Combination of 4 colors. Details of the combination of colors with examples


Harmony of two polar colors
The perfect combination is complementary or opposite shades. It can be a combination of yellow and purple; red and green; blue and orange. The opposite couples are harmonized with each other due to contrast.

Maximum remote color pairs
Another harmonious combination of opposites and their shades. If in the first case it was about the contrast of pure color combinations, then not only colors are taken into account, but also their shades. Due to them, the color transition is softer and less screaming. So, the perfect harmony can create: yellow and pink, red and turquoise or red and light green, etc.

Related colors
Shades of the same color do not create contrast and perfectly harmonize each other, these are perfect and always current combinations. If you are afraid to overdo the paints, choose their shades and rest assured - you will not be mistaken.

Related colors
If related suggests the choice of shades of one color, then similar - it is a combination of neighboring colors and their shades. So, for example, it will be great to look: yellow and green, red and purple, blue and dark green. Such colors do not contradict each other and do not create games in contrast, mutually complement the shades close in the spirit.

Similar harmony
The speech again is about neighboring colors and their shades, however, this time the combination is built on principle - "the more, the better." Create a color overflow using 3-4 shades. This may be, for example, the following combinations: yellow-orange-red, blue-blue-turquoise-green, purple-burgundy-coral, etc.

Classic Triad.
Such a combination of colors and shades is built on the basis of creating a triangle on the "Color Circle". Choose the first color of the triad - it will be a vertex of the triangle, mentally or on paper, create an equilateral triangle to define two other colors. So, ideal in a similar combination, will be: yellow-blue-red, green-purple-orange, etc.

Contrast Triad.
Another triad allowing you to create more beautiful with the game of contrast. The difference is only in building a color triangle. If in the classic scheme it is an equally chaired, then the contrast is created according to the principle of an acute cone. In such combinations, two colors of three echoes, harmoniously interacting and emphasizing each other. It can be combinations of blue, purple and yellow; turquoise, salad and red, etc.

Four color contrast harmony
The essence of this combination in the use of 4-colors. Any two opposite colors are selected and 2 more adjacent on any side. Such combinations are designed to create a special charm, they are endlessly catchy and presentable at the same time.

Four Color Classic
Similar contrasting harmony, only a milder combination of colors and shades, created according to the principle of classical triad with the addition of another polar color. These four color combinations create a complete picture, a pleasant eye, and look very bright and original.

Square harmony
Another combination, built on 4 colors, this time with the help of an equilateral square. These may be shades of light green, orange, bard and blue; Yellow, coral, purple and turquoise, etc.

Six-color harmony
It would seem that six colors are busting. However, their correct combination will make it possible to achieve a truly bright and stylish image. Create an equilateral hexagon on the palette to get the most harmonious colors. Drawing up a further image is not a simple task that requires practice, since your ultimate goal is to connect the obtained shades together. Do not seek absolutely all the colors immediately fit on clothes, add contrasting decorations and accessories, play with the color of handbags and clutches, experiment. Only then will you manage to create a truly perfect image.

The combination of colors in the interior is the basis of the basics of the design of the premises and especially residential spaces.

From how the correct color and tint in the room will be selected, it depends strongly! Will it be comfortable, it is often necessary to clean and even want to sleep, eat or dance.

Therefore, it is extremely important to understand in the basic principles of interior color, even if you started the repair "turnkey" at the very famous metropolitan designer.

We will talk about them today and talk.

Color psychology: why so, not otherwise?

The well-known fact: up to 70% of the information, our brain gets through vision.

We distinguish objects in shape, size and ... color.

We like some colors, and some we categorically accept. Somehow we want to surround ourselves, and some see as less as possible.

Why is that?

From the point of view of physics, color is nothing more than light waves of different lengths. Their impact on our brain launches characteristic reactions in it.

Such an impact is purely individually, however, it has more or less general trends. In practice, this means that the same color (light wave) can be perceived by different people as different shades.

Remember, in descriptions of goods on AlieExpress often prescribe: color may differ from valid, depending on the settings of your monitor?

Just with eyes.

If you go deeper, it turns out that light waves affect not only how we are thinking about them at the time of perception, but also as we treat them. There are colors that seem more to us more intense, rich. They are called "warm". Others - on the contrary, seem to us less, calmer, more accurate. They are called "cold".

This feature of the color perception can be beneficial to use to create the interior of small rooms.

From the point of view of psychology - each of us is a walking set of stamps and personal experience, which subconsciously generates associations. It is associative thinking that psychology explains sympathy different people To different colors.

That color that binds to some people with something good and pleasant, others cause only the worst memories.

Take a red one: someone is associated with strawberries and summer holidays, and someone with blood and hospital.

Associations can enhance if the colors are in a bundle - green with red or white with red.


Sometimes associations are so strong and subconscious that our brain gives the desired for the actual. Remember the epic with an ill-fated dress, the color of which gave all the global virtual community? The same.

About the psychological background of color influence is important to remember picking up a color palette for the future interior. The designer should be aware of your preferences and (especially!) What is categorically unacceptable for you (at the same time, it is absolutely necessary to go into details why). It is also worth discussing this issue with other residents of the room or apartment, if you live not alone.

There are posses in this and its advantages.

For example, the interior of the bedroom can and need (!) Do in such a color scheme that acts relaxing on you and sleepily. Most often, this is how the light-beige colors palette affects the person. But there may be exceptions: if you manage to fall asleep only in complete darkness and silence, give preference to the bedroom interior in the dark color scheme.

Bright juicy colors can provoke appetite, so they are appropriately used in the kitchen interior. But a strict black and white color scheme stimulates brain activity, so it is precisely most often found in the interiors of offices.

The choice of color and even the shades for the interior are also important because it is exactly the color can become the main argument in choosing a stylistic solution. Dark gamma of natural colors is characteristic of the loft, and the bright white-lavender - for Provence. Bright and juicy colors will be appropriate to look in the interior in the styles of Haytechka, Eclectic, Fusion, Pop Art, and natural wood shades - in the classics, country, eco.

It often happens that on the wave of trend fashionable becomes the interior in some style or in some color. But do not forget that in pursuit of fashion you can easily lose yourself. What I like to all in a row can be inappropriate and uncomfortable solution. And the interior is not a dress, they do not change half an hour. So is it worth risking?

Color circle and rules for its use in the interior

Attempts to explore and systematize colors for the first time were carried out by Newton. It was he who was the first color circular model, which was based on 7 rainbow colors.

Surprisingly, the fact: the follower of Newton in the study of colors and the preparation of the color circle was Goethe. And not any random nameor of the great poet, and personally the author of Faust. We will not turn the milestones of his biography and find out whether he imprisoned mystical transactions for the sake of this discovery, and we will be grateful for the fact that it was Götte to reveal 3 basic colors - blue, yellow, red - in the process of mixing which other (secondary) shades appear : Green, orange, purple and all sorts of their variations.

The universal circular colors model, better known as the color circle or the 19th Circle is the color scheme, which uses the main colors, secondary and tertiary, that is, those that were formed due to the mixing of the first two.

Ittem's Circle is Must Have for each novice colorist, but many famous designers will not part with it even having a rich and rich experience in creating interior design.

The color circle is a rescue for those who do not have the talent of the colorist. The main part of the selection of colors, ideally combined with each other, is: combine with each other or color from one sector (relevant for monochrome apartment interior) or from one row of intensity (relevant for the polychrome interior of the apartment). We will tell about the type of combination of colors in the interior below.

Color combination table in the interior

For the most lazy people or unsure in their taste, designers have developed entire color combination tables.

The meaning of these tables is not to bother and simply use the shades perfect to each other.

The most common color combination tables are considered to be the Pantone Color Institute palettes. Every year, it is this organization that chooses the main color of the year and develops under it whole catalogs of the combination of shades.

(Read more about the main color of 2018 you can read).

Pantone tables look like this:

Competitors in the field of color combination tables are all sorts of paint manufacturers (for example, Dulux). This is a huge plus, since choosing the basic correct color you can easily find an ideal pair to it. As they say, in the same place, at the same time.

If you are inclined to images, then the use of color schemes created based on a photo will be more creative option.

It is believed that if the picture looks harmoniously, then all the colors on it are perfectly combined with each other.

So it is or not, you can check on visual examples:

Principles and types of combination of colors in the interior

There are several key combination schemes.

Analog combination of colors in the interior

The combination of several similar shades smoothly flowing into each other.

In the color circle it looks like this:

As a rule, such combinations are often found in nature and are recommended for clearance of "calm" spaces (bedroom).

Complementary (contrast) Combination of colors in the interior

The combination of contrasting shades. In the colors circle, such shades are located in opposite sectors. Best of all, such a combination works in the bathroom or bathroom, where the places for using the gamma polycomplete flower is a bit, but the muffledness of the shades does not play a significant role.

Triah combination of colors in the interior

The combination of three shades is considered the classics and the basis of the framework of the colors. It is used in most residential spaces in the apartment - in the living room, in the bedroom, in the kitchen.

In the color circle, a triangle is used to combine three shades. It can be equilateral or not. In the second case, the third shade is usually used as an emphasis.

Combination of four and more shades

Polychrome interiors are most often used for children. They are bright, rich, multi-layered, due to the peculiarities of children's psyche and children's worldview. In the color circle, such shapes as a square, a rectangle and other polygonal figures can be used as a scheme.

12 popular colors in interior design


The cleanest and light color, which is often used in the interior as the main or as a binder for other shades. One of the basic colors of olive style. A few years ago was very popular "in pure form", but today designers are increasingly converging as necessary to combine it with bright saturated shades.


It became popular in the interior design, not due to the famous "50 tints", but exclusively by virtue of its depth and versatility. Characterized for loft styles, high-tech, minimalism, industrial. It became in demand after entering the fashioned concrete textures. Excellent combined with bright warm shades.

The black

Black is a classic. It is appropriate in almost all interior design styles. Along with white combined with all shades. It is often used as an emphasis, but in the last years the trend towards selecting it as the primary color of the interior is increasing. It is quite practical for the design of the bedroom and the living room, but in indoors with water (kitchen, bathroom, bathroom) may occur due to white soap divorces on ferrous surfaces. Not recommended for use in the nursery.


The hottest and dynamic color. At large concentrations can be perceived as too aggressive, so it is recommended to be used as an accent. It is appropriate for modern and bold styles - Haytec, eclecticism, fusion, pop art.


One of the most rarely used in the interior of the shades. On temperament and dynamics are very similar to red. Saturated shades of orange are often used in kitchens, bathrooms, bathrooms, children's. For such rooms as a living room, a bedroom, the hallway designers seek to choose softer and muted colors: peach, apricot, coral, salmon.

Orange as the main color is very characteristic of Loft style. However, only one shade is allowed to use: brick.


Sunny and cheerful - this is the way you can characterize yellow in the interior. The most popular in the design of children's.

Yellow perfectly harmonizes both with a warm palette of shades and cold. Visually very much increases the temperature of the room, so it is not recommended for the design of the rooms with the southern or east side of the house.


Color associated with harmony, nature and tranquility. It is known for its relaxing effect in general and on the eyes in particular. Recommended for registration of educational institutions. It is believed that the interior performed in the shades of green helps a person to reboot, inspire and get a charge of cheerfulness and energy. It is allowed in the design of all residential spaces. Most often used in classic and ECO style.


Gentle, playful and even a few infantile shade. Up to 90% bedrooms for girls are decorated in it. Combined with white, gray, black, red, purple flowers. Used in Provence, Rococo, Glamor, Pop Art and Art Deco.


Blue is a new black. Like a gray, deep enough and multifaceted color, allowing you to universally use it in all residential spaces. It is allowed to use in the design of rooms in any style, but most characteristic of Provence, marine style, eclectic, High-tech, art deco.


In 2018, one of the shades of purple was recognized by the specialists of the Color Color Pantone Color of the Year. Purple is quite unusual and unusual color for the design of the post-Soviet apartments, so perceived as intriguing, mysterious, creative. It is characteristic of modern decoration styles. It is combined with yellow, pistashkovy, orange, white, gray, black.


Universal color of natural wood, thanks to which is the main color of the classic interior. It is considered neutral in all respects.


Soft and sophisticated brown shade. Unobtrusive, pleasant, soothing color. Very often used in the interior of apartments and (especially!) In the bedrooms. Perfectly complements and emphasizes most of the shades used in the interior. Most often used as the primary color in combination with gray, brown, blue or black.

Not only the power of the room and the location of the furniture, but the combination of colors in the interior affects what feelings it causes. Being in the same room you can feel harmony and calm, the other, on the contrary, causes unpleasant and heavy sensations.

How to learn to combine colors.

It is no secret that the colors and shades are divided into warm and cold, dark and light, muted and bright. The muffled colors are also called pastel. By what rules should combine colors in the interior? In response to this question, a table was developed for monochrome use of color, combinations of two, three or more colors. The lines in the picture are connected by suitable color and shades.

Also distinguish bright and pastel colors. Bright make the interior catchy, sunny, and pastel - softer and unobtrusive. If it is impossible to determine which color to choose, preference is better to give to neutral shades. They will always be combined with any interior.

In order to prevent errors, it is necessary to study the table of the correct and not correct combination of colors, and later will be described about the dominant color in the interior

The perfect combination of color in the interior.

At first glance, the appropriate solution will be fulfilled the room decoration in only one color. However, the result may not justify expectations - the room may seem faceless and monotonous. The following options for applying the main colors will help make the room stylish and cozy.

The use of white in the interior is appropriate in combination with bright furniture, decor elements, textile attributes, art objects. Without adding a bright note, white color can make a dull room and faceless.

The use of black color in large quantities can turn the room into a gloomy room with an oppressive atmosphere. You can dilute the black color in saturated tones - yellow, green, pink. You should not make a children's room in black and kitchen.

Red personifies flame, passion, energy. You can diliate the main palette of the interior with red curtains, pillows on the sofa or other details, but the predominance of this color is able to make the situation of aggressive, annoying, it is not necessary to get carried away in red in the bedroom and children's. The photo demonstrated an example of an ideal combination of colors, also with red combined blue, golden, pink, orange and black colors.

Purple color is quite controversy, as it has bright and dark, cold and warm shades. Dark, deep purple, as a rule, is not used in the interior, much more preferable dilute tones. But dark shades of violet can be successfully emphasized the style of the room. Combined with white, pink, silver, gray-blue flowers.

Pink color is most often used as a basis, but an addition to the prevailing color. Pink perfectly proven hershbi-style, country, Provence style. It is gentle, it is in pink color most often the bedrooms are made. The ideal company to pink is gray, red, lemon, white, sand, chocolate colors.

The interior, made in blue and blue colors, pacifies and soothes, the hot room such colors give the coolness, and a small room in blue shades seems to be visually more. Complementing colors - red, gray, turquoise, white.

Green - natural and natural, combined with salad, yellow, blue, black, lemon flowers. He removes tension, contributes to relaxation and rest, which makes it perfect for bedroom, children's, kitchen.

Yellow - the color of the sun, playful and joyful. The use of yellow appropriate in any rooms, with the exception of small bathrooms and toilets, since in these versions yellow will seem too intrusive. Profitable supplement yellow can black, white, orange.

Warm and cozy orange color suits almost any room - kitchen, living room, children's, bathroom. However, it is not necessary to completely paint the whole room in an orange color, the color can put pressure on with its energy. Great combined with brown, white, gray, green, yellow flowers.

Brown and chocolate colors are often used to design work offices. Such colors help focus, but bright shades, on the contrary, relax, give the interior softness. Therefore, caramel, dairy and beige shades are ideal for the bedroom. As complementary, you can use blue, white golden color.

The correct combination of colors can deprive the gray color of it. It is enough to supplement faceless and boring gray color with bright accents, as he will play. Gray in the right combination is able to emphasize the beauty of colored shades, dilute aggressive tones, make them comfortable and soft. Ideal a combination of gray with purple, pink, blue, black, green colors.

Thus, the study of the combinatorics is the correct combination of colors, contributes to the creation of a harmonious, cozy and stylish interior.

Few people give value to color, although it is quite well affected by people. Therefore, everyone needs to know the combination of colors in the interior, the table of which is given in the article. After all, with the help of color, it is possible to create excellent visual effects that surprise others, as well as bring a special psychological atmosphere to their own home. Due to this, it will be much easier to arrange guests to himself and charge them with positive emotions for a long time.

Color psychology

Each man with its own forces creates around the most habitat around himself, which will affect his psyche and health in general. In order to simplify the task, the specialists accounted for a clear formula called the "Color Combination Table in the Interior" (photos can be seen below).

Proper use should be considered when choosing both the main tones of the room and additional. The colors surrounding us should reflect the characteristics of the character of a person, since only thanks to this habitat in his own house will be much more comfortable.

This or that color people can perceive both eyes and all the body. As you know, the tone defines our mood, it is not bad effect on the state of health, and is also able to improve or worsen well-being. Back in ancient times it was believed that the color, with its proper selection, is able to heal from any ailments. Even in the country of the rising sun, he could often use the healing capabilities of some colors.

Flower opportunities

Thus, a color combination table in the kitchen interior recommends using a purple tone, as it is extremely closely related to creativity and is able to force a person to develop his own fantasy. He is the first assistant in case of a pessimistic mood, in those moments when faith is lost and despair comes.

The white color has a connection with spirituality. Thanks to him, we can gain confidence, although you should not forget that with a long stay in the premises of this color, a person can dramatically change self-esteem. He quickly begins to feel some kind of inferiority or, on the contrary, superiority over everyone else.

The blood circuit is able to improve it affects blood circulation, and also has a unique property that consists in enhancing the growth of red blood cells. Such a color makes the nervous system work and contributes to the production of adrenaline, increase pressure.

In the room, decorated in yellow, are instantly forgotten all bad moments. Here you can get a sufficient amount of energy and find a sense of protection. In addition, the color contributes to improving work digestive system, activate cognitive processes.

For the purpose of reconciliation, you can use green tones. This color soothes and unites people. One of its main advantages is the fact that indoors with a predominance of green color will be much better to feel like people suffering from claustrophobia. In addition, it treats diseases associated with light and flu faster than some drugs.

Blue color gives our consciousness to leave the framework of reality and plunge into the world of dreams and reflections about anything remote. The tone allows us to relax, it perfectly helps suffering insomnia, frequent stress, migraine and so on.

Few people love brown, but its benefits are important to almost every person. He makes more decisive and persistent people public opinionwho do not have self-esteem. Thanks to him, a melancholic mood is created, joy appears, and everything is bad forgetting.

Color combination theories

The combination of colors in the interior, the table of which helps to clearly determine the correct formula for selecting the tone to one or another room, is determined by theories. They are a combination methods, that is, formulas that have been carefully designed to search for flowers. At the moment there are several theories, but the most common of them are the color circle, as well as its antipode, which is also described below.

Color circle

As you know, a combination of colors in the interior (the table is provided below) is based on three main colors:

  • red;
  • yellow;
  • blue.

They can be mixed, receiving additional colors, for example:

  • purple (blue and red);
  • green (blue and yellow);
  • orange (yellow and red).

When connecting the main and can be obtained auxiliary. Based on this, the color circle is obtained, where the following colors are present:

  • related - arranged next to each other (example: green, salad and yellow);
  • monochrome - are shades of only one color, located on a straight line, where bright are closer to the center, and dark tones are going to the edge;
  • complementary - colors that are clearly on the opposite side (example: blue and orange).

The main thing is to correctly navigate in this matter and choose the perfect combination of colors in the interior. Table (green and other colors in it are also represented) will help it. You can choose according to the following formulas:

  1. Triah combination. For this, they are taken, as a rule, three colors located in a circle at an equal distance from each other.
  2. Split complementary scheme. There are also three colors, but they are chosen according to another formula. The first one is taken by the main color, he is complementary for him, which, in turn, is divided into two tones that are at an equal distance from it (right and left).
  3. Double separated complementary diagram. There are already four colors in this color scheme. The first step is selected two main, and then two complementary to them.


Individual and too bright personalities are perfect for a pair combination of colors in the interior. Table brown and close to it, of course, includes, but they are extremely rarely used. As a rule, these shades decorate their own workplaces of businessmen or just creative people.

Antipode is a choice of a pair of basic colors that must be contrasted with each other. These are the following combinations (in the circle they are all complementary):

  • pink - Salad;
  • green - red;
  • black White;
  • lilac - yellow.

Now it is clear how to use tables and that in general such a combination of colors in the interior. The table that is given above is the color circle - undoubtedly helps in choosing a tone. But in addition to it, it is also necessary to take into account the recommendations of specialists who guarantee the receipt of a magnificent result.

The best option to choose the perfect combination of colors in the interior - table. Beige color, as an example, is suitable for a completely accommodation. Therefore, most people, not knowing which color to choose for a particular room, pay attention to it.

It does not always happen to easily choose a combination of colors in the interior. Table (lilac tone separately Dan below) contains many colors, among which are also present and universal. But when the dilemma occurs, the tone of at random should not be chosen. In one room, it is recommended to use no more than four colors.

Complete colors

Colors that can not be used together together, also enter the main rules showing proper combination Colors in the interior. The table (gray is necessarily present) not combined between the tones is also important.

Experts advise to avoid combining cold light shades together with warm dark. In addition, you should not allow combinations of cold dark and warm light colors. For today, a combination of incompatible, so creative lovers can connect any shades liked. But still on the table of incompatible colors should be paid attention to:

The principle of one-photon selection

There are options for choosing a gamma only within the only color. This table is not required, since various shades of one primary color are always combined with each other. For example, the perfect will be a green tone that can be used in any room. After all, greens can calm and help organize a productive vacation.

Color contrast against harmony

An ideal combination is such an interior in any case will be advantageous, since these colors perfectly complement each other. Most often, this combination is used in children's rooms or living rooms. Will remind of sunlight and warmth, thanks to which the house will be filled with atmosphere of hospitality and good. In the kitchen, it will be enough to adapt some accessories of such colors, in order to awaken the desire for the preparation of delicious and creative dishes.

Making your home you will inevitably come across the need to correlate several colors among themselves. There are several basic rules, knowing which you can easily equip any room. The article presents a color combination table in the interior, as well as many useful Soviets and theoretical materials. As part of this article, you will learn about:

  • color circle and principle of its construction;
  • tones that are used in a particular interior style;
  • how to combine them in the interior;
  • how to choose shades and how to combine them.

We wish you a successful reading.

Theoretical aspects of the combination of colors

Each designer knows the basics of color interaction and if you decide to independently issue an apartment design, you should also figure it out.

There are aromatic colors, they relate white, black, gray and chromatic. The chromatic circle is a diagram that consists of basic colors: red, blue and yellow. Mixing the main colors, get secondary tones.

The main shade and those that are formed out of it are called related, there are four groups: yellow-green, yellow-red, blue-red and blue-green. They are well harmonized between themselves, since they consist of impurities of the same main colors.

In adjacent quarters there are relative-contrast shades, their combinations allow to obtain the richest gamut. If you combine colors located through one sector, they usually cause discomfort. The opposite to each other in the quarters of the color circle are contrasting colors. Their combination applies when it is necessary to draw attention to a specific place in the interior.

Color combination table in the interior depending on the type of room

Since the color affects the psycho-emotional state of the person and biochemical processes in the body, in rooms having a different purpose, the combination of shades when interior design will be different.

Especially carefully need to approach the choice of the palette when placing such premises as a bedroom and a children's room, as they are intended for rest. In case of improper design, a person will not be able to relax both physically and psychologically. The following presents a color combination table in the interior compiled by our designers.

Name of the roomRecommended color combination palette
KitchenSoft and calm tones: yellow turquoise.
ParishionTones, enhancement and digestion of food: green, beige, yellow, silver, and their combination with red and blue.
Combination of colors in the interior of the living roomNeutral, soft tones that are diluted with bright accents.
Combination of colors in the bedroom interiorPastel tones and shades of purple. Please note that the bedroom is a personal space, so there are no restrictions here, and it is issued at the request of the owners.
BathroomLight tones with a bluish tint, as they give a feeling of freshness and purity.

What is a color circle, according to which principle and the palette of the combination of colors in the interior

Professional designers are able to properly pick up a color combination palette in the interior, so their work looks attractive and harmonious. To do this, they use a tool called the color circle. What is it?

They are called a conditional representation of the visible spectrum of sunlight, which denote various colors. Over the years, different theories appeared, so there are several laps:

In the sectors of the circle, the shades are placed internally in such a manner, as in the spectrum of visible light, and a conditional purple shade is additionally used for a bunch of extreme tones.

For a better understanding of the right compatibility, it is necessary to build a color circle. A person features three main tones: yellow, red and blue. All others are obtained by mixing the basic among themselves, as well as the main and derivative shades. Mixing the main colors prepare composite, and the remaining empty cells are filled with third-order tones.

A little more theory about a combination of colors in the interior - photo table of cold, warm and neutral shades

All that surrounds us has its own color, and each tone has a certain influence on the body. The color circle has several parameters and one of them is divided into cold, warm and neutral. Next, let's talk about a combination of colors in the interior, photos of tables with shades is attached.

Warm colors

Most often, the circle is divided in half, all shades of yellow perceive with us as warm. They subconsciously cause a person a feeling of warmth, comfort and comfort, so allow you to create a pleasant and hospitable atmosphere in the room. Such tones we associate with the summer. As a rule, this is:

  • yellow;
  • orange;
  • red;
  • purple.

All shades that are close to blue are considered cold. They are associated with winter, help create a feeling of coolness and freshness in the room, seem clean and distant.

Shades that do not cause a person a feeling of warmth or coolness is called neutral. If they are located near warm or cold shades, they smooth their impact and make color softer.

The whole classification conditional, clean colors can be found only in the picture, in nature they smoothly go one into another, so it can be red both warm and cold shade.

Combine colors in the interior - layouts for different styles

When creating a certain design, it is necessary to take into account not only your wishes, and even know and fulfill certain rules. Only so you can make your premises correctly and prevent serious and gross mistakes.

Before learning the layouts of the combination of colors in the interior, we recommend paying attention to the main points of the design of the design:

  • choosing the basis;
  • proper combination of warm and cold tones;
  • to create a coziness in a large room, warm tones are used;
  • in a small room, it is better to use cold tones, it will allow you to visually increase the room;
  • when designing a kitchen or dining room, consider that shades can both strengthen and coherent appetite;
  • in the bedroom, the color palette of the combination of colors in the interior should provide a comfortable stay;
  • for each style of the interior, experts recommend using certain tones;

For each style inherent its color solution for a combination of colors in the interior. The table presented below discloses all recommended shades when designing the room.

Style nameRecommended shades
ClassicalDifferent colors, but must be white.
ProvenceBlue, pink, light milk.
Eco-styleBrown and dirty green.
High techWhite, black and metal color.
BaroqueAny pastel tone.
ModernGreen, blue, brown-beige.
MinimalismWhite black.
PIN - APYellow, pink.
LoftGreen, red, orange, blue.
CountryLight yellow, brown, sandy.
FuturismSalad, white, ultramarine, lemon yellow.

Color combination options in the interior

Color plays a huge role in creating an interior, it is possible to create comfort and comfort, to visually increase or decrease the space, so it is necessary to be responsible to such a matter as a combination.

This option is considered universal. Classic shades are used, it includes beige, gray and white. Combining these tones with others, you can create a classic solution that will always look modern and beautiful. In this case, you will not need to constantly change the interior of the room when buying new furniture, replacing the floor covering or other elements.

Triad or combination of 3 colors

The use of three main colors that are always harmoniously combined with each other and can be used in equal measures. The combination of red, blue and yellow causes a tide of emotions and vigor. If they are used in pure form, it turns out a bright and rich solution. If you use halftone, the room design is less aggressive and more comfortable.

The use of the triad helps to fill the room with energy, so such a solution is used to decorate the living room, sports premises and children's rooms, and this design is not recommended in the kitchen or bedroom.

This option provides for the use of 2-3 types of shades, which are located near the colors circle. You need to choose the appropriate, in which we decided to arrange the room and in the color circle to the right or to the left of it to choose a few tones. This solution is simple and original, and pick up two or three similar colors is easy.

With complementary combination, contrasting shades are used, they are located opposite each other. With a separate-complementary solution, instead of a color that is opposite, choose a shade that is located next to it. This allows you to create contrast solutions, but they are not so tense as with a complementary combination.

Tetrad or combination of 4 colors

In this case, the scheme consists of the main color and there are two more, which complement it, and the fourth serves to highlight the accent. This creates a fairly interesting effect that causes positive emotions. Basically, such colors prefers young people or people in constant motion and fast rhythm.

Magic color or gradient effect in the interior

Gradient in the interior is modern decisionUsed for designing different residential premises. It is based on a smooth transition from the dark to a light tone. This method can be used when the interior details are made.

The effect of the gradient helps to enter freshness and excitement into the room. Usually designers use various shades of blue, since it is it that gives a beautiful combination of colors in the interior.

We select the combination of shades for different places in the room - a table with recommendations

To create a comfortable and cozy room, it is important to correctly pick up the color solutions when designing the ceiling, floor and walls. With the help of competent combination, you can even breathe light and air into a small room, and make a large room warmer and cozy room. Further in the article another table combination of colors in the interior, which will help you choose the design of different places in the room.

Floor design options, walls and ceilingRecommended solutions
Contrast combinationWalls make bright tones, the floor is dark, and the ceiling is light. You can visually change the size of the room, hide the existing shortcomings and highlight the advantages.
Actual gradientThe ceiling is light, the walls are a bit darker and a dark floor. The transition from a dark tone to light, allows you to create harmony, such design is suitable for any room.
Light and airWalls and ceiling light, the floor is dark. Suitable for the room of a small area and with low ceilings.
OppositesThe ceiling is light, the walls are dark, the floor is light and vice versa. This option can be used in rooms with low and high ceilings.

Color psychology, or how does it affect us?

The studies have shown that the color affects the mood of a person through his subconscious. The perception is influenced by such factors as a state of health, age, social position of man and its character.

On women

Women are more sensitive to the perception of color and shades. There is no clear distinction for "men's" and "female" colors, as each person is individual. Despite this, there are tones that are more preferred by women:

  • blue, it has a soothing effect and love it both women and men;
  • green, associated with nature and female start, symbolizes health and calm;
  • turquoise, this shade is one of the most beloved in women;
  • purple - he is a representative of the "female" color, emphasizes the mysteriousness and the mystery of the woman;
  • pink tones are associated with women, but it is rather not preference, but a pleasant rule;
  • lilac color is also considered to be "female", it causes a sense of romanticism and nostalgia.

With age, the preferences in color are changing, women are more like pink, and green gives less preference than in youth.

On men

It has been established that men perceive approximately 30% less shades, compared with women. Often women are indignant that men cannot appreciate their efforts when choosing a color, but it is associated with physiology, since for them pumpkin and peach color between themselves can not differ anything.

Most men prefer blue and different shades. Some scientists believe that they symbolize it with pure water and clear sky. In addition to blue, men love green, but in contrast to women, prefer cold tones. Traditionally, they love black, and the purple and pink most men cannot endure.

For children

Newborn children see everything in black and white colors and only after 2 months begin to distinguish between other colors. At the age of 2-5 years, they can already distinguish the entire visible spectrum.

Children attracts everything bright, so they love pink, red, yellow tones, such preferences are saved up to 10 years, after which the child can already like the blue tone and all its shades. Girls prefer pink, purple color, while boys love blue and his shades more.

A combination of colors in the interior: curtains and wallpapers, as well as furniture - how to combine?

In most cases, textiles buy when the room has already been repaired and placed furniture. In this case, with the selection of the desired tissues there are many difficulties affecting the combination of colors in the interior. Curtains and wallpapers, as well as furniture is much easier to pick up at the same time.

If you choose furniture and textiles, first decide on the basic shades that will prevail in the interior. Now in fashion, the combination of gray in the interior and purple. In this case, the furniture can be gray, the curtains are best of the beige color with a pattern of gray or purple shade, decorative pillows make from the same fabric as the curtains, in the same color and carpet are absorbed.

The order of the selection of furniture and textiles will be as follows:

  1. determine the first and second basic shades;
  2. wallpapers are bought in bright shade of the first color;
  3. furniture in two different colors of the second option;
  4. curtains should be made of fabric with a pattern consisting of the first and second color;
  5. the same fabric will be for decorative pillows;
  6. pillows can be made of a saturated first color fabric.

This conditional algorithm and each designer can develop its own, but if you are a beginner in this matter, then focus on the described technology and you can correctly make an independent design of your home.

What colors will not be combined?

A categorical answer to this question cannot be. Modern fashion is distinguished by extravagance and creativity. If earlier the combination of green in the interior and the red was considered tasteless, now this is no longer surprised by this.

When creating a classic interior, specialists do not recommend combining cold and warm tones, but there may be small bright inclusions. If you want to combine contrasting colors, then do it better with halftones.

10 facts about color opportunities in the interior, which you definitely did not know!

Consider 10. interesting facts On the effect of color when interior design:

Video - Bill the material on the combination of colors in the interior!

Combination of colors in the interior - 15 photos

In brown tones

In a recreation area

Urban apartment

Modern style

Cold blue tones

In red color

Relax zone

In the room with a fireplace

AT country house

Green shades

In cottage

On the kitchen

In a room with photos

Cozy atmosphere