How to dress in the Grooms Legion. How to wear a character in WOW: Legion? Hotfixes

Comraders not only help to perform missions, but also open some story in the fight against the Legion. So, you can meet the key personalities of Laura, for example, reghart for shamans or manashtorma for magicians. The source of comrades (champions) to help in various missions of the class unfathroom, which give experience, the strength of artifact, gold, and sometimes germination. The determined number of missions is also necessary to complete the class company or receiving the Mount, for example, foxes. Each class has access to the associates in the leggland of the Legion, but only five champions can be active. The rest will be marked "awaiting instructions." At any time, you can activate an ally, but it will cost it 250 gold. Pumping comrades in the Legion: normal, rare, epicThe initial level of the champion is determined in which company (chapter) of the Ottophe is obtained, but the starting quality will always be ordinary. That is, quality does not depend on the level of the hero: 100, 13, 19 or 110. The maximum level is 110. To improve the quality of the associate, you must perform mission. Schedule experience for comrades, regardless of class:

XP need:


When the champion received the maximum level and quality, then the experience is not charged for it.

Levels of comrades in the Legion

Reached 110 levels of the associate, it receives Ilvl items 760, which can be enhanced to perform more complex tasks. Maximum level of items 850.Sign the quality of the equipment requires the following improvements:

  • Heavy Armor Set: +5 Position Level
  • A set of fortified armor: +10 position level
  • Set of impenetrable armor: +15 position level

This means that items will always be multiple, and associates cannot have, for example, 799 ILVL. You can get elements in two ways: from various miscrete missions, using the third level of improving the whole. As for the second way, he can receive Druids, Monks and Shamans. Other classes simply place orders for the execution of champions weapons. Each order takes 12 hours and costs 50 units of resources. Hyd on colleagues in class facilities: low level and bible, for 100% WINDERS In missions, you can add low-level colleagues, but if you send all the low level of champions, then the chances will win much lower . It is also worth considering that such comrades do not get completely experience. If the difference is too large, it will be just useless: it does not contribute to success.

Equipment of comrades in the Legion

When the champions reach 110 levels and other quality, they open slots for equipment that can be used as improvements. The first slot is unlocked when the comrades will reach rare quality, the second is epic. Get the equipment can be:

  • Mission classcoas
  • Local quests
  • Third level of Okloota
  • Emisar
  • Treasures, chests

To put the equipment, simply click on the or place the desired object in it. There is a table with a different equipment that improves a specific characteristic:

Percentage of Victory Enlargement:

Lost stone

Happy bauble

Fetish Good luck

Increases the chance of success of missions by 15%.

Hurrying pocket hours

20% on mission less than 4 hours.

Potion Energy

30% of missions less than 4 hours.

Elixir of mighty concentration

40% of missions less than 4 hours.

Durable hiking boots

On the mission longer than 8 hours by 20%.

Dumpless flask

On the missions longer than 8 hours by 30%.

Phial of infinite breathing

On the mission longer than 8 hours by 40%.

Neckani faults

Death Knight

Rune Retalia

Touching death

Relic black blade

Marauder trail

Demon hunter

Relic shadow

Printing Demon

Essence of Evil

Gear Eluna

Growth scroll

Lighted tokens

Forest corner

Onion ancient kings

Catching a crawler

Dar Vietroshotel

Cloak cheating

Shabby Kudesnik

Corrodian token

Ring of primitive power

Rogue of highborne

Gem of Energy Q.

Tea blessing

Mad stone mi

Bell of Yarerty

Hammer justice

Protection of light

Manuscript Enlightenment

Decoration of the Order of Silver Dlann

Vessed statuette

Priest (Pri)

Power of light

Sannosis in a bottle

Grand sanctity

Smoke grenades

Decoction of power pulling

Powder disappearance

Mitan Vuddu

Earthy clamp

Totem land

Furious jerk

Dark Brotherhood Skull


Demonic decoction

Helmet of power

Reliquia Council of the Gloomy Harvest

Power Valarian

Martial banner

Ax Val "Kira

Skull fallen enemy

Demon in the box

The chance of the success of the mission is 15% higher.

Royal feathers

The chance of the success of the mission by 15%, and with bodyguards gives 25 units. Resources for the execution of a local quest.

Potion sacrifice

The chance of the success of the mission by 15%, and the bodyguards gives 15 gold for the execution of a local quest.

Brooch endless dreams

Reduces the task time by 15% and increases the chance of success by 5%.

Tyne book

Reduces a 15% task time and gives 25 units. Resources in local quests at bodyguard.

Elder's mercy

Reduces the task time by 15% and gives 15 gold in local quests at the bodyguard.

The strength of the omen

Gives 100 units. Resource with bodyguard in the execution of local quests and increases success in missions by 5%.

Ice Cang

Gives 100 units. The resource at the bodyguard in the execution of local quests and reduces the time of the mission to 5%.

Coals of fiery expanses

Gives 100 units. Resource with bodyguard in the execution of local quests and 15 gold.

Little light

It gives 50 gold with a bodyguard in the execution of local quests and increases the percentage of victory by 5.

End of nightmare

It gives 50 gold at a bodyguard in the execution of local quests and reduces the time of the mission to 5%.

Azeroth dust

Gives 25 units. Resource with bodyguard in the execution of local quests and 50 gold.

Winter Gorn

Death Knight

Increases the percentage of victory by 20% during one missions, can be used to three missions.

Golden banana

Manuscript Truth

Action plan


Small soul

Demon hunter

Restores 1 viability of the target detachment.

Wild mushroom

Modified Meryila

Well healing well

Totem of healing flow

Health Stone evil soul


Creek dead

Calls by the detachment of Valarjar seeking.

Commander in Legion by classes: list where to get?

Below you can view the list where all the legion comrades are indicated by classes, which abilities they have. For some champions, we have created useful notes.

Hunter comrades (Hunt) Legion:


Robber colleagues (horns) Legion:


Dress a character and prepare it for raids in Legion., as before, can be a multitude of ways. Nevertheless, many aspects associated with the mining of things have been changed or developed. On the other hand, luck in the face of "ordered" objects and random drops of legens is now even more affecting how quickly you pull on new epics. In this guide, we will tell about all possible ways to wear a new level of level 110, so that he is ready for raids.

Important Equipment Changes in Legion

AT Legion., receiving any item of equipment, the level of this item can be instantly increased, as it was, for example, with objects from PVP chests in Warlords of Draenor. Now this mechanic works for almost all the objects received, regardless of the method of their receipt. In the first few weeks Legion. The maximum level of objects will be 850 . Later this cap will be increased to 895 .

If the subject turned out to be at 15 levels above its basic version, it will be labeled as "hardened in battle." If you are a lucky one, and the improvement is even more, then such an item will be labeled as "titanium tempered." Yes, it means that even for the execution of a local task, you can get the subject of the same level as in the dungeon of an epocal complexity.


Level level: 810-840

AT Legion. 10 dungeons, 8 of which are available immediately and without preliminary tasks.

The formula of the dungeons of normal and heroic complexity remained the same as in previous add-ons: kill the mobs, get the leaf, clothe on the character. Epochal + dungeons in Legion. came to replace the tests from Warlords of Draenor And positioned as an alternative to Rading.

To queue in the heroic you will need 810 The average level of all items.

Levels of objects from the dungeons:

    Normal complexity - 730-760

    Heroic complexity - 825

    Epochal complexity - 840

All LUT, falling in the dungeons can be "hardened in battle" or "hardened titans".

Kraft Items

Level level: 815-850

Although profession and were processed in Legion., they remain good way Dress at the beginning of the add-on.

It is important to note that the characters have no longer limitations on the number of wearable crafting items. Now the crafting items cannot be "hardened in battle" or "hardened titans", but they can be improved using a mountain of annihilation up to 850 levels.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the necklaces that jewelers do: they have a slot for stone, as well as the GOB for your specialization. Kraft relics have a level of 805 and cannot be improved by annihilyate.

Good crafting objects in Legion. Start S. 815 level.

Class Oblot

Level level: 810-840

Set of class unfold consists of 8 parts and can be obtained by passing various content in Legion.. All this content can be passed independently (about it below.) Objects initially have levels from 810 before 850 but can be improved to 840 (except shoulders that 850 level), which is quite enough to raid.

Class Ocloat Object Levels:

    810 : Helmet, brace, belt

    820 : Gloves, pants

    820 : Gloves, pants

    840 : Boots

    850 : Shoulders

How to get classcoach items:

    Helmet - Reach 110 levels and hand over the quest in Classes.

    Violation - Hire 6 champions for classcoas. New champions you unlock along the passage of the tasks of the Optot.

    Gloves - Get respect with the fraction of magnificent fraction.

    Pants - Kill the main bosses in eight dungeons Legion.. It is suitable for any level of complexity.

    Boots - Get a reverence with two fractions of split islands.

    Chest - Complete all the tasks of the Class Ocloat Campaign.

    Belt - Earn 100,000 artifact forces.

    Shoulders - Get exceeded with a fraction of magnificent.

Cost Improving Class Ocloted Objects:

    Before 820 : 500 Other resources

    WITH 820 before 830 : 1000 Operation Resources

    WITH 830 before 840 : 2000 Opt resources

World bosses

Level level: 850

AT Legion. Added 11 new world bosses that will be available while active associated with them. local tasks. By defeating such a boss, except for the Luta, you will receive award for the very local task (changes every week), which includes the resources of the whole, the strength of the artifact and gold.

Before the opening of the raids, Lut from world bosses will have 850 level, and after opening - 860 .

What items fall from world bosses in Legion.:

  • - Boots

    - violation

    - Gloves

    - Shoulders

    - Gloves

Equipment for reputation

Level level: 820-850

All factions sell the items of equipment. If you have achieved respect with the faction, you can buy an ecupation of level 820. Increasing the faction will give you the opportunity to buy levels 850 levels.

Permanent, Equipment for reputation:

820 Belt (fabric)
840 Necklace

Valarian, Equipment for reputation:

820 Helmet (Madchug)
850 Pants (Lats)

Guardies, Equipment for reputation.

With the release of the Night Citadel in the game, it will be possible to improve all your legendary items up to 940 Ilvel. Explain what you need to do.

sacking about improving legendary items in updating 7.1.5

After the update is released 7.1.5, players often ask us questions about the new system for improving legendary items in the Night Citadel and how it needs to be used. We wanted to enter you into the course of the case and tell what to wait next week.

When the Night Citadel will open its doors, players who managed to get at least one legendary subject additions Legion.will be able to get a special task in Dalaran. This task will increase the level of the legendary subject from the 910th to the 940th. To complete the task, you have to assemble the essence of Aman "Tula. The necessary items can be obtained in different ways:

  • for the victory over the bosses of the raid "Citadel Night";
  • of the weekly treasure chests obtained for the passage of epochal dungeons opened with the key;
  • from the bags of messengers;
  • for the implementation of weekly PVP tasks.
By completing the task, you will receive a distilled titanium essence, with which you can increase the level of the legendary subject to 940th (the essence is absorbed). This task can be reused, so you will have the opportunity to get enough distilled titanium essence to improve all items.

In addition, the basic level of all new legendary items that players will be able to receive after the appearance in the game of the Citadel Night will initially be equal to 940. We ask you to consider that these changes will not affect the items that can be obtained from the players of the Messengers' bags. Players with some probability will be able to get new legendary items of the 940 level only from the bags obtained after the opening of the Night Citades.

Blizzard Entertainment Developers decided to expand all sorts of ways to obtain a high, as well as the maximum level in its new addition to WOW - LEGION.

The first raid of additions and keys to the epochable dungeons should be opened, for which you need a high level of items. Below we consider the most effective and rapid methods for the extraction of equipment.

N Ow word in equipment

From now on, players do not have to choose a specific type of activity (profession, dungeon or reputation), so that, having spent some time on it, like it to like. Wearing the world and killing monsters, performing local tasks, looking into the instes and doing a profession - now it has become easily and interesting to get epic armor.

Moreover, any item that initially (in the atlas of the dungeons, for example) had an 805 equipment level, can be randomly raised to a higher rank.

So, for the increase in the 5th level of the subject rushes a cube, and if the value comes out with positive, your item rises from 805 to 810.

So it can last up to 850 - as far as your good luck is enough. Of course, this does not mean that at first you can immediately achieve the maximum level of objects.

It often happens that Fortuna changes you and no increase in armor occurs.

In the characteristics of all items, adapt to your specialization. Rings and necklaces generally lost the main characteristics (except for endurance), increasing only the secondary hero skills (speed, versatility, and so on).

Plus, everything in the dungeons and raids can now easily transfer an unnecessary subject to other members of the group. It is enough that the thing is not better for you at the moment.

A RTefactual weapon

In Legion, players no longer need to worry about the choice of weapons. Now every specialization at the beginning of its path receives an artifact weapon - an eminent gun that has several appearance and which you need to improve throughout the game, choosing talents and inserting relics.

But this does not mean that behind the level of weapons now does not need to follow. Initially, it is equal to 815, but in the process it can be raised to the maximum value provided for by the addon.

This is influenced by the so-called relics, which also possess their own value of the level of the subject.

By inserting a slightly better relic, you will increase the overall level of the artifact. In addition, each of the relics strengthens one or another talent (indicated in the description).

L Yegendar objects

The subjects of the legendary items in Legion was significantly recycled. From now on, this kind of armor does not need to perform a long chain of quests, or kill the most important boss of the addon.

For each specialization there are eight legendary items, and the rings and neck are divided between similar classes (Druid cat, a robber and demons hunter, as an example).

The level of legendary things is always equal to 895 - the ultimate value is currently superior to even things from the raid emerald nightmare. Moreover, such an item gives certain bonuses that increase your abilities.

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In the Legion, the developers implemented a new approach to the evaluation of equipment, according to which the items of the same (including the maximum possible) level can be obtained by various ways. The following types of equipment are listed below, which can be obtained immediately after the release of the supplement, before the dungeons in the expanded epochal mode and the raid is an emerald nightmare.

Features of equipment in the Legion

In the Legion, players do not have to choose one of the activities to obtain the equipment of a certain level. In other words, they will be able to make the maximum level equipment, whatever they do. For several weeks after the release of the addition, the maximum level of equipment will be 850. In the future, it will increase to 895.

The subject with the level of +10 to the basic is considered to be hardened in battle. The subject with the level of +15 and above is considered hardened titans. For example, if you like to perform the tasks alone, you can get the object tempered by titanies for the world task, and you do not necessarily go into an epochal dungeon.

In the Legion, the choice of equipment depends less on the specialization and role of the character. Main characteristics change when changing specialization. On rings and amules there are no basic characteristics (with the exception of endurance), only secondary. Thus, they are suitable for all characters.

The system of personalized production in the Legion was significantly improved. Having received a subject with a level equal to the level of the subject you received earlier, you can transfer it to other raid members.

Mechanics Relics

The Legion has a completely lack of new weapons. Instead, the characters use artifacts to get a relic as mining. Relics increase the level of artifact weapons and add new properties to it. Each weapon has a unique set of slots under the relics associated with its common topics - for example, the relics are used.

Relics can be hardened in battle and hardened titans. The best basic relics can be obtained in the epochemical dungeons. They increase the strength of the artifact by 40 units. and more (in the case of hardened relics).

More detailed information About relics and their types can be found in.

Epochal dungeons (840-850)

With the release of the Legion, 10 dungeons appeared in the game; 8 of them can be visited without prior preparation (in normal and heroic mode). To visit the catacomm of Suramar and the Star Quarter, it is necessary to pump a reputation with (8000/12000 respect).

In normal mode, you can get 805 level equipment, in the heroic - 825 level, in an epochial - 840 level. These items can be hardened in battle and hardened titans.

To visit the heroic dungeon using the search system, the level of 810 is required. The dungeon in the epoch mode is updated once a week, the groups are collected manually for them.

Suramar's stars and catacombs quarter are available only after pumping reputation and only in an erachial mode. In these dungeons, you can get sets of two items with additional bonuses. An example is a legion march, enhancing attacks against demons.

A complete list of prey and tactics on all bosses can be found in.

World Tasks (805-850)

World tasks are designed for characters of the maximum level. Tasks and rewards may be different. World tasks can be obtained at 110 levels, after executing the Union of Fractions.

The objectives of these tasks are scattered by split islands. They include the murder of ordinary and elite monsters, the battle of pets, the manufacture of items and battle with other players.

The minimum level of items received as a reward for world assignments is 805. As the level of equipment grows, the level of award also grows.

As a reward, you can get any item of equipment, including relics, the type of award does not depend on the purpose of the task. The level of award is growing as the current level of the character's equipment grows, so global tasks will not lose their relevance.

Performing more complex tasks, you can get a more valuable reward. For example, for killing a rare elite monster in a group of awards will be better than for the murder of the jailer and the liberation of 10 hostages. For example, if the average Equipment level is 818, for the first task you will receive a level 835, and for the second - 820-835 level.

There are also global tasks, during which you need to visit the dungeon to kill a special monster and the last boss. The award for this task is subject to objects from the mining list from the bosses of the same dungeon. In the previous addition, mining from bosses could also be obtained as a reward for completing tasks. Of course, if you need a specific subject, this method is extremely unreliable.

How to change the characteristics of objects

Changing the characteristics of objects is made by the same scheme as in the dramet. Chairs and stones work as before. The exceptions are the spells for weapons (Draenor's spells work for weapons of level 749 and below, and there are no new in the Legion).

Thus, in the Legion you can enchant three types of items: amulets, raincoats and rings. There are also chairs for shoulder and gloves, however, they help only with professions and do not affect combat characteristics.

After the abolition of garrisons, players are forced to access the services of engineers. Recipes can be obtained when performing various tasks.

On the equipment received from bosses in the dungeons, raid and world bosses, as well as as a reward for the performance of tasks, nests for stones may be present with a small proportion of probability. On rings and amules manufactured by jewelers, nests are always present.

Jewelers can also task with love in Dalaran and create stones with a +200 bonus to the main characteristic. These stones are extremely helpful.