Outline outline of cognitive research activities of older preschoolers. Summary of the lesson on research activities in the senior group

A wide selection of ready-made abstracts of classes and GCD for conducting experiments and magical transformations with ordinary objects, things, substances of natural and artificial origin. Secrets of entertaining tricks that will not only arouse the joy and interest of children, but also contribute to the assimilation of new knowledge about the world around them.

Clear step by step descriptions experiments that can be delivered without resorting to significant material and technical costs. Research activities that will help to form children's ideas about living and inanimate nature, about the relationship and interdependence of objects and phenomena; which will support and enhance their cognitive interest.

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Synopsis of the lesson on cognitive research activities with children of senior preschool age "Sorceress water" purpose: systematize children's ideas about water properties. Tasks: Educational - to acquaint children with the properties of water through an experimental activity; - to develop all the components of oral speech, the formation of a dictionary; -Continue teaching children during the experiments to observe ...

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Research activities. Lesson notes, GCD - Lesson summary on cognitive and research activities "What does chocolate hide?" for older children

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Library of images "MAAM-pictures"

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Synopsis of directly educational activities in senior age group... Topic "Visiting the Water" (Cognitive - research activity.)

Description... Children experimentally argue about the properties of water and prove them.
The material is interesting and useful for preschool teachers.
Purpose: Instill an interest in knowing the world around you.
Expand ideas about the world around: update existing knowledge about water and air and get new ones.
Teach your child to boldly express their judgments.
Strengthen children's knowledge about the properties of water (taste, smell, heats up, dissolves).
To form cognitive motivation and activity in a preschooler.
Stimulate the desire to independently draw conclusions and put forward hypotheses.
Cultivate interest in experimental activities.

Material and equipment: cards depicting research methods; a ball and a bottle, a bucket of hot and cold water, color pictures, glasses of water, spoons, pebbles, sugar.
Prior work.
Reading fiction "Moidodyr" "Fedorino grief" "Snegurochka"
Watching the cartoon "The Journey of the Droplet"
Observation of the properties of water during a walk, in regime moments.
Memorizing a poem about water.
Ecological walk on the river.
Experiments and experiments with water and air.

The course of the lesson.

Do you guys like that we are gathered here? And I like it, but let's tell a friend about it.
Musical and communicative game "How cool"
The soundtrack "I am a water" sounds
Educator.It seems to be the waterman singing, what do you think, why is he so sad? Let's go to visit him and he will have fun just like we are now. How can we get to him. I suggest using the balloon today. Want to? And we need an important assistant on the way, guess who he is, they say about him in a riddle.
Passes through the nose into the chest
And keeps the way back
He is invisible and yet
We cannot live without it. - Air.
Opening the balloon image

Tell me, why is there a burner under the ball? (Children's suggestions)
- Now let's find out what happens to the air when it is heated ..
Test 1.
We put an empty balloon on the neck of the bottle. Keep it in hot water for 1 minute.
What do you see? (balloon inflates) Guys, this is because the air in the bottle heats up, expands and fills the balloon, and it inflates. Now let's put the bottle in cold water. What do you see? (the ball deflates) Why do you think this is happening (Children's proposal). Yes, guys, when heated, the air expands and fills the ball. When the burner turns off, the air cools and the ball is deflated. Who will conclude what property does air have?
Let's all join hands. So the burner turns on - the air heats up - it expands and the ball fills up and we fly - the burner is turned off - the air cools down, contracts and we land. (children run to the chairs) Here we are on the river bank.

Baby You've heard of water - they say it's everywhere
In a puddle, sea, ocean, and in a water tap
We are used to the fact that water is always our companion
Without her, we cannot wash, not eat, not get drunk
I dare to inform you - we cannot live without water. (N. Ryzhova)
Let's look around - is there our Waterman here?
Visual gymnastics. (Music game "looks left-looking right) Waterman enters.
Water. Hello! I am very glad to see you. Thank you for coming, otherwise I’m so bored, you know I have so much water here and I’m so used to slapping my bare feet in puddles, swimming, splashing, after that, transparent droplets shimmer on my hands and feet in the sun. Only it is not clear: where does this water disappear then? (looks at his hands) And also, the other day I wanted to swim in my favorite river, and instead of water - ice. Where did he come from?
Educator. Guys, let's try to answer Vodyanoy's questions? Come to our laboratory. Water, the guys will show what wonderful properties water has.
Test 2... The smell of water.
Water, but tell me, how can you know if water has a smell?
Water. I dont know
Guys, how can you find out if the water has a smell? (Children's answers) Let's smell it. Does the water smell?

Conclusion: water is odorless
Experience 3. The taste of water
Guys, how can we determine the taste of water?
Children's answers. (Try it)
Does the water taste? It is necessary to draw a conclusion.
Output. The water has no taste.
Put 1 spoonful of sugar in a jar of water and stir. What will happen? Where did the sugar go? Children's answers. Taste the water. What has changed in taste?

Make a conclusion.
Output. Water is a solvent, it has become sweet.
Experience 4.
Water color and transparency.
Do you think water has color? Think how you can check it? (children's answers). Yes. Throw a pebble into a jar of water.
-Look if you see a pebble? So does the water have a color? A conclusion must be drawn.
Conclusion: water is colorless and transparent.
Finger and ours are tired. Let's play with them.
Finger game (exercises to the music of Elena Zheleznova)
Educator. Where does the rain come from? Look at the picture.
It turns out that the drops, heated on the ground, rise up. There they get cold, and they huddle together, forming clouds. When they meet together, they grow larger, become heavy and fall to the ground in the form of rain. Let's play with you in droplets. Now you are drops, you merged into a puddle,

the sun warmed you up, and you flew to the sky, it's cold there and you clung to each other, became heavy and fell to the ground again (play 2 times)

Water. Oh, how smart you are, only I didn't remember everything at once, remind me once more what we talked about today.
Educator. Guys, who wants to become a Doctor of Science and once again tell Vodyanoy what we have learned today?
(The child, using schemes - algorithms) repeats the properties of water.
Merry, it's time for us to return to kindergarten... Is our balloon waiting for us?
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1- Oh, we have already landed. Guys, do you think we were able to learn everything about water today?
Then we will continue our research on water in the next lesson. Well done, you were very good researchers today, you discovered a lot of interesting things for yourself.

In the preparatory group for school number 4 "Rays" on the topic "Invisible (sympathetic) ink"

Purpose: formation elementary representations older children preschool age invisible ink through inclusion in experimental research activities.


Learning tasks:

    Continue teaching to follow safety guidelines when conducting experiments. Form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe substances used to obtain sympathetic ink. Form an idea of \u200b\u200bhow invisible ink is developed.

Developmental tasks:

    To carry out the cognitive development of children in the process of experimental activity. Contribute to the formation of mental operations, the development of speech, the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships.

Educational tasks:

    Foster independence, the ability to understand learning task and do it yourself. To bring up an emotional - value attitude to the world around.

Integration of areas: speech development, social - communicative development, physical development.

Preliminary work with children: conducting experiments with lemon, its use, researching waterfowl, their benefits for humans, homework about tools for writing, watching the presentation "How Writing Appeared".

Methodical techniques:

    Gaming (use surprise moments, competition). Intuitive (use of cut pictures, equipment for conducting experiments). Verbal (reminder, instruction, questions, individual children's answers). Encouragement, analysis of the lesson.

Equipment: audio recording, usb device (music speaker), TV, laptop, letter from Professor Pochemushkin, package with diplomas, smiley, containers: with milk, lemon juice, water, with iodine solution; cotton swabs, iron, napkins, oilcloths, pictures depicting: living nature, inanimate nature and objects made by human hands.

Demo material: cut pictures, presentation "Sympathetic ink".

Course of the lesson

1. Introductory part

Organizing time.

Guys, guests came to us today. Let's say hello to them.

(children sit in a semicircle on chairs on the carpet)

Surprising moment.

The recording "Incoming message" sounds.


“Hello, guys from the Rayons group. It's me again - Professor Pochemushkin. I hid the package with your diplomas in the group, but to open it, read the instructions in the letter. Successful research and see you soon ... "

What do we do? (look for a package)

(We found a parcel with a combination lock on it; letter with instructions)

What an interesting castle. What is this castle, you know? How do I open it? Do we know the code? Where do you think the code might be? (children's answers)

That's right, the professor said, to open the package, you need to read the instructions in the letter.

(the letter opens with good wishes and a smile)

Psychological attitude.

Children say good wishes to each other and pass a smiley. As everyone said, the letter opens.

And I'll hang the smiley on the board, let the whole lesson smile at us. Do you agree? (children's answers)


(in a letter 2 sheets, with a written code in invisible ink)

Motivation / goal setting.

So what do we need to do? (children's answers)

Let's remember the rules of conduct in the laboratory:

Rule # 1. You can't taste anything, you can get poisoned.
Rule No. 2. Nothing should be brought close to the nose and sniff, there may be a pungent and unpleasant smell.
Rule number 3. In the laboratory, you must not run, jump and push.
Rule number 4. Work together and do not interfere with a friend.

Work stages: find out

What is ink;

Than they wrote before, than they write now;

With what ink can the code be written;

2. Main part

Updating previously acquired knowledge.

(pictures with living, inanimate nature and objects made by human hands)

Guys, choose a picture for yourself and find your place at the table. One of you has a picture with a question mark: there is a separate table for him.

(3 tables with the emblems of Professor Pochemushkin: “ live nature"," Inanimate nature "," made by human hands "; envelopes with cut pictures on the tables, on a separate table - a question mark)

So, we have 3 teams. Each has envelopes on the table. You need to assemble a picture, work together, help each other. Which team will collect the fastest will raise its hands up. We got ready and started.

(collect pictures: writing pen, fountain pen, ballpoint pen; individual task: soot, charcoal, a jar of solvent)

Well done, we did the job. Someone was faster, some slower, but they did everything correctly.

Obtaining and accepting new knowledge.

Questions for an individual assignment:

Guys, look what happened with .... (child's name).

Why do you think these pictures are together?

Your assumptions are hypotheses.

The first ones were made from this (I turn the picture, it says "INK")

What is ink? (children's answers)

Ink - liquid dye, suitable for writing and / or creating images with writing instruments.

Was your assumption confirmed / disproved?

Did we answer one of the questions of Professor Pochemushkin? (what is ink?)(Yes)

Which section does ink belong to: wildlife, inanimate nature, made by human hands?

Why? (children's answers)

So, ink is written using writing instruments.

Where can we see them? (on tables)


What did you do?

Is this somehow related to our research?

Your assumptions - hypotheses: how is this connected?

What did we need to find out? (than they wrote before, than they write now?)

In what order did these writing instruments appear? (glue on the board: quill pen; fountain pen; ballpoint pen)

And if we think correctly, we will find out after the Physical Minute.

Physical minute. (video file: "Barbariki")

Individual homework: mini - stories of children about each picture.

Goose feather:

“In the period from 600 to 1800 AD. e. the Spaniards, the inhabitants of Seville discovered that if you use a specially sharpened quill pen, then this tool is the most optimal for writing. Moreover, with the help of the pen, you can write in oblique letters - it's more convenient that way, and the letters can be made not so large. This is how the capital letters turned out. It is curious that until the 6th century AD. e. capital letters simply did not exist, only capital letters were used in writing. Thanks goose feathers! Goose feathers existed for a long time - until the end of the 18th century. They were grinded obliquely at the root to make a cut, dipped it into ink with this cut, a certain amount of ink accumulated in the barrel of the pen, and it was convenient to write. Sharpened the tip with a special knife. By the way, it was the feathers that gave the name to the folding knife, with which the feathers were adjusted and sharpened. It's about a pocket knife. "

A fountain pen:

“Quill pens have been around for a long time in the writing market. But in the 18th century, thanks to one clever servant, whose name, unfortunately, history has not preserved. It is only known that his master had to write a lot, and he did not have time to change the worn off feathers, and the servant did not have time to run after the geese. To make life easier for the owner - and for himself - the resourceful servant invented a feather made of steel. The original design was far from perfect, since he did not know how to make a longitudinal slit on the tip of the nib, so it splashed ink and wrote without pressure. As soon as such a slot was invented, the quality of writing improved significantly, and the history of the fountain pen began. "

Ball pen:

“In the 19th century, inventors designed a pen that didn’t have to be dipped in an inkwell all the time, it was necessary to create a long-term writing pen with ink inside. In 1945. - A ballpoint pen hit the US market for $ 12.5. The pen was marketed as “the first pen to write underwater. It is also interesting that to this day, in the already arrived era of computers, the interest in modernizing ballpoint pens has not subsided, due to which all new versions of them are on sale. "

Thanks for the interesting stories.

Guys, did we guess correctly? (Yes)

Sympathetic ink.

Guys, what ink is used to write the code for the lock on the parcel, do we see this ink? (not)

So what are they? (invisible)

The invisible ink is called "Sympathetic".

What are they made of, your assumptions?

Let's check?

(showing a photo-presentation "Sympathetic ink")

Topic: Water and sunflower oil.

Purpose: Improving children's understanding of the various properties of water, to acquaint with the properties of oil


  • development of children's interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation;
  • the formation of cognitive actions, the formation of consciousness;
  • develop observation, the ability to compare, contrast, draw conclusions;
  • continue to learn to read diagrams;
  • to develop the curiosity of children, to support the manifestations of independence in the knowledge of the world around them.


  1. Develop communication skills.
  2. Promote the formation of social partnership, the desire to act together with peers, enjoying joint activities.


- Raise curiosity and interest in the world around you.

Demo material:

  • Plant illustrations;
  • euler circles;
  • water properties diagram;
  • two bottles of dark color with sunflower oil and water.


  • work cards for research;
  • chips in red and green;
  • disposable cups;
  • spoons;
  • salt;
  • brushes;
  • a set of pictures of a sunflower and water droplets;
  • glue;
  • napkins;
  • planks.

Preliminary work:

  1. Conversation about water.
  2. Examination of illustrations and paintings depicting sunflowers.
  3. Guessing riddles.
  4. Experimental activity with water, comparing stone to wood using study sheets.
  5. Excursion to the kitchen.

GCD move

1. The teacher's conversation with the children about the season.

- What season?
- How has it changed around?

2. Motivation

The phone rings.

Educator: Sorry guys, can I answer. Maybe something important.

(A phone call with a request to help the cook determine which bottle contains the oil.)

- Guys, our cook called me, she asks to help her. It is necessary to determine which bottle contains oil and which water. Quite by accident, she poured water and oil into 2 identical opaque bottles. It's time to cook dinner, and she is afraid to make mistakes and spoil the food. Will we help you? Can we handle it?

3. Conversation

Educator: What is butter? Why does a cook need butter? What is the oil made of and what is it called?

4. Didactic game "Name the plant"

Children stand in a circle, everyone is given a picture of a plant. The educator first shows, names the plant and the oil that is formed. (Pumpkin, walnut, olives, tomato, corn, sunflower, mustard, flax, burdock, cotton, grapes, cucumber.)

- Please place the plants that make oil on the magnetic board.

5. Research activities

- We will conduct research. It is necessary to put on aprons, we take places at the table. You have sheets for research, we will glue red circles if this property is not available, green circles if the substance has this property.

Let's remember the properties of water: transparency, colorlessness, no odor, no taste, no shape, solvent. (the teacher places pictures of the properties of water on a magnetic board)

Let's move on to research.

6. Practical activity

Children come to the table. where the experiment is being conducted.

The contents of 1 bottle are poured into cups and experimental activities are carried out.

  1. Children are sniffing water.
  2. They taste it.
  3. Put sugar and stir.
  4. Pour some water into a plate.

After the experiments. children fill out the study sheets, answering the questions:

  1. Is the water colorless? (Yes - green circle)
  2. Is the water clear? (Yes - green circle)
  3. Water has no shape? (Yes - green circle)
  4. Odorless? (Yes - green circle)
  5. Has no taste? (Yes - green circle)
  6. Solvent? (Yes - green circle)
  7. Can I wash my hands? (Yes - green circle)

7. Physical minutes

Two sisters - two hands
They chop, build, dig,
Tearing weeds in the garden
And they wash each other.

Two hands knead the dough -
Left and right
The water of the sea and the river
They rake in while swimming.

8. Continue experimenting with bottle 2

  • define transparency;
  • whether the substance has a color;
  • is there a smell;
  • does sugar dissolve in our case;
  • whether a mark remains on the hands.

9. Conclusion

- We read, children, what we got on the sheets.

What bottle is the water in? Why?

We glue the sunflower to the line, a drop of water to the water according to the signs.

We check the teacher's checklist.

10. Working with Euler circles

Place the signs of water in the red circle, and oils in the blue.

What common? What feature will we place in the intersection?

(look at the sheet)

11. Working with a microscope

- Everything that surrounds us has an internal structure that can only be seen and seen through a microscope.

(the microscope is connected to the laptop).

A glass with a drop of water is placed, then a glass with a drop of oil.

- How are the images different?

(a drop of yellow oil)

Lesson summary

- What new things have you learned? What else did you want to know?

Did we do a good job?

In the next lesson, we will talk about how butter is made.

And now we need to give the oil to the kitchen so that we can have dinner.

Research lesson summary

in senior group.

Topic: Water and sunflower oil.

Purpose: Improving children's understanding of the various properties of water, to acquaint with the properties of oil


Development of children's interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation;

the formation of cognitive actions, the formation of consciousness;

Develop observation, the ability to compare, contrast, draw conclusions;

Continue learning to read diagrams;

Develop the curiosity of children, support the manifestation of independence in the knowledge of the world around them.


Develop communication skills.

Promote the formation of social partnership, the desire to act together with peers, enjoying joint activities.


Foster curiosity and interest in the world around you.

Equipment: aprons by the number of children, glue, glue plates, brushes, napkins, pipettes, dissolved food coloring.

Demo material:

Illustrations of plants, Euler circles, a diagram of the properties of water, two dark-colored bottles with sunflower oil and water, the numbers "1", "2" on the bottles.

Handout: work cards for research A4 sheet divided into 8 columns and 3 horizontal stripes, the first column is not filled; 2 columns - the picture "tongue" is blackened, 3 - the "nose" is crossed out with red lines, 4 - an empty glass, 5 - pictures of a triangle, square, 6 - a rainbow, 7 - a glass with a piece of sugar, 8 - a hand; chips in red and green, disposable cups, spoons, salt, brushes, a set of sunflower pictures and water droplets.

Preliminary work:

Conversation about water.

Examination of illustrations and paintings depicting sunflowers.

Guessing riddles.

Experimental activity with water, comparison of stone with wood

When comparing stone to wood, children filled out a study sheet. Wood and stone were compared in terms of buoyancy, weight, flammability, heating, construction use, and the following study sheets were compiled.

Excursion to the kitchen, acquaintance with the chef, with the work of chefs.

GCD move:

1. The teacher's conversation with the children about the season.

2. Motivation.

A phone call with a request to help the cook determine which bottle contains the oil.

3. Conversation.

Educator: -What is oil? Why does a cook need butter? What is the oil made of and what is it called?

4 .Didactic game "Form a new word."

The teacher shows a picture, the children name the plant and form a word with the question "Which one?"

Pumpkin - pumpkin, walnut - walnut, olives - olive, tomato - tomato,corn - corn, sunflower - sunflower, mustard - mustard, flax - linseed, burdock - burdock, cotton - cotton, grapes - grape,cucumber - cucumber.

Place the plants that make the oil on the magnetic board.

5. Research activity.

We will conduct research. It is necessary to put on aprons, take seats at the table. You have sheets for research, we will glue red circles if this property is not available, green circles if the substance has this property.

Let's remember the properties of water: transparency, colorlessness, no smell, no taste, no shape, solvent.

Let's move on to research.

6.Practical activity.

The contents of 1 bottle are poured into cups and experimental activities are carried out.

Children sniff the contents, taste them, add salt or sugar, drip dye.

After research, children at the tables glue chips in the first line: red - this property is absent, green - there is this property.

For example: column 2 - "tongue" is crossed out with red lines, the contents of the first bottle have no taste - a green chip.

7. Fidget.

Two sisters - two hands

They chop, build, dig,

Tearing weeds in the garden

And they wash each other.

Two hands knead the dough -

Left and right

Sea and river water

They rake in while swimming.

8. Continue experimenting with bottle 2.

Define transparency,

Whether the substance has a color;

Is there a smell;

Does sugar dissolve in our case;

Does the mark remain on the hands.

9. Conclusion.

We read, children, what we got on the sheets.

What bottle is the water in? Why?

We glue the sunflower to the line, a drop of water to the water according to the signs.

We check the teacher's checklist.

10.Working with Euler's circles.

Place the signs of water in the red circle, and oils in the blue.

What common? What feature will we place in the intersection?

(look at the sheet)

Lesson summary.

What have you learned new? What else did you want to know?

In the next lesson, we will talk about how butter is made.

And now we need to give the oil to the kitchen so that we can have dinner.