How to get rid of the former? Just and forever get rid of the former spouse, a friend, lover how to get away from the former guy.

If there are no relatives, ask for close friends permission to temporarily live with them, until the situation is explained. Do not start litigation about the property section, if the spouse refuses to solve the problem peaceful, trying to revenge. It takes some time that a person realize what happened, and then you would be able to disperse peaceful. How to get rid of the former guy get rid of the former beloved, with whom you did not have time to create a lot easier. For this, sometimes enough for any of your friends playing the role of your new young man. Tip: If the guy still does not lag still and continues to annoy visits, phone calls and messages, do not be fed to the provocation. Responding to these actions, you still give a reason to the annoying man to continue to operate in the same spirit.

Hardness of the Spirit: how to get rid of the former husband

Tip: If you decide to part with a partner, do not give in to his tricks, and forget about sympathy. A person will not change, and a feeling of pity will deprive the opportunity for personal happiness.

A sense of property. It is based on everything is also pride. The spouse or guy believes that he has certain rights to the former.

The man is convinced that Ex Possia can belong only to him and anyone else, even if he has no feelings for her. 3. Woken feelings. After the husband or guy hears that he was leaving, it suddenly suddenly comes an "insight."

A man begins to understand that he has lost the love of all his life, and is in a hurry to reanimate relations. 4. Fear to stay alone.

How to get rid of the persecution of the former husband

How to get rid of the former guy, her husband is painless not every girl or a woman is solved straight to their satellite, that their path will soon disperse. Painlessly get rid of the former husband, the guy will help little female tricks.

Tip: Turn the life of a man into hell, depriving his personal space. Start annoying regular calls at the time when a husband or guy is at work or busy important.

Relieve hysteries if it does not immediately take the phone. After the partner returned home, do not go away for a minute from him and take his phone.

A man must understand that he is under the incessant control. Not everyone can tolerate such anti-outs, as anyone wants to feel independent and free to some extent.
Tip: Dry a man home comfort and intimate intimacy.

But if this is your case, think about whether it is worth being so adamant if you have not satisfied only temporary cooling of feelings, his inattention and lack of romance? With another man, you will sooner or later come to the same, so whether it is worth the connection with a person, in the sincerity of the love of which you now have no doubt? If you firmly decided that it is no longer allowed to write it in your life, write a short letter, in which explain your position: "I do not like you." Any explanation will give him a reason to catch up and promise to correct.
Do you need unnecessary experiences? If you yourself involuntarily provoke it, regularly reminding yourself, arranging the scandals at meetings, it's enough to remove the irritant - you actually come from his field of view, and he will disappear from your life.

Methods of getting rid of the terror of the former husband


Why is a former husband annoys the former spouse? There may be several options: Only after the divorce, he realized that he was lost by the way, it happens quite often: leaving the boning spouse, a man understands that he misses her and that he really lacks her, and he was very tired of her . So taking a former spouse attempt to reanimate relationships.

The man was woken up by a sense of ownership of a man - Big owners and jealies. It often happens that a man, having learned that the former spouse appeared another, begins to jealous and tries to do everything so as not to give her a personal life. It should be noted that such a behavior of ex-husbands is much more frequently related to the borrowed pride than to love.

How to get rid of the former husband - Psychology will help

But often the former continue to find out the relationship, which can delay for a long time, and will not lead to anything good. After you told her husband or a guy that there could be no longer anything in common between you, chuck down all the points of your contact.

Remember: Continuing communication, you give a person hope for further relationships. How to get rid of the former husband, if there is a common housing or children if you have a common htizable property or children, get rid of the former will be quite difficult to get rid of the former.

Her husband or cohabiter will come to come again and again, hiding behind what he wants to be with a child. Having a common housing, the situation becomes more complicated: a partner can declare that he does not intend to leave anywhere at all.

How to get rid of the former in this case? Tip: Collect things and leave to live to your relatives.

Former husband threatens what to do

Despite the fact that men consider the strong sex, they also have the usual human weaknesses. You are already together for one year, but maybe even no ten years.


In the head of the partner, during this time there is a certain, established model of relationships. Personal relationships become an integral part of their own "I".

To make any changes in this model, he does not want, since men are intended constancy. A partner may have several mistresses, but will never decide to step away from his own wife, in which he sees support.

He is afraid to lose this support, and therefore all the forces will try to keep the companion. 5. The desire to take revenge. An abandoned husband, a guy decides to spoil the life of his passion, getting her persecution, threats or even a manual attracting. Thus, he is trying to express how he hurts him, and wants you to experience it on yourself.

Just and forever get rid of the former spouse, friend, lover

Some men sitting apart with his wife, it is not clear why they believe that it should continue to keep them loyalty and stay lonely, while they have the full right to meet with other women. "We did not have time to divorce, how did you find another?! I did not expect from you! ", - often declares ex-wife former husband owner. And what could still expect? The man has a mental problem if a man is intenting with a woman, she pursues her for years, putting it on the progress of Molba, then the threats, it can be assumed that he has obvious problems of a psychological nature and he needs the help of an experienced psychologist, and even a psychiatrist.

Get rid of the attacks on the side of the former husband in this case quite hard.

How to get rid of the former husband?

But if a woman does not want to see her husband, with whom he broke up, and wants to start new life With new relationships, the terror of a former spouse can greatly complicate her life and even lead to health problems, both mental and physical. What makes the former husband bother to bother his ex-wife? one.

Having lived some time alone, a man begins to understand how well he was with the former spouse. He realizes that he lacks her care and courtesies, which he had not noticed before. Therefore, he begins to attempt to reconcile. 2. Often a man, having learned that his former wife had a lover, with whom she is happy in all aspects of relationships, begins to show unbridled jealousy, especially if he does not add up to the opposite sex. He will try to harm the happiness of these two people.
The man should have the impression that it leaves you, and not you throw it. How to get rid of the former guy, husband: cardinal methods If none of the ways helps, should be resorted to the fundamental solutions of the problem.

Tip: Warn what you will be forced to contact the police if he does not stop his persecution. You can contradict what we tell everyone a common acquaintance about his obscene behavior or award himself to his boss at work.

On men, for whom reputation and career is of great importance, such a method acts cut down. If verbal explanations did not help, go to the incarnation of what was said: Write a statement to the police, ask for the help of friends, explaining the situation. Such actions on your part will clearly do not like a man, and it can stop persecution.

Not always parting goes smoothly and by mutual agreement. Sometimes one of the former lover separation is very hard, and it begins to look for any paths to return the relationship back. If a former guy behaves too intrusive, put it in such conditions so that he does not want to see you anymore.

Talk with

Explain that you can't be together anymore, because the feelings passed, and you want to live differently. Even if the love for a person is not over, you don't need to tell him about it, otherwise it will serve as a signal for

active actions

Try to convey your position to it using convincing arguments. Speak calmly and do not show your emotions. Let a person understand that you are indifferent to it.

Tell me a former man that you started a new relationship. Even if you are going to stay alone for a long time, the syllable will not be sure to know about it. For persuasive ask one of my friends to walk with you. Such intake windiness will dramatically spoil the attitude of the former


Stop visiting those places where the former guy usually spends time. Even if there are very few places for entertainment in your city, limit yourself. After stopping you, a man will gradually begin to pay attention to other girls.

Change the mobile phone number or bring former

guyblack list

subscribers. For a while, refuse to use the Internet. Remove

Talk to your girlfriends, perhaps one of them like your former guy. Then it will be possible to ask her that she began to pay attention to him. Most likely, it will be pollen by a man, and he will be able to forget about you.

If nothing of the listed helps you, and the guy continues to insist, agree to reconciliation. This does not mean that you are thrown, just make the relationship become unbearable. Require very expensive gifts, jealous to each familiar

Limit freedom and dampen with its relatives. All this will lead to the fact that the guy will want to part with you.


How to get out of the former guy

Beauty and healthiness and relationships

Despite the fact that most of the most beautiful sex representatives seek to meet their love, in life not everything is so smooth, as I would like, and sometimes the relationship with a man cease to bring joy. But it is also not easy to part, as finding the only and unique, about which you dream. And here can only help a clear understanding how to get rid of the former.

How to get rid of the former man

No matter what reason you decided to part, if you are 100% sure. Do not let yourself go to the emotion and agree on the second attempt only from pity. Many people do not want to make a refusal and try to return the former. For some reason, they are deeply convinced that women are not able to sort out themselves and take a solid decision. Demonstrate that you know the price and are not going to give up the right to a personal life, just because it continues to persistently convince how you are wrong, refusing to resume relationships with him.

Men are hard to accept the fact that the woman is able to abandon any chance to marry. And it plays an evil joke with them, forcing himself to behave as they like, without thinking about how it affects a loved one. So never feel guilty, taking advantage of the right to take care of yourself so that you disappointed you disappointed you.

For those representatives of the opposite sex, who are too confident in themselves and are convinced that they can behave, as he wants, enough talk on the souls so that they finally realize that it was time to move on both. Pick up the words that will not hurt the vane male pride and help explain that everything is not in it, but in you. You should not list all the errors committed by them, it will only get out of it and make it look for arguments to convince you. Even if he in the depths of the soul agrees that the relationship was outlined, only from the desire to prove, as you are wrong, he will try to persuade you to give him another chance.

Therefore, it is so important to talk about yourself that you are not ready for relations, unworthy of him, and he is better to find another other than spending time in vain. Focus in conversation solely on yourself, your shortcomings, problems and feelings. Pay attention to the too different look at life, hobbies, dreams and desires. Speak calmly, without increasing the voice, do not respond to aggression on aggression. Look for the reason to emphasize all the way he did not like in you. This will make it the impression of you about you, as a girl who is not confident in herself, with deep psychological problems.

Subconsciously men tend to those who do not burden them, so looking at you differently, he can easily agree that you really need to part and will be convinced that it was he who decided to leave. Your self-confidence does not suffer from such self-sustained, but the long-awaited freedom from the annoying fan you will gain.

Such tactics should be adhered to, especially when the partner is overly looked at you and does not give a passage, no matter how you tried to explain to him that everything ended. Keep yourself in your hands, stay assembled and polite, do not try to threaten or scare it. Do not say that he is a loser, a crazy, bad lover, do not try to prove that he is not fit to you. Otherwise, he will or begin to prove that it is not so, or revenge, trying to make you also hurt, like you.

Photo: How to get rid of the former man (boyfriend)

Many representatives of both sexes are unnecessarily susceptible to criticism, so such hard accept another person's refusal to continue communication. And instead of doing with their own business, they are trying to hurt and cause the pain to those who dared to reject, although he actually made a favor, freed from relationships that could end even more deploy.

Get rid of the former man not easy if he pursues and does not understand the requests. Some representatives of the opposite sex are unnecessarily weak and are not sure to let go of a woman who decided to part with them. Unfortunately, sometimes they do everything to return the favorite back, without even thinking that they cause her unpleasant emotions and force to suffer. You can get rid of such workmen, only in the only case, to convince you that you are not suitable for him and never fit.

To do this, remember all the comments spoken by him during the relationship, everything he said about what he does not like in other representatives of the beautiful sex. Those who do not want to retreat are distinguished by an excessively developed desire to criticize everyone and everything, so you should not have any problems to draw up a list of what he does not like in women.

Start behaving with him so that he thinks, and whether everything is fine with you. Do everything to disappoint it. Become the woman with whom he would never build a relationship. In the most launched cases, it will have to suffer it nearby for some time if he asks to meet. Agree to a single meeting in a crowded place. But do not invite him home, as if I did not ask. Get out that you have Mom, relatives, girlfriend with her husband.

Sit down to meet so that it is frightened, do not strange and do not follow what you say, just do not insult him and do not raise the voice. Let him think, and whether he needs a girl who does not want to follow himself. Even if he sees that you dress up to work and with friends, you can't look beautiful next to him he will not be able to look. Sooner or later he will get tired of fighting for the one that does not want to be more for him the best. Such men do not need a woman if she can not be proud and admire.

If no conversations do not help, make the last attempt to arrange all the points over "and". Call him first and suggest meeting. No matter how hard it was, be as always polite and explain again why he should not try to return everything. Ask to give you the time to deal with your problems, and even if he decides that he has a chance, let him not now, and after some time, do not disappoint him. Let him think so. After that, we do not agree to meet again, do not support the conversation if he starts waiting for you from work or at home. Hello with him and, referring to serious problems, go. Gradually, he will lose interest and stop bothering. While he will live hope, feelings with time disappear, and he himself will soon understand that there is no longer any point in trying to return what he left. Do not give in to a minute weakness that can play a joke with you and get to see what the former is engaged in, answer his letter, a phone call or chat with him in the social network. Avoid this, as is the conversation about him with common familiar. After a while you regret it, and he can decide that it is time to resume attempts to return you. You can get rid of temptation by removing it from contacts, or entering blacklists. Never use a new relationship as a reason to leave you alone. Everything that, one way or another, affects male pride, can provoke an explosion of aggression, especially if a man is an amateur of alcoholic beverages or is distinguished by an aggressive temper. Therefore, no conversations about other, comparisons with them, discussions of future plans. It is necessary to do everything to do everything for some time he disappeared from your life. Then you can relax, gain strength for the final solution to the problem and get a chance that the former will calm down and will not bother you anymore. When the situation comes out of control and it becomes like pursuit, write down all threats and contact the police. Try to never stay with him alone, take the gas canister and sign up for self-defense courses. Very often, such guys suffer from low self-esteem and are not trying to return their loved ones, but enjoy pity to themselves, having met seriously rebuffing, retreat.

Photo: How to get rid of the former man (boyfriend)

Any parting brings pain, both to the one who leave and the one who has to talk about it. But despite the reluctance to become a messenger with bad news, it is necessary to do it. Relationships that have survived themselves and do not bring their victims are doomed. And the sooner you decide to get rid of the former man, the faster, free the place for real love, both yourself and him.

Tags: how to get rid of the former

We get rid of the boring rims, stitching stuck at times.

If you type in Yandex or Google to get rid of the guy, the search engine will fall asleep with advice, most often from two or three paragraphs written by bored copywriter women. My friend they did not arrange. I liked the sites, also bored. I had to include imagination and scientific approach. What happened, let's see.

Unlike other authors, I'm not going to persuade five times to think. It makes no sense to be with a person with whom I want to part. Weakness of nature is now, when there are no common children and obligations, will lead to poor consequences in the future. How many of these ending, nursing and adjusting alcoholics, tuneevans, aggressors and infants!

If you feel that the guy is not yours, but the controversial feelings interfere with the parting, find out how to contempt, and then work with the training "Escape and forget."

What guys get rid of?

We have several options:

  1. The bored boyfriend.
  2. The guy who loved-loved, woke up and cooled.
  3. Wishing to become your guy.
  4. Wishing you to remove - pickup.
  5. Mute from passion adhesive.

In each of the 5 cases, it is necessary to act differently.

The case is complicated by the fact that you can not baptize children with one guys, and others will have to reset. Therefore, we introduce two categories - sewered and forgotten, sewered and remained in neutral relations.

There is another moment - the guys are different. Some are insecure nerds. Others are self-confident chamas. Botanists, by the way, are also different: good-natured fragrances, trembling nods, wounded mile and malicious jackals. The latter will be shyweed, enjoying the secretly of your solarms.

What do you do? Correct with temperament. Getting rid of the guy, you help not only yourself, but also to him. Gorky medicine should be dosed. That one like an elephant of the crown, the other will somehow with the legs. You do not want to finish him? Therefore, we study the table, we define the type of your boyfriend and find the Council, the corresponding type:

Now with you

Wants to be with you

Wants to use

Nude and malicious

Nude and malicious

Nude and malicious










Zlophamy Tikhonia

Zlophamy Tikhonia

Zlophamy Tikhonia

Establish guys

You can get rid of the guy with two different approaches. The first is decisive. You have to show the initiative and hardness. The second is diplomatic. Your behavior will cause a guy's desire to break the relationship. We will look at both options.

In any case, whatever you are - firm or soft, strong or weak, know you are a princess. And the princess must be near the prince. If it is difficult to feel yourself in this capacity, learn how to increase self-esteem, and work in this direction.

Initiative Path

Suitable weakly-human girls, clearly knowing their desires and goals.

You declare that he is not a couple you, and tear a relationship. Inadvertising issues, whining and aggressive actions stop at the root. Change your phone number. You are not working on any provocations!

With brazen evil and just brazen

Option 1

You find a guy who will be your boyfriend in a difficult moment or play this role. It should be quite courageous and tough to stop the prolongation of the former. Or have a higher social status, the difference must be tangible.

Thus, aggression and revenge will shift with you on your defender. By the way, the insoles are most often bellish. If your new guy should be shaken, the former will quickly turn away. He does not need trouble.

Option 2.

There is no time to look for you, there is no one to play the role and generally from men grinds. Then count on your strength. Will dismissed hands, you know what to do. Emotional attacks break about indifference. When he is near, ignore all ways, compare with others. Of course, the comparison is not in his favor.

With simple, wounded and quiet

Just in tough form, point to him for a lack of money, character, housing and the like. Explain that this is not a place in your life. After that ignore. He will donate and will harm.

Wants to be with you or to you

If a sense of humor is developed, raise attempts to glue. But best tactic - ignore. Look at him like an annoyed insect. Do not perceive by a person. It will fall a cohotok - the whole bird is the abyss.

Diplomatic path

Suitable emotional girls whose feelings are not entirely faded, puzzled, indecisive, dependent or just cunning.

Walking by diplomacy, it is impossible to get rid of the guy for the week. It may not take a pass for several reasons:

  1. Blinded by passion.
  2. Tied.
  3. Pride - these are thrown by themselves, but unable to dear it from the girl.
  4. He needs him to solve his problems, such as housing or status (beauty nearby - reason to be proud of himself).
  5. He thinks that there is no alternative - another will get very difficult.
  6. Of the principle. This will achieve a retreat, will give you and throw you.
  7. You feed it energetically. This will fight until the latter, most often not realizing the causes of strong dependence.

Fortunately, there are several behavioral algorithms that no man will endure. The use of these simple techniques will allow you to get rid of the guy in a record short time.

Parting algorithms

Long castles

The attachment needs to be demonstrated and secured. Hugs, stroking, kisses and especially sex simultaneously demonstrate and fix attachment. These are locks, thanks to which it is enhanced.

Estrass from hugs, avoid kisses. Find pretexts to refuse sex. The first time the inaccessibility of the body will strengthen the lust - be to this ready. If you turn around hard, behave like a statue.

Loss of interest

A man does not eat bread - let me talk about myself love. When the next fairy tale begins, interrupt, take a manicure, consider other guys, make a louder TV. All this will cause a feeling of protest, irritation and aggression. It will begin to find out what was the matter, say that the throat is full of his bikes.


Start him to be called at the most inappropriate time. Ivge fooly requests and requirements. Insist on your own. It will begin to refuse, blaming the coldness, indifference, naval for you. Speak where to approach and under the last minute I cancel the meeting.

98% modern men - terry egoists (the author of the article is not an exception). They will not stand so much. Start applying counter attacks. What kind? Boycott and / or entertainment walks in the bar, to the stadium and so on with the aim of removing stress. And you only need it! Drunk - Alkash and rag. Does not ring, blocks the room - the womanizer and the bastard. The more pulls away, the stronger Izoving the whims and generally Trepi nerves about and without.

If it is quite weak and delicate, you can not so right away, just cry. Call him at night and cry like a fool. Tell me about lifelong series of the next soap, unfortunate courtyard kittens and street dogs. Tell me how your head hurts, belly, loin. Constantly complain about different ailments.

No normal man will endure this. All his love and passion will remove after 15-20 days of dense attractions. In the end, you are a princess and, if you want to conquer or keep you, let him suffer.

If your boyfriend holds - he is a real maniac. Or an absolutely impenetrable tender who needs something very much from you and this is something not you. You're just an application to the desired bonus in the form of parental relationships, mansion or bank accounts.

Very important! If you decide to tear the relationship, forget about pity. Flowers, persuasions and tears - transient phenomena. It will pass, and ahead is a unsettled life, scandals, foam, unreasonable jealousy, treason, socks, spread around the room, and thousands of other "charms". Praise better yourself. You will give the slack now, you will contact yourself with that person, then it will be hundredthly harder.


I warn you: this method is good only with adequate guys. If you decide on it with aggressive, brazen and malicious, think about your safety.

With it, call other guys and talk in such a spirit:

- I wanted to meet with you for a long time.

"You're such an interesting person, let's meet."

This will lead your boyfriend to rabies. If he is a full batan, will cause the despondency from its own complete insolvency.

For many guys of one or two such calls, enough to revise the established status quo.


If you knock out for some reason you can not - does not allow education, ideals or other "cockroaches" in the head, start tall control. Call him from morning to evening and meticulously interested every step. Along the way, ride hysterics according to the "Caprises" algorithm. Disables the phone, Ivge him personally. But watch you do not win. And then inspire its own high value and will be like in the cartoon - "I will not give my cow to anyone."


Highly good way Dump the overwhelming majority of men - pull money out of them. Require restaurants, movies, gifts, boots and bags, coats and fur coat. And what to fine? In the end, he claims to the role of your breadwinner! So let him begins to feed, wear and entertain now.

No money? Then how do you need him from you? Let him find a CLOT from Hatspetovka and puts his poverty, and you are pretty. Just do not let him put everything on the barter rails. Remember - you are a princess, which is allowed to Jupiter, not allowed to bull!

Try these algorithms and the question of how to get rid of the guy will leave the agenda. There will be different - how to lure and elap another, but this is another story.

Guys do not follow to the tooth. If the girl wants to part with you, it means one of two. The first and pleasant for you is not yours. Second and unpleasant - it is worth evaluating yourself adequately. Maybe it's time to change life

With respect and appreciation, Vladimir Gifts.

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