important periods in the development of Liana. At this time, the plant is susceptible to weather conditions and demanding towards care. A high-quality harvest is promoted by hot dry weather, which is necessary for pollination of flowers naturally. If on the street is raw and cool, fertilization or does not occur at all, or flowers and wounds are satisted.

The need to care for grapes during flowering is due to the fact that shrubs require nutrients and moisture. But it is impossible to overproer and pour the garden with water, and watering is supposed to stop 2 weeks before the alleged flowering. Otherwise, most of the inflorescences and barriers will appear, and the tricks have time to formed to be subsequently affected by fungal infection.

Let's look at whether it is possible to spray and fertilize grapes before flowering and after and that at all you need to do on the plantation during this period.

Why does not flowers grapes: possible causes

To begin with, we will understand the reasons for which the grape bush does not bloom. The first of them is the female type of flowers, in need of the pollinator. An inexperienced gardener can experiment, moved to pollen from another bush manually and vaporly, whether a bunch will be formed. If the experiment succeeds, a male person is planted nearby, for example, any kind of kischimis.

Another answer to the question why the flowering of grapes does not occur are unsuitable weather conditions. The life cycle of the flower is about 10 days and at this time it is important that the air temperature is 25 - 30 ° C. If the thermometer column shows less than 15 degrees of heat, and the atmosphere is too moistened, the flowering slows down.

Also, the gardener should be aware that for pollination and wound up the grapes need a temperature above 17 ° C. Of course, it is impossible to influence the weather, and pollimate plants artificially - quite. How to do it:

  1. Shake the sleeper ropes in 1 half days;
  2. Collect and dry pollen and pollinate the necessary bushes by carp.

The dose of the flowering grapes is carried out 2 - 3 times. The first manipulation is done by developing the third or fourth part of all inflorescences, subsequent - during the mass flowering of the nursery. Plowing gives an increase to 30%.

To liana blossomed in full force, winegrotard can use drugs:

  • Immunocyto (1st processing of grapes before flowering, 2nd - after 10 - 12 days and 3rd - after 2 - 3 weeks after the second). The tool can be diluted with borobos liquid 1%;
  • Novosil (apply immediately after the dissolution of buds and re-in 10 - 12 days).

After flowering, the care of grapes can be supplemented by the catalog of the Rosor's roots.

Green operations during the flowering period of the vineyard

Depending on the variety and climatic characteristics The region of grapes begins to bloom in May - early June. Chemical preparations should be treated with a blossoming vine, otherwise the inflorescences will die. It is possible to spray bushes either before the start of flowering, or after the fruit brushes are formed on the vine.

Communicable procedures in such an important period period are:

Is it possible to splash grapes during flowering

To protect grapes from pests and possible diseases, it can be processed during the bootonization phase. From May 20 to May 30, plantation spray from Mildu, Oidium and Laptop, if the pest is seen on plants.

On the eve of flowering, grapes are irrigated by the drugs as:

From June 1 to 10, the processing of grapes after flowering is made in order to prevent damage and oidium. Splash the garden at air temperature more than 23 degrees of heat.

What spray grapes after flowering in the pea stage:

  1. Tiovit Jet;
  2. Iskra-M;
  3. Colloid sulfur;
  4. Sulfur garden;
  5. Mix of chlorocycy copper, and colloidal sulfur.

Preparations spray at the resulting marking.

Watering and feeding a flowering vineyard

In the days of blooming, the grapes should not be poured, since increased humidity impairs the quality of pollination. Artificial pollination will be unsuccessful in rainy weather, when a lot of dews or fog sits. In addition to weather conditions and the quality of pollination on the volume of the future, the harvest also affects the feeding of grapes. Fertilizer to the main roots, breakthrough at a distance of 70 cm from the main stem trench of the depth of half the meter. It is checked nutrient elements.

To increase the amount and quality of berries, the feeder is brought in the form of a mixture of 2 parts of chicken feces and 3 parts of water. The ingredients are connected in a plastic barrel and give a wander for a couple of weeks. The composition is stirred daily and immediately diluted with water from the calculation of 1 liter of fertilizer to 10 liters of clean fluid. In the cooked solution, wood ash (one liter bank) is introduced and plants watered in 10 - 12 days before flowering.

Mineral substances contribute to potash feeding (35 g), superphosphate and nitrogen feeding (50 g).

Extra cornering grapes after flowering is an additional event to strengthen shrubs. To care for the garden starts shortly before flowering, the work continues after the flower period and the third time the previously processed nursery is splashing by homemade solid influenza and stores of Kemira, Novofefer, Aquarin, Plantafol.

Many gardeners cultivate grape shrubs on their gardeners. However, it happens that with high-quality care, grapes do not be fruit. Your key task is to establish the cause and only then act. Why grapes do not be fruit, and how to fix the situation further.

To the question of why grapes are not growing (he is not enough), it is impossible to answer with the go. The first thing you are recommended to do is find out what the reason for this problem is. External factors, not a favorable way affecting the development of the plant, allocate several. They should be considered more.

Oversupply fertilizer

If grapes are growing bad, it may mean that you are too saturated by a substrate with nutritional mixtures. Sometimes gardeners, knowing that the organic and nitrogen fertilizers are recommended for feeding grapes, these compositions are made without a specific system. This approach will not bring the desired result.

The oversaturation of the soil with nutritional mixtures leads to the fact that the plant is actively increasing the vegetative mass, but it does not bloom, and it does not form fruit. Moreover, you want to significantly reduce the stability of the grape bush to low temperatures and diseases, boldly experiment with nitrogen fertilizers.

Make sure that the cause of the lack of fruiting lies precisely in the excess of nutritional components in the soil, you can carefully examine the shoots. They are constantly updated with new processes, and grapes grows up to winter. However, at the same time, shoots do not even have time to increase and remain green. Prevent deplorable consequences (and in this case the plant becomes too vulnerable to winter frosts) is real. To do this, feed the soil by the organica in the autumn period, and in the spring, put nitrogen fertilizers in the earthen composition.

Wrong cropping

Why home grapes grows poorly, it is worth understanding and if you have no difficulty with feeding. The reason for the lack of fruiting can be in illiterate pruning of the plant. When you cut the fruitful eyes, it is not surprising that grapes begins to form fruit borders badly. Be sure to study the plant cutting technology so as not to slow down its growth personally.

Problems with pollination

When one-year grapes practically does not be fruitful, this may contribute to the predominance of female flowers on the plant. If your chosen variety is not pollinated, it means that you need to close several representatives of other varieties. In this case, they can be polled independently when they all bloom. For the most part, this process is not carried out. Pollinate grape shrubs (if you can't do without it) is worth several times in one season:

  • at the very beginning of the flowering phase;
  • a few days after the first procedure;
  • when the flowering period comes to an end.

Circle the process of pollination of grapes thoroughly. Thus, you stimulate your vineyard to a much more active formation of fruits.

Frosted bush

If the planted grapes are practically not growing, it is the frozen of a shrub. Most grape varieties are not adapted to strong frosts. That is why they are recommended to cover them for winter. In the absence of proper winter shelter, it is not surprising that fruitful eyes are significantly frozen.

You can check it as follows: On the visually damaged frost shoots, make a small longitudinal incision. If inside the twig will be brown, this suggests that the plant seriously suffered from low temperatures. What to do in this situation is to trim the damaged shoots almost before their foundation.

Only so can again stimulate the plant to the active growth and formation of fruits.

Pests and diseases

As for the ailments, with whom the owners of grapes are most often faced, it is worth allocating from Gnil and Mildu. In the first case, all the greenery of the plant is covered with a gray raid. If you touch the raised berries' victim from sulfur, its coating will begin to dust. With the development of Milday, the shoots of the plant are coated with oily spots, and the lower part of the branch is gray.

If it is not possible to fight this ailment in a timely manner, it will lead to the full leaf flaw. Purchase fungicidal preparations for spraying grape shrubs. The optimal option is to timely carry out the prophylactic treatment of the plant. In this case, you do not have to worry about his state.

Video "How to restore the launched vintage"

In this video, the expert will tell how to restore the launched bust of grapes.

Frost-resistant grape varieties were bred by the efforts of breeders, and many dacities were fond of breeding of this sweet southern aliens. On a thorny way to master the agricultural enterprise culture, numerous underwater stones are found - the tasks that you have to decide. For many mysterious, the mystery is why the grapes do not be fruit, which has a completely prosperous appearance, pleasing an eye with a lush juicy greens.

How to ensure a full fruit of culture

In order to answer this question, we will deal with what factors the process of fruiting culture depends and what errors can be allowed when it is cultivated.
The full development of grapes, the consequence of which is to obtain a high-quality and abundant harvest, depends on several conditions:

  • from the optimal planting of the plant and the formation of the bush;
  • dosage making feeding;
  • timely processing of plants by fungicides;
  • proper spring trimming.
  • compliance with the temperature regime for each grade individually;

Landing errors and determination of fetus appearance

Grape vine, planted in the northern part of the garden, can develop satisfactory, but it will not be fruit, it will simply be not enough light and heat for full development. Grapes - the plant is thermal-loving, it is necessary to choose the southern or south-west, most illuminated place in the country area.

In addition, the time before the start of fruiting from different varieties is different. Some varieties can show signal brushes for the second year after landing, and the grapes will be able to evaluate the berries of planted grapes very early.
Before the start of the fruiting of other varieties should pass 3-4 years. Before deciding what to do with bushes, on which there are no veiled brushes, the characteristics of the variety and its characteristics should be studied.

Violations made by dosage feeding

If the bushes are "reconciled" by entering nitrogen-containing fertilizers, the plant itself becomes strongly developing - the leaves, branches grow lifestically, and the number of flowers and the ovary will decrease, the fruit brushes will start less.
In addition to reducing yield, other important plants are weakened: cold resistance, resistance to different types of diseases.
The first sign of increased nitrogen content in the soil is the accelerated growth of young shoots. They will not have time to grow before the onset of cold weather, and the bush will not transfer winter frosts.

Conducting feeding fertilizers, consider the advice of professionals:

  • Organic fertilizers are desirable to make autumn, simultaneously by 50% reducing the number of nitrogen fertilizers of the spring cycle.
  • In the spring and at the beginning of summer, two densences are also performed by a complex drug:
    • before flowering, before the plant tie fruits,
    • after the berries started.
  • During the ripening period of the covers, filtering ammonium Selitra is recommended.
  • It is best affected by the grapes of potassium, which contributes to increasing the viability of the plant, its frost resistance. Presence of potassium is desirable to provide in complex preparation For feeding during the period when the fruits are tied.
  • Preparations should be made to a depth of 40-60 cm, where the main roots of the bush are located.

It is worth adding that with the right hand drawing flowers and wounds will stop massively turn, the berry in the brush ripens evenly, the shape of grapes will be the same.

Incorrect embrying of grape lianas

If you notice that grapes do not be fruit, check how correctly the pruning of the vine was carried out.
Most grape varieties "Fruit eyes", of which young fruit branches develop, are located from the 4th to the 8th eye. Some varieties start only from 8-10 or from 12-14 (Muscat Amber).
Not knowing the features of the variety, beginners of the grapes cut off the fruit escape by 8-10 peaks, at the same time reducing the future harvest, leaving weak clusters.
By the way, with a vertical tissue of grapes, instead of horizontal, a similar result is also obtained: the number of fruit of fruit is significantly reduced.

The dependence of fruiting from frost-resistant qualities of varieties and good shelter

When buying a varietal plant, pay attention to the frost-resistant grapes. In the future, it will be necessary to cover the vine for the winter, in time to disclose after spring frosts.
In case of insufficient shelter, the fruitless shoots are dying, grapes do not be fruit. Reliating new branches do not differ in large fruitiness.

If we found in the spring that the grapes are fromz, it is pre-need to evaluate the degree of damage to the bush in this order:

  1. First, the fruitful eyes are cut on the annoying escape along. The eyes hit by frost will be brown, unlike a healthy green.
  2. Then cut the bark of the vine. The frozen inner tissues of wood will also be brown.

To restore the grapes affected by frost during the spring trimming, damaged shoots are removed completely to the base. It stimulates the formation of new replacement kidney and shoots.

Causes of lack of fruiting bushes with female flowers

One of the reasons why grapes do not be fruitful, is a female type of flowering plants. For good polling the colors of such species, landing near other grape varieties is important. In the absence of landing, pollination occurs weakly, the strings are formed little, and the crop will be small.
With the help of pollen at the same time flowering varieties, artificial grape pollination should be carried out. The process is performed in cloudy weather or early in the morning, if the day is expected sunny.
Pollination is produced multiple times - 2-3 times during flowering:

  • the first time at the beginning of the blooming of flowers,
  • the second - a few days after the first pollination,
  • the third time is carried out in the final phase of the period of mass flowering.

Experienced gardeners are approvingly responding about the use of grapes Kishmish as a pollinator.
From the foregoing, it follows that for the organization of abundant fruiting, it is necessary to strictly follow certain rules:

  1. Before planting a variety, examine his peculiarity, read the appropriate literature, familiarize himself with the experience of Vinogradi professionals.
  2. Correctly form a bush of 1-3 sleeves.
  3. In a timely manner and strictly according to the instructions for the preparation to perform grapes, processing fungicides.
  4. Observe growing technology.
  5. During the landing of seedlings with female flowers to plant next to pollination 2-3 other varieties of grapes having the same height (for example, all tall). Such landing provides the same lighting of bushes.
  6. Perform regular rationing of shoots and quantities, depending on the variety of culture, reload the bushes.
  7. Production of grape varieties prone to dropping colors and wounds.
  8. Well to cover grapes.

Try to strictly observe the growing technology of grape vines, and your efforts are crowned with an excellent abundant harvest.