Complex multivitamin preparations. Polyvitamins for adults

Vitamins are a group of low molecular weight organic compounds of natural origin necessary to ensure the regulation of metabolism, the process of growing and developing the body and maintaining a physiological biochemical balance in adults.

Vitamins are characterized by the following qualities:

  • 1. Exhibit pronounced biological activity in small doses;
  • 2. Activate and regulate the work of a set of enzymes and hormones;
  • 3. Vitamins themselves are not a source of energy or " building material»For the cells of our body, however, they have a pronounced effect on these processes;
  • 4. Vitamins are absolutely necessary for normal human life.

Insufficient consumption of vitamins inevitably leads to impaired processes depending on them and physiological functions and, as a result, to deterioration of health, a decrease in the body's protective forces, the development of vitamin deficiency diseases: Gipo and Avitaminos.

Macro - and microelements (and together defined as "mineral substances" or "minerals"), like vitamins, belong to necessary components Food performing important physiological functions in the body.

15 Minerals (iron, iodine, copper, zinc, cobalt, chrome, molybdenum, nickel, vanadium, selenium, manganese, arsenic, fluorine, silicon, lithium) are recognized as essential, i.e. vital.

The need for a person in trace elements (copper, manganese, iodine, selenium, chrome, etc.) is extremely small and is ranging from several tens of micrograms to 1 - 2 mg per day. The need for macroelements (sodium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, etc.) is more significant: from hundreds of milligrams to several grams.

The human body selects selectively from the external environment (water, food, air, etc.) certain necessary elements, concentrating them in certain tissues and organs.

In total, 81 elements were found in the human body.

Of course, life is the Commonwealth of Vitamins and Microelements.

In that food that we consume daily, there are a variety of vitamins and minerals, which are perfectly absorbed, "without interfering with each other. In addition to the convenience of reception, the advantages of the vitamin and mineral complex combined in 1 tablet are in the potentiation by microelements of the action of a number of vitamins. So, zinc potentiates vitamin A activity, ascorbic acid - iron, etc.

Table 1.1 Interaction of Vitamins and Minerals

At the same time, modern pharmaceutical technology avoids chemical interactions between components concluded in 1 tablet, dragee or capsule.

Famous French Vitaminologist Teresa Terruan at one time analyzed a huge scientific material on the interaction of vitamins in the body. The results were very interesting. The well-known scientist was confirmed that vitamins in the metabolism process takes each other in various temporary links. These ties can be very short or relatively stronger. Most often, vitamins "help" each other, "help out" if some of them are not enough organism at the moment.

With the identified deficit of even one vitamin, it is necessary to enhance the therapeutic effect to apply a complete complex of vitamins in daily dosages.

All vitamins manufactured by the medical industry are completely identical to the "natural" present in natural food products, and in the chemical structure and in biological activity. The vitamins manufactured by the industry are distinguished from natural sources or obtain from natural raw materials. Thus, Vitamins B2 and B12 are obtained in pharmaceutical production, as in nature, due to the synthesis by microorganisms, vitamin C is made from natural sugar - glucose, vitamin P is isolated from black-rowed rowan, citrus cakes or sofa, etc. The process of producing vitamins is highly technological: it guarantees not only high purity, but also a good, strictly controlled preservation of vitamins.

In addition, studies have demonstrated that vitamins in the composition of drugs "work" are faster and more efficient than vitamins consumed with food.

The differences between vitamin - mineral complexes may be as follows:

  • 1. The number of components in the complex varies from 2 to 52;
  • 2. There are complexes with medicinal plants and without them;
  • 3. Various preparations may contain different doses of vitamins and minerals (preventive doses, medicinal doses, megalosis);
  • 4. Vitamino - mineral complexes are available in different dosage forms (tablets, dragee, loosening, syrups, etc.);
  • 5. Vitamin - mineral complexes may contain additional components of invitamine origin; This information is usually driven on the packaging of the drug and the liner.

Differences between drugs determine the need for a thorough individual choice of the vitamin - mineral complex.

Classification of multivitamin preparations:

  • 1. Without additives (Askorutin, Milgamma, Aevit, Tetyravit, Rezit, Penta, Hexavit, Guentavit, Prognavit, Macrovit, Gendevit, Undevit, Aerovit);
  • 2. With macroelements (peak, oligogal - SE, Trovit, etc.).
  • 3. With microelements (Prognavit et al.).
  • 4. With macro - and microelements (Kvadevit, Gravinova, Glovyevit, Supradin Roche, Oligimit, Mantna, Redean, Perfectyl).

Polyvitamins are customary to divide three generations.

Polyvitamins 1 generation contain vitamin and vitamin-like substances in various combinations depending on the purpose of use. Preparations may contain vitamins actually, their synthetic analogues are waters or physiologically active forms of vitamins - coenzymes. (for example, thiamine - kocarboxylase).

Polyvitamin medicinal products 1 generation: Aerovit, Gendevit, Lekoveit, Macrite, Undevit, etc.

Polyvitamins 2 generations contain except vitamin components, minerals. Preparations of this generation are not only more complex composition, but also wider a list of indications and contraindications to use. Polyvitamins 2 generations: Vitrum, Vitrum Plus, Vitrum prenatal Forte, Duovit, Pollitis, Selmevit, Supradin, Redean, Center, etc. Polyvitamins 3 generations may additionally comprise whole groups of other biologically active substances: indispensable and replaceable amino acids, various components of plant and animal. Origin. Polyvitamins 3 generations: multiproduct for men, Revightl Ginseng Plus, etc.

Polyvitamin preparations are recommended for hypovitaminosis, defective unbalanced nutrition, increased physical and mental loads, reduced performance, overwork, stainedness of sleep and appetite, effects of extreme factors (vibration, dumping, overload, work in hot shops, work on a computer, etc.), contamination ambient (industrial areas, centers of large cities), pregnancy, after childbirth and breastfeeding, to increase resilience to infections and cold illness, in the period of recovery after severe diseases and operations.

The state of polyhypovitaminosis is characteristic not only for spring, but also for the summer - autumn period. Therefore, the reception of vitamin - mineral preparations containing preventive doses is shown by most Russians for all years, and the minimum course should be at least 2-3 months.

Vitamins are important to take both in conditions of cold and hot climate. And the cold, and the heat requires the consumption of vitamins. Especially quickly in the hot climate are exhausted stocks of vitamin A and B5. In cold climates - vitamin C, B1 and some others.

For prophylaxis negative chemical interaction Vitamins and minerals The best form of release is a tablet or dragee. In the production of these dosage forms, it is possible to maximize the interacting components.

Liquid (syrup) and gel dosage forms are less convenient for combining vitamins and minerals, since the processes of chemical interaction in a liquid medium are more active; In the liquid and gel orma, it is adequately to isolate each of the components of the complex.

Vitamin - mineral drugs can not be used in the following cases:

  • 1. When the allergy is installed on any component, the vitamin - mineral complex (hereinafter - the ICD) does not apply.
  • 2. NAMK does not apply while using any fat-soluble vitamin (A, E, D, K) in high (therapeutic) doses. Otherwise, overdose is possible.
  • 3. The course of the IKK is shown in antibiotic therapy, but the ICC should not be taken simultaneously with antibiotics - the interval must be at least 4 hours.
  • 4. IMD with high doses of beta - carotene (retinol, vitamin A) can not be used in smokers (including passive smokers).
  • 5. Navy with iodine can not be used in patients with autoimmune goiter (Basedova disease). The erroneous purpose of iodine or food additives with iodine causes the handguing of the hypothyroidism and the progression of myxedema.
  • 6. Navy with chrome can not be used by workers in the industries associated with the technogenic flow of chromium. These are metallurgy, chemical, textile, leather industry, as well as mechanical engineering, electroplating, paints and varnishes, chrome of metal structures and cars.
  • 7. Navy with chrome, iron can not be used by patients with neurodegenerative diseases (such as Alzheimer's disease, lateral amiotrophic sclerosis).
  • 8. Navy with manganese can not be used in patients with Parkinsonism.
  • 9. Navy with a high level of iron cannot be used with hemakhromatosis, hemosiderosis, with transferen anomalies (occurs in alcoholics and patients with cirrhosis of the liver).
  • 10. The Navy with Vanadium is not desirable to apply bituminous and asphalt enlightened workers.
  • 11. VMK with megadosamos of vitamin C (from 1000 - 5000 mg / day) and with high doses of vitamin C (from 300 - 1000 mg / day) are prohibited for use in the excitation of the central nervous system (anxiety, insomnia, feeling of heat), inhibition of insular apparatus Pancreas, when sugar appeared in the urine, during pregnancy (hyperstroy, threat of miscarriage), during oxalateuria, as well as with an enlarged removal from the body of vitamins B12, B6, and B2.

Overdose VMK containing physiological doses of vitamins and minerals, the corresponding daily need in vitamins is impossible. However, with a combined application of 2 or more preparations containing the same vitamins and minerals, a dose of consumption occurs. In this case, overdose is possible. Especially narrow "safety range" in the use of iron, copper, vitamin D, vitamin K, vitamin A (Retinol), biotin. The danger of overdose increases in patients with chronic renal and liver failure and with hereditary exchange violations.

Long-term intake of vitamins in high doses and the subsequent sharp cancellation may cause the so-called enzymatic depression syndrome, in which the body "disperses" can be content with physiological doses of vitamins. Therefore, highly populated vitamin - mineral complexes of therapeutic purposes are appointed short courses and under the control of the doctor - a specialist.

The multiplicity of the use of vitamin - minerals depends on the dose of vitamins and minerals in 1 capsule, dragee, tablet. Usually, the multiplicity of application is indicated in the instructions for medical application drug. Now predominantly common vitamin - mineral complexes containing a daily dose of vitamins and minerals in 1 tablet, capsule, etc. It is convenient and helps the patient comply with the reception mode. In a number of drugs, the daily or therapeutic dose is divided into 2 -4 reception. These drugs should be taken 2-3 and even 4 times a day

According to modern ideas, vitamin - mineral complexes are recommended to be taken directly during meals. This improves the assimilation of both vitamins and essential macro and trace elements.

Russian complexes are unlike imported oriented to living conditions in Russia. For example, many complexes in the United States contain molybdenum, because Molybdenum deficiency in Americans is widespread. In our country, Molybdenum deficiency is rare enough.

In general, Russia has a significant difference in the element of the composition of the residents of the Urals (more often than the excess selenium and arsenic) and the northwestern region (more often a selenium deficiency, iodine), Bashkortostan, Tyva (pronounced magnesium deficses, calcium, mE, etc.) and Kola Peninsula, Krasnoyarsk Territory (excess nickel, cobalt, copper, chromium, selenium deficses, zinc, magnesium, calcium, etc.) and the Irkutsk region (selenium deficiency, magnesium, excess aluminum, strontium, etc.).

The development of vitamin and microelements manufacturing technologies in Russia is at a high level, and on the introduction of new compositions of vitamins Russia is one of the world leaders. So, it was in Russia that a water-soluble vitamin A was obtained and patented, water-soluble beta - carotene, water-soluble vitamin K. Many technologies, first developed in Russia, were successfully implemented abroad. Currently, Russian drugs are successfully competing with foreign not only at a price, but also in quality.

Conclusion: the insufficiency of consumption of vitamins inevitably leads to a violation of the processes depending on them and physiological functions and, as a result, to deterioration of health, a decrease in the protective forces of the body, the development of vitamin deficiency diseases: hypo - and avitaminosis

Polyvitamin preparations are complexes of vitamins in balanced physiological ratios. The basis for the combined use of vitamin preparations is the mutual strengthening of their effect (for example, the rutine increases the effect of ascorbic acid on the permeability of the vessel wall, the folic chill is the effect of cyanocobalamin on the blood formation), as well as a decrease in toxicity (for example, the toxicity of calciferol decreases under the effect of acetate retinol).

Some multivitamin preparations for increasing the effect are combined with amino acids and microelements. For example, the Decamivit complex contains 10 vitamins and amino acid methionine, "glutoyevit" - 10 vitamins, glutamy acid, copper, iron, potassium and calcium.

Pharmacodynamics. Polyvitamin preparations depending on the composition activate a variety of biochemical processes in the body, stimulate tissue respiration, oxide phosphorylation, protein synthesis, redox reactions, and the like. In this regard, the multivitamin drugs have various effects. They stimulate physical and mental activity, bodoxinating, extinguishing and detoxifying liver functions, increase immune reactivity and other protective properties of the body.

Indications for appointment. Polyvitamin preparations are used to prevent hypovitaminosis and adaptation therapy, including improving metabolism and the general condition of the body in old age, mental and physical exhaustion, period of recovery after severe diseases, improving the adaptation of the body to the effects of extreme factors (unfavorable climatic conditions, vibration, radiation, and t .d.).



form release

Main ways of application

Retinol. Acetate Retinoli Acetas.

NO 0.2 0.568% Capsules or 5.68% solution (3300; 5000; 33000 IU) 3.44% and 8.6% solution (in 1 ml of 100,000 and 250,000 IU in 1 drop of 5000 and 12,500 me, respectively); 1 ml ampoules containing 25,000,50,000 and 100,000

Prescribed inside after meals and externally. The highest one-time dose of vitamin A is 50,000 meters, for children over 7 years old - 5000 IU. The highest daily dose of vitamin A for adults -100 000 IU, for children over 7 years old - 20,000 meters. Therapeutic doses of vitamin A with mild and moderate hypovitamins for adults - up to 33,000 meters per day.

Injected intramuscularly 1 ml

With lesions of the skin, affected areas are lubricated

with a solution and covered with marlevant



Dragee for 500 ME bottles of 10 ml 0.0625%

(In 1 ml - 25 000 IU), 0.125%

(In 1 ml - 50 000 IU) and 0.5%

(In 1 ml - 200,000 IU) of the oil solution; Volume 5 ml of 0.5% alcohol solution (in 1 ml -200 000 IU)

Apply inside in the form of droplets or dragee. The highest daily dose of 100,000 me. With osteoporosis and osteomalysis, vitamin D is prescribed at a dose of 3000 meters per day. As the prevention of Rakhita, children aged from 1 month to 3 years are prescribed daily by 500-1000 IU within 5-6 weeks. For the treatment of children with Rakhit I degrees, 10,000-15,000 meters per day with Rakhit II-III degree - a dose increase by 1.5-2 times.



10-50 ml bottles containing 5%, 10%, 30% Oil solution (1 drop - 1.2 and 6.5 mg of a-tocopherol acetate) capsules of 0.2 ml of 50% oil solution; Ampoules 1 ml 1%, 10% and 30% oily mortar

Prescribed inside after a meal of 100 mg 1-2 times a day. The course of treatment is 30-60 days.

Enter intramuscularly 1 ml daily or every other day.

ascorbic acid

Addum Ascorbinicum

powder tablets of 0.025; 0.05; 0.1 and 0.5; ampoules 1 and 2 ml of 5% and 10% solution

Take inside after meals. 3 The purpose of the prevention of adults is necessary 0.1 g per day, children from 4 years - 0.05 g per day. Therapeutic doses for adults make up 0.2-0.5 g per day, for children - 0.2-0.3 per day.

Enter intramuscularly or intravenously 1-rzm 5% solution, for children - 1-2 ml of 5% solution. In case of poisoning, it is advisable to use 10% ascorbic acid

Powder, tablets of 0.02

Askorutin Ascoru Tinum

Tablets (ascorbic acid 0.05; routine 0.05; glucose 0,2).

Prescribed inside 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day.

Thiamine chloride Thiamini chioridum

Ampoules 1 ml of 2.5 and 5% solution; Powder, tablets at 0.005-0.01

Enter intramuscularly 0.5-1 ml 1 time per day daily.

Prescribed inside 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day


Ampoules no 0.05 dry matter complete with solvent

We are injected intramuscularly and intravenously 1 time per day, pre-soluble. Adult dose 0.05-0.1, for children 0.025-0.05


Powder, tablets of 0.002,; 0.01% solution of 10 ml (eye drops)

Assign inside 1 tablet 2-3 times a day.

Eye drops are prescribed 1-2 drops in each eye twice a day

Folic acid Acidum Folicum.

Powder, tablets 0.001

Take inside after eating 1-2 tablets 1-3 times a day. Daily dose - up to 0.005. Children are prescribed the drug depending on age

Nicotinic acid Acidum Nicotinicum

Powder, tablets of 0.05; ampoules 1 ml 1% solution

Enter subcutaneously, intramuscularly or intravenously 1 ml 1-2 times a day.

Pyridoxine hydrochloride Pyridoxini Hydrochloridum

Powder, tablets

0.002 and 0.01; ampoules 1 ml

1% and 5% solution.

Enter intramuscularly, intravenously or subcutaneously 1-2 ml 1-2 times per day.

Inside 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day



Ampoules 1 ml 0.003%;

0.01%; 0.02% and 0.05% solution

Introduced intramuscularly, subcutaneously or intravenously, intralyumum. With B12 deficient anemia, adults are prescribed in doses of 100-200 μg every other day. In the first week, administered daily, and then with intervals between receptions 5-7 days. In case of liver diseases, 30-100 μg are prescribed daily or every other day, with neurological diseases - 200-500 μg per day

Calcium Pangamat. Calcii Pangamas.

Tablets 0.05

Inside 1-2 tablets 3-4 times a day.


Shell-covered tablets

Inside 1 tablet 1-2 times a day for 20 days

Vitamin preparations. The human body's need in vitamins can not always be sufficiently provided by the vitamins contained in food products. In a cold climate, during pregnancy and feeding, in the period of growth ... Brief Encyclopedia

I Vitamin insufficiency Group of pathological conditions caused by a deficit in the body of one or more vitamins. Avitaminosis, hypovitaminosis and subnormal security of vitamins are distinguished. Under avitaminosis understands practically ... Medical encyclopedia

Level anemia - Honey. Conductible anemia (waiting) Hypochromic microcolitan hyphegenerator (in children hyperrhegenerator) anemia arising from an absolute reduction in iron resources in the body (as a rule, with chronic blood loss or ... ... Handbook of Diseases

ICD 10 N94.394.3 МКБ 9 625.4625.4 Diseasesdb ... Wikipedia

I Vitamin Tools medicationsacting in force of which vitamins or their analogues are. In medical practice, V. p., Containing one or more (so-called polyvitamin drugs) of vitamins. As well as… … Medical encyclopedia

Prevention and treatment for atherosclerosis of the brain arteries - For the prevention of atherosclerosis, in addition to the right food regime (the restriction of food rich in cholesterol and fat) and the exceptions of such intoxication such as alcoholism and smoking are very important to the right organization of labor and recreation, ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary Psychology and pedagogy

I puberty is a complex process that includes a number of interrelated sequential changes, the result of which is the genius of the individual, the ability to reproduce. At the same time, there is a growth and morphological transformation of everything ... Medical encyclopedia

- (from Lat. Vita "Life") A group of low molecular weight organic compounds relative to the simple structure and a variety of chemical nature. This is a prefabricated nature group of organic substances, combined on the basis of ... ... Wikipedia

- (from vitamins and therapy) The use of vitamin preparations (see Vitamin Preparations) with therapeutic goal In some diseases, as well as in the absence or lack of vitamins in the body ( replacement therapy). V. Appoints for ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

- (Lat. Alimentarius Food + Greek. DYS + TROPHē Dysfunral insufficient and defective food disease, manifested by common exhaustion, progressive disorder of all types of metabolism, dystrophy of tissues and organs with a violation of them ... ... Medical encyclopedia

The need for some kind of food to prevent dangerous diseases was known for a long time. In ancient Egypt, they knew that the liver of animals helps from chicken blindness. In the XIV century, Chinese Hu Syuway became the author of the trotomic work "Important principles of food and beverages". In it, the healer systematized knowledge about the treatment role of nutrition and proved the need to diversify the diet to preserve health. Before the discovery of such a thing as vitamins, there will be a lot of time, but the beginning was supposed exactly then.

How it works

How does a modern average person feed? His food is rich in carbohydrates and poor vitamins. The latter are neither the source of energy for the body and do not become structural components of the tissues. But it is vitamins - active participants in many metabolic processes. And without their help, the body is not able to produce the substances needed for the vital activity. In the overwhelming majority vitamins, the human body is not synthesized, but at the same time their presence is very important for the proper functioning. Therefore, it is necessary to obtain a sufficient number of vitamins from outside - with food and drink. If this is not enough, it is necessary to resort to the use of such a drug as multivitamins with trace elements. And modern pharmacology offers huge such medicines!

We deal with the composition

Polyvitamins with trace elements are pharmacological preparations containing several different vitamins, as well as mineral and organic matter. And the latter is not at all. Even if only two or three vitamin will be present in a tablet or drops, it will already be considered a full-fledged polyvitamin drug.

In modern pharmacology, 13 vitamins are used today and 10 of them have already been agoned by a huge number of variants of the compositions of drugs, and yet the overwhelming majority of multivitamine complexes are sufficiently similar. A, B, C, D, E and F are the most sought-after and widely used vitamins.

For greater efficiency

Mineral components - calcium, zinc, magnesium, selenium, iron, phosphorus and others are often included in the multivitamine complexes in order to eliminate their deficiency in the body. It has long been established by the science that it is in the presence of some trace elements that the process of assimilation of different vitamins is accelerated. Moreover, some vitamins should only be used "in duet" with minerals. For example, it is much better absorbed in the presence of calcium. And what could be the best prophylaxis of rickets and promote bone strengthening of young children! Therefore, multivitamins with macro, microelements "work" in the human body much more efficient!

Form release

The preparations are widely represented in the pharmacological market affect the abundance of dosage forms. Today, in any pharmacy, you can purchase multivitamins with trace elements in the form of tablets, sachets-packages, syrups, gels, addresses, drops. Very often, the pills are painted in different colors, and each of them has a unique vitamin composition. The most popular polyvitamins with trace elements for children have a comfortable, attractive packaging and form form. These include drops, syrups, gels, lozenges, jelly pills with fruit tastes. At the same time, manufacturers made sure that children could not be unauthorized to use the drug - packaging have the protection of the cap or lid.

Who needs to use multivitamins

The need for specific every person is purely individual. They depend on the abundance of factors, among which are the main age, sexuality, lifestyle and nutrition, state of health. Depending on this, polyvitamins with minerals and microelements are prescribed. To think about the fact that the body lacks vitamins, it is necessary if the following states are observed:

Bad appetite;

General weakness;

Insomnia or poor sleep quality;

Increased body fatigue;

Reduction of visual acuity;

Delay of physical and mental development;

Dry skin, nail fragility.

All the best - children

Most of the vitamins in the child's body perform a mission, which is not peculiar to them when entering the body of an adult. It is growing actively and develops, the processes of separation of organs and tissues according to functions flow in its body. And, like all biological processes, it requires the presence of vitamins.

The most popular and common polyvitamins with trace elements for children are:

  • Multi-Tabs. To date, several varieties of the drug appointed depending on the age of the child are produced. The complex contains the basic vitamins necessary for growth and development - A, C and D. Manufacturer - Ferrosan A / C, Denmark.
  • Kinder Biovital gel. Provides the need for the body in vitamins, warns quick fatigue, the lack of concentration of attention, the loss of appetite, increases the resistance to colds and infectious diseases. Manufacturer - Bayer Consumer Care AG, Germany.
  • "Peak". Polyvitamins with microelements for children are produced in two dosage forms - in the form of syrup and in the form of chewable tablets. Contains vitamins A, in 1, 2, in 5, in 6, in 9, in 12 and C. The composition of chewing tablets is additionally included with calcium and phosphorus. Manufacturer - Krka, Slovenia.
  • "Alphabet Teen" - Polyvitamins with trace elements for adolescents. Applied during the actual growth of the child, puberty, contribute to the right physical and mental development. Tablets of different color contain different composition. The manufacturer is "External Pharma", Russia.

For female beauty

The best polyvitamins with trace elements for women make it possible to ensure excellent condition of the skin, hair, nails, strengthen the bones of the skeleton, prevent reduction in vision, help balance the hormonal background, move the time of the onset of menopause. The main vitamins for excellent ladies - A, C, E, in 6, in 9 and D.

The most popular polyvitamins with trace elements for women:

  • "Duovit" for women. Balanced composition of vitamins of group B, a, biotin, zinc, iron for the health of skin, hair and nails. Manufacturer - Krka, Slovenia.
  • "Alphabet Cosmetics". Enriched in bioflavonoids, contains a coenzyme Q10 with a rejuvenating effect. Manufacturer - "External Pharma", LLC, Russia.
  • "Complivit". The drug is recommended for the prevention of hypovitaminosis in women in the period of hormonal restructuring. Contains 10 vitamins, selenium and magnesium. Manufacturer - "Farmstandard" (Russia).

In a special period

Close attention during pregnancy women should pay consumption folic acid, calcium and iron. And in general, the need for all vitamins increases. But only a doctor who competently be able to appreciate the health of the future mother, the term of pregnancy, the age of women and other nuances should be appointed with microelements. An example of such multivitamin complexes can be "Elevit Pretatal", "Femibion", "Vitrum Prenatal Forte", but it is worth purchasing such drugs only after consulting with a specialist, so as not to harm mom and child.

For the health of men

When selecting representatives of a strong half of humanity, some nuances should also be taken into account. For example, men, such a microelement, like iron, not only do not need in shock doses, but can also serve a bad service - its excess will negatively affect the cardiovascular system, will cause tremor and can even cause a heart attack. FE in sufficient quantity is absorbed by men of food. Therefore, it is better to choose polyvitamins with trace elements with the smallest content of iron. But for normal testosterone, men need vitamin E and selenium. Their presence helps to prevent the emergence of problems with the functioning of the prostate, will increase the reproductive properties and improve the quality of sperm.

Most popular multivitamins with trace elements for men:

  • "Duovit" for men. Created for people leading an active lifestyle. As part of 12 vitamins and 6 minerals aimed at maintaining the activity and endurance of the body. Manufacturer - Krka, Slovenia.
  • "Veloten" multivitamins with trace elements for men. As part of 9 vitamins and 10 minerals. Recommended by men leading a sedentary lifestyle. Created to stabilize work nervous system, reduce the level of irritability, improve memory quality. Manufacturer - Vitabiotics Ltd., United Kingdom.
  • "Alphabet" for men. The complex contains 12 vitamins and 8 minerals. Eleuteococcal extract and organic acids that contribute to the withdrawal of slags from the body are supplemented. Stimulates the activity of the genital system of a man. The manufacturer is "External Pharma", Russia.

Polyvitamins with trace elements for the elderly

People after 50 years need to choose the drug taking into account age features. For them are special vitamin complexeswho contribute to strengthening of cardio-vascular system (Balance of vitamins A, D, E), normalization of the gastrointestinal tract (vitamin B 1, in 6, 12), preservation of vision (vitamins B 2, a), strengthening the spine and bones (vitamin D, calcium). In the pharmacology market, drugs corresponding to the needs of the organism of an elderly person are presented in a huge assortment, but the most popular of them are:

Included in the preparations


A.11.B.a Polyvitamins


The effect of the drug is due to the properties of the vitamins included in its composition and corresponds to the pharmacological effects of retinol, thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, cyanocobalamin, nicotinamide, rootoside, vitaminE.

Retinol.stimulates epithelials, it is necessary for the growth of bones and cartilage, the synthesis of Rhodopsin. Tiamine As thiaminepyrophosphate catalyzes carbohydrate metabolism, affects the functioning of the nervous system. Riboflavin activates tissue breathing; pyridoxin - Exchange of amino acids, histamine, neurotransmitters. Cyanocobalamin participates in the process of blood formation, the synthesis of myelin; nicotinamide - in the processes of tissue respiration, carbohydrate and fat exchange; ascorbic acid - in oxidative and reducing processes, the formation of corticosteroids, hemoglobin, ripening of red blood cells, collagen, dentin, blood coagulation, increases nonspecific immunoresurance, and routine reduces tissue permeability. Tocopherol. It has antioxidant activity, stimulates the synthesis of hem and proteins, the processes of tissue respiration and proliferation. Folic acidensures the normal flow of amino acid, nucleic, choline metabolism, is necessary for normal blood formation; calcium Pantothenate - for the synthesis of coenzyme acetylation. Pyridoxin The body is phosphorylated in pyridoxal-5-phosphate - a coenzyme of decarboxylation reactions, transamination and deamination of amino acids. This replenishes the deficiency of vitamin B 6: participates in the exchange of tryptophan, methionine, cysteine, glutamic acid, glycine, γ-aminobacing acid, histamine, serotonin and others; Provides the normal functioning of the central and peripheral nervous system. Normalizes lipid exchange. Rutoside- Routine derivative; Impact on capillaries and veins, reducing the water filtration rate in capillaries and permeability of the vessels of the microcirculatory bed for proteins, reducing the gaps between endothelial cells, inhibition of aggregation and an increase in the degree of deformability of erythrocytes.


Pharmacokinetics corresponds to those in the drugs of retinol, thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, cyanocobalamina, nicotinamide, rootosid, vitaminE. , folic acid, calcium pantothenate, ascorbic acid.

Retinol.: in sasicking in a duodenum and iliac intestine requires the presence of bile acids, lipases of protein and fat. Biotransformation in the liver. Communication with plasma proteins \u003c5% (65% - with increased consumption). Elimination with feces, excess kidney. Accumulates in the liver, kidneys and lungs.

Tiamine: but the borsorption is complete (in the duodenalist), alcohol makes it difficult to absorb vitamin 1. Low links with plasma proteins. Biotransformation (phosphorylation) in the liver; Active metabolite - thiaminepirophosphate (). Eliminate kidneys (metabolites and unchanged) and feces.

Riboflavin: absorption Fast (in the duodenum). Communication with plasma proteins is 60%. Biotransformation in the liver. Half-life 66-84 min. Elimination by kidneys in the form of metabolites, in high doses - unchanged.

Pyridoxin: metabolized in the liver with the formation of pharmacologically active metabolites (and pyridoxaminophosphate). Distribution mainly in muscles, liver and CNS. Penetrates the placenta and the mother's milk. Excreted by kidneys (with intravenous administration with bile - 2%).

Cyanocobalamin:the absorption occurs in the distal separation of the ileum after binding to the internal factor in the presence of calcium ions and at pH\u003e 5.4. The hepatic intestinal recycling is subjected. Communication with plasma proteins (transcribed) is very high. Basic stocks - in the liver (90%), partly in the kidneys. Biotransformation in the liver. The half-life is 6 days. Elimination with feces. When prescribing the drug in an amount exceeding the daily need, is removed mainly unchanged.

Nicotinamide: absorption is fast and complete, 60-70% dose taken inside. Degreased food increases bioavailability. Biotransformation in the liver. Half-life 45 min. Elimination by the kidneys (in the form of a metabolite, in less degree - unchanged).

Rutoside: after the applixation of the gel active substances Penetrated through the skin and are determined in it after 30 minutes, in subcutaneous fatty tissue - after 2-5 hours. The time to achieve the maximum concentration after the intake of 1-9 h. Elimination is carried out mainly with feces and to a lesser extent by the kidneys. Half-life when taking inside 10-25 hours

Vitamin AE. (tocopherol): when taking inside absorption is 50%; In the process of suction, a complex with lipoproteins (intracellular tocopherol carriers) is formed. For absorption, it is necessary for bile acids. It is associated with alpha 1 - and beta-lipoproteis, partly - with serum albumin. With violation of the exchange of proteins, transport is hampered. The maximum concentration is achieved after 4 hours. Deposited in adrenal glands, pituitary gland, seeds, fat and muscle tissue, red blood cells, liver. More than 90% is excreted with biliary, 6% - kidneys.

Folic acid : communication with plasma proteins is high. Deposited in the liver, where biotransformation (active form - tetrahydrofolytic acid) occurs. Maximum concentrationachieved through 30-60 min. Elimination by the kidneys (unchanged species, metabolites). Removed during hemodialysis.

Calcium Pantothenate : well absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract. It is distributed in various tissues of the body (mainly as coenzyme A). The highest concentrations - in the liver, adrenal glands, heart and kidneys. Not metabolized. Elimination - kidneys (70% unchanged) and feces (30%).

Ascorbic acid : it is absorbed in the duodenal, partly - in the ileum (absorption decreases with increasing dose). Absorption 20-50% (when receiving a dose that exceeds 200 mg). Stocks in the body make up about 1.5 g. Depot: leukocytes, platelets, glands of domestic secretion, liver, eye epithelium, lungs, kidneys, intestinal wall, heart, muscle. Communication with plasma proteins - 25%. Biotransformation in the liver. Elimination by the kidneys (in the form of metabolites).

  • The use of antibiotics
  • Hyovitaminosis
  • Improving metabolism and general condition in old age
  • Recovery period after transferred diseases
  • With elevated physical and mental loads

IV.E50-E64. Other types of power failure

IV.E50-E64.E63.1. Unbalanced flow of food elements

Xxi.z40-z54.z54 State of recovery

Xxi.z70-z76.z73.0 Overwork

Xxi.z70-z76.z73.3. Stressful state not classified in other categories

  • Hypersensitivity
  • Age up to 10 years
  • Hypervitaminosis A.and D.
  • Pregnancy
  • Lactation

Retinol.: Gallgames, chronic pancreatitis (possibly aggravation of the disease), I trimester of pregnancy.

Riboflavin: Nephrolithiasis.

Cyanocobalamin: thromboembolia, eritremia, red blood cell.

N.icotinamide:heavy shapes of arterial hypertension and angina.

Rutoside: I trimester pregnancy


Diseases of the liver , ulcerative disease of the stomach and duodenum.

Retinol.: Caution is used in acute and chronic jade, when decompensing cardiac activity.

Tocopherol.: With caution should be applied with heavy cardiosclerosis, myocardial infarction, with increased risk of thromboembolism.

Pyridoxin: from Caution is used for pressing stomach and duodenal ulcer, IBS.

With severe liver lesions in high doses, it can cause a deterioration of its function.

Pregnancy and lactation: Method of use and dose:

Osually after eating2 dragey 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 20-30 days, a re-course after 1-3 months.

IN preventive purposes - 1 dragey 2-3 times a day.

Side effects:

Allergic reactions.

Tiamine: sweating, tachycardia.

Riboflavin: Violation of the kidney function, violation of vision.

Pyridoxin: hypersection of hydrochloric acid

Cyanocobalamin:the state of excitation, pain in the heart area, tachycardia.

Nicotinamide: With long appointment in high doses - the development of liver dystrophy.

Rutoside: Dyspeptic symptoms headacheriding; Rarely skin rash.

Vitamin AE. (tocopherol): diarrhea, epigastric pain.

Calcium Pantothenate: nausea, vomiting, heartburn.

Ascorbic acid: Headache, feeling fatigue, insomnia. Stomach spasms, nausea and vomiting. Hyperoxaluria and the formation of kidney stones from calcium oxalate. Feeling heat.


Not described, treatment is symptomatic.


Retinol: With simultaneous use with neomycin, it is possible to reduce the absorption of retinol.

With simultaneous use with tetracycline, the removal of ascorbic acid with urine increases. It is possible to increase the concentration of ethinyl estradiol in the blood plasma with its simultaneous use as part of contraceptives for intake.

Special instructions:

Do not take simultaneously with other vitamin preparations.

It is possible to dye urine into yellow, which is explained by the presence of riboflavin in the preparation. Do not take simultaneously with other vitamin preparations.

Impact on the ability to driving vehicles and control mechanisms not found.
