Presentation on the topic of complex reflexes. Presentation to the lesson of biology "Reflexing theory of behavior"

Conditional reflex drive reflex is the reaction of the body,
acquired during life as a result
Combined indifferent (indifferent)
irritant with unconditional.
The physiological basis of conditional
Reflex makes the process of closure
Temporary connection. Temporary connection is
A combination of neurophysiological
biochemical and ultrastructural
Brain changes arising in the process
Combined conditional and unconditional
stimuli and forming certain
Relationship between different
Brain formations.


Irritant - any material agent, external or internal,
Recognizable or unconscious, acting as a condition for subsequent
States of the body. Signal stimulus (it is indifferent) stimulus, which before did not cause the reaction, but when
Certain conditions for the formation of a conditional reflex starting it
call. Such an irritant actually causes
Approximate unconditional reflex. However, with multiple repetition
irritation indicative reflex starts to weaken, and then at all
Stimulus - Impact by the Dynamics of Mental States
Individual (reaction) and related to it as a reason for a consequence.
Reaction - any response of the body to change in external or internal
Medium from the biochemical reaction of a separate cell to a conditional reflex.

Stages and conditional reflex mechanism
1. Stage during generalization - is characterized by pronounced
Concentration of excitation (CHB., in the projection zones of the bark
conditional and unconditional stimuli) and lack of conditional
behavioral reactions.
2. The generalization stage - at the base - the process of "diffuse"
distribution (irradiation) of excitation. Conditional reactions on
signal and other stimuli (afferent generalization) + in
Intervals between the presentation of the conditional incentive
(interdigal reactions). There is a distant
Synchronization of biopotentials - synchronization
bioelectric activity in many sections of the bark and
subcortical formations.
3. The stage of specialization - when the intersightal reactions fade and
The conditional answer occurs only on the signal stimulus.
(Changes in biotoks are more limited and confined mainly
to the action of the signal incentive. This process provides
Differentiation, subtle distinction of incentives, specialization
Reflector skill).

For the formation of conditional reflex it is necessary
The following rules:
1. The indifferent stimulus must have sufficient
force to excite certain receptors. Receptor -
This is a peripheral specialized part of the analyzer,
by means of which the impact of irritants of the external
The world and the inner environment of the body is transformed into
The process of nervous excitement. Analyzer is nervous
The device performing the analysis and synthesis feature
stimuli. It includes the receptor part,
Conductive paths and core of the analyzer in the cerebral cortex.
However, an overly strong stimulus may not
Cause conventional reflex. First, his action
Calls, under the law of negative induction, decrease
cortical excitability, which will lead to the weakening of the BR,
Especially if the power of unconditional stimulus was
Nearby. Secondly, an overly strong stimulus can
Call in cerebral cortex instead of the focus of the focus
braking, in other words, bring the appropriate
Plot of cortex in the state of proceedable braking.

Rules for the formation of conditional reflex

Terms of formation conditional
2. Indifferent stimulus must
Reinforce the unconditional stimulus, and
It is desirable that he is somewhat preceded, or
Presented simultaneously with the latter. Under action
first unconditional stimulus, and after him
indifferent conditional reflex if it is formed,
That usually remains very fragile. For
Simultaneous inclusion of both stimuli
Develop a conditional reflex is much more difficult.
3. It is necessary that the stimulus used in
The quality of conditional, was weaker unconditional.
4. To generate a conditional reflex it is necessary
Also normal functioning of cortical and
subcortical structures and lack of significant
pathological processes in the body.
5. To generate a conditional reflex need
Lack of strong extraneous stimuli.

General properties of conditional reflexes
Despite certain differences, conditional
Reflexes are characterized by the following common
properties (signs):
1. All conditional reflexes are one of
forms of adaptive reactions of the body to
changing environmental conditions;
2. Conditional reflexes are categories
acquired during individual life
reflex reactions and differ individual
3. All types of conditional reflex activities are worn
preventive nature;
4. Conditional reflex reactions are formed on the basis
unconditional reflexes; without
Reinforcements conditional reflexes with time
Weaken and suppressed.

Conditional Reflexing Education

The mechanism of education conditional
1. The theory of E.A.Arttyana. E.A.Arttyan, studying unconditional reflexes,
came to the conclusion that the central part of the arc of unconditional reflex
not one-celinene, it passes not through one level
brain, but has a multi-level structure, that is, the central part
The arc of unconditional reflex consists of many branches that
pass through various levels of the central nervous system (spinal cord, oblong
Brain, stem departments, etc.). Moreover, the highest part of the arc
passes through the bark of large hemispheres, through the cortical
Representation of this unconditional reflex and personifies
Corortalization of the corresponding function. Next Asrathans
suggested that if the signal and reinforcement stimuli
cause their own unconditional reflexes, then they constitute
Neurosobstrate conditional reflex. Indeed, conditional
Irritant is not absolutely indifferent, as itself
Causes a certain unconditional reflex reaction-based, and with significant strength this stimulus
Causes unconditional visceral and somatic reactions. Arc
Approximate reflex also has a multi-storey structure with
With his cortical representation.
Consequently, with a combination of an indifferent stimulus with
Unconditional (reinforcing) a temporary connection between
Correspondent and subcortical branches of two unconditional reflexes
(approximate and reinforcing), that is, the formation of conditional
Reflex is a synthesis of two or several unconditional reflexes


Theory V.S. Rusinov.

In accordance with the teaching
B.C.Rusinova Conditional Reflex
first becomes dominant, and
Then - conditioned reflex. If a
with direct polarization
Crawl section Create a focus
excitation, then the conditional reflector reaction can
Call any indifferent

Reflexing mechanism

Studies have shown that there are two mechanisms of conditional inflexion:
1. Superior, regulating condition of the brain and creating
A certain level of excitability and working capacity of nervous
2. Running, which initiates one or another conditional reaction.
The relationship of the left and right hemispheres when working out conditional
reflex is carried out through the corn body, kamissura,
Interbugural Battle, Quarter and Reticular Formation
Brain trunk. At the cellular and molecular levels temporary connection
Closes using memory mechanisms. At the beginning of the production
Conditional reflex communication is carried out using mechanisms
short-term memory - excitation spread between two
Excited cortical centers. Then she goes into
long-term, that is, structural changes occur in

Conditional reflex arc diagram with bilateral communication (by E.A.A.Arttyan)

Conditional reflex arc scheme with bilateral communication (by
E.A.Arttyana): A - Cortical Center for Flipping Reflex; b -
Cortical Center for Food Reflex; in, g - subcortical centers
blissful and edible reflexes, respectively; I - straight
Temporary connection; II - Reverse Temporary Communication

Schemes of reflex arcs

Reflex arc schemes: A - double-bottom reflex arc; B -
Three-line reflex arc:
1 - receptor in the muscle and tendons; 1A - receptor in the skin; 2 -
afferent fiber; 2a - neuron of spinal ganglia; 3 -
insert neuron; 4 - motorway; 5 - efferent fiber; 6 -
Effector (muscle).

Prepared a student 21 groups
Bychkova Ekaterina

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Chapter II. Nervo-humoral regulation of physiological functions Theme: Reflex. Task reflex arc: give the characteristic reflexes, reflex arcs

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Reflex. The reflex arc reflex is called the organism's response to irritation of sensitive formations - receptors carried out with the participation nervous system. The receptors have high sensitivity to the stimples specific for them and convert their energy into the nervous excitation process. Reflexes are carried out due to the presence in the nervous system of reflex arcs.

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Reflex. Reflex arc The simplest reflex arcs are formed with only two neurons. The processes of sensitive nerve cells form contacts directly on executive neurons, sending their long processes to muscles or glands. An example of the most simple reflexes can serve as a knee reflex, which typically causes a doctor examining the patient. To do this, the patient is proposed to put the leg on foot and hit the rubber hammer on the tendon ligament just below the knee cup.

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Reflex. Reflex arc The reflex arc of this reflex consists of only two neurons. Executive neuron is in the spinal cord. The overwhelming majority of reflex arcs have a more complex structure. The reflex arc is the path for which the nervous impulse is passed during reflex. In the reflex arc, 5 elements are distinguished: 1 - receptors, 2 - sensitive neuron, 3 - Nervous Center, 4 - Motor Neuron, 5 - executive body.

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Reflex. The reflex arc is formed by a chain of sensitive, one or more insertion and executive neuron. A touch of a hand to a hot object creates a painful feeling and causes pulling hands. They are formed by a chain of sensitive, one or more insertion and executive neuron. A touch of a hand to a hot object creates a painful feeling and causes pulling hands. Pain signals from receptors fall into the spinal cord and are transmitted in inserted neurons. Those in turn excite the executive neurons, sending the team to the muscles of the hands. Muscles are reduced, and the hand bends.

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Reflex. Reflex arc Part of the reflex arc of any reflex is always located in a certain section of the central nervous system and consists of inserting and executive neurons. This is the nerve center of this reflex. In other words, the nervous center is the association of neurons, intended to participate in the implementation of some particular reflex act.

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Subject: Reflex. Reflex arc D.Z. § 8 reflex is called the response of the organism for irritation carried out with the participation of the nervous system. Simple reflector arc from two neurons - sensitive and motor. Complex reflex arc except sensitive and motor contains insert neurons. The reflex arc is the path for which the nervous impulse is passed during reflex. In the reflex arc, 5 elements are distinguished: 1 - receptors, 2 - sensitive neuron, 3 - Nervous Center, 4 - Motor Neuron, 5 - executive body. Working with notebook:

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Reflex. The reflex arc described above the knee and flexing reflexes relate to the category of congenital. To implement congenital reflex, the body has ready-made reflex arcs. Therefore, there are no special additional conditions for their implementation, which is why they got the name of unconditional reflexes.

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Reflex. The reflex arc for the implementation of Open I. P. Pavlov's conditional reflexes does not have ready-made nervous paths. Conditional reflexes are formed during the life when it arises for this. the necessary conditions. The formation of conditional reflexes underlies the body's training to various skills and devices to a changing medium. The presence of a reflex arc is an indispensable condition for the implementation of the reflex, but it does not guarantee the accuracy of its execution.

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Reflex. The reflex arc nevertheless, the nerve center of this reflex has the ability to control the accuracy of its commands. These signals occur in receptors located in the executive bodies themselves. It receives information about the peculiarities of the reflex. Such a device allows nervous centers if necessary to make urgent changes to the work of the executive bodies.

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Subject: Reflex. Reflex arc D.Z. § 8 reflex is called the response of the organism for irritation carried out with the participation of the nervous system. Simple reflector arc from two neurons - sensitive and motor. Complex reflex arc except sensitive and motor contains insert neurons. The reflex arc is the path for which the nervous impulse is passed during reflex. In the reflex arc, 5 elements are distinguished: 1 - receptors, 2 - sensitive neuron, 3 - Nervous Center, 4 - Motor Neuron, 5 - executive body. Unconditional reflexes - congenital reflexes. Conditional reflexes - acquired reflexes. Feedbacks - neurons that transmit information from the executive body to the central nervous system. Working with notebook:

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Repetition: What is Reflex? What reflexes are unconditional? Give examples of congenital reflexes. What reflexes are called conditional? Give examples of conditional reflexes. List the elements of the reflex arc. What types of reflex arc do you know? What are the links of the reflex arc simple reflex? How is the monitoring of the nervous system for performing reflex? What is "Feedback"?

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Repetition: ** Test 1. Faithful judgments: Reflex is a response of the body to external or internal irritation. Reflex is a response of the organism for irritation, carried out with the participation of the nervous system. Movement of amabs towards food - Reflex. Movement Hydra towards food - Reflex. ** Test 2. To unconditional reflexes include: knee reflex. Hand pulling down when touched to a hot object. Slunovation of the dog when drinking in the mouth. Slyunomotellation of the dog at the form of food. ** Test 3. Faithful judgments: Conditional reflexes have ready-made reflex arcs at birth. The doctrine of conditional reflexes was created by I.M.Shechenov. The basis of learning is the formation of conditional reflexes. The basis of learning is the formation of unconditional reflexes.

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Repetition: ** Test 4. The conditional reflexes include: the dog response to the word "FAS". Hand pulling down when touched to a hot object. Slunovation of the dog when drinking in the mouth. Slyunomotellation of the dog at the form of food. Test 5. The reflex arc consists of: from receptors and sensitive neuron transmitting excitation to the nervous center. From receptors, sensitive neuron, nervous center analyzing information. From receptors, sensitive neuron, nervous center, motor neuron and working body. From receptors, sensitive neuron, nervous center, motor neuron, transmitting excitation to the organ and feedback, with which the nerve center controls the reflex.

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Repetition: Test 6. Simple reflex arc consists of: from sensitive neuron, transmitting excitation to the nervous center. From sensitive neuron and motor neuron. From sensitive, insert and motor neurons. From sensitive, insert, motor neurons and feedbacks, with which the nerve center controls the reflex. Test 7. A complex reflex arc consists of: from a sensitive neuron transmitting excitation to the nervous center. From sensitive neuron and motor neuron. From sensitive, insert and motor neurons. From sensitive, insert, motor neurons and feedbacks, with which the nerve center controls the reflex.

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Repetition: Test 8. The nervous center of the reflex consists of: from a sensitive neuron with receptors. From sensitive neuron and motor neuron. From insert and executive neurons. From sensitive, insert, motor neurons and feedbacks, with which the nerve center controls the reflex. Test 9. The merit in creating the teachings on the reflex activity of the brain belongs: I.P.Pavlov. I.M. Schechenov. I.I.Technaya. E.Jennera. Test 10. Feedback: Motor neurons. Sensitive neurons that perceive irritation. Sensitive neurons located in the executive bodies. Insert neurons.

"Nervous System" - the middle brain is well developed. Improving the nervous system affected the development of senses. The nervous system of fish is represented by the head and spinal cord. The bark covers the entire front brain. The front section is only slightly expanded, being a brain reservoir. Due to the terrestrial existence, the nervous system of reptiles is even more complicated.

"Reflex" - adapt the body to permanent conditions. Conditional reflexes. Examples of unconditional reflexes. The work of the nervous system is based on the reflex - the answer to irritation. Development of conditional reflex. The same for all organisms of this species. Reflexes. Congenital reflexes are called unconditional. The training is based on a conditional reflex.

"Vegetative nervous system" - in general, the state of health of students is satisfactory. Diseases N.S. We are more often found among students of 12-16 years. Performed: Ivanova Julia School No. 5 9 "B" class. Performs its functions through two systems that coordinate the work of different organs are sympathetic and parasympathetic. Abstract of violation of the work of the nervous system of students in connection with the ultimate school.

"Nervous system of man" is a central nervous system (spinal cord). Performed: Dimitrova Irina 234 Group. The structure of the neuron. The nervous system is distinguished: the central nervous system (brain). Functions of the nervous system: to form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe structure of the nervous cell, about the characteristics of the human nervous system. Purpose:

"The structure of the nervous system" - the spinal cord performs two main functions - reflex and conductive. The brain is located in the skull cavity and has a complex form. Peripheral nervous system (nerves and nerve nodes). Externally spinal cord resembles a cylindrical shape. The structure and function of the spinal cord. By reducing skeletal muscles, protective movements are performed first.

"The highest nervous activity of a person" is the possibility of forming conditional reflexes for different forms of irritants. Studying the living conditions of the animal can be a good reception revealing. According to I.M. Sechenov, brain reflexes include three links. general characteristics Nind. Phylogenetic study of conditional reflexes. THEM. Sechenov published a job called "Brain Reflexes".

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The concept of reflex. Reflex is a response of the organism for irritation carried out by the nervous system. Reflexes are congenital - instincts and conditional, that is, acquired during life. Conditional reflexes are not inherited. Congenital reflexes are called unconditional. They are inherited.

Unconditional reflexes. Available from birth. Do not change and do not disappear during the life. Adjust the body to constant conditions. The same for all organisms of this type

Examples of unconditional reflexes

Sneezing is a protective congenital reflex.

Conditional reflexes. Purchased during life. These may vary and disappear when the conditions change. Each body is produced by their own. Adapt the body to changing conditions.

Examples of conventional reflexes in animals

At the heart of the training - conditional reflex

Development of conditional reflex

Conclusions. The work of the nervous system is based on the reflex - the answer to irritation. Reflexes are divided into conditional, developed during the life and congenital or unconditional. Unconditional reflexes help survive in difficult conditions. Thanks to the conventional reflexes, animals acquire skills and skills.

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Reflex is a stereotypical reaction of a living organism to a certain impact passing with the participation of the nervous system. Reflexes exist among multicellular living organisms with a nervous system.

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Reflex classification

1. At the type of education: unconditional and conditional

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2. As receptors: exteroceptive (skin, visual, auditory, olfactory), interoceptive (with internal receptors) and proprioceptive (with muscle receptors, tendons, joints).

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3. By effectors: somatic, or motor, (reflexes of skeletal muscles), for example, flexor, extensor, locomotor, stakes, etc.; Vegetative internal organs - digestive, cardiovascular, excretory, secretory, etc.

4. As a biological significance: defensive, or protective, digestive, genital, indicative.

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5. The degree of complexity of the neural organization of reflex arcs distinguish between the monosinaptic, whose arcs consist of afferent and efferent neurons (for example, knee), and polysinactic, the arcs of which also contain 1 or more intermediate neurons and have 2 or more synaptic switchings (for example, flexo) .

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6. According to the nature of the effect on the activity of the effect: the excitatory - causing and reinforcing (facilitating) activities, brakes - weakening and overwhelming it (for example, the reflex increase in the heart rhythm of the sympathetic nerve and the demolition of it or stopping the heart - wandering).

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7. According to the anatomical location of the central part of the reflex arcs, spinal reflexes and brain reflexes are distinguished. In the implementation of spinal reflexes, neurons are involved in the spinal cord. An example of the simplest spinal reflex - pulling out the hand from the acute pin. Brain reflexes are carried out with the participation of brain neurons.

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Neural Organization of the simplest reflex

The simplest vertebrate reflex is considered monosyneptic. If the arc of the spinal reflex is formed by two neurons, then the first of them is represented by a cage of spinal ganglium, and the second - motor cell (motoryron) of the front horns of the spinal cord. The axon of the front horns of the front horns is part of the front roof, then the corresponding motor nerve and ends with a motorplant in the muscle. Pure monosynaputic reflexes does not exist.

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Conditional reflexes

Conditional reflexes arise in the course of individual development and accumulation of new skills. The development of new temporal connections between neurons depends on the conditions of the external environment. Conditional reflexes are formed on the basis of unconditional when participating higher departments brain. The development of exercise on conditional reflexes is primarily associated with the name I. P. Pavlova. He showed that the new stimulus can start a reflex reaction if it is presented for some time together with an unconditional stimulus.

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Research of reflexes requires practical skill, in the absence of which a false picture of reflexes changes can be obtained, and therefore, the incorrect judgment on the state of the state of the nervous system of the surveyed. During the defeat of the pyramid system, pathological reflexes appear, as well as so called. Protective reflexes that healthy adults are not called.

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Pathological reflexes depending on the nature of the response motor reaction are separated by bending and extensible (for limbs) and axial (caused on the head, torso).

nasolabial reflex (short neurol blow. The nasal back is reduced by the rolling muscle of the mouth with the pulling of the lips ahead); Trump reflex (the same motor reaction, but the neurological hammer in the upper or lower lip) occurs when the underground strike); Reflex (barn irritation of the lip spatula causes their sucks); Pallet-chin reflex (bar irritation of the palm skin in the field of high-finger elevation causes a reduction in the chin muscle on the same side with the displacement of the chin skin upward).

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Stop Pathological Reflexes:

reflex Babinsky (extension of thumb, sometimes with fan-shaped dilution of other fingers, with barn irritation of the skin of the outer edge of the sole); Reflex Oppenheim (extension of the thumb at the time of the sliding pressure on the row of the tibia); Reflex Rossolimo (bending - "nodding" of II-V Follows of the foot with a short blow to the tips of these fingers from the side of the sole), etc.

The listed pathological reflexes in adults are central, or spastic, paralysis, developing with a lesion of the pyramid system. In children up to 1 - 2 years, these reflexes are not signs of pathology.

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Pilomotor reflex (abbreviation of muscles lifting hair, with the appearance of the so-called. Goose skin) is caused by cooling or pinching of the skin in the field of the adapter; The response in the norm arises on the whole half of the body (on the side of irritation); The defeat of the vegetative centers in the spinal cord, the nodes of the sympathetic trunk leads to the absence of reflex in the corresponding innervation zone

Examples of distant reflexes can serve as a pupil reflex to light having a large diagnostic value, as well as the start-reflex, the increase of which is manifested by sharp shuddering of the body with any unexpected sound, an outbreak of light. Patients whose start-reflex is broken due to the lesion of certain brain departments cannot quickly engage in action, requiring a rapid response and motor mobilization.