Herbal fees for the nervous system. How to restore and strengthen the nervous system with the help of herbal fees? Soothing herbs from nerves in neurosis

The surrounding life is full of events, meetings with people. All this affects our mood, emotional background, and can carry both positive and negative charge. Soothing herbs for the nervous system of an adult helps favorably move stress, remove emotional tension. They affect the state and CNS processes, relax the muscles of the body, give a man peace of mind.

Plant sedatives are becoming increasingly popular, as they do not harm with unwanted side effects as synthetic analogues. Soothing herbal fees are better taken in the afternoon. But in stressful states is allowed in the morning, without abusing at this frequent reception.

Soothing tea to drink well at night, adding a spoon of honey. This will provide a deep sleep and a full-fledged night rest, remove the voltage of the nervous system obtained per day. After serving the evening tea, you should not watch TV or sit at the computer, it is better to read the book.

Soothing tea can be drunk during the day. After the stressful situation, a cup of hot herbal drink should be taken, relaxing and brings peacefulness and feelings. In the working environment, this can be done during a lunch break or at any convenient minute.

Soothing teas can be taken overnight or throughout the day

The most popular and efficient soothing herbs

Popular Medicine has been practicing the treatment of various diseases for many centuries. Each of them is selected for its arsenal of plant tools that must be used in each particular case. It is well known what the grass soothes nerves and normalizes sleep, as it needs to be prepared and applied. In case of diseases of the central nervous system, traditional medicine recommends the following herbal medicine.


This is the oldest drug, known to humanity from time immemorial. The main therapeutic orientation is the impact on the CNS.

The grass helps to relieve tension, excessive excitability, improve sleep, strengthen the effect of other sedative and sleeping pills. It is part of the therapy of migraine, VDC (vegetative dystonia) and some other diseases of the heart, the gastrointestinal tract. The daily dosage should not exceed 200 mg. The duration of therapy is 10-30 days, by solving a specialist.

Attention! Valerian slightly reduces blood pressure, and it must be taken into account hypotoniki. Some kind of special harm to such people will not apply. But with constant use, the pressure may fall.

Melissa and Mint.

Both of these plants are often used to prepare beverages. They create a unique aroma and taste. Therapeutic effects on the body are also provided:

  • remove pain in the heart area;
  • clean the symptoms of tachycardia;
  • downhill blood pressure;
  • reassure;
  • give stress resistance;
  • remove sex exclusion;
  • improves brain work;
  • increases appetite;
  • other.

Why get used to pills overnight when there are medicinal plants. To improve sleep, brew tea on the grass, and drink it in his pleasure, especially if the tea is this mint.


A small sedative action is good for all familiar chamomile. Pleasant tea is drink with strong excitement, emotional excitement, to relax the muscles of the body. It has a plant and a slight sleeping bag. With serious disorders of the nervous system, it is most likely useless. Used in comprehensive therapy.

Many of the grasses growing almost everywhere provide a sedative effect.


This is the strongest plant antidepressant. It is used for the manufacture of pharmacological sedatives, for example, negredistine. Jeverotic tea has an excellent taste. It is a pleasure to be treated. If you need to strengthen the nervous system, drinking tea should have been three times a day.

Tip! Well soothe baths cooked with decoction plants. Who loves to sleep on a herbal pillow, can use St. John's wort, hops and other herbs as a filler.


The plant has a multilateral action. Normalizes hell, that is, if high - decreases, and vice versa. Ginseng helps to normalize sleep, and also reduces the depressing effect of alcohol on the central nervous system. The beneficial properties of this grass are determined by its impact on the bark of the brain.


It helps in the exhaustion of the nervous system, the overall overwork with reduced performance, irritability, neurasthenia, arrhythmia and hypotension, as well as psychos, initial forms of atherosclerosis, type 2 diabetes. In some mental states, the plant is contraindicated.

It is impossible to take it under ICT, diancephal paroxysm and so on. The therapeutic effect is directly related to the dosage of the drug, so it is necessary to strictly comply with the instruction of the doctor.


One of the most used vegetable agents for the treatment of disorders of the nervous system is poor sleep, excessive excitability, anxiety and other things. Hop tea is good when overworking or late in the evening to secure a full night's sleep. Helps a drink to neutralize the intense state, including excessive sexual excitement.

In case of breakdowns or atherosclerosis, accompanied by increased blood pressure, take warm baths with decoction of cones. Soothing tea is prepared from hops, valerians and mint, the mixture is prepared as 2: 1: 2. With shallow sleep or difficulties with falling asleep for infusion only bumps - 2 h. L. / 250 ml of boiling water.


Plant having many essential oils in its composition. Thanks to this, the grass is a tasty and fragrant drink. The plant in our region grows throughout, so the difficulties with its workpiece, as a rule, does not occur. Herbal tea from the oregano pacifies, helps it easier to carry emotional shakes. 2 h. L. brewing a liter of water, you can drink up to four servings (1/2 cups) per day. The pharmacies for sale the tincture of the plant, which doctors recommend during sleep disorders, sharp mood drops, etc.

Cyprus (Ivan-Tea)

It has the same set of soothing effects that the remaining herbs from this group. At one time in Russia was a very popular plant. From it prepared drinks, medicines from various diseases. Now he is undeservedly forgotten, but in vain.

Like other medicinal plants, when taking Cyprus, has a health effect on the entire body. Strengthening the loose nervous system, you can simultaneously "correct" and other systems, organs. So the daily use of the Copdian tea cup is a guarantee of good well-being and mood.

Pharmacy networks offer ready-made fees from sedative herbs

Graphic preparations based on herbs

The doctor may appoint sedatives based on plant components. They have a pronounced sedative effect:

  • improve the state of the nervous system;
  • reduce heart rate;
  • clean the tremors and sweating of the hands;
  • remove the tension of the muscles;
  • relieve irritability.

Patients prefer vegetable drugs due to their effectiveness and safety, as well as the possibility of applying during pregnancy, lactation. The most popular sedative pharmacy means:

  • alcohol tinctures of soothing herbs (peony, Valerians, hawthorn pr.), From anxiety, stress;
  • Negrustine (from the extract of the Hyperician), from depression;
  • Phytosedan №1-3 (collection of calming herbs), from irritability;
  • others.

Vegetable preparations can be useful both in isolated cases to remove the stressful state and with more serious disorders.

Reception rules

Medical preparations of sedative action should be taken in accordance with the recommendations of the doctor or according to the instructions. Since most of the sedative herbs have a sleeping pills, to take them better for the night, always at the same time.

Consultation doctor is obligatory.

Many of the sedative plant preparations reduce the pressure. If it is already too low, a unwanted side effect may occur. Conversely, at high arterial pressure should not be taken by grass, leading to the growth of blood pressure.

During pregnancy

During the period of having a child, a circle of those drugs that can be taken by a future mammy are significantly reduced. Many sedative preparations along with vegetable components have synthetic additives:

  • monohydrate;
  • sodium cyclamat;
  • maltodextrin;
  • others.

During pregnancy, choosing sedatives need to be especially careful

The combined composition often deprives a pregnant woman with the opportunity to use one or another phytosbor. These drugs include:

  1. New Passitis.
  2. Afobazol.
  3. Pans.

Here we recall that Validol, Valokordin, Corvalol, which are most often used to remove a single stressful situation and light surgery of the nervous system are considered dangerous. But fortunately, there are enough plant sedatives, which are permissible for receiving pregnant women. They are usually produced in the form of tablets, dragee or capsules filled with crushed grass:

  1. Valerian.
  2. Motherwort.
  3. Mint, Melissa.
  4. Others.

Pregnant women are recommended to walk more in the fresh air, including before bedtime, as well as avoid unpleasant emotions, allocate enough time to rest, diverse to eat and listen to good music. And also find out from your attending physician, what tea is soothing nerves. This will help to do without additional reception of medical environments.

Methods of cooking

Often, it is enough to drink sedatives or take a bath with a decoction of sedative herbs to return the emotional state in the same direction. How to do it at home I will learn further.


You can prepare both alcohol and aqueous hoods of soothing herbs. For example, Valerian is most popular in the form of droplets (tincture). The most popular tea, soothing the nervous system at home, is fragrant mint tea. Its and other sedative herbs drink after a hard work day, a stressful situation, overnight to secure a deep sleep and a full night rest.

Medicinal plants can be prepared independently, but it is better to do it through the pharmacy network. Some of the collection of herringses for sleep is enough to fervent in a cup as an ordinary welding (1-2 h. L / 250 ml of water). The technology of preparing another may be more difficult, for example, using the water bath. It is best to use a thermos. Tinging tea in it, in a short time you can get a saturated with aroma of herbs and vitamins of drink.

The tincture of herbs to calm the nervous system is prepared, as a rule, on vodka, medical alcohol. It is allowed to use a high-quality moonshine. Soothing fees can be insteaded on other alcoholic beverages.

Soothing herbs can be used for soothing baths

Relaxing baths

Water treatment is practiced by traditional medicine for many centuries. Baths from insomnia and nervous disorders to prepare better from sedative herbs that have many aromatic oils in their composition. In this case, the therapeutic effect on the patient's body will be double - the rapid introduction of trace elements through the heated skin and inhalation of vapors.

Harvesting herbs for sleep includes calendula flowers, wastes and souls. They are rich in essential oils. 50 g each of them mix and insist in 3 liters of boiling water. Then a leak solution to pour into the bath. Procedures should be carried out immediately before the departure to sleep no more than 3 times a week. Valerian baths reassure the heart, the nervous system, reduce the excitability of the spinal cord, reduce the pressure, are recommended during insomnia.


Soothing herbs for the nervous system are mild, but reliable means of protection against stress, emotional overloads. As evidenced by numerous reviews, they can serve as good prevention to more serious CNS disorders. To understand what tea soothes before bedtime, and is suitable for a certain person, it is possible only after finding out the causes of nervous excitement.

A person always strives to catch everything and makes it vulnerable to mental stress. The reason for nervous disorders can be a quarrel in the family, discontent with work, their housing or material situation.

The current life delays its rhythm, to abandon such a state of affairs or look at the world through rose points it turns out not all. But it is not worth running a problem, otherwise it will lead to negative consequences. There are many means soothing nerves and preventing depression, the safest of them are herbs.

Soothing herbs are effective and do not cause mabitation (addiction), most popular among them:

  • chamomile - has a positive effect on the nervous system, removes the muscular block;
  • st. John's wort shows a calming effect, eliminates the feeling of anxiety and fear;
  • valeriana - copes with nervousness and excitement;
  • wormwood - helps to get rid of hysterical seizures and insomnia;
  • lipa - along with Melissa, removes excessive irritability;
  • mint - removes internal tension, leads sleep to normal;
  • thyme creeping - has a light sleeping pills and soothing effect;
  • cypete - has a soothing property, helps to get rid of headache and insomnia;
  • gorizvet - Soothes Nerves, increases vitality;
  • yarrow - used to treat nervous disruptions.

List of calming herbs for making tea

In our country, there are a lot of wild and cultivated plants that have a soothing effect. Consider a list of the most popular herbs used in alternative medicine for therapeutic drinks:

  • chamomile medicine;
  • thyme creeping;
  • peppermint
  • zhugn-grass;
  • tordeman ordinary;
  • cat grass;
  • lazorovoi blue;
  • marsh dryer;
  • hawthorn blood-red;
  • oregano;
  • lipa mellitis.

The strongest of this list is blue, which is almost 10 times higher than pharmacy valerian. The motherboard is more effective than Valerian 4 times, and therefore he is given second place. Almost all of the above plants have repulsive specific smell, it prevents from using them for daily tea drinking.
It should be noted that there are no plants in the herbal list with a potent soothing property, since they cannot be taken independently, without medical recommendation.

For swimming

Baths based on calming herbs have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, relieve fatigue, stress, give peace of mind and normal sleep. Therapeutic effect possess baths with:

  • rhizome valerian (relieve nervous excitement, save from insomnia);
  • cut grass, hop and hawthorn (protect against heart neurosis);
  • coniferous branches and cones (remove irritability);
  • celener and horsetail (soothe, relax and contribute to the restoration of forces);
  • the greenery of the Yaven (successfully apply in the treatment of neurosis);
  • laptop mint, wormwood and lime (soothe nerves).

Recipes of decoction with soothing effect

  1. Mint decoction. In 200 ml of boiling water Add 25 gr. Mint, boil within 5 minutes. Take after lunch in 100 ml. Mint calms the nerves well and contributes to strong and calm sleep.
  2. Infusion of dyeing. Pour 5 gr. Herbs of a lattice 100 ml of hot water. It is necessary to take infusion for a long time, but at the same time in small portions, 1-2 times a day. This decoction has a very sharp unpleasant, bitter taste, but quickly gives the nervous system in order and helps to fall asleep faster.
  3. Decoration from the ortho. 10 gr. Herbs pour 50 ml of boiling water. As a result, it turns out a soft aromatic drink, which you need to drink small portions of about 100 ml during the day. In addition, you can wash your face before bedtime. The soul is well soothing nerves, contributes to strong sleep, eliminates insomnia.
  4. Chamomile with honey. 10 gr. Chamomile and 1 tsp. Cell honey pour 200 ml boiling water. This infusion you can drink instead of black tea, at any time of the day.

Fees of calming herbal

  1. 2 pieces of mint leaves, 2 parts of the water trefoil leaves, 1 part of Valerian rhizomes and 1 piece of hop cones. Mix the components among themselves, measure 2 tbsp. This mixture and pour them with boiled water. Let it be broken down within 30 minutes, then strain. Herbal fee has a good calming effect, an irritability hesitates, eliminates insomnia.
  2. Cat mint, Baikal and Valerian's chameman in equal proportions. 2 tbsp. The mixtures should be pouring steep boiling water and insist within 25-30 minutes. After that, strain and drink. Harium harvest has a good soothing effect, eliminates insomnia.
  3. 3 parts of Valerian rhizomes, 3 pieces of mint leaves, 4 pieces of water trefoil leaves. All these components are mixed with each other, measure 2 tbsp. and pour 400 ml of boiling water. Let it be broken down within 30 minutes, then strain. Herbal fee has a good sedative action, eliminates irritability and insomnia.
  4. Mix the roots of valerians with the dyeing, fennel and thyme fruits in equal proportions. Measure 2 tbsp. and pour 400 ml of boiling water. When the decoction cools, it will need to be strain. The medicine helps with increased irritability and nervous excitability.
  5. 2 pieces of valerian roots, 3 parts of the daisy pharmacy and 5 parts of thyme fruits. Stir, measure 2 tbsp. and pour 400 ml of boiling water. To withstand for 30 minutes and strain. The decoction helps with sleep disorders, increased nervous excitation and irritability.

Preparations on herbs to calm nerves

In order to cure from excessive excitability and nervousness of the modern pharmacological industry, drugs are produced, acting soothing on the nervous system. These include:

Novopalsit - Combined drug with a soothing and anti-leaving effect. It consists of: Melissa, Valerian rhizomes, elderberry flowers, hawthorn, passionwood, St. John's wort, hops and gutufenesin.

Corwalola. - Affordable and effective drug, removing spasms and soothing nerves. Appointed with different forms of neurosis, insomnia, reinforced heartbeat, high blood pressure.

Means "Soothing herbs" from Leoit

The effective means of "soothing herbs" from the trademark "Leovit" not only reduces the excitability of the nervous system, but also strengthens the immune system. It includes: nutmeg, Valerian, hawthorn, Melissa and Coriander.

The medicine is produced in the form of tablets and is recommended to use from 12 years. Pressing courses duration 2 weeks. Contraindications include individual intolerance, allergies, period of pregnancy and lactation.

Tablets Valerians

Each Tablet Valerian consists of a complex of chemical active substances: essential oil, vintage, glycosides, alkaloids, polysaccharides, resins, organic acids, etc. These substances affect the brain, as a result of which the reinforced heartbeat decreases and the vessels are expanding.

Valerian acts overwhelmingly on the nervous system, reduces its activity, normalizes sleep. To achieve a resistant therapeutic effect, the drug must be cut by the course.

What herbs can be pregnant and children

In the first place among all recommended sedative herbs during pregnancy, Valerian and mother-in-law. They are produced in the form of tablets and herbs. The first persecutes the course and accepted according to the instructions, and the herbs are brewed as a sedative tea. Recommended proportions: ½ C.L. Valerian and ½ tsp. Dashtroke per cup. And since the grass does not differ in a pleasant smell and taste, then it is added to the ready-made black or green tea. You can add a spoonful of honey or sugar for a more pleasant tea party.

In second place among the medicinal herbs used to calm the nerves are Melissa, chamomile and mint. They are also added to an ordinary boiling kettle.

For children's bathing uses the following types of herbs:

  • chamomile;
  • plantain;
  • mint;
  • valerian;
  • motherwort;
  • thyme;
  • calendula.

All these herbs are allowed for bathing small children. To the question: Does herbal decoction in the form of tea? - The children's doctor will answer best.

Brewing herbs must be brewed right in front of the flooding procedure itself. 3-4 tbsp. Herbs or collection to pour 1 liter of steep boiling water. Let it stand in 40-50 minutes, strain, and even then add to the bath. This amount is designed for 10 liters of water. If you need fewer water, then the calculation of the beam should be made in accordance with this condition. Unlawful infusion can be removed in the refrigerator to the next day, after having closed the can with a lid.

Soothing ragners are also used to wipe the children's calf. For these purposes, you need to moisten in the infusion soft napkin and get into the irritated places. After witch dry with a towel.

Video: Pillow with herbs for good sleep

Among numerous ways to normalize your sleep, one of the most pleasant, useful and safe is the pillow based on herbs, which helps gently and carefully cope with depression, fatigue, excessive irritability and overwork. Sew such pillow forces to everyone. This is a very simple process that does not take you a lot of time. And in order to make sure that we suggest see the next video.

Due to the active pace of life and lack of communication with nature, a modern person quickly loses its strength, and his nervous system is depleted. To restore the work of the central nervous system, it is sometimes necessary to take soothing herbs and balms. Natural funds have much more advantages than minuses. However, side effects can be both weakly active sedatives, so before taking it will be advisable to receive a doctor's advice.

Treatment of the nervous system by folk remedies

Effective sedative herbs know all the older people who fought stress even when there was no pharmaceutical network. Pharmacies have recipes for all and for all occasions. However, synthetic means have more side effects than good, while natural gifts only strengthen our body.

To combat stress and fatigue, it is necessary to enjoy natural means. Soothing folk remedies will allow for a long time to preserve performance and a cheerful optimistic look at life.

to calm the nervous system and restore it, it is possible to take herbs with a sedative effect.

Why need to take sedative herbs an adult person

Working over measures and not letting themselves, adults try to show the children an example of hard work. But such efforts often lead to negative results. Taking on more than the body can endure, people provoke the occurrence of nerve diseases. A person begins to make anxiety more often in the workplace, and all these factors over time lead to neurosis and to loss of working capacity. The depletion of the nervous system is a direct indication for receiving sedatives.

All organism systems should work correctly. In case of failures in the work of the vegetative system, it is impossible to be treated independently. You need to go to a specialist who will prescribe the necessary medicine. In most cases, 1-2 valerian or dietary courses helps. But there are different cases.

pharmaceutical industry offers a large assortment of sedatives

Graphic preparations based on herbs

Extract or tincture Valerians are always sold in pharmacies. They are used with excessive irritability of nervousness, fussiness, internal stresses that interfere with sleep at night, hysteries and nervous disruptions.

In addition to Valerians in pharmacies there are such drugs with herbs:

  • Herbion;
  • Perrsen;
  • Peony tincture;
  • Afobazol;
  • Phytosedan;
  • New Passitis.

All these substances are contraindicated during pregnancy and young children.

On the basis of bromine and therapeutic herbs on sale there are other sedatives:

  • Valicultural, having a potent substance phenobarbital;
  • Valemidine - contains the fruits of a hawthorn, tincture of valerian, mint and some chemicals;
  • Corvalol - with phenobarbital and peppermint extract;
  • Voserdin - Phenobarbital, Oil Oil and Mint.

Funds with bromine have a strong sedative effect and are addictive faster. However, with neurosis and neurissions, without them could not do.

sedative herbs have a minimum of side effects and do not cause addiction

Sedable herbs. Folk Recipes and Methods of Cooking

Natural medicines do not cause kidney diseases and liver, in addition, the risk of addiction from their use is minimal.

Sedarative are such herbs:

  • st. John's wort;
  • mint;
  • melissa;
  • valerian;
  • chamomile;
  • motherwort.

There are different remedy forms in pharmacies. Before you take a means, it is necessary to consult with your doctor, because allergic may appear on some of the components:

  • alcohol infraces and drops;
  • teas with herbs;
  • dry fees;
  • balms;
  • oils with plants components.

If there is your country area, then you can grow mint and chamomile and harvesting dry soothing fees for the winter. At home, you can make a fresh herbal infusion, in which there are definitely there are no preservatives and harmful substances.

ramars with chamomile will have a powerful soothing and sedative effect on the nervous system

The chamomile calms the nerves - tea with it is the most consumable soothing means. In addition, among the sedatives of plant origin in the first place is the challenges of Melissa, the Hyperician, the souls and a manner are popular:

  1. Tincture of the Zverkoy. 10 tbsp. l. Dry grass is poured with alcohol (0.5 l) and insisted 14 days. On the 15th day, drink a drink and pour into a glass bottle or jar. Reception - 40 drops 3 times / day.
  2. Infusion Melissa. On 10 g of dry raw materials, 100 ml of vodka is required. Insist - 1 week. After the filping, it drinks 15 drops 1-2 times a day.
  3. Infusion of hops. Per 100 ml of vodka or alcohol requires 25 g of hops cones. Insist in a jar with a closed lid 2 weeks. Take 110 ml 3 times a day half an hour before meals.
  4. Soothing from calendula, Pijmas and souls, which is well relaxing. All 3 herbs mix in equal proportions, pour boiling water and leave 30 minutes. Drinks like all the usual tea.
  5. Infusion of the man. 10 g root of the plant and 30 g of the ground portion of the manner are taken. It all shares and is added white wine (100 g) to insist 24 hours. Reception - 30-50 g per day.
  6. Anti-stress drink from dried leaves and Eleutherococcus roots. 1 tbsp. l. The raw materials are poured with a glass of boiling water, after which the tricks in the water bath is a little more than half an hour. Store such a decoction in the refrigerator for 3 days; Take as tea.

In traditional medicine, these herbs for sleep and calm are appreciated as relaxing and removing concern.

tea with souls will help relax and eliminate nervous overexcitation


All herbs to calm the nerves help to cope with the inner nervas, relax muscles and reduce the excitement in the cerebral cortex. Then a person behaves calmer himself, emotional impulses cease to torment him, it is easier for him to fall asleep.

However, to cope with the cause that led to emotional splashes - folk remedies from nerves and stress here will not help. This is the task of psychotherapists.

Indications for use

Apply in folk medicine tinctures, soothing a person's mind, is recommended for diseases and violations of behavior:

  • irritability;
  • increased emotional excitability;
  • anxiety;
  • neurasthenia and neurosis;
  • cardiopsychoneurosis;
  • hysterical manifestations;
  • nervous exhaustion due to the impact of stressful factors for a long time.

Melissa and chamomile are good sedatives for the nervous system of an adult, but when depressions and breakdowns they will not help. Receiving a sedative tool from stress 1-2 times is allowed without a doctor's prescription. Especially if it is just herbal tea from 1-2 ingredients. If a person regularly uses tinctures, he needs a doctor consultation who knows the properties of herbs and medicines well.

herbs, like any drug, have contraindications to the reception that must be observed

Contraindications and side effects

Contraindications for the use of tincture to calm the nervous system:

  • hypertension;
  • intolerance of individual substances;
  • problems with the psyche.

Side Effects from the reception of sedatives:

  • headaches;
  • pressure jumps;
  • rash;
  • violations;
  • total lethargy;
  • diarrhea.

After the appearance of at least 1 of the listed symptoms, you need to consult a doctor.

The best herbs for calming the nervous system

In order not to harm yourself, you need to know which decoctions for what are suitable.

To calm down, ragners are recognized as the best funds:

  • linden;
  • chamomile;
  • passiflora;
  • ginseng;
  • cypria;
  • eleutherococcus;
  • linden;
  • valerians;
  • motherman.

What to drink is a good herbalist doctor, but chamomile and mint helps everyone.

teas with soothing herbs will have a good sedative effect and safe to health.

Relaxing teas have a soft effect and well digest with the body without causing special side effects. With proper use, they are safe for kidneys and liver (in contrast to synthetic preparations).

If the one-time intake of soothing herb for sleep did not help, you should not immediately run into the pharmacy for sleeping pills, because These potent drugs can only be drunk on the recommendation of the doctor.

For men

Some sedative tinctures significantly reduce the level of testosterone, so men are not recommended most sedatives. Herbs such as Melissa and Valerian are completely contraindicated, as they contain phytoestrogens - female sex hormones. Men can drink a dye or boiled like tea, linden flowers. Many pharmacy preparations contain a dubber, having in the composition of glycosides, tannins, saponins, are excellent agents for adult men.

Take herbs only with courses, not constantly. If you are experiencing a long stress or suffer from alarming sleep, you need to consult a doctor who will appoint more efficient drugs and tell how to take them. But it will only help for a while. In order to sleep well again, you need to completely remove a stress factor from your life, or increase personal stress resistance.

On an ongoing basis, men can drink sedative herbal fees from Cyprus (Ivan-Tea) and the manner.

herbs of Soothing Actions will help to relax and remove psycho-emotional tension

For women

In women, due to hormonal jumps, there are often emotional bursts or depressed states.

When depressed and neural, infusions of mint, linden or dyeing are taken. Those who have a sleeping problem, it is recommended to drink clients from passiflores. The dyingman soothes, and Valerian reduces the heart rate and removes musculature spasms.

Teas from linden and mint are suitable for all women. Also, in stressful situations, it is recommended to put the glycine amino acid rate that the therapists are often prescribed to children. This safe substance, the amino acid split in the body to glucose.

Pregnant women with herbs need to be attentive. The nervous system is saved from nerves and stresses, but at the same time can cause pressure jumps, which is bad for the fetus. Some means are contraindicated because they cause miscarriage. Such herbs include pyrzya, sage, rose.

Cannot be drunk during the period of tooling and soul, because It affects the production of estrogen. It is also forbidden to drink all those herbs that in their composition any essential oils.

For a child

Herbs with a sedative effect brewing fresh and give in the form of tea. Instead of sugar add honey. Children from 2 years most of the herbs are suitable for both adults: wormwood, mint, horizon, linden, yarrow.

In modern pharmacies there are already ready-made means, but they have features of reception. The instruction should be studied in detail before giving the drug to the child. For example, drugs containing the fruits of a hawthorn, children are better not to give, as this plant can cause violations of the heart rhythm.

If the child has problems with the stomach, some means will also be contraindicated. Strong side effects from a particular preparation on the basis of herbs are not excluded, such as rash, diarrhea and others.

Bought the following sedatives:

  • Glycine;
  • Pantogam;
  • Hipp;
  • Bunny (syrup).

Soothing herbs for children Parents add to a warm bath, which contributes to a strong sleep.

Independently assign strong sedative herbs, syrups or pills forbidden. The child may have a hot-tempered emotional temperament. Decide on the need for sedatives should a children's psychologist or a neurologist.

to obtain a positive result, follow the rules for receiving and dosage

Rules Taking herbs from stress

Even light and safe folk remedies must be taken by following the rules. The psyche of man is labilin, and the uncontrolled use of psychotic drugs, even weak, can strongly change the chemical balance in the neural brain network and lead to changes in the psyche.

So, the basic rules of reception are as follows:

  1. The average taking period of herbs is 1-1.5 months. After passing 1 course, you should stop using infusion. And natural medicines are addictive at constant reception.
  2. Nootropic drugs are used only by the doctor's prescription in case of protracted neurosis or chronic problems with sleep.
  3. If after receiving herbal infusion, headaches or other side effects begin, you need to replace the tool.
  4. Take herbs from nerves and stress you need every day and strictly at the same time.
  5. Fears and anxieties do not need to constantly drain soothing.
  6. It is impossible to increase the dose of the sedative tool, even if you can not fall asleep anyway. It is better to take to read the book or include meditative relaxing music.

Thoughts "include" neurotic reactions and nervous diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to calm your psyche first. The body will calm down over time.

Today, people often suffer from various mental disorders. The reasons for this state are a lot: contaminated ecology, overtime, rhythm of life, nutrition "on the go." The body simply does not withstand such a load, as a result of which a person becomes restless, tired, irritated, a sleep disturbance occurs. Sometimes, it is very difficult to get out of such a state and a specialist help is required.

To combat stressful state, you need to change your lifestyle. Pay more attention to rest, sport, walks in the fresh air, to establish proper nutrition. Great assistance in treatment can bring the grass soothing. Of them prepare tincture, produce drugs, use for water procedures.

It is known that any pharmacy agent, even on the basis of plants, have in the composition of other elements that may adversely affect the body.

Therefore, it is worth thinking about the use of sedative herbs that favorably affect the nervous system, normalize sleep, remove the feeling of fatigue and irritation.


Science has not yet sufficiently studied the mechanism of action of drugs based on medicinal herbs. However, it is proved that sedatives are capable of restoring the work of the central nervous system and reduce its excitability. Compared to chemicals, these funds do not affect the skeletal muscles, do not cause attaxia. In addition, sedative medicines, even with a debt of their use, do not cause dependencies to them.

Most often, sedative preparations created on the basis of medicinal herbs are used most often for the treatment of nervous disorders: a dyeing, Valerian, Passiflora, Peony, etc. Their pharmacological actions are quite extensive. For example, Valerian has not only soothing effect, but also antispasmodic, and choleretic. Also, this plant improves the work of the heart, normalizes its rhythm and blood circulation.

The peony is used as an anticonvulsant, and Melissa is endowed with such properties as anti-faceted, antiarrhythmic, antispasmodic. List of useful actions Melissa wide. It has a choleretic effect, improves the work of the gastrointestinal tract, lowers the temperature, adjusts the operation of the germ, removes the toxicosis of pregnant women.

Indications for use

Sedatives with herbs are used with a wide variety of indications associated with mental disorders.

The most serious indications include such factors:

  • Strong irritable condition.
  • Anger and aggression aimed at the people around.
  • The impossibility of relaxation due to frequent pains and itching.
  • Loss of sleep for a long time.
  • Loss of complete control over emotions.

Some nervous disorders are accompanied by a specific sprinkle on the skin. Sedative preparations are often used in the treatment of eczema caused by strong experiences, stress. The use of sedatives in this case helps to normalize the work of the nervous system and remove dermatosis.

Reception rules

For drugs to bring the maximum benefit to the patient, some rules for their reception must be performed. Medications need to be taken in a minimum dose. If they are consumed in the evening 2-3 hours before departing to sleep, they will bring the greatest benefit of the body. With a launched disease, the doctor prescribes the sedatives reception several times a day.

The doctor also appoints a special course of treatment with soothing medicines. So that they actually have done effectively, they must be taken over 3 weeks. Then the patient must relax 2 weeks, after which the treatment is resumed.

Sedative means to eliminate mental problems are better to accept the recommendation of the specialist. Otherwise, the drug can bring harm to health, as it has some contraindications. Therefore, it is necessary to very carefully approach the independent use of sedatives, which can also cause allergic actions.

Soothing herbs: a list of healing fees

Herbs with sedative effect are most secure when used. Such tinctures affect the body much softer than pharmacy chemicals. In addition, sedative herbs do not cause addiction. And their therapeutic actions are not inferior to even strong drugs. It is worth noting that the rapid effect from using sedatives with natural components should not be expected. With the right taking drugs, the improvement will come after a while.

List of healing herbs

Medicinal herbs should be collected in environmentally friendly places or grown in its garden. In any case, in the pharmacy you can always buy ready-made raw materials. The list of herbs with a sedative action is huge.

But there are plants that are most commonly used when disorders of the nervous system:

  • Hunther. Useful to use to eliminate alarm state.
  • Chamomile. Soothes the nervous system and frees from muscle tension.
  • Motherwort. It has strong sedative properties. Under reduced pressure, use the grass is not recommended.
  • Sagebrush. With this herb, you can get rid of insomnia, as well as from the hysterical state.
  • Valerian. Capably remove nervousness and eliminate excitement. High dose of the drug can act on a person exciting.
  • Timyan Creeping. Used to calm nerves and for better sleep.
  • Adonis. The grass with a sedative effect is able to increase the tone and normalize the patient's emotional background.

What are you in pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman is often in a state of nervous imbalance. Change of mood can change constantly. The cause of such a phenomenon is the hormonal restructuring of the body. At this moment, poorly not only a woman, but also the baby in the womb, which depends on her mood.

In order for the mental development of the child proceeding correctly and to preserve his health, it is necessary to make sedatives. The best option in this case is herbal teas. However, they should be used only after the recommendations of the doctor.

For a future mother and her child, you can use teas from these herbs: chamomile, mother-in-law, Melissa, Jasmine. When pregnant, you can also cook a drink from Valerian. However, it should be used in small doses and not long.

Infusions on alcohol from herbs with a sedative effect cannot be taken during pregnancy. It is better to prepare independently infusion on water or herbal tea. Such teas will calm the nervous system of the future mom, and also get rid of unnecessary anxiety, anxiety and improve sleep quality.

For young children

Little children especially need calm and high-quality sleep. Every day, their brain perceives a lot of impressions and knowledge with which his growing organism is working with difficulty. As a result, the child sleeps badly, refuses to eat, often capricious.

In this case, calming herbs will help. To do this, you can brew light teas, use baths for swimming with the addition of herbs. At the same time, it is necessary to prepare herbal infusion in advance. Sometimes aromatic candles based on medicinal plants. Also, the doctor may advise to apply these methods in the complex.

For children, you can use the following herbs with a sedative effect: chamomile, calendula, chamber, mint, dyeing. Most often for bathing, the baby uses a series. This plant is not only perfectly relaxed, but also helps from diathesis and diarmions. All the above-described herbs can calm the nervous system, fight harmful bacteria on the skin, reduce inflammatory processes. Soothing herbs are used for swimming, and for intake.


Herbs-based drug preparations compared with chemical analogues, have safe properties. They have practically no side effects, and also do not affect the liver and digestive organs. Some tinctures of herbs are preparing on alcohol, thanks to which the medicine is much faster absorbed by the body. Basically, this is used by plants like Valerian, mother-in-law, hawthorn.

Many of the modern sedative preparations on herbal basis can include: mint, chamomile, peony. Each plant has a powerful soothing effect. Today manufacturers produce a variety of drugs for the treatment of nervous disorders. There are medications on a vegetable basis, which include chemical elements. These include such combined drugs: new passion, perrsen.

Sedative Herbs: Recipes and Methods for Cooking

The nervous system of man is often overloaded with stress, experiences, so gives failures.

Over time, nervous exhaustion and a number of diseases are developing. Experts recommend paying attention to this problem. At the initial stage, the vigor of the spirit can be restored with medicinal plants. They have favorably affect the body and do not harm it.

In this sedative herbs, have a significant advantage over pharmaceutical chemicals.

Recipes and Methods of Cooking

There are quite a lot of various recipes for cooking eyelids and teas of herbs. The vegetation world of therapeutic herbs is great, so they can be changed every week. With serious impairments, the psyche uses the collection of 3-5 medicinal plants. Each of them performs its functions, and also perfectly complement each other.

The most popular sedative tool is tea from mint or melissa. For the preparation of such a drink 1 tsp Raw materials poured 1 glass of boiling water and insist for a few minutes. Tea is obtained fragrant and well soothes nerves.

Soothing decoction from mint and a beast with the addition of Cyprus. Such a combination of herbs is suitable for people who are constantly in stressful state. The decoction calms and helps not respond to conflicts. For the preparation of the drink take herbs for 1 tsp. Each and mix in dishes. Now add 1 liter of hot boiled water. It is necessary to insist until complete cooling. Such infusion you need to drink daily for one week.

An infusion from herbal collection: mint, Melissa, Chamomile Creeps, and a bump of hops. We mix all the ingredients of 1 t. L. The drink can be insteaded in the thermos: on the portion of the mixture - 250 ml of boiling water. Insstruct about 2 hours, and then strain fluid. Take 50 ml infusion before making food up to 5 times a day. The course of treatment is 10 days.

If there is no possibility to collect medicinal herbs yourself, you can always buy them in a pharmacy. They are sold separately or ready-made fees. An instruction is attached to each soothing medium that you can cook drug.

Sedable herbs are often used for water procedures. To calm the nervous system, it is useful in a bath with warm water to add 2-3 drops of mint oil, rosemary or lemongrass. The procedure should last 15-20 minutes. Well soothes olive-cytrus bath. It is enough 1 lemon and 1 tbsp. olive oil. Citrus cut and pour warm water to insist. Then pour infusion into the bath along with the oil.

Tea, tincture

In nature, there are many plants capable of suspending inflammatory processes of the nervous system. Experts recommend cooking some of them and tincture. To do this, you can use such herbs: chamomile, lavender, mint, dyeing, linden, Ivan tea, etc. Such sedatives act on the body only after a while with their constant consumption.

All herbs that are recommended for cooking beverages have a powerful sedative effect. Before their reception, a doctor should be visited for advice. The fact is that even such useful medicinal herbs have their own contraindications. In addition, the wrong dosage can lead to side effects.


Sedative means in the form of a syrup for adults and children can be bought at the pharmacy. This form of medication is released without a recipe. Their composition, in addition to the active components of medicinal herbs, includes vitamins C and B6 and flavored additives. Mostly sedative syrups are intended for children. The tool is used for 2 hours l. After eating 4 times a day. Course of treatment from 15 to 30 days.

We all live anxiety and stress. Problems, difficulties, conflict situations, excitement and experiences for themselves and their loved ones are permanent satellites of our life. Stress pursues us everywhere: at work, on the road, in public places and even a house where, it would seem, it should be calm, comfortable and cozy. The expression "live under constant pressure" has become popular.

To preserve and restore your psycho-emotional state, the ability to relax, discard all the negative, switching from ourselves. But very few possess such skills. Some closes on themselves, focusing on the negative.

And as a result, the voltage becomes constant and leads to ailment, such as insomnia, headaches, depression, neurosis, etc. Permanent stressful states can also lead to serious diseases of the cardiovascular system, stomach, etc. organs.

Official medicine is widely used in therapy. Soothing herbs for the nervous system. The pharmacological industry also produces a large set of sedatives from nerves on herbs. The advantages of applying phytotherapy under this group of diseases is a soft but effective impact on the nervous system and the absence of side effects.

What nerve diseases are treated herbs

Herbs from nerves and stress well have proven themselves to treat this group of diseases in primary and moderate severity. A good effect gives preventive intake of soothing herbs for the nervous system in the form of teas, like replacing the usual evening black tea. Such drinks:

  • remove irritability;
  • eliminate anxiety, fears and anxiety;
  • act soothingly
  • removal of vessels
  • normalize blood pressure,
  • improve mood,
  • beneficially affect the work of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • contribute to rapid falling asleep and deep, calm sleep.

What should pay attention to

Despite the effective impact of calming herbs from the nerves, before starting their admission, it should be borne in mind that some constantly repeating symptoms can signal the presence of serious diseases that require consultation of an experienced specialist and the appointment of the treatment regimen by drugs.

An example of such symptoms can perform permanent headaches, which are also an indicator of increased blood pressure or brain tumor. Also, changes in the psyche in the elderly, such as irritability, whims, unreasonable flashes of anger, etc., can signal the degradable processes in the brain, such as Alzheimer's disease.

In addition, no matter how harmless medicinal plants did not seem, are also medicines, many of which are potent, toxic and even poisonous. Many people, especially elderly, have a number of chronic diseases. All these moments, as well as the dosage, the power of exposure, possible side effects, can take into account only the doctor, it is desirable a phytotherapist, after passing a survey and diagnosis.

In particular, the consultation of the specialist is necessary when using sedative herbs for the nervous system of the child, as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Herbs for the nervous system

Often, in the event of stressful situations, people ask themselves the question: what is the grass to drink from the nerves? The best herbs from the nerves are: lemon (fruits with peel), potatoes (including decoction), coriander / kinza (all plant), Ivan tea (grass), Valerian (root), dandelion (juice from leaves and roots), Melissa (grass), nine (root), mother-in-law (grass), blue blue (root), peony evaded (root), oregano ordinary (grass), thyme / chamber (grass), Tollga / Labacker Vysoliste (Grass), hawthorn ( berries, flowers), lomies (root), nettle (leaves), mint (leaves), chamomile pharmacy (grass and flowers), hop (cones), alha (root), donner medicinal (grass), holper jacket (grass and flowers ), razyme (stems, leaves), raisins, walnuts (fruits), red wine, gold cowner umbrella, cucumber grass (grass, flowers), passiflora incarnative, ginseng (root), lemon recrehension / aliasis three-lines (leaves), Basil ( Grass), Lipa (Color), Golden Us (leaves), white mistletoe, lavender, primrose Spring, strawberry (grass, berries), Kalina (bark, berries), etc.

Soothing herbs from nerves in neurosis

Nearness is a number of functional neuropsychiatric diseases (neurostation, hysteria, psychstay, etc.) - arise as a result of a long mental, emotional or mental overvoltage. Also, the cause of the occurrence may be infections and other diseases.

Symptoms of neuroses are: increased excitability and irritability, syradiability, fusibility, fast fatigue, disorders of appetite, sleep, etc.

Recipes Grass Soothe Nerves

Recipe 1.

1 tbsp. Hawthorn fruits pour 200 ml. Water, bring to a boil and on the most small fire to boil 15 minutes. Remove from fire, cover with a lid, bite and insist to warm. Fruits to lose a spoon, mix the liquid and squeeze. The resulting decoction to bring to the initial volume with boiled water.

Take 1/2-1 / 3 Art. 2-3 times a day before meals.

Recipe 2.

1 tsp. Primories (grass, roots) Pour 250 ml. boiling water. Cover the lid, insulate and insist before cooling. Strain.

Drinking on a half pack twice a day.

Infusion is also used with headaches and as a light sleeping pill.


Recipe 1.

Roots of Aralia Manchurskaya crushing and pour high-quality vodka or alcohol in a 1: 5 ratio. Capacity is closed tightly with a lid and insist in a dark place at room temperature for 15 days, not forgetting periodically mixing. Stretch, raw material. The tincture is amber.

Take 30-40 drops 2-3 times a day during meals.

When depressed, the tincture takes 10-15 drops 2 times a day.

Recipe 2.

30 gr. Grinding roots of dyagil medicinal pour half liters of white wine. Capacity is closed tightly with a lid and insist in a dark place at room temperature for two weeks, not forgetting to periodically shake. Stretch, raw material.

Take 1-2 tbsp. 2 times a day.

The tincture also consumes as a cure for nerves on herbs, with insomnia.

Herbs to calm nerves when depressed

Depression is a mental state resulting from a long emotional stress, long periods of strong unrest, voltage, deep mental shock. Situations that may cause a disease may be the death of a loved one or relative, deep disappointment in the family, etc.

Symptoms of the disease are different: fatigue, deterioration of well-being, apathy, feelings of loss of control, hopelessness, helplessness, sadness, etc.

Long depression, especially in the absence of serious reasons, may be a sign of the presence of a mental illness requiring the consultation of a specialist.

Often, in the event of depressive states, the "decline" of the mood of people interests how to help themselves, what herbs drink from nerves and stress. Folk medicine has an extensive set of recipes for this direction, for example, as follows:

Grass recipes for the nervous system of adult

Recipe 1.

1 tbsp. Flowers Astra Romashkova pour 250 ml. boiling water. Cover the lid, wrap and insist before cooling. Strain.

Take 1 tbsp. 3-4 times a day.

Infusion well strengthens the nervous system.

Recipe 2.

1/2 Article. Mint pour 250 ml. Water, bring to a boil and on the most small fire to boil 15 minutes. Remove from fire, cover with a lid, warm and insist to warm. Strain. The resulting decoction with boiled water to bring to the initial volume.

Take in warm form 1 / 2-1 / 3 art. for 15 min. Before eating 2-3 times a day: the first time in the morning and before bedtime.

Herbs collection from nerves

Collect 1.

Mother (grass), drying (grass), hawthorn (flowers), daisy pharmacy (flowers) Grind and mix in the same quantities (by weight).

1 tbsp. Collection to fill 250 ml. boiling water. Cover the lid, insulate and insist before cooling. Strain.

Take on the floor of the glass three times a day in an hour after eating.

The infusion is also used for nervous disorders, cardiac weakness in combination with chopping and headache.

Collection 2.

1 tbsp. Mother (grass) pour 250 ml. boiling water. Cover the lid, wrap and insist before cooling. Strain.

Take 1/3 of Art., Adding 20 drops of the Lrangess tincture, twice a day per hour before meals.

What herbs treat nerves in insomnia

Insomnia is a painful state, expressing in full or partial absence of sleep. It is characterized by late falling asleep or inability to fall asleep, awakening significantly earlier than usual time, sleep overnight several times is interrupted for a long time, reducing sleep depth.

Causes of insomnia can be different, among which significant, including mental, overwork, mental arrest, stressful state, strong excitement, experience, anxiety, feeling of resentment, bitterness, anger, perturbation, etc. In addition, a frequent insomnia can signal the presence of a serious disease.

Herbs recipes for nervous system and sleep

Recipe 1.

2 tbsp. Souls ordinary pour 250 ml. boiling water. Cover with a lid, insulate and insist to a warm state. Strain.

Take on half a glass in 15 minutes. Before eating 2 times a day, last time before bedtime. To taste you can add honey, which is also a good tool that promotes rapid falling asleep and deep calm sleep.

Recipe 2.

5 tbsp. Lucerne sowing (grass) fill 250 ml. Waters, bring to a boil and on the most small fire to boil 2-3 minutes. Remove from fire, cover with a lid, insulate and insist 2 hours. Strain. The resulting decoction to bring to the initial volume with boiled water.

Take 100 ml. 3 times a day, last time before bedtime.

The tincture of herb for sleep and calm the nervous system

Hop cones crushed and pour high-quality vodka in a 1: 4 ratio. Capacity tightly close the lid and insist in a dark place at room temperature for 12 days, not forgetting from time to time to mix. Stretch, raw material.

Take 5 drops in a tablespoon of water before eating twice a day, the second time - for the night.

Collection of herbs for an adult nervous system

Collect: Melissa (Grass) - 20 gr., Motherbon (grass) - 30 gr., Valeriana (root) - 30 grams.

1 tbsp. Collection to fill 250 ml. water. Bring to a boil and on the most small fire boil 2-3 minutes. Remove from fire, cover with a lid, insulate and insist before cooling. Stretch, raw material.

Take on half a glass 3 times a day before meals.

Also, the decoction helps with neurosis, heartbeat, as a sedative.

Herbs to strengthen the nervous system

Without a doubt, it is better to prevent your health to extreme, painful states. To this end, great benefits will bring the use of natural natural resources in preventive purposes. What herbs soothing the nervous system, as well as contributing to its strengthening, best apply? For example, the following.

Recipe 1.

10 medium-sized lemons are well wash under running water, quiveed boiling water to remove wax coating and skip through a meat grinder. Shell from 5 eggs to quit boiling water, dry and crushing with a coffee grinder.

Lemons and shell pour half liters of high-quality vodka. Capacity tightly close the lid and insist in a dark place at room temperature for 7 days, not forgetting periodically mixing.

Take 2 tbsp. 3 times a day. Course treatment is a month.

Recipe 2.

5 gr. Roots of nine and dyagil medicinal and 10 gr. Herft Hormicks of the reinforced and gold cake of umbrella chop and pour 2 liters of natural red wine. Capacity tightly close the lid and insist in a dark place at room temperature for 14 days, not forgetting periodically shake. Stretch, raw material.

Take 20 ml. Infusion 3 times a day after half an hour after eating.

The infusion is used as a sedative tool for the nervous system on herbs, with depressed and stressful states, as well as prevention to strengthen the nervous system.

Recipe 3.

2 tbsp. Melissa (grass), 2 pcs. Carnations (seasoning), by the pinch of ground nutmeg and coriander, crushed single lemon peel, 0.5 ppm Crushed nine (root) Pour the floor of high-quality vodka.

For cooking tincture, it is best to use a dark glass container. If there is no such, then the glass jar is worn black and golf.

Capacity is tightly closed with a lid and insist in a dark place at room temperature for two weeks, not forgetting periodically mixing. Stretch, raw material.

Take 1 tsp. Tincture in 30 ml. Water 3 times a day after half an hour after eating.

Balm is emergency assistance in any stressful situation, nervous voltage, overwork. Acts quickly and efficiently. As a prophylactic agent, it has a strengthening and healing effect on the heart, vessels and nervous system.

Recipe 4.

Potatoes - a source of vitamins of group B, mineral salts, including potassium - all that is so necessary for a healthy and strong nervous system. But all these substances are water soluble and, if you cook potatoes in purified form, then they go into the liquid that most owners simply pours.

For the treatment and improvement of the heart, liver, nervous system and normalization of blood pressure, potatoes are purified from peel and boiled up to readiness. Potatoes can be used for cooking, such as lunch, and the decoction drink 1 tbsp. Not less than 3 times a week. Also, potato cleaning can also be used for cooking.