The prophet Muhammad - how old is Muhammad became a prophet and how many wives did he have? Miracles that were inherent to the Prophet Muhammad (peace to him).

This article presents the biography of the Prophet Mohammed - the most important figure in the Muslim world. It was Allah that Allah handed over the Quran - Sacred Scripture.

The Biography of the Prophet Mohammed begins approximately 570 by N. e. when he was born. It happened in Saudi Arabia (Mecca), in the Kuraysh tribe (clan hashim). Abdullah, Father Mohammed, died before his birth. And the mother of the Prophet Mohammed, Amina, went to the world of other when he was only 6 years old. She was a daughter of the leader of the Zurha clan from the local tribe of Kurashitov. Once the mother of the Prophet Mohammed decided to go to Medina with her son, in order to visit the grave of Abdullah and his relatives. After a month here, they went back to Mecca. The amine on the way was seriously ill and died in the village of Al-Abwa. This happened in about 577. Thus, Mohammed remained orphan.

Childhood of the future of the Prophet

The future prophet first brought up Abd al-Muttalib, his grandfather, an exceptional psea man. Then the upbringing continued the Abu Talib merchant, Uncle Mohammed. The Arabs at that time were inseminated pagans. However, among them some adherents of monotheism were distinguished (for example, Abd al-Muttalib). The main part of the Arabs lived in the territories belonging to them from the original, nomadic life. There were few cities. Of the mains, you can allocate Mecca, Taif and Jasrib.

Mohammed becomes famous

The Prophet was distinguished by an exceptional piousness and piety. He, like his grandfather, believed in a single god. Mohammed first Pass herd, and then began to take part in the trade affairs of Abu Taliba, his uncle. Gradually, Mohammed became famous. People loved him and gifted the nickname al-Amin (which means "trustworthy"). Here's how the name of the Prophet Mohammed in respect for piousness, prudence, justice and honesty.

Mohammed's marriage in Hadice, children of the Prophet

Later, Mohammed led trading business by one rich widow named Hadija. She suggested him after some time to enter into marriage with her. Spouses lived happy lifeDespite the essential difference in age. They had six children. From Hadiji, all the children of the Prophet Mohammed, except Ibrahim, who appeared to the world after her death. In those days, the Arabs polygamy were distributed, but Mohammed remained faithful to his spouse. Other wives of the Prophet Mohammed appeared from him only after the death of Hadiji. This also tells a lot about him as an honest person. The children of the Prophet Mohammed had the following names: His sons - Ibrahim, Abdullah, Kasim; Daughters - Ummukulsum, Fatima, Husk, Zainab.

Prayers in the mountains, the first revelation of Gabriel

Muhammed, as usual, was removed into the Mekki Mekki and for a long time he retired. Hasually continued for several days. Cave of Mount Hira, towering greatly over Mecca, he loved especially. It was here that the first revelation of the prophet Mohammed was received. Photo Caves are presented below.

In one of the visits held in the 610 year, when Mohammed was about 40 years old, an amazing event had happened to him that completely changed his life. In the vision, surging suddenly, Angel Gabriel (Jabrail) appeared before him. He pointed to the words that came from the outside, and ordered them to pronounce them Mohammed. He opposed, saying that was not able to read them. However, the angel insisted, and suddenly the sense of words opened the prophet. Angel commanded him to learn them and convey to the rest of the people.

This happened the first revelation of the book, known today as the Quran (from the Arabic word "reading"). This night, full of events, fell on the 27th of Ramadan and began to be called Leylay al-Fold. She is the most important for the believing an event that the story of the Prophet Mohammed is noted. His life from now on him no longer belonged to him. She was given to the care of God, in the service to which he spent the rest of his days, proclaimed his messages everywhere.

Further revelations

The Prophet, receiving revelations, Angela Jabrail was not always seen, and when it happened, he appeared in different pretties. Sometimes Jabrail appeared before the prophet in the human appearance that the horizon eclipsed. Sometimes Mohammed managed only to catch his gaze on himself. The Prophet heard only the voice telling him at times. Mohammed sometimes received revelations in a state of deep immersion in prayer. However, in other cases, words arbitrarily "arbitrarily" appeared when, for example, the Prophet was engaged in everyday affairs, went for a walk or did not listen to a meaningful conversation. Muhammed at the first time of public sermons avoided. He preferred a personal conversation with people.

Condemnation of Mohammed People

The special way of committing Muslim prayer opened him, and Muhammed began immediately to pious exercises. He did them daily. This caused a whole wave of complaints from those who saw him. Mohammed, having received the highest order about the commission of a public preaching, was wrapped and ridiculous by the people who melted plenty of his actions and statements. Many Kurashites meaning seriously alarmed, realizing that the perseverance with which Muhammed claimed faith in a single God, is able to undermine the prestige of the polybony, as well as lead to the decline of idolatry, when people will turn to faith Mohammed. Some relatives of the Prophet became the main opponents. They ridicule and humiliated Mohammed, and also created evil against converts. There are many examples of abuse and bullying over people who have accepted a new faith.

Resettlement of the first Muslims in Abyssinia

A brief biography of the Prophet Mohammed continued to move to Abyssinia. In search of asylum, two major groups of the first Muslims moved here. Here they agreed to patronize Christian Negub (King), who was very impressed with their lifestyle and teaching. Kurayshitis imposed a ban on all personal, military, business, trading connections with the Clan Hashim. It was strictly forbidden to appear in Mecca to representatives of this clan. Very difficult times came, many Muslims were doomed to the most severe poverty.

Death of Hadird and Abu Taliba, new marriage

The biography of the Prophet Mohammed was noted at this time and other sad events. Hadija, his wife, died in 619. She was his most loyal assistant and a supporter. Abu Talib, Uncle Mohammed, died in the same year. Namely he defended him from fierce attacks of tribesmen. The prophet, struck by grief, left Mecca. He decided to go to Taif and find shelter here, but was rejected. Muhammed's friends jumped into his wife a pious widow sauda, \u200b\u200bwho was a worthy woman and more than Muslim. Aisha, young daughter Abu Bakra, his friend, knew his whole life and loved the prophet. And although it was still very young for marriage bonds, she was still in the Muhammed family.

The essence of Muslim polygamy

Wives of the Prophet Mohammed is a separate topic. Some people confuse this part of his biography. It is possible to dispel a delusion that there is no people who do not understand the causes of polygamy in the Muslim world. At that time, a Muslim taking into his wife at once, Muslims did it from a sense of compassion, providing her shelter and their protection. Men also called on to help spouses who had fallen in battle friends, to provide them with individual homes. They should have appreciated, as with the nearest relatives (of course, in the case of mutual love, everything could be different).

Night of Ascension

The Biography of the Prophet Mohammed was marked by another major event. The prophet in 619 had to survive the second amazing night in his life. This is Leylyat Al-Miraj, the night of ascension. It is known that Mohammed was awakened, after which he was moved to Jerusalem on the magic animal. On Mount Zion, over the location of one ancient Jewish temple, heaven was expressed. So the path opened, which led to the throne of the Lord. However, the forensic areas were not allowed to join him nor angel Jabrail, who accompanied Mohammed. So the Ascension of the Prophet Mohammed occurred. To this night, the rules of prayers opened this night, which became the focus of faith, as well as the unshakable basis of the life of the entire Muslim world. Muhammed also met with other prophets, including Moses, Jesus and Abraham. It was very strengthened and consoled it this wonderful event, adding confidence that he did not leave Allah and did not leave one with his sophors.

Preparation for moving to Jasrib

The fate of Mohammed has now changed decisive way. In Mecca, he was still ridiculed and pursued, but his message was heard by many people outside of this city. Several elders of Jasriba persuaded the Prophet to leave Mecca and move to their city, where he will be accepted with honor as a judge and leader. In Jasrib, they lived jointly with Jews and Arabs, who were confused constantly with each other. They hoped for the fact that they would bring the world Muhammed. The prophet immediately advised many of his followers to go to this city, while he himself remained in Mecca in order not to cause suspicion. After all, after Abu Talib died, Kurashita could well attack the Prophet, even kill him, and Muhammed understood perfectly that sooner or later it should have happened.

Muhammed arrives in Jasrib

Some dramatic events accompanied the livelihood of the Prophet Mohammed during his departure. Mohammad managed to avoid captivity only due to the excellent knowledge of local deserts. Kurayshitis several times almost captured him, but Mohammond managed to achieve an acceleration of Jasriba. He was looking forward to him in this city. When Mohammed arrived, people rushed to settle them with their proposals. The prophet embarrassed by such hospitality, provided his camel right to choose. The camel decided to stop at the place on which dowels were dried. The Prophet was instantly presented this place for the construction of the house. The new name received the city - Madinat An-Nabi (translated by the city of the Prophet). He is famous today in reducing as Medina.

Mohammed Board in Jasribe

Mohammed started without delaying the preparation of the decree, on which he proclaimed in this city the Supreme Head of all clans and tribes who were hostile among themselves. From now on, they had to obey the regulations of the prophet. Muhammed found that all citizens confess their religion. They must peacefully coexist, without fear of the highest disfavor or persecution. Only one asked Mohammed - to rally, in order to repulse any enemy, who dares to attack Medina. The tribal laws of Jews and Arabs were replaced by the principle of "justice for all", that is, not dependent on the religion, the color of the skin and social status.

Life of the Prophet Mohammed in Jasribe

The prophet, becoming the ruler of Medina and mastering great wealth and influence, never lived as the king. Of the simple clay houses, which were built for his wives, consisted of his home. The life of the Prophet Mohammed was simple - he had never even a private room. The courtyard with a well was located near the houses - a place that was from now on the mosque, in which ordressive Muslims are going to this day. In constant prayer, as well as in the instruction of believers, almost the whole life of Mohammed was held. In addition to the five mandatory prayers committed in the mosque, he paid a lot of time to a secluded prayer, sometimes with pious reflections devoted most of the night. His wives committed a night prayer with him, after which they were removed into their relatives. And Muhammed continued to pray for many hours, by the end of the night there is a briefly falling asleep, in order to wake up soon to the predestrous prayer.

Decision Return to Mecca

The prophet that dreamed of returning to Mecca, in March 628 decided to realize his dream into reality. He gathered 1400 of his followers and went on the road with them, completely unarmed, in the robes that consisted only of 2 white covers. The followers of the prophet, despite this, in the entrance to the city was denied. Even the fact that Islam was confessed by many citizens of Mecca. Pilgrims, in order to avoid possible clashes, brought their victims near Mecca, in the area called Hudaybium. Muhammed in 629 began plans to master Mecca peacefully. Prisoner in Hudaybium truce turned out to be short-lived. Meccans again in November 629 attacked the tribe held in alliance with Muslims.

Entry Mohammed in Mecca

At the chapter, 10 thousand people, the biggest army of all, ever leaving Medina, moved to the Prophet Mecca. She is located near the city, after which Mecca surrendered without a fight. The Triumph entered the Prophet Muhammed, headed immediately to Kaaba and had committed a ritual entry around her 7 times. After that, the prophet entered the shrine and all idols destroyed.

Hajat al-species, death Mohammed

Only in 632, in March, the only full pilgrimage to Kaaba, known as the last pilgrimage (Hajat al-type), made a prophet Mohammed (the photo of Kaaba in today is presented below).

He was sent during this pilgrimage of revelation on the rules of Hajj. To this day, all Muslims follow them. When, in order to appear in front of Allah, the Prophet reached the mountain arafat, he proclaimed his last sermon. Mohammed was already seriously sick at that time. As he strengthened, he continued to lead the mosque with prayers. There was no improvement in the disease, and the Prophet finally run. He was at that time 63 years old. This ends the livelihood of the prophet Mohammad. Its followers could hardly believe that he died as a simple person. The story of the Prophet Mohammed teaches us spirituality, faith, devotion. She is interested in today not only Muslims, but also many representatives of other denominations from different parts of the world.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace to him) is truly one of the most influential figures in the history of Islam. But few people know what kind of man actually was the great prophet Islam. The following facts are the most amazing about the envoy of Allah (peace to him).

  1. He was orphan

The Father of the Prophet died even before the birth of Muhammad. According to the ancient Arabic tradition of Little Muhammad, they gave birth to Bedouins. When Muhammad (peace and blessing) was 6 years old, his mother died, returning from Medina, where she went to visit relatives. After that, his trustee was the grandfather Abdulmuttalib, and Umm-Ayman looked after him. The Prophet (peace and blessing) later said that she was his second mother. When he was 8 years old, his favorite grandfather died. His trustee became, on the will of the grandfather, Uncle Abu Talib.

  1. He married love

Widow Hadiped was 40 years old, Prophet Muhammad - 25 years old, the Prophet Muhammad worked as Hadija, and was engaged in accompanying trading caravans. Hadija, noticing the pious temper of Muhammad, he herself offered him to marry her. Truly, this was a big love, based on respect and caused by depositing to the good moral. Muhammad was young and could choose another young girl, but it was Hadice who gave his heart, and they married 24 years before her death. Muhammad for Hadice for 13 years before the world left himself. His subsequent marriages were caused by personal motivation to help and provide social protection. In addition, Muhammad had children only from Hadij.

  1. His first reaction to the gain of prophecy - doubt and despair

At a certain age, Muhammad had a solitude need. He did not give peace questions, the answers to which he could not find. Muhammad retired in Hira's cave and spent time in reflections. During one regular privacy, he was comprehended by the first revelation from Allah. He was then 40 years old. According to his own words, at that moment the pain was so strong that he thought he was dying. Meeting with the angel of the Most High became an inexplicable. Muhammad swept fear and despair, peace of whom he was looking for Hadij's wife.

  1. The prophet was reformer

The message of Muhammad who became the prophet, who had acquired a true message and revelation, was contracted with the established norms of the Arab Society. The message of Muhammad was against the depravity and ignorance of the Meccan society. The ongoing revelations coming to Muhammad demanded social and economic justice, which caused disagreement of the elite.

  1. The Prophet Muhammad performed for peace

The prophet has been subjected to many difficulties throughout his life, among whom it is not offering him as a prophet, the militia of polybugs, organized by the oppression of his followers. The Prophet never answered aggression on aggression, he always retained a common mind and tolerance, calling for peace. Higher point The peacefulness of the Prophet is his sermon, uttered on Mount Arafat, where the messenger called on his followers to respect religion and peoples, not to cause evil to people even in the word.

  1. He died, not leaving the successor

The Prophet left the world without leaving the successor, since all his children died before him. Under such conditions, many thought that the Prophet clearly define his desire about the successor, but this did not happen.

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His descriptions in the Holy Quran:

Here are some of the ayatov Sacred Quran pointing to high qualities and features characterizing our prophet Muhammad (sallallah 'alayhi wa sallam), the messenger of the grace of the Most High Creator to the worlds: 1 - We sent you only as a mercy towards the worlds! (Al-Anbiya, 21/107). Almighty Allah decorated her magnificence of mercy. His essence is grace for all creations. Most mercy for believers, because happiness in this world and in the world in the world they will achieve those who believed in him and followed him. Grace for unbelievers (kyafirov), because with his arrival, unbelievers were fenced from the Divine Cara, which was comprehended in this world those sinful peoples who lived to them; Their punishment was delayed to the Judgment Day. 2 - about the prophet, truly, we sent a witness, an adolescent and a warning admonitator. And calling for Allah with his permitting lighting light! (Al-Azhab, 33 / 45-46) 3 - Undoubtedly, the envoy from your environment appeared to you; Heavy for him is what you suffer. He cares about you, compassionate and merciful he to believers! (At-Tauba, 9/128) In these Ayats, Allah, Allah showed favor to our prophet (sallallah 'alayhi wa sallam), having endowed him with the epithets only to him "compassionate (Ar-Rauf)" and "Mercy (AR-Rakhim)" . The compassion and care of the prophet (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) is the suffering and the burden that he put them, instructing them to the true path, so they were happy in this world and in the world in the world. 4 - He is the one who sent to the illiterate peopleposlant from their environment. He reads him His ayata, cleans them and teach them a book and wisdom, although preveni were in an obvious delusion. (Al-Juma, 62/2) According to this ayat, the mission of our prophet is represented by four main responsibilities: a. Read people Ayat Allah. b. Provide people to good through spiritual cleansing. at. Learn the divine book. G. Show Divine Wisdom. 5 - ya-syn. I swear to the wise quran! Truly, you are one of the messengers. On the straight path. (Ya-Sin, 36 / 1-4). 6 - truly, Allah had a mercy of the believer when he sent the envoy of them from them ... (Ali Imran, 3/164). Allah's Almighty, knowing that his slaves will not be able to follow his commandments, sent to the niposlanee of his pet, who knew compassion and mercy. The obedience and subordinate to which, considered equivalent obedience and submissal and commanded: 7 - who will obey the Messenger, he will obey Allah ... (An-Nisa, 4/80). Almighty Allah The condition of love for himself determined obedience and following the prophet (sallallah 'alayhi wa sallam): 8 - Say: "If you love Allah, then follow me, and then Allah love you and forgive you your sins. Allah-forgiving, merciful "(Ali Imran, 3/31). Undoubtedly, to be obedient to him means to earn the love of Allah. Because Allah gave it to his highest morality. 9 - and truly, your temper is excellent. (Al-Calam, 68/4 ). Since the Allah Almighty has expanded his heart to Iman and Islam, revealed him with the light of the message, filled it with knowledge and wisdom: 10 - didn't we have revealed your chest for you? And you didn't take your wear with you, who grew your back? And not elevated For you, your glory? (al-Inshir, 94 / 1-4). The word "burner" in this aita scientists comment on how the time of Jahilia, or as I wear a prophetic mission before the announcement of the Quran. And Ayate "and did not raise your glory for you? "It implies the elevation of his name with the giving the prophetic mission and mentioning his name along with the name of Allah in the word Shakhada (evidence of faith). Almighty Allah decorated it with the most beautiful features and merits, made it a role model for the rest: 11 - Undoubtedly, in the Messenger Allah And there is a wonderful example for you, for those who hope for Allah and the last day and often commetes Allah. (al-Ahzab, 33/21). 12 - Do not equal appeal to the messenger among you with how you apply to each other. (An-Nur, 24/63). (I.e. do not talk about Muhammad! Speak about the Messenger of Allah! About the prophet of Allah). Allah Almighty, turning to all the prophets, called them by name, but to the prophet Muhammad (Sallarlahu 'Aleihi Va Sallam) turned: "About the Messenger!", "On the Prophet!", What testifies to a special divine honorable one. One of the special honors of the Most High Allah are two divine promises relating to his intelligence: 13 - Allah will not expose their punishment while you are among them, and Allah will not be punished while they are praying for forgiveness. (al-Anfal, 8/33). On this occasion, the Prophet (sallallah 'Alayhi Va Sallaam) said the following: - Almighty Allah gave me two assurances relating to my Ummah. The first - Kara Most High Allah will not touch my intelligence while I am among them, and the second - Kara Most High Allah will not touch them while they ask for forgiveness. After my departure and to the Judgment Day, I leave you Prigraphar (Molub to Allah about forgiveness). (Tirmisi, Tafsirul Quran, 3082). In the same meaning of Ayata: "We sent you only as a mercy towards the worlds." Our prophet (sallallah 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "I am the cause of security and the source of hope for my associates. After my departure, my associates will face the dangers that they were promised." (Muslim, Fadalus -Sahaba, 207). Our prophet is a source of hope and security for their associates. After all, he defended them from sink, contention, disagreements and delusions. And his Sunna will continue to serve his umm, providing her safety and feasting hope. 14 - by the grace of Allah you were soft to them. And the wore would have been rude and cruel, then they would dissolve from the environment of yours. (Ali Imran, 3/159). Description from his own words: our prophet (sallallah 'alayhi wa sallam), being mercy for the worlds and the cause of the creation of all things, awarded the Divine mercy. We listen to this from his mouth: 1 - I am the first of the prophets from the creation and the last of the sent. (Muslim, Cadar, 16/2653). 2 - our prophet asked: - About the Messenger of Allah, when did you give a prophetic proportion? In response, he said the following: - When Adam was still between the Spirit and Body. (Tirmisi, Manakib 1; Ibn Hanbal, IV, 66; V. 59). His prophetic mission covers all mankind: 3 - I am sent to the Prophet and for the Red, and for Black. (Muslim, Masdzhid, 3/251). One of the innermost meanings of his message is to improve the morality of mankind: 4 - I am sent to fill out excellent morality. (Muvatta, Husnul Mulle, 8). The moral foundations of the prophet are not acquired, but by him allah. So he created the Most High and her educated it. This is the property of the prophets, about it our prophet (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) says: 5 - I am brought up by the Lord my and beautiful upbringing. (Al-Advuluni; Ismail b. Muhammad Cashpille - Hafa I, Beirut 1352). Compassion and mercy sticks it all. It belongs to the following words: 6 - I am not sent like a cursing. I am sent only as encouraging to true and as mercy of it. About Allah! To direct the people of my on the true path, because they are unreserved. 7 - Allah chose Ismail from the descendants of Ibrahim, the sons of Kinana from the descendants of Ismail, Kureysh's sons from the descendants of Kinana, the sons of Hashima from the descendants of Kureysh, and from the descendants of Hashima - me. (Muslim, Fadail, 2276). 8 - I say not for the sake of praise, but I am the best of the preceding and subsequent sons of Adam. (Tirmizi, Manakib, 3620). 9 - Jibril ('Aleikhistam), having come to me, said: "By walking the whole earth from the end to the end, I did not meet anyone more worthy of Muhammad, and a more decent family than Bani Hashchi." (Beihaki, Dealun-Nubouwva, Taberan, Ausat; Suiuti, Manakib, 25). 10 - since Adam ('Aleikhisting) in my family were all legitimate. In my past there are no dishonor. (Ibn Garden, At-Tobacatul-Kubra, Beirut, I, 60). 11 - I am verily sent by the prophet of monotheism, tolerance and relief. (Ibn Hanbal, V, 266) 12 - My life is for you grace and blessing. Chatting with me, you will get my answer. My death will come for you by grace and blessing. After the death of the Act, your will be shown to me, and if you have committed good deeds - I will take the praise of Allah if you have committed bad things - I will ask Allah about your pardon. (Ibn Garden, Tobacot, II, 194) Our Prophet (sallallah 'alayhi wa sallam) about the features that he differs from other prophets, said: 13 - I am given five things that have not been given to any of the preceding prophets: A - to unail fear in the hearts of enemies and to honor victories over them, if they are at a distance of the month. B - All Earth for me is a place of worship, and the land is clean for dry ablution (Taimmum). Therefore, any of my intelligence, wherever it caught his time to Namaz, let him take it immediately in this place. In me and my Umma, military trophies became permissible (halal), while any of the prophets and any intelligence was not allowed. Mr. I am a messenger for all mankind, whereas the previous one was the prophets of only one people and the tribe. D - I was given the right Shafaat (forgiveness about pardon). In confirmation of the last feature of the Prophet (sallallah 'alayhi wa sallam) said this: 14 - Each Prophet has an exceptional prayer that will definitely be accepted. I keep this prayer for Shafat for my umma on the day, Insha Allah. (Darimi, Rakiac, 85, Muslim, Fadail, 2)

Our Prophet (S.G.V.) has no shadow, since he from head to the legs consisted of light, and the light does not have shadows. There was one cloud over his head, and wherever he went, the cloud was always moving behind him. Eyes he saw not only what is in front, but he could also see well what is behind him. One glance he could take the East and West. When he slept, his ears heard just as good as during awkwards. His nose thought of the approach of Jibril (A.S.) with revelation, as soon as he broke off from heaven, and this was also a miracle. From the radiance of his teeth at night the road was illuminated. If we lost something, they found a loss with its ray of light.

He had a print of prophecy with a pigeon egg. If he sweated, his sweat made a smell like a smell of rose oil or musk. Throwing only one handful of land, he led to confusion of the twelve thousandths of the army. He pointed his finger to the moon, after which the moon fell to the ground, split down and witnessed his prophecy. One day, the moon went down to the ground and swayed his cradle. Water flowed out of his finger, as if from the spring. Fried lamb, impregnated with poison, warned him:

Oh, Messenger of Allah! Do not eat me!

He put on the ground the seedling of the palm tree. And Palma immediately gave the fruit, everyone was attempted. Everywhere, where he was, stones and trees were welcomed. Everyone he led to his excellent temper to his excellent temper, was completely alien to pretending and showing, never submitted to the whims of his Nafs. When he removes court decisions, did not accept an draw side. He was proud of what was poor, and wore a beet of coarse wool. The Prophet (peace and him) was unaffected to food, fed on a barley bread and ate very little. He said that this world is cursed. He did not like those who are too tied to earthly pleasures. He did not have pollutions, and mosquitoes and flies were sat on his body. He was not biting lice, bugs and fleas.

Allah made him above all the prophets, and he possessed the highest moral qualities.

He always spoke short, beautifully and very expressive. The Prophet (peace) was distinguished by the softness of the Nrava, he fully had patient and humility. He was compassionate for people and loved the Most High. If someone called him to his home to visit, he necessarily took an invitation. The Prophet always coped with the state of patients, often visited them.

If someone died during a hike, he performed a funeral prayer on him. If someone died in the city, he took part in a collective clock prayer. People possessing knowledge, he respected much more than ignoramus. He never showed a courtesy towards unbelievers and Lyhecera Munaphors. He did not say anyone bad wordNo one was angry and was not offended. For evil, he answered good. When he came to the meeting, he sat down where there was a free place.

He did not show respect for the rich because of their wealth. He did not swivel for their lifestyle, he did his clothes, put the patch. I sat down at the rigid animal, which was at hand, was not ashamed. If on the way I met someone exhausted, sled him myself on my shoulders and carried. He fasted on Mondays and Thursdays, as well as 13, 14 and 15 days of the lunar month and on the day of Ashura. In the night he spent in prayer, read additional Namaz in ten rakaatov. Talking briefly, he possessed all possible advantages.

When Muhammad (S.G.V.) reached a fortune-timer, various wonderful events began to occur with it. And before that, he lived the usual calm life, in peace and harmony with everyone, struggling only with his Nafs. But then he began to retire on Mount Hira, spent nights there in worship, loved loneliness.

From the book "Anvarul-Ashikyn"